Milawaty Fah

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A Thesis
Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
The Degree of Strata 1 (S1)




In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Praise and gratitude are give to Allah SWT, the God almighty and God of universe

that has provided an abudance of grace and fortune to the author so she can finish her thesis.

Thanks and praise also to our lord great prophet Muhammad SAW.

On this occasion, the writer also would like to say a special thank to her beloved

parents for Mr. Ruhimat and Mrs. Nurjanah for their full financial and spiritual support

during her study and the process of making thesis. Also to her beloved friend Fauzan Kabir,

Deti and Hafit, who have given great support to the writer during her college.

Especially, the writer would like to thanks Mr. Moh. Supardi, S.S, M. Hum, who

always advised and guided the writer to finish this paper. Without his advice, the writer

cannot make this paper in the right form. he has given a lot of advices and time to correct the

paper. also for the patient and his kindness to be an advisor although the writer a long time to

finish it.

The writer would lake to say thanks to some persons who have many helped to do this

research until finish. Namely;

1. Dr. H.Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag. as a dean of faculty of Letters and Humanities.

2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department.

3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum. as the secretary of English department.

4. All of lecturers in Letters and Humanities faculty for giving their knowledge

to the writer during her study.

5. All her friends in letters Department, they are Erlina, Laila, Susanti, Debi,

Munazarudin, Deni, Didin, Daus, Pisca, Farida, and all her friends who can not be

mentioned one by one. (You are all my best friends that she ever has in the world, she

will miss you all).

For everybody who has given support and motivation to the writer in accomplishing

this research. I hope our Allah will always give his blessing for us. Amien.

The writer



In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Praise and gratitude are give to Allah SWT, the God almighty and God of universe

that has provided an abudance of grace and fortune to the author so she can finish her thesis.

Thanks and praise also to our lord great prophet Muhammad SAW.

On this occasion, the writer also would like to say a special thank to her beloved

parents for Mr. Ruhimat and Mrs. Nurjanah for their full financial and spiritual support

during her study and the process of making thesis. Also to her beloved friend Fauzan Kabir,

Deti and Hafit, who have given great support to the writer during her college.

Especially, the writer would like to thanks Mr. Moh. Supardi, S.S, M. Hum, who

always advised and guided the writer to finish this paper. Without his advice, the writer

cannot make this paper in the right form. he has given a lot of advices and time to correct the

paper. also for the patient and his kindness to be an advisor although the writer a long time to

finish it.

The writer would lake to say thanks to some persons who have many helped to do this

research until finish. Namely;

1. Dr. H.Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag. as a dean of faculty of Letters and Humanities.

2. Drs. Saefudin, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department.

3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum. as the secretary of English department.

4. All of lecturers in Letters and Humanities faculty for giving their knowledge

to the writer during her study.

5. All her friends in letters Department, they are Erlina, Laila, Susanti, Debi,

Munazarudin, Deni, Didin, Daus, Pisca, Farida, and all her friends who can not be

mentioned one by one. (You are all my best friends that she ever has in the world, she

will miss you all).

For everybody who has given support and motivation to the writer in accomplishing

this research. I hope our Allah will always give his blessing for us. Amien.

The writer




A Thesis
Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty
In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for
The Degree of Strata 1 (S1)


Approved by:

Moh. Supardi, M. Hum





Name : Milawaty
Nim : 200502600555
Title : A Major Character Analysis Of Orphan Movie

The thesis has been defended before the faculty letters and humanities examination
comittee on July 26, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial Fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, September, 23, 2011

The Examination Committee

Signature Date

Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Chair person) __________ _________

NIP. 196407101993031006

Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Secretary) __________ __________

NIP. 197810032001122002

Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum ( Examiner I) __________ __________

NIP. 19798012620031222002

Ummi Kultsum, M.Pd ( Examiner II) __________ __________

NIP. 197908112009122001


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of knowledge

and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor

material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or

diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due

acknowledgement has been made in text.

Jakarta, 23 September 2011




A. Background of the Study

Film is a media, a media that to be the channel as a place for everything

flows. Film encompasses individual motion pictures, the field of film are

produced by recording images from the world with cameras, or by creating images

using animation techniques or special affects. Films are cultures and in turn effect

them. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular

entertainment and a powerful method for educating or indoctrinating citizens. The

visual element of cinema gives motion pictures a universal power of

communication. Some films have become popular worldwide attractions by using

dubbing or subtitles that translate the dialogue.1

According to oxford dictionary that film is a series of moving picture

theater recorded by sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the

cinema/moving theater.2 Film is not always as an entertainment but also

recognized as an art form. Boggs and Petric says “the tremendous expense

involved in producing motion picture reminds us that film is both industry and an

art film. Film also employs the compositional elements of the visual arts. 3

One of the characters in movie that the writer wants to analyze is the

character of Esther in Orphan movie as a major character of a movie directed by

Jaume Collet-Serra. Esther is an innocent young girl who adopted by a couple,

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, film accessed in july 28, 2011
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (UK:Oxford University Press, 2006),p.96
Boggs,joseph M.and Petric, Dennis W.The Art of Watching Film, 5th edition.(New York:
Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000). P.3


John and Kate at the local orphanage, as soon as the tragic of their unborn child

has devastated. It is not a long period, she has killed members of family and

makes a horror at the home. Unpredictable, Esther changes become a sadistic girl.

