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KA / BG - GPO/ 2515 /WPP-47/ 2009 - 2011

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No. EN 96 EBS 2007, Bangalore, Dated : 01.10.2012

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 180 of the Electricity Act, 2003
(Central Act 36 of 2003) read with regulation 29 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating
to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the
following rules, namely:-



1. Title, extent and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka (Licensing of
Electrical Contractors, Special wiring permit and grant of certificates and permits to Electrical
Supervisors and Wiremen) Rules 2012.

(2) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Karnataka.

(3) They shall come into force from the date of publication in the official Gazette.

2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) “Act” means The Electricity Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003);

(b) “Agreement” means an agreement executed between the Licenced Electrical Contractor and
Consumer containing the terms and conditions of the contract with the consumer;

(c) “Board” means The Karnataka Electrical Contractors, Special wiring permit, Electrical
Supervisors and Wiremen’s Licensing Advisory and Examination Board;

(d) “Contractor” means an Electrical Contractor Licenced under these rules;

(e) “Form” means form appended to these rules;

(f) “License” means a License granted under these rules;

(g) “Permit” means the permits granted under these rules to the Electrical Supervisors and
Electrical Wiremen;

(h) “Regulation” means Central Electricity Authority ( Measures relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010;

(i) “Special wiring permit” means Special wiring permit granted to Industrial undertaking to
undertake electrical installation works of their own installation by their own permit holders;

(j) “Supervisor” means a person holding either an Electrical Supervisor (General) or Electrical
Supervisor (Mines) Grade 1 or Grade 2 permit issued under these rules;

(k) “Wireman” means a person holding an Electrical Wireman Grade 1 or Grade 2 permit issued
under these rules.

(2) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined shall have the meanings
respectively assigned to them in the Electricity Act, 2003, the Central Electricity Authority (Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, and rules and regulations made there under.


3. Constitution of the board.- For grant of Licenses to Electrical Contractors, Special wiring
permit to Industrial undertaking, Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency and permits to
Supervisors, and certificate and permits to Wiremen, and for carrying out the purposes of these rules
Electrical Contractors, Special wiring permit, Supervisor’s, and Wiremen’s Licensing Advisory and
Examinations Board [hereinafter referred to as the “Board”] shall be constituted by the Government of
Karnataka consisting of the following Members, namely:-

1 The Chief Electrical Inspector and Ex-officio Additional Secretary Chairman

[Electrical Licensing] to Government, Department of Energy, Bangalore.

2 The Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector, Bangalore. Member


3 Superintending Engineer (El), O & M Circle, Bangalore South, BESCOM, Member

Bangalore or his representative not below the rank of Executive

4 The Superintending Engineer (Electrical Design), KPCL, Bangalore or his Member

representative not below the rank of Executive Engineer (El).

5 Director of Technical Education in Karnataka or his representative who Member

shall be a graduate in Electrical Engineering not below the rank of
Assistant Director.

6 Director of Mines Safety (Electrical), DGMS, South zone, Bangalore or his Member
representative who shall be a graduate in Electrical Engineering.

7 Deputy General Manager (Electrical) of the mining company owned by Member

State or Central Government undertaking or his representative who shall
be a graduate in Electrical Engineering.

8 One person nominated by the Managing committee of the Karnataka Member

State Electrical Contractor Association (Regd) who shall be a Graduate in
Electrical Engineering holding a valid contractors License for a minimum
continuous period of not less than 5 years.

9 The Electrical Inspector Convener

Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector to Government, Bangalore

4. Functions of the Board.- (1) The functions of the Board shall be as follows, namely:-

(a) To arrange for grant the Electrical Contractors Licenses to applicant who satisfies the
conditions contemplated in these rules;

(b) To arrange for grant of Special wiring permit to Industrial under taking who satisfies the
conditions contemplated in these rules;

(c) To arrange for grant of the Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency and permits to
Supervisors, and certificate and permits to Wiremen who satisfy the conditions contemplated in
these rules;

(d) To arrange for renew of the Licenses, Special wiring permit and permits granted to applicants
under rule 4(a), 4 (b) and 4(c) above;

(e) To arrange for conduct of the examination for the purpose of grant of certificates and permits
referred to in rule 4 (c) above;

(f) To decide the enquiry report placed before the Board into violation of any of the provision of
these rules on the part of Electrical Contractors, holder of Special wiring permit, Supervisors
permit and Wiremen Permit.

(2) The Board shall meet at least once in a month.

(3) For every meeting the quorum shall be a minimum of FIVE including the Chairman.

5. Duties of the chairman.- The Chairman shall,-

(1) preside over all the meetings of the Board;

(2) designate or direct officers and officials of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate to
accomplish the procedures to grant or for renewal of Licences, Special wiring permit and

(3) grant or renew the Licences to applicants duly cleared by the Board;

(4) to grant or renew Special wiring permit to Industrial undertaking duly cleared by the Board;

(5) grant or arrange to grant Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency and certificate to
wiremen, and to grant or renew, or arrange to grant or renew permits to applicants duly cleared
by the Board;

(6) conduct examination for grant of certificate of competency and certificate;

(7) enquire or to arrange to enquire into violation of any of the provision of these rules on the part
of Electrical Contractors, holder of Special wiring permit, Supervisors and Wiremen Permits
and to initiate appropriate action as decided by the Board;

(8) designate officers and officials for discharge of functions in his behalf.

6. Duties of the member secretary :- The Member secretary shall,-

(1) oversee the functions of the designated officers or officials detailed under sub-rule (2) of rule 5
to verify the entries and enclosures before placing the same to the Board;

(2) place before the Board all applications received for grant or renewal of Licences, Special wiring
permits and Permits;

(3) place before the Board all applications received for admission to the Examination for Supervisor
and Wireman;

(4) carryout all the official functions incidental to these Rules as directed by the Chairman.

7. Duties of the Convener: - The Convener shall act as a convener of the Licensing Advisory and
Examination Board to;

(a) carryout all the official functions incidental to this rules as directed by the Chairman and the
Member Secretary;

(b) updating of statistical information’s of Licensing section;

(c) Oversee the maintenance of records and computerization of licensing section.

8. Applications.- (1) Every application for,-

(a) grant of Licences shall be in form A;

(b) renewal of Licenses shall be in Form D;

(c) grant or renewal of Special wiring permit shall be in Form E;

(d) grant of Electrical Supervisor (General) permits shall be in Form R;

(e) renewal of Electrical Supervisor (General ) permits shall be in Form U;

(f) grant of Electrical Supervisor (Mines) permits shall be in Form S;

(g) renewal of Electrical Supervisor (Mines) permits shall be in Form V;

(h) grant of Wiremen permits shall be in Form T;

(i) renewal of Wiremen permits shall be in Form W;

(j) endorsement of Supervisor or Wireman permits shall be in Form X;

(k) cancellation of Endorsement of Supervisor or Wireman permits shall be in Form Y;

(l) the Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade II examination shall be in Form F;

(m) the Electrical Supervisor (Mining) Grade II examination shall be in Form H;

(n) the Wiremen Grade II examination shall be in Form G;

shall be signed by the applicant and addressed to the Member Secretary and submitted to the
designated officer/office of the Electrical Inspectorate, enclosing the required records and documents.

(2) All the applications received for (a) to (i) above, up to the last working day of the month shall be
forwarded by the designated officers of Electrical Inspectorate to the Member Secretary within the time
frame fixed by the Board.

(3) All the applications received for (j) and (k) above, by the designated officers of Electrical
Inspectorate shall be cleared at their office by them self within the time frame fixed by the Board.

(4) All the applications received for (l), (m) and (n) above, shall be forwarded to Member Secretary
by the designated officers of Electrical Inspectorate within the time frame fixed by the Board.

9. Fees.- Every application for grant of licenses or permit as the case may be accompanied by
an original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fees as specified in Annexure - 5. The
fees shall be remitted at the designated office of the Electrical Inspectorate or at the concerned District

treasury under the Budget Head “Non plan – 0043” Taxes and Duties on Electricity, not earlier than
Ninety days prior to the date of submission of application. The fee remitted is not transferable and non-



10. Grant and issue of electrical contractor licences:- (1) The Board shall grant the Licenses to
undertake electrical installation works initially for a maximum of period of ONE YEAR to the applicants
on fulfilling the conditions enumerated under rule 12.

(2) The Licence initially granted above shall be effective from the first day of the succeeding month
after the application is cleared by the Board for grant.

11. Classification of Licenced Electrical Contractors.- (1) There shall be four classes of Licenced
Electrical Contractors, namely:-

(a) Super Grade;

(b) Class –1;

(c) Class –2;

(d) Class –3;

(2) The grant of licence in each of the four category of licence shall be in the respective format as
per Form 7, 8, 9, 10 and subject to the conditions specified below:

(3) The person holding Super Grade Licence shall be eligible to undertake all types of Electrical
installation works of Low, Medium, High and Extra High voltage installation. The Licence granted shall
be in form 7.

(4) The person holding Class 1 Licence shall be eligible to undertake Electrical installation works of
Low, Medium and High voltage installation (i.e. up to and including 33 kV). The Licence granted shall
be in Form 8.

(5) The person holding Class 2 Licence shall be eligible to undertake Electrical installation works of
Low and Medium voltage installation (i.e. up to and including 650 Volts). The Licence granted shall be
in Form 9.

(6) The person holding Class 3 Licence shall be eligible to undertake Electrical installation works of
Low voltage installation up to 250 Volts. The Licence granted shall be in Form 10.

12. General Conditions for Grant of Electrical Contractors Licences.- (1) A Licence may be
granted on application to any applicant satisfying the following conditions, namely:-

(a) The applicant must be a citizen of India.

(b) The applicant must have attained the age of 21 years as on the date of application and has
passed TENTH standard examination.

(c) The applicant shall satisfy the requirement of the National Emblem Act, 1949 as far as the
name of the firm or company.

(d) If the licence is sought for a partnership firm must have registered with the Registrar of Firms
or if the Licence is sought for a registered company the same must have registered with the

Registrar of Companies. In case of a partnership firm all the partners of the firm and in case of
a registered company not less than TWO THIRD of total number of Directors may resolve and
issue an authorization letter to the authorized signatory to sign the application, completion
report, etc. on behalf of the firm or company as the case may be, the Authorization letter shall
be on Rs.100/- stamp paper.

(e) The exclusive business premises to carry out business incidental to grant of licence shall be
easily accessible and located within the territory of the State of Karnataka, and it shall not be
residential premises for Super Grade and Class I Licenses, and also shall not be a Government

(f) The applicant shall either possess Supervisor or Wireman permit or shall employ a person or
persons holding Supervisor and Wireman permit at the time of application as the case may be.
Any applicant having valid permit seeking licence, he shall not endorse his permit to any other
applicant or Licenced Electrical Contractor except his own License.

(g) The applicant shall possess and maintain all the testing instruments, safety tools and
equipments as listed in Annexure-4. They shall be produced before the designated officer of the
department of Electrical Inspectorate for verification. Testing instruments of Super grade
Licenses shall be got tested not later than three months from the date of application by NABL
(“NABL” means National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories)
accredited authorized testing laboratory for the condition of testing Instrument.

(h) The applicant shall not be an employee of a State or Central Government or Public sector

(i) The applicant shall be solvent as detailed in sub- rule (2) of rule 12. Where the Solvency is
issued from a bank in Form B, it shall be from a Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank or Co-
operative Bank recognized by Reserve Bank of India and the solvency shall be confirmed by the
bank. Except for a registered limited company having branches at other locations, the solvency
shall be from a bank located in the same district where the business premise of the applicant is

(j) Where an applicant either as proprietor or partner of a firm or Director of a company is found to
have been penalized as per the provisions of rule 37, he shall not be eligible for grant of another
Licence either as a proprietor or as a partner or as a Director as the case may be.

(2) Additional requirement for grant of Electrical Contractors Licence:- In addition to the conditions
contemplated under sub-rule (1) above, the applicant shall comply with the following additional
conditions, namely:-

(a) For grant of Super Grade Electrical Contractors Licence:-

The applicant,-

(i) shall have a valid Electrical Contractor Licence Class 1 for a minimum continuous period of
three years and must have executed the installation and commissioning work of not less than
eight numbers of H V Electrical installation works. Proof of such execution of works including
adherence to the quality shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Board;

(ii) must have in his sole employment minimum one number of Grade 1 Supervisor permit holders
and such permits shall be endorsed only to his firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(iii) must have in his sole employment minimum three number of Wireman permit holders and
such permits shall be endorsed only to his firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(iv) must be solvent to an extent of rupees five lakhs and shall produce solvency certificate in Form
B or C;

(v) must have a qualified draughtsman with a certificate in draughtsman ship;

(vi) must have registered with the Department of Employees Provident Fund and Employees State

(b) For Grant of Class 1 Electrical Contractors Licence:-

The applicant,-

(i) Shall have a valid Class 2 Electrical Contractor Licence for a minimum continuous period of
three years and must have executed the installation and commissioning work of not less than
twelve numbers of M V Electrical Installation works. Proof of such execution of works
including adherence to the quality shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Board. Where a
person seeking Class 1 Licence is a Graduate or Diploma in Electrical Engineering discipline,
the requirement of holding a Class 2 Licence may be relaxed and his application for Class 1
Licence may be considered by the Board directly;

(ii) must have in his sole employment Supervisor permit holder and such permit shall be
endorsed only to his firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(iii) must have in his sole employment Wireman permit holder and such permit shall be endorsed
only to his firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(iv) must be solvent to an extent of rupees One Lakh and shall produce solvency certificate in Form
B or C:

Provided that in case of a person being unemployed graduate or diploma holder in Electrical
Engineering or any equivalent qualification seeking grant of Licence for the first time, the requirement
of solvency may be relaxed provided an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit - 6 to
substantiate his unemployment is furnished:

Provided further that such a relaxation in solvency shall be available only for the first time in
case of an applicant seeking grant of Licence. If the applicant is applying based on the lapsed licence or
for change of class, he is not eligible for such relaxation and shall furnish fresh solvency certificate as

(v) must have registered with the Department of Employees Provident Fund and Employees State

(c) For Grant of Class 2 Electrical Contractors Licence:-

The applicant,-

(i) must have in his employment Supervisor permit holder and such permit shall be endorsed to
his firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(ii) must have in his employment Wireman permit holder and such permit shall be endorsed to his
firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(iii) must be a solvent to an extent of rupees fifty thousand and shall produce solvency certificate
in Form B or C. Where an applicant being unemployed graduate or diploma holder in Electrical
Engineering, or any equivalent qualification seeks grant of licence, the requirement of solvency
may be relaxed, provided an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit - 6 to substantiate
his unemployment is furnished:

Provided that such a relaxation in solvency shall be available only for the first time an applicant
seeking grant of Licence. If the applicant is applying based on the lapsed licence or for change of class,
he is not eligible for such relaxation, and he shall furnish fresh solvency certificate as stipulated under
these rules.

(d) For Grant of Class 3 Electrical Contractors Licence :-

The applicant,-

(i) must have in his employment Supervisor permit holder and such permit shall be endorsed to
his firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(ii) must have in his employment Wireman permit holder and such permit shall be endorsed to his
firm before undertaking any electrical work;

(iii) must be solvent to an extent of rupees twenty five thousand and shall produce solvency
certificate in Form B or C.

(3) Every application form shall be accompanied by the following, namely:-

(a) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph clearly showing the complete
face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall be got
attested by the designated jurisdictional officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank
of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) Self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) An affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit -5 to establish that he/she is not an
employee of a State or Central Government or Public sector undertaking etc as detailed in rule
12 (1) (h) above.

(e) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant such as Ration card, Passport, Voters identity
card, Driving licence, Aadhar card.

(f) Proof of address of business premises i.e., copy of rental agreement along with khata certificate
and latest tax paid receipt or an affidavit sworn before the Notary.

(g) If the licence is sought for a partnership firm a copy of the registered partnership deed and the
Registration certificate issued by Registrar of Firms, if the licence is sought for a registered
company copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association approved by the Registrar of
Companies and authorization letter in original issued to the authorized signatory by the
partnership firm or company as the case may be.

(h) Where an application is made for,-

(1) change of class of Licence; or

(2) regrant of Licence in lieu of lapsed Licence,

Original Licence already granted Professional tax clearance certificate or an affidavit sworn
before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-1, and an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per

(i) Original Solvency certificate granted not later than Three months from the date of application
and an affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-2 or 3.

(j) Certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application from designated
officer of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical
Inspector for having possessed and maintained the testing instruments, safety tools and
equipments as listed in Annexure -4. Testing instruments of Super grade Licenses shall be got
tested not later than three months from the date of application by NABL accredited authorized
testing laboratory for the condition of testing instrument.

(k) Copies of educational qualification along with proof of age.

(l) Details of work done along with copies of certificate of EHT/HT/LT installation work as
stipulated under rule 12 (2) (a) and (b).

(m) Copies of the appointment letter of Supervisors, Wiremen’s, and Draughtsman.

(n) Consent letters obtained from Supervisor, Wiremen and Draughtsman along with copies of their
Educational Certificate and Permit.

(o) In case of Super Grade and Class I Licence, copies of the registration certificate in EPF and ESI.

13. Renewal of Licence.- Conditions and Duration:-Licence granted under rule 10 above, may be
renewed for a further period of five years at the request of the Licencee, subject to satisfying the
conditions detailed below, namely:-

(1) Application for renewal shall be submitted in “Form D” as per forms of applications three clear
months before the expiry of the licence but not before five clear months.

Notwithstanding the requirement for submitting the application for renewal before three months
as aforesaid, applications may be accepted two clear months before the date of expiry of the licence,
provided the applicant remits the penal fee as detailed in Annexure - 5.

Applications received after the due date is liable for rejection, fee remitted if any shall deemed to
have been forfeited.

(2) Where an applicant either as proprietor or partner or Director of a firm or company is found to
have been penalized as per the provisions of rule 37, he shall not be eligible for renewal of Licence
either as a proprietor or as a partner or as a Director as the case may be.

(3) Every application in form D as per forms of applications for renewal shall be accompanied by
the following, namely:-

(a) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite renewal fee and penal fee as the case
may be, as detailed in Annexure-5.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the jurisdictional officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of
Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) Attested copy of Supervisor and Wireman permit duly endorsed as specified under rule 12(1) (f).

(e) P T clearance certificate for having remitted Professional Tax or an affidavit sworn before the
notary in the form as per Affidavit-1.

(f) Original Solvency certificate granted not later than Three months from the date of application
or an affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-2 or 3:

Provided that Graduate or Diploma holders granted with a Licence against a relaxed solvency
amount shall furnish fresh solvency certificate for being solvent to the entire amount of solvency
stipulated for the said class of Licence

(g) Certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application from designated
officer of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate for having maintained the testing
instruments, safety tools and equipments as listed in Annexure -4. Testing instruments of
Super grade Licenses shall be got tested not later than three months from the date of
application by NABL accredited authorized testing laboratory for the condition of testing

(h) Original licence.

