Nice3000b User Manual

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User Guide

NICE3000B Series
Integrated Elevator Control Cabinet

User Guide

Data code 19010775

Thank you for purchasing the NICE3000B Integrated Elevator Control Cabinet.
It is an elevator control cabinet system independently designed and manufactured by
Inovance Technology. Inovance provides a series of elevator solutions and a variety
of integrated solutions conforming to the latest national standards to cater for your
different needs. The NICE3000B is of new structure, with aesthetic appearance and
proper arrangement. All the materials selected are cleaner and more environmental
friendly. In addition, the new-generation NICE3000new integrated controller is adopted,
which can be used for driving an AC asynchronous motor or a permanent magnet
synchronous motor only after modifying one parameter. The NICE3000B features high
safety, high reliability, energy saving, reduced number of traveling cables, and fixed UIs
for convenient operation and maintenance.
This guide describes the correct use of the NICE3000B, including product categories
and features, safety information and precautions, installation, electrical design, and
maintenance. Read and understand the guide before using the product, and keep it
carefully for reference to future maintenance.
For more information about running and commissioning, visit Inovance's website www. to download the NICE3000new Integrated Elevator Controller User Guide
(reference No.: 19010473).

◆◆ The drawings in the guide are sometimes shown without covers or protective guards.
Remember to install the covers or protective guards as specified first, and then perform
operations in accordance with the guide.
◆◆ The drawings in the guide are for reference only and may differ from the actual product.
◆◆ The guide will be updated in time after product upgrade or specification changes, and
for applicability and accuracy.
◆◆ If your guide is damaged or missing, contact Inovance's agent in your region or
Inovance's Customer Service Center for a new one.
◆◆ In case of any question in use, contact Inovance's Customer Service Center.

Preface ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................... 9
Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................... 9
Safety Levels and Definitions .............................................................................................. 9
Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................... 9
Safety Signs........................................................................................................................ 14
1 Product Information............................................................................................................ 15
1.1 Model and Nameplate ................................................................................................. 15
1.2 Description of Components......................................................................................... 16
1.3 Product Dimensions .................................................................................................... 20
1.4 Technical Specifications .............................................................................................. 22
1.5 Description of Main Components and Parts ............................................................... 25
1.5.1 NICE3000new Integrated Controller ..................................................................... 25
1.5.2 Braking Components ......................................................................................... 29
1.5.3 Transformer ....................................................................................................... 30
1.5.4 Brake Power Board ............................................................................................ 30
1.5.5 Interface Board .................................................................................................. 32
1.5.6 PG Card .............................................................................................................. 33
1.5.7 Description of Terminal Blocks .......................................................................... 34
1.6 List of Optional Parts.................................................................................................... 34
2 Mechanical Installation ....................................................................................................... 35
2.1 Installation ................................................................................................................... 35
2.1.1 Installation Environment Requirements ............................................................ 35
2.1.2 Mounting Clearance Requirements .................................................................... 35
2.2 Handling ....................................................................................................................... 36
2.2.1 Packaged Cabinet Body ..................................................................................... 36
2.2.2 Unpackaged Cabinet Body................................................................................. 37
2.3 Mounting Procedure .................................................................................................... 38
2.3.1 Machine-room Control Cabinet.......................................................................... 38
2.3.2 Machine-roomless Control Cabinet ................................................................... 40
2.3.3 Machine-roomless Braking Resistor Box ............................................................ 41
3 Electrical Installation........................................................................................................... 42
3.1 External Interfaces of NICE3000B ................................................................................ 42
3.1.1 Positions of External Interfaces.......................................................................... 42
3.1.2 Main Circuit Terminal ......................................................................................... 43
3.1.3 Control Signal Terminal...................................................................................... 44
3.1.4 Interface Board Terminal ................................................................................... 46
3.1.5 Grounding Copper Bar ....................................................................................... 51
3.1.6 Wiring of PG Card ............................................................................................... 52
3.2 Wiring Mode of External Interfaces .............................................................................. 53
3.3 Recommended Peripheral Cables ............................................................................... 54
3.4 Description of Main Electrical Circuits......................................................................... 55
3.4.1 Main Circuit of the Elevator ................................................................................ 55
3.4.2 Safety Circuit and Door Lock Circuit ................................................................... 55
3.4.3 Inspection Circuit and Emergency Drive Circuit ................................................. 55
3.4.4 Bypass Circuit..................................................................................................... 57
3.4.5 Brake Circuit....................................................................................................... 58
3.4.6 ARD Circuit ......................................................................................................... 58
3.4.7 Leveling Signal System Circuit ........................................................................... 58
3.5 Overall System Wiring Diagram .................................................................................. 59
4 System Commissioning....................................................................................................... 60
4.1 Test Run and Commissioning Procedure .................................................................... 60
4.2 Safety and Circuit Check .............................................................................................. 60
4.3 Power-on and Controller State Check ......................................................................... 62
4.3.1 Check Power-on State ........................................................................................ 62
4.3.2 State Check at Normal Power-on ....................................................................... 62
4.3.3 Potential Controller States and Handling Methods Before Commissioning ....... 63
4.4 Commissioning at Inspection Speed .......................................................................... 65
4.4.1 Motor Auto-tuning .............................................................................................. 65
4.4.2 Test Run at Inspection Speed ............................................................................. 72
4.5 Shaft Auto-tuning ......................................................................................................... 73
4.6 Function Commissioning ............................................................................................. 75
4.6.1 UCMP Function ................................................................................................... 75
4.6.2 Braking Force Test Function ............................................................................... 77
5 Inspection and Maintenance............................................................................................... 79
5.1 Routine Inspection ....................................................................................................... 79
5.1.1 Routine Inspection Items ................................................................................... 79
5.1.2 Routine Cleaning Items ...................................................................................... 79
5.2 Periodic Maintenance .................................................................................................. 79
5.2.1 Periodic Inspection Items .................................................................................. 79
5.2.2 Replacement of Wear Parts ................................................................................ 80
6 Appendixes .......................................................................................................................... 81
7 Version History .................................................................................................................... 87
Warranty Agreement .............................................................................................................. 88

1 Connection of Peripheral Devices
Three-phase AC power supply



Hz A V

Intercom PRG ENTER

LED operation



Fire linkage switch


Fire output

Brake Encoder
power feedback
Terminal box at Brake output
car top feedback
Car Traveling cable UV W
Hall call display feedback
Door lock feedback

Shaft Slow-down switch

Final limit switch
Pit lighting

Figure 1 Connections between NICE3000B and peripheral devices

◆◆ The figure shows the connection between NICE3000B and peripheral

NOTE ◆◆ Contact Inovance's sales staff for peripheral devices if required.


2 Basic Functions

Function Description
Common Running Functions
This function is enabled to check the door lock actions when the
Door circuit fault
car door or landing door is opened; in case of a fault detected, the
elevator stops running.
In automatic running or attendant state, this function enables the
Full concentrated elevator to respond both car calls and hall calls. Passengers at any
selection service floor can call the elevator by pressing the up call button and
down call button.
The system automatically determines different door open time for
Door open time
door open against call, command, protection, or delay according to
the set door open holding time.
In automatic running state, passengers can press the door open
Door open holding holding button in the car to delay door open to facilitate goods to be
moved in or out.
Door operator
You can set the required service floors of the door operators.
service floor setting
Door pre-close During door open holding in automatic running state, passengers
by the door close can press the door close button to close the door in advance, which
button improves the efficiency.
The system supports display of floor numbers in combinations
Floor number
of numbers and letters, which meets the requirements of special
display setting
If the door is blocked by stuff during door close, the light curtain
Light curtain signal
acts and the elevator opens the door. This function is invalid in fire
emergency state.
When there are two doors for a car, automatic control on the two
control of the front
doors depends on your requirements.
door and back door
If the door lock is not applied after the elevator performs door close
Repeat door close for a certain time, the elevator automatically opens the door and then
closes the door again.
Voice The elevator automatically announces information such as the
announcement running direction and next arriving floor during running.
Idle elevator In automatic running state, the elevator automatically returns to the
returning to base set parking floor and waits for passengers if there is no car call or hall
floor call within the set time.
If the door open time exceeds the door open protection time but the
Landing at another door open limit signal is still inactive, the elevator closes the door and
floor then automatically runs to the next landing floor; the system reports
fault Err55.
Cancellation of Passengers can press the button consecutively twice to cancel wrong
wrong calls calls.


Function Description
You can enable or disable the system service for certain floors flexibly
Service floor setting
based on actual requirements.
Service floor You can set the time-based floor service and service floor, or select the
selection service floor through the service floor switch.
The elevator does not respond to any call, and the door needs to
be closed manually. In the case of group control, the elevator runs
independently out of the group control system.
In attendant state, the running of the elevator is controlled by the
Attendant running
When the elevator is in non-inspection state and stops at non-leveling
area, the elevator automatically runs to the leveling area at low speed
self- rescue
if the safety requirements are met, and then opens the door.
Automatic The system automatically implements startup torque compensation
startup torque based on the current car load, achieving smooth startup and
compensation improving the riding comfort.
The system automatically calculates and generates the running curves
Direct travel ride based on the distance, enabling the elevator to directly stop at the
leveling position without creeping.
Service suspension When the elevator cannot respond to hall calls, the corresponding
output terminal outputs the service suspension signal.
Running times In automatic running state, the system automatically records the
recording running times of the elevator.
Running time The system automatically records the accumulative working hours
recording and working days of the elevator.
If the system detects that the door lock circuit is abnormal during
Automatic door
door open/close, the elevator automatically opens and closes the
open upon door
door again, and reports a fault after the set door open/close times is
lock abnormality
When the elevator is waiting at the leveling position, if there is a call
Disability service at this floor from the disability operation box, the door open holding
time is prolonged. It is the same for the back door.
When the car is full-loaded in automatic running state, the elevator
does not respond to hall calls from the passing floors. These hall calls,
Full-load direct
however, can still be registered, and will be executed at next time of
running (in the case of single elevator) or by another elevator (in the
case of parallel/group control).
Overload When the car load exceeds the rated elevator load, the elevator gives
protection an alarm and stops running.
Fault data The system automatically records detailed information of faults, which
recording helps improve the efficiency of maintenance and repair.
Inspection-related Functions
The commissioning personnel can operate the bypass plugs on the
Bypass running
interface board to allow the elevator to enter the inspection state, or
conduct inspection of the landing door lock or car door lock.


Function Description
The 3-button keypad on the MCB provides the functions such as
commissioning the running floors and door open/close.
After entering the inspection state, the system cancels automatic
Inspection running running and related operations. You can press the up or down call
button to make the elevator jog at the inspection speed.
With simple parameter setting, the system can obtain the motor
Motor auto-tuning
parameters no matter whether the motor is with-load or without load.
Every time the elevator runs to the terminal floor, the system
Floor position
automatically checks and corrects the car position information based
on slow-down switch 1, and eliminates over travel top terminal or
bottom terminal with use of the slow-down switches.
Considering inaccurate running control at high inspection speed but
Dual-speed for long running time at low inspection speed, the system provides the
inspection dual- speed curve for inspection, which greatly improves the efficiency
at inspection.
The test running includes the fatigue test of a new elevator, car call
floor test, hall call test, and tests such as hall call response forbidden,
Test running
door open/close forbidden, terminal floor limit switch shielded, and
overload signal shielded.
Fire Emergency and Security Functions
Returning to
After receiving a fire emergency signal, the elevator does not respond
base floor at fire
to any call but directly runs to the fire emergency floor and waits.
After the elevator enters the firefighter running mode, door open/
close is implemented by the jog operation (optional) by using the door
open and close buttons rather than automatically. In addition, the
elevator responds to only car calls and only one call can be registered
After the security floor function is enabled, the security floor is used at
10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., and the elevator runs to the security floor first
Security floor
every time, stops and opens the door, and then runs to the destination
In automatic running state, when the elevator lock switch acts or the
set elevator lock time is reached, the elevator returns to the elevator
Elevator lock
lock floor after canceling all calls, stops running, and turns off the
lamp and fan in the car.
Automatic The system automatically identifies power failure and outputs the
identification of relay signal for emergency evacuation automatic switchover to
power failure implement emergency evacuation at power failure.
Running mode at For the synchronous motor, when the power supply is interrupted, the
power failure system can perform automatic switchover between shorting stator
Automatic braking mode and controller drive mode, implementing quick and
switchover stable self-rescue.


Function Description
After detecting a position abnormality, the system runs the elevator
Base floor
to each floor until reaching the terminal floor for verification,
guaranteeing system security.
When the earthquake detection device acts and inputs a signal to
Earthquake the system, the elevator lands at the nearest floor and stops running.
protection After the earthquake signal becomes inactive and the fault is reset
manually, the elevator restores to normal running.
Energy-saving Functions
If no running call is received after the set time, the system
Car energy-saving
automatically switches off the lamp, fan, and so on in the car.
Arrival gong
Within the set time period, the arrival gong is disabled.
disabled at night
After switching off the lamp in the car, the elevator system stops
Energy saving of
outputting door close command to reduce power consumption of the
idle door operator
door operator.

3 Optional Functions

Function Function Description Remarks

After landing at a floor, the elevator may move upward
or downward due to the load change and the car door is
not aligned with the ground, which is inconvenient for Configure
passengers and goods in and out. In this case, the system MCTC-MIB.
allows the elevator to run to the leveling position in the
door open state at the re-leveling speed.
For the elevator configured with emergency power
Power failure
supply, the system uses the emergency power supply to Configure
implement low-speed self-rescue in the case of power MCTC-ARD-C.
In automatic running state, when the elevator speed is
smaller than 0.2 m/s and the door zone signal is active,
Door pre-open the system shorts the door lock by means of the shorting Configure
function door lock circuit relay and outputs the door open signal, MCTC-MIB.
implementing door pre-open. This improves the elevator
use efficiency.
Passengers need to use the IC card to go to floors that Configure IC
IC card
require authorization. cards.
Parallel The system supports parallel control of two elevators to
running meet your different requirements.
The system automatically judges the number of
passengers inside the car and car call registers. If there
are excessive car calls, the system determines that it is in -
nuisance state, and cancels all car calls. Then, car calls
need to be registered again correctly.

Safety Instructions

Safety Instructions

Safety Precautions
1) Before installing, using, and maintaining this equipment, read the safety information
and precautions thoroughly, and comply with them during operations.
2) To ensure the safety of humans and equipment, follow the signs on the equipment
and all the safety instructions in this user guide.
3) "CAUTION", "WARNING", and "DANGER" items in the guide do not indicate all safety
precautions that need to be followed; instead, they just supplement the safety
4) Use this equipment according to the designated environment requirements.
Damage caused by improper usage is not covered by warranty.
5) Inovance shall take no responsibility for any personal injuries or property damage
caused by improper usage.

