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00, ISSUE 00,

ISSN : 2580 - 4030 ( Print ) 2580 - 1775 ( Online), Indonesia


Jessica Aulia Putri, 2Dilla Engla Sari, 3Rosalina, 4Monica Ihsan Almauiza, 5Susi Evanita ,
Magister Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang

ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe contextual learning and entrepreneurial values at SMK
3 Padang. Through this research, it was concluded that by applying contextual learning at SMK 3
Padang in entrepreneurship learning, it is hoped that students can better understand the basic
concepts of entrepreneurship and be able to identify business opportunities that exist around them.
In addition, contextual learning can also help students develop the skills needed in
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial values that are instilled in students at SMK 3 Padang are by
highlighting a work ethic, high discipline, and being ready to work hard. With this independence
value, SMK graduates have quality knowledge and the world of entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Contextual Learning, Entrepreneurship Values, SMK.

Introduction community environment as well as the use of

The teacher's teaching and learning learning models and strategies that are relevant
process must have a strategy so that students to the learning objectives themselves.
can learn effectively, efficiently and hit the Educational institutions should not only be
expected goals. One of the steps to having this tasked with producing many graduates, but far
strategy is having to master presentation more important is how much these graduates
techniques, or what is commonly called can help themselves in facing challenges in
teaching methods. The learning presentation society or in other words schools must
technique is a knowledge of the learning improve the life skills of their graduates[3] .
methods used by the teacher or instructor. [1] Contextual learning is a learning
that as a presentation technique that is concept that assumes that children will learn
mastered by the teacher for teaching or better if the environment is created
presenting lesson material to students in the scientifically, meaning that learning will be
classroom so that the lesson can be captured, more meaningful if children work and
understood, and used by students properly. experience what they learn for themselves, not
The fact is that the method or teaching method just knowing it. Learning is not just an activity
or presentation technique used by the teacher of transferring knowledge from the teacher to
to convey information to students is different students, but how students are able to interpret
from the method used to strengthen students in what is learned. [4] Learning strategies are
mastering knowledge, skills and attitudes. The more important than just results. In this case
method used to motivate students to be able to students need to understand what learning
use their knowledge in solving a problem they means, what are the benefits, in what status are
face or to answer a question will be different they, and how to achieve it. They realized that
from the method used for the purpose of what is learned will be useful for his life later.
making students able to think and express their Thus, they will learn more enthusiastically and
own opinion in dealing with all problems [2] mindfully.
Entrepreneurship-based education is There are many learning applications,
education that applies principles and one of which is a contextual learning strategy.
methodologies towards internalizing values in The application of this learning is appropriate
students through a curriculum that is for use by teachers in SMK. Actually, before
integrated with implementation that occurs students take part in learning activities and
both in the school environment and the learn a material, they already have at least a
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, Month, Year, Vol (Issue), pp. 000-000

