Technical Brief Water Conservation

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TB6 - Irrigation scheduling

SAI Platform
June 2010
This document has been produced for internal information purposes
only among SAI platform members. It represents a collection of
information that is freely available on the internet, and that we believe
to be accurate. Nevertheless, it is by no means an
exhaustive document and no guarantee is provided about the content.
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platform, nor its members.
TB6 - Irrigation scheduling

Decisions on when and how much to irrigate are critical both to crop health and to
water use efficiency. Irrigation scheduling aims at determining the exact amount of
water to irrigate and the exact timing for application. Irrigation scheduling offers an
opportunity for improving water efficiency at a farm level. This technical brief aims at
providing an overview of irrigation scheduling methods ranging from simple to more
sophisticated ones.

The structure of the technical brief is as follows: Sections 1 and 2 provide an

introduction of irrigation scheduling as a useful tool to increase irrigation efficiency.
Section 3 sets out the several advantages that irrigation scheduling at an economic,
social and environmental level. Section 4 outlines the difficulties on adopting irrigation
scheduling techniques as farmers still irrigate according to their personal experience and
visual observations. Section 5 presents an overview and the advantages of the different
irrigation scheduling methods including personal experience and visual observation of
the plant and soil methods, soil moisture methods and evotranspiration measurement.
Section 6 provides with some specific recommendations concerning the use and further
development of the various irrigation scheduling techniques depending on the
technologies and water availability conditions of the farm. Section 7 outlines three
examples of irrigation scheduling models. Section 8 outlines a case study in California,
China, South Africa and Brazil. Finally, Section 9 recommends some further reading.

Section 1: What is irrigation scheduling? ........................................................................... 3
Section 2: Irrigation scheduling as a tool to increase water efficiency on farms ............... 3
Section 3: What are the advantages of irrigation scheduling?........................................... 3
Section 4: What are the difficulties on applying irrigation scheduling at a farm level? ..... 4
Section 5: Overview of Irrigation Scheduling Methods ...................................................... 5
a. Personal experience and visual observation of the plant and soil methods ........... 6

b. Soil moisture monitoring methods .......................................................................... 7
c. Water budget methods............................................................................................ 7
Section 6: How to take irrigation scheduling forward? .................................................... 10
Section 7: Examples of Irrigation Scheduling Methods in depth ...................................... 11
a. Simple irrigation schedule method: Irrigation quantity and irrigation intervals .. 11
b. Irrigation schedule method ................................................................................... 13
c. Using the moisture accounting method ................................................................ 17
Section 8: Case Studies ..................................................................................................... 22
Section 9: Further information and references ................................................................ 25

Irrigation scheduling involves deciding when and how much water to apply to a field.
Good scheduling will apply water at the right time and in the right quantity in order to
optimise production and minimise adverse environmental impacts. Bad scheduling will
mean that either not enough water is applied or it is not applied at the right time,
resulting in under-watering, or too much is applied or it is applied too soon resulting in
over-watering. Under or overwatering can lead to reduced yields, lower quality and
inefficient use of nutrients.


The efficiency of water in agricultural production is generally low. Only 40 to 60%a of the
water is effectively used by the crop, the rest of the water is lost in the system or in the
farm either through evaporation, runoff, or by percolation into the groundwater.
Irrigation scheduling, if properly managed can offer a good solution to improve water
efficiency in the farm.

Various methods and tools have been developed to determine when crops require
water and how much irrigation water needs to be applied. These include the various soil
and plant monitoring methods as well as the more common soil water balance and
scheduling simulation models.


Irrigation scheduling can offer several advantages as it can

 Enable farmers to schedule watering to minimise crop water stress and maximize
 Reduce farmer's costs of water and labour through less irrigation, thereby
making maximum use of soil moisture storage.
 Lower fertiliser costs by holding surface runoff and deep percolation (leaching)
to a minimum.
 Increase net returns by increasing crop yields and crop quality.
 Minimise water-logging problems by reducing the drainage requirements.

Efficiency will depend on the irrigation system. Micro/irrigation can have higher efficiency (up
to 90%). Please see Technical Brief on Irrigation systems for more information.

In spite of the variety of methods and tools developed to schedule irrigation, farmer
adoption of irrigation scheduling techniques is still limited. Identification of limitations
and requirements for use by farmers and managers is important in the selection of the
appropriate scheduling methods. Some of the limitations and difficulties on applying
irrigation scheduling tools at farm level are listed below.

