Energy Comsumtion Ashare
Energy Comsumtion Ashare
Energy Comsumtion Ashare
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ISBN 978-1-933742-73-1
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Acknowledgments.......................................................................... ix
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................ 3
1.1 Objectives for this Book ............................................................. 11
1.2 How to Use this Book ................................................................ 12
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©2009, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (
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CRITICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION ......................... 149
11.1 Overview ................................................................................... 149
11.2 Critical Power versus Essential Power .................................. 150
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POWER SUPPLY (UPS) ................................................. 165
13.1 Overview ................................................................................... 165
13.2 UPS Metering, Power Module Level ..................................... 168
13.3 UPS Metering, System Level.................................................. 169
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POWER SUPPLY (UPS) ...................................................... 233
D.1 Technology ......................................................................... 234
D.2 Redundancy and Availability ............................................. 236
D.3 Rules of Thumb for Minimum Practical Level
of UPS Instrumentation ...................................................... 241
D.4 Sample Case Study: A Partial PUE and DCiE Determination
for the Critical Power Path within the Data Center ............ 243
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ASHRAE TC 9.9 and The Green Grid would like to thank the
following individuals for their substantial contributions to the
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Member ASHRAE TC 9.9
Member The Green Grid
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the most extensive, with the more difficult to instrument parts of the
facility remaining uninstrumented. Limited modification to
infrastructure should be expected, and some tasks may be beyond the
competency of the existing staff. Less reliance on manufacturers’
data is expected.
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Part 1 Basics
Part 2 Cooling Systems – Air Measurements
Part 3 Cooling Systems – Hydronic Measurements
Part 4 Power Systems Measurements
Part 5 IT Systems Measurements
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Part 4 will focus on the power delivery path from the point of entry
into the facility, to the point of delivery to the IT equipment. Specific
attention is paid to Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) and
transformers. As with the other chapters, an overview is provided with
emphasis on the most widely deployed UPSs and transformers.
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PUE (2.1)
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where Pfac is total power consumed by the facility and PIT is total
power consumed by the IT equipment.
where Pserv is total power consumed by the servers, Pnet is total power
consumed by the network equipment, Pstor is total power consumed by
the storage equipment, Pc is total power consumed by the chiller(s), Pcrac
is total power consumed by the Computer Room Air Conditioner(s)
(CRACs), Pct is total power consumed by the cooling tower(s), Pp is total
power consumed by the pump(s), and Pn is total power consumed by the
nth subsystem.
PUE = (Pfac/PIT)
= (2200 kW/1000 kW) (2.3)
= 2.2
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While the usage of PUE and DCiE has been highlighted here, the
objective is not to focus on any metric in particular. To re-iterate, a key
objective for the book is to educate the data center owner / operator on
how to acquire the real-time power consumption measurement data.
This data can subsequently be used in the determination of any energy
efficiency, data center productivity, or other metric of choice.
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In the data center, sensors are used to measure key variables such as
temperature, flow rate, current, voltage, pressure, humidity, etc. Meters
generally form part of a monitoring system that has its information
gathered by the appropriate software to display an aggregate view of the
information from a device (e.g., a data center subsystem), a facility, or an
enterprise. Clearly, the various types of software (see Chapter 4) need
the capability to communicate with the various sensor / meter
Table 3.1 lists the key data center subsystems covered in this book,
each subsystem’s major components, and the key variables to be
measured for each subsystem. The table shows that there are some
commonalities between subsystems and components. For example,
pumps are deployed in cooling towers for spraying water, for moving
condenser and chilled water, and for moving condensate in CRACs. The
condenser and chilled water pumps will be large pumps (>20 hp [15
kW]), the cooling tower pumps will be mid-size (>5 hp [4 kW]), and the
condensate pumps will be the smallest pumps (<1 hp [0.75 kW]). The
real-time power consumption for each of these pump types can be
directly measured via current and voltage, or with a power meter. The
power consumption for the pumps can be indirectly measured using flow
rate and pressure drop, but this approach is not likely to be effective for
the small volumes of water moved by the condensate pumps. Chapter 7 -
Pumps provides a detailed discussion with respect to the measurement of
the real-time power consumption of pumps.
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Measurement Devices
Pressure (and pressure drop)
Power (separate from combination of current and voltage)
Assume a chiller has a design specification of 600 tons (2.11 MW),
drawing 500 full load amps at 460 V with a power factor of 0.9,
producing a 10 °F (5.6 °C) ∆T at a flow rate of 1,440 gpm (327 m3/hr)
and a design efficiency of 0.598 kW/ton, where ― kW‖ refers to the
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Measurement Devices
3.3.1 Thermocouples
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Measurement Devices
3.3.2 Thermistors
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engineering text (see for example Figliola and Beasley (1991), p. 267).
The following text has been excerpted from the website
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Measurement Devices
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Measurement Devices
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ρ v dh
Reynolds Number Re (3.1)
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Measurement Devices
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Measurement Devices
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The shedding vortices flow meter (Figure 3.9) has no moving parts.
A blunt object is placed into the fluid flow stream and as the fluid moves
past the object, vortices are created, shedding alternately from side to
side of the blunt object. These vortices produce minute local pressure
disturbances that may be monitored. The pressure disturbance frequency
created by the vortices is a function of the fluid velocity, and may be
processed to create a signal that represents the fluid velocity in
engineering units. These meters also need straight pipes both upstream
and downstream from the point of installation. The straight lengths
required are frequently less stringent than for the paddle or turbine wheel.
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Measurement Devices
A Venturi device (Figure 3.10) is placed into the fluid flow that
tapers in the convergent entrance from the nominal flow area to a point
of constriction known as the throat and then gradually increases back to
the nominal flow area. Given the correct geometry, the majority of
pressure losses experienced at the point of maximum constriction are
recovered over the length of increasing cross sectional flow area, or
divergent outlet. Pressure taps are installed within the section
immediately before the convergent entrance and at the point of maximum
constriction. The relationship to pressure change is governed by
Bernoulli’s Equation regarding the conservation of mass and energy.
This establishes a mathematical relationship between the difference in
pressure between the two tap locations and the fluid mass flow rate.
These devices are also sensitive to installation design, and density of the
fluid being measured. The Venturi nozzle has no moving parts and, if
correctly selected for the flow, has minimal pressure losses.
