C Architecture
C Architecture
C Architecture
Session: 2018-19
Note: * Marks of this Paper will not be included in the Total Marks.
** (Special Paper in lieu of Punjabi Compulsory)
(For those students who are not domicile of Punjab)
Bachelor of Computer Applications
1. Balaguruswamy: “Programming in ANSI C”.
2. Scaum Outline Series: “Programming in C”.
3. Dennis & Ritchie: “Programming in C”.
4. Stephen G. Kochar: “C Programming”.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – I)
1. Computer Fundamentals – P.K. Sinha.
2. Introduction to Computers – N. Subramanian.
3. Introduction to Computers – Peter Norton Mcgraw Hill.
4. MS–Office _ BPB Publications.
5. Windows Based Computer Courses Gurvinder Singh & Rachpal Singh, Kalyani Pub.
6. Ebooks at OpenOffice.org
7. A Conceptual Guide to OpenOffice.org3, 2nd Edition, R. Gabriel Gurley
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – I)
Sets and Relations: Definition of sets, subsets, complement of a set, universal set, intersection
and union of sets, De-Morgan’s laws, Cartesian products, Equivalent sets, Countable and
uncountable sets, minset, Partitions of sets, Relations: Basic definitions, graphs of relations,
properties of relations
Logic and Propositional Calculus: Proposition and Compound Propositions, basic Logical
Operations, Propositions and Truth Tables, Tautologies and Contradictions, Logical
Equivalence, Duality law, Algebra of propositions, Conditional and Bi conditional Statements,
Arguments, Logical Implication, Propositional Functions, Predicates and Quantifiers, Negation
of Quantified Statements, Inference theory of the predicates calculus.
Boolean Algebra: Boolean algebra and its duality, Duality, Boolean Algebra as Lattices,
Boolean identities, sub-algebra, Representation Theorem, Sum-of-Products Form for Sets, Sum
of-Products Form for Boolean Algebra, Minimal Boolean Expressions, Prime Implicants,
Boolean Functions, Karnaugh Maps.
Matrices: Introduction of a Matrix, its different kinds, matrix addition and scalar multiplication,
multiplication of matrices, transpose etc. Square matrices, inverse and rank of a square matrix,
Matrix Inversion method.
1. Lipschutz, S. and Lipson, M.: Discrete Mathematics (Schaum’s outlines Series).
2. Kolman and Busby “Discrete Mathematical structures for Computer Sciences” PHI.
3. Alan Doerr,”Applied Discrete Structures for Computer Science”, Galgotia Publications.
4. Trambley, J.P. and Manohar,R: Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to
Computer Science.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – I)
Paper – IV: Practical – I
(MS Office 2010 & Basic C Programming)
M. Marks: 75
1. C Programming
Reading Skills: Reading Tactics and strategies; Reading purposes–kinds of purposes and
associated comprehension; Reading for direct meanings.
Reading for understanding concepts, details, coherence, logical progression and meanings of
phrases/ expressions.
Comprehension questions in multiple choice format
Short comprehension questions based on content and development of ideas
Writing Skills: Guidelines for effective writing; writing styles for application, personal letter,
official/ business letter.
Formatting personal and business letters.
Organising the details in a sequential order
Resume, memo, notices etc.; outline and revision.
Converting a biographical note into a sequenced resume or vice-versa
Ordering and sub-dividing the contents while making notes.
Writing notices for circulation/ boards
Recommended Books:
Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking by John Seely.
English Grammar in Use (Fourth Edition) by Raymond Murphy, CUP
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – I)
PAPER–VI: gzikph (bkiawh)
;wK L 3 xzN/ e[b nze L 50
gkm-eqw ns/ gkm-g[;seK
nksw nBksw (eftsk Gkr),
(;zgH ;[fjzdo pho ns/ tfonkw f;zx ;zX{)
r[o{ BkBe d/t :{Bhtof;Nh, nzfwqs;o.
fJfsjk;e :kdK (fJfsjk;e b/y-;zrqfj)
;zgkH ;H;Hnw'b,
gzikph ;kfjs gqekFB, b[fXnkDk । (b/y 1 s'_ 6)
(ਿਨਬੰ ਧ ਦਾ ਸਾਰ, ਿਲਖਣ-ਸ਼ੈਲੀ)
(ੳ) g?oQk ouBk
(ਅ) g?oQk gVQ e/ gqFBK d/ T[`so.
