Question-Paper Main-Maths 16 PDF
Question-Paper Main-Maths 16 PDF
Question-Paper Main-Maths 16 PDF
20. If x =
nwljh la[;k Kkr djsaA
8 8 8 ... and (A) 124 (B) 128
(C) 134 (D) 38
y = 8 – 8 – 8... then which of the
6084 *
following is correct? 26. If = , then * = ?
* 97344
;fn x = 8 8 8 ... vkSj *
;fn = rks]* = ?
* 97344
y = 8 – 8 – 8... rc dkSu&lk fodYi lgh gksxk
(A) 146 (B) 136
(A) x + y = 1 (B) x + y + 1 = 0 (C) 156 (D) 172
(C) x – y = 1 (D) x – y + 1 = 0
21. Divide 50 into two part so that the sum of 13
27. is equal to:
their reciprocals is . 13
12 ds cjkcj gS&
50 dks nks Hkkxks esa bl izdkj foHkkftr djs fd buds O;qRØeksa
1 1 1
(A) (B)
dk ;ksx12 gks tk,A 1 1
3 2
1 1
(A) 35, 15 (B) 20, 30 1 1
(C) 24, 36 (D) 28, 22 16 8
22. If a number is as much greater than 31 as
it is less than 75, then the number is: 1 1
(C) (D)
og la[;k crk,sa tks
31 ls mruh gh cM+h gS ftruk
75fd 3
1 1
ls NksVk gSA 1
(A) 106 (B) 44 1 2
1 4
(C) 74 (D) 53 1
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 3
34. A boat takes half time in moving a certain
2 x2 x 2 distance downstream than upstream. The
28. If x + = 1, then the value of is:
x x 2 (1 – x ) ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to
that of the current is:
;fn x +
2 x2 x 2
= 1 gS] rks 2 dk eku Kkr djsaA ,d ukSdk dks dqN nwjh rd /kjk ds izfrdwy tkus dh rqyuk
x x (1 – x ) esa èkkjk ds vuqdwy tkus esa vk/k le; yxrk gSA fLFkj ty
(A) 1 (B) –1 esa ukSdk dh vkSj /kjk dh xfr dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
(C) 2 (D) –2 (A) 2 : 1 (B) 4 : 3
29. The sum of all interior angles of a regular (C) 1 : 2 (D) 3 : 1
polygon is twice the sum of all its exterior 35. Three friends Anita, Bindu and Champa
angles. The number of sides of the polygon divided ` 1105 amongst them in such a way
that if ` 10, ` 20 and ` 15 are removed from
the sums that Anita, Bindu and Champa
fdlh cgqHkqt ds vkarfjd dks.kksa dk ;ksx] mlds ckg~; dks.kksa
received respectively, then the share of the
ds ;ksx dk nksxquk gSA cgqHkqt dh Hkqtkvksa dh la[;k Kkr djsaA
sums that they got will be in the ratio of
(A) 10 (B) 8 11 : 18 : 24. How much did Champa receive?