(i) Details of payment of premium to EPF and ESI in case of Super grade and Class I License.

(j) Details of work done along with copies of certificate of EHT/HT/LT installation work.

14. Disposal of applications for grant or renewal of licences.- (1) Every application received for
grant or renewal of licence shall be scrutinized and placed before the Board. If the application is found
not fully in accordance with these rules, the same shall be intimated to the applicant to fulfill the
conditions giving sufficient time as decided by the Board. If the applicant resubmits the application,
fulfilling all the conditions intimated within the prescribed time, the application shall be again placed
before the Board for consideration.

If the objected application is not resubmitted or submitted after the period or date fixed or
submitted with incomplete information or particulars, is liable for rejection and fee remitted will be

Despite the conditions for grant of licence enumerated under rule 12 or for renewal under rule
13, the Board’s decision for either accepting or rejecting an application shall be final. However the
Board shall record the reason for such rejection.

(2) Where in lieu of the above provisions, the application from any person is rejected for reasons to
be recorded in writing; the same shall be communicated to the applicant within sixty days.

(3) All the applications accepted by the Board shall be issued with the licences or renewed as the
case may be in prescribed format 7, 8, 9 and 10.

15. Disqualifications from grant or renewal of Licences.- Where in the opinion of the Board, any
person or company or firm who’s Licence has been suspended or cancelled as per rule 37, the
application seeking grant or renewal of Licence is liable for rejection.

16. Licencee to abide by the conditions.- Every Licencee shall abide by the provisions of The
Electricity Act, 2003, rules and regulations made thereunder, Central Electricity Authority ( Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 and these rules and shall produce their
Licence granted by the Board, upon demand by the Board or officers of Electrical Inspectorate or to any
authorities of the supplier having jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is
being carried out. in addition to the conditions detailed below,

(1) shall execute agreement with the consumer/owner of installation in form Z.

(2) shall obtain authorization letter from the owner of the electrical installation in the form
Affidavit – 8.

(3) Shall Intimate commencement of electrification work in form A1 to the jurisdictional Electrical
Inspectorate Authority as notified.

(4) Shall furnish Electrical contractor work completion cum Test report in form B1 to the
jurisdictional Electrical Inspectorate Authority as the case may be.

(5) Shall maintain, details of supervisor, Wiremen, and apprentices working for him in form C1,
application register in form D1, attendance registers of all employees in form E1, work
allocation register in form F1, material issue register in form G1.

(6) Shall display a bill board containing name of electrical contractor firm, name of electrical
contractor, name of the electrical supervisor, name of the wiremen and apprentice wiremen with
their license/permit number with validity, and details of electrical installation work undertaken
at the entrance of the installation in the Form H1.



17. Grant of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency and Electrical Supervisor

(General) Permit.- (1) No person shall be eligible to supervise and to carry out electrical installation
work in all electrical installations except mining installation, unless he possess Electrical Supervisory
certificate of competency and Electrical Supervisor (General) Permits issued by the Board based on the
qualification of the applicants and fulfilling the requisite qualification and experience as enumerated
under rule 19 and on passing of the examination conducted by the Board.

(2) The permit granted above initially shall be for a maximum period of one year and will be
effective from the first day of the succeeding month after the application is cleared by the Board.

18. Grades of Electrical Supervisor (General) and Extent of their Supervision.- (1) The Electrical
Supervisor (General) shall be of two grades namely Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade -1 and
Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade -2.

(2) Any person with Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade 1 permit will be eligible to supervise
electrical works of all classes of voltages in all electrical installations except mining installation. Any
person with Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade 2 permit will be eligible to supervise electrical works
in all electrical installations up to and inclusive of 33 kV voltage class except mining installation.

19. Conditions for grant of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency and Electrical
Supervisor (General) Permit.- The conditions for grant of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of
Competency and Electrical Supervisor (General) Permit are as follows, namely:- The applicant,-

(1) must be residing in the state of Karnataka;

(2) must have attained the age of 18 years and is medically fit;

(3) must be holding bachelor degree or Diploma in Electrical Engineering discipline or any other
educational qualification which is recognized as equivalent to the above by the Directorate of Technical
Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. For grant Electrical Supervisor (General) permit
Grade 1 in Form 1 and Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency in Form I;

(4) must have passed the examination conducted by Board. For grant of Electrical Supervisor
(General) Grade 2 permit in Form 2 and Electrical Supervisory certificate of competency in Form J;

(5) where an applicant is found to have been penalized as per the provisions of rule 37, he shall not
be eligible for re-grant of his permit;

(6) for grant of Electrical supervisory certificate of competency in form I, and for grant or re-grant
of permit in Form 1 or 2, application shall be in Form R as per forms of application and shall be
addressed to the Member Secretary and submitted to the jurisdictional office of the Electrical
Inspectorate with enclosures and documents as detailed below:

(a) Copy of the Degree or Diploma certificate issued by the University or Technical Board or any
other certificate which is recognized as equivalent to the above by the Directorate of Technical
Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore or certificate of competency in form I issued by
the Board. Copy shall be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the
rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with requisite postage stamp.

(d) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant and Proof of address such as Ration card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or an affidavit sworn before
the Notary.

(e) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

(f) Where an application is made for re grant of the permit which has lapsed, the original lapsed
permit and copy of the certificate of competency in addition to the enclosures listed under (b),
(c), (e) and (g) and an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit-7.

(g) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.

20. Scheme of Examination for Electrical Supervisor (General).- (1) The examination referred to
in the rule 17 shall be held at Bangalore centre and at either Hubli or Dharwar centre as decided by
the Board every year.

(2) The Board shall notify the date of examination.

(3) The syllabus for the examination shall be as per Annexure -1.

(4) A candidate must secure a minimum of 20 marks in paper I, and 20 marks in paper II
written Examination out of 50 marks in each in addition to 40 marks in the practical and oral test out
of 100 marks for being declared to have passed the examination and to issue certificate of competency
in form J.

(5) No person shall be eligible to apply for the examination for Electrical Supervisors (General)
Grade -2 unless he,-

(a) is residing in the State of Karnataka;

(b) has passed the tenth standard or equivalent examination and capable of answering in Kannada
or English;

(c) has attained the age of 18 years as on the date of notification of the examination and is
medically fit;

(d) is holding a valid Electrical Wireman Grade 1 or Grade 2 permit;


(e) has worked under a Licensed Electrical Contractor OR in an Industrial undertaking having
Special wiring permit,-

(i) For a minimum period of three years as Wireman with a valid Electrical Wireman grade -2
permit; or

(ii) for a minimum period of one year as Wireman with a valid Electrical wireman grade -1

Provided that where any candidate has appeared earlier for the examination and desires to
reappear, his / her application in Form F along with the attested copy of the admission ticket issued in
the previous year and enclosures listed under 20 (6) (c) to 20 (6) (f) below may be considered as

(6) The Application for the examination shall be in Form F and addressed to the Member Secretary
and submitted to the jurisdictional office of the Electrical Inspectorate along with the following

(a) Copies of the educational testimonials duly attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate
not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector along with proof of age.

(b) A certificate in Form N from the present and past employers regarding conduct and practical
experience. In the case of a Licenced Electrical Contractor desiring to appear to the
examination, the declaration shall be in form P

(c) Original treasury challan or cash receipt for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in
Annexure – 5.

(d) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

(e) Two numbers of self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(f) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the candidate and Proof of address such as Ration card, pass
port, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or an
affidavit sworn before the Notary.

(g) Attested copy of Valid Electrical Contractor Licence or Special wiring permit of the Employer
and Wireman permit.

(h) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.

(7) All applications received to appear for examination, shall be forwarded to Member Secretary by
the designated officers of Electrical Inspectorate within the time frame fixed by the Board. Every
application shall be scrutinized before placing to the Board. Admission ticket shall be issued to appear
for examination to all the applicants whose application has been accepted. Applications of those
applicants who are not eligible or who have not enclosed the required documents or whose application
is incomplete may be rejected.

Notwithstanding the requirements detailed above for permitting an applicant for the
examination, the decision of the Board shall be binding on the applicant.

21. Grant of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency and Electrical Supervisor

(Mines) Permit.- (1) No person shall be eligible to supervise and to carryout electrical installation work

in mines, unless he possess Electrical Supervisory Certificate of competency and permit to persons who
are declared to have passed the examination conducted by the Board in this regard.

(2) The permit granted above initially shall be for a maximum period of one year and shall be
effective from the first day of the succeeding month after the application is cleared by the Board.

22. Grades of Electrical Supervisor (Mines) and Extent of their Supervision.- The Electrical
Supervisor (Mines) will be of two grades namely Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade -1 and Electrical
Supervisor (Mines) Grade -2.

23. Conditions for obtaining Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency and Electrical
Supervisor (Mines) Permit.- The conditions for obtaining Electrical supervisory certificate of
competency and Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Permit, The applicant,-

(1) must be residing in the State of Karnataka;

(2) must have pass the examination conducted by the Board;

(3) to grant Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade 1 permit in Form 3 and Electrical Supervisory
certificate of competency in Form K, the applicant shall be a Graduate or Diploma in Electrical
Engineering discipline or any other educational qualification which is recognized as equivalent to the
above by the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore. The Applicant
may be exempted for appearing written examination but shall pass the practical and oral examination
conducted by the Board;

(4) to grant Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade 2 permit in Form 4 and Electrical Supervisory
certificate of competency in Form L the applicant shall pass both the written and practical and oral
examination conducted by the Board;

(5) where an applicant is found to have been penalized as per the provisions of rule 37, he shall not
be eligible for re-grant of his/her permit.

(6) for grant or re grant of Electrical Supervisor (Mines) permit in Form 3 or 4 application shall be
in Form S, as per Forms of applications and shall be addressed to the Member Secretary and
submitted to designated office of the Electrical Inspectorate along with the following documents:-

(a) Copy of certificate of competency in the Form K or L issued by the Board duly attested by the
officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing the
complete face and two ears of the applicant. The specimen signature and photograph shall be
got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of the Deputy
Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant and proof of address such as Ration Card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or
an affidavit sworn before the Notary.

(e) Original treasury Challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

(f) Where an applicant seeks regrant of the Permit which has lapsed he/she shall enclose the
original lapsed permit, copy of the certificate of competency in addition to the enclosures listed
under (b), (c), (e) and (g) and an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit-7.

(g) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.

24. Scheme of Examination for Electrical Supervisor (Mines).-(1) the examination for the
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) referred to in rule 21 shall be held every year.

(2) The Board shall notify the date and place of examination.

(3) The Syllabus for the examination shall be as per the Annexure-2.

(4) (a) Where any candidate has appeared earlier for the examination conducted by the Board
under the repealed The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical Contractor and grant of certificates
and permits to Electrical Supervisors and Wiremen) Rules, 1976 and was not successful and
who was not exempted from appearing for the written examination and desires to reappear,
must secure a minimum of 20 marks in paper I and a minimum of 20 marks in paper III
written Examination out of 50 marks in each paper in addition to 40 marks in the practical and
oral test out of 100 marks for being declared to have passed the examination and to issue
competency certificate in Form L.

(b) Applicant holding a valid Electrical Supervisor (General) permit and who is not exempted from
appearing for the written examination, must secure a minimum of 20 marks in paper III written
Examination out of 50 marks in addition to 40 marks in the practical and oral test out of 100
marks for being declared to have passed the examination and to issue competency certificate in
Form L.

(5) Applicant with a Degree or Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering discipline or any
other educational qualification which is recognized as equivalent to the above by the Directorate of
Technical Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore are exempted from appearing for the
written examination but they must secure a minimum of forty marks in the practical and oral test out
of 100 marks for being declared to have passed the examination and to issue competency certificate in
Form K.

(6) No person shall be eligible to apply for the examination for Electrical Supervisor (Mines) unless

(a) is residing in the State of Karnataka;

(b) has passed Tenth Standard or equivalent examination and capable of answering in Kannada
or English;

(c) has attained the age of 23 years as on the date of notification of the examination and is
Medically fit;

(d) is holding a valid Electrical Supervisor (General) Permit;

(e) has a minimum of two years experience in an underground mining installation located within
the territory of State of Karnataka after having obtained a Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade
1 or Grade 2 Permit.

Where any candidate has appeared earlier for the examination and desires to reappear, his /
her application in form H, along with the attested copy of the Admission ticket issued in the previous
years and enclosures listed under rule 24 (7) (c) to 24(7)(f) and 24 (7) (i) below may be considered as

(7) Application for appearing to the examination conducted by the Board in this regard shall be in
Form H and addressed to the Member Secretary and submitted to the specified jurisdictional
inspectorate office along with the following documents, namely:-

(a) Copy of the educational testimonials attested by the officer of Electrical Inspectorate not below
the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector along with proof of age.

(b) A certificate in Form O from the present and past employers establishing the period of
experience as well as the certificate of conduct.

(c) Original treasury challan or cash receipt for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in

(d) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical

(e) Two numbers of self-addressed envelope duly affixed with requisite postage stamp.

(f) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the candidate and Proof of address such as Ration card, Pass
port, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life Insurance policy, Aadhar card or an
affidavit Sworn before the Notary.

(g) Copy of valid Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade 1 or Grade 2 Permit.

(h) Proof that the installation in which he is working is an under ground mining instillation with in
the meaning of Mines Act and is located within the territory of State of Karnataka.

(i) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.

(8) All applications received to appear for examination, shall be forwarded to Member Secretary by
the designated officers of Electrical Inspectorate within the time frame fixed by the Board. Every
application shall be scrutinized. Admission ticket shall be issued to appear for examination to all the
applicants whose application has been accepted. Applications of those applicants who are not eligible
as detailed under rule 24(6) or who have not enclosed the required documents as listed under rule
24(7) or whose application is incomplete may be rejected.

Notwithstanding the requirements detailed above for permitting an applicant for the
examination, the decision of the Board shall be binding on the applicant.

25. Grant of Electrical Wireman Permit.- (1) For carrying out electrical installation work the
Board shall grant Electrical Wireman Grade 1 permit in form 5 to such of the applicants fulfilling the
requisite qualification and conditions enumerated under rule 26 (1) and (2) and certificate in Form M
and Electrical Wireman Grade -2 permit in Form 6 to candidates passing the examination conducted
by the Board.

(2) The permit granted above initially shall be for a maximum period of one year and will be
effective from the first day of the succeeding month after the Board clears the application.

26. Conditions for grant of Electrical Wireman Permit.- (1) For grant of Electrical Wireman

(a) The applicant must be residing in the State of Karnataka;

(b) The applicant must be medically fit.


(2) For grant Electrical Wireman Grade 1 permit in Form 5, in addition (a) and (b) above the
applicant, shall hold Wireman or Electrician or Electrical Trade Certificate issued by the institutions
recognized by the State Government or shall hold a Job oriented pre-university Diploma certificate in
the vocational course of Electrical Wiring and Servicing of Electrical Appliances granted by the
Karnataka State Council of Vocational Education or shall hold any other certificate which is
recognized as equivalent by the Directorate of Employment and Training, Government of Karnataka,

(3) For grant of certificate in Form M and Electrical Wireman Grade 2 permit in Form 6 in addition
(a) and (b) above the applicant shall pass the examination conducted by the Board.

(4) Where an applicant is found to have been penalized as per the provisions of rule 37, he shall
not be eligible for re-grant of his permit.

(5) For grant or re-grant of Electrical Wireman Grade -I or Grade -II permit in Form 5 or 6.
Application shall be in Form T as per forms of applications and it shall be addressed to the Member
Secretary and submitted to the designated office of the Electrical Inspectorate along with the following
documents, namely:-

(a) Attested copy of Wireman/Electrician/Electrical Trade Certificates issued by the institutions

recognized by the State Government or Job oriented pre- university Diploma certificate in the
vocational course of Electrical Wiring and Servicing of Electrical Appliances granted by the
Karnataka State Council of Vocational Education or any other certificate which is recognized as
equivalent by the Directorate of Employment and Training, Government of Karnataka,
Bangalore or Certificate in Form M issued by the Board.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite stamps.

(d) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant and Proof of address such as Rationcard,
Passport, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or
an affidavit Sworn before the Notary.

(e) Original treasury Challan or cash receipt for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in

(f) Where an applicant seeks re grant of the Permit which has lapsed he shall enclose the original
lapsed permit in addition to the enclosures listed under (b), (c) and (e) above, and an affidavit
sworn before the Notary as in Affidavit-7.

(g) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than one
month from the date of application.

27. Scheme of Examination for Electrical Wireman.-(1) The examination referred to in the rule
25 shall be held at Bangalore centre and at either Hubli or Dharwar centre as decided by the Board
every year.

(2) The Board shall notify the date of examination.

(3) The Syllabus for the examination shall be as per the Annexure-3.

(4) The candidate must secure a minimum of 50 marks in practical out of 100 marks and 20 marks
in oral out of 50 Marks totaling to 75 marks out of 150 Marks for being declared to have passed the
examination and to issue certificate in Form M.

(5) No person shall be eligible to apply for the examination unless he,-

(a) is residing in the State of Karnataka;

(b) has passed the tenth standard or equivalent examination and capable of answering in Kannada
or English;

(c) has attained the age of 18 years of age on the date of issue of notification for the examination
and is medically fit; and

(d) has worked under a Licenced Electrical Contractor or in an Industrial undertaking having
Special wiring permit at least for a minimum period of one year as an apprentice.

(6) Where any candidate has appeared earlier for the examination and desires to reappear, his
application in Form G, along with the attested copy of the Admission ticket issued in the previous years
and enclosures listed under clause (c) to (f) of sub- rule (7) below may be considered as sufficient.

(7) The Application for the examination shall be in Form G and shall be addressed to the Member
Secretary and submitted to the jurisdictional office of the Electrical Inspectorate along with the
following documents, namely:-

(a) Copy of the educational testimonials attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not
below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector along with proof of age.

(b) A certificate in Form N from the present and past employers for establishing the period of
experience as well as the certificate of conduct, in case Licenced Electrical Contractor himself
desiring to appear for the examination the declaration shall be in Form Q.

(c) Original treasury challan or cash receipt for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in

(d) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

(e) Two numbers of self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(f) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the candidate and proof of address such as Ration card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or
an affidavit Sworn before the Notary.

(g) Attested copy of valid Electrical Contractor Licence or Special wiring permit of the Employer.

(h) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than one
month from the date of application.

(8) All applications received to appear for Wireman examination, shall be forwarded to the Member
Secretary by the designated officers of Electrical Inspectorate within the time frame fixed by the Board.
Every application shall be scrutinized before placing to the Board. Admission ticket shall be issued to
appear for examination to all the applicants whose application has been accepted. Applications of those
applicants who are not eligible as detailed under sub-rule (5) or who have not enclosed the required
documents as listed under sub-rule (6) or whose application is incomplete may be rejected.

