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An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in John Steinbeck’s The

Grapes of Wrath


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of a

Sarjana Sastra Degree in English Language and Literature


Budi Tri Santosa







An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in John Steinbeck’s The

Grapes of Wrath


Budi Tri Santosa

Approved on April 10 , 2015

First Supervisor, Second Supervisor,

Ari Nurhayati, M.Hum Eko Rujito Dwi Atmojo, M.Hum

NIP. 19690212 199702 2 001 NIP. 19760622 200801 1 003


An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in John Steinbeck’s The

Grapes of Wrath


Budi Tri Santosa

Accepted by the Board of Thesis Examiner of Languages and Arts Faculty,

Yogyakarta State University on April 17 , 2015 and declared to have fulfilled the
requirement to achieve the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Language and

Board of Examiners
Name Position Signature

Titik Sudartinah, M.A Chairperson

Eko Rujito Dwi Atmojo,M.Hum Secretary

Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A First Examiner

Ari Nurhayati, M.Hum Second Examiner

Yogyakarta, April 17 , 2015
Languges and Arts Faculty
Yogyakarta State University

Prof. Dr. Zamzani, M. Pd.

NIP. 19550505 198011 1 001


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Budi Tri Santosa
NIM : 10211141001
Program Studi : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Judul Karya Ilmiah : An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in
John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath

menyatakan bahwa karya ilmiah ini adalah hasil karya sendiri dan sepanjang
pengetahuan saya tidak berisi materi yang ditulis oleh orang lain sebagai
persyaratan penyelesaian studi di Univeristas Negeri Yogyakarta atau perguruan
tinggi lain kecuali pada bagian-bagian tertentu yang saya ambil sebagai acuan
dengan mengikuti tata cara etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim
Apabila terbukti pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal ini sepenuhnya menjadi
tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 10 April 2015


Budi Tri Santosa


Almh. Sri Marsidah

My beloved angel who bears me, I never see you,
but I believe she is always by my side to support me

Almh. Kasiyah
My beloved mother who raised me to my 9 years
old I thank for her patience and affection

Bapak Salam, Ibu Sutarmi, and Bapak Sugeng

My parents who give me guidance, support, and love


We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a
better life, a better world, beyond the horizon ( Franklin Delano
Roosevelt )


Alhamdulillahhi rabbil alamin; all praises be to Allah, the Almighty, the most
benefical, the All-loving, and the most merciful, without His blessing, love, and
guard, the researcher would never have finished this thesis. All the power and help
are only by the permission of Allah.
Having accomplished his study, the researcher feels indebted to many people
for their support, guidance, and assistance without which this thesis would never
have been finished. The researcher would like to express his greatest gratitude and
appreciation to Ari Nurhayati, M.Hum the first supervisor, and Eko Rujito Dwi
Atmojo, M.Hum, the second supervisor, for their patience, guidence, advice, and
support during the writing process of this thesis and also to Sugi Iswalono, M.A,
his academic consultant, for his advice and guidance.
Many thanks are due to all his lecturers in the English Department of
Yogyakarta State University from whom the researcher has gained his knowledge.
Many thanks are to all of his friends: Arif, Amir, Wahyu, Galant, who always give
corrections to his thesis, Toni, Tsasa, Hilyah, Sabar, Munir, Tion, and Siska whom
the researcher get the precious moments, his brothers and sisters Fitri, Dwi, Tini,
and Adi for their love and care, and his best partner Linda for her love.
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from being perfect even
though the researcher has tried the best. The researcher will be glad to get some
criticism to this thesis. However, the researcher hopes this thesis will be of some
contribution to the learning of literary and cultural study.

The researcher


APPROVAL SHEET..............................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................................xi

A. Research Background..............................................................................................1
B. Focus of Research.....................................................................................................5
C. Formulation of Problems........................................................................................7
D. Research Objectives.................................................................................................8
E. Research Significance..............................................................................................8
A. Feminism.....................................................................................................................10
B. Feminist Literary Criticism....................................................................................12
C. Women‘s Leadership................................................................................................15
D. Gender and Sexuality..............................................................................................17
E. Gender Discrimination............................................................................................19
1. The Cause of Gender Discrimination.............................................................19
2. The Effects of Gender Discrimination...........................................................21
a. Subordination...................................................................................................21
b. Marginalization...............................................................................................22
c. Stereotyping......................................................................................................23

1) The Men‘s Slaves 24
2) Emotional Female 25
F. The Struggles of Women for Being Independent.............................................26
1. Having Career in Public Sphere......................................................................26
2. Expressing Rational Opinion............................................................................27
3. Having Bravery to Take Men‘s Duties..........................................................28
G. Oklahoma Women in the Early 20 Century...................................................28
1. Oklahoma Women in Family............................................................................30
2. Oklahoma Women in Cultural Life.................................................................31
H. John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath.........................................................31
I. Previous Research Findings...................................................................................35
J. Conceptual Framework...........................................................................................38
A. Research Type............................................................................................................42
B. Data and Source of Data.........................................................................................42
C. Research Instrument.................................................................................................43
D. Technique of Data Collection................................................................................43
E. Data Analysis Technique.........................................................................................45
F. Trusthwortiness...........................................................................................................46
A. Ma‘s Problems Related to Gender Roles...........................................................48
1. Gender Discrimination.....................................................................................50
a. Being Prohibited to Help Her Husband in Leading Family 50
b. Being Prohibited to
Share Her Opinions in Family Discussion . 54
c..Being Prohibited to Take Men‘s Duties 56
2. Stereotypes...........................................................................................................59
a. Women are emotional 60
b. Women are fearful 62
B. Ma‘s Efforts for Gaining Equal Gender Roles.................................................65
1. Taking an Opportunity from Pa‘s Inability to Lead the Family...........65
2. Re-considering Her Husband Decisions.....................................................71

3. Actively Participating in Public Sphere......................................................75
4. Having Logical Reasons in Her Orders and Decisions.........................79
5. Having Bravery to Challenge Men...............................................................83
C. The Significant Meanings.......................................................................................85
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................87

No Name Page
1 Analytical Construct....................................................................................41
2 Example of Data Sheet................................................................................44

An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in John Steinbeck’s The
Grapes of Wrath

Budi Tri Santosa

This research aims (1) to identify the main female character‘s problems in
her family related to gender roles; (2) to analyze her struggles in gaining equal
roles in her family, and (3) to reveal the significant meanings behind her struggles.

This research is a descriptive-qualitative study. The subject of this research

was Steinbeck‘s The Grapes of Wrath. The primary data of this research were
expressions in words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraph related to gender
discrimination and stereotypes in the novel. The supporting data were obtained
from some sources, such as books, articles, and journals, related to gender
discrimination, women‘s stereotypes, and feminism. In collecting data, read-write
technique was used. The data analysis was conducted using feminism approach.
Trusthwortiness was used to achieve dependability, conformability, transferability,
and credibility.
The results of this research show three important points. First, there are
two gender problems experienced by Ma Joad: gender discrimination and
stereotypes. Related to gender discrimination, there are three forms of gender
discrimination: being prohibited to help her husband in leading family, being
prohibited to share her opinion in family discussion, and being prohibited to take
men‘s duties. There are also two forms of women‘s stereotypes; women are
emotional and women are fearful. Second, there are five efforts done by the main
character to face gender discrimination and stereotypes; taking an opportunity
from Pa‘s inability to lead the family, re-considering her husband‘s decisions,
actively participating in public sphere, having logical reasons in her orders and
decisions, and having bravery to challenge men. Third, the significant meanings
being her efforts are that women can participate in public sector which proves that
women are able to take men‘s roles, and women cannot be regarded as subordinate
to men.

Keywords : feminism, gender discrimination, women‘s efforts, The Grapes of




A. Research Background

Every human being basically has the equal roles in the society. Women

and men have a right to participate in public and private life without any

restrictions or prohibitions. However, in many societies, men are regarded

more superior than women. It means men have a right to control women. As a

result, women cannot control their life, and they have to accept all men‘s

orders without any right to reject the orders. From this phenomenon, it can be

inferred that society has constructed women into the subordinate with men.

This phenomenon can be seen in the United States. In America, a

declaration on gender equality has been recorded in the Declaration of

Independence. The Declaration of Independence declared in 1776 is a source

of human rights protection. It states that all men are created equal by God to

be given a right to life, liberty and the freedom to pursue happiness. This

principle means that Americans have a great respect for all the rights

possessed by every human being. In other words, every man and woman has

the equal roles and freedom in the society. However, in social practice, the

social system in American does not match with the contents of the

Declaration of Independence, especially in giving freedom for women to

participate in the society.


For years after the declaration, American women become the second

class of civilization, while men become first class of civilization. This

stratification happens because American society holds the patriarchal system

as their system in the society. The patriarchal system is a social system in

which men have a role to organize all the social elements, including

controlling women. Women have to follow all the rules or orders given by

men, so that the freedom of women to gain equal role is difficult to be

achieved. As an effect, women cannot access the whole social elements.

One of many factors in which women are regarded as the second class

of civilization is the family. Family is a social institution in which every

person learns about their values in the society, including learning about the

roles of women and men. In the family, parents direct the individual who born

as men to behave as leaders in family or social life. For women, parents lead

them for being independent on men and do their roles as domestic care-takers.

Because the differentiation on role teaching occurs in the beginning of

recognizing the social values, each individual undergoes his or her roles

without questioning the social orders. According to Charvet (1982:5), ―the

causes of distinction in the behavior of women are a proof that the society

through family sees women as sexual beings rather than as human beings.‖

Moreover, there is also a society‘s assumption that ―women are considered

not to have parallels with men, but women are considered as a creature that

relies on men and has a lower position than men‖ (McDowell and Pringle,


A gender inequality between men and women becomes a problem that

leads to the unfair treatment and opportunity for women in the society. A

social condition in which men have a right to control women and have more

access in public sector creates the gender jealousy for women. Women think

that their roles, which are only dealing with a child and a household, are

constructed by the patriarchal values in which men have an important role.

This jealousy creates awareness in women, so that there is women‘s

movement to gain equal roles in the society. This movement is the only way

to restore the essence of gender equality in social life.

By their demand on equal roles in the society, women express their

demand from time to time, and it starts from the family. In the family, they start

to express their opinions related to men‘s decisions and reject their decisions

which are inappropriate to the family. Women‘s braveness to reject and express

the decisions affects women stereotypes that they cannot be regarded as

obedience and passive. In social life, the achievement of women‘s efforts can be

seen their participation in elections and being part of decision-makers in the

society‘s representatives. Moreover, Charvet (1982:10) adds that ―because the

courage of women who are very radical, women get other freedoms, such as the

right to acquire academic knowledge and work outside the home.‖ The impact of

spirit for gaining equality in social life could be felt today. At present, the role of

women in the family cannot be ruled out. Women are able to participate in the

society. Even in some countries, women are able to be leaders outside the family,

such as a corporation or state.


In Literature, women‘s spirit to gain equal roles gets many responses

from literary authors. Many authors response it by creating literary works that

tell about women‘s experiences, such as being tortured and restricted by men

in patriarchal system. Many authors dare to write about the women‘s

condition and their struggles to face the unfair treatment because they are

aware for the equality between men and women. John Steinbeck is one of

authors who dare to tell about women. He writes stories about the portrayal of

women in the patriarchal system and women‘s efforts to participate in public

sector. Among many his novels, The Grapes of Wrath is a unique novel to be

analyzed related to women‘s movement. It is unique because it was written

by a man who illustrates the changing role of women. Moreover, in 1939,

patriarchal system is still practiced in his society.

The Grapes of Wrath, published in 1939, is a depiction of farmers‘

exodus from Oklahoma to California. This exodus causes the change of social

values, including a change in women‘s opportunity to participate in the

family and public roles. In this context, the change can be seen in the main

female character in The Grapes of Wrath, Ma Joad. The role of family leader,

which is hold by Pa Joad as her husband, has to be shared with Ma Joad. She

is not satisfied with her husband‘s leadership due to the family gets more

worse from being unemployed. However, her demand to participate in the

family is regarded as a violation of social rules for Oklahoman.

The Grapes of Wrath also depicts Ma‘s efforts to gain equal roles in her

family. There is an interesting aspect in Ma‘s efforts. She, who lives in a


small town and has limited education, is brave to fight against values in her

society. In 1930s, her efforts to gain equal roles are not commonly done by

Oklahomans women, so that it is an extraordinary women‘s movement. For

years, the struggle toward equal roles only happens in the big towns in the

United States, such as New York or California, and the struggle is also

conducted by educated women. Through her efforts, she is able to participate

in leading family to continue the family‘s life and to face the new


Feminism is a tool to criticize literary works. From feminism, the

literary work can be analyzed from women‘s perspective. It is very significant

theory to analyze the character of women throughout history and women

struggle to get their rights. Thus, the use of feminist theory to analyze The

Grapes of Wrath, which is a depiction of changing role of women, can

facilitate the researcher to analyze the character of a woman who experiences

a change in social roles.

B. Focus of Research

This research entitled An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s

Leadership in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck is one of the

best writers in the American Literature. He is an author who always describes

the condition of his environment. In his depiction, he criticizes social life in

which he encountered. In 1930s, John Steinbeck wrote his masterpieces.


However, among his masterpieces, The Grapes of Wrath becomes a

magnificent novel because this novel is awarded a Nobel Prize.

Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath itself has certain to topics to be

analyzed in the literary criticism. First, it depicts the relationship between the

working class and the capital class. In this depiction, the novel can be studied

through Marxist theory. The cause of exodus from Oklahoma to California is

a form of capitalist class‘ oppression. The landowner does not think that his

land can produce high profit to them. He orders to the Joads to look for other

lands. Second, it is also very useful for analyzing the patriarchal system in the

Joads during the Great Depression. Furthermore, it is also useful to analyze

the role of gender because the novel depicts a different view of gender roles

reflected by Ma Joad.

From many topics that can be analyzed in The Grapes of Wrath, this

research focuses on women‘s problems and women‘s efforts to gain equal

roles in the society. Ma is a woman who suffers from gender discrimination

by her family members and the society. This problem occurs because the

patriarchal values have been established by the society. As a consequence,

women should act in accordance with the values.

In the social norms at the times, women were characterized as an

individual who had a role to be a householder. As a result, the role of women

was prohibited to participate beyond domestic roles, so that the loss of

women‘s right to participate in social life happens. Some of prohibitions were

that women were prohibited to help their husband in leading the family,

prohibited to share their opinions in the family discussion, and prohibited to

take men‘s duties. In term of social norms which were formed by men,

women were considered as an individual who did not have ability in the

social life. Furthermore, social norms believed that women were considered

to have no right to rule other family members. By so many restrictions on

women in social life, women struggled to break the social norms that exist in

her society. Along with many limitations for women and women‘s needs to

change the social role, this research focuses on three issues. First, this

research identifies various kinds of values relating to women. Second, the

researcher identifies various kinds of women‘s problem to break social norms

which are not fair for women. The last analysis deals with the question of

how women fight to get same roles in social life.

