API-rbi User Guide
API-rbi User Guide
API-rbi User Guide
1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2 ASSUMPTIONS..................................................................................................................................... 5
3 SOFTWARE SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................ 5
4 SOFTWARE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 5
5 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION............................................................................................................... 6
6 SOFTWARE STARTUP ........................................................................................................................ 7
6.1 Startup ..........................................................................................................................................7
6.1.1 Api-Rbi Installation – Client Tier Only................................................................................. 7
6.1.2 API RBI Installation LOCAL.................................................................................................. 8
6.1.3 API RBI Installation REMOTE............................................................................................... 9
6.2 Shutdown .....................................................................................................................................9
6.3 Run MYSQL Database (Standalone)........................................................................................10
6.4 Shutdown MYSQL Database (Standalone) .............................................................................10
6.5 API RBI Property Editor ............................................................................................................11
6.6 Local DB Connections ..............................................................................................................11
6.7 Remote DB Connections ..........................................................................................................12
6.8 Server Connection.....................................................................................................................12
6.9 Bundle DB ..................................................................................................................................13
6.10 Special Cases ............................................................................................................................13
6.10.1 Start the API RBI Server ..................................................................................................... 13
6.10.2 Start the Client ..................................................................................................................... 14
6.10.3 Close the Client ................................................................................................................... 14
6.10.4 Shut the Server .................................................................................................................... 14
6.11 MS Access–MYSQL links .........................................................................................................15
6.12 Logging software bugs .............................................................................................................22
6.13 Tracking Software Bugs ...........................................................................................................26
7 API RBI VERSION 8.02 FORMS ........................................................................................................ 28
7.1 Basic Form Layout ....................................................................................................................28
7.2 Toolbar Functions .....................................................................................................................29
7.2.1 Remote Node ....................................................................................................................... 30
7.2.2 Filter...................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2.3 Import of API RBI Version 3.3.3 database into Version 8.02........................................... 38
7.2.4 Administrator Tool .............................................................................................................. 41
7.2.5 User Tool .............................................................................................................................. 44
7.2.6 API RBI Property Editor ...................................................................................................... 48
7.2.7 Inspection Category Table Editor ...................................................................................... 48
7.2.8 Fluid Designer...................................................................................................................... 49
7.2.9 PRV Data .............................................................................................................................. 51
7.2.10 Fixed Equipment RBI .......................................................................................................... 51
7.2.11 Administrator’s Guide......................................................................................................... 51
7.2.12 User’s Guide ........................................................................................................................ 53
7.2.13 Help....................................................................................................................................... 54
7.2.14 About .................................................................................................................................... 55
7.2.15 VCEDamge ........................................................................................................................... 56
7.2.16 Backup MYSQL Databases................................................................................................. 56
7.3 Navigation Tree..........................................................................................................................57
7.3.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 57
7.3.2 Available Forms and Actions ............................................................................................. 57
7.3.3 STARTUP.............................................................................................................................. 63
7.3.4 CORPORATION.................................................................................................................... 64
7.3.5 PLANT................................................................................................................................... 65
7.3.6 UNIT ...................................................................................................................................... 66
7.3.7 EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................... 67
7.3.8 COMPONENT ....................................................................................................................... 68
7.4 Input Form/Table Format ..........................................................................................................69
7.4.1 Data fields ............................................................................................................................ 69
7.4.2 Actions ................................................................................................................................. 69
7.4.3 Damage Factors .................................................................................................................. 74
7.5 Corporation Table......................................................................................................................75
7.5.1 TABLE ACTIONS ................................................................................................................. 75
7.5.2 Field Help ............................................................................................................................. 76
7.6 Corporation Form ......................................................................................................................77
7.6.1 FORM ACTIONS...................................................................................................................77
7.6.2 Field Help ............................................................................................................................. 77
7.7 Batch Calculate..........................................................................................................................78
7.8 Calculation in Progress Form ..................................................................................................78
7.9 Calculator Status Report ..........................................................................................................79
7.10 Calc Message Report ................................................................................................................79
7.11 Batch Calculate Filter with Diag...............................................................................................80
7.12 Refreshed Batch Calculate Filter Form ...................................................................................80
7.13 Equipment Form ........................................................................................................................83
7.13.1 FORM ACTIONS...................................................................................................................83
7.13.2 FIELD HELP - EQUIPMENT................................................................................................. 84
7.14 Unit Settings ..............................................................................................................................85
7.14.1 FORM ACTIONS...................................................................................................................85
7.14.2 FIELD HELP UNIT SETTINGS - GENERAL ........................................................................ 86
7.14.3 FIELD HELP UNIT SETTINGS – SOLUTION CONTROL ................................................... 86
7.15 Global Component Settings .....................................................................................................87
7.15.1 FORM ACTIONS...................................................................................................................87
7.15.2 FIELD HELP.......................................................................................................................... 88
7.16 Reports .......................................................................................................................................90
7.16.1 Bundle Damage Modifier .................................................................................................... 91
7.16.2 Bundle Financial.................................................................................................................. 91
7.16.3 Bundle Materials.................................................................................................................. 93
7.16.4 Bundle Process ................................................................................................................... 93
7.16.5 Bundle Risk.......................................................................................................................... 95
7.16.6 Check Number of Inspections........................................................................................... 95
7.16.7 Check Thckness .................................................................................................................. 97
7.16.8 Consequence ....................................................................................................................... 97
7.16.9 Corrosion Rate..................................................................................................................... 98
7.16.10 Cracking Susceptibility .................................................................................................. 99
7.16.11 Damage Report................................................................................................................ 99
7.16.12 Design & Operating Conditions................................................................................... 100
7.16.13 HIC SOHIC......................................................................................................................100
7.16.14 Import ............................................................................................................................. 101
7.16.15 Inspection Due Date – Date Option ............................................................................. 101
7.16.16 Inspection Due Date –Plan Option .............................................................................. 102
7.16.17 Insulated Operating Temperature ............................................................................... 103
7.16.18 Inventory Group ............................................................................................................ 104
7.16.19 Number of Thinning History ........................................................................................ 104
7.16.20 Probability...................................................................................................................... 105
7.16.21 Recommended Inspections ......................................................................................... 105
The purpose of this document is to present a clear and concise procedural outline by which the user may
enter, save, and calculate Risk Based Inspection data using API-RBI v 8.02.
• The user is familiar with the concepts of API Risk Based Inspection as documented in the Base
Resource Document, Second Edition, October 2000.
• API RBI Version 8.02 software has been correctly installed on the computer as described in the API
RBI Version 8.02 Administrators Guide and in the API RBI Installation Guide.
Support for the software is provided for technical issues by Lynne Kaley and for System Support by Mary
API RBI Software
Version 8.02
March 2007
Technical Support System Support
Lynne C. Kaley Mary E. Buchheim
281-480-0556 216-283- 6018
lckaley@equityeng.com mebuchheim@equityeng.com
Software installation instructions are provided in the API RBI Installation Guide. This document presumes
that the software has been successfully installed using the information provided in the Installation Guide.
The installation places 3 shortcuts on the user’s destop as well as 5 menu items in the program menu.
6.1 Startup
The software can be started using either of 3 methods: the Api-Rbi Installation shortcut, the Api-Rbi
Installation LOCAL shortcut, or the Api Rbi REMOTE.
The user will be presented with a database select list. The list includes all of the database folders
in the APIRBI_INSTALLATION\mysql\data folder. Any database can be selected to use as the
primary database.
The software will start in local mode and supply the default username and password for the login as well
as an IP address and port number for the server.
If the user would like to use this shortcut to log into the database as a different user than root, just modify
the properties of the shortcut. The shortcut properties are:
C:\Apirbi_Installation\ref\cmdow.exe /RUN /HID "C:\Apirbi_Installation\APIRBI.bat" -LOCAL -DBSELECT -
ho localhost -us root -pa root
Replace the values of root and root with the appropriate information.
6.2 Shutdown
The software can be shutdown by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the APIRBI application.
6.9 Bundle DB
This provides information about the heat exchanger bundle table. Make changes and press save. You will
be prompted to warn that you are overwriting the apirbiserver.properties file.
The driver is now installed and available for use to link the MySQL database to MS Access.
5. From START, Settings, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Data Sources (ODBC), create a user
DSN MyRemote that uses the MYSQL Driver and points to the MYSQL database.
6. From START, open MS Access, and select a new database – API RBI.
3. On the left side of the screen, you will see - Enter new issue. Select that hyperlink
4. You can enter the information for a new issue here. Because the same form is used for all
software products, some fields may not apply to the software product in question or you may not
have all of the information listed. If the field does not apply or if you do not have the information for
optional fields then simply skip those fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. The most
important information is your name, phone number and email address so that an E2G contact person
can get in touch with you help resolve the issue.
5. When finished with the first screen press the Next button.
6. You will see the information that you have already submitted as well as additional fields. If you
can complete the information, please do so. If you would like to include an attachment, then use the
Browse button to locate the attachment, complete the Description field, and press the Add
Attachment button. When you have finished adding your information then simply press the Submit
Issue button.
7. You will be returned to the add defect screen but with a message indicating that your issue has
been added to Scarab.
2. From the drop down list that begins New and saved queries select Public Queries – API RBI
4. Clicking on the Issue ID field will display details about the issue. .
Tree Input form
Status bar
This option is only available if the Enterprise Database Selection is a Mysql database.
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If the remote database has not been updated for the most recent version of the software then you will
receive the following error.
If the database is a MYSQL database, then the software will upgrade the database to the current version
and connection to the database will be delayed while the upgrade occurs. A message will appear in the
status bar to indicate this activity. Drag/Drop is used to move or copy the desired data to the remote node.
To copy data from 1 database to another, use the following process.
a) In the source database window, highlight the unit to be copied with a single click
b) To Copy the unit, press the CTRL button and the left mouse button and hold while dragging the
unit to the desired location in the target database.
c) Release the left mouse button and respond yes to the alert box.
The status bar will be updated with the following message during the copy process.
When the copy or move is successful, the navigation tree is updated in each database.
To complete the process respond yes to the alert box. The navigation tree will be updated.
7.2.2 Filter
The Filter function is accessed via the Filter icon on the toolbar or from the right click menu at the
Corporation Level.
To add a filter select the ADD button, to edit a filter select Edit. Add or edit the appropriate information.
Attributes are added to filters by adding them to one of 8 groups. Attributes added to 1 group are treated
as AND attributes. This means that a component must satisfy both attributes to be added to the result set.
Attributes placed in separate groups are treated as OR attributes. This means that components that
satisfy either attribute will be added to the result set. If none of the components satisfy the filter, then all
components are returned as a result. The results of the filter are shown below. Green background is a visual indication that a filter is
applied. Filters are removed by returning to the filter page and pressing the Remove Current Filter
button. When the filter is removed the green background on the Nav Tree is removed and the
message in the status bar is updated to show no filter applied.
7.2.3 Import of API RBI Version 3.3.3 database into Version 8.02.
1. Select the Import File Button from the Toolbar or the Import button from the Toolbar
3 Corporation
and plant to
receive data
4 Metric Flag
5. Import generates a report. This report can be reviewed in this window and a decision made to
continue with the import by pressing the Continue button, or cancel the import pressing the Cancel
button. The file that will be imported can be viewed by pressing the View Excel button. This will allow
the user to view the data that has been extracted from the 3.3.3 database. The report generated can
be found in the folder APIRBI_INSTALLATION\import\log folder. No changes can be made to this
file. A search facility is provided to search the file for a specified string.
Cancel import
6. During the import process the screen is greyed out and locked.
Required fields have a yellow background. Optional fields have a white background.
From this form the user can change information about their user data and reset their password when it
expires. When passwords expire the user is sent to this page after attempting to logon with an expired
password. To reset the password perform the following steps:
1. The user details tab allows user to change any User information necessary. Passwords may not be
repeatedly used. The last 10 passwords are not available for reuse.
2. The login tab presents data concening the last user login.
4. The calculation tab is used to allow calculations at the plant leve and to set the diagnostic mode on
for all calculations. Making either of these options active, applies for all calculations requested until
the flags are changed and effect all clients using this server installation.
