Final TELP 2019 App

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No. F.6 (3)/INS/E/TELB/2019-20/24-29 Dated, Agartala,24/04/2019

WHEREAS, Indian Electricity Act. 1910, was repealed by the Electricity Act. 2003 (Central
Act. No. 36 of 2003)
AND WHEREAS, the Central Electricity Authority was empowered to make regulations
under section 177 of the Electricity Act. 2003 and accordingly the Central Electricity Authority has
made Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulation, 2010.
AND WHEREAS, regulation 29 of the said regulation prescribes that, the State
Government may issue licence to an Electrical Contractor or a permit to an electrical Contractor or a
permit to any other person for undertaking the works mentioned under the said regulation;
AND WHEREAS, it is now expedient for the State Government to prescribe a procedure for
the purpose of issuing such licence and permit to the electrical contractors, Supervisors and workmen
and the matters connected therewith or incidental thereto;
NOW THEREFORE, the Governor of Tripura is hereby pleased to prescribe the following
Set of Procedure for the purpose aforesaid, in supersession of all other notification, memo or order in
this regard and on this behalf.

Joint Secretary to
Government of Tripura

Copy forwarded to:

1. PPS to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tripura.

2. PS to all Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries of all Department of Govt. of Tripura.
4. All Chief Engineers of PWD.
5. All members, Tripura Electrical Licensing Board (TELB).

Copy Also to:

The Superintendant, Tripura Govt. Press, Agartala, Tripura with request to publish in next
issue of Tripura Gazette.(Hard copy & Soft Copy Enclosed)

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1. i). This Set of Procedure may be called The Tripura Electrical Licensing (Contractors/
Supervisors/ Workman) Procedure, 2019 (here in will be referred as TELP-2019)
ii). They shall be deemed to have come into force on and from the date of their notification in
the Official Gazette.
iii).They shall apply in the whole of the State of Tripura.
2. Appointment of Licensing Board: For carrying out the purpose of Sub-Regulation(1)
of Regulation 29 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010 the State Government may appoint a licensing Board (hereinafter referred
to “the Board”).
3. Constitution of the Licensing Board: The Board shall consist of:-
a) Secretary, Department of Power, Tripura Ex-Officio President
b) Head of the Department, Electrical Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology, Agartala. Member
c) Head of the Department, Electrical Engineering Department,
Tripura Institute of Technology, Agartala. Member
d) Principal, I.T.I., Indranagar, Agartala: Tripura. Member
e) A representative from Department of Power, Tripura. Member
f) Executive Engineer, Internal Electrification Division, PWD, Agartala. Member
g) A Representative from recognized Association of Electrical Contractors
engaged in electrical Work in Tripura. Member
h) Electrical Inspector Ex-Officio Secretary

4. Term of office: The term of office of Members other than Ex-Officio Member of the Board shall
be five years or such shorter period as the State Government may direct.

5. (a) Filling up of vacancies and power to function:- If a Member of the Board leaves the
State or is absent therefrom for a period more than 6(six) months, another Member may
be appointed in his place for the unexpired portion of his term of office.
(b) The Board shall have power to act not withstanding any vacancy in its membership.
6. Function of the Board: - The functions of the Board shall be:-

(a) to recommend to the State Government for granting licenses to Electrical Contractors
approved by it,
(b) to conduct examinations for selection of Supervisors/ Electrical Workmen,
(c) to recommend to the State Government for granting certificates of competency to
Supervisors/ Electrical Workman,
(d) to enquire into allegations of incompetence, negligence, breach of the Central Electricity
Authority (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 or
malpractices on the part of a Workman/ Supervisor or Contractor holding certificate or license
or breach of condition of a license on the part of a Contractor holding a license & to take
such action in respect of such certificate or license as may be considered necessary.
(e) to maintain a register of licensed Contractors and of all persons holding certificates of
(f) generally to carry out the provisions of these regulations.

7. Meeting of the Board:- The Board shall meet once in six months and at such other
times as may in the opinion of the President be necessary for transacting business which
cannot be disposed of by circulation of papers. At least seven days’ notice of all meetings shall be sent
to each Member.

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8. Quorum:- The President and / or the Secretary together with two other members shall
form a quorum at any meeting of the Board.

9. Chairman of the meeting:- The President or in his absence, such one of the Members
present as may be elected by the members at the meeting, shall be chairman of the

10. Duties of the Secretary:- The duties of the Secretary shall be:-
(i) to scrutinize all applications for admission to the examination for Certificate of Competency
and carry on correspondences in connection therewith,
(ii) to scrutinize all applications for admission to the interview for Electrical Contractor’s license
and submit the same to the President and carry on correspondences in connection therewith.
(iii) to countersign licenses to electrical contractors at the time to their renewal,
(iv) to suspend licenses or certificates or take such disciplinary action as the nature of the case
warrants, after obtaining the consent of the president,
(v) to maintain a register of licensed Electrical Contractors, Supervisors/ Workman holding
(vi) to notify to all Electric Supply undertaking concerned about licenses and certificates issued
and or cancelled/ revoked,
(vii) to discharge such other functions as may be authorized by the Board.

10. A. Authorized Govt. Officer:- Department of Power, Government of Tripura will nominate an
officer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer (Elect), stationed at Agartala to act
as the authorized Govt. Officer for the purpose of signing the Supervisory Certificate/
Workman Certificate to be issued by the Govt. on the recommendation of the Tripura Electrical
Licensing Board.



