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Infor LN Installation Guide: Release 10.7.1

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Infor LN Installation Guide

Release 10.7.1
Copyright © 2020 Infor

Important Notices
The material contained in this publication (including any supplementary information) constitutes and
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By gaining access to the attached, you acknowledge and agree that the material (including any
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of your review thereof other than the non-exclusive right to use the material solely in connection with
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In addition, by accessing the enclosed material, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to
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is accurate and complete, Infor cannot warrant that the information contained in this publication is
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such, Infor does not assume and hereby disclaims all liability, consequential or otherwise, for any loss
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The word and design marks set forth herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Infor and/or
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Publication Information
Release: Infor LN 10.7.1
Publication Date: January 7, 2020
Document code: ln_10.7.1_lnisig__en-us


About this guide.................................................................................................................................5

Contacting Infor.................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 1: Introduction......................................................................................................................7

Chapter 2: Pre-installation tasks.......................................................................................................8

Last minute information.....................................................................................................................8
Additional information........................................................................................................................9
Antivirus software..............................................................................................................................9
System settings...............................................................................................................................10
Database settings............................................................................................................................10
Microsoft SQL Server...................................................................................................................11
DB2 universal database...............................................................................................................13
EnterpriseDB Postgres Plus Advanced Server (PPAS)...............................................................16
Chapter 3: Description Installable Units (IUs)................................................................................17
Infor Staging Wizard........................................................................................................................17
Infor Installation Wizard...................................................................................................................17
Infor Enterprise Server....................................................................................................................17
Infor ES Porting Set.........................................................................................................................18
Infor ES PMC Solutions...................................................................................................................18
Infor ES AddOn PMC Solutions.......................................................................................................18
Infor Solution License Manager.......................................................................................................18
Infor Application Service Manager..................................................................................................19
Infor LN............................................................................................................................................19
Infor LN PMC Solutions...................................................................................................................19
Required IUs for a new LN installation............................................................................................19
Chapter 4: Staging area...................................................................................................................21

Infor LN Installation Guide | 3


Chapter 5: Installing the LN software.............................................................................................23

Chapter 6: Post-installation tasks...................................................................................................27

Database and application tuning.....................................................................................................27
Installing user interface software.....................................................................................................27
Setting up Online Help....................................................................................................................28
License LN......................................................................................................................................28
Configure Shared Memory..............................................................................................................29
Changing passwords.......................................................................................................................29
Specifying default currencies...........................................................................................................29
LN installation with ASM..................................................................................................................30
LN Enterprise Modeler Content Pack..............................................................................................30
Infor ES Reporting...........................................................................................................................30
Infor Support Assistant for LN.........................................................................................................31
Chapter 7: Installing a language in LN...........................................................................................32
Available languages.........................................................................................................................32
English as fall back language..........................................................................................................32
Appendix A: Installing on Windows Server Cluster......................................................................33
Installation on first cluster node.......................................................................................................33
Installation on next cluster nodes....................................................................................................34
Finish the cluster installation...........................................................................................................35
Setting up a failover job daemon.....................................................................................................35
Maintenance and administration on cluster aware BSE..................................................................35
Appendix B: Distributed Application Server AS/MAS...................................................................36
Installation notes.............................................................................................................................36
AS setup with database driver running on the MAS........................................................................38
AS setup with the database driver running on the AS.....................................................................38
Language packs..............................................................................................................................39
Appendix C: Installation log files....................................................................................................40

Appendix D: Installing Infor ES Reporting Service.......................................................................45

Upgrading the Infor ES Reporting Service......................................................................................45
Modifying the port number...............................................................................................................45
Troubleshooting Infor ES Reporting Service...................................................................................46

Infor LN Installation Guide | 4

About this guide

About this guide

This installation guide describes the procedure to install the entire Infor LN software suite as a single
installation. The Infor Installation Wizard guides the Infor LN software installation process.

Intended Audience
The document is intended for Infor consultants, partners and customers who are responsible for installing
Infor LN.
To understand this document, we recommend that you have knowledge of how Infor LN is structured:
• Package VRCs.
• Package combinations.
• Derived-from structure.

Related documents:
You can find the documents in the product documentation section of the Infor Support Portal, as
described in "Contacting Infor".
• Infor Enterprise Server Release Notes
• Infor LN - Specific Installation Guide - Updates
• Infor Enterprise Server Installation Guide
• Infor Solution License Manager - Installation and Configuration Guide
• Infor Enterprise Server - Administration Guide
• Infor Application Service Manager - Administration Guide
• Deploying Infor LN in a Virtualized environment (B0073)
• Infor LN Application Sources Installation Guide (U8621)
• Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide
• Infor LN - User Guide for Setting Up a Company
• Infor LN - DEM Content Pack User Guide
• Infor LN UI Administration Guide
• Infor LN UI User Guide
• Infor LN - Application Sources - Installation Guide
From this point onwards Infor LN is referred to as LN.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 5

About this guide

Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at https://concierge.infor.com/ and
create a support incident.
If we update this document after the product release, we will post the new version on the Infor Support
Portal. To access documentation, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend that you
check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact documentation@infor.com.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 6


Chapter 1: Introduction

The LN software can be installed in one installation run.

Before you can start with the actual installation of the LN software, you must have performed some
pre-installation tasks. One of the pre-installation tasks is that a database instance is installed and
For information about preparing a database for LN, see Pre-installation tasks on page 8.
The terms and abbreviations that are used in this guide:
• Installation Wizard = Infor Installation Wizard
• SLM = Infor Solution License Manager
• LN = Infor LN
• ASM = Infor Application Service Manager

Infor LN Installation Guide | 7

Pre-installation tasks

Chapter 2: Pre-installation tasks

Before the Infor LN installation, you must perform some pre-installation tasks.
For an efficiently performing database and Infor LN system, you must procure the correct system and
hardware that suits your business needs. Consider hardware sizing by Infor. Incorrect values can
negatively affect performance.
For system tuning recommendations, see Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide.
We recommend some guidelines for a correct setup of the system and database before the actual
installation of Infor LN. Follow the guidelines in your applicable database section.
General note: Ensure to apply the latest available service packs and fixes to your Operating System
and Database before starting the installation of Infor LN.
Java must be installed on the LN Server.

Last minute information

For the latest information, take note of these solutions on the Infor Support Portal.

Solution Description
22867311 This solution provides an overview of the available LN applications solutions. For
a specific LN version we recommend that you choose the latest version of the
software for new installations. For possible installation problems and last minute
solutions you must read all the extra information.
1404654 This solution provides information about Infor Enterprise Server.
22881401 Latest information about system sizing, performance considerations and operating
system and database tuning aspects.

Release and Technical notes

Together with other documents that apply to your configuration, read these documents:
• Infor Enterprise Server Release Notes
• Technical Notes for Porting Set available in solution 22923520.
• The Platform support matrix that is available in solution 1183466

Infor LN Installation Guide | 8

Pre-installation tasks

These notes provide additional information that can be useful during the installation, or help you
overcome functional issues after the installation.

Additional information
This section describes in general what you must take into account before you start the LN installation.

Remote Host
When you perform an LN installation on a remote (Linux or UNIX) host ensure that your (Linux/UNIX)
server runs a SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) daemon.

First, finish the installation, then install the required solutions.
During the first software installation, company 000 is created. If you log on as a user that is authorized
for Tools, you automatically work in company 000. When you create new company numbers, do not
use numbers in the range of zero through 99. These numbers are reserved by Infor for delivering base
data or demo data. During updates data problems can arise if a duplicate company number is created
for operational use.
To create a company, see Infor LN - User Guide for Setting Up a Company.

Application sources
The regular Infor LN medium does not include sources. In case you must install the application sources,
request for a source medium or ISO file from Infor Contract Management and Validation.
For installation information see Infor LN Application Sources Installation Guide Infor LN.

