Teaching of Professional Trainers at Vocational Colleges in Malaysia
Teaching of Professional Trainers at Vocational Colleges in Malaysia
Teaching of Professional Trainers at Vocational Colleges in Malaysia
effective teaching ; (5) Preparation of lesson plans need effective teaching; (4) There is a need for good relationship
to induction set and lesson content. The purpose of the between teachers and students in order to create an
induction set is to attract students to focus on the subject atmosphere of effective teaching; and (5) The school
matter to be served. While the systematic learning content environment, classroom and workshop facilities should
can ensure that it will be taught easily and effectively ; (6) fulfill there quirements of creating an advanced teaching
The nature of teacher is in terms of teaching experience, process. Here it is proposed that a professional trainer should
teaching methods and teaching strategies are implemented; have the following characteristics: (1) talent in teaching ; (2)
and (7) the learning assessment outcomes is from teaching perform tasks in an efficient and effective teaching; (3)
the students. Through assessment activities, teachers can requires effective teaching method; (4) involves the study of
interpret the level of learning outcomes achieved. effective teaching; and (5) can run teaching process
Professional Teaching Standard in
Vocational College
5. Conclusion
This concept paper is believed to provide useful
information to the Ministry of Education especially in
Teaching Objective Technical and Vocational Education Division to evaluate
Students’ Attitude professional teaching standards at the Vocational Colleges in
Teaching Objective’s Effectiveness Malaysia. These findings will determine whether the course
Teaching materials Teaching
Lesson plan preparation Theory objectives can be achieved bythe Vocational College
Teacher’s Attitude according to Transformation Plan. This concept paper also
Learning output and assessment helps BPTV to improve the weaknesses and identify the
strength of each dimension in all aspects such as teaching
preparation in Vocational College, preparation method of
Student’s Achievement
delivery, teaching and the assessment. This is useful
information to MOE in arranging the strategies for
instructors in Vocational College during the implementation
Fig. 3 Concept of Professional Teaching in VC (Adapted
of teaching and learningprograms in the future. Information
from Sim [4])
from this paper will assist the MOE to review and re-
organize the aspects in teaching such as teacher training,
Professionalism Teaching Standard at Vocational
curriculum and for the evaluation of teaching performance.
College will result in the achievement of the students in
Quality teaching is so important in the development of a
Vocational College as anticipated. Teaching theory used is
professional instructor. Trainers, departments and
from Sim [4]. Sim’s Teaching Model involves interactions
institutions need provide the best practice and
between teachers and students, teachers and the objective of
implementation of professional trainer.
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