 Irrigation scheduling becomes particularly sensitive under conditions of limited

water resources, where water shortages require a refined timing of water
applications in order to minimise yield reductions. Similarly, under saline
conditions, water scheduling requires appropriate knowledge of salt tolerance
 Variability of rainfall is often difficult to adequately accommodate in the
planning of irrigation calendars. The options, special requirements and
limitations of irrigation scheduling under variable frequency and amount of
rainfall need to be considered.
 Deficit irrigation requires suitable and reliable water stress indicators, while for
the management of saline waters accurate knowledge is needed on yield-salinity
 The irrigation efficiencyb as measured in terms of adequacy and application
efficiency, as well as the design criteria of the irrigation method, needs to be
considered in the selection and operation of the irrigation scheduling method.
 Costs and incentives for farmers to apply water saving irrigation scheduling
include liberalisation of cropping, pricing of water, and profitability of irrigation.
Technology costs in some cases can be higher than the end users can afford.
 Knowledge transfer on how to adequately use and mange the tools, does not
reach farmers in all cases.
 Some farmers do not fully understand hydrology and water budgets and prefer
to irrigate as usual. The farmers can lack the appropriate technical skills to
conduct properly a scheduling.

See TB on irrigation systems

Several methods are available for estimating crop water use. These are all indirect
measurements and require some assumptions. Methods range from the feel of soil,
personal calendar scheduling, soil moisture measurementc, evotranspiration records,
scheduling by water delivery organizations, commercial or government scheduling
services and plant moisture sensing device etc. In some cases more than one method
are used to schedule irrigation.

There methods for scheduling irrigation can be classified in 3 categories:

 observational (personal experience, plant and soil condition)
 soil moisture
 calculating evapotranspiration losses.

These methods can vary in complexity and some may require the use of technology.
Each method has strengths and weaknesses and it is often recommended that more
than one method is used. The following table depicts an overview of different methods
of irrigation scheduling, its advantages and disadvantages. Below the table, specific
information for each method is described.
Table 1: Different methods of irrigation scheduling.

Method Measured Equipment Irrigation Advantages Disadvantages

parameter needed criterion
Personal Soil moisture Hand probe. Soil moisture Easy to use; Low accuracy;
experience and content by content. simple; can field work
visual observation feel. improve accuracy involved to take
of the plant and with experience. samples.
Soil moisture Soil moisture Auger, caps, Soil moisture High accuracy. Labour intensive
monitoring: content by oven. content. including field
Gravimetric soil taking work; time gap
moisture sample. samples. between
sampling and
Soil moisture Soil moisture Tensiometres Soil moisture Good accuracy; Labour to read;
monitoring: tension. including tension. instantaneous needs
Tensio- vacuum reading of soil maintenance;
metres. gauge. moisture tension. breaks at
tensions above
0.7 atm.

See Technical Brief on soil and water for more detail on soil moisture measurement.

Soil moisture Electric Resistance Soil moisture Instantaneous Affected by soil
monitoring: resistance of blocks AC tension. reading; works salinity; not
Electrical soil moisture. bridge over larger range sensitive at low
resistance blocks. (meter). of tensions; can tensions; needs
be used for some
remote reading. maintenance and
field reading.
Water budget Climatic Weather Estimation of No field work Needs calibration
approach. parameters: station or moisture required; flexible; and periodic
temperature, available content. can forecast adjustments,
radiation, weather irrigation needs since it is only an
wind, information. in the future; estimate;
humidity and with same calculations
expected equipment can cumbersome
rainfall, schedule many without
depending on fields. computer.
model used to
predict ET.
Modified Reference ET. Atmometre Estimate of Easy to use, Needs
atmometre. gauge. moisture direct treading of calibration; it is
content. reference ET. only an
Source: SOURCE: Colorado State University. Available at

a. Personal experience and visual observation of the plant and

soil methods
One of the most common methods used by farmers to schedule irrigations is by
observing the crop and assessing the feel and appearance of the soil and changes in the
plant characteristics, such as changes in colour of the plants, curling of the leaves and
ultimately plant wilting. The changes can often only be detected by looking at the crop
as a whole rather than at the individual plants. When the crop becomes under water
stress the appearance changes from vigorous growth (many young leaves which are
light green) to slow or even no growth (fewer young leaves, darker in colour, and
sometimes greyish and dull).