(T) gzikph X[Bh ftT[_s L T[ukoB nzr, T[ukoB ;EkB s/ ftXhnK, ;to, ftnziB,
ਸੁਰ- .
(n) GkFk tzBrhnK L GkFk dk Ne;kbh o{g, GkFk ns/ T[g-GkFk dk nzso, gzikph
T[gGkFktK d/ gSkD-fuzBQ.
g?_sh n`yoh, n`yo eqw, g?o fpzdh tkb/ toD ns/ g?o ftu g?D
tkb/ toD ns/ wksqtK (w[`Ybh ikD-gSkD)
brkyo (fpzdh, fN`gh, n`Xe) L gSkD ns/ tos'_
fB`s tos'_ dh gzikph Fpdktbh L pk}ko, tgko, foFs/-Bks/, y/sh ns/ j'o XzfdnK nkfd Bkb
j\s/ d/ ;`s fdBK d/ BK, pkoQK wjhfBnK d/ BK, o[`sK d/ BK, fJe s'_ ;" se frDsh FpdK ftu
1H gqFB g`so d/ uko Gkr j'Dr/. jo Gkr ftu'_ d' gqFB g[`S/ ikDr/.
2H ftfdnkoEh B/ e[`b gzi gqFB eoB/ jB. jo Gkr ftu'_ fJe gqFB bk}wh j?.
gzitK gqFB fe;/ th Gkr ftu'_ ehsk ik ;edk j?.
3H jo/e gqFB d/ pokpo nze jB.
4H g/go ;?`N eoB tkbk i/eo ukj/ sK gqFBK dh tzv n`r'_ t`X s'_ t`X uko T[g-gqFBK
ftu eo ;edk j?.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – I)
PAPER–VI: Punjab History & Culture (From Earliest Times to C 320)
1. Physical features of the Punjab and impact on history.
2. Sources of the ancient history of Punjab
3. Harappan Civilization: Town planning; social, economic and religious life of the India
Valley People.
4. The Indo-Aryans: Original home and settlement in Punjab.
5. Social, Religious and Economic life during later Rig Vedic Age.
6. Social, Religious and Economic life during later Vedic Age.
7. Teaching and impact of Buddhism
8. Jainism in the Punjab
Suggested Readings
1. L. Joshi (Ed): History and Culture of the Punjab, Art-I, Patiala, 1989 (3rd Edition)
2. L.M. Joshi and Fauja Singh (Ed); History of Punjab, Vol.I, Patiala 1977.
3. Budha Parkash: Glimpses of Ancient Punjab, Patiala, 1983.
4. B.N. Sharma: Life in Northern India, Delhi. 1966.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – I)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50
Section – A
Section – B
Section – C
Section – D
Programming Paradigms: Introduction to the object oriented approach towards programming
by discussing Traditional, Structured Programming methodology.
Objects & Classes: Object Definition, Instance, Encapsulation, Data Hiding, Abstraction,
Inheritance, Messages, Method, Polymorphism, Classes, Candidate & Abstract Classes to be
examples of the Design process.
Object Oriented Programming using C++: Characteristics of OOP, Overview of C++, I/O
using cout and cin, Objects and Classes, Member functions and data, private & public,
constructor & destructor, Constructor Overloading, Types of Constructors.
Function Overloading: Function Overloading, Default Arguments, Ambiguity in Function
Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators, Type Conversion using
Operator Overloading
Inheritance: Concept of inheritance, Base & derived classes, Access Specifiers, Class
Hierarchies, Types of Inheritance with examples.
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism: Virtual functions, friend functions, static function, this
pointer, polymorphism, Types of Polymorphism with examples, templates, class templates.
1. Teach Yourself C++, Herbert Schildth, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Designing Object Oriented Software Rebacca Wirfs - Brock Brian Wilerson, PHI.
3. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia Publication.
