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Michał Zimowski
Krzysztof Rogala
Sławomir Kaczmarek
Artur Tulatycki
Michał Śliwka

This book was created

with the approval of and by arrangement
with Soke Masaaki Hatsumi.
“Ninja is true personification of the Budo spirit”
Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi Soke
Ninjutsu means life,
life means creativity,
creativity is the human destiny.
(Always read between the lines)
Remigiusz Borda


BŌ - 2
BŌ - 3
BŌ - 4
JŌ - 1
JŌ - 2
the traditions of ancient japan included the idea of connecting, or more
precisely, of not disconnecting the two aspects of a human being: the mind
and the body. the samurai’s daily task was to work towards self-development.
this process of development included all sorts of severe forms of combat
training: fencing (with swords, daggers, different kinds of spears, and
halberds), archery, horseriding, and various ways of fighting without
weapons. A samurai spent the large part of a day on mental and spiritual
development, studying classic chinese literature, poetry, and painting, as well
as practicing meditation (zen). the educated samurai deserved respect — he
was effective in battle and admired in the society — yet he also undoubtedly
felt good about himself. the knowledge he gained, he was able to transmit to
At the same time, other warriors — monks — were developing their skills
in monasteries and hermitages on Mount Hiei, near kyoto. Monks perfected
and invented new kinds of weapons, new tactics, and a new approach towards
the enemy or the fight itself. They often had the opportunity to test their
knowledge in practice. over time, people tried to combine these two visions of
a warrior. new schools and styles were established that have been passed
down from generation to generation in an almost unchanged form. this
centuries-old tradition is taught and developed by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi. the
bujinkan School is known around the world. the knowledge of the school is
rooted in the most ancient scrolls and manuscripts. remigiusz borda (b. 1965)
maintains and cultivates the art of ninjutsu. He established a center for
promoting, practicing, and developing fine arts, called the House of Arts, in
which the bujinkan Dojo was also opened. He has been practicing both fine
arts and martial arts with equal success for decades. He is a highly regarded
painter and his work has been shown in galleries around the world. He is also
a photographer and poet. remigiusz borda is a charismatic and spiritual man.
His close connection to nature is not only determined by the fact that he lives
in one of the least populated regions of poland, but also comes from the fact
that he is interested in herbalism, chiropractic, and other forms of natural
therapy. His metaphysical artistic work helps him in conducting energy
psychotherapy and reiki energy work. ninjutsu is an integral part of his
In the Ninpo approach, life, human beings, and fighting are treated as a sort
of completeness. this approach is expressed in acting in accordance with the
rules of the world, nature, elements, seasons, and the principles of
psychology. remigiusz borda gained his experience for many years through
the study of karate, judo, and other martial arts, which perfectly
complemented his practice of bujinkan ninjutsu. regular attendance at
seminars and training with masters such as Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, Somei
Sensei, nuguchi Sensei, Shiraeshi Sensei, Seno Sensei, and Heinz H. Meyer
Sensei contribute to the continuous development his art.
Marian Winiecki

Remigiusz Borda. Still life with fire (oil, 2012)

Remigiusz Borda in his studio. Atelier-Kęszyca, Poland 2011

Remigiusz Borda in the dojo. Kęszyca, Poland 2011

Masaaki Hatsumi. Portrait of Bodhidharma (Daruma)(ink, 1995)

The significant growth around the world of the popularity of

bujinkan was characteristic for the last few years of the 20th
century. new training centers appeared, one after the other. it is hard
for me to remain objective when trying to assess the reasons for this
increased interest in this mysterious martial art as well as young
people’s enthusiasm in seeking bujinkan dojos. i can only sketch a
picture of my love for this difficult art, which now fulfills my life.
More than any other image, a legendary figure wearing black
clothes personalizes a young person’s dreams of the invincible
warrior. ninjutsu, saturated with numerous legends and secrets, with
roots in the distant history of japan, still speaks to and creates a
legend of warriors possessing superhuman spiritual and physical
powers. those stories, like a magical magnet, attract young people
and encourage them to enter the open doors of our schools. As
never before in the history of ninjutsu, thanks to Soke Dr. Masaki
Hatsumi, we have access to this great legacy for the first time.
Teaching by qualified Shihan is passed to students all over the
world in undistorted form; they are based on the original Dencho.
the modern ninjutsu pioneers, who later became teachers, have
acquired this knowledge over the past three decades with
persistence by studying under Soke Hatsumi’s guidance, or under
one of the Shihan, either in japan or at seminars known as teikei
organized in every corner of the world, during which Hatsumi
Sensei personally teaches classes. the system created by bujinkan,
when combined with perseverance and determination, enables
student to achieve masterful skills in ninjutsu. taking into account
the fact that, in contrast with medieval japan, we live in a less
martial world and we usually live longer, there is plenty of time to
practice diligently, and thus achieve higher levels of skill. to do so,
one must, as my teacher says, “overcome the lazy dog inside” in
order to follow the path of the warrior without distraction. it is true
that Ninjutsu slowly fills the heart of people who regularly practice
this art, transforming their body and spirit. Thanks to qualified
teachers, the metaphor of transformation can be explored during
almost every workout. this is also mirrored in the name of the style
taught in our school: togakure ryu, which means School of the
Hidden Doors (gates). For those who follow this path and practice
the style, the doors (gates) to deeper knowledge open a little bit
wider with time. For ordinary mortals, full knowledge will always
remain unattainable. just as it was centuries ago, today this secret
knowledge is still closely guarded from the gaze of the
unauthorized. thus, to open the hidden door one must first
overcome the challenges presented by the heavily armed warriors.
images of guards and their legendary power are still very popular.
the guards to the hidden doors are as follows: laziness and lack of
perseverance, fear, lack of self-confidence, stupidity, lack of
charity, lack of respect, and lack of humility. the great truth of a
nearly thousand-year-old tradition is still valid. today, in the 21st
century, if one wants to know the secrets of ninjutsu, one has to
overcome all these human weaknesses. the old shinobi used
knowledge of human weaknesses on the battlefield in order to
defeat the enemy or to extract from the enemy the necessary
strategic information.
Although ninjutsu is not a sport, it allows the practitioner to
attain great physical fitness and to develop effective self-defense
skills. but above all else, it contributes the deeper development of a
practitioner’s self-awareness. in today’s wasteful exploration of
nature, in times of warfare and social inequality, i can clearly see
bright new tasks for the students of ninjutsu and other martial arts
as well. these tasks are as clear as crystal: through the
understanding of nature and self-awareness, one might discover
latent power in humans, the source of good and justice, achieving
the essence of the Heart, kokoro no katachi.
Remigiusz Borda
You should know that perseverance alone is barely a streak of airy smoke.
You should know that the human path is justice.
Forget the heart full of hatred, greed, feelings of pride,
and the desire to always be the best (with respect to yourself).
You should understand grief and anger as laws of nature,
and try to achieve enlightenment through your indestructible heart.
Never leave the path of loyalty and respect;
follow the path of reason and the sword (Bunbu).
These five dojo rules were written in the new year of Meiji 23
(1890) by Toda Shinyaken Masumitsu.
They were passed from Takamatsu Toshitsugu to Hatsumi Masaaki
on Many Promising Day of March, Showa 23 (1958).
The essence of Shinshin Shigan can be understood through the Kyu
and Dan ranks
and through the natural elements Chi-Sui-Ka-Fu-Ku.
Soke Hatsumi and Bujinkan
Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi was a student of Toshitsugu Takamatsu. He not only
continues on the path of his great predecessors but, respecting tradition and
history, he fits perfectly within the reality of modern times. People are awed
by Masaaki Hatsumi’s rich personality. He is a highly regarded expert in the
field of ancient Japanese medicine, a philosopher, a writer, and an artist
practicing traditional ink painting. His knowledge and collective experience
are unique and incomparable. Thanks to Soke Hatsumi, Ninjutsu is perceived
not as a collection of archaic ways of fighting, but as a real and very effective
martial art, used successfully by the special forces of the world’s largest
armies and by people who want to practice classic Budo.
Soke Hatsumi created within Bujinkan (the name of the school, which can
be translated as “Temple of the martial arts God”) an excellent training
system. The system is based on years of combat experience, tradition, and
transfer of knowledge.
Soke Hatsumi introduced new ways of training to the school, enabling
students of Ninjutsu to continuously and systematically enhance their skills.
Technical and mental development should always be associated with an
appropriate teacher. Only a proper relationship between a master and a
student is a guarantee that the system, method, and spirit of Budo won’t be
distorted or lost.
At this point I would like to thank my direct teacher, Heinz H. Meyer, 10
dan Judan Kugyo, for solid training and the heart of a warrior, which he, with
great competence and enthusiasm, transferred to me. I direct my sincere
gratitude to Jesko Welke, 5th Dan (Godan), for the long-term cooperation in
which we both continuously grow.
1. Toshitsugu Takamatsu Soke (1887-1972)

2. Masaaki Hatsumi Soke and Takamatsu Toshitsugu during the Shrikenjutsu training.

3. Masaaki Hatsumi Soke with the author (first visit to Japan, 2000).
4. Somei Sensei with the author (Japan, 2006).

5. Jesko Welke with the author (Kęszyca, Poland, 2012).

6. Shihan H. H. Meyer with the author (Kęszyca, Poland, 2012).

Toshitsugu Takamatsu
Shortly before his death in 1974, Toshitsugu Takamatsu, master of nine
traditional Japanese Ryu-ha, identified his favorite student, Masaaki Hatsumi,
as his heir. Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi named the new school in honor of his
teacher, who, after his death, was called bujin (“the divine warrior”). the
world bujinkan can be interpreted as “house of the divine warrior.” bu means
“warrior,” jin means “god,” and the word kan means “house.” Due to the
extensive amount of knowledge passed by takamatsu to Hatsumi — it
contained nine martial traditions (ryu-ha) — Hatsumi Sensei decided not to
teach them separately, but to convey the entire body of knowledge as a unity.
of the nine bujinkan schools, six are the samurai schools and three are the
ninja schools. However, bujinkan budo is called ninjutsu.