What happened with her? It has known, she has a rare hormone disorder. It is

called hypopituitarism. It causes proportional dwarfism. She only looks like a

child, but not for fact. condition in which an animal or plant is less than normal in

size and lacks the capacity for normal growth. Dwarfism is deliberately produced

and perpetuated in certain species (e.g., in breeding miniature dogs and cultivating

dwarf plants). Among humans, dwarfism usually results from a combination of

genetic factors and endocrine malfunction. In the case of Orphan movie it relates

to Esther character that has lack of capacity for normal growth. So, it causes her

character as an evil person.

Definition of hypopituitarism is function in an endocrine gland due to

failure of pituitary gland to secrete hormones which stimulate that gland’s

function. Both have relationship to Esther character which is evil to people when

they disturb her world.4

The movie starts with a strained situation when Kate is born, bund

unfortunately she lost her baby, the child has devastated. The situation at home is

getting strained because of coming Esther. Their children become frightened

because of the cruelty that Esther done. It makes the audience curious not to stop

watching. This film also makes us realize that it is important to care and keep our

family from the unpredictable violence from others outside.

WWW.WIKIPEDIA.COM akses on july 29 2011

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of study, the writer will focus in analyzing the

Major characters of Esther in Orphan movie directed by Jaume Collet-Serra.

C. Research Question

Based on the research of the study, the problem that may appear in this


1. How is Esther Characterized in the Orphan Movie?

D. The Objective of Research

The objective of this research is to know the characteristic of Esther in

Orphan By Jaume Collet-Serra.

E. Research Methodology

1. Method

The method of this research uses descriptive-qualitative in analyzing the

major characters of this movie, the writer uses the definition of character.

2. Data Analysis

The data of this research will be analyzed qualitatively based on the

character approach. First, the writer gives the description of each data such as

picture, dialogue, and text. Second, the writer analyses the main character based

on the characters definition.

3. Research Instruments

The instrument of this research is the writer herself by reading and

watching Movie Orphan.


4. Unit of Analysis

The study is conducted by analyzing a movie Orphan created by Jaume


5. Time and Place of The Research

The writer accomplishes the research during the academic year 2010/2011,

at Department of English letters, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Syarif

Hidayatullah state Islamic University Jakarta.



A. Character and Characterization in Film

There are five elements presents in all films: plot, emotional effect or

mood, character and style or texture.4 Those are basic elements described on film.

Film can visualize from story fiction and played by a figure. A figure in a film or

the viewer know it as character, maybe described as actors or actress.

A character is any person, personal identity or entity whose existence

originates from work fiction. 5 With character and can represent the emotion of

character performance.

Some of us maybe not interested in a film most human-but from character-

there is title change that we will be interested in the film as a whole. Because from

the true thoughts attitudes and emotions, character can be revealed in subtitle

ways through the stress, pitch and pause patterns of their speech. 6

Characters also have characterization. Characterization is the creation of a

fictitious character. Characterization is building to give impressive values toward

character. Characterization in film is different with characterization in literary

work because film is a visual story telling so that the characterization of a

character in film more complicated and more detailed than in literary.

In analyzing utilizes three different types of pairings: stock characters,

static and developing character, and flat round character.

Ibid p.11
http// character, accessed September 19, 2011
Joseph M.Boggs and Dennis W Petric (2000). Op. cit. p.50


1) Stock Character

Stock characters are minor characters whose actions are completely

predictable or typical of their job or profession. Thus they serve as a natural part

of the stage properties like a lamp or a chair might function in a play.

2) Static And Developing Character

Static characters remain essentially the same throughout the movie. The

action does not have an important effect on their lives (as might generally be the

case with the hero of an action or adventure movie). Furthermore, static characters

are almost essential to comedy and developing characters are essential to serious


Meanwhile, developing characters are deeply affected by the action of the

plot (internal and external or both) and undergo some important change in

personality, attitude, or outlook on life as a result of the action or the movie


3) Flat and Round Characters

Flat characters are two dimensional, predictable who lack the complexity

and unique qualities associated with physiological depth. While, round characters

are three dimensional character complex enough to be able to surprise the reader

without losing credibility. 7

Characterization through appearance is viewing the great deal to do with

casting since the minute viewers usually see most actor on the screen, they make

certain assumption about tem because of their facial features, dress, physical build

Ibid. p.95

and mannerism and the way they move, it’s called as characterization through

appearance. Than the characterization through the dialogue, characters in film

naturally reveal a great deal about themselves by what they say and they say it in

other words, the values of character could be interpreted through their word

choice when they talk to others characters.

Even appearance is an important measure of a character personality, but the

reflections of appearance are often misleading. So another aspect that could be

considered is their in facing some situation, its kind of characterization through

external action. The reactions of other characters are also influence viewers in

interpretation the characterization of certain character.

