CCR Bu Eval

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Coal Combustion Residual

Beneficial Use Evaluation:

Fly Ash Concrete and
FGD Gypsum Wallboard

February 2014


United States Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery
This document was prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response and reviewed by appropriate offices within the Agency. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations do not change or substitute for any statutory or regulatory provisions.
This document does not impose legally binding requirements, nor does it confer legal rights, impose
legal obligations, or implement any statutory or regulatory provisions. Mention of trade names or
commercial products is not intended to constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Executive Summary
The goal of this document is to use sound science based on accepted and standard practices to
determine whether the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA” or ”the Agency”) should
support the beneficial use of coal fly ash in concrete and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum in
wallboard. Coal fly ash used as a direct substitute for portland cement in concrete (hereafter referred to
as “fly ash concrete”) and FGD gypsum used as a replacement for mined gypsum in wallboard (hereafter
referred to as “FGD gypsum wallboard”) are the two largest encapsulated beneficial uses of coal
combustion residuals (CCRs) in the United States.
In addition, this document provides an example of how to conduct similar analyses using EPA’s
Methodology for Evaluating Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA,
2013a). This example also demonstrates an appropriate level of documentation for such analyses.

Based on the analysis set forth in this document, the evaluation concludes that environmental
releases of constituents of potential concern (COPCs) from CCR fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum
wallboard during use by the consumer are comparable to or lower than those from analogous non-CCR
products, or are at or below relevant regulatory and health-based benchmarks for human and ecological
The beneficial use of CCRs, when conducted in an environmentally sound manner, can contribute
significant environmental and economic benefits. Environmental benefits can include reduced
greenhouse gas emissions, reduced need for disposing of CCRs in landfills, and reduced use of virgin
resources. Economic benefits can include job creation in the beneficial use industry, reduced costs
associated with CCR disposal, increased revenue from the sale of CCRs, and savings from using CCRs
in place of other more costly materials.
Based on the conclusion of the analysis in this document stated above, and the available
environmental and economic benefits, EPA supports the beneficial use of coal fly ash in concrete and
FGD gypsum in wallboard. The Agency believes that these beneficial uses provide significant
opportunities to advance Sustainable Materials Management (SMM).

Beneficial use of industrial materials has the potential to provide economic benefits, preserve virgin
resources, and avoid negative environmental impacts associated with the acquisition and processing of
virgin materials. Beneficially using these materials presents significant opportunities to advance SMM
and the Agency’s SMM Program. The SMM Program supports the productive and sustainable use/reuse
of resources throughout all stages of their lifecycles, from resources acquisition through disposal. The
SMM Program seeks to avoid or minimize impacts to the environment while accounting for economic

efficiency and social considerations. CCRs are one of the industrial materials produced in the greatest
quantity each year. The beneficial use of CCRs when conducted in a manner protective of human health
and the environment can advance these SMM goals.
While the beneficial use of CCRs has been shown to have economic and material benefits, the
environmental impacts associated with their use must also be considered. To do this, EPA’s Office of
Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) developed the Methodology for Evaluating
Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA, 2013a). While in this document
the Agency has used the methodology to evaluate the beneficial use of CCRs in certain encapsulated
uses, this methodology can be useful to states, tribes, local governments, the public, and the regulated
community for making informed decisions about any encapsulated beneficial uses of CCRs. The
methodology has undergone an independent external letter peer review. A summary of the comments
received from peer reviewers is available in the document Peer Review Summary Report: Independent
External Peer Review of the Preliminary Draft Report Methodology for Evaluating Encapsulated
Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA, 2012a). Responses to these comments are
available in the document Responses to External Peer Review Comments: Methodology for Evaluating
Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA, 2013b).
The methodology establishes a series of five steps that can be used to determine whether
environmental releases of COPCs from an encapsulated beneficial use product made with CCRs are
comparable to or lower than those from an analogous product made without CCRs, or are at or below
relevant regulatory and health-based benchmarks developed for human and ecological receptors, during
use by the consumer. The methodology allows evaluation of the range of possible encapsulated
beneficial uses for any CCR. As developed, the methodology is quite flexible. The party conducting the
evaluation can choose to begin at the first step and follow the methodology in the order presented or,
based on the type and amount of data available on the CCR and corresponding product, can choose to
begin the evaluation at any other step of the methodology. If releases of COPCs from the CCR
beneficial use are found to be comparable to or lower than those from an analogous non-CCR product,
or are at or below relevant regulatory and health-based benchmarks at any step of the methodology, then
no further evaluation is necessary for those particular COPCs.

Summary of the Analysis

The Agency used the methodology to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with
fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard. These beneficial use products may be variable in their
composition. However, this evaluation only addressed those products that meet relevant physical and
performance standards established by voluntary consensus standard bodies; that conform to specific
design criteria identified in this evaluation (e.g., ≤ a 40 percent fly ash replacement rate); and that
incorporate fly ash and FGD gypsum from common pollution control devices used in the United States.
This evaluation also did not address products that contain additional additives or industrial materials that
may alter releases from the products. In this specific evaluation, the Agency began with the first step and
followed subsequent steps in the order presented in the methodology. The findings at each step of this
specific conservative evaluation are summarized below.

Step 1 (Literature Review and Data Collection): From the available literature, the evaluation
identified the following releases that may occur during use of fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum
wallboard: 1) generation of dust, 2) emanation to air, 3) leaching to ground and surface water, and 4)
decay of naturally occurring radionuclides (also referred to simply as radioactive decay). In addition,
this literature review found several existing evaluations to be of sufficient applicability and quality to
rely upon in the current evaluation. For fly ash concrete, the findings from these evaluations were used
to eliminate radioactive decay from further consideration. For FGD gypsum wallboard, the findings
from these existing evaluations were used to eliminate all releases from further consideration, except for
emanation to air. The evaluation then used the available literature to identify COPCs for each of the
remaining releases.
Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data): The Step 2 evaluation used the data identified in Step 1 to
compare releases from fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard to releases from their respective
analogous products (i.e., portland cement concrete and mined gypsum wallboard) during use by the
consumer. The evaluation found that concentrations of silver and manganese in dust from fly ash
concrete were comparable to or lower than those in dust from portland cement concrete. The evaluation
also found that concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and thallium in leachate from fly
ash concrete and portland cement concrete were comparable. Therefore, the evaluation did not carry
these COPCs forward for further consideration, but retained all other COPCs from fly ash concrete and
FGD gypsum wallboard for further consideration.
Step 3 (Exposure Review): The Step 3 evaluation reviewed the releases carried forward from Step
2 to identify exposures that may occur during use of the product. Where multiple exposure pathways
associated with a given release were identified, the evaluation retained only those pathways likely to
drive exposures for further consideration. The evaluation did not eliminate any releases or associated
COPCs at this step.
Step 4 (Screening Assessment): The Step 4 evaluation conducted a screening assessment for each
exposure pathway carried forward from Step 3 of the evaluation. The evaluation used conservative (i.e.,
likely to overestimate exposures) environmental, fate and transport, and exposure data to estimate COPC
exposures that may occur during use of the CCR beneficial use products. The evaluation then compared
these conservative exposure concentrations to relevant screening benchmarks to determine whether to
conduct more in-depth evaluation. At the end of this step, the evaluation found that all remaining
COPCs were below relevant screening benchmarks. Therefore, this evaluation did not proceed to the
final Step 5 (Risk Assessment).
Conclusion: At the end of Step 4 the analysis was concluded as all identified COPCs had been
eliminated in Steps 1 through 4. Thus, based on application of the methodology and the lines of
evidence set forth in this document, the evaluation concludes that environmental releases of COPCs
from CCR fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard during use by the consumer are comparable to
or lower than those from analogous non-CCR products, or are at or below relevant regulatory and
health-based benchmarks for human and ecological receptors.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
Selection of Beneficial Uses for Evaluation ................................................................................ 1
Properties of Fly Ash and FGD Gypsum ..................................................................................... 2
Fly Ash ................................................................................................................................... 2
Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum ......................................................................................... 3
Overview of Methodology Steps ................................................................................................. 4
1 Step 1: Literature Review and Data Collection............................................... 1-1
1.1 Fly Ash Concrete .......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Existing Evaluations for Fly Ash Concrete ............................................................ 1-1
1.1.2 Data Collection for Fly Ash Concrete .................................................................... 1-7
1.1.3 Summary of Releases Identified for Fly Ash Concrete .......................................... 1-8
1.2 FGD Gypsum Wallboard ............................................................................................ 1-10
1.2.1 Existing Evaluations for FGD Gypsum Wallboard .............................................. 1-10
1.2.2 Data Collection for FGD Gypsum Wallboard ...................................................... 1-12
1.2.3 Summary of Releases Identified for FGD Gypsum Wallboard ............................ 1-13
1.3 Conclusions of Step 1 ................................................................................................. 1-13
2 Step 2: Comparison of Available Data ............................................................... 2-1
2.1 Releases from Fly Ash Concrete and Portland Cement Concrete ................................ 2-1
2.1.1 Generation of Dust .................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Leaching to Ground and Surface Water.................................................................. 2-3
2.1.3 Emanation to Indoor Air ......................................................................................... 2-9
2.2 Releases from FGD Gypsum Wallboard and Mined Gypsum Wallboard .................... 2-9
2.2.1 Emanation to Indoor Air ....................................................................................... 2-10
2.3 Conclusions of Step 2 ................................................................................................. 2-10
3 Step 3: Exposure Review ........................................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Fly Ash Concrete .......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Potential Exposure Pathways for Fly Ash Concrete ............................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Potential Receptors for Fly Ash Concrete .............................................................. 3-3
3.2 FGD Gypsum Wallboard .............................................................................................. 3-5
3.2.1 Potential Exposure Pathways for FGD Gypsum Wallboard ................................... 3-5
3.2.2 Potential Receptors for FGD Gypsum Wallboard .................................................. 3-6
3.3 Conclusions of Step 3 ................................................................................................... 3-6
4 Step 4: Screening Assessment .............................................................................. 4-8
4.1 Fly Ash Concrete .......................................................................................................... 4-8
4.1.1 Exposure to Concrete Dust ..................................................................................... 4-8
4.1.2 Exposure to Ground and Surface Water ............................................................... 4-10
4.1.3 Exposure to Indoor Air ......................................................................................... 4-11
4.2 FGD Gypsum Wallboard ............................................................................................ 4-13
4.2.1 Exposure to Indoor Air ......................................................................................... 4-13
4.3 Conclusions of Step 4 ................................................................................................. 4-14
5 Section 5: Results, Uncertainties, and Conclusions ...................................... 5-1
5.1 Summary of Results ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Fly Ash Concrete .................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Wallboard ........................................................ 5-4
5.2 Sources of Uncertainty.................................................................................................. 5-5
5.2.1 Uncertainties for Dust Exposures ........................................................................... 5-6
5.2.2 Uncertainties for Ground and Surface Water Exposures ...................................... 5-10
5.2.3 Uncertainties for Air Exposures............................................................................ 5-17
5.2.4 General Uncertainties............................................................................................ 5-22
5.3 Final Conclusions........................................................................................................ 5-25
6 References .................................................................................................................. 6-1

List of Appendices
Appendix A: Summary of Raw Data

Appendix B: Identification of Relevant Screening Benchmarks

Appendix C: Ground Water Modeling

List of Tables
Table 1-1: Releases from Fly Ash Concrete and Associated COPCs ...................................................... 1-9
Table 1-2: List of COPCs Remaining Following Step 1 ....................................................................... 1-14
Table 2-1: Comparison of COPC Concentrations in Fly Ash and Portland Cement (mg/kg) ................. 2-2
Table 2-2: Comparison of Mercury Emanation Rates from Concretes (ng/m2-hr) ................................. 2-9
Table 2-3: Comparison of Mercury Emanation Rates from Wallboards (ng/m2-hr) ............................. 2-10
Table 2-4: List of COPCs Remaining Following Step 2 ....................................................................... 2-11
Table 3-1: List of COPCs Remaining Following Step 3 ......................................................................... 3-7
Table 4-1: Comparison of the Fly Ash Contribution to Concrete Dust Concentrations to Human
Health and Ecological Screening Benchmarks for Soil (mg/kg) ........................................... 4-9
Table 4-2: Comparison of Undiluted Leachate to Human Health Screening Benchmarks for
Ground and Surface Water (µg/L) ....................................................................................... 4-10
Table 4-3: Comparison of Undiluted Leachate to Ecological Screening Benchmarks for Surface
Water (µg/L) ........................................................................................................................ 4-11
Table 4-4: Comparison of Modeled Well Concentrations to Remaining Human Health Screening
Benchmark for Ground Water (µg/L) .................................................................................. 4-11
Table 4-5: Comparison of Indoor Air Mercury Concentration from Fly Ash Concrete to Human
Health Screening Benchmark (ng/m3) ................................................................................. 4-13
Table 4-6: Comparison of Indoor Air Mercury Concentrations from FGD Gypsum Wallboard to
Human Health Screening Benchmark (ng/m3) .................................................................... 4-14
Table 5-1: 90th Percentile Fly Ash Concentration with Different Non-Detect Treatments (mg/kg) ....... 5-7

List of Figures
Figure 1: Diagram of generic coal combustion processes. ......................................................................... 3
Figure 2-1: Comparison of cumulative leaching of antimony from concrete. ......................................... 2-4
Figure 2-2: Comparison of cumulative leaching of arsenic from concrete. ............................................ 2-5
Figure 2-3: Comparison of cumulative leaching of boron from concrete. .............................................. 2-5
Figure 2-4: Comparison of cumulative leaching of cadmium from concrete. ......................................... 2-6
Figure 2-5: Comparison of cumulative leaching of chromium from concrete. ....................................... 2-6
Figure 2-6: Comparison of cumulative leaching of lead from concrete. ................................................. 2-7
Figure 2-7: Comparison of cumulative leaching of molybdenum from concrete. ................................... 2-7
Figure 2-8: Comparison of cumulative leaching of selenium from concrete. ......................................... 2-7
Figure 2-9: Comparison of cumulative leaching of thallium from concrete. .......................................... 2-8
Figure 3-1: Human conceptual exposure model for fly ash concrete. ..................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-2: Ecological conceptual exposure model for fly ash concrete. ................................................ 3-5
Figure 3-3: Human conceptual exposure model for FGD gypsum wallboard. ........................................ 3-6

