Computers and Geotechnics: De'an Sun, Wenjing Sun, Li Xiang
Computers and Geotechnics: De'an Sun, Wenjing Sun, Li Xiang
Computers and Geotechnics: De'an Sun, Wenjing Sun, Li Xiang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The two stress-state variable approach has been widely used in interpreting unsaturated soil behaviour.
Received 27 September 2008 However this approach cannot take into account the effect of degree of saturation or water contents on
Received in revised form 17 April 2010 the stress–strain behaviour and strength of unsaturated soils. The triaxial test results presented in this
Accepted 17 April 2010
paper show that even if the same path of net stress and suction is followed, the stress–strain relation
Available online 14 May 2010
and strength are different due to different degrees of saturation. When other conditions are the same,
the higher the degree of saturation for the soil sample is, the higher the stress ratio corresponding to a
given axial strain will be. This effect can be modeled by using an elasto-plastic constitutive model cou-
Unsaturated soils
Stress-state variable
pling hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. Comparisons between the predicted
Degree of saturation and measured results are presented, which demonstrate that the model can quantitatively simulate
Triaxial test the influence of the degree of saturation on stress–strain behaviour and strength of unsaturated soils.
Elasto-plastic model Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stress–strain behaviour
Coupled model
0266-352X/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.A. Sun et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 678–688 679
describe qualitatively the hydraulic and stress–strain behaviour. assumption that the lateral shape is approximated by a third-order
Recently, Sun and Sheng [16] and Sun et al. [17] have proposed polynomial.
an elasto-plastic constitutive model coupling the hydraulic and The pore-water pressure is maintained at atmospheric pressure
mechanical behaviour under isotropic and triaxial stress condi- during the constant suction and wetting tests through a ceramic
tions and used the experimental results obtained from suction- disk installed in the pedestal with an air-entry value of 300 kPa.
controlled isotropic and triaxial compression tests to verify the The pore-air pressure is applied at the top cap through a polyflon
model. filter that can prevent water within specimens from seeping out
This paper presents firstly the results of triaxial tests on unsat- of the upper porous stone. Hence, the change in the water volume
urated compacted specimens with different initial water contents in the burette is the same as the change in the water volume of the
under the same loading (net stress and suction) path, to demon- tested specimen, thus allowing the degree of saturation to be mea-
strate the effect of degree of saturation on the stress–strain behav- sured. More details can be found in Sun et al. [15].
iour and strength of unsaturated soils. Secondly, the elasto-plastic
model coupling hydraulic and mechanical behaviour proposed by 2.2. Testing material and specimen preparation
Sun and Sheng [16] and Sun et al. [17] is reviewed briefly. Finally,
the model is used to predict the hydraulic and stress–strain behav- The soil used in this study is called Pearl clay. It consists of 50%
iour of unsaturated compacted soils with different initial degrees silt and 50% clay with the grain diameter less than 5 lm, and has a
of saturation before compression and shearing. The results indicate liquid limit of 49%, a plasticity index of 22% and a specific gravity of
that the model can predict well the effect of the degree of satura- 2.71. The composition of the clay, as determined using X-ray dif-
tion on the stress–strain behaviour and strength of unsaturated fraction, is quartz, pyrophyllite, and kaolinite in order of domi-
soils. nance. There are few expansive clay minerals in Pearl clay. The
soil was firstly air-dried and then mixed with the required amount
of water to reach the specified water content. The soil sample was
2. Triaxial testing program kept in polyethylene bags and stored in a constant temperature
and humidity room for several days to reach equalization. Triaxial
A triaxial testing program is designed with the main objective specimens, 35 mm in diameter and 80 mm high, were prepared by
to investigate the influence of the degree of saturation on the compaction in a steel mold. Specimens were compacted in five lay-
mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. ers, and each layer was statically compacted using a 12 mm diam-
eter plunger up to a vertical stress of 300 kPa. The number of blows
per layer varying from 12 to 18 resulted in a void ratio ranging
2.1. Triaxial apparatus for testing unsaturated soils from 1.20 to 1.31. The initial state of four specimens after compac-
tion is summarised in Table 1. A detailed description of the com-
Fig. 1 shows schematically the triaxial apparatus used in this re- paction procedure and the compaction curves can be found in
search. The triaxial apparatus can control and measure the matric Sun et al. [18]. All the tested specimens are on the dry side of
suction s by using the axis-translation technique. The radial dis- the optimum and the water content was about 8–10% less than
placement of the specimens is measured using three rings made the optimum value. The initial suction was about 110 kPa. The ini-
of bronze mounted at H/4, H/2 and H from the top of the specimen, tial suction was measured by the pore-water pressure transducer
where H is the height of the specimen [15]. One of these rings was with an applied pore-air pressure of 100 kPa under undrained
put near the bottom of the specimen because the radial displace- condition.