Antivirus software
Antivirus software can interrupt the LN software installation process. We recommend that you exclude
the Infor installation path with its subdirectories from the antivirus exlusion list.
Another option is to temporarily disable all antivirus software during the installation. Do not forget to
re-enable the antivirus software after the installation is complete.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 9

Pre-installation tasks

System settings
This section provides guidelines for a correct system configuration before the installation of LN.
Before you install LN on Windows, you must create an installation user account for example infor,
with administrator rights. On UNIX/Linux create a group, for example bsp, This group includes all the
users, who are granted access to the LN application. Create an installation user, for example bsp, with
enough authorizations to create the BSE directory where the LN environment will reside. The installation
user name on Windows or UNIX must not exceed eight characters.
On UNIX, for the installation user, activate the korn shell to avoid installation problems.

Synchronize system clocks

When installing LN on a non-Windows system, two systems are involved. The Installation Wizard is
started on a Windows system. At some time during the installation process, the setup starts processes
on the system where the environment must be installed. Because of this technique, log files are created
on both systems. If the time on both systems differ, it is difficult to compare these log files regarding
the timestamps. We recommend that you synchronize the clocks on both systems before starting the
installation. For more specific information, see section "Server" in Installation Log files on page 40.

Database settings
This section provides general guidelines for a correct database configuration for LN. The database
instance must be created manually. The database can be created through the Installation Wizard.
The installation wizard does not create directories for database files. Ensure these directories already

Disk space
For performance reasons we recommend to allocate the full size of the database tablespaces according
the sizing recommendation during the creation of the tablespace. For example, if the sizing requires 1
GB disk space for the database for the coming two years, allocate that size during the database creation.
In order to decrease the disk space, the compress database table on functionality can be considered.

We recommend that you create all database users and group names in lowercase to prevent case

Database client for 3-tier

When using a 3-tier environment, a database client installation is required on the application server.
Use the database specific installation manuals for installation instructions.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 10

Pre-installation tasks

Microsoft SQL Server

To install the Microsoft SQL Server (MSQL) software, use the SQL Server Installation Manuals. This
section provides guidelines for a correct setup of SQL Server for Infor LN. For SQL Server database
tuning advice, see Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide for SQL Server

Collation settings
During the installation process of SQL Server the Server configuration dialog box is displayed. On this
dialog box you can select a collation, code page and sort order.
Collations provide sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity properties for your data. Collations that
are used with character data types such as char and varchar dictate the code page and corresponding
characters that can be represented for that data type.
The collation of the LN database is set by the Installation Wizard during the database creation process.
Before selecting the collation and sorting rules during the SQL Server installation, you must decide
which applications you want to run using this SQL Server instance. Investigate if these applications
have pre-requisites about the instance collation.
Select the correct collation and sorting rules during the SQL Server installation. Changing the collation
after you installed the SQL Server means rebuilding your database and reloading the data.
The LN database on the SQL server requires a "Windows collation designator and sort order", you can
select this on the Collation selection dialog box.

In case of a Unicode installation select Latin1_General_100_CS_AS_KS_WS and these sort order
• Case - sensitive
• Accent - sensitive
• Kana - sensitive
• Width - sensitive

Data storage
This table shows a rough starting value for the size of the SQL Server table spaces. Consider the
requirements based on your system sizing for optimal performance.

Tablespace Initial size

Log 2 GB
Data + Index Refer to sizing, minimal 20 GB

When using auto growth, use large chunks of 2 GB or more to minimize fragmentation.

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Pre-installation tasks

Remote database (3-tier)

To install the database on another server, you must Install SQL Server client on the application server.
For more information, refer to the SQL Server Books Online.

To install the Oracle software, see the Oracle Installation Manuals. This section provides guidelines
for a correct setup of Oracle for LN. For more Oracle database tuning advice, see Infor LN -
Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide for Oracle (B0078 US).

This table shows a rough starting value of Oracle parameters which must be changed while creating
the instance. Consider the requirements based on your system sizing for optimal performance.

Parameter Recommended value

sga_target (2-tier) 25% of internal memory
sga_target (3-tier) 40% of internal memory
Connection mode Dedicated server
processes 150 + number of users
sessions Number of users * 1.1
db_block_size At least 16KB

The definition of some LN tables requires a db_block_size of at least 16KB. This is currently the largest
available block size on Oracle/Windows installations. On Oracle/UNIX 32KB is preferred. Ensure to
set this parameter before creating the Oracle database. You cannot change this parameter afterwards.

Character set
For a Unicode installation the value of the character set (NLS_ CHARACTERSET) is not relevant for
LN. Select AL16UTF16 as value of the national character set (NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET).

Data storage
This table shows a rough starting value for the size of the Oracle tablespaces. Consider the requirements
based on your system sizing for optimal performance.

Tablespace Initial size

System 5 GB
Undo 10 GB
Temp 10 GB

Infor LN Installation Guide | 12

Pre-installation tasks

Tablespace Initial size

Redo 6 files of 1 GB each
Data + Index See sizing, minimal 20 GB

Remote database (3-tier)

To install the database on another server:
1 Install Oracle Net Services on the application server.
2 Configure a listener using net Configuration Assistant (netca).
For more information, see the Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide.

DB2 universal database

There are some guidelines to set up DB2 for LN. For installing the DB2 software and creating a DB2
instance, see the IBM documentation or online help. For DB2 database tuning advice, see Infor LN -
Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide for DB2 (B0077 US).

System accounts
DB2 uses Operating System authentication. In case of a 3-Tier setup you can use one of these
authentication options:
• Server authentication: the OS users and groups must be created on the database server.
• Client authentication: the OS users and groups must be created on the (Master) Application server.
In case of 2-Tier, use server authentication.
These OS users and groups must be added or modified:
• Create a UNIX group for all LN users; for example infor. The group name must correspond with
the DB2 database that is created during the installation of LN. Any user who must have access to
the database must be a member of this group. All users that require database administration access
must belong to the group db2iadm that was created during the installation of DB2.
• Add the installation user, for example bsp, to the LN application group infor and to the database
administration group db2iadm.
• Create a user infor whose name corresponds to the DB2 database group that is created during
the installation of LN. You must add this user to the UNIX group, for example infor and to the
database administration group db2iadm.
• Modify the user account root/administrator and make the account a member of the group infor.
In addition, the user root must be a member of the DB2 related groups created during installation.

Character set
The used collation depends on the DB2 version. When creating the database through the LN Installation
Wizard, this setting is used.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 13

Pre-installation tasks

Installation Code set Territory Collation (database version dependent)

Unicode UTF-8 en_US CLDR181_NX (DB2 version V10.1 or later)
UCA500R1_NX (DB2 version V9.7 or later)
UCA400_NO (DB2 version 9.5)

DB2 Code page

DB2 can convert characters if the client, the Infor LN DB2 driver, and the RDBMS work with different
code pages. The client code page is derived from system settings, for example local.
If conversion errors occur, the DB2CODEPAGE variable must be set to the same code page as used in
the database. Specify the DB2CODEPAGE in the $BSE/lib/tabledef6.2 file.

Data storage
The table shows a rough starting value for the size of the DB2 tablespaces. Consider the requirements
based on your system sizing for optimal performance.