11. Examination under clause 6(b) shall be conducted by the Board at such places and on such
dates as may be notified by the Secretary from time to time in the Tripura Gazette and local

12. Every such examination shall be such a nature as to test the practical knowledge, experience
and competency of the candidate in the works specified in Rule-29 of the Central Electricity Authority
(Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 to the satisfaction of the
board for the purpose of granting certificates of competency under the said Rule.

13. Every examination shall be conducted in a place where, in the opinion of the Board, the
candidate’s knowledge can be practically tested and besides written examination, each candidate
shall be tested in viva-voce.

14. Application for admission to the examination:- Every candidate seeking admission to
examination shall make an application in Form – ‘A’ of the schedule annexed hereto, duly filled in, to
the Secretary not less than twenty one days before the date fixed for the examination together with:-

(a) Testimonial of practical experience as an Electrical Workman.

(b) Electrical Workman’s Certificate, if any.
(c) Challan or receipt in support of payment of the examination fee, and
(d) 3(three) copies of a recent Passport size photograph all of which shall bear his signature
or thumb impression on the back.

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(e) Educational qualification/ Technical qualification, if any and
(f) Certificate for the date of birth / age on the date of application and
(g) Voter ID/AADHAR Card/PRTC in support of residential address.

15. The fees paid by a candidate, whose application for admission to an examination has been
accepted shall not be refunded to him on any account. Provided that the Board may, subject to the
other provisions of these regulations, allow a candidate who has earlier been prevented from
appearing in the examination to appear in the next examination without further payment of fees. In
the event of a candidate not appearing at the next examination, his application will be lapsed and the
fees will be forfeited.


Certificate of Competency for Operative Electrical Workman.

16. (i) The examination for Certificate to Electrical Workman which is intended for Operative
Electrical Workman shall be distinct and separate from that of Supervising Electrical

The Examination of Operative Electrical Workman will consist of a compulsory
paper carrying 100 marks for (three) hours written examination and candidates must
secure minimum 40 marks in the compulsory paper to qualify for appearing in subsequent
Practical Examination and Oral tests. There will be separate practical examination and oral
tests for 02(two) hours carrying 50 marks for each of the classes and candidate must
secure minimum 25 marks to pass in a particular class.

Candidates who have cleared compulsory paper will be allowed to appear in 3 (three)
consecutive practical examinations and Oral tests. In the event of failure their cases will be
considered as fresh cases requiring passing of compulsory written paper afresh.

Candidates for appearing in the examination for certificate of Competency to Operative

Electrical Workman shall be persons having minimum educational qualification of class –
VIII (passed) and

(a) Who have been trained for at least 2 (two) years under an electrical contractor licensed
under the State Government or

(b) Who have received other electrical training as an Workman which is considered satisfactory
by the Board. Provided that a candidate for Operative Workman’s Certificate in the class or
classes relating to high pressure electrical installations must have valid Operative Workman’s
Certificate in the corresponding class or classes pertaining to medium pressure electrical
installation work.

(c) Who have got 10 (ten) years practical experience to be certified by a person having at least
valid Supervisory certificate and 30 (thirty) years of age or more are exempted from written
examination and practical test(s) and eligible to appear before the Interview Board who will
decide their eligibility for granting the certificate.

(d) Who have passed 2(two) years course in Electrical trade and / or Wiremen trade from
recognized Institution like I.T.I. etc. are exempted from written examination and practical
Test(s) for Operative Electrical Workman and eligible to appear before the interview Board
who will decide their eligibility for granting the Certificate.

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(e) The criterion for minimum educational qualification may be waived for the persons who have
attained the age of 45 years or above on the date of application and have at least 10(ten)
years practical experience in the trade to be certified by person having a valid Supervisory
Certificate. Such candidates are exempted from written examinations and practical tests and
are eligible to appear before the Interview Board who will decide their eligibility for getting
the certificate.
17. (i) Syllabus :-
Syllabus for examination for Certificate of Competency to Operative Electrical Workman shall
cover any or all of the following subjects and the certificate will contain a reference to one or
more classes of wiring referred to in Sub-Clause (ii) below:-
a) Ascertaining the size of wires of solid and stranded conductors,
b) Use of test lamps.
c) Use of bell battery and other apparatus for sorting out circuits
d) Method of testing polarity and phasing out circuits,
e) Connections and diagrams for distribution boards,
f) Wiring of fittings, fixtures and other consuming appliances,
g) Methods of erecting service lines, bare and covered with insulated materials,
h) The installation of electric bells and indicators operated from electric supply lines,
i) Jointing and soldering:
a) making straight and tee joints in solid and stranded conductors and soldering them,
b) making Britannia and other approved joints in bare aerial line and soldering them.
j) Soldering lugs and sockets on wires and cables and finishing off the insulting.
k) Testing faults, measuring insulation resistance, leakage current for internal wiring and
measurement of insulation resistance for over-head lines, motors and transformers.
l) Measurement of earth resistance,
m) Action to be taken and methods of treatment in case of person suffering from electric shock.

(ii) Installation work of the classes and with the kinds of cables and wires set out below:
Voltages not exceeding “Medium Pressure” Central Electricity Authority (Measures
Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010

a) Wiring of Buildings (for lights, fans and small motors):-

(i) Cleat, wood/plastic casing and capping system employing wires and cables other
than paper insulated cables.
(ii) PVC and conduit systems (also any other system as permitted under the Central
Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations,
2010 using wires and cables other than paper insulated cables.

b) Motor wiring (including generators in conduit with wires and cables other than paper
insulated cables,
c) Cable connections by PVC cables with over-head lines,
d) Over-head lines only up to and including 33 KV
e) PVC/ PILC/ XLPE cable and jointing by conventional methods,
f) Over-head lines only,
(i) Up to 33 KV
(ii) 33 KV and above.
g) Over-head lines with paper insulated cable jointing:-
(i) Up to 33KV
(ii) Exceeding 33 KV
h) Paper insulated cable and jointing.

