Inforos 12.0.x Inforosag On-Premise En-Us PDF
Inforos 12.0.x Inforosag On-Premise En-Us PDF
Inforos 12.0.x Inforosag On-Premise En-Us PDF
Administration Guide
Release 12.0.x
Copyright © 2019 Infor
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Publication Information
Release: Infor Operating Service 12.0.x
Publication Date: June 5, 2019
Document code: inforos_12.0.x_inforosag_on-premise_en-us
General settings..............................................................................................................................35
Download federated metadata........................................................................................................35
Identity Provider (IdP) connection...................................................................................................36
Creating an IdP connection..........................................................................................................36
Editing an IdP connection............................................................................................................38
Deleting an IdP connection..........................................................................................................38
Authentication store.........................................................................................................................38
Creating an authentication store (LDAP).....................................................................................38
Creating an authentication store (REST).....................................................................................40
Editing an authentication store.....................................................................................................41
Deleting an authentication store..................................................................................................41
Home Realm Discovery settings.....................................................................................................42
Service Provider (SP) connection...................................................................................................42
Creating an SP connection..........................................................................................................42
Editing an SP connection.............................................................................................................43
Deleting an SP connection...........................................................................................................44
Signing certificate............................................................................................................................44
Creating a signing certificate.......................................................................................................44
Activating a signing certificate......................................................................................................45
Deleting a signing certificate........................................................................................................45
General information.........................................................................................................................45
Changing the icon...........................................................................................................................46
Chapter 4: ION administration.........................................................................................................47
Managing queue memory parameters............................................................................................47
Scale out connect nodes.................................................................................................................48
Configure the expected load for the document flow elements.....................................................48
Resource consumption page...........................................................................................................49
Changing the number of connect nodes......................................................................................49
ION statistics widgets......................................................................................................................50
Accessing ION statistics widgets.................................................................................................50
ION widgets overview..................................................................................................................51
Configuring the widget.................................................................................................................52
Collecting ION Grid-related log files................................................................................................53
Data Management.........................................................................................................................125
Accessing the Data Management window.................................................................................125
Chapter 6: Homepages administration.........................................................................................127
Working with the Administration tool.............................................................................................127
Accessing the Administration tool..............................................................................................128
Working with settings....................................................................................................................128
Common settings.......................................................................................................................129
Page settings.............................................................................................................................130
Widget settings..........................................................................................................................131
Feature settings.........................................................................................................................132
Changing a setting.....................................................................................................................132
Adding a settings rule................................................................................................................133
Changing a setting rule..............................................................................................................134
Removing a setting rule.............................................................................................................134
Changing the order of setting rules............................................................................................134
Working with properties.................................................................................................................135
Adding a property......................................................................................................................135
Setting a mandatory page.............................................................................................................136
Setting an effective date range for a mandatory page...............................................................136
Identifying a mandatory page as a primary page.......................................................................136
Working with private pages...........................................................................................................137
Working with published pages.......................................................................................................137
Locating published pages..........................................................................................................139
Working with page permissions.................................................................................................140
Understanding permissions for pages.......................................................................................141
Locating the page ID for a page.................................................................................................142
Working with standard pages........................................................................................................142
Working with featured pages.........................................................................................................143
Viewing all featured pages.........................................................................................................144
Adding a page to featured pages...............................................................................................144
Removing a page from featured pages......................................................................................144
Working with Start Experience configuration.................................................................................145
Working with published widgets....................................................................................................146
Locating published widgets........................................................................................................147
Locating the widget ID of a widget.............................................................................................148
Data Migration............................................................................................................................170
Configuring Infor Document Management Server.....................................................................172
Configuring Event Hub Subscription..........................................................................................173
Configuring Infor Document Management Contextual Application for Ming.le...........................175
Filtering Available Document Types...........................................................................................176
Auditing in IDM...........................................................................................................................176
Creating read-only user access to IDM......................................................................................176
Infor Document Management Resource Server............................................................................177
Maintaining Conversion Types...................................................................................................177
Infor Document Management Control Center................................................................................178
Access Point..............................................................................................................................178
System Health............................................................................................................................197
User Roles.................................................................................................................................198
Synchronize Data Model............................................................................................................198
Document Output.......................................................................................................................199
Infor ION and Infor Document Management.................................................................................199
ION Configuration......................................................................................................................199
Appendix A: Microsoft SharePoint maintenance for IDM...........................................................201
Document Library..........................................................................................................................201
Importing a document type to SharePoint.....................................................................................201
Adding a document type to SharePoint.........................................................................................202
Adding an attribute to a document type in SharePoint..................................................................202
Deleting an attribute from a document type in SharePoint............................................................203
Deleting a document type in SharePoint.......................................................................................203
Exporting a document type in SharePoint.....................................................................................203
Enabling templates........................................................................................................................204
Translating the columns of a document type in SharePoint...........................................................204
Creating Access Control Lists in SharePoint.................................................................................204
For SharePoint 2010..................................................................................................................205
Indexing errors...........................................................................................................................234
Search errors.............................................................................................................................235
Common errors..........................................................................................................................237
OneView general functionality.......................................................................................................240
Creating indexes........................................................................................................................240
Indexing new objects..................................................................................................................240
Purging OneView data...............................................................................................................241
This guide describes the administration tasks to set up and maintain the Infor Operating Service in
accordance with the Infor Best Practice approach, which when followed ensures that you set up a
stable, easily maintainable and supportable Infor OS.
Intended audience
This guide is for professional services or system administrators who configure and maintain the system.
Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at and
create a support incident.
If we update this document after the product release, we will post the new version on the Infor Support
Portal. To access documentation, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend that you
check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact
Web Front End
ION Desk deploys a single Node, which binding is called DeskNode.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, the coordinator node arranges the connect related
communication between ION Desk and ION Service. Among activation and deactivation of document
flows the coordinator will (re)distribute the document flow elements over the available connect
nodes. For the Coordinator node there is always a single instance. This node not expected to use
many resources.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, the Queue node manages the internal queues of ION. For
the Queue node there is always a single instance.
Resource usage is in memory and communication with the other nodes and the database.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, this Node is instantiated on the host for which a JMS provider
is configured and the Queue node is not running. The JMSQueue can be instantiated once per
Available only in the "ION full" edition, the Connect node deploys the document flow elements.
Multiple instances of the connect node can be configured, allowing distribution of document flow
elements over multiple connect node instances and with that over multiple hosts. For details see
"Scale out connect nodes." This node requires more resources.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, the Process node arranges the processing of BODs for Event
management, Workflow and Pulse. The Process node always has a single instance. This node
requires more resources.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, the PulseAPI node exposes the Pulse API. The PulseAPI
node always has a single instance.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, the ActivityDeck node is the server handling the read requests
from Pulse API . The ActivityDeck node always has a single instance.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, this node integrates with the ION Search application executing
search queries on the search engine.
Available only in the "ION full" edition, this node integrates with the ION Search application registering
new events in the search engine
Available only in the "ION full" edition, this node integrates with the ION Search application both
registering new events in the search engine as well as executing search queries on the search
Only available in the "ION Embedded" edition, this node includes the ION backend functionality
except the handling of OneView events.The IONService node always has a single instance.
Failover considerations
The Grid takes care of distributing the nodes of a grid application over the available hosts for that
application. The bindings of each node define how many instances of the node are expected to run.
When one of the hosts fails in a multiple hosts setup for the Infor ION Grid assigned to for example the
IONService application, the Grid ensures that nodes that were running on that host automatically are
started on another host. Downtime will be limited for the time the grid identifies the failure and start
time of the (ION) nodes. If you like to have a predefined distribution of the nodes over the hosts, you
can make use of the ‘preferred host’ option on the Grid binding to have a default distribution while
remaining to have the full fail-over capabilities.
Failover of Grid components See "Disaster Recovery" in the Infor ION Grid Administration Guide .
Grid components
For more details on the core Grid components like bootstrap service, Grid Routers, SessionProviders
see the Infor ION Grid Administration Guide.
Infor ION Grid scaling considerations
You can scale out by adding hosts to the Infor OS deployment. The Infor ION Grid takes care of
distributing the nodes of the applications over the available hosts for these applications.
Scaling is used for both availability and performance reasons. Use the grid counters to verify if your
current deployment is reaching the limits of the system resources.
For details, see "Monitoring the Grid" in the Infor ION Grid Administration Guide.
Adding hosts
For instructions on how to add a host, see the "Adding a node to your Infor OS farm" appendix in the
Infor Operating Service Installation Guide.
status. If the final status is still not known, the installer finishes and displays the actual status at that
point in time.
When the installation finishes, a message displays informing you the ION grid enablement installation
has succeeded or failed.
The final results of the installation are logged in the log file. This file is stored in the folder: %Program
For example: C:\ProgramData\Infor\ION\installlog\GridEdition-Installer-
8 Click Done to close the installer.
Updating certificates
Certificates used in Infor OS can be updated through the Infor OS Installer in maintenance mode.
Method 1 – AdminUIClassic.cmd
1 Go to the <InstallDir>/InforTechstackGrid/bin/ folder and select AdminUIClassic.
2 Open Grid > Applications > SAMLSessionProvide > Management Pages > SAML Session
Provider Trust Stores.
3 Click Update Certificate.
4 After the certificates are updated, restart the SAML session provider.
5 After all the steps are done, open the portal and verify whether all the applications are loading without
Method 2 – AdminUI.cmd
1 Go to the <InstallDir>/InforTechstackGrid/bin/ folder and select AdminUI.cmd.
2 Go to Applications > SAMLSessionProvider > Management Pages > SAML Session Provider
Trust Stores.
3 Click Update Certificate.
4 After the certificates are updated, restart the SAML session provider.
5 After all the steps are done, open the portal and verify whether all the applications are loading without
Recommended steps:
1 Provision a new server to host Infor OS.
2 Install Infor OS on the new server pointing at the existing installation.
3 Promote the new server to the primary Infor OS node.
4 Uninstall Infor OS from the original server.
Provider Name
Provide a short description of your AD FS farm.
6 Click the browse button (...) and select the metadata XML file obtained in step 1.
7 Click Load.
8 Click Save.
9 Navigate to the Infor OS (FARM NAME) on the Infor OS Manager menu.
10 Change the identity provider to the newly created one.
11 Click Save. You are prompted to restart Infor OS Manager.
12 Log in to Infor OS Manager again.
13 Navigate to the Infor OS (FARM NAME) on the Infor OS Manager menu.
14 Select Redeploy SAML Session Provider.
15 Provide these details:
Identity Provider
Specify the new provider created in the previous steps.
IFS User
This is the IFS bootstrap user (pre-populated).
Specify the password of your IFS bootstrap user.
16 Click OK.
17 Navigate to Identity Providers.
18 Download the PowerShell script associated with your newly created provider.
19 Navigate to Applications.
20 Download the PowerShell scripts associated with Grid-XiPlatform-<n>, INFORSTS, and XIPORTAL.
21 Run the downloaded scripts on your AD FS farm.
22 Restart your Infor OS farm.
Further considerations
If you have other applications configured for claims-based authentication, you must reconfigure them
for the new AD FS farm.
For details, see the relevant product documentation.
To log into Infor OS Manager:
1 On the Infor OS Server, open Infor OS Manager by right-clicking the desktop icon and select Run
as Administrator.
2 Provide the Database Server. In the Database Server field provide the Host Name of Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) of the SQL Server.
3 Select the Database Type. The default type is SQL Server.
4 Provide the Port for the SQL Server.
5 Select the Authentication Mode. The default mode is SQL Server Authentication.
6 Provide the database system administrator's User Login.
7 Provide the database system administrator's Password.
8 Click the check mark icon to validate credentials and query what Infor OS farms are available.
9 When the validation is successful, select the Infor OS Farm. For example, InforOSFarm
10 Click Continue.
Security mode
Use the Redeploy SAML Session Provider option for these reasons.
• The Identity Provider/ADFS Signing certificate changed.
You normally perform the bootstrap of the administrator user when you do the installation.
If the bootstrap process is successful during installation, this page is read only and displays the first
10 users in the system.
If the bootstrap process failed during installation, you can perform the bootstrap from this page. Use
the Bootstrap User option.
The Infor OS installer places the default registry metadata into a Registry database but shows the files
and schema version for the Registry contents on this page. If there is an update to the content that
does not require an upgrade of the Infor OS, you can add an Infor-provided registry content zip file to
this page.
To update the Registry content metadata:
1 Click Add.
2 On the Add Registry pop-up:
a Select the File Name. Browse to the Registry zip file.
b Select the application type:
• Infor Ming.le
• Homepages Widgets
3 Click Upload. The new metadata is loaded to the Registry database, and the new content is available
in your Infor OS.
The Machines page lists the different servers where Infor OS is installed for this farm.
The Clusters page lists the different clusters of Infor OS that have been installed for this farm.
Application containers
The Application Containers page lists the different application containers of Infor OS that have been
installed for this farm.
Database instances
The Database Instances page lists the different database instances of Infor OS that have been installed
for this farm.
The Applications page lists the different applications that have been installed for this farm. You use
the Applications page to add new applications to the Infor OS farm and to download the Relying Party
Trust PowerShell script for each application.
Used only in the Infor OS Manager.
The Single Sign On URL specific to the application you are adding.
The Single Sign Out URL specific to the application you are adding.
Signing Certificate
System configurations
The System Configurations page displays the System Configuration table from the Infor OS Farm
Caution: This page runs the entire Infor OS configuration. Edits to this page should be undertaken
with the utmost care.
Tenant Configuration
The Tenant Configuration page shows the infrastructure-related settings for this system.
The Services page is a read-only page that lists the different web services that are available for this
Infor OS farm.
The Certificate page shows a list of all certificates used in Infor OS. To update certificates, see Updating
certificates on page 22.
In a single tenant cloud environment, this CloudSuites page is used to show the CloudSuite information
for the system.
Truststore Certificates
From the Truststore Certificates page, certificates can be uploaded to instruct ION API to trust any
infrastructure that uses these tickets.
Identity providers
The Identity Providers page displays the identity provider created during the installation.
If an identity provider has been added or updated, you can download the PowerShell script associated
with this identity provider by clicking the download icon and specifying the download path.
Advance mode
To run the Infor OS Manager in advance mode, you must run the InforOSManager.exe from a command
prompt with the advancemode parameter.
This parameter enables the user to edit machines, clusters, application containers, and database
instances, and system configurations.
STS overview
Infor STS facilitates and provides standards-based single sign-on (SSO) services to users of Infor
business applications when federated with an identity provider such as Microsoft Active Directory
Federation Services (ADFS) and/or an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) service such as
Microsoft Active Directory (MS AD).
Infor STS is a web-based service and supports the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and
WS-Federation protocol standards for providing browser-based single sign-on to users of Infor
applications. When the Infor STS is configured with multiple external identity providers (IdP), it supports
Home Realm Discovery (HDR) and allows users and service providers (SP) to specify the IdP for
Infor STS can act as both the identity provider (IdP) and service provider (SP). Infor STS, in the role
of identity provider, authenticates the users and issues the token to the Infor applications. Infor STS
can be configured as the service provider to delegate the authentication to customer identity providers.
General settings
The General Settings page contains global settings, which are not specific to any individual tenant.
These settings are defined during installation, and you do not need to change them. To access the
General Settings page, click the menu list icon to open the menu column, and click the General
Settings tab:
• Entity ID Prefix: This is the prefix of the entity ID of the STS. When an STS is created, an entity ID
• Session Cookie Name Prefix: This is the SESSION_ID, which is set during installation and cannot
be edited.
• STS Base URL: This is the runtime URL prefix value. STS Runtime uses this base URL to construct
all other URLs dynamically, so changing this can affect your environment.
Caution: If you try to change any of these configurations, you may break the connection.
From the General Settings page, you can navigate to the STS Panel page by clicking the Home tab
on the left menu, which can be opened by using the menu list icon.
Use the Download Federated Metadata page to download different metadata XML files. Available for
download are:
• SAML/WS-Fed IdP Metadata XML
• WS-Fed IdP Metadata XML – This metadata file is used when Infor STS has the role of identity
provider for WS-Fed applications.
• SAML IdP Metadata XML - This metadata file is used when Infor STS has the role of identity provider
for SAML applications.
• SAML SP Metadata XML - This metadata file is used when Infor STS has the role of service provider
for SAML applications.
To download, click the link under the selected metadata, which is then downloaded as an XML file to
your computer.
Display Name
A human-readable name for your application.
Partner Entity ID
This should be the entity ID of your identity provider.
A human-readable description for your identity provider.
Display Icon
This icon is reflected on the Home Realm Discovery page when you are selecting which identity
provider to sign in. To revert back to the default icon after making changes, you can do so by clicking
Get Default Icon.
Enable MFA
If selected, the MFA status of all users of the tenant becomes Enabled. At the time of login, the
user is challenged for a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) if the user has already registered
a device for MFA. Emails to register MFA devices are automatically sent to all administrators.
After MFA is enabled, users can register MFA devices from user settings through the Infor OS
Connection Endpoints
A list of endpoints for your application:
• Endpoint Type: SAML applications should have two endpoints, at minimum, an SSO and SLO
• Endpoint Binding: Binding used by IdP for this endpoint. STS supports POST and REDIRECT.
• Endpoint URL: Complete URL for this endpoint.
Signature Algorithm
The algorithm used by your application to sign requests. Supported algorithms are SHA1 and
SHA256. SHA256 is strongly recommended.
Authentication store
When not connecting to a third-party identity provider, the LDAP User Store/Active Directory can be
configured as the authentication store in Infor STS for user credential validation.
Infor STS requires administrator credentials to bind with the user directory to validate user credentials
and also to retrieve the user information.
A human-readable name for your authentication store.