ment at H was not completely zero although there is friction be-
tween the specimen and pedestal. The specimen radial strain can 2.3. Testing procedures
be calculated from the measured radial displacement, using the
A total of four isotropic and triaxial compression tests were per-
formed on unsaturated compacted specimens. Two of them were
performed at a constant suction of 100 kPa, and the other two at
a suction of 150 kPa. The stress paths imposed on the four speci-
mens are shown in Fig. 2 – in which point A represents the initial
state of four specimens, and p and q are the mean net stress and the
deviator stress respectively. To investigate the influence of degree
of saturation on the stress–strain behaviour and strength of unsat-
urated soils, the following two stress paths were applied during the
tests: (i) a suction of 100 kPa or 150 kPa was imposed directly on
specimens under the isotropic net stress of 20 kPa (Test 1 and Test
2); and (ii) after the suction of 100 kPa was firstly applied on the
two specimens under the isotropic net stress of 20 kPa, the isotro-
pic net stress was increased to 50 kPa under constant suction, and
then the specimens were wetted by decreasing the imposed suc-
tion step by step from 100 kPa to 0 kPa under the isotropic net
stress of 50 kPa. Finally the imposed suction was increased, always
under an isotropic net stress of 50 kPa, to 100 kPa or 150 kPa for
the two specimens respectively (Test 3 and Test 4). After complet-
ing the above paths the four specimens were all compressed to a
mean net stress of 200 kPa step by step under constant suctions.
Finally specimens were sheared to failure under mean net stress
of 200 kPa and suction of 100 kPa or 150 kPa in triaxial compres-
sion stress. The stress–strain relation and the change in water con-
Fig. 1. Triaxial apparatus for testing unsaturated soils. tent were recorded throughout the above procedure. The degrees
680 D.A. Sun et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 678–688
Table 1
Initial state of specimens after compaction.
Initial water content w0 (%) Dry density after compaction qd0 (g/cm3) Void ratio after compaction e0 Initial degree of saturation Sr0 (%)
Test 1 25.5 1.230 1.20 57.4
Test 2 25.8 1.196 1.27 55.0
Test 3 25.8 1.199 1.26 55.6
Test 4 24.3 1.169 1.31 50.1
Wetting F'
2.4. Test results
Test 1 A1 F
Test 4
Figs. 3 and 4 show the variations in the degree of saturation and D
void ratio from the initial state (i. e., after compaction, point A in 50 B' A4
Fig. 2), to the same state point of four tests with isotropic net stress
of 50 kPa and suction of 100 kPa (point D or D0 in Fig. 2) or 150 kPa 40 1 5 10 50 100
(point F or F0 in Fig. 2). Points A1, A2, A3, and A4 denote the initial s(kPa)
states of the specimens for Test 1, Teat 2, Test 3 and Test 4 respec-
tively. The degrees of saturation at point D0 and F0 in Test 3 and Test 100
4 which experienced the wetting–drying process are obviously b
higher than those at points F and D in Test 1 and Test 2, respec- 90 E
tively. From Fig. 4, it can be seen that void ratio at point F of Test Drying
1 is almost the same as that at point F0 of Test 4 (see Fig. 4a) while 80
void ratio at point D of Test 2 is a little greater than that at point D0 D'
of Test 3 (see Fig. 4b). Thus, tests on the specimens with almost the
same void ratio and different degrees of saturation are conducted
by imposing the same loading path of net stress and suction, to
60 Test 2 D
investigate the influence of the degree of saturation on the
Test 3 B' A2
stress–strain relation and strength of unsaturated soils. A3
Figs. 5 and 6 show the variations in degree of saturation and 50
1 5 10 50 100
void ratio respectively during isotropic compression (net stress in-
creases from 50 kPa to 200 kPa) under a constant suction of
100 kPa or 150 kPa. As can be seen from Fig. 5, the degree of satu- Fig. 3. Variations in suction and degree of saturation from initial to (a) point F and
ration increases with the mean net stress during isotropic com- F0 and (b) point D and D0 in Fig. 2.