(9) Notwithstanding the requirements detailed above for permitting an applicant for the
examination, the decision of the Board shall be binding on the applicant.

28. Renewal of Permits.- condition and duration.- A permit granted under rules 17, 21 or 25
may be renewed for a further period of five years at the request of the permit holder subject to
satisfying the conditions detailed below, namely:-

(1) Application for renewal shall be submitted in Form U, V and W, as per forms of applications to
the Board or to any such office of the Electrical Inspectorate as directed, so as to reach the Board or
office, three clear months before the expiry of the permit but not before five clear months.

(2) Notwithstanding the requirement for submitting the application for renewal before three months
as aforesaid, applications may be accepted two clear months before the date of expiry of the permit,
provided the applicant remits, the penal fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

(3) Where an applicant is found to have been penalized as per the provisions of rule 37, he shall not
be eligible for renewal of his permit.

(4) Applications received after the due date is liable for rejection, fee remitted if any, shall be

(5) The application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely:-

(a) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee or penal fee as the case may be
as detailed in Annexure-5.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall be got
attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or
by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.

(e) Original permit.

29. Disposal of Applications for Grant or Renewal of permits.- (1) Every application received for
grant or renewal of permit shall be scrutinized and placed before the Board. If the application is found
not fully in accordance with these rules, the same shall be intimated to the applicant to fulfill the
conditions giving sufficient time as decided by the Board. If the applicant resubmits the application,
fulfilling all the conditions intimated within the prescribed time, the application shall be again placed
before the Board for consideration. If the objected application is not resubmitted or submitted after the
period or date fixed or submitted with incomplete information or particulars, is liable for rejection and
fee remitted shall be forfeited.

(2) Notwithstanding the conditions for grant of competency certificate and permit enumerated
under rule 17, 21 and 25 or for renewal as per rule 28, the Board’s decision for either accepting or
rejecting an application shall be final. However the Board shall record the reason for such rejection.

(3) Where in lieu of the above provisions, the application from any person is rejected for reasons to
be recorded in writing; the same shall be communicated to the applicant within sixty days.

(4) All the applications accepted by the Board shall be issued with the permits and certificate of
competency or renewed in prescribed format.

30. Disqualifications from grant or renewal of permits.- Where in the opinion of the Board any
Permit has been suspended or cancelled as per rule 37, the application seeking grant or renewal of
permit is liable for rejection.

31. Permit Holder to abide by the conditions.- Every permit holder shall abide by the provisions
of The Electricity Act, 2003 and rules and regulations made there under, Central Electricity Authority
(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 and these rules and produce their
permit granted by the Board, upon demand by the Board or Officers of Electrical Inspectorate or to any
authorities of the supplier having jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is
being carried out.

32. Special Wiring Permit.- (1) Special wiring permit shall be in form - 11, valid for one year may
be granted by the Board, to the authorities of Industrial undertaking to get their installation wired up
within the territorial boundary of the State of Karnataka, under the supervision of a Supervisor and by
Wiremen in their own employment, who possess qualifications and experience equivalent to those
necessary for a Supervisor and Wiremen and has obtained Electrical Supervisory certificate of
competency and permits and endorses the same as stipulated in these rules.

(2) Special wiring permit in Form 11 granted above, may be subject to fulfillment of terms and
conditions as are applicable, may be renewed for a further period of five years.

(3) An application in Form E as per forms of applications, for grant or renewal shall be signed by
the authorized signatory of the Industrial under-taking and addressed to the Member Secretary, and
shall be submitted to the designated officer/office, enclosing all records and documents detailed below,

(a) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph clearly showing the complete
face and two ears of the authorized signatory of the Industry. The specimen signature of the
authorized signatory and the photograph shall be got attested by the officer of Electrical
Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) Self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) Authorization letter in original to the authorized signatory to sign the application, completion
report, etc. The authorization letter shall be signed by not less than TWO THIRD of total
number of Directors of the company and in case of a partnership firm all the partners shall sign
the authorization letter. The Authorization letter shall be on Rs 100/- stamp paper.

(e) Depending on the class of voltage of their installation copies of the appointment letter and
permits of Supervisors, Wiremen’s, and Draughtsman.

(f) Original Solvency certificate granted not later than Three months from the date of application
for Rs 100000/- . and an affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-2 or 3.

(g) Where an application is made for regrant of special wiring permit in lieu of lapsed Special wiring
permit, original Special wiring permit already granted and an affidavit sworn before the Notary
as per Affidavit-7.

(h) Certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application from designated
officer of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical
Inspector for having possessed and maintained the testing instruments, safety tools and
equipments as listed in Annexure -4 along with the copies of test certificate granted not later

than three months from the date of application by NABL accredited authorized testing
laboratory for the condition of testing instrument.

(4) Where in the opinion of the Board any Special wiring permit has been suspended or cancelled
under rule 37 the application seeking grant or renewal of Special wiring permit is liable for rejection.

(5) Every Special wiring permit holder shall abide by the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003,
rules and regulations made there under, Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and
Electric supply) Regulations, 2010 and these rules and produce their Special wiring permit granted by
the Board, upon demand by the Board or officers of Electrical Inspectorate or to any authorities of the
supplier having jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is being carried out.



33. General Eligibility.- (1) No electrical contractor shall be eligible to be in possession of more
than one licence of any class at any given instant in his personal name. Where an electrical contractor
so desires to either possess a licence in any other class other than what is in his possession, he/she
shall surrender the licence already granted, in lieu of his application for a new one.

(2) No authorities of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit shall be in possession of
more than one Special wiring permit at any given instant in their firm name.

(3) No Electrical supervisor or wiremen permit holder shall be eligible to be in possession of more
than one permit at any given instant in his name. Where a permit holder so desires to possess a
permit other than that is in his possession, he shall surrender the permit already granted, in lieu of his
application for a new one.

(4) No permit holder, being an employee of the State or Central Govt., or public sector undertakings
or private limited company or aided institutions either permanent or temporary, shall utilize their
permit for any firm or company holding Licence or Special wiring permit other than their own

34. Issue of Duplicate Licence, Special Wiring Permit Permits etc.,-(1) Duplicate Licence or
Special wiring permit or Electrical supervisory certificate of competency or certificate or permit may be
issued to the applicant subject to furnishing of necessary documents, namely:-

(2) The application for issue of the above shall be accompanied by the following, namely:-

(a) Copy of the police complaint lodged for the loss of the document.

(b) Copy of the Licence or Special wiring permit or Electrical supervisory certificate of competency
or certificate or permit as the case may be.

(c) An affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-4.

(d) Original Treasury challan or cash receipt for having remitted the requisite fee as specified in the

(e) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph clearly showing the complete
face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall be got
attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical
Inspector or by the Notary.

(f) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with requisite postage stamp.

35. Endorsement of Permits to the Licence and Special Wiring Permit.- (1) Where a permit
holder, not being a Licenced Electrical Contractor desires to supervise or to carry out the electrical
works undertaken by a Licenced Electrical Contractor or Special Wiring Permit holder either as a
Supervisor or Wireman, he shall do so only after his permit is endorsed to the Licenced Electrical
Contractor or to authorities of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit who has
undertaken that electrical works.

(2) In the case of Licenced Electrical Contractor himself being a permit holder desires to supervise
or to carry out the electrical work undertaken by him either as a Supervisor or Wireman, he shall do so
only after endorsing his permit to his own Licence.

(3) Where the permit so required under sub-rule (1) is presented for endorsement, both the
Licenced Electrical Contractor or authorities of Industry holding Special wiring permit and the permit
holder shall furnish the requisition in the proforma as per Form X enclosing the requisite fee remitted
Treasury challan as per Annexure-5, Licence/Special wiring permit and permit in original, to the
designated office of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate to obtain the entries of the endorsement
in the Licence/Special wiring permit and permit as well.

(4) Where a Licenced Electrical Contractor or authorities of Industry holding Special wiring permit
or a permit holder whose permit has been endorsed to the Licence or Special wiring permit, desires that
the endorsements needs to be cancelled, requisition for the same shall be forwarded in the proforma as
per Form Y along with the requisite fee remitted Treasury challan as per Annexure-5, Licence or
Special wiring permit and permit in original to the designated office of the Department of Electrical
Inspectorate to obtain the entries of the endorsement in the Licence or Special wiring permit and
permit as well.

(5) Where either the permit holder or the employing Licensed Electrical Contractor or authorities
of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit desires such cancellation and one of them
refuses to sign the required proforma in Form Y an affidavit sworn before the Notary may be considered
as sufficient for effecting cancellation of the endorsement. The person making the application shall
remit the fee as per Annexure-5 in such a case and shall give not less than thirty days notice to the
other person before cancellation of endorsement.

(6) The Chief Electrical Inspector to Government or designated officer cause notice to be issued to
effect necessary entries in the licence or Special wiring permit or permit,-

(a) to the Licenced Electrical Contractor or to the authorities of Industrial undertaking holding
Special wiring permit to employ and endorse another Supervisor or Wireman as the case may
be, before the electrical works being executed is to be continued; or

(b) to permit holder to supervise or to carry out any electrical work.

(7) Where either a Licenced Electrical Contractor or authorities of Industrial undertaking holding
Special wiring permit or the permit holder as the case may be desires for cancellation of the
endorsement and where the electrical works being executed is to be continued, the Licenced Electrical
Contractor or authorities of Industry holding Special wiring permit shall arrange to endorse another
permit/s before the electrical works being executed is to be continued.

(8) Where any permit holder has endorsed his permit to a particular Licenced Electrical Contractor
or authorities of Industry holding Special wiring permit he shall not work for any other Licenced
Electrical Contractor or authorities of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit or firm or
company other than the one for whom the permit is endorsed.

(9) Electrical Supervisors and Wiremen employed under a Licenced Electrical Contractor of Super
Grade and Class I or authorities of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit are not eligible
to work for any other Licenced Electrical Contractor or authorities of Industrial undertaking holding
Special wiring permit, therefore they shall not endorse their permit to any other Licenced Electrical
Contractor or authorities of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit or firm or company
other than the one for whom the permit is endorsed.

(10) In respect of the other Supervisors and Wiremen, endorsement to more than one Licenced
Electrical contractor of Class 2 and Class 3, may be permitted as per the decision of the Board.
However, such endorsement shall not exceed THREE.

(11) All the endorsement or cancellation shall be effected at the designated offices of the Electrical
Inspectorate in whose jurisdiction the Supervisor / Wiremen is located.

36. Change of Authorised Signatory, Address, Partners / Directors and instruments.- Any
change of address or change of partners or directors or authorized signatory or change of instruments
may be effected in the original records of licence / permit holder subject to all necessary documents
being furnished. The application for the above, addressed to the Member Secretary, duly signed by the
applicant, shall be submitted at the office of the Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt., Bangalore
accompanied by the original licence / permit and Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee
as specified in Annexure - 5.

37. Violations.- (1) Whenever it appears to the Board that any licencee or authorities of Industrial
undertaking holding Special wiring permit or permit holder,-

(a) has violated any provisions of these rules;

(b) has violated any of the terms and conditions of the licence or Special wiring permit or permit;

(c) has misrepresented to any authority, organization or to any person with regard to licence or
Special wiring permit or permit holder either before or after obtaining the same;

(d) has misbehaved with any officers or officials, or has been convicted by a court of law or black
listed by any Government undertaking in relation to electrical works;

(e) has played fraud or misrepresented for obtaining licence or Special wiring permit or permit;

(f) is declared bankrupt or insolvent, by the appropriate authority or wound up dissolved, or


(g) has wrongly represented to any authority with regard to the electrical installation work carried
out by him;

The Board may suspend licence / Special wiring permit/ permit, as the case may be, by
pending enquiry in to alleged contravention of any of the rules for a period which may be upto the
period of validity of licence / Special wiring permit / permit. Such an order may be passed by the
Chairman if he is prima facie of the view that the licencee / authorities of Industrial undertaking
holding Special wiring permit / permit holder is guilty of an offence. The period of such suspension
shall not exceed three months.

(2) Where the licence / Special wiring permit/permit is suspended, the licencee / authorities of
Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit / permit holder shall not carry out any work
until the suspension is revoked by a separate order as per the decision of the Board.

(3) The Chairman may order for an enquiry by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below
the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector and place before the Board the enquiry report. Based on the

enquiry report the Board may cancel the licence / Special wiring permit / permit for a minimum period
of THREE years or revoke the suspension. Further, to revoke such suspended licence / Special wiring
permit / permit, he shall make a representation to the Board enclosing the order of the Board:

Provided that, no licence or Special wiring permit / permit shall be cancelled, except after giving
the licencee / authorities of Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit / permit holder, an
opportunity of making representations.

(4) Where the licence / Special wiring permit or permit is cancelled, the licencee / authorities of
Industrial undertaking holding Special wiring permit / permit holder shall not be eligible to carry out
any work until the cancellation is revoked by a separate order as per the decision of the Government or
the Board.

(5) Further, to revoke such cancelled licence or Special wiring permit or permit, he shall make a
representation to the Board enclosing the order of the Government or the Board. The Board may revoke
the cancelled licence or Special wiring permit or permit.

38. Appeals.- (1) any person aggrieved by the order of the Board, may appeal to the Government of
Karnataka, Department of Energy, within a period of Thirty days from the date of receipt of the order by

(2) The order of the State Government shall be final.

39. Repeal and savings.- (1) The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical Contractor and grant of
certificates and permits to Electrical Supervisors and Wiremen) Rules, 1976 are hereby repealed.

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal,-

(a) all Licences or Special wiring permit or permits granted under the repealed rules shall be
deemed to be valid till the date of Expiry, the renewal of which is subject to fulfilling of the
conditions of licenses under these rules.

Provided that, the class I licensed electrical contractors who are executing electrical
installation works of the voltage grade under super grade class licenses who shall surrender the
license upon obtaining super grade license within the period not exceeding ninety days failing
which it shall be deemed to be violation within the meaning of these rules.

(b) the Supervisor permits / Wiremen permits granted under the repealed rules shall be deemed to
have been granted with permits of Grade 2 as per these rules.

(c) such of the Supervisor in possession of a valid permit under the repealed rules, supervising the
Electrical works of voltage class in excess of 33 kV, shall obtain the Electrical Supervisor
(General) Grade 1 permit , if eligible, duly complying with these rules within a period not
exceeding ninety days from the coming into effect of these rules.

(d) all the candidates declared to have been passed the examination conducted by the Board under
the repealed rules shall be deemed to have passed the examination under these rules to be
eligible to be granted with permits of grade 2 in respect of such candidates who are yet to be
granted with such permits.

(SUPER GRADE, CLASS 1, 2 and 3)
(Rule 12)

The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant /

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt., Authorized


1 Firm Name

2 Business address of the firm

(Proof of documents to substantiate the address and to
be entered in the Licence book shall be enclosed)

3 Contact number
E mail address

4 Whether the license is sought for an individual/

company/partnership firm

5 In the case of company whether Memorandum of

Association and Articles of Association or in the case of
partnership firm whether partnership deed enclosed.

6 In the case of company or partnership firm whether

company or partnership firm resolved and issued
authorization letter to the authorized signatory. Whether
the letter in original is enclosed.

7 Name of the applicant or authorized signatory of the


8 Age

9 Father’s Name

10 Educational Qualification

11 In case of partnership firm, Partners Name and their


12 Licence is applied for Super Grade /Class 1 /2 /3.

13 Details of Fees remittance Rs challan No date


14 If a contractor’s Licence has been previously granted give

details of
1. Licence No. and Class
2. Date of issue and valid upto
3. No. of works carried out (Enclose list)
4. Professional Tax Paid details
15 Name, Permit No and date of expiry of the permit of
Supervisor permit holders employed on the strength of
whose permits the licence is applied

16 Name, Permit No and date of expiry of the permit of

Wireman permit holders employed on the strength of
whose permits the licence is applied
17 Particulars of instruments maintained.
(List of instruments maintained by the applicant as
listed in Annexure-5. duly verified by the officer of the
Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector to be furnished.)
18 Whether the copies of (a)Estimates and agreement in
form-‘Z’ duly signed by the consumer and the contractor,
(b) ‘A1’ Forms, for all the work undertaken by the
Licenced Electrical contractor, (c) “B1” Form regarding
work completion and test report of Licensed Electrical
Contractor. (In the case of lapsed licence or change of
class of licence or lapsed licence) are maintained.
19 Whether any evidence to substantiate the financial
stability is enclosed. (Original Solvency certificate and an
undertaking affidavit)
20 Details of registration with EPF and ESI. (in the case of
Super grade or Class 1 class of Licence)
21 The details of Licence with validity already granted if
any, either as a proprietor or as a Partner of firm or as a
Director of company. Whether the licencee / Partner /
Director has been penalized as per the provisions of rule
37 of these Rules 2012.

I/We… ……………………
..hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and that I/ we have read the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of
certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012 and fully understand the
terms and conditions under which an Electrical Contractor’s Licence is granted a breach of which will
render the Licence liable for suspension or cancellation.
I/We certify that I/We will not be in possession of more than one licence of any class at any given
instant in my/our/ our company or firm name.

Signature of the applicant

Date and partners if any or Authorized signatory

Application shall be accompanied by the following:

a) Original Treasury challan challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph clearly showing the complete face
and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall be got attested by the
designated jurisdictional officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

c) Self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

d) An affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit-5 to establish that he/she is not an employee
of a State or Central Govt., or Public sector undertaking etc as detailed in 12 (1) (i).

e) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant such as Ration card, Passport, Voters identity card,
Driving licence, Aadhar card etc,

f) Proof of address of business premises i.e., copy of rental agreement along with khata certificate and
latest tax paid receipt or an affidavit sworn before the Notary.

g) If the licence is sought for a partnership firm a copy of the registered partnership deed and the
Registration certificate issued by Registrar of Firms, and if the licence is sought for a registered
company copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association approved by the Registrar of Companies.
Authorization letter in original on Rs 100/ - stamp paper issued to the authorized signatory by the
company or partnership firm as the case may be.

h) Where an application is made for;

(1) change of class of Licence, or

(2) regrant of Licence in lieu of lapsed Licence, original Licence already granted, Professional tax
clearance certificate or an affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-1, and an
affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit-7.

i) Original Solvency certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application and
an undertaking affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-2.

j) Certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application from designated
officer of the department of Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector
for having possessed and maintained the testing instruments, safety tools and equipments as listed
in Annexure-4. Testing instruments of Super grade Licenses shall be got tested not later than three
months from the date of application by NABL accredited authorized testing laboratory for the
condition of testing instrument.

k) Copies of Educational qualification along with proof of age.

l) Details of work done along with copies of certificate of EHT/HT/LT installation work as stipulated
under rule 12.

m) Copies of the appointment letter of Supervisors, Wiremen’s, and Draughtsman.

n) Consent letters obtained from Supervisor, Wiremen and Draughtsman along with copies of their
Educational Certificate and Permit.

o) In case of Super Grade and Class 1 licence, copies of the registration certificate in EPF and ESI.