Togakure Ryu Ninpo

first Soke: around the year 1161
Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo
first Soke: around the year 1300
Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo
first Soke: around the year 1550
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu
first Soke: around the year 1156
Shinden Fudo Ryu Dankentaijutsu
first Soke: around the year 1130
Koto Ryu Koppojutsu
first Soke: around the year 1532.
Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu
first Soke: around the year 1558
Kukishinden Ryu Happo Bikenjutsu
first Soke: around the year 1336
Takagi Yoshin Ryu
first Soke: around the year 1625.
1. Togakure Ryu Ninpo School of the Hidden
First Soke: 1161

In 637 C.E., in the province of Shinano, on top of Mount Hiei, En no Gyoja

established Mikkyo. His student, Dengyo Daishi, then created on the same
mountain the Buddhist sect Tendai Shugendo and opened the Enryakuji
monastery. To this day, the monks of this monastery practice Shugendo and
mountain asceticism, which includes practices of purification through trials
and hardship. A small settlement called Togakure was located near Mount
Hiei. Here, Daisuke Nishina was born into a samurai family in 1161. From his
earliest years he studied at the Tendai monastery at the top of Togakure
(Mount Hiei). Nishina’s experience beginning at that time played an
important role in the system of combat, survival, and infiltration he created. It
is important to understand the reasons that led to the foundation of Togakure
Ryu Ninpo.
Daisuke Nishina’s father was Yukihiro Nishina. He was a high-ranking
samurai in the service of Duke Minamoto Yoshinaka (a cousin of the first
Shogun of Japan). When Minamoto Yoshinaka was a child, one of his rivals
sent a samurai who was told to kill little Minamoto and his mother. Mother
and child, however, escaped and hid in the village with a loyal peasant family.
Later, Minamoto Yoshinaka was brought to Kiso in Shinano Province, near
the village of Togakure. Yukihiro Nishina of Togakure served the family of
Yoshinaka well; years later, members of the family defeated their rivals and
ruled over Japan. However, other leaders perceived Minamoto Yoshinaka as a
threat, and many of them turned against him. Minamoto Yoshinaka changed
his name to Kiso Yoshinaka, after the name of the village in which he lived
(this was a common practice). In 1184, Yoshinaka’s half-brother attacked him
with an army. Sixty thousand samurai warriors quickly descended on
Yoshinaka’s army near Kyoto. The battle was called Awaze no Kassan. Kiso
Yoshinaka was killed in this battle. Yukihiro of Togakure, who had fought in
the battle, also died, but his son Daisuke Nishina survived the battle.
However, because Nishina fought for the army that was defeated, he had to
flee. He took refuge in Iga Province, hiding in the inaccessible, misty
mountains and forests. He changed his name to Daisuke Togakure,
accordingly to the place of his birth. While Daisuke was in Iga, he met Doshi
Kain (Kagakure Doshi). Kagakure Doshi was shinobi, and the third Soke of
Hakuun Ryu, which was one of the original Ninjutsu systems developed from
the teachings of Ikai (or Yi Gai, who brought the foundations of Koshijutsu
from China). It is believed that Doshi was Daisuke’s uncle and that Daisuke
had fled to Iga Province to find him. Daisuke Togakure learned Doshi’s way
of fighting, and combined it with the beliefs of his own Shugendo system.
Thus, the beginnings of Togakure Ryu were forged.
However, Daisuke was not the only one who was taking the precious Kain
Doshi’s lessons. Shima Kosanta Miniamoto no Kanesada, a high-ranking
samurai, accompanied Daisuke. Shima had also fought in the battle of Awaza
no Kassen, where he became friends with Daisuke and his father. Shima was
wounded during this battle, and Daisuke took him with him as he escaped to
Iga. Later, Shima became the second Soke of Togakure Ryu. After Daisuke’s
death, he took the name Daisuke Togakure II. His son, Goro Togakure, the
third Soke, is recognized as being the one who actually fashioned the
teachings of Togakure into the Ninjutsu system that is taught today. The 11th,
12th, and 13th Soke of the school were named after the main town of the
province, that is, Iga Ueno. It is said that members of the Hattori clan
practiced Togakure Ryu. Hattori Hanzo is considered to be the most famous
ninja of all times. Members of the Momochi family also trained in this
system. The 21st Soke of Togakure Ryu, Momochi Kobei, was a descendent
of Momochi Sandayu, the second most famous ninja and a leading figure in
Iga Province.
As in many other martial arts schools, control of the system remained with
the family who founded it. Knowledge and skills were traditionally passed
from father to son. It was not until the 16th century, when the family line was
childless, that the most senior member of Togakure Ryu, Nobutsuna Toda,
took the leadership position. He became the 24th Soke and controlled the
system and training. When Toda assumed the leadership role, he added his
own Ninjutsu system, Kumogakure Ryu, to Togakure Ryo. The Toda family
also controlled Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu; from that time on, all those
martial art systems were passed down together.
Shinryuken Masamitsu Toda was the 32nd Soke of Togakure Ryu. In the
mid-19th century he was a sword master and sword instructor for the
Tokugawa Shogunate. He resigned from his position when he learned that he
was teaching swordsmanship to men who were later supposed to kill other
Japanese people, behavior inconsistent with the principles of Togakure Ryu.
The 33rd Soke of Togakure Ryu was Takamatsu Toshitsugu. He was the
last member of the Toda family to control Togakure Ryu. A millennium had
passed since the Tendai Shugendo sect was founded.
Daisuke Nishina (Togakure), approximately 1162. He was probably the founder of Togakure Ryu.
18th century samurai armor. The Takeda family coat of arms is visible on the helmet. The Takeda family
frequently utilized the services of ninja clans.
2. Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo School of the
Jeweled Heart
First Soke: around 1300.

Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu is a branch of Koshijutsu. It is believed that Sasaki
Goeman Tenruyoshi, a student of Gyokko Ryu, was the founder of the school.
The methods used in Gyokushin Ryu (various blocks, strikes, and stances)
resemble those of Gyokko Ryu. Sasaki Gendayu served the Daimyo of Kishu
and was paid 200 Koku; later, it was increased to 400 Koku per year. It is
possible that Sasaki, like his father, was a highly skilled warrior of Gyokko
Ryu. Gyokushin Ryu was secretly taught in Kishu and Takeda provinces. At
some point in the 17th century, the school came into contact with Togakure
Ryu and the Toda family. When the style was passed to Toda Nobutsuna, it
ceased being a closed secret.
Not much is known about the tradition of Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo because
the style was more focused on espionage skills compared to other Ninjutsu
schools, which focused on hand-to-hand combat.
3. Kumogakure Ryou Ninpo Hiding in the
Clouds School
First Soke: about 1550.

Combat techniques from Kumogakure Ryu are very similar to those of
Togakure Ryu. The Toda family most likely founded Kumogakure Ryu. The
ninja of Kumogakure Ryu went into combat wearing just lightly armored
sleeves under their traditional clothes. Another interesting fact is that in this
Ryu, warriors sometimes wore demon masks. The characteristic weapon for
this school was the kamayari, a spear with hooks on the side. The hooked
spear, apart from being used to attack an opponent, was also used against
swordsman in combat in order to parry and trap incoming blades. The
Kumogakure Ryu Dencho mentions a ninja named Sarutobi Sasuke who used
the hooked spear to leap from tree to tree, hooking it onto branches. Another
specialty of Kumogakure Ryu included survival training and the skill of being
able to light a fire in whatever circumstances the ninja found himself.
4. Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu School of the
Jewel Tiger
First Soke: about 1300.

Gyokko Koshijutsu Ryu is the oldest of the nine Bujinkan traditions. There is
no doubt that it is the core style of the majority of the martial arts that
comprise the Bujinkan system. Hatsumi Sensei decided that Koshijutsu would
provide the basis for the other systems, including Togakure Ryu, Koto Ryu,
Gikan Ryu, Shinden Fudo Ryu, Gyokushin Ryu, and Kumogakure Ryu.
Gyokko means the jeweled tiger or the jewel tiger. It can be understood as
a metaphor for a tiger’s eye. The style’s methods of movement and the basic
principles of this school were developed in China during the Tang Dynasty
(618-907 C.E.). It is believed that either a short man or a petite woman must
have created the style due to its characteristic movements. It is known that
there was a woman in the court of Chan (now Xian) who indeed had become
famous for her martial arts skills. When the Tang Dynasty was overthrown in
907, many Chinese nobles fled and hid in Japan.
In Japan, the names You Gyokko (Yao Yu Hu) and Cho Gyokko were
associated with each other. It is possible that they came from one and the
same person. General Ikai (or Ibou) is believed to have taken part in the early
development of Gyokko Ryu. According to Hatsumi, the person (somebody:
bou) responsible for establishing the school in Japan could have come from
another country (I).
The first official Soke of the officially established Gyokko Ryu was
Tozawa Hakuunsai. His name may also be connected with a style that no
longer exists: Hakuun Ryu Ninjutsu. This all occurred during the Hogen era
(1156-1159), which means that Gyokko Ryu is the oldest documented martial
arts system in Japan.
Koshijutsu means “to defeat an enemy with one finger.” Therefore, the
school’s training strongly focuses on striking with fingers, toes, and leg bones
— but with other parts of the body as well. Strikes characteristic for the
school include: powerful and dynamic blocks that destroy an opponent’s
muscle structure; ripping, piercing, and tearing techniques that employ fingers
and toes; dynamic stomping kicks, grappling, and throws.
Gyokko Ryu taught students to use as much strength as was needed to
knock the enemy down. The members of the school were also known for their
sword skills, as well as the use of the roku-shakubo and tanto.
5. Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu
Immovable Heart School
First Soke: about 1130.