pression even under a constant suction. From Fig. 6 it can be
seen that the void ratios in Test 2 and Test 3 are quite close under
a net stress of 200 kPa and suction of 100 kPa (Fig. 6a), and the void stress of 200 kPa and a constant suction of 100 kPa (Fig. 7) and
ratios in Test 1 and Test 4 are almost the same under a net stress of 150 kPa (Fig. 8) respectively. It can be seen that the higher the sat-
200 kPa and suction of 150 kPa (Fig. 6b). uration degree, the higher the stress ratio corresponding to a given
Figs. 7 and 8 show the stress–strain behaviour and variations in axial strain and the higher strength when other conditions are the
degree of saturation during shearing under a constant mean net same. This clearly illustrates that in addition to suction, the degree
D.A. Sun et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 678–688 681
1.35 80
Wetting B' A4
1.3 D' Test 3 C'
1.25 70
Test 1
E Test 4
A1 B C'
60 Test 2
1.15 Drying F
F' D
Test 1
D' 60 F
Test 2
Test 3
1.1 (b) s=150kPa
0 100 200
s(kPa) 50
0 100 200
0 0
Fig. 4. Variation in void ratio from initial to (a) point F and F and (b) point D and D
in Fig. 2. p(kPa)
Fig. 5. Variations in degree of saturation during isotropic compression under
constant suction.
of saturation also affects the stress–strain relation and strength of
unsaturated soils.
These triaxial test results indicate that specimens with different ous throughout the voids. In the following, the model is briefly re-
degrees of saturation have different stress–strain behaviour and viewed for predicting the above test results.
strength along the same loading paths of net stress and suction.
When other conditions are the same, the higher the saturation de- 3.1. Stress-state variables for unsaturated soils
gree of the specimen, the higher the stress ratio corresponding to a
given axial strain and strength will be. Therefore, the stress–strain To identify the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsatu-
relation and strength of unsaturated soils cannot be predicted just rated soils properly, the stress-state variables employed in the
using the net stress and suction as the stress-state variables with- model are the ‘average skeleton stress’ tensor r0ij and the suction
out the degree of saturation being considered. The constitutive s, and the strain state variables are the soil skeleton strain tensor
model for unsaturated soils should take into account the effects eij and the degree of saturation Sr. The ‘average skeleton stress’ ten-
of not only suction but also degree of saturation. Neither non-lin- sor r0ij is defined by
ear elastic models (e.g. [6]) nor elasto-plastic models (e.g. [1]), for-
mulated in terms of net stress and suction, can reflect the
r0ij ¼ rij ua dij þ Sr sdij ð1Þ
difference in the stress–strain relation and strength of unsaturated
where rij is the total stress tensor, Sr is the degree of saturation, ua is
soils due to the different degrees of saturation. However, more re-
the pore-air pressure, and dij is the Kronecker delta. Eq. (1) is similar
cent elasto-plastic constitutive models coupling the hydraulic and
to the effective stress proposed by Bishop and Blight [3], with Sr tak-
mechanical behaviour can reflect the influence of the saturation
ing the place of the weighting factor v. The ‘average skeleton stress’
degree on the stress–strain behaviour and strength of unsaturated
automatically becomes Terzaghi’s effective stress for the saturated
soils by using the ‘average skeleton stress’ and suction as stress-
state variables [13,16,20].
5 σ 1/σ 3
Test 4
1.2 3 p=200kPa
D' Test 1 s=150kPa
50 100 200 75
1.2 Test 4
Test 1
(b) s=150kPa
1.05 Test 1 60
Test 4 0 10 20
ε1 (%)
50 100 200 Fig. 8. Stress–strain behaviour and variation in degree of saturation during
p(kPa) shearing under constant suction (p = 200 kPa, s = 150 kPa) with different initial
degrees of saturation.
Fig. 6. Variation in void ratio during isotropic compression under constant suction.