The researcher wants to demonstrate that the social values that have

been established in the social life do not always provide a justice, particularly

for women. For that reason, the researcher makes a problem limitation in

which the researcher would only identify women discrimination, and

subsequently analyzes the struggle of women to gain the right to participate

in social life.

C. Formulation of Problem

Based on the identification above, this research can be formulated into:

1. What kinds of problems does the main female character face related to

gender roles in the family?


2. How does she struggle to gain equality and participation in her family?

3. What are the significant meanings behind her struggle to gain equality?

D. Research Objectives

Therefore, the objectives of this research are:

1. to identify the the main female character‘s problems in her family related

to gender roles;

2. to analyze the struggle of the main character in gaining equal roles in her

family; and

3. to reveal the significant meanings behind her struggles.

E. Research Significance

1. Theoretically

The aim of this study is to give a comprehensive understanding

toward knowledge of feminism in literary works. This study is also useful

to be a reference on understanding and analyzing literary works using

feminist theory, especially women‘s problem.

2. Practically

The selection of The Grapes of Wrath and the author John

Steinbeck, American author who is mostly a critique of social work, is an

appropriate selection for analyzing a social change. Since The Grapes of

Wrath is a novel that has not been analyzed by the students in our faculty,

this study can be used as a reference for students to analyze literary works

in the form of social criticism that happened in the 1930s.




In this chapter, a wide range of theories related to the research focus will

be presented. The background information about feminism is also presented to be

used as a tool to conduct this research. Thus, there is some information in the

form of points in this chapter.

A. Feminism

In general, feminism can be interpreted as a social movement to gain

gender equality in social, economic and political sectors. The definition is

supported by Baumgardner and Richard (2000:56) that

―feminism as a movement, meaning a group of working to

accomplish the specific goals. Those goals are social and political
changes-implying that one must be engaged with the government
and laws, as well as with social practices and belief. And the implicit
in these goals is access to sufficient information to enable women to
make the responsible choices‖.

It can be interpreted that feminism has two goals; creating a social group for

rejecting the unfair social systems, and gaining a freedom for every people to

determine theirself. Moreover, Porter (in Beasley 1999:27) defines ―feminism

as a perspective that seeks to eliminate the subordination, oppression,

inequalities, and the injustice because women suffer from sexual

discrimination. This perspective is also called as the women's struggle‖.

Feminism can be defined as a perspective to respond the unfair treatment

toward women in social life. Another figure, Wood (2014: par.7) says that

―feminism is a perspective to create a radical social change for women in

order that to get equal opportunities in life, equal access to resources and

power, and are equally safe and secure from harm‖. From the definition,

feminism is not only dealing with a movement and a perspective, but

feminism is also women‘s spirit to oppose and transform social construction

to gain equality radically. In more complex definition, Hooks (2000:1) writes

―Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and

oppression.... it clearly states that the movement is not about being anti-
male, but it is clear that the problem is sexism. To end sexism, we change
our minds and hearts, until we let go sexist thought and action and
replace it with feminist though and action.‖

From above definitions, feminism focuses on women who have a social

marginalization on sexism, then set women as the second class of civilization.

Many feminists believe that they become the subordinate position because

society holds a social system called patriarchal system. One of feminists is

Therborn (2004:17), he states "in the beginning of our story were all

significant clearly patriarchal societies. There was no single exception.‖ It

means patriarchal system has grounded in the society.

Women must change social constructions that cause the inequality for

them. In other words, women must believe feminism in order to eliminate the

subordination. According to Grimshaw (in Beasley, 1999:27) "feminists

believe that women must not have been treated unjustly and oppressed and

that something needs to be done about this, but it does not follow from this

that any consensus is available as to precise forms this oppression or injustice

takes, or as to how they should be remedied.‖ The explanation shows that


women have suffered discrimination as an effect of a false system that seeing

women as second class on civilization. Then, the role of feminism becomes a

tool to sensitize women toward the false system in order to detach them from

gender discrimination.

B. Feminist Literary Criticism

Feminism enters the world of Literature can be seen from many feminist

theories put by many literary experts. At first, a feminine book is made by

Mary Wollstonecraft entitled A Vindication of The Right of Woman. In her

book, she writes about the importance of equality between women and men in

the society. She also says that women should be aware that women are

considered as an inferior to men in the society‘s perspective. Mellor (2002:

par.1) in her analysis of the book says that "Wollstonecraft argued that

females are in all the most important aspects the same as male, possessing the

same soul, the same mental capacities, and the same human rights". This

statement creates a new thought, primarily the importance of equality in all

social institution for women. Furthermore, Mellor (2002:par.3) writes that

―the social sector that is presented by Wollstonecraft is an equality in

education and ownership of household resources, including children‖.

Then, Virginia Wolf becomes an important figure on the new thinking

about feminist literary criticism. She creates two important works for new

thinking on literary criticism; A Room of One's Own (1929) and Three

Guineas (1938). In A Room of One's Own, she explains that women are the

victim of the social system. The system makes unequal treatment for women

in the society. In Three Guineas, she explains that the patriarchal system is a

source of women inequality in all sectors. In this theory, the researcher must

think beyond all the story. The researcher must analyze the background of

women‘s treatment and respond toward the treatment. According to Selden

and Widdowson (1993:207), the contribution of Wolf in the development of

feminism by the two works is "gender identity is socially constructed and can

be challenged and transformed ... women had always faced social and

economic obstacles to their literary ambitions‖. In other words, women

struggle are not going to end for achieving the equality because the system

has been formed strongly by literature. Selden and Widdowson (1993:215)

Wolf through literary works will change the perspective of the woman to

realize that women suffer the discrimination and sensitize women to fight the


Another important figure in the development of feminist literary criticism

is Simone de Beauvoir. Her most famous book is The Second Sex in 1949. De

Beauvoir introduced the "Women's as other" in the development of feminism

literary criticism. According to Beauvoir (1949:1), she states that "women are

the incidental, the inessential, as opposed to the essential. He is the Subject,

he is the Absolute-she is the Other ". In other words, men have major

influence on people's perspectives to see women. It is because men are the

absolute, while women are only Other. Men also assume that they are

essential. It means that men are not the same with women, whereas women

are nonessential creature. The creation of perspective is influenced by the

agent ideology. Beauvoir (1949:21) states that "legislators, priests,

philosophers, writers and scientist have striven to show that the subordinate

position of women is willed in heaven and on earth advantageous."

On applying the theory, the researcher must analyze that women have

been made inferior in literary works. The women‘s descriptions and rules had

been by men‘s assumptions through ideological agents. Beauvoir‘s theory, the

researcher can analyze in literary work on how do women should be act. As a

result, society sees women as an inferior to men naturally. Other contribution

is that she shows the causes of women suffer from gender discrimination. She

also reveals that there are women stereotype in the society. According to

Selden and Widdowson (1993:210) states that de Beauvoir "making the

crucial distinction between" being female "and being constructed as" a

woman "... can Posit the destruction of patriarchy".

By the development of the feminism theory that is linked with literature,

the core of the development indicates women's movement has long occurred.

The developments could also mean that women demand to the change and the

new thinking in other to transform their destiny. Despite their struggles is

restricted in the social system which is not in favor for women, the women‘s

thought not to accept the stereotype is still grown. It happens because they

believe the thought would not be restricted by anything.

In conclusion, feminism literary criticism has the objective to explore the

social value of women that present in literary works. It also uses to create

literary works which contain the women‘s thoughts as a form of struggle

against male domination. Moreover, feminist literary criticism will awaken

women to be active for creating of literary works.

C. Women’s Leadership

Leadership is an abstract concept. It means the definition of leadership is

widespread, and the definition depends on the context of particular issues.

However, in general, a definition of leadership is ―a set of actions and

process, perfomed by individuals, who have the capacity to create a vision for

change, develop ideas, and strategies that enable others to work towards that

changes, and make critical decision to achive the goal.‖ (Batiwala, 2010:8). It

means that leadership is a process which has goals to change or develop some

ideas that has been practiced. For example, leadership in women context

tends to look into women‘s movement to fight with patriarchal values in the

society. For that reason, leadership in women is their struggle for gaining

equality. Moreover, Batiwala (2010:7) says ―leadership bring equalities with

a greater attention to collaboration, cooperation, collective decision, and

above all, relationship building.‖ This means that leadership make women

have opportunities to participate in sharing their opinions, make relationship

to others, and be part of decision-makers.

The issue of women‘s leadership itself becomes important issue for

feminist, particularly for second wave feminist. This is in line with Masterson

(1976:29) says ―second wave feminist thinker and activist addressed the

question of leadership actively believing that leadership is a crucial issue for

feminism.‖ Second wave feminist, which focuses on the elimination unfair

treatment in private sector, struggle for gaining equality by a leadership

principle because the principle can increase their chance to escape from

patriarchal values. This is supported by Batiwala (2010:9) says ―women‘s

struggles to gain leadership can increase women‘s access to political power,

greater representation in leadership position in government, business, and

civil society.‖ From this definition, leadership is like a product of second

wave feminist to advance the gender equality in public and private sector, and

to eliminate patriarchal practice in societies and cultures.

Because leadership is important issue for second wave, the definition of

women leadership is shaped based on their interest, which demand on the

equality in public sphere. According to Batiwala (2010:9) says ―we are not

interested in leadership for leadership‘s sake. We are interested in bringing

women‘s talents to bear, along with men‘s, in addressing major social,

political, and economic concern.‖ This means women‘s leadership tends to

have a purpose to being equal to men. Women leadership does not mean

dominate or control men. This is supported by Ontario (in Batiwala, 2010:12)

says ―feminist leadership women and women‘s organizations sharing power,

authority and decision-making in our common pursuit of social, legal,

economic and cultural equality.‖


D. Gender and Sexuality

Many people equate the meaning of gender and sex. However, the

definition of gender and sex are different. This wrong definition happens

because of the misunderstanding toward gender and sex conception.

According to the Oxford Dictionary (1995:490), ―gender is the condition of

being male or female‖, while the sex (1995:1078) "the state of being male or

female‖. From these definitions, gender is a condition. The condition itself is a

matter that can be created or conditioned. Therefore, gender is individual

distinction which is determined or conditioned by a particular culture or

social culture. The statement is supported by Butler (in Ratna, 2004:224) who

states that "Gender is culturally psychologics as a distinction between

masculine and feminine". Meanwhile, sex is something that occurs naturally,

without the influence of culture. Sex is a distinction that has been created by

God. Butler (Ratna, 2004:224), "sex is natural physiology to make a

distinction between male-female.‖ In some countries, gender and sexuality

refer to "gender", regardless to the basic definition of gender and sex. This

misunderstanding affects to the confusion on using the word of sex and

gender, so that gender is always associated with sex.

The misunderstanding toward gender conception often occurs in the

society. People understand gender as a God-given, and it cannot be changed.

Whereas, the concept of gender is formed of culture and society. Therefore,

the conception of gender, which has been created and thought by the social

institutions and from previous generations, is not a God-given for every

human being.

The lack of clarity on the meaning and conception of gender lead to

gender struggle to abolish the male domination. However, the gender struggle

is not only against male supremacy, women who have conservative thinking

are also the mission of the women struggle. According to Selden and

Widdowson (1993:211), "sexuality ... Becomes a key issue to challenge

traditional political thinking in second wave feminist criticism". Women

assume that gender and sexuality is a form of repression against women‘s

right to restrict the women movement in all respects. Ratna (2004:226) writes

that culture is the cause of women's subordination on civilization, not

biologics that cause women's subordination. As a result, gender and sexuality

is an important element to help analyze the second wave feminism. Because

of the importance of gender and sexuality, gender studies are needed to be

conducted on discrimination analysis. According to Ratna (2004:224),

―gender studies will help researchers to see people make a difference

between men and women.‖

In conclusion, the distinction between men and women has occurred in

the long time and is created by social institutions, mainly family. Family

becomes an embryo of gender system in the society.


E. Gender Discriminations

Gender discrimination happens as the cause of different treatment based

on gender that applied by the society. The inequality and gender

discrimination also affect both women and men. It means that gender

discrimination does not occur because of difference in sex, but it is different

treatment because of their gender. This different treatment creates a

distinction on the roles and social position between women and men. Because

of the discrimination, women suffer a lot of social restrictions on private life

and social life (Walby, 1990:46). In private life, women suffer from

restrictions to participate beyond her role as a wife. Meanwhile, in social life,

women suffer from restrictions to participate in social institutions. Based on

two types experienced limitations, there are causes and effects that are

important to understand.

1. The Causes of Gender Discriminations

Patriarchal system generally is a system in which men have control

to manage all social rules in the society. According to Walby (1990:64),

patriarchy is a system of social structures and practices, in which men

dominate, oppress and exploit women. This system is formed by the power

of male domination on controlling sexuality, reproduction and production

for women. This control is also reinforced by several ideology agents, such

as family, religion, education, literature, culture, and law. As an impact,

women are trapped in the patriarchal system that restrict or eliminates their

right to equal in the society. In other words, the patriarchal system plays an

important role to control the entire social institutions.

Family as one social ideology agents becomes a primary institution

to inject social values. In family, the head of a family is led by a man or a

father. Man is associated with the head of the family who has complete

control to the other family members. However, a father would control

individuals based on their gender. According to Lerner (1987:127), "family

plays important roles in creating a hierarchical system as it not only

mirrors the order in the state and educates its children but also creates and

constantly reinforces that order". Thus, family is an important agent in

socializing the values of patriarchal system.

For example, every boy is directed to be a man who is brave,

leadership, and aggressive, while women are taught to be a passive, caring

and a sense of compassion. As an impact, when they grow to mature, men

will have the responsibility to be breadwinners, and to lead the family. It

differs for women. They have a responsibility to take care of the children

and other family members. From these examples, family is not only the

instrument on creating patriarchal systems, but it also plays a role in the

creation of gender stereotypes. Through the creation of gender stereotypes,

women will experience the disadvantage. It can be discrimination and or

violence. The disadvantage will also affect the opportunity to get an

education. An assumption that women do not need to get a higher


education because of the role of women at home is the only reason

patriarchal system continues to exist.