Abbreviations and Acronyms
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACAA American Coal Ash Association
ACH Air Changes per Hour
AEA Air Entrainment Admixture
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
AWQC Ambient Water Quality Criteria
BCF Bioconcentration Factor
CalEPA California Environmental Protection Agency
CASRN Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number
CCR Coal Combustion Residual
COPC Constituent of Potential Concern
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CV-AFS Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
DOE United States Department of Energy
DOT United States Department of Transportation
EC European Commission
Eco-SSL Ecological Soil Screening Levels
EERC University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
FBC Fluidized Bed Combustion
FGD Flue Gas Desulfurization
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
HBN Health-Based Number
HEI Highly Exposed Individual
HELP Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance
HPS Health Physics Society
HQ Hazard Quotient
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IBC International Building Code
ICC International Code Council
ICP Inductively Coupled Plasma
ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
IWEM Industrial Waste Evaluation Model
LEAF Leaching Evaluation Assessment Framework
LOI Loss of Ignition
MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
MDL Method Detection Limit
ML Minimum Level of Quantitation
NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
NCRP National Council on Radiological Protection
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAEL No Observable Affects Evaluation Level
NPDWR National Primary Drinking Water Regulation
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
PCA Portland Cement Association
PFA Pulverized Fuel Ash
PPRTV Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Values for Superfund
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
RAGS Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
RfC Reference Concentration
SMM Sustainable Materials Management
SPLP Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure
T3 Third Trophic Level
T4 Fourth Trophic Level
TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
TEL Threshold Effect Level
TENORM Technologically-Enhanced, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
TL Trophic Level
UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
U.S. United States
UKHPA United Kingdom Health Protection Agency
UKNRPB United Kingdom National Radiation Protection Board
USGS United States Geological Survey

Coal combustion residuals (CCRs) are the byproducts of coal combustion that are captured from
plant effluent and flue gases prior to discharge to the environment. Once generated, CCRs may be either
disposed of or beneficially used. Beneficial use, as defined in this document, is the reuse of CCRs in a
product that: 1) provides a functional benefit; 2) meets relevant product specifications and performance
standards for the proposed use; and 3) may replace virgin raw materials in a product on the market
(referred to as an “analogous product” or “analogous non-CCR product”), thus conserving natural
resources that would otherwise need to be obtained through other practices, such as extraction. The
reason CCRs can be used to replace virgin materials is that they possess physical and chemical
properties similar to those of the virgin materials.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA” or “the Agency”) Sustainable Materials
Management (SMM) Program supports the productive and sustainable use/reuse of resources throughout
all stages of their life cycles, from resource acquisition through disposal. The SMM Program seeks to
avoid or minimize impacts to the environment while accounting for economic efficiency and social
considerations. The beneficial use of CCRs, when done in a manner protective of human health and the
environment, can advance these goals. The purpose of this beneficial use evaluation is to determine
whether environmental releases of constituents of potential concern (COPCs) from these encapsulated 1
CCR products are comparable to or lower than those from analogous products made without CCRs, or
are at or below relevant regulatory and health-based benchmarks for human and ecological receptors,
during use by the consumer. This document details the evaluation process as well as the findings and
conclusions of this beneficial use evaluation.

Selection of Beneficial Uses for Evaluation

CCR is a broad term used to refer to the byproducts generated either directly by coal combustion or
as a result of applying certain pollution control devices to emissions from coal-fired combustion units.
Types of CCRs generated from coal combustion include fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, flue gas
desulfurization (FGD) waste, and fluidized bed combustion (FBC) waste. All coal-fired electric utility
plants in the United States generate at least one of these types of CCRs. Each different type of CCR has
unique properties and, as a result, different potential uses. This evaluation chose to examine those
encapsulated beneficial uses that divert the greatest quantity of CCRs from disposal and have been most
extensively studied in the literature. The following text provides the rationale for the selection of the
CCR products evaluated.

In the June 2010 Proposed Rule, Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System; Identification and Listing of Special
Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from Electric Utilities (“the 2010 Proposed CCR Disposal Rule”) (75 FR
35127), the Agency defined encapsulated beneficial use as one that binds the CCRs into a solid matrix that minimizes their
mobilization into the surrounding environment. Examples of encapsulated uses are concrete, wallboard, and brick. In
contrast, unencapsulated beneficial uses include road embankments, structural fills, or agricultural applications (e.g.,
substitute for lime).

The American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) conducts a voluntary, annual survey of the coal-fired
electric utility industry to track the quantities of CCRs generated and beneficially used. According to the
latest survey, the electric utility industry generated nearly 110 million tons of CCRs during the 2012
calendar year. Approximately 39 million tons of these CCRs were identified by ACAA as beneficially
used in either encapsulated or unencapsulated products. An additional 12.8 million tons were placed in
mine-fill operations, while the remaining 57.8 million tons were disposed of in landfills and surface
impoundments (ACAA, 2013). 2
Based on the beneficial use rates reported by ACAA, the evaluation chose fly ash used as a direct
substitute for portland cement during the production of concrete (referred to as “fly ash concrete”) and
FGD gypsum used as a replacement for mined gypsum in wallboard (referred to as “FGD gypsum
wallboard”) during use by the consumer. Specifically, the 2012 ACAA survey indicates that the largest
encapsulated beneficial uses of CCRs, by more than a factor of two, are fly ash used in
“concrete/concrete products/grout” (11.8 million tons) and FGD gypsum used in “gypsum panel
products” (7.6 million tons). That is, these two beneficial uses make-up nearly 50 percent of the total
amount of CCRs beneficially used on an annual basis. While fly ash and FGD gypsum may not be the
only CCR or industrial material that may be beneficially used in concrete or wallboard, this evaluation
does not address the beneficial use of other industrial materials. This evaluation also draws no
conclusions about other beneficial uses of fly ash and FGD gypsum.

Properties of Fly Ash and FGD Gypsum

The following subsection describes the production process and properties of fly ash and FGD
gypsum as well as the associated beneficial uses evaluated in this document. Figure 1 illustrates a
generalized layout of a coal-fired plant and the collection points for fly ash and FGD gypsum.

Fly Ash
Fly ash is the fraction of combusted coal that becomes suspended in plant flue gases. The fly ash
available for beneficial use is captured primarily by mechanical particulate collection devices, such as an
electrostatic precipitator or baghouse. The remaining fly ash that passes through these particulate
collection devices either escapes into the atmosphere or is captured through sulfur dioxide [SO2] control
devices (i.e., scrubbers), resulting in its incorporation into the FGD solids. The chemical composition of
the beneficially used fly ash is variable and dependent on multiple factors, such as the geographic source
of the coal burned.

In 2012, the survey response rate was equivalent to 59 percent of the total US coal-fired electric generation capacity. This
estimated response rate is based on a ratio of the generating capacity of the individual plants reporting and the total United
States coal-fired generation capacity reported by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) in 2012. These data are
available online at: Reported beneficial use rates were extrapolated for the entire
industry sector using the 2012 survey data, historical ACAA survey data, EIA data, and other miscellaneous data sources.
The survey groups similar beneficial uses into generalized categories. As a result, a given ACAA category may include
some data on beneficial uses beyond those evaluated in this document.

Figure 1: Diagram of generic coal combustion processes.

Fly ash may be used as a partial substitute for the portland cement in concrete because it is a
pozzolan, a material that reacts with calcium oxide [CaO], also known as lime, in the presence of water
to produce a cementitious compound. Silica dioxide [SiO2], aluminum trioxide [Al2O3], and iron oxide
[Fe2O3] are the primary chemical constituents that may contribute to this reaction. In addition, fly ash
may contain significant amounts of lime, causing it to be self-cementing in the presence of water. The
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) classifies fly ashes based on the amount of lime
present as either Class F (low lime/high iron) or Class C (high lime/high calcium) (ASTM C618).
Depending on the composition of the fly ash and the intended use of the fly ash concrete, a wide range
of cement substitution rates may be considered. Class F fly ash is often used to replace portland cement
at rates between 15 percent and 25 percent by mass, while Class C fly ash is often used to replace
portland cement at rates between 15 percent and 40 percent by mass (PCA, 2003). However, specific
replacement rates vary based both on the characteristics of the specific fly ash and on the desired
characteristics of the concrete. ASTM specifies a maximum cement replacement rate of 40 percent for
blended fly ash-cement mixtures based on engineering specifications (ASTM C595). Therefore, the
findings of this evaluation are limited to portland cement replacement rates at or below 40 percent by

Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum

Coal-fired plants employ a number of different air pollution control devices (generally referred to as
“flue gas desulfurization units” or “scrubbers”) to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. These devices differ
in how they remove sulfur dioxide, but all generate FGD waste. This waste ranges from a dry powder to
a wet sludge. FGD gypsum is a subset of the wet sludges produced by FGD units. During the generation
of FGD gypsum, fly ash is initially removed from flue gas to the extent practicable using mechanical
collection devices. Next, the flue gas is sprayed with a wet limestone-based reagent. This reagent reacts
with the sulfur dioxide in the flue gas, limiting the amount of the sulfur dioxide and remaining fly ash
that can escape into the atmosphere. The chemical composition of the resulting sludge is dependent on
the amount of oxygen available during the reaction. In the absence of oxygen, the reaction produces
calcium sulfite hemihydrate [CaSO3•½H2O]. In the presence of oxygen, the reaction produces calcium
sulfate dihydrate [CaSO4•2H2O], also known as gypsum. To convert as much of the sludge to gypsum as
possible, the sludge may undergo forced oxidation, driven by air pumped into the chamber during the
FGD gypsum may be used as a full substitute for mined gypsum in wallboard (i.e., drywall) because
the primary chemical constituent, calcium sulfate dihydrate, is identical in both materials. The
generation of FGD gypsum may allow greater control over the chemical composition of the final
gypsum product and, as a result, FGD gypsum may have higher gypsum purity than mined gypsum.
However, FGD gypsum may contain some impurities that are not found in mined gypsum. Fly ash is one
such impurity, and can result in accelerated wear to the production machinery and physical defects in the
final products. As a result, common market specifications established by North American wallboard
manufactures limit the amount of fly ash allowed in the FGD gypsum used in wallboard to one percent
by mass (Henkels and Gaynor, 1996).

Overview of Methodology Steps

The beneficial use evaluation of fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard follows the steps laid
out in the Methodology for Evaluating Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US
EPA, 2013a). This methodology has undergone an independent external letter peer review. A summary
of the comments received from peer reviewers is available in the document Peer Review Summary
Report: Independent External Peer Review of the Preliminary Draft Report Methodology for Evaluating
Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA, 2012a). Responses to these
comments are available in the document Responses to External Peer Review Comments: Methodology
for Evaluating Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA, 2013b).
This methodology is flexible and allows evaluation of the range of possible encapsulated beneficial
uses for any CCR. The evaluation process is divided into five individual steps. As developed, the party
conducting the evaluation can choose to begin at the first step and follow the methodology in the order
presented or, based on the type and amount of data available, can choose to begin the evaluation at any
other step of the methodology. If, at any point in the evaluation, all releases of COPCs are found to be
comparable to or lower than those from an analogous non-CCR product, or to be at or below relevant
regulatory and health-based benchmarks, then no further evaluation of the CCR product is necessary.
This specific evaluation began with the first step and followed subsequent steps in the order presented in
the methodology.
Step 1 (Literature Review and Data Collection): This step involves the collection and review of
available literature on a specific CCR and associated beneficial use. The purpose of this step is to
establish whether existing evaluations are sufficient to demonstrate that releases from the CCR products
under evaluation are comparable to or lower than those from analogous products, or are at or below

relevant regulatory and health-based benchmarks, and to collect data on COPCs that may be present in
and released from the CCR products, but were not sufficiently addressed by existing evaluations.
Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data): This step involves using the data collected in Step 1 to
conduct a comparison of the COPC releases from the CCR products with those from the analogous
products that they replace. The purpose of this step is to determine whether COPC releases from the
CCR products are comparable to or lower than those from an analogous product.
Step 3 (Exposure Review): This step involves the review of those COPCs that were not comparable
to or lower than those from an analogous product and were carried forward from Step 2. The purpose of
this step is to identify potential exposure pathways, determine whether these exposure pathways are
complete, and to develop a conceptual exposure model to organize and communicate this information.
Step 4 (Screening Analysis): This step involves a screening analysis of the COPC exposures carried
forward from Steps 2 and 3. This screening uses a combination of conservative (i.e., likely to
overestimate exposures) environmental, fate and transport, and exposure data to estimate the magnitude
of COPC concentrations at the point of exposure. The analysis then compares these conservative COPC
concentrations to relevant regulatory and health-based screening benchmarks. The purpose of this step is
to eliminate any COPC exposures that do not warrant further consideration with more realistic, resource
intensive modeling.
Step 5 (Risk Analysis): This final step involves a revised analysis of COPC exposures that were
found to be above screening benchmarks in Step 4. This analysis is intended to be more realistic than the
screening analysis, and is conducted using environmental, fate and transport, and exposure data that are
more representative of real world conditions. The evaluation uses these revised COPC concentrations to
estimate corresponding risks. The purpose of this step is to reduce conservatisms remaining in the
evaluation to a level at which a final conclusion can be made.

1 Step 1: Literature Review and Data Collection
This section applies the first step of the methodology to the evaluation of fly ash concrete and FGD
gypsum wallboard. This step involves collecting and reviewing the available literature relevant to a
specific CCR and its beneficial use. The purpose of this step is twofold. The first purpose is to determine
whether any existing evaluations have already demonstrated that releases of COPCs from fly ash
concrete or FGD gypsum wallboard are comparable to or lower than those from analogous products, or
are at or below relevant regulatory and health-based benchmarks. The second purpose is to collect data
on the COPCs present in releases from fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard that have not been
sufficiently addressed by the existing evaluations. The following subsections provide a discussion of the
existing evaluations used to identify the releases and associated COPCs that required further evaluation,
followed by a brief summary of the data sources relied upon in the current evaluation.

1.1 Fly Ash Concrete

1.1.1 Existing Evaluations for Fly Ash Concrete
The current beneficial use evaluation reviewed all existing evaluations identified from the available
literature according to the recommendations of Summary of General Assessment Factors for Evaluating
the Quality of Scientific and Technical Information (US EPA, 2003a). 3 The focus of this review was to
determine whether these existing evaluations could form the basis for defensible conclusions regarding
fly ash concrete. The review determined whether the existing evaluations pertained to fly ash concrete,
clearly and sufficiently explained the data and assumptions relied upon, accounted for major sources of
uncertainty and variability, and had undergone an independent review in some form. The remainder of
this subsection summarizes the existing evaluations used to identify releases and associated COPCs for
further consideration. Under the title of each evaluation, a brief summary of relevant findings is
provided. Where multiple existing evaluations were pertinent to a given topic, all the summaries are
combined under a list of the evaluation titles.

US EPA (1998): Supplemental Report to Congress on Remaining Wastes from Fossil Fuel Combustion
Technical Background Document: Beneficial Use of Fossil Fuel Combustion Wastes
This report identified the following types of releases to the surrounding environment that may occur
from CCR products: 1) generation of dust, 2) emanation to air, 3) leaching to ground and surface
water, and 4) decay of naturally occurring radionuclides. Because this report addresses the beneficial
use of CCRs, it is directly applicable to the current evaluation of fly ash concrete. Therefore, each
identified type of release was retained for further consideration.

EPA developed this document in response to guidelines issued by OMB (US OMB, 2002) under section 515 of the
Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554; H.R. 5658).