• When plant level calculations are enabled, when the calculation button is pressed
calculations are performed for all units within the plant.
• When batch diag mode is active, the diagnostic files are generated for all calculations
regardless of whether that option is presented on the batch calculation filter form.
6. The category of inspection is selected from the category drop down list.
7. The information shown in the Intrusive and Non Intrusive Inspection fields changes based on the
Inspection Type of Category.
8. Changes made are saved by selecting Saved or the changes are cancelled by selecting Cancel.
The database has been seeded with all of the fluids from the API RBI 3.3.3 software. These fluid
compositions may not be changed. These fluids can be used as a basis for new fluids by selecting the
edit function and saving the changes with a new fluid name.
1. To edit a fluid select the desired fluid from the dropdown list and press EDIT.
2. To add a fluid press ADD.
3. If you are editing a fluid, select the component you wish to change and select edit or delete.
4. Then change the percent in the mixture, edit the Basis, Equation of State or fluid cost. If you wish to
add an additional component, you will need to edit the percentages for the other components first
before selecting the new component. The software will not allow you to exceed 100% and will scale
your mixture amounts to 100%.
5. If you are adding a new fluid then name the mixture and select its components and their percentages
in the mixture. As you select each component, press the ADD COMPONENT button to add it to the
fluid.The software will not allow you to exceed 100% and will scale your mixture amounts to 100%.
6. When all changes have been made press OK to save your changes.
7.2.13 Help
This Toolbar option presents the Help file for the particular level of the Nav Tree where the user is
7.2.14 About
This Toolbar option presents the About logo, a list of the version information for all parts of the software.
7.2.15 VCEDamge
This Toolbar option will launch the Equity Engineering Program VCEDamageMechanisms if it is present
on the user’s computer.
This option only appears on a computer where the server tier of the software is installed using a MYSQL
database. Using this option, the software automatically performs maintenance and backup activites for
the MYSQL databases. These activities include database maintenance including a check of database
index files, recovery of database files if files are found to be lost or corrupt, an analyis of the database
tables for repair and optimization. A database backup is created from a zip of each database.
This maintenance is important because when Mysql is started, any database listed in the \data folder is
loaded into memory. This allows the user to switch between databases without shutting down Mysql. In
the API RBI application we take advantage of this ability with remote node. However since all of the
databases are loaded into memory, if the software shuts down unexpectedly, the data in all of the
databases is vunerable to being corrupted or lost. For this is the reason, performing maintenance and
backups for all databases is an important task.
In a typical user environment, there will be a limited number of databases available and this activity will
only take a short period of time. In the situation where the user has many databases, the
recommendation is to only keep the necessary databases in the \data folder and to move the other
folders to a separate folder structure to minimize the time required for this activity.
7.3.1 Purpose
The navigation tree is the primary method to navigate through the data records. Data is organized by
Corporation-Plant-Unit, and then by equipment, and then by component.
Administrative Users of the software will see all of the corporations, plants, units available in the
database. Other users will only see the information relevant to their corporation, plant, or unit that was
specified when the user was created.
Navigation Tree Copy Unit, Equipment or Components can be copied from one plant to another plant even to a
different corporation, plant, unit combination. Copy will make a copy of all equipment,
components, damage forms, and inspection history records. Calculation results will not be
copied. It is not possible to copy to/from corporations with a different metric flag setting.
1. Highlight the Unit, Equipment or Component you would like to copy.
2. Hold down the CTRL key and then left mouse button and drag the equipment or component
to the new location. When copying a unit drag to the new plant level, when copying an
equipment drag it to the new unit, and when copying a component, drag it to the new
equipment. If you are copying a unit from one plant to another and a unit with the same name
exists in the new location, the equipment information will be merged with the existing
equipment. If you are copying an equipment or component and the name exists in the new
location, then will be amended to ensure data integrity. An alert box will appear to confirm the
copy request.
3. Release the right mouse key and then the CTRL key. The Copy will stay until the copy is
completed. Rename from the Navigation Tree - When Rename is selected, the user is prompted for a new
name. All references to the old name are replaced with the new name. Delete
• Delete from the Navigation Tree - For equipment and component deletes all information below the
level selected.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For Corporations, Plants, or Units deletes all the information below
the level selected and if the entry deleted is the only instance left at that level, it also deletes the
levels above. Deleting the last unit from a plant for that Corporation deletes that corporation.
1. Highlight the item to be deleted.
2. Respond YES to the prompt. Move
To move a unit, equipment, or component.
1. Highlight the Unit, Equipment or Component
2. Hold down the right mouse and drag the item to its new location on the Navigation Tree.
3. Release the right mouse key and the item will move.
• Upon start up the Navigation Tree displays the API RBI Logo screen.
• Single click navigates down the Navigation Tree and loads the appropriate data into the correct form
- singe click your corporation name to display the Corporation Table filled with data.
• Forms/Actions available from a right click at this level are Corporations, Corporation Table, Filter,
Import, Admin Tools, User Tools, Inspection Category Editor, Administrator’s Guide, User’s Guide,
Help, and About.
• Corporation opens the Corporation Form
• Corporation Table displays the table view for Corporation, Plant and Unit
• Remote Node allows data to be transferred between 2 databases see paragraph 7.2.1.
• Filter is the functionality to filter the database see paragraph 7.2.2
• Import API RBI Version 3.3.3 into Version 8.02 see paragraph 7.2.3
• Administrator Tools opens the Administrator’s Tool see paragraph 7.2..4
• User Tool opens the User Tools see paragraph 7.2.5
• Inspection Category Editor allows users to edit inspection descriptions see paragraph 7.2.7
• Administrator’s Guide is a PDF of that document see paragraph 7.2.11
• User’s Guide is a PDF of this document see paragraph 7.2.12
• Help Displays help information for specific Navigation Tree location see paragraph 7.2.13
• About displays the about information see paragraph 7.2.14
• Single click navigates down the Navigation Tree. A double click loads the appropriate data into the
correct form - double click your corporation name will display the Corporation Form filled with data.
• Forms/Actions available from a right click at this level are Corporation, Rename, Delete, Help, About.
• Corporation presents the data for the current corporation. This form is used to display/edit preload
data for the management systems modification factor and global settings for the risk analysis and
inspection planning analysis
• Rename from the Navigation Tree - When Rename is selected, the user is prompted for a new
name. All references to the old name are replaced with the new name.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For equipment and component deletes all information below the
level selected.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For Corporations, Plants, or Units deletes all the information below
the level selected and if the entry deleted is the only instance left at that level, it also deletes the
levels above. Deleting the last unit from a plant for that Corporation deletes that corporation
• Help Displays this help information
• About displays the about information
7.3.5 PLANT
• Single click navigates down the Navigation Tree. A double click loads the appropriate data into the
correct form - double click your plant name will display the Corporation Form filled with data.
• Forms/Actions available from a right click at this level are Corporations, Rename, Delete, Help, and
• Rename from the Navigation Tree - When Rename is selected, the user is prompted for a new
name. All references to the old name are replaced with the new name.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For equipment and component deletes all information below the
level selected.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For Corporations, Plants, or Units deletes all the information below
the level selected and if the entry deleted is the only instance left at that level, it also deletes the
levels above. Deleting the last unit from a plant for that Corporation deletes that corporation.
• Help Displays this help information
• About displays the about information
7.3.6 UNIT
• Single click navigates down the Navigation Tree. A double click loads the appropriate data into the
correct form - double click your unit name will display the Corporation Form filled with data.
• Forms/Actions available from a right click at this level are Batch Calc Filter, Corporation, Equipment,
Unit Settings, Global Component Settings, Reports ,Expand All, Collapse All , Import, View, Export,
Rename, Delete, Help, and About.
• Batch Calculate – Opens a form to specify the required information to perform a calculation on all
components in this unit.
• Corporation – Displays the Corporation Form for this particular Corporation-Plant-Unit location on the
Navigation Tree.
• Equipment – Create a new piece of equipment in this unit
• Unit Settings – Allows users to change default values used in the new consequence model.
• Global Component Settings – Allows user to edit the global values without changing the base set for
this unit and to apply them to all components in this unit.
• Reports – Opens the Report form
• Expand All – Displays all equipment and all components in this unit
• Find – Search for a component in this unit
• Collapse All – Only displays the unit name in this unit
• Import, View, and Export Spreadsheet – use the Excel based import/export tool to view and edit data
from the database
• Rename from the Navigation Tree - When Rename is selected, the user is prompted for a new
name. All references to the old name are replaced with the new name.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For equipment and component deletes all information below the
level selected.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For Corporations, Plants, or Units deletes all the information below
the level selected and if the entry deleted is the only instance left at that level, it also deletes the
levels above. Deleting the last unit from a plant for that Corporation deletes that corporation.
• Help Displays this help information
• About displays the about information
• Single or double clicking loads an Equipment Form with data from the first piece of Equipment in the
• Forms/Actions available from a right click at this level are Batch Calc, Component, Equipment,
Inventory Group Table, Reports, Rename, Delete, Help, and About.
• Batch Calculate – Opens a form to specify the required information to perform a calculation on all
components in this equipment.
• Component - Create a new component in this piece of equipment
• Equipment – Create a new piece of equipment in this unit
• Inventory Group Table - Table view of all inventory groups for this unit.
• Reports – Opens the Report form
• Rename from the Navigation Tree - When Rename is selected, the user is prompted for a new
name. All references to the old name are replaced with the new name.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For equipment and component deletes all infomation below the level
• Help Displays this help information
• About displays the about information
• Single or double clicking loads a Component Form with data from the first Component in the list.
• Forms/Actions available from a right click at this level are Batch Calculate, Batch Calc with Diag,
Component, Thinning & Linings, Cracking, External Damage, Brittle Fracture, HTHA, Mechanical
Fatigue, Component Data Table, Inspection History Table, Inspection Planning, Reports, Rename,
Delete, Help, About.
• Batch Calculate – Opens a form to specify the required information to perform a calculation for this
• Batch Calculate With Diag– Opens a form to specify the required information to perform a calculation
for this component with varying levels of diagnostics..
• Component Create a new component in this piece of equipment
• Damage, Inspection, and Inspection Planning Forms
• Component Data Table – Contains application wide values for gff, minimum thicknesses, down
times, and failure costs for each of 4 hole sizes.
• Reports – Opens the Report form
• Rename from the Navigation Tree - When Rename is selected, the user is prompted for a new
name. All references to the old name are replaced with the new name.
• Delete from the Navigation Tree For equipment and component deletes all information below the
level selected.
• Help Displays this help information
• About displays the about information
7.4.2 Actions
Standard Action buttons are generally
• Save Data – Saves data to database, Pressing the SAVE button saves data on all tabs.
• Help – Displays form/table help,
• Delete – Deletes current record from database,
• Comments – Popup window for comments
• Next Record
• Previous Record
Error checking - Any time a SAVE function is requested, the data on the form is validated for acceptable
type of data, if data is within the minimum/maximum range, and presence of required data. Validation
errors are returned on an Error Message reply.
If a user has changed a value on a form, and then attempts to move off of the form without saving the
change, the user is prompted to make a decision.
Help is provided for each form/table and for each individual field on a form or table. Field help contains
the field name, units for English and metric systems, help information, range of values.
• Form Help
• Field Help
When comments have been saved, the comments button will appear white.
Calculation is done from the Batch Calculate or Batch Calculate with Diag forms
• If the What-If flag is YES, then What-If Flag = YES
Fields switched
to accept input
Calculate Button
• Calculate – performs calculations based upon changes to What-If fields, however no changes are
saved to the database.
1. Inserts a blank row into current table
2. Required fields are Corporation, Plant, Unit, and Metric_Flag.
1. Required fields are Corporation, Plant, Unit, and Metric_Flag.
2. Note only the highlighted row will be saved upon selecting the Save Data button
3. Select Save Data button from the action panel
4. If data passes validation the New Corporation will be appended to the bottom of the list
5. If validation fails the user errors are immediately displayed in the error reply message
View this form help screen.
Delete current Corporation from database
Status Messages
Calculator status messages are displayed in the status bar. These messages show the user, status, and
unit being calculated.
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There are two reports available that give a status report on the requested calculations.