Although the character in the movie commonly is defined as the fictional

human being, sometime character refers to something beside people. The

character may thing or anything that possess certain qualities. It can be concrete or

abstract ones. As Gass state: 8

“Mountains are character in Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano, so Is the

ravine, a movie, mescal, or a boxing poster. A symbol like the Cross can be
a character. An ideas or situation (The anarchist in the Secret Agent, bomb
ready in his pocked), or a particular event, an Obsessive thought, a decision
(Zeno’s, for instance, to quit smoking or a passion, a memory, the weather,
Gogol’s overcoat-anything, indeed which serves as a fixed point, like a
stone in a stream or that soap in Bloom’s pocket, function as a character.”

For having those certain qualities, Sutton (1971) divided character into

some classifications, flat or round and statistic or dynamic.

Character is often describe as being flat or round, static or dynamic. A

flat character is not fully developed. The writer may reveal only one or
two personal traits. On the other hand, a round character is a very

Willian H. Gass, The concept of thr character in fiction, Ed. Michael J. Hoffman
(London: Duke University press, 1998) p. 272

complex individual, more like someone in real life with several facets in
his personality. A static character is one of who does not really change in
the progress of the story; he is the same person at the end as he was in
the beginning. But a dynamic character does change psychological.

According to the statement, since the flat and static character is resembled

that they do not have progress during the story, it is mean that flat character are

nearly static but round character is not only dynamic. Nevertheless, a round

character can be static if during the story he does not develop. In this case, the

author only focuses his work to the major character.

Therefore, the will undergo some important change such as the

personality, the attitude, or the point of view of life as the result of the action in

the story. On the other side the character which does not have significant changes

in the story are called the static character.9

B. Characterization

Characterization just like writer has been said above, that character has

certain trait following them called characterization. There are many ways to know

the characterization’s analysis in the film. The characterization can be understood

through several ways:

1. Characterization through appearance

How the actor look and what kind of clothes he wear is the main aspect of

the characterization. These aspects can de displayed with one of mise-en-scene.

The techniques use to arrange everything in the film in order to make meaningful

frames or shot. The aspects of mise-en-scene are lighting, setting, color, costume

Joseph M. Boggs, The art of watching film 3th ed., (Calofornia: Mayfield Publishing
Company, 1991), p.53.

and make-up and behavior of figures. The writer would do use the costume and

make-up aspect in the discussion because it is easily to identify and become one

of characterization of the character that always appears or wear in the movies (for

example, Esther costume that he always wearing cloth-bracelet in her hand in the

action show her manipulated-identity).

2. Characterization through dialogue

In the film, the characters expose themselves by that action and how they

talk. The words choices, the tone, the stress of voices express their minds,

attitudes and emotions virtually. Furthermore the use of grammar, structure of

sentence, vocabulary, and certain dialect reveal social economy level of the

character, educational background and the mental processes.10

3. Characterization through external action

The characters in the film are instruments of establishing the plot. They

have main purpose in the story therefore they will do everything to achieve it.

These actions are called motives which reveal their personalities. 11 It means that

the personalities will decide how the character acts to gain their purposes.

4. Characterization through internal action

Internal action is the character’s mind and emotion that contain secrets,

unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies. All of

them appear usually in the film. The director can illustrate the character’s

imagination or mind by the technique of shot. And the technique called

cinematographic properties. And of the part is angle and distance. It creates the

Jossephm.boggs (1991), op.cit. p.54
Ibid. p.55

particular visual effect besides that it enhances the definite sense of vigorous or

dramatic situation which is being filmed.12 Angles of framing divided into three

categories: the straight-on angle, the high angle, and the low angle. All these

categories used to communicate the difference of dramatic information or

emotional attitude.13 In addition, the film-maker utilizes the shot of close-up on an

unusually sensitive and expressive face to illustrate the inner action of character. 14

This technique is called by the distance of camera.

5. Characterization through reactions of other characters15

The characterization of the character can be observer by the point of view

from others characters. Sometimes at the beginning of scene has already

demonstrated information about the characterization.

Characterization, in film, is the presentation of the attitudes and the

behavior of imagery person in order to make them credible to the author’s

audience.16 It means that characterization is the way to presenting the character

and make them acceptable to the audience. Actor who represent the character on

the stage also take part in characterizing the character with their own

interpretation to the character.

There are two methods of characterization. The first is, direct

characterization. In this method the author is ‘telling’ the audience about what the

personality of the character is. The second method is indirectly characterization.

Ibid. p.134
Ibid. p.135
Ibid. p.136
Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie The art of watching film 5th ed., (Calofornia:
Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000), p.50-54.
http://en. character, accessed July 31st, 2011.