In these equations, ksr and js are the slopes of the main drying (or
wetting) curve and the scanning curve respectively; S0rd ðeÞ and
S0rw ðeÞ are the degrees of saturation respectively on the main drying
and main wetting curves when s = 1, and are a function of the void
Test 2 ratio e, S0rs ðeÞ is the degree of saturation on the specific scanning
60 curve when s = 1, and is also a function of the void ratio e. The val-
ues of S0rd ðeÞ, S0rw ðeÞ and S0rs ðeÞ will depend on the void ratio and the
0 5 10 15 unit chosen for the suction measurement. Throughout this paper it
ε1 (%) is assumed that the unit of suction is kilopascal (kPa).
According to the results of isotropic compression tests and tri-
Fig. 7. Stress–strain behaviour and variation in degree of saturation during axial tests on unsaturated soils under constant suction, the void ra-
shearing under constant suction (p = 200 kPa, s = 100 kPa) with different initial tio versus degree of saturation relation under constant suction can
degrees of saturation.
be approximated by Sun et al. [17]:
dSri ðeÞ ¼ kse de; i ¼ d; w; s ð4Þ
of external stress) and at the beginning of the wetting tests respec-
tively, R is the principal stress ratio (=r1/r3) in triaxial tests, Comp where kse is the slope of the Sr e curve under constant suction lar-
and Ext denote triaxial compression and extension tests respec- ger than the air-entry value. kse may be dependent on suction [8],
D.A. Sun et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 678–688 683
100 ds
dSr ¼ kse de js ð6Þ
e0 eb R s
1.17 1.06 1.0 The above equations define the incremental water-retention behav-
90 1.15 1.03 1.5 Comp
iour of unsaturated soils. In order to express the soil water charac-
teristic curve simply, Eqs. (5) and (6) can be written as
70 where p0y and p0y are the yield stresses for saturated soil and unsat-
urated soils with suction s respectively (see Fig. 11); p0n is an isotro-
pic stress at which no collapse occurs when the suction is
60 decreased; j is the swelling index in the e ln p0 plane; and kð0Þ
(b)e ba=1.11 and kðsÞ are the slopes of the normal compression lines of the satu-
50 rated soil and the unsaturated soil with suction s in the e ln p0
0 100 200 plane. Although the constant suction normal compression lines
100 are not straight lines over the entire stress range in the e ln p0
e0 eb R
1.28 1.18 1.0 plane, they can be assumed to be linear over a limited stress range.
90 1.42 1.20 1.5 Comp The quantity kðsÞ is assumed as:
1.31 1.16 1.5 Ext
ks s
kðsÞ ¼ kð0Þ þ ð10Þ
80 pa þ s
60 0 @p0y @p0y
dpy ¼ dp0y þ ds ð11Þ
(c) e ba=1.18 @p0y @s
50 where
0 100 200
Fig. 9. Soil–water characteristic at similar densities but different stress states [18]. @p0y kð0Þ j p0y kðsÞj
¼ ð12Þ
@p0y kðsÞ j p0n
@p0y ks p0y pa ðkð0Þ jÞ p0n
¼ 2 2
ln ð13Þ
@s ðkðsÞ jÞ ðpa þ sÞ p0y
Sr 1
λ sr
λ sr
Wetting Drying
s E
κs p'y
e2 e1>e2 A B
SI (s=sI)
ln s
Fig. 10. Soil–water characteristic model at different void ratios.
LC yield curve
and but is here assumed to be a constant for simplicity. Differenti-
ating Eqs. (2) and (3) and then combining them with Eq. (4) lead to:
0 p0y F p'
dSr ¼ kse de ksr ð5Þ
s Fig. 11. LC, SI and SD yield curves for isotropic stress states.
684 D.A. Sun et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 678–688
When the stress state is inside the LC yield curve, the elastic volu- where
metric strain increment is given by
kse sfkð0Þ jg
A¼ ð23Þ
e j dp0 @p0
p0y @p0yy
dev ¼ ð14Þ
ð1 þ eÞp0
The stress paths in the predictions of the ordinary unsaturated @p0y
B ¼ Sr b A ð24Þ
soil tests are specified in terms of net stress and suction. Incre- @s
ments in p0 are given by differentiating Eq. (1) according to From Eq. (22),
dp ¼ dp þ Sr ds þ s dSr ð15Þ dpy þ B ds
dpy ¼ ð25Þ
where p is the mean net stress. Substituting Eqs. (7) and (14) into 1 A ksep0sj
Eq. (15) gives
When the deformation is elastoplastic, the increment in void ratio
0 ds can be calculated by Eqs. (14) and (20) with Eq. (25) using the incre-
dp ¼ dp þ Sr ds þ s kse de b
s ment in the net stress and suction, and the increment in the degree
kse js dp of saturation can be calculated by Eq. (21), i.e.