(C) 12 (D) 6 rhu lgsyh vuhrk] fcUnq vkSj pEik`1105 esa
dks bl rjg
30. Two solid cones of equal height and of radii ckaVk tkrk gS fd vuhrk] fcUnq vkSj pEik ds fgLlksa ls Øe
r1 and r2 are melted and made to form a solid `10, `20 rFkk`15 ?kVk;k tk,] rks muds fgLlksa dk
sphere of radius R. Then the height of the vuqikr Øe'k% 11 : 18 : 24 gksxkA pEik dks fdruh jkf'k
cone is: feyh\
nksr1 rFkkr2 f=kT;k okys rFkk cjkcj Å¡pkbZ ds 'kadqvksa (A) dks
` 495 (B) ` 510
fi?kykdj ,d R f=kT;k okys Bksl xksys ds :i esa ifjofrZr(C) ` 480 (D) ` 375
fd;k tkrk gSA 'kadqvksa dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr djsaA 36. A bus moving at a speed of 45 km/hr
overtakes a truck 150 m ahead going in the
4 R2 4R same direction in 30 seconds. The speed of
(A) (B) the truck is:
r12r22 r1r2
45 fdeh@?k.Vk dh xfr ls pyrs gq, ,d cl Lo;a150ls
4R 3
R 2 eh- vkxs tk jgs Vªd dks ikj djus
30 esa
lsd.M dk le;
(C) 2 (D) 2 2 ysrh gSA Vªd dh xfr crk;saA (fdeh-@?k.Vk esa)
r1 r22 r1 r2
31. The radius of circle is increased by 1%. How (A) 27 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
much does the area of the circle increase? (B) 24 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
fdlh o`Ùk dh f=kT;k 1%dks esa 25 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
c<+k;k x;kA o`Ùk ds {ks=kiQy(C)
izfr'kr o`f¼ Kkr djsaA (D) 28 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
37. A man's age is 125% of what it was 10 years
(A) 1% (B) 1.1%
(C) 2% (D) 2.01% 1
ago, but 83 % of what it will be after 10
p q r
32. If = = , then p + q + r =? years. What is his present age?
b –c c –a a –b
,d O;fDr dh vk;q mldh10 o"kZ igys dh vk;q dh
p q r 1
;fn = = gS] rks
p + q + r =? 125% gS ysfdu10 o"kZ ckn dh vk;q83 dh % gS] rks
b –c c –a a –b 3
(A) 0 O;fDr dh orZeku vk;q Kkr dhft,A
(B) 1 (A) 45 years/o"kZ (B) 50 years/o"kZ
(C) –1
(C) 52 years/o"kZ (D) 48 years/o"kZ
(D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha 38. Find the maximum value of
33. In ABC, AD is the internal bisector of A
meeting the side BC at D. If BD = 5 cm and
5 cos + 3 cos + 3
BC = 7.5 cm, then AB : AC is: 3
ABC esa] AD, A dk vkarfjd foHkktd gSBC tksHkqtk
dks D ij feyrk gSA ;fn BD = 5 lseh- vkSj 5 cos + 3 cos + 3 dk vfèkdre eku Kkr
BC = 7.5 lseh- gS] rks AB : AC gS& dhft,A
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (A) 8 (B) 10
(C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 4 (C) 12 (D) 11
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 4
39. The simple interest on a sum of money at 43. The average age of a family consisting of 5
4% per annum for 2 years is ` 80. The members, 3 years ago was 35 years. One
compound interest on the same sum for the year ago a new baby was born in the family.
same period is: Three years, hence the average age of the
family will be
fdlh /ujkf'k ij 4% okf"kZd nj 2lso"kksZa dk lk/kj.k
3 o"kZ igys ifjokj 5dslnL;ksa dh vkSlr
35 o"kZ FkhA ,d
C;kt ` 80 gSA mlh /ujkf'k ij leku vof/ ds fy, lky igys ifjokj esa ,d cPpk iSnk gqvkA
3 o"kZ ckn ifjokj
pØo`f¼ C;kt fdruk gksxk\ dh vkSlr mez gksxh&
(A) ` 82.60 (B) ` 82.20 (A) 36 years/o"kZ
(C) ` 81.80 (D) ` 81.60
40. The simple interest on a sum of money is (B) 34 years/o"kZ
of the principal and the number of year 4
4 (C) 35 years/o"kZ
is equal to annual rate percent. The rate
percent is: (D) None of these/dksbZ ugha
44. If the sum of five consecutive integers is S,
fdlh /ujkf'k ij lk/kj.k C;kt ewy/u dk gS rFkk o"kksZa then the largest of those integers in term
4 of S is:
dh la[;k vkSj okf"kZd C;kt nj cjkcj gSA rks C;kt dh nj;fn 5 Øekxr iw.kkZadksaSdk
S ds :i esa muesa
50 45
(` yk[ k esa
S³ 30 30
S and V respectively, then value of is 25 25
20 15
S³ 10
fdlh xksys dk i`"B {ks=kiQy
S rFkk vk;ruV gSA rks
1 1 1 100 a b 100 a – b
+ y 1 + ? (A) (B)
x 1 z 1 x –y x y
;fn x² = y + z, y² = z +x vkSjz² = x + y, rks
100 a b 100 a – b
1 1 1 (C) (D)
+ y 1 + dk eku Kkr djsaA y–x x –y
x 1 z 1
(A) –1 (B) 1 85. A shopkeeper increases the cost price of an
(C) 2 (D) 4 its by 20% and offers a discount of 10% on
81. A boy saves `4.65 daily. What is the least this marked price. What is his percentage
number of days in which he will be able to gain?