US EPA (1999): Report to Congress: Wastes from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels: Volume 2 -
Methods, Findings, and Recommendations
This report reviewed all of the data available to the Agency at the time of publication on releases
from CCRs generated in the United States. The data indicated that all concentrations of organic
constituents, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons and dioxins, were near or below analytical
detection limits both in CCRs and in leachate released from CCRs. Based on these data, the report
concluded that organic constituents are not COPCs associated with CCRs. Consideration of updated
toxicity values does not alter the conclusions of this report. Furthermore, no additional data have
been identified since the completion of this report that would indicate the potential for higher
organic levels. Although this report addressed CCRs, the conclusions are also applicable to fly ash
concrete. The beneficial use of fly ash in concrete will dilute concentrations of any organic
constituents present in the fly ash through mixing with other concrete components. In addition, these
organic constituents are not volatile under standard environmental conditions and are often highly
hydrophobic, making a release of these complex organic compounds from fly ash concrete at rates
higher than those from pure fly ash unlikely. Therefore, the current evaluation eliminated organic
constituents from further consideration.

US EPA (2002): Constituent Screening for Coal Combustion Wastes

US EPA (2010a): Human and Ecological Risk Assessment of Coal Combustion Wastes
US EPA (2002), as discussed in US EPA (2010a), evaluated transport of CCRs disposed in
uncovered landfills by wind and precipitation. This screening assessment found that all potential
exposures were below levels of concern. Although this 2002 evaluation addressed CCRs that were
disposed, the findings are also applicable to fly ash concrete. The beneficial use of fly ash in
concrete will dilute constituent concentrations present in the fly ash through mixing with other raw
materials, and will also reduce the rate of release because of the high strength of the intact concrete
matrix. Therefore, the results of this 2002 evaluation provide a conservative estimate of dust release
from concrete. However, more than a decade has passed since the 2002 screening assessment was
conducted. Since that time, the Agency has obtained additional data through public comments and
published literature that characterize constituent concentrations in fly ash, including data that reflect
the effects of some new pollution control technologies and plant configurations installed in response
to updated Clean Air Act requirements. In addition, revised toxicity values have resulted in updated
human health and ecological benchmarks. As a result, the current evaluation retained generation of
dust for further consideration, and identified all constituents for which sufficient data were available
as COPCs for this release. These include aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron,
cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel,
selenium, silver, strontium, thallium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc. While other inorganic
constituents may also be present in CCRs, they were not retained for further evaluation. Some
constituents were not retained because of the absence of human health and ecological toxicity values
(i.e., calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium, silicon, sulfate, sulfide). Other
constituents were not retained because the newly available data, which were either for CCRs other
than fly ash or for fly ash mixed with other CCRs, were not representative of the CCRs assessed in

the current evaluation, and do not add to the information used to draw conclusions in U.S EPA
(2010a) (i.e., cyanide, fluoride, nitrate/nitrite).
US EPA (2010a): Human and Ecological Risk Assessment of Coal Combustion Wastes
US EPA (2012b): The Impact of Coal Combustion Fly Ash Used as a Supplemental Cementitious
Material on the Leaching of Constituents from Cements and Concretes
Kosson et al. (2013): pH-dependent Leaching of Constituents of Potential Concern from Concrete
Materials Containing Coal Combustion Fly Ash
US EPA (2010a) conducted a national evaluation of potential human health and ecological risks
resulting from releases to ground and surface water from CCRs disposed in landfills and surface
impoundments. The risk assessment used leachate data from a range of different analytical methods
to consider a wide range of management scenarios and environmental conditions. Leaching from
disposed fly ash does not directly reflect leaching from fly ash concrete placed on the land.
However, the results of US EPA (2010a) are still applicable to this evaluation of fly ash concrete
based on the findings of Kosson et al. (2013), which evaluated the leaching behavior of fly ash
concretes and demonstrated that these CCR products consistently leach at lower levels than fly ash
alone when subjected to similar environmental conditions. Thus, the current evaluation used the
findings of US EPA (2010a) to identify a conservative set of COPCs for leaching from fly ash
concrete placed on the land.
The modeled results for unlined landfills provide a conservative, yet appropriate, surrogate for fly
ash concrete. Although US EPA (2010a) found leaching from surface impoundments to be higher
than from landfills, the effects of large hydraulic heads that drive leaching from surface
impoundments would be greatly diminished by the low permeability of an intact concrete matrix.
Therefore, the current evaluation did not consider leaching results for surface impoundments. The
results for unlined landfills show that antimony, arsenic, boron, cadmium, lead, molybdenum,
selenium, and thallium may be released at levels posing unacceptable risk to downgradient receptors.
Therefore, the evaluation retained these eight constituents as COPCs for further consideration. US
EPA (2012b) also conducted a conservative screening analysis by comparing the undiluted leachate
from fly ash mortars and concretes to screening benchmarks. However, because US EPA (2010a)
conducted more robust, full-scale modeling that took into account dilution and attenuation in the
environment, it provided a more realistic estimate of exposures. Therefore, with one exception, the
current evaluation did not rely on the results of US EPA (2012b) to identify COPCs. Chromium was
retained as a COPC based on the screening results of US EPA (2012b). US EPA (2010a) did not
evaluate cancer risks from chromium because the revised oral cancer benchmark was not available at
that time.

Long et al. (2012): Potential Indoor Air Exposures and Health Risks from Mercury Off-Gassing of Coal
Combustion Products Used in Building Materials
Long et al. (2012) measured the rate at which concrete made with and without fly ash emit mercury
vapor, and used these measurements to calculate resulting indoor air concentrations in a school. The
report then compared these concentrations to health-based benchmarks. The evaluation concluded
that potential indoor air concentrations were below levels of concern. Because Long et al. (2012)
specifically addressed releases from fly ash concrete, the results are directly applicable to the current
evaluation. However, a review of the documented methodology found that it did not address the use
of fly ash concrete in residential settings, potentially resulting in an underestimation of high-end
exposures. Furthermore, the relatively small number of fly ashes evaluated in the study introduces
uncertainty as to whether the measured mercury emanation rates adequately characterize the range of
potential emanation rates from fly ash concrete. Therefore, the current evaluation retained mercury
as a COPC for emanation to air.

Ingersoll (1983): A Survey of Radionuclide Contents and Radon Emanation Rates in Building Materials
Used in the United States
United States Geological Survey (USGS) (1997): Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash:
Abundance, Forms, and Environmental Significance
Zielinski et al. (1998): Uranium in Coal and Fly Ash: Abundance, Forms, and Environmental
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) (1982, 1988,
1993; 2000; 2008): Ionizing Radiation: Sources and Effects
United Kingdom National Radiological Protection Board (UKNRPB) (2001): Radiological Impact
on the UK Population of Industries Which Use or Produce Materials Containing Enhanced Levels of
Naturally Occurring Radionuclides: Part 1 - Coal-fired Electricity Generation
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2003): Extent of Environmental Contamination by
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) and Technical Option for Mitigation
United Kingdom Health Protection Agency (UKHPA) (2004): Radiological Study of Pulverized Fuel
Ash (PFA) from UK Coal-fired Power Stations
Kolver et al. (2005a): Radon Exhalation Of Cementitious Materials Made with Coal Fly Ash: Part 1 -
Scientific Background and Testing of the Cement and Fly Ash Emanation
Kolver et al. (2005b): Radon Exhalation Of Cementitious Materials Made with Coal Fly Ash: Part 2 -
Testing Hardened Cement Fly Ash Pastes
National Commission for Radiological Protection and Measurements (NCRP) (2009): Ionizing
Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States Report 160
Kosson et al. (2013): pH-dependent Leaching of Constituents of Potential Concern from Concrete
Materials Containing Coal Combustion Fly Ash
A broad range of domestic and international evaluations were identified that address radiation from
coal, fly ash, or fly ash concrete. Although some of these evaluations do not directly address fly ash
concrete, the results are applicable to the current evaluation because the beneficial use of fly ash in
concrete will dilute radionuclide concentrations present in the fly ash through mixing with other raw
materials. These evaluations include peer-reviewed publications, guidance documents, and voluntary
standards that have been developed and reviewed by experts in the field of radiation and health
physics. This body of work extends back nearly forty years and has already been well summarized
through the literature reviews contained in more recent existing evaluations. Therefore, only these
key recent evaluations, which form the basis for the conclusions in this beneficial use evaluation, are
summarized in the following text.
International organizations have grouped radiation exposures into three different categories: (1)
planned introduction and operation of sources, (2) unexpected emergencies that may arise during a
planned situation or from a malicious act, and (3) situations that already exist when a decision on

control has to be taken. 4 The historical use of fly ash in concrete would fall under group (3), while
the continued use would fall under group (1). 5 A number of national and international organizations
develop and maintain guidance on managing public exposures to everyday sources of radiation.
Evaluations of radiation exposures often incorporate the recommendations of these guidances, and
several of the existing evaluations identified were conducted by one of these organizations to
everyday sources of radiation. In the United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
regulates source and byproduct materials, and can exempt certain products, devices, or equipment
that contain radioactive materials from requiring a license (NRC, 2001). EPA has promulgated
maximum contaminant limits (MCLs) for radiation levels in public drinking water, and has
developed recommendations for mitigating radon levels in indoor air. The American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), together with the Health Physics Society (HPS), developed Standard
N13.53 for technologically enhanced sources of naturally occurring radiation, based on a review of
existing radiation protection standards and guidance from relevant US and European organizations
(ANSI/HPS, 2009). International organizations have also developed guidance that has been adopted
by many countries. The European Commission (EC) developed Basic Safety Standards Directive
96/29, which recommends exposure limits for various sources of radioactivity and authorizes the
exemption of specific practices from regulatory controls (EC, 1999; 2001). The International
Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) developed the International System of Radiological
Protection, used world-wide as the basis for radiological protection standards, legislation, guidelines,
programs, and practice (ICRP, 2007). The IAEA develops safety standards and, based on these
standards, issues guidance and technical documents on radiation protection. While these
organizations set varying exposure limits for different scenarios (e.g., clean-up sites, medical
procedures, consumer products), virtually all guidance developed incorporates the principle of “as
low as reasonably achievable” to minimize public exposures while taking into account health,
economic, and societal factors.
- Ingersoll (1983) measured the concentrations of uranium, thorium, and potassium present in, as
well as the rate at which radon emanates from portland cement concrete and other common
building materials made with virgin materials collected from ten major metropolitan areas across
the United States. The study concluded that each of these building materials contribute only a
small fraction of the total radon levels typically measured in US homes. The study also noted that
radon measurements previously collected for fly ash concretes fell within the range measured for
the portland cement concretes.
- UNSCEAR (1982, 1988, 1993, 2000, 2008) each summarized the available literature on sources of
radiation exposure. These reports compiled a great deal of information on the radionuclide
activities in coal, fly ash, concrete, and other building materials collected from across the globe.
The data compiled in these reports show the average radionuclide activity of fly ash generated in
the United States falls around the upper bound of the range measured in soils, but is generally
lower than fly ashes generated in other parts of the globe. The 1988 report also summarized

As discussed in International Commission on Radiological Protection Report 103 (ICRP, 2007).
Fly ash has been a commonly used raw material in concrete for at least the past 80 years. The Hoover Dam is one of the first
recorded projects in 1929 (

available literature on radon emanation from fly ash concrete. Based on a number of studies that
showed either reduced or unchanged radon emanation rates from concrete amended with fly ash,
this 1988 report concluded that the use of fly ash in building materials should not result in any
additional radiation exposure beyond that from standard portland cement concrete.
- USGS (1997) reviewed data in the US Coal Quality Database on the uranium concentrations in
coals mined from the Western United States and the Illinois Basin. This study used the data to
estimate the uranium content of fly ash by assuming that concentrations were magnified by a factor
of ten during combustion, based on values previously reported in the literature. This study
compared the estimated uranium concentrations for fly ash to those previously reported in the
literature for common rocks, such as granite and shale. Based on this comparison, USGS
concluded that the radionuclide concentrations in fly ash are similar to those found in common
rocks. IAEA (2003) reviewed the data presented in USGS (1997) and drew similar conclusions.
USGS (1997) also summarized data later available in Zielinski et al. (1998) on leaching of
uranium and radium from fly ash. 6 Zielinski et al. (1998) analyzed the physical and chemical
structure of fly ash and concluded that the long-term leaching of uranium will be inhibited by the
glassy structure of the ash, while long-term leaching of radium will be inhibited by the formation
of insoluble sulfate complexes. Available uranium leachate samples corroborated these
predictions. Fly ash samples were collected at one facility from various points in the exhaust
stream and at different times. These fly ash samples ranged in pH from about 3 to 12, and had
uranium concentrations toward the upper bound predicted by the US Coal Quality Database.
Samples were subjected to column and batch leach tests, which showed concentrations of uranium
to be below the corresponding MCL over the pH range relevant to concrete. Based on the available
evidence, the study concluded that radionuclides leached from fly ash are generally below levels of
concern. It is important to note that all of these data represent pure fly ash. Based on the findings
of Kosson et al. (2013), incorporation of fly ash into concrete will further limit leaching. In
addition, none of the measured concentrations account for dilution and attenuation that will occur
in the environment.
- UKNPRB (2001) calculated potential exposures to gamma radiation and radon resulting from the
use of fly ash generated within the United Kingdom in concrete. The report considered exposures
to a member of the public that spends majority of their time in a small room with four walls,
ceiling, and floor made of fly ash concrete. The report found that potential exposures to gamma
radiation and radon from fly ash concrete do not exceed benchmarks established in EC guidance.
Both UKHPA (2004) and NCRP (2009) reviewed the data presented in UKNPRB (2001) and drew
similar conclusions.
- Kolver et al. (2005a) reviewed and summarized the literature on radon emanation from concrete.
This study identified several additional studies published since the 1988 UNSCEAR report that
found the addition of fly ash either reduced or had little effect on radon emanation. Kolver et al.
(2005b) measured the rate of radon emanation from mortars made with and without fly ash, with
variable fly ash replacement rates. Measurements were collected at 7, 28, and 90 days after curing.

USGS (1997) used barium as a chemical analog for radium.

