Minimizing Defects in Submerged Arc Welding: The American Welder
Minimizing Defects in Submerged Arc Welding: The American Welder
Minimizing Defects in Submerged Arc Welding: The American Welder
Defects can be reduced or avoided by un- • High-speed welding on thin sheet steels
derstanding and controlling the process.
Many defects can be eliminated in the • Almost no fume or light emission.
preweld stage. Let’s take a look at the
process and some common defects and Nothing is perfect, however, and sub-
how they can be avoided. arc welding does have its limitations. This
form of welding is limited to the flat and
The SAW Process horizontal positions, requires precise joint
preparation, and does not allow observa-
The submerged arc welding (SAW) tion of the arc and the process during the
process was first patented in 1935 and li- weld. Despite its limitations, the sub-
censed by Union Carbide a year later. merged arc process is popular in a num-
Union Carbide marketed the process and ber of industries, notably shipbuilding,
related products under the “Unionmelt” wind tower fabrication, ASME vessel fab-
Fig. 1 — Excessive voltage or travel speed, trademark. Since that time, many ad- rication, pipe mills, and fabrication of util-
insufficient current, or improper joint de- vances have been made to the process, in- ity poles and trailer beams.
sign can lead to insufficient penetration in cluding multiwire, cored wire, and
the weld. cladding applications, but the fundamen- The Role of Flux
tals remain the same: an arc is created
using a bare wire under a granular flux Submerged arc fluxes are generally
covering. The flux contributes to the me- grouped into neutral and active fluxes.
chanical properties of the weld, deoxidizes Many fluxes alloy some Si and Mn to the
the base metal, and protects the molten weld metal while others melt off these el-
weld metal from atmospheric contami- ements. The intensity of this chemical re-
nants. When the weld is complete, it is action depends on the quantity of flux in-
covered by an easily removed layer of slag. teracting with the wire. An increase in
Submerged arc welds are typically made voltage or arc length will lead to increased
using some form of automation, although alloying or melt-off of these elements.
it is possible to make a subarc weld with Neutral fluxes are used in multilayer
a hand-held torch. welding of unlimited plate thickness with
Submerged arc welding offers many appropriate wires. The alloying of ele-
advantages over other welding processes, ments, especially Si and Mn, is carefully
including the following: controlled.
Active fluxes add a significant amount
• High weld quality of Si, acting as a deoxidizer, and Mn to
DAN GERBEC ( is the weld metal. They enhance resistance
product manager, Submerged Arc • High deposition rate to porosity and improve bead appearance
Consumables, ESAB Welding & Cutting and toughness in high-dilution applica-
Products, Hanover, Pa., • Deep penetration tions. Active fluxes are primarily used for
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