save an exact number of rupees?
,d nqdkunkj vius leku dk vafdr ewY; mlds Ø; ewY;
,d ckyd izfrfnu `4.65 dh cpr djrk gS] de ls de
ls 20% c<+krk gSA ijUrq csprs 10%
le; ogdk cV~Vk nsrk
fdrus fnuksa esa og #i;s (iw.kZ la[;k esa) cpr djus esa l>e
gS] rks mldk ykHk izfr'kr D;k
? gksxk
gks tk,xk
(A) 10 (B) 20 (A) 15% (B) 12%
(C) 21 (D) 25 (C) 10% (D) 8%
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 9
86. A person can row downstream 20 km in 2 91. If the perimeter of a circle is equal to that a
hours and upstream 4 km in 2 hours. What square, then what is the ratio of area of
is the speed of the current? circle to that of square?
,d O;fDr èkkjk dh fn'kk2esa
fdehú dh nwjh ;fn fdlh o`Ùk dh ifjfèk oxZ ds ifjeki ds cjkcj gS] rks o`Ùk
r; djrk gS] vkSj èkkjk ds izfrdwy fn'kk
2 ?kaVs
esa4esa dk {ks=kiQy oxZ ds {ks=kiQy ls fdl vuqikr esa gksxk\
fdehú dh nwjh r; djrk gS] rks èkkjk dh xfr Kkr djsaA(A) 22 : 7 (B) 14 : 11
(C) 7 : 22 (D) 11 : 14
(A) 2 km/hours/fdeh@?kaVk
92. If sin x + sin²x = 1, then what is the value of
(B) 2.5 km/hours/fdeh@?kaVk cos8x + 2cos6x + cos4x?
(C) 3 km/hours/fdeh@?kaVk ;fn sinx + sin²x = 1, rkscos8x + 2cos6x + cos4x
(D) 4 km/hours/fdeh@?kaVk dk eku gksxk&
87. What is the unit digit of 7139? (A) 0 (B) 1
7139 dk bdkbZ vad D;k ? gS (C) 2 (D) 4
(A) 9 (B) 7 93. What is the value of tan 1º tan2º tan3º
(C) 6 (D) 3 tan4º...tan89º?
88. If 4x + 3a = 0, then what is the value of 1º tan2º tan3º tan4º...tan89 dk eku Kkr djsaA
x ² ax a ² x ² – ax a ² (A) 0 (B) 1
– ? (C) 2 (D)
x³ – a³ x³ a³ 3
x ² ax a ² x ² – ax a ² 94. The average score of class X is 83. The
;fn 4x + 3a = 0, rks – average score of class Y is 76. The average
x³ – a³ x³ a³
score of class Z is 85. The average score of
dk eku D;k gksxk
? class X and Y is 79. And average score of
4 7 class Y and Z is 81. What is the average
(A) – (B) score of X, Y and Z?