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3.5.5 Ultrasonic
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Measurement Devices
The variable area flow meter (Figure 3.12) typically requires visual
observation against a graduated scale, although some implementations
may include an electronic sensor. A float is placed in a vertical metering
tube that has an increasing cross sectional area along its height. The tube
is installed such that the flow is upwards through the tube acting against
gravitational forces on the float. The higher the fluid flow rate the higher
the float will be lifted in the tube. These devices are very sensitive to
fluid specific gravity, due to buoyancy forces acting on the float within
the particular fluid. They are less common on larger pipes, although they
may be installed in parallel with an orifice plate on larger pipes.
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The airflow rate in a conduit can be measured using some very basic
instrumentation. A pitot tube coupled with a liquid column manometer is
the most basic instrument used to measure the velocity pressure of the air
in the conduit. Electronic instruments, such micro-manometers, can be
used in lieu of the liquid column manometer and, sometimes, are easier
to use and could be more accurate.
More times than not and irrespective of the type of instrument used
to gather the data, the velocity profile of the air in the conduit is not
uniform. In other words, the air in the conduit has different velocities
across the cross-sectional area of the conduit at the point where it is
being measured. As a result, multiple readings must be taken; each
reading should sample a different location across the cross section of the
conduit. It is important that the samples are taken in a fixed pattern
across the area so that a representative velocity profile is obtained.
These readings are then averaged. The number of readings that are taken
at this point will determine the accuracy of the calculated airflow value.
See ASHARE Handbook – Fundamentals, 2009 for details on duct
measurement traverse patterns and dimensions.
Once the cross-sectional area of the conduit and the average velocity
pressure are known, then the following formula is used to calculate the
airflow in the conduit at that particular location:
Q 4005 A q (3.2)
where Q is the volume of air flowing in the conduit (in cfm [m3/hr]),
4005 (use 1.2888 when using metric units) is a constant, A is the cross-
sectional area of the conduit (in ft2 [m2]), q is the average velocity
pressure of the air in the conduit at the prescribed location (in ft2/min2
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Measurement Devices
Once the average velocity and the cross-sectional area of the test
location are known, then the volume of air flowing in the conduit can be
calculated by the following formula:
Q V A (3.3)
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The pitot tube (Figure 3.13) is a standard air velocity meter. This
device utilizes two concentric tubes bent at a right angle. One tube
measures the total or impact pressure existing in the air stream while the
other measures only the static pressure. The difference in total pressure
and static pressure can be used to determine the velocity of the air flow.
A manometer is generally connected to this device to measure the
difference in the two pressures.
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Measurement Devices
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Measurement Devices
Note that the information below is for reference only and does not
include the various safety and training aspects in the application and use
of current sensors. All electrical work should only be performed by
qualified personnel.
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are chosen based upon the wire or bus size carrying the current load.
Figure 3.15 depicts four examples of commercially available current
Solid core CTs are typically used in permanent installations, are very
cost effective and small in size but require that the circuit is broken
during installation. This is acceptable for new construction but may not
be acceptable for retrofit installations since an active load may have to be
shut down while the circuit is de-energized for CT installation.
Split Core - Split core CTs are also used in permanent applications
and work in a similar fashion but have a two-piece core that can be
opened to place the conductor through the CT without breaking the
circuit. Such CTs are larger and more expensive but may be the only
choice for retrofit or other installations where the circuit cannot be
broken to install the CT. The CTs is usually opened for installation by
removing a nut or other fastener.
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©2009, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (
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Measurement Devices
Clamp-on CT Flex CT
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Measurement Devices
application; otherwise, the current sensor may act as a filter that can
result in inaccurate measurements.
The job of the voltage sensor is to transform the voltage into a signal
compatible with the measurement system while providing the appropriate
accuracy, resolution, etc. to meet the overall system requirements. The
voltage sensor must be both physically and electrically compatible with
the circuit being measured while also meeting overall installation
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Measurement Devices
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Many data centers do not require the use of a voltage sensor. In such
low voltage applications the meter or measurement system can directly
accept common voltages such as 120 V, 220 V, 277 V and 480 V without
the use of a voltage sensor. Consult with the meter or measurement
system manufacturer for proper application.
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Measurement Devices
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Revenue Meters - As the name implies, revenue meters are used for
billing, revenue or other applications where the meter must accurately
compute power usage. Revenue meters are mostly used by electric
utilities, landlords and others who bill their customers for power usage.
This type of meter is rarely used in data centers unless co-generation,
renewable energy or other such systems exist. It is important to note that
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Measurement Devices
some utilities can provide a transducer output from their revenue meters
that enables the customer to record the power usage computed by the
utility meter. Such outputs are often in the form of pulse outputs where
the meter generates pulses that represent a certain amount of energy
consumed. The customer’s monitoring system counts these pulses to
record their own energy usage.
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Measurement Devices
3.9.2 Communications
Power meters that are used with a building monitoring or other data
acquisition system often require remote communication capabilities. In
simplistic terms, there are two main considerations when communicating
with a power meter:
3.9.3 Accuracy
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One possible approach to using many readings over time is the risk
adjusted value derived from readings taken over several days. The mean
and variance of these readings are then used to derive a single number
based on a desired confidence level. This derived number is then used as
representative of the actual load. The issue of data acquisition frequency
will be addressed at a relatively high level in this chapter.
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versus the lowest initial cost for each system. Oftentimes, IT procures
the IT kit while facilities is responsible for the energy bills. Charge back
policies may be in place in the organization, but may be allocated by
square footage, especially if no instrumentation or allocation process
exists to gather data center energy consumption.
Gathering the electric utility bills for the data center or facility will
help in understanding the amount of power (kW) consumed during each
demand period of the utility meter (typically 15 minutes), the amount of
energy (kWh) consumed over the period (typically one month), and all of
the other charges that should be managed to optimize the data center’s
energy. The energy bill(s) will include generation, transmission, and
distribution charges from one or multiple companies. Understanding
these bills may be perplexing at times, but public utility rate information
is usually available from the local utility’s website.