The advantages of the visual observation as a method to schedule irrigations is that it is

a quick and easy method and is popular because it does not need investment in
equipment or technical support. However, the drawback of using visual observation is
that it may not always be accurate and extensive experience is required to use it
effectively. This is mainly due to the limitations of assessing subsoil moisture conditions
properly. In addition, by the time the symptoms are evident, the irrigation water has

already been withheld too long for most crops and yield losses are already inevitable.
This can result in decreases to crop yield and quality. It is not advisable to wait for the
symptoms. Especially in the early stages of crop growth (the initial and crop
development stages), irrigation water has to be applied before the symptoms are

To determine how deep irrigation water or rainfall has penetrated, the soil needs to be
examined using a spade or hand probe. It is recommended that visual observation be
used to gain preliminary information to be used in combination with other methods
such as using tensiometres or evapotranspiration data to schedule irrigations. With
experience, farmers can learn to use visual observations successfully, especially when
decisions are supported by other methods. Over or under irrigating is easy to do when
not monitoring soil moisture in the subsoil with technical equipment.d

b. Soil moisture monitoring methods

Irrigation scheduling can also be conducted by determining the soil moisture. Measuring
soil moisture detects if there is a water shortage that can reduce yields or if there is
excessive water application that can result in water logging or leaching of nitrates below
the root zone.

Monitoring soil moisture levels is required for effective irrigation water management.
Many tried and proven methods of estimating or measuring soil moisture are available.
Using soil moisture monitoring equipment allows the investigator to gain information
about subsoil moisture. Monitoring soil moisture helps to determine to what depth
roots are extracting water from, what depth an irrigation or rainfall has penetrated, and
when to stop irrigating. For further detail on soil moisture see Technical Brief: Soil and

c. Water budget methods

The water budget methods account for the amount of water that is lost by crop
evapotranspiration (ET) and the amount of water that enters the soil reservoir (as
effective rain or irrigation).

The logic behind the water budget methods is to apply irrigation with a net amount
equivalent to the accumulated ET losses since the last irrigation. The soil profile is thus

For more information see TB on Water and Soil.

recharged to full capacity, and the crops start to evotranspirate water and the cycle
begins again. If full recharge is not desired or not possible, the new balance can be
determined from the net irrigation amount or by field observations. This method,
however, may not work well at locations where contributions to crop ET from a water
table or other source cannot be quantified.

The water budget requires data management. Therefore, farmers need to manage datae
about the soil and crop, including crop coefficients, field capacity, available water, yield
threshold depletionf and the starting soil moistureg. Once the starting point is
determined, farmers need to keep track of outputs (ET) and inputs (precipitation and
irrigation) to soil moisture. To prevent a decrease in yield, farmers must irrigate before
reaching the previously identified yield threshold depletion level. Typically, a farmer will
set a management allowable depletion levelh (MAD), which is used as a trigger to
irrigate and prevents soil from reaching that yield threshold depletion level. This may be
based on a percentage of available wateri.

In many cases, the advantage of using irrigation scheduling is to alert you that a field is
getting close to the MAD so that you can begin looking at it closely. It is never
recommended that irrigation scheduling be the sole ruler of when to irrigate. However,

Some of the data needed to perform water budget irrigation scheduling accurately include - field
capacity and available water holding capacity of the soils, the effective root zone of the crops throughout
the season, agronomic factors that determine how much stress farmer want the crop under between
irrigation, daily reference evapotranspiration (Eto), a crop coefficient curve that relates the actual crop
evapotranspiration, ETc, to the reference ET, effective rainfall, that is, rain that is actually used by the crop
and is not runoff, infiltrated irrigation depths, how much water delivered to a field infiltrates the soil, and
knowledge of high water tables or significant sub-surface water movement.
how dry the soil can get before crop health or yield are affected
Starting soil moisture can be estimated to be approximately equal to field capacity after winter rains,
however, if a field is pre-irrigated, using soil moisture measuring devices provides a more accurate
starting point. For more information see Technical Brief 5 on Water and Soil.
Management Allowed Depletions (MAD) are a measure of how much stress is to be applied to a crop.
MAD's may change with the season. Be aware of the different growth stages of the crops and how they
should be manipulated during these stages. Also, if they have fields with high salinity, the MAD is likely to
be lower than normal. Many times, MAD's are "backed in to". For example, the farmer is checking a field
and finally decides to irrigate. The irrigation scheduling system is checked for the soil moisture level at the
time of the irrigation. This is then converted to a MAD for future use.
Readily available water (RAW) is the amount of water that a plant can easily extract from the soil for
unrestricted growth. The RAW is calculated for the root zone of the crop. The RAW can be calculated
more accurately with some scheduling systems (such as neutron probes and capacitance probes).

irrigation scheduling will always provide an estimate of how much water to put back
into the soil.

The limitation of this type of irrigation scheduling is its complexity. Water budget
attempts to represent the physical process of water movement into the soil, through
the soil, and through the plant. Modelling physical processes can be very complex and
may require extensive amounts of data and experience to obtain an accurate budget. An
example of this method is conducted in Section 7.