Tablespace Type Initial size

Catalog SMS Minimal 10 GB free disk space
Temporary SMS Minimal 10 GB free disk space
Data + Index DMS See sizing, minimal 20 GB

Use automatic tuning as much as possible. Consider the requirements based on your system sizing
for optimal performance.
This table shows a rough starting value of some DB2 parameters:

Parameter Recommended value

bufferpool (data) AUTOMATIC(200000)
bufferpool (temp) AUTOMATIC(10000)
bufferpool (ibmdefaultbp) AUTOMATIC(25000)
dbheap AUTOMATIC(50000)
logprimary 6
logsecondary 10
logfilsiz 128000

Enable connection pooling, run this command at a db2 command prompt:

db2 => update cli cfg for section Common using MultiConnect 3
If the MultiConnect setting is not set to 3, errors occur.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 14

Pre-installation tasks

DB2 shared libraries on UNIX/Linux

Ensure that you create a symbolic link for the correct version of DB2 libraries under /usr/lib. To create
this symbolic link, use the db2ln utility.
The db2ln utility creates a symbolic link to /usr/lib/$LIBNAME. Symbolic links to previous versions
of DB2 are removed. You can find db2ln in: <DB2INSTALLDIR>/cfg
Run the command as root: <DB2INSTALLDIR>/cfg/db2ln
Links from previous versions of DB2 to the /usr/lib directory are automatically replaced with a link
to the newer DB2 version if you run the db2ln command. Check IBM DB2 documentation if you want
to re-establish a symbolic ink to a previous version of DB2. You can only establish symbolic links for
one DB2 version on a specific system.
In case of multiple DB2 installations on the same system, the shared library environment variable must
be set in <BSE>/lib/bse_vars. This environment variable enables you to use the correct libraries
with the DB2 version you want to use for the LN installation.
During the installation of the LN software, a dialog box is displayed where you can change the bse_
vars file. The name of the variable varies by platform:
• Other UNIX/Linux platforms: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<DB2INSTALLDIR>/lib

Remote database (3-tier)

To install the database on another server:
1 Set these DB2 environment variables on both the database- and application server:
• db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP
• db2set DB2INSTANCE=instance_name
2 Search for two consecutive unused TCP/IP port numbers higher than 1024 on both the application
and database server in /etc/services. Use these port numbers for DB2 client/server communication.
Add these lines:
• name1 port_number1/tcp
• name2 port_number2/tcp
The name of the first port number is referred to as the service name.
3 On the database server, ensure the database manager configuration parameter SVCENAME
contains the correct service name:
db2 => update dbm cfg using SVCENAME name1
4 Catalog the database on the (Master) Application Server. Start a db2 command prompt and specify
these commands:
• db2 => catalog tcpip node NODENAME remote hostname|ip_address server
• db2 => catalog database DATABASE as DATABASE at node NODENAME
• db2 => update dbm cfg using authentication CLIENT
• db2 => terminate

Infor LN Installation Guide | 15

Pre-installation tasks

EnterpriseDB Postgres Plus Advanced Server (PPAS)

To install the EnterpriseDB software, see the EnterpriseDB PPAS Installation Manuals. Here we provide
guidelines for a correct setup of EDB for LN.
Before you start, read the Infor Support Portal KB 1671517. This Infor Support Portal KB contains
critical information for installing EDB PPAS and prerequisites for installing LN.

SLM (license)
The enterpriseDB database driver requires an additional SLM server license. To enable the required
license, you must install and configure SLM before you start the LN installation on EnterpriseDB. There
is no demo or grace period for using the EDB database driver.
The required SLM code is:
SLM Product license Id #7134 'Enterprise DB connector for LN'

Infor LN Installation Guide | 16

Description Installable Units (IUs)

Chapter 3: Description Installable Units (IUs)

Infor LN consists of different components, the so-called Installable Units (IU).

These Installable Units must be placed in a folder on the system from where the installation is started.
This folder is called the staging area.
The user who performs the installation is responsible for loading the correct IUs and versions in the
Staging Area.

Infor Staging Wizard

This wizard is used to build a staging area. A staging area is a storage place for various Installable
Units before the actual installation can start.
For each update, we recommend that you always create a new staging area.

Infor Installation Wizard

This wizard must be used to perform the installation or update of an LN environment based on the
Installable Units available in the staging area.
See Infor Support Portal KB 22923520.

Infor Enterprise Server

The LN tools software. With these tools, you can manage the LN application software.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 17

Description Installable Units (IUs)

Infor ES Porting Set

The Enterprise Server virtual machine also known as binaries. This is the OS dependent basis on
which the LN application runs.
See Infor Support Portal KB 22923520.

Infor ES PMC Solutions

The set of PMC solutions that is required to update to the last version of Enterprise Server. With this
Installable Unit you can update all previous versions of Enterprise Server. Next to the latest Enterprise
Server version, this Installable Unit contains all preceding versions.

Infor ES AddOn PMC Solutions

Infor Enterprise Server AddOn PMC Solutions are required to update to the latest version of Enterprise
Server AddOn. Updating can be done for all previous versions of Enterprise Server, using only this
Installable Unit. Next to the latest version of Enterprise Server AddOn, this Installable Unit contains all
preceding versions.
We recommend that you install this Installable Unit to keep Enterprise Server and Enterprise Server
AddOn at the same version level.
This Installable Unit contains the packages da (Data Director), nt (New Technology), ta (Technology
Adjustable) and tm (OpenWorld Middleware enabling).
See Infor Support Portal KB 2026891.

Infor Solution License Manager

The Solution License Manager installs or updates the SLM client and SLM server on the system that
is specified for installation.
See Infor Support Portal KB 22881484.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 18

Description Installable Units (IUs)

Infor Application Service Manager

Administrative tool to start and stop LN or other (partner) application services. Infor Application Service
Manager is mainly used with Infor Technology Architecture to manage the number of Adapters for ERP
(Infor LN) servers related to the load. It can also be used to manage LN jobs.
Installation of this Installable Unit is optional.
See Infor Support Portal KB 22915422.

Infor LN
LN application

Infor LN PMC Solutions

LN PMC Solutions are required to update LN (applications) to a new Feature Pack. This solution
contains the LN application software and the Business Object Document package containing the BODs
for integration with other applications.
See Infor Support Portal KB 22867311.

Required IUs for a new LN installation

After one or more IUs are placed in the Staging Area, they can be installed simultaneously to the target
system, or selectively installed. The Installation Wizard handles the actual installation of the IUs.
To install the complete LN software for the first time, these installable units are required:
• Infor Staging Wizard.
• Infor Installation Wizard.
• Infor ES Porting Set
• Infor Enterprise Server
• Infor LN
• Infor Solution License Manager
• Infor ES PMC Solutions
• Infor ES AddOn PMC Solutions
• Infor LN PMC Solution
There are two ways to install Infor Solution License Manager:

Infor LN Installation Guide | 19

Description Installable Units (IUs)

• You can select this installable unit so the installation wizard installs SLM together with the other
selected installable units in one run. The SLM installable unit installs all SLM components, client
and server part, on the LN server system. The default values for SLM are configured. This means
a master SLM Server is started at port number 6005.
• You must use the stand-alone SLM installer in other situations. Possible situations that require the
stand-alone SLM installer are:
• Set your own values,
• Install a SLM server on another system,
• Only install a SLM client on the LN system as there already is a SLM server present.
• Install a SLM cluster.
Before you can proceed with the LN installation, you must have installed SLM or selected the installable
unit of SLM. The installation wizard runs a check on SLM components and stops the installation if SLM
information is not found.

Staging Installable Units

For installation on a Windows server, the Installable Units must be staged on the LN server itself. For
installation on a UNIX/Linux server, the Installable Units must be placed on a Windows client system.
Each IU that must be installed in one installation run is staged in the same Staging Area. No dependency
check is made for the IUs loaded into the Staging Area.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 20

Staging area

Chapter 4: Staging area

With the Staging Wizard you create a staging area.