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Even with minimal instrumentation and data logging, the data center
owner / operator can start to perform analysis on the data to observe
trends and anomalies. For example, consider an illustration that uses the
data shown in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. Table 4.1 shows the monthly energy
bills, along with the cost of energy for 2007 and 2008. The table also
shows the average monthly PUE, along with annual averages for all the
data. Table 4.2 summarizes the annual average PUE, energy usage, and
cost of energy. While the energy efficiency for the data center improved,
the total energy bill increased by 8% from 2007 to 2008. The
explanation is provided when considering that the cost of energy rose
from $0.09 to $0.14 / kWh over the same period of time.
If this data center operated at the same efficiency and load in 2008 as
in 2007, the resulting energy bill would have been $1.08M - this
corresponds to a $426,000 or 52% increase instead of the 8% with rising
energy costs. This example illustrates the importance of understanding
data center efficiencies and operating expenses in aggregate to develop a
comprehensive data center energy efficiency strategy.
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The level of software and data acquisition should be aligned with the
business objectives, and will also be influenced by the available budget.
A best practical measurement level of software should provide an
organization with the information needed to operate its facilities systems
in real-time to support IT and the organization.
Power quality (utility and data center)
Power and cooling capacities
IT network traffic
Environmental information including outside temperature, humidity,
Utility real-time pricing, demand reduction or interrupt requests
Carbon footprint
System health (power, cooling and IT)
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Many servers are instrumented with systems that can report system
metrics whether or not its host operating system is running. Such servers
have Baseboard Management Controllers (BMC) that are powered by a
small standby power supply. The standby power supply is active
whenever primary power is connected to the unit. BMCs typically share
a network interface card (NIC) with the host microprocessor and
operating system. A portion of the shared NIC is also powered with
standby power. The NIC is connected to the BMS using data center
networking infrastructure. In some instances it may be desirable, for
redundancy or security reasons, to use a separate NIC and networking
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also monitor the data structure for critical sensor values and alert a local
management server that an anomaly has occurred. The local
management server collects sensor values and alerts from the managed
server, logs them in a local database and can perform automated tasks to
act on alerts. The local management server can typically manage
hundreds of servers.
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telemetry. To provide the ability to access the different devices that may
exist in the environment, the collector should be driven from device
descriptor files that can be added and extended to support any device that
may be present.
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Web browser based GUI for access to all functions of the system.
Secure access to prevent unauthorized access to the information.
Ability to aggregate and summarize data for presentation and
Presentation of various dashboards that clearly show the current
efficiency and operational metrics for each facility.
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The air that is moved by an air handler has mass and this mass is
conveyed between two points or areas in a system because of a
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Because this air has volume and mass, the flow rate between the
high- and low-pressure zones in the system can be measured. Units of
airflow are cubic feet per minute (cfm) or cubic meters per hour (m3/hr).
Generally, when air is measured in cfm, the flow rate is based on the
volume of the air. It is assumed that the density, and therefore the mass
of the air, does not change as it progresses in the system. This approach
takes certain liberties with the accuracy of the calculation but for the
condition of the air normally seen in a data center, the error is very small.
Moving air has two pressure components; a static pressure (SP) and a
velocity pressure (VP). When a mass of air is moving at some velocity,
it has momentum. This momentum is commonly known as velocity
pressure. Velocity pressure is always measured parallel to and against
the direction of the airflow. In order for air to have a velocity pressure
component, it must be moving. Static pressure is the pressure that the air
exerts on the walls of the ―conduit‖, whether it is in motion or not. This
pressure is measured perpendicular to the walls of the conduit.
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Air Handlers
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Air Handlers
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Single-Package Unit
Unit with Remote Condenser
Unit with Remote Condensing Unit
Unit with Remote Air-cooled fluid cooler or cooling tower
Chilled Water
Dual Source Chilled Water Primary, DX Backup
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when applying airside economizers. This book will not address the real-
time power consumption measurement or energy savings of such cooling
methods, however there should be a high degree of similarity when
measuring the power consumption of these various configurations.
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CRAC units are usually part of the initial infrastructure build out and
therefore, similar to the chillers and other large infrastructure equipment
can be considered legacy for the purpose of an older data center that is
being fitted for real-time power consumption measurement. Older
equipment may have limitations in terms of any inherent, onboard
instrumentation or the ability to retrofit with measurement
where Pcrac is the overall CRAC power consumption, Pfan is the fan
power consumption, Pcomp is the compressor power consumption, Pheat is
the power consumption for heaters, and Pcp is the condensate pump
power consumption. The power consumption for the other CRAC modes
of operation can be determined similarly.
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the user should be aware that the efficiency of the VFD changes with the
loading and speed of the motor so this might be an arduous task.
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To use the curve, subtract the suction pressure (pressure at the pump
inlet) from the discharge pressure (pressure at the pump outlet). The
resulting value will be the total differential head developed by the pump.
Be sure that the units of the values obtained from the field agree with
those shown on the pump curve. If they do not, convert the field value to
the appropriate units. Locate this value on the y-axis of Figure 7.2 and
project a horizontal line across to the correct impeller trim. Then draw a
vertical line from this point of intersection on the impellor curve down to
the x-axis. The value on the x-axis will correspond to the flow of the
pump in gallons per minute (gpm).
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STEP 1 - Assume that the pump has a suction pressure of 5 psi and
develops a discharge pressure of 20.6 psi. Subtracting these 2 values
yields a differential pressure of 15.6 psi. Because the y-axis of the pump
curve is shown in ― feet of head‖, we must convert the pressure to the
correct units before we can plot the operating point. One psi is equal to
2.31 feet of head. We can obtain the appropriate value by multiplying
the differential pressure measured in the field of 15.6 psi by 2.31. This
operation yields a value of 36 feet of head.
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Unfortunately the BMS will not be able to read the pump curve.
However a 2nd or 3rd order polynomial equation may be produced that
will reasonably approximate the pump curve. This curve is developed
using the pressure and flow values from a number of operating points
along the actual pump curve.
The curve for the 10-inch impeller shown in Figure 7.2 approximates
the 3rd order polynomial equation shown below. This equation gives an
R2 value, or the proportion of variability in the data set that is accounted
for by the model, of 99.88%.
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accuracy, the flow must be measured and not calculated as was done for
the previous level of measurement. This approach will require the
installation and monitoring of a flow meter. There are many choices for
the types of flow meters that can be used for an HVAC application.