Ganpachiro Temeyoshi established Shinden Fudo Ryu in the mid-12th
In the school’s style, one can notice the influence of Koshijutsu, as
introduced by Izumo Kanji Yoshitero. It is possible that Izumo, as a founder
of Shinden Fudo Ryu, was the same person who founded Kukishinden Ryu.
The foundation of all the skills in this school is the knowledge of the
principles of nature. Nature is used as an ally to strengthen the body: first the
legs, then the hips and fists. In this school, no dojo was built; no special
equipment was used for practice. Classes were run in a natural environment.
Trees were used to practice strikes and breaks. Members, for example, would
hit trees with their foreheads in order to make the head stronger. In bamboo
forests, members could practice kicks typical for this school only. Peeling a
tree’s bark is comparable to tearing human skin. Members of the school
specialized in Jujutsu and Iainuki. The katana used in Shinden Fudo Ryu was
longer and heavier than the traditional one. This made the sword harder and
slower to pull out of the scabbard. After practicing this, members of the
school had no difficulty in drawing swords rapidly.
It is said that Izumo learned how to use yari from tengu. even today those
techniques remain a secret. Various types of yari – ono, otsuchi, and naginata
– were taught by the school. The members of the school also practice
With a battlefield axe, one can destroy samurai armor; with a large war
hammer, one can destroy doors and barricades; with naginata, the attack
against cavaliers can be conducted.
There are no formal postures (Kamae) in Shinden Fudo Ryu, thus the
school is known for its Shizen no Kamae (natural posture).
It was most important for a warrior to land on his feet when being thrown,
as members always wore long swords (Daisho). To fall unskillfully with a
long sword was always dangerous; one could end up dead. There is a saying
that in order to move forward with learning new techniques one must be able
to do a half-somersault on one finger. During his first classes under his
grandfather Toda, Takamatsu Sensei was thrown endlessly by other students
before he was allowed to take his first class with the katana.
6. Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Tiger Knocking
Down School
First Soke: 1532.

It is believed that Chan Busho, a Chinese warrior, brought Koto Ryu
Koppojutsu to Japan from China via Korea. It was probably hundreds of years
before the style was fashioned into Koto Ryu. The exact origin of this school
is unknown. In 1542, Sakagami Taro Kunishige combined the techniques into
one Ryu-ha. He was also Soke in Gyokko Ryu. These styles share many
Many ninja and samurai trained in the methods of the Koto Ryu. Momochi
Sandayu was taught by Ishigawa Goemon, who at the same time was a
famous ninja and criminal. Momochi always denied that Ishigawa Goemon
was a member his clan and school. Goemon was perceived as a “Robin Hood
sort of ninja,” and he was believed to have been captured and boiled to death
in oil. Some historians, including Toshitsugu Takamatsu, believe that
Ishigawa Goemon was never caught, but the Shogunate was too ashamed to
admit it. In many cases, the story, which has passed from mouth to mouth,
was closer to the truth than the written word.
In this Ryu, there is one very unique position, Mangetsu no Kamae, in
which a warrior kept the sword over his head in such a way that the blade
would reflect the sunlight and blind the enemy. Alternately, if it was raining,
the blood groove was used to collect the rainwater, which was then flicked
into the enemy’s eyes.
A further specialty of the Koto Ryu warrior was to look not into the
opponent’s eyes but between the eyebrows. In this way, the enemy was not
able to recognize the real intentions of the warrior. The opponent was bluffed
into thinking that he had eye contact with a skillful warrior. Takamatsu
Toshitsugu began his training with the Koto Ryu at the age of 9; at the age of
13 he was named the master. In 1960, Takamatsu presented the effectiveness
of Koto Ryu in front of a journalist from one of Tokyo’s sport newspapers. He
did it by drilling five holes in the bark of a tree with just one strike.
7. Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu School of Truth,
Loyalty, and Justice
First Soke: 1558

Gikan Ryu was established by Uryu Hangan Gikanbo, the Daimyo of
Kawachi no Kuni (the castle of Kawachi). It was said that Uryu Gikanbo’s
punch was so strong he could break a sword blade in half. Tokamatsu
Toshitsugu originally awarded this Ryu to Akimito Fumio, who became the
14th Soke of the school. But Akimoto died early from illness and didn’t leave
a successor. Tokamatsu Toshitsugu Sensei became head of the school, and he
later passed it onto Hatsumi Maasaki. The school contains many special
kicks, punches, and throws. There is no step-by-step instruction for
techniques, and no kata exist in the school’s training. Therefore, the teaching
can only be passed on in the form of oral instruction. Hatsumi Soke has never
publicly taught the techniques of this school because they are are very
difficult. The positions used in the techniques are said to be very low, with
special placement of the toes that demands great control of the body’s
8. Kukishinden Ryu Happo Bikenjutsu School
of the Nine Spirit Gods
First Soke: 1336.

This school combines many characteristics of other schools that make up the
Bujinkan System. Kukishinden Ryu is a branch of Kukishin Ryu. There are
presently few lines of Kukishin Ryu, and there are few Sokes controlling
them. For example, Hontai Yoshin Ryu has its own Soke. Takamatsu
Toshitsugu, Soke of Kukishin Ryu who was given the title as a form of
gratitude for restoring the forgotten Dencho, is believed to have handed the
tradition over to Iwami Nangaku.
Aikido also has its roots in Kukishin Ryu. Soke Kukishin Ryu taught
Morihei Ueshiba jo technique. Takamatsu Sensei also taught Jigora Kano, the
founder of Judo.
9. Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu School of the
Heart of the Willow Tree
First Soke: 1625

In 1569, during the Yeiroku era (1568-1579), a mountain monk of the Abe
family lived in the Miyagi Funagata Yama area of the Miyagi region. His
name was Unryu (Dragon-Cloud). The encyclopedia of martial arts, Bugei
Ryuha Daijiten, gives his name as Sounryu. He was an expert in shuriken,
bojutsu, yari, naginata, and taijutsu from the Amatsu Tatara Rinpo Hiden
The secret Amatsu Tatara scrolls were kept by the Abe, Nakatomi, Otomo,
and Monobe families. Akamatsu Sensei’s family also had a copy, as the
family was related by blood to the Kuki family. Unryu taught his system to Ito
Sukesada, a famous warrior of the time. He was a samurai from Katakura
Kojuro in the Fukushima Province. He augmented the teachings Unryu had
given to him with those of Hanbo, Kenjutsu, and Kodachi.
Ito Sukesada’s techniques later became known as Takagi Yoshine Ryu. He
taught these techniques to Takagi Oriuemon Shingenobu, a young samurai
from Tohoku-Shiroishi Han in Oku, Japan. Takagi Oriuemon Shingenobu was
born on April 2, 1625. He died on October 7, 1711. He reached the level of
Menkyo Kaiden when he was just twenty years old. On August 15, 1695,
Emperor Higashiyama granted him the degree of Shihan in six martial arts
schools of the Imperial Guards. He changed and improved the techniques that
he learned from Ito, assembling them together into Yoshine Takagi Ryu.
Throughout his life, he studied and perfected martial arts techniques in order
to avenge the murder of his father. His father left him a precious piece of
wisdom: “A willow is flexible, but the high tree is fragile.”
Over the course of history, the style was called different names: Jutaijutsu,
Jujutsu, and Dankentaijutsu. The Ryu was strongly influenced by
Takenouuchi Ryu Jujutsu and Kukishin Ryu. In the 17th century, a
tournament was held between the Soke of the Takagi Yoshine Ryu, Takagi
Gebboshin Hideshige, and the Soke of the Kukishin Ryu, Ohkuni Kihei
Shigenobu. After the competition, the opponents became friends. The two
systems they led were modernized and exchanged traditions.
In August 1908, Mizuta Tadafusa Yoshitaro handed the Ryu over to
Takamatsu Toshitsugu. In May 1959, the Ryu was passed to Hatsumi
Kuji-in (the nine syllable mudra)
Over the centuries Ninja warriors developed a system of mudras, that is, a
system of symbolic hand gestures based on the ancient knowledge of the
energy channels called meridians, through which life-energy flows in the
human body. Mudras can be used in almost all life situations. For example,
pressing meridians located at the end of fingertips causes increased energy
flow in the body. Mudra, a hand gesture, was usually accompanied by
verbalizing the equivalent syllables. The combination of gesture and verbal
expression intensifies the impact of a mudra.
Through the use of mudras, one can enhance physical and mental capacity,
effectively manage energy, speed up the healing of wounds, cease pain, and
bring unbreakable peace to situations in which life is in peril. These are just
some of the things that can be achieved with the help of the practice of mudra.
The knowledge and skills regarding these abilities are considered secret and
available for students only through oral transmission from the teacher. This
knowledge has remained the subject of oral teaching to this day.
1. Rin - Dokko-in (Seal of Thunderbolt)
2. Pyo - Daik-in (Seal of Great Thunderbolt)

3. Tho - Sotojishi-in (Seal of the Outer Lion)

4. Sha - Ushijishi-in (Seal of Inner Lion)

5. Kai - Gebakuken-in (Seal of the Outer Bonds)

6. Jin - Naikakuken-in (Seal of the Inner Bonds)

7. Retsu - Chiken-in (Seal of the Wisdom Fist)

8. Zai - Nichirin-in (Seal of the Ring of the Sun)

9. Zen - Ongyo-in (Seal of the Hidden Form)

Towards the Target
Sometimes, for the shinobi to get to his destination presented a task as equally
dangerous as the mission itself. The order had to be fulfilled regardless of the
distance and place. Due to the particular policy enforced by the Shogunate
(Bakufu), as well as the system of provinces and roads, it was impossible to
travel freely. The large number of guarded gates and control patrols
positioned at provincial and city borders demanded a number of additional
skills and abilities from ninja. The specific regulations in Japan made it easier
for some social groups — such as monks and actors — to move from place to
place and to change residences. The authorities respected traditional
pilgrimages to holy places and travels to well-known teachers. Authorities
also accepted the travels of groups of actors who gave performances during
the holiday celebrations of different religions. It was quite natural that every
ninja in the guise of an actor, musician, or monk possessed adequate skills to
make the disguise more believable. Thus, ninjas were musicians and actors;
they were familiar with classic literature; they were intellectuals from
Buddhist and Shinto temples.
an ascetic monk, Yamabushi (1), dressed in characteristic outfit. He is depicted wearing a typical tunic
and a headscarf that covered the head and face. During wars, warriors often wore armor under their
tunics. The monk is armed with a naginata (light halberd) and a sword. Komuso (2), a mendicant monk
associated with Zen Buddhism. Usually depicted with a simple flute — shakuhachi. He wears a straw
hat (basket) called a tengai, which represents the desire to move away from his ego. Because the outfit
provided anonymity and allowed a person to remain unrecognized, it was often used by ninjas.
Samurai armor from the 18th century. On the breastplate we can see the Tokugawa family coat of arms.
The Tokugawa family was one of the most significant and influential clans in the history of Japan.
Shoguns from the Tokugawa dynasty often used the support of ninja warriors.
Fudo Myōō, a statue of the deity, traditionally recognized as the guardian of Yamabushi monks.
Bodhidsattwa Fudo is stable; his mind is always “unmoved” and not susceptible to temptation of the