(Rule 12 and 13)


This is to certify that Sri____________s/o ____________residing at ____________is maintaining

____________amount in the ____________Bank since____________ His present account is more than
Rs. ____________ Hence in our opinion Sri____________is financially sound and stable to an extent of
Rs ____________

This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the part of the Bank or any
of its officer.

Date: (Designation of the Officer authorized to sign)
with Bank seal
The Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt,
Note: For Super Grade -- Rs. 5,00,000/-
Class 1 Contractor – Rs. 1,00,000/-
Class 2 Contractor – Rs. 50,000/-
Class 3 Contractor – Rs. 25,000/-
SWP - Rs. 1,00,000/-

(Rule 12 or 13)

No. Office of the Tahsildar,

Subject: - Grant of Solvency certificate for Rs …

In favor of Sri…


This is to Certify that Sri …

…. Is the holder of immovable Property as noted in the
This immovable property is valued up to Rs …
………in all. He has not encumbered the
same up to …

He is solvent to an extent for Rs … ……

……………..only. Certified that the Solvency Certificate has been
issued to be produced before the … …………………. For contract work and this is valid up to………………… …………. From the
date of issue.
Certified that Certificate is valid only for this specific purpose.
Certified that the court fee stamp for Rs …
…..only. has been recovered and affixed.
Given this day under my own and seal


The Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt,

Note; For Super Grade -- Rs. 5,00,000/-

Class 1 Contractor – Rs. 1,00,000/-
Class 2 Contractor – Rs. 50,000/-
Class 3 Contractor – Rs. 25,000/-
SWP - Rs. 1,00,000/-

(Rule 13)
(For Super Grade/ CLASS 1, CLASS 2 AND CLASS 3)
(To be filled in Kannada or English)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant /

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt., Authorized


1 Firm Name

2 Business address of the firm

(Proof of documents to substantiate the address and to be
entered in the Licence book shall be enclosed)

3 Contact number
E mail address

4 Whether the License is an individual /company /partnership


5 In the case of company whether Memorandum of Association

and Articles of Association or in the case of partnership firm
whether partnership deed enclosed.

6 In the case of company or partnership firm whether

company or partnership firm resolved and issued
authorization letter to the authorized signatory. Whether the
letter in original enclosed.

7 Name of the contractor or authorized signatory of the


8 Age

9 Father’s Name

10 In case of partnership firm, Partners Name and their


11 Details of Electrical contractor License

a) Licence No.
b) Class
c) Date of issue
d) validity
(Original Licence to be enclosed)
12 Details of Fees remitted

13 If application is made late whether penal fee has been paid.

Give details

14 Number of Installation completed during the preceding years

a) Lighting:
b) Medium:
c) H V:
d) EHV
15 Details of Supervisor permit holders employed (Name, Permit
No, and date of expiry)
(Attested Xerox copy duly endorsed in favour of the firm to
be enclosed)

16 Details of Wireman permit holders employed (Name, Permit

No, and date of expiry)
(Attested Xerox copy duly endorsed in favour of the firm to
be enclosed)

17 Particulars of instruments maintained.

(List of instruments maintained by the applicant as listed in
Annexure - 4. duly verified by the officer of the Electrical
inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical
Inspector to be furnished.)

18 Whether the copies of (a)Estimates and agreement in form-‘Z’

duly signed by the consumer and the contractor , (b) ‘A1’
Forms, for all the work undertaken by the Licensed
Electrical contractor (c) “B1” Form regarding work
completion and test report of Licensed Electrical Contractor
are maintained.

19 Whether any evidence to substantiate the financial stability

is enclosed.
(Original Solvency certificate and an undertaking affidavit)

20 Details of Registration with EPF and ESI and proof premium

paid ( in case of super grade and Class I license)

21 Has the applicant maintained the following registers up to

a) Register of Supervisors, Wireman and
apprentices in Form ‘C1’
b) Application Register in Form’ D1 ‘
c) Attendance Register in Form’ E1’
d) Work allocation Register in Form’ F1’
e) Material issue Register in Form ‘G1’

22 The details of Licence with validity already granted if any,

either as a proprietor or as a Partner of any firm or as a
Director of company. Whether the licencee / Partner /
Director has been found to have penalized as per the
provisions of rule 37 of these Rules 2012.

I/We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct
to the best of my/our knowledge and that I/ we have read the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012
and fully understand the terms and conditions under which an Electrical Contractor’s Licence is
granted a breach of which will render the Licence liable for suspension or cancellation.

I/We certify that I/We will not be in possession of more than one licence of any class at any given
instant in my/our/ our company or firm name.

Signature of Applicant /
Applicants with Seal of the firm.
Application for renewal shall be submitted to the Board or to any such office of the
Electrical Inspectorate as directed so as to reach the Board office three clear months before the
expiry of the licence and not before five clear months before the expiry of the licence.

If renewal applications are not submitted within the specified period of three months,
applications may be considered for renewal provided the application is received at least two

months in advance, accompanied with the enclosures, along with the fee towards penalty as
specified in the Annexure-05 or notified by the Government from time to time.

The application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

(a) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite renewal fee and penal fee as the
case may be, as detailed in Annexure-05.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly
showing the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and
photograph shall be got attested by the jurisdictional officer of the Electrical Inspectorate
not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) Attested copy of Supervisor and Wireman permit duly endorsed as specified under rule
12(1) (f).

(e) P T clearance certificate for having remitted the professional tax or an affidavit sworn before
the notary in the form as per Affidavit-1.

(f) Original Solvency certificate granted not later than three months from the date of
application or an undertaking affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per
Annexure 3.

However Graduate or Diploma holders granted with a Licence against a relaxed solvency
amount shall furnish fresh solvency certificate for being solvent to the entire amount of solvency
stipulated for the said class of Licence

(g) Certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application from designated
officer of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate for having maintained the testing
instruments, safety tools and equipments as listed in Annexure -4. Testing instruments of
Super grade Licenses shall be got tested not later than three months from the date of
application by NABL accredited authorized testing laboratory for the condition of testing

(h) Original licence.

(i) Details of payment of premium to EPF and ESI in case super grade and Class I License.

(j) Details of work done along with copies of certificate of EHT/HT/LT installation work.

(Rule 32)
(For Fresh and renewal)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Authorized

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt., Signatory


1 Firm Name

2 Address of the firm

(Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to be
entered in the Special wiring permit book shall be enclosed)

3 Contact number
E mail address

4 Name of the Authorized signatory

5 Age

6 Whether any evidence to substantiate the financial stability

is enclosed.
(Original Solvency certificate and an undertaking affidavit)

7 Details of Fees remitted

8 If a Special wiring permit has been previously granted give

details of
1. Special wiring permit No:
2. Date of issue and validity
(Original Special wiring permit should be enclosed.)

9 Name, Permit No and date of expiry of the permit of

Supervisor permit holders employed on the strength of
whose permits the Special wiring permit is applied for.

10 Name, Permit No and date of expiry of the permit of

Wireman permit holders employed on the strength of whose
permits the Special wiring permit is applied for.

11 Particulars of instruments maintained depending on the

class of Voltage of the installation.
(List of instruments maintained by the applicant as listed in
Annexure-04. duly verified by the officer of the Electrical
inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical
Inspector to be furnished.)

12 In case the application is filed after the due date whether

penal fee is paid if so, give particulars

13 The details of Special wiring permit with validity already

granted if any, either as a proprietor or as a Partner or as a
Director of any other Industry.
Whether the Applicant / Partner / Director has been found
to have penalized as per the provisions of rule 37 of these
Rules 2012.

I/We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct
to the best of my/our knowledge and that I/ we have read the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012
and fully understand the terms and conditions under which Special wiring permit is granted a breach
of which will render the Licence liable for suspension or cancellation.
I/We certify that I/We will not be in possession of more than one Special wiring permit of any class at
any given instant in my/our/ our company or firm name

Signature of Authorized person

Every application shall be accompanied by the following:
(a) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-05.
(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph clearly showing the complete
face and two ears of the authorized signatory of the Industry. The specimen signature of the
authorized signatory and the photograph shall be got attested by the officer of Electrical
Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.
(c) Self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.
(d) Authorization letter in original on Rs 100/- Stamp paper by the Industrial undertaking to
the authorized signatory to sign the application, completion report, etc. The authorization
letter shall be signed by not less than TWO THIRD of total number of Directors of the
company and in case of a partnership firm all the partners shall sign the authorization
(e) Depending on the class of voltage of their installation copy of the Grade 1 or Grade 2
Supervisor permits and minimum of three number of Wireman permit.
(f) Where an application is made for regrant of special wiring permit in lieu of lapsed Special
wiring permit, original Special wiring permit already granted and an affidavit sworn before
the Notary as per Affidavit-07.
(g) Original Solvency certificate granted not later than three months from the date of
application and an affidavit sworn before the notary in the form as per Affidavit-2 or 3.
(h) Certificate granted not later than three months from the date of application from designated
officer of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical
Inspector for having possessed and maintained the testing instruments, safety tools and
equipments as listed in Annexure -04 along with the copies of test certificate granted not
later than three months from the date of application by NABL accredited authorized testing
laboratory for the condition of testing instrument.

(Rule 20)
Government of Karnataka
Application for admission to Examination for Electrical Supervisors (General)
(To be filled in Kannada or English)

The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Full Name

2 Address of the Applicant

3 Father’s Name

4 Date of Birth

5 Age

6 Contact number
E mail address
7 Whether the applicant had appeared earlier for the same
examination conducted by the Board. If yes, Admission Ticket
8 Educational Qualification (certified copy of Testimonials to be
9 Details of Electrical Wireman permit held and its
Permit No and validity
10 Details of technical qualification (Dates of commencement and
termination of each appointment to be given)
11 Details of Fees remitted for
a) Application Form
b) Examination:
12 Language in which the candidate desires to be examined Kannada / English
(Candidate can be examined in
English or in the Kannada Language)
13 Center where the candidate
desires to be examined.
I here by declare that the particulars stated above are correct and true the best of my knowledge

Signed in my presence (Signature of the Applicant)

(Address to be stated clearly)
Cross out the language in which it is not intended to give Examination.

Note: - The application shall be accompanied by the following documents to establish the eligibility of
the Applicant.

(a) Copies of the educational testimonials duly attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate
not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector along with proof of age.

(b) A certificate in Form N from the present and past employers regarding conduct and practical
experience. In the case of a Licenced Electrical Contractor desiring to appear to the
examination, the declaration shall be in form P.

(c) Original Treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as per Annexure – 5.

(d) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

(e) Two numbers of self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(f) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the candidate and Proof of address such as Ration card, pass
port, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or an
affidavit sworn before the Notary.

(g) Attested copy of Valid Electrical Contractor Licence or Special wiring permit of the Employer
and Electrical Wireman permit.

(h) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.


1. Testimonial copies attested by the jurisdictional area Deputy Electrical Inspector should
be submitted with the application.

2. The application must be signed in the presence of the jurisdictional area Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

3. Any person making false statements for the purpose of admission to the examination
shall render himself liable for prosecution.

4. Incomplete application will be rejected.


(Rule 27)
Government of Karnataka
Application for admission to Examination for Electrical Wireman
(To be filled in Kannada or English)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Full Name

2 Address of the Applicant

3 Father’s Name

4 Date of Birth

5 Age

6 Contact number
E mail address

7 Whether the applicant had appeared earlier for the same examination
conducted by the Board. If yes, Admission Ticket Number

8 Educational Qualification (certified copy of Testimonials to be


9 Details of technical qualification (Dates of commencement and

termination of each appointment to be given)
10 Details of Fees remitted for
a) Application Form

b) Examination:

11 Language in which the candidate desires to be examined Kannada / English

(Candidate can be examined in English or in the Kannada Language)

12 Center where the candidate desires to be examined.

I here by declare that the particulars stated above are correct and true the best of my knowledge

Signed in my presence (Signature of the Applicant)

(Address to be stated clearly)
Cross out the language in which it is not intended to give Examination.

Note :- The application shall be accompanied by the following documents to establish the eligibility of
the Applicant.

(a) Copy of the educational testimonials attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not
below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector along with proof of age.

(b) A certificate in Form ‘N’ from the present and past employers for establishing the

period of experience as well as the certificate of conduct, in case Licenced Electrical

Contractor himself/herself desiring to appear for the examination the declaration shall

be in form ‘Q’.

(c) Original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as per the Annexure-15.

(d) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

(e) Two numbers of self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(f) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the candidate and proof of address such as Ration card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra,, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or
an affidavit Sworn before the Notary.

(g) Attested copy of valid Electrical Contractor Licence or Special wiring permit of the Employer

(h) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.


(1) Testimonial copies attested by the jurisdictional area Deputy Electrical Inspector
should be submitted with the application.

(2) The application must be signed in the presence of the jurisdictional area Deputy
Electrical Inspector.

(3) Any person making false statements for the purpose of admission to the
examination shall render himself liable for prosecution.

(4) Incomplete application will be rejected.


(Rule 24)
Government of Karnataka

The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Full Name

2 Address of the applicant

3 Father’s Name

4 Date of Birth

5 Age

6 Contact number
E mail address
7 Whether the applicant had appeared earlier for the same
examination conducted by the Board. If yes, Admission Ticket

8 Details of Educational and Technical Qualification (Educational

Testimonials attested copies thereof to be submitted)
9 Details of Electrical Supervisor(General) permit held
Permit No and Validity
10 Details of past and present service date of Commencement of and
termination of each appointment to be given.

11 Details of Fees remitted for

a) Application Form
b) Examination Fees
12 Language in which the candidate desires to be examined
Kannada / English
Candidate can be examined in English and in Kannada language.
13 Center where the candidate desires to be examined.

I hereby declare that the particulars stated above are correct and true the best of my knowledge.
Signature in presence Signature of applicant
(Address to be stated clearly)
Cross out the language in which it is not intended to give examination

The center of examination will be notified by from time to time.

The application shall be accompanied by the following documents to establish the eligibility of the

(a) Copy of the educational testimonials attested by the officer of Electrical Inspectorate not below
the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector along with proof of age.

(b) A certificate in Form ‘O’ from the present and past employers establishing the period of
experience as well as the certificate of conduct.

(c) Original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as per the Annexure-05.

(d) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical

(e) Two numbers of self-addressed envelope duly affixed with requisite postage stamp.

(f) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the candidate and Proof of address such as Ration card, Pass
port, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life Insurance policy, Aadhar card or an
affidavit Sworn before the Notary.

(g) Copy of the valid Electrical supervisor ( General ) Grade I or Grade II Permit.

(h) Proof that the installation in which he is working is a mining instillation with in

the meaning of Mines Act and is located within the territory of State of Karnataka.

(i) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than one
month from the date of application.


i. Testimonial copies attested by the Jurisdictional Deputy Electrical Inspector

should be submitted with the application.

ii. The application must be signed in the presence of the jurisdictional Deputy
Electrical Inspector

iii. Any person making false statements for the purpose of admission to the
examination shall render himself liable for prosecution.

iv. Incomplete application will be rejected.


(Rule – 17)
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency
Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade - 1

Certificate No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo of the

Date of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S/o or D/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .having satisfied the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board that his/her qualifications entitle him/her for exemption
from taking the prescribed examination of supervisor is here by granted this certificate of Competency
Details of Examination passed:

(Rule 17)
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency
Electrical supervisor (General) Grade - 2

Certificate No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo of the

Date of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S/o or D/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .having satisfied the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, by passing the prescribed Examination for Electrical
Supervisor (General) Grade II held at… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .centre vide Register no. . . . . . . . . . . . .
hereby granted this certificate of competency

(Rule 21)
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Supervisory Certificate of competency
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade -1

Certificate No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo of the

Date of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s/o or D/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .having satisfied the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, by passing the prescribed Practical and Oral examination
for Electrical supervisor for working in Mining held at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..centre vide Register No. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . is hereby granted this certificate of competency.



(Rule 21)
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Supervisory Certificate of competency
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade - 2

Certificate No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo of the

Date of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s/o or D/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .having satisfied the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, by passing the prescribed examination for Electrical
supervisor for working in Mining held at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .centre vide Register No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .is
hereby granted this certificate of competency.


(Rule 25)
Government of Karnataka
Certificate for having passed Electrical Wireman Examination GRADE-II

Certificate No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photo of the


Date of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . S/o/D/o . . . . . . . . . . . . . R/o . . . . . . . . . . . . . having satisfied the Licensing

Advisory and Examination Board, by passing the prescribed examination for Electrical Wireman Grade
II held at. . . . . . . . . . . . . centre vide Register No . . . . . . . . . . . . . is here by granted this Certificate.



(Rule 20 and 27)
(Certificate to be granted by present or past employer to a candidate for Electrical Supervisor or
Electrical Wireman Grade II examination)

The Member Secretary,
Licensing Advisory and Examination Board,
O / O Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,

1. Name of the Apprentice

2. Father’s name

3. Address of the Apprentice

4. Designation held as per attendance register.

5. Date of admission as per attendance register

6. Nature of work

7. Date of leaving as per the attendance register

8. Attendance as per Attendance register .

9. Conduct

10. Particulars of
a) Firm Name
b) License Number
c) Class
d) Validity
11. Remarks

12. Conduct

Place: Signature of the

Date: Licenced Electrical contractor or
Authorized signatory of the firm/company (with seal)
Licence No and Class /Special wiring permit
No. and valid up to;
Note: All the columns shall be properly filled up. Incomplete form shall be rejected

(Rule 24)
(Certificate to be granted by present or past employer to a candidate for Electrical Supervisor Mines
GRADE-II Examination)
The Member Secretary,
Licensing Advisory and Examination Board,
O / O Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,

1. Name of the Apprentice

2. Father’s name.

3. Address of the Apprentice

4. Designation held

5. Date of Admission as per the attendance register

Nature of work (Nature of Training
6. Experience and responsibility in which he was or is being employed by
each employer).
7. Date of leaving as per the attendance register
8. Attendance as per the attendance register
9. Conduct
10. Remarks

Place: Signature of employer /

Date : Authorized signatory of
Mining company with seal
Note: - Copy of the Mining Lease agreement awarded by the Government of Karnataka shall be

(Rule – 20 )
The Member Secretary,
Licensing Advisory and Examination Board,
O / O Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,

1. Name of the Applicant

2. Father’s Name

3. Details of Electrical Wireman permit held and its Permit No and


4. Whether the applicant had appeared earlier for the same examination
conducted by the Board. If yes, Admission Ticket Number.