A staging area is used for the Infor LN installation process to install components. The components that
are stored in the staging area are called Installable Units (IU). The Installation Wizard can install the
Installable Units in one run. The installation wizard fulfills several tasks automatically during the
installation process. This functionality profits according to PMC installs by effort and processing time.
We recommend that you use the installation wizard.
Note: You can install LN directly from the delivered main basic media. Be aware that when you are
setting up your LN environment, new improvements are made on top of the main basic media. We
recommend that you download and stage the new solutions before starting the installation procedure.
Do not use any existing (old) staging area, but create a new one instead. We recommend that you
create one of these staging areas:
• A staging area for Infor ES PMC Solutions (tools) and the Infor ES AddOn PMC Solutions.
• A complete staging area with Infor ES PMC Solution (tools), the Infor ES AddOn PMC Solutions
and the Infor LN PMC Solution (application).
Start the Staging Wizard from the Infor Enterprise Server medium 1-2 to create a staging area. The
Wizard asks you to specify a destination directory on disk where to copy the Installable Units.
After creating the staging area on disk, you can also stage the Infor LN 10.7 medium.
To start the Staging Wizard from the Infor Enterprise Server medium (1-2), navigate to <Install
medium>\Start folder. Double-click StartFirst.exe. A page is displayed with information about
installing several software components on the media. Read the screen carefully and click the appropriate
here link to start the Staging wizard.
Click the Start Staging Wizard link at the center of the page.
The Staging Wizard is started and guides you through the staging process.
Note: The Infor Enterprise Server medium (2-2) contains among others the web based user interface
and extended connectivity software for LN. The installation of this medium is described in "Installing
user interface software" in the Infor LN - Installation Guide.
Note: The regular Infor LN medium does not include sources. To install source related components
of Infor LN applications, obtain a source medium or ISO file from Infor Contract Management and
Validation. After the staging process is finished you can start the installation process.
See the Infor LN Application Sources - Installation Guide.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 21

Staging area

Downloading and staging the solutions

Download the solutions with a professional ftp client, for example with WinSCP freeware, and connect
to the Infor ftp server: ftp.support.baan.com.

Caution: We recommend that you exclude the check to determine which solutions must be
downloaded. Download and scan all solutions.

The IU solutions are stored under these names:

• tools = /updates/10.7_0_tt
Download all 2*tt.tar.gz files.
• pmc addon = /updates/107_0_ta
Download all <solution#>ta.tar.gz files.
• bo = /updates/2.1_b6_bo
Download all mn*bo.tar.gz files.
• LN = /updates/B61_25
Download all mn*stnd.tar.gz files.
• IW and Portingset = /updates/port
Porting set and Installation Wizard. Download only the latest versions.

Place all downloaded files in a sub folder, for example:

• <staging area>\ftp\10.7_0_tt
• <staging area>\ftp\107_0_ta
• <staging area>\ftp\2.1_b6_bo
• <staging area>\ftp\b61_25
• <staging area>\ftp\IW
• <staging area>\ftp\port
Start the Staging Wizard from your disk. To stage all downloaded dumps in the correct folder, redirect
the wizard to <staging area>\ftp

Infor LN Installation Guide | 22

Installing the LN software

Chapter 5: Installing the LN software

This section describes an example installation on a Windows machine with a Microsoft SQL Server
For this installation, the Infor Application Service Manager client and server part, is also selected to be
installed in one run.
The LN installation on UNIX is almost identical to the installation on Windows. On Windows, you run
a local installation on the server. On UNIX you must start the UNIX installation from a Windows client
system and run a remote installation. If the example installation differs on certain steps from a UNIX
Installation, comments are provided about this.
For specific information about installing on a Windows Server cluster, see Installing on Windows Server
Cluster on page 33.
To install the Installable Units, the Installation Wizard must be started. Online help is available during
the complete installation process.
After the LN installation you must perform several additional tasks to set up your LN product, see
Post-installation tasks on page 27.
In case of issues during the installation, check the log files. The files are located in:
• <stagingarea>\Logging Files
• $BSE/log
• On Windows also in the event viewer.
Never remove the directory <BSE>/lib/install after an installation. This directory contains important
installation-specific information and information important for runtime.
Close all running applications and start the installation.
1 Logon to the system. The user must have administrator rights.
2 To start the installation, run the startfirst.exe file directly from the Start directory in the staging
A dialog box is displayed with several options.
3 Click the link to start the Installation Wizard
The Welcome dialog box of the Installation Wizard is displayed.
4 Click Next. The Environment dialog box is displayed.
5 Specify a new Environment name, or select an existing environment from the list. Click Next.
6 Select the unit(s) for installation from the list in the Select Installable Units dialog box.
7 Click Next. The Select Porting Set dialog box is displayed.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 23

Installing the LN software

8 Select the Porting Set applicable for your Operating System, and click Next.
The Host Name dialog box is displayed. The Host Name is the system name of the (Master)
Application Server where you install your LN software. The dialog boxes differ for Remote and
Local installations. When installing on Windows, the fields are already filled.
9 Check or specify the Host name and click Next.
The Destination Directory dialog box is displayed.
10 Specify the path of the directory in which the LN software must be installed.
We recommend to have bse as the last sub directory in the destination directory. If the target
directory does not exist, you are asked to create the target directory.
11 Click Next. The Setup Type dialog box is displayed.
Select one of the different setup types:
• The Master Application Server (MAS)
• Application Server (AS)
Note that for a first install, a Master Application Server (MAS) is required. Before you can install
an AS connection to set up an Enterprise Cluster, an MAS must be installed.
For more specific information about the Application Server, see Distributed Application Server
AS/MAS on page 36.
12 Click Next to select the database in the Database dialog box which, you prepared to store the
repository of the LN software.
From this stage onwards, the dialog boxes of the Installation Wizard can differ for each RDBMS
choice. The remainder of this example installation provides a description of an installation on the
Microsoft SQL Server database. If you have prepared another RDBMS, for support, use Help (F1).
The Installation Wizard does not automatically create directories for database data files or check
if they do or do not exist; you must have already created these directories.
13 Click Next. The Database Server Location dialog box is displayed.
14 Select a database server location.
Your choice depends on whether you want to install your database repository on your LN server
(Master Application Server) or on another server.
15 Click Next. The Database Connection Information dialog box is displayed.
16 Specify the host name of the machine where the database server resides. This information is
required to connect to the correct database.
17 Click Next. The Database Users and Group dialog box is displayed.
18 Specify the users and a group for, in this case, the SQL Server database:
• The SQL Server System Administrator is sa. To avoid problems, we recommend that you
assign a password to sa.
• A default name for the Infor Database Group is <ENV> db (<ENV> is the environment name).
In the Password field, type a password you want to associate with the group.
• The current user field is filled. Specify the database password for the current user. Ensure the
user is present in the database and that the password is correct.
19 Click Next to continue with the Database Configuration Parameters dialog box.
The AutoGrow option controls whether database storage files, data and log, created by the
administration utility automatically grow as required when their existing space is exhausted.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 24

Installing the LN software

The Compress Database Tables option controls whether advanced compression of the database
and indexes is enabled. See the online help for table and index compression requirements.
Specify the correct database collation in the SQL Server Database collation field, see the
Pre-installation tasks on page 8.
20 Click Next to continue with the Database Device Locations and Sizes dialog box.
21 Specify the locations and sizes for the data and log files. For specific information, click Help.
22 Click Next to continue with the Program Folder dialog box.
23 Specify in which folder and under what name this LN installation must be saved.
A default name is Infor. Type or select an existing program folder name or create a new folder.
24 Click Next to continue with the Logic Service dialog box.
To use a separate account to start the Infor ES Logic Service, you must supply the account
information here. Ensure that you supply the correct password.
25 Click Next. The Parallel Processes dialog box is displayed.
26 Select the number of processes your hardware can simultaneously support.
Multiple bshells speed up the installation. Do not use more number of processes than available
27 Click Next to continue with the BW Configuration Parameters dialog box.
Select the configuration parameters to change. Click Next to end the edit.
28 Click Next to continue with the Select Base VRCs for PMC solutions.
29 Select the Base VRCs for which the PMC solutions must be installed. Select one or more Base
VRCs and click Next. For more specific online information, click Help.
30 Select the configuration files you want to change and click Next.
Note that changing these configuration files can have serious consequences.
If you select the bse_vars file, the bse_vars file dialog box is displayed.
This dialog box can be filled with specific settings for the LN environment. For example, in case
more versions of DB2 are installed on the same system, you must set a shared library path
environment variable. You can use this environment variable to use the correct libraries with the
DB2 version you want to use for the LN installation.
31 Click Next. If you also selected the storage_param file, the Configuration File: storage_param
dialog box is displayed.
You can specify the storage_param with specific settings for the database. To display the default
entries of the storage_param file, click Defaults. Select an entry you want to edit. For specific
information about the storage_param file entries, consult the Technical Reference Manual
applicable for your database.
32 Click Next. If the Installable Unit Solution License Managerr (SLM) is also selected, the Location
dialog box about SLM is displayed.
33 Click Next. The Host Name dialog box is displayed.
34 Specify the host name of the computer on which the SLM resides. During the installation on
Windows, the hostname is already filled. For more information, click Help.
35 Click Next, the Platform Type dialog box is displayed.
36 Click Next, the Destination Directory dialog box is displayed.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 25