7a a
d{kkX dk vkSlr Ldksj83 gSAd{kkY dk vkSlr Ldksj
–32 24
(C) (D) 76 gSA d{kkZ dk vkSlr Ldksj
85 gSA d{kk
X rFkk
Y dk
7a 79
89. The speeds of three cars are in the ratio 2 : vkSlr Ldksj
79 gS vkSj d{kk
Y rFkkZ dk vkSlr81 Ldksj
3 : 4. What is the ratio between the times gSA rks
x, y, z dk vkSlr Ldksj D;k gksxk\
taken by these cars to travel the same (A) 81.5 (B) 80.5
(C) 79.0 (D) 78.0
rhu dkjksa ds pky dk vuqikr
2 : 3 : 4 gS] rks leku nwjh
95. A cricketer has a certain average of 10
r; djus esa yxk le; dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\ innings. In the eleventh inning he scored
(A) 4 : 3 : 2 (B) 2 : 3 : 4 108 runs, thereby increasing his average
(C) 4 : 3 : 6 (D) 6 : 4 : 3 by 6 runs. What is his new average?
90. Let ABC be a right angled triangle with BC ,d fØdsV f[kykM+h 10dsikfj;ksa dk dqN vkSlr11gSA
= 5 cm and AC = 12 cm. Let D be a point on
ikjh esa og
108 ju cukrk gS] ftlls mldk vkSlr
6 ju c<+
the hypotenuse AB such that BCD = 30º.
What is length of CD? tkrk gSA mldk u;k vkSlr Kkr djsaA
ledks.k f=kHkqt
ABC esa
BC = 5 lseh vkSj
AC = 12 lseh, (A) 42 (B) 47
(C) 48 (D) 6
D dksbZ fcUnqAB
ij gS] vkSj
BCD = 30º rks Hkqtk
96. In a triangle ABC, AB + BC = 24 cm, BC +
CD dh yEckbZ Kkr djsaA CA = 28 cm and CA + AB = 36 cm. Find the
radius of the circle (in cm) which has the
(A) cm/lseh same perimeter as the triangle.
ABC esa]AB + BC = 24 lseh, BC + CA = 28 lseh
CA + AB = 36 lsehgSA ml o`Ùk dh f=kT;k Kkr djsa
2 ftldk ifjeki f=kHkqt ds ifjeki ds cjkcj gSA
120 5 7
(C) cm/lseh (A) cm/lseh (B) cm/lseh
5 12 2 2 2
120 9
(D) cm/lseh (C) cm/lseh (D) 7 cm/lseh
5 12 3 2
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 10
97. Let x and y are two point on a circle with 98. How many more students are in commerce
centre O. If two tangents of the circle than law if 2000 students are in science?
through x and y meet at A with XAY = 36º, ;fn foKku esa Nk=kksa dh la[;k
2000 gks] rks crk;s fd
then AXY is
okf.kT; esa Nk=kksa dh la[;k] fofèk ls fdruh vfèkd gS\
ekuk fd dsUnz fcUnq
O okys o`ÙkxijvkSjy nks fcanq gSaA ;fn
(A) 200 (B) 400
o`Ùk ds nks xfcUnq
vkSjy ls gksdj [khpha xbZ Li'kZ
A js[kk, (C) 500 (D) 300
ij feyrh gSa] rFkk
XAY = 36º gS] rksAXY fdruk 99. If 2000 students are admitted in science,
what is the ratio of students in science and
gksxk\ art?
(A) 72º (B) 66º
(C) 58º (D) 93º
;fn foKku esa izos'k ysus okyksa dh la[;k
2000 gks] rks foKku
Direction : (98-100) In the following questions, rFkk dyk esa Nk=kksa dh la[;kvksa esa vuqikr crk;sA
the Pie-Chart shows the number of students (A) 6 : 5 (B) 5 : 6
admitted in different faculties of a college. Study (C) 3 : 2 (D) 4 : 3
the chart and answer the questions. 100. If 2000 students are admitted in science.
: (98-100) fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa o`Ùk vkjs[k fdlh egkfo|ky;
What is the total number of students?
ds fofHkUu fudk;ksa esa nkf[ky fd;s x;s Nk=kksa dh la[;k;fn foKkugS
n'kkZrk esa izos'k ysus okys Nk=kksa
vkjs[k dk vè;;u dj fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA Nk=kksa dh dqy la[;k crk;sA
(A) 3600 (B) 7200
(C) 4800 (D) 3200
Education f'k{kk