5. For how many years are you a

Licenced Electrical Contractor?

6. Give particulars of your

a. Firm Name
b. License Number
c. Class
d. Date of Issue
e. Validity

7. Give particulars, if any, of big wiring jobs done (such as cinema,

Factories, etc., Give names and address of their management.

8. Total No. of installations actually

Wired and serviced by you.
a) Lighting
b) Heating
c) Irrigation Pumps
d) Power
e) H T
9. Name of your present Electrical Supervisor ,Permit No and his
technical qualification

Place: Signature of the Applicant.

Date: Licence number
Class and validity

(Rule 27)

The Member Secretary,
Licensing Advisory and Examination Board,
O / O Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,

1 Name of the Applicant

2 Father’s Name

3 Whether the applicant had appeared earlier for the same

examination conducted by the Board. If yes, Admission Ticket
Number .

4 For how many years are you a Licenced Electrical Contractor.

5 Give particulars of your

a) Firm Name
b) Licence Number
c) Class
d) Date of Issue
e) Validity

6 Give particulars, if any, of big wiring jobs done (such as cinema,

Factories, etc., Give names and address of their management.

7 Total No. of installations actually

Wired and serviced by you.
a) Lighting
b) Heating
c) Irrigation Pumps
d) Power
e) H T
Name of your present Electrical Supervisor ,Permit No and his
8 technical qualification

Place: Signature of the Applicant.

Date: Licence number
Class and validity

(Rule 17)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Name of the Applicant

2 Date of birth

3 Age

4 Father’s Name

5 Address
(Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to be
entered in the PERMIT book shall be enclosed)

6 Contact number
E mail address

7 Details of Educational Qualifications / Examinations conducted

by the Board

8 No. and date of Certificate or Competency Certificate issued

9 Whether the permit is applied for Grade I or Grade II

10 If applied on the basis of Lapsed Permit Details of Permit held

11 Details of fees remitted.

12 The details of the permit with validity already granted to applicant

(a) Whether the permit holder has been found to have penalized as
per the provisions of 37 of these Rules, 2012.

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct to

the best of my knowledge and that I have read The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and
grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012 and fully
understand the terms and conditions under which permit is granted a breach of which will render the
permit liable for suspension or cancellation.
I certify that I will not be in possession of more than one permit of any class at any given instant in my

Date: Signature of the Applicant

INSTRUCTION: The application shall be accompanied by the following:-

a) Copy of the Degree or Diploma certificate issued by the University or Technical Board or any
other certificate which is recognized as equivalent to the above by the Directorate of Technical
Education, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore or certificate of competency in form I or J
issued by the Board. Copy shall be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not
below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.
b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.
c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with requisite postage stamp.
d) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant and Proof of address such as Ration card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or an affidavit sworn before
the Notary.
e) Original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure - 5.
f) Where an application is made for re grant of the permit which has lapsed, the original lapsed
permit and copy of the certificate of competency in addition to the enclosures listed under (b),
(c), and(e) above and an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit – 7.
g) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than one
month from the date of application.

(Rule 21)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Name of the Applicant

2 Date of birth

3 Age

4 Father’s Name

5 Address
( Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to be
entered in the PERMIT book shall be enclosed)

6 Contact number
E mail address

7 Details of Educational Qualifications / Examinations conducted

by the Board

8 No. and date of Certificate or Competency Certificate issued

9 Whether the permit is applied for Grade I or Grade II

10 If applied on the basis of Lapsed Permit Details of Permit held

11 Details of fees remitted.

12 The details of the permit with validity already granted to

(a) Whether the permit holder has been found to have penalized
as per the provisions of 37 of these Rules 2012

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct to the best of my
knowledge and that I have read The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of
certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 and fully understand the
terms and conditions under which permit is granted a breach of which will render the permit liable for
suspension or cancellation.
I certify that I will not be in possession of more than one permit of any class at any given instant in my

Date: Signature of the Applicant

INSTRUCTION: The application shall be accompanied by the following:-

(a) Copy of certificate of competency in the form K or L issued by the Board duly attested by the
officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly
showing the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and
photograph shall be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the
rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant and Proof of address such as Ration card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra,, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card
or an affidavit sworn before the Notary.

(e) Original treasury Challan for having remitted the requisite fee detailed in Annexure-5.

(f) Where an applicant seeks regrant of the Permit which has lapsed he/she shall enclose the
original lapsed permit, copy of the certificate of competency in addition to the enclosures
listed under (b), (c), and (e) above, and an affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit-7

(g) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application

(Rule 25)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Name of the Applicant

2 Date of birth and age

3 Age

4 Father’s Name

5 Address
(Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to be
entered in the PERMIT book shall be enclosed)

6 Contact number
E mail address

7 Details of Educational Qualifications / Examinations conducted

by the Board

8 No. and date of Certificate or Competency Certificate issued

9 Whether the permit is applied for Grade I or Grade II

10 If applied on the basis of Lapsed Permit Details of Permit held

11 Details of fees remitted.

12 The details of the permit with validity already granted to

(a) Whether the permit holder has been found to have penalized
as per the provisions of 37 of these Rules 2012.

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct to

the best of my knowledge and that I have read The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and
grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 and fully
understand the terms and conditions under which permit is granted a breach of which will render the
permit liable for suspension or cancellation.
I certify that I will not be in possession of more than one permit of any class at any given instant in my

Date: Signature of the Applicant

INSTRUCTION: The application shall be accompanied by the following:

(a) Attested copy of Wireman/Electrician/Electrical Trade Certificates issued by the Institutions

recognized by the State Government or Job oriented pre university Diploma Certificate in the
vocational course of Electrical Wiring and Servicing of Electrical Appliances granted by the
Karnataka State Council of Vocational Education or othe Certificate which is recognized as
equivalent by the Directorate Employment and Training, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore
or Certificate in form M issued bythe Board.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly showing
the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and photograph shall
be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the rank of Deputy
Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite stamps.

(d) Any of the Photo Identity proof of the applicant and Proof of address such as Ration card,
Passport, Voters identity card, Rahavasi pramana patra, Life insurance policy, Aadhar card or
an affidavit Sworn before the Notary.

(e) Original treasury Challan for having remitted the requisite fee as detailed in Annexure-5.

(f) Where an applicant seeks re grant of the Permit which has lapsed he/she shall enclose the
original lapsed permit in addition to the enclosures listed under (b), (c), and(e) above, and an
affidavit sworn before the Notary as per Affidavit-7.

(g) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.

(Rule 28)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1. Name of the Applicant

(in Block letters)

2. Father’s Name

3. Address
(Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to
be entered in the PERMIT book shall be enclosed)

4 Contact number
E mail address

5. No. and date of issue of Supervisors (General) permit

(original permit should be enclosed.)

6. Date of expiry of the permit

7. Whether the permit is Grade I or Grade II

8. Details of fees remitted.

9. In case the application is filed after due date whether

penal fee is paid (Give particulars)

10. The details of the permit with validity already granted to

(a) Whether the permit holder has been found to have
penalized as per the provisions of 37 of these Rules 2012.

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct to

the best of my knowledge and that I have read The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and
grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 and fully
understand the terms and conditions under which permit is granted a breach of which will render the
permit liable for suspension or cancellation.

I certify that I will not be in possession of more than one permit of any class at any given instant in my



The application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

(a) Original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee / penal fee as the case may
be as detailed in Annexure-5.

(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly
showing the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and
photograph shall be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the
rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.

(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.

(d) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later
than one month from the date of application.

(e) Original permit.


(Rule 28)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1. Name of the Applicant

(in Block letters)

2. Father’s Name

3. Address
(Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to be
entered in the PERMIT book shall be enclosed)

4 Contact number
E mail address

5. No. and date of issue of Supervisors (MINING) permit

(original permit should be enclosed.)

6. Date of expiry of the permit

7. Whether the permit is Grade I or Grade II

8. Details of fees remitted.

9. In case the application is filed after due date whether penal

fee is paid (Give particulars)

11. The details of the permit with validity already granted to

(a) Whether the permit holder has been found to have
penalized as per the provisions of 37 of these Rules 2012.

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are

correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have read The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 and
fully understand the terms and conditions under which permit is granted a breach of which will render
the permit liable for suspension or cancellation.
I certify that I will not be in possession of more than one permit of any class at any given
instant in my name.


The application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

(a) Original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee / penal fee as the case may be
as detailed in Annexure-5.
(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly
showing the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and
photograph shall be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the
rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.
(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.
(d) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.
(e) Original permit.

(Rule 28)


The Member Secretary, Photo of the

Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, Applicant

O/o Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt.,


1 Name of the Applicant

(in Block letters)

2 Father’s Name

3 Address
(Proof of documents to substantiate their address and to be
entered in the PERMIT book shall be enclosed)
4 Contact number
E mail address

5 No. and date of issue of WIREMEN permit (original permit

should be enclosed.)
6 Date of expiry of the permit

7 Whether the Permit is Grade I or Grade II

8 Details of fees remitted.

9 In case the application is filed after due date whether penal fee
is paid (Give particulars)
10 The details of the permit with validity already granted to
(a) Whether the permit holder has been found to have penalized
as per the provisions of 37 of these Rules 2012

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that the particular’s stated above are correct to

the best of my knowledge and that I have read The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and
grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 and fully
understand the terms and conditions under which permit is granted a breach of which will render the
permit liable for suspension or cancellation.

I certify that I will not be in possession of more than one permit of any class at any given instant in my


The application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

(a) Original treasury challan for having remitted the requisite fee / penal fee as the case may be
as detailed in Annexure-5.
(b) Specimen signature and three recent passport size photograph of the applicant clearly
showing the complete face and two ears of the applicant. The Specimen signature and
photograph shall be got attested by the officer of the Electrical Inspectorate not below the
rank of Deputy Electrical Inspector or by the Notary.
(c) A self-addressed envelope duly affixed with the requisite postage stamp.
(d) Original Medical fitness certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner not later than
one month from the date of application.
(e) Original permit.

(Rule 35 )

The Member Secretary,
Licensing Advisory and
Examination Board,
O/O Chief Electrical Inspector Govt.,

Sub: Endorsement of Electrical Supervisor/Wireman permit No.
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that I propose to be / an already employed as part time /
Supervisor / Wireman under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M/s . . . . . . . . . . . . Hence my permit
No . . . . . . . . . . . .Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . may kindly be endorsed in favor of my above employer.

In case there is any change in the above position, I shall be notifying the same to you as early
possible but not later than 24 hours of the change coming into effect.


Certified that Sri . . . . . . . . . . . is employed as a part time Supervisor / Wireman in my / our

concern / firm from the date mentioned below. Hence his Supervisor / wireman permit may kindly be
endorsed in favor of my / our firm with effect from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Signature of the employers

With date of Employment,
Seal, full address and
Licence /Special wiring permit No. and Validity

(Rule 35)
The Member Secretary,
Licensing Advisory and
Examination Board,
O/O Chief Electrical Inspector Govt.,

I . . . . . . . . . . . hereby declare that, I was employed as part time supervisor/wireman in
M/s…. . . . . . . . . . . Now I am not working in the above firm. Therefore endorsement made in my permit
No…. . . . . . . . . . . valid upto . . . . . . . . . . . in favor of the above firm may kindly be cancelled.


Certified that Sri . . . . . . . . . . . permit No. . . . . . . . . . . . valid upto . . . . . . . . . . .

is now not an employee of our firm from. . . . . . . . . . . Hence endorsement made

in his permit and in our licence may kindly be cancelled.


With seal and
Licence / Special wiring permit number and

(Rule 16)
(to be executed on stamp paper as per the Karnataka Stamp Act)
Estimate for

Sl No Description of work in detail Rate

Total Cost

Signature of the Consumer Signature of the Contractor and

Address with seal
Licence No, Class
and Validity



An agreement made on this. . . . . . . . . . . day of the month . . . . . . . . . . . of the year . . . . . . . . .

between M/s./ Shri/ Smt. . . . . . . . . . . . herein after called as the prospective consumer (with
expression wherever context call as the prospective consumer (with expression wherever context so
admits shall include his/her succession and assigns) of the one part and M/s. /Shri/ Smt…
. . hereinafter called the Licenced electrical contractor (which expression wherever context so admits
shall include his/her successors and assigns) of the part.

WHEREAS at the request of the prospective consumer, the Contractor has agreed for the execution of
electrical work at door No. . . . . . . . Street. . . . . . . . Town or Village. . . . . . . . Subject to the following
conditions and also to complete and handover the same to the consumer along with the test and
completion report in satisfactory and work man like manner in accordance with the relevant rules in
force on or before . . . . . . . . day. . . . . . . . of (the month) . . . . . . . . the year. . . . . .


1. In this agreement unless the context otherwise required rules mean the following rules as
amended from the time to time.

a) (i) Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010,

(ii) Karnataka Cinemas (Rule) Rules, 1971 and The Karnataka Exhibition of films on TV
screen through VCR and Laser Disc Rules, 1984.

(iii) The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical Contractor and Grant of certificates and
Permits to Electrical Supervisors and Wireman) Rules, 2012.

b) B I.S. means Bureau of Indian Standards

c) Supply Authority means any Licensee who has undertaken to supply energy in the areas.

2. A copy of the estimate with specifications of the materials to be used and agreed rates and the
probable total cost of the work shall accompany this agreement duly signed by the prospective
consumer and the contractor.

3. The contractor shall not petition for the revision of rate mentioned in the estimate (Under item
2) under any circumstances under any stage of work during the period of contract unless
mutually agreed upon by the contractor and consumer in writing.

4. The contractor shall adopt any alteration or additional at the request in writing of the consumer
of the consumer at least three days in advance to such alteration or addition. Rates for such
alteration addition, if not covered in the estimate shall be mutually agreed upon in writing.

5. All amounts received towards the works by the contractor shall be acknowledged on receipt
only. Such receipt shall be preserved by the consumer. Copies of such receipts shall be
preserved by contractor.

6. The contractor may extend the period of contract for the completion of the work with the
consent of the consumer in writing stating clearly the period of extension agreed under
intimation to the supplier..

7. If the delay is caused due to unsatisfactory progress of civil work such delay caused shall be
immediately intimated by the contractor to the consumer and the supplier in writing and
further extension of period for completing the wiring work will be decided upon, in consultation
with the contractor. Should thereby variation in the market prices of Electrical materials during
the extended period, the variation of rates in the estimates shall be fixed as agreed to by both
the parties.

8. The contractor’s shall get the work done only through authorized wireman, under direct
supervision of authorized supervisor under his employ holding valid permit and certificate of
competency issued by the Board.

9. The contractors shall use materials confirming to the BIS standard or other equivalent standard
and execute the works in sound substantial and workmen like manner as per rules prescribed
under 1(a)

10. The contractor shall stand guarantee for a period of one year from the date of service for any
defect in the installation which may appear due to bad workmanship during execution and
replace any defective materials and rectify the defects of bad workmanship free of cost during
the guarantee period.

11. (a) The consumers shall enter into an agreement with the supply authority and pay all the
required deposits towards the service mains, supervision charges monthly minimum, etc,. to
the supply authority with out undue delay to facilitate the contractor to get the installation

(b) The contractor shall not be responsible for the delay in servicing the installation, provided
that the completion report has been handed over to the consumer in advance before the expiry
date of the agreement period.

12. In case of a difference or dispute between the contractor and consumer during execution
of work regarding the quality of materials or workmanship, the same shall be referred to
the Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt. Bangalore, by either party giving seven days clear
notice of his intention to do so to the other party.

13. The Chief Electrical Inspector’s decision regarding dispute in quality of the material used
and workmanship shall be final.

14. (a) The consumer shall enclose a copy of this agreement along with the application to the
supplier for power sanction.

(b) The contractor shall intimate the concerned jurisdictional supplier not below the rank of
Junior Engineer and for the works to be inspected and approved by the Electrical Inspectorate
authority to the jurisdictional Electrical Inspectorate authority in the prescribed Form ‘A1’
within 48 hours of the commencement of work

An amount of Rs…
. . . . . . . . in words…
. . . . . . . . is paid to the contractor as initial advance towards the
said contract at the time of signing this agreement and further payment shall be made as mutually
agreed upon.

Signed and sealed by the said parties . . . . . . . . of the month. . . . . . . . of year. . . . . . . .

In presence of witnesses.



Signature of the Consumer Signature of the Electrical Contractor with seal

of the firm ,
Licence No. Class No,
and Validity

(Rule 16 )

Sl. No. Date … . . . . . . . . .


I/We have undertaken the electrical installation work as detailed below

1. Name and Address of the consumer

2. Location and Address of installation
3. Nature of Installation
4. Permanent or Temporary
5. Details of work
6. Date of Commencement
7. Date of Completion as per agreement
8. Name and permit No. (s) of wireman: deputed for the above job.
9. Name of apprentices (s) if any working with shall shown in item 8 above
10. Name and Permit No. of the supervisor :

Signature of Consumer. Signature of the Contractor with seal

of the firm and Licence No.
Explanation note for filling of the Form.

For item 3: State whether Extra High, High, Medium or Low Voltage installation and whether domestic
(Light, Power, etc.) water pump, cinema, factories, mills overhead lines etc.

For item 5 : Full details as to number of lamps, plugs, Generators, motors, and any other electrical
accessories with horse power or capacity to be given

(Rule 16 )
(Electrical Contractor Work Completion and Test Report)

The Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt, Bangalore.
The Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector
The Electrical Inspector
The Deputy Electrical Inspector

Sub : - Licensed Electrical Contractor work completion and Test Report of electrical
installation of M/s ______ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____
_____ _____ ____ _____ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ __

Ref : - 1) Consumer / company work order no

2) ESCOM /KPTCL power sanction Letter No
3) Agreement No dated
4) Electrical installation drawing approval No

We wish to certify that the Electrical installation as detailed here under under taken by our firm
/ company as per the firm / company work order detailed under ref No 2. The electrical installation of
electrical equipment and wiring work is carried out through authorized persons under The Karnataka
(Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and
wiremen) Rules, 2012, as per the approved electrical installation drawings by your kind office vide ref
No 3 and completed according to Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric
supply) Regulations, 2010/ National Electricity Code, 1985 / Lift Act, 1974 / Cinema Regulation Rules,
1968 using only quality materials confirming to Indian Standard and specification.


