Fibrous pericardium
Pericardiacophrenic artery
Superior vena cava
Inferior cardiac nerve; branch
of vagus nerve (passing
Pulmonary trunk to superficial part of
cardiac plexus)
Ascending aorta
Ductus arteriosus
Pulmonary plexus
Right pulmonary
artery and veins
Left ventricle
Oblique fissure
of right lung
Oblique fissure
Marginal arterial and of left lung
venous branches
Anterior interventricular
(descending) branch of
left coronary artery
Visceral layer of serous Right coronary Parietal layer of serous pericardium lining fibrous
pericardium (epicardium) plexus pericardium that is fused to diaphragm
Fig. 59.18 Anterior view of heart and great vessels in a full-term neonate. The lungs have been displaced to expose the heart and the epicardium
dissected off the heart and roots of the great vessels. Note that, after birth, blood flow reverses through the ductus arteriosus prior to its closure. (After
Crelin ES 1969 Anatomy of the Newborn. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger.)
E2, I2 and F2a, which inhibit the ability of the ductus to contract in The first stage of ductal closure is completed within 10–15 hours
response to oxygen. and the second stage takes 2–3 weeks. The first stage consists of contrac-
tion of the smooth muscle cells and development of subendothelial
Closure of the ductus arteriosus oedema. Destruction of the endothelium and proliferation of the
The ductus arteriosus starts to close immediately after birth, although intima subsequently occurs, and leads to permanent closure. Diverse
blood probably continues to flow intermittently through it for a week factors which may promote ductal closure have been identified. They
or so. The flow is reversed relative to that occurring in the fetal circula- include: increased oxygen tension; increased plasma catecholamine
tion, reflecting the increased systemic vascular resistance which follows concentrations; suppression of prostaglandin I2 production; switching
exclusion of the placental circulation, and the decreased pulmonary off prostaglandin E receptors; a synergistic role of prostaglandin F2a and
resistance which follows expansion of the lungs. Initial constriction at oxygen concentrations; a decrease in plasma adenosine concentration.
birth has been attributed to increased oxygen tension. A neural factor After birth, these interrelated events result in the closure of the ductus
may also be involved: the muscular wall has afferent and efferent nerve arteriosus. It has been proposed that the high oxygen tension of the
endings and responds to adrenaline and noradrenaline. reversed blood flow through the ductus initiates the synthesis of a 1029
Thymic vein
Left recurrent laryngeal verve
Inferior thyroid vein Left brachiocephalic vein
Phrenic nerve
Internal thoracic vein
artery and vein
Brachiocephalic trunk Left lung
Thoracic aortic plexus
Superior vena cava
Postcaval recess
Right superior
pulmonary vein
Right inferior
pulmonary vein Left superior
pulmonary vein
Left inferior
pulmonary vein
Fatty folds
Fibrous pericardium
Serous pericardium,
parietal layer
Fig. 56.1 Interior of the serosal pericardial sac after section of the large vessels at their cardiac origin and removal of the heart (seen from the front). See
text for additional named recesses of the general serosal pericardial cavity and its transverse sinus. (From Sobotta 2006.)
CARDIAC TAMPONADE interposed in series at different points in the double circulation. Despite
this functional disposition in series, the two pumps are usually described
Cardiac tamponade is external compression of the heart usually caused topographically in parallel.
by accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space. This causes compres- Of the four cardiac chambers, the two atria receive venous blood as
sion of the right atrium and reduces venous return, which reduces weakly contractile reservoirs for final filling of the two ventricles, which
cardiac output. It may occur after trauma, proximal extension from a then provide the powerful expulsive contraction that forces blood into
dissecting aortic aneurysm or cardiac surgery. Patients develop hypoten- the main arterial trunks.
sion and circulatory collapse. Emergency treatment involves first reliev- The right heart starts at the right atrium, and receives the superior
ing the tamponade by percutaneous pericardial aspiration, followed by and inferior venae cavae together with the main venous inflow from
surgery to address the underlying cause. Echocardiography can be useful the heart itself via the coronary sinus. This systemic venous blood tra-
in assessing tamponade and is also useful in guiding percutaneous verses the right atrioventricular orifice, guarded by the tricuspid valve,
pericardial aspiration. Surgery is via a subxiphoid incision or a left to enter the inlet component of the right ventricle. Contraction of the
anterior thoracotomy. ventricle, particularly its apical trabecular component, closes the tri-
cuspid valve and, with increasing pressure, ejects the blood through the
muscular right ventricular outflow tract into the pulmonary trunk. The
blood then flows through the pulmonary vascular bed, which has a
HEART relatively low resistance. Changes in pressure, time relations and valvu-
lar events are described below. Many structural features of the ‘right
The microstructure of cardiac muscle is described in detail in Chapter heart’, including its overall geometry, myocardial architecture and the
6. construction and the relative strengths of the tricuspid and pulmonary
valves, accord with this low resistance, being associated with compara-
tively low changes in pressure.