This is made up of your LDAP host and port. (ldap://{hostname}:{port})
The LDAP connection uses port 389, and secure LDAP connections use port 636.
Bind User
The administrator user who will bind with LDAP.
User Attribute
This field is used for searching for the user in LDAP. The property entered here specifies the attribute
that must be used to match the provided user name when a user is logging on.
Search Base
Tree from which users are searched: (cn=username,dc=infor,dc=com)
Test Connection
After entering all the required fields, you must click Test Connection to validate that the connection
is successful. This button is located at the top of the page.
Rest Endpoint
Select REST from the drop-down.
Test Connection
After entering all the required fields, you must click Test Connection to validate that the connection
is successful. This button is located at the top of the page.
OAuth 1.0a
If selecting OAuth 1.0a, provide this information:
Consumer Key
The consumer key used to authenticate this service.
Consumer Secret
The consumer secret used to authenticate this service.
OAuth 2
If selecting OAuth 2, provide this information::
Client ID
The client ID to authenticate this service.
Client Secret
The client secret to authenticate this service.
Token Endpoint
The endpoint that is used to generate the OAuth 2 token.
If selecting Basic, provide this information:
The user name to authenticate this service.
The password to authenticate this service.
Creating an SP connection
1 Navigate to the SP Connection page from the STS Panel page. Click the SP connection count in
the circle.
2 To create an SP connection, use one of these methods:
• Manually add an SP connection by clicking Add.
• Import a metadata file by clicking Import from file.
• From a URL, import from a metadata file path by clicking Import from URL. This URL must be
accessible from the server in which you are running the STS user interface.
3 Specify this information:
Display Name
A human-readable name for your application.
Partner Entity ID
This should be the entity ID of your service provider.
A human-readable description for your service provider.
Connection Endpoints
A list of endpoints for your application.
• Endpoint Type: SAML applications must have two endpoints, at minimum: an ACS and an SLO
endpoint. WS-Federation applications must have one WSFED endpoint.
• Endpoint Binding: Binding used by SP for this endpoint. STS supports POST and REDIRECT.
This is applicable only for SAML. WS-Federation connections do not have a binding or use
POST by default.
• Endpoint URL: Complete URL for this endpoint.
Signature Algorithm
The algorithm used by your application to sign requests. Supported algorithms are SHA1 and
SHA256. SHA256 is strongly recommended.
Sign Response
Whether the STS should sign responses sent to this service provider. This option is selected by
default an cannot be edited.
Sign Assertion
Whether the STS should sign assertions sent to this service provider.
Editing an SP connection
1 Navigate to the SP Connection page from the STS Panel page. Click the SP connection count in
the circle. A list of all available SP connections that you have created is displayed.
2 To edit an SP connection, click the edit icon next to the connection to change. A page for the selected
connection and relevant information is displayed.
3 Update the information for the SP connection, and click Save.
Deleting an SP connection
1 Navigate to the SP Connection page from the STS Panel page. Click the SP connection count in
the circle. A list of all available SP connections that you have created is displayed.
2 To delete an SP connection, click the delete icon next to the connection to delete.
3 Click Yes on the confirmation dialog to confirm the deletion.
Signing certificate
Infor STS includes a certificate management service, which allows the management of the certificates
used for digital signatures.
These signing certificates are used only by Infor STS to sign the SAML assertions sent to the identity
provider if it is acting as a service provider. If the role of Infor STS is an identity provider, these signing
certificates are to sign the SAML assertions sent to the service provider applications. Infor STS allows
the creation of locally signed certificates or import externally signed certificates.
General information
The General Information tab displays settings specific to your tenant. TheGeneral Information tab
is within the Settings tab under your tenant name drop-down menu.
Field Description
Tenant ID This is the name of your tenant. It is pre-populat-
ed as Infor and cannot be edited.
Session Cookie Name When authentication happens and a session is
created, that specific session is assigned to this
specific cookie name: SESSION_ID_INFOR. This
cannot be edited.
Entity ID This is a unique ID to identify STS. This cannot
be edited.
Field Description
Session Maximum Timeout (in minutes) This is the length of time that the session can
remain idle. The default value is 960 minutes.
This value can be changed.
SLO Timeout (in seconds) This is the length of time that the Infor STS waits
during SLO for responses before reporting a lo-
goff failure. The default value is 10 seconds.
IdP SSO Redirect URL The URL where the browser is redirected when
an IdP-initiated SSO is performed.
Enable Proxy Mode When Infor STS as Proxy is enabled for a con-
nection, Infor STS is between the customer IDP
and PingFederate. For each tenant with a connec-
tion enabled with Infor STS as Proxy, a new
corresponding tenant is provisioned within Infor
STS. Each tenant provisioned within Infor STS
has a unique identifier that Infor STS sends to
PingFederate. Since Infor STS is able to asso-
ciate each tenant with a unique ID, the same
customer IDP connection can be used for multiple
Activate: based on the currently provided resource consumption expectation, ION will calculate
distribution of the active elements over the available connect nodes.
View: Opens the Connect Nodes page displaying the active distribution of document flow elements
over the available connect nodes.
Listed are the active document flow elements.
Type: identifies the document flow element type.
Name: the name of the document flow element.
Resource consumption: relative factor for the expected weight of this element type compared to the
other element types. Defaults are provided. You can adjust these weight factors to better reflect the
weight balance of your environment. For example, if you have implemented a very complex
transformation you can consider to raise the resource consumption for that element.
BODs per time unit: Indication how many BODs are expected to be processed by the document flow
element in a certain time unit. Use the same time unit for all elements.
Ratio: the calculated ratio based on resource consumption and BODs per time unit
For Infor OS on premises, you should use Infor Ming.le 12.0.6 or later to access the Homepages
application hosting all the widgets.
Access to the widgets in the Homepages catalog and the widget content is protected by IFS Security
Roles applicable to ION Desk and Homepages.
The users having the access rights for ION Desk Manage pages are authorized to use the ION statistics
Access to the ION widgets and their content is secured by the IFS roles mapped to the desk profiles
- permissions in the ION Desk.
Role Description
IONDeskSecurityAdmin Users with this role have full access to the security admin-
istration pages.
IONDeskAdmin Users with this role have full access to all ION Desk pages
except the security administration pages.
Content restrictions
Configuration Restricted by
Since <Time> System availability. The time range is limited by the time of the first event.
Location <Name> tenant
Document Type <Docu- tenant + view permissions in ION Desk: Desk Permissions – Manage –
ment> OneView - Documents
Connection Point tenant
Workflow<Name> tenant
Name Description
Workflow Status Overview of started, now open, stopped, and completed workflows since
the time specified, including statistics on completion lead time. This widget
replaces the ION Workflows widget.
Task Status Overview of these tasks:
• Tasks that are now open, including new, unassigned, and assigned
• Generated tasks
• Canceled tasks
• Taks that were completed since the time specified
This widget replaces the ION Tasks widget.
Alert Status Overview of these alerts:
• Alerts that are now open, including new, unassigned, and assigned
• Generated alerts
• Canceled alerts
• Alerts that were completed since the time specified
This widget replaces the ION Alerts widget.
Parameter Description
-help Information about the usage.
-o[utputfile] Location and name of the zip file. Can include a
path. UNC paths are not supported. An example:
-o c:\temp\
-n[oarchive] Will skip archive log files
-mtime numberOfDays Collects log files that were updated in the last
numberOfDays. numberOfDays: 0, or a negative
For example: -mtime -1 collects log files that
were changed in the last 24 hours.
Infor Ming.le is an application framework that provides a common user interface for integrated Infor
ERP applications. Infor Ming.le provides a centralized platform for employee collaboration where
information is shared and conversations are organized across Infor Ming.le.
The Infor Ming.le interface includes a top navigation panel with an application panel to activate the
display of Infor ERP applications. From the top navigation panel, you can click your user name to
access the profile panel. On the profile panel, Admin Settings and User Management options are
Admin Settings
You use the Admin Settings menu option on the profile panel to manage applications, context and
utility applications, general settings, and drillbacks.
User Management
You use the User Management menu option on the profile pane to manage users and security settings.
Within Infor Ming.le there are many access rights. This documentation assumes you have all necessary
access rights for the task being performed.
Admin Settings
You use the Admin Settings menu option on the profile panel to manage applications, context and
utility applications, and general settings.
To access the Admin Settings window:
1 Click your name in the top level header to access the profile panel.
2 Click Admin Settings to open the Admin Settings window.
The Admin Settings window has these options:
• Manage Applications
• Manage Context/Utility Apps
• General Settings
Manage Applications
On the Manage Applications page, you can manage all application icons. You can also add, edit, or
delete an application.
• Applications panel
• Add Application
• Edit Application
• Delete Application
Applications panel
All the application icons that you add to the portal are displayed on the panels. The first application
icon, located in the top left corner, is the default application to be loaded. You can rearrange the
application icons by dragging and dropping an icon at any time.
All other application icons are rearranged automatically. The pagination dots on the panels indicate
the number of the applications panels.
Add/Edit Application
To add an application to the Applications panel, click Add Application. An Add New Application
page is displayed.
To edit an application, double-click the application icon, an Application Details page is displayed. To
edit a particular type of application, refer to the corresponding Application Details section.
The application can be:
• Infor Application
• Non-Infor Application
Each application type is described in the sections below.
The Infor application is an on-premises Infor application that is installed, configured, and maintained
by the person or organization using the Infor application. You can add an Infor application to run within
the cloud framework.
Application Details
The Application Details page contains these tabs.
• Deployment Information
• Permissions
• Context/Utility Apps
• Custom Parameters
• Logical ID Fallback
Click Save at any time to save changes to one or more tabs.
Deployment Information
Under the Deployment Information tab, all the deployment details pertaining to the current application
are displayed. You can edit any value.
Under the Permissions tab, you can add users and User Management security roles to the current
application, assign a permission level, and delete users and User Management security roles.
1 Select the check box next to each user and User Management security role to delete.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.
3 Click Yes. All the selected users and User Management security roles are deleted from the list.
Context/Utility Apps
The Context/Utility Apps tab contains these sections:
• Context Apps
• Utility Apps
Context apps
Context apps are lightweight applications that communicate with the application frame to publish
contextual information to the user. These applications subscribe to information published by the
application frame and display only relevant content when it is available.
The purpose of associating a context application with an application is to make the context application
available to users. The user can then display the context applications in the right panel, based on the
user's permission level.
Default context applications, if any exist, are displayed under the Context Apps section. Default context
applications are either required or optional. By default, all the required applications are enabled
and optional applications are disabled. You can enable or disable default context applications at any
time. Use the switch control to change the status of the context application. The Edit Screen ID
Associations option is displayed if the context application subscribes to a context message. The
Settings option is displayed only when there is at least one setting to display. The maximum number
of context applications allowed to display under the Context Apps section is 20 per application instance.
Use this option to edit the context application settings. On the Settings overlay, all settings for the
current context application are displayed. You cannot add or delete these settings. You can only edit
the settings' values.
Editing a setting
To edit a setting:
1 Select the check box next to one or more settings to edit.
2 Click the Value field.
3 Click Delete to remove the current value.
4 Enter a new value.
5 Click Done. All selected settings are updated with the new values.
• Available
• Selected
Utility apps
Utility apps are lightweight applications that display information unrelated to content in the application
frame. These applications do not communicate with the application frame and, if activated, only show
whenever this application is open.
Default utility apps, when any exist, are always displayed under the Utility Apps section. Default utility
apps are classified as required or optional. By default, required applications are enabled and the
optional applications are disabled; however, you can enable or disable a default utility app at any time.
Use the switch control to change the status of the utility app.
The Settings option is displayed when any utility app has at least one setting to display. The maximum
number of utility apps that can be displayed under the Utility Apps section is 20 per application instance.
Custom Parameters
Default custom parameters, if any exist, are displayed under the Custom Parameters tab. The default
name of the custom parameter is not editable. The parameter value is editable. You cannot delete the
default custom parameters. You can add new custom parameters to an application at any time. Both
the name and value of a new custom parameter are editable. You can also delete a custom parameter
that you add.
Logical ID Fallback
By default, no logical ID fallbacks are displayed under the Logical ID Fallback tab. You can add or
delete logical ID fallbacks to the list at any time.
A non-Infor application is any external application, not an Infor application. To display a non-Infor
application icon on the Applications panel, you must add a non-Infor application that will run in the Infor
Ming.le left panel.
Application Details
The Application Details page contains these tabs.
• Deployment Information
• Permissions
• Context/Utility Apps
• Logical ID Fallback
Click Save at any time to save changes to one or more tabs.
Deployment Information
Under the Deployment Information tab, all the deployment details pertaining to the current application
are displayed. You can edit any value.
Under the Permissions tab, you can add users and User Management security roles to the current
application, assign a permission level, and delete users and User Management security roles.
Context/Utility Apps
The Context/Utility Apps tab contains these sections:
• Context Apps
• Utility Apps
Context apps
Context apps are lightweight applications that communicate with the application frame to publish
contextual information to the user. These applications subscribe to information published by the
application frame and display only relevant content when it is available.
There are no default context applications for non-Infor application types. Therefore, no context
applications are displayed under the Context Apps section. You can add other context applications to
the current application in the portal by using the Add/Remove Context Applications option. The
maximum number of context applications allowed to display under the Context Apps section is 20 per
application instance.
On the Edit Screen ID Associations overlay, all default screen associations, if any exist for the current
context applications, are displayed. These default screen associations are not editable and cannot be
deleted. The maximum number of default screen associations displayed is 30.
All Screens is a read-only option, and it can be selected or cleared as predefined. If it is selected, you
cannot add or delete screen associations to the current application. If it is cleared, you can add and
delete screen associations to the current application. The maximum number of screen associations
that you can add is 20.
Use this option to edit the context application settings. On the Settings overlay, all settings for the
current context application are displayed. You cannot add or delete these settings. You can only edit
the settings' values.
Editing a setting
To edit a setting:
1 Select the check box next to one or more settings to edit.
2 Click the Value field.
3 Click Delete to remove the current value.
4 Enter a new value.
5 Click Done. All selected settings are updated with the new values.
Utility apps
Utility apps are lightweight applications that display information unrelated to content in the application
frame. These applications do not communicate with the application frame and, if activated, only show
whenever this application is open.
There are no default utility applications for non-Infor application types. Therefore, no utility applications
are displayed under the Utility Apps section. You can add other utility applications to the current
application in the portal by using Add/Remove Utility Applications option. The maximum number of
utility applications allowed to display under the Utility Apps section is 20 per application instance.
Logical ID Fallback
By default, no logical ID fallbacks are displayed under the Logical ID Fallback tab. You can add or
delete logical ID fallbacks to the list at any time.
Delete Application
Click Delete Application to remove an application from the Applications panel. If you want to add the
same application back to the Application panel, use the Add Application option.
The application can be:
• Infor Application
• Non-Infor Application
Deleting an application
To delete an application:
1 Click an application to select it. The Delete Application option is displayed.
2 Click Delete Application. A confirmation message is displayed.
3 Click Yes. The selected application is deleted from the App Switcher panel and cannot be accessed
by any user.
The context and utility applications are gadgets or mini applications that provide information at a glance
and easy access to frequently used tools. Once added, they display in the right panel and are readily
available to the user while working on any application page in Infor Ming.le.
The Manage Context/Utility Apps landing page displays a list of all default context and utility apps
and any other context and utility apps that you have added. From this page, you can add and view
context and utility app details.
Viewing details
The details page is displayed after you add a context or utility application or after you click a context
or utility application from the list view page:
• For a manually added context or utility application, the top section of the details page displays Name,
Type, Description, URL, and Help URL fields. These are editable fields.
• For a default context or utility application, the top section of the details page displays only Name,
Type, and Description fields. These are non-editable fields.
Context Messages
All default context messages are displayed under the Context Messages tab. You cannot delete
default context messages, but you can add and delete custom context messages.
All default settings are displayed under the Settings tab. You can edit the default values. If no default
settings are defined, the Settings tab is not visible.
All of the default application's associations with the context or utility application are displayed on the
Application tab. You cannot delete the default application's associations.
You can add and remove the application's associations for any other applications.
Enabling applications
The context applications can be enabled or disabled by default. To enable or disable the associated
applications, select or clear the Enabled check box and click Save.
Click Save to save all changes. When you click Save, a message is displayed to confirm that your
settings are saved.
You cannot delete a default context or utility application; therefore, no Delete option in available from
the details page. You can, however, delete a manually created context or utility application. A Delete
option is displayed in the top section of the details page for the manually created context and utility
Click Cancel on the details page to navigate back to the list view page.
Managing drillbacks
The Manage Drillbacks option allows you to view and upload drillback view definition files. Drillbacks
are a mechanism by which links are created from one Infor application to another while running inside
Infor Ming.le. By default, a listing of drillback view files is displayed. Drillback view files can be present
only for Infor applications.
You can sort the list view of the Manage Drillbacks page by clicking the headers of the table.
You can filter the listing by typing in the text box within the header the search term you want to find.
Uploading drillbacks
Use the Upload Drillback XML button to open a file browser to select an XML file that contains the
drillback views. The new entry is displayed at the bottom of the drillback list view.
General Settings
Use the General Settings option to set up automatic general settings. By default, email notifications
are not enabled. Users have the option to enable or disable the different types of email notifications
on their user profile page.
You can set these options:
User Management
User Management is accessed through the User Management menu option on the profile panel. This
option is available to the user who has one of these security roles:
• IFSApplicationAdmin
• DataAdministrator
• UserAdmin
• Infor-SystemAdministrator
To access User Management:
1 Click the profile icon to access the profile panel.
2 Click User Management.
The User Management application provides the capability for Infor applications to manage users. The
users for the Infor applications are first created within User Management. The user information is then
replicated across the different Infor applications.