There are many definitions of character available; here the writer lists only

three important and essential ones as below:

1. A character is an imaginary person that lives in a literary work. Literary

character may be major or minor, static or dynamic.17

2. A character is some one in literary work who has some sort identity (it

does not need to be a strong on), an identity which is made up by

appearance, conversation, action, name and possibly thoughts going in the


3. A character is any person who appears in a work of fiction. Accurately, a

fictional character is the person of conscious entity we imagine to exist

within the world of such work.19

It can be concluded for some definitions above, that a character is any

person, personal, identity, or entity that exists in a literary work. Additionally,

characters may be human, supernatural, mythical, divine, animal, or

personifications of an abstraction. Character can be known through the way the

author portrays in literary works. In such a dialogue, action, and commentary, the

author implies the existence of a character.

Robert Dianne, 2001, Literature Reading fiction, poetry, and drama Singapore: Mc
Grew Fill Companies, p.1447
Richard Gill, 1995, Mastering English Literature, (London: McMillan Master Series),
p. 127
www. Wikipedia. Com. .org/wiki/fictional character, accessed 10/03/2009


A. Data Description

1. Summary of The Story

According to the book “the art of watching movie” by Joseph M. Bogg, he

claims that the developing characters in a movie are deeply affected by the action

of the (internal and external or both) and undergo some important change in

personality, attitude, or outlook on life as a result of the action of the movie

began. Developing characters are found in essential to serious drama.18

Orphan the power of imagination which is directed by Jaume Collet-Serra.

It is told that there is a couple Kate and John who have been passing through

difficult period in their life. They are still in condolence because Kate has

undergone imperfect pregnant. It has made Kate little bit shocked, depressed and

drunk alcoholic drinking water. Kate attitude affects to her relationship to her

husband, John becomes worse.

To take the night mare out off their life. They try to get the way to do it.

They, finally, decide to adopt a child. So they go to an Orphanage. There, they

met Esther. Esther is sweet and smart kid but she had got the worst past time. The

first adoption family was dead in fire chronological. It has been only Esther, the

one who got save from that accident.

The first time Kate and John met Esther, they love her directly. They are

interested in her because she is smart in singing and painting. In the other side,

Joseph M. Bogg (1991), op.cit p.54


they feel sad hearing to her past time. So, finally they decided to adopt her. Esther

becomes Coleman family beside Daniel and Max. Kate and John hopes that Esther

can be younger and elder sister for their both children. The coming of Esther is

hoped take new atmosphere in that family. Yet, that hope is not going to come

true. Slow but sure, Esther changes when she cannot adapt to new environment.

Esther changes to become mysterious and unstable child. Her devil side appears to

revenge and to try killing all families and those who hurts her. Unfortunately,

when it is happened, there is nobody who realizes that there is something wrong

in Esther. She becomes a master mind of Coleman family destruction.

The mysterious event of Esther herself slowly uncovered. The first time

she gets her classmate in accident by pushing her off play tool, but she tells that it

was only common accident. Then, when Daniel incidentally shot using paint ball

gun to dove that makes the animal life to death, Esther kill it using stone and she

said, ” Put it out of its misery. It’s in pain”

Kate herself feels that her husband almost forget her because Esther makes

dramatization of the story to catch John’s attention. No doubt, Esther makes her

hand cut accidentally to get John’s attention.

Seeing something wrong on Esther behavior, Kate tries to tell John. But

John does not believe in her. Instability of Kate soul and her past time makes John

apathy to his wife. Moreover, when the accident that Max get. It’s because of the

carelessness of her. John considers, it is only too much reaction of nervousness of

his wife.

So, Kate tries to afford for saving her family from the terror that Esther has

done. She tries to find out real Esther’s identity and past time. Kate is too

shocked, in fact that Esther, sweet child, changes to become small devil and has

gig secret that never guessed before by Coleman family.

Story or tragedy that is happened in the movie has the power of high logic.

Because it is hoped that one scene to another has strong relation. Yet the end of

the story makes shock to those who catch an eye of the movie.

In this chapter, the writer would like to describe about the data description

of the research. The writer found these data from the text that applies in English

subtitle of the Orphan movie.

While the characteristics below taken based on the characteristics theory

as theoretical framework of this research. The writer does it by reading more

about characteristics and tries to include it to this Orphan movie and then watch it

repeatedly and then he takes the texts below for the data description in this


In the box, it will be there a corpus and its remark that indicates

characteristic of any characters in the story by analyzing dialogue to know what

characteristic that shows by any character.

The explicit explanation about the data that applies in the box will be

elaborated clearly by the data analysis of the story. After this is elaborated, we

know about the plot of the story and we can take conclusion

Table 2
List of Esther Characteristics

No Corpus Time Characteristics

John : Are all these paintings yours?

Esther : Yes, do you like them?
John : They’re remarkable, 0: 15: 43 Talented
Esther : Thank you!

Esther is very shy, reserved and 1: 02: 02 Introvert

2 sensitive girl
Put it out of its misery. It’s in pain
and it’s your Did you kill it? I didn’t
think it would hurt him. responsibility.
It was just an accident. If you walk
3 away now, It’ll starve to death. Is that 0: 29: 54 Sadistic
what you want? I’m not doing it? It’s
all right. It’s in heaven now. What’s
wrong with you?