These include: ultrasonic, in-line turbine, in-line paddle wheel, in-line
shedding vortices, venturi, etc. All but the ultrasonic flow and in-line
paddle wheel meters will likely require at least some system down time
to allow for the installation of the flow meter(s).
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The term cooling tower is often used to refer to ― open‖ (Figures 8.1
and 8.2) or ―c losed‖ (Figures 8.3 and 8.4) cooling tower equipment
designs, each having their own inherent operational advantages and
levels of energy usage. The most common and energy efficient cooling
tower designs used in data center applications are axial fan open circuit
cooling towers and axial fan closed circuit cooling towers. Open and
closed cooling towers are available in a variety of mechanical designs for
heat rejection, including:
Counter Flow – The flow of air and water are in opposite directions
Cross Flow – The flow of air and water are in perpendicular
Combined Flow – A combination of cross flow and parallel flow
with air and water flows moving in perpendicular directions and in
the same direction.
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Cooling Towers
Please note that axial fan open circuit cooling towers typically
consume less energy than axial fan closed circuit cooling towers;
however, closed circuit cooling towers have inherent design advantages
that reduce equipment downtime including:
The ability to operate with reduced or zero water use in the event of
water loss, if the closed circuit cooling tower is designed with
extended surface tubes for dry operation. (Please see ― Evaporative
Cooling Choices to Maximize Waterside Economizer Use in
Datacom Installations‖ by Lane and Cline for further information.)
Reduced fouling of heat exchanger surfaces by isolating the closed
loop from the evaporative cooling loop.
Simplified water treatment due to smaller volume of water to treat in
the evaporative cooling loop. This is also advantageous for the use
of non-chemical water treatment methods.
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Cooling Towers
The handheld device must directly calculate power across all three
legs as shown in Figures 8.5 and 8.6. Data is logged manually for re-
entry into a spreadsheet. Expected accuracy is typically in the range of
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he handheld device will typically calculate power using the Equation 8.1.
If this type of device is not available, determine voltage and current
readings on all three legs and the power factor from the motor nameplate
to calculate power as follows:
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Cooling Towers
The use of current transducers will transform the fan motor current to
a low voltage that can be read by a data acquisition system. In addition,
the power measurement accuracy of the transducer improves to ±0.2%.
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Cooling Towers
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Cooling Towers
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The two most common types of chillers used in data centers are air-
cooled and water-cooled chillers. Both chiller types include an
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Air-cooled chillers (Figure 9.1) range in size from 10 to 500 tons (35
to 1,750 kW) of cooling capacity, and they most commonly use scroll or
helical rotary compressors. Helical rotary compressors are typically used
with the larger capacity chillers. More information on chillers can be
found in the ASHRAE Handbook – HVAC Systems and Equipment.
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Either air- or water-cooled chillers may be used, but the size of the
data center and facility will impact the selection process. Typically, data
centers use water-cooled chillers for several reasons. First, there is value
in the ability to increase redundancy through combinations of chillers,
pumps, and cooling towers. Secondly, the size of the data center may
dictate a water-cooled chiller. Finally, water-cooled chiller systems can
be operated much more efficiently than air-cooled chilled water systems.
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Assume that a chiller plant has a legacy chiller running, and that the
following information is known:
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Using the RLA curve provided by the manufacturer (see Figure 9.4),
at 545 amps, the percent load is shown to be 80% (follow the arrows to
the horizontal axis). At this point, the unloading curves (efficiency
curves denoting RLA at various entering condenser water temperatures
and percent loads) of Figure 9.5 can be used. At 80% load, the
unloading curves show that the chiller efficiency is approximately 0.44
kW input energy per ton of cooling (kW/ton).
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instrument in this manner. Given the stated scenario, the following data
is needed for the measurements:
In every case, the key questions of what kind of sensor, what level of
accuracy is needed, and where to install the sensors have to be answered.
The flow rates through the evaporator and condenser are generally
measured using a flow meter or differential pressure transducer. Both of
these flow measurement devices have requirements for placement which
may include straight pipe distance before and after the measurement
device. Further information can be found in Chapter 3 – Measurement
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This example is provided to illustrate the calculation of chiller
capacity. Figure 9.6 shows the values to be used in the example
calculation (note that it is important to preserve the units shown). For the
example, the LCHW = 44 °F, the ECHW = 52 °F, and the evaporator
flow rate = 2,400 gpm, with the chiller capacity as according to Equation
The chiller has a capacity of 1,000 tons at 100% load. Assume that
the entering condenser water temperature is measured at 75 °F. The data
center operator can now use the chiller’s performance curve to quantify
the chiller’s power consumption. At 800 tons, the chiller is operating at
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800 tons / 1,000 tons = 80% load. Starting at 80% load on the horizontal
axis of the unloading curves shown in Figure 9.5, a vertical line is drawn
until it intersects the 75 °F ECWT curve, at which point a horizontal line
is drawn over to the vertical axis to an efficiency of 0.44 kW/ton. The
power consumption for the chiller is then determined using Equation 9.1.
Data Center Chiller Power Consumption = 0.44 kW/ton · 400 tons = 176 kW
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Since a heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from one water stream
to another, there is hot side flow (heat load) and a cold side flow (heat
rejections). For a data center application, heat would be typically
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transferred from the warmer load (cooling system) flow to the cooler
source (cooling tower or drycooler) flow.
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Heat Exchangers
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The reader should be cautioned that the accuracy of the data obtained
from this quality level of electronic instrumentation should always be
considered suspect, especially if the data is extracted beyond the decimal
point. Additionally, the measurement intent should always be considered
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Heat Exchangers
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Any and all of the data can be collected from these devices
automatically by the BMS at predetermined intervals over long periods
of time with little staff involvement. This data can then be used to
develop comprehensive trending and would also be valuable to anticipate
plant maintenance requirements.
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Highly precise meters are typically required for power quality and
forensic analysis, but such precision can be overkill for routine efficiency
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For purposes of this section, we assume that the data center is rated
somewhere between 200 kW and 5000 kW. Smaller data centers may
not have all of the features described herein, and larger data centers are
highly engineered facilities that are not typical. For convenience, we
also limit the discussion to features such as voltages and frequencies
typically found in North America. Although voltage, frequency, and
distribution methods may differ in other parts of the world, the
fundamental principles are the same.
