Journal of Trauma & Treatment: Traumatic Dental Injury: A Case Report

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uma & Gravina et al.

, J Trauma Treat 2015, S2

DOI: 10.4172/2167-1222.S2-015


Journal of Trauma & Treatment


ISSN: 2167-1222 nt

Case Report Article Open

Traumatic Dental Injury: A Case Report

Gravina DBL1, Peruchi CMS1, Rivera G1, Santos ALC2 and Cruvinel VRN3*
School of Dentistry, Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
Catholic University of Brasília, Brasilia –DF, Brazil
Faculty of Ceilândia, University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil

Dental injury is considered a public health problem due to its high prevalence, especially in children. It is associated
with difficulties regarding treatment cost, psychological and emotional factors, and the fact that the treatment may
continue for the rest of the patient’s life. The current paper reports the case of an 8-year-old girl who sought the
pediatric dentistry clinic at the Catholic University of Brasilia with coronal fracture in tooth 11. During the interview,
the patient reported that she had fallen during a leisure activity, fact that caused the fracture. She was firstly assisted
in a private practice, where she received emergency care. Clinical and radiographic examination found that the
patient had a fracture involving enamel and dentin, but not the pulpal. Class IV composite resin restoration was the
proposed treatment. After selecting the colors, the cavity preparation was completed according to parameters in
recent conservative guidelines. Rubber dam restoration was used to avoid contamination. The dentin and enamel
surfaces were then treated according to the protocol of the chosen adhesive agent. The composite resin was inserted
by incremental technique and light curing. The smoothest surfaces were obtained using the complete sequence of
Sof-Lex discs. Systematic follow-ups were performed to check the periapical conditions, restoration integrity, as well
as the color stability. Thus, the patient aesthetic, phonetic and mastication functions were restored, and she resumed
her social activities.

Keywords: Child; Pediatric Dentistry; Esthetics; Dental; Trauma dental injuries may result in pain and loss of function; therefore, it
may adversely affect the developing occlusion and aesthetics. These
Introduction situations may cause negative impact on children’s lives [3]. Pain, loss of
The reduction in the prevalence of dental caries is well documented function and aesthetics, pulp necrosis, obliteration of root canals, root
in the literature. However, a new problem has drawn the attention of resorption and bone loss are some sequelae from dental injuries [4]. It
health professionals: the dental injury [1]. Dental injury is considered is of great importance to restore function and aesthetics, since the loss
to be a public health problem due to its high prevalence, especially or fracture of the anterior teeth involve aesthetic damage, fact that may
in children. It is associated with difficulties regarding treatment cost, lead to further psychological issues and deviant behavior. Dental injury
psychological and emotional factors, and the fact that the treatment is sudden, unscheduled, and both dentist and staff must be adequately
may be lifelong [2]. According to Traebert [3], there is no national equipped to fast and properly treat the patient in order to assure the
epidemiological survey on dental trauma in Brazil. There are only best outcome possible [7].
epidemiological studies conducted in different counties from several Dental injury is one of the most common reasons for people to
regions in the country. These studies pinpoint that the prevalence seek emergency care services. Most traumatic dental injuries happen
of traumatic dental injury ranges from 9.4% to 41.6% [3]. Traebert at school. Nevertheless, some aspects such as late emergency care,
[4] states that the distribution of traumatic dental injuries should be misinformation and unprepared professionals and, sometimes, absent
analyzed according to the child’s age, gender, type of injury and injury clinical management might determine bad prognoses [8]. In most cases,
location. Its prevalence in permanent teeth is of 10.5%. As for gender, the child is referred to the dentist without any emergency management
studies show no significant differences in the prevalence of dental
at the accident site and it may result in irreversible complications and
trauma in the permanent dentition between genders, although males
consequences. Therefore, school teachers, especially science teachers,
show slightly higher prevalence. Crown fractures are prevalent in the
may play a key role in the primary management of traumatic dental
permanent dentition. Their highest prevalence is in the upper arch and
involves the central and lateral incisors, probably because these teeth injuries and help improving traumatized teeth prognoses [8]. The
are the most prominent in the oral cavity [4]. dentist should investigate the clinical history of the traumatized patient
focusing on prior dental injuries and perform physical examination by
The presence of increased incisal overjet and anterior open bite taking under consideration the child’s medical and trauma histories.
are physical features that have been reported as predisposing factors
to traumatic dental injuries [4]. Boys run 2.03 times higher risk of
crown fracture than girls and children with overjet size >3 mm are 1.78
*Corresponding author: Vanessa Resende Nogueira Cruvinel, Colonia Agrícola
times more likely to suffer dental injuries. In addition, children with
Samambaia, Rua 01, Chácara 99, Casa “C”, Taguatinga-72002425, Brasília, DF
inadequate lip coverage are 2.18 times more likely to present traumatic Brazil, Tel: +5561310733; E-mail:
dental injuries than children with adequate lip coverage [5,6]. Traumatic
Received May 27, 2015; Accepted July 21, 2015; Published July 28, 2015
dental injury may cause irreparable tooth loss in some cases, both at the
time of the accident and in the course of the treatment, or even years Citation: Gravina DBL, Peruchi CMS, Rivera G, Santos ALC, Cruvinel VRN (2015)
Traumatic Dental Injury: A Case Report. J Trauma Treat S2: 015. doi:10.4172/2167-
later. In the case of children, these damages also affect their parents and 1222.S2-015
the professional providing the service, since its adequate and definitive
solution is not always simple and fast [7]. Traumatic injury is a Copyright: © 2015 Gravina DBL, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
distressing experience at physical level, but it may also affect the patient unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
at the emotional and psychological levels [2]. Moreover, traumatic original author and source are credited.