Yoroi – medieval samurai armor. The copies shown are displayed at the main Bujinkan Dojo. Some
combat techniques were designed to be used in cases when an opponent wore armor.
Sensei Sumeia presents a fighting form with the heavy halberd. Bisento and naginata (a lighter version)
were the favorite weapons of Yamabushi monks.
One of the many specialties that ninja warriors mastered was to appear in
places where no one expected them. Whether a shinobi’s mission was to
obtain information or to liquidate a prominent dignitary, the ninja needed to
reach his destination unnoticed and to disappear the same way, without
leaving a trace. To do so, the Ninjutsu adopted various methods and
strategies. Ninjas were prepared to overcome all types of obstacles and
security, both natural (water, rocks) and architectural (walls and fences).
Most houses of the time were surrounded by high stone walls. The houses
also had towers with windows arranged in such a way that the surrounding
area was visible by the guards. Yet ninja, after reconnoitering an area, were
able to find a way into the place without being noticed using ropes, steel
hooks, anchors, and wood or bamboo ladders to climb a wall. A ninja was
able to climb almost any vertical surface by using a metal claw (shuko) that
he slipped onto his hands. Sometimes he used similar equipment on his feet.
When a ninja got into the residence, he still needed to demonstrate full self-
control. He remained invisible in corridors and rooms. He moved silently
despite the fact that some floors were constructed so they would creak when
walked on. Sometimes a ninja would unroll his own belt (obi), then walk on
the belt in order to quietly cross the floor. To walk silently, a ninja might walk
on his hands. To move forward, he would first place his hands on the floor
then alternate between the left and right foot. Sometimes, a ninja had to
suddenly disappear. He was trained to remain for an extended period of time
at ceiling level by holding onto ceiling joists or by jamming his feet against
the walls.
Some houses belonging to important people were surrounded by a moat
filled with water, but this was no obstacle for a shinobi. He was an excellent
swimmer. With training he could easily swim with a heavy load. He could
stay under water much longer than the average person. To stay underwater for
extended periods, ninja would use breathing tubes made from reed or saya
(the scabbard of a sword). If necessary, he would build a special pontoon or
raft. All techniques were closely related to the season of the year, time of day
or night, and weather conditions. The missions were precisely and
fastidiously thought through down to the smallest detail.
Osaka Castle
(Osaka-jo): construction began in 1583 based on Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s orders. The high walls and moat
made the complex almost unconquerable for a regular army.
Kunoichi - The Female Ninja
In the history of Japan, there are numerous examples of women who, as
empresses, magnates’ wives, and female warriors participating in battles, had
great impact on their surroundings. Women of aristocratic families usually
trained with naginata (light halberd). This continues to be a common practice
today. Other weapon training popular with women included the short sword
(wakizashi) and the knife (tanto). In ninja clans and families, women also had
a special place. They were subject to the same strenuous training as men.
Women were effective: oftentimes missions were only successfully
accomplished because of them.
In their operations, shinobi warriors utilized the principles of psychology.
They used their opponents’ smallest defects, addictions, and weaknesses.
Frequently, it was easier for women to sneak in and penetrate an area and
house. Later, men’s weaknesses for women could be used against a male
opponent. Female ninja could provide information that was collected
indirectly or directly. Just as in modern times, women used to seduce
preselected, prominent men in order to draw important information from
them. Sometimes the task of a female ninja was to draw the attention of
guards so other ninja could sneak in unseen. In other cases, they were
employed in the intended victim’s house as kitchen help. By having access to
food, they could augment meals with rather unhealthy ingredients. Kunoichi
often worked alone. It was quite easy for a female to hide an effective
weapon. In the Japanese culture, the appearance and styling of hair was the
subject of great attention. It was common for women and men to wear
ornamental combs and pins in their hair. The pin was a sign of a person’s
status and origins. Thus, even a naked woman with a whole arsenal in her hair
could be an extremely dangerous and effective warrior.
1. Mask of a woman from classical Japanese theater (19th century). Although in the Japanese theatrical
tradition female roles were played by men, one could disguise one’s identity under heavy makeup or a
2. Lovers. (A classical Shunga woodcut, 19th century). A woman with a traditional hairstyle decorated
with combs and pins.

A. Kogai: small wooden pins. B. Kozuka and kogatana: small utility knives. It was a weapon / tool that
anyone could easily hide, especially women. They were usually included in a set with katana and
Japanese hair ornaments were not simply used to fasten hair and keep the hairstyle in place. Women
could also use combs, pins, and decorative pins (Kanzashi) as lethal and highly effective weapons.
Women’s clothing and haircuts underwent many changes, but the fashionable hairstyles were usually
complex and heavily decorated. (Geisha in traditional kimono)
Legends about the origins of Ninjutsu are full of stories about mysterious
creatures with feathers and long noses. Tengu appeared in stories about
Minamoto Yoshitsune (1159-1189). The Minamoto clan lost a war with the
Taira clan and was completely killed off. Only young Yoshitsune
miraculously survived the massacre. He took refuge in the wild mountains
and forests. The boy, according to tradition, swore to take ritual revenge. He
devoted most of his time to training and preparation for the fight. Since he
practiced mostly in forests, he managed to damage many trees. As a result,
the forest deities became very angry. However, when they came to know the
reason for his ferocious preparation, not only did they understand the young
warrior, but from that moment on, Sojobo (the most important Tengu) and
other deities began to teach the boy to fight with swords. They also
transferred secret magical powers to him. As time passed, the Tengu began to
be considered the deity associated with the practice of martial arts. Tengu had
the ability to levitate, move rapidly, and even become invisible. The creatures
were supposed to be aggressive and mischievous. Ninjas told stories about
Tengu, comparing himself or herself to the deity. As Tengu, shinobi could
suddenly appear in one place, then disappear even faster. Sometimes,
someone who saw a ninja was convinced that in reality he had seen a ghost or
spirit, rather than a man. The superstitious Japanese, with a culture and
everyday life saturated with spirits and ghouls, began to associate the
appearance of ninja with something supernatural.
Mask from Noh, a form of Japanese theater. Many theatrical performances include scenes with spirits,
ghosts, and other supernatural deities. Shinobis used this kind of mask to increase the psychological
effect of fear in an opponent.

Winged Tengu. The mischievous creature presented as animal. Sometimes Tengu were presented as a
combination of a bird of prey and a dangerous dog.
Winged Tengu. Two stone statues of Tengu in the robes of Yamabushi monks.
Gotonpo - Training in Nature
Training in nature holds great importance in the practice of Ninjutsu. One
Ninjutsu rule says that knowledge of how to retreat and how to protect oneself
is a priceless, and superior value. While training in woods, in water, or in
open fields, ninja learn how to use the support of the five elements of nature
during the fight or the retreat.
Mokuton- Wood
Katon- Fire
Doton- Earth
Kinton - Metal
Suiton- Water
The skills ninjas needed to successfully conduct a mission included: to
hide on the ground in grass, behind stones, and other objects to use a
territory’s feature to one’s own advantage, to move smoothly when it was
dark, to utilize lights and shadows when it was light, to use fire, blinding
powder, and explosives, to anticipate weather conditions, and to use changes
in weather conditions for tactical purposes.
Today, some of these skills have only historical meaning, but some
elements of Gotonpo haven’t lost their effectiveness. These skills are part of
the training for special forces and can be used for private protection as well as
survival skills. For example: when hiding in the grass we use the element of
Doton – earth.
Mokuton (Wood) - Trees
The use of tree trunks to make fingers firmer is an example of typical
exercises from Shinden Fudo Ryu. In this school, training didn’t take place in
enclosed spaces or in dojos, but in nature. Students practiced in forests with
rotten tree trunks to strengthen fingers and with flexible branches to practice
throws and to strengthen arm and shoulder muscles.
These pictures show the use of the element of wood to hide and surprise
the enemy in open spaces, the use of the element of earth (grass, stones,
brush, hills, etc.) to hide in fields.
There are many ways to use tree trunks for training. Presented is one of the
forms from Shinden Fudo Ryu. When a ninja climbed onto the tree trunk, he
wrapped his legs around the trunk and simulated strangulation by squeezing
the opponent’s ribs, hitting the opponent on the forehead (Kikaku Ken) and
striking with the blade of the hand Ura Shuto.
Natural Medicine and Magic
The knowledge of the medicinal and nutritional properties of wild plants and
herbs is an important skill in Ninjutsu. Ninjutsu also used to include bone
manipulation, working with Ki energy (Chinese Qi energy), and hypnosis. A
ninja warrior used to deal with magic using herbs, animals, and object from
nature. Today, some Ninjutsu teachers maintain this tradition. When Bujinkan
became popular, and Ninjutsu schools appeared all over the world, it became
necessary to change this part of knowledge a bit by adjusting to the prevailing
natural resources in a given geographical area. This is in accordance with the
essence of Ninjutsu, as a principle of Ninjutsu is to adjust to each situation.

Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) The plant has strong bactericidal properties, as well as the
ability to stop bleeding. It is suitable for curing small open wounds.

RIBWORT PLANTAIN (Plantago lanceolata)

Protective magic, endurance, snakes and salamanders, magic energy. It is a very common, edible, and
tasty plant. It grows on the edges of fields and along roads. Use in treatments: Fresh plantain leaves
stop bleeding and accelerate the healing of minor wounds. Its roots can soothe toothaches. This plant
has been used against evil spells. It can be inserted into shoes to enhance endurance during long trips.
In locations that venomous snakes inhabit, the root of the plant placed on the ground of a sleeping area
will deter uninvited reptiles and keeps them at a distance. The plant inserted under a pillow before
going to bed magically protects against migraine headaches.

RED FLY AGARIC (Amanita muscaria)

In Japan, it is called the red mushroom of Tengu. This mushroom is associated with contact with the
Use in treatments: It is a common poisonous mushroom. Consuming about 100 grams of this fresh
mushroom causes death. However, there is a recipe for a potion from the fungus that provides for
effective treatment of painful rheumatoid arthritis. For hundreds of years, red fly agaric was used as an
intoxicating substance, often ending in tragedy. Today it is used successfully in homeopathy. There are
ancient legends about rituals with this fungus, rituals which supported contact with the netherworld and
enabled people to obtain needed information. According to written records, contact with the dead was
established in this way only once a year, on October 1, when the wall separating the world of the dead
and the world of the living was supposed to be thinner.

COMFREY (Symphytum officinale).

Comfrey was known and used in China and Japan. The plant was known to have power in relationships
and financial magic. Comfrey grows fairly commonly in wetlands, in ditches, and on the banks of
Use in treatments: Due to its astringent properties, comfrey serves effectively as external
compresses for subcutaneous hematoma and the swelling associated with displaced joints. In the myths,
the plant’s roots can accrete when cut in the ground. In magic, it is used to build relationships and in
spells for attracting money.
STINGING NETTLE (Urtica dioica)
Magic for exorcizing, protecting, and healing. One of the most important herbs; has a long history of
medicinal use. The stinging nettle is edible and tasty. Use in treatments: The herb cures anemia,
diabetes, purifies blood, removes rheumatic pains, helps in the treatment of prostate and radiation
sickness. The plan grows along roads and in forests. Stinging nettle exorcizes negative spells and
energies that, thanks to the plant, are returned to the sender. When thrown into fire, the herb repels
approaching danger; placed in a bowl of water under the bed of patient, it will scare an illness away.
Kamae No Kata - Basic Position
The teaching in Bujinkan starts with the stance (Kamae). Kamae is the
beginning and ending of each movement and each technique. Students move
smoothly (Nagare) from one position to another. The positions are taught as
one continuum of forms Kamae No Kata. Positions in Ninjutsu have a
fundamental importance and their use has a much wider application than in
other well-known and popular martial arts. Positions are performed without
unnecessary muscle tension. They help the Ninjutsu practitioner keep optimal
contact with the surface and to thus receive from the element of earth the
power needed for combat. The stances also have a huge psychological impact.
They can hide intentions or mislead the enemy with regards to the direction
the practitioner intends to take. Kamae is therefore a physical spine in
Bujinkan. Correctly performed, Kamae impacts the entire movement and, to a
large extent, determines the effectiveness of the performed techniques.
Kamae, the stance, is the moment just before the movement. Kamae must
be continuously perfected through right positioning of the body. Also, the
particular positions represent spiritual attitudes and thoughtfulness of tactics.
Great attention should also be paid to these spiritual aspects, because through
them Kamae can be saturated with real meaning and life. Otherwise, Kamae
will only represent the empty pose, with no connection to the martial art.

Sanshin No Kata - Sho Shin Go-kei Go-gyo

No Kata
All Ninjutsu techniques and kata with partner, as well as real confrontations
with an opponent, are reflected in the five elements. Each of these elements
influences the physical movements differently and has various manifestations
in a practitioner’s emotions.
Initially, students practice the flow and smoothness of a particular form.
Later, students work on understanding and feeling the work of the elements in
a technique, using the elements in the movement, and finally embodying
On the following pages, the forms of both Kamae No Kata and Sanshin No
Kata are presented.
Kamae No Kata
Teaching Bujinkan starts with a stance (Kamae). Kamae is the beginning and
the end of every movement and every technique. Students move smoothly
(Nagare) from one position to another. The positions are taught as one
continuous form, Kamae No Kata.
Sanshin No Kata - Sho Shin Go-kei Go-gyo
No Kata

Chi No Kata - The Form of Earth

These are well-grounded stances. The movement is firm, direct, and fierce.
Sui No Kata - The Form of Water

The movement is soft and smooth.

Ka No Kata - The Form of Fire

Dynamic and more aggressive movement.

Fu No Kata - The Form of Wind

The movement is soft. A block and counterattack can occur simultaneously.

Ku No Kata - The Void Form

The intention of the movement is to mislead the opponent. Initially, the

opponent believes he understands the movement, but the movement then
becomes perplexing. Finally, in the last phase, the opponent is surprised.
Ukemi Gata Taihenjutsu - The Passive Form of

Performing rolls and falls is a basic skill for injury-free training. In the real
life, they can save someone’s life. Rolls can also be useful in attacks and self-
defense: they can be used, for example, when one wants to approach or retreat
from an opponent. Through the practice of rolls and falls, students get to
know their own body better. The exercises also help students gain self-
confidence. Ukemi and Kaiten techniques can be used in almost all real
situations outside the dojo. When performing rolls and falls, one should
remember to relax the body. The lungs should naturally be filled with air. The
body should be rolled up (have a round form) as much as possible during
rolls. The interior muscles should be relaxed while the external muscle group
should be slightly tensed. Very often, in order to help students perform the
movement in accordance to such rules, hints such as “calm” or “comfortable”
help students achieve the body’s desired state. The head shouldn’t touch the
ground. The body should never be in a position that is too high up or too far
forward. Instead, the technique is performed by lowering the body’s weight
and bending the knees. It is important to remember that rolls and falls should
be practiced in all directions and that during the movement students should
maintain eye contact with their surroundings.
So Ku Ho Kai Ten Sideways Roll

Zen Po Kaiten Forward Roll

Tachi Nagare (The Flow of Water)
Ho Ken Ju Roppo (16 Methods of Striking)

The human body can be used in many ways to apply strikes and blocks.
Almost every single part of the hands and feet can be used in a variety ways.
However, some strikes and blocks are only known in Ninjutsu schools,
including techniques with open and closed hands, as well as techniques that
use fingers. The use of the thumb is an element characteristic to different
Ninjutsu schools.
Some of the techniques are finishing techniques: they might be deadly or
they might leave the opponent unconscious. They might paralyze an
opponent, and some create an opening for the next attack. The same rules
apply to various techniques that use the leg. There are many kicks in Ninjutsu
that are quite similar to those of other schools. But the most recognizable and
characteristic kicks for the Ninjutsu are the crushing techniques.
Omote Shuto Ken: Outer Hand Blade Strike

Shako Ken: the Claw Fist, strike with the fingers curled like claws, used to strike and grab

Ura Shuto Ken: inside hand blade strike

Boshi Ken: the thumb strike, used to stab

Fudo Ken: strike with closed fist
Crushing techniques use the hips and body weight. Most kicks are low
kicks, with the exception of a jump kick. Commonly attacked points on the
opponent’s body are: the solar plexus, hips, thighs, knees, ankles, and even
the opponent’s metatarsal bones.
If the goal is to kick the opponent’s head, this is usually preceded by taking
the opponent’s balance or bringing the opponent to the ground. In Ninjutsu,
the adept use of the whole body in combat is why sometimes the knees,
elbows, and head are also used (such as at close range).

A strike with the head to the face, nose, or chin.

Kicking, smashing, and stepping on the opponent’s foot, toes, or shin.

Sokuyaku Ken/Keri (Foot Dance)

The crushing kick with bottom of foot or heel; it is used in various situations.

One should practice the forward kick by raising the knee and thrusting the leg forward by pushing one’s
hips. Do not kick too high. The most effective kick is a kick at the height of the solar plexus.
Intercepting a kick from the sitting position in order to apply a counterattack to the inside of the leg or

The kick to the hip while performing Hon Gyaku, a wristlock

Sokuyaku Ken is a strong kick applied to puncture a target.

During the technique, the bottom of the other foot remains on the ground.
Koho Keri - Backward Kick

The kick is useful when tori pretends to turn defensively with his back toward
the opponent.

The kick to the hip while performing Hon Gyaku, a wristlock

Sokuho Keri - Side Kick

During the technique, the bottom of the other foot remains on the ground.
During the technique, the bottom of the other foot remains on the ground.

Other uses for legs in techniques:

Each part of the lower limb (knee, heel, foot, and toe) may have practical use
in combat, both in offensive and defensive techniques (blocks, locks, and
Kakato Keri

Heel kick. The elliptic kick with the heel is perfect for combat at mid-range.
A heel kick done while on the ground directed at the solar plexus.
Kakato Geri
A heel kick done while on the ground. A series of two kicks aimed at the face of an opponent who has
already been knocked down. Tori kicks the opponent while falling down (backward roll). Both
techniques — the kicks and the fall — are performed almost simultaneously, and then the combat is

Kakato Geri: the finishing technique of a heel kick to the neck. The kick is applied after taking the
opponent’s balance and applying a lock. Note: this is a very dangerous technique and should be
practiced during class only under the supervision of an experienced teacher.
Tobi Sokuyaku Ken/Keri

A jump kick with the bottom of the foot or heel. With techniques performed
from a jump, an opponent may not only be surprised by the sudden change of
level, but these techniques can also add to the force applied to a crushing
Tobi Sokuyaku Ken/Keri - Ryote Form

Typical for the Koto Ryu Koppo Jutsu, a double-leg kick.

Weapons: A Selection for a Variety of Distances.