The term ―c ritical power path‖ applies to the entire path through
which electrical power will flow from its entry into a facility to its point
of final consumption by IT equipment. The total critical power path can
consist of many elements, including:
Utility service entrance equipment such as utility substation
transformers, along with associated transfer switch equipment
Distribution equipment such as switchboards, switchgear,
panelboards, and power distribution units (PDUs), all of which
contain overload circuit protection devices such as circuit breakers
and / or fuses. Power is distributed over cables or busbars.
Transformers for voltage conversion and / or power conditioning and
/ or creation of separately derived neutrals
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For our purposes we shall limit discussion of the critical power path
from the point where the alternating current (AC) power enters the
building to the point where the power is consumed by the information
technology equipment. Power characteristics further upstream through
the distribution system and toward the source of power (for example,
electric utility power plant or on-site generation) may add some
interesting variables, but such discussion would be mostly a distraction.
Likewise, this discussion will not attempt to delve into the complexities
introduced by such innovative techniques as co-generation and waste
heat utilization. Although they are valid topics, they are too specialized
and atypical for a generalized discussion.
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Most data centers will have access to more than one source of power.
Typically, the primary source is from the electric utility and the
secondary source is from an on-site back-up source (such as diesel or
turbine generator system, microturbines, or fuel cell system). Automatic
transfer switches, such as the one shown in Figure 12.3 recognize when
the existing power source becomes unsuitable and switch to the alternate
source. An ATS is self-acting for transferring the connected load from
one power source to another, but it can be manually initiated as well.
Larger facilities will typically have several transfer switches to allow
multiple power paths at any point within the overall critical power path.
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and the bus wiring exhibit losses that are equal to the square of the
current through them multiplied by the resistance of the circuit, generally
referred to as ―I R losses.‖ Typically, the switchgear / distribution
wiring combination amounts to less than 0.5% loss in the critical path.
Figure 12.4 shows a typical meter that could be installed with each of the
various circuits from the primary electrical distribution switchgear,
suitable for tenant metering.
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Small to medium data centers may have one or more distributed UPS
systems located in the computer room as close to the IT equipment as
possible. Figure 13.2 shows a UPS complete with batteries and power
distribution unit installed with the IT equipment racks on the raised floor
of a computer room. The UPS input voltage is typically stepped down
internally to IT equipment utilization voltage (e.g., 480 V input to
208/120 V output), but it may operate at the IT equipment utilization
voltage (e.g., 208/120 V input and output). Depending on the
construction, there may be multiple power modules, each with a
dedicated input power circuit, or a single input for all power modules.
There is usually an automatic bypass and a maintenance bypass, both of
which can be fed from sources different from the power module source.
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13.3.1 Overview
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loads). For multi-module UPS systems, data points are usually measured
at the paralleling switchgear or output distribution switchboard.
Calculated values may be accomplished at the power equipment itself or
calculations might take place at a remote intelligent monitor.
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Storage equipment within the data center can take many different
forms, ranging from a large monolithic system to smaller storage
processors which mount in a standard 19-inch (483 mm) rack (Figure
15.3). In addition, these systems can be active very close to 100% of the
time, or they can be used for backup purposes and may only run as a
batch job as infrequently as once per day or less. For these reasons, it is
important to monitor the equipment for as long a period of time as
practical to be able to capture these variations in energy consumption.
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Unlike servers, much of the storage equipment designed over the last few
years does not provide power consumption data as a standard output, and
measurements need to be taken in order to determine actual power
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Design Values
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PDU Output
The PDU may also aggregate power consumption over time. This
can be an asset in terms of removing variables such as workload and
utilization of individual rack-mounted devices from calculations of total
energy use. The average provided by the PDU can be examined for
time-based variability and may offer an advantage if the equipment
served by the PDU has multiple workload characteristics.
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the data center. Being able to measure the server long enough to get a
fair time-based type average is critical (avoiding over-sampling peak
utilization or idle time), so workloads must be understood.
A simple example is the peak use in e-mail systems first thing in the
morning and right after the lunch hour. Sampling only during these
times will yield higher energy consumption than is actually used over
time. Similarly, not including these times will yield inaccurately lower
energy consumption. However, this extrapolation to get total room
energy use will not be as good as the summation the PDU provides.
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load and to also account for any current share differences that may exist
between the redundant power supplies, the preferred method for
measuring power is to connect a power meter in series with each of the
two AC inputs and collect an aggregate measurement over a specific
period of time (24 hours minimum).
Power strips that measure power and energy consumption and report
this data over the network provide an elegant method for obtaining IT
equipment power consumption. An example of such an instrumented
power strip is shown in Figure 15.6. The power strip can report via the
network to the data center management console, or to a number of
commercial data center management software packages. Data center
software is discussed in-depth in Chapter 4. To ensure that all IT devices
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PDU Output
As reported in Chapter 14, PDUs that integrate power over time and
report this to a Building Management System (BMS) provide an
excellent summation of the IT loads fed by the PDU. In turn, the data
acquired by the BMS can be reported up to a data center level
management system that is tracking the power consumption of all the
key subsystems in the data center.
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There are also input power monitoring products available today that
can be hard wired into the AC input of the rack or array and will send
energy consumption data back to a central location using wireless
technology. These add-on modules can measure power consumption,
temperature, and humidity in the environment where the rack or storage
array is located. With enough of these wireless transmitters placed
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within the data center, the hot spots can be mapped. It is then possible to
move the IT load around in order to balance temperatures and to reduce
the overall data center cooling requirement.
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Some network devices are now equipped with the ability to provide
power to remote devices (such as IP phones, wireless ports, etc.) directly
through the Ethernet cable, thus negating the need for 120VAC power
drops at the remote device locations. Power over Ethernet (PoE), as it is
called, is governed by the IEEE 802.3-2005 standard, which continues to
evolve to include expanded capabilities and increased total power levels.
A device that supplies power is called Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE)
and the device that is powered is called the Powered Device (PD). IEEE
802.3 recommends maximum power to be transmitted over Ethernet
conductors (currently at 15.40 W at the PSE and, due to line losses,
12.95W at the PD); however, some vendors may not comply with these
recommended standards. Consult with equipment vendors to obtain
specific PoE power values for each device.