Safety Levels and Definitions

DANGER Indicates that failure to comply with the notice will result in severe
personal injuries or even death.

WARNING Indicates that failure to comply with the notice may result in severe
personal injuries or even death.

CAUTION Indicates that failure to comply with the notice may result in minor or
moderate personal injuries or equipment damage.

Safety Instructions



◆◆ Check whether the packing is intact and whether there is damage, water seepage, damp, and
◆◆ Unpack the package by following the package sequence. Do not hit the package with force.
◆◆ Check whether there are damage, rust, or injuries on the surface of the equipment or
equipment accessories.
◆◆ Check whether the number of packing materials is consistent with the packing list.

Safety Instructions


◆◆ Do not install the equipment if you find damage, rust, or indications of use on the equipment
or accessories.
◆◆ Do not install the equipment if you find water seepage, component missing or damage upon
◆◆ Do not install the equipment if you find the packing list does not conform to the equipment you

Storage and Transportation


◆◆ Store and transport this equipment based on the storage and transportation requirements for
humidity and temperature.
◆◆ Avoid transporting the equipment in environments such as water splashing, rain, direct
sunlight, strong electric field, strong magnetic field, and strong vibration.
◆◆ Avoid storing this equipment for more than three months. Long-term storage requires stricter
protection and necessary inspections.
◆◆ Pack the equipment strictly before transportation. Use a sealed box for long-distance
◆◆ Never transport this equipment with other equipment or materials that may harm or have
negative impacts on this equipment.


◆◆ Use professional loading and unloading equipment to carry large-scale or heavy equipment.
◆◆ When carrying this equipment with bare hands, hold the equipment casing firmly with care to
prevent parts falling. Failure to comply may result in personal injuries.
◆◆ Handle the equipment with care during transportation and mind your step to prevent personal
injuries or equipment damage.
◆◆ Never stand or stay below the equipment when the equipment is lifted by hoisting equipment.



◆◆ Thoroughly read the safety instructions and user guide before installation.
◆◆ Do not modify this equipment.
◆◆ Do not rotate the equipment components or loosen fixed bolts (especially those marked in red)
on equipment components.
◆◆ Do not install this equipment in places with strong electric or magnetic fields.
◆◆ When this equipment is installed in a cabinet or final equipment, protection measures such as
a fireproof enclosure, electrical enclosure, or mechanical enclosure must be provided. The IP
rating must meet IEC standards and local laws and regulations.

- 10 -
Safety Instructions


◆◆ Equipment installation, wiring, maintenance, inspection, or parts replacement must be

performed by only professionals.
◆◆ Installation, wiring, maintenance, inspection, or parts replacement must be performed by only
experienced personnel who have been trained with necessary electrical information.
◆◆ Installation personnel must be familiar with equipment installation requirements and relevant
technical materials.
◆◆ Before installing equipment with strong electromagnetic interference, such as a transformer,
install an electromagnetic shielding device for this equipment to prevent malfunctions.



◆◆ Equipment installation, wiring, maintenance, inspection, or parts replacement must be

performed by only professionals.
◆◆ Never perform wiring at power-on. Failure to comply will result in an electric shock.
◆◆ Before wiring, cut off all equipment power supplies. Wait at least 10 minutes before further
operations because residual voltage exists after power-off.
◆◆ Make sure that the equipment is well grounded. Failure to comply will result in an electric
◆◆ During wiring, follow the proper electrostatic discharge (ESD) procedures, and wear an
antistatic wrist strap. Failure to comply will result in damage to internal equipment circuits.


◆◆ Never connect the power cable to output terminals of the equipment. Failure to comply may
cause equipment damage or even a fire.
◆◆ When connecting a drive with the motor, make sure that the phase sequences of the drive and
motor terminals are consistent to prevent reverse motor rotation.
◆◆ Wiring cables must meet diameter and shielding requirements. The shielding layer of the
shielded cable must be reliably grounded at one end.
◆◆ After wiring, make sure that no screws are fallen and cables are exposed in the equipment.

- 11 -
Safety Instructions



◆◆ Before power-on, make sure that the equipment is installed properly with reliable wiring and
the motor can be restarted.
◆◆ Before power-on, make sure that the power supply meets equipment requirements to prevent
equipment damage or even a fire.
◆◆ At power-on, unexpected operations may be triggered on the equipment. Therefore, stay away
from the equipment.
◆◆ After power-on, do not open the cabinet door and protective cover of the equipment. Failure to
comply will result in an electric shock.
◆◆ Do not touch any wiring terminals at power-on. Failure to comply will result in an electric
◆◆ Do not remove any part of the equipment at power-on. Failure to comply will result in an
electric shock.



◆◆ Do not touch any wiring terminals during operation. Failure to comply will result in an electric
◆◆ Do not remove any part of the equipment during operation. Failure to comply will result in an
electric shock.
◆◆ Do not touch the equipment shell, fan, or resistor for temperature detection. Failure to comply
will result in heat injuries.
◆◆ Signal detection must be performed by only professionals during operation. Failure to comply
will result in personal injuries or equipment damage.


◆◆ Prevent metal or other objects from falling into the device during operation. Failure to comply
may result in equipment damage.
◆◆ Do not start or stop the equipment using the contactor. Failure to comply may result in
equipment damage.



◆◆ Equipment installation, wiring, maintenance, inspection, or parts replacement must be

performed by only professionals.
◆◆ Do not maintain the equipment at power-on. Failure to comply will result in an electric shock.
◆◆ Before maintenance, cut off all equipment power supplies and wait at least 10 minutes.

- 12 -
Safety Instructions


◆◆ Perform daily and periodic inspection and maintenance for the equipment according to
maintenance requirements and keep a maintenance record.



◆◆ Equipment installation, wiring, maintenance, inspection, or parts replacement must be

performed by only professionals.
◆◆ Do not repair the equipment at power-on. Failure to comply will result in an electric shock.
◆◆ Before inspection and repair, cut off all equipment power supplies and wait at least 10 minutes.


◆◆ Require for repair services according to the product warranty agreement.

◆◆ When the equipment is faulty or damaged, require professionals to perform troubleshooting
and repair by following repair instructions and keep a repair record.
◆◆ Replace quick-wear parts of the equipment according to the replacement guide.
◆◆ Do not operate damaged equipment. Failure to comply may result in worse damage.
◆◆ After the equipment is replaced, perform wiring inspection and parameter settings again.



◆◆ Dispose of retired equipment by following local regulations or standards. Failure to comply

may result in property damage, personal injuries, or even death.
◆◆ Recycle retired equipment by following industry waste disposal standards to avoid
environmental pollution.

- 13 -
Safety Instructions

Safety Signs
For safe equipment operation and maintenance, comply with safety signs on the
equipment, and do not damage or remove the safety labels. The following table
describes the safety signs.

Safety Signs Instructions



- 14 -
1 Product Information

1 Product Information

1.1 Model and Nameplate

NICE3000 B - 4 015 - A 1
NICE3000 series Mark SN
1 SN1
Mark Controller Type
2 SN2
B Machine-room
W Machine-roomless Mark Motor Type
A Asynchronous
Mark Voltage Class
B Synchronous
4 Three-phase 380 V
Mark Voltage Class
02 2.2 kW
03 3.7 kW
- -
30 30 kW
37 37 kW

Figure 1-1 Description of model and nameplate

Table 1-1 Designation rules

Cabinet Installation
Model Power Rating
Type Method
to 2.2 kW, 3.7 kW, 5.5 kW, 7.5 kW, 11 kW, 15 kW
Machine- mounted
control 18.5 kW, 22 kW
NICE3000B-4022 Floor-
NICE3000B-4030 mounted
30 kW, 37 kW
roomless Floor-
to 5.5 kW, 7.5 kW, 11 kW, 15 kW, 18.5 kW, 22 kW
control mounted

◆◆ The table only lists standard products. Contact Inovance's sales staff for
customized products if required.
◆◆ The serial numbers are only for machine-roomless control cabinets such
as ICE3000W-4015-B1 and NICE3000W-4015-B2.

- 15 -
1 Product Information

$POUSPM$BCJOFU 控 制 柜型 号 功率


调速方式 交流变频调速
控制方式 集选 制造日期
型式试验机构 上海交通大学电梯检测中心
电话 传真
5FM 'BY  

Figure 1-2 Description of nameplate

1.2 Description of Components

Braking resistor box

Emergency drive
operation panel

Door pre-open module

(under operation panel) NICE3000new integrated
Internet outlet



Interface board Brake contactor

Brake power board RUN contactor
Shorting motor stator

File bag

Main circuit terminal

Grounding copper bar
Control transformer

Figure 1-3 Description of components - machine-room control cabinet (NICE3000B-4002 to


- 16 -
1 Product Information

Braking resistor box

NICE3000new integrated contoller

Interface board

Governor test switch Emergency stop button

Governor remote action switch Emergency drive switching button
Governor remote release switch Emergency drive up button
Shaft lighting switch Emergency drive down button
Brake power board (at lower
position of inspection panel)
Traveling cable through winding
Shaft cable through winding
Inspection window

Electric release power box
Release handle

File bag

RUN contactor
Lamp tube Brake contactor
Shorting motor stator contactor
Lighting air switch Phase sequence
Safety circuit ELCB Signal terminal block
Door operator brake circuit ELCB Maintenance socket
Cable hole

Safety circuit transformer

Power cable terminal
Grounding copper bar

Cable hole

Figure 1-4 Description of components - machine-roomless control cabinet (NICE3000W-

4005-B1 to NICE3000W-4022-B1)

- 17 -
1 Product Information

Braking resistor box

Emergency stop buttom

Shaft lamp
Nameplate hole
Emergency drive up button
Electric release device
Emergency drive common button
Emergency drive down button
Emergency drive switching button Inspection window

UCMP module
NICE3000new integrated

Governor test switch

Governor action/reset switch

Shaft lighting switch

RUN contactor

Brake contactor
Interface board Shorting motor stator contactor
Light strip (side)
Safety circuit ELCB
File bag Door operator brake circuit ELCB

Cable hole Cable hole

Maintenance socket
Car-top fan, lighting air switch
Main air switch for power cable
Air switch for shaft lighting

Cable hole
Power cable terminal
Grounding copper bar

Figure 1-5 Description of components - machine-roomless control cabinet (NICE3000W-

4005-B2 to NICE3000W-4022-B2)

Table 1-2 Function description of components

Component Function
NICE3000new integrated The key component that integrates the control system and
controller drive system
Emergency drive switching For switchover between emergency drive state and normal
button running state
Emergency drive up button For emergency drive up running

- 18 -
1 Product Information

Component Function
Emergency drive down
For emergency drive down running
Emergency stop button For emergency stop
Governor test switch Machine-roomless governor test
Governor action reset switch Machine-roomless governor test or post-action reset
Shaft lighting switch Machine-roomless shaft lighting switch
Safety circuit ELCB For leakage and over-current protection of safety circuit
For leakage and over-current protection of door operator
Door operator brake ELCB
Car lighting ELCB For leakage and over-current protection of car lighting circuit
Shaft lighting switch For control of shaft lighting switch
For control of the circuits (other than lighting circuit) in the
Main air switch
elevator control system
For power socket used by maintenance or field inspection
3-hole socket
Grounding terminal block For grounding wire junction
Steel wire rope lamp For judgment of car location and elevator running direction
Control cabinet lamp For lighting for operation of the control cabinet
Microswitch Control cabinet lighting
Added for the door pre-open or re-leveling function (MCTC-
SCB-A1 for single door driven by synchronous motor; MCTC-
Door pre-open board
SCB-D for through-type door driven by synchronous motor, or
door driven by asynchronous motor)
Cable outlet For cable routing
For connection of shaft cables, machine room cables, and
Interface board
traveling cables
Intercom For installation of an intercom
Brake power board For motor brake voltage and 24 V system power supply
Input terminal for system power supply and output terminal
Terminal for main circuit
for motor power supply
Control transformer For supply voltage of safety circuit
Braking resistor box Consumes too much energy during braking
Brake contactor For on-off control of brake circuit
RUN contactor For on-off control of output voltage circuit
For control of elevator car movements with the resistance
Shorting motor stator
produced after shorted to the stator winding of the
synchronous motor (added for synchronous motor)
File bag For keeping files and drawings

- 19 -
1 Product Information

1.3 Product Dimensions

W1 D1


Figure 1-6 Overall dimensions - machine-room control cabinet (NICE3000B-4002 to




Figure 1-7 Overall dimensions - machine-room control cabinet (NICE3000B-4018 to


- 20 -
1 Product Information





Figure 1-8 Overall dimensions - machine-roomless control cabinet (NICE3000W-4005 to


Table 1-3 Dimensions of cabinet body and height of resistor box

Dimensions of Cabinet Body, Dimensions of Resistor Box,

W x D x H (mm) W1 x D1 x H1 (mm)
NICE3000B-4002 to
430 × 220 × 970 330 × 195 × 200
470 × 250 × 1220 380 × 240 × 270
510 × 275 × 1330 420 × 265 × 280
NICE3000W-4005-B1 to
400 × 243 × 1720 435 × 230 × 247
440 × 260 × 100
NICE3000W-4011-B2 to 350 × 240 × 1350
440 × 260 × 150
NICE3000W-4022-B2 440 × 260 × 195

◆◆ The volume and dimensions of the control cabinets are only given for the
standard models.
◆◆ The resistor boxes of all machine-room control cabinets should be
installed at cabinet top.