A majority of people recognize ninja warriors by their particular clothes and

the weapons they use. For shinobi, any type of object that might help in
combat, create an advantage, or help in winning the fight was a potential
weapon. They used a variety of objects and equipment, depending on time,
distance (close distance, medium distance, long distance), and individual
Body techniques
The fundamental skills taught in Bujinkan are body techniques used in
combat. The use of weapons is based on Taijutsu techniques. That is why
those experienced and adept in Ninjutsu would have no problem using any
type of weapon or using any object as a weapon. The term Tai Ken (body fist)
expresses the belief that not only can one use the head, hands, and leg for
striking and pushing, but that other parts of the body can be used in combat as
In the beginning of Bujinkan training, students learn about Kihon Happo, the
eight basic principles. Kihon Happo includes the techniques used against
eight basic forms of attack. Kihon Happo is divided into Kosshi Kihon Sanpo-
No-Gata (three basic striking techniques) and Hoshu Kihon Goho-No-Gata
(five basic grappling techniques). Later, students learn more complex forms
with a partner, forms that are particular to Bujinkan Ryu. They also learn kata
with a partner from various Ryu included in Bujinkan. At the same time,
students are taught techniques and methods for using weapons. In the
beginning, they are taught to use hanbo and bo; later, the jo, katana, tanto, as
well as naginata, yari, kyoketsu shoge, and others. To master Taijutsu, it takes
a lifetime of constant self-development and progress to perfect the use of
weapons. Thus, students must show a great deal of humility and persistence.

Some of the principles of Taijutsu:

Shizen Gyo Un Ryu Sui
(Move naturally, harmoniously, yet with energy)
Ken Tai Ichi Jo
(The power of technique results from the movement of the whole body)
Shin Gi Tai Ichi
(The union of spirit (shin), technique (gi), and body (tai)).
Kihon Happo (The Eight Principles): Musha Dori

To perform effective techniques, it is important to skillfully lower and raise

the body during the particular parts of a movement. This method is called Ten
Chi (Earth and Heaven) and is always used in Taijutsu.

Tori remains parallel to uke and hooks uke’s arm from below. This move causes tension in uke’s
shoulder joint. Tori steps back with his left leg and performs Ichimonji No Kamae.
When uke shifts his balance to the front leg, tori steps in and pushes uke’s bent arm back. Uke loses his
Kihon Happo Omote Gyaku Dori

A twisting wristlock from the Ten Ryaku No Maki (the Strategy of Heaven)
Uke’s hand blocks uke’s view. For a split second, uke can’t see tori!
Reverse Musha Dori

A smooth defensive movement and a shoulder lock. The smooth movement,

Nagare, is absolutely necessary in this technique. In order to achieve this
movement, it is very useful to practice Sui No Kata (Form of Water).

Tori uses Shako Ken to pull uke down onto his back.
Omote Gyaku against Omote Gyaku

This form is designed to deepen Kihon Happo (Eight Principles) training.

Using the same technique as a counterattack is a great way to enhance the
practice of the basics. Tori needs to move smoother and in the lower position.
Immobilizing Pin

A series of techniques used in Fudoza No Kamae, a sitting position, and

applied to control the opponent while standing up. The technique is typical for
Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jataijutsu, the school that focused on combat with an
armored opponent. Armor protects from injuries yet limits range of motion.
Armored warriors only had a moderate range of motion. The armored warrior
used his hips as a source of centrifugal force. It is not possible to bend deeply
or perform other techniques that demand dexterity while wearing armor. The
initial goal for members of Takagi Yoshin Ryu was to protect the castle in
which the Daimio (Prince) lived. Thus, most of the techniques are finished
with a pin and control over the opponent, just like techniques used by modern
security guards. The goal is not to kill the opponent. Timing is key for this
school. In this case, it means that the practitioner initiates his technique at
almost the same moment the attacker begins his attack. These skills require
vast experience and acute observation of the opponent.
Intercepting a Kick and Counterattack

Sokuyeku Ken/Keri from sitting position. The technique comes from Shinden
Fudo Ryu Dankentaijutsu.
Nagare - The Flow of Movement

Smooth interception of a moving or grabbing hand. The presented example

comes from Takagi Yoshin Ryu. This technique may be more complex when
the opponent is armed with wakizashi or tanto.
The Soft Block and Intercepting a Hand

A series of blocks and strikes with locks and grips. The form pictured is based
on Tainagashi (the flow of body), a technique from Shinden Fudo Ryu. The
technique must be performed smoothly and should not be delivered in
separates movements. Grips and throws must be performed naturally. Tori, in
a natural and relaxed way, escapes the attack. Theory is unnecessary — Do
not think.
Defense Against Opponent’s Grab on Back of Collar

The presented form comes from Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu. The technique is
used in a situation in which uke wants to grab (attack) Tori by the back of the
collar with his right hand; uke’ right leg is in front. The technique can be used
in both static and dynamic situations.
Release From the Grip and Gaining Control While in a
Sitting Position

Tori and uke stand in Komi Uchi. Uke tries to hold tori. Tori changes his grip
and presses his thumb against the crook of uke’s elbow, Hoshizawa. His right
thumb presses against uke’s neck (Boshi Ken) at the spot when the neck
meets the lower jaw, Mu.
Misleading Opening for the Kick

Circular movements are typical for Gyokko Ryu. During combat, tori creates
a void, an open space, called Koku that encourages the opponent to attack in a
way that is predictable for Tori.
Moving Behind the Opponent’s Back

The presented technique is a form from Shinden Fudo Ryu. The movement
should be energetic and fierce.
The Void Space

Tori creates a void (space) called Koku and leads uke to perform a predictable
type of movement. In this form, tori’s moves are circular, which is a type of
movement particular to Gyokko Ryu.
Soft Block/Reception of Attack and Firm Counterattack

The technique uses the aspect of distance in a manner characteristic of Koto

Ryu Koppojutsu. Tori blocks softly just to gain the proper offensive distance.
Tori Exposes Himself to a Kick and Conducts a
Counterattack Applying a Wristlock

The use of lock and smooth transition to the next lock. The method of
working with the void (space) called Koku is characteristic for Gyokko Ryu.
Defense Against Grips and Strikes

When a strong opponent grabs one’s top (a lapel, a collar, etc.), one must
always move smoothly beyond the range of the opponent’s free hand (Gyokko
Ryu). This is one way to take his balance and open the possibility of causing a
painful counterattack (Koshijutsu method). The opponent won’t look forward
to another fight.
An Attack Targeted at the Legs

While performing the whole technique, a single step can’t be missed. To

achieve this, tori must always maintain the proper distance from his opponent.
An Attack From the Air

A dynamic series of jumping attacks is characteristic for Koto Ryu

Koppojutsu. Attention: A strike on the neck causes loss of consciousness and
can also be deadly! During classes, this matter should receive special
Ambush: The Element of Surprise

This is a technique from Koto Ryu. It has been said that the roots of this style
come from China, just as with Gyokko Ryu. In Japan, many ninja and samurai
practice this style.
Holdfast and “the Demon Horns”

The presented technique of jumping at someone and applying a holdfast is

popular in many schools. Below, the movement and the way of executing kata
with partner follow the rules of Koto Ryu.
A Painful Block on the Thigh

Keri Kudaki (kick destroyer) is a technique from Bujinkan Ryu. The

technique is based on Chi Ryaku No Maki (the Earth principle).
Nagare - The Flow

A series of movements during which tori neither grabs nor holds uke at any
The Counter-throw

Typical for this technique is movement on the right side of the opponent, as it
was on the right side that warriors wore their katana. The presented throws
are executed in the Shinden Fudo Ryu style. They are quite different from
what is known from Judo. Before the throw is executed, tori tries to take an
opponent’s balance by hurting him (tori pinches the opponent’s skin, presses
his eyes, etc.), then he applies the lock that destroys the opponent’s joints.
After that, the opponent is thrown over tori’s hips and pounded on the ground.
The opponent doesn’t have the chance to fall on his arms and to protect
himself. Additionally, the opponent falls on his own weapon, which under the
weight of a body, breaks and mortally injures the owner. Shinden Fudo Ryu
uses a combat type of judo. The throwing techniques of modern judo have
their roots in such historic combat types of judo.
Half-hip Throw

The technique of pressing and kicking the sensitive points on an opponent’s

body and performing a half-hip throw. This series of movements enables one
to knock an opponent over without the risks associated with having to turn
back to the opponent, such as during a full hip throw.
Omote Onikudaki

Gyaku Gi, the soft twisting techniques. The presented technique is very often
used when disarming an opponent. Weapons could include the tanto, jutte, or
other short wooden weapon (in modern circumstances, it could be a baseball
The Misleading Escape From the Attack and the
Ganseki Otoshi Throw With One Hand

The presented sequence shows movement characteristic of Shinden Fudo Ryu

Dankentaijutsu. Tori stays in the natural stance, Shinzen No Kamae, which is
a typical receiving stance for the Shinden Fudo Ryu Dunkentaijutsu.
Yoroi: The Techniques in Armor.

The Bujinkan tradition includes schools in which techniques were created and
then used for hundreds of years. Samurai, servants, and ordinary soldiers
often wore additional protective clothes. People from different places in
society and different hierarchal levels wore different types of armor.
Beginning with very light protection for the front of the body (kirys do), to
armor made of metal rings (ring armor), to the more complicated structures
that almost covered the entire body, including the face. With its characteristic
structure of flexible design, Yoroi enabled the person wearing it to move quite
freely, despite the armor. Techniques used in combat involving full armor
were mostly developed by the Kukishinden and Takagi Yoshine Ryu. Thus,
when practicing the techniques from these traditions today, one should move
as if wearing armor.
In each Bujinkan school, various types of protection was used — partial
protectors or ring armor — all depending on the practitioners’ needs. Shinobi
warriors quite often wore light ring armor under their regular clothes, Ninja
warriors also protected their arms and wrists, wearing metal sleeves.