4. Designing Object Oriented Applications using C++ & Booch Method, Robert C.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – II)
Number System: Introduction, number conversion system , binary arithmetic, representation of
signed binary numbers, 1’s and 2’s complement, Codes: straight binary code, BCD Code
Excess3 Code, Grey Code ASCII, Integer and floating point representation
Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra: Logic gates, Universal Gates, Boolean algebra and
Minimization techniques, canonical forms of Bookean expressions, K-Map
Combinational Circuits: Adder, Subtracter, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Decoeer, Encoder
Semiconductor memories: Introduction, Static and dynamic devices, read only & random
access memory chips, PROMS and EPROMS Address selection logic. Read and write control
timing diagrams for ICs
Books Recommended:
1. V. Rajaraman: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.,
New Delhi.
2. B.S. Grewal, Numerical Methods for Engineering, Sultan Chand Publication.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – II)
Paper – IV: Practical–I
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 50
Theory Marks: 35
Practical Marks: 15
Instructions for the Paper Setters:-
Eight questions of equal marks (Specified in the syllabus) are to be set, two in each of the four
Sections (A-D). Questions may be subdivided into parts (not exceeding four). Candidates are
required to attempt five questions, selecting at least one question from each Section. The fifth
question may be attempted from any Section.
Course Contents:
Listening Skills: Barriers to listening; effective listening skills; feedback skills.
Activities: Listening exercises – Listening to conversation, News and TV reports
Attending telephone calls; note taking and note making.
Activities: Taking notes on a speech/lecture
Speaking and Conversational Skills: Components of a meaningful and easy conversation;
understanding the cue and making appropriate responses; forms of polite speech; asking and
providing information on general topics.
Activities: 1) Making conversation and taking turns
2) Oral description or explanation of a common object, situation or concept
The study of sounds of English,
Stress and Intonation,
Situation based Conversation in English,
Essentials of Spoken English.
Activities: Giving Interviews
Note: Oral test will be conducted by external examiner with the help of internal examiner.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – II)
PAPER–VI: gzikph (bkiawh)
;wK L 3 xzN/ e[b nze L 50
gkm-eqw ns/ gkm-g[;seK
nksw nBksw (ejkDh Gkr),
(;zgH ;[fjzdo pho ns/ tfonkw f;zx ;zX{)
r[o{ BkBe d/t :{Bhtof;Nh, nzfwqs;o.
(ਿਵਸ਼ਾ-ਵਸਤੂ, ਪਾਤਰ ਿਚਤਰਨ)
fJfsjk;e :kdK (fJfsjk;e b/y-;zrqfj)
;zgkH ;H;Hnw'b,
gzikph ;kfjs gqekFB, b[fXnkDk । (b/y 7 s'_ 12)
(ਸਾਰ, ਿਲਖਣ ਸ਼ੈਲੀ)
(ੳ) Fpd-pDso ns/ Fpd ouBk L gfoGkFk, w[`Yb/ ;zebg
(ੳ) ;zy/g ouBk
(ਅ) w[jkto/ ns/ nykD
1H gqFB g`so d/ uko Gkr j'Dr/. jo Gkr ftu'_ d' gqFB g[`S/ ikDr/.
2H ftfdnkoEh B/ e[`b gzi gqFB eoB/ jB. jo Gkr ftu'_ fJe gqFB bk}wh
j?. gzitK gqFB fe;/ th Gkr ftu'_ ehsk ik ;edk j?.
3H jo/e gqFB d/ pokpo nze jB.
4H g/go ;?`N eoB tkbk i/eo ukj/ sK gqFBK dh tzv n`r'_ t`X s'_ t`X uko
T[g-gqFBK ftu eo ;edk j?.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – II)
g?oQk ouBk
;zy/g ouBk
1H gqFB g`so d/ uko Gkr j'Dr/. jo Gkr ftu'_ d' gqFB g[`S/ ikDr/.
2H ftfdnkoEh B/ e[`b gzi gqFB eoB/ jB. jo Gkr ftu'_ fJe gqFB bk}wh j?.
gzitK gqFB fe;/ th Gkr ftu'_ ehsk ik ;edk j?.
