Microbiology Exam

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Microbiology (Self-test) A.E.

1. The organism associated with a disease C.Salmonellaspp.
characterized by the presence of a pseudomembrane D.Proteusspp.
in the throat and the production of an exotoxin that is
8. Which genera are positive for phenylalanine
absorbed into the bloodstream with a lethal effect is: deaminase?
A.Arcanobacterium haemolyticum A.Enterobacter, Escherichia,and Salmonella
B.Staphylococcus aureus B.Morganella, Providencia,and Proteus
C.Streptococcus pyogenes C.Klebsiellaand Enterobacter
D.Corynebacterium diphtheriae D.Proteus, Escherichia,and Shigella

2. Exfoliatin produced by Staphylococcus aureus is 9. Which species of Shigellais most commonly

responsible for causing: associated with diarrheal disease in the
A. Enterocolitis United States?
B. Toxic shock syndrome A.S. dysenteriae
C. Scalded skin syndrome B.S. flexneri
D. Staphylococcal pneumonia C.S. boydii
D.S. sonnei
3. Streptococcus pyogenes can be presumptively
identified using a(an) 10. A routine, complete stool culture procedure
A. PYR disk should include media for the isolation of E. coli
B. ONPG disk O157:H7 as well as:
C. SPS disk A.Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Campylobacter,
D Optochin disk and Staphylococcus aureus
B.Vibrio cholerae, Brucella, and Yersiniaspp.
4. The aseptic collection of blood cultures requires C.S. aureus, group B streptococci, and group D
that the skin be cleansed with: streptococci
A. 2% iodine and then 70% alcohol solution D.Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, and
B. 70% alcohol and then 2% iodine or an Yersiniaspp.
C. 70% alcohol and then 95% alcohol 11. Which group of tests best identifies the
D. 95% alcohol only Morganella and Proteusgenera?
A.Motility, urease, and phenylalanine deaminase
5. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) should be cultured B.Malonate, glucose fermentation, and
immediately, but if delayed the specimen deoxyribonuclease (DNase)
should be: C.Indole, oxidase, MR, and VP
A.Refrigerated at 4°C to 6°C D.Indole, citrate, and urease
B.Frozen at –20°C
C.Stored at room temperature for no longer 12. Which of the following organisms is often
than 24 hours confused with the Salmonellaspecies biochemically
D.Incubated at 37°C and cultured as soon as and on plated media?
possible A.E. coli
B.Citrobacter freundii
6. Erysipelothrix infections in humans C.Enterobacter cloacae
characteristically produce D.Shigella dysenteriae
A. Pathology at the point of entrance
Of the organism 13. Which single test best separates Klebsiella
B. Central nervous system pathology oxytoca from K. pneumoniae?
C. Pathology in the lower respiratory A.Urease
tract B.Sucrose
D. The formation of abscesses in visceral C.Citrate
Organs D.Indole