Tell me what you saw? I saw you and

max in the tree house. What do you
mean? What else what did you see? I
4 didn’t tell anyone, if I find out that
0: 59: 45 Aggresive
you are laying I’II cut your hairless
little prick off before you even figure
out what is for. Do you understand
me? You pissed yourself.
She Tricked family here in Esthonia
when she failed to seduce her father,
5 she killed him and those all family 1:23:49 Trickcy

B. Data Analysis

Based on data description above, the writer takes the data analysis about

Esther character in Orphan especially used characteristics theory.


These data analysis are explanation of the data description above that

explained based on the data collected by the writer.

1. The Characteristics of Esther

a. Esther is a talented girl

Orphan is the suspenseful movie. It is a horror movie that tells Esther, a

young girl. Esther wants to kill John’s family because Esther has a rare hormone

disorder. It’s called hypopituitarism Physical.

Physical examination findings may be normal in subtle presentations.

Patients may present with features attributable to deficiency of target hormones,

including hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, hypogonadism, and failure to

thrive that causes proportional dwarfism

She was born as Leena Klamer in 1973, the beautiful young girl with sharp

nose, brown eyes and long black hair. She had passed her life in dwarfism, but it

did not make her talent disappeared. She is the most talented girl that drives her to

adapt and communicate to people around her even though she looks introvert. And

then she changes her name as Esther.

All her talents had driven to get adoption of a family in Esthonia for the

first time. But she underwent her life without any happiness there because she

loved to her step father but it did not come true, then she burnt all family there

because of her disappointment.

Saarne Institute of Russia had gotten her hospitalized because of abnormal

attitude, but she could get free from there. She, then, arrived at St. Mariana

Orphanage bringing the unforgettable signs her wrist and neck. That’s way she

used to cover of them any time.

Here, for the first time, she finds out her new life. She meets and gathers

with John Coleman Family. The first time they meet, they are talking about Esther

talent of paint.

Figure 1
Esther is a talented girl

The picture above clearly depicts about Esther first meeting with John

Coleman family. Esther and John are talking about her talent in painting.

The dialogue below supports what the picture showed above, between

John and Esther.

John : Are all paintings yours?

Esther : Yes, do you like them?
John : Remarkable.
Esther : Thank you.
John : She painted all these.
Kate : Really, these are fantastic. These are really wonderful.
Esther : Thank you.
Kate : Where did you learn how to do this?
Esther : I’ve just had lots of time to practice.

(Orphan Movie, 0: 17: 23)

The dialogue above clearly depicts about the talent character of Esther. It was

happened in one of St. Mariana Orphanage room. It happens when John is looking

for toilet at that place, he passed through the room where Esther is in it, suddenly

he looked at the room, he is curious about the girl that he looks. Then he enters to

the room and he has directly topic to be spoken.

This meeting gets her join to John Coleman family. This is because John

Coleman is interested in her way of speak and talents.

Figure 2
Coleman’s family consider Esther as talented girl

The picture above depict about welcoming John Coleman’s family. The

Introvert that Esther has disappeared when she welcome her at the house, the

house where a couple John Coleman and Kate live.

Esther’s character is described as talented girl in Orphan, from beginning

until the end of the story. She is supported by supporting characters where they

make the plot of the story becomes more thrilling and attractive, when they are in

conflict. The story also is colored by the aggressive feeling of Esther to her step

father, John Coleman.

b. Esther as is an Introvert Girl

As the central character in Orphan, Esther has a good role. Play as a girl

who lives in dwarfism, Esther grew up as a girl who misses her adultness along

her life. Her life is always in lonely. It means that she cannot interact because of

weakness of her growth body. And she feels unconfident when she meets another

person, but sometimes , by showing her talent she can interact herself. Therefore,

when Esther has joined at John Coleman family, John and Kate get her to school

in order that she can discard her introvert.

Figure 3
Esther is driven to school

The picture above clearly depict about Esther go to the school with Max

and Daniel.

The dialogue below describes about praise Kate for Esther when go to the

school with Max and Daniel.


Kate : Esther, come on we gotta go!

Kate : Sweetheart, this isn’t really a school dress.
Esther : But I like it. Don’t you think it’s pretty?
Kate : Yes, it’s so beautiful.
Esther : You’re afraid the other children will laugh at me.

(Orphan Movie, 0: 27: 23)

It says that Kate is so care about Esther to release her introvert becomes confident.

Praise is the way for Kate to make Esther confident when she wears different

looking of uniform.

Her introvert caharacter previously shown when she met John for the first

time in mariana orphanage at the time when John leaves the bathroom and goes to

look for Kate, but stops when he hears the sound of a girl singing. He follows the

singing and sees a young girl sitting alone in a room, painting. Jon begins to walk

away, when the girl suddenly greets him. Jon steps into the room and the girl

introduces herself as Esther, and John begins to look through her paintings.

They are extraordinary, since Esther seems so young. John asks Esther about

the painting she is working on, and Esther says that each of her paintings tell a

story and that in her current painting, a mother lion is sad because she can't find

her cubs. Jon asks why the mother lion is smiling, and Esther says that it's because

she is dreaming of her cubs. John hopes that she finds them, and Esther says she

will and begins to paint in the lion cubs.