¼ dp þ ðSr bÞds þ ð16Þ
p0 0
dSr ¼ ðdpy dpy Sr dsÞ=s ð26Þ
Rearranging Eq. (16) gives
In addition to the LC yield curve, two more yield curves are used
0 dp þ ðSr bÞds to model hydraulic hysteresis as an elasto-plastic process, as
dp ¼ ð17Þ
1 ksepj0 s shown in Fig. 11. The water-retention behaviour shown in Fig. 11
is represented by a suction increase (SI) yield curve and a suction
When the deformation is elastic, the increment in void ratio can be decrease (SD) yield curve in the p0 s plane. When the suction
calculated by Eq. (14) with Eq. (17) using the increment in the net changes during a drying (s P sI) or wetting (s 6 sD) process, the
stress and suction, and the increment in the degree of saturation degree of saturation increment is given by Eq. (5); otherwise, the
can be calculated by Eq. (15), i.e. degree of saturation increment is given by Eq. (6). Therefore,
dSr ¼ ðdp dp Sr dsÞ=s ð18Þ according to the relation between the stress state (p0 and s) and
the yield curves (LC, SI and SD), different equations must be used
When the stress state is on the LC yield curve, the plastic volu- to calculate the strains and the degree of saturation. When
metric strain increment is given by dp0y > 0 and s > sI or s < sD, the volumetric strains and the degree
of saturation are calculated by Eqs. (14), (19), and (5). When
ðkð0Þ jÞdp0y dp0y > 0 and sD 6 s 6 sI, they are calculated by Eqs. (14), (19), and
depv ¼ ð19Þ
ð1 þ eÞp0y (6). When dp0y = 0, and s > sI or s < sD, the volumetric strain and
the degree of saturation are calculated by Eqs. (14) and (5). When
or, from Eq. (11),
dp0y = 0 and sD 6 s 6 sI, they are calculated by Eqs. (14) and (6).
, 0
p kð0Þ j 0 @p0y @py 3.4. The constitutive model under axi-symmetric stress states
dev ¼ dpy ds ð20Þ
ð1 þ eÞp0y @s @p0y
The elliptical shape is adopted as a yield curve in the p0 q
The stress paths in the predictions of the ordinary unsaturated plane. Assuming an associated flow rule, the yield function (f)
soil tests are specified in terms of net stress and suction. During and the plastic potential function (g) are proposed to have the fol-
the elastoplastic deformation the increments in p0y are given by dif- lowing form:
ferentiating Eq. (1) according to
f ¼ g ¼ q2 þ M 2 p0 ðp0 p0y Þ ¼ 0 ð27Þ
dpy ¼ dpy þ Sr ds þ s dSr ð21Þ
dpy ¼ dpy þ ðSr bÞds kse s de
¼ dpy þ ðSr bÞds þ kse sð1 þ eÞðdeev þ depv Þ
kse sj 0
¼ dpy þ ðSr bÞds þ dpy
, 0
kse sfkð0Þ jg 0 @p0y @py
þ dpy ds
p0y @s @p0y
2 3
kse sfkð0Þ jg @sy
¼ dpy þ 4Sr b @p0
p0y @p y
8 9 !
<kð0Þ j j = kse sj
0 0
þ kse s þ dp ¼ dp y þ B ds þ A þ dpy
: p @p0y p0y ; y p0y
0y @p0y
where M is the slope of the critical line in the p0 q plane and q is 100
the deviatoric net stress. Fig. 12 shows the geometrical shape of the E a
yield function in the p0 q s space. 90
The associated flow rule is obeyed in the ‘average skeleton
80 Drying
stress’ space; that is D'
Sr (%)
@f 70 Wetting
depij ¼ K ð28Þ
@ r0ij F'
60 A1 F
where the proportionality constant K can be determined from the
consistency condition. Eq. (27) can be rewritten as 50 Meas. Pred.
