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Chek Calculate the heat which capacity 384) kg! K", to raige its temperature by SOK: 3° & +4, the shecifie latent heat of fusion of ie kg! Kt. Calculate the Theat required to convert 0,020 kg of. jeg at its ntelting point enat30C. Peo RT Beis ie ae : watet is 4.2 into Feopper, specific heat hey eis 334 KTR! and the specific heat capac must eladded to 0.20 kg o| 40) at'a pressure of 750 simint tg and at 20°C expands £EEmm Hy , @). (4500 erm of git (4 adichatically 16.700 cri?, Find the new” pressuire and the new temperature, h ‘ i 4, 300 cm! of water is to be heateil front room temperaty cd.2¥ (0 ty ean! aa > 5. A2.0-x.107 ki swater at oF ice _ jure rise in each substance? T €°) anne water (4186 TK. A 50 kg mass is pl 2.26 x 19 Mg. and 100 J of wors is done in ~ aoa (hy) What would the new pressure have : i ster with a 1000 W Heating coil which hos a heating elie kg. C") fee at O°C is dropped into a vacuum bottle originally holding 041 ke a. x Agsutniing that ay Togs or gain of heat by the vacuum bottle is nets hig ‘nine (a) tie feat (o melt the ice (b) the final temperature alter thermal equi ‘The latent heat of fusion for water is 3.35 x 10" J/kg and the specific heat of w Ske. C% Cre x0 8 T, . eC Ce 5, "A vessel dontaits $00 g of ice at - 20°C. IIeal is supplied to the vessel caistngn calimin Neglecting the mass of the vessel and tk « rap ay WHT lage (a) Hor the ied to watt te CHET Oe completely nergy is supplied to the gas éylinder, i height fo which the mass oit the pistion is io, Compute the change in internal energy when 50 steam at JOG"C wskler noqmal atmospheric pressure, ‘The ta 12, A-carnol engine is operated hetween two heat re X ICthe engine receives 200 cal fram the 400 K reservoir, the lower temperature reservoir? (b) What is the thermal ell é aes 13), What is the iaximum co! temperitures of (4ES°E aid 40°C, and (h) 25°C and 100°C? act Teen had the expansion occured isoihermally? 9'6 3 Je re (28°C) to" LOOT in order 49 prepare a 1? (b) How lor AN it 1 dhe to heat the: ney af 70 percent? (Par waler j= 1-S-he” 3 cig go oe hot cup of coffee, (a) What is the inininwaf heat reaul ribs uete ign ig attained ter is 4.18 x 108 consti cific heat oF ice the |, helt “he y the adem po min, YO ms 74° ‘Kab kg metal slab at temperature GOO is taken from a furnace and pluiyged into 309 ky sot if originally at 25°C. The fi a heateepaedty of the metal if tat of oll is 2100.J/Kt. C. % reanges Pee : uwro -ay fkg* ei. a {0,000 J of feat js absorbed by | ke. pach of lead, copper and water. Whats the tempera empetatire of the Gil/siab is 4O"C, Dete.mine'the snes fe specific heat enpcities ate: lend (130 J/kg. CY, capper (30 3! ee Wa, eo ed on a fetiontess piston fitted toa gas cylinder, 1F 149 J of heat ergy by 100 J, determine the is turned into 8.4 x 10" cn! y f vaporization of water § ro Gio RI j 11." A pas stafed in an insutated cylinder with a movable piston is compressed adiabatically owed to expandiptiahaticall white the process, The gas is then a doing 10 of work. What is the net change in the internal enersy ofthe was?i Fg / -CMit br, ) joies at temiperattires 400 K ad 309 Ihow many enlories -ines it reject icncy at the engine? 460.0 Ca |. ( ciency bran engivie which openites belwerj * a \' GEORGE ;. e Bas y@ . (the wot mean square speed_ ofthe ir molecules at O° an a se Aa iy wo" PREM Gea ae ea est Ue Tn 2 swath pressure, volume sand | Y dy 3.ay Slate the jaws showing the: relation bet Ee 4\ jumperanare oPa fixed mass of pas. ‘ obaR Ye (hy explain the experisacntal neu of writing, ie OE He LAWS = rs at, 1 (or “Atatmespinetve pressure ie sella heat capac? ; al etmstant pressure fs \ 7% of dry amis 1.00 Ki Kg! k! {the density of aur ut 0° and 10° Nv pressure is 1.29 Ke at, caicatate a value for sof ait, win @) wo glass bulls of volumes 25 ‘and 35 em? are connected by a narrovs tube of negligible volume. The apparns 6 1 °°, with air at OC and tue man Lg pressure anc! seated ofT10 1 ‘x? bulls is mautained at O°C and the 3cin? bul at 100°C. What is jhe new pressure within the apparatus), Mors and sive the equanen ashame of an ideal yas Far each type OCA! vid volume ¥ of a yaven mass of a perfect + Constant : fain ts physi nd adiabatic changes acy Defin ¢ isothermal * petatiny: the pressure and (Gj | Show that the yresenre vw faas are related by #'re exmession PV" fe g nevernnle aciabssie change and EXP wv 1 significance in internal enctty ‘ . (o)4_ Ineach of the following situation, find the change | mp hese 4 Lego — ‘ {iy Asystem afvsonbs 21000 9 OF tieas and-at the eame.tinte does, \ i : 4Q0S uf work 2 Mehl iy Aster ‘abgonbs 1260 J and-at the same | 120) of work ‘ Fa . Spameeertie es vox % : wed from a gas held 2A 'gspitankvolane, vast wee \ 5040) J in cot at Hipiessurc. WeHUne, 21M | re 2. aie ab 15°C. nel 70M Mp eines of aah 15°C, ant Tem eaves SI era tial wri he OOS has inereanes Wy 5086, Wht ir empeuure? Dr conse WN wyiliorest all be the final preestite | a work is slene against Sbenerre of the gas find how much ANN Bel = external presrue aos OS tl ya (a, = OTE MeN, Gye HOOK! Keits" | i ep sikoy stout rss 2 Fa shermodynaric® ‘eat 0 YOU srernat energy of a sysier atures vide stand by the fag between fs ness a TE ‘Aozenot engie OP: 3 Ae anc ugar receites HHO] ‘of teat from the Ni rvnir, Caeuviate « rent {iy the teat apiseree In the low temper the wogkedtone BY the.engine. be Je tum ternal efTickeney- irony, when MOB OL EE ih ternperatut qiure reservoir, 4 ag consent E fof Calculate theahan ) to steamy at 10078: : : | (a) A rgherical hosts Sean dammeter is vsintnined a ME Assuming i ; that it radiates as i ere a black hoa. at woot rate Ge watis) iS j l {from the snbers 7 ( \) “ mb” is Seay meas { ~-\e Mit Ke | cas p . ‘ Gy et ; y jaierr TSR EXERCISES * ITED TRNAS a (36 X10 kg) =/1920 mis ire is related to the kinetic ener Af the ra 1, The tio C/G) for air ik 14, Dove, this toil ws anything bout the atomic structure of the molecules? 2. A gas and its solid container nre at the same temperature Yet the gas molecules mave freely, wherens those in the solid do not, Explain the difference. 