Installing the LN software

37 Specify the Destination Directory for the SLM software, for example C:\Program Files\SLM
38 ClickNext.
The Installation Components dialog box is displayed.
39 Select All components check box.
40 Click Next.
If you also selected the Installable Unit for Application Service Manager (ASM) during this installation,
a Location dialog box about ASM is displayed.
41 Select Local as installation on windows, the location for the ASM software is Local.
42 Click Next to continue with the Host Name dialog box.
The Host name and Login name of your local machine are specified.
43 Click Next to select the Platform Type.
44 Click Next to continue with the Destination Directory dialog box.
45 Specify the destination directory for the ASM software and click Next.
46 The Installation Components dialog box is displayed.
Select one of the Installation Components. In this case, the Server and the Snap-in option is
selected, meaning that all available components are going to be installed.
On Windows you can select the Server or the snap-in option. With the snap-in, you can configure
the Server.
On UNIX, only the Server option is available, because snap-ins cannot be installed on UNIX.
47 Click Next to continue.
The Jobs dialog box is displayed.
48 Specify the mechanism and click Next.
49 The Ready to Install dialog box is displayed.
Check the information in this dialog box. To make adjustments, click Back. Otherwise, to start the
installation, click Install.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 26

Post-installation tasks

Chapter 6: Post-installation tasks

After the LN installation, you must perform post installation tasks.

Not all tasks are required. Some optional tasks are left to the discretion of the customer.

Database and application tuning

Database and application tuning and optimization is a continuous process. To help you tuning Infor
LN, see Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide. The table shows the documents for database
tuning and technical reference information.
You can retrieve the database specific Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guides from solution 22881401.

Database Documents
Microsoft SQL Server • Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide for SQL Server
• Infor Enterprise Server - Technical Reference Guide for Microsoft
SQL Server Database Driver
Oracle • Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide for Oracle Server
• Infor Enterprise Server - Technical Reference Guide for Oracle
Database Driver
IBM DB2 • Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide for DB2 Server
• Infor Enterprise Server - Technical Reference Guide for DB2
Database Driver
EnterpriseDB • Infor Enterprise Server - Technical Reference Guide for EnterpriseDB

Installing user interface software

To access LN, you must install an user interface.
The dedicated user Interface for LN is Infor Ming.le with embedded LN UI.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 27

Post-installation tasks

The LN UI framework provides a completely Web-based user interface in which you can work with the
LN application. For specific information about the installation of LN UI, see the installation instructions
on the Infor Enterprise Server 10.5 (2-2) installation medium.
Translations are available for the user interface software. To change the user interface language, see
Infor LN UI User Guide.

Setting up Online Help

The LN Online Help together with the complete documentation set can be downloaded from the Infor
Support Portal. Search for the Infor Support Portal KB 22944448
For instructions about the installation of the Online Help, see the Infor LN UI Administration Guide
On https://docs.infor.com you can find the latest documentation set. Here you can open or download
a specific pdf one by one.

After you have installed LN, it is recommended to check solution 22867311. With this solution you can
link to the last minute notes for your LN version.
To upgrade an installation with a Feature Pack, Language Pack, or Porting set, see Infor LN - Specific
Installation Guide - Updates.

License LN
The Solution License Manager (SLM) is the integrated and the central license manager for all Infor
products and bundled partner products. SLM is a central application that checks whether users are
licensed to start one of these products, and provides a common licensing solution for all Infor products,
which ensures a consistent and reliable license-validating mechanism.
You must license your LN environment. The initial installation will state automatically a 30 day demo
Based on the pricing of an Infor product, you can assign a restricted set of license types to an application.
Therefore, you must know the license type for your application before you can configure SLM.
The documentation of the Infor product you are installing will inform you which SLM product-id' s you
must register against which license type to get the product activated.
Another way is to check the Infor Support Portal:

Infor LN Installation Guide | 28

Post-installation tasks

1 Open your Internet browser and navigate to the Infor Support Portal.
2 Click Request a Software Key in the Support Sources section in the right bottom corner. The
Software Keys page appears.
3 Select Infor License Management (SLM). The Request Form for Licensing using the Infor
License Manager page displays.
4 Click More information…
The Infor License Manager (SLM) page is displayed, containing general information about SLM.
5 Select, at the bottom of the page, one of the Infor product groups for which you want to know the
product IDs, such as Infor LN or Talent Management.
6 ClickInformation. A table displays that lists the product IDs and licensetypes for each product of
the selected product group that is licensed through SLM.
7 After licensing is completed, log off.
For more information on how to validate your environment, see Infor Solution License Manager -
Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configure Shared Memory

To enhance the performance of your LN system, we recommend loading program objects and report
objects into the shared memory. For more information about the Shared Memory configuration, see
Infor LN - Performance, Tracing and Tuning Guide and Infor Enterprise Server - Administration Guide.

Changing passwords
To change the passwords for General Table Maintenance and Role and Developer Authorization:
1 On the Menu, select Tools > Database Management > General Table Sessions > Change
Password for General Table Maintenance (ttadv0144m000).
2 The current password is blank. Insert the new password.
3 On the Menu, select Tools > User Management > Developers Data > Change Password for
Role and Developer Authorization (ttadv0143m000).
4 The current password is blank. Insert the new password.

Specifying default currencies

To specify the default currencies:

Infor LN Installation Guide | 29

Post-installation tasks

1 Go to Tools > Application Configuration > Companies and Package Combinations >
Companies (ttaad1100m000) session.
2 Specify the default currency for all companies.
3 On the Specific menu, click Convert to Runtime.
4 Save and close the session.

LN installation with ASM

If you have installed LN on a Windows machine with the Application Service Manager (ASM), to start
the Job Daemon you must supply a password. For more detailed information, see Infor Application
Service Manager - Administration Guide

LN Enterprise Modeler Content Pack

You can download LN Enterprise Modeler Content Pack from the Infor Support Portal KB 1825386.
Functionality in LN (such as Enterprise Planning, Inventory Management, and Purchase) are modeled
in an Enterprise Modeler Model called the Enterprise Modeler Content Pack, which can be used to
model a customer specific Project Model in LN.
This model contains scenarios and business processes with options, roles and rules. This is based on
the relevant distribution and production typologies and verticals supported in the LN functionality. In a
project model you select the scenarios relevant for your business, and you set the options to implement.
Based on the rules Enterprise Modeler selects and transforms business processes that suit your
requirements and simplifies the use of the LN functionality.
A separate license must be purchased to use the Enterprise Modeler Content Pack model.
See Infor LN - Enterprise Modeler Content Pack User Guide.

Infor ES Reporting
When you want to use the Windows Server Printer concept, you can install the Infor ES Reporting
Service on one or more of your client machines. For more specific information about Windows Server
Printer see Device Management in Infor Enterprise Server - Administration Guide
For installation see Installing Infor ES Reporting Service on page 45.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 30

Post-installation tasks

Infor Support Assistant for LN

Infor Support Assistant (ISA) is designed to support your Infor products without compromising your
business security and data integrity.
With ISA, Infor Support has the correct and up to date information about your Infor LN environment to
deliver faster and more effective support. This information enables Infor to provide personal and
proactive support.
No license fee is required for ISA, it is provided as part of your maintenance contract.
You can implement ISA through Infor Support Portal KB 1042859. If you require assistance with the
implementation, raise an Infor Support Portal incident.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 31

Installing a language in LN

Chapter 7: Installing a language in LN

LN is default delivered with the English language. Extra languages can be installed.
Note: You must have installed and configured LN before additional languages can be installed.
You can install the Languague packs with PMC and the Installation Wizard.