Note:- The syllabus may be added to or amended from time to time as may be considered
necessary by the Board.
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18. Grant of Certificate of Competency to Operative Electrical Workman:

Candidates who have passed examination for certificate of Competency to Operative

Electrical Workman shall be recommended for a certificate which the State Government may grant in
Form – C on receipt of prescribed fees. The Board may also recommend for granting such certificate
to any person who has fulfilled the requirement of clause-12 and satisfied the Board that his
qualification and practical experience justify grant of Workman’s Certificate without requiring him to
sit for examination. Provided also that Workman Permit issued by other State Licensing Boards may
be recognized on reciprocal basis, in cases where electrical contractors registered with other State
Licensing Boards are engaged in the State, on submission of application in prescribed form with
prescribed fee, it any.

Renewal of Certificate:

Operative Electrical Workman’s Certificate granted under these regulations shall be for a
period not exceeding 10(ten) years provided prescribed fee for the fee for the certificate is
deposited by the person concerned and such fee shall not be refunded on any account.

Such certificate shall be renewed every 10(ten) years. The application for renewal, along
with the original Certificate and treasury challan showing deposit of prescribed renewal fee, should
be submitted to the Secretary at least 1(one) month before the date of expiry. In case a person
fails to renew his certificate before its date of expiry, he may, on payment of prescribed late fee,
apply to the Secretary within 1(one) year from the date of expiry and such application shall be
accompanied by:

(i) Original Certificate.

(ii) Treasury Challan showing deposit of late fee in addition to prescribed renewal fee.

The Certificates which are not renewed as per provisions of this clause will automatically be
lapsed and the person concerned will have to apply afresh for appearing in the written and oral tests
or interview for grant of certificate.

18. A. Grant of duplicate Certificate :

On being satisfied that an original valid Certificate has been lost or destroyed, the Secretary
may, on application, grant a duplicate. The charge for such duplicate shall be `.50/= (Rupees
fifty) only and shall not be refunded on any account.


Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman.

19. Examination for Supervising Workman :-

The Examination for Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman is intended for

electrical Workman who will supervise installation work, specified in clause 21(c).

20. Eligibility:-
Candidates for examination for Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman must
comply with clause-13 and must:

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a) Possess valid certificate of Operative Electrical Workman and have at least 5(five)
years practical experience as Operative Electrical Workman which is regarded as
satisfactory by the Board. The experience is to be certificate by a person having at
least a valid Supervisory Certificate, or
b) have passed Madhyamik Pariksha or equivalent examination(s) from any Board or
council and have at least 5 (five) years practical experience to be certified by a
person having at least a valid Supervisory Certificate.

Provided that the Board may, at their discretion, permit any person they think fit to sit for the
examination for Certificate to Supervising Workman.

Provided also that for the purpose of this regulation every candidate who holds a Degree or
Diploma in Electrical Engineering, from an Institution recognized by State/ Central Government, and
has at least one year’s practical experience are exempted from appearing for the written examination
as well as practical and oral test for certificate of competency in Parts I, II & X and are to appear
before Interview Board who will decide their eligibility for granting the Certificate.

Provided also that the candidates having Degree / Diploma in Electrical Engineering from
an Institution recognized All India Council for Technical Education, with at least one year experience
are required to appear in Oral and Practical test for 3(three) hours a carrying 100 marks for the
Supervising Certificate in parts other than I, II & X . The candidate has to secure minimum 50
marks to pass the examination.

Provided further that persons who have held the regular post of Sr. Manager (Electrical) /
Assistant Engineer(Electrical) or above with at least 15(fifteen) years’ experience may be issued
certificate of competency in the field of their experience covering the table under clause 21(c)
without requiring them to appear in any examination / test.

c) Persons who have 15(fifteen) years of practical experience to be certified by a

person having at least a valid Supervisory Certificate and are of 40(forty) years of
age on the date of submission of application, are exempted from appearing in
written examination as well as practical and oral tests. But they are to appear before
an Interview Board who will decide their eligibility for granting the certificate.

21. Examination for Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman:

a) Candidates for the Certificate of Competency shall be examined by a written paper

for each part carrying 100 marks and also by practical examination and oral tests of
50 marks. Candidates will normally be examined through the medium of English
and Bengali languages. The Board may permit a candidate to be examined through
other medium of languages as may be possible for the Board to arrange. The
Candidate has to secure minimum 40 marks in written paper(s) and 25 marks in
Practical examination and oral test with aggregate of 65 marks. When a candidate
fails in practical examination and oral tests only, he will be allowed to appear in
3(three) consecutive practical examination and oral tests failing which his case will
be considered as fresh candidate and he will have to appear in both written and
practical examinations and oral test for getting the certificate.

b) for the purpose of these clause, all electrical installation works shall be divided as
shown under sub-clause – ‘C’ of this clause. Successful candidate shall be
recommended for a certificate of competency for any class / classes of the
installation works as the Board decides about their competency to Supervise.
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c) The syllabus for each class of certificate mentioned in column (1) shall consist of
parts in column (2) of the table below:- (Candidate may appear for the examination
for any class of certificate).