7. Lysine iron agar (LIA) showing a purple slant and

a blackened butt indicates:
14. Which of the following organisms, found in A.Proteus vulgaris
normal fecal flora, may be mistaken biochemically B.Salmonella typhi
for the genus Yersinia? C.Yersinia enterocolitica
A. Klebsiella spp. D.E. coli
B.Proteus spp.
C. E. coli 21. .A stool culture from a 30-year-old man suffering
D. Enterobacterspp. from bloody mucoid diarrhea gave the following
results on differential enteric media:
15. The etiologic agent mos commonly associated MacConkey agar = clear colonies;
with septicaemia and meningitis of newborns is XLD agar = clear colonies;
A. Streptococcus agalactiae Hektoen agar = green colonies;
B. Streptococcus bovis group Salmonella–Shigellaagar = small, clear colonies
C. Streptococcus pneumoniae Which tests are most appropriate for identification
D. Streptococcus pyogenes of this enteric pathogen?
A. TSI, motility, indole, urease, Shigella typing with
16. Loeffler's serum medium is recommended for the polyvalent sera
cultivation of B. TSI, motility, indole, lysine, Salmonella typing
A. Abiotrophia sp. with polyvalent sera
B. Corynebacterium diphtheriae C. TSI, indole, MR, VP, citrate
C. Leuconostoc sp. D. TSI, indole, MR, and urease
D. Streptococcus agalactiae
22. A leg culture from a nursing home patient grew
17. Streptococci are unable to synthesize the enzyme gram-negative rods on MacConkey agar as pink to
A.Catalase dark pink oxidase-negative colonies. Given the
B.Kinase following results, which is the most likely organism?
C.Hyaluronidase TSI = A/A Indole = Neg MR = Neg
D.Lipase VP = + Citrate = + H2S = Neg
Urease = + Motility = Neg
18. The beta-hemolysis produced by group A Antibiotic susceptibility: resistant to carbenicillin and
Streptococcus seen on the surface of a sheep blood ampicillin
agar plate is primarily the result of streptolysin A.Serratia marcescens
A.H B.Proteus vulgaris
B.M C.Enterobacter cloacae
C.O D.Klebsiella pneumonia
23. Three consecutive stool cultures from a 25-year-
19. Which one of the following is not appropriate old male patient produced scant normal fecal flora on
when describing Streptococcus pneumoniae? MacConkey and Hektoen agars. However, colonies
A. Bile-resistant on CIN agar (cefsulodin–irgasan–novobiocin)
B. Alpha-hemolytic displayed “bulls-eye” colonies after 48 hours
C. Lancet-shaped, gram-positive diplococcus incubation. The patient had been suffering from
D. Virulent strains are encapsulated enterocolitis with fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
for 2 days. What is the most likely identification of
20. Four blood cultures were taken over a 24-hour this gram-negative rod?
period from a 20-year-old woman with severe A.E. coli
diarrhea. The cultures grew motile (room B.Proteus mirabilis
temperature), gram-negative rods. A urine specimen C.Yersinia enterocolitica
obtained by catheterization also showed gram- D.Klebsiella pneumonia
negative rods, 100,000 col/mL. Given the following
results, which is the most likely organism? 24. Following a 2-week camping trip to the
TSI = A/A gas Indole = + Southwest (US), a 65-year-old male patient was
VP = Neg MR = + hospitalized with a high fever and an inflammatory
H2S = Neg Citrate = Neg swelling of the axilla and groin lymph nodes. Several
Urease = Neg Lysine decarboxylase = + blood cultures were obtained, resulting in growth of
Phenylalanine deaminase = Neg gram-negative rods resembling “closed safety pins.”
The organism grew on MacConkey’s agar showing
non–lactose-fermenting colonies. Testing A.Acinetobacterspp.
demonstrated a nonmotile rod that was biochemically B.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
inert. What is the most likely identification? C.Pseudomonas stutzeri
A.Yersinia pestis D.Moraxella lacunata
B.Klebsiella pneumoniae
C.Proteus vulgaris 30. Cetrimide agar is used as a selective isolation
D.Morganella morganii agar for which organism?
A. Acinetobacter spp.
25. The majority of clinical laboratories with a B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
microbiology department should have the capability C. Moraxella spp.
of serotyping which pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae? D. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
A.Yersinia enterocolitica, Shigellaspp.
B.E. coliO157:H7, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. 31. A curved gram-negative rod producing oxidase-
C.Yersinia pestis, Salmonella spp. positive colonies on blood agar was recovered from a
D.Edwardsiella spp., Salmonella spp. stool culture. Given the following results, what is the
most likely identification?
26. Which Pseudomonasis usually associated with a Lysine decarboxylase = + Arginine decarboxylase =
lung infection related to cystic fibrosis? Neg
A. P. fluorescens Indole = + KIA = Alk/Acid
B. P. aeruginosa VP = Neg Lactose = Neg
C. P. putida Urease = ± String test = Neg
D. Burkholderia pseudomallei TCBS agar = Green colonies
A.Vibrio cholerae
27. Which biochemical tests are needed to B.Vibrio parahaemolyticus
differentiate Burkholderia cepacia from S. C.Shigellaspp.
maltophilia? D.Salmonellaspp
A. Pigment on blood agar, oxidase, DNase
B. Pigment on MacConkey agar, flagellar stain, 32. A gram-negative S-shaped rod recovered from
motility selective media for Campylobacter species gave the
C. Glucose, maltose, lysine decarboxylase following results:
D. TSI, motility, oxidase Catalase = + Oxidase = +
Motility = + Hippurate hydrolysis = +
28. The following results were obtained from a pure Growth at 42°C = + Nalidixic acid = Susceptible
culture of gram-negative rods recovered from the Pigment = Neg
pulmonary secretions of a 10-year-old cystic fibrosis Grape odor = Neg Cephalothin = Resistant
patient with pneumonia: The most likely identification is:
Oxidase = + Motility = + A.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Glucose OF (open) = + Gelatin hydrolysis = + B.Campylobacter jejuni
Pigment = Red Arginine dihydrolase = + C.Campylobacter fetus
(nonfluorescent) D.Pseudomonas putida
Growth at 42°C = + Flagella = + (polar,
monotrichous) 33. Kingella kingaeis usually associated with which
Which is the most likely organism? type of infection?
A.Burkholderia pseudomallei A.Middle ear
B.Pseudomonas stutzeri B.Endocarditis
C.Burkholderia cepacia C.Meningitis
D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa D.Urogenita

