Broch Biostat D-DCU SBI1512-e
Broch Biostat D-DCU SBI1512-e
Broch Biostat D-DCU SBI1512-e
The optimized and proven design of the BIOSTAT® D-DCU is the result of
thorough analysis of the most required features and functions from over
thirty years of stainless steel fermenter | bioreactor design experience.
This standardized solution eliminates design times, allows faster delivery,
reduces cost, guarantees trouble free operation, allows for global service
support as well as spare part availability.
The BIOSTAT® D-DCU incorporates many The jacketed stainless steel culture vessel,
desirable and advanced features to with spiral baffles for efficient and
fulfill virtually any demand for modern homogenous heat transfer, are available in
bioprocess application, such as: Automatic 3:1 or 2:1 aspect height to diameter ratio.
Sterilization in Place (SIP), Cleaning in The gear free bottom drive agitation system
Place (CIP), dual pH and DO measurement provides long-term operation at minimal
capability, lid lifting device, Water Intru- noise. The zero dead volume sanitary radial
sion Test (WIT)-Ready filter housings, dual diaphragm harvest and radial type sampling
exhaust filter housing line, tube and shell valves provide fresh samples without
exhaust cooler, exhaust heater, automatic residual pockets and are easy to clean and
or manual addition arrays as well as other maintain.
accessories. Furthermore, the BIOSTAT®
D-DCU is designed to interface single-use The supply unit includes all process piping
storage bags for media addition and har- for temperature control as well as the
vest as well as the TAKEONE® aseptic sam- exhaust and gas inlet lines. Due to the open
pling system. The modular approach allows frame design direct access for operation
multiple configurations (from baseline and easy maintenance is ensured. Further-
to fully featured) to meet every need and more, minimal floor contact points allow
budget. easy cleaning even underneath the skid.
vailable in incremental sizes from
10 to 200 L
owerful industrial rated DCU control
system with 19” TFT color touch screen
utomatic Sterilization in Place (SIP)
Supply Unit
The Supply Unit includes all process piping for temperature
control as well as the exhaust and gas inlet lines. The open piping Supply Unit
frame and ergonomic design of the skid allows for good and
direct access to valves filter housings etc. All sanitary piping
is sloped | self drained. The Supply Unit for culture vessels with
10 – 30 L offers a choice of lockable casters or leveling | support
feet. The Supply Unit for culture vessel with 50 – 200 L is
equipped with leveling | support feet. Furthermore, the Supply
Units can be separated in two pieces allowing easy movement
to the site of installation.
Culture vessel
Available culture vessels from 10 L, 20 L, 30 L, 50 L, 100 L to
200 L working volume, with a total volume aspect ratio of (H:D)
2:1 or 3:1.
Bottom drive agitation is available with a double mechanical seal.
The high performance servo drive motor assembly combines low
shear, gentle agitation for cell cultures and high speed mixing for
microbial high cell density cultivation, ensuring high oxygen Agitation
transfer rates. The motor is gear-free for quiet operation – even
at high speed ranges.
Control Tower
The Control Tower is available in single or twin configurations.
The integrated DCU control system belongs to the most proven
and advanced bioprocess controllers ever developed. Utilizing
proven technology and expert engineering, our existing in-house
systems bring powerful control capabilities to the sophisticated
biotechnology market. Proven industrial control hardware ensures
reliable system performance.
Dosing Pumps
Up to six integrated fast load peristaltic pumps per vessel may
be chosen for addition of corrective agents, feeding, as well as
culture volume control. Up to four of the six can be analog speed
controlled pumps. Several ranges are available for both fixed and
speed controlled pumps. Additionally, external pumps for feeding
can be easily connected.
Gassing Systems
Dosing Pumps
Gassing Strategies
Utilizing one flow path for air, a flow meter visually indicates
and controls the sparger flow rate. An optional mass flow
controller may be integrated to control and measure the flow
range via manual adjustment or automatically in conjunction
with the DO controller.
Air Sparger
Utilizing two flow paths for Air and O2 flows, the flow meters
visually indicate and allow manual adjustments of the sparger
flow rate. O2 is pulsed via solenoid valve, flowing only when
required to maintain the dissolved oxygen (DO) setpoint.