What happened above, it says that Esther is introvert girl. She does not

interact with another child in the orphanage. It is also shown when Esther gets in

the school, her friends always insulted her. The next day at school, Esther is

passing down the hall at the same time as Danny and Tyler. Tyler comments that

Danny's "sister" is a total spaz, but Danny says that she isn't his sister and

purposely knocks a book out of Esther's hands.

As Esther kneels to pick up the book, Brenda comes along and picks it up for

her. When Brenda sees that the book is a Bible, she holds it up and calls Esther a

"Jesus-Freak." Esther tries to take the Bible from Brenda, but it soon falls to the

floor and the pages scatter everywhere. Esther panics and rushes to pick them up,

while a group gathers and begins to laugh at her. Brenda reaches to pull off the

ribbon around Esther's neck, but becomes startled when Esther screams and kicks

until everyone is silent. Danny is extremely weirded out. Esther is screaming as

though she were possessed.

c. Esther considered as sadistic girl.

Her negative behavior that is showed when she kills a bird by using stone

was shot by Daniel. This never been guessed before by them, how cruell she is.

Figure 4
Esther killed a bird by stone

Esther : Did you kill it?

Daniel : I didn’t think it would hurt him.

Esther : Put it out of its misery. It’s in pain and it’s your
Daniel : It was just an accident.
Esther : If you walk away now, it will be starved to death. Is that
what you want?
Daniel : I’m not doing it?
Esther : It’s all right. It’s in heaven now.
Daniel : What’s wrong with you?

(Orphan Movie, 0: 29: 54)

The conversation above shows about the sadistic character of Esther. She

says something to faith Daniel by killing bird. She said to Daniel that the bird was

in pain if he didn’t kill it. Max bear witnesses to what Esther has done. It makes

Daniel and Max felt so sad and shocked about Esther attitude.

Her negative behavior also showed to Brenda who used to be

underestimated her at the school time. One day when Brenda walked alone, Esther

spied from behind and walked after her, till at the play tool she made Brenda in

dangerous by pushing her down from the slide of play tool.

Figure 5
Esther pushes Brenda from slide

The fifth picture depicts about Esther pushes Brenda because of offended.

It means that Esther wants to revenge for every people who make hurt her heart.

She does not accept for people who make a fool of her. She lies to John and Kate

about her action, but Max knew about it.

John : Brenda’s father says that you pushed her.

Esther : That’s not true, we were just playing I swear.
Kate : And did you she what happened?
Max : She slipped.

(Orphan Movie, 0: 44: 05)

The conversation above shows about Esther sadistic attitude. It clearly

shows that she often lies about the truth after doing something danger to others.

She never told about everything she did. And it is also done when she killed

Abigail by using hammer and thrown her to the jungle of the street side in the

time Abigail visited John Coleman family, and tried to make Max almost in car

accident when Kate lives for them inside of the car. It does not make Esther to

stop her action.The pictures below will indicate Esther action.

Figure 6 Figure 7
Esther tried to put Max Esther is killing Abigail and
into danger by starting the engine it is seen by Max
of the car when Max in it

The sixth picture depict about Esther tried to make her in accident by

switching on the car when Max was on the car. Max was alone in the car and

couldn’t do anything, while it was shut.

The seventh picture above depict about killing Abigail by hitting her

hammer many times. She throws Abigail to the jungle. It is done after Abigail

visited John and Family’s house. Again, in this case, Max does not have braveness

to say it even she knew about it well.

Not only the events mentioned above but also Esther tries to scare Daniel

when he is sleeping at night. It shows that Esther has sadistic character.

Esther : Tell me what you saw?

Daniel : I saw you and max in the tree house. What do you mean?
Esther : What else what did you see?
Daniel : I didn’t tell anyone,
Esther : If I find out that you are lying I’II cut your hairless little
prick off before you even figure out what is for. Do you
understand me? You pissed yourself.

(Orphan Movie 0: 59: 45)

Not only scares him, Esther also trying to murder by burning Daniel at the

tree house. They are because of he wants to know about what she has done

recently and actually he does not really like her since she has been coming to his


Figure 8 Figure 9
Esther scares Daniel Esther burns Daniel

The pictures above depict the murder trial and scary of Daniel that is done

by Esther. In the eighth picture Esther tries to scare Daniel by putting knife on his

neck and face while in the ninth picture Esther tries to murder Daniel by burning

him. It only has made Daniel scare, worry, and wounded.

It does not finish yet, Esther keeps on trying to murder Daniel when he is

being hospitalized, because the first trial was failed. It works because no one

knows about what she has done except Max. Here, Kate cannot stand anymore of

expressing her bad feeling about Esther. This makes John takes conclusion that

Kate get traumatic because of imperfect born baby named Jessica.