1. Name of the Owner and address of

the Installation

2. Name of the electrical contractor

with official address License
number and Validity

3. Name of the electrical Supervisor

with official address Permit number
and Validity

4. Name of the electrical Wiremen

with official address Permit number
and Validity

5. Details of Electrical Installation

(Generator, Transformer, M.S.
Building etc)

6. Name plate details of each and TC/HT installation

individual equipments (make, HT UG cable =
Specification, Serial number) HT Switch gear =
separate sheet shall be enclosed for Transformer =
Multiple installation
LT UG cable =
Control panel bus bar size/rating =
LT switch gear =
LT Load =

DG Set Installation
Engine =
Alternator =
CT =
PT =
Energy meter =
Control panel bus bar size/rating =

MS Building Installation
Number of block =
Number of floors in each block =
Total connected load of installation =
Total connected load of each block =
Main UG cable =
Distribution cable =
LT switch gear =
Control panel bus bar size/rating =
No of rising main =
Size of cable/ BBT in rising main =
Earth lead in rising main =

Transmission/Distribution line
Route detail =
System voltage =
Route length =
No of circuit =
No of line support/Tower =
Type of line support/Tower =
Type of line conductor =
Tower foot resistance =

IPP installation (Generator, Main and Dist

Transformer, Aux Load, etc shall be detailed)

Miscellaneous installation shall be detailed


7. Details of connected HT / LT loads Total connected load of the plant =

(PCC’s, MCC’s, Panels and circuits
8. Details of wiring / cabling size,
numbers of run, length ( UG cable,
HT / LT main cable, distribution,
sub distribution and load side
cables )
9. Details of Earthing schedule (size of
earth lead of grid, mat, and
individual equipment)
10. Details of Insulation test results Name and details of
(Equipment / Circuit wise), date of Insulation Tester used
test for testing
Test Results

11. Details of Earth test results Name and details of

(Equipment / Earth electrode wise), Earth Tester used for
date of test testing
Test Results

12. Details of officer/ Officials

authorized to operate and
maintaining the electrical
installation with their respective

I certify that the above installation work is carried out under my direct supervision by the
qualified wiremen under the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and
permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 and the installation has been tested with the
above test results are furnished for your kind perusal and inspection.
Name Electrical Supervisor =
Permit No = S
Valid upto =

Signature of Electrical Supervisor

The above electrical installation work is completed by the under the direct supervision of above
signed Electrical Supervisor as per the prevailing rules and regulations and the installation is ready for

Signature of the installation owner Signature of Licensed Electrical Contractor

with seal of firm

Firm name and Address =

License Number and Class =
Valid Upto =
Note :- separate sheets shall be attached for more details of electrical installation if required.

Enclosures:- Approved Drawings, Copy of electrical contractor License, copy of Supervisor permit with
Endorsement, Z and A1 Forms, copy of Power sanction letter, copy of work order, copy of NOC from
other LEC in case of change of LEC

(Rule 16 )
Register of Supervisors, Wireman and Apprentices Working with LEC

Whether Supervisor’s/
Sl. Name of Permit Date of Date of
Wireman’s / Remarks
No. Employees No Employment Discharge

(Rule 16 )
Application Register

1. Sl. No.

2. Name and address of the applicant

3. Location of the Installation

4. Nature and details of Installation

5. Date of submission estimate to the consumer.

6. Date of acceptance of estimate by the consumer

7. Date of signing of agreement

8. Date of submission of application to supply authorities.

9. Date of inspection by supplier

10. Date of receipt of sanction and reference

11. Date of submission of commencement report to the Electrical


12. Date of commencement of work.

13. Date of completion of work

14. Date of submission of completion report

15. Date of service

16. R.R. No.

17. Remarks

(Rule 16 )
Name of L.E.C:

Firm Name and Licence No:



Sl. Permit Dates Starting from

Name Designation Remarks
No. No. 1 to 31

(Rule 16 )

Name of L.E.C:

Firm Name and Licence No:

Sl. Installation Initial of the

Date Initial of Supervisor Initial of Wireman
No. Address Employer

(Rule 16 )
Name of L.E.C:
Firm Name and Licence No:
Name of the work:
Reference to application Register:
Name of the consumer and Address
Particulars of Material issued (give details such as quantity, make, gauge, etc )
N.B, - Page I of the Material issue register shall exhibit the particulars of testing instruments
maintained by the Licenced electrical contractor.

SL No. Name of the Equipment/ material issued Details Remarks

(Rule 16)
Details of bill board to be displayed at the entrance of the electrical installation by the
electrical contractor

The Electrical installation works of the Installation owned by M/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

is undertaken by the fallowing Electrical contractor
1) Details of Electrical Installation :-
2) Name & address of electrical contractor with the firm name:-
3) License Number with validity :-
4) Name of the Electrical supervisor:-
5) Permit number with validity :-
6) Name of the Wiremen :-
7) Permit Number with validity:-
8) Name of Apprentice wiremen’s:-
9) Project cost (Electrical Portion):-
10) Project commencement date :-
11) Proposed Project completion date :-
12) Proposed Date of commissioning :-

(Rule 12 and 13)
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957)

I, . . . . . . . . . .S/o/D/o. . . . . . . . . .R/o…
. . . . . . . . . . do hereby solemnly affirm and state on
oath as follows:
I, Prop. M/s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bearing Licence No; . . . . . . . . . .Super Grade, CL I, II, III. . . . . .
. . . . valid upto . . . . . . . . . . do hereby declare by this affidavit that the gross turn over for the year. . .
. . . . . . . does not exceed Rs…
. . . . . . . . . .) Rupees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .) only.

All applicable payments have been made for premium towards EPF and ESI and there is no due.

What I am stated above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and information and belief.


signature of the
applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.
attested by the


(Rule 12 and 13)
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per Karnataka Stamp Act 1957)

I . . . . . . . . . .S/o/D/o. . . . . . . . . .R/o. . . . . . . . . .produced the solvency Certificate issued by

M/s. . . . . . . . . . . Bank . . . . . . . . . . Branch . . . . . . . . . .vide reference No…
. . . . . . . . . . Dated. . . . . . .
For Rs. . . . . . . . . . . (Rupees . . . . . . . . . .)
I . . . . . . . . . . here by solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows
that I will be continued to maintain the above sum as long as I hold the valid Electrical Contractor
Licence issued by the Government of Karnataka, the breach of which will render my licence liable for
Pl ace:
Date: . . . . . . . . . .


signature of the

applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.

attested by the



(Rule 12 and 13)
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957)

I. . . . . . . . . .here by solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows that the property shown in
the solvency certificate no. . . . . . . . . . Dated. . . . . . . .issued by Tahashildar…
. . . . . . . . . .Taluk, will
not be disposed off or otherwise encumbered during the period I hold the valid Electrical contractor
licence issued by the Government of Karnataka, the breach of which will render of my licence liable for
Pl ace:


signature of the

applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.

attested by the

(Rule 33)
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957)

I-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . residing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.has lost / torn my licence / permit at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .solemnly affirm and state on oath
as follows

That my licence / permit No. . . . . . . . . . valid up to. . . . . . . . . .is lost on. . . . . . . . . .for which
I have lodged a police complaint vide No. . . . . . . . . . dt. . . . . . . . . . at
That in the event of finding the lost licence/permit, I undertake to surrender the same to the
Department of Electrical Inspectorate.
What I am stated above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and information and belief


signature of the
applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.
attested by the

(Rule 12 )
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957)

I, . . . . . . . . . .S/o./D/o . . . . . . . . . .residing at . . . . . . . . . . is hereby solemnly affirm and

state on oath as follows that I am not an employee of any OF CENTRAL GOVT. / STATE GOVT./

What I am stated above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and information and belief.


signature of the

applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.

attested by the


(Rule 12 )
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957)

I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S/o/D/O . . . . . . . . . . residing at . . . . . . . . . .is a Graduate / . . . . . .

. . . . Diploma holder in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and studied in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
College during the years from . . . . . . . . . .to . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .

I solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows that I am not working in any State or Central
Govt / Govt. undertaking organizations and presently I am an unemployed graduate.

What I am stated above is true and correct to best of my knowledge and information and belief.


signature of the

applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.

attested by the

(RULE 12(3) (6), 19(5) (7), 23(4) (9), 26(5) (7) and 32(3) (7))
(To be executed on stamp paper, as per the Karnataka Stamp Act, 1957)

I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S/o/D/o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hereby solemnly affirm and state as


a) That I am presently residing at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

b) That I have / had obtained

(i) Electrical Contractor Licence of Super Grade / Class . . . . . . . . .N o. . . . . . . . . .
valid upto.......

(ii) Special wiring permit / Electrical Supervisor / Wireman Permit No. . . . . . . . . .valid upto ......

c) That the Licence / Special wiring permit /permit so detailed above has lapsed on. . . . . . . . . .
and the same could not be renewed for . . . . . . . . . . reason.

d) That I intend to obtain a new licence/permit in lieu of the lapsed one andstate that no electrical
work of the nature detailed under regulation 29 of Central Electricity Authority ( Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, has been/will be executed by me
during the lapsed period

I also state and solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows that whatever stated and furnished
by me as above are true to the best of my knowledge, the breach of which may entail cancellation of my
licence/permit by the department of Electrical Inspectorate who is being approached by me for issue of
the licence/permit.

Specimen signatures



signature of the
applicant to be SWORN TO BEFORE ME.
attested by the

(to be executed on stamp paper as per the Karnataka stamp act 1957)

I, Sri / M/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .do hereby

solemnly authorize the Licensed Electrical Contractor Sri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.Proprietor M/s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .License Number_. . . . . . . . . .Class. . . . . . .
. . .Valid Upto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to carry out the Electrical Installation works at . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .on behalf of myself & my firm as per the agreement
executed on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .as per the agreement executed by the undersigned with the
fallowing conditions as marked.

1. The said electrical contractor is ONLY authorized to execute the electrical installation work and
issue work completion report and other relevant records as required for inspection and approval
by the authorities concerned to the owner of electrical installation.

2. The said electrical contractor is authorized to execute the electrical installation work and to
approach the Electrical Inspectorate/concerned authorities for obtaining Electrical Installation
Drawing and commissioning approval of above said electrical installation.

I also state and solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows that whatever stated and furnished
by me as above are true to the best of my knowledge, the breach of which may entail cancellation of
agreement executed between the parties and termination of work order of electrical contractor and
requesting the department of Electrical Inspectorate to suspend/ cancellation of License.

Specimen sign of LEC with firm seal Specimen sign Owner of the Installation
and Address
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Photo with SWORN TO BEFORE ME Photo with

Signature sign of the
of the LEC to be Owner of the
attested by the ATTESTED BY NOTARY Installation to be
Notary attested by the


FORM – 1
(Rule – 17)

Permit in Book form

Out Side of Cover:





Inside of Cover
Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade I permit No S GR I. . . . . . . . . .

Photo of

Signature of the permit holder

First page
Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade I permit No S GR I. . . . . . . . . .

Name and address of the permit holder


Second page
Government of Karnataka

Electrical Supervisor (General) Permit No S GR 1. . . . . . . . .

Date of issue . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . . . .

Name. . . . . . . . . .
Date and year of Examination passed. . . . . . . . . .

Register No. . . . . . . . . .
Details of examination passed. . . . . . . . . .
No. and date of certificate of competency. . . . . . . . . .
Rs . . . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No…. . . . . . . .Dated. . . . . . . . . .



Third Page:

This permit allows the holder to supervise and carry out electrical installation work subject to
the condition mentioned in the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates
and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 issued by the Government of
Karnataka but does not allows him to undertake electrical contracting work unless he hold a
contractors Licence. This permit is to be carried on the holder’s person and is not transferable.

This permit should be got renewed and must be returned to the licensing advisory Board upon
Fourth Page

Renewed from . . . . . . . . Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fees Rs…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .date . . . . . . . .



Tenth Page

Date of Date on Date on

Endorsement Licence Signature
Sl expiry of which which Signature of
made in favour No and of the
No the endorsement endorsement the officer
of the firm Class officer
licence made cancelled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FORM - 2
(Rule – 17)
Permit in Book form
Out Side of Cover





Inside of Cover
Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade II Permit No S GR II …

Photo of

Signature of the permit holder

First page:
Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade II permit No S GR II . . . . . . . .
Name and address of the permit holder
Second page
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Supervisor (General) Permit No S GR II. . . . . . . .

Date of issue . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . .
Name. . . . . . . .

Date and Year of Examination. . . . . . . .

Register No. . . . . . . .

Place of Examination. . . . . . . .

No. and date of certificate of competency. . . . . . . .

Rs . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No. . . . . . . .Dated. . . . . . . .



Third Page:

This permit allows the holder to supervise and carry out electrical installation work subject to
the condition mentioned in The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates
and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012 issued by the Government of
Karnataka but does not allows him to undertake electrical contracting work unless he hold a
contractors Licence. This permit is to be carried on the holder’s person and is not transferable.
This permit should be got renewed and must be returned to the licensing advisory Board upon
Fourth Page

Renewed from…
…… Valid up to …
Fees Rs…
… paid vide challan No. …
.. …


Tenth Page

Date of Date on Date on

Endorsement Licence Signature
Sl expiry of which which Signature of
made in favour No and of the
No the endorsement endorsement the officer
of the firm Class officer
licence made cancelled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FORM - 3
(Rule – 21)
Permit in book form
Out Side of Cover





Inside of Cover
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) permit No MS GR I …

Photo of

Signature of the permit holder

First Page
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Permit No MS GR I . . . . . . . .

Name and address of the permit holder


Second page
Government of Karnataka

Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Permit No MS GR I. . . . . . . .

Date of Issue…

Valid up to . . . . . . . .

Name . . . . . . . .

Date of Examination . . . . . . . .

Register No…. . . . . . . .

No. and date of certificate and competency . . . . . . . .

Rs . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No . . . . . . . .Dated . . . . . . . .



Third Page:

This permit allows the holder to supervise and carry out electrical installation work subject to
the condition mentioned in the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates
and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 issued by the Government of
Karnataka but does not allows him to undertake electrical contracting work unless he hold a
contractors Licence. This permit is to be carried on the holder’s person and is not transferable.

This permit should be got renewed and must be returned to the licensing advisory Board upon

Fourth Page

Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fees Rs…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tenth Page

Sl Endorsement Licence Date of Date on which Signature Date on which Signature of

No made in favour No. and expiry of endorsement of the endorsement the officer
of the firm Class the licence made officer cancelled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FORM - 4
(Rule – 21)
Permit in book form

Out Side of Cover





Inside of Cover
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) permit No MS GR II…

Photo of

Signature of the permit holder

First Page
Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Permit No MS GR II . . . . . . . .

Name and address of the permit holder


Second page
Government of Karnataka

Mining Supervisory Permit No MS GR II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Register No…
No. and date of certificate and competency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rs . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No…
. . . . . . . .Dated. . . . . . . .



Third Page:

This permit allows the holder to supervise and carry out electrical installation work subject to
the condition mentioned in the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates
and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 issued by the Government of
Karnataka but does not allows him to undertake electrical contracting work unless he hold a
contractors Licence. This permit is to be carried on the holder’s person and is not transferable.

This permit should be got renewed and must be returned to the licensing advisory Board upon
Fourth Page


Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fees Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Tenth Page
Date on Date on
Endorsement Licence Date of Signature
which which Signature of
Sl No made in favour No. and expiry of of the
endorsement endorsement the officer
of the firm Class the licence officer
made cancelled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FORM – 5
(Rule – 25)
Permit in Book Form
Out Side of Cover





Inside of cover

Electrical Wireman Grade I permit No W GR I…


Photo of

Signature of permit holder

First page
Electrical Wireman Grade I permit No W GR I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name and address of the permit holder


Second page
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Wireman permit No W GR I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of Issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date and year of Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Register No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Details of Exam passed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rs . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .paid vide Challan No…
. . . . . . . . . . .. . .Dated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Third page
This permit allows the holder to carry out wiring work only Subject to conditions mentioned in the
Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical
supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 issued by the Government of Karnataka but is does not allow
him to undertake supervisor and electrical contractors work. This permit is to be carried on the
holder’s person and is not transferable
This permit should be got renewed and must be returned to the Licensing advisory Board upon

Fourth Page

Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fees Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .date. . . . . . . . . . . . .



Tenth Page


Endorsement Licence Date of Date on which Signature Date on which

Sl Signature of
made in favour No and expiry of endorsement of the endorsement
No the officer
of the firm Class the licence made officer cancelled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

FORM – 6
(Rule – 25)
Permit in Book Form

Out Side of Cover





Inside of cover
Electrical Wireman Grade II permit No W GR II …

Photo of

Signature of permit holder

First page

Electrical Wireman Grade II permit No W GR II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name and address of the permit holder


Second page
Government of Karnataka
Electrical Wireman permit No W GR II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of Issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date and year of Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Register No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Place of Examination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. and date of certificate of Passing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dated. . . . . . . . .



Third page
This permit allows the holder to carry out wiring work only subject to conditions mentioned in
the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical
supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012 issued by the Government of Karnataka but is does not allow
him to undertake supervisor and electrical contractors work. This permit is to be carried on the
holder’s person and is not transferable
This permit should be got renewed and must be returned to the Licensing advisory Board upon

Fourth Page

Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fees of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .date. . . . .



Tenth Page
Date of Date on Date on
Endorsement Licence Signature
Sl expiry of which which Signature of
made in favour No. and of the
No the endorsement endorsement the officer
of the firm Class officer
licence made cancelled
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Licence in Book form
FORM - 7
Out Side of Cover:



(Rule – 12 & 12(2) (a)



Inside of Cover
Licence No L S. . . . . . . . . . .

Photo of

Specimen signature of the Licencee

First page:
Government of Karnataka

Licence No L S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name and Address firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .paid vide Challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 12(2) (a) of the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012,

Mr. / Messrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is/are hereby authorized to carry out, Electrical

Installation work in the State of Karnataka subject to the conditions mentioned in the Karnataka
(Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and
wiremen) Rules 2012, Issued by the Government of Karnataka under Government Notification.



Second and third page

Details of Electrical Supervisor
Date of Signature Date of
Sl Name of the Permit No. Date of Signature of the
Expiry of of the cancellation of
No permit holder and Grade Endorsement officer
permit officer Endorsement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fourth and fifth page

Details of Electrical Wireman
Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No. Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sixth page onwards

Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Renewal fees of Rs. . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan no. . . . . . . . . . . . date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Last page


1. This Licence must be got renewed and must be produced on demand by the Officer of the
Electrical Inspectorate, Government of Karnataka or to any authorities of the supplier having
jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is being carried out.

2. This Licence is valid for carrying out the following nature of electrical installation:-

Extra High, High, Medium and low voltage Electrical Installation works.

3. The holder of this Licence shall send intimation to the Member Secretary, Licensing Advisory
and Examinations Board in Writing within seven days as to very change of:

a. Address of the place of business-

b. Authorized signatory (in case of a limited Company and partner ship firm)

c. Testing Instruments and

d. dissolution of partnership etc.

4. The Licencee shall always keep and maintain the following testing instruments, safety tools and
other equipments:

Testing Instruments:

1) Insulation Tester

a) 5000V (b) 1000V (c) 500 V class each

2) Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.

3) Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.