The User Management application has the concepts of users, security roles, distribution groups,
accounting entities, and locations.
User Management has these menu options:
• Manage
• Configure
• Security Administration
• Metadata
• Applications
This table describes the functionality of each menu option.
Metadata > User Properties View and configure options for user properties.
Applications View deployed applications and associated secu-
rity roles.
Manage Users
All users who need access to Infor applications must be added as a user to User Management and
assigned a specific role. The system does not come with a predefined list of users.
The first set of a customer's users, referred to as bootstrap administrators, must be added while installing
and configuring Infor OS Installer.
Later, the customer's administrators can add and manage other users.
The Users page displays all users that are currently added to your User Management system. You can
add users and apply an action to a user or group of users. The actions available are:
• Activate Draft User (enabled for users created in Draft status)
• Activate
• Disable
• Delete
The “Definition Complete” column in the user's list view indicates whether all the mandatory user
properties are defined. The red icon indicates that some of the mandatory properties are not defined.
The green icon indicates that all the mandatory properties are defined for a given user.
Adding users
1 Click Add new item. The Add Users overlay is displayed.
2 Specify the path.
3 Optionally, select a User Filter.
4 Enter a search term and click the load button to load matching users from the configured identity
5 Select one or more users to be added and click Add.
Importing users
You can import users and their associated security role by clicking the import icon.
The supported file types are .csv and xml. The .csv file must contain a header. The supported variables
in the header are:
• PersonId
• EmailId
• FirstName
• LastName
• Title
• Department
• UserAlias
• Status (Active, Inactive, and Draft)
• UserName
• UserIdentifier
• Picture
• MinglePicture
• GenericProperty_<PropertyName>
• SecurityRole1, SecurityRole2, SecurityRole3,...SecurityRoleN
This table lists the field mapping of headers and columns in the .csv and xml file with the user properties:
The UserIdentifier and UPN fields are required in the header row.
Note: If you want to add Security Roles or Generic Properties through this import process, you must
use the XML file format. While importing with the CSV file format, Security Roles or Generic Properties
that do not exist in the system are ignored.
To append a domain to a user identifier, you must enter the domain name in the text box.
To update existing users, you must select the Update existing users check box.
To activate deleted users, you must select the Activate deleted users check box along with the Update
existing users check box. These options are disabled when the Create Users in Draft Status setting
is enabled.
To disable current users who are not in the import file, you must select the Disable users that
are not present in the import check box.
The import results are displayed in a popup window after the import process is successfully completed.
The results include the count of users that were created, skipped, and updated. The Download Results
link provides the results for each entry in the import file along with its result.
Caution: A user's email address must be unique. An email address cannot be shared between users.
Exporting users
You can export selected users and their associated security role by selecting the users, clicking the
export icon, and selecting the file format to use for the export: CSV or XML.
You can export all users and their associated security roles by clicking Export All Users and selecting
the file format to use for the export: CSV or XML.
When you select the Include deleted user(s) check box, the export file provides a list of all users
active at any given time even if that user has subsequently been deleted.
Note: If you are exporting users from one Infor Ming.le User Management to import into another Infor
Ming.le User Management system, the recommended file format is XML. The XML file format enables
you to add Security Roles or Generic Properties in the new system.
Uploading users
An Upload option is available in the user listing page when the User Selection parameter is set to
Clicking Upload displays a popup window. In this window, the user must select an identity repository
path and a .csv file (comma separated file) and then click Upload to start uploading users.
All users in the .csv file are checked against the identity repository, using the value in the UserIdentifier
column. A user is added to User Management if a match is found. Any user that is not found is reported.
Note: The .csv file contains only one UserIdentifier column.
To disable a user:
1 Select one or more users to disable. The users must have an Active status.
2 Select Action > Disabled. The users' status is now Disabled.
To delete a user:
1 Select one or more users to delete.
2 Select Action > Delete. The users are deleted. If a new user is added at a later time and the new
user has the same email address as that of a deleted user, a warning message is displayed asking
if you want to re-add the deleted user.
Syncing users
The Sync option is available for these selections of the User Selection parameter in the AD Parameters
• Manual
For the Manual user selection, clicking Sync synchronizes (updates) only the information of those
users already available from the identity repository with the User Management application.
• All Users
For the All Users selection, clicking Sync synchronizes the information of the identity repository
users with the User Management application. Users can be inserted or updated. Users are not
deleted during a synchronization action.
User details
The user details page contains these tabs:
• Details
• Security Roles
• Accounting Entities
• Locations
• Groups (previously named Distribution Groups)
• EAM Templates - if the Infor EAM application is provisioned
• HMS Templates - if the Infor HMS application is provisioned
• ERP Person IDs
• Additional Properties
• Client Access
• Activity
Note: Any changes made to a tab must be saved from that tab before you select a different tab. A
warning message is displayed if you try to switch tabs without saving.
When you click the drill-down icon next to a user, these user details are displayed:
Field Description
First Name The user's first name is used in the Infor Ming.le
user profile.
The first name is not editable.
Last Name The user's last name is used in the Infor Ming.le
user profile.
The last name is not editable.
Email Address The user's email address is displayed as read-
Caution: A user's email address must be
unique. An email address cannot be shared
between users.
Field Description
Manager The user's manager is notified of tasks and alerts
assigned to the user when escalation occurs. The
manager must first be set up in the identity
repository before being assigned to a user. This
a read-only field.
Alternative Manager The user's alternative manager is notified of tasks
and alerts assigned to the user when escalation
occurs and the user's manager is not available.
The alternative manager must first be set up in
the identity repository before being assigned to
a user. The alternative manager can be updated.
IFS User GUID The IFS User GUID is the globally unique identi-
fier of the user.
M3 User Alias The M3 user alias is another identifier that can
be associated with the user. The value must be
in capital letters, and the number of characters
must be fewer than or equal to 10. UTF-8 charac-
ters are supported, but these characters are not
allowed: (/ ? < > \ : * | " )
Caution: If a user’s M3 User Alias is blank,
you can add an M3 user alias. After you create
the M3 user alias, you cannot edit or change it.
This property can be defined as a required or as
an optional user property on the Metadata >
User Properties page.
LN User This is the user's ID that is used by the LN appli-
cation. The status of this field can be set to
Mandatory or Optional based on the setting
in Metadata > User Properties.
Note: This field is not displayed if the Infor LN
application is not deployed.
Picture The user's picture is used in the Infor Ming.le
user profile.
Email Opt Out The user's email opt out setting is enabled when
the user selects the Email Opt Out link in any
Infor Ming.le email that is sent to the user.
Locations tab
Use the Locations tab to add or remove existing locations to or from a user.
See Locations for the default locations and their definitions.
Groups tab
Revoking access
To revoke access:
1 Select the client to be revoked.
2 Click Revoke Access and click Yes on the Revoke Access prompt.
The user is now logged out of the client or device, and the current session is terminated.
Activity tab
The Activity tab displays the history of the user's activity. A time stamp of when the activity was
performed and who performed the activity is also displayed.
These activities are logged:
Activity Description
Account Created When a new user is created in IFS, then this activity is logged
with an activity description of “Account created.”
User account activated by administra- If the user account is inactive, then the IFS administrator has
tor the ability to activate the user’s account. Once the user’s
account is activated by the IFS administrator, then this activ-
ity is logged with the activity description of “User account
activated by administrator.”
User account deactivated by adminis- When the IFS administrator disables the user (makes the
trator user inactive) in IFS, then this information is logged with an
activity description of “User account deactivated by adminis-
User deleted by admin If the IFS administrator deletes a user, then this user is re-
moved from IFS. This activity is logged in IFS with the activity
description of “User deleted by admin.”
User details updated by admin If any user property is updated, then this activity is logged
with the activity description of “User details updated by ad-
User logon successful Once the user is successfully logged on, then this activity is
logged with the activity description of “User logon successful.”
User logoff successful Once the user is successfully logged off (by clicking Sign
out from the profile menu), then this information is logged
with the activity description of “User logoff successful.”
External users
The External Users page displays all external users who have been invited to the Infor Ming.le
application. These external users are users with accounts managed at Infor Ming.le Communities
( From this page, you can add, activate, disable, or delete an external user.
The external users functionality is controlled by the Security Administration > External Users page.
If Enable Infor Ming.le Communities identities functionality is selected, then only the External
Users tab is displayed under the Manage menu.
See External Users on page 120 for more information.
The External Users feature is used to extend conversations and information sharing to external parties
such as suppliers, customers, or others not directly employed by your company within the Infor Ming.le
Client Access
The Client Access page displays information about the different clients all users in the system have
used to access Infor Ming.le.
Revoking access
You can revoke access to Infor Ming.le from a particular client, if needed.
Revoking access
To revoke access:
1 Select the client to be revoked.
2 Click Revoke Access and click Yes on the Revoke Access prompt.
The user is now logged out of the client or device, and the current session is terminated.
Service Accounts
The Service Accounts page displays accounts that have been created to allow applications a resource
owner grant to contact the Infor Authorization Service to obtain a token for use in making API requests.
The Service Accounts page has the following actions:
• Add
• Delete
• Enable
• Disable
Caution: A Download Service Account Credentials confirmation is displayed with the message
that your service account credentials are available for download. This is your only opportunity to
download your credentials. You are responsible for storing these credentials securely.
SCIM Accounts
The SCIM Accounts page displays the SCIM Service URL and allows you to create an SCIM user
identifier and password to be used in a third-party SCIM application. You can also delete an SCIM user
identifier and its associated password.
Using a third-party SCIM application allows you to load users to Infor Ming.le in an automated fashion.
Depending on your third-party application, you may also have the option to synchronize users.
If you change your SCIM credentials, any existing systems that are currently
using SCIM will no longer work. Are you sure that you want to change your
SCIM credentials?
Click Yes on the message dialog to continue updating the password.
The Contacts page displays all of the contacts that have been added to your User Management system.
Infor ION can assign tasks and alerts to contacts, who are not users in Infor ION. Contacts are external
users who cannot access Infor ION. A contact does not receive the alert but receives an email from
Infor ION.
You can add and delete contacts, and you can view the contact's ID, full name, email address, and
contact groups.
Adding a contact
To add a contact:
1 Click Add new item.
2 To add up to five contacts, click Add more contacts.
3 Enter the required contact details.
4 Optionally, select an existing contact group to assign to this contact.
5 Click Save.
Deleting a contact
To delete a contact:
1 Select the contact to be deleted.
Contact Groups
A contact group is a grouping of contacts. The Contact Groups page displays:
• The name and description of the group
• A total number of contacts mapped to the group
You can add, import, export, and delete contact groups from this page.
A group is a grouping of users. This is used in Infor ION to group users. The Groups page displays:
• The name and description of the group
• The total number of users mapped to the group
You can add, import, export, delete, and view the details of groups from this page.
Adding a group
To add a group:
1 Click Add new item.
Importing groups
You can import groups and their associated users by clicking the import icon.
The only supported file type is .csv. The .csv file must contain a header. The supported variables in
the header are:
• Name
• Description
• UserIdentifier
• GroupId
The Name and Description fields are required in the header row.
To update existing groups, you must select the Update existing groups check box.
The import results are displayed in a popup window after the import process is successfully completed.
The Download Results link provides the results for each skipped entry along with its reason.
Exporting groups
You can export groups and their associated users by clicking the export icon. An Export master nodes
confirmation is displayed. The exported file a .csv file.
Deleting a group
Note: A group cannot be deleted if users are assigned to it. See Deleting a user from a group on page
100 for details.
To delete a group:
1 Select the group to delete.
2 Click Delete.
3 Confirm the deletion.
Copying a group
To copy an existing group:
1 Select a record from the list view.
2 Click the copy icon.
3 Specify a name and description for the new group.
The value in the Name field must be unique.
This information is copied to the new group:
• Assign to New Users check box
The copied check box is selected.
• Assign to All Users check box
The copied check box is cleared.
• All associated users
• All associated groups
SCIM Groups
The SCIM Groups page displays a listing of all the SCIM groups added to your system. This page
• The name and description of the SCIM group
• The number of mapped users to the SCIM group
• The number of mapped security roles
You can view details of a SCIM group and map security roles to the SCIM group from this page.
Field Description
Name This is the name of the SCIM group. This is pro-
visioned by the SCIM agent. This is read-only.
Field Description
Description This is the description of the SCIM group. This
is provisioned by the SCIM agent. This is read-
Users These are the users who belong to the SCIM
group. The users are assigned to the group by
the SCIM agent. This is read-only.
Security Roles Users in the SCIM group are automatically asso-
ciated with the Security Roles. Security roles can
be associated or unassociated.
Security Roles
The Security Roles page displays a listing of all security roles added to your system. The
application-specific security roles are added at the time of deploying or provisioning an application to
your system.
This page displays:
• The name and description of the security role
• An indicator to show if the security role is assigned to new users
• The application type of an application that triggered the creation of the security role
• The logical ID of an application that triggered the creation of the security role
• The total number of mapped users and mapped documents in each security role
You can add, import, export, delete, and view details of a security role from this page.
Note: The default roles can be deleted.
The “Infor-SystemAdministrator” is a system-wide role that applies to all Infor applications. Each user
who is assigned to this role is considered as the administrator for every application that is in the system
and, therefore, has access to all the applications, including User Management and Admin Settings.
Users cannot remove this role from their own user details.
Users who have this role can see the User Management menu item under the profile menu.
“IFSApplicationAdmin” is the administrator role for User Management.
This role is added to every administrator that is provisioned to a tenant. Users assigned to this role
have full permission to all the screens in User Management.
Users cannot remove this role from their own user details.
Users with this role can manage users, external users, contact groups, and distribution groups. They
can revoke client access and manage service accounts and SCIM accounts. They can manage security
roles, accounting entities, locations, and custom master data types. They also have access to the
Document Authorization page, which allows them to view document types and assign document types
to security roles.
Users who have this role can see the User Management menu item under the profile menu.
“DataAdministrator” is a User Management role that allows users to manage security roles, accounting
entities, locations, and custom master data types. Users with this role also have access to the Document
Authorization page, which allows them to view document types and assign document types to security
Users with this role have access to these menu items and all the functionality in each menu item:
• Configure > Master Data Types > Security Roles
• Configure > Master Data Types > Accounting Entities
Users who have this role can see the User Management menu item under the profile menu.
“UserAdmin” is a User Management role that allows users to manage users, the ERP person identifier,
external users, contact groups, and distribution groups. Users with this role can revoke client access,
manage service accounts, and SCIM accounts.
Users with this role have access to these menu items and all the functionality in each menu item:
• Manage > Users
• Manage > External Users
• Manage > Client Access
• Manage > Service Accounts
• Manage > SCIM Accounts
• Manage > ERP Person IDs
• Manage > Contacts
• Manage > Contact Groups
• Manage > Groups (previously named Distribution Groups)
• Manage > Identity Repository Groups
“Infor-SuiteUser” is the end-user role. This is the default role assigned to all the users. Users with this
role have access to the portal only. The portal is one of the components of the Infor Ming.le application.
The portal consists of a top level header, an app switcher panel, search, the user menu, share,
bookmarks, and a right panel (context/utility applications panel). The users with this role only do not
have access to the social space or ION-related features.
The “MingleEnterprise” role provides access to the social space component of the Infor Ming.le
application. The social space component consists of activity feeds, connections, groups, streams, and
Users who have this role can do these actions:
“MingleAdministrator” is the role assigned to users to have access to administration pages in Infor
By design, the “MingleAdministrator" role is added to all applications in the tenant. The user with this
role can view all application icons on the App Switcher panel. The user's ability to open the application
and access functionality, however, is controlled by the application security.
Users who have this role can see the Admin Settings menu item under the profile menu.
Users who have this role can do these actions:
• Manage applications
• Manage context/utility applications
• Manage drillbacks
• Manage general settings
The user with the “MingleAdministrator” role also needs the “MingleEnterprise” role in order to administer
some of the users’ related features in social space.
These users can also do these actions:
• Manage users’ feeds and groups’ feeds
• Delete any Infor Ming.le group
• Deactivate the users and groups and also reactivate them
“MingleIONEnabled” is a role that allows users to access ION-related features within Infor Ming.le.
ION-related components consist of alerts, tasks, ION notifications, workflows and social objects.
Users who have this role can do these actions:
• View alerts and perform all the actions in the alerts
• View tasks and ION notifications and perform all the actions in the tasks and ION notifications
• Start the workflows manually
• Search for social objects
Alerts and Tasks options are displayed in the user menu for the users who have this role.
The “MingleStreamsTemplateCreator” role allows users to create stream templates within the Infor
Ming.le application. The stream templates are then used to create stream instances.
The “IONDeskSecurityAdmin” role allows users to create profiles that define the level of access to ION
Desk and further link this profile to an IFS role.
The “IONDeskAdmin” role provides full access to ION Desk except the security administration pages.
Users with this role can model and manage the integration and business process management flows,
and they can configure ION settings.
This role allows administrators to add, delete, and configure API suites and authorized applications in
This role allows users to view API suites and authorized applications in ION API.
Users with this role have access to Homepages in Infor Ming.le. A Homepages user might have
permission to create private and published pages, published widgets, all depending on the current
settings configuration. Homepages users can only update and delete their own content.
Users with this role are administrators in Infor Ming.le Homepages. An administrative user has access
to the Homepages Administration tools and has full permission to all published pages, private pages,
and published widgets. An administrator can fully modify any published page or widget and also delete
private pages for other users. In the Administration tools, the administrator can configure settings to
control permission for IFS security groups.