Air is not provided at this time. A mass flow controller can be
integrated to measure and control the total gas flow range via
manual adjustment or automatically in conjunction with the
DO controller.
Air Sparger
Air Sparger
Flow meter
O2 Optional Gas switch
Dosing shut-off valve
Optional dosing shut-off valve
3-way dosing valve
Optional Mass Flow Controller
Mass Flow Controller
Gas Flow Ratio
Utilizes two flow paths with mass flow control valves for Air
and O2 flow. Flow meters visually indicate the flow of Air and O2.
Both mass flow controllers can be operated manually or automat-
ically in conjunction with the DO controller.
Air Sparger
Flow meter
Optional Gas switch N2
Dosing shut-off valve
Optional dosing shut-off valve
3-way dosing valve CO2
Optional Mass Flow Controller
Mass Flow Controller
BioPAT ® DCU – Automation Solutions
for Advanced Process Control and Documentation
Our DCU (digital control unit) controller belongs to the most proven, reliable
and advanced bioprocess controllers ever developed. Use of a modular system
design has enabled us to offer a broad range of flexible and cost-effective
solutions for reusable and single-use systems from R&D to production. DCU
control systems are specially tailored for fermentation, cell culture and down
stream processing like cross flow filtration applications.
The Bioprocess SCADA System
BioPAT® MFCS is our SCADA software for supervisory bioprocess control and The optional, advanced version of
data acquisition. Provides GMP compliant documentation of your valuable BioPAT® MFCS includes modules such as:
– Multi-user network access for up to
process data and ensures reliable process control in combination with the 16 process units
advanced BIOSTAT® D-DCU for local process control. Supplied with every – Automation with recipes according
BIOSTAT ® D-DCU package, the new BioPAT® MFCS is ideal for efficient data to ANSI | ISA 88.01
acquisition and trend monitoring. – 21 CFR, Part 11 compatibility
– Multivariate Data Analysis modules
BioPAT ® SIMCA-Online
for Continuous Real-time Quality Control
Technical Specification
Design Mobile stainless steel skid
Dimensions (approx.) [W + H + D] [“] 72.9 + 64.6 + 30.7
[mm] 1851 + 1640 + 780
Weight (approx.) [kg] 100
Material | Surface finish (product wetted parts) Stainless steel AISI 316L | Ra < 0.8 μm (31.5 Ra or better) | EPDM | PVC | PE | PTFE | others
Utility Requirements Conditions | Flow Connection | Height
Water (WFI | PW | RO) min. 1 barg TC 64 | TC 2.5“ | 401 mm | 15.8“
Drain gravity | max. flow 3.5 m³ TC 64 | TC 2.5“ | 684 mm | 26.9“
Drain CIP pump gravity TC 25 | TC 1“ | 135 mm | 5.31“
Instrument air 6 barg | 87 psig, controlled Quick coupling
CIP supply line TC 64 | TC 2.5“
CIP return line TC 64 | TC 2.5“
Power supply (TNS net): 208 VAC | 60 Hz or 400 VAC | 50 Hz
5 wire: 3 + phase, 1 + ground, 1 + neutral
CIP pump
Type Centrifugal pump
Material pump head Stainless steel 316 L
Flow max. 3.5 m3/h @ 3 barg
Water Pneumatic operated diaphragm valve
Recirculation Pneumatic operated diaphragm valve
Drain Pneumatic operated diaphragm valve
Drain valve pump housing Manual operated diaphragm valve
Detergent dosing unit
Number of dosing units 1 (2nd optional)
Pump | Flow rate Diaphragm pump | up to 25 L/h
Storage container volume | Material 40 L | PE
Instrumentation | Measurement range
Conductivity sensor (high) 1010 – 2000 mS
Conductivity sensor (low) 0.04 – 500 µS
Level switch Dry run protection for pump
Pressure gauge – 1/5 bar
External connections Connection to BIOSTAT® D-DCU for automated CIP sequence control (valves and recirculation pump)
Sales and Service Contacts
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