GENERAL ORGANIZATION The left heart starts at the left atrium, which receives all the pulmo-
nary inflow of oxygenated blood and some coronary venous inflow. It
The heart is a pair of valved muscular pumps combined in a single contracts to fill the left ventricle through the left atrioventricular orifice
organ (Fig. 56.2A–D). Although the fibromuscular framework and con- guarded by its mitral valve. The valve is the entry to the inlet of the left
duction tissues of these pumps are structurally interwoven, each pump ventricle. Ventricular contraction rapidly increases the pressure in the
960 (the so-called ‘right’ and ‘left’ hearts) is physiologically separate, and is apical trabecular component, closing the mitral valve and opening the
Aortic arch
Pulmonary trunk
Right pulmonary artery
Serous pericardium, Serous pericardium,
parietal layer parietal layer
Left auricle
Right auricle Great cardiac vein
Infundibulum Left coronary artery,
(conus arteriosus) circumflex branch
Left coronary
Right atrium artery, anterior
interventricular branch
Middle cardiac vein interventricular vein
Left ventricle
Right coronary artery
Right ventricle
Serous pericardium,
visceral layer (epicardium)
Vertebral vein
Left subclavian artery
Right brachiocephalic vein
Left common carotid artery
Left brachiocephalic vein
Aortic arch
Brachiocephalic trunk
Posterior intercostal arteries
Azygos vein
Descending aorta
Ascending aorta
Ligamentum arteriosum
Superior vena cava
Pericardium pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary trunk
Coronary sinus
Coronary sulcus
Right coronary artery, posterior
interventricular branch
Middle cardiac vein Right ventricle
Fig. 56.2 The heart and great vessels: A, Anterior and B, posterior views with corresponding three-dimensional reconstructions from multislice CT
scanning (C, D). (Main figures from Sobotta 2006.)
Supraventricular crest
Opening of inferior
vena cava
Right bundle
Atrioventricular bundle
Valve of inferior vena cava
Atrioventricular node
Valve of coronary sinus
Right ventricle
Tricuspid valve,
anterior cusp
Tendon of Todaro
Aortic valve, left semilunar cusp Fig. 56.5 A dissection opening the
ventricles, viewed from the front.
Aortic valve, posterior semilunar cusp (From Sobotta 2006.)
Left atrium
[noncoronary cusp]
Ascending aorta
Anterior cusp
Mitral valve
Aortic sinus Posterior cusp
Right auricle
Tricuspid valve,
Anterior papillary muscle
septal cusp
Ascending aorta
Left coronary artery
Transverse Left atrium, left auricle
pericardial sinus
Great cardiac vein
Right coronary artery
Left coronary artery,
circumflex branch
Right auricle
Infundibulum (conus
Right atrium arteriosus)
Left coronary artery,
anterior interventricular branch
Right ventricular veins
Atrial branch
Anterior interventricular
Apex of heart
Notch of cardiac apex
of (usually) two pulmonary veins from each lung. It forms the anterior
wall of the oblique pericardial sinus (Fig. 56.1). This surface ends at Left ventricle
the shallow vertical interatrial groove, which descends to the cardiac
crux. The left atrial auricle is constricted at its atrial junction and all the General and external features
pectinate muscles of the left atrium are contained within it. It is char- The left ventricle is constructed in accordance with its role as a powerful
acteristically longer, narrower and more hooked than the right auricle, pump that sustains pulsatile flow in the high-pressured systemic arter-
its margins being more deeply indented. It turns forwards to the left of ies. Variously described as half-ellipsoid or cone-shaped, it is longer and
the pulmonary trunk, overlapping its origin (Fig. 56.8). Interiorly, the narrower than the right ventricle, extending from its base in the plane
four pulmonary veins open into the upper posterolateral surfaces of the of the atrioventricular groove to the cardiac apex. Its long axis descends
left atrium, two on each side. Their orifices are smooth and oval, the forwards and to the left. In transverse section, at right angles to the axis,
left pair frequently opening via a common channel. Some minimal its cavity is oval or nearly circular, with walls about three times thicker
cardiac veins return blood directly from the myocardium to the cavity (8–12 mm) than those of the right ventricle (Fig. 56.12). It forms part
of the left atrium. The left atrial aspect of the septum has a characteristi- of the sternocostal, left and inferior (diaphragmatic) cardiac surfaces.
cally rough appearance, bounded by a crescentic ridge, concave upwards, Except where obscured by the aorta and pulmonary trunk, the base of
968 which marks the site of the foramen ovale. the ventricular cone is superficially separated from the left atrium and
Arch of aorta
Pulmonary trunk
nodal artery
anterior septal branches
Posterior interventricular
(descending) arteries
Right (acute)
marginal artery
D Ascending aorta E
Right posterior
Pulmonary trunk Superior vena cava atrial arteries
Fig. 56.18 Anterior views of the coronary arterial system, with the principal variations. The right coronary arterial tree is shown in magenta, the left in full
red. In both cases posterior distribution is shown in a paler shade. A, The most common arrangement. B, A common variation in the origin of the
sinoatrial nodal artery. C, An example of left ‘dominance’ by the left coronary artery, showing also an uncommon origin of the sinu-atrial artery.