- 21 -
1 Product Information

1.4 Technical Specifications

Table 1-4 Main technical specifications
Item Specifications
Max. frequency 99 Hz
2 kHz to 16 kHz; automatically adjust carrier frequency based
Carrier frequency
on the load features
Motor control
Startup torque 0.5 Hz/180% (SVC); 0 Hz/200% (FVC)
1:1000 (FVC)
Speed range 1:100 (SVC)
1:50 (V/F)
Speed stabilizing
±0.5% (SVC) ±0.05% (FVC)
Torque control
±5% (FVC)
60s for 150% of the rated current, 1s for 200% of the rated
Overload capacity
Motor auto-tuning With-load auto-tuning; no-load auto-tuning
Flexible adjustment of direct travel ride to the leveling
Distance control
Automatic generation of N curves
deceleration curve
Basic Elevator New and reliable slow-down function, and automatic
specifications slow- down identification of speed reducer position
Shaft auto-tuning 32-bit data to ensure accurate recording of shaft position
Flexible and operable leveling adjustment function
Proper startup pre-torque is selected with the load cell, or
Startup torque
self- adaptive pre-torque function is enabled without the load
Accurate real-time clock for various functions such as
Real-time clock
time- based service, peak service, and automatic password
Various elevator commissioning functions enabled in a
Test function
convenient manner
Multi-class improved elevator troubleshooting function
Fault protection
based on different levels
Intelligent For remote monitoring, user management, group control
management scheduling, and other functions
For safety inspection, such as grounding and short circuit
self- inspection in
inspection, of peripheral devices in power-on state
power-on state
Judgment of elevator running state based on feedback
State monitoring

- 22 -
1 Product Information

Item Specifications
Power cable Three-phase input terminal of the control cabinet: R, S, T, (N);
terminal Power input terminal of the motor: U, V, W
Mains supply input terminal, motor brake winding terminal,
I/O Control terminal
fire linkage and fire output terminal (shaft lighting terminal
and governor terminal)
PG card interface For encoder cable
Operation panel of
With emergency stop switch, emergency drive switch, and
the control cabinet
emergency drive up/down running button
Operation panel of
the control cabinet Shaft lighting switch, governor action reset button, and
(machine- electric brake releasing button
Operation and roomless)
commissioning 3-digit LED display, implementing certain commissioning
5-digit LED display, querying/modifying most parameters
Operation panel
and monitoring the system state
Viewing and modification of all parameters, uploading and
Mobile APP downloading of parameters, monitoring of system state
parameters, including running curve

- 23 -
1 Product Information

Item Specifications
The AC drive in the control cabinet provides the phase
Phase loss loss detection function. In case of incorrect input phase
protection sequence, the control system will report phase loss, stopping
the running of the elevator and preventing accidents.
ELCBs are arranged in the control cabinet to protect the
circuits with a voltage above AC 50 V, the safety circuits of the
elevator, and the power supply circuits of the door operator
Leakage protection
when the leakage current is too large. Leakage protection
devices are arranged in the distribution box to protect the
sockets at the car top, in the shaft, and in the pit.
Grounding copper bars are arranged in the control cabinet.
Grounding You can connect the peripheral ground wires to the copper
protection bars so that the device has the same EMF as the ground to
prevent electric shock.
The transformer temperature may rise due to long-time
running or other reasons. The system disables protection
when the temperature is higher than 105℃ and continues
to run when the temperature is lowered to below 75℃
according to the protection settings.
Short circuit The drive controller is protected when any two-phase short
protection circuit on the output side causes overcurrent.
When the encoder feedback speed exceeds a limit or
the deviation between the torque limit and the speed
Speed abnormality test feedback is excessive, the system will immediately
protection perform protection, give an alarm immediately and prohibit
rerunning, achieving quick protection against abnormal
elevator speed.
Rotary encoder abnormalities include rotary encoder phase
Rotary encoder
loss, reverse direction, cable breaking, pulse interference,
etc. In these cases, the system will perform protection
immediately to prevent accidents.
Leveling switch abnormalities include leveling switch
Leveling switch failure and sticking. The system judges both abnormalities
abnormality according to the feedback change process of leveling signals.
protection If there is no change in leveling signals, the system will give
an alarm.
The system stores floor information through shaft auto-
Floor data tuning. In case of data abnormality, it gives fault information
abnormality in the first running after power-on. During running, the
protection system constantly verifies the data based on the signal input
position and givens an alarm if the difference is too large.

- 24 -
1 Product Information

Item Specifications
Below 1,000 m (de-rated by 1% for each 100 m above 1,000
Ambient -10℃ to +45℃ (De-rated if the ambient temperature is above
temperature 40℃ )
Humidity Less than 95% RH, non-condensing
Vibration < 5.9 m/s2 (0.6 g)
-20℃ to +55℃
Pollution degree PD2
IP level IP20
Power distribution

1.5 Description of Main Components and Parts

1.5.1 NICE3000new Integrated Controller
The NICE3000new series integrated elevator controller combines the functions of both
elevator controller and high-performance vector AC drive. You should select the proper
controller according to the required motor and brake parameters (brake current and
general power).

Figure 1-9 NICE3000new integrated controller

As a core part of the NICE3000B, NICE3000new should be selected based on a variety of

factors such as motor power, input/output current, and power capacity. The parameters
are listed in the following table:

- 25 -
1 Product Information

Table 1-5 Parameters of the integrated controller for the NICE3000B

Power Capacity Input Output Applicable

Model of Control Cabinet
(kVA) Current (A) Current (A) Motor (kW)
4.0 6.5 5.1 2.2 NICE3000B/W-4002
5.9 10.5 9.0 3.7 NICE3000B/W-4003
8.9 14.8 13.0 5.5 NICE3000B/W-4005
11.0 20.5 18.0 7.5 NICE3000B/W-4007
17.0 29.0 27.0 11.0 NICE3000B/W-4011
21.0 36.0 33.0 15.0 NICE3000B/W-4015
24.0 41.0 39.0 18.5 NICE3000B/W-4018
30.0 49.5 48.0 22.0 NICE3000B/W-4022
40.0 62.0 60.0 30.0 NICE3000B/W-4030
57.0 77.0 75.0 37.0 NICE3000B/W-4037

The NICE3000new integrated controller is also suitable for the machine-roomless

NICE3000W control cabinet.
For more information about the NICE3000new integrated controller, visit Inovance's
website to download the NICE3000new Integrated Elevator Controller
User Guide (reference No.: 19010473).
Table 1-6 Description of MCB control circuit terminal

No. Code Terminal Name Function Description
CN1 X1 to X16 DI X6
X8 CN1
Input voltage range: 10–30 VDC X9
Input impedance: 4.7 kΩ optocoupler

Input current limit: 5 mA

DI terminal
Functions set in F5-01 to F5-24

X17 to
DI X18
X21 CN 9

Al-M/Al+ AI Used for the analog load cell device


- 26 -
1 Product Information

No. Code Terminal Name Function Description
+12V/ External 12 VDC
12 V emergency power supply
MCM input
M24V/ External 24 VDC 24 VDC power supply for the entire
MCM input board +12V

RS485 Standard isolated RS485


MOD+/- differential communication interface, used for hall

CN 3
signal call and display
CANbus communication interface, CAN1+

CANbus communication with the car top board


CAN1+/- differential (CTB); machine-roomless monitoring

signal board and DI/DO expansion board

Input voltage XCOM

X25 to Strong-current
110 VAC ± 15%, 110 VDC ± 20% safety
CN2 X28/ detection CN 2
circuit and door lock circuit,
XCOM terminal

function set in F5-37 to F5-40



Y1/M1 to NO contact output: 5 A/250 VAC

CN7 Relay output CN7
Y6/M6 Function set in F5-26 to F5-31 Y4

USB Cell phone bluetooth commissioning
CN8 communication USB
interface interface
RS485 MOD2 communication interface, used
MOD2+/- differential for residential monitoring and Internet
signal of Things MOD2+


CN4 CAN2 communication interface, used CN4

CAN2+/- differential
for parallel/group control


CAN3+/- Reserved

Interface for:
Site commissioning software
6 7 8 9
DB9 Residential monitoring
CN5 communication
interface RS232/RS485 parallel/group control
1 2 3 4 5

Software downloading of the MCB and CN5

DSP board

- 27 -
1 Product Information

No. Code Terminal Name Function Description

RJ45 Operation
CN12 Used to connect the operation panel
interface panel interface


J12 Interface for connecting the PG card J12

Factory reserved, optional grounding terminal for AI. The pins

J1 J1
marked with "COM" are not connected to the ground by default.

J5 Factory reserved, termination resistor connection terminal for the ON

MOD2 communication control board. The pins marked with "ON" J5
J6 are connected to the termination resistor by default. J6
J13 Factory reserved, termination resistor connection terminal for the ON

CAN2 communication control board. The pins marked with "ON" J14
J14 are connected to the termination resistor by default. J13
J7 Factory reserved, internal 24 V PE terminal, shorted by default
J8 Factory reserved, external 24 V PE terminal, shorted by default J8J7
J9/ Factory reserved. Do not short them randomly. Otherwise, the controller may not
J10 work properly.

Table 1-7 Description of indicators on the MCB

No. Terminal Name Function Description

Modbus2 When communication with Internet of Things and MIB/
MOD2 communication remote monitoring board is normal, this indicator is on
indicator (green).
CAN1 communication When communication between the MCB and the CTB is
indicator normal, this indicator is on (green).
When communication between the MCB and the HCB is
HOP communication
normal, this indicator is on (green).
Group control This indicator is steady on (green) when communication
CAN2 communication for parallel/group control is normal, and blinks when
indicator the running in parallel/group control mode is normal.

- 28 -
1 Product Information

No. Terminal Name Function Description

This indicator is on (green) when communication with
Serial communication
232 the host computer or MIB/remote monitoring board is
Low voltage input
X1 to X24 This indicator is on when the external input is active.
signal indicator
High voltage input
X5 to X28 This indicator is on when the external input is active.
signal indicator
Y1 to Y6 Output signal indicator This indicator is on when the system output is active.

1.5.2 Braking Components

The NICE3000new series integrated elevator controller below 37 kW (including 37 kW)
has a built-in braking unit, so only a braking resistor is housed in the resistor box and
installed in the control cabinet.
The braking resistor should be configured based on the following table:
Table 1-8 Braking resistor and braking unit selection of the NICE3000new series integrated

Power of Max. Resistance of Min. Resistance

Controller Power Braking
Applicable Braking Resistor of Braking
Model (W) Unit
Motor (kW) (Ω) Resistor (Ω)
Three-phase 380 V, range: 380 − 440 V
NICE-L-C-4002 2.2 290 230 600
NICE-L-C-4003 3.7 170 135 1100
NICE-L-C-4005 5.5 115 90 1600
NICE-L-C-4007 7.5 85 65 2500
NICE-L-C-4011 11 55 43 3500
NICE-L-C-4015 15 43 35 4500
18.5 34.0 25 5500
22 24 22 6500
30 20 16 9000
37 16.0 13 11000
NICE-L-C-4037F 60-T

◆◆ Contact Inovance or supplier for replacement of a resistor.


- 29 -
1 Product Information

1.5.3 Transformer
The standard control transformer (TRF) for the NICE3000B outputs AC 110 V power over
safety circuits. Its parameters are listed in the following table:
Table 1-9 Parameters of control transformer

Model Capacity Input Voltage Output Voltage Remarks

Standard configurations
TRF 55 VA AC 220 V AC 110 V
for volume 1 and volume 2
Standard configurations
TRF 110 VA AC 220 V AC 110 V
for volume 3

◆◆ TRF control transformer has overheat protection feature. It acts when the
temperature reaches 105℃ and restores when the temperature is lowered
NOTE to 70℃ .

1.5.4 Brake Power Board

The brake in the NICE3000B is fed from the brake power board.
The brake power board has a standard voltage of DC 110 V, and the brake voltage is
adjustable. Appearance of brake power board is shown in the following figure:

Figure 1-10 Appearance of brake power board

- 30 -
1 Product Information

ON OFF 80V 60V

J3 J2




Figure 1-11 Distribution of terminals for brake power board

Table 1-10 Description of terminals for brake power board

Terminal Terminal Holding
Function Current
Name Distribution Current
(for 3s)
Input power supply AC 220 V - -
terminal N

CN2 L-
Output brake power supply DC 110 V 6A 3A
CN3 Output power supply of control circuit
5A -
terminal COM DC 24 V
In ON state, the brake power supply is
constant (DC 110 V); in OFF state (or with
Jumper - -
no jumper), the brake power supply has
a dropped voltage.
When J2 is in OFF state and J3 voltage is
80 V, the brake power supply becomes
constant after dropped to 80 V DC; when
Jumper - -
J2 is in OFF state and J3 voltage is 60
V, the brake power supply becomes
constant after dropped to 60 V DC.

◆◆ PE is a grounding terminal.
◆◆ After outputting a brake voltage of DC 110 V for 3s (with a latency of
±5%s), the CN2 terminal automatically drops and maintains the voltage
NOTE between 60 V and 70 V or between 80 V and 90 V.
◆◆ The CN3 terminal can maintain the overload current (7 A) for 2s.

- 31 -
1 Product Information

1.5.5 Interface Board

The NICE3000B provides fixed interfaces and reduced number of cables to facilitate
wiring. You can directly select Inovance's supporting peripheral cables or independently
make peripheral cables based on Inovance's diagrams.
Appearance of the interface board is shown in the following figure:

Interface board

Figure 1-12 Interface board appearance and terminal distribution

◆◆ For details about the interfaces, see Section 3.2.4.


- 32 -
1 Product Information

1.5.6 PG Card
A PG card is configured on the controller for the NICE3000B, which is required for FVC.
Different PG cards should be selected for different types of external motors. MCTC-PG-E
card is for a synchronous motor while MCTC-PG-A2 card is for an asynchronous motor.
Table 1-11 Selection of the MCTC-PG card models
Motor Type Encoder Type Applicable PG Card Appearance

It is used to
adapt to the
Asynchronous push-pull and


Motor open-collector



Synchronous SIN/COS
Motor encoder

Table 1-12 Definitions of the CN1 terminals of different PG cards

1 12 V 1 B- 6 A- 11 C-
2 PGM 2 N/A 7 COM 12 D+
3 PGA 3 Z+ 8 B+ 13 D-
4 PGB 4 Z- 9 VCC 14 N/A
- - 5 A+ 10 C+ 15 N/A

12V 1 11
2 12
3 13
PGA 4 14
5 15


- 33 -
1 Product Information

1.5.7 Description of Terminal Blocks

The NICE3000B uses screw terminals for the main circuit to ensure reliable wiring, and
the terminals are provided with a transparent cover to prevent electric shock.

Figure 1-13 Appearance of main circuit terminal

◆◆ For details about the terminals for main circuit and control signals, see
Section 3.2.2 and Section 3.2.3.

1.6 List of Optional Parts

You can contact Inovance's sales staff for delivery of the following optional parts
together with the control cabinet.
Table 1-13 List of optional parts

Optional Parts Model Function Remarks

External operation LED operation panels, with strong
MDKE RJ45 interface
panels and cables functions and easy to operate
Plugs and pins Please contact
Plugs and pins for on-site
Plugs and pins for interface Inovance's sales
fabrication of cables
board staff.