3. Is it possible to transfer heat to a gas without raising its temperature? If 60, how?” 4. A gas in confined to n eylinder with a piston. Explain, in terms of the motions of molecules and of the piston, why the temperature of the gas rises in an adiabatic compres sion ‘A -container hs 9 mixture of severn! noninteracting gases. According 1 Malion's taw af partial pressures, the totel pressure is the stim of the pressures that would be exerted bby each of the gases neting iinlependenily, Use kinetic the ‘ory to prove this statemet 6, Abox contains 2 moles of w ‘emperature 7, Does the pressure depend on the type of gas? ‘A box that contains gas is placed on a xenle. The gas molecules are in contact with the base of the bux for only 3 very brief time. Why does the senle register the total Weight, incluclity: all of the gus? EXERCISES 20.2 aul 20,8 sure 44 (1) Caleuate the rms speeds a 20°C of atoms of (a) heliuen 4 uy); (b) neon (20 4); fe) radon (222 a. 2. (D The temperature at the surface of he sun is estimated (0 {be $800 K. AL this temperature, what is the rms speed of (a) Inydrogen atoms (Iu), and (b) uranium aioms (238 u)? (1) The temperature in the interior of the sun is about 2 x 107 K, What is (a) the avergge Kinetic enerey, und (®) the rms speed of protons? a © 4 (I) The escape speed fromthe turface of the enth (11d } Wap a re z rs Put eE mae Pay | dom motion, of the molecules and therefore’ it does not change. | Um WnRT = (1,592 mol)@.31 Imol-KY300 K) 7.48 1. ‘The volume and molecular mass are not relevant. |” 4. ‘The water continues to absorb heat from the sueroundings $0 its temperature, and the speed distribution ofthe molecules, sho 90, change. “The wit oF a V* must he the same as that of pressure, 0 the unit of ei the sme as that ef V2, which is (N/m) fmol" = N-int/anol® The unit of b is Mook. 4, Suppose the collisions between molacules Were not por {ictly elasie, How would this become agrarent? 9. Why does it take « shorter time fo €00k fob, witout burn ing it. ina pressute cooker? 10 in victally all problems in kinetic theory, the gravitational forex: may be ignored. Why 1s this justified? Indicate one sitantion fa Which this force must ba taken into account 211, Why does the boiling point temperature of water decrease ‘with altitude? (How isthe boiling point defined”) 412, Does the mean free path of oxygen of nitrogen molecules alect the propagation of sound? If s0, how! 13, A chemical reaction wil eccur only ifthe ene.z is above a certain threshold "setivation en. docs the MaxwellBolizmann disteibution aecount for the fact that reactions proceed fagicr as the temperuture ine creases? 14, What property of water allows you to make w snowball? 15, dam tudo ann ropes tow of aurdienrs involve collisions betv'zen moiseules How and the otter fast? vy is one protest | 1's Cane! AL what temperature the following gavex have Salve as their rns speeds (a) Nay (D) Ogi ved Has 5. (bet stag perature at an altiuile of 200 ke: in the upper here is 1200 K. At this temperature what woulk be {Use vas speed, of: (a) helium atoms; (b} oxygen :nolect.cs? 6. (1) Naturally occurring uranium is a mixture ef two isor topes U and PAY. (They have the same position in she ncviouis table but have different masses.) To produce “en “ricled. uranium,” with a, greater fraction: of ®U that is ‘required by-nuclear reactors,’ the compound UE, is first ‘formed nnd the gas allowed to uiffuse through porous inale>Semperature of the material. Wha © Fthermal neutron" at 300K?! (The rk speed of n molecule is $00 ‘what temperature. will th *%() Four times as large? 9. () In ondsr to initiate fusiow reaction, deuterons (of mass + © 20) must have w temperature of about 10" Ke At this tome erature whit is (0) she average kinetic ensigs. and (0) the sms anced? 10, (11) TWo moles of nitrogen (N) are in GL. container at Breese of $00 KP, Fad he average hie every of one molecule 411, (1) The temperature in intergalactic space is estamated to be 3K, What is the rms speed of a hyteorer atom (Lu) at such is temperature? 12, (1) A 2-L flask coninins 0.3 mole of os) gen gas (AP » 32 1.) AE A temperature of 30 °C. (a) What is the average lie energy per molecule? (b) Whon isthe pressure? 13, (1) (») Pid the re speed of nitrogen woleeules nt 300 K. (©) 1F2 moles ofthe gas are confived to. cube of side 15 cm, What is the pressure? 44, (1) What is the volume of sample of an ideal gas at 0°C. and 1 ata in which the number of molecules is equal to the ‘human population of the enrih, which i+ about $ x 10%? the rms speed of a ef 1S, (11) Make un estimate of the average distance between mol- ecules of oxygen (Oz) at a temperature nf 0 °C sure of 1 atm. (Mint: Consider ane mole, 16, (11) ‘Through whnt vertical distance must an oxygen mole- cule (04) move so that the change in its gravitational poten tial energy i 10°? of is uvernge kinetic energy at O*C und | atm? Z 17. () By what factor dies the rms sree! of molecules in fi» increase when the temperature is rived (rom 0 °C to 100 " é 1B. (11) A box of volume V contains a meles of oxyxen (02) and ns moles of nitrogen !N3). The partic pressures exerted, by the gases ure Py = 1 R/V aud Ps + THY, (a) What is the entio of their total masses if the partial pressures wre equal? (b) What is the ratio of the pr-tial presses if the tolal masses are equa: 19, (1) The ionization energy (v2 energy nected to strip an electron from the atom} of Refium is 44 1°". AL whot temperature would the wverige kinetic energ: of such at- ‘oms cquial the ionization energy? id a pres: 20.4 wnt 20.8 Specie Heats: Equiguettion af Energy 120;\(D The hee! pacity at constant volume of a sample of = "monatomic ileal gas is 7.45 eal/K. Find: (a) the number of ‘moles; (b) the total energy at 290K, rateases. | 8. 