2. The Effects of Gender Discriminations

According to Walby (1990:54) there is some impact from

motherhood for women. Because of motherhood, women will suffer

subordination, marginalization, and stereotypes.

a. The Subordination

According to Walby (1990:54), he states ―subordination is to put

women under male supremacy.‖ It can be seen on the participation of

women and women‘s roles regulated male. For example, men should be

in charge of a family, while women only are charge in kitchen. This fact

indicates that there is an arrangement of duties in domestic life which

tends to make women in subordinate position. These examples sign that

men is the first class, while women are the second class on civilization.

The impact of the women‘s subordination is that creating a

discriminatory role that women cannot be a leader. The role of women

is only obeying the men‘s commands because they are subrdinate. This

is in contrast with men who have the power or supremacy. When a

social rule has been defined to men, the social leadership will

automatically be given to men, not women. As a result, women should

follow their duty as a follower. Walby (1990: 11) states "women


perform this work under the patriarchal relations of production for the

benefit of their husband."

b. Marginalization

According to Walby (1990:54-55), he states ―marginalization is

to put women in a position that is not important in the family and

society.‖ In home, women's role is only in the kitchen, and it is regarded

as unimportant role. For that reason, education for women is only

necessary. In other words, women has been pushed into the inferior that

having lack of social to active in the private and public life. They also

have constructed to be far from a sense of ability to be decision-makers.

This can be seen in the workplace. In the workplaces, the high position

for women is only taking the charge in undecided division. It means

that society believes that they do not deserve on taking important roles

to decide something. This is strengthened by U.S Department of Labor.

―66 million women are employed in the U.S. It can be percentage 40.6

% works management and professional, 32.0 % works in sales and

office, 21.3% works in service occupation, 5.2% in production (Bureau

of Labor Statistic, January 2011). Based on the datum, although women

get work, women still do not take a charge in a division that decides the

policy or something.

According to Walby (1990: 64), "the notion of marginalization in

which the sexual division of labor between husband and wives is


considered to be part of a collective decision by the household. So that,

the concept of decision-maker is taken by men's way.‖ The effect of

male supremacy raises an assumption toward the unimportant role in

the society. For this reason, the effects of marginalization will affect the

women‘s roles that considered as the unimportant. When the society has

been considered it, the decision-maker is the men‘s role. As a result, the

society will prohibit women to decide a decision or being a decision-


c. Stereotyping

According to Lerner (1987:55) stereotyping is a labeling toward

gender. It means a gender is given attributes by society to create a

characteristic. For example, men are brave, aggresive, and logical while

women are passive, obedient, and emotional are the gender stereotypes

in many societies. Those stereotypes effect on the creation of gender

roles. Men have roles as the leaders and decision-makers because they

are regarded as logical thinker. However, women have roles to follow

men because they are emotional thinker. This phenomenon cause a

gender discrimination because women cannot determine theirself.

According to Rich (in O'Reilly, 2004:2), "the term motherhood

refers to the patriarchal institution that is male-defined and controlled

and is deeply oppressive to women". Motherhood is a patriarchal term

to deter, organize, and dominate women. Motherhood, which is the


creation of patriarchal system, is a frame of women's roles which

determine the norms, roles and tasks for women. The determination

creates an oppressive act for women. For example, in the societies,

women have duties, roles and responsibilities to take care of children.

Essentially, it is an oppressive act for women. Although children need a

care and affection, it does not mean that women are the only one who

can cherish and provide care for the child. However, the stereotypes

make women as the only one that can take the role. Based on Beauvoir

(1949:39), she states that ―the perspective imprisons women in her

sex‖. It means that society believes that it is women‘s roles because of

their sex which entails those characteristics. This imprisons brings a

perspective to define women in the society. Moreover, Beauvoir

(1949:39-40) states that ―the word female brings up his mind a

saraband of imagery – the enslaved males, hypocritical, artful, stupid,

and lustful. And the fact is that she is a female.‖ It means that those

characteristics seem true in the society.

1) The Male’s Slaves

In patriarchal society, women are considered as submissive.

It means that they are not able to argue men. This is a problem for

women because they are able to rebel the unfair treatment from

men. However, the strong patriarchal system makes women in

wrong position. According to Beauvoir (1949:7), she states that "A


man is in the right in being a man; it is the woman who is in the

wrong‖. Men are always true in their decision and plans because the

society believes so. However, women are regarded complicated for

men when they share their opinions because women are wrong. The

society believes that women never make true opinion. This

assumption means women‘s life is under men‘s superiority, so that

they have to obey men‘s orders. According to St. Thoman (in

Beauvoir, 1949: 8), he states "women to be an "imperfect women"

and "incidental being", it can be symbolized where Eve is depicted

as a "supernumerary bone 'of Adam". This sentence is

strengthening a perspective toward the subordinate women‘s

position in the society.

2) Emotional Female

Society argues that women always use their feeling to think

and give arguments. According to Beauvoir (1949:19), she states

"most societies construct women for being emotional, but they are

not." This shows that the stereotype has long process to construct

people to see women in such way. It makes women are stereotyped

as emotional. Although women are not emotional, the society has

taugh and constructs people to believe that women are emotinal.

Therefore, this stereotype is regarded as God‘s will which cannot

be eliminated.

F. The Struggles of Women for Being Independent

Women experience various problems in their society. The social values

tend to eliminate women to have a participation in the society. However, as

social beings who want to participate with the society, they have to struggle

gaining their rights. It shows that women demand to have equal roles like men.

Sylvia Walby in her book entitled Theroizing Patriarchy describes forms of

struggle of women to gain equal roles in family and society.

1. Having Career in Public Sphere

The basic of women‘s problems related gender roles in the society

are the women‘s powerlessness to face the male supremacy and the strong

patriarchal system as the social system. To fight it, the woman should be a

leader for the family. This is supported by Walby (1990: 82),

"since the porpotion of women who are full-time housewives has

fallen dramatically over first wave feminism, as the proportion of
women in paid work has increased. It shows a reduction in the time
spent on housework. This lead any significant increase in housework
to lead the family by women.‖

Economical dependence of women to men is one cause of male supremacy

is very strong. After the first-wave, they get a lot of chance to determine

their own, including finding a job. Given the opportunity, they can have a

career in public spaces, so that they can be independent to men. By having

a career, women are regarded that they can participate in the family. One

of the family participation is that women can be decision-makers for the


Women are considered as household care-takers that must stay at

home. Taking care of all the men‘s needs is a task that they have to do.

However, after the first-wave, they gain freedom, including the freedom to

have career in public sphere. It is supported by Walby (1990: 191),

"women had won access to the public sphere and claims to the rights and

privileges of citizenship. They could no longer be legally subsumed to

reviews their husband or fathers." The opportunity to participate outside

household is an opportunity to replace men‘s roles that are constructed by


2. Expressing Rational Opinions

A women stereotype is that women always use their feelings to face

the problems. Expressing rational opinion is a way to eliminate the


"woman often shows she is capable of practising; she has a

good conscience because she is on the unprivileged side; she
feels she is under no obligation to deal gently with the
favoured caste, and her only thought is to defend herself."

The problem is that women are not given a chance to prove that they

are able to think logically. For that reason, they must prove it. Women‘s

distress affects they must prove to society that they could have the

capability to express opinions rationally. As the above quote, women

must express their opinions in order to protect themselves from the

discrimination they experienced.


3. Having Bravery to Take Men’s Duties

Women are considered weak and timid. It affects the mindset of

women that men are their protectors. With this mindset, women believe

these assumptions. However, men are not always able to protect women

and families. Thus, women should have courage to take that role.

According to Beauvoir (1949: 187) "women will be very happy even if

they have occasion to show her courage to a man who has not been able to

satisfy all her demands: since he does not give her enough, she takes

savage delight in taking everything back from him. "

G. Oklahoma Women in the Early 20th Century

In the early 20th century, United States of America was hit by

economical crisis that affects to the great change in many sectors. Among

many sector that happens in American society, the domestic theme becomes

important issues during their exodus from Oklahoma to California, the

promised land for Okies. According to Fonesca (2005:3) says women

experience a reinforce change between the private and the public due to the

great economic depression of the 1930s. The cause of reinforce change is that

the changed role of the male in the American society, since American women

are required to join the work force in order to improve the family‘s income.

In the great depression years, women aware for not being passive anymore.

American women are leaving the private sphere and taking risks in the public

place, performing activities considered exclusively for men, like helping with

the family‘s income and leading the family.

Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath was published in the early 20

century. It tells about the role of women in the Great Plains, specifically

Oklahoma. Oklahoma is American region in which agriculture becomes the

main resource for the Oklahoman. As a agrarian society, they generally do not

have enough education, and they are just tenant farmers. Because they have

not enough education, they believe and follow the society values which are

constructed by society. Family becomes social unit to socialize the values of

the society in which every single person learn their first socialization about

the values that must be followed in the society. Parents teach their children

based on thier patriarchal values which states women must take care of the

entire household while men must be responsible to the family. For this

reasons, the social system in Oklahoma creates the different roles on women

and men. It is described by Hague.

"in farm family, there are, perhaps, two aspects of women's role as
the housekeeper and as a biological function. As a housekeeper,
women not only cooked, kept house, care for children, but she also a
make her own soap, food, and cloth. As a biological function,
women retains as mother and as a mate of men.‖ (Hague,1964: 76),

Based on Hague‘s statement, Oklahoman women still have traditional

women‘s roles. They have no chance to participate in public area, and also

they still are regarded as the subordinate to men. As a result, they still

experience a lot of repression and restrictions on the public and private life

while in many cities in the United States, women have been able to escape

from those traditional roles.

Therefore, in the early 1930s, the role of women in Oklahoma became

the most important issue. The Oklahoma women want to participate in private

and public life. According to Tudor (2000: 24) states "work covers the world

of paid work outside the home but within the particular issues of work and

the role of woman in the wider society can only be fully understood within

the context of family issues."

1. Oklahoman Women in Family

The women‘s roles in the family as a wife and mother shape

women to behave like what society constructs. It creates restrictions and

discrimination in family. The discrimination toward women in family

happens because the women participation of women for expressing their

demand in public sphere is very little, so that most women ignore thier

demand, and they still believe in traditional values. According to Bard (in

Tudor, 2000: 39), "the role of wife, mother and housekeeper is a social

norm in which it is the major factor shaping women's lives." Most

Oklahoman women perform the roles for being the ideal of a mother and

a wife based on Oklahoma values. In other words, men are in control to

maintain the values. As a result, a good woman is a woman who is

obedient to all commands and rules her husband.


2. Oklahoma Women in Cultural Life

In the early 20th century, the attitude of women is also governed by

the system. According to Tudor (2000: 44) "forms of communication,

representations of women in popular and "high" culture, the self-

expression of women are the patriarchal regulation." Communication

between women and men is very organized and has a hierarchy. For

example, a female child is not allowed to ask her father about the

family's decision. A female child should ask her mother. This is in

contrast with a male child. He can directly ask his father. A

representation woman on ―high‖ culture is also very limited. Social

rule, that women cannot be the highest position in all elements, is a

condition of a woman in those days. In the last, the self-expression of

women, who tend to be associated with how women make up

themselves, can also be seen as a form characteristic of women in that

era. Women have their own standards when dressing or makeup.

Women's clothing tends to be patterned as flower or pink. When

receiving guests, a woman should make up herself and neat.

H. John Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath

John Ernest Steinbeck is a well-known American writer. He was born

on February 27th, 1902, in Salinas, California. His masterpieces are created

and published during the Great Depression. He is regarded as a controversial

writer because his works depict the social life in the society. In one side, he is

regarded as a reformer because the works tell the powerless people in the

United States that suffering the injustice, either social or state life. In another

side, he considers as a trouble-maker because his works tend to attack the

powerful elements, especially the dominant class in California. Californians

think Steinbeck as "a traitor" because his works tell the cruelty of

Californians who oppress powerless. In fact, California is the place where he

was born and lived.

The National Steinbeck Center (2010: par.1) states that "The geography

and demographics of Steinbeck's hometown greatly influenced the majority

of his novels and informed his characters' strong identification with the land".

Because of his ability to describe the situation by incorporating social

criticism, Steinbeck in 1962 was awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature for

realistic and imaginative writing, combining as it does sympathetic humor

and social perception. In 1964, he was also re-awarded the Presidential Medal

of Freedom by President Lyndon B. Johnson, with whom the writer was

personally acquainted.

Steinbeck writes many great literary works in his life. They are Cup of

Gold (1929), The Red Pony (1933), Tortilla Flat (1935), In Dubious Battle

(1936), Of Mice and Men (1937), The Grapes of Wrath (1939), Log from The

Sea of Cortez (1952), Once There was War, Cannery Row (1958), The Pearl,

The Outer Shores, East of Eden (1960), and The Winter of Discontent (1961).

The Grapes of Wrath is a novel that makes Steinbeck considered as a

controversial writer. The story line and the situational depiction of migrants

lead a large protest in California. The National Steinbeck Center (2010:

par.12) states "in his home region of the Salinas Valley, the Kern County

Board of Supervisors banned the book from schools and libraries in 1939.

The tires lasted until 1941". Besides depicting the clash between capitalist

and proletariat; it also illustrates the patriarchal system that exists in the

society, both in the migrant workers and Californian.

In the Steinbeck‘s work, he shows an idea about the women‘s roles in

the society by a description of Ma Joad. He shows that the roles of women or

wife cannot be considered as degrading, but women‘s roles must be

considered as positive roles. The soul of nurturing cannot be separated from

women, but he emphsizes that the nurturing is for all, not only the nurturing

for their children. This make in line with Fonesca (2005:5) says ―Ma Joad‘s

qualities are supposed to belong to an ideal wife: she is pure, pious,

submissive and domestic, four cardinal virtues of women‘s behavior ... Ma

Joad represents the ideal universal mother, because she nurtures not only her

children, but those who are in need‖. Steinbeck‘s characterization of Ma Joad

is a complete and positive characterization of a woman. She embodies the

myth of the pioneer woman, and she is a symbol for positive motherhood.

She is strong, but is never allowed to pursue what might seem to be the

implications of a female character: fragility. She becomes a leader, but

Steinbeck also wants to praise women‘s roles as nurturing.

Steinbeck provides a heroine, Ma Joad, who has the capacity of leading

the family in an age where women can change better than men, so they are

always ready to face the hazards of life. According to Gladstein (in Fonesca,

2005:12) says ―Steinbeck‘s symbols of hope are two women, who take care

and bear up, when men are defeated by the economic chaos‖. This shows that

Steinbeck tries to make society recognizing women‘s capacity to replace men

in several aspects.

The Grapes of Wrath focuses on migrant workers (farmers) who

experiences depressions because of the loss of hope for having a better life.

The impact of economic crisis forces farmers to look for a job in other places.

