Research As A Tool For Agricultural and Extension Education: Qualitative
Research As A Tool For Agricultural and Extension Education: Qualitative
Research As A Tool For Agricultural and Extension Education: Qualitative
Extension Education
In the opening of his essay, “Disciplines of Inquiry in Education,” Shulman makes two
important points. The first is that, because education has been tied to psychology as a
foundation discipline, it has adopted, from psychology, the scientific, experimental
method of research. The second is that methodology determines the kinds of questions a
researcher is able, or at least is likely, to ask (Jaeger, 1988).
It is the essence of our questioning that this article will focus its attention. It is out
observation that, as regards international agriculture and extension education, the “donor
nations” have often been quilty of asking the wrong questions in their approach to world
agriculture problems. In this article, it will be argued that by expanding our research
methodology. we can re-order our line of questioning, and in so doing, be better able to
serve our international clientele.
There are, generally speaking, two ways of looking at the world. The first is the
traditional. empirical-reductionist view of the world, as it is described by quantitative
research methods. The second is the rational, wholistic view of the world, as it is often
described by qualitative research (Usher and Bryant, 1989).
It is important that we look closely at these two “world views”, or paradigms, as they
are not called. The empirical view of the world is based on a “positivistic” view of reality,
which rests on the idea that only that which can be sensed by the five senses is real.
Furthermore, if it can be sensed, and is real, it can be broken into its parts, and those parts
can be measured, i.e., it can be quantified. Generally speaking, quantities can be
compared, and values assigned.
The corollary of this line of thinking is that, that which can not be broken down and
measured, at least theoretically, is not real, hence, it has no value. Science is based on
this concept of breaking things down and measuring them (Hayward, 11987). In its place,
this has great value. One need only look at the progress of scientific medicine to see that.
It also has its limitations. Four our purposes, these limitations have to do with human
Behavior, as it has been observed from a scientific, reductionistic point of view, comes
under the discipline of behavioralistic psychology (Hayward, 1987). Within a certain
context, there are benefits to this approach in observing nature. Much has been learned
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about what makes humans do what they do, both individually and collectively, by making
scientific observations. Progress in human relations and communications, and
particularly in education, is directly attributable to behavioral studies. Yet, because these
kinds of studies rely totally on observable phenomena, they necessarily miss much that is
human. For being human includes the ability to think, to reason and to make judgements.
none of which are directly observable phenomena. The results of these actions can be
measured, the phenomena themselves can not.
So how do we account for those sorts of human-like tendencies? Or, as Plato might ask,
“How can we account for such “Qualities” as “Truth,” “Beauty,” and “Justice”?” This
analysis brings us back to our original question, “what is the essence of our questioning?”
International Develoument
Qualitative Methodologies
It may be instructive for us to review three selected research projects that used
qualitative methods to derive questions, and perhaps answers, that were missed using
strictly quantitative research methodology.
The first study was conducted by A. C. Elliot. This study was a measure of capacity-
building, which is defied as “the development of the conscious capability to establish a
foundation for development, which will be self-sustaining after the withdrawal of donor
input” (Elliot, 1989. p. 4).
The purpose of the study was to develop a framework for evaluating the capacity-
building components in rural development projects and to determine which factors
contributed to the successful implementation of these components.
Elliot used a qualitative tool called the CIPP Model to collect and analyze the data. The
CIPP model of evaluation (Schufflebeam, 1983) provides a conceptual framework for
investigation and was designed to formulate questions for data recording and analysis.
CIPP stands for Context, Input, Process, and Product.
The contents of the agency documents were analyzed and categorized to provide detailed
descriptions of the development of each project, with particular reference to capacity-
building. The findings from the projects were then compared and synthesized.
From this analysis, Elliot developed a set of questions which were designed to establish
how an increase in capacity-building was encouraged and monitored during the evaluation
process. To accomplish this task, an emergent approach was used, i.e., the plan was
modified in relation to the information discovered in the records.
The CIPP framework proved to be a valuable took for evaluating the capacity-building
components of the various projects. Elliot revised the original framework so that it
Consider external factors affecting the project. This information allowed for
making use of those elements which facilitated, and minimized those factors
which constrained, capacity-building.
Although Elliot’s study was of a naturalistic nature, steps were taken to guarantee its
authenticity. Stability and consistency were provided by use of an “audit trail” in the form
of the conceptual framework, research questions, a matrix, and descriptions of the methods
used. Steps were also taken in the study so that it could be used by other researchers.
Confirmability was insured. This was done by using documentary data, which, because
it was unaltered, was less subject to bias. In addition, Elliot worked with university
faculty and development project members to insure reliability. Finally, the study tried to
be as rich in detail as was possible, in order that other researchers could study the findings
and compare projects for relevancy.
The second study was by M. G. Land and R. P. Cantrell. Lang is an economist; Cantrell
an agronomist. The study concerned a farming systems-grain research project in Burkina
Faso, Africa.