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Networking Systems
For legacy networks (that do not include PoE capabilities) PoE can
be retrofitted to a network by installing midspan power injectors between
regular Ethernet switches and powered Ethernet devices. These small,
midspan power units inject power into the Ethernet cable conductors
without affecting the data traffic, and are powered by common AC power
adapters plugged into rack level PDUs.
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Networking Systems
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Design Values
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Networking Systems
The total amount of power that a PSE draws (such as a 48 port PoE
switch) depends how many remote Powered Devices are connected to the
PSE, how much power each PD requires and the length of Ethernet cable
between the PSE and the PD. Network equipment that does not have
PoE capabilities (such as a basic 48 port switch), yet has PoE midspan
power injectors installed to supply power to remote PoE devices, will not
experience any additional power draw from those PoE devices. Instead
the power for the PDs will come from the midspan power injector.
These power injectors must be included in the total network power
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Networking Systems
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PDU Output
Power strips that measure power and energy consumption and report
this data over the network provide an elegant method for obtaining IT
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Networking Systems
The power strip can report via the network to the data center
management console, or to a number of commercial data center
management software packages. Data center software is discussed in-
depth in Chapter 4. To ensure that all IT devices are accurately
accounted for, it is important to have a detailed mapping of the devices
across the power strips.
PDU Output
As reported in Chapter 14, PDUs that integrate power over time and
report this to a Building Management System (BMS) provide an
excellent summation of the IT loads fed by the PDU. In turn, the data
acquired by the BMS can be reported up to a data center level
management system that is tracking the power consumption of all the
key subsystems in the data center.
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Appendix A—Pumps
WHP (A.1)
WHP (A.2)
BHP (A.3)
3,960 pump
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Power (kW ) 0.7547 (A.4)
3,960 pump motor VFD
Figure A.2 depicts typical system and power curves for a variable
speed pump application. This curve shows a two to one reduction in
flow (50%) provides an eight to one reduction in power (12.5%). It is
worth mentioning that many systems with variable speed pumps and 2-
way flow control valves do not follow a single system curve or power
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Appendix A—Pumps
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The primary loop has a flow of V and power consumption of PP1 that
is not fully allocated to the data center; therefore only the portion of the
flow used for the data center should be applied to PP1. The total pump
power for the data center may be obtained by the following equation.
VP 2
PP,dc ( PP1 ) PP 2 (A.6)
where VP1 is the volumetric flow rate for common loop pump P1,
VP 2 is the volumetric flow rate for data center pump P2, PP1 is the power
consumption of common loop pump P1, PP2 is the power consumption of
data center pump P2.
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Appendix A—Pumps
The flow in the primary loop ( VP1 ) will not necessarily equal the
sum of the data center secondary loop ( VP 2 ) and the general HVAC
secondary loop ( VP 3 ). A more accurate assessment makes it also
necessary to quantify VP 3 . The following equation is more accurate as it
will also allocate pumping power consumed for the excess flow in the
primary loop apportioned to the data center:
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VP 2
PP,dc ( PP1 ) PP 2 (A.7)
VP 2 VP3
where VP1 is the volumetric flow rate for common loop pump P1,
VP 2 is the volumetric flow rate for data center pump P2, VP 3 is the
volumetric flow rate for data center pump P3, PP1 is the power
consumption of common loop pump P1, PP2 is the power consumption of
data center pump P2.
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Appendix A—Pumps
Once again, the data center’s flow requirements versus total chiller
plant must be proportioned in order to assign the appropriate pump
power requirements to the data center. This is simply the ratio of data
center flow over total flow:
Vdc 6
PP ,dc PP, Pn (A.8)
Vdc Vhvac n 1
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Each chiller will have a certain rated load amps (RLA) and power
rating at design conditions, for which RLA curves are typically provided.
Design conditions are the most severe set of conditions for which the
chiller and HVAC systems are sized. However, the RLA vs. power
rating graph will vary if the chiller is not operating at one of the four Air-
Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) conditions.
These conditions can be found in AHRI Standard 550/590 – 2003.
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Appendix B—Chillers
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Since open cooling towers have been assumed, there are no integral
pumps to include in the total power consumption calculation. The power
consumption for the condenser water pumps is discussed in Chapter 7. If
closed circuit cooling towers had been assumed, the pump power
consumption per cooling tower would have to be included in the total
power consumption for the cooling tower plant. If there is interest in
knowing the power consumption of individual cooling towers
attributable to the data center, the data center owner / operator should
measure condenser water flow rate to each cooling tower. This specific
case is not covered in the book.
Once the overall power consumption of the cooling tower plant Pct,dc ,
attributable to the data center has been determined as illustrated by
Equation C.1, this data can then be used for any number of purposes.
For example, the Pct,dc can be made available to the facility software for
use in the calculation of the PUE. While PUE is used as a particular
example in this book, the point to be made is that the data can be used in
any industry data center energy efficiency, productivity, or other metric.
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consumption that is attributable to the data center. Keep in mind that the
heat load originating from the data center, as transported in the returning
water, is the sum of the heat loads from the IT equipment, heat losses
from the CRAHs, heat losses from the lighting, and several other key
sources within the data center. For this section, all these sources are
lumped into a single source from the data center (i.e., total heat load of
the entire data center).
Qtotal = m
total · Cp · (EEWT – LEWT) (C.2)
where Qtotal is the total heat load on chiller plant, m total is the
measured mass flow rate of chilled water calculated from volumetric
flow rate, Cp is the specific heat (constant pressure) of evaporator
(chilled) water, EEWT is the entering evaporator water temperature, and
LEWT is the leaving evaporator water temperature.
The total heat load, i.e., Qtotal, consists of the sum of the heat loads
from all sources within the mixed-use facility, including from the data
center itself. For example, loads could originate from the data center
(Qdc), an adjacent laboratory (Qlab), office space (Qoffice), etc. Once these
heat loads combine into a single mass flow rate of water ( m total ), the
mixture will attain a temperature that can be named Ttotal. The heat load
from the data center that returns to the chiller plant will be split into five
separate water streams (to the five chillers), assumed to all be at the same
temperature Ttotal. The data center heat load is represented as:
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where Qdc,c1…Qdc,c5 are the heat loads from the data center, split
between chillers 1 through 5 respectively.
where m
dc,c1 is the proportion of total mass flow rate from the data
center passing through chiller 1.