Smart irrigation scheduling refers to technologies that can help farmers determine more
precisely when crops need to be watered and how much water they require. With smart
irrigation scheduling, farmers can be able to use their water more efficiently, either by
reducing or by keeping constant the amount of applied water, while maintaining or
improving yields. These technologies make use of local weather stations that measure
air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and rainfall; soil probes that measure soil
moisture depth, temperature, and salinity; and plant moisture sensing devices that
measure the water pressure in plant cells.
Increasingly, software paired with these technologies allows farmers to easily access
real time data on field conditions, receive alerts through email and text messages, and
automate or control their irrigation systems remotely.

The involvement of farmers and irrigation managers is a very important role in the
formulation, implementation, monitoring and testing of irrigation scheduling. Most
farmers have a good idea of when to irrigate and, in many cases, the refinement offered
by scientific scheduling does not provide enough benefits to offset the costs and inputs
required for the use of the irrigation scheduling methods.

The following diagram shows some specific recommendations concerning the use and
further development of the various irrigation scheduling techniques depending on the
conditions of the farm. Four scenarios are highlighted: Low technologies situations,
medium or high technology situation, under water shortages or under normal water
supply conditions.
Figure 1: Specific recommendation for irrigation scheduling under different scenarios

The support and collaboration of an expert irrigation adviser can improve the rate of
success in the adoption of the irrigation scheduling technology. The technology level of
the farm will determine the choice of the irrigation scheduling method. Industry farms
and farms with high value cash crops are more likely to adopt and invest in sophisticated
scheduling methods.

This section provides an explanation of three different methods of scheduling. The
intention is to give some examples on how irrigation methods can be conducted from
very simple ones to more complex ones. It is strongly recommended to look for location
specific data when deciding to carry out a schedule.j

a. Simple irrigation schedule method: Irrigation quantity and

irrigation intervals.

The simple irrigation schedule method is the most basic approach for scheduling
irrigation. By assessing the average temperature in the location of the farm, the crop,
the soil texture and the use of some data tables obtained by FAO, the farmer will be
able to know how much water to apply during the each irrigation in mm and the
periodicity of the irrigation.

This method uses several assumptions. It assumes that crops are grown during the
period of peak water demand, little or no rainfall occurs during the growing season and
that the maximum possible net application depth is 70 mm. Also it considers only three
different soil types (sandy, loam and clay) and three different climates (mean daily
temperature <15°C, 15-25°C; >15°C).

This method considers three steps as described as follow.

Step 3:
Step 1: Step 2:
Determine type Determine
irrigation and
of soil Climate of farm

The information provided in the tables below in this section is not site-specific and is used as an

 STEP 1: Determine the type of soil between sand, loam, and clay soil, which
have, respectively, low, medium and high available water content.k

Table 2: Type of soil and its irrigation characteristics

Type of soil
Shallow and/or sand In sandy soil or shallow soil (with a hard pan or impermeable
layer close to the soil surface), little water can be stored;
irrigation will thus have to take place frequently but little
water is given per application.
Loam In loamy soil more water can be stored than in a sandy or
shallow soil. Irrigation water is applied less frequently and
more water is given per application.
Clay In clay soil even more water can be stored than in a medium
loamy soil. Irrigation water is applied even less frequently and
again more water is given per application.
For more detail on soil textures see Technical Brief 5 Soil and Water.

 STEP 2: Determine the climate of the farm location. This method distinguishes
between three different climates; climate 1, climate 2 and climate 3 as described
in the table below.

Table 3: Types of climate

Type of climate Reference crop Climatic zone and mean daily temperature
Climate 1 4 - 5 mm/day Desert/arid, semi arid and Sub-humid with low
temperatures (less than 15°C)
Climate 2 6 - 7 mm/day Desert/arid, semi arid and Sub-humid with
medium temperatures
Climate 3 8 - 9 mm/day Desert/arid, semi arid and Sub-humid with high
temperatures (more than 25ºC)

See Technical Brief 5 on Water and Soil.

 STEP 3: Determine the recommended interval and irrigation depth.

The table below provides net irrigation depth for each type of soil and climate and also
the interval of days to apply irrigation for different type of soil in brackets. The table
provides information for some specific crops.l Look at the table for the type of soil (Step
1) and climate (Step 2) and obtain the interval and irrigation depth.