In that era, California is an area that promises a new hope for farmers. Many

of them go to California. However, the farmers‘ migration to California

creates problems for the Californian. Californian assumes that the exodus will

create the decreasing of job opportunities for them, creating the slums, and

the increasing of crime. For this reasons, they discriminate against Oklahoma

people, called Okies. As a result, Californian is very selective for people who

enter California, especially Okies. The Joads, who are the Okies, become the

main character that faces a hard situation to compete with other workers.

Thus, many farmers suffer from a loss of confidence, depression, and

emotional distress.

By those phenomena, Steinbeck examines the issues that are regarded

as very complex problems. According to Davis (1975: 75) "Steinbeck had

dealt with this theme of man's relationship to the land. In The Grapes of

Wrath, man's relationship is seen as pragmatic. The cause is because the

result of separation from the land as it is of poverty, they are too suffering-- a

moral one." In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck explores the changes of moral

and social values in American life that caused by the Great Depression. He as

a chronicle novelist feels how the difficulties faced by migrant workers;

living in distressed conditions. The distress results on the complexity of

gender's role in the society. Steinbeck (in Davis, 1975: 78) writes "the lost of

land led to a loss of dignity roomates defined as a sense of self-importance,

but as a register of man's responsibility to the society." In this case, gender

problem is the most complex issue for migrant worker. Thus, this research

tries to analyze the complexity of gender issues in the migrant workers in

Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.

I. Previous Research Findings

There is thesis that uses The Grapes of Wrath as the source. The thesis

is entitled John Steinbeck's Anti-Capitalist Sentiments as Portrayed in The

Grapes of Wrath. It is written by Olivier Nyirubugara, an Arts and Social

Science student in the University of Bangui. He analyzes the portrayal of

Steinbeck who does not agree with the American capitalist system. In his

analysis, he firstly analyzes Steinbeck's depiction on the cruelty of the bank

to the farmers. Bank should give welfare to farmers, but the bank drives them

from the land. Second, he analyzes how the landowner oppresses farmers to

be the poor. Here, he analyzes how Steinbeck describes the injustices of the

capitalist who cut the salaries of the farmers because the farmers who want

work increase. Moreover, he also analyzes the capitalist who uses their

powers to monopolize the price. In the final analysis, Nyirubugara analyzes

Steinbeck's portrayal of the attitude of the police. Steinbeck describes the

police that get away from their duties as public safety. He describes the police

are the troublemaker for the society. They help the capitalist to oppression

and to threat the society. The third aspect is Steinbeck is an anti-injustice.

This research has relevance to this research on the research source.

Unlike the research that conducted by Nyirubugara, this research focuses on

the patriarchal system which effects to the oppression of women. Ma Joad,

who is the main character of this novel, suffers discrimination and oppression

by men and her surroundings.

There are also skripsi that use feminist theory as a tool to analyze the

research. First, Agustina is a literary researcher from the State University of

Yogyakarta. She writes a skripsi entitled Women Subordination and The

Struggle as The Response to the False System in Sandra Cisneros' The House

on Mango Street. In her research, she analyzes a woman who becomes the

victim of a false system in the society. She explains that there are some

effects because of the false system for women. She explains that limited

mobility, marriage injustice, sexual exposure, and the historical background

are the four forms of subordination experienced by the main character. In

responding them, she writes that there are two forms of the struggle. The

struggle for herself is the first form of struggle, includes having a home and

school, a new name, and rejecting social myth. The second struggle is the

struggle for social; assisting women in social life.


The second skripsi titles Grey's Struggle for Independence Life as Seen

in Anne Bronte's Agnes Grey: A Feminist Study. It is written by Iramaya

Nainggolan, a literary researcher from State University of Yogyakarta. Based

on her research, women experience two problems; patriarchal power and

women's images. In patriarchal power, she finds that women suffer from

restrictions on mobility, having opinion, and career. In women's images,

women are not expected to have career and inability for doing domestic work.

In terms of responding it, she finds four struggles; working outside the house,

expressing opinions, showing self-independence, and showing ability to

work. After finding the problems and struggles of Grey, she concludes that

women have the same ability to have a career like men get.

Another skripsi is Karana's Struggle for Survival in Scott O'Dell's

Island of the Blue Dolphins. It is written by Wiwik Widiastuti. She finds that

women experience restrictions on their social life. They are restrictions on

domestic work, making weapons, and expressing opinions. She also discovers

that woman are under stereotypes; weak and worried creature. The struggles

that women do is looking for food, expressing her opinions, making weapons,

build a house, makes a canoe, and hunt the wild dog. At the end of her

research, she insists that women have the same strengths and skills as men.

However, this research entitles An Analysis of the Main Female

Character’s Efforts in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. This research

show three important points. First, there are two gender problems experienced by

Ma Joad: gender discrimination and stereotypes. Related to gender


discrimination, there are three forms of gender discrimination: being

prohibited to help her husband in leading family, being prohibited to share her

opinion in family discussion, and being prohibited to take men‘s duties. There

are also two forms of women‘s stereotypes; women are emotional and women

are fearful. Second, there are five efforts done by the main character to face

gender discrimination and stereotypes; taking an opportunity from Pa‘s

inability to lead the family, re-considering her husband‘s decisions, actively

participating in public sphere, having logical reasons in her orders and

decisions, and having bravery to challenge men.

J. Conceptual Framework

Feminism is a social movement that is conducted mostly women to

change the role of women and to reject all adverse social system for women.

Through feminism, women have a mission to eliminate oppression, injustice,

subordination, and imbalances in social roles. They radically struggle to

participate in social life, so that they can gain freedom and change the social

system. Feminism and Literature are very bonded to each other. Literature

which contains the depiction events, histories, and conditions at a particular

period is a media to apply the feminism theory, to analyze the condition of

women and to analyze a social system, including the patriarchal system.

Feminism is the applicative theory to analyze Steinbeck's The Grapes

of Wrath. The depiction of the patriarchal system and the role of Oklahoma

women are real in the 1930s. Ma Joad,who is the central figure, suffers from

gender discrimination because the Joads and her surrounding still practice the

patriarchal values held from previous generation. Steinbeck's The Grapes of

Wrath also depicts the courage of women who are able to fight the patriarchal


Based on these explanations, this research analyzes gender issues that

faced by Ma Joad. In order to produce maximum analysis, this research is

divided into three questions for deep analysis: (1) What kinds of problems

does the female character face related to gender roles in her family?, 2) How

does she struggle to gain equality and paricipation in her family?, and 3)

What are the significant meanings behind her struggle to gain equality ?

In Oklahoma, patriarchal system becomes a regulation or guideline,

including regulations for women. However, these guidelines tend to restrict

women. They face two problems, such as gender discrimination and

stereotyping. As a result, gender discrimination and stereotyping create

motherhood as a term for guidelines women on their roles. Through

motherhood, women must adhere and behave according the roles. In term of

roles, women are prohibited to help her husband in leading family, prohibited

to share her opinions in family discussion, and prohibited to take men‘s

duties. In the stereotyping, they are emotional, and they are fearful.

However, Ma does not agree with the values. She struggles to fight with

them. She dares to take over her husband‘s leadership, join an organization,

re-considering her husband decisions, challenge men to fight, sharing her

opinion logically.

For more easly understanding the conceptual framework, it is important

to show the analytical framework. It is shown below:



Research Method

A. Research Type

This research is qualitative in type. According Vanderstoep and

Johnston (2009:7-8) qualitative research is a research that produces narrative

or textual descriptions of the phenomenon under study, so the researcher

provides a richer and more in depth understanding of the population.

For qualitative research is a textual description, this research used

qualitative textual analysis because the data which were taken are texts or

words. According to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009:210) ―qualitative

textual analysis involves the identification and interpretation of a set of verbal

or non-verbal signs. Furthermore, interpretation can be analyzed from the

perspective of the historical or cultural context in which the text was created.‖

The data which have been taken were categorized into three parts; gender

discriminations faced by women, the struggles of women to be free from

discriminations, and the significant meaning of the struggles.

B. Data and Source of Data

The object in this research is a novel entitled The Grapes of Wrath.

The novel deals with women‘s discriminations and stereotypes in the social

life. All the words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs related to the

discriminations and stereotypes are the research data.


The sources of data were divided the two parts; primary sources and

supporting sources. The main source is Steinbeck‘s The Grapes of Wrath

which was consisted of 30 chapters and published in 1939 by The Viking

Press with 313 pages. In analyzing the data, the researcher used books and

articles to gain more knowledge or information related to the research

questions. In this research, Theorizing Patriarchy (Sylvia Walby) and The

Second Sex (Simone de Beauvoir) are main books for supporting the data. In

addition, the articles are listed on the reference pages.

C. Research Instrument

According to Vanderstoep and Johnston (2009: 222), ―research

instrument is an assistance tool for researcher to obtain the information and to

compile and analyze the information into a cohesive report.‖ In this research,

the instrument used the researcher himself. According to Lincoln and Guba

(in Vanderstoep and Johnston, 2009:188), ―the best instrument for

qualitative naturalistic inquiry is the human.― Since this research used

human instrument, the researcher collected, interpreted, and analyzed the data

to gain the deep analysis.

D. Technique of Data Collection

In this research, there were several steps to collect the data in The

Grapes of Wrath.

1. Comprehensive reading is the important technique for collecting the data.

The comprehensive reading means reading very carefully in order to

understand the plot and meaning in each of an incident in the novel. For

understanding and gaining the meaning, the researcher read the novel

many times.

2. Writing all the data. The data which related to Ma Joad were written in a

notebook to make easy in sorting the data later. In addition, the page and

the chapter of the data were also written to make easy in finding the data.

3. Reading the theories that had been written in chapter two. The function

of reading theory is to sort the data whether the data were applicable to

the theory or not. Moreover, reading theory also confirmed that the sorted

data were in line to the theory.

4. After the data was sorted, the researcher created a table. Creating the

table has function to classify the data. The table has also function to help

analyze the data that had been collected. The table below describes the



The Data Sheet

No Datum Page Meaning Category Sub-Category

1. Men stood by their Pa‘s warning

fences and looked at shows that
the ruined corn, women must Being
drying fast now, only wait men‘s
Gender prohibited to
a little green showing leader to lead
2 Discrimination help her
throught the film of the family.
husband leading
dust. The men were
the family
silent and didn‘t move
often. The women
came out the houses to

stand beside their

men—―We shoul‘
prepare our way,‖ Ma
said. ―We are
thinking, and that‘s
what we do.‖ Pa
Figure 2. Example Data Sheet

E. Data Analysis Technique

According to Given (2008:185) there are six steps used in

analyzing the data: organizing and preparing the data, reading through all the

data, categorizing the data, giving the description, interrelating description

and interpreting the meaning of description.

1. For organizing and preparing the data, the researcher wrote all the data in

the novel related to Ma Joad.

2. Reading all the data is the second technique to find the major topic of the

data. In this research, the researcher found that kinds of problem related to

women‘s roles, the struggles of female character to gain equality on the

roles, and the significant meanings became the major topic.

3. Categorizing the data is third technique. The data were categorized into

thematic categories. In this research, the kinds of problems were

categorized into two problems; being discriminated and women‘s

stereotypes. Then, the struggles of female character were categorized into

five struggles; being a leader of family, being influential figure, working

outside the house, protecting herself and family from the danger, and

expressing rational opinion.


4. The last step is making interpretations relating to the data that had been

categorized and sorted based on the researcher‘s comprehension about the


F. Trustworthiness

According to Given (2008:895), ―there are four criteria used to

achieve the trustworthiness of the data; dependability, conformability,

transferability, and credibility.‖ However, this research just uses transferability

and credibility to achieve the trustworthiness.

Transferability is a further way to present all research findings to all

those who were in the population of literature study. In this research, the

consultants were Ari Nurhayati, M.Hum and Eko Rujito, M.Hum as the

readers who were in literature study. In transferability, the researcher and the

readers are important elements. The researcher presented and analyzed the

findings, while the readers assess whether the analyzing had a relation to the

research focuses. The researcher gave background information relating to the

topic of analysis in chapter two for providing the readers about the context of

the research.

Credibility is a way to get high validity of research. For gaining it,

triangulation is a proper way. According to Given (2008:896) states that

triangulation technique is the use of different sources of information to

confirm and to improve the clarity or precision of research findings. In

completing this technique, the researcher invited the classmates to check the

validity of the findings. Arif Burhanudin and Wahyu Panca Handayani are the

triangulators of the research.




As discussed in chapter two, feminist literary criticism focuses on the

analysis of women‘s roles in the social life found in the literary works. This

analysis can be conducted through the depiction of women, women‘s thoughts,

and social perspectives related to women in the literary works. In observing the

phenomenon, this research focuses on the women‘s problems and their efforts to

face patriarchal values in the society.

Those phenomena are clearly illustrated in Steinbeck's The Grapes of

Wrath. It is about a woman who lives in American patriarchal system during the

Great Depression. Ma Joad is a main female character who faces the patriarchal

system in hometown, Oklahoma. The system leads to discrimination toward

women to participate in public roles. Along with the problems that she suffers, Ma

feels that she has to a right to participate outside the domestic roles.

This chapter answers the research questions that have been stated in the

chapter one. They are the kinds of problems the female main character faces

related to women‘s role, Ma‘s efforts to gain equality in terms of taking roles in

social life, and the significant meanings behind her struggle to gain equality.

A. Ma’s Problems Related to Gender Roles

In the United States, the Declaration of Independence states that ―All men

are created equal‖. The word ―men‖ in the Declaration refers to the human

beings, women and men. However, in the social practice, men have more

privileges than women. In this system, men have dominant roles in the society,

so that the social values tend to bring the advantages for them. For that reason,

women are regarded as subordinate to men. It means their position is under the

power of men. It creates many problems for women, such as discrimination

and stereotypes.

In The Grapes of Wrath, Oklahoman is described as patriarchal society. In

the novel, men are assumed as the leaders of family having a right to order

women and children. However, when the Great Depression hit Oklahoma, the

problems of leadership rise in the society. In some families, women want to

help their husbands to lead the family. They want to share their opinions and do

what their husbands do, so that men and women can work together to save the

family from the crisis. However, the patriarchal values become the main

obstacle for women. The society believes that leadership is always men‘s role,

so that women are prohibited to be leaders, take any decision, and work outside

the domestic roles. This value creates discriminations for Oklahoma women.

The situation in Oklahoma is depicted in The Grapes of Wrath. Ma Joad as

main female character experiences many problems related to gender role. Ma

Joad‘s problems can be classified into two: being discriminated and being

stereotyped. Being discriminated means that society treats women differently.