Available languages
For the latest information about a language update, see solution 22867311 on the Infor Support Portal.
Sub link to the appropriate last minute notes for your LN product. Click the Translations Solution in the
Component table. The available translations are shown.
Language updates are delivered as PMC solutions.
With the MAX_LTS_SERVERS variable you can enable multiple bshells to speed up the languague
packs installation. You can find this variable in the $BSE/lib/BSE_VARS configuration file.

English as fall back language

Messages, labels or help texts that are not available in any additional installed language code, are
shown in English

Infor LN Installation Guide | 32

Installing on Windows Server Cluster

Appendix A: Installing on Windows Server Cluster

This section provides some guidelines for installing LN on a Microsoft Windows Server Cluster.

Before you start an installation on a Microsoft Windows cluster, you must prepare a cluster. Clusters
are used for increasing the availability of a server. The server can be used for the Master Application
Server (MAS) or Application Server (AS). The Installation Wizard takes care for some specific steps.
To start with a cluster aware installation (active/passive) of LN, it is required to start with a normal
cluster installation on the first cluster node. This node must own the cluster disk where LN needs to
be installed.
For the specific installation procedure of the database that you want to install on a Windows Server
cluster, check your database vendor documentation

Share the setup files between all nodes. This helps you to specify the required data in the Installation
Wizard. Through this Installation Wizard you use the same environment name and destination directory
on all nodes of the cluster. Save the installation files on a shared disk or folder. In that way the Installation
Wizard can automatically gather the data that is specified during the installation on the first cluster
The differences between a normal installation and the installation on a cluster is discussed in Installation
on first cluster node on page 33.

Installation on first cluster node

Start the LN installation as described in Installing the LN software on page 23.
When the environment dialog box is displayed, complete these steps:
1 Specify an environment name, for example: lncluster.
Use this environment name for all nodes, which are part of the same cluster.
2 When the Host name dialog box is displayed, it shows that the installer has detected that the current
host is part of a Windows cluster.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 33

Installing on Windows Server Cluster

3 When the Destination Directory dialog box is displayed, specify the name of the BSE directory.
• This directory must be on a cluster disk separate from the Quorum disk and separate from the
database disk. Notice that the installer mentions the available cluster disks.
• The Normal Windows cluster installation requires only to be chosen for the first node when
you run the Installation Wizard. For additional nodes, you must select minimal Windows cluster
porting set only installation.
4 Click Next. When a message is displayed complete step 5.
5 Click No to return to the Destination Directory dialog box. Use the Windows tools to move the used
disk drive resource to the current cluster node. It is required the disk is owned by the current cluster
6 Click Yes, the Setup Type dialog box is displayed.
7 Continue with the installation as described in Installing the LN software on page 23.
The installation Wizard creates an LN Environment resource for the used BSE in an isolated cluster
application group. Every BSE has its own cluster application group in the cluster. The name of the
resource group in the cluster is fixed, and cannot be changed. All BSE related cluster resources
must stay together (for example, disk resource, client access point). The Installation Wizard takes
care of moving the involved disk resource to the BSE cluster application group and associated LN
Environment cluster resource. The Installation Wizard does not create a client access point (a.k.a.
as cluster network name). The cluster administrator has to create a client access point where Infor
client applications can connect to the cluster aware BSE installation. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are
supported by LN.
It is required that the node, on which a full BSE installation is performed owns the cluster disk of
the BSE directory. In case the cluster disk is not owned, only so-called 'minimal cluster' installations
are possible. After the installation on the first node has finished, you must run the installation wizard
on the other nodes of the cluster. Use the so-called 'minimal cluster' installation. The minimal cluster
installation prepares the required steps to make the BSE cluster aware on the other cluster nodes.

Installation on next cluster nodes

Always start a new installation on an active node. This is the node owned by LN disk. Run a complete
installation and not a minimal cluster installation. The installation only differs on installing the BSE on
the cluster disk. During the setup, Windows registers the installation as a cluster resource.
Do not change the ownership of the LN disk during the installation on all nodes.
Repeat the setup for all passive nodes. Passive nodes are the nodes that do not own the LN disk.
To run a minimal cluster installation on a second or next node:
1 Select at least the porting set installable unit.
2 Do not select installable units that are part of the clustered BSE environment, such as the 'Enterprise
Server' and Applications. These are already installed during the installation on the first node of the
You must install the SLM installable unit on a minimal cluster, since the Infor ES Porting set requires

Infor LN Installation Guide | 34

Installing on Windows Server Cluster

3 Optionally, you can install other installable units that are not part of the BSE environment, for
example ASM.

Finish the cluster installation

After the installation of LN on all the nodes, some additional manual actions are needed.
Complete all other configuring tasks of the cluster resources with the Failover Cluster Manager. See
the Windows documentation for more information. It is recommended to place all BSE related resources
in one group. Manually create the IP address and Network name resources in the same cluster group.
The network name can then be used for all clients to connect to the BSE. If a Network name resource
was created, then the LN Environment resource must be made dependent on this resource

Setting up a failover job daemon

Install the job daemon manually (with the Infor Manager snap-in) on every node where it is required to
start the job daemon after a failover of a node. If the job daemon is not installed as a service, no job
daemon is started after failover to that node. If a job daemon was installed as a service - the Infor
management snap-in installs it as a manual service - the service is started upon cluster node failover.

Maintenance and administration on cluster aware BSE

The Infor Manager snap-in can only handle administration tasks if the cluster disk where the BSE is
installed is owned by the current node. Stopping or starting services from snap-in is not possible. The
Windows cluster administrator has precedence in managing all BSE services (Infor ES Logic Service
Shared Memory and Job daemon). The Windows cluster administrator restarts a service as soon as
it is stopped. Use the Windows Cluster Administrator to manage cluster resources.
If the LN environment requires an update, the used cluster disk for that LN environment must be owned
by the cluster node running the Installation Wizard. Updating an LN environment on a cluster results
in down-time of that environment. Updating the porting set requires a reboot.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 35

Distributed Application Server AS/MAS

Appendix B: Distributed Application Server AS/MAS

To set up an LN Application Server (AS).

Before you can set up the AS environment, follow these guidelines:
• The Solution License Manager (SLM) client software must be installed and configured on the
application server to make a connection with the SLM server.
See the Infor Solution License Manager - Installation and Configuration Guide.
• A Master Application Server (MAS) must be installed and running.
• Perform administrator tasks on the MAS.
• The users who are connecting to the AS require user data that is created on the MAS.
• The administrator requires access through a remote user file for all configured AS/MAS start-up
systems, that are created in the User Data Template session.
• For better performance we recommend that you set up an AS with the database driver running on
the AS. This setup connects directly through the local native database client libraries to the remote
database server. This setup requires the database client software installed on the AS.
• The porting set version on the AS must equal the porting set version on the MAS.
• The current installation procedure requires a porting set version 9.3b or later and an Installation
Wizard version or later.

These restrictions apply:
• If the Extensions Ready for Cloud check box is selected in the Extensibility parameters
(ttext0100m000) session, an AS setup is not supported.
• An AS setup on the same server as the MAS server is not supported.

Installation notes
This section describes some important installation notes.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 36

Distributed Application Server AS/MAS

Master Application Server and Application Server

Two different setup types are available:
• Master Application Server (MAS)
• Application Server (AS)
A MAS is a complete LN server that contains the application files and database. Having the database
on the MAS is not required. You can install the database on another server. These LN components
are installed on the MAS:
• LN runtime data dictionary
• Virtual machine (bshell)
• Database driver
• Audit server
• LN printer manager
An AS is a stripped version of a MAS, and runs on Windows and UNIX. The AS contains a virtual
machine (bshell), communicating with the MAS. The LN AS decreases the pressure on the traditional
LN server, on which all application processing is performed. Setting up an AS next to the MAS, can
reduce part of the processing load from the MAS. The load is balanced across several servers in your
LN network. This concept is mainly used in remote data management (3-tier) situations; database and
application reside on different machines.
Note: Infor does not support a MAS running on a Windows operating system in combination with an
AS on a UNIX operating system.
Before installing the AS, first install the MAS. For specific information about the AS, see Distributed
Application Server AS/MAS on page 36.