Table 4: Interval and net irrigation depths for some crops grow in shallow, loam and clays soil in different types of

Shallow and/or sand Loam soil Clay soil

Interval (Net Irrigation Interval-(Net Interval-(Net
depth (mm)) Irrigation depth Irrigation depth
(mm)) (mm))
Type of 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Cacao 9 6 5 (40) 13 9 7 (60) 16 11 8 (70)
Carrot 6 4 3 (35) 7 5 4 (35) 22 8 6 (50)
Citrus 8 6 4 (30) 11 8 6 (40) 15 10 8 (55)
Coffee 9 6 5 (40) 13 9 7 (60) 16 11 8 (70)
Potato 6 4 3 (30) 8 6 4 (40) 10 7 5 (50)
Tea 9 6 4 (40) 13 9 7 (60) 16 11 8 (70)

For example, citrus grown in loamy soil, in a semi arid area with low temperatures less
than 15°C (Climate 1 according to table above) require 40 mm of net irrigation depth
every 11 days. Results for the example are highlighted in the table and below.
Loam soil
Interval-(Net Irrigation depth (mm))
Type of Climate 1
Citrus 11 (40)

b. Irrigation schedule method

This calculation method determines an irrigation schedule which is based on the
estimated depth (in mm) of the irrigation applications, and the calculated irrigation
water need of the crop over the growing season.

To see data on more crops see

This method is based on calculated irrigation water requirements taking into account
climatic factors such as temperature and rainfall. It offers a more accurate schedule
than the previous method; nonetheless it is a simple approach to scheduled irrigation.

The simple calculation method involves the following 4 steps that are explained in detail

STEP 1: Estimate the net STEP 4: Calculate the

irrigation depth (d) in irrigation interval in
mm. days.

STEP 3: Calculate the

STEP 2: Calculate the
number of irrigation
gross application rate

 STEP 1: Estimate the net irrigation depth (d) in mm

The net irrigation depth is best determined locally by checking how much water is given
per irrigation application taking into consideration the irrigation method and practice in
place. In case no local data is easily available the following date provides an estimate of
the net irrigation depth (d net) in mm.

Table 5 provides the approximate net irrigation depth required for each type of soil and
different lengths of the crop root zone.

Table 5: Approximate net irrigation depths (mm)

Shallow rooting crops Medium rooting crops Deep rooting crops
(30-60 cm) (50-100 cm) (90-150 cm)
Shallow and/or 15 30 40
sandy soil
Loamy soil 20 40 60
Clayey soil 30 50 70

In case there is no local data about the root depth, the table below provides with an
estimate of the length of the crop root zone.

Table 6: Appropriate root depth of some crop

Shallow rootingCrucifers (cabbage, cauliflower, etc.), celery, lettuce, onions, pineapple,
crops (30-60 cm) potatoes, spinach, other vegetables except beets, carrots, cucumber.
Medium rootingBananas, beans, beets, carrots, clover, cacao, cucumber, groundnuts,
crops (50-100 cm) palm trees, peas, pepper, sisal, soybeans, sugar beet, sunflower, tobacco,
Deep rooting crops Alfalfa, barley, citrus, cotton, dates, deciduous orchards, flax, grapes,
(90-150 cm) maize, melons, oats, olives, safflower, sorghum, sugarcane, sweet
potatoes, wheat.

 STEP 2: Estimate the gross irrigation depth (d) in mm

The gross irrigation depth can be calculated using the net irrigation depth and the
efficiency of the irrigation. Part of the water applied to the field is lost through deep
percolation and runoff. To reflect this water loss, the irrigation efficiency is used. The
gross irrigation depth, in mm, takes into account the water loss during the irrigation
application and is determined using the following formula:

gross irrigation depth (mm) = 100 ∗ net irrigation depth(mm) irrigation efficiency

If irrigation efficiency data is available and reliable at a local level, these should be used.
If such data is not available, See Technical Brief on Irrigation for further detail on

 STEP 3: Calculate the number of irrigation applications over the total growing
The number of irrigation applications over the total growing season can be obtained by
dividing the irrigation water need over the growing season by the net irrigation depth
per application. If no data on irrigation water needs is available, the estimation simple
method should be used.

Water consumption per crop can be calculated and compared with a theoretical
standard value. In practice, the requirement for irrigation water depends on crop
species, soil type, evaporation, and water conservation practices.3 FAO provides
guidance on water management and how to calculate appropriate irrigation. CROPWAT4

is a practical tool for the personal computer that can complete standard calculations for
evapotranspiration and crop water requirements and crop irrigation requirements and,
more specifically, design and manage irrigation schemes.
It allows the development of recommendations for improved irrigation practices, the
planning of irrigation schedules under varying water supply conditions, and the
assessment of production under rain-fed conditions or deficit irrigation.

Calculations of crop water requirements and irrigation requirements are carried out
with inputs of climatic and crop data. Standard crop data is included in the programme
and climatic data can be obtained for 144 countries through the CLIMWAT 5 database.
Examples of the water requirements of individual crops and typical yields and
efficiencies are presented in the following tablem.