Certificate for Parts of syllabus
1.( a) Wiring for system not exceeding 650 V I & II.
(b) D.C. Apparatus not exceeding 650 V I, II & III
(c ) A.C. Apparatus not exceeding 650 V I, II & IV.
(d) Installation exceeding 650 V I, II, III, IV & V.

Note: - Part-I is compulsory for all the candidates. The passing of the parts are cumulative
and progressive. The candidate must pass in all the parts in sequence shown.

Certificate for Parts Compulsory

2. (a) Aerial line exceeding 250 V I & VI.
(b) Underground Cables I & VII
(C) Lifts I, II, III, IV & VIII.
(d) Electric signs I, II, III, IV & IX.
(e) Wiring for system not exceeding 250 V I & X.
(f) Transformer installation exceeding 650 V I, II & XI.
Note:- Certificate endorsed for underground cable works an aerial lines exceeding 250 V will be
divided into section A. B. C which are progressive and cumulative. Certificate granted to
successful candidates will be endorsed to denote the section or sections in which the
candidate has qualified.
A Candidate qualifying in Part-V need not qualify further in Part-XI.
Explanation: Part XI is included in the syllabus in Part-V.
General Notes:-The Board reserves the right to amend, alter or add to the under mentioned
syllabus at any time and without any notice.


Elementary Principles

Electrical Properties of materials:-

Conductors and insulators. The effect of commonly occurring conditions such as moistures,
heat etc. conditions of materials:- Magnetization by electric currents, electromagnets and their
application. Conductors, bare and insulated. The resistance and safe current carrying capacity,
calculation of sizes of conductors for connected load with due regard to heating and voltage drop.
Electrical measurements:- Application of Ohm’s law to simple methods of ascertaining resistance,
voltage and current. The uses of ammeters, voltmeters and their connections. Electric shock:- Action

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to be taken, method and duration of treatment in cases, of persons suffering from electric shock,
Drawing: Making and reading drawings of power and lighting circuit diagram.
Grades and classes of cable:-

Their suitability of different kinds of installation works. The installation and systematic testing
of cables for continuity, leakage, insulation resistance and the testing of connections, Earthing.
A general knowledge of, C.E.A. (Measures Relating To Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation work of this part.



Connection of low pressure installation to medium pressure supply mains. Wiring installation
including connections for power and other purposes but excluding that installation work specifically
covered by parts III & IV.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A (Measures Relating To Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation work of this part.



D.C. series, shunt and compound wound elementary theory, installation, operation, parallels
running of machines, balancers.
D.C. series, shunt and compound wound, elementary theory, their uses, installation,
operation and spend control.

Control Gear:-
The various types of switches, fuses, starters, controllers, regulators their uses and
installation. Installations in general including portable appliances but excluding that installation work
specifically covered by Parts: IV, V & VI.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation works of this part.


A.C. Apparatus exceeding 250 volts and not exceeding 650 V.

A.C. Single and poly-phase-elementary theory, installation, operation, parallel running of
machines, rotary converters, power fact or meter, frequency meters and synchroscopes.


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A.C. Single and poly phase, induction and synchronous machines, elementary theory, their
uses, installation, operation and speed control.

Control Gear:-
The various types of switches, fuses, starters, controllers, regulators their uses and
installation. Installation in general including portable appliances but exceeding that installation work
specifically covered by Parts – V & VI.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation works of this part.


Installation exceeding 650 Volts.

Generators, motors and their control gear as in parts of high Pressure apparatus.

General principles, elementary calculations, various types and uses, installation, wiring
connection, operation, phasing out and parallel operation. A working knowledge of the C.E.A
(Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010 provisions of the as
applicable to installation works of this part.

A candidate must pass in parts I, II, III & IV before appearing in an examination for Part-
V. Provided that they may appear for all the parts at same examination but will not be granted a
certificate in Part – V should they fail in either Part – I, II, III & IV.


Aerial line exceeding 250 Volts for

A) Voltage upto - 650 V.

B) Voltage upto - 33000 V.
C) Voltage exceeding - 33000 V.

General practical knowledge of erection under varying climatic conditions, spacing of

conductors, the uses of guy, struts, guard wires, safety devices, lightning conductors and arresters.
Testing of the installation and earthing.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A. (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation works of this part.



A) Voltage upto - 1,000 Volts.

B) Voltage upto - 11,000 Volts.
C) Voltages upto & exceeding 33,000 Volts
oil filled, gas filled or any other types.

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General practical knowledge of laying direct in ground, in through and in pipes, handing,
jointing, plumbing, underground and above ground joint boxes, junction boxes and distribution boxes
and pillars, joint box compound, making of compounds, filling of boxes with compound.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation works of this part.



General Principles:-

Installation and connection of A.C. and D.C. motors upto but not exceeding 650 volts,
controllers and safety devices as used in lifts.

(N.B.:- C.E.A (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 does
not extend beyond the electrical equipment installed and used in lifts).


Filament, lamps, electric discharge lamps, luminous tubes, flashers etc. their installation, connection,
operation and precaution to be taken.

A thorough knowledge of the special instructions for such signs as issued under C.E.A
(Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010.



Cleat, wood casing, plastic casing and capping system conduit and armored cable together
with main switches and cut-outs, distribution boards and correct installation of switches.
Low pressure electrical appliances – Such as heaters, cookers small motors for pumps,
refrigerators, electric bells and indicators works of electric supply lines whether portable of otherwise.