For example, women‘s roles should take care of the households, and they

cannot take a role in public sector while men can participate in the public and

domestic sector. Another problem is being stereotyped. It means that society

gives labels to women. The labels tend to be negative for women. For example,

women are considered as powerless persons. Thus, to answer the first research

question, all Ma‘s problems presented below.

1. Gender Discriminations

In the novel, the society has a value that the men‘s roles are more

dominant than women‘s. The patriarchal system also confirms the position

of women as a social group under men‘s superiority. This phenomenon

makes women experience discriminations because their life is under men‘s

control. Walby (1990:178) says that because of the discrimination, women

suffer from restrictions to participate beyond their roles as a wife. In effect,

their life is limited by the system.

Gender discrimination can happen because there is a restriction or

prohibition from society to particular gender. In this novel, Ma faces three

discrimination in her society. They are that being prohibited to help her

husband in leading their family, to share her opinions toward family

discussion, and to take men‘s duties.

a. Being Prohibited to Help Her Husband in Leading their Family

Oklahoma society holds patriarchal values. The consequence is that

men and women must understand their roles in the system. For example,

men are the leaders which have a role to order women and to manage the

family. However, it is different for women. They have no role to lead the

family and order men. It is in line with Butler (1997:54) that since

women‘s position under male supremacy, they are powerless. It means

they do not deserve to be leaders. This becomes the gender role problem.

Through The Grapes of Wrath, this problem is clearly seen in the Joads


The first example is that when the Joads discuss to plan to the west.

After the landowner asks them to go out from the farm, Pa leads his

family to prepare everything that the family needs. Pa asks Uncle John to

give suggestions, but Uncle John does not give any opinion. Then, Ma

gives her opinion to help her husband. However, Pa wants his wife to be

silence. This can be seen below.

The family became a unit. Pa squatted down on the ground, and

Uncle John beside him. Pa was the head of the family now. Pa
said, ―John, what should we do?‖ ―we have to prepare all the
stuff for movin‘ to west,‖ said Ma. ―Be a good girl, Ma. Don‘t
make us more complicated. Let we do what we must do‖ Pa said
to Ma. (Steinbeck,1939:93)

The Joads‘ men are in discussion and Ma who is prohibited to help her

husband shows that there is a distinction on their roles. This implies that

men have more dominant role than women, so that it does not give

women an opportunity to participate in leading the family.

The second example is when Ma asks to her husband about the plan

to face the drought in Oklahoma. When the drought hits Oklahoma, Pa

has no idea to arrange the plan for the family. As the member of the

Joads family, Ma wants to know about the plan in order that the family

can earn money. However, Pa orders her to come back to the house and

he does not want to hear Ma‘s question. This can be seen below.

The tenant men squatted down their hams against to mark the dust
with a stick, to figure, to wonder. The women moved out of the
doorways toward their men, and the children crept behind the
women, cautiously, ready to run. After a time the women asked,
―what did he want ? ―
―We got to get off,‖ Pa said.
― Where‘ll we go?‖, Ma asked
― We don‘t know. We don‘t know. Back to the house !‖
And the women back to the house quickly, and quietly.
(Steinbeck, 1939: 23)

This shows that Ma is being discriminated by her husband. Ma‘s question

indicates that she wants to be a part of family‘s planning. She feels that

she also has a responsibility to lead the family. However, Pa orders his

wife to go back to the house. In this case, he does not need her question

because he feels comfortable to make a plan with the Joads‘ men. The

significance of his order to Ma is that Pa wants her to do her roles as a

domestic care-taker because it is the values of the society. For that

reason, Ma has to go back to the house. This situation can be interpreted

that Ma is regarded incapable to lead the family because her role is


Another example is when Pa discusses with the landowner. The

landowner gives him information about the drought in Oklahoma and job

opportunity in California. However, Pa believes that the landowner lies

to him in order that the Joads move out to California. He decides to stay

in Oklahoma for a while. However, Ma disagrees with his decision and


believes that the landowner gives true information. Pa does not respond

her opinions because he wants to protect his decision from being wrongly

judged. This can be seen below.

― Your father got a hand‘bill on yella paper, tellin‘ how they need folks to work. They

wouldn‘t go to that trouble if they wasn‘t plenty work. Costs‘em good money to get them han‘bills

out. What they want ta lie for, an‘ costin‘em money to lie?‖

Pa Joad, ― I don‘t know, Ma. It‘s kinda hard to think why they
done it. Maybe –―
―Maybe what ?‖
― maybe it‘s nice, like you says. Where‘d Grampa go ? Where‘d the preacher go?‖

Ma was going out of the house. She walked to the line and began
to drape pale blue jeans and blue shirts and long gray underwear
over the wire. (Steinbeck, 1939:61)

From the data, Ma is being discriminated to be a part of leading the

family. She tries to help solving the family‘s problem, but Pa is too

confident to lead his family. He does not need any suggestion or

interruption. He tries to maintain his superiority over Ma. In Ma‘s side,

she just obeys her husband. Although she has a good opinion to be

considered, she has to accept for being silent woman.

In short, Ma Joad becomes the victim of unfair values. Pa's role as a

leader restricts his wife‘s rights. He often rejects Ma‘s opinions. She has

been assumed as the one who does not have a social function. She is just

as a complement and a servant of men. It is in line with Walby‘s

statement (1990:21) ―housewives are the producing class, while the

husband the expropriating class.‖ The producing class means women


should obey men‘s commands, while the expropriating class means men

have a right to order women.

b. Being Prohibited to Share Her Opinions in Family Discussion

Being prohibited for women to decide all important things shows a

condition that they are marginalized by men‘s supremacy. It is supported

by Butler who states, (1997:54-55) ―marginalization is to put women in a

position that is not important in the family and society.‖ Thus, they have

to be dependent on men‘s decisions without having a right for rejecting

the decisions. As a woman who lives in the patriarchal system, Ma does

not have any option to reject Pa‘s decision. Because of Pa‘s supremacy,

Ma is assumed that she is not important. She has to take the domestic

roles, which are regarded as the unimportant roles in their society. This is

different from men who have a right to be a decision-maker. Pa often

rejects any suggestion from his wife because it will lower his status as a


The first example is when Ma disagrees toward Pa‘s decision to sell

the stuff for eighteen dollars. Ma thinks that the stuff can be sold for forty

dollars, but Pa does not want to hear her disagreement. Moreover, he

wants her to accept his decision. This can be seen below.

Then Pa, speaking to no one, but to the group, made his report.
―Got skinned on the stuff we sold. The fella knowed we couldn‘t
wait. Got egihteen dollars only‖ Ma stirred restively. ―the stuff is
mor‘ than eighteen dollars. We need muc‘ money, the way you
sell them is underprize, thin‘ fourty dollar the stuff‖, said Ma. Pa
said angrily, ―can you close you mouth, an‘ respect to husband?‖

This shows that Ma is prohibited to express her opinion toward the price.

All the stuff that the Joads have just gets in eighteen dollars. Eighteen

dollar is not enough for eight people in the family to move to California.

For that reason, Ma argues the stuffs are worth for forty dollars.

However, Pa orders to his wife to close her mouth. This implies that Ma

has no opportunity to share her opinion, but Pa can decide whatever he

wants. This is discrimination toward women.

Another example is that when the Joads are preparing to go to

California. Ma has set all the cooking utensil to be brought to California.

However, Pa orders his son to leave unnecessary utensil because the

room space is full for family. Ma argues that she cannot cook without the

utensil, but Pa does not consider her argument. This can be seen below.

Pa said, ―the car is overstuff. We can‘ brin‘ all of it. Tom, throw
bucket, knives, forks, and spoons. No need fo‘ them.
Ma interputs, ―we need them. People says the journey tak‘ a
long.‖ Pa does not consider his wife‘s opinion. ―just throw it,
Tom !‖ (Steinbeck,1939:104)

This situation shows that Pa discriminates his wife from expressing

arguments. Ma has to accept Pa‘s order because she is powerless. It

implies that Pa is superior than Ma. He can manage everything without

any objection from other people in the family because he is the leader,

and he is a man. She is not ready to face the consequence of being

disobey toward Pa‘s order. The consequence is that the society assumes

that Ma is not good wife because she does not obey her husband.

The last example is that when grandma is sick. Ma thinks that the

family should stop the journey and bring grandma to a doctor. However,

Pa assumes that Ma tries to tell him what should he does, and he does not

like it. Then, he decides to give a pain killer rather than following her

suggestion. This can be seen below.

The Joads family is beside grandpa. Ma said,‖she gets a pain in

her stomick, she says ―we better go for a doctor, an‘ stop our
journey‖. He says, ―dont‘t tell me what should I do, Ma! She just
got stomickacher. You et too much. Take a dose a pain killer‖.
Nex‘ noon she‘s outa her head, an‘ she dies. (Steinbeck,1939:45)

In the patriarchal system, any decision made by men is the absolute truth.

Because men have important status, they have a right to decide anything

without any suggestion from women. It is in line with Beauvoir (1949:7)

that "A man is in the right in being a man; it is the woman who is in the

wrong.‖ It means that Pa never make mistakes because he is a man. This

is different from Ma who is in the wrong side because she is a woman.

Therefore, women‘s suggestion or opinion is regarded as unimportant

and should not be considered.

c. Being Prohibited to Take Men’s Duties

Patriarchal system is a system in which men have important roles in

the society, including controlling women. According to Walby (1990),

patriarchy is a system of social structure and practice in which men

dominate, oppress, and exploit women. Therefore, the patriarchal system

is a system based on the idea of men that gives benefits for men. One of

the benefit is that the ability to manage women, both in private or public

life. Walby (1990:178) says that ―in private life, women suffer from

restrictions to participate beyond their roles as wives and care-takers.‖

Therefore, women have little opportunity to control theirself, so that they

have to accept the social rules.

The first example is shown when Ma wants to look for wood. She

wants to find some pieces of wood to cook because she feels the Joads‘

men are busy to prepare the ceremony for grandfather. Therefore, she

tells her husband that she wants to go out to look for the wood. However,

Pa bans his wife. It can be seen in quotation below.

Pa turned his head to Ma. ― You‘ll lay ‗im out ?‖

― I‘ll lay ‗im out,‖ said Ma. ― But who lookin‘ for wood to get supper?‖

Sairy Wilson said, ― I‘ll get supper. You go right ahead.‖

She found basin, filled it full of water, went into the tent. For a
moment Ma looked down at the dead old man. And then in pity
she tore a strip from her own apron and tied up his jaw. She
straightened his limbs, folded his hands over his cheast. She held
his eyelids down and laid a silver piece on each one. She buttoned
his shirt and washed his face. (Steinbeck, 1939:94)

Pa uses his authority as the leader of family to prohibit Ma to be out of

the household. This occurs because he wants her to keep her role which

is in domestic sector. However, Ma is disappointed with Pa‘s order. It is

also reinforced by Sairy‘s response by saying "You go right head". Sairy

is a migrant mate who meets the Joads in the journey. She says it in order

to keep her obedience, and then she replaces Ma to cook supper. In this

case, it implies that Ma faces two discriminations. The first is that the

discrimination from her husband who does not want her to take his role,

such as looking for the woods. In this case, he tries to maintain the

patriarchal values. Ma does not only face discrimination from men, but

also from women. Thus, both discrimination becomes complex problems

for Ma.

The last example is that Pa orders Ma to accompany grandmother

rather than setting up the camp for Mr. Wilson. Ma wants to help Mr.

Wilson to set up the camp. However, Pa tells to Ma that she should be a

good woman because he thinks his wife must obey his order. This can be

seen below.

― I can set up the camp for Mr, Wilson,‖ said Ma.

Pa said, ― Ma, like a good girl go lay down with Granma. She
needs somebody now. She‘s knowin‘, now.‖
Ma got to her feet and walked to the mattress and lay beside the
old woman, and the murmur of their soft voices drifted to the fire.
Ma and Granma whispered toegether on the mattress. (Steinbeck,

In this situation, it shows that Pa prohibits Ma to do what men‘s roles. In

their society, setting up the camp is considered as the men‘s roles. It

means that Ma is prohibited to set the camp because it is not included to

her role, as domestic care-taker. Instead, Pa argues that she should take

care of the grandmother. This situation implies that Pa wants to maintain

the patriarchal values in the family.

In conclusion, it is difficult for women to gain opportunities in

sharing household roles because they have to face the society‘s

assumption that women are subordinate to men, so that they have to obey

what men want. Women cannot control their life and choose the roles

that they want. As a woman who lives in such conditions, Ma has to face

the social values and assumptions. This conclusion is in line with Tudor

(2000:39) as he says, ―the role of wife, mother, and the housekeeper is a

social norm which is the major factor shaping women‘s life.‖ It means

that women‘s life in patriarchal society is not their life because women

cannot choose what life that they want.

2. Stereotypes of Women

As the second social group, women receive various social stereotypes.

Butler (1997:55) says that a labeling of women in the society causes a social

perspective to see women as less valuable. Society assumes that women are

fearful and always use their feelings to face problems. These stereotypes

have been fundamentally believed by the society, and it is difficult to be

changed. Moreover, the stereotypes are also reinforced by women‘s

attitudes that reflect the stereotypes. It happens because ―the stereotypes

imprison women in their sex‖ (Beauvoir,1949:39)

In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck describes women who face

stereotyping. He describes women‘s stereotyping in Oklahoma and the

powerless women who do not seem to have the strength to break the

stereotypes. There are two types of stereotyping found in the novel, women

are emotional and women are fearful.


a. Women are Emotional

In patriarchal perspective, women are stereotyped for being

emotional. The society assumes that women use feeling more than logical

thinking. As a result, their opinion is often rejected by most society due

to the assumption. The society pays attention only on men‘s opinion that

is regarded as the logical thinkers. Thus, the society accepts every

decision or opinion made by men, while women have to accept men‘s


In The Grapes of Wrath, the stereotype is depicted in the Joads‘ life.

Pa believes that Ma always uses her feeling to think and face any

problems. Although Ma gives logical opinions, he never considers her

opinion. This can be seen in their journey to California. Al Joad makes a

mistake because he does not check the car‘s machine before they hit the

road. However, Ma does not consider it as his mistake, so that she does

not blame her son. On the other hands, Pa thinks that it is Al‘s mistake. It

can be seen from the data below.

Al explained, ― I don‘t know what made her go out. I give her

plenty of soil.‖ Al knew the blame was on him. He felt his failure.
Ma said, ― It ain‘t your fault. You done ever‘thing right. We don‘
stop for hours.
―Ma, listen to me. It is Al‘s fault. How can ya talk like that?
Always use ya heart !‖ said Pa. (Steinbeck, 1939:111)

Ma tells to his son that it is not his mistake. She argues that the long

journey is the main cause of broken car. However, Pa tells her that it is

Al‘s mistake because Pa gives him a responsibility to take care of the car.