Users with this role are content administrators in Infor Ming.le Homepages. Content administrative
users have full permission to content-related tasks so that they can create published content and
manage published content. They can create, edit, and delete any published page or widget – not only
their own content. It is not mandatory to use this role as the administrator has full access to all content
as well. A content administrator does not have access to any of the Administration tools. Content
administrators can only manage content via the Page and Widget Library or by actions under the
Advanced section in the Homepages menu, for example the Import page.
This role is required for access to IDM user interfaces and APIs. It grants access to all documents
without specific access control lists that prevent access for generic IDM-Users.
This role is for an advanced user with access to advanced tools such as mass update, mass delete,
and export. Misuse of these tools can result in considerable damage if used by unskilled personnel.
This role does not grant privileged access to any content. This role implicitly includes the “IDM-User.”
This role is for a user who can create and alter document types and configure IDM. This role does not
grant privileged access to any content. This role implicitly includes the “IDM-AdvancedUser.”
This role provides full access to documents in IDM. Users with this role bypass the security model and
have access to all content. Use with care since this user can access and edit any document in the
system with no restrictions. Note that a user repository administrator can add people to this role. This
role implicitly includes the “IDM-User.”
This role grants access to the IDM Related Information contextual application. A user with this role is
not granted access to other IDM interfaces. This role does not affect access to content in IDM, but the
role can (as all roles can) be used in the Access Control Lists (ACL) to manage authorization (access
to content/documents) within IDM.
• Name
• Description
• UserIdentifier
• GroupId
The Name and Description fields are required in the header row.
To update existing security roles, you must select the Update existing security roles check box.
The import results are displayed in a popup window after the import process is successfully completed.
The Download Results link provides the results for each skipped entry along with its reason.
Accounting Entities
When a new accounting entity is created by an Infor application, the application publishes a
Sync.AccountingEntity BOD. IFS subscribes to the Sync.AccountingEntity BOD and maintains a list of
accounting entities. IFS does not provide a way in which users can manually create accounting entities
in the IFS user interface.
The Accounting Entities page displays a listing of all accounting entities added to your system. This
page displays:
• The name and description of the accounting entities
• The total number of mapped users and mapped groups in each accounting entity
Also, there are tabs to list all users and groups associated with the accounting entity. You can add or
remove users and groups associated with the accounting entity.
The deleted identity repository groups are removed from the accounting entity details page.
When a new location is created in an Infor application, the application publishes a Sync.Location BOD.
IFS subscribes to the Sync.Location BOD and maintains a list of locations. IFS does not provide a way
in which users can manually create locations in the IFS user interface.
The Locations page displays a listing of all locations added to your system. This page displays:
• The name and description of the locations
• The total number of mapped users and mapped groups in each location
The newly added identity repository groups are now displayed on the location details page.
Document Authorizations
The Document Authorizations page displays all of the document types in your system and a total of
the security roles that have been mapped to each document type.
IFS document authorizations are used to limit the documents a user can see. Document authorization
limitations are based on document type, accounting entity, and location. To use these limits, ensure
that the security roles of the user have the document authorizations configured.
Field Description
Authorization Claim Value Specify the value against which the incoming
assertion is to be matched.
Description Specify the description of the authorization claim.
Security Role This is the list of security roles the user is associ-
ated with if the incoming assertion contains a
matching authorization claim value.
Identity Repositories
AD Parameters
Adding an AD parameter
To add an AD parameter:
1 Click Add.
2 Specify the Domain Name.
3 Specify the Active Directory Path for the domain.
4 Specify the User Name and User Password for the domain.
5 Ensure that the Is Active check box is selected. If this check box is cleared, all users that are
associated with the domain when the domain is synced are removed.
6 Select the value in User Selection.
Manual is the default value. In this case, User Management tracks the updates, removals, activations,
and deactivations of only the users who are manually added into User Management.
All Users: During the sync operation on the Manage Users page, the users are synchronized
with Active Directories. In addition, the IFS timer service that runs in the background periodically
synchronizes the changes to the User and Group definition, such as additions, removals, updates,
deactivations, and activations inside User Management with the Active Directory.
7 Click Save.
Deleting an AD parameter
To delete an AD parameter:
1 Select the AD parameter to delete.
2 Click Delete.
3 Confirm the deletion.
You cannot delete the AD parameter if the AD parameter is in Active status.
The AD parameter configuration can be edited on the same screen. Click Sync All Users Now to start
the synchronization process.
SCIM Parameters
By default the IFS ION-Person ID is set to the IFS User GUID of the user.
The IFS ION-Person ID parameter specifies how to complete the IFS ION-Person ID field on the user
details page.
The IFS ION-Person ID is used as the user identifier in Infor ION. This feature links the Infor Ming.le
user with the Infor ION BODs.
Session Configuration
You use the Session Configuration page to manage Time-Out options.
Use the Time-out option in Security Administration > Session Configuration > Time Out to configure
the idle session time-out of your system. The time is measured in minutes, and you can enter a number
from 5 to 470. The default time-out is set to 470. This time-out applies to all users and applications in
Infor Ming.le.
Users are notified five minutes before an automatic sign-out occurs when the time-out is greater than
10 minutes. If the time-out is less than 10 minutes, users are notified two minutes before an automatic
sign-out occurs. This notification includes an option to reset the time-out timer and to allow the user to
continue working by clicking OK.
The idle session time-out starts again if the user leaves the system idle again.
If concurrent session is enabled, it is recommended to have a time-out no longer than 20 minutes. If
a user does not properly log out of a session, the user must wait the full time-out period before regaining
access to the system again.
External Users
The External Users feature is used to extend conversations and information sharing to external parties
such as suppliers, customers, or others not directly employed by your company within the Infor Ming.le
You can use the External Users page to turn the external users option on or off and allow users to
make invitations from the applications that are integrated with Infor Communities.
To enable the Infor Communities External Users functionality, select Enable Infor Communities
identities functionality.
If this option is disabled, you cannot view the External Users option on the Manage menu.
To allow a user to invite new external users to your system, selectAllow applications to invite
External Users using Infor Communities identities. If this option is not enabled, all
external users must first be added to the system from the External Users page, accessed from Manage
Users > External Users.
User Properties
Use these fields on the User Properties page to configure mapping and to create or edit custom
Standard Properties
Field Description
Edit User Alias, LN User, and Actor ID are the only
properties that are editable.
Property The property name as shown on the User details
Description The description of the property.
Type You can have these property types:
• Simple Type
• External Name
• MasterData Type
Field Description
Plural This indicates whether the field can have multiple
values. This field is a display-only field if this
property cannot have multiple values, for exam-
ple, Common Name.
Required This indicates whether the property requires a
value. A user receives an error message if one
or more properties are required and not filled.
The required field is editable only by an IFS ad-
ministrator for User Alias, LN User, and Actor
Used This indicates that the property is used by at least
one of the application types that is currently active
for this property.
Additional Properties
Field Description
Edit Name and Data Type are not editable for Addi-
tional Properties.
Property Property name as shown on the User details
Description Description of the property.
Type Can have these property types:
• Number
• Boolean
• Multiselect
• Date
• Text
• Lookup
Required Indicates whether the property requires a value.
A user receives an error message if one or more
properties are required and not filled. The re-
quired field is editable only by an IFS administra-
tor for User Alias, LN User, and Actor ID.
Used Indicates that the property is used by at least one
of the application types that is currently active for
this property.
Use the + icon to enter values manually or click Bulk Upload to upload a .csv file with the values.
For the .csv file, the supported header variables are Value, Description, and Default. For Default,
either TRUE or FALSE are accepted values. Once values have been added, users can click
Download to download a .csv file of all of the values.
3 Optionally, select a default value for the property, and select the Required check box to require
users to enter a value for the property.
4 Click Save.
The Applications page is a read-only page that displays all the applications that have been activated
and added to User Management. The Applications page also displays the associated security roles.
Data Management
Use the Data Management menu option on the profile panel to download and delete messages and
posts, if you have the appropriate security role.
To access Activity Feed posts, you must be authorized to the MingleDataAdministrator role.
User Data
On the User Data page, you can manage Activity Feed post messages.
A grid is displayed with each user's full name, email address, Activity Feed post, and status.
The number represents the total posts or messages for that user in the system.
Users who are members of the Homepages administrator role have access to the Administration tool.
Infor Ming.le Homepages have these IFS applications roles that can be assigned to users:
Role Description
HOMEPAGES-Administrator The Homepages administrator is a user with
permissions to use the Homepages Administra-
tion tools and with full access to all published
pages and widgets.
HOMEPAGES-ContentAdministrator The Content Administrator is a user with full ac-
cess to all published pages and widgets.
Area Description
Settings View and edit settings.
Features View and edit features.
Properties View and edit properties.
Private pages Manage private pages.
Published pages Manage published pages.
Standard pages Manage standard pages.
Published widgets Manage published widgets.
Standard widgets Manage standard widgets.
Featured pages Manage featured pages
Featured widgets Manage featured widgets
Featured banner widgets Manage featured banner widgets
Area Description
Import Import settings and content.
Export Export settings and content.
Tags Manage page and widget tags.
Name Description
Setting name The name of the setting. Click the setting name
link to show a list of setting rules.
Value The default setting value. This value applies to
all users unless there is a setting rule that over-
rides the default value. Click the value link to
open the Edit Setting dialog for the default value.
Name Description
Change date The date and time when the setting was last
Changed by The name or ID of the user who changed the
Rules The number of rules that exist for the setting.
Actions Action menu.
Common settings
Name Default value Description
Admin contact info blank Administrative contact information text. This
information is displayed in the About dialog.
Set this value so that the user knows whom to
Admin email blank An email address of an administrator or contact
person. This information is displayed next to
the Admin contact info text in the About dia-
log. Set this value so that the user knows whom
to contact.
Client log level Information The log level used by the client to log to the
browser console. This setting can be changed
for troubleshooting issues in the client.
Default language English (en-US) The default language to use if none of the lan-
guages accepted by the browser is supported.
Owner filter in catalogs True Authorizes users to use the Owned by filter in
the catalogs.
Note: This affects only the Owned by filter.
The other owner filters, My pages/widgets
and Anyone, are not affected by this setting.
Translate widget, page ti- True Authorizes users to create translations for
tle, and description published pages and widgets. This is a global
setting to enable or disable all users within a
tenant to this setting. The setting does not ac-
cept rules.
Note: Consider turning this setting off when a
single language is used.
Page settings
Name value Description
Access the Page True Authorizes users to open the Page Catalog.
Catalog Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Add a published True Authorizes users to add published pages from the Page Catalog or
page add published pages that have been shared in Infor Ming.le.
Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Create private True Authorizes users to create one or more private pages.
pages Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Default page N/A The default page or pages to display for a user with no pages. The
user may be a new user or an existing user who deletes all the pages
in My Pages. If no default page is set, an empty page is displayed
for the user unless one or more mandatory pages exist or a standard
page applicable to the user is available.
You can set multiple default pages and assign them to be displayed
to a user, group, or role. When multiple default pages exist, all of
them are displayed. When configuring a page, you can select how
the page is applied to the user, that is, the type of page.
• Private – The user receives a copy of the page and can modify
• Published – The user receives the page as if it is added from
the Page catalog, and any future update to the page is made
available to the user.
Duplicate a pub- True Authorizes users to add a copy of a published page from the Page
lished page Catalog.
Note: The duplicated page becomes a private page for the user.
Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Export pages True Authorizes users to export pages from the AdvancedAuthorizes
users to add a copy of a published page from the menu.
Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Import pages True Authorizes users to import pages from the Advanced menu.
Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Mandatory pages N/A One or more pages that are mandatory for a user. A user cannot
remove a mandatory page.
You can specify an effective date for a mandatory page and identify
a specific page as a primary mandatory page.
Note: This setting can be used in combination with the Selection
of Homepage setting to make sure that a user always has a specific
initial page.
Name value Description
Max number of 3 The total number of private and published pages a user is authorized
pages to add.
Note: This value does not include any mandatory pages.
Max number of 20 The maximum number of widgets allowed on a page.
widgets on a Note: During import of a page, the Widgets on page max
page property (default is 50) in the grid properties overrides this number.
Publish pages to True Authorizes users to publish pages to the Page Catalog.
the Page Catalog Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Selection of True Authorizes users to select the initial page.
Homepage Note: Consider turning this setting off when used in combination
with the Mandatory pages setting to make sure that a user always
has a specific initial page.
Note: This setting is always enabled for an administrator.
Widget settings
Name Default value Description
Edit banner widgets True Authorizes users to add, re-
move, and resize widgets in
page banners. This setting has
no effect if the Banner Widget
feature is turned off.
Note: This setting is always
enabled for an administrator.
Note: This setting does not af-
fect if users can configure a
banner widget.
Publish widgets to the Widget True Authorizes a user to publish a
Catalog widget to the Widget Catalog.
Note: This setting is always
enabled for an administrator.
Feature settings
All new features that can be enabled or disabled are displayed in the feature settings section.
The value applies to all users. Rules cannot be applied to feature settings.
If the features are not available in an on-premises installation, the corresponding feature property may
be disabled in the Homepages properties in the grid management pages.
Changing a setting
You can change a setting for all users on the Settings page in the Administration tool.
Note: You can change settings for individual users or groups of users by adding setting rules.
To change a setting:
1 Open the Administration tool.
2 From the page menu, click Settings, or click View Settings on the settings card on the start view.
3 Locate the setting to change.
Note: If you cannot find the setting, verify that the filter selector is set to All and clear any values
in the column filter text boxes.
4 Click the actions menu (…) for the setting to change.
5 Click Edit to display the Edit Setting dialog.
6 Change the setting value.
7 Click OK.
8 Click Save.
Note: You can discard your changes by clicking Discard.
9 Click OK to confirm.
6 Click Save.
7 Click OK to confirm.
Action Description
Add property Displays the Add Property dialog.
Import Displays the Import Properties dialog.
Export All Exports all properties to a JSON file.
These additional actions are available when at least one action is selected:
Action Description
Edit Displays the Edit Property dialog.
Note: Enabled only for a single selection.
Delete (<number>) Deletes the selected properties.
Export (<number>) Exports the selected properties.
Adding a property
To add a property:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Properties page.
2 Click Add Property to display the Add Property dialog.
3 Enter the name, area, description and value for the property. The area and description are optional
but are recommended.
4 Click Add.
Action Description
Import Displays the Import Private Pages dialog.
Export All Exports the selected user's private pages.
These additional actions are available when at least one action is selected:
Action Description
Delete (<number>) Deletes the selected pages.
Export (<number>) Exports the selected pages to a zip file.
below the list. All possible actions are available from the Actions menu. Actions that are only available
for either single or multiple select are enabled when they can be used.
These actions are available in the Actions menu:
Action Description
Delete Deletes the selected pages.
Note: If the page is configured as a mandatory
or default page in settings, you must manually
edit that setting and remove the page.
Export Exports the selected pages as a zip file.
Permissions > Edit Permissions Displays the Page Permissions dialog where
you can remove, add, and edit permissions.
Permissions > Copy Permissions Copies all permissions for the selected page to
the clipboard.
Permissions > Apply Copied Permissions Adds the permissions from the clipboard and
updates the values for existing groups and users
without removing existing entries.
Permissions > Replace Copied Permissions Clears any existing permissions and adds the
permissions from the clipboard.
Permissions > Clear Permissions Removes all permissions for the selected pages,
enabling all users to view the pages.
More > Publish to existing page Overwrites the target page with content, title, and
description of the selected page. Use this action
to work on a new version of a page and overwrite
the earlier version when the new page is done.
Users can then use the previous working version
of the page while the new version is being devel-
Note: All content except permissions and user
connections are updated with this action.
More > Take Ownership Makes you the owner of the page.
More > Change Ownership Opens the Change Owner dialog where you can
search and select a new owner for the page.
Note: Owners have permission to change a page
if they have permission to publish pages.
Export All Exports all published pages.
Note: This action includes all published pages
including those not yet retrieved by the client.
Action Description
Import Imports a zip file with published pages.
The Import Published Pages dialog has Over-
write existing files and Preserve existing files
options. The default is to overwrite existing files.
Note: Pages exported from the page menu in
Homepages can be imported as published pages
if they are first added to a zip file.
For more information, see the "Publishing pages"
topic in the Infor Ming.le User Guide.
Note: Some actions are enabled only if the page has permissions or if permissions are available from
the clipboard. Other actions are enabled only for single select.
Adding permissions
To add permissions:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Published Pages page.
2 Locate and select the page, click the Actions menu, and click Edit Permissions.
3 On the Page Permissions dialog, click the Add User or Group text box and type the name of a
user or a group.
4 Select the user or group in the search result.
5 In the list, select the Access level for the user or group.
• View Only
• Can Edit
Note: Can Edit implies that the user can edit the page, but the user must have Publish Pages
to the Page Catalog setting activated to be able to edit the page.
6 Repeat the steps above for additional users or groups.
7 Click Save.
Editing permissions
To edit permissions:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Published Pages page.
2 Locate and select the page, click the Actions menu, and click Edit Permissions.
3 On the Page Permissions dialog, click the Permissions drop-down and select Access Level (View
Only / Can Edit).
4 Click Save.
Removing permissions
To remove permissions:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Published Pages page.
2 Locate and select the page, click the Actions menu, and click Edit Permissions.
3 On the Page Permissions dialog, click the remove icon (x) next to the group or user to be removed.
4 Click Save.
You can also remove all permissions for the selected pages by clicking Clear Permissions on the
Actions menu.
Permission Description
No permissions set Everyone can view the page, but only the owner,
content administrators, and administrators can
edit the page.
Can Edit Permissions are added with Can Edit. Everyone
can view the page, and the page can be edited
only by the owner, content administrators, and
administrators as well as groups and users who
have been given the Can Edit permission.
