Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer
Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer
Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer
Government of Maharashtra
Government Resolution No. Misc 2019/ C.R. 96/ Energy-5
Mantralaya, Madam Cama Marg,
Hutatma Rajguru Chowk, Mumbai 400 032
Dated the 20th September, 2019
Ref : Letter of Central Electricity Authority No. CEI/1/2/2018 dated 21 st June 2018
Preamble -
In accordance with the Regulation 5A of Central Electricity Authority
(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Amendment Regulations, 2018,
the Central Government has introduced Self Certification of the electrical
installation by the owner or Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer (CESE) upto the
notified voltage.
In pursuance of the guidelines issued for authorizing the Chartered Electrical
Safety Engineer by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), it was under consideration of
the Government of Maharashtra for adopting guidelines for the state of
Maharashtra, for authorizing the Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer upto the
Notified Voltage declared by Government of Maharashtra from time to time. After
consideration the State Government has decided to issue following Government
Resolution :
Government Resolution –
In pursuance of the guidelines issued for authorizing the Chartered Electrical
Safety Engineer by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the Government of
Maharashtra hereby adopt and issue the following guidelines for the state of
Maharashtra, for authorizing the Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer upto the
Notified Voltage declared by Government of Maharashtra vide notification issued in
this regard from time to time.
(d) “Notified Voltage” means a voltage notified by the State Government for the
purpose of spacifying the voltage level upto which self-cetification is to be
carried out under . Regulation 30 and regulation 43 of the Central Electiricty
Authority ( Measure relting to Safety and Electrical Supply ) Regulations 2010.
(e) Words and expressions used and not defined in these guidelines but defined
in the Electricity Act, 2003 and CEA (Measures relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010 (as amended) shall have the meanings respectively
assigned to them in the Electricity Act, 2003 and CEA (Measures relating to
Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 (as amended).
(b) He/She shall qualify the on-line written examination conducted by Board. The
procedure for conducting on-line written examination for the Chartered
Electrical Safety Engineer is as follows :
i. Eligible Engineer, who is domiciled in the state of Maharashtra
appearing for CESE on-line written examination shall make an on-line
application as given in Advertisement, after paying the application
fees as decided by the Board from time to time through the mode as
inidcated in the advertisement.
ii. Engineer, who is domiciled in the state of Maharashtra, is eligible for
exemption from CESE on-line written examination shall make on-line
application as given in Advertisement after paying the application fees
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(e) CESE shall not hold any post in Government/ Semi Government /Public
Sector Undertakings/ Companies or associated with any organization which
directly or indirectly influence the working of CESE.
(f) He/She shall for all the time in his possession have the basic testing
equipments (indicative list of basic equipments is given in ANNEXURE-IV)
as may be prescribed by the Board for testing of the electrical installations.
4. Scope of work -
The CESE shall assist the owner or supplier or consumer of electrical
installations for the purpose of self-certification upto the level of notified voltage
provided those installations which are not covered under Section 54 of Electricity
Act, 2003.
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(b) He / She shall test electrical installations and keep a record thereof in Form-
I/Form-II/ Form-III of Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and
Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 (as ammended), as the case may be, and
submit the same along with photographs/video of the apparatus tested to the
supplier or owner or consumer by whom he/she is hired and to the respective
office of the Electrical Inspector (EI) within seven working days from the date of
testing and will produce the same at the time of renewal. The Electrical Inspector
may, on receipt of Self-certification report referred above, accept the report
submitted by the supplier or owner or consumer in format given in Annexure-V or
record variations as the circumstances of each case may require or recommend
that the defects may be rectified as recommended in format given in Annexure-VI.
(c) The owner shall carry out the recommendations given by the CESE in this
report, within the time prescribed in the report. In case the owner fails to rectify the
shortcomings as identified by the CESE even after the prescribed period, the CESE
shall inform the same to the repective office of the Electrical Inspector within a
period of 15 days from the expiry of the time prescribed in the report of rectification.
Such records shall be made available to the office of the Electrical Inspector (EI) by
the owner or CESE, as and when required.
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(c) The authorization of Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer will be issued to any
person initially for the period of three years at the time of registration and will be
renewed for further period of two years by the Board based on the performances of
CESE on the fees decided by the Baord from time to time. However, the
authorization will cease automatically on his/her attaining the age of 65 years.
There shall be only one time fees of Rs. 10,000/- for the registration as CESE. The
procedure for the renewal of authorisation shall be prescribed by the Board.
(d) In case of any dispute arising between CESE and owner or supplier or
consumer on the inspection, the decision of the respective Electrical Inspector on
the same, shall prevail. An appeal against the decision of the respective Elctrical
Inpector shall be heard by the respective Superintending Engineer.
(e) Any electrical installation which have been checked / tested by the CESE may
be inspected/revisited by the Chief Electrical Inspector or Electrical Inspector in
case he/she is not satisfied with the check/testing carried out by CESE.
(f) The testing equipment used by the CESE shall be calibrated at any NABL
accredited laboratory at least once in every two years.
8c89c588ff71bef, cn=Prashant Pundlik Badgeri
Date: 2019.09.20 13:01:45 +05'30'
( Prashant Badgeri )
Deputy Secretary to Government.
Copy to:
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c) Electrical Substation – Type of substation – AIS and GIS, layout and Bus
bar scheme, earthing layout, type and basic principle of substation apparatus
including circuit breaker, CT, CVT/PT, isolator, earth swich, wave trap, surge
arrestor, LT switchgears, DC Batteries, Chargers, UPS, SCADA System,
protection schemes and relays used for protection of various substation
equipments, various operational interlocks, pre-commissioning tests of
substation apparatus, procedure and test equipments used.
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8. Act, Safety Regulations and relevant Code and Standards – Electricity Act,
2003, Factories Act, 1948, CEA(Measures relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations 2010, CEA(Technical Standards for Construction of
Electrical Plants and Lines) Regulations, 2010, CEA(Technical Standard for
Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007, Relevant IS/NEC/IEC Standards
mentioned in CEA Regulations or used in connection with generation,
transmission, distribution of electricity, testing procedure, earthing of electrical
apparatus and switchgears, fire safety, National Electrical Code, National
Building Code, all amendments in the Acts, Regulations, Code and Standards
as mentioned above.
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satisfied that his/her qualification entitled him/her to exemption from taking the prescribed
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010.
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electrical apparatus.
of electrical insulation.
11. Others necessary testing kits : as suggested by the office of the CEI/SE/EI.
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Name and Address of the Supplier/ Owner/ Consumer
Electrical Inspector
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Electrical Inspector
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