- 34 -
2 Mechanical Installation

2 Mechanical Installation

2.1 Installation
2.1.1 Installation Environment Requirements

Item Requirement
Below 1,000 m; de-rated by 1% for each 100 m higher if the altitude is
above 1,000 m; maximum 3,000 m
-10℃ to +45℃ ; air temperature change of less than 0.5℃ /min; rated
current de-rated by 1.5% for each 1℃ higher if the ambient temperature
is above 40℃ ; maximum temperature 45℃
Humidity Less than 95% RH, non-condensing
Vibration Less than 5.9 m/s2 (0.6 g)
Headroom Not less than 2.5 m in control cabinet work area in machine room
Work area before For inspection and maintenance purpose, a horizontal clearance of 0.5
control cabinet m × 0.7 m should be kept before the control cabinet.
Proper ventilation should be ensured for the machine room to protect
Ventilation the control cabinet and its cables against dust, harmful gases, and
moisture as far as possible.

2.1.2 Mounting Clearance Requirements

For cabinet body dimensions and base installation drawings, see the relevant drawings
as a part of engineering and technical data. All cabinets should be installed according
to the drawings and enough clearance shall be provided to ensure air flow and
maximum door movement, and for maintenance. An access (such as aisle clearance) to
the installation base should be provided and the space for transportation of auxiliary
devices shall be kept.
1 Machine-room control cabinet
Generally, the distance between the cabinet back and the wall should ensure proper
placement of the cabinet. The cabinet room should have headroom not less than 2,500
mm. The cabinet front should be at least 700 mm to the wall while the cabinet side
should be at least 600 mm to the wall. All cabinets must be fixed on the hard surface by
using expansion bolts.
Front view

Top view


≥600 ≥600


Figure 2-1 Installation clearance for machine-r

- 35 -
2 Mechanical Installation

◆◆ The installation clearance requirements are applicable to both wall-mounted

and floor-mounted control cabinets.

2 Machine-roomless control cabinet

Generally, the cabinet back is connected to the shaft; the cabinet room should have a
headroom not less than 2,000 mm and greater than the cabinet height. The cabinet front
should be at least 700 mm to the wall. The distance between the cabinet side and the wall
should ensure proper placement of the cabinet.
Top view Front view

Shaft ≥2,000
(higher than


≥0 ≥0


Figure 2-2 Installation clearance for machine-roomless control cabinet (in mm)

2.2 Handling
2.2.1 Packaged Cabinet Body
The packaged cabinet body can be handled with a forklift or a crane.
1 Forklift
Handle the cabinet body as shown in the following figure if a forklift is used. Pay
attention to the distance between two legs of the forklift to prevent inclination.


Figure 2-3 Handle packaged cabinet body with a forklift

- 36 -
2 Mechanical Installation

2 Crane
When handle the cabinet body with a crane, hold the cabinet body to prevent horizontal


Figure 2-4 Handle packaged cabinet body with a crane

2.2.2 Unpackaged Cabinet Body
After removing the packaging, two persons should handle the cabinet body
simultaneously through the square holes arranged on both sides to prevent collision.

Figure 2-5 Handle the unpackaged cabinet body

- 37 -
2 Mechanical Installation

2.3 Mounting Procedure

2.3.1 Machine-room Control Cabinet
Two mounting modes are available based on the volume of machine-room control
cabinets. The control cabinets of 15 kW or below 15 kW are mainly wall-mounted while
those of above 15 kW are mainly floor-mounted by follow the following procedure:
1 Wall-mounted control cabinet
The positions and dimensions of four mounting holes on the upper and lower back of
the cabinet are shown in the following figure:
NICE3000B-4002 to NICE3000B-4015



Figure 2-6 Positions and dimensions of the mounting holes on the back (in mm)
The control cabinet should be mounted on the wall with four M8 expansion bolts, as
shown in the following figure:

Four M8 expansion
bolts (2 in upper
position and 2 in
lower position)

Mounting wall

Figure 2-7 Fix wall-mounted control cabinet

- 38 -
2 Mechanical Installation

◆◆ The control cabinet must be mounted on the wall close to the traction

2 Floor-mounted control cabinet

The positions and dimensions of four mounting holes on the left and right sides of the
base are shown in the following figure:
NICE3000B-4018 to NICE3000B-4022


4 mounting holes at cabinet


base (2 at right and 2 at left)

NICE3000B-4030 to NICE3000B-4037

4 mounting holes at cabinet


base (2 at right and 2 at left)

Figure 2-8 Positions and dimensions of the mounting holes at the base (in mm)
The control cabinet should be mounted on the floor with four M8 expansion bolts, as
shown in the following figure:

Four M8
bolts (2 in front
and 2 at back)

Mounting floor

Figure 2-9 Fix floor-mounted control cabinet

- 39 -
2 Mechanical Installation

2.3.2 Machine-roomless Control Cabinet

The machine-roomless control cabinet is directly floor-mounted.
Eight holes are arranged at the base. The positions of four external mounting holes are
shown in the following figure:


4 external
mounting holes at cabinet

base (2 at right
and 2 at right)


4 mounting holes
at cabinet base (2 at right

and 2 at right)

260 4-12 x 30

Figure 2-10 Positions and dimensions of the mounting holes at the base (in mm)
The control cabinet should be directly mounted on the floor with four M8 expansion
bolts evenly distributed at the four corners as appropriate, as shown in the following

Four M8
bolts (2 in front
and 2 at back)

Mounting floor

Figure 2-11 Fix machine-roomless control cabinet

- 40 -
2 Mechanical Installation

2.3.3 Machine-roomless Braking Resistor Box

The braking resistor boxes of all machine-room control cabinets should be mounted at
the cabinet top while those of machine-roomless control cabinets must be separated
from the cabinet body due to height restrictions.
The positions and dimensions of four mounting holes on the left and right sides of the
base are shown in the following figure:


4 mounting holes at base


(2 in front and 2 at back)

Figure 2-12 Positions and dimensions of the mounting holes at the base (in mm)
The braking resistor box should be vertically mounted on the wall with four M8
expansion bolts, as shown in the following figure:
Fixed with four
M8 expansion


Figure 2-13 Fix braking resistor box

◆◆ The braking resistor box of an machine-roomless control cabinet should

be mounted in a position in the shaft and close to the control cabinet;
◆◆ The braking resistor box of an machine-roomless control cabinet is
attached with a 4 m cable.
NOTE ◆◆ After installation, the resistor cable should be respectively connected
to the "PB" and "+" terminals on the controller according to the field
conditions. In case of any question, please contact Inovance's technicians.

- 41 -
3 Electrical Installation

3 Electrical Installation
Different electrical installation methods should be adopted for different types of control
cabinets. You should select the proper control cabinet according to the field conditions.
Generally, the machine-room control cabinet must have an external distribution box
and each elevator should have a separate main switch that can cut off all power supply
circuits of the elevator.

Precautions for Electrical Installation

◆◆ Complete peripheral cables must be ready.
◆◆ Power cables and incoming control power cables must meet the requirements on
diameter and withstand voltage.
◆◆ Input and output cables must be separately arranged to prevent any risks that may
result from mixing and damaged insulation.
◆◆ Signal cables and power cables must be separately arranged, and analog signal cables
must be shielded twisted pair cables with one end reliably grounded.
◆◆ Before insulation resistance measurement or power frequency test of the transformer,
the cables between the MCB and the interface board must be disconnected to prevent
damage to the unit.
◆◆ No jumper should be left in the control cabinet to prevent any risks.

3.1 External Interfaces of NICE3000B

This section mainly describes the main external interfaces of the control cabinet for
arrangement of peripheral cables with reference to the control cabinet diagram, and
preparations for wiring.
The external interfaces include the terminals for main circuits, signal cables, interface
boards, grounding copper bars, and PG cards.

3.1.1 Positions of External Interfaces

Interface board

Control signal terminal

Main circuit terminal

Grounding copper bar

Figure 3-1 Positions of external interfaces on machine-room control cabinet (NICE3000B-

- 42 -
3 Electrical Installation

Interface board

Interface board

Control signal

Main circuit terminal

Grounding copper bar

Main circuit terminal

Control signal terminal
Grounding copper bar

NICE3000B-40XX-B1 NICE3000B-40XX-B2
Figure 3-2 Positions of external interfaces on machine-roomless control cabinet

3.1.2 Main Circuit Terminal

Screw terminals are selected for the main circuit to ensure reliable wiring, and they are
provided with a transparent cover to prevent electric shock. The interfaces for main
circuit cables are the same on machine-room control cabinets and machine-roomless
control cabinets. The following part describes the wiring of main circuit terminal.
Main circuit terminal arrangement:

Figure 3-3 Main circuit terminal arrangement

N, R, S, and T are the power input terminals; U, V, and W are the output terminals.
Table 3-1 Description of main circuit terminal

Terminal ID Function
(N), R, S, T Three-phase power input terminals; N indicates neutral wire.
U, V, W Output terminals, connected to the motor

- 43 -
3 Electrical Installation

Main circuit wiring diagram:

Three-phase AC power supply



Motor M PE

Figure 3-4 Main circuit wiring diagram

◆◆ Pay attention to the phase sequence and input/output cables of the main
circuit to ensure normal state of the control cabinet.
◆◆ The N wire for the system power supply must be led to the control cabinet
to ensure normal state.

3.1.3 Control Signal Terminal

All signal terminals of the machine-room control cabinet are set on the interface board,
so no additional signal is involved in the control cabinet.
■■ Machine-room control cabinet
All signal terminals of the machine-room control cabinet are set on the interface board,
so no additional signal is involved in the control cabinet.
■■ Machine-roomless control cabinet
Weidmuller 2.5 mm2 straight-through spring clamp terminals are selected for the signal
cables of the machine-roomless control cabinet, which are led to the corresponding
external interfaces.
Totally seven signal terminals numbered from 1 to 7 are provided in the machine-
roomless control cabinet, corresponding to governor terminal signal and shaft lighting
signal. The following figure shows the terminals:

Cable ID



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 3-5 Signal terminals of machine-roomless control cabinet

- 44 -
3 Electrical Installation

The signal terminals of the machine-roomless control cabinet are different from those
of the machine-room control cabinet in both quantity and functions. Governor winding
terminal and shaft lighting terminal are added but no mains input terminal is provided.
Table 3-2 Description of terminals

Terminal ID Cable ID Function Remarks

AC 220 V voltage from the control
cabinet is led to the governor
remote action winding through the
205, 202, 203, 202 Additional
terminals 203 and 202, and to the
governor remote release winding
through the terminals 205 and 202.
1 to 4
DC 220 V voltage from the control
cabinet is led to the governor
remote action winding through the
305, 302, 303, 302 Additional
terminals 303 and 302, and to the
governor remote release winding
through the terminals 305 and 302.
Shaft lighting: Shaft lighting switch
is also set in the machine-roomless Standard
5 to 7 802, 807, 809
control cabinet due to special configuration

- 45 -
3 Electrical Installation

3.1.4 Interface Board Terminal

All NICE3000Bs use the same type of interface boards and user terminals are set on the
Molex welding blocks to reduce cables and facilitate operations.
Distribution of interface board terminals:


Figure 3-6 Distribution of interface board terminals

- 46 -
3 Electrical Installation

Table 3-3 Definitions of external interfaces for interface board terminals

Part ID Signal ID Function Description

508 Car lighting: 220 V - L
507 Car lighting: 220 V - N
208 Door operator power supply: 220 V - N
PE Grounding
207 Door operator power supply: 220 V - L

AA 130 End point signal for safety circuit: 110 V

(traveling cable) 131A End point signal for front car door lock: 110 V
132 End point signal for front hall door lock: 110 V
123 Car-top safety signal: 110 V
125 Emergency drive signal: 110 V
133 Safety signal for car door lock: 110 V
134 Car-top safety signal: 110 V

SGC1 Auxiliary car door lock 1

SGC2 Auxiliary car door lock 2
301 24 V power supply +
302 24 V power supply -
AB FL1 Up leveling signal: X1
(traveling cable) FL2 Down leveling signal: X3
DZI Door zone signal: X2
DC12 Intercom signal: 12 V+
B01 Intercom signal: 12 V-
L Intercom signal: -
R Intercom signal: +
102 Safety circuit: neutral wire

111 Safety circuit start point in shaft and pit

121 Safety circuit end point in shaft and pit
118 Emergency drive shorting point in pit
131 Start point of landing door lock circuit
(shaft safety cable)
132 End point of front landing door lock circuit
133 End point of back landing door lock circuit
PE Grounding wire of safety circuit

301 24 V power supply +

BB 302 12 V/24 V common terminal
(intercom in pit) MOD+ MOD+

BC R Intercom signal: +
(hall call L Intercom signal: -
communication) DC12 Intercom power supply: +

- 47 -
3 Electrical Installation

Part ID Signal ID Function Description

301 24 V power supply +

302 24 V power supply -
(up slow-down
ULS2 Signal input of up switch 1: X14
ULS1 Signal input of up switch 2: X16

301 24 V power supply +

302 24 V power supply -
(down slow-down
DLS2 Signal input of down switch 1: X15
DLS1 Signal input of down switch 2: X17

301 24 V power supply +

302 24 V power supply -
(standby signal
X12 X12 signal input point
input point)
X13 X13 signal input point

PW1 Power output 1 of auxiliary brake
(power supply of
PW2 Power output 2 of auxiliary brake
auxiliary brake)

SGC2 Control signal output 1 of auxiliary brake
(control signal of
SGC3 Control signal output 2 of auxiliary brake
auxiliary brake)

ZQ1+ Output brake power supply +

ZQ2- Output brake power supply -

MT 24 V power supply +
(brake signal of Detection input of brake travel switch 1
traction machine) Detection input of brake travel switch 2
Detection input of traction machine overheat

301 24 V power supply +

FR X21 Fire signal input
(fire signal) Y4 Fire output
M4 Fire output common terminal

HW 110 Start point of turning handwheel switch

(turning 111 End point of turning handwheel switch
handwheel) PE Grounding wire of safety circuit

121 Start point of governor switch

122 End point of governor switch
(governor switch)
PE Grounding

- 48 -
3 Electrical Installation

Part ID Signal ID Function Description

POW1 502 Mains supply input: N

(mains supply 501 Mains supply input: L

POW2 EM1 Standby power supply: L

(standby input) EM0 Standby power supply: N

SUP4 Standby weak-current input, supporting

(standby input) standby function input

Table 3-4 Definitions of internal interfaces for interface board terminals

Parts ID Signal ID Function Description

301 24 V power supply +

X5 X5 signal input
130 Safety circuit detection signal
(main board
134 Door lock circuit detection signal
feedback signal
133 Back door lock stuck detection signal
in the cabinet)
131 Front door lock stuck detection signal
102 Detection signal common terminal: N