Groups and users who have been given the Can
Edit permission must have the Publish pages
to the Page Catalog permission activated.
View Only Permissions are added with View Only. Only
the users who are added can view the page. The
page can be edited by the owner, administrators,
and any extra group or user who has the Can
Edit permission.
Disabled Users, roles, and groups that are added as "dis-
abled" cannot view or edit the page. The page is
not available in the Page Catalog. If someone
without view or edit rights already has the page
in My Pages, the page is shown as broken.
Note: The page owner, content administrators,
and administrators can always find a published
page in the page catalog and are always allowed
to edit the page, even when it is disabled.
Note: The Publish pages to the Page Catalog setting must be active for users to be able to edit
published pages. The default setting is true for content administrators and administrators.
Note: The rule that gives the highest level of permissions to a user is the rule that is recognized. For
example, if a page is disabled for everyone but Can Edit rights are assigned to a user or a group of
which the user is a member, that user or group has edit rights. If the rule for everyone is set to
Configure, everyone can edit the page. Even if you set an additional disable rule, that rule is not
Action Description
Edit Permissions Displays the Page Permissions dialog where
you can remove, add, and edit permissions.
Action Description
Reset Permissions (<number>) Deletes all tenant-specific authorizations for the
selected pages so that the permissions are reset
to the default permission settings from the reg-
Enable Enables the selected pages. These pages are
shown in the Page Catalog.
Disable Disables the selected pages. These pages are
excluded from the Page Catalog.
Note: Different from a published page, a disabled
standard page is not available to either adminis-
trators or content administrators.
Export Exports the selected pages as a zip file.
Publish as copy Publishes a copy of the selected page. This new
page is included on the Published Pages page.
Publish to existing page Overwrites the target page with the content, title,
and description of the selected standard page.
This action can be used to update pages that
have the correct permissions with new content.
Note: All content except for permissions are
updated when you use this action. This includes
the title, so when you are looking for the new
page, make sure to check for the new title.
Action Description
Edit Permissions Displays the Page Permissions dialog where
you can add, edit, and remove permissions.
Remove as featured (<number>) Removes the selected pages from featured
These settings allow for configuration of the Start Experience. If there are applicable mandatory pages
for the user, then any default pages configured are not applied. The default page setting takes effect
onlyif the user has no pages or if the mandatory pages are included in those pages.
For more information about the settings configuration for a default page and mandatory pages, see
the "Page settings" topic.
To summarize, the pages presented to a new user or a user with no pages, are based on these page
1 Mandatory pages
2 Default pages
3 Standard pages
These are exclusive so, if the user has the View permission configured for at least one mandatory
page, the default page is not applied. You must decide whether to present the user with suggested
pages (a default page) or mandatory pages.
For the standard pages, only one page is automatically added for the user, in this priority:
Action Description
Delete Deletes the selected widgets.
Note: If the widget is used on a page, the widget
is displayed as inactive with an icon and a dialog
where you can search and select a new owner
for the widget. widget is not available
Export Exports the selected widgets as a zip file.
Permissions > Edit Permissions Shows the Widget Permissions – Alerts dialog
where you can remove, add, and edit permis-
Permissions > Copy Permissions Copies all permissions for the selected widget to
the clipboard.
Action Description
Permissions > Apply Copied Permissions Adds the permissions from the clipboard and
updates the values for existing groups and users
without removing existing entries.
Permissions > Replace Copied Permissions Clears any existing permissions and adds the
permissions from the clipboard.
Permissions > Clear Permissions Removes all permissions for the selected widgets.
This action enables all users to configure the
published widget and makes the published widget
available in the Widget Catalog.
More > View Details Displays information about the widget such as
the title, widget ID, owner ID, and widget URL.
More > Copy URL to Clipboard Copies the widget URL to the clipboard.
More > Take Ownership Makes you the owner of the widget.
More > Change Ownership Opens the Change Owner
Note: dialogOwners have permission to change
a widget if they have permission to publish wid-
Export All Exports all published widgets.
Note: This action includes all published widgets
including those not yet retrieved by the client.
Import Imports a zip file with published widgets.
The Import Published Widgets dialog has Over-
write existing files and Preserve existing files
options. The default is to overwrite existing files.
Note: You cannot import a published widget if
the standard or tenant widget upon which the
published widget is based is not available. These
widgets are skipped during the import.
Note: Some actions are displayed or enabled only if you click Copy Permissions and permissions
exist in the clipboard or if the widget has permissions.
For information on adding, updating, and removing widget permissions see Working with widget
permissions on page 149.
Use the search field to search within the title, description, and tags for all published widgets. The
search field does not support wild cards. Any widget that contains the search text is considered a
match. You can also use the search field to search by the widget ID, which is the unique identifier
of a published widget. When you search by widget ID, the complete ID is required to find a match.
The published widgets list displays one row if the widget is found.
For information on how to locate the widget ID, see Locating the widget ID of a widget on page 148.
• Sort
You can sort based on title or change date. Use this option to find recently updated widgets. The
sort option does not affect which widgets are displayed, only the order by which the widgets are
retrieved. The default is Title A-Z.
• Filter
You can filter what widgets are displayed, based on who made the last change, the owner, or
restrictions of a widgets. Use the filter option to find all published widgets created by a user or to
find all restricted widgets.When one or more filters are in use, There are active filters. is
displayed at the bottom of the list next to a Clear all option, available for deactivating the filters.
Adding permissions
To add permissions:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Standard Widgets page or the Published Widgets page,
depending on the widget type for which you want to edit permissions.
2 Locate and select the widget, click the Actions menu, and click Edit Permissions.
3 In the Widget Permissions dialog, change the value in the drop-down for the Everyone row to
change the default permissions for all users.
4 To add other permissions, complete these steps:
a Select User, Role, or Group, as required.
b Click the Search field and start typing the name of the user, role, or group. The results are
displayed in a drop-down list. To narrow the search, enter more characters. If no results are
shown, confirm that you selected the correct User, Role, or Group option.
c Select the user, role, or group from the search result to add it to the list below the Everyone row.
d Set the Access Level. For more information about access levels, see Understanding permissions
for widgets on page 150.
e Select if the widget should be displayed in the Widget Catalog.
f Repeat these steps to add more user, role, and group permissions.
5 Click Save.
Editing permissions
To edit permissions:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Standard Widgets or Published Widgets page.
2 Locate and select the widget, click the Actions menu, and click Edit Permissions.
3 On the Widget Permissions dialog, go to the line of the user, role, or group.
4 Change the Access Level value in the drop-down list, and specify whether the widget should be
displayed in the Widget Catalog.
5 Click Save.
Removing permissions
To remove permissions:
1 Open the Administration tool, and open the Standard Widgets or Published Widgets page.
2 Locate and select the widget.
3 To remove all permissions, click the Actions menu, and click Clear Permissions.
To remove selected permissions, click the Actions menu, and click Edit Permissions. On the
Widget Permissions dialog, click the remove icon (x) next to the user, role, or group to be removed.
4 Click Save.
Note: You cannot remove the Everyone* rule.
When you set permissions, consider when the widget should be displayed in the Widget Catalog.
Certain widgets are configured by power users and content providers. You can hide a widget from
groups, roles, or users by setting the default so that the widget is not displayed in the Widget Catalog.
As the administrator, you can set permissions to standard widgets by user, role, or group.
It is important to understand that changing the permissions on a standard widget affects all published
widgets that are based on that widget. If a standard widget is disabled, all published widgets based on
that widget are not available in the Widget Catalog, and pages that contain either the standard widget
or the published widget are displayed as inactive with an unavailable icon.
The Standard Widgets page has all actions available in the toolbars above the list:
• The static toolbar with actions available for all widgets
• The expanded toolbar, dynamically displayed with actions available for selected widgets
You can search, sort, and filter to affect which widgets are shown. To display more widgets that match
the search, click More below the list. When one or more filters are in use, There are active
filters. is displayed at the bottom of the list next to a Clear all option, available for deactivating the
All possible actions are available from the Actions menu. Actions that are available only for either
single or multiple selection are enabled when they can be used.
These actions are available from the Actions menu:
Action Description
Edit Permissions Displays the Widget Permissions dialog where
you can remove, add, and edit permissions.
Copy Permissions Copies all permissions for the selected widget to
the clipboard.
Apply Permissions Adds the permissions from the clipboard and
updates the values for existing groups and users
without removing existing entries.
Replace Permissions Clears any existing permissions and adds the
permissions from the clipboard.
Clear permissions Removes all permissions for the selected widgets.
This action enables all users to configure the
standard widget and makes it available in the
Widget Catalog.
Delete Deletes all versions of the selected standard
Note: If the widget or a published widget based
on the widget is used on a page, the widget is
displayed as inactive with an icon and a widget
is not available message.
Export Exports one or more standard widgets as a zip
Import Imports a zip file with standard widgets. For more
information, see "On-premises widget installation
and upgrade."
Action Description
Show Active Displays only the widgets that apply to the tenant.
Show All Displays all widgets including those that have
dependencies to applications that are not avail-
able for the tenant.
Note: Only the last version of the widget is visible
even if Show All is selected.
Note: Some actions are displayed or enabled only if you click Copy Permissions and permissions
exist in the clipboard or if the widget has permissions.
Permissions apply to both standard and published widgets. For instructions on adding, updating, and
removing widget permissions, see Working with widget permissions." For information on understanding
widget permissions see "Understanding permissions for widgets."
These actions are available from the Actions toolbar that is displayed when one or more widgets are
Action Description
Edit Permissions Displays the Widget Permissions dialog where
you can add, edit, and remove permissions.
Remove as featured (<number>) Removes the selected widgets from featured
Action Description
Delete Deletes the selected tags from the suggestion
Note: Deleting a tag only removes it from the
suggestions. The tag can still be used in widgets
and pages. If the tag is added to both entities,
you must delete it from both entities to remove
the tag from the suggestion list.
Note: If another user publishes a widget or page
with the removed tag, the tag will be added to the
suggestions again.
Add Adds a tag to the suggestion list.
Filter supports a list of values separated with a comma as well as a wild card search. A filter set to
Peter*, for example, includes all users starting with Peter in their display name. You can also enter
an email address in the Filter field to export:
• User settings
• Published widgets
• Published pages
• Private pages
Filtering by email includes only the content of the email addressee for the export.
Sub-category can be exported only if the main category is selected.
When the import is successful, a message dialog with the number of imported widgets is displayed.
e Verify that the number of imported widgets includes all widgets.
Name Description
Homepages administra- A user with permission to use the Homepages Administration tools and
tor with full access to all published pages and widgets.
Homepages content ad- A user with full access to all published pages and widgets.
Local widget A widget that is local to a page. A local widget is not part of the Widget
Mandatory page A page that is added to your pages by an administrator. You cannot re-
move a mandatory page.
My pages Displays an overview of your pages, which you can manage.
Page A page contains one or more widgets in a responsive grid layout.
Page Catalog A location where you browse, search, and add published pages.
Page menu Provides actions related to Homepages.
Page menu icon Displays the page menu when clicked.
Page modes A page is displayed in different modes when you are changing the page
layout, previewing a page, publishing a page, or publishing a widget. A
page mode is indicated by a command bar with a title and actions.
Page navigator Navigate your pages.
Page panel The area that displays the content of a page.
Page title bar Displays the page title, page navigator, and the page menu icon.
Preview page mode A preview of a published page.
Private page A page that is private to a specific user. Private pages are displayed only
to the user who creates the page.
Published page A page that is published to the Page Catalog.
Name Description
Published widget A configuration of a standard widget that has been published to the
Widget Catalog.
Standard widget A widget of a specific type with a default configuration.
Widget Widgets are small applications that provide quick access to information
or functionality and can be added to a page.
Widget Catalog A location where you browse, search, and add published widgets.
Widget content area Displays the widget content. The content depends on the widget type.
Widget menu Provides actions related to a widget.
Widget title bar Displays the widget title and the widget menu icon.
Infor Document Management enables customers to manage business documents related to ERP
objects and make them available to the user. It provides a versatile solution for storing, sharing, reusing,
and archiving digital content.
This product reduces the time and cost for searching documents. Infor Document Management is
secure and provides granular access control, enabling users to add security and permissions down to
individual pieces of the document.
This document provides reference information for Infor Document Management administrators.
Where to Find Installation and Configuration Information for Infor Document Management
Infor Document Management installation and configuration information is available in a separate
document Infor Document Management Installation Guide.
4 Click Next to open another pop-up window to review merge conflicts. The imported file might have
some overlapping bindings, context roots, /or properties.
5 Use the check box to indicate whether to overwrite current settings.
6 Click Finish to apply imported settings.
7 On the last confirmation pop-up window, click View log to see all changes.
• Standalone:
Search Documents
You can search for the required records and view the corresponding details using the search facilities.
The search functions are the following:
• Attribute search
• Free text search
• Advanced search using query language
You can customize the following by configuring the properties in Control Center. For more information,
see Infor Document Management Control Center.
• The document types that should be displayed for the users can be modified using the Document
Types Filter.
• The columns to display and the order by which they appear can be modified using the Result List
The following can be configured by editing the application properties in the grid management pages:
• The number of records that appear on a page using the property called Client Search Result Page
• The number of records that appear in the Contextual Application using the property called Related
Information Contextual Application Result Page Size.
• The maximum file size of uploaded files using the property called Maximum File Size.
Attribute Search
You can search for documents using their attribute data. To perform an attribute search:
1 Access the IDM search bar in the upper-left corner. Click the drop-down arrow.
2 Select a type from the Select Document Type drop-down list. The Select Attributes box is populated
based on the selection.
3 Select an attribute from the next drop-down list. For example, Id, Name, Description, Status.
4 Select a condition from the respective drop-down list and specify the value. The conditions change
based on the selected attributes.
5 You can create and combine search criteria indefinitely. You can also combine attribute criteria with
free text search criteria. Click + to add criteria to the search query.
As an administrator of IDM, you can search for documents that were created by a user that was
soft-deleted in the Infor Federated Services.
6 Click Search. The Result Area shows the records that match the search criteria.
For example, 'Find all Approved Images' using this search criteria:
a Select the document type as Image, the attribute as Status, the conditional operator as ‘=’, and
the value as Approved.
You must select an operator and a value if you select an attribute.
b Select a condition from the respective drop-down list. The conditions vary based on the selected
attribute type.
Advanced Search
The language used is a query language called XQuery. This language is similar to XML Xpath
expressions. Advanced users can use this functionality to search for items. "/MDS_Image" is an example
of a query that searches the database for all images.
1 Click Show XQuery.
2 Specify the required query as the search criteria to fetch the appropriate records.
3 Click Search. The Result Area shows the records that match the search criteria.
The advanced search field is populated with the actual query in these situations:
• When you build a query using free text and attribute input.
• When you build a query using a shortcut in the navigation bar.
Manage Documents
Search for the documents using any search functionality. The results are displayed in the Result Area.
Click on any document from the Result Area to view the details in a new tab.
Editing a document
Use this procedure to edit documents:
1 From the Result Area, select the document to be edited. The details are displayed in a new tab.
2 Click the Checkout button to check out the document.
3 Make the necessary changes to the document details.
4 When done, click the Save button to make the changes permanent.
5 Check in the document by clicking the Check in button.
Deleting a document
Use this procedure to delete documents:
1 From the Result Area, select the document to be edited. The details are displayed in a new tab.
2 Click the Delete button to delete the document
The check in, check out, and delete actions, as well as an option to download the file, can also be
performed on an item from the search result list.
Reverting a document
Use this procedure to revert to previous versions of a document:
1 Click the History tab of an open document.
2 Click "Revert to this version" for the version you want to revert to.
Adding documents
This function allows you to add various documents. You can create a document from a template or
start with a blank document. A document template is pre-populated with attribute values and, if required,
a file. This file must be smaller than two GB.
The input fields and attributes are displayed based on the document type selection. The displayed
attributes reflect your organization's data model. Mandatory attributes have an asterisk (*) in front of
the attribute name.
Examples of attribute types are:
• Value set values
• Integer values
• Strings
• Date
• Time
• Tables
Adding a document
To add a document:
1 Click New Document.
2 Select a document type.
3 Select a blank document or a document template and click Create.
4 Complete the document attributes and attach a file to the document, as necessary.
5 Click Save to add the document.
Creating a template
Before you can create a template you must enable the template functionality. To enable the functionality,
use the Template enabled field in the General section of the Document Type Details form. See
Document Type Details form on page 181.
To create a template:
1 Check out and open a document, with or without the attributes completed or a file attached.
2 In the document, click the Properties tab.
3 Select the Enable template check box.
4 Complete the Template Name and, optionally, Template Details.
5 Click Save or Check in to create the template.
Before you can start working with Infor Document Management, you must have access to:
• Infor Document Management Client
• Infor ION Grid
Note: You must also have a valid user name and password to log in to the application with administrative
This table shows the available roles:
Role Description
IDM-User This role is required for access to IDM user inter-
faces and APIs and grants access to all docu-
ments without specific access control lists.
IDM-AdvancedUser This role is for an advanced user with access to
advanced tools such as mass update, mass
delete, and export.
Caution: Access to these tools can result in
considerable damage if used by unskilled per-
This role does not grant privileged access to any
content. This role implicitly includes the IDM-Us
Role Description
IDM-Administrator This role is for a user who can create and alter
document types and configure IDM. This role
does not grant privileged access to any content.
This role implicitly includes the IDM-Advanced
IDM-SuperUser This role provides full access to documents in
IDM. Users with this role bypass the security
model and are granted access to all content. As-
sign this role with care as this user can access
and edit any document in the system with no re-
strictions. Note that a user repository administra-
tor can add people to this role. This role implicitly
includes the IDM-User.