29. A gram-negative coccobacillus was recovered on 34. .Cultures obtained from a dog bite wound
chocolate agar from the CSF of an produced yellow, tan, and slightly pink colonies on
immunosuppressed patient. The organism was blood and chocolate agar with a margin of fingerlike
nonmotile and positive for indophenols oxidase but projections appearing as a film around the colonies.
failed to grow on MacConkey agar. The organism Given the following results at 24 hours, which is the
was highly susceptible to penicillin. The most most likely organism?
probable identification is: Oxidase = + Catalase = +
Growth on MacConkey agar = Neg Motility = Neg
A.Actinobacillus spp. 41. Which of the following is a characteristic of
B.Eikenella spp. strains of Haemophilus influenzaethat are resistant to
C.Capnocytophaga spp. ampicillin?
D.Pseudomonas spp A.Production of β-lactamase enzymes
B.Hydrolysis of chloramphenicol
35. Which media should be used to recover C.Hydrolysis of urea
Bordetella pertussis from a nasopharyngeal D.All of these options
A. Chocolate agar 42. A 29-year-old male who often hunted rabbits and
B. Blood agar spent a lot of time in the woods was admitted to the
C. MacConkey agar hospital with skin ulcers on his upper extremities. At
D. Bordet–Gengou agar 48 hours, a small coccobacillus was recovered from
the aerobic blood culture bottle only. The organism
36. Which medium is best for recovery of Legionella stained poorly with Gram stain, but did stain with
Pneumophila from clinical specimens? acridine orange. Cultures taken from the ulcers did
A.Chocolate agar not grow on primary media. What is the most likely
B.Bordet–Gengou agar identification?
C.New yeast extract agar A.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D.Buffered charcoal–yeast extract (CYE) agar B.Pseudomonas fluorescens
C.Chryseobacterium spp.
37. Haemophilus influenzaecauses ocular infections D.Francisella tularensis
(pinkeye) and requires X and V factors in the primary
medium for growth. The subspecies Haemophilus 43. A 46-year-old dog warden was admitted to the
influenza (biogroup) aegyptius can further be hospital with several puncture bite wounds
identified and differentiated by which two tests? encountered while wrangling with a stray dog.
A.Indole and xylose Culture at 48 hours produced small yellow colonies
B.Glucose and urease on 5% sheep blood and chocolate agars in 10% CO2,
C.Oxidase and catalase but no growth on MacConkey agar. Gram stain
D.ALA test and oxidase showed gram-negative curved, fusiform rods.
Colonies were oxidase and catalase positive. What is
38. Haemophilus species that require the V factor the most likely identification?
(NAD) are easily recovered on which primary agar A.Capnocytophaga canimorsus
plate? B.Francisella tularensis
A.Blood agar made with sheep red cells C.Legionella pneumophila
B.Blood agar made with horse red cells D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C.Chocolate agar
D.Xylose agar 44. The HACEK group of organisms (Haemophilus
aphrophilus, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,
39. The majority of Haemophilus influenza infections Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and
are caused by which of the following capsular Kingellaspp.) are all known for which type of
serotypes? infection?
A.a A.Urinary tract
B.b B.Endocarditis
C.c C.Pharyngitis
D.d D.Tonsillitis