Low pressure aerial lines :- General principles of construction, strength of posts, length of
spans, spacing of conductors, height of conductors, cross-arms, guard wire, safety device, earthing
lightning conductors and arrestors and testing.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A. (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply)
Regulation, 2010 as applicable to installation works of this part.




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General principles, elementary calculations, various types of uses, installation, wiring
connections, testing, operation, phasing out and parallel operation, earthing, lap changing, protection
and safety precautions.

A working knowledge of the C.E.A. (Measures Relating To Safety And Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 as applicable to installation works of this part.

Note:- A candidate must pass in parts I & II before appearing in examination for Part-XI provided
that he may appear for all parts at the same examination but will not be granted a certificate in
Part-XI should he fail in either of parts I & II.

22. Candidates are not expected to have memorized knowledge of the C.E.A. (Measures
Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010, but they are expected to be
able to apply them to give a reasoned explanation of their meaning in any particular case, so
far as the electrical installation work is concerned. In the examination, they will be permitted
to use a copy of the Regulations.
23. Grant of Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman:-

1) Every candidate who qualified in the examination under this chapter shall be recommended
for a certificate of competency in Form-B.
2) The Board may recommend any other person for a certificate of Competency in Form-B who
has fulfilled the requirements of Clause-12 and satisfied the Board that his technical
qualifications and practical experience are such as to justify the grant of a certificate of
Competency without requiring him to sit for the examinations.
3) On recommendation of the Board, the State Government may grant a Certificate of
Competency to Supervising Electrical Workman whereupon a holder of such certificate shall
be entitled to supervise the class of installation works as may be specified in the certificate.

Provided that Certificate of Competency to Supervising Electrical Workman issued by other

State Licensing Boards may be recognized on reciprocal basis on submission of application in
prescribed form along with prescribed fee in cases where Electrical Contractors registered with the
State Licensing Board are engaged in the State.

24. Renewal of Certificate:-

Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman granted under these regulation shall be

for a period not exceeding 10(ten) years provided prescribed fee for the certificate is deposited by
the person concerned and such fee shall not be refunded on any account.

The certificate shall be renewed every 10(ten) years. The application for renewal along
with the original certificate and treasury challan, showing deposit of prescribed renewal fee, should
be submitted to the Secretary, at least 1(one) month before the date of expiry. In case a person
fails to renew his certificate before the date of expiry, he may, on payment prescribed late fee, apply
to the Secretary, within 1(one) year from the date of expiry and such application shall be
accompanied by:

i) Original Certificate.
ii) Treasury Challan showing deposit of late fee in addition to prescribed renewal fee.

25. Grant of duplicate certificate:-

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On being satisfied that an original certificate has been lost or destroyed, the Secretary may,
on application, grant a duplicate. The Charge for such duplicate shall be `.100/= (Rupees one
hundred) only and shall not be refunded on any account.



26. An Electrical Contractor’s license may be granted by the State Government only to a person (or a
firm) approved by the Board who has in his possession the instruments necessary for carrying out the
tests prescribed for the class or classes of work upon which he is engaged and who either himself
holds a certificate of competency and personally executes or supervises all work undertaken by him
or who has in his sole employ a supervisor holding a certificate of competency, under whose direct
supervision all works undertaken by him, is carried out and fulfilled such conditions as establishment,
financial stability and instruments, as may be prescribed by the Board with the concurrence of State
Provided that the Board may refuse to approve any person or firm for grant of such license
who (or which) in the opinion of the Board is not fit to hold such license, or has been found guilty or
malpractice or negligence in the business of an Electrical Contractor.
Provided also that a license shall not be granted to a Supervisor so long as he is employed by
a licensed contractor or anywhere else as an Electrical Supervisor for carrying out or supervising
electrical installation work under Regulation 29 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures
Relating To Safety And Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010.

Provided also that the electrical contractors registered with other State Licensing Board shall
be eligible to be engaged on works executed in the State on recognition of the license on reciprocal
basis after submission of the application along with prescribed fees fulfilling other conditions as laid
down in this regard.
When a person applies for an electrical contractor’s license on the ground that he has in sole
employ of a Supervisor holding a certificate of competency, a written confirmation shall be obtained
from the supervisor concerned by the applicant stating that the supervisor is under sole employ of
the applicant.

27. Application for Contractor’s License:

An application for a Contractor’s license shall be made to the Secretary in Form-D. Fees
received with such application shall not be refunded to applicant on any account.

28. Form of Contractor’s License:

The Electrical Contractor’s license shall be in Form-E and the grant of license is subject to
the conditions set out therein.

29. Register of Contractor’s:-

A register of all Electrical Contractor’s licensed under these regulations, shall be maintained
by the Secretary and published annually in the Tripura Gazette. Copies shall be kept in the office of
the Electrical Inspector to the Government of Tripura and shall be available to the public on payment
of `. 20/= (Rupees twenty) only per copy.

30. Renewal of Contractor’s License:

Every License granted under these clauses shall be in initially for a period not exceeding
5(five) years.

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A. Applications for renewal of licence shall be presented at least one month before they expire.
Such Application shall be made to the Secretary and shall be accompanied by a Treasury
Challan for having credited the fees prescribed and the licence.

Provided that a licensee may, on payment of prescribed late fee, apply within 30(thirty) days
of expiry of license for renewal of his licence.

B. If licensee fails to renew his licence within the time as prescribed in Clause-30 A. may apply to
the Secretary in Form-D for revalidation. Such application shall be accompanied by
i) the licence and
ii) a treasury challan showing deposit of fees prescribed for an application for a new

Within one year from the date of expiry of the licence the period of revalidation shall be
counted from the last date of expiry of the licence.