little knowledge about the material to be goal means that SMK must provide
delivered. That is what is called competence and entrepreneurial values to
'constructivism [5]. If SMK graduates are able students. This will certainly support the
to optimize the knowledge they have acquired, current direction of the economy, where the
they should be able to become entrepreneurs demands of the era of globalization, 21st
so that they can reduce unemployment and century free trade, and national development
increase the country's economic growth. will require creative and innovative
Although SMK students have been equipped individuals who are ready to compete with
with entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, not human resources around the world.
many of them have gone into Method
entrepreneurship. To achieve the goal of The research method used is a
implementing Vocational Schools in order to qualitative descriptive approach which aims to
create a workforce that is ready to enter the systematically describe the facts and
world of work and is able to become characteristics of objects and subjects that are
entrepreneurs, Vocational Schools need to observed precisely, with a focus on a variety
develop an entrepreneurial culture. of problems related to the application of
The inculcation of entrepreneurial contextual learning in instilling entrepreneurial
values in learning in Vocational Schools values. This research will describe a
emphasizes the values of discipline, phenomenon as it is by examining it regularly
responsibility, collaborative, creative and strictly by prioritizing objectivity and doing it
communicative. The cultivation of carefully, under control, and without testing
entrepreneurial values is carried out to provide hypotheses. In this study, a contextual learning
students with an understanding of the design will be studied and developed to
importance of entrepreneurial values improve entrepreneurship learning in
possessed by an entrepreneur and it is hoped vocational schools, so that it is hoped that it
that students will be interested in becoming an can improve students' skills and abilities in
entrepreneur [6]. preparing themselves as successful
The phenomenon of contextual entrepreneurs.
learning strategy research in instilling Results and Discussion
entrepreneurial values in Vocational High Contextual Learning
Schools has been studied by [7] with the title Conceptual learning in instilling
"Entrepreneurship Education at Batik Perbaik entrepreneurial values at SMK 3 Padang for
Purworejo Vocational School" stating that the students is implementing training that takes
learning model uses discovery learning and place in the field. Practicing directly in the
project based learning [7]. This is in field, this is considered more effective because
accordance with this study, namely the students face real situations directly. The
learning model used in instilling training mode is to carry out the program's
entrepreneurial values at SMK Negeri 4 educational process, including: a) Natural,
Klaten in the subject of creative and namely through livestock training, business,
entrepreneurial products, namely the discovery selling stationery. In this training program,
learning model and project based learning. students' position is very important, because it
The problem is, entrepreneurship is through this program that students gain
education in schools so far has only been able knowledge and expertise, such as in
to touch the level of introduction of values agriculture and business ventures. b)
such as entrepreneurship education which has Expressing, that is, if students experience
only been limited to studying books without something or a case, they can directly ask the
doing practice. Vocational High Schools teacher about something they don't understand
(SMK) are educational institutions that have or things they don't understand. Pengjenang
the potential to prepare human resources to be can immediately explain the procedures and
absorbed by the world of work and to open things that are not yet understood by students.
their own businesses as entrepreneurs. This c) Processing, namely when students don't
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, Month, Year, Vol (Issue), pp. 000-000

need to use a lot of thinking when digesting needs of students in a natural society.
the modules distributed by the participants. All Substantially the contextual design of
the knowledge and expertise shared by the entrepreneurial learning is a learning design
teachers can be directly used at that time and that is developed in the form of elaborating a
at that time. d) In conclusion, that is, after written (ideal) curriculum into a real (actual)
students have practiced the things that have form, namely as a general guideline and at the
been shared by the teacher, they can then same time as a means of control for teachers to
formulate the income they get after practicing carry out the teaching and learning process in
whether it is good or not good. class and outside the classroom. The
The praxis of strengthening economic application of entrepreneurial contextual
civics developed by SMK 3 Padang is based learning at SMK 3 Padang not only receives
on agriculture. The goal in carrying out knowledge but students are encouraged to seek
agricultural activities is to share energy with and investigate systematically, critically,
students so that these students have logically and analytically every problem to
knowledge, ability, attitude, and skills. find (Inquiry) something and formulate their
Students can gain knowledge and expertise own findings in the real world that is useful for
about the management of natural energy him through the development of new ideas and
sources from creation, packaging, and innovations.
marketing. So that when they graduate, these [9] Contextual learning of
students can be independent in balancing what entrepreneurship learning must integrate
they need, because they have experience and various learning characteristics through active
expertise in managing agriculture. learning to encourage students' interest in
The entrepreneurial contextual entrepreneurship by opening an understanding
learning design emphasizes the role of schools of the close relationship between the
in motivating students to become young classroom atmosphere and real life through the
entrepreneurs to grow the number of development of significant new
entrepreneurs. With the increase in entrepreneurial activities with the aim of
entrepreneurs from among the graduates will productivity and real results and strengthening
reduce the increase in the number of knowledge collaboration between teachers and
unemployed and even increase the number of students to achieve high intellectual standards.
jobs. The question is how the school can [4] Contextual design of entrepreneurship
produce young entrepreneurs. [16] Contextual learning can be meaningful for students is the
learning consists of seven main components, main way by drawing context from the real
namely; constructivism (constructivism), world. Not infrequently the context of the real
finding (inquiry), asking (question), world is used as an example or even the core
community learning (learning community), of learning. Thus, students do not only gain
modeling (modeling), reflection, actual knowledge, but gain real-world skills that are
assessment (authentic assessment). presented in learning. Contextual design at
Entrepreneurship lessons conducted SMK3 Padang in entrepreneurship learning
by teachers at SMK 3 Padang to facilitate and can reflect a critical way of thinking about the
improve learning processes and outcomes. For competency demands of students on newly
every teacher the application of learning is not received events, activities or knowledge for
something new, because they are used to the development of true independence.
making teaching preparations in the form of Entrepreneurial Values
Lesson Plans and Syllabuses. Contextual is a Discipline
learning design that emphasizes full student One of the entrepreneurial values is having a
activity, both physically and mentally to create disciplined soul. [10] Discipline is an attitude
a meaningful learning atmosphere. [8] broadly
and behavior that is orderly and obedient to
speaking, the purpose of contextual learning:
1) to make learning more effective and various existing rules and regulations, in this
meaningful, 2) to meet the demands of the case the efforts of the entrepreneurship teacher
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, Month, Year, Vol (Issue), pp. 000-000