• View Diag – review diagnostic files generated by calculator, number and level of diagnostics is
determined by the Diagnostic Type field,
• View Plots – review plots generated by the calculator. Plots may be produced as line, pie and bar
plots. The next and previous buttons may be used to move from component to component to view plots.
1. Risk at current date
3. DF at current date
Comments can be added for any equipment, component, or damage record. When comments have been
saved, the comments button will appear white.
7.16 Reports
This form lists the available reports for the software. Data included in the report is a function of the level
on the Navigation Tree. If Reports are selected at the Corporation level more data records are included
than if the report is requested at the equipment level, when only data for that equipment is listed in the
report. Reports have been grouped according to their purpose. Groups are all, bundle, consequence,
damage, inspection planning and risk, tank.
7.16.8 Consequence
7.16.14 Import
7.16.20 Probability
7.16.22 Risk
7.16.32 Toxic
7.16.33 Fluids
7.16.35 Materials
7.17 Find
This is a search for a component from the Navigation Tree. This is a single time operation. There is no
find next.
1. Select Find from the right click menu at the unit level.
2. Enter the search string. Options are : Equals, Contains, Starts With, Ends With
3. Select Search and the navigation tree will be expanded and the first match will be selected.
The software has a default configuration for the export of Fixed Equipment, Tanks, PRVs, Heat
Exchanger Bundles, and Supplemental damage forms.
When the export is complete, the time required is shown as well as the ok button.
The spreadsheet will open after a few seconds to display the data. For the fixed equipment there is a
spreadsheet for the basic data in the Basic sheet, information for each type of damage is included on
individual sheets.
To import data, use the rbiexport.xls spreadsheet to add your data. Each sheet must have Corporation,
Plant, Unit, Metric Flag, Equipment, Equipment Type, Component, and Component Type in each row.
Select lists are available for data items that have several prescribed selections. When you have
completed your edits/additions, save and close the spreadsheet and then select Import Spreadsheet.
Data will only be imported from RBIExport.xls.
If there are errors in the data imported, the software will attempt to complete the import and then report
any errors into an RBIError.xls spreadsheet. The row containing the erroneous data is painted yellow
while the specific cell is painted green. A comment is added to the cell that contains the error message.
Each sheet in the spreadsheet is independent. If you are not changing any data on a particular sheet you
can delete that sheet. Do not delete the sheet named TransSheet. The top 3 rows are hidden and you
cannot insert columns into the spreadsheet. If you are changing date information, prefix the date with a ‘
mark to maintain the API RBI Date format of YYYY-MM-DD.
The import process produces an input file for each row on each sheet. If you are importing a significant
number of components, the process may take some time.
1. Inserts a blank row into current table
2. Required fields are Inventory Group and Isolation Method
1. Required fields are Inventory Group and Isolation Method
2. Note only the highlighted row will be saved upon selecting the Save Data button
3. Select Save Data button from the action panel
4. If data passes validation the New Inventory Group will be added to the database
5. If validation fails the user errors are immediately displayed in the error reply message
View this form help screen.
Delete current Inventory Group data from database
Calculated_Tmin = (in : mm) A computed minimum required Wall Thickness (TMIN-Calculated) used in
all other calculations where the TMIN-Specified value is 0
Allowable_Stress = (psi : Mpa) The computed Component Allowable Stress
Calculated MAWP = (psig : Mpa) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Based On The Current
TubeSide Calculated MAWP = (psig : Mpa) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Based On The
Current Thickness
Weld_Joint_Effy = The Component Weld Joint Efficiency or Area Factor for B31.8. The default value is
0.85 (Optional Input)
Calculated Weld_Joint_Effy = The Component Weld Joint Efficiency or Area Factor for B31.8. The
default value is 0.85 (Optional Input)
PWHT = Option Flag to indicate Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)
Insulation = Option Flag to indicate external insulation
Heat_Tracing = Option Flag to indicate Heat Tracing (equipment is steam-traced or electric-traced – e.g.
for freeze protection)
Geometry_Type = A Component Geometry Type that is applicable, but limited to a given Equipment
Type. Component Types include Cylinder, Elbow, Sphere, Hemi-Head, Elliptical Head, Torispherical
Head, Conical Shell, or Nozzle
Bend_Radius = (in : mm) The Bend Radius for Elbows or Pipe Bend. The Bend Radius is (1.5 x
Component Diameter) when Component Type = “ELBOW” or “PIPE BEND,” otherwise Bend Radius is set
to 0
Cone_Angle = (Deg : Deg) The Half-Apex Angle of the Conical Shell. The Half-Apex Angle of the
Conical Shell is 30 when Component Type is = TOR (Torispherical), otherwise it is set to a default of 0.
Half-Apex Angle of the Conical Shell must be LT 30
Crown_Radius = (in : mm) The Torispherical Head Crown Radius is used to compute a Wall Thickness.
The Torispherical Head Crown Radius is only required when Component Type is = TOR (Torispherical),
otherwise it is set to a default of 0. Torispherical Head Crown Radius must be GT the Component
Diameter and GT the Knuckle Radius
Diameter_InnerDiameter = (in : mm) A required entry for Component Diameter used to compute a Wall
Thickness. The Outside Diameter is used for Piping, while the Inside Diameter is used for all other
Component Types
Head_Major_To_Minor_Ratio = The Elliptical Head Major-To-Minor Axis Ratio is used to compute a Wall
Thickness. The Elliptical Head Major-To-Minor Axis Ratio is 2 when Component Type = ELLIPTICAL,
otherwise it is set to a default of 0.0
Knuckle_Radius = (in : mm) The Torispherical Head Knuckle Radius is used to compute a Wall
thickness. The Torispherical Head Knuckle Radius is only required when Component Type is =
Torispherical, otherwise it is set to a default of 0. Torispherical Head Knuckle Radius must be GT
0.06*Component Diameter
Length = (in : mm) Component length that is used to compute the component volume. (Optional Input)
Nominal_Diameter = (in : mm) Nominal Diameter is used only in conjunction with Furnished Nominal
Thickness. If the appropriate Furnished Nominal Thickness and Nominal Diameter are input, then
Furnished Thickness and Component Diameter will be determined. It is a required input if Furnished
Thickness = 0.0 (not specified) and Furnished Nominal Thickness is specified from choice list
Furnished_Thk = (in : mm) Furnished Thickness Excluding Cladding. The Furnished Thickness is the
total wall thickness at the time of equipment installation. Either Furnished Thickness or Nominal
Thickness must be specified. If Furnished Thickness and Furnished Nominal Thickness are both
specified, then Furnished Thickness will be used in the calculations
The default value is 1.0
Nominal_Thickness = (in :mm) Furnished Nominal Thickness Excluding Designation. If specified, this
Thickness Designation will be used to determine Furnished Thickness. Either Furnished Thickness or
Furnished Nominal Thickness must be specified. If Furnished Thickness and Furnished Nominal
Thickness are both specified, then Furnished Thickness will be used in the calculations
Corrosion_Allow = (in : mm) The thickness allotted to account for corrosion. (Optional Input)
Default_Matl_Mult = Base Material Cost Multiplier relative to Carbon Steel. The default value is 1.0
BM_Spec = Base Material Specification list based on the Construction Code selected
BM_Grade = Base Material Grade based on the Construction Code selected
BM_Year = Base Material Year based on the Construction Code selected
BM_UNS = Base Material UNS based on the Construction Code selected
BM_CCT = Base Material Class Condition Temper based on the Construction Code selected
BM_S_T = Base Material Size/Thickness based on the Construction Code selected
BM_GM = Base Material Generic Material Classification
Furnished_Cladding_Thk = (in :mm) The Furnished Cladding or Overlay Thickness is the total Wall
Thickness at the time of equipment installation (Optional Input)
CM_Spec = Cladding/Overlay Material Specification list based on the Construction Code selected
CM_Grade = Cladding/Overlay Material Grade based on the Construction Code selected
CM_Year = Cladding/Overlay Material Year based on the Construction Code selected
CM_UNS = Cladding/Overlay Material UNS based on the Construction Code selected
CM_CCT = Cladding/Overlay Material Class Condition Temper based on the Construction Code selected
CM_S_T = Cladding/Overlay Material Size/Thickness based on the Construction Code selected
CM_GM = Base Material Generic Material Classification
Component_Comments = Analyst Comments (Optional Input)
Available_Inventory_Group = List of available Inventory_Group names for selection in the Component
Area = Grouping field
Exchanger_Type = Type of service for Bundle. Select from: Comp Discharge & Interstage Coolers,
HSRG/Waste Heat Boiler, HT Feed/Effluent Exchanger, Liquid Steam Heater, Liquid/Liquid Heat
Exchanger, Lube Oil/Seal Oil Exchanger, Process Liquid Water Cooler, Product Cooler, Reheater, Steam
Generator, Steam Reboiler, Vapor Condenser, Vapor Cooler, Vapor Steam Heater, Vaporizer,
Vapor/Vapor Heat Exchanger
Orientation = Select heat exchanger orientation: horizontal or vertical
TEMA_Type = Select type of TEMA Heat Exchanger. Select type of TEMA Heat Exchanger. Select from:
BKU, BXU, CEN, CEU, CFU, NEN, NKN, Brown Fintube, Plate & Frame
Shell Diameter = (in:mm) Diameter of Shell. This value along with tube length and tube metallurgy is used
to estimate the cost of the tube bundle if bundle cost is not entered on the component setting tab.
Number_Of_Passes = Number of tubeside passes.
Tube_Type = Type of Tube used in bundle Options are: Plain, Internal Finned Tube, External Finned
Tube, Twisted Tube
Tube_Quantity = Number of tubes. Note for U-tube bundles this is the number of straight tubes, (ie
number of holes in the tubesheet.)
Tube OD = (in : mm) Outside Diameter of Tubes
Length = (ft : M) Component length that is used to compute the component volume. (Optional Input) See
Geometry Parameters for more details For tube bundles (component_type = HEXTUBE) enter the straight
length of the tube. This value along with shell diameter and tube metallurgy is used to estimate the cost of
the tube bundle if bundle cost is not entered on the component setting tab.
Tube_Coating = Select the location of any tube coatings. This is only used as a matching criteria for the
reliability databases. Select from: None, ID, OD, Both
U-Tube PWHT = Option Flag to indicate Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) For tube bundles,
component_type = HEXTUBE, this is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability databases.