40. Which Haemophilus species is difficult to isolate 45. The test used most often to separate the
and recover from genital ulcers and swollen lymph Micrococcaceae family from the Streptococcaceae
nodes? family is:
A.H. aphrophilus A. Bacitracin
B.H. ducreyi B. Catalase
C.H. haemolyticus C. Hemolysis pattern
D.H. parahaemolyticus D. All of these option

46. Which of the following tests is used routinely to

identify Staphylococcus aureus?
A.Slide coagulase test 54. An infant wa hospitalized with a severe, tender
B.Tube coagulase test erythema. The child's epidermis was loose, and large
C.Latex agglutination areas of skin could be peeled off. The condition
D.All of these options described is most consistent with a clinical syndrome
associated with
47. Which of the following enzymes contribute to the A.Streptococcus pyogenes
virulence of S. aureus? B.Staphylococcus aureus
A. Urease and lecithinase C.Bacillus anthracis
B. Hyaluronidase and β-lactamase D.Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
C. Lecithinase and catalase
D. Cytochrome oxidase 55. The etiologic agent of whooping cough is
A. Bordetella pertussis
48. Staphylococcus epidermidis(coagulase negative) B. Brucellasuis
is recovered from which of the following sources? C. Francisella tularensis
A.Prosthetic heart valves D. Haemophilus ducreyi
B.Intravenous catheters
C.Urinary tract 56. Legionella pneumophila is the etiologic agent of
D.All of these options both Legionnaires disease and
A. Swine fever
49. Slime production is associated with which B. Pontiac fever
Staphylococcus species? C. Rift Valley fever
A.S. aureus D. San Joaquin Valley fever
B.S. epidermidis
C.S. intermedius 57. A gram-negative bacillus was recovered from the
D.S. saprophyticus urine of a child with a history of recurrent urinary
tract infections. The organism was oxidase negative,
50. Cystine-tellurite blood agar plates are lactose negative, urease positive, and motile. The
recommended for the isolation of most likely identification of this agent would be
A. Corynebacterium diphtheriae A. Escherichia coli
B. Streptococcus agalaciae B. Klebsiella pneumoniae
C. Streptococcus pyogenes C. Proteus mirabilis
D. GroupD streptococci D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