C. Subject to the provisions of Clause 30 A and 30 B all other applications shall treated as
applications for new license.

D. A licensee shall within 3(three) months from the date of renewal or revalidation of the
licence, as the case may be, submit -

(i) Supervisor’s declaration as to his sole employment with the contractor:

(ii) an attested copy of the valid trade license.
(iii) insulation tester, Avometer, etc. and
(iv) a Challan showing deposit of prescribed fees to the Secretary for verification and testing .

Provided that the Secretary may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the time for
submission of documents and instruments till the date of next renewal.

31. Grant of duplicate Contractor’s License:

A duplicate copy of an Electrical Contractor’s license shall be issued on payment of fee of `.

200/= (Rupees two hundred) only on certification by the applicant of the loss of the original
licence to the satisfaction of the Secretary.

32. Misconduct of Licensed Contractor, Supervisor and Electrical Workman:

i) Report of negligence:

When in the opinion of a person licensed under Part-II of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of
2003) to supply energy or of a person for whom any electrical installation work is being or
has been carried out, any work carried out by a contractor licensed under the regulations is
not in accordance with Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating To Safety And
Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010 and such license or other person desired to bring the facts
to the notice of the Board, he shall make a report in writing to the Secretary.

ii) A report made to the Secretary under this regulation by a person other than person licensed
under Part-II of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) to supply energy, shall be
accompanied with a deposit of `. 200/= (Rupees two hundred only) or such larger
amount as the Board may fix by special order in any case. If in the opinion of the Board, the
charge contain in the report is not substantiated, the Board may direct that the deposit shall
be forfeited.
Page 14 of 23
33. Mal-practice of infringement of regulations to be reported:
If any person holding a certificate to competency or a licensed Electrical Contractor is found
by the Board to be guilty of negligence, making false statements, mis-representations or a deliberate
suppression of facts, in-competence or a breach of those regulations or of the conditions of his
license, the Board may suspend or advise the State Government to cancel such certificate or license,
whereupon the State Government may cancel or revoke this.

34. Authorized Person for Electrical Installations Works:

No electrical installation work shall be carried out by a person licensed under Part-II of the
Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) on a consumers premises beyond the point of commencement
of supply unless he has obtained an electrical contractor’s license and employed Supervisory staff
having valid Supervisory Certificate and worker(s) having valid Workman certificate in compliance
with TELP-2019.

Further, persons having valid Supervisory Certificate shall not supervise any electrical
installation work unless person(s) having valid workman certificate are engaged for such work.

35. Cancellation of License granted to Electric Licensee:

An Electrical Contractor’s License granted under these regulations to a person licensed under
Part-II of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) shall be liable to be withdrawn or cancelled if in
the opinion of the Board preferential treatment resulting in unfair competition with local contractors is
given to prospective consumers.

A. Production of Electrical Contractor’s License for inspection and verification:

Secretary, may require production of licenses for inspection and verification and in case of
mutilation and / or defacement or an unauthorized entry therein, the same may be placed before the
Board with a request for action as may be deemed fit.

36. Supply undertaking to obtain contractor’s license:

No electrical contracting work shall be carried out by any Electrical supply undertaking unless
they have obtained an electrical Contractor’s license and employed separate staff of supervisors and
workman in compliance with these regulations.



37. Following fees shall be levied under these regulations and the fees once deposited will not be
refunded on any account.

a) For Examination:

i) Operative Electrical Workman:

With every application in Form – A for Operative Electrical Workman Certificate Examination
under Chapter-III, a fee of `.200/- (Rupees two hundred only) is to be deposited for
compulsory paper (i.e. for written examination).

Page 15 of 23
Additional fee of `.50/= (Rupees fifty only) is to be deposited for practical Examination
and Oral tests only for each of the classes under sub-regulations a (i) & (ii), b. c. d. e. f. g. or
h of clause- 17(ii).

A person holding valid certificate of Operative Electrical Workman and desires to increase the
scope of his certificate shall submit a fresh application in Form-‘A’ with a fee if `.50/=
(Rupees fifty only) for each of the classes under clause 17(ii).
ii) Supervisory Certificate:
With every application in Form-A for Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman
under Chapter-IV, an Examination fee of `.300/= (Rupees three hundred only) is to be
deposited for 2(two) parts at a time and `.100/= (Rupees one hundred only) for each
additional part or sub-part of part VI & VII. A Supervisor holding a valid certificate of
competency granted under Chapter-IV of this regulation and desires to increase the scope of
his certificate shall submit a fresh applications in Form-A with a fee of `. 100/= (Rupees one
hundred only) for each part of sub-part VI & VII of the clause-21(c).
The fees for Practical Examination and Oral test only shall be `.150/= (Rupees one
hundred fifty only) for each additional part and sub-part of part VI & VII and the person
concerned is to submit application in Form-A along with the required fees.
b) For Certificate:

i) On basis of the performance in the Examination /Interview, when a person is declared

eligible for granting certificate, he will be required to deposit following fees for getting the
certificate which will be valid for 10(ten) years from date of issue of the certificate:
For Certificate of Competency to Operative Electrical Workman `.200/-(Rupees two
hundred) only
For Certificate of Competency to Supervising Workman `.500/- (Rupees five hundred)
c) For Contractor’s License:
Application for Contractor’s License is to be made to the Secretary in Form-‘D’ with a fee of
`.5000/= (Rupees five thousand only) plus `.300/= (Rupees three hundred only)
as fee for testing of instrument.
d) Renewal fee :
i) Operative Electrical Workman Certificate :
Such certificate shall be renewed every 10(ten) years and the renewal fee shall be `.
200/= (Rupees two hundred only) while late fee for renewal shall be `.50/= (Rupees
fifty only).