Y1 RUN contactor output control

Y2 Brake contactor output control
Y3 Shorting motor stator contactor output control
M3 Shorting motor stator output common terminal
101 Safety circuit start point
output and
301 24 V power supply +
X6 RUN contactor feedback
X7 Brake contactor feedback
X8 Shorting motor stator contactor feedback

302 24 V power supply -
(24 V input in the
301 24 V power supply +

56 Emergency drive down input: X11

55 Emergency drive up input: X10
60 Emergency drive signal input: X9
301 24 V power supply +
(emergency 125 Emergency drive shorting point at car top
drive) 118 Emergency drive shorting point in pit
110 End point of control cabinet emergency stop signal
101 Start point of control cabinet emergency stop signal
122 Start point of emergency drive OFF safety signal
123 End point of emergency drive OFF safety signal

- 49 -
3 Electrical Installation

Parts ID Signal ID Function Description

201 Power input of door operator brake: L

202 Power input of door operator brake: N
(power signal 101 Safety circuit power supply: L
input) 102 Safety circuit power supply: N

PW1 Power input 1 of auxiliary brake

PW2 Power input 2 of auxiliary brake

K6 ZQ1+ Output brake power supply +

(power input/ ZQ2- Output brake power supply -
output of brake
207 Power supply of brake power box: L
power box)
208 Power supply of brake power box: N

301 24 V power supply +

302 24 V power supply -
FL1 Up leveling signal input: X1
FL2 Down leveling signal input: X3
Y5 Shorting door lock output signal
DZI Door zone signal input: X2
X19 Shorting door lock feedback signal
(door pre-open)
130 Safety circuit end point
132 End point of front door lock circuit
134 End point of back door lock circuit
M5 Shorting door lock output common terminal
SGC2 Auxiliary door lock signal 1
SGC3 Auxiliary door lock signal 2

220 V Standby power input interface 1
(standby power
0 V Standby power input interface 2

Y6 Y6 output
(Y6 functional
M6 Y6 output common terminal
301 24 V power supply +
302 24 V power supply -
(standby parts in CAN- CAN-
the cabinet)
DC12 DC 12 V power supply +
T02 System standby power input

(standby 4P (standby weak-current function input)
function input)

- 50 -
3 Electrical Installation

Parts ID Signal ID Function Description

R Intercom signal: +
TEL3 L Intercom signal: -
(intercom in
DC12 Intercom power supply: +
machine room)
GND Intercom power supply: -

Table 3-5 Description of indicators on the interface board

No. Terminal Name Function Description

Indicator for Indicate whether 220 V input is led to 380 V, and
OV overvoltage output circuit is short-circuit (the red indicator is
protection circuit normally on in case of a fault).
Indicator for Indicate whether the safety circuit between the
111, 121, 123 overvoltage nodes 111, 121 and 123 is subject to a fault (the green
protection circuit indicator is normally on in normal state).

3.1.5 Grounding Copper Bar

The grounding copper bar in the NICE3000B is designed to provide an unified
connection position of ground wires. This allows the housing to have the same EMF as
the grid ground wire to ensure personal safety. To prevent indirect electric shock, the
exposed conductive part is also grounded.
Insert the bolt into the wire nose and fasten the bolt by using a Phillips screwdriver to
fix the ground wire to the copper bar.

Figure 3-7 Installation of grounding copper bar

- 51 -
3 Electrical Installation

◆◆ You should select proper grounding wires according to the guide. For
selection of wire diameter, see Table 4-4;
◆◆ The grounding wires must be properly marked;
◆◆ The control cabinet must be deenergized before connecting the grounding
NOTE wire.
◆◆ After connection, confirm that all bolts on the copper bar are fastened to
prevent leakage.

3.1.6 Wiring of PG Card

A speed closed-loop vector system is formed by connecting the J1 terminal and CN1
terminal of the MCTC-PG card to the J12 terminal of the MCB on the NICE3000new and
the encoder of the motor traction machine respectively. Different MCTC-PG card models
are connected to the MCB in different ways. The connection method to the encoder
depends on the terminal of the model. The following figure shows the electrical
connection between the MCTC-PG-E card and the NICE3000new series integrated
Braking resistor
Three-phase AC

power supply

R + – PB motor Encoder

J1 CN1

PG card

Figure 3-8 Electrical connection between the MCTC-PG-E card and the NICE3000new series
integrated controller

◆◆ Inovance's elevator control cabinet is designed with special inlets and

outlets for encoder cables to prevent interference from electromagnetic
signals. Please follow the guide in operation.
◆◆ CN1 is a screw terminal for MCTC-PG-A2 and you need a flathead
NOTE screwdriver for installation;
◆◆ CN1 is a DB15 female socket for MCTC-PG-E and you need encoder cables
with a DC15 male plug.

- 52 -
3 Electrical Installation

3.2 Wiring Mode of External Interfaces




Figure 3-9 Wiring of external interfaces of machine-room control cabinet







Figure 3-10 Wiring of external interfaces of machine-roomless control cabinet

- 53 -
3 Electrical Installation





Figure 3-11 Wiring of external interfaces of machine-roomless control cabinet

The power cable, control power and encoder cable must be separately routed to reduce
EMC interference between them.

3.3 Recommended Peripheral Cables

For better use of the control cabinet, the following table is given for selection of
peripheral cables.
Table 3-6 Recommended peripheral cables

Recommended Recommended Recommended
Cabinet Recommended
Recommended Diameter of Diameter of Diameter of
Power Circuit Breaker
Contactor (A) Power Cable Control Cable Grounding Wire
Rating (A)
(in mm2) (in mm2) (in mm2)
2.2 10 9 0.75 0.75 0.75
3.7 16 12 1.5 0.75 1.5
5.5 25 18 2.5 0.75 2.5
7.5 32 25 4 0.75 4
11 40 32 6 0.75 6
15 50 38 6 0.75 6
18.5 63 40 10 0.75 10
22 80 50 10 0.75 10
30 100 65 16 0.75 16
37 100 80 25 0.75 16

- 54 -
3 Electrical Installation

3.4 Description of Main Electrical Circuits

This section mainly describes some main electrical circuit diagrams of the NICE3000B.
You can make reference to this section before use to ensure normal state of the entire

3.4.1 Main Circuit of the Elevator

The AC 110\220 V circuit of the elevator is protected against leakage to meet the leakage
protection requirements stated in 7588.1. For details, see Appendixes: Figure A-1 Main
circuit diagram.

◆◆ The main circuit follows three-phase five-wire system and a four-way air
switch is provided in the distribution box. The three-phase power supply
and neutral wire should be disconnected at the same time. Note that the
power supply from three-phase five-wire system is required for normal
state of the elevator system.
◆◆ Car lighting ELCB, shaft lighting ELCB, and lighting double-control switch
NOTE are provided in the distribution box, to protect the circuits above 50 V of
the car and shaft lighting sockets.
◆◆ ELCBs for safety circuit and door operator power circuit are provided in
the control cabinet. The leakage current will not exceed 30 A.

3.4.2 Safety Circuit and Door Lock Circuit

For safety circuit diagram of the elevator system, see Appendixes: Figure A-2 Safety circuit
MCB is the main board on the controller. The controller is designed with four HV
detection points (X25, X26, X27, and X28) for safety detection, door lock stuck detection,
door lock detection, and door lock detection respectively. Three HV detection points
are added in the interface board, indicating the state of the safety circuits of the control
cabinet, shaft, and machine room. The safety circuits are fed by the transformer in the
cabinet, with standard voltage of AC 110 V. The safety circuit is disconnected when:
The emergency stop switch in the cabinet acts; the electrical switch of safety
components in the elevator system is turned off.
After the elevator is started, it can run normally only when the input at four HV points is
normal (both safety circuit and door lock circuit are in normal state).

3.4.3 Inspection Circuit and Emergency Drive Circuit

1 Description of emergency drive parameters

Parameter Description Parameter Setting

F5-04 X4 function selection 118: Door lock bypass NC input
F5-09 X9 function selection 116: Emergency drive NC input
F5-10 X10 function selection 09: Emergency drive up NO input
F5-11 X11 function selection 10: Emergency drive down NO input

- 55 -
3 Electrical Installation

2 Diagram
The inspection circuit diagram of the elevator system is shown in the following figure:

Integrated board at
24V Y6-P04
car top
Inspection knob switch at car top
58 Y5-P03 X12 Inspection signal
1 2
Inspection common Inspection up terminal
button at car top button at car top
55 Y5-P02 X13 Inspection up
3 4 1 2 1 2
Inspection down terminal
button at car top
56 Y5-P01 X14 Inspection down
1 2 terminal

24V G1-P04 MCB

S1 1
Bypass startup 2
X4 bypass startup
PL signal terminal
S1 3
Emergency drive switch Bypass startup
CIS terminal
60 G1-P03 X9 emergency drive
1 2 signal terminal
Emergency drive up button
52 53 55 G1-P02 X10 emergency drive
3 4 3 4
Emergency drive up terminal
down button
56 G1-P01 X11 emergency drive
3 4 down terminal

Figure 3-12 Inspection and emergence drive circuit diagram

You can operate the emergency drive knob switch in the control cabinet to allow the
elevator to enter the emergency drive state, or operate the inspection knob switch
at the car top to allow the elevator to enter inspection state. After you operate the
inspection knob switch, CTB X12 inspection signal is active and the inspection knob
switch disconnects the safety circuit. Only when you operate the inspection common
button and direction button simultaneously, the car can be moved after the safety
circuit is connected and the inspection running starts. Similarly, after the emergency
drive knob switch acts, the car can be moved only by operating the emergency drive up/
down button. The inspection knob switch has a higher control level than the emergency
drive knob switch as the former disconnects the safety circuit.

- 56 -
3 Electrical Installation

3.4.4 Bypass Circuit

To meet the door lock bypass function, plugs are specially added in the interface board
circuit. For details, see Appendixes: Figure A-3 Bypass circuit diagram.
Operation procedure of bypass function
1 State description of bypass device

Terminal S1 ON S1 OFF
Definition S2 ON S2 OFF S2 left side OFF S2 right side OFF
Input signal
X4/X9 On X4/X9 OFF
Normal/ Bypass circuit of Bypass circuit of
State Emergency drive
Automatic landing door lock landing door lock

Normal state Normal state Normal state Normal state

Bypass car door

Bypass car door

Bypass car door

Bypass car door

landing door

landing door
landing door
landing door




State: normal, emergency drive, bypass landing door contactor, bypass car door

◆◆ If the terminal is connected, it is ON; otherwise, it is OFF.


2 Operation description of bypass device


S2: Bypass S2: Bypass

landing door car door

Figure 3-13 Bypass function operation diagram

1) Remove the bypass plug from S1, and then the elevator enters the emergency
drive and bypass state. Insert the bypass plug into S2 (see the state description of
bypass device), and then the landing door lock circuit or car door lock circuit is
shorted. At this moment, emergency drive or inspection running can be performed
only when the door is closed in position, and audible and visual alarm acts during
2) At the end, insert the bypass plug back to S1. The elevator restores to normal state.

- 57 -
3 Electrical Installation

3.4.5 Brake Circuit

The brake circuit diagram of the elevator system is shown in the following figure:

RUN contactor Brake contactor Brake winding Brake contactor

Suitable for DC 110 V or DC 200 V

Figure 3-14  Brake circuit diagram

As shown in the figure, L+ and L- indicate the DC voltage from the brake power board,
which are led to K6 on the interface board through the RUN contactor and brake contactor,
and finally to the brake winding.

◆◆ The power output interface of the traction machine brake is set on the
interface board (MT).
◆◆ The brake circuit can only be standard DC circuit; if used in AC scenario,
the interface board has to be modified.
NOTE ◆◆ DC brake follow-current circuit and device are arranged on the interface
board; if unnecessary or used in other AC scenarios, the circuit has to be

3.4.6 ARD Circuit

The NICE3000B has an ARD (MCTC-ARD-C) circuit for more simple structure and
operation. For details, see Appendixes: Figure A-4 ARD circuit diagram.

◆◆ MNK control must be used with an emergency device that has 220 V
output to ensure normal state of the system.

3.4.7 Leveling Signal System Circuit

Leveling signals comprise the leveling switch and leveling plate and are directly
connected to the input terminal of the controller. It is used to enable the car to land at
each floor accurately.
The leveling switches are generally installed at car top. The NICE3000new system supports
the installation of 4 leveling switches. The leveling plate is installed on the guide rail in
the shaft. A leveling plate needs to be installed at each floor. Ensure that leveling plates
at all floors are mounted with the same depth and verticality.
Leveling switch

Up leveling signal detection

Upper door zone signal detection

Lower door zone signal detection

Leveling plate
Down leveling signal detection


Figure 3-15 Installation of leveling switches

- 58 -
3 Electrical Installation

Table 3-7 Installation description of leveling switches

Connecting to Input Terminals of Parameter

Installation Method State Monitoring
Interface Board and Controller Setting
FA-26 Bit1: Up
SCB leveling state
F5-01=1 monitoring
3 FL1

F5-02=3 FA-26 Bit2: Down

24Vdc 4 FL2
6 SX1
Up leveling signal F5-03=2 leveling state
F6-52 Bit6 = 0 monitoring
Upper door zone MCB
signal AB:7

(Closed) FA-26 Bit3: Door

Lower door zone 1 X1
signal 2 X2

zone signal
Down leveling AB:10
signal 3 X3

Up leveling signal FA-33 Bit10: Up
leveling state

Upper door zone signal

F5-01=1 FA-33 Bit11: Down

Lower door zone SCB
signal detection

F5-02=3 leveling state

3 FL1
Down leveling signal
24Vdc 4 FL2

F5-03=2 monitoring
6 SX1

Up leveling signal
F6-52 Bit6 = 1 FA-26 Bit3: Door
(Open) zone signal
Upper door zone AB:7 MCB
1 X1

F5-25 Bit9 = 1 monitoring

Lower door zone
2 X2
Down leveling signal

(NO) FA-26 Bit1: Upper

AB:10 3 X3

F5-25 Bit10 = door zone signal
1 (NO) monitoring
1 X9

FA-26 Bit2: Lower

2 X10

door zone signal


◆◆ The system has door pre-open function and all leveling switches send/
receive NO signals;
◆◆ After being transmitted to the machine room control system, the upper/
lower door zone signals must enter the door pre-open system. Then, the
door zone signals generated in the system are further sent to the main
NOTE control system.
◆◆ If three or more leveling switch signals are involved, the upper/lower
leveling signals must be sent to the CTB.

3.5 Overall System Wiring Diagram

See Appendixes: Page 85, "Figure A-5 Overall system wiring diagram”

- 59 -
4 System Commissioning

4 System Commissioning
This chapter describes the basic commissioning guide of the NICE3000new. By following
the instruction, you can perform complete commissioning on the elevator system and
implement all basic normal running functions of the elevator.