This study showed that the radon emanation rate from all fly ash amended mortars was less than
from those made with only portland cement. The study concluded that the increased densification
caused by the inclusion of fly ash was responsible for these lower emanation rates.
All of the existing evaluations identified concluded that radiation exposures from fly ash concrete
are not a major source of concern. Several of these existing evaluations compared fly ash concrete to
analogous products and found that the potential exposures do not represent an appreciable addition
to the background radiation that the general public is subjected to on an annual basis. Naturally
occurring radionuclides are present throughout the environment in food, air, water, soil, consumer
products, and even the human body. All natural resources used in building construction (e.g., cement
blocks, bricks, granite, soil, rocks) contain some trace level of naturally occurring radionuclides. For
example, the USGS concluded that “the radioactivity of typical fly ash is not significantly different
from that of more conventional concrete additives or other building materials such as granite and red
brick.” The NCRP concluded that exposures from living in concrete buildings containing fly ash are
“similar to calculations made for individuals living in a brick and masonry home. Consequently, it is
assumed that the use of [coal ash] in building materials has not substantially increased the average
dose to an individual in the population residing in a building constructed with brick or masonry
materials.” Several of these existing evaluations also evaluated the magnitude of potential exposures
that may result from fly ash concrete and found them to be in line with existing guidance. For
example, the UKHPA concluded that exposures to “…members of the public from the use of [fly
ash] in building materials is negligible.” The cumulative body of evidence provided by these
evaluations is considered sufficient to demonstrate that radiation from fly ash concrete is either
comparable to that from analogous products made without CCRs, or is at or below relevant
benchmarks established by national and international standard-setting and regulatory bodies.
Therefore, the current evaluation eliminated radionuclides from further consideration.

1.1.2 Data Collection for Fly Ash Concrete

The review of existing evaluations discussed in Section 1.1.1 above identified potential releases and
associated COPCs that the literature had not sufficiently addressed. Therefore, the current evaluation
assembled data on these remaining releases and associated COPCs from the existing evaluations and
other available literature. These data form the basis for the evaluation of COPC releases from fly ash
concrete conducted in subsequent steps of this evaluation. The remainder of this section enumerates the
major sources from which these data were drawn. Appendix A provides further discussion of each data
source, along with a presentation of the corresponding raw data.
- CCR Constituent Database: This database contains all of the data collected in support of
evaluations of CCRs since the Agency’s 1988 Report to Congress (US EPA, 1988). The database
contains information on the identity and concentrations of constituents that may be present in
CCRs. The Agency’s most recent evaluation of CCR disposal practices provides an overview of
historical data collection efforts prior to the finalization of the 2010 CCR Risk Assessment (US
EPA, 2010a). However, since the completion of this risk assessment, EPA has incorporated new
data into the database as it has become available.

- Eckert and Guo (1998): Heavy Metals in Cement and Cement Kiln Dust from Kilns Co-Fired
with Hazardous Waste-Derived Fuel: Application of EPA Leaching and Acid-Digestion
Procedures. This literature source contains data on COPC concentrations in portland cement.
- Garrabrants et al. (2013): Effects of Coal Fly Ash Use in Concrete on Mass Transport-Based
Leaching of Potential Concern. This literature source contains data on COPC leaching rates using
EPA Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Method 1315 from concretes made
with fly ash and portland cement.
- Golightly et al. (2005): Gaseous Mercury from Curing Concretes that Contain Fly Ash:
Laboratory Measurements. This literature source contains data on mercury concentrations in fly
ash, as well as mercury emanation rates from fly ash and portland cement concretes.
- Golightly et al. (2009): Fly Ash Properties and Mercury Sorbent Affect Mercury Release from
Curing Concrete. This literature source contains data on mercury concentrations in fly ash and
portland cement, as well as mercury emanation rates from concretes made with fly ash and
portland cement.
- Kosson et al. (2013): pH-dependent Leaching of Constituents of Potential Concern from Concrete
Materials Containing Coal Combustion Fly Ash. This literature source contains data on COPCs
using EPA LEAF Method 1313 from concrete made with fly ash and portland cement.
- Pflughoeft-Hassett et al. (1993): Comparative Leaching of Midwestern Coal Fly Ash and
Cement. This literature source contains data on COPC concentrations in portland cement.
- Portland Cement Association (PCA) (1992): An Analysis of Selected Trace Metals in Cement
and Kiln Dust. This literature source contains data on COPC concentrations in portland cement.
The current evaluation considered several other potentially relevant literature sources that contain
data on leaching from fly ash concrete, but did not rely upon those sources in this beneficial use
evaluation because more appropriate data were available. These include: Zhang et al., 1985; Rankers
and Hohberg, 1991; Kanare and West, 1993; Church et al., 1995; UKDETR, 1998; Meji et al., 2001;
Zhang et al. 2001; McCann et al., 2007; and Giergiczny and Krol, 2008. These studies provide leachate
data collected with single pH leach tests. Examples of single pH leach tests include the Deionized Water
Leaching Test (ASTM D3987-85), the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure (SPLP), and the
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). These single pH data do not reflect the time-
dependent release of COPCs from intact concrete. In addition, the current evaluation did not incorporate
the leachate data from US EPA (2012b) because the majority of these samples are from fly ash mortars.
The higher porosity of mortars can result in leaching that is not considered representative of fly ash

1.1.3 Summary of Releases Identified for Fly Ash Concrete

Based on the review of the available literature, the current evaluation initially identified four
potential releases from fly ash concrete that may occur during use: 1) generation of dust, 2) emanation to
air, 3) leaching to ground and surface water, and 4) decay of naturally occurring radionuclides. A review
of existing evaluations found them to be of sufficient quality and applicability to eliminate decay of

naturally occurring radionuclides from further consideration. Table 1-1 provides a summary of the
releases retained for further consideration, and the COPCs associated with each.

Table 1-1: Releases from Fly Ash Concrete and Associated COPCs
Ground and
COPC Dust Air
Surface Water
Aluminum X -- --
Antimony X X --
Arsenic X X --
Barium X -- --
Beryllium X -- --
Boron X X --
Cadmium X X --
Chromium X X --
Cobalt X -- --
Copper X -- --
Iron X -- --
Lead X X --
Manganese X -- --
Mercury X -- X
Molybdenum X X --
Nickel X -- --
Selenium X X --
Silver X -- --
Strontium X -- --
Thallium X X --
Uranium X -- --
Vanadium X -- --
Zinc X -- --
COPC = constituent of potential concern
X = constituent requires further evaluation
-- = constituent requires no further evaluation

1.2 FGD Gypsum Wallboard
1.2.1 Existing Evaluations for FGD Gypsum Wallboard
The current beneficial use evaluation reviewed all existing evaluations identified in the available
literature according to the recommendations of Summary of General Assessment Factors for Evaluating
the Quality of Scientific and Technical Information (US EPA, 2003a). 7 The focus of this review was to
determine whether these existing evaluations could form the basis for defensible conclusions regarding
FGD gypsum wallboard. The review determined whether the existing evaluations pertained to FGD
gypsum wallboard, clearly and sufficiently explained the data and assumptions relied upon, accounted
for major sources of uncertainty and variability, and had undergone an independent review in some
form. The remainder of this subsection summarizes the existing evaluations used to identify releases and
associated COPCs for further consideration. Under the title of each evaluation, a brief summary of
relevant findings is provided. Where multiple existing evaluations were pertinent to a given topic, all the
summaries are combined under a list of the evaluation titles. Many of the existing evaluations are the
same as presented in Section 1.1, but with a focus on FGD gypsum wallboard.

US EPA (1998): Supplemental Report to Congress on Remaining Wastes from Fossil Fuel Combustion
Technical Background Document: Beneficial Use of Fossil Fuel Combustion Wastes
This report identified the following types of releases to the surrounding environment that may occur
from CCR products: 1) generation of dust, 2) emanation to air, 3) leaching to ground and surface
water, and 4) decay of naturally occurring radionuclides. Because this report addresses the beneficial
use of CCRs, it is directly applicable to the current evaluation of FGD gypsum wallboard. Therefore,
each identified type of release was retained for further consideration.

US EPA (1999): Report to Congress: Wastes from the Combustion of Fossil Fuels: Volume 2 -
Methods, Findings, and Recommendations
This report reviewed all of the data available to the Agency at the time of publication on releases
from CCRs generated in the United States. The data indicated that all concentrations of organic
constituents, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons and dioxins, were near or below analytical
detection limits both in CCRs and in leachate released from CCRs. Based on these data, the report
concluded that organic constituents are not COPCs associated with CCRs. Consideration of updated
toxicity values does not alter the conclusions of this report. Furthermore, no additional data have
been identified since the completion of this report that would indicate the potential for higher
organic levels. These organic constituents are not volatile under standard environmental conditions
(e.g., temperature and atmospheric pressure), making a release of these complex organic compounds
from FGD gypsum wallboard at rates higher than those from pure FGD gypsum unlikely. Therefore,
the current evaluation eliminated organic constituents from further consideration.

EPA developed this document in response to guidelines issued by OMB (US OMB, 2002) under section 515 of the
Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554; H.R. 5658).

Yost et al. (2010): Lack of Complete Exposure Pathways for Metals in Natural and FGD Gypsum
This evaluation identified potential releases from wallboard through the development of a conceptual
exposure model. The evaluation concluded that, because wallboard is sealed within the ceiling or
walls of a building during use, it is not exposed to most environmental media. The only media
anticipated to come in contact with wallboard during standard use is indoor air. Based on these
findings, the current evaluation limited the selection of COPCs to those with the potential to be
released through emanation to indoor air or radioactive decay.

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) (2010a): Final Report on an Indoor Environmental
Quality Assessment of Residences Containing Chinese Drywall
CPSC (2010b): Staff Preliminary Evaluation of Drywall Chamber Test Results: Reactive Sulfur Gases
The CPSC commissioned a series of evaluations in response to concerns raised by the public over
the potential for imported Chinese wallboard to cause adverse health effects. In one evaluation, air
samples were collected at 41 homes that had reported problematic wallboard and 10 homes that had
reported no issues (CPSC, 2010a). The evaluation found houses with problem wallboards had higher
indoor air concentrations of select volatile organic compounds (e.g., n-hexane) and volatile sulfur
compounds (e.g., hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide). 8 However, these higher levels were
generally below associated EPA health benchmarks. In a subsequent study, differences in the
emanation rates of volatile sulfur gases from domestic and imported wallboards were evaluated in a
laboratory setting (CPSC, 2010b). The preliminary results found considerably lower emanation rates
of volatile sulfur gases from all domestic wallboards compared to the problematic imported
wallboards. CPSC (2010b) did not specify whether any of the domestic wallboards evaluated were
made with FGD gypsum. However, CPSC (2010a) specifically compared the characteristics of
domestic mined and FGD gypsum wallboards. This evaluation found that the indicators of high
volatile sulfur releases associated with the problematic imported wallboard were absent from all
FGD gypsum wallboard samples. Based on these findings, the current evaluation eliminated these
releases from further consideration.

Long et al. (2012): Potential Indoor Air Exposures and Health Risks from Mercury Off-Gassing of Coal
Combustion Products Used in Building Materials
Long et al. (2012) measured the rate at which wallboard made with and without FGD gypsum emits
mercury vapor and used these measurements to calculate resulting indoor air concentrations in a
home and a school. The report then compared these concentrations to available health-based
benchmarks. This evaluation concluded that potential indoor air concentrations were below levels of
concern. Because this evaluation specifically addressed releases from FGD gypsum wallboard, the
results are directly applicable to the current evaluation. However, the relatively small number of
FGD gypsum samples evaluated introduces uncertainty as to whether the mercury emanation rates
measured adequately characterize the range of potential emanation rates from fly ash concrete.
Therefore, the current evaluation retained mercury as a COPC for emanation to air.

The evaluation focused on organics, such as n-hexane and formaldehyde, which are associated with adhesives and additives
added to wallboard during production, rather than with FGD gypsum.

Wollenburg and Smith (1962): Portland Cement for a Low-Counting Facility
Lindeken and Coles (1977): The Radium-226 Content of Agricultural Gypsums
Zikovsky and Kennedy (1992): Radioactivity of Building Materials Available in Canada
Henkels and Gaynor (1996): Characterizing Synthetic Gypsum for Wallboard Manufacture
Roper et al (2013): Analysis of Naturally-Occurring Radionuclides in Coal Combustion Fly Ash,
Gypsum, and Scrubber Residue Samples
A number of existing evaluations were identified that address radiation from FGD gypsum and FGD
gypsum wallboard from a broad range of domestic and international sources. Although some of
these evaluations do not directly address FGD gypsum wallboard, the results are applicable to the
current evaluation because the beneficial use of FGD gypsum in wallboard is unlikely to appreciably
alter radionuclide concentrations in the raw material. These evaluations include peer-reviewed
publications, guidance documents, and voluntary standards that have been developed and reviewed
by experts in the field of radiation and health physics. This body of work extends back nearly forty
years, and has already been well summarized through the literature reviews contained in more recent
existing evaluations. Therefore, only these key recent evaluations, which form the basis for the
conclusions in this beneficial use evaluation, are summarized in the following text.
A number of national and international organizations develop and maintain guidance for managing
public exposures to everyday sources of radiation, such as building materials. Evaluations of
radiation exposure are often based on the recommendations of these guidances. The relevant
organizations are discussed in Section 1.1.1.
- Roper et al. (2013) measured the activity of radionuclides in the uranium and thorium decay
series, as well as potassium-40, from samples of FGD gypsum collected across the United States.
The study found that FGD gypsum activities fell within the range of activities previously reported
from extensive sampling of European mined gypsum. Consideration of additional activity data
reported in the literature for North American mined gypsum and wallboard does not result in
different conclusions (Wollenberg and Smith, 1962; Lindeken and Coles, 1977; Zikovsky and
Kennedy; 1992).
The existing evaluations identified demonstrate that the potential exposures to gamma radiation from
FGD gypsum wallboard are comparable to those from mined gypsum wallboard. No existing
evaluations were identified that evaluated radon emanation from FGD or mined gypsum. However,
because the radionuclide concentrations in raw FGD and mined gypsum are comparable; the
physical structures of the finished products are nearly identical (Henkels and Gaynor, 1996); and the
finished products are used in the same way, this evaluation concludes that the rate of radon
emanation also will be comparable. Therefore, the current evaluation eliminated radionuclides from
further consideration.

1.2.2 Data Collection for FGD Gypsum Wallboard

The review of existing evaluations discussed in Section 1.2.1 identified one potential release and a
single associated COPC that the existing evaluations had not sufficiently addressed. Therefore, the
current evaluation assembled data on this remaining release and the associated COPC from the existing

evaluations and other available literature. These data form the basis for the evaluation of COPC releases
from FGD gypsum wallboard conducted in subsequent steps of this evaluation. The remainder of this
section enumerates the major sources from which these data were drawn. Appendix A provides a further
discussion of each data source, along with a presentation of the corresponding raw data.
- Electric Power Research Institute (2010): Public Comments to Hazardous and Solid Waste
Management System; Identification and Listing of Special Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion
Residuals from Electric Utilities. This literature source contains data on mercury concentrations in
FGD gypsum and mined gypsum.
- Gypsum Association (2010): Public Comments to Hazardous and Solid Waste Management
System; Identification and Listing of Special Wastes; Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals from
Electric Utilities. This literature source contains data on mercury concentrations in FGD gypsum
and mined gypsum.
- Kairies et al. (2006): Mercury in Gypsum Produced from Flue Gas Desulfurization. This literature
source contains data on mercury concentrations in FGD gypsum and FGD gypsum wallboard.
- Shock et al. (2009): Evaluation of Potential for Mercury Volatilization from Natural and FGD
Gypsum Products Using Flux-Chamber Tests. This literature source contains data on mercury
concentrations in and mercury emanation rates from FGD gypsum and mined gypsum wallboards.
- US EPA (2009a): Characterization of Coal Combustion Residues from Electric Utilities –
Leaching and Characterization Data. This literature source contains data on mercury
concentrations in FGD gypsum.
- United States Department of Energy (DOE) (2008): Fate of Mercury in Synthetic Gypsum Used
for Wallboard Production. This literature source contains data on mercury concentrations in FGD
gypsum, mined gypsum, and FGD gypsum wallboard.
- Yost et al. (2010): Lack of Complete Exposure Pathways for Metals in Natural and FGD Gypsum.
This literature source contains data on mercury concentrations in FGD gypsum and mined gypsum.