3H jo/e gqFB d/ pokpo nze jB.
4H g/go ;?`N eoB tkbk i/eo ukj/ sK gqFBK dh tzv n`r'_ t`X s'_ t`X uko T[g-gqFBK
ftu eo ;edk j?.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – II)
PAPER–VI: Punjab History & Culture (C 321 to 1000 A.D.)
(Special Paper in lieu of Punjabi compulsory)
(For those students who are not domicile of Punjab)
1. Punjab under Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka.
2. The Kushans and their Contribution to the Punjab.
3. The Panjab under the Gupta Emperor.
4. The Punjab under the Vardhana Emperors
5. Political Developments 7 Century to 1000 A.D. (Survey of Political) Institutions.
6. Socio-cultural History of Punjab from 7th to 1000 A.D.
7. Development of languages and Literature.
8. Development of art & Architecture
Suggested Readings:
1. L. Joshi (Ed): History and Culture of the Punjab, Art-I, Patiala, 1989 (3rd Edition)
2. L.M. Joshi and Fauja Singh (Ed); History of Punjab, Vol. I, Patiala 1977.
3. Budha Parkash: Glimpses of Ancient Punjab, Patiala, 1983.
4. B.N. Sharma: Life in Northern India, Delhi. 1966.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – II)
Section – A
Prevention of Drug abuse:
Role of family: Parent child relationship, Family support, Supervision, Shaping values, Active
Section – B
Section – C
Section – D
1. In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt five of
them. All questions are to be of equal marks. The maximum marks of the paper is 75.
2. The student can use only Non–programmable & Non–storage type Calculator.
Information Representation : Register Transfer, Various Registers, Implementing Common Bus
Using Multiplexers: Logical; Arithmetic & Shift Micro – operations.
Basic Computer Design Instruction Codes, Interfacing various Registers, Computer Instructions,
Timing Signals, Instruction Cycle, Design of a Basic Computer.
CPU Design Stack Organized CPU, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Program Control,
Hardwired & Microprogrammed (Wilhe’s Design) Control Unit.
Memory Organization Memory Hierarchy, Designs & Concepts of Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory,
Associative Memory, Cache and Virtual Memory.
I/O Organization I/O Interface, Modes of Transfer, Program Interrupt, DMA & I/O Processor.
Pipeline & Vector Processing Parallel Processing Pipelining, Parallel & Distributed Computers, SISD,
SIMD & MISD, MIMD Machines, Vector Processing.
Computer System Architecture: M.M. Mano (PHI)
Computer Architecture: J.P. Hayes.
Computer Architecture: Patterson & Hemessy.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – III)
Time: 3 Hours M. Marks: 75
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt
five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
Introduction to Data, Field, Record, File, Database, Database management system. Structure of
database system, Advantage and disadvantage, levels of database system, Relational model,
hierarchical model, network model, comparison of these models, E–R diagram, different keys
used in a relational system, SQL.
DBA, responsibilities of DBA, Relational form like INF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4th NF, 5th NF,
DBTG, concurrency control and its management, protection, security, recovery of database.
SQL: Introduction to SQL–DDL, DML, DCL, Join methods & sub query, Union Intersection,
Minus, Tree Walking, Built in Functions, Views, Security amongst users, Sequences, Indexing
Cursors– Implicit & Explicit, Procedures, Functions & Packages Database Triggers.
Big Data: Introduction to Big Data and Analytics, Introduction to NoSQL
(i) The paper setter is required to set eight questions in all and the
candidates will be required to attempt any five questions out of these
eight questions. All questions will carry equal marks.
(ii) The student can use only Non-programmable & Non-storage type calculator.