Furnished_Thickness = (in : mm) Furnished Thickness Excluding Cladding. The Furnished Thickness is
the total wall thickness at the time of equipment installation. Either Furnished Thickness or Nominal
Thickness must be specified. If Furnished Thickness and Furnished Nominal Thickness are both
specified, then Furnished Thickness will be used in the calculations For component_type = HEXTUBE,
use the table below and enter the tube thickness. This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability
BWG Thickness (in.) Thickness (mm)
8 0.165 4.191
10 0.134 3.404
11 0.120 3.048
12 0.109 2.769
13 0.095 2.413
14 0.083 2.108
16 0.065 1.651
18 0.049 1.245
20 0.035 0.889
Tube_Material_Spec = Tube Material Spec. This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability
databases. Select from: Unknown, SA-106-B, SA-179, SA-199-T11, SA-199-T5, SA-213-T5, SA-213-T9,
SA-213-T11, SA-213-TP304, SA-213-TP316, SA-213-TP316L, SA-214, SA-249-TP304, SA-249-TP316,
SA-268-TP430, SB-111
Tube_Material = Generic Tube Material. This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability
databases. Select from Unknown, 1.25Cr, 12Cr,1Cr, 2.25Cr, 2205 Duplex SS, 2304 Duplex SS, 2507
Duplex SS, 304/309/310, 304L/321/347, 316, 316L, 317L, 410SS, 430 SS, 439 SS, 444 SS, 5Cr, 70/30
CuNi, 90/10 CuNi, 904L, 9Cr, AL6XN/254 SMO, Admiralty Brass, Alloy 20Cb3, Alloy 600, Alloy 625, Alloy
800, Alloy 825, Alloy C276, Aluminum Alloy, Aluminum Brass, Bimetallic, C-1/2 Mo, Carbon Steel,
Ceramic, Ferralium 255, Monel 400, Muntz, Nickel 200, Plastic, Red Brass, Sea-Cure/E-Brite, Titanium
Gr. 12, Titanium Gr. 16, Titanium Gr. 2, Zeron 100, Zirconium Alloy, Other
TSHT_Material_Spec = Tubesheet Material Spec. This is only used as a matching criteria for the
reliability databases. Select from : Unknown, SA-105-II, SA-105-N, SA-182-F1, SA-182-F11, SA-182-F22,
SA-182-F304, SA-182-F316, SA-182-F5, SA-182-F9, SA-204-B, SA-212-B FBX, SA-240-316L, SA-240-
TP304, SA-240-TP321, SA-266-II, SA-285-C, SA-350-LF2, SA-515-70, SA-516-70, SA-675-70, SB-171,
TSHT_Material = Generic Tubesheet Material. This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability
databases. Select from : Unknown, 1.25Cr, 12Cr, 1Cr, 2.25 Cr, 2205 Duplex SS, 304/309/310,
304L/321/347, 316, 316L, 317L, 410SS, 430SS, 439 SS, 5Cr, 70/30 CuNi, 90/10 CuNi, 904L, 9Cr,
AL6XN, Admiralty Brass, Alloy 20Cb3, Alloy 600, Alloy 625, Alloy 800, Alloy 825, Alloy C276, Aluminum
Alloy, Aluminum Brass, C-1/2 Mo, Carbon Steel, Ceramic, Copper-other, Monel 400, Muntz, Nickel 200,
Other, Plastic, Red Brass, Titanium Gr. 2, Zirconium Alloy
T_Cladding_Material = Generic Tubesheet Cladding Material. This is only used as a matching criteria for
the reliability databases. Select from : Unknown, NoneCarbon Steel,C-1/2
Mo,1Cr,1.25Cr,2.25Cr,5Cr,9Cr,12Cr,304L/321/347,304/309/310,316L,317L,2205 Duplex SS,2304 Duplex
SS,2507 Duplex SS,Alloy 20Cb3,904L,AL6XN,430 SS,439 SS,Sea-Cure/E-Brite,Admiralty
Brass,Aluminum Brass,Red Brass,90/10 CuNi,70/30 CuNi,Copper-Other,Monel 400,Alloy 800,Alloy
825,Alloy 600,Alloy 625,Alloy C276,Nickel 200,Titanium Gr. 2,Titanium Gr. 12,Titanium Gr. 16,Aluminum
Alloy,Zirconium Alloy,Non-Metallic Coating,Plastic,Other
Impingement_Plate = Flag to indicated presence of impingment plate: Unknown, Yes, No Found on
TEMA datasheet
Tube_Joint_Design = Select tube joint design : Unknown, Rolled, Seal Welded, Strength Welded
Baffle_Type = Type of Baffle. Options are: Unknown, Single Segmental, Double segmental, Triple
segmental, Rod Baffle
Percent_Toxic = Percentage Of Toxic Fluid In Operating Stream (%) (Optional Input) Original
Consequence Model Only
Toxic_Duration = (min : min) The specified Duration of Toxic Release Event is used if it is GT 0.0,
otherwise, it is computed using Paragraph of the BRD (Minutes) Original Consequence Model
Operating_Conditions_Comments = Analyst comments (Optional Input)
TS_Fluid_Name = Tubeside Fluid Select from all original fluids as well as fluids defined with the fluid
TS_Fluid_Category = Select from :Unknown, Light crude feed,Heavy crude feed, Crude tower overheads,
Hydrogen, Fuel gas (ethane/methane/LNG), Ethylene, Syngas, LPG (propane/butane), Olefins
(propylene/butylene/amylene), Gasoline
(naphtha/pentane/hexane/heptane/LSR/Polymerate/hydrocrackate/isomerate/reformate/alkylate) , Ethers
(MTBE/TAME), Alcohols (methanol/ethanol), Light Distillate (Kero/#1 oil/Jet), Medium Distillate
(Diesel/LGO/LCO/#3 oil/coker gas oil), Heavy Distillate (AGO/HGO/HCO), Atmospheric resid, Lube oil
(seal oil), Vacuum residue (#6 Oil/Bunker), Visbreaker residue (FCC Slurry/MF bottoms), Sludge (API
Separator Btms), Rich Amine, Lean Amine, Benfield or other non-amine based acid gas removal, Sour
Water, Tempered water/non-corrosive liquid, BFW, Steam/Condensate, Caustic Solution, Spent Caustic,
Acid Gas (Tail Gas), Sulfur Liquid, H2S, Hydrofluoric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid", <li>Other
Acid, Cooling Tower Water- corrosive, Cooling Tower Water- non-corrosive, River water, Well water,
Brackish water, Sea water, Waste Water, Inert Gas, Air, CO2
TS_Fluid_Phase = Tubeside Fluid phase : Unknown, Gas, Liquid, Two Phase
TS_Calculated_Phase = % Liquid as calculated for the specific fluid composition, at the Operating
Temperature and Pressure
TS_Fouling_Severity Measure of the propensity of the Tubeside fluid to foul. Select from : Unknown,
None, Mild, Moderate, Severe
TS_Design_Tube_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity. This is only used as a matching criteria for
the reliability databases.
SS_Process_Unit = This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability databases. In general,
tubeside and shellside process units will be the same. However, in tighly integrated units, tubeside and
shellside units may be different. Additionally, there are some instances, such as when the user wants to
track bundles in a cooling water system, where different process units may be entered. Select from:
Unknown, Amine Regeneration, Amine Treating, Aromatics Recovery (Solvent Extraction/Toluene
Dealkylation), Catalytic Reforming (CCR), Catalytic Reforming (Fixed Bed), Caustic Treating (Merox),
Crude Distillation Unit, Cumene, Delayed Coker, Distillate Fractionator, Fluid Coker, Dimersol, Ether Plant
(MTBE/TAME), Fluid Catalytic Cracking, Sat Gas Plant, Unsat Gas Plant (FCC GasCon), Gas Separation
(nitrogen/oxygen), HF Alkylation, Hydrotreater (Desulferizer/Hydrocracker 1st Stage), Hydrocracker (2st
Stage), Hydrogen Reforming, Isomerization, LPG Refrigeration, Lube Plant, Polymerization, Partial
Oxidation, Selective Hydrogenation Unit (SHU), Sour Water Stripper, Sulfolane, Sulfur Recovery Unit,
Sulfuric Acid Alkylation, Sulfuric Acid Plant, Tail Gas Treater (SCOT/Stretford/Wellman-Lord/others),
Thermal cracking (Visbreaker), Vacuum Unit, Cooling Tower Water, Cooling Water - other
SS_Operating_Pressure = (psig : MPa) Shellside Operating Pressure
SS_Inlet_Temperature = (°F : °C) Shellside Inlet Temperature
SS_Outlet_Temperature = (°F : °C) Shellside Outlet Temperature
SS_Fluid_Name = Shellside Fluid Select from all original fluids as well as fluids defined with the fluid
SS_Fluid_Category = Select from :Unknown, Light crude feed,Heavy crude feed, Crude tower overheads,
Hydrogen, Fuel gas (ethane/methane/LNG), Ethylene, Syngas, LPG (propane/butane), Olefins
(propylene/butylene/amylene), Gasoline
(naphtha/pentane/hexane/heptane/LSR/Polymerate/hydrocrackate/isomerate/reformate/alkylate) , Ethers
(MTBE/TAME), Alcohols (methanol/ethanol), Light Distillate (Kero/#1 oil/Jet), Medium Distillate
(Diesel/LGO/LCO/#3 oil/coker gas oil), Heavy Distillate (AGO/HGO/HCO), Atmospheric resid, Lube oil
(seal oil), Vacuum residue (#6 Oil/Bunker), Visbreaker residue (FCC Slurry/MF bottoms), Sludge (API
Separator Btms), Rich Amine, Lean Amine, Benfield or other non-amine based acid gas removal, Sour
Water, Tempered water/non-corrosive liquid, BFW, Steam/Condensate, Caustic Solution, Spent Caustic,
Acid Gas (Tail Gas), Sulfur Liquid, H2S, Hydrofluoric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid", <li>Other
Acid, Cooling Tower Water- corrosive, Cooling Tower Water- non-corrosive, River water, Well water,
Brackish water, Sea water, Waste Water, Inert Gas, Air, CO2
SS_Fluid_Phase = Shellside Fluid phase : Unknown, Gas, Liquid, Two Phase
SS_Calculated_Phase = % Liquid as calculated for the specific fluid composition, at the Operating
Temperature and Pressure
SS_Fouling_Severity = Measure of the propensity of the Shellside fluid to foul. Select from : Unknown,
None, Mild, Moderate, Severe
SS_Design_Tube_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity. This is only used as a matching criteria for
the reliability databases.
Production_Cost = ($/day : $/day) The Cost associated with Production Loss, Global Setting for all
Components in this Unit (Default used in Consequence & Risk Table) (Optional input with a default value
= 100,000.0)
Analysis_Modification = Brief Description of Analysis Modification
Inspection_Plan_Basis = Option Flag to indicate the basis for the risk measure to be used in determining
the next Inspection date [Financial Risk (default) or Area Risk] required
Area_Risk_Target = (ft²/yr : m²/yr) The Global Settings field for the Target Area Risk (the area risk for
establishing a future inspection date); Target Area Risk is only used if the Inspection_Plan_Basis = area.
The Target Area Risk set in the Global Settings Form is the default value. Required if inspection plan
basis is area
Financial_Risk_Target = ($/year :$/year) The Global Settings field for the Target Financial Risk (the
financial risk for establishing a future inspection date); Target Financial Risk is only used if the
Inspection_Plan_Basis = Financial (Risk Flag indicates the basis of risk measure to be used in
determining the next inspection). The Target Financial Risk set in the Global Settings Form is the default
value. Required if inspection plan basis is financial
Max_Insp_Int = (yrs : yrs) Maximum Inspection Interval (default = 10 years) is used as an Upper Bound
to the computed Inspection Interval (Optional Input) For Component_Type=HEXTUBE, the maximum
inspection Interval = 25 years.
Turn_Around_Date_1 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 1 For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
Turn_Around_Date_2 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 2 For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
DF_Target = Damage Factor Target
Production_Cost = ($/day : $/day) The Cost associated with Production Loss, Global Setting for all
Components in this Unit (Default used in Consequence & Risk Table) (Optional input with a default value
= 100,000.0)
Analysis_Modification = Brief Description of Analysis Modification
Inspection_Plan_Basis = Option Flag to indicate the basis for the risk measure to be used in determining
the next Inspection date [Financial Risk (default) or Area Risk] required
Area_Risk_Target = (ft²/yr : m²/yr) The Global Settings field for the Target Area Risk (the area risk for
establishing a future inspection date); Target Area Risk is only used if the Inspection_Plan_Basis = area.
The Target Area Risk set in the Global Settings Form is the default value. Required if inspection plan
basis is area
Financial_Risk_Target = ($/year :$/year) The Global Settings field for the Target Financial Risk (the
financial risk for establishing a future inspection date); Target Financial Risk is only used if the
Inspection_Plan_Basis = Financial (Risk Flag indicates the basis of risk measure to be used in
determining the next inspection). The Target Financial Risk set in the Global Settings Form is the default
value. Required if inspection plan basis is financial
Max_Insp_Int = (yrs : yrs) Maximum Inspection Interval (default = 10 years) is used as an Upper Bound
to the computed Inspection Interval (Optional Input) For Component_Type=HEXTUBE, the maximum
inspection Interval = 25 years.
Turn_Around_Date_1 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 1 For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
Turn_Around_Date_2 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 2 For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
DF_Target = Damage Factor Target
Tank_Environ_Sensitivity = Select Low, Medium, or High. Determines the expected cost factor per barrel
of spilled fluid for environmental clean up in worst case scenario.
Tank_Welded_Flag = Flag to indicate if tank is welded or not. If tank is welded factor is 1 if the tank is
riveted the factor is 10.
Tank_API653_Flag = Flag to indicate if tank is maintained according to API653. If API653 is used the
factor is 1, if API653 is not used the factor is 5.
