Gridless Manual v1 (07112019)
Gridless Manual v1 (07112019)
Gridless Manual v1 (07112019)
This interface will appear in the track once GRIDLESS is loaded, it’s the basic GUI control.
The big “GUI” button will make the popup window appear any time you hit it.
the “always on top” button enable the pop up window to be always floating in front of Ableton
Live, the same as when you using any third party plugin in Ableton. The popup window will keep
floating there, regardless of which track you are currently editing.
The bottom gray area is for input track descriptions if you’d like. This function is made to enable a
fast edit when you have multiple GRIDLESS running at the same time. Descriptions will appear on
the title of the popup window. For example, you could type “this is track 1 and containing a 808
In fact, this section will remain the same for many Max for Live devices made by Sequencer
Details - Part 2
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This is the main interface of GRIDLESS, each part’s function will be explained as following. To
enable a more straightforward adjust, both of the carrier and modulator are simply sine waves.
1. This is to specify the carrier’s frequency and phase. range: carrier freq 0-20k (hz), phase 0.0 -
1. (floating points). You might find that the carrier freq part is hard to display higher frequencies,
such as 1000hz or so. This is because if you set it to 1000 hz, theoretically the sequencer will
generate at least 1000 triggers in every 1 sec, which is rarely useful unless you’d like to generate
a glitchy wavetable style sound. To generate more meaningful and sparse triggers, values
between 0 and 10 hz could be more useful. However, if you prefer a super fast trigger speed,
click the carrier freq window and manually type any number within the range should work.
Changing phase could be considered as shifting the pattern back or forth.
2. This is the modulation index part, which specify how much the modulator is modulating the
carrier frequency. With fixed carrier and modulator freq, adjust this part will generate numerous
different waveforms. The range of this part is not limited, in general, a bigger number will
generate faster triggers. A fine adjust will bring subtle differences, such as 1.05 vs 1.08. Playing
with this part is usually rewarding.
3. Same as the carrier part, this is about the modulators wave attributes.
Details - Part 3
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4. Six triggers’ attribution will be adjusted by this part. Since internally the waveform generated will
have an amplitude range from 1., it will pass almost every number in each cycle. The trig
pos is used to specify when the trigger will happen. For example, set the first row of trig pos to
0.32 will make sure a trigger is generated each time the waveforms amplitude pass 0.32.
Actually, the 3 rows on top will only detect RISE stage and the lower 3 rows will detect FALL
stage, meaning, if the waveform’s amplitude is going higher than 0.32, the first trigger will be
generated, but when the amplitude is falling and pass 0.32, it will not trigger anything, unless a
0.32 is also given to any of the FALL stage trig pos. The pitch, velocity and note length part is
pretty self-explanatory, they will specify the midi note generated by each trigger. One thing to
bear in mind is, in Ableton, the default note of Bass Drum is midi note 36, equal pitch C1. Also
the note length part uses Max/MSP’s time interval syntax, meaning, 4n is 1/4 note, 4nd is dotted
1/4 note and 4nt is 1/4 triplet note, etc.
5. Preset section. Hold SHIFT and Left Click each of the Square will save all current parameters
to the preset. The Square will turn yellow to indicate there is already a preset here. If any preset
is saved, left click on the square will turn it to green, to indicate this is the current selected
preset. Preset slot with nothing in will be gray. Hold SHIFT and Left Click on any slot already
with preset will substitute the previous preset with current one.
1. set both of the carrier and modulator’s freq to below 1hz is usually more manageable
and playable. in this case, adjust modulation index will bring a wide range of possible
patterns. try change the modulation index from 30 to 3000, beware of the master
2. set 2 or more triggers trig position to almost same number will bring multiple triggers
closer to each other.
3. if you don’t want the reset midi note to pass GRIDLESS, simply change it’s velocity to 0.
Also, with the same setting in GRIDLESS, change the position and pattern of the reset
midi note will generate interesting results.
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