Test 1 B' A4
f ¼ f ðp0 ; q; p0y Þ ¼ 0; leading to: Test 4
@f 0 @f @f 0 1 5 10 50 100
df ¼ dp þ dq þ 0 dpy ¼ 0 ð29Þ
@p0 @q @py s(kPa)
where p is the mean net stress in the elastoplastic range. Substitut-
ing Eqs. (7), (14), and (20) into Eq. (30) gives 70
dp ¼ dp þ ðSr bÞds kse s de
60 Meas. Pred. D
¼ dp þ ðSr bÞds þ kse sð1 þ eÞðdeev þ depv Þ Test 2 A3
B' A2
kse sj 0 Test 3
¼ dp þ ðSr bÞds þ 0 dp 50
p 1 5 10 50 100
, 0 s(kPa)
kse sfkð0Þ jg 0 @p0y @py
þ dpy ds
p0y @s @p0y Fig. 13. Predicted and measured degrees of saturation during equalization,
2 3 isotropic compression at constant suction, wetting and drying under isotropic net
kse sfkð0Þ jg @s stress of 50 kPa.
¼ dp þ 4Sr b @p0
p0y @p y
kse sj Test 1
C¼ ð32Þ Test 4
p0 1.2
E A1
Rearranging Eq. (31) gives B
0 1.15 Drying F
0 dp þ B ds þ A dpy F'
dp ¼ ð33Þ
Substituting Eq. (33) into Eq. (29) and considering Eq. (11) gives: 0 100 200
! s(kPa)
1 @f @f A @f @f 0 B @f
df ¼ dp þ dq þ þ dpy þ ds
1 C @p0 @q 1 C @p0 @p0y 1 C @p0 1.3
! b
1 @f @f A @f @f @p0y A3
¼ dp þ dq þ þ dp Wetting
1 C @p0 @q 1 C @p0 @p0y @p0y 0y 1.25 A2
" ! # D
A @f @f @p0y B @f
Substituting Eq. (35) into Eq. (34) and solving for K gives: an unsaturated soils specimen is loaded to a small net stress
0 (p = 20 kPa), and is then wetted to a saturated state for conducting
@f @f @f @f @py @f
dp þ ð1 CÞ @q dq þ A @p 0 þ ð1 CÞ @p0 @s
þ B @p 0 ds an isotropic compression test with an unloading–reloading cycle,
K¼ @p0 in order to obtain the saturated normal compression line and the
@f @f
A @p 0 þ ð1 CÞ @p0
p 1þe @f
@p0y 0y kð0Þj @p0 initial yield stress, p0y. A triaxial compression test was then con-
ð36Þ ducted on this saturated specimen. From the result of the isotropic
compression test on the saturated specimen with an unloading–
From Eqs. (28) and (36), it is possible to calculate the plastic strain reloading stress path, kð0Þ and j can be determined. From the
increments caused by the increment in the net stress and/or the result of the triaxial test on the saturated specimen, the internal
decrement in suction. friction angle (/ or M) can be determined. The quantity p0n can be
determined from the coordinates of the point where the two
isotropic compression lines for the saturated and unsaturated
4. Comparison of model predictions with experimental results
specimens intersect. ks can be found from the values of kð0Þ and
the compression index of the unsaturated specimen with suction
4.1. Model parameters and their determination
s by using Eq. (10).
The model parameters ksr , js and kse define the water-retention
Because the proposed constitutive model is formulated within
curve and can be found as follows: kse is the slope of the e Sr line
an elasto-plastic framework, the strains consist of elastic and plas-
under constant suction, so kse can be determined by plotting e
tic components. The model requires five parameters to describe the
against Sr for an isotropic compression test on unsaturated soils
stress–strain behaviour (kð0Þ; ks ; j; p0n ; M) and three parameters to
under a constant suction. Thereafter, js and ksr are determined
describe the water-retention behaviour (ksr ; js ; kse ).
from the results of a wetting test at a small net stress for saving
To calculate the plastic strain, it is necessary to determine the
test time by using Eqs. (2)–(4), or Eqs. (5) and (6). The elastic com-
model parameters kð0Þ; ks ; j; p0n and M. These model parameters
ponent is calculated from Hooke’s law. With Poisson’s ratio as-
are determined from the results of isotropic compression tests
sumed to be 1/3, the Young’s modulus is calculated in the same
with wetting and loading–unloading–reloading processes, fol-
way as for the Cam-clay model:
lowed by subsequent triaxial compression tests on saturated and
unsaturated soils under constant suction and constant p (or con-
p0 ð1 þ eÞ
stant confining net stress). Two tests are here used to determine E¼ ð37Þ
the model parameters. First, an isotropic compression test is con-
ducted on unsaturated soils under a constant suction. Secondly, The values of the relevant model parameters used in predicting
the stress–strain and water-retention behaviour of the Pearl clay
are as follows:
Test 4
C 1.2
F' (a) s=150kPa
C 1.15 F
Test 1
60 F
Measured (a) s=150kPa Meas. Pred.