4.1 Test Run and Commissioning Procedure


Safety and Wiring


Power-on and
Controller State

Motor Auto-tuning
Commissioning at
Inspection Speed Running Test at
Inspection Speed

Shaft Auto-tuning

Function UCMP Function

Commissioning Braking Force
Test Function


Figure 4-1 Overall commissioning flowchart

4.2 Safety and Circuit Check

Safety check flowchart:





Figure 4-2 Flowchart of safety and circuit check before power-on

◆◆ The input and output terminals of the NICE3000new have default setting
at delivery. You can change the setting based on your requirements. The
NOTE examples in this guide are all based on the default setting of the terminals.

- 60 -
4 System Commissioning

Step 1: Check mechanical safety.

Check that the shaft is unobstructed, there is no person in the shaft, inside or on top of
the car, and the conditions for elevator safe running are met.
Step 2: Check electrical wiring.

□√ No. Inspection Points

□ 1 The power supply R, S, T cables are wired correctly and securely.
The U, V, W cables between the controller and the motor are wired
correctly and securely.

□ 3 The controller (cabinet) and motor are grounded correctly.

The safety circuit is conducted, and the emergency stop buttons and
switches in the cabinet and in the machine room can act reliably.

The door lock circuit is conducted. The door lock circuit is

disconnected when the car door or any landing door opens.

Safety Information


To guarantee safe running of elevator

◆◆ Short the safety circuit with caution. If the elevator starts running when the safety circuit
is shorted, it will cause serious personal injury or even death.
◆◆ Before starting commissioning, ensure that there is no person in the shaft; otherwise, it
will cause personal injury or even death.
◆◆ NEVER perform commissioning at normal speed when the safety circuit is shorted.
◆◆ NEVER short the door lock circuit during elevator startup and running. Failure to comply
will result in serious personal injury or even death.

Step 3: Check electrical safety.

□√ No. Inspection Points

The line voltage of the user power supply is within 380–440 V, and the
phase unbalance degree does not exceed 3%.

The total lead-in wire gauge and total switch capacity meet the

There is no inter-phase or to-ground short circuit in the R, S, T power


There is no inter-phase or to-ground short circuit in the U, V, W phases of

□ 4 the controller. There is no to-ground short circuit in the U, V, W phases of
the motor.
□ 5 There is no to-ground short circuit on the output side of the transformer.
□ 6 There is no inter-phase or to-ground short circuit in the 220 V power supply.
The 24 V power supply has no short circuit between positive and negative
or to-ground short circuit.

The CANbus/Modbus communication cable has no short circuit with the 24

V power supply or short circuit to ground.
□ 8

- 61 -
4 System Commissioning

Step 4: Check the rotary encoder.

□√ No. Inspection Points

□ 1 The encoder is installed reliably with correct wiring.
The encoder signal cables and strong-current circuit are laid in
different troughs to prevent interference.

The encoder cables are preferably directly connected to the control

cabinet. If the cable is not long enough and an extension cable is
required, the extension cable must be a shielded cable and preferably

soldered to the original encoder cables.

The shield of the encoder cables is grounded on the end connected to
the controller (only one end is grounded to prevent interference).

4.3 Power-on and Controller State Check

4.3.1 Check Power-on State

□√ No. Check Contents

Apply the power. Check that the line voltage of the R, S, T phases of
the controller is within 380-440 V, with the phase unbalance degree ≤
3%. If it is abnormal, cut off the power, and check the power supply

and the wiring of R, S, T cables on the controller.

Check that the power input voltage of the 24 V terminal (CN3) on the
MCB is 24 VDC±15%. If it is abnormal, cut off the power; check the
switch-mode power supply and check whether the 24 VDC circuit is

wired correctly.

4.3.2 State Check at Normal Power-on

□√ No. Check Contents

Check that the keypad has display after power-on. If there is no
□ 1 display on the keypad, check whether the power supply of the
controller is normal.
If the input signal indicators shown in the preceding figure become
ON, it indicates that the 24 VDC power supply is normal, and the
□ 2 X input terminals work properly. If none of the indicators is ON, it
indicates that the 24 VDC power supply is abnormal, and you need to
eliminate the problem.

- 62 -
4 System Commissioning

a. Keypad with display

b. Main board: active input signal

Figure 4-3 MCB display after normal power-on

4.3.3 Potential Controller States and Handling Methods Before

Check the controller state and handle related faults accordingly as follows:
During commissioning especially at first-time power-on, certain faults may occur
because the conditions for automatic elevator running are not met and certain
peripheral signals are not connected. Such faults include E41, E42, E35, E51, E52, and
Handling of faults E41, E42, E35, E51, E52, and E58 before commissioning at inspection
Table 4-1 Fault handling before commissioning at inspection speed

Fault Fault Name Fault Description Handling Method

◆◆ At this fault, the elevator Observe whether the signal
cannot run or be indicator of input terminals X4 and
commissioned. X25 is ON. If this indicator is OFF, the
Safety circuit
E41 ◆◆ By default, the safety safety circuit is disconnected. In this
circuit input signal is case, you need to repair the safety
connected to terminals X4 circuit. Then, you can perform
and X25. commissioning at inspection speed.

- 63 -
4 System Commissioning

Fault Fault Name Fault Description Handling Method

Observe whether the signal
◆◆ At this fault, the elevator indicator of terminals X5, X26, and
cannot run or be X27 is ON. If this indicator is OFF, the
commissioned. door lock circuit is disconnected.
Door lock In this case, you need to repair
E42 ◆◆ By default, the door lock
circuit fault the door lock circuit. Then, you
circuit signal is connected can perform commissioning at
to terminals X5, X26, and inspection speed.
X27. ◆◆ NEVER short the door lock
circuit for commissioning.
◆◆ This fault is reported at
each power-on because
shaft auto-tuning is not
E35 auto- tuning
performed. It does not
data abnormal
affect commissioning at
inspection speed.
◆◆ This fault does not
affect commissioning
at inspection speed,
CAN Press MF.K on the operation panel
and it affects only
E51 communication commissioning at normal to hide the fault display. Then, you
fault speed. can perform commissioning at
inspection speed.
◆◆ The COP indicator is OFF
at this fault.
◆◆ This fault does not affect
motor auto-tuning
HCB and commissioning at
E52 communication inspection speed.
◆◆ The HOP indicator is OFF
at this fault.
◆◆ Terminals X14 and X15 are
connected to the slow-down
◆◆ The elevator cannot
switches 1 (NC input). Observe
run. You need to rectify
whether the signal indicators
the fault first and then
of both X14 and X15 are OFF.
perform commissioning at
Check whether the slow-down
inspection speed.
switches 1 are connected to X14
Shaft position ◆◆ The fault cause may be: and X15 and act properly.
E58 switches The feedback inputs of
abnormal ◆◆ Terminals X12 and X13 are
both up and down slow-
connected to the up and down
down switches 1 are
limit switches (NC input).
active; feedback inputs
Observe whether the signal
of both up and down
indicators of both X12 and X13
limit switches are active
are OFF. Check whether the limit
switches are connected to X12
and X13 and act properly.

- 64 -
4 System Commissioning

4.4 Commissioning at Inspection Speed

Safety Information


◆◆ Ensure that all installation and wiring comply with the electrical safety specifications
before commissioning at inspection speed.
◆◆ During auto-tuning involving the car, pay attention to the running direction of the motor
and prevent the elevator from getting too close to the terminal floor. You are advised
to run the car to the floor far away (for example, more than 2 floors away) from the
terminal floor, and then perform commissioning.
◆◆ For certain cabinets, "emergency drive" is used instead of "inspection RUN". Note that
"emergency drive" shorts certain safety circuit in the shaft, and you need to pay more
attentions to the safety when the car runs close to the terminal floor.


To guarantee safe running of elevator

◆◆ The motor may rotate during auto-tuning. Keep a safety distance from the motor to
prevent personal injury.
◆◆ During with-load motor auto-tuning, ensure that there is no person in the shaft to
prevent personal injury or death.

Commissioning at inspection speed includes motor auto-tuning and running test at

inspection speed.

4.4.1 Motor Auto-tuning

1 Parameters related to motor auto-tuning

Parameter Parameter Description Description

0: Asynchronous motor
F1-25 Motor type
1: Synchronous motor
0: SIN/COS encoder
1: UVW encoder
F1-00 Encoder type 2: ABZ incremental encoder
3: ECN413/1313 absolute
F1-12 Encoder pulses per revolution 0 to 10000
Rated motor power
These parameters are model
Rated motor voltage
dependent, and you need to
F1-01 to F1-05 Rated motor current
manually input them according
Rated motor frequency
to the nameplate.
Rated motor rotational speed
0: Operation panel control
F0-01 Command source selection
1: Distance control

- 65 -
4 System Commissioning

Parameter Parameter Description Description

0: No operation
1: With-load auto-tuning
2: No-load auto-tuning
F1-11 Auto-tuning mode 3: Shaft auto-tuning 1
4: Shaft auto-tuning 2
5: Synchronous motor static

2 Motor auto-tuning flowcharts

1) Synchronous motor with-load auto-tuning (motor connected with car)
The elevator enters the emergency X9 indicator on the main board turns off, indicating that the elevator enters
drive state. the emergency drive state.

Confirm that: F0-01 = 1 F0-01 must be 1 in with-load auto-tuning state.

Set motor type: F1-25 = 1 F1-25 is set to 1 for synchronous motor.

ķ Refer to the host nameplate for rated power, rated voltage, rated current,
Set host parameters: F1-01 to F1-05 rated frequency, and rated RPM.
ĸ Set the motor parameters correctly; otherwise, a fault alarm will be given.

ķ Set F1-00 based on the encoder type:

Set encoder parameters: F1-00, 0: SIN/COS; 1: UVW; 3: Endat
ĸ Set F1-12 (encoder pulses) based on the encoder nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 1, press "ENTER", and then "TUNE" is displayed to

indicate that the motor auto-tuning state is enabled. If F1-12 is displayed, the
motor auto-tuning state fails. You should check whether:
F1-11 = 1
ķ the elevator is in emergency drive state;
ĸ the main board is subject to a display fault;
Ĺ the F0-01 is set to 1.

Press and hold down the emergency Press and hold down the emergency drive up/down button during motor
drive up/down button. auto-tuning. At the end, the controller automatically stops outputting. Then,
release the emergency drive up/down button.

ķ The encoder angle is displayed for 3s after auto-tuning at the end;

End ĸ Perform auto-tuning for several times to ensure a deviation within ±5°
before and after F1-06.
Ĺ F1-08 is mainly 0 or 8 and remains unchanged.

Figure 4-4 Synchronous motor with-load auto-tuning

- 66 -
4 System Commissioning

2) Synchronous motor static auto-tuning (motor connected with car, brake not
released and motor not rotate)

The elevator enters the emergency X9 indicator on the main board turns off, indicating that the elevator enters
drive state. the emergency drive state.

Confirm that: F0-01 = 1 F0-01 must be 1 in with-load auto-tuning state.

Set motor type: F1-25 = 1 F1-25 is set to 1 for synchronous motor.

ķ Refer to the host nameplate for rated power, rated voltage, rated current,
Set host parameters: F1-01 to F1-05 rated frequency, and rated RPM.
ĸ Set the motor parameters correctly; otherwise, a fault alarm will be given.

ķ Set F1-00 based on the encoder type:

Set encoder parameters: F1-00, 0: SIN/COS; 1: UVW; 2: ABZ; 3: Endat
ĸ Set F1-12 (encoder pulses) based on the encoder nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 5, press "ENTER", and then "TUNE" is dIsplayed to

indicate that the motor auto-tuning state is enabled. If F1-12 is displayed,
the motor auto-tuning state fails. You should check whether:
F1-11 = 5
ķ the elevator is in emergency drive state;
ĸ the main board is subject to a display fault;
Ĺ the F0-01 is set to 1.

Press and hold down the emergency drive up/down button during motor
Press and hold down the emergency auto-tuning. At the end, the controller automatically stops outputting. Then,
drive up/down button. release the emergency drive up/down button.

ķ If auto-tuning is successfully performed, the encoder angle is displayed

for 3s after auto-tuning; if auto-tuning fails, Err is displayed;
End ĸ Perform auto-tuning for several times to ensure a deviation within ±5°
before and after F1-06.
Ĺ F1-08 is mainly 0 or 8 and remains unchanged.

Figure 4-5 Synchronous motor static auto-tuning

- 67 -
4 System Commissioning

3) Synchronous motor no-load auto-tuning (motor disconnected from car)

The elevator enters the emergency drive X9 indicator on the main board turns off, indicating that the elevator enters
state. the emergency drive state.

Confirm that: F0-01 = 0 F0-01 must be 0 in no-load auto-tuning state.

Set motor type: F1-25 = 1 F1-25 is set to 1 for synchronous motor.

ķ Refer to the host nameplate for rated power, rated voltage, rated current,
Set host parameters: F1-01 to F1-05 rated frequency, and rated RPM.
ĸ Set the motor parameters correctly; otherwise, a fault alarm will be given.

ķ Set F1-00 based on the encoder type:

Et encoder parameters: F1-00, F1-12 0: SIN/COS; 1: UVW; 3: Endat
ĸ Set F1-12 (encoder pulses) based on the encoder nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 2, press "ENTER", and then "TUNE" is displayed to

indicate that the motor auto-tuning state is enabled. If F1-12 is displayed,
the motor auto-tuning state fails. You should check whether:
F1-11 = 2 ķ the elevator is in emergency drive state;
ĸ the main board is subject to a display fault;
Ĺ the F0-01 is set to 0.
To perform auto-tuning
ķ Manually release the brake; The brake has to be manually released in no-load auto-tuning state.
ĸ Press "RUN" on the operation panel At the end, the controller automatically stops outputting.
to start auto-tuning.

ķ The encoder angle is displayed for 3s after auto-tuning;

ĸ Perform auto-tuning for several times to ensure a deviation within ±5°
End before and after F1-06.
Ĺ F1-08 is mainly 0 or 8 and remains unchanged.

F0-01 must be restored to 1 after auto-tuning; otherwise, the elevator

Restore: F0-01 = 1
cannot run.