51. The most common etiologic agent of infections 58. Haemophilus ducreyi is the causative agent of
associated with the surgical insertion of prosthetic A. Chancroid
devices such as artificial heart valves and B. Lymphogranuloma venereum
cerebrospinal fluid shunts is C. Trachoma
A. Corynebacterium urealyticum D. Whooping cough
B. Staphylococcus capitis
C. Staphylococcus epidermidis 59. The optimal specimen for the recovery of
D. Streptococcus mutans Bordetella pertussis is
A. Anterior nares swab
52. The description of "Medusa head" colonies on B. Blood
solid agar is most characteristic of C. Expectorated sputum
A. Bacillus anthracis D. Nasopharyngeal swab
B. Enterococcus faecalis
C. Staphylococcus saprophyticus 60. Which of the following is the most common
D. Streptococcus agalactiae indicator of bacterial vaginosis?
53. Bacillus cereus has been implicated as the B.Capnocytophaga
etiologic agent in cases of C.Gardnerella
A. Food poisoning D.Listeria
B. Impetigo
C. Pelvic inflammatory disease 61. On Gram stain, amorphology that resembles
D.Toxic shock syndrome "seagull wings" is most characteristic of
A. Campylobacter jejuni
B. Neisseria gonorrhoeae 68. Which of the following Mycobacterium spp. is
C. Plesiomonas shigelloides best differentiated by the rapid hydrolysis of Tween
D. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 80?
A.M. fortuitum
62. Which of the following is not urease positive? B.M. chelonae
A. Salmonella C.M. kansasii
B. Helicobacter pylori D.M. gordonae
C. Proteus mirabilis
D. Yersinia enterocolitica 69. A Mycobacteriumspecies recovered from a
patient with AIDS gave the following results:
62. Which of the Neisseria spp. produces acid from Niacin = Neg T2H = +
glucose but not from maltose, lactose, or sucrose? Tween 80 hydrolysis = Neg Nitrate reduction = Neg
A.Neisseria gonorrhoeae Heat-stable catalase (68°C) = ± Nonphotochromogen
B.Neisseria lactamica What is the most likely identification?
C.Neisseria meningitidis A.M. gordonae
D.Neisseria sicca B.M. bovis
C.M. avium–intracellularecomplex
63. For the selective isolation of Vibrio spp. the D.M. kansasii
recommended agar is
A. Thiosulfate-citrate-bile salt-sucrose agar 70. How long should Mycobacterium tuberculosis–
B. Charcoal yeast extract agar positive cultures be kept by the laboratory after
C. Mannitol salt agar identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing
D. Tinsdale agar have been performed?
A.1–2 months
64. Toxic shock syndrome is attributed to infection B.2–4 months
with: C.5–6 months
A.Staphylococcus epidermidis D.6–12 month
B.Staphylococcus hominis
C.Staphylococcus aureus 71. Which of the following Mycobacteriumspecies is
D.Staphylococcus saprophyticus diagnosed by means other than culture?
A.M. leprae
65. The best specimen for recovery of the B.M. bovis
mycobacteria from a sputum sample is: C.M. canetti
A. First morning specimen D.M. avium
B.10-hour evening specimen
C.12-hour pooled specimen 72. WhichM. aviumcomplex (MAC) organism is the
D.24-hour pooled specimen most frequently isolated mycobacterium from AIDS
66. Which is the most appropriate nonselective A.M. avium
medium for recovery of mycobacteria from a heavily B.M. intracellulare
contaminated specimen? C.M. scrofulaceum
A.Löwenstein–Jensen agar D.M. bovis
B.Middlebrook 7H10 agar
C.Petragnani’s agar 73. All of the following are examples of appropriate
D.American Thoracic Society medium specimens for the recovery of fungi except:
A. Tissue biopsy
67. Mycobacteria stained by the Ziehl–Neelsen or B. CSF
Kinyoun methods with methylene blue counterstain C. Aspirate of exudate
are seen microscopically as: D. Swab
A.Bright red rods against a blue background
B.Bright yellow rods against a yellow background 74. The India ink stain is used as a presumptive test
C.Orange-red rods against a black background for the presence of which organism?
D.Bright blue rods against a pink background A. Aspergillus niger in blood
B. Cryptococcus neoformans in CSF
C. Histoplasma capsulatum in CSF
D. Candida albicans in blood or body fluids
75. Which virus is the most common etiological blood agar plate with no hemolysis. Given the
agent of viral respiratory diseases in infants and following test results at 48 hours, what is the most
children? likely identification?
A.Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Catalase = Neg H2
B.Measles virus S/TSI = +
C.Coxsackie A virus Motility (wet prep) = Neg
D.Coxsackie B virus Motility (media) = Neg (bottle-brush growth in stab
76. Which of the following viruses is implicated A.Bacillus cereus
along with Epstein–Barr virus as a cause of infectious B.Listeria monocytogenes
mononucleosis? C.Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
A.Cytomegalovirus (CMV) D.Bacillus subtilis
B.Coxsackie A virus
C.Coxsackie B virus 83. In addition to Enterococcus faecalis, which other
D.Hepatitis B virus streptococci will grow in 6.5% salt broth?
A.Group A streptococci
77. Which virus is associated with venereal and B.Group B streptococci
respiratory tract warts and produces lesions of skin C.Streptococcus pneumoniae
and mucous membranes? D.Group D streptococci (nonenterococci)
B.Poxvirus 84. The quellung test is used to identify which
C.Adenovirus Streptococcus species?
D.Papillomavirus A.S. pyogenes
B.S. agalactiae
78. Which technique is used for the confirmation C.S. sanguis
of infection with human immunodeficiency virus D.S. pneumonia
A.Western blot (immunoblot) assay 85. A pure culture of β-hemolytic streptococci
B.Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) recovered from a leg wound ulcer gave the following
C.Complement fixation reactions:
D.p24 Antigen testing CAMP test = Neg Hippurate hydrolysis = Neg
Bile esculin = Neg 6.5% salt = Neg
79. Obligate anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, and PYR = Neg Bacitracin = Resistant
microaerophiles are terms referring to bacteria that Optochin = Resistant SXT = Sensitive
require: The most likely identification is:
A.Increased nitrogen A.Group A streptococci
B.Decreased CO2 B.Group B streptococci
C.Increased O2 C.Enterococcus faecalis
D.Decreased O2 D.Nongroup A, nongroup B, nongroup D streptococci