Tank_Soil_Type = Foundation Soil Type. Each soil type has a specific permeability to various fluids.
Choices are Coarse Sand, Fine Sand, Very Fine Sand, Silt, Sandy Clay, Clay, Asphalt-Concrete.
Tank Settlement Flag = Options are API653OK - Evaluated per API653 and ok, API653NG Evaluated per
API653 and not good, Never Evaluated, Concrete
Tank_Release_Prevent_Flag = Flag to indicate if tank has a leak prevention barrier
Tank_Product_Leave_Dike = Percentage of Product that would escape the Dike
Tank_Product_Leave_Dike_On = Percentage of Product that leaves the dike that contaminates on site
soil (within the boundary of the facilty)
Tank_Product_Leave_Dike_Off = Percentage of Product that leaves the dike that contaminates off site
soil (outside the boundary of the facilty)
Tank_Distance_Ground_Water = ( ft : m) Shortest measured or minimum vertical distance from tank floor
to ground water
Production_Cost = ($/day) The Cost associated with Production Losses. (Optional input with a default
value = 100,000.0)
Production_Impact = Select type of impact for bundle leak: None, Bypass, Bypass with Rate
Rate_Cut = Percentage reduction in capacity as a result of bypassing a heat exchanger for repair or
bundle replacement. Required if Production Impact set to Bypass with Rate Reduction
Planned_SD = Number of days required to repair or replace failed exchanger bundle when the shutdown
is planned. This value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to determine the optimal bundle
replacement frequency. (days)
Unplanned_SD = Number of days required to repair or replace failed exchanger bundle when the
shutdown is unplanned (days). This should typically be a longer duration than a planned shutdown to
allow for lead time to mobilize or to purchase a replacement bundle.
Bundle_Cost = $ Cost of replacement bundle. If not input by the user, this value will be estimated based
on the size and metallurgy of the tube bundle.
Bundle_Install_Cost = $ Cost of maintenance required to remove, clean, and re-install exchanger
Hurdle_Cost = % This is the rate (Return on Investment) above the economic break even point at which a
decision to inspect or replace a bundle is made. This is only used in the CBA. For example, if the cost to
replace a bundle is $100,000 and the user requires a 25% Hurdle Rate (ROI), the software will
recommend bundle replacement when the risk savings exceeds $125,000. Default is 0.0.
Lost_Opportunity = $ Additional cost beyond production losses or environmental costs as a result of
bundle failure. For example, this value can be used to enter the costs associated with damage to cooling
towers resulting from bundle failures.
Environmental_Impact = Environmental costs associated with bundle failure.
Turn_Around_Date_1 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 1 <br>For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
Turn_Around_Date_2 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 2 <br>For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
Tube_Wall_Failure_Fraction = Define the fraction of wall thickness that constitutes bundle failure (number
between 0.0 and 1.0). Default is 0.5 Volumes
If the percent liquid is not supplied for a component, then the following values are used.
Est_Vapor_Volume = (ft3 : m3) Estimated Component Vapor Volume is used in the calculations only if
input is GT 0.0
Est_Liquid_Volume = (ft3 : m3) Estimated Component Liquid Volume is used in the calculations only if
input is GT 0.0
Component_Vapor_Density = (lbm/ft3 : Kg/m3) The calculated vapor density. When the OLD
consequence modeler is selected on the Component Setting tab, the vapor density is calculated
assuming the Ideal Gas Law using the molecular weight (from Table 5.2 of Part 3 of API RP581) and the
operating pressure and temperature of the fluid. When the NEW consequence modeler is selected, the
software calculates the density based on the operating conditions and the fluid composition entered by
the User.
Component_Liquid_Density = (lbm/ft3 : Kg/m3) The calculated liquid density. When the OLD
consequence modeler is selected on the Component Setting tab, the liquid density comes from Table 5.2
of Part 3 of API RP581. When the NEW consequence modeler is selected, the software calculates the
density based on the operating conditions and the fluid composition entered by the User.
Total Calculated Mass = (lbm : kg) This is the calculated fluid mass of the component. This value will be
used by the software, only when a estimated value (Total Estimated Value) has not been entered by the
The filters appear in the panel on the left. The selected filter are on the right. Use the + to add a filter that
matches the current bundle.
Use the +Edit button to add a of criterion but change the value used in for the filter.
Use the X to remove 1 filter and the XX to remove all applied filters.
Once a satisfactory set of filters have been applied, save the component. The seleced criteria will be
applied to the reliability database and a weibull statistical analysis will be performed. The bundles
included in the cut set can be reviewed by pressing the Bundle Matches button. The Component must be
saved for the filters to be applied, the Bundle Matches to be updated, and the Weibull calculations to be
Deadleg_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Deadleg; Deadleg is defined as a section of piping or piping
circuit that is used only during intermittent service such as start-ups, shutdowns, or regeneration cycles
rather than continuous service
Deadleg_Inspection = Option Flag to indicate Deadleg Point Effective Inspection
Thinning_Type = The Thinning Type (General or Local) It is needed for the Inspection Effectiveness
Tables G-6A And G-6B In The BRD. It can be specified. If it is not specified, Thinning Type will be
computed based on the value of Governing Thinning Mechanism (MECH_THIN) and Table G-5 of the
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Corrosion_Rate = Option Flag to indicate How the Base Material Corrosion Rate is Computed
BM_Estimated_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Base Material Estimated Corrosion Rate
BM_Measured_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Base Material Measured Corrosion Rate (Optional Input)
BM_Calculated_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Base Material Calculated Corrosion Rate
CM_Corrosion_Rate = Option Flag to indicate How the Clad Material Corrosion Rate is Computed
CM_Estimated_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Clad Material Estimated Corrosion Rate
CM_Measured_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Clad Material Measured Corrosion Rate (Optional Input)
CM_Calculated_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Clad Material Calculated Corrosion Rate
Measured_Thickness = (in : mm) Thickness at Inspection Date. This Is the Thickness measured at the
time of the inspection. It includes the Cladding or Weld Overlay Thickness, as applicable, and is only
valid for inspection categories A and B
Operating_Conditions = A brief descriptive name input by the user that identifies this set of Operating
Conditions, for example: Normal, High Temperature, Low Temperature, High Pressure, Low Pressure
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Operating_Pressure = (psig : MPa) Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition
Form. Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Operating_Pressure = (psig : MPa) Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition
Form. Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Amine H2S/H2 HCL HF High Sour Sulfuric Sulfidic Acid CO2 Cooling Soil Tank
Temp Water Acid Napthenic Sour Water Underground Floor
Oxidation Acid Water
CS – Carbon Steels
LC – Low Chrome Steels
HC – High Chrome Steels
HA – High Alloy
NF – Non Ferrous
The type of Corrosion as well as the specific data requirements for each corrosion type are entered on
this form..
• Operating Conditions
• Corrosion Supplement Active: The thinning supplement flag is set to No as a default. If the
user changes the flag to Yes, then the data requirements for that supplement will be checked
and the data will be saved. Data Requirements for supplements that are not active, are not
checked and are not saved.
1. Amine,
2. H2S/H2,
3. HCL,
4. HF,
5. High Temperature Oxidation,
6. Sour Water,
7. Sulfuric Acid
8. Sulfidic/Napthenic Acid,
9. Acid Sour Water
10. CO2
11. Cooling Water
12. Soil/Underground
13. Tank Floor
• Corrosion Input
• Results for Base and/or Clad Materials Amine
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
Corrosion_Type = Type Of Corrosion to be used in the Supplemental Thinning Corrosion Settings
BM_Amine_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material Amine Corrosion (Base Material
Corrosion Rate for Amine is Computed)
CM_Amine_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material Amine Corrosion (Cladding
Material Corrosion Rate for Amine is Computed)
Amine_Type = Amine Type (Monoethanolamine -- MEA, Diethanolamine -- DEA, OR
Methyldiethanolamine -- MDEA)
HSAH_Conc = (wt% : wt%) Heat Stable Amine Salt concentration (wt%); must be input if Amine Flag =
Yes Range is GT= 2.0 to GT 4.0
Amine_Acid_Conc = (wt% : wt%) Acid concentration (wt%) must be input if Amine Calculation indicator is
selected. Range is LT= 20.0 wt% for MEA, LT= 30.0 wt% for DEA, or Lt= 50.0 wt% for MDEA
Acid_Gas_Loading = (mol :mol) Acid Gas Loading (Mol/mol) must be input if Amine Calculation indicator
is selected Range is GT= 0.1 to GT 0.7
Proprietary and Confidential - Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI User's Guide Page 158 of 301
BM_Amine_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for Amine
CM_Amine_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for Amine
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy) H2S/H2
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_H2S_H2_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material H2SH2 Corrosion (Base Material
Corrosion Rate for H2SH2 is Computed)
CM_H2S_H2_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material H2SH2 Corrosion (Cladding
Material Corrosion Rate for H2SH2 is Computed)
Hydrocarbon_Type = Type Of Hydrocarbon; Must be input (Naptha, or Gas Oil)
H2S_Conc = (Mole % : Mole %) H2S Concentration; Must be input if H2SH2 Option = YES. Range is LT
0.002 to GT 1.0
BM_H2S_H2_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for H2SH2
CM_H2S_H2_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy) HCL
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_HCL_Corrosion_Flag = (mpy : mm/yr) Option Flag to indicate Base Material Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)
Corrosion (Base Material Corrosion Rate for HCL is Computed)
CM_HCL_Corrosion_Flag = (mpy : mm/yr) Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material Hydrochloric Acid
(HCL) Corrosion (Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for HCL is Computed)
HCL_pH = Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) pH; Entry must be input ONLY if HCL Corrosion Option = YES for CS
and SS Materials. Range is LT = 0.5 to 8.02. If pH is entered it is used in the calculations.
HCL_Conc = (wt% : wt%) Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) Chloride Concentration; Must be input if Hydrochloric
Acid Option = Yes (HCL FLAG) for high alloy materials. Range is LT = 0.5 wt% to 5 wt%.
Oxidant_Flag = Option Flag to indicate the presence of Air Oxidants
Pitting_Flag = Option to account for Pitting
BM_HCL_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for Hydrochloric
Acid (HCL)
CM_HCL_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy) HF
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_HF_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material HF Corrosion (Base Material Corrosion
Rate for HF is Computed)
CM_HF_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material HF Corrosion (Cladding Material
Corrosion Rate for HFis Computed)
Residual_Stress = Option Flag to indicate Residual Stress
Aeration = Option Flag to indicate Aeration
HF_Acid_Conc = (wt% : wt%) Hydrofluoric Acid Concentration. Must be input if HF Corrosion is selected.
Range is 0 wt% to GT 80 wt%.
BM_HF_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for HF
CM_HF_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for HF
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_High_Temperature_Oxidation_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material High Temperature
Oxidation Corrosion (Base Matereial Corrosion Rate for High Temperature Oxidation is Computed)
CM_High_Temperature_Oxidation_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material High Temperature
Oxidation Corrosion (Cladding Matereial Corrosion Rate for High Temperature Oxidation is Computed)
BM_High_Temperature_Oxidation_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate
for High Temperature Oxidation
CM_High_Temperature_Oxidation_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion
Rate for High Temperature Oxidation
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_Sour_Water_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material Sour Water Corrosion (Base
Material Corrosion Rate for Sour Water is Computed)
CM_Sour_Water_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material Sour Water Corrosion
(Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for Sour Water is Computed)
Kp_NH4HS_Conc = (wt% : wt%) NH4HS Concentration of Condensed Water; must be entered if Sour
Water Corrosion Option = Yes and Kp Factor is NOT input. Range is LT 2 wt% to GT 20 wt%.
