Training Need Assessment Form 2012 (Part 1)
Training Need Assessment Form 2012 (Part 1)
Training Need Assessment Form 2012 (Part 1)
1. The following Training Need Assessment form is being carried out in order to
identify the training needs of school teachers before designing any training
workshop in terms of general pedagogy, specific subject based skills, and how
to assess the students learning.
2. This form can be used by Master Trainers, members of School Improvement
team and even head teachers or school coordinators. It consist of
i. Guideline page
ii. School information
iii. Classroom Observation on General Pedagogical skills
iv. Subject based information
3. The assessment will undergoes in 2 phases
I. Formal Classroom Observation with evidences
ii. Discussion with teacher whose training needs are being assessed
4. On the basis of results from phase 1 & 2, the training module will be
adapted accordingly.
5. Key:
1. :Unsatisfactory,
2. : Average,
3. : Satisfactory
4. : Good,
5. : Excellent
(To be filled in separately by all schools teachers)
1 Mastery over subject matter- 12345
2 Concept of scientific method to 12345
teach science
3 Activity based teaching / Inquiry 12345
Based Learning
4 Practical application of content 12345
Specific needs :
1 Mastery over subject matter- 12345
Content knowledge
2 Pronunciation 12345
3 Effective use of phonics 12345
4 Grammar 12345
5 English Language skills 12345
Specific needs :