21, (1) The heat capacity st constant volume of a simple of a imonntomiie gas is 38 HK, Find: (a) the aumber of mnoiexs (€) the internal energy at 0°C; (€) the molar specifie hen ‘a constant pressure, 22, (1) For a given sample of gas, the differenee in the heat ‘sapacities at constant pressure nnd at-constant volume is 21.64/K. Find: (a) the number of moles; (b) the heat eapace ity a constant pressure given that the gas is diatomic (rigid dumbbell, . (1) Ons mole of un ideal monatomic gas ik heated fiom 0°C. te 400 *C. Find the ehiange in internal energy and the heat sbsurbie, given that the process takes place under the fol- ‘0% ny eungition; (4) constant volume ()) constant press a the Dillone-Petit law (52) for the molnr spc i solid wis intlally used to In" Ge molecu tea the aiciciied specific hewt, Given that e » 0.6 kd! bee for a particular soli find Af. 25, 11) Sue mole of an ideal monatomic gas is initially at 300 K. ind the final cemperature if 200 J of heat are added as owes: (a) at constant volume; (b) at constant pressure, (1) Find the internal energy of one mole of an ideal gus at iver is: (a) monatonvi; (9) diatomie:with no rotation; (¢) diatoms with rotation anid vibwation, 21. (1) Given that the specific beat at coustunt volume of a ‘monatomic gas is ¢y * 0.149 keal/kgsK. find the moleeulae ‘ass of the gas (assumed (9 be ideal). What gas evuld this be? 26. 20.7 Menu Free Path i 24 (IDA a frequency of 20 k1L2, whit is the ratio ef the wavelengtts of sound in air 10 the mean free jth oF Oy molecules ut 0 iim? Take the speed of sound 0 be 310 ctor 0” the Oy mately 10 1 0.3 nay 29, (11 The mean free path oF Oy molecules in-& box is 9. 107" mi, Given that the number tensite 27-5 10" molecules! ‘on, estimate the diameier of ai uxygeit molesula, 30, (11) At what pressure would the arer + '/.€ path for an ony Ren molecule be 1 mim ata temperatuee of 300 KP Take be 0.4 na. qr 3H (Siow that For aie gay the mean ines path may BE ex wesse ; ke M8 Eval 3. Tc oxygen acteente( eter of 3 x 10°! m, ‘Aca qvessure of O°* Pain a vncuum system) and a tempers wire 300 K final: (a) the number of molecules per em?; (b) Ve ram free path, 35, {t) The density of hysleagen atoms in umergatactic space i bow 1 per m?. Assuming an atomic diameter of 10°" i, estimate the mean free rat,eet ee following dsteotion of. (b) Shaw thatthe rina speed! das 6 Yee i LenS doy faedy ‘ Note thst {2.4 exploenstiy «° WoinfataS, prota) the average speed (ihe suis xpcu te) te ont a Probable speed. : Fagg fesse! contains 10" ritrogen (Nz) molecule at 0 Ke, hs aa walecutes with speeds within the fi 2 W-Consider the {he aumiber of molecutes with siyecds within the fol 20.16. Hy scuing Muswell speed listeibuti 0 funetion, Eg, the’ derivative ejtedde m0 tee (8) 100 sav (0 110 m/s; (b) 330 mvs 10 M40 malay esti (6) 1809 sn/s 10 1010 m/s. the most probable speed is given by vm, VIRTS & UNE ygcu (02) prs 10°C and 1 atm sin a cudic box of side % Use the Maxwell speed distribution function 19 show 40m How many molecuiee ‘xplictly that the total nurnber of particles is WV, thot ie , rike each face per second’? 7 GD Show that aecording to the van der Was equation: the Point temperature and pressure a evaiew ’ : reaivery- : Fe Ni Toe 5 Note that fs? exn(=nibite w RTT? RGR Fe 4 Given he Masel speed drut Peton, he avers age value of wis (Note tat the eritical poi APIA ws PLEA m 0, Fist ink of tion that fx, Nese conditions to show Te [viLode that the zritical point volume is V_ = 3b.) neko Ove ‘ole of @ monatomic ideal gas has nn ani where Wis the (otal number of particles (4) Show that the nverage speed ix : ep Rarakaee Nea : Note that @ 1" expl-avlnde = 1/2at volume‘Bike BE Meet Engines; Kofrigerutora i | RA feet cmc with on eficioncy of 25% des 200 J of wemlh por cycle. Find: (a) the heat abscrbed from the hot ‘qzucrwair; (D) the heat expelled to the cold reservoir. + = Glimenc eytie on engine absorbs 800 J from the hot reser- See wns expels 530 to the cold res vie. Ifa eye akes = Bs, wit isthe mechanical rower output”. 4's BAG) A refrigerator absorbs 100 J'per ey‘ele from/the cok feservoir an expels 128, :0 Ihe hot revervoir Woperates S130 syclea/s. Fit a) the stetrical power requieds (0) the cveilicient of performance, 4.) A refrigerator with » coeticient of periormance of 3.5 absorbs 80 J from the.freczer compartment, (a) How much work does this require? (b) How much reat is expelled to the surroundings? ~ ME 5.:(1) A residential heat pump with a co2fficient of perfor “y ‘mance of'4 requires 10 kWh: of electrical energy during # ‘certain period.+How many kWh woulll be-needed if the { osheating were ‘accomplished with cheetrical :resistancs enters? ; ‘ (AY) A power plant with an efficiency of 30% haa’a wseful {electten) output ‘of 100. MW. Water from a iver is prumped int earry away RO7% ofthe wr=te ent, What isthe imitsiniuim necessury flow rate (kp!s) 1 the water terpern: {ure should not rise by more than 8°" The speci het of water is 4190 J/kg. 4: (Ht) A gavoine engine hns n 30 RAV (e0 bp) output ad a ‘thermal efficiency of 22%. Find: (a) the rate of heat input; {b) the rate ote output. () IF the ist of combustion of 1 aoline Is 12.90 10" fea, what is the aumber of guile tied por howe? | ae 1) 2 neat prmp extrasts G20 Du from a house a 70 stivc the outside ni a 90: Tis poser regulrement i | AN. ca) Wht i coefficient of perTormanee? (9) AL what Fite dines tigeharge ea to the environment? (1 tlh = baw) : 8 Carnot Es 9, (1) A heavengine uses the 90°C sater from a geyser and the tuosphere nt 10 °C a6 reservoirs. What is the masiovum possible eficieney? 10, (1) A Carnot ening opcuates isiween rerer ok tnd MWK. Teaisehanges 40 J to the lower reservoir. What i tve work date? (1 We has been proposed Chat the temperature difference Ahetw cen water af the surfaee of a tropical ocean and coolee ‘water ata depth of several hundred mieters could be used i t hent enpine, (a) Af the ww temperc: wer se 22°C and S $C find the ni ‘wf such an engi (6) Ifthe set output is | BIW, what is ne rate ak which heat iv ineharged to the deep water? A) inperature 1 r UNhUCINkS |My pee eee 2. (1) A Cot engine peraien beiwaen «ht ressevoir wt 604) find a cold reservoir al 380°K. Ht produces $1 W of: Anechanical power, What i¢ the rate of he the cold reservoir?!) ’ ‘Wy Astiousp| requinadian average inant an inside tgmperatuire of 20°C when the outside is noeomplished by electrical sll l0 cunts per kWh, how much does it day Picb) lan idea heat pany were ine Stalled ad operited'as a Carnot:engine in reverse, what ‘would be the daily,eleeticity ill? |e tly An ea refrigerator, which fsa Carnot engine operating in severse, operates between a freezer at ~5°C an du room ii 28"C) In al certain period, it absorbs 100 J trom the Irueczer! How mudh heats rejected tothe room? 15, (1} (x) How much heat is discharged by an ideal heat pump Wacnot engine in reverse) that extracts 1000 J of heat from © gutside’air-at 0 *Cennd discharges the,hent output into a room a-20°C? (bHow much wor! * aquired? 