Client / Server Scenario

LN is implemented in a client/server (C/S) mode. Therefore, the main parts of the LN architecture,
including the presentation layer, application layer, and database layer, can run on separate machines.
You can configure numerous C/S scenarios. Most LN scenarios are based on two scenarios of the
Gartner Group:
• Remote presentation scenario (2-Tier)
• Remote data management (3-Tier)
In the 2-Tier scenario, the presentation layer runs on the client machine, usually a PC, and the server
part contains the application and database layer. Because two machines are involved, this type of
environment is called a 2-Tier environment. In the 3-Tier scenario, the application and the database
layer run on separate machines. The display driver is started on a separate machine. For more detailed
sizing information, contact Infor.
When using a 3-tier setup, you must install the RDBMS specific client interface. This client interface
provides access to the remote database. The client interface is required on the MAS. For instructions,
see the RDBMS documentation or online help.
For starting the 3-Tier installation see the installation procedure of 2-Tier. Follow the same procedure
until step 15. The relevant dialog boxes for the 3-Tier installation are:

Infor LN Installation Guide | 37

Distributed Application Server AS/MAS

• The Database Server Location dialog box. Select the correct check box to install on another
• The Database Connection Information dialog box. Specify the host name of the machine where
the database server resides. This information is required to connect to the correct database.
• Continue the rest of the 2-Tier installation procedure.

AS setup with database driver running on the MAS

1 Start the LN Installation Wizard to install and configure the LN application server. You can use the
online help in the Installation Wizard.
2 Select the Application Server check box on the Setup Type dialog box.
3 On the Master Application Server Host Name dialog box, specify this information:
• Host Name: Specify the host name or IP address of the MAS.
• Login Name and Password: Specify the login name and password of the user profile on the
MAS that is used to connect from the AS.
• Directory on the MAS. Specify the path to the BSE environment.
Note: If you run a Convert to Runtime in the Tables by Database session, clear the (Other)
Workstations check box. You can only regenerate the table definition file, tabledef6.2, on an
AS if the database driver also runs on the AS.

AS setup with the database driver running on the AS

This setup is recommended.
The installation procedure is the same as described in AS setup with database driver running on the
MAS on page 38.
In comparison to the setup, where the database driver runs on the AS, you can run a Convert to
Runtime in the Tables by Database (ttaad4111m000) session on the AS.
1 Install a database client or ODBC driver for your database on the Application Server.
2 Go to the MAS system.
3 Ensure the AS is registered in the Systems (ttaad0550m000) session.
4 Add your admin user and password and AS system to the Remote User data (ttaad2501m000)
5 Convert the changes to runtime and restart LN UI.
6 Start the Database Definitions (ttaad4510m000) session.
Ensure the Parameter field points to the correct LN server and database instance.
7 Start the Tables by Database (ttaad4111m000) session to distribute the tabledef6.2 file from
the MAS to the AS.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 38

Distributed Application Server AS/MAS

8 Select the Convert to Runtime option to start the Create Runtime Database Definitions
(Tabledef) session. Only select the (Other) Workstation check box and the Workstation (AS).
9 Click Create.
10 Set up an Audit Host. Audit servers can only run on the MAS:
a Start the Audit Hosts (ttaud3130m000) session.
b Add the Master Application Server.
c On the Actions menu, select Create Runtime Audit Definitions.
d Select the Audit Hosts check box and click Create.
11 Optionally, add the users to the Remote User Data (ttaad2501m000) session who must be
connected to the new AS. Convert these changes to runtime.
12 Copy all created $BSE/lib/r<users> files from the MAS server to the same directory on the
AS server.
Note: This new entry must be based on the system name of the MAS server.
13 Go to the AS server.
14 Remove the $BSE/lib/datecurr file. These settings are automatically retrieved from the MAS
during logon.
15 If available ensure the settings in $BSE/lib/defaults/all and $BSE/lib/defaults/db_
resource files are matching the settings located on the MAS.
16 To use the shared memory data that is configured on the MAS, remove the
$BSE\lib\srdd_tab6.2 file that is located on the AS.
17 Stop and restart shared memory.
With the first logon the srdd_tab6.2 objects that are configured on the MAS are automatically
retrieved and placed in the shared memory on the AS. You cannot convert shared memory to
runtime on an AS.

Language packs
To use the language translated labels installed on the MAS:
1 Go to the AS.
2 Start the Compile Labels (ttadv1243m000) session and compile the required language to runtime.
3 Go to the MAS.
4 Link the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session to the required language.
5 Convert changes to runtime.
6 Restart LN UI.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 39

Installation log files

Appendix C: Installation log files

To trace issues during an installation, log files are created. In these log files, the installation progress
and issues are logged by the installable unit.
The Installation Wizard can detect errors through these log files. Do not change or delete these files.

Depending on the type of IU, the user has two options:
• Use the Staging Wizard that creates a Staging Area, and run the installation of the IU from Staging
• Skip the Staging Wizard and Staging Area and directly run the installation for one IU by its
stand-alone setup.exe file.
Note that most of the IUs must be installed using the Staging Wizard.
Using a Staging Area, log files can be found in:
• <Staging Area>\Logging files\<environment>
Where <Staging Area> refers to the directory where the Staging Area is located.
• %TEMP%\Baan Setup\<environment>
Where %TEMP% refers to the directory name of the windows variable TEMP.

In the log directories, you can also find the file BaanERPClient.info. The BaanERPClient.info
file contains the settings that the installation user has chosen. As soon as the user defines an
environment and a destination for the installation, the Installation Wizard checks the system for an
existing installation.
If the file $BSE/lib/install/BaanERPServer.info is found, the settings are copied from the
server to the client to the file BaanERPClient.info. After the copy from the server, all configuration
settings are stored in files BaanERPServer.info and BaanERPClient.info. The Baan
ERPServer.info file overrules BaanERPClient.info file. The same applies for the Baan
ERPServer.log, the BaanERPClient.log files, and the ExistingIUs.info files

The BaanERPClient.log file is usually the first file to check if an error occurs. The file contains
information about what the Installation Wizard detects, and shows the more general error descriptions.
For example:

Infor LN Installation Guide | 40

Installation log files

4/26/2006[13:30:34(UTC-02:00)]:I:bsp: INFO - Detected Platformtype: Win
4/26/2006[13:39:22(UTC-02:00)]:E:bsp: ERROR - ttbsi.000700: Error opening
file C:\Staging Area\InstallableUnits\ InstallableUnit_ERP_Installer\Set
up_debug\..\..\..\InstallableUnits\OW ERP 6_1\\applfiles\ bw_import!
This timestamp is related to the time on the Client machine. If the time on the Client differs from the
time on the Servers, you must take that time difference into account when comparing time stamps.
Before you start the Installation Wizard, synchronize the time setting for both machines.
See section Server on page 42.