Pa assumes that his wife does not use her logical thinking to see the fact.

The situation proves that in patriarchal system women are always

considered using their feeling to see a situation. Although Ma expresses

her opinion by considering their long journey as the main cause, she has

to accept that her opinion is considered emotional. It is due to the

stereotype embedded in Ma. Indirectly, Pa‘s opinion gives an attribute of

emotional woman to Ma. As an effect, Ma logically is regarded as a

woman who does not have an ability to consider the fact. For Pa, the

cause is that Al who is not responsible to care the car.

Another situation also proves that Ma is being stereotyped. After Pa

decides to move to California, Ma shares her opinion that the Joads will

face various obstacles related to the landscape. She knows it because of

the postcard sent by friend in Oklahoma. She wants Pa to consider it and

make a good plan for their journey. However, Pa assumes that his wife is

dramatizing the situation. He believes that it is better for her to think for

the next day, not for the future. Therefore, he rejects to consider her

opinion. It is stated below.

She piled wrung clothes like cord wood on the table, ― They say
it‘s two thousan‘ miles where we‘re goin‘. How far ya think that
is, Pa ? I seen it on a map, big mountain like on a post card, an‘
we‘re goin‘ right through ‗em. How long ya s‘pose it‘ll take to go
that far, Pa ?‖

― I dunno,‖ he said. ― Two weeks, maybe ten days if we got luck. Look, Ma, stop dramatize

ya though‘. I‘m gonna tell you somepin about bein‘ in the pen. You can‘t go thinkin‘ when you‘re

gonna be out. You‘d go nuts. You got to think about that day, an‘ the the

nex‘ day, about the ball game Sat‘dy. That‘s what you got to do.
Ol‘ timers does that. A new young fella gets buttin‘ his head on
the cell door. He‘s thinkin‘ how long it‘s gonna be. Whyn‘t you
do that ? Jus‘ take ever‘ day.‖ (Steinbeck, 1939:60)

It shows that Ma is being stereotyped. Pa assumes that Ma‘s opinion is

based on her emotion, so that he says to her to stop dramatizing the

journey they have not yet face. Although her opinion is very logical to be

a consideration, the stereotype makes Ma have to listen to her husband all

the time. It means her opinion is regarded as unimportant to be shared.

Moreover, Pa thinks that her opinion also makes him confused whenever

he listens to Ma‘s dramatization.

From the data above, there is a conclusion that can be drawn. In

patriarchal societies, a stereotype that women are emotional is strongly

attached. Society considers that women always share their opinion based

on their feeling. Although women have argued logically, their opinion

still cannot be accepted by society. Moreover, their opinions tend to be

used as barriers to men for managing their family. This makes women

have to follow all men‘s orders, even though they know men's decision is

not always appropriate to their condition.

b. Women are Fearful

The other stereotype is that women are fearful. It means that women

are assumed as individual who fear toward something that might happen.

In patriarchal society, this stereotype causes an assumption that it is


women who are fearful, not men. Therefore, men do not have sense of

fear, so that society regards men as the leaders because they are brave.

On the contrary, women are regarded as fearful, so that they have a right

to take care of domestic role which does not require a braveness to take

the roles.

In The Grapes of Wrath, Ma Joad is described as a fearful woman. It

can be seen when Tom describes his mother. He says that Ma is like a

little girl who always makes a noisy in the kitchen. From Tom‘s point of

view, making a noisy in the kitchen means she is fearful. This can be

seen in situation below.

Tom heard his mother‘s voice an‘ noise sound from cooking
utensil, the remembered cool, calm drawl, friendly and humble. ...
Tom stood looking in. Ma was heavy, but not fat;thick with child-
bearing and work. She wore a loose Mother Hubbard of gray
cloth in which there had once been colored flowers, but the noise
seems to be fearful. Means she too muc‘ thinkin‘ and bein‘ fear
for future. And her hands were chubby and delicate, like those of
a plump little girl. (Steinbeck, 1939:49)

His assumption reflects men‘s point of view in the patriarchal society. He

thinks that his mother has fearful feelings by making a noise in the

kitchen when she is alone. He also assumes that she is like a little girl by

looking at physical characteristic that are chubby and delicate. Since men

are regarded as the right one in the Okies social values, he has a right to

attach the stereotype to his mother. This becomes a problem to Ma who

has no a chance to change the stereotype. Thus, it seems that the

stereotype is right. It does not matter on what Ma does, but she is

assumed as a fearful woman.


Another situation also shows that men assume women are fearful

toward their natural problem, child-birthing. Rose of Sharon, a daughter

of Pa and Ma, asks to Pa about childbirth. She asks him whether the birth

will hurt the baby or not. She also tells him because she feels a pain

during pregnancy. This can be seen below.

―Pa,‖ she said. ― I got to ask.‖

― Scared again?‖ Pa asked. ― Why, you can‘t get throught nine month without
― But will it – hurt the baby?‖
Pa said, ―They used to be sayin‘, ‗ A chile born outa sorrow‘ll
be happy chile‘. Isn‘t that so, Mis‘ Wilson ?‖
― I heard it like that,‖ said Sairy. ― An‘ I heard the other: ‗Born outa too much
joy‘ll be doleful boy.‖ (Steinbeck, 1939:95)

In this situation, it shows the effect of being stereotyped. Rose of Sharon

asks to her father about her pain during the pregnancy because she thinks

that he knows everything. As a man, he does not know anything about

the pregnancy. Because she asks him, Pa argues that his daughter is too

worried about her pregnancy which is normal. As a result, the stereotype

of women as being fearful is attached to her. It also siginifies that women

are regarded to be depended on men.

In short, there is a relation between the stereotypes toward women

and women discrimination to be leaders. Since the society has believed

that a leader should be brave and logic, women are impossible to be

leaders due to those stereotypes. This assumption is unfair for women

who also share their opinion logically and are not afraid to anything.

Thus, they have to face gender discriminations in their society.


B. Ma’s Efforts for Gaining Equal Gender Roles

As described above, women experience various forms of discriminations

and stereotypes. The impact of them for women is that they have no chance to

participate in family. However, as human beings, they dream of equal roles in

the family. It means they want to participate in the family such as leading

family, making decision, and participating in public life. By participating in

those roles, they can prove indirectly that they are not like what society

perceives them, so that the society can change their assumptions that women

also deserve the equal roles as men have.

In The Grapes of Wrath, the reflection of women‘s efforts to gain the

equal roles is depicted by Ma, as the main female character. She tries to help

her husband who does not provide a better life for their family. By helping

her husband, she can get her dream to participate in the family. There are five

efforts from Ma to fight discriminations and stereotypes. It can be seen below.

1. Taking the Opportunity from Pa’s Inability to Lead the Family

Leading the family is important during the drought and the Great

Depression. Men who are regarded as the leaders have to make a plan to

avoid the crisis effects. However, not all men are capable to make the plan,

so that some families cannot survive from the crisis. Therefore, the role of

women becomes important in this situation to help their husband. They

want to participate in leading the family to get a better life for their family,

although it is not in line with their patriarchal values. This becomes a

reason for women to gain equal roles in family.

The first example of Ma‘s efforts is that when Ma has to help her

husband to lead their family. She takes Pa‘s role as a leader because her

husband is not capable to save their family. For example, she leads a

family discussion. Casey says that he wants to join the family migrating to

California, but Pa does not give a respond to his demand. Therefore, Ma

responds his demand by saying he should wait for other men in her family,

so that she can discuss with them. This situation can be seen below.

Casey said, ― well, yeah – maybe.‖ He appealed to them all

suddently, to Ma and Grampa and Tom. ― I got to get goin‘ west.
I got to go. I wonder if I kin‘ go along with you folks.‖ And then
he stood, embarrased by his own speech.
Ma looked to Pa to speak, because he was a man, but Pa did not
speak. She let him have the chance that was his right. And she
said, ―why, we‘d be proud to have you.‘ Course I can‘t say right
now; I says all ‗ll talk tonight and figger when we gonna start. I
guess maybe we better not say till all the men come. John an‘
Noah an‘ Tom an‘ Grandpa an‘ Al an‘ Connie, they‘re gonna
figger soon‘s they get back. But if they‘s room I‘m pretty sure
we‘ll be proud to have ya.‖ (Steinbeck,1939:62)

She respects Pa as the leader who has the right to answer Casey. However,

her husband is not able to do so because he does not know how to meet his

demand. Hence, Ma takes his role to answer it. Her respond to wait for

other men and to consider the remaining place on the Joads‘ car signifies

that she can handle a problem in their family. In the other words, she

breaks the social values that women are prohibited to be leaders because of

their sex. It also proves that the society has a wrong assumption toward

women for underestimating them.

The second example is that when the Joads and the Wilsons are in

the middle of a dessert, and they run out of water. The men demand to

separate the Joads and the Wilson. They arrange that the Joads continue

their journey until they find water, but the Wilsons stay in the camp and

wait for the Joads to come back. However, Ma does not agree with their

decision. She argues that the families should not be separated in any

condition. If men stick to their decision, she threats them that she will be

angry. This situation can be reflected below.

The eyes of the whole family shifted back to Ma. She was the
power. She had taken the control. ― The money we‘d make
wouldn‘t do no good,‖ she said. ― All we got is the family
unbroke. Like a crowd bunch a cows, when the lobos are ranging,
stick all together. I ain‘t scared while we‘re all here, all that‘s alive,
but I ain‘t gonna see us bust up. The Wilsons here with us, an‘ the
preacher is with us. I can‘t say nothin‘ if they want to go, but I‘m a-
goin‘ cat wild with this here piece a bar-arn if my own folks busts
up.‖ Her tone was cold and final.
Pa said soothingly, ― Ma, we can‘t all camp here. Ain‘t no water
here. Ain‘t even much shade here. Granma, she needs shade.‖
― All right,‖ she said. ― We‘ll go along. We‘ll stop first place they‘s water an‘ shade.‖


The situation shows that Pa believes that family should be separated

because of run out of water. However, Ma argues that the families should

stick together. Pa‘s decision implies that he emphasizes his position as the

leader of the family. From Ma‘s point of view, she believes that the unity

as a family should be maintained, so that the family can solve any

problem. She also thinks that her husband‘s decision is improper, so that

she tries to evaluate the effect of family separation, which is like ―likes a

crowd a bunch a cows‖. It means that the family will be uncontrolled. She

rejects men‘s decision for splitting the family and leading the family to

continue their journey together. In this case, Ma shows to the society that

she has an equal role to be the leader, so that the discrimination toward her

can be eliminated.

Another Ma‘s effort is when the Joads settle in the Hooverville. In

the camp, they find a new culture which contradicts to the Okies‘ culture.

There is the ladies committee, which never exists in Oklahoma. A guard of

the camp tells Ma that the committee will come to her tent. Then, Ma

orders all of the Joads‘ men to wake up. However, Pa complains to her for

waking up them too early. This can be seen in the following quotation.

Ma said uneasily, ― Ya say a ladies‘ committee – comin‘ to my tent?

He nodded his head. ―purty soon, I guess.‖
― Thank ya,‖ said Ma. She hurried out, and half ran to the tent.
― Pa,‖ she called. ― John, git up! You, Al. Git up an‘ git washed.‖ Startled sleepy
eyes looked out at her. ― All of you,‖ Ma cried. ― You git up an‘ git your face washed. An‘
comb your hair.‖
Pa complaint, ― What‘s the matter? I wont ! wake me up if the food
is prepared‖
― The committee,‖ Ma cried. ― They‘s a committee – a ladies‘ committee
a-comin‘ to visit. Git up now, an‘ git washed. An‘ while we was a-sleepin‘
an‘ a-snorin‘, Tom‘s went out an‘ got work. Git up,now.‖

As a man who still holds patriarchal values, Pa thinks that it is necessary

to disobey Ma‘s order. He does not want to follow her order because his

position will be under his wife‘s control. However, Ma shows that it is not

about who is in control or who is under control. She has to wake the

family up because the committee will come to the tent. In this situation, it

can be implied that she has a reason to do so to lead the family, so that she

can eliminate the discrimination that women cannot lead. Moreover, she

has a chance to have more participation other than in domestic sector, but

this is difficult for Pa to accept because he still holds patriarchal values

strictly. Actually, Ma‘s order is acceptable in Californian culture because

the patriarchal values are more flexible than Oklahoma. It means that

women in California have more freedom to participate in domestic and

public sector.

After Ma knows that the ladies‘ committee will come to their tent,

she is very busy to make a perfect welcome. Because of that, she orders

her husband to wash their clothes and to bath their children that she

teaches him how to bath their children. This situation is depicted below.

― Pa, now look in that box an‘ get you some clean overhalls an‘ shirt. An‘ Pa,
I‘m awful busy. You git in Ruthie an‘ Wienfile‘s ears. They‘s hot water. Will you do
that ? scrouge aroun‘ in thier ears good, an‘ their necks. Get‘em red an‘ shining.‖

― never seen you so bubble, ― Pa said. (Steinbeck,1939:207)

Pa‘s respond means he does not accept Ma‘s order. However, their new

social values, which hold the equal gender roles between men and women,

make Pa accepts her order to bath their children. It implies that Ma has an

advantage from their new social values to gain her effort for leading the

family. This also means that there is no prohibition for Ma to have equal

roles as her husband. Therefore, she can eliminate discrimination that

women cannot be a leader of the family. This analysis is supported by


Wollstonecraft (2004:par.4) that ―women effort to make equal between

male and female in education and the ownership of the household,

including the children.‖

Another example is when she arranges a plan to hide her son. This

can be seen after Tom kills a policeman because the policeman hits Ruthie

and Winfield, his brother and sister. This becomes a major problem for

him because he is a parole. If Tom is arrested, he will be in the jail for a

long time. With such condition, Ma does not want her son to be arrested,

so that she makes a plan to hide him. She plans everything from the place

to hide and the way to pass the camp guard. However, Pa only listens to

her order because he does not know how to hide his son. It is stated below.

She got her feet. ― you ain‘t goin‘. We‘re a-takin‘ you. Al, you back
the truck agianst the door. Now I figgered it out. We‘ll put one
matrtress on the bottom, an‘ then Tom gets quick there, an‘ we take
another mattress an‘ sort of fold it so it makes a cave, an‘ he‘s in the
cave; and the we sort of wall it in. He can breathe out the end, ya see.
Don‘t argue. That‘s what we‘ll do.
Pa complained, ― seems like the man ain‘t got no say no more. She
jus‘ a heller. Come time we get settled down, I‘m gonna smack her.‖

This situation shows that Pa does not accept Ma‘s planning. It is because

he is the leader of family who has a role to lead the hiding plan. However,

Ma thinks that the plan should be arranged immediately. The family

cannot just wait for his plan because she knows that her husband does not

have any ideas to hide their son. For that reason, she leads the family to

hide Tom. It implies that there is a different principle between Pa and Ma.