The total water mass flow rate for the mixed-use facility, m total ,
splits into five separate mass flow rate streams corresponding to the five
chillers (i.e., m
dc,c1 through m dc,c 5 ) respectively. The mass flow rate to
each chiller is driven by a pump that serves each chiller, and it is
assumed that these flow rates are measured. Each chiller will also
receive a contribution from the total mass flow rate of water returning
from the data center (i.e., m
dc ). It is assumed that this flow rate is
measured as well. The contribution for chiller 1, from m dc , is calculated
as the ratio of the chillers mass flow rate times the mass flow rate of the
data center to the total mass flow rate of the facility, as follows:
m c1 m dc
m dc,c1 (C.5)
m total
Once the fraction of the total heat load passing through a given
chiller, attributable to a source such as the data center, is determined, the
fraction of the chiller’s total power consumption attributable to the data
center can be calculated as:
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from one data center to another, the relationships are valid. A difference
of 1 watt at the IT load can equate to more than 2.4 watts at the facility’s
electrical service entrance.
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By far the most common type is the on-line static (solid state) UPS,
although it should be noted that other technologies are used. These
include standby UPS, line-interactive UPS, rotary UPS, hybrid rotary /
static UPS, and hybrid rotary / generator systems. Because of its
overwhelming dominance in the industry, this document will focus on
the static online UPS.
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the remaining module picks up the faulted module’s share of the load in
one step (in this case, from 50% to 100% of the load).
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Most UPS systems run somewhere below 80% of their non-
redundant rating. Assume a system is rated for 100 kW [N] with one
additional module for redundancy [N+1] and it is operating at 80% of its
full rated capacity (i.e., 80 kW). Table D.1 shows the hypothetical effect
on system efficiency with variations in the quantity and rating of parallel
power modules.
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Keep in mind that each of the series elements within the critical
power path will have losses that do not vary in a linear fashion with load
level. Also keep in mind that IT loads are dynamic and change in value
with respect to time. Therefore, this technique only takes one snapshot
in time and only provides a relative performance profile for which
significant inaccuracies are possible.
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Key assumptions include that all IT loads are on UPS power, the
UPS output power is metered, the UPS batteries are fully charged, and
efficiency of the power distribution is an average value.
Service Entrance Input Power (for Critical Power Path) =
where UPS is the average efficiency for the UPS, IT is the average
efficiency of the total IT load and PUPS ,n is the total UPS power.
A key assumption is that all UPS are operating between 40% and
80% of capacity.
Using the efficiency values provided in the table and placing these in
Equation D.1, the following result is obtained:
IT Load PUPS,n 1.11 PUPS ,n (D.3)
0.92 0.98
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(Note: This example addresses only the critical power path; it does
not include other elements such as cooling equipment in the essential
power path that are addressed in other chapters. Whereas the PUE
considers all power-using components within a facility, a "partial" PUE
considers only the power-using components within a boundary. A
boundary could be a physical boundary such as a container, a computer
room, a modular pod, or a building. A boundary could also be a logical
boundary such as equipment owned by a department or a customer, or
owned versus leased equipment, or any other boundary that makes sense
for the management of the assets. In that sense, the power consumed by
the IT equipment compared to the power consumed by all of the
elements in a critical power path would constitute only a partial PUE.)
This example assumes that the data center has more metering than
would be expected with a minimum level of instrumentation. (Note:
Elements of the essential power path are described elsewhere in this
document and are not included in this calculation.)
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For this example, the critical AC power path starts at the electrical
distribution panels. Instruments at these panels measure and display
current, voltage and power in each feeder to the respective downstream
UPS systems. Each UPS further connects to a downstream PDU, from
which originate the branch circuits to the IT loads.
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For this example, the IT load will be adjusted to obtain just the
aggregate computing losses, assuming an RPDU efficiency of 98.5%.
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PUE(CPP ) (D.6)
PUE(CPP ) 1.152
Total IT Load
DCiE (CPP ) 100% (D.7)
Critical Power Path Input Power
DCiE (CPP) 100% 86.78%
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CCHP systems can utilize prime movers such as gas turbines, gas
engines, diesel engines, and microturbines to power generators. These
technologies can be used with a number of different fuel sources,
providing the opportunity to optimize the availability, cost, as well as
performance of the power generation fuel to suit the needs of the data
center facility.
Onsite power generation alone does not affect the calculation of PUE
or DCiE. These metrics are based on electrical power consumption, and
are not biased by how the electricity is being supplied. Regardless of the
source, the power consumed by the IT equipment as well as the power
consumed by the data center facility (counting the power generation
outside of the facility) both remain the same.
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DCiE ratios by reducing the total metered power into the data center by
the following equation:
where Pdp is the total power displaced by CCHP at the utility meter,
Pgen is CCHP electric output power as metered at the combined output
point (collector bus) of the CCHP system, and Pcool is displaced cooling
power (power displaced by the absorption chiller providing cooling to
the data center).
Key to all applications for CCHP is using the exhaust heat for useful
purpose. A data center is an excellent application since there is a
relatively constant thermal load requirement.
A CCHP system used in the data center could be set up with grid
independent capability allowing it to not only provide economic benefit
(return on investment), but to also operate in the event of a grid outage,
just as an emergency generator set would. The CCHP system could also
be used as an extra layer of redundancy in addition to a conventional
diesel generator(s). When configured in this fashion, the system can
sustain the combined power and cooling requirements of IT equipment
indefinitely, provided there is no interruption in CCHP fuel supply.
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The DMC is a device that seeks to remain closed at all times when
the grid is present. This allows the microturbines to flow surplus power
to the entire building while the CCHP system is running in parallel with
the grid. In this mode the system is running in a maximum, base-loaded
condition. If the grid goes down, the DMC will immediately open the
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The automatic transfer switch (ATS) logic is set up so that the CCHP
system is the normal source. To prevent a false start of the diesel, a brief
time delay is introduced into the logic of the transfer switches. After the
delay, if the CCHP system is not online, the transfer switch will close its
starting contacts activating the diesel backup system.