IDM-RelatedInformationUser This role grants access to the IDM Related Infor-
mation contextual application. A user with this
role is not granted access to other IDM interfaces.
This role does not affect access to content in IDM,
but as with all roles, this role can be used in the
Access Control Lists (ACL). It can manage autho-
rization (access to content/documents) within
IDMCAPTURE-User This role grants access to the Operator activities
in Ephesoft such as:
• Viewing batches.
• Opening batches.
• Scanning and uploading new documents.
IDMCAPTURE-Administrator This role has the same security as IDMCAPTUR
E-User, with additional access to Administrator
activities, such as:
• Managing batch classes.
• Managing batch instances.
• Managing folders and viewing reports
IDMCAPTURE-SystemAdministrator This role has the same security as IDMCAPTUR
E-Administrator with additional access to
System Configuration, where access can be
added or removed for other users
Output Files
StreamServe creates two output files for each document. These files should be located in the newDir
directory, as specified in the adapter configuration.
One of the created files is a document file that is saved in the archive.
The other is a descriptive text file that contains meta-information about the document. It contains XML
formatted information, as in the example below:
The MDAS entity and ACL are mandatory nodes. Make sure that you use unique filenames for the
output from StreamServe. You can use timestamp or a similar feature in StreamServe, since they will
be overwritten if they have the same name and are put in queue.
The value of the entity node is the name of the item type. The document created will be of this type.
The value of ACL is the name of the action control list setting the authorization level of the document.
The child nodes of the attr nodes are the attribute values to associate with the document. The name
of each child node must be equal to an attribute in the item type and the value should be the actual
data put as attribute value in the newly created item. Repeat these type-value pairs for all attributes
that should be stored in IDM.
Any attributes that are not part of the chosen item type will be ignored with a logged level 2 warning.
This log occurs when Log Level 2 is set on the adapter.
Use CDATA encapsulation if the output from StreamServe may contain characters that are reserved
for XML, for example, < or >.
Attributes can be used to locate a document. An attribute can store:
• Units of data (metadata)
• Values that describe a certain characteristic
• Property of a document
You can group attributes to make attribute groups. For example, the address attribute can be made
up of a group of attributes including street, city, state and zip code.
You can also define attributes that have multiple values. Such attributes are called multi-valued
(collections) attributes, which are implemented as child components. For example, you can store
multiple addresses, home addresses, and work addresses.
Document Types
A document type is a template for defining, and later locating, similar items. It is a structure that contains
all the components and associated data.
For example, a document type may contain the attributes such as height, weight, or color. If you use
the same template, documents of the same type are consistently constructed. This helps you to locate
them and define new ones.
A backup strategy is an overall data management plan. It is necessary to understand how important
the data is to the function of an organization.
1 Stop your Infor Document Management application. This ensures that the metadata in the database
and the files will be in sync for your backup.
2 Create a backup of your database. See the documentation for your database for more information.
3 Create a backup of your files. The files are located in the Files Root folder, as specified in the
application properties in the Grid Management Pages. To create a backup simply make a copy of
the subfolder called "mainFiles". If you want a larger backup including image conversions and
cached data, copy the entire Files Root folder.
4 Start your Infor Document Management application.
Data Migration
There can be several reasons for migrating data between IDM installations. Typically when you cannot
perform an upgrade you would look at performing a data migration into a new installation of IDM.
There are different data migration paths, and depending on your choice, there are pros and cons with
each path:
• You need to replace broken or upgrade your hardware that forces you to re-install IDM
• You need to re-install Operating systems or other software that forces you to re-install IDM
• You are moving all data from a Production system to a test system
• You are moving partial data from a Production system to a Test system
• You are moving from one IDM edition to another
There are two main paths to choose from when migrating data:
• Use a backup / restore approach
• Use an export / import approach
Pros Cons
IDs and Properties will be retained All data, no selection
History is included Multiple tools must be used
Is potentially faster Systems must be offline during backup
Potentially larger size
Possible upgrade of source system required or
installation ofsame version as source system in
the target system (backup filesmust be compati-
ble between databases)
Pros Cons
Partial data can be migrated IDs and properties of documents will be new/up-
A single IDM tool is used History (old versions) are not included (only lat-
Systems can be online while migrating data The possibility of running the exporter several
times to extract large amounts of data
Potentially smaller size of export Potentially slower
Pros Cons
If SharePoint is in use, there is a limit of 5000
Documents per run with the Exporter tool
Performance refers to the way in which a system performs or functions given a particular workload.
Performance is typically measured in terms of response time, throughput and availability.
Response time is the elapsed time between a submitted request and the response from the return
request. Examples include the time taken by a database query, or the time taken to display a retrieved
Throughput is a measure of the amount of work over a period of time. In other words, it is the number
of workload operations that can be accomplished per unit of time. Examples include database
transactions per minute, kilobytes of a file transferred per second, total number of legacy documents
imported per hour.
Performance problems may be caused by poor application and system design; inadequate system
resources such as CPU, memory, disks, and non-optimal tuning of system resources.
Performance tuning can be performed to improve the performance. It is a complex and iterative process.
It involves establishing quantitative objectives, constant system monitoring, and selective and careful
tuning to ensure that the objectives are met over time.
• Files Root: The root for the file structure where files will be stored, for example, C:\IDM\Files.
For sizing guidelines, see Infor Document Management Install Guide.
• Server Base URL: The base URL which is used for example when creating public resource URLs.
If possible this is automatically calculated from the router information, but if needed this can be
overridden in this property. For example: https://<host>:<port>/.
• MIME Types: Maps file extension to file type. Only valid MIME types can be set. Forexample, image/
tiff or application/pdf. The Key field is for the extensionand Value is for the MIME type.
• Client Search Result Page Size: States how many results to display in a page in the Infor Document
Management Web Client.
• Related Information Contextual Application Result Page Size: States how many search result hits
to show in one page in the Ming.leweb part for IDM called "Related information".
• Maximum File Size: The maximum size that a file can have. The unit of this property is MB.The
default value is 50MB.
Event hub
See Configuring Event Hub Subscription for information on how to configure the Event Hub properties.
Resource server
See Infor Document Management Resource Server for information on how to configurethe Resource
Server properties.
ION adapter
• Database Server: The address of the server hosting the SQL Server database to be usedfor ION
Note: The database server address must not contain protocol or portnumber.
• Database Password: The password of the user connecting to the database.
• Database User: The database user. Must have privileges to create and alter tables andto read,
insert, and update rows.
• Database Name: The name of the database to be used for ION integration.
• Database Schema: The database schema to be used when accessing the database.
• Database Port: The port to be used when accessing the database.
A subscription entry should contain details about the Event Hub subscription, a document type
name, and key fields (any number) separated by a comma. The following shows the format for
writing a subscription entry:
For example, M3:MITMAS:U,ADCSupInv,M3_CONO=ITNO:ADC_TotalAmount=ITNO,DIM2:{DI
The above example will evaluate to the following search query: /ADCSupInv[@M3_CONO="<theIn
comingValueOf_ITNO>"]. The Documents matching the query will be updated with the attribute
'ADC_TotalAmount' is set to the incoming new value of the source key ITNO and the attribute
M3_DIM2 will be updated to the incoming new value of the source key DIM2 The document will be
given the ACL '<theIncomingValueOf_DIVI>Acl' if it is supported by the document type.
You can follow the guide below to aid in constructing a subscription entry:
• Event Hub Publisher: Available event hub publishers can be found in your Event Hub installation.
• Database Table: Depending on the selected event hub publisher, there are different database
tables available for use. For example, if the event hub publisher is "M3", any table in M3 would
be a valid database table.
• Event Hub Operations: Event Hub Operations are typically CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update,
Delete) operations, but more are available. The order of the letters in this string is not important.
For more information, see the Infor ION Grid ExtensionsInstallation and Administration Guide.
• IDM Document Type: The Infor Document Management document type identifier can be found
in your IDM installation.
• Search Key Maps: This is a list of key mappings that are required to find the correct document
to update in Infor Document Management. A search_key_map has the following format: idm_
key=source_key, where the source_key is a key from the publishing system and idm_key
is an attribute in IDM. You can include as many key maps as you need, the order of the keys is
not important.
Note: If the idm_key is left out of a map, it will default to M3_<source_key>.
• Update Key Maps: Optional. It has the following format: idm_key=source_key. If it’s left out,
all attributes matching the format M3_<source_key> will be updated.If provided, only the mapped
attributes will be updated in IDM and the mappings will determine which IDM attributes are
updated with which event source value.
• Access Control List Map: Optional. It is a map used to set the access control list (ACL) on the
updated items. To use the Access Control List Map, you also have to specify the Update Key
Maps. If left empty, it will not be used. Configure the Access Control List Map by setting '
{source_key}', more complex with source key combined with text '{source_key}some
Text{source_key}', or a predefined ACL like 'myOwnACL'.
For example, the Access Control List Map '{DIVI}ACL' will set the ACL on the documents to
‘<theIncomingValueOf_DIVI>ACL’ if its supported by the document type.
• Semi-colon (;): Separates the subscription entries. After the semi-colon you can start anew
subscription if you need more than one. You can have as many subscription entries as you
8 Click Create Property.
9 Provide values for these properties:
• Username: Enter a username with 'search', 'update', and 'check in' access in the database. This
user will be used to update the items that will be updated from the Event Hub. This user will also
check in other users checked out items if the items are checked out and gets updated from the
Event Hub.
It is recommended to have a special user for this. Then it will be visible inthe client from where
the item is updated.
• Password: The password for the user. Is not required and should not be set if its not absolutely
10 The following properties are optional and can be left as undefined:
• Language: The language code for the language to be used when creating a connection where
no language has been provided.
• Option: Sets additional options for the connection. Only supported by some contentrepositories
and implementation is content repository specific.
11 To save all the property configurations for Event Hub, click the Save button beside the Navigation.
12 The Save Configuration Changes dialog shows a summary of the changes. Click Save to finalize
all changes.
You do not have to restart the IDM Server, the value in the properties will take effect as soon as yousave
them in Grid.
You can test your new subscriber by simply making a change to the system that will normally triggeran
event in the Event Hub. For more information, see the Infor ION Grid Extensions Installation and
Administration Guide.
Auditing in IDM
Auditing is enabled for configuration changes, that is, control center changes, by default.
To access the audit logs files:
1 Navigate to the Grid Management page.
2 Select Monitoring.
3 Search for "idm-audit".
We recommend that you frequently back up this log file.
Access Point
To access the Control Center, click the gear icon next to the + Add Document button on the IDM
landing page and select Control Center.
The Information menu contains these pages:
• Licenses
• Examples
This page shows the licenses for third party software in the IDM client.
This page shows the guides and files that are required to perform these actions with IDM:
• Use the Java API.
• Use the .NET API.
• Capture a document through IDM Capture.
• Configure the Approval Workflow in ION.
• View definition file.
• Process a Content Document.
• See the Infor OAGIS documentation.
The Administration menu contains these pages:
• Document Type
• Value Set
• Import / Export
Document Type
Use this page to view, create, update, and delete document types.
The wizard navigates you through the whole process of creating a new document type. The wizard
consists of these pages:
• General
• Attributes
For details, see "Document Type Details form".
4 On the last page of the wizard, click Done to save the new document type.
Click Previous to go back to earlier steps. Click Cancel to discard the new document type.
Note: To proceed to the next step, you must fix all validation issues that are displayed in the current
Note: When a document type contains unsaved changes, an indicator is displayed in the upper-right
corner of the Document Type details view.
Any changes that are made to the document type are saved only when you click Save Changes.
Some of the properties cannot be updated after they have been saved.
Field Description
Display Name Required. Name of the Document Type. Constraints: None
Business Context Attributes Configure which attributes and properties should be available in
the published business context message for documents of this
document type. You can view these messages in the context
Name Required. The ID of the Document Type. The value is generated
from the name by default, but can also be changed manually.
This is automatically generated.
• ID format: Only letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and underscore
(_) are allowed. The ID cannot start with a digit.
• Unique within all existing Document Types.
• Enabled only when a new Document Type is being created.
Document Title Choose the attribute that is used for the title of each document
of this type.
Text Searchable (Dis)allows text search on the documents stored under this Doc-
ument Type. Constraints:
• Enabled only for existing Document Types (disabled in the
New Document Type Wizard).
Field Description
Language Text search language. Constraints:
• Displayed and enabled only when Text Searchable check box
is selected.
Template Enables and disables the functionality to create documents of
the specified document type from documents that are pre-popu-
lated with attribute values and a file.
Use case sensitive LIKE Enables and disables the use of case sensitive LIKE searches
in the database. Select this check box when using Postgres as
a database and attribute indexes are added. Otherwise the index-
es are not used during searches in IDM.
Use unique ID When this check box is selected the items in the document type
get a generated unique ID that can be used as a reference. A
unique ID is not changed during a data migration and always
keep its value unlike an Internal ID.
Allows the user to manage document type attributes.
Task Procedure
List attributes All attributes that are assigned to the current document type are
displayed in the list along the left edge of the form content.
Add an attribute 1 Click the + button.
2 Fill in the attribute details form
3 Apply changes by clicking the Save Changes button in the
upper-right corner.
Discard the changes by clicking the Delete button in the at-
tributes list.
Note: Applied changes are sent to the server only in these
• The wizard is finished, when creating a new document type.
• The Save button is clicked, when editing an existing docu-
ment type.
Task Procedure
Clone existing attribute of the 1 Click the attribute you want to clone and click Duplicate.
current document type 2 A New Attribute form is displayed with pre-filled fields using
the cloned attribute properties.
3 Update any of the properties if required.
4 Apply the changes by clicking the Save Changes button in the
upper-right corner.
Discard changes by clicking the Delete button in the attributes
Note: Applied changes are sent to the server only in these
• The wizard is finished, when creating a new document type.
• The Save button is clicked, when editing an existing docu-
ment type.
Field Description
Display Name Required. The name of the attribute. A name is automatically
generated for you.
Data Type Data type of the attribute. Default value is String. Options:
• String
• Short (min: - 32,768, max: 32,767)
• Long (min -2³¹, max 2³¹-1)
• Decimal (unlimited)
• Date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
• Timestamp (format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
• Double (min: - 1.7976931348623157e+308, max:
• Bool (true/false)
• Value Set (set of applicable options defined by the assigned
Value Set)
• GUID/User data
• Enabled only for new attributes.
Default value Optional. Default value of the attribute. Field has a form of a text
field, radio buttons (bool), or as a drop-down (Value Set). Con-
• Value has to match constraints defined by the attribute Data
Type, min, max, and sized properties.
• Not enabled for Date, Time, and Timestamp Data Types.
• Not enabled for multi-value attributes.
Min Optional. Minimum acceptable value. Constraints:
• Enabled only for numeric attributes (Short, Long, Decimal,
• Min/Max bounds defined by the Data Type.
Max Optional. Maximum acceptable value. Constraints:
• Enabled only for numeric attributes (Short, Long, Decimal,
• Min/Max bounds defined by the Data Type.
Value Set Required. Set of values for the attribute. Constraints:
• Enabled only for Value Set attributes.
Required Specifies whether the attribute is required. Constraints:
• Not enabled for multi-value attributes.
Field Description
Unique Specifies whether the values are supposed to be unique. Con-
• Not enabled for multi-value attributes
Allows the user to manage Access Control Lists (ACLs) that are assigned to the current document
type. ACLs are sets of user roles and privileges.
Default ACL: Optionally, you can select one of the document type’s ACLs as the default ACL. To do
this, select the radio button in the Default column of the ACL’s table row.
Task Procedure
List ACLs All ACLs that are assigned to the current Document Type are
displayed in the list.
Add a New ACL 1 Click the Add ACL button in the upper-right corner.
2 Add a name and description.
3 Set Secure attributes, which can only be edited by users with
the “SecureAttributes” privilege. To achieve this, put currently
existing attributes into the “Secure Attributes” category.
4 Add security roles and give each role privileges. Select an IFS
role from the drop-down and select the check boxes that cor-
respond to the correct permissions.
Note: Applied changes are sent to the server only in these situ-
• The wizard is finished, when creating a new document type.
• The Save button is clicked, when editing an existing document
Edit an ACL 1 Select the ACL you want to edit and click the Edit button in
the top right of the table.
2 Edit the ACL’s properties and update the ACL’s roles as de-
3 Click Save to apply changes.
Note: Applied changes are sent to the server only in these situ-
• The wizard is finished, when creating a new document type.
• The Save button is clicked, when editing an existing document
Task Procedure
Remove an ACL 1 Select the ACL you want to remove and click the Delete button
in the top right of the table.
2 Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. The ACL is removed
from the list.
Note: Applied changes are sent to the server only in these situ-
• The wizard is finished, when creating a new document type.
• The Save button is clicked, when editing an existing document
Field Description
Name Name of ACL. Constraints:
• ID format - only letters (a-z, A-Z), digit (0-9),
and underscore (_) are allowed. Value cannot
start with a digit.
• Unique within the current Document Type
ACLs. Enabled only for new ACLs.
Description Required. Description of the ACL. Constraints:
No constraints.
Secure Attributes Attribute level permissions.
This feature makes it possible to mark a set of
attributes in a document type as secure. If an at-
tribute is marked as secure only users that has
the "Edit Secure Attributes" privilege can change
the value of the attribute. All users can still see
the attribute and the value of the attribute.
To mark attributes as secure click the settings
icon to the right that opens the Secure Attributes
dialog. In this dialog all available attributes are
listed to the left and the attributes marked as se-
cure to the right. Use the arrow icons to mark or
unmark attributes as secure.
Roles List Add permissions for separate IFS roles. Select
a role from the drop-down, and then select the
check boxes to the right to enable the desired
Related documents
In the IDM Control Center, users with Administrator privileges can create rules by which documents
are related.