Reference Books:
1. Python for Informatics, Charles Severance, version 0.0.7
2. Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving
Focus, Charles Dierbach, Wiley Publications, 2012, ISBN : 978-0-470-91204-1
3. Introduction To Computation And Programming Using Python, GUTTAG JOHN V, PHI,
2014, ISBN-13: 978-8120348660
4. Introduction to Computating& Problem Solving Through Python, Jeeva Jose andSojan P.
Lal,Khanna Publishers, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-9382609810
5. Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python, Mark J. Guzdial, Pearson
Education, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-9332556591
6. Fundamentals of Python by Kenneth Lambert, Course Technology, Cengage Learning ,
7. Learning Python by Mark Lutz, 5th Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2013
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – III)
Paper – IV
(Programming Lab-I)
Paper – V
(Programming Lab-II)
Teaching Methodologies
The Core Module Syllabus for Environmental Studies includes class room teaching and field
work. The syllabus is divided into 8 Units [Unit-1 to Unit-VII] covering 45 lectures + 5 hours for
field work [Unit-VIII]. The first 7 Units will cover 45 lectures which are class room based to
enhance knowledge skills and attitude to environment. Unit-VIII comprises of 5 hours field work
to be submitted by each candidate to the Teacher in-charge for evaluation latest by 15 December,
Exam Pattern: End Semester Examination- 75 marks
Project Report/Field Study- 25 marks [based on submitted report]
Total Marks- 100
The structure of the question paper being:
Part-A, Short answer pattern with inbuilt choice – 25 marks
Attempt any five questions out of seven distributed equally from Unit-1 to Unit-VII.
Each question carries 5 marks. Answer to each question should not exceed 2 pages.
Part-B, Essay type with inbuilt choice – 50 marks
Attempt any five questions out of eight distributed equally from Unit-1 to Unit-VII. Each
question carries 10 marks. Answer to each question should not exceed 5 pages.
Project Report / Internal Assessment:
Part-C, Field work – 25 marks [Field work equal to 5 lecture hours]
The candidate will submit a hand written field work report showing photographs, sketches,
observations, perspective of any topic related to Environment or Ecosystem. The exhaustive list
for project report/area of study are given just for reference:
1. Visit to a local area to document environmental assets: River / Forest/ Grassland / Hill /
Mountain / Water body / Pond / Lake / Solid Waste Disposal / Water Treatment Plant /
Wastewater Treatment Facility etc.
2. Visit to a local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural
3. Study of common plants, insects, birds
4. Study of tree in your areas with their botanical names and soil types
5. Study of birds and their nesting habits
6. Study of local pond in terms of wastewater inflow and water quality
7. Study of industrial units in your area. Name of industry, type of industry, Size (Large,
Medium or small scale)
8. Study of common disease in the village and basic data from community health centre
9. Adopt any five young plants and photograph its growth
10. Analyze the Total dissolved solids of ground water samples in your area.
11. Study of Particulate Matter (PM2.5 or PM10) data from Sameer website. Download from Play
12. Perspective on any field on Environmental Studies with secondary data taken from Central
Pollution Control Board, State Pollution Control Board, State Science & Technology Council
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – III)
The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness
(2 lectures)
Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources:
Natural resources and associated problems.
(a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people.
(b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought,
conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.
(c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, case studies.
(d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing,
effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case
(e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources,
use of alternate energy sources, case studies.
(f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification.
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
(8 Lectures)
Concept of an ecosystem
Structure and function of an ecosystem
Producers, consumers and decomposers
Energy flow in the ecosystem
Ecological succession
Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids
Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
ecosystem: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, ocean estuaries)
(6 Lectures)
Biodiversity and its conservation
Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity
Biogeographical classification of India
Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical aesthetic and
option values
Biodiversity at global, national and local levels
India as a mega-diversity nation
Hot-spots of biodiversity
Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man wildlife conflicts
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – III)
Endangered and endemic species of India
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity
(8 Lectures)
Environmental Pollution :
Definition :
Causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution,
Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear pollution
Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
Pollution case studies
Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides
(8 Lectures)
Social Issues and the Environment
From unsustainable to sustainable development
Urban problems and related to energy
Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case studies.
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions
Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and
holocaust. Case studies.