16:/(1) A ‘Carnot engine’ hash 389%'eMiclentys 1k expels 200 J into the Lower temperature rexervey” 86 300 Ky (a) W ins heat exteacted from tht hot tesstyoie? (b) What is cinperature of the, hot reservoir? 17. 4) A Carnot engine operaies becweun 20 4C and 20°C and hos mechanical output of 360 W, “fcaeli eyele takes 0.2 6. fhad the ent (@) absorbed, and (b) expelled in onch eyels 16,/(),A nent pump operates between OC and 28%, 1 hae UZ of the maximum possible coeflicfent of patemance. IC it absorbs 100 J fron the cold reservoir, Bod: (0) the work required; (b) the heat discharged, 19, () A Carnot engine operstes betiwser 280°C and 40° to fone eycle i nbrorbs 1000 from tha tot ieservle, én) What he work dewe per eyele’ wh) What would be Hs cout tient of performance IP were 1 8 8 Hon pu” 2v,, (tt) Which of the’ t-lossing has the greater etzek an the tMfeleney of a Carnot enjine tnd 4 5 1 rise am ths tenner ture! of: he hot rexervair? or (by. A$ K loercast in the Keniperature afte cold reservoir? 21.7 Fatropy (ee Tales 19. 1, (Uy Liat nthe ela fw eatenpy nega a Te 6 feccanea (a) Pao ater a 100 3 hae 18 10 “Cand at constaut pressure; (Y 2g OF ie 1 svt to water at °C (6) Fg x er aR Ho ate 40 100 22.11) fod the change in enioopy when NN of ioe at 0° 1 de UR of ger 100 Cin ingute eom- 23. ti) AS ce exe ot OC mills (sversiby) to water o 1 amt the change in entopy 4? at thew and (HY Ck ha iver? 1y.2 tor data= S bg sece ball at 200 °C is thrown into.a lake at 20°C. "Wise eth entropy change of (0) the-ball?(b) the lake? (€) Steeuniverse? © |. 4 “SSSA 100-5 fed ball nt 100 *C is placed in $00 g of water at 20°C in an insulated container, (a) What is the final equil- temperature? (b) What is the change in entropy (b) of the Ball (c) ofthe wate, (4) of the universs? 2265) Tot fe supplied to 1 x of ice ntilly 14 =8°C slowly “gehanglng itv water at +8 *C. What the change in entropy ‘of the sample? 7 275) Ate slemly sie has been renched, » metal rod ec {duets 1200) froma 400 K reservoir to one al 250 K duringa werval Find the change in entropy of (x) the () the vole () the ro (0) the "ens 4 ‘A 10-ky cannonball is project! at $0 nr from city. av above sew level. Whit isthe change ir entropy of the 1 univers after the bal nds in the xen? Assvime the Bail the tir, and the wen tenia 20 °C, {H) Pla the ehangs in entropy. for H moles wi an Wet monatomic gas in the following processes S(0) the temperature changes feom Ty te 72%; 21 stant pres sure, PROBLEMS: 1, ,(0) One mole of nn iden! monntonnie gns is twken around the reversible vycle shown in Fig. 21.22. Find: (a) the heat input output in cach fea: (h) the work dene in one eycle; | (the efficiency. ‘ ihe iy aye a ! i tes i eee $ eee ; Le 24 (One mol of wn ial moitomic gas taken around the reversible cycle of Fig. 21.23, Ths irother:~als ars at 500 K 1300 K. Find the efieieney of the ena 4. (uy Two motes of aides date eas (7 # 7 operate in the yee of Fig, 2124, where 7, = £00 K, Tp = 290 K, and P, = 100 kPa. Find: (a) the werk done per cy (b) the | Saar 2h mermoPYAND THE su:cOND LAW OV THEARBIODY VAMICA 1 I VEE atte svhetid (0 the pressure changes rom P to Fy atconsiant vokime 30, ((l) Find the,change’ in'eatropy for n moles ‘of an ident anatomic gas inthe following processest 1: (av-The temperature ehonges from 7; to Feat constant vol mom aE POON et {@)'The yolume changes from ¥, to Vs ak constant temnerie ure ; 31. (DA thin membrane divides an Insulated container int two: equal volumes, One side contin 2 ihe oan Weal ss, () ‘What is the chang in'entropy of the) gas when the men brane:is broken? (b), Whathis the charge In entropy of the universe? pia sigh sth 2324 () A steam engine with 50% ofthe ideal Ginvot efficiency. iperheete stern at 280 %Cind dchnrges steamy Hts mechanical power output is 200 EW. Yor x period of Lh find Gs) how much heat it-disehis ges; (b) the Change in entropy vf the hot reservoir; the change in fmtrapy oF the evld reservoirs (UD A Carnot engine operates between reservois a 200 K fini 580'R. During eneh eye, it ubyopys 10003 fron the hot reservoir, (a) ate the change, 'in entropy during cit ofthe four sages. (B) What fa"heimet change in en troy fora complete cycle? “PIGUIL. 2123 Probtem 2 FAGUINY, 21.24 Problem Igp Die mats kw Rend tonic ps Cy 5) are taken (amen teenie of Fag 21.25. Fird: (x) the heat absorbed, (©) ine work done per eye PIG 21.28 Predemn ae, ae 1 '$. Ud The Idewlized alr-standard Diesel eyele is shown in Fig. 21.26. Air enters the combustion chamber in gh intake «tebe ont shown) is diabaially compressed rom ot0 b- At (vel enters the system and stxrts to burn, essentially at consinnt pwensure, This jrocers contimics until point Jo Shem th rae expands adiniatically to peint This is the power stroke. In the exhaust strake, the zombustion prod: «Bete cont at constant volume Frome buck tothe initial point fa; Siow that the efigieney is FIGURE 21.26 Problem $ * 6. Show that an equivalent expression for ths eicency of We Shtanzed air-standacd Diesel cycle discuated in Problem 5 is Wi nl jn: (i) A freezer conve x LWaluate the effiiency given that the-comprcssion rato ValVa =. 1S and the expuasion ratio Val, $5 Toke y ia. 21. (1) A Carnot engine that wags one sole uf an Kel gus Cr ™ 4) operates botween:500°K and 300K. The highest il -Towest pressurena 3 $00 Ks and 100 P,P: (0 he net {work doe per eyes) the efkieny {1 Draw the Carnot cycle ow a T' versus § Atal the met work ane per eycte ig TS, here the ne tepals taken around 9 complete eyele 9. (1) Show that ifthe Kelvin-Planck statement were visited, 1 perfect engine were possible, the enirepy oF INS universe could deerease. cries between rercrvoirs at vemipera- bs 1200 J of heat Mcieney of the A) the change in entropy of evch o* the wo reser Yours and of the universe 38y. (e} How nuveh work would the done by n Carnot engine that wbsorbed the samme quantity reat trom ube hot reservoir? «d) Show thas the work done fengine is TedSy Fess than that done by he fvtiere Ze iv tie lomperauire of the coll wolg of water is heated fhont.0 °C to 100°C by ng it lino contact with a diferent! number of renee ind the change in enteopy of the universe given the voir at 100 °C is used. (b) The {brought to equilibrium with aveservoir at 30°C ind then putin eontnet with the.reservair ak 100 °C (6) Tne aiier is brought to equilitrium successively with cescr¥ out res 25 °C 30 °C, 78 °C, sa 140 (9 water ba hantea yaveinaly? 