Absorption Chillers
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Steam Generation
Many of the prime movers used in combined heat and power systems
can generate steam through the use of a heat recovery steam generator
(HRSG). Exhaust gas from microturbines, gas turbines, reciprocating
engines and molten carbonate fuel cells can be used to drive the HRSG
to generate high quality steam. This steam is used to provide
humidification in the data center or to provide steam heating within the
facility surrounding the data center. Where steam absorption cooling is
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already in place, this steam can be used to displace the high cost of site-
made steam for cooling. Larger CCHP systems can provide additional
electrical power through a steam turbine supplementing the main prime
Desiccant Dehumidification
The waste heat from the electrical generation process is also used to
provide regeneration of desiccant wheels used to dehumidify air streams.
This is especially applicable in applications where the outside conditions
introduce moist air into the data center or supporting facility. The loads
from the IT equipment are sensible loads, but outside air can contain a
latent component to meet ventilation requirements. Desiccant
dehumidifiers can be used to dry this air before being introduced into the
data center environment. New desiccant designs include reactivation of
the wheel with medium temperature water (140 – 180 °F [60 – 80 °C]).
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The CCHP system may also be used for peak shaving during periods
of the day when electricity from the utility is at a premium. This mode,
known as Load Following, allows the user to selectively determine start /
stop commands and / or power output levels, depending on the
technology of the prime mover. When control is based on a utility input
power set point, the system regulates the utility power flow to an
adjustable maximum: the utility power set point. If the local demand
rises above this level by an adjustable amount for a set time, the CCHP
system is directed to supply the difference, up to its capacity. The goal
of the peak shaving mode is to minimize peak and standby electricity
charges (see Figure E.4).
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igure E.5 is essentially Figure E.1, but with the key power metering
points indicated. Similarly, Figure E.6 is a modified version of Figure
E.2, with the key metering points indicated. More specifically, Figure
E.5 indicates the power measurement points in the power distribution
schematic, while Figure E.6 shows the measuring points for determining
the power displaced by the CCHP system.
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While the sensors and software necessary to acquire and reduce the
real-time power consumption measurements for CCHP systems may be
discussed in this Appendix, the details with respect to the sensors and
software are left to Chapter 4 Measurement Collection Systems –
Architecture & Software, and Chapter 3 Measurement Devices.
The PUE of the data center will change after the installation of a
CCHP system, so this book will differentiate between the PUE for
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©2009, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (
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digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
facilities with and without CCHP systems. The PUE for a facility after
the installation of a CCHP system is given by:
Percent Change in PUE (E.5)
This shows that PUECCHP has improved by the value of the power of
the displaced cooling, Pcool. It is assumed that the power consumed by
the IT equipment, PIT, remains constant both before and after the
introduction of a CCHP system. Note that once CCHP is implemented,
the original Pfac can only be mathematically approximated. To illustrate
the changes in PUE with the introduction of CCHP, an example is
Assume that the total facility power, Pfac, is measured at the utility
meter, prior to the installation of CCHP, to be 2,000 kW. The CCHP
system generates Pgen = 750 kW of power, and offsets cooling that
requires Pcool = 250 kW of power to generate. It is also assumed that the
IT load is 1,000 kW. The PUE, prior to the installation of CCHP, is
calculated as:
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©2009, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (
For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or
digital form is not permitted without ASHRAE's prior written permission.
PUE 2.0
Upon introduction of the CCHP system, and using Equation E.4, the
PUECCHP is calculated as:
The improvement in PUE for the data center after the installation of
a CCHP system is 12.5%.
The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), which will account for the cost
of the fuel used to run the generators, as well as maintenance cost are
beyond the scope of this discussion and are not covered in this book.
CCHP systems provide economic return where a differential between
natural gas and electrical grid electricity exist known as ―s
park spread‖.
These energy economics are an important factor in the decision process
in deploying CCHP systems as are both assured power and assured
cooling decisions.
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A cross-sectional area
AC alternating current; air-conditioning
AHU air-handling unit
AHRI Air-conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute
AMD air moving device
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-
Conditioning Engineers
ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
ATS automatic transfer switch
BHP brake horsepower
BMC baseboard management controllers
BMS building management system
CCA constant-current anemometer
CCHP combined cooling heat & power
cfm cubic feet per minute
CFO chief financial officer
CIO chief information officer
COO chief operating officer
CPU central processing unit
CRAC computer room air conditioner
CRAH computer room air handler
CT current transformer
CTA constant-temperature anemometer
CTTS closed transition transfer switch
CVA constant-voltage anemometer
d diameter
DC direct current
DCeP Data Center Energy Productivity
DCiE Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency
DE distributed energy
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DG distributed generation
DMC dual mode controller
DP dew point
DX direct expansion
E energy
ECDW entering condenser water temperature
ECHW entering chilled water temperature
ECM electronically commutated motor
EEWT entering evaporator water temperature
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EUE Energy Usage Effectiveness
fpm feet per minute
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus
gpm gallons per minute
GUI graphical user interface
H head
h height; head of water
Hp horsepower
HPC high performance computing
HRSG heat recovery steam generator
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
HVAC Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
I current
I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit
ICT Information and Communications Technologies
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IOPS Input / Output Operations Per Second
IP internet protocol
IPLV integrated part load value
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface
IT information technology
KVA kilovolt-amperes
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
LAN local area network
LCD liquid crystal display
LCDW leaving condenser water temperature
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c chiller
c1, etc. chiller 1, etc.
CCHP Combined Cooling Heat and Power
comp compressor
cool cooling power saved by CCHP
cp condensate pump
CPP critical power path
crac CRAC
crah CRAH
ct cooling tower
ct1 cooling tower 1, etc.
dc data center
deh dehumidifier
dp displaced power
fac facility
fan fan
gen generator
heat heating
hum humidifier
i input
ipd input power distribution
IT IT equipment
L-L leg-to-leg
L-N leg-to-neutral
net network equipment
p pump
p1 pump 1, etc.
pd power distribution
RMS root mean square
serv server(s)
stor storage equipment
ups UPS
ups1 UPS 1, etc.
VFD variable frequency drive
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cylindrical unloading:
data center:
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rack-mounted equipment
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