Wyn032 PDF
Wyn032 PDF
Wyn032 PDF
Revision History
Revision Revision
Nature of Change
Date Number
12/01/11 New New procedure to establish Wyandotte Site EHS MOC Process.
Procedure revised based on input from MOC workgroup as well as
Changes made with Corporate Database in June 2015. Additional
6/3/16 1 tools provided along with defined roles and responsibilities. Revisions
to site standard align with changes to Change Manager Database as
well as identified areas for improvement based on gap analysis.
The Management of Change (MOC) system is intended to ensure that the safety, health,
and environmental impact of all modifications to processes, equipment, chemicals, 3.1.to
the implementation of the change.
This procedure applies to all changes as defined in Section 3.0 undertaken at the
Wyandotte Site.
Note that for changes that are procedural clarifications, formatting and/or
procedure grammar corrections ONLY, each unit can optionally use a document
control method of their choice to review and track these changes. Further, at the
discretion of the Unit Production Manager, for Mandatory Use Operating
Procedures, where personnel must use a procedure and initial each step upon
completion, a document control method of the unit’s choice may be used when
changes do not involve adding new steps that an operator nor any other
employee expected to use the procedure would need training on (essentially, the
operator/employee has already been trained and is competent in all aspects of
the procedure requirements). Changes to these procedures are still subject to a
3.1.5 Temporary change – planned for a limited duration; such as, a trial or
evaluation or by-pass of a safety system for maintenance. Planned
operation of a process outside its normal operating range or transfer of a
product from its normal process train to another.
The different product has previously been produced in the recent past
and the process for that product has undergone an EHS review such
as a PHA or PSSR and maintains the basis of safety for that process.
The re-configuration does not introduce new raw materials.
The Standard Operation Procedure and training is in place for how to
manufacture the different product.
A Standard Operating Procedure is in place, including appropriate
documentation requirements, to outline the steps necessary to
rearrange the equipment to produce the different product.
3.1.10 Procurement Initiated Changes - Covered changes that will affect specific
units or will have site wide implications must follow Change Management
procedures. This includes changes in suppliers, raw materials
(specifications, concentrations, etc.), equipment specification changes
(materials of construction, pump seal type changes, pressure/electrical
ratings differences, etc.), modes of delivery, etc. The Procurement
Department is responsible for communicating the change with the affected
unit(s) prior to the change being implemented. Where appropriate, the
affected unit(s) is responsible for entering a MOC into change manager.
3.2 Change Administrator - Person responsible to close out the change and ensure
changes meet requirements. The individual assigned to a particular change,
responsible for coordinating all aspects of the change. The Change Coordinator
ensures that each component of the MOC and PSSR is adequately addressed,
maintains appropriate documentation, obtains necessary approvals and training
sign-offs prior to the change, and tracks all related action items to completion. The
Change Coordinator is also responsible for ensuring that the startup date and time
are accurate and that affected employees are notified upon actual startup (and
termination if temporary) of the change. Change Coordinators must be
knowledgeable in the requirements of this procedure, WYN032.075.
The program will initially add the person who initiates the change as
Change Coordinator
Can be changed on TAB 1 or TAB 2 in pop up box when the Unit
Approver approves.
3.4 Change initiator/Requestor - Person who fills out Tab 1 and submits the change
request. Normally, a person already assigned a task by unit manager.
3.5 Change Unit Approver - Person the change request is sent to for approval to
proceed with the change request. Normally Unit Manager.
3.6 Formal Safety Review – The process of conducting a formal Step Review for the
purposes of identifying a proposed change is safe to operate according to BASF
procedures and processes.
3.7 Informal Safety Review – An informal safety review may constitute any of the
following processes: a Step Review not mandated by BASF Corporate
requirements based on project dollar value, a key word checklist review, a PHA or
other unit procedure used to ensure a proposed change can be safely
3.8 Pre-Start Up Safety Review (PSSR) – Formal process for reviewing the
readiness to operate safely for an installed change.
3.9 PSM – Process Safety management – Standard defines requirements for highly
hazardous chemicals for preventing or minimizing the consequences of
catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals.
OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.119 was developed to minimize the effects of process
incidents on employees.
4.1. The Lotus Notes Change Manager database shall be used to review and
document all changes and PSSRs defined under 3.1 (See Exceptions under 5.3).
4.2. The approval process for changes must be followed and documented using the
Change Manager DB.
4.3. Exceptions:
4.3.2. Replacement-in-Kind
4.3.3. A minor change is made to a Standard or Procedure that does not affect
the contents (i.e. updates to phone numbers).
4.3.5. Temporary Fire System Impairment, lasting less than 24-hours, can be
documented and communicated by contacting the Site Utilities Group prior
to the impairment.
4.5.2 The MOC Initiator and the Change Coordinator are responsible for
implementing the entire MOC procedure. The Initiator or Change
Coordinator evaluates the proposed change and identifies information that
must be collected for the particular change.
4.5.3 Initiator assigns the Change Coordinator (can be the MOC Initiator) and
describes the change; the justification for the change, if temporary sets the
expiration date and submits the MOC to the Approver (Tab 1).
4.5.4 The Approver determines the level of review required for the MOC and if
necessary assigns the appropriate personnel to conduct and participate in
the review (Tab 2).
4.5.5 The EHS reviewers are assigned at this point. All MOC’s should have the
Individual Approvers radio button marked “YES”. This will automatically
populate the EHS reviewers in the reviewers table.
4.5.7 To assist with the evaluation for addition and use of new chemical a New
Chemical Environmental Review Instructions and Environmental Review
Form have been developed (See Attachment B). The completed review
forms should be attached to the MOC.
4.6.1 The following information should be evaluated during the Initial Review:
4.6.2 Technical feasibility of the proposed change
4.6.3 Justification and necessity of the change
4.6.10 Documentation of the Initial Review should be maintained with the MOC. If
a formal meeting is held, minutes from this meeting can document the
topics discussed, the decisions reached and the names of the reviewers
(Tab 2).
4.6.11 The Approver then either “Approves” to proceed with the change, “Denies”
the change, or puts the change on “Hold” due to a concern. If the
Approver has a concern the “Concern Page” is completed detailing the
concern and responsible person is assigned. If the concern is satisfied the
Approver approves to proceed. At this time the Approver can change the
MOC Coordinator if necessary (Tab 2).
4.7 Risk Level Determination Tab 3 – Risk Assessment - Risk Method: Either
Mode of Failure or PHA/Step Review/Other is now required on Tab 3 (risk level
assessment must also be selected). On tab 3, we must complete the risk level
assessment and mode of failure if no other safety review is performed (e.g., Step
Review, R&D Safety Review, etc.)
The risk level assessment is only an assessment of the level of risk, and is
not the safety review. A safety review must document the impact to safety
and health and needed safeguards.
After all questions are answered, the “View Risk Matrix” button above the section will
show the required level of safety reviews.
Informal Review – A hazard review that may be done with two or more individuals and involves
a review of the hazards and documentation of them via the mode of failure method or by adding
them to the PHA at a minimum
Formal Initial Hazard Review – A hazard review that follows the same guidelines as a Process
Hazard Analysis (PHA) or BASF capital project review. All capital projects should have a
formal hazard review regardless of the Risk Level as per BASF Corporate procedure.
If this is a capital project, then the step review process may be followed in
lieu of doing the mode of failure method/formal PHA. However, any supporting
hazard/safety review documentation should be attached in Tab 3, including the meeting
minutes for capital projects and open action items should be documented in Tab 4.
Mode of Failure
What-If type safety review
Describe the potential mode of failure
Describe the hazard to personnel
Determine if control measures are existing or needed.
If needed, create an action item in Tab 4.
Under Mode of Failure a risk level of assessment must be assigned. See guidance below:
Upon completion of the Risk Assessment Tab a Pre-Start Up Safety Review (PSSR) must be
competed as follows:
Tab 3 – Risk Assessment - Also due to the same PSM/RMP requirements, the box at the bottom,
“Reviewers for Impact on Safety and Health” is now a required field.