Crop Crop water need Typical yield and efficiency7

(mm in total
growing period)6
Coffee Water Average of 1 100 kg/ha with varieties producing 2 400
requirements kg/ha under good growing conditions
1500–2500 mm/
Sugar Water Good yields in the humid tropics of a totally rain fed
cane requirements crop can be in the range of 70 to 100 ton/ha cane, and
vary between in the dry tropical and subtropics with irrigation, 110 to
1500 to 2500 150 ton/ha cane. Sugar content at harvest is usually
mm/ yr between 10 and 12 percent of the cane fresh weight.

Citrus Water Good yields of citrus are: Orange 25 to 40 tons per ha

requirements per year; grapefruit 40 to 60 tons per ha; lemons 30 to
vary between 900 45 tons per ha
and 1200 mm/ yr per year; mandarin - 20 to 30 tons per ha per year.

 Step 4: Calculate the irrigation interval (INT) in days

Note that are not site-specific

The irrigation interval in days is calculated by dividing the total growing season in days
by the number of irrigation applications over the total growing season.n

Using the moisture accounting method8
The moisture accounting method can provides with a more comprehensive irrigation
scheduling, taking into consideration climate, soil and crop properties. Some inputs to
take into consideration include the crop characteristics, its root depth, the depletion
factor, the crop coefficient value Kc, the soil characteristics (Soil type and texture, total
available water), the irrigation requirements (efficiency and evotranspiration (Eto)
calculated from climate data and evaporation).

This moisture accounting method involves the following steps that are explained in
detail below. In addition, an example for tomatoes is conducted further down.

Step 7: Calculate
Step 1: Determine
the effective root Step 6: Record (ETo)
depth (Dff)
of the crop (ETc)

Step 5: Calculate
Step 2: Determine the irrigation Step 8: Record daily
type of soil application depth rainfall

Step 3: Determine Step 4: Determine Step 9: Calculate

the depletion the readily available the cumulative soil
fraction (p) water (RAW) water deficit

 STEP1: Determine the root depth of the crop

For adjustments the Simple Calculation Method for the Peak Period see: simple calculation method

Rooting depth can be determined by digging out the whole plant, shaking the soil off or
digging a soil pit and then measuring the depth of the root system. Table 6 above
provides an estimate of the root depth by type of crop.

 STEP 2: Find out the type of soil and determine the Total Available Water (TAW)
for the type of soil.
Table 7 provides an estimate of the TAW for different textures of soil.

Table 7: Total available water in mm per metre of soil depth (TAW)

Soil Texture Range Average
Sand 30-65 49
Sandy Loam 90-123 106
Loam 155-172 164
Light Clay Loam 172-180 172
Clay Loam 155-172 164
Heavy Clay Loam 137-155 147

 STEP 3: Determine an appropriate depletion fraction (p)

Each crop has an estimated depletion factor. In the case of vegetables the depletion
fraction (p) is roughly 0.3-0.5.

 STEP 4: Determine the readily available water (RAW)

Total available water, readily available water and depletion fraction are critical to
planning an appropriate irrigation schedule. To maintain soil moisture at optimum
levels, it is important to understand that not all of the total available water (Table 7) is
used before the next irrigation is applied. Readily available water (RAW) is the amount
of water that a plant can easily extract from the soil for unrestricted growth. The RAW is
calculated for the root zone of the crop. The RAW can be calculated more accurately
with some scheduling systems (such as neutron probes and capacitance probes).

The readily available water is obtained by multiplying the depletion factor (Step 3) by
the total available water estimated in Step 2.

 STEP 5: Calculate the net irrigation application depth (mm)

The net irrigation application depth is obtained by multiplying the root depth (Step 1) by
the total readily available water calculated in Step 4.

 STEP 6: Record reference evapotranspiration (ETo) from climate data or calculate

it from pan evaporation.
The reference evapotranspiration ETo is the water use of a lush, well-watered grass
pasture. ETo expresses the evaporating power of the atmosphere at a specific location
and time of the year and does not consider the crop characteristics and soil factors. Eto
depends on climatic parameters. Consequently, ETo is a climatic parameter and can be
computed from weather data.

The Penman-Monteith equation is used for determining ETo. See Crop

evapotranspiration Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation
and drainage paper 56 for more detail.

 STEP 7: Calculate the evapotranspiration of the crop (ETc)

The actual evapotranspiration of the crop (ETc) depends on the following: the type of
plant (some plants use more water than others), stage of growth (a mature plant uses
more than a seedling), condition of plant (stress from whatever cause, insects, fertiliser,
excess salinity, or lack of soil water, decreases ETc) and climate (higher temperature,
lower humidity, and higher wind will increase ETc).