80. Which is the test of choice for the confirmation of 86. β-Hemolytic streptococci, more than 50,000
Chlamydia trachomatis infection in urine? col/mL, were isolated from a urinary tract catheter
A. Enzyme immunoassay antigen testing urine specimen. Given the following reactions, what
B. PCR molecular testing is the most likely identification?
C. Culture using McCoy and Hela cells CAMP test = Neg Hippurate hydrolysis = ±
D. Microimmunofluorescence (MIF) test Bile solubility = Neg 6.5% salt = +
PYR = + Bile esculin = +
81. Which is the specimen of choice for proof of food SXT = Resistant Bacitracin = Resistant
poisoning by Bacillus cereus? Optochin = Resistant
A.Sputum A. Group A streptococci
B.Blood B. Group B streptococci
C.Stool C. Enterococcus faecalis
D.Food D. Nongroup A, nongroup B, nongroup D
82. Culture of a finger wound specimen from a meat
packer produced short gram-positive bacilli on a
87. Which test is used to differentiate the viridians 93. The molecular receptor of the virus causing
streptococci from the group D streptococci and acquired immune deficiency syndrome is
enterococci? A.CD4
A.Bacitracin disk test B.CD8
B.CAMP test C. Fc receptor
C.Hippurate hydrolysis test D. Complement receptor
D.Bile esculin test
94. The viral disease shingles, which causes extreme
88. Which group of streptococci is associated with tenderness along the dorsal nerve roots and a
erythrogenic toxin production? vesicular eruption, has the same etiologic agent as
A.Group A A. Rubeola
B.Group B B. Vaccinia
C.Group C C. Varicella
D.Group G D. Variola

89. Bacitracin A disks (0.04 unit) are used for the 95. Negri bodies may be found in brain tissue of
presumptive identification of which group of β- humans or animals infected with
hemolytic streptococci? A. Adenovirus
A.Group A B. Filovirus
B.Group B C. Measles virus
C.Group C D. Rabies virus
D.Group F
96. Three consecutive stool cultures from a 25-year
90. A small, gram-negative coccobacillus recovered old male patient produced scant normal fecal flora on
from the CSF of a 2-year-old child gave the MacConkey and Hektoen agars. However, colonies
following results: on CIN agar (cefsulodin–irgasan–novobiocin)
Indole = + Glucose = + (acid) displayed “bulls-eye” colonies after 48 hours
X requirement = + V requirement = + incubation. The patient had been suffering from
Urease = + Lactose = Neg enterocolitis with fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain
Sucrose = Neg Hemolysis = Neg for 2 days. What is the most likely identification of
Which is the most likely identification? this gram-negative rod?
A.Haemophilus parainfluenzae A.E. coli
B.Haemophilus influenzae B.Proteus mirabilis
C.Haemophilus ducreyi C.Yersinia enterocolitica
D.Haemophilus aphrophilus D.Klebsiella pneumonia