The field is now red with a double (**) asterisk, indicating it is a required field
This change was the result of Internal PSM/RMP/RC compliance audit findings which have been
written in regards to the impacts to safety and health not being addressed prior to a change.
Therefore, these updates to change manager will promote compliance.
Administrative Changes
For Administrative Changes or When there are no anticipated Failure Modes (Negative
4.8.1 All questions in the Pre-Startup and Post Startup sections will be answered
YES or NO. Addition Action Items can be added.
4.8.2 YES answers will be assigned as an Action Item. Final Approval for
startup cannot be submitted until the Pre-Startup Action Items are
complete. All Pre-Startup Action Items shall be completed prior to startup
of the change.
The Electronic Document is Controlled.
Printed Copies are Uncontrolled.
4.9.2 In the event that another means of training is used, evidence that those
affected by the change have been informed/trained MUST be maintained.
A sign-up sheet may be used and attached on the MOC Training Page.
4.9.3 NOTE: All signatures do NOT have to be signed off in order to start up.
Sign-off prior to startup may not be possible due to shift schedules.
Employees are required to be informed/trained and signed off before
operating or working on equipment or processes that have been changed.
Reminder: Sites must makes sure they train and/or inform as appropriate depending on the
change and the impact it has to an individual’s job task.
4.3.7. PSSR procedure and the Long Form Pre-Startup Project Safety Review
Checklists can be found in Appendix D of this procedure.
4.11.1 Determine the start-up approvers required for the change and send a
request for approval to the personnel specified.
4.11.2 All Pre-Startup Action Items must be completed before the request for
start-up approval can be submitted.
4.12.2 “Extend expiration date” - all affected personnel notified by email, or other
appropriate means, of the new expiration date.
4.12.3 “Make Permanent” - A new Change will be created & certain information
copied into the new document.
Is required:
4.14.1 Initially when employee is assigned responsibilities for recognizing
changes, including a General MOC awareness in Success Factors.
4.14.2 Both site and unit specific training is required to ensure all
employee understand the MOC process within their respective
4.14.3 Whenever changes are made to the standard,
4.14.4 Whenever deviations to the requirements are identified.
4.14.5 Additional training materials are available in Change Manager by
selecting the on “?” “Help” button and choosing links titled “Link to
Training Materials on Change Manager” and “Frequently Asked
Questions”. The online help section for Change Manager is a good
resource for questions concerning the Lotus Notes Change
Manager database.
Note: Additional training material is also available through the Wyandotte
EHS group that will utilize site training material in addition to what is
provided in the Change Manager Help section.
4.14.6 Training should incorporate both the requirements of this procedure
as well as any unit specific requirements above and beyond those
listed in this standard.
5.14.5 Verifies that all items marked as “before startup” items in Tab 4 has been
completed and reviews the status of any action items/open issues from the MOC,
any final punch list items, Step 2/3 meeting minutes, PHA, or hazard review to
ensure that everything that must be done prior to startup is complete (plus they
ensure that these items are identified in the MOC or exist in an attachment to it)
5.14.6 Verifies that the technical basis on Tab 1 adequately describes the
reason for the change.
5.14.7 Verifies that the modifications to operating procedures and P&ID redlines
have been completed
5.14.8 Performs a walk through for all changes that result in physical
modifications to the unit and documents any deficiencies or open items. These
items should be documented and tracked to completion in the MOC. Document or
attach proof of the walk-through.
5.14.9 Attaches completed PSSR long forms when required or any unit specific
PSSR forms to Tab 6.
5.14.10 Ensures the team members are listed in Tab 6 or are on an attachment in
Tab 6.
5.14.11 Assists the Change Coordinator in completing Tab 6 and the startup time
and date.
5.14.12 Note that if the change goes through the capital project review steps,
Step 4 must be attached to the PSSR Tab in Change Manager to serve as
documentation of the PSSR and BC032.013 should be followed for Capital Project
Reviews, including Step 4 procedures. Items left over from Capital Project
Reviews should be entered as Action Items on Tab 4.