ii) Supervisory Certificate :

Such certificate shall be renewed every 10(ten) years and the renewal fee shall be
`.500/= (Rupees five hundred only) while late fee for renewal shall be `.100/=
(Rupees one hundred only).
iii) Contractor’s License:

For such License, renewal fee shall be `. 5000/= (Rupees five thousand only) for
5(five) years. Late fee shall be `.200/= (Rupees two hundred only) for one month
after expiry and `. 2000/= (Rupees two thousand only) for a period after one month

Page 16 of 23
upto one year of the date of expiry. Besides above, a fee of `.300/=(Rupees three
hundred) only shall be charged for testing of instrument.

e) Forms of application for Examination and Contractor’s License:

Application form may be obtained from the Electrical Inspector, Tripura, Agartala on payment
of `.10/= (Rupees ten) only.


i) Candidate applying for examination in more than one classes set out in clause 22 or
17(ii) of TELP-2019, as the case may be will be examined with regard to the Parts / Classes but
will be granted a certificate for the Parts(s)/ Class(es), if any in which they actually qualify, should a
pass candidate desires to qualify subsequently for a part/ Class other than that for which a certificate
has been granted, he may be permitted to appear in the examination for the parts / classes
concerned and will be charged for the additional fee. Similarly, those who apply for exemption from
the Supervisor’s examination and who have been granted a certificate for one part / class or more
classes may apply with the requisite fee for examination in any other additional part(s)/class(es).

ii). Candidate may be supplied with a copy of the pass list as soon as it is available. The same will be
sent by post to the given address of the candidate within a few days of the publications.

iii). Apart from the issue of the pass-list, no correspondence will be entered into in to in respect of
the result of the examinations.

iv). All fees for examinations, certificates, contractor’s licenses and annual renewal fees thereof and
any other fees leviable under these regulations shall be paid into Government treasury in the State of
Tripura in favour of the Secretary, Licensing Board.

Page 17 of 23
(Particulars to be entered in English)
(Read the notes below before filling in this form)

1. Full Name and address of the applicant:-

(In Block letters) with contact No.

2. Fathers name and address

3. Date of birth and age on the date of application:-

4. Details of past and present service.

(Dates of commencement and termination of each appointment to be given)

5. Details of technical qualification:-

6. Examination for which applicant offers him.

7. Language in which the candidate desires to be examined.

8. Have you made any previous application in Form

“A”? If so, state the date.

(i) Date of Last Examination Roll No.

I hereby declare that the particulars stated above are correct and true to the best of my
knowledge. I attach a Challan No…………………………. dated ……………………………. for `.......................
……………………………… signed in my presence.
ure of the applicant

(Signature of employer, Magistrate,

Gazetted Govt. Official)


1. The application must be signed in the presence of the employer an Honorary Magistrate or a
Gazetted Government Official.

2. Three copies of recent photo graph (size 50.8mmx63.5mm) of the applicant must accompany
the application with the applicant’s signature or thumb impression on the back of each

Page 18 of 23
3. Any persons making false statements for the purpose of admission to the examination
renders him liable for prosecution.

4. Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.

5. If additional space is required for item 3 & 4 on the page of this form a separate sheet of
paper may be issued on attached to the form.

Form –B
Supervising electrical Workman Certificate of Competency.

This certificate is to be renewed every five years and must be returned on demand by the
Secretary, (Not transferable or reviewable by any authority other than the licensing board, Tripura

This certificate of competency is hereby granted under sub-Regulation rule (i) of Regulation
29 of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulations,
2010 to ………………………………………………………………………………………. of
………………………………………………………………………………………….. by the state Government on
recommendation of the Licensing Board, Tripura and authorizes him to supervise the Electrical
installation work described in this certificate, for the purpose of said Sub-Rule.

Secretary Authorized Officer

Licensing Board Government of Tripura: Agartala
Registration No.
Date of issue

* Date of examination
Place of examination

Date of renewal Date of expiry Change of address Secretary’s initials
N.B. every change of address to be entered and notified to the Secretary. Every change of
employer is not to be similarly notified.
*If exempted from examination date to be stated here.
Wiring for system not exceeding 650 V.
D.C Apparatus’ not exceeding 650 V.
A.C not exceeding 650 V.
Installation not exceeding250 V.
Underground cable.
Electric signs.
Wiring for systems not exceeding 250 V.

Page 19 of 23
Form –‘C’

Government of Tripura

Operative Electrical workmen’s certificate of competency.

This certificate is to be renewed every five years and must be returned on demand by the
Secretary (not transferable or renewable by any authority other than the Licensing Board, Tripura).
This certificate is here by granted under Sub-Regulation (1) of Regulation 29 of the Central Electricity
Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 to ……………………………
……….. of ………………………………………………………………………. by the state Government on
recommendation of the Licensing Board, Tripura and authorizes him to carry out under supervision
the electrical installation work described herein below:-

Secretary Authorized Officer

Licensing Board Government of Tripura
Agartala: Tripura

Date of issue Registration No.