12.1) Two Carnot eng : Be dram intermediate etnperatre iis weed m4 th wt ‘ ‘of the other. (a) What is the overall vi ney (b) Compare seer fap wide eficiney of ine emi Ah ren there is no interned te se yea 0.5 kp of wast a 10C toe ALB *G. If the coefiicient of performance ion, what ia Ihe elect > “G.I coe? (per re Wit fr dats ow pectic treats and the ave ravnveribleainkni poco the wry ofan ial In a reverie ace weep sere 9) a ate BU ycomsste si ts 10TONS VNO0 200 Our MMW Pysies || Sy SPT. ii sel Of macroscopic variables such a Vick welt a $¥slem is in therinal eyuilibetne these quantities are constant. When we bodies are in thermal equilibrium with cach other, they are at the sane temperature, According (o the zeroth Jay of thermodynamics if ai in thermal equilibrium with pouy Ge then they a with each other, SUMGARY ” ‘The state ofa systems ix chitie-terized by Pressure, temperature, and v{ bodies A and Bare individu. we also in thermal equilibrium DAUAMOA SE at0 OE N malaga 6. sashes of on deat OV © NET = ART Jiiere Boltzmann's constant & and the uniy ANa. where Ny is Avopadeo's number, ins. When the tempersiure ofa rod of engi Lie chang by bas is AL = aLay ui expansion, When the teny + its volume changes by av = pyar : ‘here A is the evecent of volume expansion, \ Where @ is the coefficient of tincar perature of an object , * of volume V is changed by a7. ENERO SES 1. (9) The temperature interval 100 C* te = Fate. Since a ternperature of we have ANSWERS TO IN-CAR ‘corresponds to 130 F*, so Huse N= AN oF from Eq. 18.1 0°Cis the same us 32°F, tp Met 3 ft (0) te» (9/8920) + 32 = 68 8, u20,6 10°) yy i 2 (9) The pressure is = (0,8)(1.01 JO" Ninth 8,08 x 408 TITRNGIS KY 3 Nin, rom Hq. 18.2, the nimiber of moles it 712% 10% molecules " Py = seca 3 The inner surface ofthe glass expands much more quickly )3"# '6 thermal stress in the ‘ i be great enough to cause a cracks Ve PURSHONS 1 The tid om a tightly closed jar may be loosened by running 4, hot water over it, Why Joes this work? er itor by spraying it with cold water? 21s it possible for ‘cin thermal equilibrium $. A stect hall oats in mercury, Does it rise or sink as their With Reh other wicho # being in physical contac? common temperature is increased? ca eats asi i likely — Yow are given a theemineter and asked te me ren with a Eyex ghs con: Ouse air tempera isthe difference vetween ordinary. Blassand 7. Fora gi {0 crmck. ‘This does not taimer, What i Pyrex glass? re the Fe. What recs wtions would you lake? feels cooier when thereae ———— sg. When a cold mercury-in-glass thermomet=r ir placed in hot Keser, Se Biquid column iniv'olty falls, E spin se What are the disadvantages of using water in a liquid-ia- Gass thermometer? fon. One sometimes hears that the Fahrenheit ale is “more Secorate."* What is meant by this? How vould you re- spond? EXERCISES 18.2 Temperature Seales 1. (1) Convert the following temperatures to the Celsis scale {fa)a room at 70°F; (b) an auto radiator at 195 °F: (6) normal body temperature of 98.6 "F, 2. @) Conver the following temperatures to the Fahrenheit Seale: (a) the melting point of lead at 327 °C; (b) the boiling point of hydronen at ~253 °C; (c) desert alr at 45 °C. (1) At what temperature are the numerical values on the Celsius and Fahrenheit seales identical? (‘The length of the column in a mercury thermometer is 10 fame at OC anal 28-cm wt 100°C, Find: (a) the temperature that corresponds to 13 cin; (b) the fength ofthe colunin at 70 3 45, (1) Some engineers find it convenient to use the Rankine Seale, in which absolute zero is OR and the degree inter~ Nats are those of the Fahrenheit seafe, What's 0 *C on the Rankine scale? 6. (1) The temperature T on a thermometer is calibrated ac- Gerding tothe relationship T = (aR + b) °C, where R is the lectrignl rexistinice of w wire and @ arid P are constants, ‘The resistance fs 24 ohms at 0°C and 35.6 ohms at 100°C. Find (a) the resistance at 0 °C; (b) the temperature when the resistance is 29 ohms, Ike Ideal Gas Law 17 (1) Show that at 0 °C and | atm, the wumter density of molecules in an ideal gas is 2.7 10! me°sevies/em 8, (1) Show that the mass density p of 1 moles of a gas of particles with a molecular mass Af within a volume Vean be written as p = nAfIV (1) Write the ideal gas taw in terms of the mass density {nensured in kg/m!) of the gas. ALO*C an! Vim, find the density of the following: (a) nitrogen; (b) oxygen (€) hy> trogen, 10, U) A cylinder contains | kg of oxygen at a pressure of 3 ‘alm, (a) What would be the pressure if | kg of nitrogen feplaces the oxygen at the same temperature? (b) What mass of niirogen would produce a pressure of 2 atm at the same temperavure? 11, (If) Two moles of helium gas are at 20°C and a pressure of 200 APa, (a) Find the volume of the gas, (b) If the gas is 9, seynnvny 375) 11, ‘The sidewall of a tire indicates “35 psi max.”" After a long | run on a hot day, the pressure is measured to be 38 psi. ‘Should air be released from the warm tire? | Desig a simple thermostat based on a bimetallic strip. | How would you ndjust it for different temperatures? How does the value of a coefficient of linear expansion change cn measured in *F*! rather than K-'? heated to 40°C and its pressure reduced by 30%, what is the new volume? 