J Trauma Treat Journal of Trauma & Treatment ISSN: 2167-1222 JTM, an open access journal
Citation: Gravina DBL, Peruchi CMS, Rivera G, Santos ALC, Cruvinel VRN (2015) Traumatic Dental Injury: A Case Report. J Trauma Treat S2: 015.

Page 2 of 4

Radiographic examination is necessary to determine the extent of

the damage and to provide comparison resource in the after trauma
follow-ups [9]. Dental injury from traumatic origin is considered to be
an emergency in pediatric dentistry, since it not just deals with dental
problems themselves but also emotionally affects children. Patients
usually come to the office accompanied by their parents, who are
afflicted and anxious [10]. Most dental fractures regard coronal lesions,
and are not related to pulp injury. In most cases, treatment involves
restorations using adhesives or resins to reestablish the function and
Figure 3: Fractured tooth was reconstructed with wax.
aesthetics of the tooth [11]. There are several options to treat the
fractured such as fragment reattachment, direct composite resin
restorations and indirect restorations. These options depend on the
remaining and pulp involvement [12]. Thus, the current study aims to
report a traumatic dental injury case of an 8-year-old child who suffered
a complicated fracture at tooth 11 involving enamel and dentin. The
treatment followed a conservative approach and the child’s aesthetic
and masticatory functions were reestablished due to the reconstructing
of the dental element.

Case Report
An 8-year-old female patient with mixed dentition sought the Figure 4: Class IV resin composite restoration.
Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil,
complaining of coronal fracture in tooth 11 (Figure 1). Initially, the
patient underwent a detailed medical history investigation, in which she
explained the reason of the fracture: she fell during a leisure activity. The
patient reported that she went to a private practice where she received
emergency care. A temporary glass ionomer cement restoration was
performed (Figure 1). The time elapsed between the emergency care
and the restorative treatment provided at the university was 45 days.
The clinical and orthoradial radiographic examinations found that
the patient had fracture involving enamel and dentin without pulp
exposure (Figure 2). The clinical examination showed positive response
to thermal (cold) pulp vitality tests, no pain in vertical and horizontal Figure 5: Periapical radiographs of the fractured tooth in 2015.
percussions and in palpation. The radiographic examination revealed
normal periapical tissues and no evidence of pathological changes
around the offended tooth. The patient had Angle’s class I molar conservative approach, and a class IV resin composite restoration was
relationship, over jet and normal overbites. The treatment followed a performed. The patient’s arches were previously molded in irreversible
hydrocolloid. The fractured tooth was reconstructed with wax based on
the study model (Figure 3) and its template was made out of silicone,
which offered the ideal copy of the palatine structure. After selecting
the colors, terminal infiltrative anesthetics was performed and the
cavity preparation was completed according to the parameters in
recent conservative guidelines. Restoration was done with rubber dam
to avoid contamination (Figure 4). Dentin and enamel surfaces were
then treated according to the protocol of the chosen adhesive agent.
The composite resin was inserted by incremental technique and light
curing. The smoothest surfaces were obtained using the complete
sequence of Sof-Lex discs. Periodical follow-ups were performed to
Figure 1: Coronal fracture in tooth 11. check possible periapical changes (Figure 5) and to assess the integrity
and color stability of the composite restoration (Figures 6 and 7). The
child is now back to her daily activities and does not remember the
period she spent with the fractured tooth.