Wasteland reclamation
Consumerism and waste products
Environmental Protection Act, 1986
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974
Wildlife Protection Act
Forest Conservation Act
Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
Public awareness
(7 Lectures)
Human Population and the Environment
Population growth, variation among nations
Population explosion – Family Welfare Programmes
Environment and human health
Human Rights
Value Education
Women and Child Welfare
Role of Information Technology in Environment and Human Health
Case Studies
(6 Lectures)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – III)
Field Work
Visit to a local area to document environmental assets River / forest / grassland / hill /
Visit to a local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural
Study of common plants, insects, birds
Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc
(Field work equal to 5 lecture hours)
1. Bharucha, E. 2005. Textbook of Environmental Studies, Universities Press, Hyderabad.
2. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
3. Heywood, V.H. & Waston, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge House,
4. Joseph, K. & Nagendran, R. 2004. Essentials of Environmental Studies, Pearson Education
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Delhi.
5. Kaushik, A. & Kaushik, C.P. 2004. Perspective in Environmental Studies, New Age
International (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Rajagopalan, R. 2011. Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure. Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
7. Sharma, J. P., Sharma. N.K. & Yadav, N.S. 2005. Comprehensive Environmental Studies,
Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
8. Sharma, P. D. 2009. Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
9. State of India’s Environment 2018 by Centre for Sciences and Environment, New Delhi
10. Subramanian, V. 2002. A Text Book in Environmental Sciences, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – IV)
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt
five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
Sorting Techniques: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort,
Heap Sort.
1. Data Structure – Seymour Lipschutz, Schaum Outline Series.
2. File Structure & Data Structures by E. Loomis.
3. Data Structures by Trabley & Soreuson.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – IV)
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt
five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
What are systems? Information Systems? Categories of Information Systems, Development Life
Cycle of Information system.
Case studies of the Information System: Accounting Information systems, Inventory control
systems & Marketing systems.
3. “Information Systems for Managers”, Ashok Arora and A.K. Shaya Bhatia.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – IV)
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt
five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
Introduction: About internet and its working, business use of internet, services offered by
internet, evaluation of internet, internet service provider (ISP), windows environment for dial up
networking (connecting to internet), audio on internet, internet addressing (DNS) and IP
Internet Protocol: Introduction, file transfer protocol (FTP), Gopher, Telnet, other protocols like
WWW: Introduction, working of WWW, Web browsing (opening, viewing, saving and printing
a web page and bookmark), web designing using HTML, DHTML with programming
Search Engine: About search engine, component of search engine, working of search engine,
difference between search engine and web directory.
Intranet and Extranet: Introduction, application of intranet, business value of intranet, working
of intranet, role of extranet, working of extranet, difference between intranet and extranet.
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to
attempt five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
1. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
Introduction to System Software
Introduction to System Software and its components
Translators, loaders, interpreters, compiler, assemblers
Overview of assembly process, design of one pass and two assemblers
Macro definition and expansion, concatenation of macro parameters, generations of unique
labels, conditional macro expansion, Recursive macro expansion
Phases of Compilation Process, Lexical Analysis, Parsing, Storage Management Optimization
Incremental Compilers, Cross Compilers.
Paper – V: LAB - I
Teaching Methodologies:
The Core Module Syllabus for Environmental Studies includes class room teaching and field
work. The syllabus is divided into eight units covering 50 lectures. The first seven unit will cover
45 lectures which are class room based to enhance knowledge skills and attitude to environment.
Unit eight is based on field activities which will be covered in five lectures hours and would
provide students first hand knowledge on various local environmental aspects.
Semester System: The Environment course of 50 lectures will be conducted in the third or
fourth semester and the examinations shall be conducted at the end of the each semester.
Exam Pattern: In case of awarding the marks, the question paper should carry 100 marks.
The structure of the question paper being:
Part-A, Short answer pattern – 25 marks
Part-B, Essay type with inbuilt choice – 50 marks
Part-C, Field work – 25 marks
The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Definition, scope and importance, Need for public awareness
(2 lectures)
Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources:
Natural resources and associated problems.
(a) Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people.
(b) Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought,
conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.
(c) Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, case studies.
(d) Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing,
effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case
(e) Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources,
use of alternate energy sources, case studies.
(f) Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil
erosion and desertification.
Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.