12, (1) A log cabin has an internal volume of 220 m?. (a) Find the mass of air contained at 20°C and | atm. (6) Ifthe cabin ir warmed 10.25 #C, find the new pressure, assuming that the cabin is airtight. (c) Ifthe cabin were not airtight, what nase of air would escape when the temperature i raised? ‘Take the “effective” molecular mass of molecules in air 10 be 29 g/mol, 13, (lly A cartire with an internal volume of 0.015 ms filled to| { gaue pressure of 200 kPa at 18°C, Afer u long cun, the | pressure rises 230 KP, (a) What ste temperature of the Tie the tire, assuming that the volunve of the tire is Ua | ‘hanged? (b) What mass of air must be removed for the | fressure to return 0 200 kPa? (Adu! {atm ~ 100 KPa tothe | uuge pressure to obtain the absolute pressure.) Take the Retfective” molecular mass of molecules in air to be >| aimol. \ 14 (1) 1s possible toachieve a pressure as low as 10-* Nin At this pressure, ealculate the number of molecules of an idea! gus per ent? at 300 K. \ 15, (I) A cube of side 10 em is filed with oxygen at 0°C and i ‘aim, The box is sealed and its temperature raised 10 30°C.) ‘What is the force exerted by the enclosed gas on each side of the box? | 16, (11) (a) Two moles of an ideal gas are at n pressure of I KPa and have a volume of 16 L., What is the temperature {by"The gus is heated! at constant pressure until its volume ! : 32 L, What is the new temperature? (c) With the volume fixed at 32 L, the gas is healed until the temperature rises to 450 K, What is the new pressure? 11. (1) Two moles of nitrogen are wt 3 aim and 300 K. (a) on is the volume of the gas? (b) It expands at constant temper ‘ure until the pressure drops to 1 atm, What is the new 18.5 Const alume Gas The | se tom cea aati pince ie rons 0,02 atm at 100 °C. Estimate: (a) tHe pressure at ‘the triple} tof water, (B) the temperature when the pressure i, 0,027 aim, | 19, (I) In a constant-volume gas thermometer the pressure in|1 EAL ENPARSIE posse me soreti hee betes she ripe point of water is 40 mn Hg, Estimate fir tke geemsare at 300 K; (6) the temperature when the pesosare is 25 mam Hg. There! E ypans ‘A raitrond is laid at 15 °C with steel tracks 20 m long Gass the minimum required separation between the ends ihe tracks if the maximum temperature expected is 35 scr ais) A steel gauge block, which fs used as a standard of reagti in machine shops, s 5.0000 em tong at 20 °C; Over cer dtapernture range ea (be used if an uncertainty of 40,01 mm ix neceptable? 22, (i) The scale on a steel meter stick is stamped at 15 °C- What is the error in a reading of 60 em at 27,°C? PRODLE 1. () A.sestel contane $ moles of an ies! gas at 0°C and ? saan itis heated at constant volume wail its temperature is MHC. ta) What isthe neve pressure? (b) How many moles Of gas should be allowed to escape for the pressure 'o To- eats | alm? (e) After the gas has escaped the container is rented and cooled to 0 °C What isthe pressure now? 4. ty Ato: airbaloon has a volume of 1200 mi. The asbient Up emperature is 15°C and tre presaure is | let, To whet temperature must the air in the balloon Be raised fr the teareeettg jor fit 200 ke, Grehting the mass of the bel rane Take the “elective” molecular mass of molessies in air to be 29 eft 4. (1 Use the ideal gas Inw to show that the euerncient of me expansion at constant pressure is f+ WT: 4A, (O A spherical lnss bulb filed wih 50 mt of wate 5 Oa rMpat hes a neck of digs 0.15 cm al i NY Top How high docs the water ris im the neck 9 9S “cr Fre the effect ofthe expansion of the lass bul. 4. yA perdu clock ns aod with a period fof 2 sat 20°C. (A Temperature rises to 30°C, how mach does (he clock Wr the temo week Treat the rod aso physical pene fim pivoted at one ond. (See Example 15.8.) 4: tt) Show hat the factional change in density 9 8 liquid aepy a change in temperature is Bole * ~AAT where fis the coefficient of volume expansion: +1. Al) A steel ball of radius 3.2 em is in @ cylindrical glass AD HH TE SE A TAY, 23, (I)aeaprer sphere of radius 2.000 em is placed over whole ws 6, Ww a fof ravi: 1,990 em in an aluminum plate at 20°C. At what onion temperature will the sphere pass throygh the hole? (0) horizontal support eam in a house is mide of steel fand sas a length & m at 20 °C. It extends from one wall 0 ine eshur, During fir its temperature rises to 80°C. What is the increase in its length? (‘The Eiffel tower, which is made of stech is 320 m high $0 °c What is the change in its height over the range ~29 C10 35°C? (yA siee! 1 benm is installed ot 20 °C between two fixed Walls. What i the stress iawluced In the beam when the Temperature inereases to 35 °C? Young's modulus for steel is 2 x 10! Nim? beaker of radius 1.5 em that contains 20 mL of water at C What is the change inthe water level when the tempera ture rises to 90°C? Sa vi rectangla plate has 2 eagth Leand 6 width. The © D cAecient of linear expansion isa. Show that the change in——> socencreed by a change in temperature OT is LA = aac, where A= LW. (DA steel rod of radius, whose ends are fixed it Saat ta tensile Toad of 15 KN. What ithe gtese Ne tempat (a) falls by 10.C% (b) rises by 1.C™? (Young's modulus for stecl is 2 10" N/m?) {iy Cer eretc sections 18 Tong ae kl at 15 °C. (0) WAL certs gap ithe highest temparatare expected i$ tre rit ena i the sexs induced jn the concrete if (he ‘emnpiare rigs to 40°C? (Your's modulus for eonerate is 2 102 Nim) {0 Air bubble as a fadivs of2 man atu deh of TF «An a eonperture of 8 °C. Whot i is radi just Oelow Tre Shaage where the temperature is 16°C? () 4 livid completely fills scaled continet of fixed vole 1 ae Spo thatthe pressure eaused by a change in {emPet- ature OT is given bY are paar vere iv the eoeticient of volume expansion id Bis the ‘bulk modulus.ARP RE EASE OF THERMODYNAMICS Thinley whee! experiment involve the transfer of ‘mt re ter? AF mt why did its temperature rise? Dehetre eet, tightly porous canvas water bags are “Spenplfem ihe front bumpers of cars and trucks, What isthe ‘tmin f thin practice? B Woe fe rowed frou more likely on clear (cloudless) nights? © Cooks often prefer copper pots to steel pots. Why? (92am heat flow into n system of finite size without chang- fing is temperature? (b) Can the temperature of a system ‘change without an input of heat? Give examples, (2) Is it possible 0 do mechanical work on a system, such fa uid in a container, without changing its volume? If s how? ¢h) I it possible for a gas to do work without chang- ing its volume? ‘The two procestes depicted in Fig, 19.18 are quasisiati which case is the hat flow into the system greater? aS HIGURE. 