Figure 4-6 Synchronous motor no-load auto-tuning

Pay attention to the following precautions during synchronous motor auto-tuning:
■■ Synchronous motor auto-tuning learns motor initial pole angle, encoder initial an-
gle, motor wiring mode, and shaft-D and shaft-Q inductance.
■■ Perform three or more times of auto-tuning; compare the obtained values of F1-06
(encoder initial angle), and the value deviation of F1-06 shall be within ±5° .
■■ Each time the encoder, encoder cable connection or motor wiring sequence as well
as rated motor current, frequency and speed is changed, perform motor auto-tuning
■■ You can modify F1-06 manually. The modification takes effect immediately. There-
fore, when you replace the MCB, you can directly run the controller by manually
setting F1-06 to the original value rather than performing motor auto-tuning.

- 68 -
4 System Commissioning

4) Asynchronous motor with-load auto-tuning (motor connected with car)

The elevator enters the emergency drive X9 indicator on the main board turns off, indicating that the elevator enters
state. the emergency drive state.

Confirm that: F0-01 = 0 F0-01 must be 0 in no-load auto-tuning state.

Set motor type: F1-25 = 0 F1-25 is set to 0 for asynchronous motor.

ķ Refer to the host nameplate for rated power, rated voltage, rated current,
Set host parameters: F1-01 to F1-05 rated frequency, and rated RPM.
ĸ Set the motor parameters correctly; otherwise, a fault alarm will be given.

ķ Set F1-00 based on the encoder type:

Set encoder parameters: F1-00, F1-12 2: ABZ
ĸ Set F1-12 (encoder pulses) based on the encoder nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 1, press "ENTER", and then "TUNE" is displayed to

indicate that the motor auto-tuning state is enabled. If F1-12 is displayed,
F1-11 = 1 the motor auto-tuning state fails. You should check whether:
ķ the elevator is in emergency drive state;
ĸ the main board is subject to a display fault;
Ĺ the F0-01 is set to 0.

Press "RUN" on the operation panel to ķ After auto-tUning is started, the motor does not run but produces current
start auto-tuning. noise. The entire auto-tuning process lasts for dozens of seconds;
ĸ At the end, the controller automatically stops outputting;
Ĺ Parameters from F1-14 to F1-18 are obtained.

F0-01 must be restored to 1 after auto-tuning; otherwise, the elevator

Restore: F0-01 = 1 cannot run at inspection speed.

Figure 4-7 Asynchronous motor with-load auto-tuning

- 69 -
4 System Commissioning

5) Asynchronous motor no-load auto-tuning (motor disconnected from car)

The elevator enters the emergency drive X9 indicator on the main board turns off, indicating that the elevator
state. enters the emergency drive state.

Confirm that: F0-01 = 0 F0-01 must be 0 in no-load auto-tuning state.

Set motor type: F1-25 = 0 F1-25 is set to 1 for asynchronous motor.

ķ Refer to the host nameplate for rated power, rated voltage, rated current,
Set host parameters: F1-01 to F1-05 rated frequency, and rated RPM.
ĸ Set the motor parameters correctly; otherwise, a fault alarm will be given.

ķ Set F1-00 based on the encoder type:

Set encoder parameters: F1-00, F1-12 2: ABZ
ĸ Set F1-12 (encoder pulses) based on the encoder nameplate.

After setting F1-11 to 2, press "ENTER", and then "TUNE" is displayed to

indicate that the motor auto-tuning state is enabled. If F1-12 is displayed,
F1-11 = 2 the motor auto-tuning state fails. You should check whether:
ķ the elevator is in emergency drive state;
ĸ the main board is subject to a display fault;
Ĺ the F0-01 is set to 0.

To perform auto-tuning: ķ After auto-tuning is started, the motor does not run but produces current
ķ Manually release the brake; noise. The entire auto-tuning process lasts for dozens of seconds;
ĸ Press "RUN" on the operation panel ĸ At the end, the controller automatically stops outputting;
to start auto-tuning. Ĺ Parameters from F1-14 to F1-18 are obtained.


Restore: F0-01 = 1 F0-01 must be restored to 1 after auto-tuning; otherwise, the elevator
cannot run.

Figure 4-8 Asynchronous motor no-load auto-tuning

Pay attention to the following precautions during asynchronous motor auto-tuning:
The sequence of encoder phases A and B must be correct. If the sequence is incorrect,
fault Err38 is reported. To solve the problem, exchange phases A and B of the encoder.
The system handles the output commands to the RUN contactor or brake contactor
differently in different motor auto-tuning modes, as described in the following table.
Table 4-2 Output state of RUN and brake contactors and motor state

Work Tuning No-load Auto-tuning With-load Auto-tuning

Mode Mode
Synchronous Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous
Control Motor Static
Motor Motor Motor Motor
Object Auto-tuning

RUN contactor Working Working Working Working Working

Brake contactor Not working Not working Working Not working Not working

Motor Rotate Rotate Rotate Not rotate Not rotate

- 70 -
4 System Commissioning

3 Possible faults and handling

Auto-tuning Fault Handling Method

Fault Symptom
□ Check whether the encoder cable is broken; use a new PG card
Err19 and perform auto-tuning again.
□ Check the three-phase wiring and output contactor.
□ Check whether the encoder cables and strong current circuit
are in separate troughs.
□ Check whether the brake is released completely. If not, check
whether power supply of the brake and power circuit is
Auto-tuning normal.
fails. □ Check whether the encoder cables are broken.
□ Check whether there is interference on the encoder cables by
observing whether the encoder cables are too close to the
motor power cables.
□ Check whether the encoder is in good condition and installed
□ The low-power motor (such as P ≤ 5.5 kW) may jitter after
auto-tuning starts. Decrease the value of F2-00 to within
□ Exchange the motor cables. Then, perform auto-tuning again.
The following figure shows the exchange of the motor cables:

The motor
wiring Err20
sequence is /Err33 Note: Fault symptoms
incorrect. 1) During no-load auto-tuning, if the motor wiring sequence is
Err20 (E0-00) with fault subcode 3 (E0-01) will be reported.
2) During with-load auto-tuning, if the motor wiring sequence is
the synchronous motor will jitter abnormally during auto-
tuning, Err33 is reported, and auto-tuning stops.
For the asynchronous motor, there is no prompt during auto-
tuning, but Err33 is reported during running at inspection

◆◆ When the above two problems occur, the wiring sequence from the motor
to the controller needs to be changed.
◆◆ To change the wiring sequence: swap any two wires on adjacent phases,
for only once.

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4 System Commissioning

4.4.2 Test Run at Inspection Speed

1 Parameters for running test at inspection speed

Parameter Parameter Description Description Default

0: Direction
F2-10 Elevator running direction 0
1: Direction
F3-25 Emergency drive speed 0.100–0.600 m/s 0.250 m/s

2 Running Test Flow at Inspection Speed

1. Check that the motor rotates in correct direction.

• Run the elevator at inspection speed after auto-tuning to check whether the actual
motor running direction is consistent with the inspection command direction. If not,
change the motor running direction by setting F2-10.

2. Check that the motor runs under normal current.

• When the elevator runs at inspection speed, the motor has a current much lower than its
rated current in no-load state; the actual current generally does not exceed the rated
current in with-load constant speed running state. If, after several times of motor auto-
turning, the values of encoder angle differ a little but the current in with-load constant
speed running state still exceeds the rated current, you should check whether:
□ the brake is fully released;
□ the balance coefficient of the elevator is normal;
□ the car or centering guide shoe is too tight;

3. Check that the inspection knob switch at car top is enabled.

• Check that the inspection knob switch at car top is enabled and the emergency dive
knob switch is disabled. That is to say, the inspection knob switch has a higher control
level than the emergency drive knob switch.

4. Check that the shaft is unblocked.

• Check that the shaft is free from mechanical or construction obstacles to prevent
damage to the car.

5. Check that the slow-down switches and limit switches for the terminal floor are enabled.
• Check that the slow-down switches and limit switches are enabled before the elevator
runs to the terminal floor. It is recommended that the running duration and distance
not to be too long so as to prevent mechanical damage possibly caused by over travel.

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4 System Commissioning

4.5 Shaft Auto-tuning

1 Preparations for shaft auto-tuning

1. Check that the shaft switches act normally.

• The shaft switches mainly include final limit switches, limit switches, slow-down switches, and
leveling switches.

2. Check that the leveling switches act in proper sequence.

• Generally, one leveling switch can satisfy the need. If more leveling switches are installed, you should
check that they act in proper sequence when passing through the floor leveling plate. The following
example is based on three leveling switches.
① If the elevator runs up at inspection speed, the switches should act in the following
sequence: up leveling switch → door zone switch → down leveling switch
② If the elevator runs down at inspection speed, the switches should act in the following
sequence: down leveling switch → door zone switch → up leveling switch

3. Check that the CAN communication is normal.

• Check that no E51 fault alarm is given for the CAN communication between MCB and CTB. If CAN1
signal indicator flashes, it indicates that the CAN communication is normal; otherwise, you need to
rectify the fault according to the E51 fault analysis and solution described in the Chapter “Fault
Information and Troubleshooting”.

2 Parameters

Parameter Parameter Description Description Default Remarks

F0-04 Rated elevator speed 0.250–4.000 m/s 1.600 m/s -
Actual number of
Top floor of the floors (number of
F6-00 F6-01 to 40 9
elevator installed leveling
Bottom floor of the
F6-01 1 to F6-00 1 -
Shaft auto- tuning
F3-26 0.250 to 0.630 0.250 -

◆◆ After F0-04 is changed, shaft auto-tuning must be performed again.

Otherwise, an abnormality will occur during elevator running.

Check that the conditions for shaft auto-tuning have been met.
■■ The elevator is in emergency drive state;
■■ The elevator needs to run to below the bottom leveling position, that is, at least one
leveling switch is below the leveling plate;(This condition applies to only the two-
floor case.)
■■ The down slow-down switch 1 signal input to the MCB is active; (This condition
applies to only the two-floor case.)
■■ The NICE3000B is not in the fault state. If there is a fault, press to reset the


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4 System Commissioning

3 Perform and complete shaft auto-tuning

When the preceding conditions are met, start shaft auto-tuning by using any of the
following methods:
■■ Set F1-11 to 3 on the operation panel. Switch emergency drive to normal.
■■ Set F7 to 1 on the keypad of the MCB. Switch emergency drive to normal.
After shaft auto-tuning starts, the elevator runs at the speed set in F3-26. The elevator
automatically runs to the leveling plate of the bottom floor and then up to the leveling
plate of the top floor and stops after reaching the leveling plate of the top floor. Then,
the keypad on the MCB displays the present floor number (top floor), indicating that
shaft auto-tuning is successful.
If fault Err35 is reported during the process, it indicates that shaft auto-tuning fails.
You need to rectify the fault according to the solution described in the Chapter "Fault
Information and Troubleshooting", and perform shaft auto-tuning again.
4 Perform running test at normal speed
After shaft auto-tuning is completed successfully, running at normal speed may not
be successful because the door controller and full-load/overload function are not
commissioned. You can set parameters to enable the system to forbid door open and
allow overload, and then perform running test at normal speed.

Set: F7-05 = 1 Do not allow elevator door to open.

Allow the elevator shields the overload signal to run at normal

Set: F7-06 = 1 speed.

Restore the inspection switch to

normal state ķ Like a car call, you can initiate a floor call by using the F7-00
function. Set F7-00 to the value of any floor and run the
elevator at normal speed to check whether the motor, elevator
Set F7-00 to initiate a floor call and and integrated controller can work normally.
run the elevator at normal speed. ĸ It is recommended to set the maximum elevator speed (F0-03)
to a small value first, and to the required value after several
times of successful test.


Restore: F7-00 to F7-07 After test, restore the parameters from F7-00 to F7-07. That is,
set to 0.

Figure 4-9 Running test at normal speed

◆◆ The controller restores F7-00 to F7-02 and F7-05 to F7-07 to 0 after

power- on again. If you need to continue the test, set these parameters
NOTE again.

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4 System Commissioning

4.6 Function Commissioning

4.6.1 UCMP Function
1 F
unction description (Default setting of the system. Certain actions can be modi-
fied by setting the parameters)
The elevator car landing at a certain floor may move unexpectedly, with landing door
unlocked and car door open, if the motor or any component of the drive control system
fails. A device is required to prevent or stop the movement, guaranteeing safety.
Table 4-3 Selection of test components

Synchronous Motor Asynchronous Motor

Without an Auxiliary Brake With an Auxiliary Brake

Model MCTC-SCB-A [1]、or MCTC-SCB-A1 [3] MCTC-SCB-C or MCTC-SCB-D [2]

[1] CE certificated, for domestic and foreign application, others for domestic application only.

[2] Only MCTC-SCB-D can be used for the through-type door and asynchronous motor on site.

[3] One MCTC-SCB-D or two MCTC-SCB-A1 can be used for through-type door driven by
synchronous motor.

Requirements for switch installation

H1 ≤ 20 mm
Up leveling
Leveling plate

Leveling plate = re-leveling
300 mm H2 = 60 mm


H1 ≤ 20 mm

Figure 4-10 Recommended installation solution for Monarch UCMP switch

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4 System Commissioning

Requirements for switch installation:

■■ H1 ≤ 20 mm; H2 = 60 mm
■■ Leveling plate length ≤ 300 mm. A 300 mm leveling plate is recommended.
■■ Two door zone switches must be used. The leveling plate length is determined by
the actual door open zone (door vane length) of the elevator.
■■ No door zone switches must be used.
2 Parameters

Parameter Description Setting Range

F-8 Test function 7: Entering the UCMP test with the keypad
0: Reserved
Program function
F3-24 1: Slip experiment function enabled
2: UCMP manual test

Parameter Description Parameter Setting

F5-01 X1 function selection 01: Up leveling signal NO
F5-03 X3 function selection 02: Down leveling signal NO
F5-02 X2 function selection 03: Door zone signal NO
F5-08 X8 function selection 22: Shorting door lock circuit contactor feedback NO
F5-30 Y5 function selection 03: Shorting door lock circuit contactor control

3 Test method
In emergency drive state, in the case of door lock closed, and in the door zone.
Set F-8 to 7 (or F3-24 to 2 using the keypad, and the system displays E88 and enters the
UCMP test function. At this moment, the door lock circuit is open.
Manually press and hold down the emergency drive up or down button, and the
shorting motor stator contactor performs outputting and the door lock is shorted. At
this moment, the elevator is in emergency drive state.
After the elevator is divorced from the door zone (the door zone signal is invalid), the
hardware UCMP module will cancel door lock shorting. At this moment, the elevator
reports E65 (UCMP fault) and stops running.

◆◆ It is invalid to set F-8 to 7 and F3-24 to 2 in non-inspection state or door

zone or in the case of door lock inoperative.
◆◆ After F-8 is set to 7 or F3-24 is set to 2, clearing is automatically performed
after one running and after power failure.
◆◆ In UCMP test mode, the startup acceleration curve is linearly accelerated
NOTE to the inspection speed according to F3-08.
◆◆ Automatic resetting cannot be performed in case of E65 or after power-off
and on.
◆◆ E65 can be manually reset only in inspection state.

