Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Study made use of the descriptive research design utilizing a questionnaire checklist as
a tool in gathering data. Descriptive survey is a problem solving approach which seeks
to answer questions to real fact relating to existing conditions. According to Vizcara
(2006) this is a technique of quantitative descriptions which determines the prevailing
conditions in a group of cases chosen for study.
The descriptive method of research is a study with adequate and accurate
interpretation of the finding. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as the
current conditions. Practice situation or any phenomenon. It also involves collection of
data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of
the subject of the study (Calderon, 2001)
The researchers use a Survey Research form of data collection survey research is the
most fundamental tool for all quantitative research methodologies and studies. Surveys
used to ask questions to a sample of respondents, using various types such as such
a surveys questionnaires. Every small and big organization intends to understand what
their customers think about their products and services, how well are new features
faring in the market and other such details. By conducting survey research, an
organization can ask multiple survey questions, collect data from a pool of customers
and analyze this collected data to produce numerical results. It is the first step towards
collecting data for any research. ( Anup Surendran)
Polit and Hungler (1999) define data as “information obtained during the course of an
investigation or study”. In this study, questionnaires were used to obtain data relevant to
the study’s objectives and research questions. The purpose of the study was to identify the
Factors that influence customer preferences in selected coffee shop on how people want to
buy and what are the factors that affect them to buy the product
This study with use the Data collection instruments of structured interview schedules and
checklists we use a questionnaire as a method of gathering information from respondents
about the factor affect their preference to buy a coffee. The questionnaire was designed to
gather information about the influence that affect the preference of the respondent the
knowledge, attitudes regarding to the study
the researcher has allotted time, effort and cooperation in developing their research and
questioner so as to serve its to intended respondent. The survey was created using
suitable question modified from related research and target respondent formed by the
researchers. In the questionnaire likert scale was used to determine it the respondent
agree or disagree in a statement. After the instructor approved the questionnaire, copies
were distributed to the selected respondent of participant of coffee shop. Participant were
given time to respond and then the researcher collected the survey questionnaire
The data gathering from this research were tailed and computed to interpretation according
to the frequency of items checked by the participant.
The researchers gather some data to understand more, strengthen, and assure the study’s
quality is good and can be presented well. The data collectors make sure that the
procedures can have a big factor to answer the questions and to support the stand of the
Gathering some of related literature is one of the activity that has been done by the
researchers. It helps tge data collectors to explore more about literature that is affiliated to
the study to gather some of the information that is needed by the researchers. Also, by
finding some of it, will help the researchers can include new additional information that may
help the community
The investigation also used a survey questionnaire that is structured and closed ended
question. This can be useful to gather many data easily for the study. Because it is the
easiest way to pick up some information
These are some of the process that has been dealt by the researchers to finish the
gathering of datum successfully
The next part dealt with the factors influence customer preference in selected coffee
The respondent received a set of question that has five choices every number namely.
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neither
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
The questionnaire helps to analyze the gathered data of the study. It has a rating
The research setting is place that the datum is collected and can also call a source of
information. In this study, some of data are collected in selected coffee shops in
Antipolo City. In this place will see coffee shops in every streets of the place because it
is very popular. This was like a traditional in this place because of competition of many
coffee shops. The study was conducted in this location for the reason the generation y
is a especially target for this study. Some meetings is always happens on this place to