19.14 Question 7, v 8 An iden! gas expands to twice its volume under the Follows ‘ng conditions: (a) isothermial;(b) adiabatic (¢) isobaric, Per nersies tae 1. () One British thermal nit (Bu) raises the temperature of 1 th of water by 1 F*, How many joules are equivalent to 1 mw? 2. (1) When 400 J of heat are supplied to 150 g of aliquid, its temperature rises by 2.5 K.. What is its specific heat? 3. (0) An Big steel all at 180°C fs placed in a 90-8 conrer enlorimeter that contains 500g of water at 15 *C. What is the final temperature? | “4, (1) A 250g lead ball at 210°C is placed in a 90-g sluminu n * ealorimeter that contains 300 g ofa igid at 20°C IF tv final temperature is 30°C, what is the specific heat of the: ligt? Tite eee Pint Skeirh each process an PV diagram, In which (as final temperature the greatest? onditions mentionest in Question &, in ict ense inge in internal energy the greatest? a ion dW = pV applies only 1 (a 1 ideal gas, (0) n quasistatic process, oo When nn ideal gas undergoes a free expansion, its temper ture is unchanged. Yel, when the gas undergoes 1m adia- batic expansion ngninst a piston, ils femperalun + drops. Why the difference’, Which of the following properties of an isolated system —~ he constant ) volume; ermal eneray of th) work, example of fren exp ‘16, What is the principal mechanism by which a fre Arvo? Ist Beiter to have the front of the firep' Hlosked with glass partition” 17, iberglass insulation bats somtetimes have aluménwm fait on ane side, Whas purpose does this serve? JX, On a very cold day. why is a wrench likely to atick wo your i win? 19. Bapisin why we are comfortable in 18°C alr, byt da 9 ining in 18°C water uapleasant, é FV. Wit pssibte for heat to M nal energy to, anuther wi £. UWAOSg steel electric htt rate at 1200 W contains 0.6 fut oF water At HOC, How fon does it take the cert rach AC AS Une Hal there are Mo losses. 6. (During light exercise a person generates heat at arate of 10s IF eof this heat is Host through evaporation of tatima the mass of water lost in 2 h. Take the Jatew heat of vaporization to be 2.45 % 10" Ig. 7. AV ow much eat is ceeded to convert 40 6. of ice inilly 01 HC to. go waler and 20 g of sleam at 100 °C? 8 GD 4794 conver calorimeter contains 100 got war. Tar bundrod grtsns of leet pellets at 200°C are add to the water. (3) What should be the initia temperatian of the<_ ERURCINT OF he . a es terete is tat of etm, my topo e where the walure i 01 Find i Wome | Se be the purpose of arranglig iis done by the gas during (a) the expansie, (the commres: } sion. q We A macteae power plant goncrates $00 MW of waxte heat “Batman be carried away by water pumped from s lake If Be wee temperature isto rise by 10 C% what is the re- gied flow rate in kg/s? ‘Gh (Solar radiation supplies approximately | kWim' w the Cath’ surface, A 31m X 2 solar colfector is used to Feat ater. Ifthe required temperature rise is 40 C>, what is tne Secesaary flow rate of the-water in kg/s? Assume BO% of the radiant energy is absorbed by the wate 19.3 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat. , ‘AL. (1) A 1200-kg car is braked to a stop from 100 kia/h. (a) How much kinetic energy is lst? (b) I 60% of this energy 20» (1) Two moles of an iden! ens 5 initintly ot a pressure of | appears in the steel brake ‘drums, whose total mass 1s .1ki 100 kPa, The gas is compressed ixpthermally al 0 “Clon | what is their increase in temperature? » uessure 07 250 kPa, Find the work done by the ga 12. (D) A0.5-kg hammer head strikes a 6-8 steel nail 15 times at 49,5 and 19.6 ‘the First Law of thermody ‘2 ms, Assume that 20% of the kinetic energy of the ham- 7 21, (I) A system absorbs 38 of hent and inthe proves it does FIGURE 19.19 Exercise 19. mer nerves to raise the temperature of the nal. What is tne rise in temperature of the nail? 11 et wecke (a) fhe initia internal energy is 2082 what is As ti A 204 led ballet at 30 °C and moving tt 250 1/9 tho fut astern eteryy? thy The ayatenn Follows ferent wea ttn a wooden block. (a) 17% of the init thermodynamic path tothe same fis state and does 15 J of embeds lel eos tnternaleney ofthe bel, that "Nk what is the heat transferred? veel zraratore? (p) Does any of it eel? C20, how 22+ (1) Wiis 8 bes is compressed froin (2 L to 0.8 Lat a rs . constant pressure of O.4 alm, it absorbs 400 J of heat, Find: {@) the work done by the gas; (b) the change in its cenersy (Un A paw is confined to a vertienl zylinder hy # riston of nase 2 p-and radius Lem, When $J of heat nte added, the: much? (i) On his honeymoon in. 1847, Joule took slohs « (hometer to measure the temperatures at the top and! bot tom af the falls at Chamonix In the French Alp. Te (ls 2B, M4, St wre 120 me high. Assuming that all the kinetic ene. ay of she « a ae pecomesllerhal Gury of be water, Tsien SOY ud em. Find: (a) the work done by the Re te ne euaperatur Hse. Do yu think Wi emeaure-- | (ee olanee in ity internal enceny. Atmospheric preesuce tment agreed with this estimate?" 1s 108 Pa, 18, arte oute’s pale wheel exptrinentthe (io locks nad 24 (iy A gas undergoes the éyclic proves 8. Ino ee ahd were alowed (6 fall 16 Hiner | 2 ne abe, the syster) through w height of {1 m, 1 the barrel ened 3S kit of baie re asec anne er women F Tinh Ui teniperalir of te net hent alison during the cova’ ete ey! eres Le Nese Jiior the process ¢ toa find (b) the work owe by Le Bay 1. (i Five kilograms of lead peilels aré droped from A bexght tind (¢) th heat transfer. \ 40 m into 30 kg of water. Estimate the ri i tembpre ture Sf the water, Assume thet the lead and the waler ort rare Chil atthe same temperature, Assure that O'® of the wool ‘ Kinetic energy of the pellets goes Into warming the wnt ; fa ' 19.4 Work fn Thermodywarmes 17. (1 One kilograth of water atO*C and | atm freezet teicent OF sie the same température. How thc, work dont iy the revert The density of the liquid is 1000 kg/m, and of eet 5s 920 kg/m. sein tbe Ty A-ample of as has a volume of $ Lata pressure of 10 cy 14.0 aeseho (Asam erat the ek do NN ran 9 tare 2 ir the volume is (a) doubled; (0) halved? 