Amerlock 2
Amerlock 2
Amerlock 2
Amerlock 2 ®
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Topcoats Application Data
Amercoat 450 Series, Amershield, PSX 700, PSX 1001 Applied over Steel, concrete, aluminum,
Dimetcote, Amercoat 68 Series, Self Priming Mixing ratio (by volume) 1 part resin to 1 part cure
Pot life is the period of time after mixing that a five-gallon unit of material is
sprayable when thinned as recommended. Mixture may appear fluid beyond
this time, but spraying and film build characteristics may be impaired.
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Application Equipment Shipping Data
The following is a guide; suitable equipment from other Packaging unit 2 gal 5 gal
manufacturers may be used. Changes in pressure, hose and tip cure 1-gal can 2.5-gal can
size may be needed for proper spray characteristics. resin 1-gal can 2.5-gal in 5-gal can
Airless spray – Standard equipment having a 45:1 or higher Shipping weight (approx) lbs kg
pump ratio, with a 0.017- to 0.021-inch fluid tip. 2-gal unit
Conventional spray – Industrial equipment, such as DeVilbiss Amerlock 2 cure 12.8 15.8
MBC or JGA or Binks 18 or 62 spray gun. A moisture and oil Amerlock 2/400 resin 13.7 16.2
trap in the main air supply line, a pressure material pot with Amerlock 2AL resin 11.0 15.0
mechanical agitator and separate regulators of air and fluid Amerlock 2AL cure 13.3 15.9
pressure are recommended. 5-gal unit
Amerlock 2 cure 33.0 15.0
Power mixer – Jiffy Mixer powered by an air or explosion- Amerlock 2/400 resin 35.0 15.9
proof electric motor. Amerlock 2AL resin 28.3 12.8
Brush or roller – Additional coats may be required to attain Amerlock 2AL cure 34.5 15.6
proper thickness. Natural bristle brush, 3/8"nap roller with Shelf life when stored indoors at 40° to 100°F (4° to 38°C)
solvet resistant core. resin and cure 1 year from shipment date.
Application Procedure Numerical values are subject to normal manufacturing tolerances, color and
testing variances. Allow for application losses and surface irregularities.
1. Flush all equipment with thinner or Amercoat® 12 before
This mixed product is photochemically reactive as defined by the South Coast Air
use. Quality Management District’s Rule 102 or equivalent regulations.
2. Stir resin and cure using an explosion-proof power mixer to
disperse pigments. Safety Precautions
3. Add cure to resin. Mix thoroughly until uniformly blended to Read each component’s material safety data sheet before use.
a workable consistency. Mixed material has hazards of each component. Safety
4. Do not mix more material than can be used within the precautions must be strictly followed during storage, handling
expected pot life. and use.
5. For optimum application, material should be from 50° to CAUTION – Improper use and handling of this product can
90°F (10° to 32°C). Above 122°F (50°C), sagging may occur. be hazardous to health and cause fire or explosion.
6. Use only PPG recommended thinners. For potable water Do not use this product without first taking all appropriate
applications, see current NSF listing at for safety measures to prevent property damage and injuries.
approved thinners and thinning restrictions. For other These measures may include, without limitation: implemen-
applications above 85°F (29°C) use Amercoat 8 or Amercoat tation of proper ventilation, use of proper lamps, wearing of
101, at lower temperatures use Amercoat 65. A small proper protective clothing and masks, tenting and proper
amount of thinner greatly reduces viscosity; excessive separation of application areas. Consult your supervisor.
thinning will cause running or sagging. Thin cautiously as Proper ventilation and protective measures must be pro-
follows: vided during application and drying to keep solvent vapor
Amerlock 2 Amerlock 2AL concentrations within safe limits and to protect against
toxic hazards. Necessary safety equipment must be used
Airless – up to ⁄2 pt/gal 1pt/gal and ventilation requirements carefully observed, especially
Conventional – up to ⁄2 pt/gal 1pt/gal in confined or enclosed spaces, such as tank interiors and
Below 50°F additional thinning may be needed and multiple buildings.
coats required to achieve specified thickness. This product is to be used by those knowledgeable about
7. To minimize orange peel appearance, adjust conventional proper application methods. PPG makes no recommen-
spray equipment to obtain adequate atomization at lowest dation about the types of safety measures that may need to
air pressure. be adopted because these depend on application and space,
8. Apply a wet coat in even, parallel passes with 50 percent of which PPG is unaware and over which it has no control.
overlap to avoid holidays, bare areas and pinholes. If If you do not fully understand the warnings and instructions
required, cross spray at right angles. or if you cannot strictly comply with them, do not use the
9. When applying Amerlock 2 directly over inorganic zincs or product.
zinc rich primers, a mist coat/full coat technique may be
required to minimize bubbling. This will depend on the age Note: Consult Code of Federal Regulations Title 29, Labor, parts
of the Dimetcote®, surface roughness and conditions during 1910 and1915 concerning occupational safety and health
curing. standards and regulations, as well as any other applicable
federal, state and local regulations on safe practices in coating
10.Ventilate confined areas with clean air during application operations.
and while curing the final coat. Prevent moisture conden-
sation on the surface between coats. This product is for industrial use only. Not for residential
11.Repair damaged areas by brush or spray. use.
12.Clean equipment with thinner or Amercoat 12 immediately
after use.
Note: Do not apply Amerlock 2AL on water-damp surfaces.
2 PDS/AI Page 3 of 3 ©2008 PPG Industries • Printed in U.S.A. • R 6/08 supersedes R11/07