• Steel shins protectors (Suneate) (A) and Throat and neck protectors (Hambo) (B/C)
• A flexible sleeve (Kote) comprised of ring armors, steel shells and the forged part for the forearm (D).
Throw over the Knee

This series of techniques come from Shinden Fudo Ryu. One of the principles
of the school says: “When the opponent uses violence against you, remain
steady, cause pain, respond firmly and forcefully…”
Open Stance (Koku) and Soft Undercut

Tori’s opening position will encourage the opponent to attack in a way tori
can easily predict and can use to take the opponent’s balance.
Happo Keri and Keri Kudaki

A series of kicks: “destroyer of legs and arms.” This series of kicks used in
Ninjutsu has its origins in China.
The Sacrifice Throw: Counterattack to Choking

There are many variations of this form. The Takagi Yoshine Ryu Jutaijutsu, a
school of security guards in the Shogunate castle, brought these amazing
kicks to perfection. Formerly, this school’s students trained with yoroi
(armor). All levels of Takagi Yoshine Ryu Jutaijutsu train on Bujinkan mats.
Fourfold Oxygen Deprivation

This is a series of many difficult techniques: strikes, chokes, balance

breaking, Kamae structure breaking, entering the opponent’s space, and
smashing the opponent with body weight.
A Lopsided Duet

Tori must stay calm, as he needs perfect timing and a steady mind. The
technique requires the perfect ability to move while in a sitting position. It’s
not an easy task for taller and heavier people; it’s easier for smaller people
and those accustomed to sitting in Seiza.
Koppojutsu: The Defense Against Wakizashi

Techniques and methods of movement used in the school of the Koto Ryu
Koppo Jutsu. Characteristic is the use of various distances from the opponent
as well as diagonal strikes. Long distance is used mostly in cases when the
opponent is armed.
Shin Chu: The Center of the Heart

Engaging in combat with an armored opponent is always the solution of last

resort. Without a weapon, one should always takes into consideration the
possibility of getting a weapon or something that may function as a weapon.
Or simply consider the possibility of escape.

The use of blinding powder. In its simplest form, the powder was a mixture of
wood chips with some sort of hot spice, perhaps pepper. Powder was carried
by warriors in their inner top pocket. The powder was enclosed in eggshells.
Prior to employing it, the warrior took the eggshell containing the malicious
content in his hand, crushed it, and then threw it at the eyes of his
opponent(s). Ninja, taking advantage of the momentary surprise, quickly
retreated. Using the principle of Earth element, he would hide in high grass,
reeds, or blend in with the environment. The blinding powder could also be
hidden in a specially crafted sword scabbard, which was used to blow
(project) the powder. Sometimes, the ninja warrior would throw the powder at
the opponent with a great sweeping movement of the saya (scabbard), which
was filled with the powder.

Tori uses the blinding powder Metsubushi at the end of the combat. The opponent is blinded after the
The use of blinding powder Metsubushi. Tori uses the blinding powder to disarm the opponent.

The basic ways of storing and using Metsubushi blinding powder: the sword’s tsuba and eggshells.
Metsubushi 1 - Morning Mist

The presented form (kata) shows the way a ninja prepares for an escape or
retreat to shelter (which could be taller grass or the corner of a building). The
form doesn’t look difficult, but in reality it belong to the “royal class” of
techniques in Taijutsu. Timing, skillfulness, softness, and firmness, all at the
same time. Avoiding open conflict. Escape. These are all tactics typical for
the school of the Togakure Ryu Ninpo.
Metsubushi 2 - Incapacitation

The presented technique is an example of using blinding powder in combat.

This form comes from the school of Togakure Ryu.
Doko No Kamae: The Angry Tiger

A series of techniques that teaches a Bujinkan principle: leading and pushing

the opponent in a chosen direction (towards some object, for example)
through the use of a lock in order to put uke in an even worse position.
The History of Ninjato

The ninjato has the same roots as the samurai sword. There are many
misconceptions with regard to the appearance of the ninjato. The truth is that
any sword that belongs to a ninja automatically becomes ninjato. Ninja
warriors often had difficulty in obtaining high quality blades. They commonly
gathered abandoned swords found on the battlefield. These were then
converted and shortened. At that time, this procedure was forbidden and
severely punished.
Ninja warriors were very creative: a sword in their hands became a multi-
functional tool. As they didn’t follow the Code of Bushido (Way of the
Warrior), they used swords in many unconventional ways. There were known
to be swords with one side of the blade having the form of a saw, but the most
common swords had a blade that was straight or had a slight curve. The
swords of the ninja warriors were shorter than regular swords. This gave the
warriors an advantage when pulling a sword from a scabbard. The empty
space in the saya (the scabbard) was used to store blinding powder or other
useful objects for combat.
Different types of swords, daggers, and knives used by shinobi. Far right: a typical katana. Second from
right: Ninjato (Shonobi Gatan)

Ninjato have a much longer tsuka (handle) than normal katana. Ninja used the straight swords as well
as (rarely) the curved ones.
Ninja Shizumi Iai

The skill of pulling the sword out in confined spaces. While in the Hanza No
Kamae position, a ninja controlling his surroundings pulls a ninjato out
Ninja Iai - Yoko Aruki

Pulling the sword out and moving to the side. This type of movement is useful
when a ninja moves along a wall.
Ninja To - Aruki 1

Presented is a different way of moving Aruki, such as when moving through

bushes or thickets. The saya is used to remove obstacles; the weapon is ready
to be used.
Ninja To - Aruki 2

The Aruki walk: turning back in case of an attack from behind.

Ninja To - Atypical Way of Pulling Out the Sword 1

This technique includes pulling a sword out with the left hand to mislead the
opponent. In order to do it, the scabbard must be perfectly fitted to the obi
(the belt). To place one’s right hand on the handle was a sign of danger and a
problem; showing the blade was a sign of open conflict and invited a fight. By
pulling the sword out with the left hand, a ninja could strike the opponent’s
ribs with the end of the handle (tsuka gashira). A sword
Ninja To- Atypical Way of Pulling Out the Sword 2

There are three situations in which a ninja would pull a sword out from
behind his back or put the sword onto his back. The first situation is when a
ninja would attach the sword behind his back while walking (rarely, because
the other way was to attach it to his side). The second event was when the
ninja attached the sword to his back while he was climbing or jumping
through obstacles. The third case was when two shinobi were fighting one
opponent. While one ninja remained in front of the opponent with his sword,
the second ninja would move behind his partner’s back and shift the sword to
his back. The hidden ninja would then step out from behind his friend and
launch a surprise attack against the opponent with Jodan Kiri.
The Flowing Sword: A Training Form 1

Training for the fluid use of a sword while walking. Advanced students may
use a real weapon for this practice. Training with a real sword completely
changes the understanding of the movement, removing the sense of security
and resulting in a more economic and realistic usage of the weapon. Using a
standard katana of normal length improves the flow and enforces more
extensive work with the body. Compared to katana, which was mostly used
for cutting, ninjato were used mostly for stabbing.
The Flowing Sword: A Training Form 2

Using the sword while walking in a 180-degree turn.

Stopping an Attempt to Seize the Weapon

The method of preventing an opponent’s attempt to seize the ninja’s sword

(ninjato, katana, wakizashi) with the use of the handle (tsuka). In traditional
martial arts, when one lost his own weapon, an attempt was made to get the
opponent’s weapon. The presented technique is an example of how to prevent
an enemy from “disarming” you and how to overpower the opponent without
hurting him.
Attack Without Warning

A form from Takagi Yoshin Ryu. This method was used by double agents
who, under cover, snuck into a castle and gained the trust of the people inside.
Happo Gakure No Kamae

“Look straight to his eyes so you will not miss a moment. This may be the
last.” Strategy from Togakure Ryu Ninpo.
Ninjato: Saya

The unusual use of a sword. Using a sword in a surprising way often helped a
ninja defeat a confused opponent. Below, the saya and sageo (that is, a
scabbard and a rope that was used to tie the weapon to the belt) are used as a
catapult and a bullet. The opponent’s eyes or solar plexus was the usual target
for this kind of attack.
The Hidden Weapon

The use of a hidden weapon. In this case, the hidden weapon is a senban
shuriken, widely used by ninjas. The ninja warriors frequently used
Shurikenjutsu to distract opponents, to perform a surprise attack, or as a
means to disappear into the darkness.
The Reverse Blade

Keeping the sword with the blade facing the opponent’s face is typical for the
Kukishinden Ryu Happo Bikenjutsu.
Counterattack with Taihenjutsu

As presented below, the way of moving with ninjato will surprise the
opponent, who expects a confrontation. The presented movement allows
shinobi to avoid engaging in a fight.
Shortening the Distance: Bo Against Shinobito

The ability to shorten the distance when one possesses a weapon that is
shorter than the opponent’s weapon is a difficult, yet extremely important
skill. It is often a matter of life or death. The ability could also be used in
modern circumstances to defend against someone with a large and dangerous
Staff Weaponry
Bo - Furi Gata

A flow movement with bo in front and behind the body. This form teaches
both how to hold a bo steady in your hands and how to move smoothly with a
bo, skills that are necessary during a fight. While moving the bo in front of his
body, the tori should create a triangle that protects himself from an attack.
Practicing with the bo develops the ability to use any type of wooden weapon.
It is an introduction and foundation to learning how to use a yari (spear) and

Bō (roku-shaku-bō) literally means stick. It has a length of 6 shaku,

where one shaku is 12 inches (30.3 cm). Its length depends on a user’s
height and is usually about 70 inches (180 cm). A bo is made from wood
or bamboo; they are rarely made from metal.
Bo (2)

A series of movements that includes two horizontal strikes and shifting the bo
behind the back. This may lead to a vertical strike.
Bo (3)

The combination of using a bo with other objects. Ninja moves with the bo
targeted at the opponent. Tori kicks an object up from the ground to distract
the opponent.
Bo (4)

Picking the bo up from the ground without bending or losing eye contact with
the target.
Jō (1)

A jo is a wooden stick, usually about 50 inches (128 cm) long, often of a

length adjusted to the user’s height. However, the jo is always longer than a
katana. In the past, the jo was used to defend against the katana, wakizashi,
and tanto.
Jō (2)

This technique can also be used with a bo (a wooden stick approximately 70

inches [180 cm] long) or with a yari (a spear).