Posteroinferior views of the coronary arterial system. The right coronary arterial tree is shown in magenta, the left in full red. D, An example of the more
normal distribution in right ‘dominance’. E, A less common form of left ‘dominance’. In these ‘posterior’ views, the diaphragmatic (inferior) surface of the
ventricular part of the heart has been artificially displaced and foreshortening ignored, to clarify the details of the so-called posterior (inferior) distribution
of the coronary arteries. 979
Aorta ascends in the atrioventricular groove, near the right coronary artery,
and then anterior to the ascending aorta to end in a brachiocephalic
Pulmonary trunk node, usually on the left.
Superior vena
Left pulmonary veins INNERVATION
Oblique vein of
Right pulmonary Initiation of the cardiac cycle is myogenic, originating in the sinu-atrial
veins node. It is harmonized in rate, force and output by autonomic nerves
left atrium
which operate on the nodal tissues and their prolongations, on coro-
nary vessels and on the working atrial and ventricular musculature. All
Great cardiac vein the cardiac branches of the vagus (parasympathetic) and all the sympa-
Right atrium
thetic branches (except the cardiac branch of the superior cervical sym-
Left marginal vein
pathetic ganglion) contain both afferent and efferent fibres; the cardiac
Posterior vein of branch of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion is entirely efferent.
Coronary sinus Sympathetic fibres accelerate the heart and dilate the coronary arteries
left ventricle
Inferior vena
when stimulated, whereas vagal fibres slow the heart and cause constric-
cava tion of the coronary arteries.
Preganglionic cardiac sympathetic axons arise from neurones in the
Small cardiac vein intermediolateral column of the upper four or five thoracic spinal seg-
Middle ments. Some synapse in the corresponding upper thoracic sympathetic
cardiac vein Right marginal vein ganglia, others ascend to synapse in the cervical ganglia; postganglionic
fibres from these ganglia form the sympathetic cardiac nerves.
Preganglionic cardiac parasympathetic axons arise from neurones in
Fig. 56.19 The principal veins of the heart.
either the dorsal vagal nucleus or near the nucleus ambiguus; they run
in vagal cardiac branches to synapse in the cardiac plexuses and atrial
walls. In man (like most mammals) intrinsic cardiac neurones are
limited to the atria and interatrial septum, and are most numerous in
the left atrium to join the coronary sinus near its end. It is continuous
the subepicardial connective tissue near the sinu-atrial and atrioven-
above with the ligament of the left vena cava. The two structures are
tricular nodes. There is evidence that these intrinsic ganglia are not
remnants of the left common cardinal vein.
simple nicotinic relays, but may act as sites for integration of extrinsic
Anterior cardiac veins nervous inputs and form complex circuits for the local neuronal control
The anterior cardiac veins drain the anterior part of the right ventricle of the heart, and perhaps even local reflexes.
(Figs 56.2A,C; 56.8). Usually two or three, sometimes even five, they
ascend in subepicardial tissue to cross the right part of the atrioventricu- Cardiac plexus
lar groove, passing deep or superficial to the right coronary artery. They
end in the right atrium, near the groove, separately or in variable com- Nearing the heart, the autonomic nerves form a mixed cardiac plexus,
binations. A subendocardial collecting channel, into which all may usually described in terms of a superficial component inferior to the
open, has been described. The right marginal vein courses along the aortic arch lying between it and the pulmonary trunk, and a deep
inferior (acute) cardiac margin, draining adjacent parts of the right part between the aortic arch and tracheal bifurcation. The cardiac plexus
ventricle, and usually opens separately into the right atrium. It may join is also described by regional names for its coronary, pulmonary, atrial
the anterior cardiac veins or, less often, the coronary sinus. Because it and aortic extensions (Fig. 56.20). These plexuses contain ganglion
is commonly independent, it is often grouped with the small cardiac cells. Ganglion cells, confined to the atrial tissues, and with a prepon-
veins, but it is larger in calibre, being comparable to the anterior cardiac derance adjacent to the sinu-atrial node, are also found in the heart
veins or even wider. along the distribution of branches of the plexus. Their axons are con-
sidered to be largely, if not exclusively, postganglionic parasympathetic.