The length of the total growing season and each growth stage of the crop are important
when estimating crop water needs. The growth of an annual crop can be divided into
four stages:

• Initial (establishment): from sowing to 10% ground cover

• Crop development: from 10 to 70% ground cover
• Mid-season (fruit formation): including flowering and fruit set or yield formation
• Late-season: including ripening and harvest.

To estimate Etc multiply ETo in mm/day (Step 4) by the appropriate crop coefficient (Kc)
value to obtain crop water needs. Kc can be obtained from FAO.9

 STEP 8: Record daily rainfall and estimate effective rainfall (mm)

Effective rainfall is defined by USDA as effective rainfall received during the growing
period of a crop and is available to meet consumptive water requirements. It does not
include surface runoff or deep percolation losses.

 STEP 9: Calculate the cumulative soil water deficit
The cumulative soil water deficit is obtained by adding all water deficits since the last
irrigation. It is calculated by adding up the all of the water deficits since the last
irrigation and subtracts the effective rainfall. (After an irrigation event the soil is
saturated and crop water use is assumed to be zero).

The following example illustrates the moisture accounting method for tomatoes grown
in January, in clay soil. For the sake of this exercise the Eto, Kc and rainfall were used. It
is recommended to use a moisture balance sheet to keep a sound record for irrigation
as shown in the table below.

Step 1: Effective root depth (Dff)=0.55 metre (Table 6)

Step 2: For Clay loam, the total available water (TAW) is 180 mm/m.
Step 3: For tomatoes the depletion fraction (p) is 0.4.
Step 4: The readily available water. RAW= 0.4 * 180 =72
Step 5: The irrigation application depth (mm) = Dff * RAW = 0.55*72=39.6 (rounded 40
Step 6: The (ETo) was given in column A
Step 7: The evapotranspiration of the crop (ETc) is Eto *Kc. Calculated on column C
Step 8: Daily rainfall was given in column D. The effective rainfall (mm) was calculated in
column E. In this example, the effective rainfall, during spring, summer and autumn
periods calculated by subtract 5 mm from each of the daily rainfall totals. The main
assumption is that rainfall of 5 mm or less to be non-significant (zero). In winter, all the
rainfall is assumed to be effective.
Step 9: The cumulative soil water deficit was calculated by H=E+F-C on an accumulative

Table 8: Example of irrigation Scheduling

A B C=A*B D E=D-5mm F H=E+F-C

Day ETo Crop Crop Rainfall Effective Net Cumulative
(mm/day) coefficient water use (mm) rain (mm) Irrigation soil water
(Kc) (Etc) application deficit
(mm/day) (mm)
1 7.6 0.85 6.5 0 0 0 -6.5
2 8.6 0.85 7.3 3.8 0 0 -13.8

3 8.6 0.85 7.3 0.4 0 0 -21.1
4 8.8 0.85 7.5 0 0 0 -28.8
5 7.1 0.85 6.0 0 0 0 -34.6
6 9.1 0.85 7.7 0 0 40 IRRIGATION
7 6.4 0.85 5.4 0 0 0 0
8 3.4 0.85 2.9 0 0 0 -2.9
9 6.2 0.85 5.3 6 1 0 -8.2
10 6.3 0.85 5.4 3.2 0 0 -13.6
11 4.3 0.85 3.7 4.6 0 0 -17.3
12 7.7 0.85 6.5 1.4 0 0 -23.8
13 8.7 0.85 7.4 17.8 12.8 0 -11.0
14 7.2 0.85 6.1 0 0 0 -17.1


Case Study 1: How are farmers from California scheduling


Farmers from California are using and different

methods to schedule irrigation. According the USDA’s
Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey, the most commonly
methods used to schedule irrigation in California are
the condition of the crop, the feel of the soil, and a
personal calendar schedule as shown in the table
below10. In some irrigation districts, farmers are
restricted by scheduled water deliveries and must
irrigate when their water arrives.

Picture 1: California Farmer

Table 9: Methods used by California farmers to decide when to
irrigate, 2008

Method Percent of
Condition of crop 66
Feel of soil 45
Personal calendar schedule 32
Soil moisture sensing device 14
Daily ET reports 12.3
Scheduled by water delivery organisation 10
Commercial or government scheduling 9.7
When neighbours irrigate 6.1
Other 5.5
Plant moisture sensing device 3.1
Source: Pacific Institute

Many farmers use more than one method when deciding when to irrigate, thus the total of all
methods exceeds 100 percent.

The California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS), a network of more
than 130 automated weather systems across California provides farmers with localised
weather data online, such as temperature, wind speed and Eto.