1.2.3 Summary of Releases Identified for FGD Gypsum Wallboard

Based on the review of the available literature, the current evaluation initially identified four
potential releases from FGD gypsum wallboard that may occur during use: 1) generation of dust, 2)
emanation to air, 3) leaching to ground and surface water, and 4) decay of naturally occurring
radionuclides. A review of existing evaluations found them to be of sufficient quality and applicability
to eliminate all releases from further consideration except for emanation to air. The one COPC identified
for this release was mercury.

1.3 Conclusions of Step 1

Based on a review of the available literature, the current evaluation identified COPCs that may be
released from fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard, but have not been sufficiently addressed by
existing evaluations. For fly ash concrete, potential releases retained for further consideration were those
to dust, ground and surface water, and air. COPCs for dust include aluminum, antimony, arsenic,

barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, mercury, manganese,
molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, strontium, thallium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc. COPCs for
ground and surface water include antimony, arsenic, boron, cadmium, chromium, lead, molybdenum,
selenium, and thallium. The one COPC identified for emanation to air was mercury. For FGD gypsum
wallboard, the single potential release retained was to air. The one COPC identified for this release was
mercury. Table 1-2 provides a summary of the releases and associated COPCs.

Table 1-2: List of COPCs Remaining Following Step 1

Fly Ash FGD Gypsum
Concrete Wallboard
Ground and
Dust Air Air
Surface Water
Aluminum X -- -- --
Antimony X X -- --
Arsenic X X -- --
Barium X -- -- --
Beryllium X -- -- --
Boron X X -- --
Cadmium X X -- --
Chromium X X -- --
Cobalt X -- -- --
Copper X -- -- --
Iron X -- -- --
Lead X X -- --
Manganese X -- -- --
Mercury X -- X X
Molybdenum X X -- --
Nickel X -- -- --
Selenium X X -- --
Silver X -- -- --
Strontium X -- -- --
Thallium X X -- --
Uranium X -- -- --
Vanadium X -- -- --
Zinc X -- -- --
COPC = constituent of potential concern
FGD = flue gas desulfurization
X = constituent requiring further evaluation
-- = constituent requiring no further evaluation

2 Step 2: Comparison of Available Data
This section applies the second step of the methodology to the current beneficial use evaluation of
fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard, focused on the COPCs identified in Step 1 (Literature
Review and Data Collection). This evaluation aggregated and used data from the literature to compare
the range of potential COPC concentrations and determine whether releases from fly ash concrete and
FGD gypsum wallboard are comparable to or lower than those from analogous products. This section
details the comparisons conducted, the assumptions built into these comparisons, and the results.
Appendix A presents the raw data used in these comparisons.

2.1 Releases from Fly Ash Concrete and Portland

Cement Concrete
This subsection presents the comparisons of potential COPC releases from fly ash concrete and the
analogous product, portland cement concrete, during use. The type and amount of data available
determined the types of comparisons conducted. These comparisons considered all available lines of
evidence to determine whether releases of COPCs from fly ash concrete are comparable to or lower than
those from portland cement concrete. The evaluation retained COPCs with the potential to be released
from fly ash concrete at rates that are higher than those from portland cement concrete, or for which
portland cement concrete data are not available, for further consideration in subsequent steps of the

2.1.1 Generation of Dust

Dust is generated during use when disturbances to the concrete matrix results in the transport of
particulate matter away from the encapsulated matrix. The COPC concentrations in these releases will
be similar to those in the source concrete because they are both composed of the same materials. The
current evaluation did not identify sufficient data on the range of COPC concentrations in finished fly
ash concrete and portland cement concrete to compare these products directly. Instead, the evaluation
used COPC concentrations in raw fly ash and portland cement as a surrogate in this comparison. A
surrogate is defined in Methodology for Evaluating Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion
Residuals as “data on one variable that can be used to reliably approximate the behavior of another
variable and, as a result, can substitute for that variable in the comparison” (US EPA, 2013a). Because
the substitution of portland cement with fly ash is the primary difference in the compositions of these
two types of concrete, any difference in COPC concentrations in these raw materials will drive
differences in the resulting concrete dust. The evaluation drew fly ash data from the CCR Constituent
Database and portland cement data from three sources (PCA, 1992; Pflughoeft-Hassett et al., 1993; and
Eckert and Guo, 1998). This evaluation used a statistical comparison to determine whether differences in
the two data sets were significant.
This evaluation used ProUCL Version 4.1.01 to compare the distribution of different COPC
concentrations found in fly ash and portland cement (US EPA, 2010b,c). This statistical software allows
for appropriate consideration of datasets with non-detect values. To help select the most appropriate

statistical test to use in the comparison, this evaluation used both the Shapiro-Wilk and Lilliefors
Goodness-of-Fit tests to determine the general shape of the different COPC data distributions. This
shape is important because it provides information on which statistical descriptors (e.g., standard
deviation) are appropriate to use when comparing the datasets. Visual inspection of the distributions
shows that most are highly skewed to the right and, based on a user-specified confidence level of 95
percent, both the Shapiro-Wilk and Lilliefors Goodness-of-Fit tests indicate that none of the COPC
datasets fit a normal, lognormal, or gamma distribution. Because the datasets did not fit one of these
established probability distributions, this evaluation applied a non-parametric hypothesis test that does
not assign a distribution to the datasets.
This evaluation found the Gehan test to be the most appropriate non-parametric hypothesis test
because the datasets for some COPCs contain large numbers of non-detects with varying detection
limits. The Gehan test was applied to each dataset with a null hypothesis (H0) that the median COPC
concentration in portland cement is greater than or equal to that in fly ash, and the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) that the median COPC concentration in portland cement is less than that in fly ash. Thus, the result
of the hypothesis test is a p-value. This statistical value is a measurement of confidence in H0. The p-
value is compared to a user-specified confidence level representing the acceptable likelihood of
incorrectly rejecting H0. When the p-value is lower than the specified confidence level, H0 is rejected in
favor of Ha. This evaluation applied a confidence level of 95 percent (α = 0.05). The evaluation retained
COPCs with a p-value of less than 0.05 for further consideration. Table 2-1 provides the results of these
comparisons. Because some of the p-values are extremely small, the table truncates p-values beyond
0.0001 for ease of presentation.
Table 2-1: Comparison of COPC Concentrations in Fly Ash and Portland Cement (mg/kg)
Fly Ash Portland Cement
Constituent Detection Detection p-value
Median Median
Frequency Frequency
Aluminum 22 / 22 87,833 11 / 11 26,250 < 0.0001
Antimony 38 / 42 6.2 2 / 94 0.10 < 0.0001
Arsenic 97 / 100 50.1 64 / 109 12.4 < 0.0001
Barium 61 / 61 1,189 98 / 98 205 < 0.0001
Beryllium 24 / 32 10.5 93 / 94 0.98 < 0.0001
Boron 34 / 34 403 3/4 42.5 < 0.0001
Cadmium 70 / 91 1.3 42 / 98 0.03 < 0.0001
Chromium 91 / 91 107 109 / 109 58.6 < 0.0001
Cobalt 49 / 49 45.3 12 / 15 10.0 < 0.0001
Copper 47 / 48 108 15 / 15 36.0 < 0.0001
Iron 23 / 23 27,514 0/0 N/A N/A
Lead 98 / 99 55.0 88 / 109 6.3 < 0.0001
Manganese 48 / 48 219 15 /15 465 0.99
mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram
N/A = Not applicable; available data not sufficient to conduct comparison

Table 2-1: Comparison of COPC Concentrations in Fly Ash and Portland Cement (mg/kg)
Fly Ash Portland Cement
Constituent Detection Detection p-value
Median Median
Frequency Frequency
Mercury 73 / 87 0.17 25 / 98 0.01 < 0.0001
Molybdenum 44 / 46 16.3 1/4 5.0 < 0.0001
Nickel 75 / 76 76.7 97 / 109 25.0 < 0.0001
Selenium 71 / 79 8.8 6 / 98 2.0 < 0.0001
Silver 16 / 26 0.55 93 / 98 8.6 1.00
Strontium 22 / 22 795 0/0 N/A N/A
Thallium 19 / 27 2.1 32 / 94 0.30 < 0.0001
Uranium 10 / 19 5.5 0/0 N/A N/A
Vanadium 43 / 43 267 15 / 15 64.0 < 0.0001
Zinc 51 / 51 141 14 / 15 64.0 0.04
mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram
N/A = Not applicable; available data not sufficient to conduct comparison

Based on the statistical evaluation, the median concentrations of aluminum, antimony, arsenic,
barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel,
selenium, thallium, vanadium, and zinc were found to be higher in fly ash than in portland cement.
Therefore, the evaluation retained each of these COPCs for further consideration. Iron, strontium, and
uranium were also retained because no portland cement data were available for comparison.
Concentrations of manganese and silver were found to be less than or equal to those in portland cement.
As a result, the evaluation did not carry either of these COPCs forward for further consideration.

2.1.2 Leaching to Ground and Surface Water

Leaching occurs during use when COPCs diffuse out of the concrete matrix and into surrounding
liquids. The current evaluation applied the data from Garrabrants et al. (2013) as the most relevant to
this release pathway. Garrabrants et al. (2013) used the EPA Leaching Evaluation Assessment
Framework (LEAF) Method 1315 to estimate the cumulative release of COPCs from monolithic
concrete blocks that had been allowed to cure for three months prior to sampling. Because these data
provide information on releases of COPCs as a function of time, they allow a more precise evaluation of
concrete leaching behavior. The available data consist of three sets of concrete samples. The first and
second sets were concrete with a 20 percent and 45 percent fly ash replacement, respectively. The third
set was micro-concrete with a 45 percent fly ash replacement. 9 For each of these sample sets, the study
also collected a single control sample of portland cement concrete. The current evaluation includes a
direct comparison of these data because the type and amount of available data do not support a robust
statistical comparison.

Micro-concretes have a similar composition as standard concrete, but lack large aggregate. The micro-concrete mixture is
intended to mimic the rheological properties of standard concrete. These samples were included in Kosson et al. (2013) and
Garrabrants et al. (2013) to evaluate their use as a surrogate for standard concrete in leaching studies.

The following figures compare the data drawn from Garrabrants et al. (2013) on the cumulative
constituent mass released per unit of surface area (mg/m2) from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. Garrabrants et al. (2013) examined the cumulative release of each COPC over time using EPA
LEAF Method 1315. Each value listed in the following graphs represents the COPC concentration
measured at a discrete time step added to the concentration measured at the previous time step. In each
graph, the leachate data are plotted along with the associated method detection limit (MDL) and
minimum level of quantitation (ML). The MDL is the minimum concentration that can reliably be
differentiated from background noise, while the ML is the minimum concentration that can be quantified
with accuracy. Following the recommendations in Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS)
Part A (US EPA, 1989) and EPA Region 3 Guidance on Handling Chemical Concentration Data near
the Detection Limit in Risk Assessments (US EPA, 1991), the current evaluation added samples that
were not detected above the MDL to the subsequent time step at half the MDL. In addition, this
evaluation considered samples detected above the MDL, but below the ML, to be estimated values and
added those samples to the subsequent time step at the reported value. While the graphs below show an
increasing MDL and ML, these values are constant for each individual time step. The summation of
each discrete sample results in cumulative MDL and ML curves.
Figure 2-1 provides a comparison of antimony leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. The amount of antimony released from two fly ash concrete samples was consistently higher
than all portland cement concrete samples. The higher leaching profiles of these samples indicate the
potential for fly ash concrete to leach antimony at higher rates than those of portland cement concrete.



Figure 2-1: Comparison of cumulative leaching of antimony from concrete.

Figure 2-2 presents a comparison of arsenic leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. All samples were below the MDL for every measured time step. Therefore, the current
evaluation could not identify any differences between fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete
with respect to arsenic leaching.

Figure 2-2: Comparison of cumulative leaching of arsenic from concrete.

Figure 2-3 presents a comparison of boron leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. Boron was detected in one sample of fly ash concrete, but was not detected in any samples of
portland cement concrete. The higher leaching profile of this one fly ash concrete sample indicates a
potential for fly ash concrete to leach boron at higher rates than portland cement concrete.



Figure 2-3: Comparison of cumulative leaching of boron from concrete.

Figure 2-4 presents a comparison of cadmium leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. All samples were below the MDL for every measured time step. Therefore, the current
evaluation could not identify any differences between fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete
with respect to cadmium leaching.

Figure 2-4: Comparison of cumulative leaching of cadmium from concrete.

Figure 2-5 presents a comparison of cumulative leaching of chromium from fly ash concrete and
portland cement concrete. Several samples of fly ash concrete exhibited higher leaching rates during the
first several time steps. As time progressed, releases from some portland cement concrete approach, but
never exceed, those from fly ash concrete. The higher leaching profiles of these samples indicate the
potential for fly ash concrete to leach chromium at higher rates than from portland cement concrete.



Figure 2-5: Comparison of cumulative leaching of chromium from concrete.

Figure 2-6 presents a comparison of lead leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. All samples were below the MDL for every measured time step. Therefore, the current
evaluation could not identify any differences between fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete
with respect to lead leaching.

Figure 2-6: Comparison of cumulative leaching of lead from concrete.

Figure 2-7 presents a comparison of molybdenum leaching from fly ash concrete and portland
cement concrete. All samples were below the MDL for every measured time step. Therefore, the current
evaluation could not identify any differences between fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete
with respect to molybdenum leaching.

Figure 2-7: Comparison of cumulative leaching of molybdenum from concrete.

Figure 2-8 presents a comparison of selenium leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. All samples were below the MDL for every measured time step. Therefore, the current
evaluation could not identify any differences between fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete
with respect to selenium leaching.

Figure 2-8: Comparison of cumulative leaching of selenium from concrete.

Figure 2-9 presents a comparison of thallium leaching from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete. All samples were below the MDL for every measured time step. Therefore, the current
evaluation could not identify any differences between fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete
with respect to thallium leaching.