The following sources were used as database: Pubmed, Scielo and
Bireme, and the search terms were: trauma, permanent teeth, resin
restorations and children. Papers written in English and preferably
published in the last 05 years were selected. Traumatic dental injury is
prevalent in children and adolescents [13]. According to Soriano [14]
and Traebert [9], the maxillary central incisor shows the higher injury
Figure 2: Periapical radiographs of the fractured tooth in 2012.
percentage both in primary and permanent dentitions (78.5% and

J Trauma Treat Journal of Trauma & Treatment ISSN: 2167-1222 JTM, an open access journal
Citation: Gravina DBL, Peruchi CMS, Rivera G, Santos ALC, Cruvinel VRN (2015) Traumatic Dental Injury: A Case Report. J Trauma Treat S2: 015.

Page 3 of 4

the tooth clinical and radiographic conditions were evaluated and the
definitive restoration was performed. It was done using composite
resin, according to Kramer [21]. According to Opdam [22], bevel
is recommended to improve the quality of the restoration margins,
as well as to reduce marginal cracks and infiltrations, whereas other
researchers consider bevel a solution to improve the bond of some etch-
and-rise and self-etch adhesive systems [23]. Other authors have stated
Figure 6: Immediate final result.
that the bevel does not improve retention [23]. Although literature is
controversial in relation to the use of bevel in class IV restorations, the
herein reported case made the option for making it in order to achieve
better retention and aesthetics.
The herein described case was monitored for 03 years and the resin
restoration remained intact with no color change. The materials and
techniques applied in the current case led to satisfactory results due
to the adequate use of the adhesive system and the composite resin,
Figure 7: Restoration appearance 03 years after dental injury.
which remain successful after three years of follow-up. It was concluded
that by integrating proper technique, basic adhesive principles and high
76.2%, respectively). The herein presented case involved dental fracture quality materials, the clinician may ensure successful shape, function
in the permanent central incisor of an 8-year-old child agreement with and esthetics in anterior teeth restorations. Both the child and the
Soriano [14]. According to data from the National Oral Health Survey - parents initially showed great concern with the dental injury, especially
Smiling Brazil [15], the prevalence of at least one incisive tooth affected in relation to the aesthetic factor, since the child, who was ashamed
by trauma is of 20.5%. The most common fracture is that of the enamel and sad, no longer wanted to go to school due to the fracture. After
alone, with mean of 16.5%. It is followed by fracture involving enamel the restorative treatment was completed, the child could smile again
and dentin (3.7%), fracture with pulp exposure (0.2%) and absence and resumed her school activities, thus demonstrating the immediate
(avulsion) due to trauma (0.1%). The fracture reported in the current success of the chosen treatment.
case involved enamel and dentin. It compromised the mesial angle,
but did not involve the pulp. According to Paiva et al. [16], coronal Conclusion
fracture without pulp exposure often happens among dental trauma in
the permanent dentition (23%) - as in the case reported in the current Restoring the traumatized tooth is of great importance, especially
study. Although literature reports high prevalence of trauma in boys to children, and it should be considered to be an emergency treatment.
(66%) and in the age group of 7-10 years old, the current clinical case First, it is worth eliminating pain and reducing the trauma from the
reports dental injury in a girl; however, the age group corroborates that fracture, and second restoring the aesthetics and the function as well as
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J Trauma Treat Journal of Trauma & Treatment ISSN: 2167-1222 JTM, an open access journal
Citation: Gravina DBL, Peruchi CMS, Rivera G, Santos ALC, Cruvinel VRN (2015) Traumatic Dental Injury: A Case Report. J Trauma Treat S2: 015.

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