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4 System Commissioning

4.6.2 Braking Force Test Function

1 Function description (Default setting of the system. Certain actions can be modi-
fied by setting the parameters)
To prevent failure of the brake contactor of the motor that guarantees safe running,
periodically test whether the braking force of the brake contactor meets the
requirements and detect the braking force of the control system.
2 Parameters

Parameter Description Setting Range Default Remarks

Torque output When it is set to 0, the system
F2-32 1 to 10s 5
duration uses the default value 5s.
1 to 150% of When it is set to 0, the system
F2-33 Torque limit the rated motor 110 uses the default value 80% of
torque rated motor torque.
of pulses for 1 to 100 encoder When it is set to 0, the system
F2-34 0
judging braking feedback pulses uses the default value 30.
force abnormal
When it is set to 0, the system
Threshold of 1° to 20° uses the default value 5° for
F2-35 slip distance motor rotating 0 the synchronous motor and
excessive mechanical angle 10° for the asynchronous
8: Manual test on The braking force test is
F-8 Test function 0
braking force enabled with the keypad.
Braking force
F7-09 0 to 2 0 /
test result
Countdown time is
Braking force
F7-10 0 to 1440 1440 automatically restored to
test countdown
1440 at the end of the test.

3 Manual test
① The system is in emergency drive state, and the emergency driveswitch is enabled;
② The elevator stops in door zone and keeps door closed.
③ Triggering with the keypad: F-8 is set to 8;
④ When the system enters the test state, the MCB displays E88;
⑤ The shorting motor stator contactor and RUN contactor have output, and the brake
contactor has no output;
⑥ The system starts testing according to the output torque related to the braking force.
⑦ E88 disappears on the MCB. F7-09 is displayed at the end of the test. In the case of
F7- 09 = 2, E66 (braking force unqualified) is reported immediately, the elevator stops
running, and the fault cannot be reset.

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4 System Commissioning

4 Automatic test
After braking force test condition 1 is satisfied, the system automatically enters the test
state. The steps are the same as steps ④ , ⑤ , ⑥ and ⑦ of the manual test.
Fault E66 cannot be reset upon power failure and can be automatically reset only when
a braking force test is redone and passes.
Countdown function: After 12 hours is exceeded, the system starts to judge whether
condition 1 is satisfied. If testing has been performed, the countdown function code
is reset to 24 hours. If no test has been performed, the system proceeds to condition 2
(forced test).
During the automatic test, no fault is prompted for hall calls and the keypad prompts
the E88 test state. Hall calls can be registered, but cannot obtain a response. The system
restores to normal and responds to registered hall calls at the end of the test. Car calls
are canceled. The door cannot be opened or closed.
Test conditions:
Condition 1: Normal test on braking force: Under the condition of no car and hall calls,
testing is performed after the elevator energy saving time or 3 minutes.
Condition 2: Forced test on braking force: The system makes a judgment ahead of 10
minutes. When time set in F7-10 is smaller than or equal to 10 minutes, the elevator
buzzes for 30s. Buzzing can be closed by setting F8-19 Bit13. At the moment, registered
hall calls are reserved, car calls are canceled, and the door can be opened or closed.
The system starts testing after the door is closed.

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5 Inspection and Maintenance

5 Inspection and Maintenance

5.1 Routine Inspection

As an key part of the elevator system, the NICE3000B must be inspected and maintained
according to the national laws and regulations and the industry standards.

5.1.1 Routine Inspection Items

□√ No. Routine Inspection Items

□ 1 The motor does not produce abnormal sound during running.
□ 2 The motor does not produce strong vibration during running.
□ 3 The NICE3000B's installation environment has/has not been changed.
□ 4 The NICE3000B does not overheat.
□ 5 All electrical components in the NICE3000B are in normal state.
□ 6 The NICE3000B is free from condensation.
□ 7 All screws in the NICE3000B are fastened.
All contactors in the NICE3000B do not produce abnormal sound when the
elevator is running.

5.1.2 Routine Cleaning Items

□√ No. Routine Cleaning Items

□ 1 The NICE3000B must be cleaned on a regular basis.
The NICE3000B has a protection level of IP20. Waterproof and dustproof
measures must be taken during cleaning.

Dust on the NICE3000B must be cleared away and prevented from

entering the cabinet.

5.2 Periodic Maintenance

Periodic maintenance should be performed for the places difficult to be inspected
during routine maintenance and running.

5.2.1 Periodic Inspection Items

□√ No. Routine Inspection Items

□ 1 All screws are fastened.
□ 2 All terminals are free from scratches and other marks.
□ 3 All electrical components are in normal state.
□ 4 All cables in the NICE3000B are not exposed.

- 79 -
5 Inspection and Maintenance

5.2.2 Replacement of Wear Parts

Wear parts in the NICE3000B mainly include transformer fuses, fuse wires, and air
switches. Additional fuses are reserved for standby.
The lifetime of air switches and contactors is generally 2 to 3 years. You can regularly
replace the wear parts based on their lifetime and actual running conditions.

- 80 -
DC24V Shorting 32 31
Main air switch detection terminal motor stator
X24 22 21
L1 -R Rectifier Inverter U
1 2
R U Main
1 2
L2 3 4 -S V motor
5 3 4 M
L3 -T W
6 Appendixes

N*NET 7 -N 5 6
8 RUN contactor
PE*NET Brake power box
PE Power supply of feedback circuit
grounding N Power supply of brake circuit
Main air switch -PE
Power circuit ELCB
board 201
MCTC- Power supply of door machine controller

220VAC 110VAC
distribution box 2.0A 3.0A Safety circuit
0V 102

Car lighting ELCB
Safety circuit ELCB
L 501 FU1
N 502 FU2 Car lighting and fan power supply


Shaft lighting
switch 1 Control switch in pit
Shaft lighting ELCB LIHS1


Lighting at Pit socket Pit lighting

shaft top Shaft and pit position
6 Appendixes

Figure 6-1 Main circuit diagram

- 81 -
- 82 -
K5-P08 K1-P06

102 Running
button in Up button
Safety in pit Reset device
circuit pit outside shaft
6 Appendixes

indicator 1 DCIB RST

13 14
Electrical P1-P08 PT3-P06 PT3-P05
Governor 114A Down button in pit
Control cabinet Host switch for Emergency Emergency DCID
tension wheel 13 14
emergency stop emergency turning stop button stop button 13 14
breaking Inspection 116
button stop button handwheel in switch in switch switch in pit
switch box in pit
K5-P07 K4-P12 MES MES-1 MES-2 box in pit DCI 13 14 P1-P09 PT3-P01
K4-P09 HW-P03 HW-P02 BA-P05 DA-P06 PT1-P02 H1-P05 H1-P06 PT1-P01 PT2-P03 GTS PT2-P04 P1-P10 PT3-P02
21 22 11 12
101 110 110A 111 112 113 114 115 117
Inspectio Circuit added for inspection and reset devices in pit
Running Emergenc
Up button at car top n switch y drive
button at
TCIU at car top
car top Y4-P08 CA-P12 AA-P12 K4-P06 CIS K4-P07 BA-P02 DA-P02 P1-P06 P1-P07
124 TCI 125 118 DCI
11 12 13 14 11 12
126 124A 13 14
Down button at car top
Safety circuit indicator 3 Safety circuit indicator 2 PT2-P07
13 14 TCID Electrical Electrical
Inspection switch at switch for indicator for Up final Down final
car top safety gear governor limit switch limit switch Buffer
Y4-P06 SOS-P01 SOS-P03 CA-P13 AA-P13 K4-P10 K4-P11 OS-P05 OS-P03 BA-P03 DA-P01 PT2-P08
TCI 13 14 SOS OS 121 FLSU 120 FLSD BFS
126 122
21 22 11 12 119
stop button Inspection MCTC-MCB-C3 XCM1
at car top window
TES EES Common terminal 1
Y4-P05 MSC-P12 127 MSC-P10 128 SUP2-P02 130 SUP2-P01 CA-P04 AA-P04 K1-P01 130
X25 safety
1 2 inspection terminal

GS1-P02 GS1 K1-P04

GS1-P01 CA-P05 AA-P05 131 X26 door lock stuck
detection terminal
Electrical linkage switch for front landing door Electrical linkage switch for back landing door Short BA-P07 and BA-P08 on cable
Car door 1 switch plugs in case of single door lock
131A BA-P04 1DS 1DS 2DS K1-P03
131 131B 2DS 130n nDS 132 132A 132n nDS BA-P08 133 X28 door lock stuck
detection terminal

Short AA-P06 and AA-P14 on traveling

Car door 2 switch cable plugs in case of single door lock K1-P02
133 AA-P06 CA-P06 GS2-P01 GS2 GS2-P02 CA-P10 AA-P14 134
X27 door lock HV
detection terminal
S2-P02 S2-P03 S2-P03 S2-P04 S2-P04 S2-P05

Added for synchronous motor

K2-P01 SW
M1 Y1 FX A1 A2

43 44 XCOM2 detection
Y2 K2-P02 BY
M2 A1 A2 102 common terminal

K2-P05 K2-P04 K2-P03 FX

M3 Y3 A1 A2

Figure 6-2 Safety circuit diagram

Safety circuit
contactor 102 MCTC-MCB-C3
101 XCM Detection
common terminal
DS X25 safety
inspection terminal


131 X26 door lock stuck
detection terminal
Front car Front landing landing 133 X28 door lock stuck
door lock door lock door lock Back car door lock detection terminal
130 1GS 131 1DS 132 2DS 2GS
134 X27 door lock stuck
detection terminal

Running Y1 SW
output A1 A2


S2 Y2 BY
output A1 A2
Bypass socket
Bypass 102

landing door Shorting motor Y5 KM4
301 stator output A1 A2
1 302
60 4
130 2
X9 3
131A 3
301 2
133 4 DC24V X4 bypass signal

S2: Bypass state

S1: Normal state
X4 1
134 5 Normal plug terminal

Bypass S1 ISP
car door 4 3

CTB Emergency drive signal Normal socket
X9 emergency drive
MCTC-CTB signal terminal

Audible and visual

alarm output CAN-L
6 Appendixes

Figure 6-3 Bypass circuit diagram

- 83 -
- 84 -
6 Appendixes

Main air switch detection terminal Shorting
32 31
X24 motor stator
contactor 22 21
NICE 3000
L1 -R R U U Main
1 2
1 2 1 2 motor
L2 4 -S S V V
3 4 3 4 M
L3 5 -T W W
6 T
5 6 5 6
N*NET 7 8 -N RUN

Equipment-room Emergency
distribution box control 1 2
3 4 201

K7 AC220W


Figure 6-4 ARD circuit diagram

6 Appendixes

Power line

NICE3000B integrated

elevator control cabinet
N L2


Shaft lighting switch

in equipment room
5 10 1 2 3 6 3 5 2 3 3/4 1/2
Hall door

Shaft switch Intercom Hall call




signal circuit in pit





Lc Lb

Motor overheat feedback

equipment room
Brake power supply

Turning handwheel

Intercom in
Brake feedback

Top floor
call box
CA、CB DEN1 Door machine encoder

DZ Leveling switch

DM1 Front door machine

Up final limit
switch 114、115、PE

SOS Switch for safety gear
Up slow-down
switch 1 ULS1、301、PE

box at car top

EDP1 Light curtain

RDZ Door zone switch

FAN Fan/lighting Up slow-down

switch 2 ULS2、301、PE
DLM1 Door open/close to
WT Load switch

GS Car door lock

DP Door machine
SL Audible and visual
DM2 Door machine for
back door
Light curtain for back
Floor N

call box
GS2 Lock for back car door

Added for opposite door

DEN2 Back door machine Top floor door lock

Added for inspection button in car encoder
SGC Auxiliary door lock
Added for asynchronous door

Fan/lighting control, alarm, intercom, display communication, command

Comm Bottom floor
floor call
and door lock

Down slow-
down switch 2

Down slow-
down switch 1

Down final
limit switch


Inspection box
Tension wheel
in pit
Emergency Shaft
Reset device outside shaft PT2 stop button lighting
Emergency stop box in pit switch

Figure 6-5 Overall system wiring diagram

- 85 -
- 86 -
Emergency drive switch Governor remote action winding
Governor action switch Governor remote action button
TB:203 1 2
201 TB:202
6 Appendixes

13 14 3 4 3 4
Voltage dependent resistor

Governor remote release button Governor remote release winding

TB:205 1 2
3 4
Voltage dependent resistor

Option 1 (for governor winding voltage of AC 220 V)

Emergency drive switch

Governor action switch Governor remote action button Governor remote action winding
301 1 2 TB:302
13 14 3 4 3 4
Overcurrent protection diode

Governor remote release button Governor remote release winding

TB:305 1 2
3 4
Overcurrent protection diode

Option 2 (for governor winding voltage of DC 24 V)

Note 1: The circuit diagram is applicable to equipment-roomless control cabinet.

Figure 6-6 Equipment-roomless governor action and release wiring diagrams

7 Version History

7 Version History
Date Version Revision
May 2018 A00 First issue.
November 2018 A01 Updated logo.

- 87 -
Warranty Agreement

Warranty Agreement
1) Inovance provides an 18-month free warranty to the equipment itself from the date
of manufacturing for the failure or damage under normal use conditions.
2) Within the warranty period, maintenance will be charged for the damage caused by
the following reasons:
a. Improper use or repair/modification without prior permission
b. Fire, flood, abnormal voltage, natural disasters and secondary disasters
c. Hardware damage caused by dropping or transportation after procurement
d. Operations not following the user instructions
e. Damage out of the equipment (for example, external device factors)
3) The maintenance fee is charged according to the latest Maintenance Price List of
4) If there is any problem during the service, contact Inovance's agent or Inovance
5) Inovance reserves the rights for explanation of this agreement.

Suzhou Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: No.16, Youxiang Road, Yuexi Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou 215104, P.R.

- 88 -
Suzhou Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.
Add.: No. 16 Youxiang Road, Yuexi Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou 215104, P.R. China
Tel: +86-512-6637 6666
Fax: +86-512-6285 6720
Service Hotline: 400-777-1260
http: //

Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.

Add.: Building E, Hongwei Industry Park, Liuxian Road, Baocheng No. 70 Zone, Bao’an District, Shenzhen
Tel: +86-755-2979 9595
Fax: +86-755-2961 9897
Service Hotline: 400-777-1260
http: // Copyright   Shenzhen Inovance Technology Co., Ltd.

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