Study Skills Assessment Questionnaire
Study Skills Assessment Questionnaire
Study Skills Assessment Questionnaire
This questionnaire will help you look at some of your academic skills, and give you a general idea of
how you view your abilities.
The Study Skills Assessment Questionnaire is divided into 8 sections. Each section has handout/links
and an assessment that usually takes less than 10 minutes to complete:
Be as honest as you can in responding since that will provide you with the most useful information.
Place the number of corresponding to your choice in the blank provided. At the end of each section,
total the column. Pay attention to your highest and lowest scores as they will indicate stronger and
weaker areas.
The handouts and links listed in this Questionnaire, along with other helpful links, are available on our
website at Self-Help Resources.
Note: We did not create many of the online resources listed in this document, and do not claim
copyright to any of them. Unfortunately, we have also lost the original sources for those we did not
create. If you know who created them and how we can credit them, please let us know.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
• I schedule definite times and outline specific goals for my study time.
• At the beginning of the term, I make up daily activity and study schedules.
0 Total
Total > 28
Your consistent application of good time management skills are helping you in
your academic work. The self-help resources can serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You are using many of the recommended time management strategies. However,
you can improve.
Total 20 or less
You could benefit from strengthening your time management skills.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
• I have the “study-place habit,” that is, merely being at a certain place at a certain
time means time to study.
• I find that I am able to concentrate - that is, give undivided attention to the task for at
least 20 minutes.
0 Total
Total > 28
Your level of concentration and memory skills are helping you in your academic
work. The self-help resources can serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You have moderately good strategies for concentration & memory. You may need
to identify additional strategies to improve your skills in this area. You should
explore the resources provided by Counseling Services and Student Success
Total 20 or less
You can benefit from strengthening your ability to concentrate and to remember or
retain information.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
• While I am taking notes I think about how I will use them later.
0 Total
Total > 28
Your use of study aids and good note-taking skills are helping you in your
academic work. The self-help resources can serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You have developed some moderately good note-taking skills. However, you may
not be consistent in applying those skills. Please review the self-help resources.
Total 20 or less
You definitely need to obtain additional skills. You will benefit from strengthening
your use of study aids and note-taking strategies.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
• I try to find out what the exam will cover and how the exam is to be graded.
• I understand the structure of different types of tests, and am able to prepare for each
0 Total
Total > 28
You have developed good test taking strategies and are able to employ useful coping
skills when needed to minimize the effects of test anxiety. The self-help resources can
serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You are probably pretty good at taking tests. However, you may want to revisit
some of your strategies. You can improve in this area by exploring the self-help
resources available.
Total 20 or less
You will benefit from strengthening your test taking strategies. We encourage and
recommend that you make use of the self-help resources listed on this page.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
• When reading, I can distinguish readily between important and unimportant points.
0 Total
Total > 28
Your skills in this area reflect good use of the strategies required to effectively
organize and process information to enhance your learning. The self-help
resources can serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You may not be using the best strategies for your particular learning style. You
can improve in this area by exploring the self-help resources available.
Total 20 or less
You will benefit from increasing your awareness of your best learning style and by
applying the strategies that different learning tasks require. We encourage and
recommend that you make use of the self-help resources listed on this page.
Response Statement
• I am alert in classes.
0 Total
Total > 28
Your academic behaviors indicate a positive attitude about taking responsibility for
maintaining motivation to succeed academically. The self-help resources can
serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
Your score reflects a moderately good use of strategies to sustain motivation and
responsibility for your academic success. You can improve in this area by
exploring the self-help resources available.
Total 20 or less
You need to focus on increasing your awareness of how your confidence,
academic behavior, and attitude affect your motivation to learn. We encourage
and recommend that you make use of our self-help resources.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
0 Total
Total > 28
You have developed good reading strategies. The self-help resources can serve
as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You’re probably using the recommended reading strategies only some of the time.
The self-help resource will help you improve your reading and comprehension
Total 20 or less
Reading is an important skill for learning. You may need to identify additional
strategies to improve in this area. We encourage and recommend that you use the
self-help resource listed on this page.
Use the scale below to indicate how often each statement applies to you:
1 = Never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Usually 4 = Always
Response Statement
• I put aside a written assignment for a day or so, then rewrite it.
• I have someone else read my written work and consider their suggestions for
improved writing.
• I allow sufficient time to collect information, organize material, and write the
0 Total
Total > 28
Your writing skills are helping you in your academic work. The self-help resources
can serve as a review for you.
Total 21 - 28
You have moderately good writing strategies. You may need to identify additional
strategies to improve your skills in this area, you should explore the resources
provided by Counseling Services.
Total 20 or less
You definitely need to strengthen your strategies in this area. We encourage and
recommend that you make use of the resources listed on this page.