Kp_Factor = Kp Factor; must be input if Sour Water Corrosion is indicated and NH4HS Concentration is
NOT Input Range is LT = 0.07 to = GT 1.0
BM_Sour_Water_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Computed Base Material Sour Water Corrosion Rate
CM_Sour_Water_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Computed Cladding Material Sour Water Corrosion
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_Sulfidic_Napthenic_Acid_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material Sulfidic/Napthenic
Acid (SNA) Corrosion (Base Material Corrosion Rate for SNA is Computed)
CM_Sulfidic_Napthenic_Acid_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material
Sulfidic/Napthenic Acid (SNA) Corrosion (Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for SNA is Computed)
Sulfidic_Napthenic_Acid_Sulfur_Conc = (wt% : wt%) SNA Sulfur Concentration must be input if the
Sulfidic/Napthenic Acid Corrosion option is selected
TAN = SNA TAN must be input if the Sulfidic/Napthenic Acid Corrosion option is selected. Range is LT=
0.3 to = GT 6.0
BM_Sulfidic_Napthenic_Acid_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion
Rate for Sulfidic/Napthenic Acid Corrosion
CM_Sulfidic_Napthenic_Acid_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material
Corrosion Rate for Sulfidic/Napthenic Acid Corrosion
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
BM_Sulfuric_Acid_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material Sulfuric Acid Corrosion (SAC -
- H2SO4 Corrosion) (Base Material Corrosion Rate for SAC H2SO4 is Computed)
CM_Sulfuric_Acid_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material Sulfuric Acid Corrosion
(SAC -- H2SO4 Corrosion) (Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for SAC H2SO4 is Computed)
SA_Acid_Conc = (wt% : wt%) Sulfuric Acid Concentration. Must be input if Sulfuric Acid Corrosion is
selected. Range is LT 2.0 wt% to 100 wt%.
BM_Sulfuric_Acid_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for
Sulfuric Acid Corrosion
CM_Sulfuric_Acid_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for
Sulfuric Acid Corrosion
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
BM_ASW_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material ASW Corrosion (Base Material
Corrosion Rate for ASW is Computed)
CM_ASW_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material ASW Corrosion (Cladding Material
Corrosion Rate for ASW is Computed)
ASW_H2O_Flag = Flag to indicate presence of water
ASW_pH = pH of acid sour water
ASW_Oxygen = Flag to indicate "High" oxygen content (greater than 50 ppb) = Yes, oxygen content less
than or equal to 50 ppb = No
BM_ASW_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for ASW
CM_ASW_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for ASW
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy) CO2
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
BM_CO2_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material CO2 Corrosion (Base Material
Corrosion Rate for CO2 is Computed)
CM_ CO2_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material CO2 Corrosion (Cladding Material
Corrosion Rate for CO2 is Computed)
CO2_Conc = (mole%:mole%) CO2 Concentration
CO2_Density = (lbm/ft3 : Kg/m3) Bulk Density of the stream
CO2_Dew_Point = (°F : °C) Dew Point for CO2
CO2_Glycol = (wt%:wt%) Weight percent of water in glycol/water solution
CO2_H2O = (wt%:wt%) Weight percent water in system range 0 to 30 %
CO2_Inh = (%:%) Efficiency of CO2 Inhibitor
CO2_Liq_HC_Flag = Flag to indicate if liquid Hydrocarbons are present
CO2_Partial_Pressure = (psi : Mpa) CO2 Partial Pressure maximum 580 psi: 395 Mpa
CO2_Roughness = Relative Roughness e/d per Moody Chart
Proprietary and Confidential - Equity Engineering Group, Inc.
API RBI User's Guide Page 176 of 301
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
BM_CW_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material CW Corrosion (Base Material Corrosion
Rate for CW is Computed)
CM_CW _Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material CW Corrosion (Cladding Material
Corrosion Rate for CW is Computed)
CW_Ca = Calcium Hardness mg/L of CaCO3 Range is between 10 and 1000 mg/L
CW_Cl = (ppm : ppm) Chloride Concentration Range is between 5 and 10000 ppm Cl
CW_MOA = (mg/L : mg/L) Methyl Orange Alkanility Range is 10 - 1000 mg/L
CW_System = Flag to indicate if system is open or closed
CW_TDS = (mg/L : mg/L) Total Dissolved Solids Select either 50 - 400 or 400 - 1000
CW_Temp = (°F : °C) Water Side Metal Surface Temperature
CW_Water = Flag to indicate if Fresh or Sea water is used.
CW_pH = pH of cooling water
CW_Type = Flag to indicate if system is Recirculating or Once Through
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BM_CW _Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for CW
CM_CW _Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for CW
BM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Base Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Base
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Base Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
CM_Gov_Thin_Mech = The computed Clad Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the
Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The computed Clad
Material Governing Thinning Mechanism. It represents the Specified Clad Material Thinning Mechanism
with the Maximum Corrosion Rate. The Thinning Mechanism, such as High Temperature Oxidation
Corrosion, Amine Corrosion, Sour Water Corrosion, HF Corrosion, Sulfuric Acid Corrosion, HCL
Corrosion, Sulfidic/Napthinic Acid Corrosion, H2S/H2 Corrosion, Soil/Underground, CO2, Acid Sour
Water, Cooling Water, or Tank Floor that results in the Highest Corrosion Rate will be loaded.
BM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Base Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
CM_Gov_Thin_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The computed Cladding Material Corrosion Rate for the
Governing Thinning Mechanism (mpy)
Total_BM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Base Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy)
Total_CM_Corr_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) The Computed Sum Of All Corrosion Rates for Cladding Materials
Based On The Selected Thinning Mechanisms (mpy) Soil/Underground
Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
BM_Soil_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material Soil Corrosion (Base Material Corrosion
Rate for Soil is Computed)
CM_Soil_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Cladding Material Soil Corrosion (Cladding Material
Corrosion Rate for Soil is Computed)
Soil_Base_Corrosion_Rate = (mpy : mm/yr) Expected or observed corrosion rate for the buried structure
or for "similar" structure under "similiar" service conditions
Cathodic_Protect_Flag = Flag to indicate if cathodic protection is used.
Cathodic_Protect_Factor = Factor to include Cathodic Protection
Soil_Resistivity_Flag = Flag to consider resistivity for base corrosion rate
Soil_Resistivity_Factor = Select Resistivity of Soil
Coating_Flag = Flag to indicate if coating has been applied
Coating_Base_Factor = Base factor for type of coating
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Input Fields
Design_Temperature = (°F : °C) Design Temperature can represent either Shellside or Tubeside
Temperature depending on Equipment Type and Component Type. Usually Design Temperature
represents the Shellside Temperature, but if Equipment Type = HEAT EXCHANGER and Component
Type = HEXTS or HEXTUBE, then Design Temperature represents Tubeside Temperature. Design
Temperature is only used in calculations if Operating Temperature is not provided.
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Fluid_Velocity = (ft/sec : m/sec) Fluid Velocity (Optional Input)
Supplement Active = Flag to indicate if corrosion supplement is active.
Operating_Pressure_(MPa) = Operating Pressure must be entered on the Operating Condition Form.
Operating Pressure is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Pressure used.
BM_Tank_Floor_Corrosion_Flag = Option Flag to indicate Base Material Tank_Floor Corrosion (Base
Material Corrosion Rate for Tank_Floor is Computed)
Tank_Prod_Base_Rate = Calculate Product Side Corrosion Rate
Tank_Prod_Base_Corr_Rate = (mpy:mm/yr) Base Corrosion Rate for Product Side
Tank_Soil_Base_Rate = Calculate Soil Side Corrosion Rate
Tank_Soil_Base_Corr_Rate = (mpy:mm/yr) Base Corrosion Rate for Soil Side
Tank_Steam_Coil_Adj = Flag to indicate adjustment for tank steam coil
Tank_Water_Draw_Off_Adj = Flag to indicate adjustment for water draw off
Tank_Product_Cond_Flag_Adj = Option to indicate adjustment for product condition: Wet or Dry
Tank_Soil_Resistivity_Adj = Select Resistivity of Soil
Tank_Pad_Adj = Select adjustment for pad material
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Input Fields
Liner_Type = Type of Internal Liner (Strip Alloy is the default, Refractory, Refractory Severe, Glass, Acid
Brick, or Organic Coating)
Liner_Condition = Lining Condition (Poor, Average, or Good) See Table M-6 in the BRD
Online_Monitoring = Option Flag to indicate On-Line Monitoring for Selected Damage Type
Lining_Installation_Date = Lining Installation Date [(Default value is the computed service start date,
typically the commissioning date of the unit (Start Date)]
Time_Since_Last_Inspection = Years Since Last Lining Inspection
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
Damage forms are available based upon the component material. If both a base and a cladding thickness
are specified then all types of cracking are enabled.
Amine Carbonate Caustic Chloride HIC/SOHIC HIC/SOHIC HSC Polythionic SSC Other
H2S HF HF Acid H2S
CS - Carbon Steel
LC - Low Chrome
HC – High Chrome
NF - Non Ferrous
HA - High Alloy
When a component has been calculated, the tab for the cracking mechanism that has the largest DF is
turned Green. Other cracking mechanisms that have a DF greater that 0 will be turned white.
7.22.7 HSC HF
The component material is one of the determining factors in whether a component is vulnerable to brittle
fracture mechanisms. The following table defines this vulnerability.
CS – Carbon Steel
LC – Low Chrome
HC – High Chrome
NF – Non Ferrous
HA – High Alloy
DP – Duplex
Operating_Temperature = (°F : °C) Normal Operating Temperature. The default is 70.0 F. Operating
Temperature is used in calculations. If it is not provided Design Temperature is used.
7.25 HTHA
This form contains data for High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
This form presents the following groups of information:
• Input data requirements are displayed in the top left column .
• Damage Drivers are summarized in the right top column.
• Analysis results and a Risk summary are presented in the lower half of the screen.
SS_Bundle_Asphaltenes_Polymer = Flag to indicate the presence of Asphaltenes Polymer in the
shellside fluid (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_Brine = Flag to indicate the presence of Brine in the shellside fluid (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_CO2= Flag to indicate the presence of CO2 on the shellside (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_Cyanides = Flag to indicate the presence of Cyanides in the shellside fluid (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_Dealloying = Flag to indicate the presence of Dealloying on the shellside (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_Erosive_Particles = Flag to indicate the presence of Erosive Particles in the shellside fluid
(Default is No).
SS_Bundle_H2S = Weight % H2S in the shellside fluid (Default is 0.0)
SS_Bundle_Naphthenic_Acid = Flag to indicate the presence of Naphthenic Acid on the shellside (Default
is No).
SS_Bundle_NH4Cl = Flag to indicate the presence of NH4Cl in the shellside fluid (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_NH4HS = Weight % NH4HS in the shellside fluid (Default is 0.0)
SS_Bundle_Oxidation = Flag to indicate the presence of Oxidation on the shellside (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_Salt_Deposits = Flag to indicate the presence of Salt Deposits on the shellside (Default is
SS_Bundle_Sulfidation= Flag to indicate the presence of Sulfidation on the shellside (Default is No).
SS_Bundle_Sulfur = Mole % Sulfur in the shellside fluid (Default is 0.0)
SS_Bundle_Trace_Acid = Weight % Acid in the shellside fluid (Default is 0.0)
SS_Bundle_Trace_Caustic = Weight % Trace Caustic in the shellside fluid (Default is 0.0)
SS_Est_Corrosion_Severity = This is an estimate of corrosion severity on the shellside. This is only used
as a matching criteria for the reliability databases. Select from none, inert, mildly corrosive, moderately
corrosive, severely corrosive, unpredictable or localized
SS_Free_Water = Does the shellside fluid have any free water, Yes/No (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Asphaltenes_Polymer =Flag to indicate the presence of Asphaltenes Polymer in the tubeside
fluid (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Brine = Flag to indicate the presence of Brine in the tubeside fluid (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_CO2 = Flag to indicate the presence of CO2 on the tubeside (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Cyanides = Flag to indicate the presence of Cyanides in the tubeside fluid (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Dealloying = Flag to indicate the presence of Dealloying on the tubeside (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Erosive_Particles = Flag to indicate the presence of Erosive Particles in the tubeside fluid
(Default is No).
TS_Bundle_H2S = Weight % H2S in the tubeside fluid (Default is 0.0)
TS_Bundle_Naphthenic_Acid = Flag to indicate the presence of Naphthenic Acid on the tubeside (Default
is No).