91. A 5-year-old nonimmunized male with a 97. A 6-year-old female patient was admitted to the
persistent cough, fever, and flulike symptoms was hospital following 2 days of severe diarrhea. Cultures
admitted to the hospital. Nasopharyngeal swabs were from three consecutive stool samples contained blood
cultured on 15% blood, chocolate, Bordet–Genjou, and mucus. Patient history revealed a hamburger
and Regan–Lowe (with 10% charcoal) agars. All lunch at a fast-food restaurant 3 days earlier. Which
media grew a gram-negative coccobacillus. pathogen is most likely responsible for the following
Carbohydrate and biochemical tests were negative. results? Growth on:
What is the most likely identification? XLD agar = yellow colonies
A.Haemophilus influenza HE agar = yellow colonies
B.Bordetella pertussis Mac agar = light pink and dark pink colonies
C.Haemophilus parainfluenzae Mac with sorbitol agar – few dark pink and many
D.Bordetella bronchiseptica colorless colonies
92. Kaposi sarcoma is associated with infection by B.Shigellaspp.
A. Adenovirus C.E. coli O157:H7
B. Cytomegalovirus D.Yersinia enterocolitica
C. HepatitisEvims
D. Human herpes virus 8 98. Three blood cultures taken from a 30-year-old
cancer patient receiving chemotherapy and admitted
with a urinary tract infection grew lactose-negative,
motile, gram-negative rods prior to antibiotic
therapy. Given the following biochemical reactions,
which is the most likely organism?
H2S (TSI) = + Indole = + MR = +
VP = Neg Citrate = Neg Urease = +
DNase = + Phenylalanine deaminase = +
Gelatin hydrolysis = +
Ornithine decarboxylase = Neg
A.Proteus vulgaris
B.Proteus mirabilis
C.Serratia marcescens
D.Klebsiella pneumonia

99. A stool culture from a 30-year-old man suffering

from bloody mucoid diarrhea gave the following
results on differential enteric media:
MacConkey agar = clear colonies;
XLD agar = clear colonies;
Hektoen agar = green colonies;
Salmonella–Shigellaagar = small, clear colonies
Which tests are most appropriate for identification
of this enteric pathogen?
A.TSI, motility, indole, urease, Shigella typing with
polyvalent sera
B.TSI, motility, indole, lysine, Salmonella typing
with polyvalent sera
C.TSI, indole, MR, VP, citrate
D.TSI, indole, MR, and urease

100. The Shiga-like toxin (verotoxin) is produced

mainly by which Enterobacteriaceae?
A. Klebsiella pneumoniae
B. E. coli
C. Salmonella typhimurium
D. Enterobacter cloacae
Answer key ( Microbiology)
1. d 56. b
2. c 57. c
3. a 58. a
4. b 59. d
5. d. 60. c
6. a 61. a
7. c 62. a
8. b 63. a
9. d 64. c
10. a 65. a
11. a 66. c
12. b 67. a
13. d 68. c
14. a 69. c
15. a 70. d
16. b 71. a
17. a 72. a
18. d 73. d
19. a 71. a
20. d 72. a
21. a 73. d
22. d 74. b
23. c 75. a
24. a 76. a
25. b 77. d
26. b 78. a
27. a 79. d
28. d 80. b
29. d 81. d
30. b 82. c
31. b 83. b
32. b 84. d
33. b 85. d
34. c 86. c
35. d 87. d
36. d 88. a
37. a 89. a
38. c 90. b
39. b 91. b
40. b 92. d
41. a 93. a
42. d 94. c
43. a 95. d
44. b 96. c
45. b 97. c
46. d 98. a
47. b 99. a
48. d 100. b
49. d
50. a
51. c
52. a
53. a
54. b
55. a

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pFad v3 Proxy

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