A survey by the University of California evaluated the water use and yield of all major
crop types for 55 farmers across California who used evotranspiration data to determine
water application. The study found that on average, the use of CIMIS increased yields by
8% and reduced water use by 13%.

Case study 2: Introduction of water-saving irrigation scheduling to

farmers in China12,13

The Chinese irrigation agency started an irrigation scheduling programme in the arid
area of Gansu province, in the north-west part of China. The aim of the programme was
to increase awareness among farmers about water saving irrigation and popularise the
water-saving irrigation schedule through involving farmers more in the process of
water-saving irrigation scheduling.

The approach applied in this programme

consisted of demonstrating the new water-saving
irrigation schedule and training farmers. The
training of farmers was based around field
activities with a number of classroom
presentations. The field activities, organised on a
village basis, were appreciated by the farmers
and provided opportunities for lively discussion.
The training of farmers was conducted in
Picture 2: Gansu farmer.
conjunction with the implementation of the

The results of the programme were positive; water savings were achieved in the area,
the period elapsed for every rotation of irrigation was reduced and on farm irrigation
management and the irrigation service have improved. A key learning from this
programme was that the farmer involvement in irrigation management is key to the
appropriate implementation and success of irrigation scheduling.

Case study 3: Difficulties in introducing new technology to
schedule irrigation for small sugar cane farmers in Pongola, South

The aim of the programme was to conduct the

pilot implementation of a high-technology
system to provide practical, real-time
irrigation advice to small sugar cane farmers in
South Africa. The system consists of a web-
based simulation model that estimates the
recent, current and future water balance, crop
status and yield from field information and
real-time weather data. The system
automatically generates and distributes simple Picture 3: Sugar Cane farmers at Pongola

irrigation advice by SMS to farmers' cellular

Unfortunately, the adoption of irrigation scheduling techniques in South African
sugarcane production has been disappointing. The main challenge has been to convince
farmers of the benefits of irrigation scheduling by on-farm demonstration. Nonetheless,
farmers who adopted the technology obtained large reductions in irrigation applied
(33%), deep drainage (64%) and irrigation costs. Yields were not affected significantly
and profitability was enhanced considerably. The main impact is to reduce irrigation
during winter and when the crop is young.

Case study 4: Using forecasting and scheduling systems to save

Unilever reduced water use in tomato crops in Brazil by
using online weather system technologies.

The online system allows farmers to assess the quantity of

irrigation water needed. The system provides guidance
based on temperature, rainfall, moisture, dew and solar
radiation data, collected from weather stations across the
cropping area every 15 minutes.

Tomato farmers managed to halve their water use (from 800mm/ha to 400mm/ha) by
making irrigation and chemical applications more efficient, largely using information
from online weather data systems.


Technical Papers
Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for computing crop water requirements
Allen R.G., Pereira L.S., Raes D. and Smith M. (1998). FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper
No. 56. Rome.

Crop Water Requirements and Water Productivity: Concepts and Practices specifically
in INDIA College of Agricultural Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University. (2006)

Yield response to water. FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper No.33, p.25, Rome, Italy.
Doorenbos J. and Kassam A.H. (1979).

Crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage paper No.24,(Rev.), Rome, Italy.
Doorenbos J. and Peruitt W.O. (1992).

Useful Websites
Web Soil Survey (WSS)
It provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey.
It also provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world.

It offers a tool to help schedule centre pivot and lateral move irrigation.

Other Documents
Estimating vegetable crop water use with moisture - accounting method
Department of Primary Industries Australia$
This document describes the use of the moisture accounting method for estimating
water requirements for vegetable crop production.

FAO Irrigation Scheduling: From Theory to Practice –
Proceedings 1995

Measuring Soil Moisture for Irrigation Water Management

NPSI, Irrigation Essentials, Research and innovation for Australian irrigators.

This document summarises the fundamental principles underlying efficient and
profitable irrigation, soil water monitoring.

California farm water success stories
Pacific Institute

Soil, Water and Plant Characteristics Important to Irrigation. 1996

Water management


FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Land and Water Division). 2002. Crop
Water Information. Crop Water Information. Rome. FAO.Website with databases: Crop Water Information.
9 6 etc single crop coefficient (kc)

Introduction of water-saving irrigation scheduling through improved water delivery: A case study from
China. Cheng Xianjun, Engineer, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Beijing, China.
Provision of irrigation scheduling advice to small-scale sugarcane farmers using a web-based crop model
and cellular technology: a South African case study,A. Singels *, M. T. Smith,
South African Sugarcane Research Institute, Private Bag X02, Mount Edgecombe 4300, South Africa
email: A. Singels (


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