The project involved the introduction of a cash crop to a group of subsistence farmers.
As with Elliot’s work, the researchers were concerned with developing a system which
would be adopted by indigenous farmers.
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They quickly discovered that they needed to “forego complex data management and
analysis if favor of simple and useful research that is readily adaptable to settings where
skills in data management and analysis are limited” (Lang and Cantrell. in Matlon,
Cantrell, King; and Benoit-Cattin, 1984. p. 68).
During the first growing season a socioeconomic survey was conducted. The survey
collected data on the number of active workers per farm, the amount of livestock and
equipment, labor and nonlabor inputs for all farm activities. Decision-making interviews
by the economist, concerning the goals and objectives that affect the farmers resource-use
decisions, were also made as were agonomic surveys concerning field sizes and yield, etc.
What the researchers discovered was that because the people were truly subsistence
farmers, cash crops were not a major goal for them. Labor was an issue, particularly at the
time of the first weeding. To switch to a cash economy required taking financial risks, for
fertilizers and extra labor and these costs needed to be justified in order to make a cash crop
There are several points that deserve attention. The project began as an inter-
disciplinary, farming “systems” project, in which data from several foundation disciplines
were examined, via interviews and empirical data collecting methods. Although this
information proved of some value to Land and Cantrell. and then to other researchers that
followed, it consumed both time and financial resources. The solution which they
developed was what they called “one shot” interviews. These interviews drew directly on
the farmers’ knowledge as well as on the survey data.
They stated that: “The approach currently used draws heavily upon subjective
information from farmers but retains a focus on the collection of objective, empirical data
to test hypotheses generated through such interview (Lang, Cantrell, 1984, p. 69).
Lang and Cantrell concluded by writing, “we are increasing our reliance on “one-shot”
research methods because: they introduce flexibility; they allow for researchers to draw
more upon farmers’ knowledge to formulate hypotheses, which can then be tested; these
were the primary sources of information used to shape agronomic trials during the
previous year; the data can be rapidly processed and analyzed with basic computer skills,
and the maintenance of computer hardware is not critical (Lang, Cantrell, 1984, p. 70).
The third study is entitled “A Grounded Theory Describing Factors of the Adoption
Process of the Alley Farming Technology by Yoruba Women in Nigeria,” by K. Cashman,
Cashman used the grounded theory method (Glaser and Strauss, 1967) to develop a theory
of agricultural change. She used that theory to provide a framework for alley farming
research and extension, and particularly to clarify Yoruba women’s role in farming.
After collecting the data, it was processed using the Concerns Based Adoption Model
(CBAM), (Hall, Wallace, & Dossett. 1973). which Cashman defined as “a standard
classification system for describing the perceived attributes, concerns, and uses of
innovations” (Cashman, 1989, p.38).
CBAM incorporates a participatory process, where the problems and concerns that
individuals experience during the adoption process are resolved during the time of
adoption. One can see how this solicitation of farmer’s opinions works well in
developing new theories.
As to the checking for validity and reliability, Cashman did the following.
Plausibility, sturdiness, and validity were checked by confirming research observations
with the participants in the study. Consistency was checked by repeating information
questions, using different words during the varied interviews. Due to the nature of this
internal kind of check and balance system, grounded theory research is not considered to
be generalizable to any great extent.
Cashman conducted on-site research in 1984-1986. She then went back to do a follow-
up study in 1988. Her research identified the following factors as the most important in
influencing the diffusion of alley farming:
Socio-cultural issues
We have studied three fairly different research projects having to do with development
in Third World countries. The first focused on how development specialists can insure
some success in the adoption of technology infusion. The other two were concerned with
the adoption of specific agronomical goals; in Land and Cantrell’s project, the
development of a cash crop; in Cashman’s work, the adoption of the alley farming system.
The following types of qualitative research methods were used by these researchers.
Elliot used a qualitative documentary analysis of previous evaluations as the main source
of information, then analyzed it within the CIPP framework. Lang and Cantrell developed
their “one-shot” interview technique, and relied on the opinions’ of their assistants, in
monthly meetings to streamline their work. And Cashman used grounded theory, with
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constant-comparative information processing, and the Concerns Based Adoption Model
to collect and process information.
We can conclude from these studies that adoption does not take place immediately and
that researchers need to have great flexibility in their approach. We can also conclude that
the researchers need to understand both the opinions of the people with whom they work
and the particular world and cultural views held by those cultures.
Cashman, K. (1989). A erounded theorv describing factors in the adoption process of the
alley farming technology bv Yoruba women in Nigeria. Unpublished dissertation, Iowa
State University, Ames.
Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theorv: strategies for
tative res&. Aldine, Chicago.
Hall, G., Wallace, R., & Dossett. W. (1973). A develonmental conceptualization of the
adoption process within educational institutions. The University of Texas at Austin,
Research Development Center, Austin.
Usher, R. & Bryant, I. (1989). Adult education as theorv, practice and research: the
captive triangle. Routledge. London.