Figure 2-9: Comparison of cumulative leaching of thallium from concrete.

In summary, the comparison of cumulative leaching data presented in Garrabrants et al. (2013)
indicates that antimony, boron, and chromium have the potential to leach at higher rates from fly ash
concrete than from portland cement concrete. Because these three constituents demonstrated the
potential to leach at higher rates from fly ash concrete, the current evaluation retained them as COPCs
for further consideration. Concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, selenium, and
thallium were below the MDL in all the measured concrete samples that were allowed to cure for three
months. With the exception of selenium, these six constituents exhibited similar leaching behavior in an
additional, unpublished set of samples collected by the authors of Kosson et al. (2013) and Garrabrants
et al. (2013). These additional samples were identical in composition to those reported in Kosson et al.
(2013) and Garrabrants et al. (2013), but were allowed to cure for only 28 days. Concentrations of
arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and thallium were all below the MDL in samples tested using
Method 1315, but selenium was detected slightly above the MDL in two samples of fly ash concrete
(Kosson and Garrabrants, 2012). Because selenium demonstrated the potential to leach at higher rates
from fly ash concrete, the current evaluation retained it as a COPC for further consideration.
As previously noted, arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and thallium were below the MDL in all
measured concrete samples. At the most extreme, these samples represent micro-concretes that were
cured for only 28 days and placed in contact with water for 14 consecutive days. Kosson et al. (2013)
and Garrabrants (2013) found that while micro-concretes provide a good approximation of concrete
leaching behavior, these samples generally leach at higher concentrations and rates than standard
concrete. As demonstrated by these two studies, concrete leaching decreases as the concrete cures.
Therefore, long-term concrete leaching behavior will be lower than measured after only 28 days.
Furthermore, a 14-day contact time is much longer than the amount of time most water will remain in
contact with a concrete surface, and far longer than required by other available leaching tests (e.g.,
TCLP and SPLP), which call for contact times of less than a day. Thus, there is no evidence that releases
of these five COPCs from fly ash concrete are substantially different than those from portland cement
concrete. Therefore, the evaluation did not carry leaching of arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and
thallium forward for further consideration.

2.1.3 Emanation to Indoor Air
Releases can occur during use when gases or vapors diffuse through the concrete matrix and migrate
into indoor air. The single COPC identified for this type of release was mercury. The current evaluation
conducted the comparison of mercury emanation rates from fly ash concrete and portland cement
concrete using data from two studies (Golightly et al., 2005; 2009). Because of the limited sample data
available, only a comparison of the range of emanation rates was possible. Table 2-2 presents the results
of this comparison.
Table 2-2: Comparison of Mercury Emanation Rates from Concretes (ng/m2-hr)
Sample 28-Day Sample 56-Day
Type of Sample Number Range Number Range
Portland Cement Concrete 2 2.8 - 4.4 1 3.5
33 Percent Fly Ash Concrete 1 11.4 0 --
55 Percent Fly Ash Concrete* 3 14.9 - 34.9 2 4.4 - 15.6
ng/m -hr = nanograms per meter squared – hour
-- = no data available
* = while a 55 percent fly ash replacement rate falls outside the scope of the current evaluation, this data
was retained in the evaluation to capture a conservative upper bound of potential releases

This comparison shows that, during the first 28 days of curing, average mercury emanation rates
from portland cement concrete may range between 2.8 and 4.4 ng/m -hr. These rates are lower than the
11.4 ng/m -hr measured for 33 percent fly ash concrete; they are also below the range of 14.9 to 34.9
ng/m2-hr measured for 55 percent fly ash concrete. At around 56 days of curing, the reported emanation
rate from portland cement concrete of 3.5 ng/m2-hr was within the range of rates measured after 28 days.
The range of emanation rates from 55 percent fly ash concrete decreased considerably to between 4.4
and 15.6 ng/m2-hr after 56 days of curing, but remained higher than the portland cement concrete
emanation rate. No data were available for 33 percent fly ash concrete at 56 days of curing. These results
indicate that fly ash concrete may emit mercury at higher rates during the first 56 days than portland
cement concrete. Therefore, this evaluation retained mercury as a COPC for further consideration.

2.2 Releases from FGD Gypsum Wallboard and

Mined Gypsum Wallboard
This subsection presents comparisons of potential releases from FGD gypsum wallboard and the
analogous product, mined gypsum wallboard, during use. The type and amount of data available
determined the type of comparison conducted. These comparisons considered all available lines of
evidence to determine whether releases from FGD gypsum wallboard are comparable to or lower than
those from mined gypsum wallboard. The evaluation retained COPCs with the potential to be released
from FGD gypsum wallboard at rates that are higher than from mined gypsum wallboard for further
consideration in subsequent steps of the evaluation.

2.2.1 Emanation to Indoor Air
Releases can occur during use when gases or vapors diffuse through wallboard and migrate into
indoor air. The single COPC identified for this type of release was mercury. The evaluation conducted
the comparison of mercury emanation rates from FGD gypsum wallboard and mined gypsum wallboard
using the data from one study (Shock et al., 2009). Because of the limited sample data available, this
evaluation only compared the range of emanation rates. Table 2-3 presents the results of this

Table 2-3: Comparison of Mercury Emanation Rates from Wallboards (ng/m2-hr)

Number of
Type of Sample Low Moderate High
Mined Gypsum Wallboard 3 0.030 0.039 0.043
FGD Gypsum Wallboard 3 0.140 0.281 0.341
FGD = flue gas desulfurization
ng/m -hr = nanograms per meter squared – hour

The results indicate that mercury emanation rates from FGD gypsum wallboard, which ranged
between 0.14 and 0.34 ng/m2-hr, are higher than emanation rates from mined gypsum wallboard, which
ranged between 0.03 and 0.04 ng/m2-hr. The lowest mercury emanation rate measured for FGD gypsum
wallboard is nearly three times higher than the highest measured emanation rate from mined gypsum
wallboard, indicating that FGD gypsum wallboard may emit mercury at higher rates than mined gypsum
wallboard. Therefore, the evaluation retained mercury as a COPC for further consideration.

2.3 Conclusions of Step 2

Based on the results of the comparisons conducted in this step, the evaluation found that releases of
several COPCs were comparable to or lower than those from analogous products. For the generation of
dust from fly ash concrete, the evaluation eliminated manganese and silver from further consideration.
For leaching from fly ash concrete, the evaluation eliminated arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and
thallium from further consideration. For releases to the air, the evaluation could not eliminate mercury
for either fly ash concrete or FGD gypsum wallboard. Table 2-4 provides a list of the remaining COPCs
following this step of the evaluation.

Table 2-4: List of COPCs Remaining Following Step 2
Fly Ash FGD Gypsum
Concrete Wallboard
Ground and
Dust Air Air
Surface Water
Aluminum X -- -- --
Antimony X X -- --
Arsenic X -- -- --
Barium X -- -- --
Beryllium X -- -- --
Boron X X -- --
Cadmium X -- -- --
Chromium X X -- --
Cobalt X -- -- --
Copper X -- -- --
Iron X -- -- --
Lead X -- -- --
Manganese -- -- -- --
Mercury X -- X X
Molybdenum X -- -- --
Nickel X -- -- --
Selenium X X -- --
Silver -- -- -- --
Strontium X -- -- --
Thallium X -- -- --
Uranium X -- -- --
Vanadium X -- -- --
Zinc X -- -- --
COPC = constituent of potential concern
FGD = flue gas desulfurization
X = constituent requiring further evaluation
-- = constituent requiring no further evaluation

3 Step 3: Exposure Review
The purpose of this section is to apply the third step of the encapsulated beneficial use methodology
to the current evaluation of fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard, based on the COPCs carried
forward from Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data). This section identifies the high-end chronic
exposure pathways through which highly exposed individuals (HEIs) may potentially come in contact
with COPCs in each identified type of release. This evaluation used this information to identify the
complete exposure pathways requiring further evaluation and to develop a conceptual exposure model.

3.1 Fly Ash Concrete

This subsection describes the potential exposure pathways and receptors for each COPC that may be
released from fly ash concrete during use. All of the COPCs identified in this evaluation are inorganic
metals. While these constituents may change valence states, form complexes with other ions and
compounds, or undergo other reactions that reduce their mobility or bioavailability, they will never
naturally degrade. Once released into the environment, these constituents will persist indefinitely.
Therefore, when a release occurs, exposures are theoretically possible.

3.1.1 Potential Exposure Pathways for Fly Ash Concrete

Exposure to Dust
Because of the high strength of finished concrete, releases of dust from solid concrete are generally
negligible during use. However, some high abrasion environments may result in the generation of
nontrivial amounts of concrete dust. The current evaluation identified the most relevant pathway as
roadways exposed to traffic with studded tires. Any of the COPCs present in the concrete may be
present in the resulting dust.
Ingestion of generated dust that has settled on various surfaces may occur through incidental hand to
mouth contact. Wind or overland runoff may carry the dust from roadways to downgradient soils. This
dust has the potential to accumulate in the surface soil over time. Based on these findings, this
evaluation retained ingestion of concrete dust as an exposure pathway of potential concern for both
human and ecological receptors.
Inhalation of dust may occur when wind or physical disturbances suspend the dust in air. However,
studded tires are seasonal and limited to winter months in the states that permit their use. Over the
course of seconds to hours, suspended dust will either disperse in the air or settle out on the ground.
Significant wearing of the roadway would need to occur to generate the amount of dust necessary to
sustain chronic, elevated dust concentrations in the air. A review of the air quality around Alaskan roads
found that, even in the presence of traffic with studded tires, it was natural sources (e.g., wildfires) or
vehicle exhaust that were the primary drivers of National Ambient Air Quality Standards exceedances
for fine particulates (Zubeck et al., 2004). In addition, most roadway dust identified by this study
originated from dirt and asphalt roads, rather than roads made with concrete. Because inhalation of

concrete dust is not a pathway that may drive exposures, this evaluation did not consider it in Step 4
(Screening Assessment).
Dermal contact may occur through direct contact with concrete dust that has settled on various
surfaces. However, absorption through the skin is limited compared to other exposure pathways because
of the relatively low lipid solubility of most metals (Paustenbach, 2000 and Hostynek et al., 1998 as
cited in US EPA, 2007a). Because dermal contact with concrete dust is not a pathway that may drive
exposures, this evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).

Exposure to Ground Water

Some fraction of the precipitation that falls on concrete may infiltrate directly through any cracks
present in the concrete matrix and into underlying soil. The remaining fraction of the precipitation that
does not infiltrate directly through the concrete matrix may run off and infiltrate through adjacent soil.
Any of the COPCs identified may be released into water that comes into contact with the concrete. All
COPCs dissolved are assumed to migrate vertically through the soil column and enter the ground water
Ingestion of COPCs present in concrete leachate may occur if ground water is used as a source of
potable water for human receptors. Leaching can occur during each precipitation event and can result in
a ground water plume that contaminates downgradient private wells for multiple years. Therefore, this
evaluation retained ingestion of ground water impacted by concrete leachate as an exposure pathway of
potential concern for human receptors. Ecological receptors are not anticipated to have any appreciable
direct contact with ground water.
None of the COPCs identified for ground water are volatile under standard environmental
conditions. Therefore, inhalation of COPCs from ground water used as a source of drinking water is not
a complete exposure pathway and this evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).
Dermal contact may occur through direct contact with ground water while bathing. However,
absorption through the skin is limited compared to other exposure pathways because of the relatively
low lipid solubility of most metals (Paustenbach, 2000 and Hostynek et al., 1998 as cited in US EPA,
2007a). Because dermal contact with ground water is not a pathway that may drive exposures, this
evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).

Exposure to Surface Water

When precipitation falls on concrete, some fraction of this precipitation may run off overland and
into downgradient water bodies. This overland runoff may also infiltrate into underlying ground water
before discharging to downgradient water bodies. Some concrete structures, such as bridges and dams,
may have frequent direct contact with water bodies and leach directly into surface water. Any of the
COPCs identified may be released into water that comes into contact with the concrete.
Surface water used as a source of potable water is assumed to be a negligible exposure pathway for
human receptors. Surface water is assumed to be routed through a municipal water treatment facility
prior to consumption, reducing the levels of any COPCs present. Incidental ingestion of COPCs in
surface water may occur during swimming or other activities near a water body. For human receptors, it

is assumed that these exposures are infrequent and small in comparison to exposures from intentional
ingestion of ground water. However, ingestion may be a significant exposure pathway for ecological
receptors that live in and around the water body. Therefore, the evaluation retained the ingestion of and
direct contact with surface water as an exposure pathway of potential concern for ecological receptors.
In turn, some of the fish present in these water bodies can represent a sizable portion of the diet for some
human receptors. Therefore, the evaluation retained ingestion of fish as an exposure pathway of
potential concern for human receptors.
As discussed for ground water, none of the COPCs identified in concrete leachate are volatile under
standard environmental conditions. Therefore, inhalation of COPCs from surface water is not a complete
exposure pathway and this evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).
Dermal contact may occur through direct contact with surface water while swimming. However,
absorption through the skin is limited compared to other exposure pathways because of the relatively
low lipid solubility of most metals (Paustenbach, 2000 and Hostynek et al., 1998 as cited in US EPA,
2007a). Because dermal contact with surface water is not a pathway that may drive exposures, this
evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).

Exposure to Air
Concrete is a porous solid; therefore, gases and vapors are able to diffuse through the interstitial
pores and emanate into indoor air. Elemental mercury is the only COPC identified that readily vaporizes
within the range of standard temperature and pressure conditions found in habitable buildings.
Inhalation of mercury vapor may occur in closed indoor environments as mercury vapor accumulates
due to low air circulation. Therefore, this evaluation retained the inhalation of indoor air as an exposure
pathway of potential concern for human receptors. Ecological receptors are not anticipated to have any
appreciable direct contact with indoor air.
This evaluation also considered dermal contact with mercury vapor to be a negligible exposure
pathway. Past studies have demonstrated that the amount of inorganic mercury adsorbed through the
skin is small when compared to the amount adsorbed through the lungs (Hursh et al., 1989 as cited in
US EPA, 1997a). Because dermal contact with mercury vapor is not a pathway that may drive
exposures, this evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).

3.1.2 Potential Receptors for Fly Ash Concrete

Human Receptors
Due to the prevalence of concrete as a building material, human receptors may be exposed to COPCs
in industrial, commercial, or residential settings. Of these receptor types, residential receptors are the
most likely to be HEIs, due to the longer duration of time spent indoors, as well as the generally smaller
ratio of air volume to wall surface area in residential buildings compared to offices or industrial
workspaces. Residential receptors are also the only human receptors anticipated to be exposed to COPCs
through ingestion of untreated ground water as a source of potable water. Commercial and industrial
workspaces are generally connected to a municipal drinking water source that is treated, regulated, and
monitored prior to distribution. Finally, recreational fishers may be exposed to COPCs through ingestion
of fish that have been exposed to and accumulated the COPCs from contact with surface water,
sediment, and biota. Figure 3-1 shows the conceptual exposure model developed for human receptors.
Dashed lines represent exposures or receptors that may be present, but were not directly evaluated in
Step 4 (Screening Assessment) because they do not drive high-end exposures.