1 Navigate to Control Center > Administration > Document Types.
2 Choose the document type for which you want to create a rule.
3 Click the Related Documents tab.
4 To add a rule, click Add New under the Items in Bundles list.
5 Specify the documents you want attached to the document type. You can perform this action in the
same way a search query is built.
6 Alternatively, add an XQuery to define the document bundle.
7 You can add multiple rules.
8 Save the rules.
9 To delete a rule, select the rule and click Delete.
ACL rules
In the IDM Control Center, users with Administrator privileges can use attribute values in documents
to secure these documents.
Example: You want all invoices over $500.00 to be private. Therefore, you create an ACL rule in the
Invoice document type, where the attribute is “Amount”, and it is greater than or equal to 500. The
XQuery, which can be displayed when you add or edit a rule, would look like this:
/Invoice[@Amount >= 500]
1 Navigate to Control Center > Administration > Document Types.
2 Click the ACL Rules tab.
3 To add a rule, click Add New in the Current Rules list.
4 Specify a description for the rule.
5 Specify the attributes you want to use to determine whether a document is secure. Do this similarly
to how you would build a search query.
6 Alternatively, add an XQuery to define the document bundle.
7 You can add multiple rules. The rules are followed in the order that they are listed.
Example: If you have a document that fits Rule 1, but not Rule 2, this document’s ACL is changed.
8 Save the rules.
9 To delete a rule, select the rule and click Delete.
10 To edit a rule, select the rule and edit it in place.
Value Set
Use this page to view and manage value sets.
Adding values
1 Go to your newly created value set.
2 Click the Values tab.
3 Click Add to add a new value.
4 Specify a name and a value.
5 Click Yes.
Deleting values
1 Go to the appropriate value set.
2 Click the Values tab.
3 Click the value you want to delete.
4 Click Delete directly above the value table.
Note: If you click Delete in the title bar of the page, the whole value set is deleted.
5 Click Save Changes.
Editing values
1 Go to the appropriate value set.
2 Click the Values tab.
3 Click the value you want to edit.
4 Click Edit.
5 Edit the name or the value.
6 Click Yes.
7 Click Save Changes.
Import / Export
Use this page to export and import, through XML files, these components:
• Document types
• Value sets
• The configuration parts of Control Center:
• Document Types Filter
• Result List
• Business Context Model
• ION Configuration
If you use Microsoft SharePoint or IBM DB2 CM, see the appendices for exporting / importing Document
Types and Value Sets.
3 When the configuration file is uploaded, an import preview is displayed and includes any or all of
these parts:
Document Types and Value Sets The list of document types and value sets to be
Document Type Filter A list of document types that is displayed for
the user when importing this configuration.
Result List Result list configuration to be imported.
Business Context Models Business context model configuration to be im-
ION ION configuration to be imported.
4 You can collapse or expand each part to see possible warnings or information:
• Warning - yellow sign: The warning sign does not disable Import XML file. We recommend that
you go through all warning messages before starting the importer. This could be due to these
• Some configuration parts already exist in the repository that might be overwritten, for example,
Result List.
• Some configuration parts already exist in the repository that might be lost, for example,
Document Type Filter.
• Information - blue sign: The information sign does not disable Import XML file. It is usually
displayed in these situations:
• If some parts cannot be imported, for example, Items.
• If some existing parts are merged with new ones from the XML file, for example, Result List.
• A green OK sign with no message required.
5 Click Import XML file to run the importer. When the import is finished, a report window is displayed
with an information table that summarizes the status of the import. If any error occurs during the
import, the error message informs the user what went wrong.
When the import is successful, Import XML file is disabled.
This section describes various options for configuring Infor Document Management.
Field Description
Key The key consists of four parts, used for mapping
the Context Message. The key must be unique
and is case sensitive when matching against the
Context Message.
Entity, Product and Screen are optional and are
determined by the publishing system. Document
type are optional and are a Document type in In-
for Document Management content repository.
Note that the 'screenId' part of the business con-
text message is a concatenation of 'infor_prod-
uct_identifier' and 'product_screen_id' with a '_'
(underscore) in between, according to the Infor
Ming.le standard.
Example: |InforItemMaster| |m3| |MMS001|
xQuery The xQuery is required and is used when
searching for documents. The xQuery is an
xQuery from the Infor Document Management
search, where attribute values can be replaced
with variables from the Context Message by set-
ting {variable from Context Message}.
The xQuery can contain any variable that is
available in the Context Message (see Ming.le
standard definitions), e.g '{idX}' where 'X' is a
number between 1 and 15.
Example: /MDS_File[@MDS_Name="{id1}"]
Access Control List The access control list is optional and can be set
to an access control list name, one or more vari-
ables available in the Context Message, or a
string of text combined with variables. The result
must form a valid access control list.
Example: {id3}SomeText{id4}ACL
Field Description
Additional Attributes Additional attributes are used in addition to the
attributes in the xQuery. They are added but not
searched upon.
The attribute name is an attribute in the Infor
Document Management content repository and
the value should be a variable in the Context
Message or a string of text combined with vari-
Example: |MDS_Name| |{id1}| where value can
be '{id1}' or more complex like '{id1}-{id2}xxx{id3}'
You can only add additional attributes if document
type is set in the Key.
Click the Add button under the table to add a new
additional attribute. - Click the remove icon on
corresponding row to remove an additional at-
ION Configuration
The ION Configuration section is where the communication between IDM and ION is configured.
The first radio button "Publish to ION" is a general switch to enable or disable the IDM communication
with ION. If you do not have Infor ION installed, you should turn this off.
Below this option is a list of the document types present in IDM. You can select to individually turn
these on or off. If turned on, these are sent to ION as a Sync.ContentDocument message. ION then
handles these messages depending on its configuration.
Field Description
Workflow Name Required. This is the name of the Workflow in
ION that you wish to launch.
Attribute Value & ACL For each of the states a Workflow can be in, you
can set these optional attributes and ACLs that
will be set against the document in IDM.
Input Parameters This allows you to map document attributes to
the ION Workflow Input parameters.
This is optional, depending on the configuration
of the workflow in ION.
For example, if an input parameter is required in
the workflow, then this configuration of this input
parameter becomes mandatory.
Output Parameters This allows you to map ION Workflow parameters
to attributes of a document. This will result in
these attributes being updated on the document
when the workflow has been successfully com-
Defines additional languages that can be used in IDM to provide translations of the data model. Data
model translations include names of document types along with their attributes and also value sets
and their values.
The administrator can add languages by clicking the Add button in the languages section. There is a
list of languages supported by Infor Ming.le which can be chosen in the modal window. Selection of a
language can be done by its language code (IETF) or its name.
Once an additional language has been added to the list, the translation feature is made available
through the "translate" button. This button is displayed next to any data model name (Document Type,
Value Set) that the user wants to translate.
Result List
The Result List allows the administrator to specify which columns to display in various search result
Deleting a Result
Use this procedure to delete a Result:
1 Click Delete to remove a result.
2 Confirm the operation.
Editing a Result
Use this procedure to edit a Result:
1 Click Edit. The Results Properties window appears.
2 Click Add New Property to add new entries.
Click Delete the Property to remove unwanted properties.
3 Click Save to apply the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes.
Note: Result List is not sorted by default. It is possible to sort the table by clicking the Key header
Retention Policies
With the retention policies configuration you can automatically archive, delete, or purge documents
from the system.
• An XQuery
In the retention policy configuration you can perform these actions:
• Click Add to add a retention policy.
• Enable the switch to run a retention policy.
• Click Edit to edit a retention policy.
• Click Delete to delete a retention policy.
Add and Edit menu
For more information, click Information in the menu.
Field Description
Active A switch that is used for activating or de-activating a retention policy.
Action The origin and destination of the data that is affected.
Description A short text that identifies the retention policy in plain English.
XQuery The result of the xQuery search in IDM defines the documents that
are affected by the retention policy. You can copy and paste the result
from the advanced search box in the document search. Relative time
functions can also be used for building a query. For more information,
click information, above Add.
To archive Employee Applications 8 months after they are created:
/Employee_Application[@CREATETS < date()-yearMonth(-8)]
To delete all Invoices 6 months after their last modified date:
/Invoice[@LASTCHANGEDTS < date()-yearMonth(-6)]
To archive all photos one week after are created:
/Photos[@CREATETS < date()-date(-7)]
Attribute or property
The criteria to determine whether the policy runs.
An operation for comparing values.
The value to which to compare the document metadata.
How you want the corresponding documents to behave when the policy runs.
3 If you create a policy through the query builder, you can view the XQuery expression if you click
Enter Query Manually.
Note: If you change the query in the manual box, you cannot go back to the query builder. It would
be required to create a new policy to return to the query builder.
Use this page to select and manage a printing service. Currently, only Google Cloud Print is available.
Manage Service
The manage service function has these tabs:
• Manage credentials: Use this tab to upload the .json file that comes when you set up Google
Cloud Print. For details, see the "Google Cloud Print" section of the Infor IDM Output Management
• Accept printer: Use this tab to accept a printer that is used for Google Cloud Print. Specify the
printer ID and click Accept. For details, see the "Google Cloud Print" section of the Infor IDM Output
Management guide.
• Printers: Use this tab to view the printers that have been accepted in IDM, or search for the printers
by Printer ID, Printer Name, Description, or Date Created.
Email configuration
Administrators can change the template for emails in the Control Center.
1 Navigate to Control Center > Administration > Email Configuration.
2 Specify a display name for the new template.
3 Specify an XQuery, created in IDM search, that corresponds to a template that is stored in IDM.
The Tools menu contains the Utilities page.
The page contains these links:
The Development menu contains these pages:
• IDM REST API Documentation
• Java API
• Downloads
Java API
This page shows the JavaDocs for IDM and enables you to download the API.
Click Help to read a help text that describes how to use the page.
This page shows the .NET API for IDM and enables you to download the API.
Click Help to read a help text that describes how to use the page.
Use this page to download the StreamServe adapter or the Output Management Word Add-in
System Health
The System Health menu contains these pages:
• Health Check
• Self Healing
Health Check
Use this page to perform a health check on the systems that are active in IDM. Select one or all of the
systems and double click. The result is displayed in the Result box.
Self Healing
Use this page to start a self-heal action for the systems. The systems can self-heal by synchronizing
the data model.
User Roles
Due to the sensitive nature of the Control Center, access to it is restricted to the following User Roles:
Role Access
IDM-User Tools - Importer
IDM-AdvancedUser Configuration Exporter / Importer
Synchronize Data Model
Tools - All options (Export, Delete, Import)
IDM-SuperUser None
IDM-Administrator Configuration Exporter / Importer
Synchronize Data Model
Document Types
Value Sets
Document Output
The Document Output menu contains the Job Management page.
Job Management
Use this page to track when a user has emailed a document, printed a document, or saved the document
to IDM. This information is used for troubleshooting in case a job has not completed.
If a user performs any of the above actions, the job is displayed in the Job Management data table.
Jobs that are successful disappear from the view after they are finished.
This table shows information that is displayed in the data table:
Field Description
ID The job ID as stored in IDM.
Batch ID The batch ID if the job was performed with multi-
ple documents at a time.
Status The current state of the job.
Submitted by The user who submitted the job.
Date The date on which the job was submitted.
Time of submission The time at which the job was submitted.
Time to complete The time it took to submit the job.
Error message The reason the job failed.
You can also search using filters for ID, Batch ID, time ranges, status, and submitting user. To open
the job in IDM, click a link in the data table.
ION Configuration
We have supplied a sample workflow to demonstrate a possible "approve" workflow that can be used
with IDM documents. To import and configure this sample workflow for use by IDM, log in to ION Desk
and follow these steps.
Before you can start working with Microsoft SharePoint in Infor Document Management, you must have
access to the Microsoft SharePoint Client or SharePoint Designer.
You must also have a valid user name and password to log in to the application with administrative
The following instructions explain the required steps for certain common tasks that are useful when
using IDM. These instructions apply to SharePoint 2010, but are similar for SharePoint 2013.
For more information refer to SharePoint documentation.
Document Library
With Microsoft SharePoint, you use Document Libraries for defining a consistent set of information
about the items you want to catalog. Only Document Libraries with at least one user defined column
will be visible in Document Archive.
Enabling templates
Complete this task to enable the functionality to create documents of a specified document type from
Templates are documents that are pre-populated with attribute values and a file. The template
functionality in IDM is based on these attributes:
• MDS_TemplateName
• MDS_TemplateDetails
To enable the template functionality:
1 Add the MDS_TemplateName and MDS_TemplateDetails attributes as described in Adding an
attribute to a document type in SharePoint on page 202.
2 Set the Attribute Type of each attribute to string.
3 Set the maximum length of MDS_TemplateName to 128 characters and the maximum length of
MDS_TemplateDetails to 512 characters.
Every folder in a document library is displayed as an ACL within IDM. Setting a special ACL on a
document in IDM moves the document in SharePoint to the corresponding folder.
This appendix describes maintenance of the Content Manager, specific to IBM DB2.
Before you can start working with IBM DB2 Content Manager for Infor Document Management, you
must have access to IBM DB2 Content Manager (CM) Administration Client and DB2 Database and
WebSphere Application Server.
To be able to log in to IBM DB2 Content Manager (CM) Administration Client, you must have a valid
user name and password with administrative privileges.
Creating an attribute
Use this procedure to create an attribute.
1 Expand Data Modeling in the navigation pane. Right click Attributes and select New to open the
New Attribute page.
2 Enter the Name and Display Name. The Name that you entered is an internal name that uniquely
identifies an element in the library server and does not display in the client applications. The Display
name field allows for longer values, spaces, and other characters. This name is displayed in the
client applications.
3 Click the Translate button to translate the Display name to a preferred language.
4 Select the Attribute Type. The Attribute Type may be a character, variable, string etc. For more
information on specifying the Attribute Type refer IBM DB2 Content Manager Help provided in the
application itself.
5 Select the additional restrictions depending on the chosen Attribute Type. Click OK.
6 Click the Apply to save the information without closing the page/window.
Deleting an attribute
You cannot delete an attribute if it is part of an attribute group or used in an item type. To remove an
attribute from an item type, you must first delete the entire item type.
1 Expand Data Modeling in the navigation pane.
2 Click Attributes to display all of the attributes in the right pane.
3 Right click the attribute that you want to delete and click Delete.
4 Click OK.
5 Specify the maximum total versions by selecting the appropriate Maximum Total Versions radio
button. Specify the number of versions for the item.
6 Select the Item Type Classification from the drop down list box. The Item Type Classification may
be an item, resource item, document or document part. By default you should choose Document
for normal items and Item for value sets. For more information on the Item Type Classification, refer
IBM DB2 Content Manager Help provided in the application itself.
7 Select the Text Search to make the Resource item or Document as Text searchable.
8 Specify the Item retention period to know how long the library server should keep the item. This is
normally used only when complementing the IBM DB2 Content Manager with a Tivoli backend
9 Select a document routing process from the Start item on process field drop down list box to
automatically start an item that is created in this item type on a previously defined document routing
process. IBM DB2 CM document routing processes are not supported by the Infor Document
Management system.
10 Enter the Priority.
5 Enable Text searchable field by selecting the Text searchable check box and click the Options
button to open the Text Search Options window, when you add regular attributes into the item type.
6 Click Add/New Child> to add a child component. A child component is an optional second or lower
level of an item type. Each child component is directly associated with the level above it. Child
components are usually language managed attributes or tables in the Infor Document Management
a Enter the Child component name. This must be unique throughout the Library Server.
b Enter the Display Name, the name to display to end users in client application.
c Click Translate to open the Translate Display Name window. All of the available languages
defined in the system are listed. In the Translated Name column, type the translated display
name for the other languages. Click the OK button to save the information.
d Specify the Delete rule. Choose Restrict to indicate the root component cannot be deleted if it
contains a child component. Choose Cascade to indicate that when a root component is deleted,
the child component is also deleted.
7 Enter the Minimum cardinality and Maximum cardinality values for each item.
3 Select a Part Type to associate with the document item type from the drop down list box.
4 Select an Access Control List to associate with the part type from the drop down list box.
5 Select the Resource Manager on which the part type is stored from the drop down list box.
6 Select the Collection on which the part is stored. There are two predefined collections that you can
choose or you can create your own collections. The predefined collections are TABLE.CLLCT001
and CBR.CLLCT001. TABLE.CLLCT001 is a BLOB (binary large object) collection. CBR.CLLCT001
is a file system collection. It is recommended to always use a file system collection.
7 Indicate the New Version Policy for the part type. If you click Prompt to create, the DB2 Content
Manager Client for Windows will prompt a user to create another version of an item or update the
current version of an item when making changes. You can prompt the user when an item's notelog
has been updated or when an annotation has been added, deleted, or changed. Select
ICMANNOTATION as the part type for annotations and ICMNOTELOG as the part type for notelogs.
Infor Document Management Clients do not support prompting for new versions.
8 Specify the Maximum total versions for the parts. When you reach the maximum versions specified,
DB2 Content Manager removes the oldest version and stores the latest versions.
9 Click OK.
Enabling templates
Complete this task to enable the functionality to create documents of a specified document type from
Templates are documents that are pre-populated with attribute values and a file. The template
functionality in IDM is based on these attributes:
• MDS_TemplateName
• MDS_TemplateDetails
To enable the template functionality:
1 Add the MDS_TemplateName and MDS_TemplateDetails attributes as described in Creating an
attribute on page 206.
2 Set the Attribute Type of each attribute to string.
3 Set the maximum length of MDS_TemplateName to 128 characters and the maximum length of
MDS_TemplateDetails to 512 characters.