The technique with a hanbo, a short stick, is used to incapacitate an attacker

who uses a short sword.

The hanbo is a stick about 35 inches (90 cm) long. It should be the same
length as the distance from the user’s belly button to the ground. The
stick’s length is similar to that of everyday objects such as an umbrella, a
pipe from a vacuum cleaner, etc. The stick can be used as a walking
stick. In the past, some would place a dagger or even a sword inside a
hanbo. This would transform the hanbo into shikomibuki, which is an
insidious type of weapon.

Ningu is a word generally used to describe all kinds of tools used by ninja
warriors. There is much discussion and misconception about the tools used by
a ninja. Some people who love the dressed-in- -black warriors seen in
Hollywood movies are unaware that ninjas did not actually create the
weapons so widely associated with them. Furthermore, regular samurai
warriors used the same weapons as well. A typical subject of such
misconception is the shuriken. It was a small object that took various shapes;
a warrior usually threw it at an opponent’s face. Shurikenjutsu was a part of
the training system in many martial arts schools where samurai practiced their
skills. Shinobi warriors also used this weapon; some shapes of shuriken can
be exclusively linked to ninja schools.
While ninjas used weapons that were generally available, it’s important to
mention at this point that very often they used such weapons in their own
way: they applied their own methods and combat strategies.
Kyoketsu, kunai, shuko, and ashiko were typical for ninjas.
Kyoketsu Shogei (1)

This weapon is considered to be a type of ningu (ninja equipment). It was a

typical shinobi weapon (as opposed to the shuriken, which was also employed
by samurai). The kyoketsu is a brilliant tool with many characteristics that are
very useful during combat, climbing, and tying up an opponent. It combined
many functions. In a ninja’s hands it was a multifunctional tool as well as a
deadly weapon. The tool would have two double-edged blades, a long rope
measuring 8-10 feet (2.5-3 meters) that would have been made from the hair
of a horse or woman, and a metal ring. The blades were used to wound an
opponent, the ring was used for strikes in various vital points, and the rope
was used to bind an opponent using Hayanawa techniques.
Kyoketsu Shogei (2)

At the beginning of a fight, kyoketsu shogei is used as a longrange weapon. A

technique in which one can entwine an opponent’s leg or neck with rope thus
qualifies kyoketsu shoge as a “flexible” weapon, similar to a chain. It can be
very dangerous when used by beginners. To use the tool for one’s advantage,
one must absolutely control the tool; otherwise, the tool can be dangerous for
the person using it.
Kyoketsu Shogei (3)

The techniques presented below are for striking the opponent’s head, trunk, or
arms with the metal ring as well as a technique that enables tori to pull the
opponent down. Tori throws the kyoketsu shogei at the opponent’s guard. The
ring targets the space between the opponent’s arms. The attacker with a sword
now has metal ring hanging on his arm. It definitely causes problems for the
swordsman, as there is a ninja in front of him just waiting for a mistake. The
attacker does not know whether he should change his grip on his sword, cut
the rope between the ring and ninja, or just wait for the ninja’s next move. For
a ninja it was sometimes enough just to throw a kyoketsu shogei at a man
with a sword. The object would hit the hand holding the katana, and the fight
was over.

This small steel weapon was frequently used by shinobi warriors. In their
hands it became quite an efficient weapon. A few types of shurikan can be
- straight shurikan;
- in the shape of star, cross or disc;
- special shurikan.
Shurikan techniques were taught in many martial arts schools. Even today
students practice Shurikenjutsu in the Bujinkan and in some samurai schools.
Throws are executed from almost every kind of position: lying on the ground,
after turning around, from the hip, and backwards.
Traditionally, shuriken techniques were used in combat in fights at a mid-
length distance. The weapon was most efficient when thrown from a distance
of 7-10 feet (2-3 meters). It was usually thrown at the opponent’s head and
neck and would wound and scare the opponent.
In modern circumstances the shuriken techniques could be used for self-
defense. We can throw objects that are within reach and match these
- straight: pen, fork, knife, spoon, stick, etc.;
- in the shape of star, cross, or disc: ashtray, saucer, plate, etc.;
- special ones: book, glass, or any other object.

The senbam shuriken is also known as the “Throwing Star” and “Ninja Death Star.” This shuriken is
square shaped, with grooves on the side and a squareshaped hole in the middle. Shuriken was used in
Kukishin schools. Techniques with the senbam shuriken were secret.
Shuriken of all designs make effective and dangerous weapons in close-in fighting.

Various types of steel shurikens. Different shapes and forms were characteristic for particular regions
and areas of Japan. Based on shape, it is therefore possible to discover the origins of particular
Manriki Kusari (1)

Kusarijutsu, the art of the chain, includes strikes (Atemi) targeted at particular
points, thrusts (Tsuki), attacks targeted at eyes (Metsubushi), blocks (Uke),
sparring (Uke nagashi), tying (Karami), controlling (Osae), choking (Shime),
and binding (Hobaku).
Manriki Kusari (2)

Furiuchiwaza: the technique of swinging a chain horizontally, vertically, or

diagonally when attacking.
Kakushi Kusarigama

Kusarigama was a small, useful, and effective weapon that could be hidden in
a kimono. The weapon was used to block a sword blade, to immobilize the
opponent’s hand on a sword handle, to execute cuts with the sickle, to strike
and thrust with the sharp handle, as well as to choke or strike with the round
weight at the end of the chain.
Jutte (Juttejutsu 1)

This weapon is associated with police from the Edo period (1603-1868).
There were many kinds of jutte. The length of the weapon ranged from 9
inches to 25 inches (25 cm to 64 cm). During the Edo period, police used
juttes that ranged from 35 inches to 40 inches (90-101 cm). The jutte was
used for intercepting katanas; for strikes, thrusts, and chokes; and for locks
applied to wrists, elbows, and fingers.
Jutte (Juttejutsu 2)

The jutte can be understood as an extension of the hand. Strikes with a metal
rod are stronger than simple Koppo Jutsu strikes. Pressing Kyusho points with
a metal pole is more effective then simply pressing those points with fingers.
The hook attached to the rod can wound and tear skin, yet one can also use it
to break fingers or apply small but very effective locks. The jitte was usually
hidden in a person’s sleeve, attached behind the person’s back to the belt, or
inserted in a person’s leggings. During a fight, it was often an unpleasant
surprise for the opponent.
Shuko (Cat Hand 1)

The defense against a sword cut to the head: a technique from Togakure Ryu
The shuko is a metal claw worn on the hand. Similar claws, called ashiko,
were also worn on the legs. The claws were used at close distances for tearing
and stabbing an opponent, for blocking a sword cut using the small metal
band that was wrapped around the hand, for parrying a sword attack, or for
disarming an opponent by hitting his hand with a fist armed with a metal
band. The metal claws had a definite psychological effect on an opponent.
The wounds caused by the claw could be very dangerous or even deadly.
Shuko (Cat Hand 2)

The defense against Migi Do Giri (a horizontal sword cut from the right side)
is a technique from Togakure Ryu Ninpo.
A martial art called Shukojutsu used the shuko’s counterpart, which were
worn on the legs and were called ashiko. Fighting with these tools at close
range, a ninja could painfully injure the opponent by tearing and stabbing
him. A popular target for ninjas was the inside of the thigh.

A kunai was used in close-range combat to apply strikes and thrusts even
though its tip wasn’t sharp.
A kunai can serve as an example of a regular object that in the experienced
and skilled hands of a ninja could become a dangerous weapon.
Other Objects as Combat Tools

Many everyday items can be used as tools for combat. In general, objects can
be divided into the following categories:
– long and fixed, for example: a stick, umbrella, broom, shovel, pen, fork, and
book. They are the equivalents of a katana, bamboo, tanto, bo shuriken, jo,
bo, and tassen (fan).
– long and flexible, for example: a robe, belt, scarf, leash, and chain. They are
the equivalents of a sageo, manriki, kusari, etc.
– round and hard: stone, ashtray, and jug. They are the equivalents of star-
shaped shuriken, disc-shaped shuriken, etc.
– in granular or fluid form: sand, pepper, salt, baking soda, coins, water, etc.
They are the equivalents of metsubushi, a blinding powder.
Incapacitation: a Street Fight

The application of self-defense techniques for immobilizing is presented in

modern circumstances with the use of a sport coat or jacket. It is an example
of the use of modern clothing belonging either to the attacker or the person
performing the techniques.Clothing — along with belts, robes, etc. — belongs
to the category of flexible weapons. The different parts of clothing are perfect
tools that can be used for different purposes such as for binding,
immobilizing, applying pins and locks, choking, or blocking an opponent’s
view. Various types of shoes are useful for different kinds of kicks. The jacket
sleeve can be used for binding and immobilizing. Hats and gloves are perfect
for throwing at an opponent’s eyes for the purposes of distraction.
Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.
Copyright © 2013 Marian Winiecki
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England family steeped in publishing.
Immediately after WW II, Tuttle served in Tokyo under General Douglas
MacArthur and was tasked with reviving the Japanese publishing industry.
He later founded the Charles E. Tuttle Publishing Company, which thrives
today as one of the world’s leading independent publishers.
Though a westerner, Tuttle was hugely instrumental in bringing a
knowledge of Japan and Asia to a world hungry for information about the
East. By the time of his death in 1993, Tuttle had published over 6,000
books on Asian culture, history and art—a legacy honored by the Japanese
emperor with the “Order of the Sacred Treasure,” the highest tribute Japan
can bestow upon a non-Japanese.
With a backlist of 1,500 titles, Tuttle Publishing is more active today than
at any time in its past—inspired by Charles Tuttle’s core mission to publish
fine books to span the East and West and provide a greater understanding of

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