Source Release Exposure Receptor

Passive Emanation Inhalation of Industrial

Volatilization to Air Indoor Air Worker

Inhalation of
Ambient Air Commercial
Dust Transport Worker
Dermal Contact
Generation to Surface Soils with Dust
from Traffic
Overland Runoff of Dust
to Soil
Dermal Contact Residential
with Ground Water Adult/Child
Transport to
Ground Water
Ingestion of
Ground Water
Dermal Contact
with Surface Water
Transport to Recreational
Surface Water Swimmer
recreational Ingestion of
Surface Water

Accumulation in Recreational
Fish Tissue Ingestion of Fish

Figure 3-1: Human conceptual exposure model for fly ash concrete.

Ecological Receptors
The current evaluation identified plants, invertebrates, amphibians, fish, birds, and mammals as the
relevant classes of ecological receptors. On a national scale, any of these receptor types may be present
downgradient of a concrete source. The evaluation did not select specific ecological receptors at this step
because the most sensitive receptor may differ on a case-by-case basis, depending on both the species
and COPC present in a given environment. Instead, sensitive ecological receptors for each COPC were
determined during development of screening benchmarks based on available toxicological data (see
Appendix B). Figure 3-2 shows the conceptual exposure model developed for ecological receptors.

Source Release Exposure Receptor

Transport to Ingestion of Plants
Surface Soils Dust
from Traffic
Overland Runoff Invertebrates
to Soil
Transport to
Ground Water Fish
Transport to
Surface Water Mammals
Ingestion of and
Direct Contact with
Surface Water and
Transport to Sediment

Figure 3-2: Ecological conceptual exposure model for fly ash concrete.

3.2 FGD Gypsum Wallboard

This subsection describes the potential exposure pathways and receptors for mercury, the single
COPC identified for FGD gypsum wallboard. While mercury may change valence states, form
complexes with other ions or compounds, or undergo other reactions that reduce its mobility or
bioavailability, it will not naturally degrade. Once released into the environment, mercury will persist
indefinitely. Therefore, where releases are possible, so are exposures.

3.2.1 Potential Exposure Pathways for FGD Gypsum Wallboard

Exposure to Air
Wallboard is a porous solid; therefore, gases and vapors are able to diffuse through the interstitial
pores and emanate into indoor air. Elemental mercury is the only COPC identified that readily vaporizes
within the range of standard temperature and pressure conditions found in habitable buildings.
Inhalation of mercury vapor may occur in closed indoor environments as mercury vapor accumulates
due to low air circulation. Therefore, this evaluation retained the inhalation of indoor air as an exposure
pathway of potential concern for human receptors. Ecological receptors are not anticipated to have any
appreciable direct contact with indoor air.
The evaluation also considered dermal contact with mercury vapor to be a negligible exposure
pathway. Past studies have demonstrated that the amount of inorganic mercury adsorbed through the
skin is small when compared to the amount adsorbed through the lungs (Hursh et al., 1989 as cited in
US EPA, 1997a). Because dermal contact with mercury vapor is not a pathway that may drive
exposures, this evaluation did not consider it in Step 4 (Screening Assessment).

3.2.2 Potential Receptors for FGD Gypsum Wallboard
Human Receptor
Due to the prevalence of FGD gypsum wallboard as a building material, human receptors may be
exposed to COPCs in industrial, commercial, and residential settings. Of these receptor types, residential
receptors are the most likely to be HEIs, due to the longer duration of time spent in residential buildings,
as well as the generally smaller ratio of air volume to wall surface area of residential buildings compared
to offices or industrial workspaces. Figure 3-3 shows the conceptual exposure model developed for
human receptors. Dashed lines represent releases, exposure pathways, or receptors that may be present,
but were not directly evaluated in Step 4 (Screening Assessment) because they do not drive high-end

Source Release Exposure Receptor

Industrial Worker

Passive Emanation Inhalation of Commercial Worker

Volatilization to Air Indoor Air

Figure 3-3: Human conceptual exposure model for FGD gypsum wallboard.

Ecological Receptors
Ecological receptors are not anticipated to have any appreciable direct contact with indoor air, and
were not retained for further evaluation.

3.3 Conclusions of Step 3

The evaluation did not eliminate any releases or associated COPCs in this step based on a review of
potential exposure pathways and HEIs. Therefore, all of the COPCs identified in Step 2 (Comparison of
Available Data) will proceed to Step 4 (Screening Assessment). Table 3-1 provides a list of the
remaining COPCs following this step of the evaluation.

Table 3-1: List of COPCs Remaining Following Step 3
Fly Ash FGD Gypsum
Concrete Wallboard
Ground and
Dust Air Air
Surface Water
Aluminum X -- -- --
Antimony X X -- --
Arsenic X -- -- --
Barium X -- -- --
Beryllium X -- -- --
Boron X X -- --
Cadmium X -- -- --
Chromium X X -- --
Cobalt X -- -- --
Copper X -- -- --
Iron X -- -- --
Lead X -- -- --
Manganese -- -- -- --
Mercury X -- X X
Molybdenum X -- -- --
Nickel X -- -- --
Selenium X X -- --
Silver -- -- -- --
Strontium X -- -- --
Thallium X -- -- --
Uranium X -- -- --
Vanadium X -- -- --
Zinc X -- -- --
COPC = Constituent of Potential Concern
FGD = Flue Gas Desulfurization
X = Constituent requiring further evaluation
-- = Constituent requiring no further evaluation

4 Step 4: Screening Assessment
The purpose of this section is to apply the fourth step of the encapsulated beneficial use
methodology to the current evaluation of fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard, based on the
COPCs carried forward from Step 3. This screening used conservative (i.e., likely to overestimate
exposures) environmental, fate and transport, and exposure data to estimate COPC exposures that may
occur. The evaluation compared these conservative exposure concentrations to screening benchmarks
drawn from established values (e.g., ecological soil screening levels) and/or health-based values
calculated for this specific evaluation based on available toxicological and exposure data (i.e., based on
a cancer risk of 1×10-5 or a hazard quotient of 1.0). Appendix B provides a discussion of the
considerations involved in developing an appropriate set of screening benchmarks.

4.1 Fly Ash Concrete

This subsection details the screening assessment conducted for fly ash concrete. For each exposure
pathway carried forward from Step 3 (Exposure Review), this subsection discusses the different
approaches used to evaluate each exposure scenario, as well as the results of the screenings.

4.1.1 Exposure to Concrete Dust

In Step 3 (Exposure Review), the evaluation concluded that the highest exposures to concrete dust
result from incidental ingestion of dust that has accumulated surface soils. In this step, the evaluation
estimated an upper bound for the COPC concentrations in surface soil that may result from the use of fly
ash in concrete, and compared these concentrations directly to relevant screening benchmarks. First, the
90th percentile contribution of fly ash to COPC concentrations in concrete dust was calculated
probabilistically by multiplying the following three distributions together:
- The range of cement use rates in concrete were drawn from the Portland Cement Association
(PCA, No Date a,b). Typical values range from seven percent to 15 percent of the total concrete
mass. For ease of calculation, the evaluation divided this continuous range of values into eight
discrete data points in increments of one percent under the assumption that each of the data points
had an equal probability of occurring.
- The range of cement replacement rates were based on the ASTM standard for blended cement
concrete (ASTM C595), which limits the amount of portland cement replaced by fly ash to below
40 percent. Therefore, the evaluation selected a range of five percent to 40 percent of the cement
used. For ease of calculation, the evaluation divided this continuous range of values into eight
discrete data points in increments of five percent under the assumption that each of the data points
had an equal probability of occurring.
- The COPC concentrations in fly ash were drawn from data in the CCR Constituent Database.
Appendix A provides more information on each of these data sources contained in this database.
Next, the evaluation conservatively accounted for the dilution and attenuation that can occur during the
transport of concrete dust to nearby surface soil. The evaluation did not identify any literature that

specifically addressed this topic, and instead relied on the findings of US EPA (2002), as discussed in
US EPA (2010a). These findings pertain to unmitigated transport of ash from uncovered CCR landfills
by wind and overland runoff, and show that these overland transport routes could result in CCRs
accounting for up to 10 percent of nearby surface soil. Therefore, the current evaluation divided the 90th
percentile dust concentrations by a dilution and attenuation factor of 10 to account for incorporation into
surface soil. This represents a conservative assumption for the current evaluation because a much greater
quantity of fly ash is available for transport from an uncovered landfill, compared to an intact concrete
road, at any given time. Table 4-1 presents the comparison of these soil concentrations to relevant
screening benchmarks.

Table 4-1: Comparison of the Fly Ash Contribution to Concrete Dust Concentrations to Human Health
and Ecological Screening Benchmarks for Soil (mg/kg)
Exposure Human Ecological
COPC Point Soil Ingestion Source Result Soil Source Result
Concentration Benchmark Benchmark
Aluminum 407 59,443 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Antimony 0.05 23.8 HBN Screen Out 0.27 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Arsenic 0.49 3.6 HBN Screen Out 18.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Barium 18.0 11,889 HBN Screen Out 330 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Beryllium 0.06 119 HBN Screen Out 21.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Boron 3.2 11,889 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Cadmium 0.02 59.4 HBN Screen Out 0.36 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Chromium (VI) 0.59 10.8 HBN Screen Out 130 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Cobalt 0.29 17.8 HBN Screen Out 13.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Copper 0.85 594 HBN Screen Out 28.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Iron 153 41,610 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Lead 0.37 400 Screen Out 11.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Mercury 0.002 17.8 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Molybdenum 0.35 297 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Nickel 0.59 1,189 HBN Screen Out 38.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Selenium 0.07 297 HBN Screen Out 0.52 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Strontium 5.0 35,666 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Thallium 0.02 0.60 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Uranium 0.04 178 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Vanadium 1.5 535 HBN Screen Out 7.8 Eco-SSL Screen Out
Zinc 1.3 17,833 HBN Screen Out 46.0 Eco-SSL Screen Out
HBN = health-based number
COPC = constituent of potential concern
Eco-SSL = ecological soil screening level
mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram
-- = benchmark not available

The results of this comparison indicate that the fly ash contribution to COPC exposures from
concrete falls below all relevant screening benchmarks. Based on this comparison, exposures to fly ash
concrete dust do not warrant further investigation for either human or ecological receptors.

4.1.2 Exposure to Ground and Surface Water

In Step 3 (Exposure Review), the evaluation concluded that the highest exposure to concrete
leachate may result from the use of impacted ground water as a source of drinking water, ingestion of
fish from impacted surface water, or direct contact with impacted surface water. In this step, the
evaluation conducted ground and surface water screening in two separate stages. The intent of these
stepwise screenings was to eliminate COPCs that did not warrant further consideration under a more
realistic, resource intensive modeling scenario.
First, a preliminary conservative screening was conducted by comparing the maximum COPC
concentrations drawn from Kosson et al. (2013) and Garrabrants et al. (2013) to relevant screening
benchmarks. This approach assumed that the COPC concentrations present in both ground and surface
water were the same as in undiluted leachate. Appendix C provides a detailed discussion of the data and
methods used to calculate these leachate concentrations. Table 4-2 presents the results of the
comparison to screening benchmarks for human health. For ease of comparison, all screening
benchmarks were standardized to represent the ground or surface water concentrations below which no
further evaluation is warranted. COPC concentrations higher than the benchmarks in this preliminary
screening do not indicate the presence of elevated risks; only that further evaluation may be warranted.

Table 4-2: Comparison of Undiluted Leachate to Human Health Screening Benchmarks for Ground
and Surface Water (µg/L)
Exposure Tap Water Fish
COPC Point Ingestion Source Result Ingestion Source Result
Concentration Benchmark Benchmark
Antimony 1.1 2.8 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Boron 4.9 1,390 HBN Screen Out -- -- --
Chromium (VI) 6.2 1.4 HBN Retain 240 HBN Screen Out
Selenium 1.3 34.8 HBN Screen Out 3.6 HBN Screen Out
COPC = constituent of potential concern
HBN = health-based number
µg/L = micrograms per liter
-- = benchmark not available

Table 4-3 presents the results of the comparison to screening benchmarks for ecological receptors.
For ease of comparison, all screening benchmarks were standardized to represent the surface water
concentrations below which no further evaluation is warranted. COPC concentrations higher than the
benchmarks in this preliminary screening do not indicate the presence of elevated risks; only that further
evaluation may be warranted. This table does not include antimony because the current evaluation did
not identify a relevant screening benchmark for this COPC.

Table 4-3: Comparison of Undiluted Leachate to Ecological Screening Benchmarks for Surface Water (µg/L)
Exposure Surface
COPC Point Water Source Result Source Result
Concentration Benchmark
Boron 4.9 750 AWQC Screen Out -- -- --
Chromium (VI) 6.2 11.0 AWQC Screen Out 744 TEL Screen Out
Selenium 1.3 5.0 AWQC Screen Out -- -- --
COPC = constituent of potential concern
AWQC = ambient water quality criteria
TEL = threshold effects level
µg/L = micrograms per liter
-- = benchmark not available

The results of the comparison indicate that the concentrations of antimony, boron, and selenium fall
below all relevant screening benchmarks identified for ground and surface water. Therefore, the
evaluation did not retain these three constituents for further consideration. The undiluted concrete
leachate concentration of chromium (VI) was higher than the human health-based number (HBN) for tap
water ingestion. Therefore, a second round of screening was conducted that conservatively accounted
for the dilution and attenuation that occurs in the environment prior to exposure. This evaluation used
the Industrial Waste Evaluation Model (IWEM) as the most appropriate ground water model. Appendix
C provides a detailed discussion of the inputs and assumptions used in this model. Table 4-4 compares
the modeled 90th percentile well concentration of chromium (VI) to the same HBN for tap water

Table 4-4: Comparison of Modeled Well Concentrations to Remaining Human

Health Screening Benchmark for Ground Water (µg/L)
Tap Water
COPC Point Source Result
Chromium (VI) 1.1 1.4 HBN Screen Out
COPC = constituent of potential concern
HBN = health-based number
µg/L = micrograms per liter

The results of the comparison indicate that chromium (VI) falls below the relevant screening
benchmark for tap water ingestion. Therefore, the evaluation did not retain chromium (VI) as a COPC
for further consideration. Based on this comparison, exposures to fly ash concrete leachate do not
warrant further consideration for either human or ecological receptors.