Predicted 1.05 Test 1
50 Test 4
0 100 200
p(kPa) 50 100 200
D' Test 3 C' (b) s=100kPa
70 D
C' C'
60 Test 2
1.1 Meas. Pred.
Test 2
(b) s=100kPa Test 3
50 1 1 02
kð0Þ ¼ 0:11; j ¼ 0:03; ks ¼ 0:12; p0n ¼ 1:6 MPa;M ¼ 1:15; tion. From Fig. 15, we can see that the change in the degree of sat-
kse ¼ 0:35; ksr ¼ 0:13; js ¼ 0:03 uration during isotropic loading from 50 kPa to 200 kPa in Test 4
and Test 3 are less large than those in Test 1 and Test 2, respec-
tively. Generally, model predictions appear in agreement with
4.2. Model prediction versus experimental results the test results.
Figs. 17 and 18 show comparisons of the predicted and mea-
The above model is used to predict the measured unsaturated sured results of triaxial compression tests on unsaturated com-
soil behaviour obtained from Test 1, Test 2, Test 3 and Test 4 de- pacted Pearl clay under constant mean net stress (p = 200 kPa)
scribed in Section 2. and constant suctions (s = 100 kPa and s = 150 kPa). These tests
Figs. 13 and 14 show the comparisons between predicted and are subsequent to the isotropic compression tests in Figs. 15
measured degrees of saturation and void ratio during the equaliza- and 16. It can be seen from Figs. 17 and 18 that the stress ratio
tion from point A to B or B0 , isotropic compression from B0 to D or (r1/r3)-strain relation and strength in Test 3 and Test 4 are high-
from B to F, and the wetting–drying tests with DED0 path for Test 3 er than those in Test 2 and Test 1, respectively. The model can
and DED0 F0 path for Test 4. The measured results are the same as predict the differences due to different degrees of saturation for
those in Figs. 3 and 4, and the predicted results were obtained the same imposed stress path and specimens with almost the
using the proposed coupled model for unsaturated soils with the same density. It should pointed out that the Barcelona Basic Mod-
above model parameters. The initial (i.e., after compaction) values el (BBM) cannot predict such differences because BBM uses the
of yield stress (p0y) and suction (s0) used in all model predictions net stress and suction as the stress-state variables without the
were p0y = 25 kPa and s0 = 110 kPa. On the other hand, because degree of saturation being directly incorporated. The predicted
the measured initial values of void ratios and degrees of saturation and measured results also show the degree of saturation in-
were rather different between the four tests, these experimental creases with shearing.
values were taken as the starting points of the respective It can be concluded from Fig. 13 to Fig 18 that the model with
simulations. the eight model parameters is capable of providing good predic-
Figs. 15 and 16 show the comparisons of predicted and mea- tions of the stress–strain and water-retention behaviour of unsat-
sured results of the isotropic compression tests on unsaturated urated compacted soil under isotropic and general stress paths.
compacted Pearl clay under suctions of 100 kPa and 150 kPa. It The effect of the saturation degree on the stress–strain behaviour
can be seen from Figs. 15 and 16 that the model can predict not and strength of unsaturated soils can also be taken into account
only the deformation but also the change in the degree of satura- by the model.
1/ 3 90
3 Meas. Pred.
Meas. Pred.
Sr (%)
Test 2
2 Test 3 Test 2
Test 3
-10 1 10 20
3(%) 1(%)
5 b
v(%) a 0 5 10 15 20
ε1 (%)
Fig. 17. Predicted and measured results of triaxial compression tests for different initial degrees of saturation under p = 200 kPa and s = 100 kPa.
1/ 3 75
70 Meas. Pred.
3 Meas. Pred. Test 1
S r (%)
Test 1 Test 4
Test 4
-10 -5 1 5 10
v(%) a 0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 18. Predicted and measured results of triaxial compression tests for different initial degrees of saturation under p = 200 kPa and s = 150 kPa.
688 D.A. Sun et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 37 (2010) 678–688
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