TS_Bundle_NH4Cl = Flag to indicate the presence of NH4Cl in the tubeside fluid (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_NH4HS = Weight % NH4HS in the tubeside fluid (Default is 0.0)
TS_Bundle_Oxidation = Flag to indicate the presence of Oxidation on the tubeside (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Salt_Deposits = Flag to indicate the presence of Salt Deposits on the tubeside (Default is
TS_Bundle_Sulfidation =Flag to indicate the presence of Sulfidation on the tubeside (Default is No).
TS_Bundle_Sulfur = Mole % Sulfur in the tubeside fluid (Default is 0.0)
TS_Bundle_Trace_Acid = Weight % Acid in the tubeside fluid (Default is 0.0)
TS_Bundle_Trace_Caustic = Weight % Trace Caustic in the tubeside fluid (Default is 0.0)
TS_Est_Corrosion_Severity = This is an estimate of corrosion severity on the tubeside.
TS_Free_Water = Does the tubeside fluid have any free water, Yes/No (Default is No).
Bundle_Life = Provide the bundle life for the bundle being evaluated (years). For inactive bundles, this
value is the key input to the reliability database and forms the basis for the weibull statistical calculations
for the active bundles. Required if the bundle is Inactive. Optional for active bundles.
Calculated_Bundle_Life = Years, This is the bundle life calculated using either of 3 methods, listed below
in order of control:1)use the User Specified MTTF (with or without a user specified Beta),2)use the user
specified Eta and Beta values,3)use the weibull statistical calcultion based on matching bundle set from
the reliablility database.
Control_Damage_Mechanism = Based on the review of the inspection history, this is the most prevalent
damage mechanism that controls the life of the bundle. This is only used as a matching criteria for the
reliability databases. Select from : Unknown, Corrosion, Pitting, Environmental Cracking, Erosion, Tube to
Tubesheet Failures, Mechanical Vibration, Underdeposit Corrosion , Severe Plugging/Fouling
User_Specified_MTTF = User specified Mean Time to Failure for bundle (years). This value is required if
a weibull curve, based on matching bundles from the reliability database, has not been generated from
the component weibull tab. If supplied, will govern the calculations.
User_Specified_Beta = User specified Weibull slope parameter. This value along with the user specified
MTTF will be used if a weibull curve, based on matching bundles from the reliability database, has not
been generated from the component weibull tab. If supplied along with the Eta value, will govern the
calculations. The default value is 2.5.
User_Specified_Eta = Yrs This value is only required if User Specified MTTF is not provide and a weibull
curve, based on matching bundles from the reliability database, has not been generated from the
component weibull tab. If supplied along with the Beta value, will govern the calculations.
CRAKOthr_Ins_Cat = Inspection Category for Other Cracking Inspection Type at its Inspection Date (A,
B, C, D, or E -- E is the default)
Inspection_History_Comments = User comments associated with the present Inspection Analysis
EXTF_Ins_Cat = Inspection Category for External Ferritic Inspection Type at its Inspection Date (A, B, C,
D, or E -- E is the default)
EXTF_Measured_Thickness = (in : mm) Thickness at Inspection Date. This Is the Thickness measured
at the time of the inspection. It includes the Cladding or Weld Overlay Thickness, as applicable, and is
only valid for inspection categories A and B
CUIF_Ins_Cat = Inspection Category for CUI Ferritic Inspection Type at its Inspection Date (A, B, C, D, or
E -- E is the default)
CUIF_Measured_Thickness = (in : mm) Thickness at Inspection Date. This Is the Thickness measured at
the time of the inspection. It includes the Cladding or Weld Overlay Thickness, as applicable, and is only
valid for inspection categories A and B
SCC_Ins_Cat = Inspection Category for SCC Inspection Type at its Inspection Date (A, B, C, D, or E -- E
is the default)
CUIA_Ins_Cat = Inspection Category for CUI Austenitic Inspection Type at its Inspection Date (A, B, C, D,
or E -- E is the default)
HTHA_Ins_Cat = Inspection Category for HTHA Inspection Type at its Inspection Date (A, B, C, D, or E --
E is the default)
BRIT_Sigma_Amount = Sigma Amount at Inspection Date None, Low, Medium, High
Inspection_Method = Inspection Method used in the inspection. Where possible, the inspection method
should be accompanied by an estimate for the Percent Inspected to provide a basis for grading the
inspection. Select from: Other, Visual Only, Random UT, IRIS, Remote Field, Eddy Current, Elliot
Gage/Caliper, MFL
Percent_Tubes_Inspected = Estimate of the extent of inspection.
Inspection_Effectiveness = Effectiveness of inspection, select : A, B, C, D
Percent_Wall_Loss = Percent of wall loss, determined as [1 - (current wall thickness/original wall
thickness)] x 100
Wall_Thickness = (in:mm) Average measured wall thickness determined during inspection. When input,
this value is a key parameter in the assessment of the current condition of the bundle and is used to
adjust the POF curve. An alternate method is to input the Estimated Remaining Life. When both values
are input, the Estimated Remaining Life will govern.
Primary_Damage = Based on a review of the inspection history this is the most significant cause of
damage to the bundle. This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability databases. Select from:
Unknown, None, General Thinning, Underdeposit Corr., Tube End Thinning, Localized Pitting, Environ.
Cracking, Flow-Induced Vibration, Erosion, Mechanical Damage, Handling Damage
Secondary_Damage = Based on a review of the inspection history this is the second most significant
cause of damage to the bundle. This is only used as a matching criteria for the reliability databases.
Select from: Unknown, None, General Thinning, Underdeposit Corr., Tube End Thinning, Localized
Pitting, Environ. Cracking, Flow-Induced Vibration, Erosion, Mechanical Damage, Handling Damage
Tube_Joint_Leak = Flag to indicate a Tube Joint Leak
ID_Corrosion = Corrosion of tube ID : Unknown, None, Mild, General, Heavy. This is only used as a
matching criteria for the reliability databases.
OD_Corrosion = Corrosion of tube OD : Unknown, None, Mild, General, Heavy. This is only used as a
matching criteria for the reliability databases.
ID_Fouling = Fouling of tube ID : Unknown, None, Mild, General, Heavy. This is only used as a matching
criteria for the reliability databases.
OD_Fouling = Fouling of tube OD : Unknown, None, Mild, General, Heavy. This is only used as a
matching criteria for the reliability databases.
Baffles_Rods_Spacers = Select from :Unknown, Good, Serviceable, Mech. Damage, Hvy Corrosion,
Hydrotest = Flag to indicate if bundle was hydrotested
Est_Life = (yrs:yrs) Estimate of remaining life for bundle. When input, this value is a key parameter in the
assessment of the current condition of the bundle and is used to adjust the POF curve. An alternate
method is to input the Remaining Wall Thickness. When both values are input, the Estimated Remaining
Life will govern.
Inspection_Comments = User supplied comments for inspection Results
Target_Risk_Years = (yrs :yrs) Years Associated With Target Risk (DATE) (PLAN)
Target_Risk_Gradient = Risk Gradient Associated With Target Risk (DATE) (PLAN)
Target_Date = (YYYY-MMM-DD :YYYY-MMM-DD) Target Date Computed As The RBI_DATE Plus The
Risk_Thinning_At_RBI_Date = Risk For Thinning At RBI_DATE (DATE) (PLAN)
Risk_Thinning_At_Tar_Years = Risk For Thinning At TAR_YEARS (DATE) (PLAN)
Risk_Cracking_At_RBI_Date = Risk For Cracking At RBI_DATE (DATE) (PLAN)
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Financial_Risk_Target = ($/yr : $/yr) Target Financial Risk is the financial risk for establishing a future
inspection date; Target Financial Risk is only used if the Risk Flag = Financial (Risk Flag indicates the
basis of risk measure to be used in determining the next inspection). The Target Financial Risk that is set
in Global Setting Form is the default value
Max_Insp_Int = (yrs : yrs) Maximum Inspection Interval (default = 10 years) is used as an Upper Bound
to the computed Inspection Interval (Optional Input)
Turn_Around_Date_1 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 1
Turn_Around_Date_2 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 2 Results
Target_Risk_Years = (yrs :yrs) Years Associated With Target Risk (DATE) (PLAN)
Target_Risk_Gradient = Risk Gradient Associated With Target Risk (DATE) (PLAN)
Target_Date = (YYYY-MMM-DD :YYYY-MMM-DD) Target Date Computed As The RBI_DATE Plus The
Mod_Specified_Plan_Date = (YYYY-MMM-DD :YYYY-MMM-DD) Modified Specified Date Of Planned
Inspection (PLAN)
Thinning_Inspection_Category = Recommended Inspection Category For Thinning To Achieve Target
Thinning_No_Of_Inspections = Recommended Number Of Inspections For Thinning To Achieve Target
Cracking_Inspection_Category = Recommended Inspection Category For Cracking To Achieve Target
Cracking_No_Of_Inspections = Recommended Number Of Inspections For Cracking To Achieve Target
HTHA_Inspection_Category = Recommended Inspection Category For HTA To Achieve Target Risk at
HTHA_No_Of_Inspection = Recommended Number Of Inspections For HTA To Achieve Target Risk at
External_Damage_Inspection_Category = Recommended Inspection Category For External Damage To
Achieve Target Risk at PLAN_DATE (PLAN)
External_Damage_No_Of_Inspection = Recommended Number Of Inspections For External Damage To
Achieve Target Risk at PLAN_DATE (PLAN) Risk At
Risk_Thinning_At_RBI_Date = Risk For Thinning At RBI_DATE (DATE) (PLAN)
Risk_Thinning_At_Tar_Years = Risk For Thinning At TAR_YEARS (DATE) (PLAN)
Risk_Thinning_At_Plan_Date_No_Inspection = Risk For Thinning At PLAN_DATE With No Inspections
Risk_Thinning_At_Plan_Date_With_Inspection = Risk For Thinning At PLAN_DATE With Inspections
(PLAN) Results
Specified_Plan_Date = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) An Analyst Specified Planned Inspection Date; It
is only used when the Inspection Plan Option = PLAN. The default is 2 years after RBI Date
Bundle_Install_Date = (yyyy-mm-dd : yyyy-mm-dd) The Date the bundle was installed in the exchanger.
Note that this is the install date for the active bundle not necessarily the original install date for the
Bundle_LEF = Actions made to a bundle during shutdowns which serve to return the bundle back into
service in an improved (not as-new) condition Bundle_Adjusted_Date = Bundle Installation Date Adjusted
for Life Extension Methods
Inspection_Plan_Basis = Option Flag to indicate the basis for the risk measure to be used in determining
the next Inspection date. Financial Risk (default) or Area Risk.
For Equipment_Type = Tank650 or Component_Type = Hextube, only Financial analysis is done.
Bundle_Financial_Risk_Target = ($/year) User bundle financial risk tolerance. This value is used to
determine the target date, i.e. the date where the calculated bundle risk exceeds the financial risk target.
Max_Insp_Int = (yrs : yrs) Maximum Inspection Interval (default = 10 years) is used as an Upper Bound
to the computed Inspection Interval (Optional Input) For Component_Type=HEXTUBE, the maximum
inspection Interval = 25 years.
User_Specified_MTTF =User specified Mean Time to Failure for bundle (years). This value is required if a
weibull curve, based on matching bundles from the reliability database, has not been generated from the
component weibull tab. If supplied, will govern the calculations.
User_Specified_Beta = User specified Weibull slope parameter. This value along with the user specified
MTTF will be used if a weibull curve, based on matching bundles from the reliability database, has not
been generated from the component weibull tab. If supplied along with the Eta value, will govern the
calculations. The default value is 2.5.
User_Specified_Eta = Yrs This value is only required if User Specified MTTF is not provide and a weibull
curve, based on matching bundles from the reliability database, has not been generated from the
component weibull tab. If supplied along with the Beta value, will govern the calculations.
Number_Of_Matching_Bundles = Number of Bundles that match the criteria specified in the applied filter
on the bundle filter tab.
Number_Of_Suspensions = Bundles in-service, in the filtered dataset, without a reported failure
Number_Of_Failures = Number of Bundles, in the filtered dataset, that have experienced a tube leak.
Calculated_Beta = Beta value calculated for the specified cut set by applying a median rank regression
curve fit using the time-to-failure as the dependent variable (X onto Y).