Figure 10
Esther tries to kill Daniel at the hospital

The tenth picture above depict about Esther trying to kill Daniel at the

hospital. She really wants to kill Daniel because he is the one who wants to

disturb her sadistic attitude to others. Her action has been detected by Kate but

John do not believe that Esther done it. John considers that Kate regain her

traumatic when she was born imperfect baby named Jessica.

d. Esther as Tricky Girl

The real identity of Esther is uncovered when Kate confirmed about Esther

to the university where Esther took education and got reply from academic cavity

there. It was told that she was a genius girl who has gotten the cummlaude mark

in science but it is nobody knows that she has something wrong in her life that

makes people in a danger. As wise word said that look can be deceiving, Esther

always hide in her innocence. It is shown when Sister Abigail will say something

to John and family about who Esther is.


As Kate and Jon speak with Sister Abigail about the accident of Brenda,

Esther panics and goes to Max's room and tells her that a "mean lady" is coming

to take her away and asks Max for help, and Max agrees. They sneak into Jon's

office and begin to search around for the keys to the padlock to the tree house;

Max finds some keys and hands them off to Esther.

Esther uses the keys to unlock Jon's safe, where she finds a gun, partially

loads it and points it directly at Max's forehead and asks Max if she wants to play.

Max, clearly frightened, shakes her head and Esther lowers the gun. Max and

Esther rush to the bridge that isn't far from the house and they know Sister

Abigail's car will pass it. Esther tells Max to stand in front of Sister Abigail's car

and wave her hands to get her to stop, but Max is nervous.

As Sister Abigail comes driving along, Max is frozen with fear and refuses

to move. Having enough, Esther pushes Max onto the road and Sister Abigail

slams on the brakes and her car swerves off the road. Sister Abigail climbs out of

her car and rushes to a hysterical Max. Sister Abigail asks Max if she is okay, but

a shadow looms over her and Sister Abigail looks up, just as Esther beats on her

head with a hammer. Sister Abigail is bleeding and unconscious, but Esther

knows she will probably wake up soon. She pulls Max to her feet and tells her to

stop crying. Esther forces Max to help her move Sister Abigail's body before

another car comes along.

They push her body down a hill, but Sister Abigail regains conscious and

tries to climb back up. Esther grabs the hammer and beats Sister Abigail until she

is pretty bloody and definitely dead. Esther takes a traumatized Max up to the tree

house and removes her bloody gloves and dress, but Max is still crying. Esther

says that if she is caught for the murder, then Max will go to jail with her and tells

Max that she won't tell on her if she doesn't tell on Esther. Max agrees and Esther

comforts her.

Below is the dialogue between Kate and Staff of Saarne Institute, Russia

about the past period of Esther.

Figure 11
Staff of Saarne Institute is telling about Real
Identity of Esther to Kate

Kate : God. How could she fool us?

Dr. Vrava : She tricked family in Esthonia to adopt her, when she
failed to seduce father, she killed him and those all
(Orphan Movie, 1: 31: 49)

The conversation above, between Kate and one of Saarne Institute Staff

who was called before, tells that actually Esther was a genius girl, but her life

becomes worse when she got a rare hormone disorder. It’s called hypopituitarism


e. Esther is an aggressive girl

All things Esther has been done when she lives at Coleman’s family are

only for one destination, namely how to love and to be a wife of John Coleman

replacing Kate, the real wife of John. This is because she saw John and Kate were

making love each other at the kitchen at the night. It was really not good

visualization for young Esther commonly, but she is not really young Esther, she

was Leena Klamer, a girl was born in 1973 who suffered the disorder hormone

that has made her lives in dwarfism.

As an adult and mature girl, of course, her sex desire was raised up

uncontrolly, and wants to makes it true as soon as possible. She did whatever she

considered as the way.

At night, when Kate being hospitalized, Max has been sleeping, Esther

tries to express her feeling during she has lived at the house of John. That

indicates her aggressive attitude as adult, period where a woman needs man to

protect, to love and to lead through her life, to John who is getting drunk because

of the bad events he has undergone in his family life.


Figure 12
Esther tries to pursuit John

Esther : I don’t want to be alone. I’m scared. I love you Dady.

John : You too, honey.
Esther : I really love you.
John : I know.
Esther : John, let me take care of you.
John : What are you doing? What’s gotten into you? What’s going on?
Esther : You said you love me.
John : You are so confused. You know that? I don’t love you like that.
That’s the way Kate and I love each other. You understand?
Esther : I don’t see that.
I do. I just feel like I’m alone sometime in respecting you. I don’t
Think anyone ever thinks about what you might be feeling. I
really care about you John.
John : Yeah, I know Esther.
Esther : You’re a good person, John. You are a great father and
Hand some Man.
(Orphan Movie, 1: 36: 20)

The picture and conversation above shows that Esther is an aggressive

girl. She tells that she loved him like the way he loved Kate. It means that Esther

wants to be admitted as like Kate, a wife. But John never loved her, because he

considers her as adopted child. His feeling and saying made Esther angry and she

directly opens up her identity, as it has been known Ether is not young girl like

she appeared recently, that has been long in secret and she tries to murder him.