28, «1h Whe Jesn process cepicted ns he stele ee oma toc in Fig. 19.21 the heat flow into the cyst sl cs ane 9f 120 kPa ideal gas expands ata constant press Le ce then compress Futher= 1972, (a1 Find the work done froma. «An from a to b; See Fig, 19:19.j / i | EAW OF THERMODS NAMICS, He U.. ic) What is the work done by the gas when i pen 887 (8) What isthe seach ben 4s the heat transfer in the process cha’ me 100, 4 ter FIGURE 19.21 Exercise 25, toad Ging . | 26. (11) (9) Find the work done by 20 & of oxygen (At = 3. moi) when it expands ‘quasistatically and isothermally et sereegyrom O12 m0 8.5 od Cy How mn eee sorbed? ideal gases, ne 38.) A gan with » molecular mass of heat at constant pressure cy = 0.91 specific heat at constant volume, 3 () An sth room has volun of 80 m? The air i¢ {italy 310°C and pressure of 10 ka Whee chante in temperature produced if 150 i of ent as pitt by We ale Take cy = 0.72 ki/eg Kan Atty Kimo. « 30 (0 8 person ivoduces heat at mee of 60 W. What the fiaireTmure Increase in 30 min due to two people fous Atal room of vatume 50 mt initially at OC ane tape 072 rk al the heat i absorbed by the aie Take = 0.72 Karke K and M = 29 g/mol, Mo () 1Wo moles of nic (Af b/mol has a specific 8 ki Mke-k, 32, (I) One mote of win ileal gus Process depicted in Fig, 19.22, ‘isothermal expansion, (a) Find each segment, ab, be, and ca. ing complete cycle? (10) Ong, AToig Of a ideal ans is frat compressed nother PIAIY 84330 K to 50% of ts original volume. Next, 400) ef heat are transferred into it at fixed volume. Ti total (b) the tolal change in i is taken through the eyelic From a to bit undergoes an the work done by the gns in (b) What ithe net heat tow on cn Volume and in te KF a and m temperat ice the original chung: snob. UD Hetiom gas in Presve-of 100 kPa is compressed isorheat tit the work required if tho pricece n: ( B, isoth sven: (6) ada 1) Way the quis 1 Take Cy 11) Two moles of an ideal gas initially at “Pa aad a temperat fixed (resure to tw work done by the gas: Take C, 20.9 Jima: AU One w KPa nnd 9 five tines the intial and (ti, Un Ae ole of at engine omesses it nliahsically tof compression roof 11), Wht the wi (D Prove that for an ident process the following ‘8) TV"! & constant: 120 Lto 801. Find ‘and final jwensuuess Process it does 400 J of We change ints interna eneray? ¢o) Whar he ” In loternat energy, given that the tsothermal; th) adiabatic. Take yt ieal §a8 when temperature of 300k. rks (a What is the heat trans. {71 T¥0 motes of an ident ens intially at a Dressure of 150 Mure of 20 °C expand quasistaically 1g lume, Fin the work done nnd the expnarion ty: (ay and C, = 209.41 ally at n temperature of ty uasistatically trom atic? Take yo $/ static adiabatic work done by 2 moles “S temperature changes frory 13°C te [2.5 S/mol-K, 4 pressuce of 150 ically (a) the fe of 20 °C expand ce the original vo {b) the chinge in its inter: K (y= 1.4) ini volume. What is (a) the fi! mezstre, ‘he final temperature? takes in wie (ym 1.4) at ca °C qu, of its original votume (4. inthe final temperature of | 08 liv W quasistae Ainbaths auton are atid: (6) PPI-¥ we constant £4) the final temperature: (b) the initia 10) the work done by the gis,j $A The Speed of Suund &() Calculate the speed of sound at 300 K and 1 atin. (yin area (M © 32 e/mol, y= 1.4} and (bin helium (44 = 4 g? mol, y= 1.6). 45. (W) Carbon dioxide has a ‘lm. The constant this eas? (b) What density of 1.98 kg/m’ al 0°C and 1 y= 1.3. (a) What is the speed of sound in is its adiabatic bulk modulus? 19.9 Heat Veuneport [er 4 WALImx 14 m glass windowpane is 4 mm thick hat ‘is the rate of heat transfer if the temperature differecce ‘cross the pane is 30°C? 47. (1) As one descends into the earth's crust, the temperature increases at the rate of 30 “Crkm. What is the rate of heat flow per m given thatthe conductivity of rock is | Wine? 44. () The sun may be teeated bt body a $800 K. Git shat lt radius is 7 % 10 m and e & 1 what isthe oti} powcr radiated? Melee ih a ‘PRONLEMS Whe 6 eed AAs bt 4. ADA sleet cobe has sides of length 1 er, I i heated from O°C 10 40°C at constant pressure of 100 kPa. Finds (a) the beat transferred tothe cube; (h the work donaby the cube, {) the change in the cube’s internal energy. The coeticient of linear expansion is U1 x 10-* K and the density 4 7.8 lem’ 2. WA 2g chunk of eat —10°C: °C. What is the final temperature the container, (1) Hot tid passes through a cylindrical pipe of length With inner radius a and outer radius hi see Fig. 19.44. Show Med to 1 kg of water at Of the system? Iynore {hal the rate of hen’ conduction through the wall of the pipe in 4Q nab (Ty = 1) dt in(blay where Ty nnd 7) are the temperatures at the inner and outer ‘surfaces, respectively. (/Hint: Note that the temperature aradient may be written as dT/dr and that the heat slows, through an area 2weL. FIGURE 19.24 Problem 3, Contained within a sphevical shell of ier radius ». Sho that the vate of beat 4.) A hot liquid inner rnglius a an * transfer due to conduction is given by IOLA “#. (0) The ends of an insulated copper rol of radivs 2 em length 40 emi are maintained at O°C and 4) °C. ‘he rate of heut flow through the rod? {») What perature at n peint 10 ¢m from the hal end when a at Sate is reached? i $9. (11) Two rods of conner ad aluminum, ‘and radius | em, are plaged in contaci en! (> end ae in Fy 19.23, The s des of the rods are intuined, Tae other en ‘he copper tod in at 80 °C and thal of she aluminum Io veh tema $0 MIGURE 1925 Exersie 30, 10°C. (a) What isthe temperature atthe junction (b) 's the cate of heat conduction through the rods? $1. One inch of Styrofoam has an 8 value of 6 in customar ants {What thickness (in inches)‘of concrete would needed to duplicate this igure? we Seah = ty) Where T, and 7, are the temperatures atthe inner and outel surfaces, respectively, ‘dflut: Note that the wemperature gradient may be written ne dite and that the surface area of & sphece of endius i wey E A) A Mthermopane™ window consists af two panes of gage of area A with a film of air in betwesn; sce Pig. 19.25. (ny thal the cate of heat Now due to conduc { tarp A Cima where 7) und fy are the inside and ov:sile temperaturen 7 iadiganthareinehetncnet cle anne ede th a fi; eecive tne Sober earn tellin orirone Wi tharmcenese ceed Saniamace rosea ‘ures are 2) °C and =35°C, respectively, wha eof hheat flow if the aren is 3.8 m!? he HAGURE 19.26 Problem 514-78 x [07 Ne = Eat x10 yy Tees Gurl) 14) RDS ich Ce ae te * Warn Re faut ARE rant {fom ne ures sy Cy messin) WH mals ye taety M02 he niente MW vo emvedion D ma es QznMe Crs -T1) Bann) FACET) Grea) tT Wee Wet Copaaday , ec) By, peer r| BGR 1h May ers Mocks) iw) Fre. 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