Calculated_Eta = Eta value calculated for the specified cut set by applying a median rank regression
curve fit using the time-to-failure as the dependent variable (X onto Y).
Uncertainty_Percent = Uncertainty associated with inspection technique utilized, see Inspection
Effectiveness Table 8.7
R_Squared = Measure of closeness of fit of the Weibull curve to the dataset
Bundle_Inspection_Category = Recommended level of Inspection at the Plan Date or Turnaround Date 1
if specified. This level of inspection will guarantee that the calculated risk at turnaround date 2 will not
exceed the bundle financial risk target.
Insp_Date_Bundle = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Calculated Inspection Date for Bundle
RBI_Date = (yyyy-mm-dd:yyyy-mm-dd) The Date the RBI Analysis was performed
Risk_Matrix_At_RBI_Date = Risk Matrix At RBI_DATE (DATE) (PLAN)
Risk_Category_At_RBI_Date = Qualitative Risk At RBI_DATE (DATE) (PLAN)
Consequence_At_RBI_Date = Financial Consequences due to bundle failure, calculated based on bundle
criticality and including costs associated with lost opportunity due to production downtime, environmental
impact costs and the costs associated with maintenance and replacement of the bundle.
POF_RBI = Probablility of Failure at RBI Date
Total_Risk_At_RBI_Date = Total Risk At RBI_DATE for either inspection option DATE or PLAN. This is
the product of the probability of failure and consequence.
Target_Date = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Target Date This is calculated as the date at which the
calculated risk exceeds area or financial risk target with inspections. For bundles, this is the calculated
date at which the calculated risk equals the bundle financial risk target.
Tot_Risk_Matrix_Tar_Years_NI = Risk Matrix at Target Year No Inspection (PLAN)(DATE)
Tot_Risk_Cat_Tar_Years_NI = Qualitative Risk at Target Year No Inspection (PLAN)(DATE)
Consequence_Tar_Years_NI = Financial Consequences due to bundle failure, calculated based on
bundle criticality and including costs associated with lost opportunity due to production downtime,
environmental impact costs and the costs associated with maintenance and replacement of the bundle.
POF_Target = Probablility of Failure at Target Date
Risk_Tot_Tar_Years_NI = Total Risk at Target Year No Inspection Calculated for either inspection option
DATE or PLAN. This is the product of the probability of failure and consequence.
Specified_Plan_Date = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) An Analyst Specified Planned Inspection Date; It
is only used when the Inspection Plan Option = PLAN. The default is 2 years after RBI Date
Risk_Matrix_At_Plan_Date_No_Inspection = Risk Matrix At PLAN_DATE With No Inspections (PLAN)
Risk_Category_At_Plan_Date_No_Inspection = Qualitative Risk At PLAN_DATE With No Inspections
Consequence_At_Plan_Date_NI = Financial Consequences due to bundle failure, calculated based on
bundle criticality and including costs associated with lost opportunity due to production downtime,
environmental impact costs and the costs associated with maintenance and replacement of the bundle.
POF_NI = Probablility of Failure at Plan Date without Inspection Results
Planned_Replacement = ($/day) For the CBA, this is the calculated daily cost of bundle replacements at
the optimized bundle replacement frequency.
Unplanned_Failure = ($/day) For the CBA, this is the calculated daily cost, including risk cost, of an
unplanned bundle failure.
Total_Cost = ($/day) This is the sum of the planned replacement cost and the unplanned failure cost. In
the CBA, this is the value that is minimized when determining the optimal planned bundle replacement
Optimal_Replacement_Freq = (Yrs) Bundle replacement frequency that minimizes total cost
Turn_Around_Date_1 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 1 For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
Turn_Around_Date_2 = (YYYY-MM-DD :YYYY-MM-DD) Turn Around Date 2 For
Component_Type=HEXTUBE, this value is only used in the cost benefit analysis to make economic
inspection and bundle replacement decisions.
Bundle_POF_Between_TAs = This is the Probability that a bundle will fail in the time period between
Turnaround Date 1 and 2.
Bundle_Install_Cost = $ Cost of maintenance required to remove, clean, and re-install exchanger
Bundle_Inspection_Cost = This is the cost of inspection as a function of inspection effectiveness.
Bundle_Cost = $ Cost of replacement bundle. If not input by the user, this value will be estimated based
on the size and metallurgy of the tube bundle.
Bundle_Total_Cost_Inspection = $, In the decision analysis for inspecting the bundle, this is the total cost
of inspection and maintenance required to prepare the bundle for inspection.
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Bundle_Total_Cost_Replacement = $, In the decision analysis for replacing the bundle, this is the total
cost of the bundle and maintenance required to remove and re-install exchanger bundle.
Bundle_Insp_Hurdle_Cost = $ This is the Return on Investment above the economic break even point
required to make the decision to inspect the bundle. This is based on Hurdle Rate input by the user on
the component settings tab.
Bundle_Repl_Hurdle_Cost = $ This is the Return on Investment above the economic break even point
required to make the decision to replace the bundle. This is based on Hurdle Rate input by the user on
the component settings tab.
ECOF_Inspect = $, Expected Incremental Risk Associated with deferring Inspection from Turnaround
Date 1 to Turnaround Date 2.
ECOF_Replace = $, Expected Incremental Risk Associated with deferring Replacement from Turnaround
Date 1 to Turnaround Date 2.
CBA_Inspect = Final economic based decision for bundle inspection at Turnaround Date 1. The software
will recommend inspection when the incremental risk incurred by defering the inspection exceeds the cost
of the inspection plus the return on investment (Hurdle_Cost) specified by the user.
CBA_Replace = Final economic based decision for bundle replacement at Turnaround Date 1. The
software will recommend bundle replacement when the incremental risk incurred by defering the
replacement exceeds the cost of the bundle replacement plus the return on investment (Hurdle_Cost)
specified by the user.
1. Right Click on the row number to activate form edit for this record. From the Form Edit View, the
user can
2. edit the current record and click on OK or
3. cancel the edit with CANCEL.
4. Data entered in the Form Edit View is not validated until the SAVE button is clicked in the Table
PRV_Fluid = Fluid assigned to PRV for purposes of determining fluid characteristics. It is chosen on the
protected components form.
FTO_Class = Fluid Severity for the FAIL to Open case. This input characterizes the severity of the
contained fluid and is used for selecting the appropriate Probability of Failure on Demand curve for the
Leak_Class = Fluid Severity for the LEAK case. This input characterizes the severity of the contained
fluid and is used for selecting the appropriate Probability of Leakage curve for the PRV (Default =
Size = (in : mm) PRV Size. required
Inlet = (in : mm) PRV Inlet Size. required
Outlet = (in : mm) PRV Outlet Size. required
PRV_Capacity = (lbm/hr:kg/hr) Rated Capacity of the PRV.
Soft_Seat = Flag to indicate that the pressure relief valve (PRDCON or PRDBAL) contains a soft-seated
design. If SOFTSEAT=YES, the default, probability of leakage curve used for the device will be adjusted
to account for reduced leakage across the seat. (Default = NO)
Back_Pressure = (psi : Mpa) Normal Superimposed Back Pressure in the discharge system. Required if
Current_Interval = (yr:yr) Inspection/Test Interval for PRV
Min_Allowed_Insp_Interval = (yr:yr) Minimum Inspection/Test Interval for PRV
Max_Allowed_Insp_Interval = (yr:yr) Maximum Inspection/Test Interval for PRV
History_Of_Chatter = Flag for Chatter. Enter YES if there has been a history of severe chatter with the
PRV installation. (Default=NO)
History_Of_Actuation = Flag to indicate Excessive Actuation of the PRV in service. Enter YES if there has
been a history of actuation, typically exceeding 5 times per year. (Default=NO)
System_Near_Set_Pressure = Flag to indicate that the sytem pressure is within the operating ratio of the
PRV. Recommended operating ratio (operating pressure/set pressure) for spring loaded PRDs is less
than 90%. The recommended operating ratio for pilot-operated PRDs is less than 95%. Enter YES if the
recommended operating ratio is exceeded. If FLAGPRAT = CALC, it will be calculated based on the
input values for PRES and SPRES.
Installed_Piping_Vibration = Flag to indicate the presence of installed Piping Vibration. Enter YES if there
has been a history of installed piping vibration or the PRV is downstream of rotating equipment (pulsing
service). (Default=NO)
FTO_Alpha= Default Weibull CHaracteristic Life Parameter for the Fail to Open Case. If not specified, the
default value is selected by the software based on the USer's input for IFLGROUP.
Leak_Alpha = Default Weibull CHaracteristic Life Parameter for the Leak Case. If not specified, the
default value is selected by the software based on the USer's input for IFLGROUP.
FTO_Beta = Default Weibull Shape Parameter for the Fail to Open Case. If not specified, the default
value is selected by the software based on the User's input for IFLGROUP.
Leak_Beta = Default Weibull Shape Parameter for the Leak Case. If not specified, the default value is
selected by the software based on the User's input for IFLGROUP. Fire
Injury_Cost = ($ :$) The Cost for a Personnel Injury, Global Setting for all Components in this Unit
(Default used in Consequence & Risk Table) (Optional input with a default value of 2,000,000.0)
Population_Density = (person/ft² : person/m²) Population Density, Global Setting for all Components in
this Unit (Default used in Consequence & Risk Table) (Optional input with a Default value = 0.0001)
Unit_Flare_Recovery = Flag to indicate if flare header contains a flare recovery system. If a flare recovery
system exists, the cost of los fluid for the leakage consequence is currently reduced by 50%. (Default is
Unit_TA_Frequency = (years:years) - (conditional)Unit Normal Turnaround Frequency.
PRV_Risk_Tolerance = ($:$) - (conditional)Company Risk Tolerance. This is required for
Insp_Leak_Pressure = (psig : MPa) Enter the pressure at which the PRD started to leak during the pre-
overhaul pop test. This is used for informational purposes only.
Insp_Inlet_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the inlet flange to the PRD. This is used for
informational purposes only. Options are Unknown, Good, Light Deposits, Heavy Deposits, Plugged,
Insp_Outlet_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the outlet flange to the PRD. This is used for
informational purposes only. Options are Unknown, Good, Light Deposits, Heavy Deposits, Plugged,
Insp_Seat_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the seating surfaces of PRD. This is used for
informational purposes only. Options are Unknown, Good, Fouled, Corroded, Cut
Insp_ORing_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the Oring, if applicable. This is used for
informational purposes only. Options are Unknown, NA, Cut, Missing, Good
Insp_Guide_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the guide and disk holder. This is used for
informational purposes only. Options are Unknown, Good, Galled, Frozen. Corroded
Insp_Spring_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the Spring. This is used for informational
purposes only. Options are Unknown, Good, Corroded, Broken
Insp_Bellows_Condition = Flag to indicate the condition of the PRD bellows, if applicable. This is used for
informational purposes only. Options are Unknown, NA, Good, Corroded, Broken
Insp_Comments = User comments
FTO_Beta = Default Weibull Shape Parameter for the Fail to Open Case. If not specified, the default
value is selected by the software based on the User's input for IFLGROUP.
FTO_Class = Fluid Severity for the FAIL to Open case. This input characterizes the severity of the
contained fluid and is used for selecting the appropriate Probability of Failure on Demand curve for the
Leak_Class = Fluid Severity for the LEAK case. This input characterizes the severity of the contained
fluid and is used for selecting the appropriate Probability of Leakage curve for the PRV (Default =
Leak_Alpha = Default Weibull CHaracteristic Life Parameter for the Leak Case. If not specified, the
default value is selected by the software based on the USer's input for IFLGROUP.
Leak_Beta = Default Weibull Shape Parameter for the Leak Case. If not specified, the default value is
selected by the software based on the User's input for IFLGROUP.
Driving_Component = Name of Component with largest Risk for the RISK analysis or with the smallest
Calculated Interval for the Interval Analysis.
Driving_Component_Description = Description for Driving Component
Driving_Fluid_Name = Driving Component Fluid
Design_Pressure = (psig : MPa) Design Pressure It is only used in calculations if Operating Pressure is
not provided.
Total_DF = The computed Total Technical Module Subfactor (TMSF) value based on all acting Damage