4) Multi meter

5) Tong Tester

6) Earth Tester with testing accessories.

7) Phase sequence meter

8) Portable Frequency meter range 45 to55 HZ

9) Portable PF meter 5Amps, 240V, A/C.

Safety Tools and other Equipments:

a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)

b) Wire gauge or micrometer

c) Safety Belt

d) Full harness belt

e) Hand operated and hydraulic operated crimping tool.

f) Welding generator set.

g) Portable grinder

h) Portable drill

i) Rollers for cable laying


j) Cable drum lifting jacks

k) Blow lamp for cable jointing

l) Hole saw cutter

m) Torque wrinch spanner

n) Come along clamp

o) Chain pulley

p) Manela rope

and Library for relevant Acts, Rules and BIS Publications

5. The Licencee shall himself hold certificate of competency and valid Electrical Supervisor permit
issued by the Board or employ supervisor holding competency certificate and valid Electrical
Supervisor permit issued by the Board and endorsed to his firm. Hence shall maintain
“Attendance Register”.in form E1

6. The Licencee shall get the work done only through the Wireman holding valid wireman permit
issued by the Board under direct supervision by the Supervisor and. endorsed to his firm.
Hence shall maintain “Work allocation Register”. in form F1

7. Every work undertaken by the Licencee shall be evidenced by a written agreement with the
person concerned. The wiring and other materials used by the Licencee for the work executed
shall conform to the standards approved by BIS. Hence, shall maintain (a) Application Register
in form D1, (b) Material Issue Register in form G1 and (c) Copies of estimates and agreements in
form Z duly signed by the Licencee and the consumer concerned.

8. The Licencee shall intimate the jurisdictional officer of the supplier not below the rank of Junior
Engineer / Electrical Inspectorate Officer before undertaking the execution of any work in
Form A1 append to these Rules, and also the completion of such work within three days from
the date of completion of such work.

9. The Licencee shall afford all facilities to the Electrical Inspector or any person/persons
authorized by him in writing to inspect at all times any work under execution.

10. The Electrical Inspector may, if in his opinion the work under execution is likely to cause
damages to the life or property of the consumer or any other person, direct to stop the work and
rectify the defects. The Licence shall comply with such direction.

11. The Licencee shall at all times ensure safety to the public.

12. The Licencee shall be bound to comply with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 Central
Electricity Authority ( Measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations, 2010, any
rules and regulations made there under, and the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors
and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012.

Licence in Book form

Out Side of Cover:



(Rule – 12 & 12(2) (b)



Inside of Cover
Licence No L I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Photo of

Specimen signature of the Licencee

First page:
Government of Karnataka

Licence No L I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name and Address firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 12(2) (b) of the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012,

Mr. / Messrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is/are hereby authorized to carry out, Electrical

Installation work in the State of Karnataka subject to the conditions mentioned in the Karnataka
(Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and
wiremen) Rules 2012, and Issued by the Government of Karnataka under Government Notification.



Second and third page

Details of Electrical Supervisor
Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fourth and fifth page

Details of Electrical Wireman

Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sixth page onwards


Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Renewal fees of Rs. . . . .. . . . . .paid vide challan no. . .. . . . . . . ..date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Last page
1. This Licence must be got renewed and must be produced on demand by the Officer of the
Electrical Inspectorate, Government of Karnataka or to any authorities of the supplier having
jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is being carried out.
2. This Licence is valid for carrying out the following nature of electrical installation:-
a. High, Medium and low voltage Electrical Installation works.
3. The holder of this Licence shall send intimation to the Member Secretary, Licensing Advisory
and Examinations Board in Writing within seven days as to very change of:
a. Address of the place of business-
b. Authorized signatory (in case of a limited Company and partner ship firm)
c. Testing Instruments and
d. dissolution of partnership etc.
4. The Licence shall always keep and maintain the following instruments:
Testing Instruments
a. Insulation Tester (a) 1000V and (b) 500 V class each
b. Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.
c. Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.
d. Multi meter
e. Tong Tester
f. Earth Tester with testing accessories.
g. Phase sequence meter
Safety Tools and other Equipments:
a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)
b) Wire gauge or micrometer
c) Safety Belt
and Library for relevant Acts, Rules and BIS Publications
5. The Licencee shall himself hold certificate of competency and valid Electrical Supervisor permit
issued by the Board or employ supervisor holding competency certificate and valid Electrical
Supervisor permit issued by the Board and endorsed to his firm. Hence shall maintain
“Attendance Register”.in form E1
6. The Licencee shall get the work done only through the Wireman holding valid wireman permit
issued by the Board under direct supervision by the Supervisor and endorsed to his firm.
Hence shall maintain “Work allocation Register”. in form F1
7. Every work undertaken by the Licencee shall be evidenced by a written agreement with the
person concerned. The wiring and other materials used by the Licencee for the work executed
shall conform to the standards approved by BIS. Hence, shall maintain (a) Application Register
in form D1, (b) Material Issue Register in form G1 and (c) Copies of estimates and agreements in
form Z duly signed by the Licencee and the consumer concerned.
8. The Licencee shall intimate the the jurisdictional officer of the supplier not below the rank of
Junior Engineer / Electrical Inspectorate Officer before undertaking the execution of any work

in Form A1 append to these Rules, and also the completion of such work within three days from
the date of completion of such work.
9. The Licencee shall afford all facilities to the Electrical Inspector or any person/persons
authorized by him in writing to inspect at all times any work under execution.
10. The Electrical Inspector may, if in his opinion the work under execution is likely to cause
damages to the life or property of the consumer or any other person, direct to stop the work and
rectify the defects. The Licence shall comply with such direction.
11. The Licencee shall at all times ensure safety to the public.
12. The Licencee shall be bound to comply with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric supply) Regulations, 2010, any
rules and regulations made there under, and the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors
and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012.

Licence in Book form

Out Side of Cover:



(Rule – 12 & 12(2) (c)



Inside of Cover

Licence No L 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Photo of

Specimen signature of the Licencee


First page:
Government of Karnataka

Licence No L 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name and Address firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . paid vide Challan No.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 12(2) (c) of The Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012,

Mr. / Messrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is/are hereby

authorized to carry out, Electrical Installation work in the State of Karnataka subject to the conditions
mentioned in the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to
electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012, and Issued by the Government of Karnataka under
Government Notification.



Second and third page

Details of Electrical Supervisor

Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No. Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fourth and fifth page

Details of Electrical Wireman
Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No. Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sixth page onwards


Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Renewal fees of Rs. . . . . . . . . . ..paid vide challan No.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Last page


1) This Licence must be got renewed and must be produced on demand by the Officer of the
Electrical Inspectorate, Government of Karnataka or to any authorities of the supplier having
jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is being carried out.

2) This Licence is valid for carrying out the following nature of electrical installation:-

a. Medium and low voltage Electrical Installation works.

3) The holder of this Licence shall send intimation to the Member Secretary, Licensing Advisory
and Examinations Board in Writing within seven days as to very change of:

a. Address of the place of business-

b. Authorized signatory (in case of a limited Company and partner ship firm)

c. Testing Instruments and

d. dissolution of partnership etc.

4) The Licencee shall always keep and maintain the following instruments:

Testing Instruments

a. Insulation Tester (500 V class


b. Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.

c. Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.

d. Multi meter

e. Tong Tester

Safety Tools and other Equipments:

a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)

b) Wire gauge or micrometer

and Library for relevant Acts, rules and BIS publications

5) The Licencee shall himself hold certificate of competency and valid Electrical Supervisor permit
issued by the Board or employ supervisor holding competency certificate and valid Electrical
Supervisor permit issued by the Board and endorsed to his firm. Hence shall maintain
“Attendance Register”.in form E1

6) The Licencee shall get the work done only through the Wireman holding valid wireman permit
issued by the Board under direct supervision by the Supervisor and. endorsed to his firm.
Hence shall maintain “Work allocation Register”. in form F1

7) Every work undertaken by the Licencee shall be evidenced by a written agreement with the
person concerned. The wiring and other materials used by the Licencee for the work executed
shall conform to the standards approved by BIS. Hence, shall maintain (a) Application Register
in form D1, (b) Material Issue Register in form G1 and (c) Copies of estimates and agreements in
form Z duly signed by the Licencee and the consumer concerned.

8) The Licencee shall intimate the the jurisdictional officer of the supplier not below the rank of
Junior Engineer / Electrical Inspectorate Officer before undertaking the execution of any work
in Form A1 append to these Rules, and also the completion of such work within three days from
the date of completion of such work.

9) The Licencee shall afford all facilities to the Electrical Inspector or any person authorized by
him in writing to inspect at all times any work under execution.

10) The Electrical Inspector may, if in his opinion the work under execution is likely to cause
damages to the life or property of the consumer or any other person, direct to stop the work and
rectify the defects. The Licence shall comply with such direction.

11) The Licencee shall at all times ensure safety to the public.

12) The Licencee shall be bound to comply with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations, 2010, any
rules and regulations made thereunder, and the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors
and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012.

Licence in Book form


Out Side of Cover:



(Rule – 12 & 12(2) (d)



Inside of Cover
Licence No L 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Photo of

Specimen signature of the Licencee

First page:
Government of Karnataka
Licence No L 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date of issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Name and Address firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . paid vide Challan No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 12(2) (d) ofThe Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012,

Mr. / Messrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .is/are hereby

authorized to carry out, Electrical Installation work in the State of Karnataka subject to the conditions
mentioned in the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and permits to
electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012, and Issued by the Government of Karnataka under
Government Notification.



Second and third page

Details of Electrical Supervisor
Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No. Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fourth and fifth page

Details of Electrical Wireman
Date of
Date of Signature
Sl Name of the permit Permit No. Date of cancellation Signature of the
Expiry of of the
No holder and Grade Endorsement of officer
permit officer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sixth page onwards

Renewed from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Renewal fees of Rs… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Last page
1. This Licence must be got renewed and must be produced on demand by the Officer of the
Electrical Inspectorate, Government of Karnataka or to any authorities of the supplier having
jurisdiction over the area where the electrical installation work is being carried out.
2. This Licence is valid for carrying out the following nature of electrical installation:-
Low voltage Electrical Installation works only.
3. The holder of this Licence shall send intimation to the Member Secretary, Licensing Advisory
and Examinations Board in Writing within seven days as to very change of:
a. Address of the place of business-
b. Authorized signatory (in case of a limited Company and partner ship firm)
c. Testing Instruments and
d. dissolution of partnership etc.
4. The Licencee shall always keep and maintain the following instruments:
Testing Instruments
a. Insulation Tester (500 V class
b. Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.
c. Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.
d. Multi meter
e. Tong Tester
Safety Tools and other Equipments:
a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)
b) Wire gauge or micrometer
and Library for relevant Acts, rules and BIS publications
5. The Licencee shall himself hold certificate of competency and valid Electrical Supervisor permit
issued by the Board or employ supervisor holding competency certificate and valid Electrical
Supervisor permit issued by the Board and endorsed to his firm. Hence shall maintain
“Attendance Register”. in form E1
6. The Licencee shall get the work done only through the Wireman holding valid wireman permit
issued by the Board under direct supervision by the Supervisor and. endorsed to his firm.
Hence shall maintain “work allocation Register”. in form F1
7. Every work undertaken by the Licencee shall be evidenced by a written agreement with the
person concerned. The wiring and other materials used by the Licencee for the work executed
shall conform to the standards approved by BIS. Hence, shall maintain (a) Application Register
in form D1, (b) Material Issue Register in form G1 and (c) Copies of estimates and agreements in
form Z duly signed by the Licencee and the consumer concerned.
8. The Licencee shall intimate the the jurisdictional officer of the supplier not below the rank of
Junior Engineer / Electrical Inspectorate Officer before undertaking the execution of any work
in Form A1 append to the Rules, and also the completion of such work within three days from
the date of completion of such work.
9. The Licencee shall afford all facilities to the Electrical Inspector or any person authorized by
him in writing to inspect at all times any work under execution.
10. The Electrical Inspector may, if in his opinion the work under execution is likely to cause
danger to the life or property of the consumer or any other person, direct to stop the work and
rectify the defects. The Licence shall comply with such direction.
11. The Licencee shall at all times ensure safety to the public.
12. The Licencee shall be bound to comply with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations, 2010, any
rules and regulations made thereunder, and the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors
and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012.

Licence in Book form

Out Side of Cover:



(Rule – 32)



Inside of Cover
SPECIAL WIRING PERMIT No : LSWP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Photo of the
signatory of
the firm

Specimen signature of the Authorized signatory of the firm

First page:
Government of Karnataka

Special wiring permit No: LSWP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date of issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Valid up to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Name and Address firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .Rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide Challan No… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 32 of the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical

contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules, 2012,

M/s… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is hereby authorized to carry

out, Electrical Installation work in the State of Karnataka in their own installation subject to the
conditions mentioned in the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical contractors and grant of certificates and
permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen) Rules 2012, and Issued by the Government of
Karnataka under Government Notification.




Second and third page

Details of Electrical Supervisor
Date of Signature Date of
Sl Name of the permit Permit No Date of Signature of the
Expiry of of the cancellation of
No holder and Grade Endorsement officer
permit officer Endorsement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fourth and fifth page

Details of Electrical Wireman
Date of Signature Date of
Sl Name of the permit Permit No Date of Signature of the
Expiry of of the cancellation of
No holder and Grade Endorsement officer
permit officer Endorsement

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sixth page onwards


Renewed from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .valid up to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Renewal fees of Rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .paid vide challan No…

. . . . . . . . .date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Last page

1. This Special wiring permit, if necessary, shall be got renewed by the Management.

2. This permit must be produced on demand by the Officer of Electrical Inspectorate, Government
of Karnataka to any authorities of the supplier having jurisdiction over the area where the
electrical installation work is being carried out..

3. This permit is valid for carrying out all type of Electric installation, corresponding to the class of
voltage of their installation viz, Extra High Voltage, and High voltage Electrical installations.

4. The management holding this Special wiring permit shall send intimation to the Member
Secretary, Licensing Advisory and Examination Board, in writing within seven days in case any
change of

• Address of the place of business

• Manager / Authorized signatory

• Testing instruments

• Dissolution of partnership etc

5 The management holding this Special wiring permit shall always keep and maintain the

following instruments depending on the class of voltage of their Electrical installation

a) For above 33 kV installation

1. Insulation Tester

a) 5000V (b) 1000V (c) 500 V class each

2. Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.

3. Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.

4. Multi meter

5. Tong Tester

6. Earth Tester with testing accessories.

7. Phase sequence meter

8. Portable Frequency meter range 45 to55 HZ

9. Portable PF meter 5Amps, 240V, A/C.

Safety Tools and Equipments:

1. Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)

2. Safety Belt

3. Full harness belt

4. Wire gauge or micrometer

5. Hand operated and hydraulic operated crimping tool.

6. Welding generator set.

7. Portable grinder

8. Portable drill

9. Rollers for cable laying

10. Cable drum lifting jacks

11. Blow lamp for cable jointing

12. Hole saw cutter

13. Torque wrinch spanner

14. Come along clamp

15. Chain pulley

16. Manela rope

and Library for relevant Acts, rules and BIS publications

b) For 33 kV and below voltage installation;

1 Insulation Tester

a) 1000V (b) 500 V class each

2 Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.

3 Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.

4 Multi meter

5 Tong Tester

6 Earth Tester with testing accessories.

7 Phase sequence meter

Safety Tools and Equipments:

a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)

b) Safety Belt

c) Wire gauge or micrometer

and Library for relevant Acts, rules and BIS publications

6 The management holding this Special wiring permit ;

a) shall employ supervisors holding certificate of competency and valid Electrical

Supervisors Permits issued by the Board. shall get the work done only through the
wiremen under their employ holding valid wiremen permits issued by the Board under
the direct supervision by the Supervisors.

b) shall afford all the facilities to the Chief Electrical Inspector to Govt or any person
authorized by him in writing to inspect at all times any work under execution.

c) shall all time ensure safety to the employees and the public.

d) shall be bound to comply with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations, 2010,
any rules and regulations made there under, and the Karnataka (Licensing of Electrical
contractors and grant of certificates and permits to electrical supervisors and wiremen)
Rules 2012.


(Rule 20 and 24)

Electrical Supervisor Examination

Syllabus for Examination of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency- Electrical

Supervisor (General Grade 2)
Paper - I

Electricity- Theory (Elementary Knowledge)

1. Principles of Electricity

Electric pressure, current and resistance – Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, specific resistance, laws of
resistance and their application for calculating voltage drop-series and parallel circuit – simple
problems. Practical units of voltage, current, resistance, power and energy. Relation between
electrical power unit (kW) and mechanical power unit (HP). Inductance, capacitance, reactance and
impedences. magnetic, chemical and heating effects of electric current.

2. Electromagnetism

Flux flux density – magnetic field strength, permeability – flux distribution due to straight
conductor and circular loop – magnetic circuits – reluctance – calculation of MMF – effect of air gap
– hysterisis loop of magnetic materials – force acting on a current carrying conductor – lifting power
of a magnet.

Electro magnetic inductance – production of EMF – Flemings HandRules – Faraday’s and Lenz’s
Law – statically and dynamically induced EMFs – self and mutual inductance – coupling coefficient.
Magnetic properties of materials – electro magnets and their applications.

3. Materials

Conductors, non-conductors and insulators – insulating materials and their relative merits –
transformer oil – effect of heat and moisture on insulation – lubricants and their uses – dielectrics –
dielectric strength – permittivity.

Different types of wires, cables, switches, circuit breakers, fuses and their safe current carrying
capacity. Use of tables and data sheets generally given in electrical hand book.

4. Generation of electricity
Methods of generation of electric power – Block schematic layout of generating stations –
hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear stations. Non conventional energy sources – solar, tidal and wind
power. Economics of generation – load factor, diversity factor, plant factor.

5. AC Generators (Alternators)

Basic principle – details of construction and essential components – voltage Rule – methods of
voltage Rule – synchronous reactance, Rule, methods of voltage control and frequency control –
synchronizing of alternators – conditions and methods for synchronising – synchroscopes – bright
lamp and dark lamp methods – simple associated switch board and its accessories.

6. DC Generators
Basic principle – essential components – details of construction – shunt, series and compound
generators and their characteristics – causes of sparking interpoles, commutators and their
maintenance – carbon brushes – their adjustment and care – voltage Rule – parallel operation of DC
generators – shunt, series and compound. simple switch board and its accessories.

7. Batteries

Primary cells, dry cells, storage or secondary batteries – lead acid and nickel cadmium batteries–
construction–characteristics– charging and discharging. charging circuits and their calculation–
seriesand parallel circuits – specification – maintenance – use of hydro meters.