Small cardiac veins Cholinergic and adrenergic fibres, arising in or passing through the
The existence of small cardiac veins, opening into all cardiac cavities, cardiac plexus, are distributed most profusely to the sinu-atrial and
has been confirmed, but they are more difficult to demonstrate than atrioventricular nodes; the supply to the atrial and ventricular myocar-
larger cardiac vessels. Their numbers and size are highly variable: up to dium is much less dense. Adrenergic fibres supply the coronary arteries
2 mm in diameter opening into the right atrium and 0.5 mm into the and cardiac veins. Rich plexuses of nerves containing cholinesterase,
right ventricle. Numerous small cardiac veins have been identified in adrenergic transmitters and other peptides, e.g. neuropeptide Y, are
the right atrium and ventricle, but they are rare in the left atrium and found in the subendocardial regions of all chambers and in the cusps
Lymphatic drainage of the heart Deep (dorsal) part of the cardiac plexus The deep (dorsal) part
of the cardiac plexus is anterior to the tracheal bifurcation, above the
Cardiac lymphatic vessels form subendocardial, myocardial and sub- point of division of the pulmonary trunk and posterior to the aortic
epicardial plexuses, the first two draining into the third. Efferents from arch. It is formed by the cardiac branches of the cervical and upper
the subepicardial plexuses form the left and right cardiac collecting thoracic sympathetic ganglia and of the vagus and recurrent laryngeal
trunks. Two or three left trunks ascend the anterior interventricular nerves. The only cardiac nerves that do not join it are those that join
groove, receiving vessels from both ventricles. On reaching the atrio- the superficial part of the plexus.
ventricular groove, they are joined by a large vessel from the diaphrag- Branches from the right half of the deep part of the cardiac plexus
matic surface of the left ventricle, which first ascends in the posterior pass in front of and behind the right pulmonary artery. Those anterior
interventricular groove and then turns left along the atrioventricular to it, the more numerous, supply a few filaments to the right anterior
groove. The vessel formed by this union ascends between the pulmo- pulmonary plexus and continue on to form part of the right coronary
nary artery and the left atrium, and usually ends in an inferior tracheo- plexus. Those behind the pulmonary artery supply a few filaments to
bronchial node. The right trunk receives afferents from the right atrium the right atrium and then continue into the left coronary plexus. The
982 and the right border and diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle. It left half of the deep part of the cardiac plexus is connected with the
Major blood vessels
superficial, and supplies filaments to the left atrium and left anterior fetus, at the level of the bifurcation the pulmonary artery is connected
pulmonary plexus. It forms much of the left coronary plexus. to the aortic arch by the ductus arteriosus, which lies in the same direc-
tion as the pulmonary artery.
Left coronary plexus The left coronary plexus is larger than the
right, and is formed chiefly by the prolongation of the left half of the Relations The pulmonary artery is entirely within the pericardium,
deep part of the cardiac plexus and a few fibres from the right. It accom- enclosed with the ascending aorta in a common tube of visceral peri-
panies the left coronary artery to supply the left atrium and ventricle. cardium. The fibrous pericardium gradually disappears within the
adventitia of the pulmonary arteries. Anteriorly, it is separated from the
Right coronary plexus The right coronary plexus is formed from sternal end of the left second intercostal space by the pleura, left lung
both superficial and deep parts of the cardiac plexus, and accompanies and pericardium. Posterior are the ascending aorta and left coronary
the right coronary artery to supply the right atrium and ventricle. artery initially, then the left atrium. The ascending aorta ultimately lies
on its right. An auricle and coronary artery lie on each side of its origin.
Atrial plexuses The atrial plexuses are derivatives of the right and The superficial cardiac plexus is between the pulmonary bifurcation and
left continuations of the cardiac plexus along the coronary arteries. the aortic arch. The tracheal bifurcation, lymph nodes and nerves are
Their fibres are distributed to the corresponding atria, overlapping those above, bilateral and right.
from the coronary plexuses. During fetal life, when blood pressure is similar in the pulmonary
artery and the aorta, the structure of the vessels is similar. After birth,
the lungs expand and pulmonary arterioles dilate, and so pulmonary
MAJOR BLOOD VESSELS vascular resistance decreases, whereas blood flow increases. The systolic
pressure in the pulmonary artery consequently decreases and this is
The major blood vessels comprise the pulmonary trunk, the thoracic accompanied by a structural remodelling of its wall. The elastic
aorta and its branches, the superior and inferior venae cavae and their material, which originally had a lamellar structure, becomes aggregated
tributaries. into star-shaped units linked to many muscle cells. The amount of
muscular tissue grows extensively after birth and exceeds that found in
the aorta. The thickness of the wall of the aorta is about twice that of
ARTERIES the pulmonary artery.