The BaanERPClient.info file contains the information about which configuration is used and the
current status of the installation. This table, shows the most important settings:

Parameter Description
Environment=erpenterprise Environment for installation.
Location=0 Local Windows machine.
ProductName=BaanERP Product name.
TmpDir=C:\Staging Area\Logging File Directory for this info file and log file.
SupportDir=C:\DOCUME~1\pleersni\LOC Temporary installation directory of User.
Hostname=CNL09834 Hostname where to install.
User=bsp Installation User.
SuperUser= Super user, only UNIX.
BsePath=c:\Infor\erpenterprise\bse $BSE, the path where the software is installed.
PlatformType=Windows Platform type.
BseRel=6.2 Use value 6.1 for Infor Baan IV.
Use value 6.2 for Infor Baan 5, Infor Baan 5.2, or
PreReger=0 Use value 0 for Infor Baan 5.2 or LN.
Use value 1 for Infor Baan IV, or Infor Baan 5.
DbType=msql7 Database type: SQL server.
BaanMAS=1 0 for AS; 1 for MAS installation.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 41

Installation log files

Parameter Description
InstallStatus=4000 0 for new; 4000 for finished; 0<InstallStatus<4000
for a failed installation.
IUStatus= IU key where the installation was crashed.
PortingSetInstalled=1 1: A porting set was installed before.
ApplSetInstalled=1 1: Tools were installed before.
BCLMLogin…. Settings for an SLM installation.
ASMLogin….. Settings for an ASM installation.
GenParams.szSelectedKeys=,ERP_Tools List with selected IUs to install.
, ERP_Applications
szVRCs[0][0].szBaseVRC=7.6_a_tt List with base VRCs to install solutions for.
szVRCs[0][0].szUpdateVRCs= 7.6_a List with update VRCs to install solutions for.

All log files and info files on the server can be found in the directory tree where LN is installed. The
name of the top level of this directory tree is referred to as $BSE. For installations on a Windows
machine, all directory forward (/) slashes must be read as backward (\) slashes.
The Installation Wizard supports fresh installations and updates for LN
The file ExistingIUs.info contains information about what Installable Units are installed earlier,
and all subdirectories of $BSE\lib\install.
Do not remove the directory $BSE\lib\install or one of the other files. In case files are missing,
next updates fail.

BaanERPServer datetime logfile

The BaanERPServer<datetime>.log can be found in the directory: $BSE/lib/install
The BaanERPServer<datetime>.log file contains all logging as described in "Client" on page 40.
In contrary with BaanERPClient.log, the BaanERPServer<datetime>.log is split into log files
indicating the dates and times when the setup was started. After every update or restart, a new Baan
ERPServer.log file is added; this file is displayed when the Installation Wizard has finished. The
BaanERPClient.log file on the client is a merge of all these files. All info found on the Client machine
can also be found on the server. This directory serves as a backup if the files on the Client machine
are deleted or the installation is restarted from another Client machine. For the info files, the files in
this directory are leading.

The ExistingIUs.info file contains information about what Installable units have been installed
earlier. The file is located in the directory: $BSE\lib\install

Infor LN Installation Guide | 42

Installation log files

An example of the ExistingIUs.info file:

• ExistingIus.info
• ERP_RuntimeTools_WINDOWS
• OW_ERP_Adapter
• ERP_Applications
• ERP_Tools
This file is also written to the client in the directory: <Staging Area>\Logging files\<environ
The ExistingIUs.info file on the server is always leading.

Installing porting sets

During the installation of a porting set, the folder $BSE/lib/install/vm is created/updated. This
virtual machine (VM) folder contains a part of the virtual machine, necessary for the installation of the
porting set. During the installation of the porting set, logging is done in the subdirectory log.

Installing DEM models

During installation for example DEM models, calls are made to 3GL functions. These functions usually
log their information in the directory: $BSE/log
Depending on the date and time these log files were created/updated, you can find out where an error
has occurred. If the installation fails during the import, the main log file created by the import is named

During the installation, remote commands or ftp calls are often run. If an error occurs during such a
command the Windows Event Viewer (application) shows the reason for this error

TMP files
During an installation temporary files are created. If the installation fails, these temporary files are not
always removed. These files can contain more information about the failure. You can remove the files
from one of these directories:
• $BSE/lib/install/vm/tmp
• $BSE/tmp

Failed installations
If an installation fails, you must check the log files and try to solve the issue, then restart the installation.
The dialog boxes to select the Installable Units are displayed with the previously selected installable
units, except for the ones already successfully installed. You can add or remove Installable Units.
When clicking Next in the Destination Directory dialog box, the installation program discovers that a
failure happened during the previous installation. This is indicated by the InstallStatus in the Baan
ERPClient.info file. The Restart Installation dialog box is displayed.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 43

Installation log files

Explanation of the options:

• Restart Current: Removes old installation settings and restarts the installation of the currently
selected installable units.
Note that during a Restart Current, the files in BaanERPServer.info are reset.
• InstallStatus
• IUstatus
• SelectedKeys
• PaccCheckSum
• PaccSel
For example, if InstallStatus is set to 4000, the $BSE/tmp directory is emptied; 4000 means
• Restart Previous: Removes old installation settings and restarts the installation of the previously
selected installable units.
• Retry: Continues with the installation at the point where it stopped; this is faster, but less secure
than the other options. This option always continues with the previous selection.
• Abort: Cancel the installation.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 44

Installing Infor ES Reporting Service

Appendix D: Installing Infor ES Reporting Service

The installer of the Infor ES Reporting Service can be found in the "Clients" directory of the LN media.
The installer consists of the single executable: setup.exe.
Complete these steps:
1 Double-click the setup.exe file. On the Welcome dialog box, click Next. The Setup Type dialog
box is displayed.
2 Select one of these setup types and click Next.
• The Complete setup type: to use the default port number 7688, select this type. Click Next,
to continue directly with the Ready to Install the Program dialog box.
• The Custom setup type starts the Custom Setup dialog box. In the Port number field, specify
the desired port number. Remember the specified port number: you will need it for the
configuration of any software which must use this Reporting Service. Check if this port number
is not blocked by a firewall which can be active on your computer.
3 Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program dialog box is displayed.
4 To start the installation, click Install.
5 When the installation has successfully finished, click Finish.

Upgrading the Infor ES Reporting Service

Before you can upgrade the Infor ES Reporting Service from version or lower, first uninstall
the existing version of the Infor ES Reporting Service. Use Remove in the Add or Remove Programs
applet in your Control Panel, and then install the new version as described earlier.
When upgrading from version 2.0.14 (or later) to a newer version, run the setup of the newer version.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

Modifying the port number

If you want to modify the port number used by the Infor ES Reporting Service, use the Add or Remove
Programs applet in your Control Panel.

Infor LN Installation Guide | 45

Installing Infor ES Reporting Service

Complete these steps:

1 Click Change. The Welcome screen of the Install Wizard displays.
2 To start the Program Maintenance, click Next.
3 Select Modify and click Next. The Custom Setup will display the current port number used by the
Reporting Service.
4 Modify the port number. Remember the specified port number: you will need it for the configuration
of any software which must use this Reporting Service. Check if this port number is not blocked
by a firewall which can be active on your computer.
5 Click Next. The Ready to modify the Program dialog box will appear.
6 To start the installation, click Install.
7 When the installation has successfully finished, click Finish.

Troubleshooting Infor ES Reporting Service

Troubleshooting when using a "Windows Server Printer device".
Use the online help of the Device Data (ttaad3100s000) session and related help pages to set up a
"Windows Server Printer" device. Register the Server in the Systems (ttaad0550m000) session.
Follow these rules:
• By default, the Infor ES Reporting Service runs under the Local System account. This account
does not have a well-defined default printer. You can specify a printer in the Device Queue field
of the Device Data session. Specify the name of a printer that is already installed on the machine
on which the Infor ES Reporting Service is running. The Local System account does not have the
correct permissions to use a network printer. Therefore, deploy the Infor ES Reporting Service on
the server to which the printer is connected.
• Sometimes, it is preferable to run the Infor ES Reporting Service under a different account other
than the Local System account. Use the standard Microsoft tools for Services to change the account.
Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
Ensure to switch the account back to Local User; before running the procedure Modifying the port
number on page 45. Otherwise, that procedure fails.
• When printing to a "Windows Server Printer" device, the Infor ES Reporting Service is used to start
the BwPrint.exe file. To check whether BwPrint is started and whether it terminates use the
Task Manager. Check the Infor ES Reporting Service or BwPrint log information with the Event

Infor LN Installation Guide | 46

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