Pa who wants a time to arrange the plan can be inferred that he cannot be

able to lead the family in urgent situation. On the other hand, Ma is able to

arrange the plan instantly which means she can fill her husband‘s shoes.

As a result, Ma achieves the equal role as her husband.

Based on the data and explanation, Ma‘s efforts to have an

opportunity in leading the family can be achieved by two ways; making a

plan and giving orders. Those ways mean she tries to arrange everything

and order the Joads‘ men in order to achieve the family‘s goals. Those

ways are also meaningful since the society assumes that leader is someone

who gives orders. This conclusion is in line with Walby (1990:72) ―in

patriarchal society, the leader is men who are capable to organize and

order. But, to be a leader, women must practice those assumptions because

sex is unchangeable.‖

2. Re-Considering Her Husband’s Decisions

Because of the difficult situations during the Great Depression and

the drought in Oklahoma, men lost control in leading their family. It

happened because they were not ready to face the difficult situations which

cause panic for them. As a result, they were not able to handle the

responsibility to make a decision to save their family. For that reason,

women wanted to help their husband to make proper decisions. This can

be seen in Ma Joad.

In their journey to California, the weather is extremely hot. The

grandfather needs much rest. Pa, as a decision-maker, argues that the


family must continue their journey in order that they can arrive in

California as soon as possible. However, Ma does not agree with his

decision. She thinks that the family must stop for a moment to take a rest.

She explains grandfather‘s condition to Pa in order to make him

understand the situation. This can be seen below.

Pa said, ―well, if that‘s the way we go. We should go quickly to

California. he‘s gonna go, we better get a-stop later‘. We can
maybe go in a hundred miles ‗fore we stop.‖ Ma stepped in front of
him.‖I ain‘t a-gonna go.‖
Ma‘s face softened, but her eyes were still fierce. ―You done this
‗thout thinkin‘ much,‖ Ma said. ―What we got lef‘ in the worl‘?
nothin‘ but us. Nothin‘ but the folks. We come out an‘ Grampa he
need a rest for takin‘ breath. An‘ now, right off, you wanna kill the
folks—― (Steinbeck,1939:113)

Based on patriarchal values, Pa is the only one who has a right to make a

decision. However, Ma believes that Pa makes the decision without trying

to understand grandpa‘s condition. He just thinks his ambition to arrive in

California soon. Because of the inappropriate decision, Ma explains to her

husband related to the Joads condition. First, she explains that grandpa is

sick. If they continue their journey, Granpa‘s condition will be worse.

Second, she argues that the family is the most precious treasure that they

have right now. For those reasons, she decides to reject his decision, and

she decides to rest in the shade. Her explanations to her husband imply that

she has a responsibility to make a decision and a right to reject her

husband‘s decisions.

Another situation also shows that Ma wants to participate in the

family‘s decision. After the Joads have settled in the Hooverville Camp, a

camp which is made by President Hoover for the victims of the Great

Depression, Pa decides to stay in the camp for a long time. He thinks that

living in the camp with complete facilities is good for the family.

However, Ma does not agree with his decision. She believes that the camp

is temporary. By considering the effect of staying in the camp, she decides

to go to Marysville. This can be seen below.

―I ain‘t watchin‘ this here fambly starve no more. One day‘ more
grease. That‘s what we got. Come time for Rosasharn to lay in, she
got to be fed up. You figger!
―This here hot water an‘ toilet—― Pa began.
―Well, we can‘t eat no toilets. Why don‘ we go to Marysville?‖
Ma demanded.
―I dunno,‖ said Tom. ―Didn‘ seem right, somehow. He was
anxious. Wouldn‘ say how much the pay was. Said he didn‘ know
Ma said,‖we‘re goin‘ to Marysville. I don‘ care what the pay is.
We‘re a-goin‘.‖
―It‘s too far,‖ said Tom.‖We ain‘t got the money for the gasoline.
We couldn‘ get there. Ma, you say we got to figger. I ain‘t doin‘
nothin‘ but figger the whole time.‖
―Well, we got to git goin‘, an‘ goin‘ quick. I ain‘t a-settin‘ here no
longer, no matter how nice.‖ Ma took up her bucket and walked
toward the sanitary unit for hot water. (Steinbeck,1939:239)

It shows that Pa and Tom prefer to stay in the camp because they feel

comfortable.. Here, it implies that Pa does not act as a good decision-

maker for his family because the family will run out of money if the family

stays in the camp. In contradiction, Ma does not agree with his decision

because of the effect for staying in the camp. She decides to go to

Marysville, so that the family can earn money. Besides, she does not want

her family to rely on the government‘s aids. Ma believes that her family

should be independent, no matter how salary they will receive in


Marysville. This emphasizes that she has a chance to be a part of decision-

maker. This analysis is supported by Walby (1990:67) ―being a decision-

maker for women means that fighting to argue men‘s decision by a

consideration.‖ It means that by showing reasons in every family‘s

decision can give the opportunity for women to participate in decision-


―When women have expressed the opinion, they are less dependent

on men. They are likely to take over the husband‘s roles. As an impact, a

chance to be decision-maker also gives them a chance to take a role in

which all men cannot do it, negotiators (Walby,1990:84).‖ This theory can

be reflected in Ma. In their journey to Marysville, the Joads meet a

landowner. He offers a job as pickers in his grapes garden with salary on

seventy-five cents. However, Ma does not accept the salary. This can be

seen below.

―I got twenty acres of grapes. Little late, but it‘s ready now.
Thought I‘d go down and try to get some pickers.‖
―Six of us,‖ said Ma. ―Three men an‘ me an‘ two little
fellas.‖ ―I‘ll put out a sign. Two miles—this road.‖ ―We‘ll
be there in the mornin‘.‖
―The less it lasts the gladder I‘ll be. My grapes‘ late. Didn‘ get it
in till late.‖
―what you payin‘,mister?‖
―seventy-five or sixty cents.‖
―We‘ll pick ninety cents.‖ Ma demanded.
―That‘s what I hear.‖
―We‘ll be there,‖ Ma said. ―Not much pickin‘ lef‘.‖

In this situation, Pa does not join in this negotiation because he is

disappointed with his wife. This is Ma‘s chance to negotiate the salary

with the landowner. By negotiating the salary, it emphasizes that she has

the equal role as her husband. In this case, it can be concluded that Ma has

learned their new social values because she can be a negotiator in the

family which still holds the patriarchal values.

Thus, women just want to help their husband to make proper

decisions. In the difficult situation, an inappropriate decision is possible to

be made by men. The role of women becomes important to share their

opinions in order that men‘s decisions do not make family getting worse.

This implies that women have an opportunity to be a part of decision-

maker by sharing their opinion.

3. Actively Participating in Public Sphere

The migration of farm families from the countryside to the big cities

during the Great Depression creates massive changes in their society. One

of the changes is the change of social values in the society. According to

Davis (1975:18) ―The Black Years in 1930s causes the transformation in

every element of nation. The transformation of social sector and

economical sector are the great transformation in the United States.‖ This

phenomenon can be seen in the exodus of farming family from Oklahoma

to California which creates a change in the social values for Oklahoman,

especially the women‘s roles. It happens because the different culture

between Oklahoma and California. In Oklahoma, women do not have a

chance to work outside the domestic roles, but in California, women can

participate in public sector, and they also create a commitee. From this

situation, the Oklahoman women also want to participate in public sector

to explore their potential for being leaders. The reflection of Okies‘

women can be seen in Ma Joad who join the Ladies‘ commitee in


The first example is that when the Joads arrive at Hooverville. They

meet a camp guard to register the family for settling in the camp. After the

registration is completed, the guard tells to the family that there is

committee to organize all people in the camp. He also tells to Ma that

there is also a ladies‘ committee there, in which he suggest her to join. Ma

feels happy with this information. This situation can be seen below.

―Central committee keeps order an‘ makes rules. Then there‘s the
ladies. They‘ll call on you. They keep care of kids an‘ look after the
sanitary units. If your ma isn‘t working, she‘ll look after kids for
the ones that is working, an‘ when she gets a job—why, there‘ll be
others. They sew, and a nurse comes out an‘ teaches ‗em. All kinds
of things like that.‖
―No to my wife, she‘s joy in the house.‖ said Pa.
―it is good, I appreciate it. I will join the committee.‖ said Ma.

It shows that Pa tries to occupy his wife with a domestic care-taker.

However, he fails to keep her follows his order because she has seen

Californian women who have more freedom to participate in public sector.

She wants to join, so that she can participate in organizing the camp. This

signifies that she can choose whatever the roles that she wants without any

interference from her husband by joining the committee. As a result, Ma‘s

dream to have the same roles as men can be gained. This is supported by

Wollstonecraft (1983:36) that ―the social values in the society is

significant to help women who want to get back their roles for ‗being

human‘.‖ It means that the society becomes important for women who

want to participate in the public sector. If the society supports a freedom

for women, it is easier for them to participate in public sector.

The second example can be seen when Rose of Sharon asks

permission to her father. Rose of Sharon sees her mother very active in the

Hooverville. She can take care of the children and the committee. Rose of

Sharon tells her father that she also wants to join in the nursery. Pa rejects

her demands, but she does not consider his rejection. This can be seen


―Pa, I want to join the comittee, like Ma does.‖

―No, Rose. Better you for carin‘ you brother and sister, and you
baby‖ said Pa
― I get to work in the nursery,‖ Rose of Sharon said. ― They tol‘ me. I can find out all how to

do for babies an‘ helpin‘ women there, then I‘ll know.‖ (Steinbeck,1939:218)

Pa‘s rejection to Rose‘s request, who wants to participate in the nursery,

implies that he still holds patriarchal principle which prohibits women to

participate public sector. However, she ignores his mind because she wants

to involve in the nursery and help pregnant women. In this case, she works

outside the domestic roles. For her, participating in public life can prove

her that she cannot be assmused as being independent to her father, so that

she can take care of her baby by herself.

The last example is when the Joads settle in the Hooverville. The

ladies‘ committee comes to their tent to visit Ma. Jessie, the chief of the

ladies‘ committee tells her that the chief changes every week to give an

opportunity for women to organize the camp. She offers Ma to be one of

chief candidates in the committee. Ma accepts her offer. Then, the chief

invites Ma to go around the camp to see the sanitary unit. Ma orders her

husband to take care of their children while she walks around with the

committee. This can be seen below.

―Well, you wait‘ll next week then. We change ever‘week,for

giving a chance to women‖ she explained to Ma.
―Sure you wouldn‘ like a little coffee?‖ Ma asked helplessly.
―No,thank you.‖ Jessie took charge.‖We gonna show you ‗bout the
sanitary unit fust, an‘ then if you wanta, we‘ll sign you up in the
Ladies‘ Club an‘ give you duty. ‗Course you don‘ have to join.‖
―Does—does it cost much?‖
―Don‘t cost nothing but work. An‘ when you‘re knowed, maybe
you can be ‗lected to this committee, Let‘s go‖ Annie interuppted.
―Pa, you take care of children, I‘ll tell you the sanitary, later.‖

The change of the committee chief proves that Californian women have

realized the equal responsibility for all women to participate in public

sector. Jessie, in this case, tries to introduce the social values that Ma has a

role to control her own body and mind. It means that she does not need to

ask permission from her husband to participate outside the domestic roles.

Therefore, Ma decides to join the committee. After deciding to participate

in public sector, she orders her husband to take care of their children, and

Pa accepts the order. It implies that his belief on strict patriarchal values

starts to be more flexible, so that Pa gives an opportunity to determine her

own roles.

From the data and the explanation, women are able to work outside

the domestic roles. By having a chance, they are able to do what men do.

In some cases, women can prove to the society that they have capability to

take roles in public and domestic sector. In this novel, Ma‘s efforts to

participate in public sector emphasize that women can participate in public

sector such as joining institutions if they want. As Mill (1999:68) says that

―caring their children is a nature role for women, but women can also

take roles outside their roles as a mother.‖ It means that caring the children

and taking a domestic sector do not mean that women are prohibited to

participate in public sector.

In the social life, society has stereotypes for women. The stereotypes

do not reflect all women because they are not supported by evidence to

prove that the stereotypes are true. This becomes a social problem which

causes the unfair treatment for women to participate in public sector and

equal roles in the family. For that reason, women should eliminate their

stereotypes in order that the society can change their assumptions. As a

result, women can achieve the equal roles in the society.

4. Having Logical Reasons in Her Orders and Decisions

The difficult years during 1930s creates a high competition to find

jobs in California. Men who have a responsibility to earn money for the

family are in pressure toward the situation. For men who are not ready to

face it, they cannot be central figures to decide and lead the family because

they cannot think rationally. As a result, their decision and leading does

not help their family to survive during the crisis. This is supported by

Steinbeck (in Davis,1975:78) says ―Before the Great Depression, men live

in honor and prosperity. Then, the economical crisis happened. It causes

lost of self-importance for men, and they do not control their family.‖ To

fill the leadership and decision-maker figures in the family, women should

be able to communicate their reasons in every their decision and order they

made. Therefore, society can change their assumption that women are able

to think rationally. This can be reflected in the Joads family.

In Oklahoma, Casey says to Pa that he wants to join the family to go

to California. Pa rejects his demand due to the limited food, and there is no

other room for a person in the car. However, Ma disagrees with his reason.

She thinks that it does not create a problem to bring him to California.

This can be seen in the situation below.

Pa broke in,‖But s‘pose there just ain‘t room and food?‖ He had
twisted his neck to look up at her, and he was ashamed. Her tone
had made him ashamed.‖S‘pose we jus‘ can‘t all get in the truck?‖
―There ain‘t room now,‖ said Ma. ―There ain‘t room for more‘n
six, an‘ twelve is goin‘ sure. One more ain‘t gonna hurt; an‘ a man,
strong an‘ healthy, ain‘t never no burden.‖ She stopped, and Pa
turned back, and his spirit was raw from the whipping.

Pa‘s reason shows that he cannot think rationally to decide the family‘s

decision. This happens because he is panic with his current situation for

being unemployed. Ma knows that he is in pressure, so that she argues that

Casey is not a problem to the family because he is strong and healthy. Her

reason implies that she can think more rationally than her husband and can

handle herself in their difficult situation. This proves that Ma is rational

although the stereotype about women in her society is that she is


The second example is when Pa decides to stay in the tent to wait for

a vacancy. He thinks that the landowner will come to him soon. Ma is

disappointed with his decision. She argues that by just waiting, the family

will run out of money, and the family will not survive. This can be seen in

the quotation below.