MIME Types
A MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) type is an Internet standard for identifying the type of
object that is being transferred across the Internet. MIME types include many variants of text, audio,
image, and video data.
In DB2 Content Manager, when you create an object, you specify its MIME type. When an object of
that type is retrieved from the resource manager, your application reads the MIME type and determines
how to handle the object. For example, if the MIME type for an object is GIF, your application might
launch a Web browser to view the object.
Many MIME types comes with IBM DB2 Content Manager and a few more comes with Infor Document
Management but if you still need to add new ones this guide is to help you with that. Every MIME type
for all documents you store in the archive should be defined this way for the best system operation.
You need to define the languages in the library server if you have to set up your system for users who
speak different languages and also provide translated display names.
You must specify a language code if you plan to translate text from one language to another. A language
code is a three-character code that can be used to display attributes or item types in multiple national
languages. When you specify a language code, you also need to enter the equivalent word in that
Several pages/windows in the IBM DB2 CM System Administration Client have Display Name fields
that have a Translate button next to them mainly to translate the languages in the required languages.
All languages must be registered in IBM DB2 CM.
Some languages are supplied with IBM DB2 Content Manager and most M3 languages are supplied
with IDM, if you are still missing your language(s) you need to add them.
4 Click the Apply button to save the current details and keep the page/window open to translate
another detail.
They are external files and are not part of the database, because they must be accessible for reading,
or even editing, when the database is down. The backup strategy must ensure that these files are also
backed up using the operating system.
For more information about backing up files, refer to the IBM DB2 CM Help.
A Content Manager system must run efficiently and effectively, and it must be able to perform the
expected workload within a business-required time frame. Designing, configuring, and tuning a Content
Manager system to achieve the desired results is essential for your business to succeed.
We can help you size the system for you specific needs.
For more information about Performance, see IBM Red Book ( and IBM
DB2 CM Help.
Authenticating users includes managing, creating, and importing user IDs and passwords.
A user ID must be created on each library server. Each library server has a set of users who can access
objects through it. You can limit a user's access to objects by assigning a privilege set when you create
that user. If a user must access more than one library server within the DB2® Content Manager system,
you must create a user ID on each library server that the user must access. The user ID can be the
same on every server, but each user ID must be unique within one library server.
Infor Document Management users are normally synchronized with the same LDAP as M3 Business
Engine to ensure minimal additional administration.
For more information about Authentication see IBM DB2 CM Help.
User authorization is the method of controlling which users can log on, create other users, have a
particular type of access to specific items, and so on. The system administration client provides several
authorization objects to accomplish this including privileges, privilege groups, privilege sets, and access
control lists.
An access control list consists of users, user groups and privileges associated with each. When you
associate an access control list with an item type, only the users on that list can access objects created
in the system under this item type. The actions that users can perform on these objects depend on the
privileges associated with them in the access control list.
User groups and roles can be synchronized with a LDAP server but specific authority configurations
for the archive must be managed in Infor Document Management – get the users/groups/roles from
LDAP but you need to setup which group/role can do what with a particular document.
For more information about Authorization see IBM DB2 CM Help.
You use document links to navigate from an M3 transactional object to any kind of document in Infor
Document Management. This is one of the most important features of IDM. It helps you find important
documents like a particular customer invoice, an item image, or a product document.
You can create dynamic links from M3 objects to information in the archive. Since these links are
dynamic, they change when the M3 objects change. It is the "current" match of attributes/meta data
that makes up the link.
All invoices in M3 use the same dynamic link to find the invoice PDF in Infor Document Management.
Since the invoice number (or any other key or multiple keys) is used, each M3 invoice number will refer
to a different invoice PDF in IDM.
This appendix describes how you can integrate M3 Output Management and StreamServe with
Document Archive to archive your M3 BE output.
First, you must enable the integration with some new and changed scripts to your global project, and
then you must make changes in the scripts for each layout that you want to enable for archiving with
Document Archive.
After the initial steps are completed, you can use archiving by selecting the Archive field in MNS205
for selected layouts.
These restrictions apply:
• This instruction is based on the standard layout package for StreamServe version 5.4. The process
can also be applied to StreamServe v4.x.
• The archiving can be done only on *FILE media in MNS204/MNS205 since there must be a physical
file created to be able to insert it into the document archive.
• The StreamServe Control Center must run in synchronous mode.
Knowledge prerequisites
Knowledge about the following is required:
• OpenText StreamServe and experience using it in an M3 BE context
• M3 BE programs and OpenText StreamServe layouts, prints, and messages
• Infor Document Management document types
• Access to the OpenText StreamServe server
• Access to Infor Document Management document types
System requirements
These system requirements must be met before you set up the archiving:
• OpenText StreamServe 5.6 environment must be installed and available
• Layouts for OpenText StreamServe must be installed
• Infor Document Management StreamServe Adapter must be installed on the OpenText StreamServe
Complete the instructions in this appendix to integrate Infor Document Management.
Process overview
1 Verify that the system requirements are met. See System requirements on page 222
2 Install the new files. See Downloading files on page 223
3 Configure your Global Project. See Configuring your global project on page 223
4 Configuring your layouts for archiving. See Configuring your layouts for archiving on page 224. You
must repeat this task for all of your layouts.
5 Activate output to IDM. See Activating output to IDM on page 227. You must repeat this task for all
of your layouts.
Downloading files
To install the new files:
1 Download this component from the extracted Infor OS Installer: Archive M3 BE Output
2 Uunzip the files to a temporary location on your OpenText StreamServe server.
5 Browse to the temporary location where you saved your downloaded installation files. Select the
files one by one and click Open.
6 Set the Resource Type to the following:
• For DAFSettings.tbl, the resource type is: Table
• For DAFKeys.tbl, the resource type is: Table
• For DAF.fcn, the resource type is: Function
7 Save all the files.
Configuring DAFSettings.tbl
1 Locate the DAFSettings.tbl in your Global_resourceset.
2 Change the ArchivePath to the location where your Document Archive StreamServe Adapter reads
new files, for example, D:\InforDocumentArchiveStreamServeAdapter\files\new
Note: If the Document Archive StreamServe adapter is not located on the StreamServe server,
map the network drive. It must be mapped so that the Windows Service running as Local System
has access to it.
4 Uncomment Retrieved();.
Select the Always check syntax when leaving editor check box to minimize the risk for errors.
5 Click OK.
6 Right-click the corresponding Message (connected to the previously selected Event), and select
7 Uncomment BeforeMsg();.
8 Click Check Syntax to verify your code.
9 In the Editor, select Trigger After.
10 Uncomment AfterMsg();
11 Compile and ensure that no errors are shown.
Editing processes
There are usually two processes, one for format A4 and one for format Letter. This part must be repeated
for all processes in use.
1 Right-click the first process and select Script.
2 Make sure that there is a function call to BeforeProcess() inside the "if" clause. For example:
if (...) {
3 Click Check Syntax to verify your code.
4 Copy the entire script content (Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C) to your clipboard.
5 In the Editor, select Trigger After.
6 Remove all the content in this view (Ctrl-A and Del) and replace with the copied script (Ctrl-V).
7 Replace the BeforeProcess() function call with AfterProcess().
8 Compile and ensure that no errors are shown.
9 Select the Create start.arg check box and export your project.
10 Close the project.
11 Create a backup copy of the start.arg file for the OpenText StreamServe application where your
project will be deployed.
12 Stop the OpenText StreamServe application and deploy your project.
13 In a text editor, view your new start.arg file and verify that the new DAF.fcn is listed.
14 From your backup copy of the start.arg file, copy the list of .dux files and paste them into the new
15 Start the OpenText StreamServe application.
Editing DAF.fcn
Stream file values must be stored in StreamServe variables to be archived. In DAF.fcn, you must add
code to save these values. The $mvx_NAME variable contains the printer file name and an "if" clause
is needed for your layout.
1 Open your global project (Global.dcproject). The global project is opened in the StreamServe Design
2 In the Global_resourceset, double-click DAF.fcn.
3 In the pop-up screen, select the DAFSetArchiveIndex function and click Edit.
4 Add a new "if" clause:
Configuring DAFKeys.tbl
The DAFKeys.tbl maps which StreamServe script variables should be sent to Document Archive
together with the document.
1 Open your global project (Global.dcproject). The global project is opened in StreamServe Design
2 In the Global_resourceset, double-click DAFKeys.tbl.
3 Add a new section for your printer file. As an example, see the existing section for QUS606PF.
4 Add rows for the mapping. Each row consists of three values:
• The first column contains the StreamServe printer file name followed by _ and a sequence
number, up to the maximum number of 40.
• The second column contains the variable used in DAF.fcn.
• The third column contains the Document Archive attribute name.
Activating archiving
1 In Infor Smart Office of Infor M3 H5, open M3 Output Media Selection.Open, MNS205.
2 Edit or add appropriate *FILE records. If you leave Prnt file, User, and Location blank, this is the
default setting unless there is a specific setting for certain combinations of the three.
3 Set the Path to a folder on the OpenText StreamServe server, for example, C:\MVXOUT_ PDF\.
4 Set the Destination file to a file name, for example, Archive to be used for the intermediate storage
of the file.
5 Verify that the generated name method is set to 0-Entered name.
6 Select the Archive check box.
Your archiving is now ready for use.
If there is a node failure in a multi-node installation that only contains two nodes, Redis will only work
with a single node from the Redis master node. The Redis master node is located on the primary Infor
OS node. If this node goes down, the Infor.Redis tool must be run. This tool is used to move the Redis
master node to the secondary node that is still running. This tool is needed only in environments that
only have two nodes. This tool does not have to be used in environments that have three or more
To use the Infor.Redis tool:
1 Run the tool on the still functioning node.
2 Specify the Farm Database Host.
3 Specify the port number that the database uses.
4 Specify the Farm Database instance. If the default instance is used, no value is needed.
5 Specify the Farm Database name.
6 Specify the Farm Database user.
7 Specify the Farm Database user’s password.
After the data has been entered and all inputs are correct, the Infor.Redis tool runs and moves the
Redis master node to the current server.
8 Run the Redis Tool.
9 Restart the Infor Ming.le Cache Service.
10 Start the Infor Ming.le Shredder Service.
After this, the Redis functionality is restored. Once the Redis master node has been moved, the
secondary node will remain as the Redis master node. If the secondary node fails, then the tool
must be run to move the Redis master node back to the primary node.
Infor Search is a common platform that provides indexing and search capabilities for some of the Infor
OS components. Infor Search currently includes these Infor OS components:
• Infor Ming.le
• Infor Document Management
• Infor Chat
These applications use a common set of APIs for configuring, indexing, and searching for documents.
Infor Search Service is comprised of these services.
• Infor Search Configuration Service
• Infor Search Indexing Service
• Infor Search Service
• Infor Search Scheduler Service
• Infor Search Streaming Service
This appendix describes the Infor Search component, which is part of the Infor OS platform, and
Homepages widgets for use in monitoring critical information related to the Elasticsearch cluster and
usage. These widgets are packaged as part of the Infor OS installer.
This appendix also provides information for troubleshooting issues that may occur in the application
due to misconfiguration or other errors.
Homepages widgets
Infor OS is packaged with Homepages widgets that provide useful information about the Elasticsearch
cluster and usage.
Error codes
Use these lists of the error codes that can be found in the log files. The lists include a description of
each error and the potential cause for troubleshooting issues.
Configuration errors
Error Code Error Description
FAIL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR An unexpected error occurred that was not caught
in the code. This type of error is non-specific and
must be tracked down in the log file and diag-
nosed according to its surrounding logs.
FAIL_ACCESS_DENIED The calling client does not have the correct per-
missions to the requested endpoint.
FAIL_MISSING_PARAMETER A parameter that was expected was not present
in the request payload.
FAIL_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE The value supplied for the given field is in an in-
valid format, for example, giving a sequence of
letters instead of an integer.
FAIL_INITIALIZE_CACHE Caching system failed for the specific request,
and a response may have been returned with a
FAIL_UNSUPPORTED_DATATYPE The data type supplied in an element’s configura-
tion is not supported by Elasticsearch.
FAIL_UNSUCCESSFUL_OPERATION Elastic Search call failure due to a bad payload
or non-existent objects.
FAIL_CLIENT_IO Elastic Search IO Failure.
FAIL_ALIASES_OPERATION Create/Update Elasticsearch Alias Failure.
AS_INVALID_APPLICATION_EXISTS An application with the given name already exists
for the tenant. Applications cannot have identical
AS_INVALID_TENANT_APPLICATION_DELETE The tenant cannot be deleted until all of its appli-
cations have been deleted first.
Indexing errors
Error code Error description
IS_MISSING_APPLICATION_LOGICAL_ID The given logical ID during the indexing of docu-
ments is not of an existing application. No appli-
cation for the tenant has such a logical ID.
IS_MISSING_DELETE_ELEMENTS This is a critical error that should not occur. As
of now, this may happen during the archiving of
a topic in the Infor Ming.le Chat application.
IS_INVALID_INDEXVERSION The version specified in the indexing request is
not valid. Currently, only version 1 and 2 are
supported, version 2 being that which supports
document versioning.
IS_INVALID_ELEMENTS This is a critical error that should not occur. As
of now, this may happen during the archiving of
a topic in the Infor Ming.le Chat application.
IS_FAIL_ELASTIC_INDEX_IO This is a critical error that should not occur. As
of now, this may happen during the archiving of
a topic in the Infor Ming.le Chat application. An
internal server error occurred while communicat-
ing with the Elasticsearch service.
Search errors
Error code Error description
SS_MISSING_TENANTID This is a critical error that should not occur. The
tenant name is missing from the search request
payload, which should be identified by the tenan-
tId field.
SS_MISSING_SEARCHTERM This is a critical error that should not occur. The
search term to search is missing from the search
request payload that should be identified by the
terms field.
SS_MISSING_SEARCHTARGET This is a critical error that should not occur. The
specific repositories to search for the search re-
quest are missing. This should be identified by
the searchTargets field in the request payload.
SS_MISSING_LOGICALID_IN_SEARCHTAR- An application that is within the domain of
GET searchable applications has a missing logical ID.
SS_MISSING_QUERYBODY_IN_SEARCHTAR- An application that is within the domain of
GET searchable applications has a missing query. This
is an error that occurs during the validation of
applications during a private search.
SS_MISSING_APPLICATION_LOGI- The application logicalId field is missing from
CALID_IN_SEARCHTARGET the search request payload.
SS_MISSING_USERIDENTIFIER Each user belonging to the tenant has a unique
user identifier identified by the userIdentifier
field. A user’s identifier is always extracted to be
included in each search. This error should not
occur if the user is a legitimate user identifier.
SS_MISSING_BEARERTOKEN This is an error that should not occur for a legiti-
mate user. The bearer token, which is a security
token, should always be included in the search
SS_MISSING_REPOSITORYTARGET The repositoryTargets field is missing from the
search request payload.
SS_MISSING_LOGICALID_IN_REPOSITORY- An application logicalId field is missing from one
TARGET of the search targets in the given request payload.
SS_INVALID_EMPTY_REPOSITORYTARGET An application in the search request payload has
no inner repositories specified.
SS_INVALID_PARAMETER_FROM The from field in one of the applications in the
search request payload is invalid because the
value is less than 0.
Common errors
Error code Error description
CS_MISSING_INDEX_CONTEXT An error most likely occurred during the indexing
of documents when required fields are left blank.
The error message indicates which documents
were left blank.
CS_MISSING_INDEX_NAME_BUILDER An error occurred during the creation of a repos-
itory if an Elasticsearch alias name fails to be
constructed within the code.
CS_INVALID_TENANT An error is shared with all services to indicate
that the tenant with the supplied tenant name
within the concerning request payload is in an
inactive state or does not exist.
CS_NOSUCH_APPLICATION An error is shared with all services to indicate
that the supplied application logical ID within the
concerning request payload does not exist.
CS_NOSUCH_INDEX A critical error that should never occur. The error
indicates that Elasticsearch data for a given
repository could not be located.
CS_NOSUCH_TENANT An error is shared with all services to indicate
that the tenant with the supplied tenant name
within the concerning request payload does not
CS_NOSUCH_TABLE A critical error occurred indicating that a database
table could not be found.
CS_FAIL_ELASTIC_INDEX_IO An error occurred while performing an operation
in Elasticsearch. The error message indicates
which operation was being performed before
failure occurred.
CS_FAIL_USER_APPLICATION_SITE_LIST An error most likely occurred during a search.
The service failed to retrieve the list of applica-
tions to which a user has access and, therefore,
is allowed to search. Without this list, the search
cannot take place.
CS_FAIL_USER_APPLICA- An error most likely occurred during a search.
TION_SITE_LIST_AND_FALLBACK The service failed to retrieve the list of applica-
tions to which a user has access and, therefore,
is allowed to search. Without this list, the search
cannot take place.
Creating indexes
• The index is created in the OneViewApi Grid Node:
• Right after the startup of the node (after necessary components are loaded), OneView starts the
index creation procedure.
• If indexes (Event, Message, Statistics) do not exist, the create index routine creates the indexes
and the attributes as defined in com.infor.ion.oneview.model.DocumentSearchModelNew
The routine iterates through the list of all attributes and assigns the correct type and name.
• This situation (including logs) is described in the „Migration Documentation – Happy Path“
• If indexes already exist, the create index routine does not override or re-create the indexes. The
following is logged:
Each consumed message is processed by the corresponding processor in the specific manner based
on the type of the message, but all messages use a similar process:
• Consume object from queue
• Transform to the desired format
• Indexing
For indexing purposes, batching (io.searchbox.core.Bulk) is used.
Version conflicts
Version conflicts occur when more than one thread disrupts a single Elastic Search object. These errors
can be overlooked. The operation is repeated, and the ES object is not corrupted.