Date of Examination
Place of Examination
Date of renewal date of expiry change of address Secretary’s initial
N.B. every change of address to be entered and notified to the Secretary.
Class Description qualifying date Secretary’s initial
i) For voltage not exceeding “Medium Pressure” , the Central Electricity Authority
relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 wiring of building ( for light fan and
small motors)
a) Cleat, wood/plastic casing and capping
system employing wires and cables other
than paper insulated cables.
b) Metal sheathed tough rubber and conduit
system ( also any other system as permitted
ii) under the Electricity Act, 2003 and the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to
safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, using wires & cables other than insulated cables.
iii) Motor wiring including generators, in conduits with wires and cables other than paper
insulated cable.
Class Description qualifying date Secretary’s initial
iii) Motor wiring with paper insulated cables (laying
and jointing)
iv) Overhead line works with cable connection

Page 20 of 23
other than paper insulated cable
v) Paper insulated cable connection (jointing).
vi) For “High Pressure” voltage [the CEA (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulations,
vii) Overhead line with paper insulated cable connections.
viii) Paper insulated cable laying and joining.
Photograph with signature or thumb impression of permit holder.
This permit is to be carried on the holder’s person.


Application for an Electrical Contractor’s License.

(Particulars must be entered in English )

1. Name in which electrical contractor’s license is applied for …………………………………………………

2. Business address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Full name and home address of proprietor
4. Full name of Agent or manager
(In case of a limited company)
5. If a contractor’s license has been previously granted in the same name, details must be given
6. Name of all supervisors holding valid certificates of competency in the sole and whole-time
employ of the applicant.
Name of Supervisor Registration No. of certificate

Particulars of the testing instruments in my/ our possession are stated overleaf.
I/ We attach a challan No. dated
For Rs.
I/ We hereby declare that the particulars stated above are correct to the best of my knowledge.

I/ We hereby also declare that I/ We have in my/ our possession a latest copy of the
“Regulation – 29 (i) of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010 and that I/ We fully understand the terms and conditions under which an
electrical contractor’s license is granted.




1. Any person who makes procures to be made or assists in making any false statement for the
purpose of obtaining for himself or any other person an electrical contractor’s license shall
render himself liable to prosecution.
2. Item 1, 2, 3 & 4 must be completed in block letter.
3. In addition space is required for completing item No. 5 & 6 of this application, a separate
sheet of paper may be used and attached in this form.

Page 21 of 23
4. The minimum requirement for testing instruments is possession of a 500 ‘V’ Ohmmeter.
Testing instruments in my/ our possession.
Description Maker’s name Maker’s serial No.
Form –‘E’
License to Electrical Contractor’s
(This license is to be renewed annually and must be returned on demand by the Secretary)
Registered No.

On recommendation of the board, the state Government hereby grants license to Mr./Mrs./
……………………………………………… Under Sub-Regulation (i) of Regulation 29 of the Central Electricity
Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010 and authorizes him/them
to carry out electrical installation work in the state of Tripura. This license is issued subject to the
compliance with the conditions set out on the reverse and also to the continued compliance with the
conditions set P.W.D Tripura 19.

Authorized Officer
Government of Tripura
Licensing Board
Date of renewal Date of expiry Secretary’s initials
Photograph with signature or thumb impression of certificate holder.
This certificate is to be carried on the holder’s persons.


1. All electrical installation work coming within the purview of Regulation – 29(i) of the Central Electricity
Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010, under taken by the holder
of the license shall be carried out under the direct supervision of a person holding a valid certificate of
2. The holder of this license shall maintained a register of Supervisors and workmen in the form below
and shall produce the register for inspection on demand by an Electrical Inspector or other person
authorized in this behalf by the Licensing Board.
3. Every contract for electrical installation work coming within the purview of Regulation – 29(i) of the
Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, under
taken by the holder of the license shall be in writing and he shall be held responsible for the suitability
of materials used. Before commencing any work the value of which exceeds `.5000/-including of cost
of materials and labour charges, he shall notify the Secretary.
4. On the completion of any electrical installation work coming within the purview of Regulation – 29(i) of
the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010, a
test report in the form prescribed by the board shall be submitted by the holder of this license to the
Secretary. The report shall be signed by the supervisor under whose supervision the work has been
carried out and countersigned by holder of this license who shall be wholly responsible for the
execution of the work.
5. If the holder of this license ceases to be in possession of a valid supervisor`s certificate of competency
or ceases to retain in his sole employ at least one supervisor holding a valid certificate of competency
this license shall be invalid and if within one month of the license becoming so invalid the certificate of
competency concerned is not revalidated or at least one supervisor holding a valid certificate of
Page 22 of 23
competency is not engaged the license shall be deemed to have been cancelled and the holder shall
return the same to the secretary for cancellation.
6. If the holder of this license accepts an employment under any other firm or person for the purpose of
carrying out or supervising any electrical installation work coming within the purview of Regulation –
29(i) of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to safety and Electric Supply) Regulation,
2010, this license shall be invalid if the holder shall return the same to the Secretary for cancellation.
7. This license shall be invalid if the holder there of ceases to have in his possession the instruments
necessary for carrying out the tests prescribed for the class or classes of work upon which he is
8. The holder of this license shall send intimation to the Secretary in writing within the periods specified
below as to every change of (1) address of the place of business within two months of such change, (2)
proprietor within seven days of such change, or (3) agent or manager ( in case of a limited company)
within seven days of such change and shall also send similar intimation as to dissolution of partnership
within days of the date of such dissolution.
9. The holder of this license shall get the instruments in his possession tested in the Inspectorate at the
time of renewal of the license.

Sl.No. Description Make Range

1. Insulation Tester
2. Earth Tester
3. Multimeter

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