(8 Lectures)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – IV)
Concept of an ecosystem
Structure and function of an ecosystem
Producers, consumers and decomposers
Energy flow in the ecosystem
Ecological succession
Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids
Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
ecosystem: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic
ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, ocean estuaries)
(6 Lectures)
Biodiversity and its conservation
Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity
Biogeographical classification of India
Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical aesthetic and
option values
Biodiversity at global, national and local levels
India as a mega-diversity nation
Hot-spots of biodiversity
Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man wildlife conflicts
Endangered and endemic species of India
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity
(8 Lectures)
Environmental Pollution :
Definition :
Causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution,
Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear pollution
Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
Pollution case studies
Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides
(8 Lectures)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – IV)
Social Issues and the Environment
From unsustainable to sustainable development
Urban problems and related to energy
Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case studies.
Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions
Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and
holocaust. Case studies.
Wasteland reclamation
Consumerism and waste products
Environmental Protection Act, 1986
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1974
Wildlife Protection Act
Forest Conservation Act
Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
Public awareness
(7 Lectures)
Human Population and the Environment
Population growth, variation among nations
Population explosion – Family Welfare Programmes
Environment and human health
Human Rights
Value Education
Women and Child Welfare
Role of Information Technology in Environment and Human Health
Case Studies
(6 Lectures)
Field Work
Visit to a local area to document environmental assets River / forest / grassland / hill /
Visit to a local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural
Study of common plants, insects, birds
Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc
(Field work equal to 5 lecture hours)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – IV)
11. Bharucha, E. 2005. Textbook of Environmental Studies, Universities Press, Hyderabad.
12. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
13. Heywood, V.H. & Waston, R.T. 1995. Global Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge House,
14. Joseph, K. & Nagendran, R. 2004. Essentials of Environmental Studies, Pearson Education
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Delhi.
15. Kaushik, A. & Kaushik, C.P. 2004. Perspective in Environmental Studies, New Age
International (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
16. Rajagopalan, R. 2011. Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure. Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
17. Sharma, J. P., Sharma. N.K. & Yadav, N.S. 2005. Comprehensive Environmental Studies,
Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
18. Sharma, P. D. 2009. Ecology and Environment, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
19. State of India’s Environment 2018 by Centre for Sciences and Environment, New Delhi.
20. Subramanian, V. 2002. A Text Book in Environmental Sciences, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – V)
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt
five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
1. Introduction: Network Definition, Basic Components of a Network, Network types and
topologies, Uses of Computer Networks, Network Architecture.
Transmission Media: Coaxial cable, twisted pair cable, fibre optics & satellites. OSI
reference model, TCP/IP reference model, comparison of OSI and TCP reference model.
3. Local Area Network Protocols: CSMA Protocols, BRAP, MLMA, IEEE standards 802,
Token Bus, Token Ring, FDDI.
4. Data Link Layer Design Issues: Services provided to Network layer framing, error control,
flow control, link management. Error detection & correction, Elementary Datalink Protocols.
5. Design Issues of Network Layer: Services provided to transport layer, routing, connection,
internet & World Wide Web.
6. Network Security and Privacy: Brief Introduction to Cryptography.
7. Network Services: File transfer, Access & Management, Electronic Mail, Remote login
1. Tannanbum, A.S.: Computer Networks, Prentice Hall, 1992, 3rd Edition.
2. Stallings, William: Local Networks: An Introduction: Macmillan Publishing Co.
3. Stallings, William: Data Computer Communication, Macmillan Publishing Co.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – V)
(i) The paper setter is required to set eight questions in all and the
candidates will be required to attempt any five questions out of these
eight questions. All questions will carry equal marks.
(ii) The student can use only Non-programmable & Non-storage type calculator.
Basics of Server side programming, Java servlets
ASP/JSP, Basics of ASP/JSP objects, simple ASP and JSP pages
Introduction to PHP, basics, PHP File handling, file upload, cookies, error handling, PHP
MySQL introduction
1. Jeffery C Jackson, “Web Technology- A Computer Science Perspective”, Pearson
Education, 2007.
2. Chris Bates, “Web Programming- Building Internet Applications”, Wiley India, 2006.
3. Achyut S Godbole and Atul Kahate, “Web Technologies”, Tata McGraw Hill.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – V)
Note 1: In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to
attempt five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
Unit – I
1. Introduction: Definition, Early Systems, Simple Batch system, Multi programmed Batch.
Time Sharing Systems, Personal Computer System, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems,
Real–time Systems.
