m3clm 2024.x M3clmcgiosce Cloud En-Us
m3clm 2024.x M3clmcgiosce Cloud En-Us
m3clm 2024.x M3clmcgiosce Cloud En-Us
Management Configuration
Guide for Infor OS - Cloud
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Publication Information
Release: Infor M3 Customer Lifecycle Management 2024.x
Publication Date: March 25, 2024
Document code: m3clm_2024.x_m3clmcgiosce_cloud_en-us
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About this guide
This guide provides information for the configuration and implementation of M3 Customer LifeCycle
Management (M3 CLM) in a multi-tenant cloud environment
Intended audience
This guide is intended for the system administrator or consultant who configures M3 CLM for use with Infor
OS in the cloud.
Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at https://
mingle-portal.us2.prd3.inforcloudsuite.com/v2/CONCIERGE_PRD and create a support incident.
For the latest documentation, go to Documentation Central at docs.infor.com. We recommend that you check
this website periodically for updated documentation. If you have comments about Infor documentation,
contact documentation@infor.com.
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Chapter 1: Requirements
Required products
Ensure that you have system administrator access to these applications in the cloud:
• M3 Customer LifeCycle Management
• Infor OS applications
• M3 Mobility Core
Required information
Obtain this information from the Infor Cloud team before you begin the integration:
• Administrator account and access information for your hosted Infor environment
• Name of the M3 Customer LifeCycle Management instance or logical ID that is used to connect with Infor
• Tenant ID that is used to connect the application to Infor ION
• Enterprise organization structure, that is, accounting entities
• Location of content source files to be imported into ION, Infor Ming.le, or Infor OS Portal
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Configuration checklist
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Post-provisioning steps in M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
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Post-provisioning steps in M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
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Post-provisioning steps in M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
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Post-provisioning steps in M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
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Post-provisioning steps in M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
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Post-provisioning steps in M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
Signing in to M3 CLM
See how to sign in to M3 CLM through Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal in Infor M3 Customer LifeCycle Management
User Guide for Web Cloud Edition.
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Getting started
Ensure that all of these requirements are met before you start the configuration.
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Getting started
2 Under the App menu, verify that you can access M3 CLM and Infor OS applications such as Infor Ming.le
or Infor OS Portal, ION, and Infor Document Management.
3 Verify that you can access the optional applications that you have licensed, such as M3 Mobility Core
Tenant Toolbox and M3 Mobility Core Toolbox.
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Configuring security
Single sign on allows users to use one set of credentials to log in to all Infor applications.
M3 CLM is set up for Single Sign On in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal through the use of SAML authentication,
Microsoft AD FS, and Integrated Windows Authentication. This requires an environment where a Windows
domain trust between the client systems and the ADFS host is configured.
See the Infor CloudSuite Multi-tenant Trust Configuration Guide.
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Configuring security
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Configuring access to M3 CLM through Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal
Users, roles, and person IDs are defined and shared among Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal and all of the other
applications that run through these portals.
You must add other users in Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal before they can access your product through
these applications.
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Configuring access to M3 CLM through Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal
Setting up roles
M3 CLM has configurable security roles that are set up in the product and then sent to Infor Ming.le or Infor
OS Portal through the SecurityRoleMaster BOD. This BOD is defined at the tenant level.
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Configuring access to M3 CLM through Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal
Service accounts
The Service Accounts page of Infor Ming.le or Infor OS Portal shows accounts that have resource owner grants.
If your application makes API requests, you must have a resource owner grant in order to contact the Infor
Authorization Service. This service provides a token for API requests.
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Configuring M3 Customer Lifecycle Management
See how to configure M3 CLM in Infor M3 Customer LifeCycle Management Administration Guide Cloud Edition.
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Integrating Outlook to M3 CLM
Select Web.
Specify a short description about the addin.
Redirect URL
Specify the copied Outlook endpoint URL value and append /index.html.
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Integrating Outlook to M3 CLM
4 Click Save.
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Integrating Outlook to M3 CLM
7 Click Create.
8 Double-click the display name of the newly-created mobile application.
Take note of the Application ID. The Application ID is used when configuring Office 365 in M3 Mobility
Core Toolbox.
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Integrating Outlook to M3 CLM
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Integrating Outlook to M3 CLM
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Integrating Data Lake
Data Lake is a tool used to publish M3 CLM data to Infor Birst. Infor Birst uses the published data for analytics.
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Integrating Data Lake
Date Range To
Select the date when the purge is being done.
Data Objects
Select all the data objects to be purged.
Logical IDs
Select the logical ID.
5 Run Purge.
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Configuring Mobile Device Management
M3 CLM mobile application are deployed with mainstream Mobile Device Management (MDM) providers in
accordance with the standard approach to app configuration and management of the AppConfig Community.
Instead of asking each Sales Person to scan or manually upload a QR code, the application configuration is
set at deployment on the mobile device.
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Data Lake supported documents
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Data Lake supported documents
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Data Lake supported documents
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Data Lake supported documents
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