Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health
Physical Education and Health
INSTRUCTION: Read each questions very carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices and write the letter on
the space provided. One (1) point each.
01. The following are physical activity programs implemented by the DOH and WHO to promote an active life
style to prevent death caused by communicable and non-communicable diseases, except one;
A) Go4Health B) E – di Exercise C) Mag – HL Tayo D) None of the above
02. Which of the following is NOT a communicable disease?
A) Heart Disease B) Vascular Disease C) Cancer D) None of the above
03. It involves any bodily movement caused by muscular contractions that result in the expenditure of energy.
A) Physical Activity B) Exercise C) Physical Fitness D) All of the above
04. It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force.
A) Body Composition B) Flexibility C) Muscular Endurance D) None of the above
05. It is the ability to move a joint without a pain over its entire range of motion.
A) Muscular Strength B) Aerobic Capacity C) Flexibility D) None of the above
06. It involves large muscle groups that perform rhythmic and continuous movement for a prolonged period
of time in order to improve aerobic capacity.
A) Aerobic Exercise B) Resistance Exercise C) Stretching Exercise D) None of the above
07. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the estimates of WHO in the Western Pacific
Region particularly in the Philippines?
A) 65% of the total deaths among Filipinos in the year 2000 were caused by non-communicable diseases.
B) 86% of Filipino high school students in Manila fail to achieve the recommended physical activity level.
C) In 2012, the number of deaths rose to 72%.
D) Only letters A and C are correct.
08. It refers to the total make-up of the body using the concept of two component model.
A) Body Composition B) Flexibility C) Muscular Endurance D) None of the above
09. It refers to a planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the
purpose of increasing physical fitness level.
A) Physical Activity B) Exercise C) Physical Fitness D) All of the above
10. Which of the following statements explain the benefits of the Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide?
A) Provides a graphical representation of how physical fitness can be achieved.
B) Shows that performing more day-to-day activities such as walking and using stairs are the foundation in
Becoming physically active.
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
11. The type of exercise that increases the elasticity of muscles and tendons surrounding the joint in order
to improve flexibility.
A) Physical Activity B) Exercise C) Physical Fitness D) All of the above
12. It refers to a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of daily activities and still
has the energy to enjoy other active leisure activities.
A) Physical Activity B) Exercise C) Physical Fitness D) All of the above
13. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles
efficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises.
A) Muscular Strength B) Aerobic Capacity C) Muscular Endurance D) None of the above
14. The type of exercise that requires the muscle to contract against an external load in order to improve
muscular strength, muscular endurance, and bone strength.
A) Aerobic Exercise B) Resistance Exercise C) Stretching Exercise D) None of the above
15. It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple repetitions of a sub maximal load.
A) Muscular Endurance B) Aerobic Capacity C) Muscular Strength D) None of the above
TEST II. SIMPLE RECALL: Identify whether the following given type of exercise is an Aerobic Exercise, Resistance
Exercise, or Stretching Exercise. Write your answer on the space provided. One (1) point each.
TEST III. DISCUSSION: Discuss the following questions below. Five (5) points each.
01. Among the various adaptations to aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and stretching exercise, which one is the
most important adaptations for you?
02. Explain why fitness is achieved not received.
03. What are the benefits of becoming active and being physically fit?
04. What changes or adaptations will occur as a result of aerobic exercise?
05. Is it normal for the muscles to increase in size as a result of resistance training? Why or Why not?