Unit – III
7. Secondary Storage Structures: Disk structures, Disk scheduling, Disk Reliability.
Note: 1. In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to
attempt five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks. The maximum
marks of the paper is 75.
2. The student can use only Non–programmable & Non–storage type Calculator.
Introduction to JAVA: Object Orientation Concepts, Platform Independence & Cross Platform
Computing, Control statements, Operators & Data types.
Classes & Methods, constructors, Inheritance & Polymorphism. Packages & Interfaces,
Multithreading in Java.
Exception Handling, String handling in Java & Input/Output in Java.
1. “Java–The Complete Reference”, Hurbert Schildt, Tata MacGraw Hill.
2. “Introduction to Java Programming”, Y. Daniel Mliang, Pearsons Publications.
3. “Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS”, Jon Duckett,
John Wiley & Sons, 06 Aug. 2004.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – V)
Note 1. The paper setter is required to set eight questions in all and the candidates will be
required to attempt any five. All questions carry equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
2. Display Devices: CRT Monitors (Random – Scan and Raster Scan, DVST, Plasma –
Panel Display, LED and LCD Monitors.
3. Graphics Software.
4. Elementary Drawing: Points and various line drawing Algorithms and their
comparisons. Circle generating algorithms, Algorithms for ellipse, arc and spiral
1. Computer Graphics by Donal Hearn M. Pardive Baker (PHI) Easter Economy Edition.
2. Computer Graphics by Roy A. Plastock and Gordon Kalley – Schaum’s Series.
3. Computer Graphics by Marc Berger.
Bachelor of Computer Applications (Semester – VI)
Note 1. In theory eight questions are to be set in all. The candidates are required to attempt
five of them. All questions are to be of equal marks.
2. The students can use only Non–Programmable & Non–Storage Type Calculators.
1. Introduction to Software: Definition, Software characteristics, Software components,
Software Applications.
2. Introduction to Software Engineering: Definition, Software Engineering Paradigms,
waterfall method, prototyping, interactive Enhancement, The Spiral model, Fourth
Generation Technique.
3. Software Metrics: Role of Metrics and measurement, Metrics for software productivity and
quality, Measurement software, size–oriented metrics, function oriented metrics, Metrics for
software quality.
4. Software Requirement Specification (SRS): Problem analysis, structuring information,
Data flow diagram and data dictionary, structured analysis, Characteristics and component of
5. Planning a Software Project: Cost estimation, uncertainties in cost estimation, Single
variable model, COCOMO model, On software size estimation, Project scheduling and
milestones, Software & Personal Planning, Rayleigh curve, Personal Plan, Quality Assurance
Plan, Verification & Validation (V & V), inspection & review.
6. System Design: Design Objectives, Design Principles, problem, Partitioning, Abstraction,
Top Down and Bottom–up techniques, Structure Design, Structure Charts, Design
Methodology, Design Review, Automated Cross Checking, Matrix, total number of modular,
number of parameters.
7. Detailed Design: Module specification, Specifying functional module, specifying data
abstraction, PDL and Logic/Algorithim Design.
8. Coding: Coding by Top–down and Bottom–up, Structured Programming, Information
Hiding, Programming style, Internal Documentation.
9. Testing: Level of testing, Test cases and test criteria, Functional Testing, Structural Testing.
General Instructions:
1. A software module based on the work done in the entire course is to be developed.
2. The soft copy of the module shall be submitted to the College/Institute till April 30 of the
respective semester.
3. The software module shall be developed in groups, consisting of at most two students in a
4. The respective college shall depute guide(s)/supervisor(s) under whose supervision the
software module shall be developed. The guide/supervisor shall clarify that the work
done is original & authenticated. The certificate found to be incorrect at any stage shall
attract the proceedings against all the stakeholders, as per the University rules.
5. The evaluation of the module shall be done as per the common ordinance of UG/PG
w.e.f. 2012–2013 under semester system.