― We got to the somepin‘, she said. ―One month we been here. An‘ Tom had five days‘ work.

An‘ the rest of you scrabblin‘ out ever‘ day, an‘ no work. An‘scairt to talk. An‘ the money gone. You‘re

scairt to talk it out. Ever‘ night you jes‘ eat, then you get wander‘ away. Can‘t bear to talk it. You got to

talk it out. You set out an‘ get busy!‖ (Steinbeck,1939:239)

The fact that he does not try to find a job shows that he fails to fill the

breadwinner of the family. In this case, it proves that he does not think

about the effect of staying in the tent. It is possible to Pa because he is in

pressure with this condition. For that reason, Ma tries to help her husband

to be aware of his decision to wait for the job. She explains to him that the

family can survive by only earning money. Her explanation shows that she

can think rationally, and it proves that the society has a wrong assumption

toward women. Moreover, her orders to Pa to find any job show that she

also have same responsibility to save the family.


The last example is when Pa realizes that he cannot lead the family.

He talks to his wife that he has no idea to be responsible for earning

money to his family. He does not believe that the family can survive from

this situation. Then, Ma responds his opinion. She explains that the Joads

will survive by giving her more chance to lead the family, and she suggests

her husband to accept it. This can be seen below.

―We got nothin‘,now.‖ Pa said.‖Comin‘ a long time—no work, no

crops. What we gonna do then? How we gonna git stuff to eat? Git
so I hate to think. Go diggin‘ back to a ol‘ time to keep from
thinkin‘. Seems like our life‘s over an‘ done.‖
―No, it ain‘t, Pa‖ Ma smiled. ―An‘ that‘s one more thing a
woman knows. I noticed that. Man, he lives in herk—baby born an‘
a man dies, an‘ that‘s a jerk—gets a farm an‘ loses his farm, an‘
that‘s a jerk. Woman, it‘s all one flow, like a stream, little eddies,
little waterfalls, but the river, it goes right on. Woman looks at it
like that. We ain‘t gonna die out. People is goin‘ on—changin‘ a
little,maybe,but goin‘ right on." (Steinbeck,1939:291)

Ma explains to her husband that their way of life must change. It means Pa

should accept her to have more chances to take men‘s roles. She also tells

that people is changing, so that the Joads‘ cannot live in which men always

take all responsibility to the family. Moreover, she wants Pa to be aware

that the Joads have to be more rationally in thinking in order that they can

accept every change. By her explanation, it implies that women should not

be assumed as emotional beings because the fact does not prove so.

From those data, it can be concluded that women can express

rational opinion as men do, and they can control their emotional in the

difficult situation. This is supported by Beauvoir (1949:187) who states

"woman often shows she is capable of practicing; she has a good


conscience because she is on the unprivileged side; she feels she is under

no obligation to deal gently with the favored caste, and her only thought is

to defend herself."

5. Having Bravery to Challenge Men

After Ma knows that her husband does not lead the family to a better

life, she takes a responsibility to protect the family. This can be seen when

Pa decides to continue their journey to Albony. However, Ma argues that

his decision put the family have more difficult problem. It can be seen


She brought out jack handle and balanced it in her hand easily.‖I
ain‘t a-gonna go,‖ she said.
―I tell you, you got to go. We made our mind.‖
She said softly,‖on‘y way you gonna go get me to go is whup me.‖
She moved the jack handle gently again. ―An‘ I‘ll shame on you,
Pa. I take no whuppin‘, cryin‘ an‘ a-beggin‘. I‘ll light into you. An‘
you ain‘t so sure you can whup me anyways. I swear to God I‘ll
wait till you got your back turned, or you‘re settin‘ down, an‘ I‘ll
knock you belly-up with a bucket.‖ (Steinbeck,1939:113)

In this situation, for Ma, her husband‘s decision has put the family in

danger. It is because Pa is not able to think and consider every decision

that he makes. He just follows the suggestion of other people without

considering the effect of his decision for the family. For example, his

friend suggests the family to move to Albony. This proves that Pa does not

lead the family to have better life. As a leader, he should find information

about the city of Albony before moving there, but he does not do it. On the

other hands, Ma does not agree with his decision to move to Albony

without enough information. However, he sticks in his decision. Then, she

challenges him to fight with her because her husband does not consider her

suggestion. It signifies that Ma is brave to defend her opinion to find

information to lead the family.

Another example is when the Joads settle in the road during their

journey to Marsyville. Ma orders the Joads‘ men to find some food and

water near the camp. After they leave the camp, Californian policemen

come to check Ma‘s tent. They say that settling in the area is illegal, so

they want burn the tent. Ma holds the cooking utensils to protect her and

family, and she is ready to fight with them. Thus, the policemen come

back to the car. It can be seen in the situation below.

―Where‘d you come from?‖

―Right near Sallisaw, Oklahoma.‖
―well, you can‘t stay here.‖
Ma‘s face blackened with anger. She got slowly to her feet. She
stopped to the utensil box and picked out the iron skillet.‖Mister,‖
she said. ―You got a tin button an‘ a gun. Where I come from, you
keep your voice down.‖ He loosened the gun in the holster.‖Go
ahead,‖ said Ma. ―Scarin‘ women. I‘m thankful the men folks
ain‘t here. In my country you watch your tounge.‖
The men took two steps backward.‖Well, you ain‘t in your country
now. You‘re in California, an‘ we don‘t want you goddamn Okies
settlin‘ down.‖ (Steinbeck,1939:144)

From the situation above, Ma shows that she does not fear to the

policemen. She believes that if the Joads‘ men are in the tent, they will

fight with the policemen. Then, it creates a danger for the family who

cannot rest in the area and they cannot find job in California. Thus, Ma

who is brave to fight with the policemen protects the family.


C. The Significant Meanings

A patriarchal society is a society in which men have domination

toward women which means that women are regarded as subordinate to men.

As a result, there is a distinction of roles between men and women in society.

Women‘s roles, which are just dealing with take care of children and serving

their husband, are regarded as less valuable roles. However, men‘s role as the

breadwinner of the family is regarded as important role. As the effect of the

assumptions and the stereotypes, the discrimination happens in the society.

The discrimination means making limitations for women and making

distinction between men and women. Thus, there is a distinction of roles

based on the gender. Women have roles on the domestic sector whose duty is

to take care of children and to serve men. On the other hands, men have

duties on public sector whose duty is to manage their family. This distinction

is taught from generation to generation. As a result, women have no chance to

participate outside their roles as domestic care-takers. This discrimination

causes the unfair treatment for women to have the equal roles in the society.

This becomes the social values in the society that should be hold for every

people who live in the system.

The depiction of patriarchal system can be found in John Steinbeck‘s

The Grapes of Wrath. He depicts the unequal roles between men and women

in Oklahoma during the Great Depression. In his novel, Steinbeck also

depicts women‘s efforts to have equal roles in the society which can be seen

in Ma Joad as main female character.


Based on Ma‘s efforts, there are significant meanings behind her

struggle. First is her efforts to gain the equal roles in family and society. This

signifies that women can participate in public sector to prove that women are

able to take men‘s roles.

The second significant meaning is her efforts to eliminate the

stereotypes. This signifies that women cannot be regarded as subordinate to

men because of their characteristics. Women and men have different

characteristics in term of sexuality. For example, women have more

emotional than men. However, this does not mean that they have different

positions in the society. Ma‘s efforts show that it is time for the society to be

opened minded. It means women‘s orders and decision cannnot be interpreted

as a violation to social values, but it is more to show that women have a right

to participate in social life.




After analyzing Steinbeck‘s The Grapes of Wrath from feminist

perspective, some conclusions can be drawn.

1. A patriarchal system in Oklahoma depicted in The Grapes of Wrath causes

gender problems. There are two gender problems experienced by Ma Joad

as main female character in the novel. Those are gender discrimination and

stereotypes. Related to gender discrimination, there are three forms of

gender discrimination; being prohibited to help her husband in leading

family, being prohibited to share her opinion in family discussion, and being

prohibited to take men‘s duties. Meanwhile, there are two forms of

women‘s stereotypes; women are emotional and women are fearful.

2. In facing discrimination and stereotypes which cause unequal roles between

men and women in her society, Ma shows her efforts to fight against them.

The efforts are taking an opportunity from Pa‘s inability to lead the family,

re-considering her husband‘s decisions, actively participating in public

sphere, having logical reasons in her orders and decisions, and having

bravery to challenge men. There are some factors which influence Ma‘s

efforts to gain an opportunity to participate in the family and public sector.

They are responsibility and consciousness. Responsibility means that Ma

shows that she has a responsibility to save her family from the crisis.

Consciousness means that she is aware that she also has equal roles in the

society and the family. Her efforts and the factors show that women cannot

be regarded as the subordinate to men because of their sex.

3. There are two significant meanings in Ma‘s experiences to face patriarchal

system. First, women can participate in public sector which proves that

women are able to take men‘s roles. Second, women cannot be regarded as

subordinate to men.

In short, Ma Joad experiences many forms of gender discrimination and

stereotypes throughout her life. In Oklahoma, Ma has to accept the discrimination

and the stereotypes because of the strong patriarchal system. However, there are

factors which influence Ma to fight against the discrimination and the stereotypes

in order that she has equal roles with her husband. By her efforts, she can lead the

family for survival in the crisis, and she can particiapte in public sectors.


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The Grapes of Wrath tells about the Joad family‘s experiences in their

migration from Oklahoma to California during the Great Depression in 1930s.

There are social phenomena found in their migration, which are the powerlessness

of farm families‘ to the landowners, the injustice and sorrow being experienced by

hundreds of thousand Oklahoman farmers, and the changes of gender roles in a

family to adapt new circumstance.

This novel opens with a description of the drought which hit Oklahoma

in 1930s. A dust storm happens for days until it blocks the sunlight, and the crop is

failure to be harvested. Oklahoman falls into sense of pessimistic. Landowners

ready to cut their farmers due to small income for their business, and tenant

farmers loss their home. Tom is the first character that is told in the novel. He is a

parole who walks back to his house after spending years in the prison. He meets

and asks to a truck driver about the condition of Oklahoma. The driver tells him

how the time has change as the landowners use tractor to drive small field. Tom

continues his way, and he meets a preacher, Jim Casey. Casey accompanies him to

the house. After walking in the dust road, they are surprised that the Tom‘s house

is completely deserted.

The Joads reunite, and they prepare to California as the landowner says

that there are many jobs there. Pa asks to his son how he can escape from the

prison, while Tom tells to his mother that the prison life does not change him for

the worse. In the night, they sit together to have dinner with pregnant sister Rose

of Sharon, Sharon‘s husband Connie, the preacher Casey, Grandpa and Grandma,

Tom‘s brothers Noah and Al, Uncle John, and Ruthie and Winfiled Tom youngest‘

brother and sister.

The Joads start their trip to California. In their trip, they meet Ivy and

Sairy Wilson, a couple who has same direction to California, so that they move

together to arrive California as soon as possible. However, grandpa is dead

because of the unstoppable trip and his illness, stroke. The Joads make an

impromptu funeral because they do not have money to burry him.

They continue their trip until Ma asks to stop for taking a rest in

gasoline station. In there, women cook for dinner, and men take a sleep, except the

preacher. He counts people who are heading to California. He worries that the

work would not be enough for everyone. He wakes up and tells to Tom about his

worry. In their break time, the station owner wants to a charge for resting and

parking in his place. They decide to sleep in the road.

After taking a rest, they continue their trip passing Arizona, and they

arrive in California‘s border. They set a tent near a river before crossing the

dessert to California. They get warning from a father and son who are on their

way home after failing to earn a living in California. Noah tells Tom that he is

leaving the family and will try to live off the river. In the night, the patrol sheriffs

come to their tent, and they order them to leave and will burn the tent in the

morning. However, Sairy is too weak to travel any farther, and the Wilsons decide

to disobey the sheriff‘s order, parting ways with the Joads.


In the morning, they move to California and have to pass the police

inspection to enter California. Ma is the leader when police stop the car to inspect

for plants and seeds. She tells to the policemen that her grandmother is sick and

pale, and they do not have time to the inspection. The policemen allow them to

pass and give information about medical help nearby. Later, she reveals that

Granma was dead before they reached the inspection point, but she kept the news

to herself until they made it through the desert.

The Joads arrive in the Hooverville, a camp which is made by President

Hoover for the migrants. In the camp, they meet a guard, Floyd Knowles. He

warns them about the low salary and high cost to buy some of food in California,

and he also tells the work condition and women‘s committee which is led by

Jessie. After living for days, the Joads men do not find any job, so that Pa and

Uncle John buy alcohol to forget being unemployed. Connie, Sharon‘s husband,

goes away because he cannot be a breadwinner for Sharon. The preacher also

wants to leave the family because he does not want to be a burden for them. Then,

the Joads move other camp to find job.

When they fix the car‘s tire in their trip, a man comes to them. He

offers a work for picking grapes in the Hooper Ranch, and the Joads accept it.

They get nine cents for each grapes box, but it later decreases in five cents

because the Farm Association sets it. Finally, the Joads can afford the food and

new clothing. On one case in the Hooper Ranch, a guard hits Ruhie without any

reason. Tom does not accept his treatment to his brother, and he fights and kills

the guard. Ma plans to hide his son under the mattresses, and he is hidden in the

cave. Because he cannot work, Rose of Sharon demands to work.

One day, California is hit by storm. The rain causes flood, and

destroying a dam near their tent. The water is raising, flood their tent. No more

money to buy food for all the Joads‘. The father is starving to death, bought all the

food for his son. Rose of Sharon and Ma are in charge to lead the family, and Rose

of Sharon asks to take care of the stranger. She offers her breast to the hungry

man, and he drinks it.




Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Arif Burhanudin

NIM : 10211141005

Universitas : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Program Studi : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Alamat : Muntuk, Mulusan, Paliyan, Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya saya telah melakukan triangulasi data sehubungan

dengan analisis data yang telah dilakukan oleh mahasiswa yang bernama Budi Tri Santosa
dalam penelitian An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in John
Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath.

Apabila terbukti pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 10 April 2015

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Arif Burhanudin



Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : Wahyu Panca Handayani

NIM : 10211141014

Universitas : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Program Studi : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Alamat : Samirono lama no.28, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa


menyatakan bahwa sesungguhnya saya telah melakukan triangulasi data sehubungan

dengan analisis data yang telah dilakukan oleh mahasiswa yang bernama Budi Tri Santosa
dalam penelitian An Analysis of the Main Female Character’s Efforts in John
Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath.

Apabila terbukti pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 10 April 2015

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Wahyu Panca Handayani

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