at SMK 3 Padang direct students to enter on each other when there are learning difficulties
time, prepare students in learning, invite by helping friends who have difficulty in
students to study in an orderly manner as if not doing assignments. The value of cooperation
that is instilled is one of the main capital to be
chatting in class, and checking student tidiness
able to collaborate in the business world later.
such as using school attributes properly. This In learning the value of cooperation it is often
is supported by research [11] The integration said that cooperative learning [14] in
of learning local wisdom values in achieving maximum results is by developing
entrepreneurship learning found factors cooperation including interdependence and
driving the integration of local wisdom values, having responsibility for individuals and
namely the factor of emotional closeness establishing communication between members
and even groups. [14] cooperation has the
between teachers and students and coming to
principle that students can exchange all
school on time and always being orderly in thoughts and maintain an attitude of helping
learning. each other in the learning process, thus a sense
Responsibility of cooperation can be maintained and well
The integration of entrepreneurial established between one another creative
values is carried out, namely in each learning The results of the study show that the
material the teacher directly integrates application of entrepreneurship learning at
entrepreneurial values such as being trained to SMK 3 Padang is integrated into the learning
be responsible and able to work together,
process which is internalized into creative
besides that students at SMK 3 Padang are
given motivation so that students can be more values and will form entrepreneurial character
independent and enthusiastic in learning. In and habituation of entrepreneurial values into
integrating entrepreneurial values also use the daily behavior of students through a good
appropriate learning methods so that students learning process that takes place in in class
can more easily understand them. In this way, and outside the class in all subjects. This
efforts to integrate entrepreneurial values internalization step can be seen when the
carried out by entrepreneurship teachers at
teacher delivers the material, through learning
SMK 3 Padang to create a classroom
atmosphere with the right method means that methods or through an assessment system.
integrating entrepreneurial values is always Schools should also provide other practical
integrated with various things in order to tools, so that when the teacher teaches specific
create students who have an entrepreneurial material, practices using tools do not
spirit as well as become a generation that can experience difficulties, apart from what
build the economy nation. The findings are
students have made themselves from the
supported by research [12] creativity that has
been created during learning takes place and results of their creativity. [13] means for
even students can give opinions when asked learning, through this program we also want to
by the teacher and prioritize accountability for provide knowledge about the importance of
all their assignments. Directly integrated entrepreneurship with the aim of providing
entrepreneurial values in learning. knowledge about entrepreneurship and
Collaborative creating economic independence for students
Entrepreneurial values in
through training and entrepreneurship learning
entrepreneurship learning at SMK 3 Padang
one of which integrates the value of modules.
cooperation in learning such as doing group Communicative
assignments, working together when Efforts made by entrepreneurship
conducting group discussions, working teachers at SMK 3 Padang in integrating
together during group presentations, working entrepreneurial values in classroom learning
together in carrying out class pickets, helping are by using learning methods that train
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, Month, Year, Vol (Issue), pp. 000-000

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