8. AC Motors

Rotating magnetic field – three phase induction motors – construction – principle of operation –
speed – frequency – slip – types – star delta starting. single phase induction motor - construction –
different methods of starting. squirrel cage induction motor – slip ring induction motor –
construction. Methods of starting – slip torque – slip characteristics – no load and blocked rotor
tests – efficiency – circle diagram and determination of characteristics – synchronous motors –
general principle of operation – uses – installation – methods of starting and speed control and
reversal of direction – commutator motors. Torque calculation and basic knowledge of variable
voltage and variable frequency drives (vvvfd).

9. DC Motors

Motor principle – series, shunt and compound wound type motors – their uses, installation –
methods of starting – speed control – reversal of directions.

10. AC Circuits
Alternating current fundamentals – generation of alternating currents – waveform – frequency
period – average value, rms value and form factor – different wave forms – phasor representation of
alternating quantities – rectangular, polar and exponential forms.

Analysis of simple AC circuits with resistance, inductance and capacitance. Concept of impedence
and admittance – phasor representation – ‘j’ notation. Power and power factor in ac circuits –
active and reactive components. Solution of RL, RC and RLC circuits – series, parallel and series
parallel circuits.

Three phase systems – star and Delta connection – relationship between phase and line values of
voltage and current – phasor representation – solution of balanced and unbalanced three phase
circuits – three wire and four wire systems – power in three phase systems – phase sequence –
measurement of active and reactive power in single phase and three phase systems.

11. Switch gear and protection

Knowledge of various types of switches and protective fuses and circuit breakers like MCBs, ELCBs,
ACBs, SF6 breakers, etc, and cutouts, starters, regulators, protective devices for both AC and DC
motors. Basic methods of transformer, generator, motor, and feeder protection. Thermal and
magnetic releases – relays – IDMT, instantaneous type – over current, earth fault and earth leakage
relays – time and current settings and their wiring with motors. Concepts, features and
applications of static (electronic) relays, auto-reclosers, sectionalizes.

12. Transformers

Transformer – construction – use and maintenance – voltage and current relations – losses and
efficiency – three phase transformer connections – star/star, delta/delta, star/delta, delta/star, V-
V, T-T-Parallel operation of three phase transformers-Auto transformer – transformer tapings,
temperature rise, automatic voltage boosters. Instrument transformers current transformers,
potential transformers, ratio and phase angle errors, accuracy class (metering class, protection
class etc.), polarity checking, CT and PT specifications.

13. Conversion

Principle of operation of motor – generator set, rotary or synchronous convertors, mercury-arc

rectifiers, inverters, thyristors and other static devices. Battery chargers – voltage equation.
Filtering – half wave – full wave and bridge rectifiers.

14. Transmission and Distribution

Bulk transmission of electric power – typical power transmission scheme – need for high
transmission voltage. Sub-stations substation equipments – primary and secondary transmission
and distribution systems – overhead lines – effect of power factor – general principles and simple
problems. Line constants – determination of voltage drop – Rule. construction of lines of voltage
upto 250 V and exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 33 kV, size of conductor, length of spans, sags,
strength of poles, spacing of conductors, cross-arms, effects of temperature, wind pressure, ice and
snow, tension of wire, insulators, brackets, stays, struts, guard wires, vibration dampers and other
protective devices. Earthing – lightning arrestors and lightning conductors and their testing.
Testing and fault location. Methods of working on overhead lines, equipment used for replacement
of insulators, their ratings, methods of replacement of insulators, inspection of transmission and
distribution lines. Concepts and advantages of 3-phase and 1-phase distribution systems of
voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV.

15. Underground cables

Simple calculations and general principles of laying Cables direct in the ground, in troughs and
pipes, handling, bending, joining, plumbing, underground and above ground junction boxes.
Distribution board and pillars. Joint box compound, melting of compounds and filling boxes with
compounds. Testing and fault location – Murray Varley loop tests.Current rating – short time
rating and continuous rating – derating factors of cables – basic knowledge of different types of
cables – PVC, APVC, AYFY, XLPE – calculation of voltage drop.

16. Illumination and Street lights

Characteristics of different types of lamps – incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, vapour lamps –
sodium and HPMV lamps – energy efficient lamps – luminous tube sign installations of voltage
exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV. Photo metric units and simple measurements. General
requirements of efficient lighting – simple problems on illumination. Street lighting-time switches.
Different types of poles – swaged poles and step up poles. Different types of brackets – single
upsweep, double upsweep, swan made type and 15 inclined with support. Lanterns – side
entry/top entry lanterns, anodized parabolic reflector, POT reflector etc.

17. Electrical Safety Rules: Working knowledge of

i. Wiring Rules

ii. Protection and restoration of persons suffering from electric shock

iii. Working on over head lines

iv. Working in switch yard on voltage exceeding 650 V.

v. Preliminary knowledge of Codes of Practices and Specifications prescribed by Bureau of

Indian Standards.

Syllabus for Examination of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency -

Electrical Supervisor (General) Grade 2

Paper - II

Electrical Energy Utilisation (Elementary Knowledge)

1. Design of electrical installations

a. Domestic Installations

Various systems of LT wiring – cleat, cab tyre sheathed, wood casing and capping, metal sheathed,
conduit and armoured cable for lighting and power in residential premises – types of wires and
cables, standards sizes – estimates of material and cost of different types of installations – wiring of
temporary installations together with necessary switchgear and portable appliances. Electrical
wiring installations for large multi-storied residential buildings.

b. Industrial Installations

Load survey – connected load –maximum demand – demand factor – diversity load centre, selection
of sub-station site – transformer capacity – selection of distribution voltage – main switch board –
sub-switch board and distribution fuse board – MCC – PMCC – PCC – distribution layout – location
of switch boards – fault level calculations – circuit diagrams.

2. Earthing

Resistivity of soil – measurement – computation of earth resistance – different materials used for
earthing conductors - current densities – corrosion factors – determination of size of earth bus,
number of earth electrodes – plate, pipe and strip electrodes – disposition of electrodes – joints in
earth conductors – size of earth conductors for equipments of various capacities – earth continuity
wire – earth continuity resistance – itsRules.

3. Selection of equipments
Different. types of breakers – OCB – ACB – VCB – MCCB – MCB – contactors – breaking capacity –
making capacity – selection of breakers –selection of switches – short time and continuous ratings –
HRC fuses – uses – prospective currents – cut off values – selection of major and minor fuses –
grading. Switch boards – design of outlets – fabrication – design parameters – FBARules. Cables –
short time and continuous ratings – derating factors – design aspect of different types of cables.
Hazardous areas. Motors–selection of starting methods of motors – DC motors –speed control–
limitations on staring current and voltage drop–system disturbance. Motors of voltage exceeding
650 V but not exceeding 33 kV – protection – motor protection relays – capacitors – power factor
improvement, selection. Methods of connection of Special type transformers – furnace transformers
– welding transformers – rectifier transformers scott connection – tertiary windings. captive
generation – determination of capacity – load segregation – double bus system – changeover
arrangements – Indian Standards.

4. Energy measurements and tariffs

Measurement of Power – Wattmeters, Energy meters, Power factor correction by capacitors –

Trivector Meters – Installation and Computation of energy – T.O.D meters. Tariffs – different types
for LT and HT consumers – Simple calculations relating to cost of energy.-Concepts and features of
electronic/digital metering

5. Installation, Testing and Maintenance

Insulation tester – earth tester – relay testing kit. Schering Bridge, Break down test of oil. Single
phase and three phase energy meter testing, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter – different installation.
Recommended values of insulation resistance – desired values. Polarisation index – earth
resistance measurements – desired values. Polarity tests – test for earth continuity paths –
rectification of faults. detection and location of faults in domestic appliances and wiring
installations. Relay testing – maintenance of various electrical installations – relevant standards
andRules. Protective devices, basic knowledge of earthing of generators, motors, machines,
installations and electrical appliances. Lightning protection – calculation of number of down
conductors – test joint – lightning arrestors.

6. Cable Jointing
Aluminium and copper cable jointing – types – precautions – termination. Indian Standards.

7. Clearances

Statutory clearances of live parts from ground, buildings – sectional clearances – equipment
clearances – clearance of switch boards – oil containing equipments – Indoor and outdoor
equipment clearances.

8. Symbols.

List of symbols as per N.E.C – preparation of simple electrical wiring diagrams and electrical circuit
diagrams – reading out simple electrical circuit diagrams.

9. Preparation of Schematic diagrams

Electrical connection for

1. DC and AC generators, switch board, transformers.

2. Main switch boards and sub-switch boards with circuit breakers, switch fuse units, with down
stream load details in each circuit.

3. DC and AC motors, their starters, regulators.

4. Battery charging equipment.

5. Converting machinery.

6. Lifts with their safety devices.

7. X-ray.

8. Neon-sign.

10. Special Type of Equipments

X-ray, neon-sign, lift, cinema installations – relevantRules – circuitry – safety precautions –

earthing – fire precaution measures.

11. Energy Audit and Conservation-concepts and applications

12. SCADA systems and remote data acquisition and control general concepts and applications.

13. Rules and standards: Working knowledge of

1. Electricity Act, 2003.

2. Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations, 2010

3. Code of practice for Cinema and Lift and Escalators Installations.



( Rule 24)

Syllabus for Examination of Electrical Supervisory Certificate of Competency -

Electrical Supervisor (Mines) Grade 2


Mines Installations (Elementary Knowledge)

1. Wiring

Different types of wiring for power and lighting installations underground – different types of
permissible types of cables to be used underground and in hazardous areas.

2. Preparation of schematic diagrams

1. DC and AC generators, switch boards, transformers etc.

2. Distribution boards with circuit breakers, switch fuse units with down stream load details in
each circuit.

3. DC and AC motors with their starters and capacitors.

4. Battery charger and lamp cabin

3. Apparatus including flame proof apparatus for use in hazardous locations in coal and oil mines
flame proof enclosures – general construction – rating plate and diagram of connections – rated
voltage and frequency – rate outputs – rating of motors in flame proof enclosures – performance –
temperature rise – tests for flame proofness.

4. Installation and maintenance of Electrical Equipments in Mines

1. General requirement of electrical equipment installed in mines – design – layout

2. Electrical protection of circuits and apparatus.

3. Protective measures against risk of electric shock.

4. Intrinsically safe apparatus and circuits.

5. Installation of electrical equipments.

6. Portable and transportable apparatus.

7. Cables.

8. Communication and signalling systems

9. Maintenance of electrical equipments in mines – Special precautions for maintenance of flame

proof equipment – Special precautions for maintenance of intrinsically safe equipment

10. Installation and maintenance of:

a) Electrical winders, haulages and pump units, their control gears and starters.

b) Rectifiers, rotary converters and electric locomotives.

5. General principles and elementary knowledge of

1. Supply voltage for transmission, distribution and use underground

2. Control gear – transformers – insulated cables – cable terminal arrangement and sealing boxes –
power distribution – motors and motor starters

3. Connected load – maximum demand – demand factor – diversity load centre


4. Power energy consumption in pumping, hauling and mining installations and other face

6. Power and energy measurement and tariffs

Measurement of power-watt meters – energy meters used in both DC and AC – power factor
correction by capacitors – trivector meters – T.O.D. meters – their installation and computation of
energy. Single and three phase static meters and principles of measuring energy consumption.

Tariffs – Different tariffs for LT and HT consumers – simple calculation relating to cost of energy.

7. Testing and fault attendance

Insulation tester – earth tester – relay testing kit – Schering Bridge, break down test of oil-single
phase and three phase energy testing – voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter testing – different
installations – recommended values of insulation resistance – polarisation index – earth resistance
measurements – desired values – Test for earth continuity paths – relay testing. detection and
location of earth and faults in electrical apparatus and cables in voltage not exceeding 250 V and
control circuits.

8. Flexing, trailing cables for portable and transportable apparatus. Knowledge of different types of
cables including pliable armoured cables, their installation, maintenance, fault location, efficient
repairs by vulcanized joints and testing.

9. Illumination, signaling and telecommunication system in Mines

10. Safety and protective devices

1. Electrical protection of circuits and apparatus – protection against over currents –protection
against earth leakage.

2. Protective measures against risk of electrical shock – protection against contact with live parts –
insulation resistance – protective earthing.

11. Safety Rules

4. Working knowledge of Central Electricity Authority ( Measures relating to safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010, with particular reference to chapter X.


(Rule 27)

Syllabus for Examination for Electrical Wiremen Permit Grade 2

1. Properties of copper and aluminium conductors. Properties of insulating materials such as PVC,
XLPE, rubber and porcelain. Concept of voltage, current, power, energy, resistance, inductance,
capacitance, impedence, power-factor. Simple calculation of current, power, energy and voltage
drop. Comparison between series and parallel connection of loads.

2. Basic principle of bulk generation of electricity in hydel and thermal stations. Functions of sub-
stations and transformer stations in power systems. Lead acid and dry type of storage batteries.
constructional details, characteristics, charging and maintenance, tubular and maintenance free

3. Measuring devices. Principle of operation of voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, tong tester and
multimeter. Measurement of energy in single phase and three phase circuits using energy meters.
Checking of possible errors.

4. Transformers principle of operation, construction, KVA and current ratings – efficiency, care and
maintenance. Induction motors. Principle of working of squirrel cage and slipring motors–starter,
D.O.L., star/delta(semiautomatic and automatic) and rotor resistance types. Single phase motors
principle. Different types of fan regulators -–resistance and electronic types. Principle of operation
of fractional horse power motors used in appliances such as mixies, washing machines, etc.
Principle of operation of AC generators.

5. Various systems of LT wiring – types of wires and standard sizes – voltage and current ratings –
thumbRules for voltage drop in cables. Main switch boards, sub switch boards and distribution
boards – permissible loads – selection of location and standards clearances for main boards etc.
Circuit breakers, MCCBs, switch fuse units, MCBs, etc standard ratings. Conduits – metallic and
non metallic types – permissible numbers of wires in conduits. Wiring of Special equipments like
UPS, invertors, standby for computers, etc. Essential factors for wiring high rise buildings.

6. Earthing of systems, necessity types of standards for earthing – selection of location – type and size
of earthing conductors – minimum number of earth electrodes. Earthing of Special equipment.

7. Fuses, rewirable and HRC types – ratings, selection and grading. Circuit breakers – MCCB, MCB,
Overload protection, Earth leakage protection – ELCB – principle of operation – standards leakage
current ratings.

8. Principle of operation of invertors, UPS and electronic chokes, power ratings. principle of operation
and characteristics of commonly used light sources such as incandescent lamps, fluorescent
lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, vapour lamps.

9. Standard symbols of various types of electrical equipments – reading of schematic drawing for
power and control circuits. Electrical workman tools and accessories.

10. Testing and commissioning of installations – standards, testing meters – insulation tester, earth
tester, neon tester, hand held lamp tester. General knowledge of continuity and polarity tests in
single phase and three phase wiring, insulation resistance and earth resistance test.

11. Safety measures to be observed while working – devices used for electrical workman safety.
Knowledge on tariffs. Procedure for availing electric supply to consumer – submission of
completion report. Energy efficient and trouble free maintenance of installations. Knowledge of
energy conservation methods. Code of conduct and ethics to be observed by the electrical workman
with the Contractor, consumer and the Regulatory Authorities. Protective measures against
electrical shocks to working personnel, restoration of and first aid to persons sustaining electrical


(Rule 12 )

a) For Super Grade: Testing Instruments
1) Insulation Tester
a) 5000V (b) 1000V (c) 500 V class each
2) Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.
3) Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.
4) Multi meter
5) Tong Tester

6) Earth Tester with testing accessories.

7) Phase sequence meter
8) Portable Frequency meter range 45 to55 HZ
9) Portable PF meter 5Amps, 240V, A/C.
Safety Tools and other Equipments:
a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)
b) Wire gauge or micrometer
c) Safety Belt
d) Full harness belt
e) Hand operated and hydraulic operated crimping tool.
f) Welding generator set.
g) Portable grinder
h) Portable drill
b) For Class 1 : Testing Instruments
1. Insulation Tester
(a) 1000V (b) 500 V class each
2. Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.
3. Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.
4. Multi meter
5. Tong Tester
6. Earth Tester with testing accessories.
7. Phase sequence meter
Safety Tools and other Equipments:
a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)
b) Wire gauge or micrometer
c) Safety Belt
and Library for relevant Acts, Rules and BIS Publications
Wiring Instruments and Equipments.
c) For Class 2 and 3 :
Testing Instruments
1. Insulation Tester 500 V class each
2. Portable Voltmeter - range 0 to 600 volts.
3. Portable Ammeter – range 0 to 60 A.
4. Multi meter
5. Tong Tester
Safety Tools and other Equipments:
a) Rubber hand gloves tested to 15 kV (Electrical grade)
b) Wire gauge or micrometer
and Wiring Instruments and Equipments.


Particulars Fees


1 Licence to Electrical Contractor Super Grade 10,000/-

2 Licence to Electrical Contractor Class 1 3,000/-

3 Licence to Electrical Contractor Class 2 2,000/-

4 Licence to Electrical Contractor Class 3 1,000/-

5 Special wiring permit to Industry (LSWP) 10,000/-

6 Electrical Supervisor (General) or (Mines) for any Grade 500/-

7 Electrical Wireman for any Grade 200/-


1 Licence to Electrical Contractor Super Grade 10,000/-

2 Licence to Electrical Contractor Class 1 3,000/-

3 Licence to Electrical Contractor Class 2 2,000/-

4 Licence to Electrical Contractor Class 3 1,000/-

5 Special wiring permit to Industry (LSWP) 10,000/-

6 Electrical Supervisor (General) or (Mines) for any Grade 500/-

7 Electrical Wireman for any Grade 200/-

C Penalty for late submission (For Renewal):

1 For a) any Licence or b) Special wiring permit 500/-

2 Electrical Supervisor and wiremen permit of any Grade 50/-


1 Electrical Supervisor (General) or (Mines) 500/-

2 Electrical Wireman 200/-


1 For duplicate a) any Licence or b) Special wiring permit 500/-

2 For duplicate Competency certificate/Permit for any Grade 50/-

3 For endorsement on both a) any Licence or b) Special wiring permit 50/-

Licence , and Permit

Particulars Fees

4 For cancellation of endorsement on both a ) any Licence or b) Special 50/-

wiring permit and permit

5 For Change of signatory or Partners / Directors of the 500/-

firm/company/factory, for a) any Licence or b) Special wiring permit

6 For Change of Address, for a) any Licence b) Special wiring permit or 50/-
c) any permit holder.

7 For Change of instruments (other then at the time of fresh or renewal 50/-
of licence/Special wiring permit), for a) any Licence or b) Special wiring

8 For all applications under Sl No A, B and D above. 25/-

In case of applicants belonging to SC and ST, examination fees under Sl No D and application
form fees for examination under Sl No E (8) shall be 50% of the fee specified subject to furnishing the
caste certificate in the prescribed form.



Desk Officer,
Energy Department

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