John never guessed before that Esther would do thing like that. It is supported by

many pictures of her creation that indicate her desire to have sex to a man. John,

finally, has just believed in what Kate said all about Esther action that becomes a

caution of everything in danger including Daniel.

F. Esther as a Brutal Girl

When John is still in confused about what he has just seen in

Esther room, he is shocked by coming of Esther taking knife in her hand. Esther

stabs him unpredictably and repeatedly when Esther expresses her anger. It seems

he cannot do anything to get off the Esther stabbing. John is bleeding because of

that stabbing and crying because of getting hurt in his body.

John’s dead body is laying down the floor. But Esther is not

satisfied yet, she still wants to kill another family’s member, Max and Kate.

Figure 13

Esther kills John


The thirteenth pictures above depict about Esther is brutality killing John

because she fails to persuade him to be her dream and future husband, not only

John who get murdered but also his mute daughter, Max and her wife are almost

in murdered. Esther is so upset and feels that she cannot get happiness in her life.

This is because John refused her persuasion.

The end of the story is ended by Esther death because she is murdered by

Kate. It is happened when Kate wants to save her mute daughter, Max and it has

been done on the surface of Ice outside of Kate house. This view makes Max

more afraid to the situation and she cries.

There is no more Esther dream because her dream dives with her diving

body inside of snow water, her insight see nothing to the faraway sky. Everything

she has done such as killing Daniel, Abigail, loving to John Coleman, and trying

to kill Max, also what she had done to the family before she had met coleman

family were useless, because they meet the failure. It is different from Max and

Kate’s feeling, they are happy because the situation is better even if people who

had lived for years around them passed away.

They must run their live without people who have been loved for years. For

Max, her father, John Coleman was the man who could guide her family in

happiness and rightness. And for Kate, John and Daniel were royal husband and

good son.


A. Conclusion

After observing and analyzing about a major character of Orphan movie

especially viewed from characteristic theory, the writer realizes that the process of

its analysis is little bit difficult because worry and nervous. It needs patience and

fight tightly, Moreover when the writer collects the descriptive qualitative data to

strengthen this research. In the chapter four, the writer would like to conclude

about her analysis in the last chapters.

Esther as the major character of Orphan movie tells about a dream of girl

to get happiness through her life, but she never gets it, because her way to get it

was the way that leads her into more suffer than she has undergone in her

surrounding before she is adopted from one family to another family. A sadistic

and evil behavior that she has done to get better way of life is caused by disorder

hormone called hypopituitarism; the hypo hormone that is caused by decreasing

secretion of one or more of the eight hormones normally produced by the pituitary

gland at the base of the brain, hypothalamus, or surrounding structures.

Her abnormal attitude makes her family are in dangerous life. She

expresses her emotion in any ways to fulfill something called satisfaction of life

that she had undergone in the past time.

So, Kate tries to afford for saving her family from the terror that Esther has

done. She tries to find out real Esther’s identity and past time. Kate is too


shocked, in fact that Esther as sweet child changes to become small devil and has

secret that can never be guessed before by Coleman family.

The movie warns us that sweet child can be dangerous when she gets

angry or gets trick of adult people. So, we must be careful because “Childs are not

adults play.

B. Suggestion

The writer wants to suggest to all of the English students who have the

intention to analyze about the main character. They have to learn more about the

character and characterization concept on theory. The writer also believes that

without the guidance and advices from the advisor, the research will never be

completed this thesis. And finally, the writer hopes this research will enrich

reader’s knowledge or science and useful as a reading reference.


Boggs, Joseph M. and Petric, Dennis w. The art of watching Films. Edition.
Newyork: myfield publishing company, 2000.

Boggs, Joseph M. The Art of Watching Films Third Edition. California: Mayfield
Publishing Company, 1991, pp 53-55

Dianne, Robert. Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama Singapore. Mc

Grew fill Companies. 2001, p 1447

Dictionary of Film Terms. The Aesthetic Companion to Film Analysis. New York:
Frank E. beaver, 2010

Farkhan, Muhammad, Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra, Jakarta: Cella,


Foresman, Scoot. Literature For Composition San Fransisco Scott Foresman

Company, 1988.

Gass. William.H. The Concept of The Character in Fiction, Ed. Michael J.

Hoffman London: Duke University Press, 1997, p. 272

Gill, Richard. Mastering English Literature. London McMillan Master Series.

1995, p.127

Hunberg, Advanced, oxford learnes dictionary. Uk: Oxford university pres, 2006.

James H. Pickering and Jeffry D.Hooper. Concise Companion to Literature New

York Mac Milan. Publishing co, inc, 1981 p.28 ff

Sutton, Larry M.. Journey: An Introduction To Literature. Boston: Holbrook

Press, inc, 1971 p.5

http://en . wikipedia. Org/wiki/fictional character

http:// The tree encyclopedia, films

Orphan Movie, directed by Jaume Collet-Serra in 2009.


Figure 1 ..................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2 ..................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3 ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 4 ..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 5 ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 6 ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 7 ..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 8 ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 9 ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 10 ..................................................................................................... 26
Figure 11 ..................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12 ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 13 ..................................................................................................... 31


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