4.1.3 Exposure to Indoor Air

In Step 3 (Exposure Review), the evaluation concluded that the highest exposures to mercury vapor
result from inhalation of the air inside residences constructed with fly ash concrete. In this step, the
evaluation first estimated an upper bound on the mercury concentrations that may occur in indoor air as
a result of the use of fly ash in concrete. Equation 4.1 was used to probabilistically calculate a 90th
percentile air concentration for a conservative exposure scenario. This equation represents a simple mass
balance equation derived under the assumption of steady-state, the idealized condition where losses and
gains of mercury have reached equilibrium and the mercury concentration remains constant.

𝐸 × 𝑆𝐴
𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝟒. 𝟏) 𝐶 =
E - Mercury Emanation Rate (ng/m2-hr)
α - Air Changes per Hour (1/hr)
SA - Product Surface Area (m2)
V - Housing Unit Volume (m3)
C - Steady-State Mercury Air Concentration (ng/m3)

- Mercury emanation rates of 4.4 and 15.6 ng/m2-hr measured by Golightly et al. (2005; 2009) were
identified as the most appropriate values for this comparison because they represent concrete
allowed to cure for 56 days. It has been shown that the concrete matrix becomes gradually denser
with time for at least a year after mixing (Garboczi, 1995). A denser concrete matrix reduces the
size of interstitial pores and, consequently, reduces the rate at which mercury vapor can escape to
indoor air. Therefore, of the available data summarized in Section 2.1.3, the samples collected
after 56 days are most representative of long-term exposures. The evaluation adjusted these
emanation rates using the range of fly ash mercury concentrations in the CCR Constituent
Database (Appendix A) under the assumption that the mercury emanation rate from concrete
changes linearly as a function of the mercury concentration in concrete.
- The air exchange rate is the number of times that the total volume of air in a housing unit is
exchanged with outside air during a given time period. Values were drawn from Koontz and
Rector (1995), cited in the 1997 Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 1997). The current
evaluation incorporated the reported distribution of national air exchange rates between the 5th
percentile [0.15 air changes per hour (ACH)] and the 95th percentile (1.74 ACH). The maximum
air exchange rate of 23.3 ACH was omitted because it is unlikely to reflect the scenario under
evaluation. No minimum air exchange rate was reported by this study.
- Product surface area is the total surface area of the CCR product exposed to indoor air. It was
conservatively assumed that (at a minimum) the ceiling, floor, and four exterior walls of the
residence were constructed with concrete. This evaluation assumed a square floor plan with a
ceiling 2.4 m (8 ft) high. The International Building Code (IBC) was consulted to determine the
total number of interior walls that may be present in a building of the size modeled (ICC,
2006b). 10 The 2006 IBC requires that the floor area of at least one room in a housing unit be 11
m2 (120 ft2) or larger, while all remaining habitable rooms must have floor areas of at least 6.6 m2
(70 ft2). Based on these parameters and the range of home unit volumes, the evaluation

The International Building Codes (IBC) are building codes developed and maintained by the International Code Council.
At present, many state and local governments have adopted the 2006 IBC or a more recent iteration either statewide or by
an individual county.

determined that a maximum of between three and four full-length walls may be present. Adding
additional walls would result in a building that is out of code. Because both sides of the interior
walls are exposed to indoor air, their surface area is twice that of the external walls. The
evaluation assumed that all possible surface areas between this minimum and maximum were
equally likely to occur.
- Housing unit volume is the total internal volume of a housing unit. This evaluation considered
volumes between 153 m3 (5,439 ft3) and 492 m3 (5,439 ft3), which are the 10th percentile and
average values, respectively, for owned and rented properties listed in Table 19-1 of the 2011
Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 2011). These data were drawn from the 2011 edition
because the 1997 edition only reports a median value. This evaluation used the volume of the total
housing unit, rather than a single room, because the air exchange rates measured are for entire
buildings, rather than individual rooms. The evaluation assumed that all possible housing volumes
between these two sizes were equally likely to occur.
A 90th percentile indoor air mercury concentration was calculated by probabilistically varying the inputs
in Equation 4-1. The evaluation then compared this concentration to the relevant screening benchmark
identified in Appendix B. The comparison results are presented in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5: Comparison of Indoor Air Mercury Concentration from Fly Ash
Concrete to Human Health Screening Benchmark (ng/m3)
Exposure Point Inhalation
Constituent Source Result
Concentration Benchmark

Mercury 100 300 RfC Screen Out

ng/m = nanograms per meter cubed
RfC = reference concentration

This comparison shows that the mercury concentration in indoor air resulting from fly ash concrete
is below the relevant screening benchmark, even for the conservative scenario evaluated. Based on this
comparison, exposures to mercury vapor emitted by fly ash concrete do not warrant further
consideration for human receptors.

4.2 FGD Gypsum Wallboard

This subsection details the screening assessment conducted for FGD gypsum wallboard. Inhalation
of mercury vapor was the single exposure pathway carried forward from Step 3 (Exposure Review) for
this CCR product. Thus, this subsection describes the approach used to evaluate this exposure scenario,
as well as the results of the screening.

4.2.1 Exposure to Indoor Air

In Step 3 (Exposure Review), the evaluation concluded that the highest exposures to mercury vapor
result from inhalation of the air inside residences constructed with FGD gypsum wallboard. In this step,
the evaluation first estimated an upper bound on the mercury concentrations that may occur in indoor air

as a result of the use of FGD gypsum in wallboard. Equation 4.1 was used to probabilistically calculate
a 90th percentile air concentration for a conservative exposure scenario.
- Because of the relatively small number of measurements available, the evaluation selected the
highest measured mercury emanation rate in the available literature of 0.34 ng/m2-hr (Shock et al.,
2009). Unlike concrete, the internal structure of wallboard does not change appreciably after the
product has been put into use. Therefore, it is unlikely that the mercury emanation rate of FGD
gypsum wallboard will decrease over time like concrete. Because much of the available data on
mercury concentrations were summary statistics, it was difficult to develop a distribution of
emanation rates. Instead, to ensure that this screen effectively captured an upper bound of the
potential releases of mercury, the current evaluation used the maximum reported mercury
concentration in FGD gypsum of 3.1 mg/kg to adjust the emanation rate from Shock et al. (2009)
under the assumption that the mercury emanation rate from the wallboard changes linearly as a
function of the mercury concentration in the wallboard.
- The distribution of air exchange rates used was the same as described in Section 4.1.3.
- The distribution of product surface areas used was the same as described in Section 4.1.3, except
it was assumed that wallboard would not be used in floor construction.
- The distribution of housing unit volumes used was the same as described in Section 4.1.3.
A 90th percentile indoor air mercury concentration was calculated by probabilistically varying the inputs
in Equation 4-1. This evaluation then compared the calculated concentration to the relevant screening
benchmark identified in Appendix B. The comparison results are presented in Table 4-6.

Table 4-6: Comparison of Indoor Air Mercury Concentrations from FGD Gypsum
Wallboard to Human Health Screening Benchmark (ng/m3)
Exposure Point Inhalation
Constituent Source Result
Concentration Benchmark

Mercury 49.0 300 RfC Screen Out

ng/m = nanograms per meter cubed
RfC = reference concentration

This comparison shows that the concentration of mercury in indoor air resulting from FGD gypsum
wallboard is below the relevant screening benchmark, even for the conservative scenario evaluated.
Based on this comparison, exposures to mercury vapor emitted by FGD gypsum wallboard do not
warrant further consideration for human receptors.

4.3 Conclusions of Step 4

By the end of this step, all of the COPCs identified for fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard
in Step 1 (Literature Review and Data Collection) were eliminated from further consideration. Thus, the
evaluation did not proceed on to Step 5 (Risk Assessment). The analytical results of the first four steps
indicate that environmental releases from these CCR products are comparable to or lower than those
from analogous products, or are at or below relevant screening benchmarks. To confirm these findings, a

review was conducted to identify and characterize the major sources of uncertainty present in the
evaluation. The results of this review, which are presented in Section 5, demonstrate that there is a high
degree of confidence in the analytical results.

5 Section 5: Results, Uncertainties, and Conclusions
The purpose of this section is to summarize the results of the current evaluation of fly ash concrete
and FGD gypsum wallboard. This evaluation was conducted according to the Methodology for
Evaluating Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US EPA, 2013a). Thus, this
section summarizes the results of the evaluation, the uncertainties present in the evaluation, the potential
impact of these uncertainties on the results of the evaluation, and ultimate conclusions regarding these
beneficial uses.

5.1 Summary of Results

The primary goal of this document is to determine whether EPA should support the continued use of
coal fly ash in concrete and FGD gypsum in wallboard. In addition, this document provides a clear
example of how to conduct such an analysis and demonstrate an appropriate level of documentation. For
these purposes, the current evaluation considered the two largest encapsulated beneficial uses of CCRs
in the United States: fly ash used as a direct substitute for portland cement in concrete and FGD gypsum
used as a replacement for mined gypsum in wallboard. These CCR products may be variable in their
composition. However, this evaluation only addressed those products that meet relevant physical and
performance standards established for these products by voluntary consensus standard bodies, that
conform to specific design criteria identified in this evaluation (e.g., ≤ a 40 percent fly ash replacement
rate), and that incorporate fly ash and FGD gypsum from common pollution control devices used in the
United States. This evaluation also did not address products that contain additional additives or
industrial materials that may alter releases from the products.

5.1.1 Fly Ash Concrete

Step 1 (Literature Review and Data Collection): From the available literature, the evaluation
identified the generation of dust, emanation to air, leaching to ground and surface water and decay of
naturally occurring radionuclides as potential releases that may occur from fly ash concrete during use.
During the review of collected literature, the evaluation also identified several existing evaluations of
sufficient applicability and quality to rely upon. This review found:
- None of the existing evaluations identified provided a sufficient rationale to eliminate COPCs from
the evaluation of dust releases from fly ash concrete. As a result, a total of 23 COPCs were
identified based on the chemical composition of fly ash and available toxicological data. These
COPCs included: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium,
cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, strontium,
thallium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc.
- Several existing evaluations were found to be relevant to releases to ground and surface water (US
EPA, 2010a; 2012a). Based on these existing evaluations, the evaluation retained a total of nine
COPCs for more detailed examination. These COPCs included: antimony, arsenic, boron,
cadmium, chromium, lead, molybdenum, selenium, and thallium.

- None of the existing evaluations identified provided a sufficient rationale to eliminate COPCs from
the evaluation of releases to air. The constituent associated with the fly ash concrete that may
volatilize under standard environmental conditions is mercury. Therefore, mercury was retained as
a COPC for this release.
- Several existing evaluations were found relevant to radionuclides in fly ash concrete. The
cumulative body of evidence provided by these evaluations was considered sufficient to eliminate
radionuclides from further consideration.
Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data): To the extent practicable, the evaluation aggregated the data
identified in Step 1 to allow a comparison of the releases of COPCs from fly ash concrete and portland
cement concrete. The type of comparison conducted depended on the amount of data available. If a
given COPC demonstrated the potential to be released at a higher rate from fly ash concrete than from
portland cement concrete, the current evaluation retained that COPC for further evaluation in subsequent
steps of the evaluation. The following comparisons were conducted:
- A statistical comparison of COPC concentrations in raw fly ash and portland cement using the
ProUCL statistical software for dust releases. This evaluation used these raw materials as a
surrogate for fly ash concrete and portland cement concrete, respectively. The results of the
comparison showed that concentrations of manganese and silver are likely to be higher in portland
cement concrete than fly ash concrete. Therefore, this evaluation did not retain these two COPCs
for further consideration. The remaining 21 COPCs either demonstrated the potential to be higher
in fly ash concrete, or did not have sufficient portland cement data to conduct a comparison, and
were retained for further consideration.
- A direct comparison of the range of measured leachate concentrations was conducted for releases
to ground and surface water. Because this leachate is the source of releases to both ground and
surface water, the current evaluation used the same comparison for both media. The results of the
comparison showed that all available measurements of arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and
thallium were below detection. Based on these findings, this evaluation did not retain these COPCs
for further evaluation. Antimony, boron, chromium, and selenium demonstrated the potential to be
released at higher rates from fly ash concrete than from portland cement concrete in one or more
samples. Therefore, these four COPCs were retained for further consideration.
- A direct comparison of the range of measured mercury emanation rates was conducted for releases
to air. The available data indicated the potential for mercury to be released at higher rates from fly
ash concrete than from portland cement concrete. Therefore, this COPC was carried forward to the
next step of the evaluation.
Step 3 (Exposure Review): This evaluation reviewed the releases carried forward from Step 2 to
identify any exposures that may occur. Where the evaluation identified multiple exposure scenarios, it
retained the scenarios likely to result in the highest chronic exposures for further evaluation. The
evaluation identified:

- Incidental ingestion of dust generated from concrete roadways exposed to traffic with studded tires
was identified as a potentially complete exposure pathway. This evaluation identified nearby
residential receptors and foraging ecological receptors as the highly exposed receptors.
- Use of ground water contaminated by concrete leachate as a source of potable water was identified
as a potentially complete exposure pathway for humans. The evaluation identified nearby
residential human receptors as HEIs in this scenario. Ecological receptors were assumed to have
negligible contact with ground water and were not retained as potential receptors.
- Ingestion of fish caught from surface water bodies that receive runoff or ground water discharge
that has been contaminated by leachate from fly ash concrete was identified as a potentially
complete exposure pathway. The evaluation identified recreational fishers and their families as
HEIs in this scenario. This evaluation also identified direct contact and ingestion of impacted
surface water as a scenario of concern for ecological receptors. Any receptor living in or near the
water body may be exposed.
- Inhalation of mercury vapor in indoor air was identified as a potentially complete exposure
pathway. The evaluation identified residential receptors as HEIs in this scenario.
Step 4 (Screening Assessment): This evaluation conducted a conservative screening assessment for
each exposure pathway identified in Step 3. This evaluation used conservative (i.e., likely to
overestimate exposures) environmental, fate and transport, and exposure data to estimate COPC
concentrations at the point of exposure. It then compared these concentrations to relevant regulatory and
health-based screening benchmarks to determine if more in-depth modeling was warranted.
- The evaluation calculated the 90th percentile contribution of fly ash concrete to COPC
concentrations in surface soil mixed with concrete dust and compared the calculated concentration
to relevant screening benchmarks. The evaluation found concentrations of all COPCs to be below
all relevant screening benchmarks for human and ecological receptors. Therefore, the evaluation
did not retain this exposure pathway for further consideration.
- The evaluation compared the maximum leachate concentrations from fly ash concrete directly to
the relevant screening benchmarks in the first stage of the screening for both ground and surface
water. These undiluted leachate concentrations were below all relevant surface water screening
benchmarks. Therefore, the evaluation did not retain this exposure pathway for further
consideration. The undiluted leachate concentrations were also below the relevant ground water
screening benchmarks for antimony, boron, and selenium. However, the undiluted concentration of
chromium (VI) exceeded the screening benchmark for ingestion of ground water. Therefore, the
evaluation conducted a second round of screening to conservatively account for dilution and
attenuation in the environment prior to receptor exposures (see Appendix C). The revised
chromium (VI) concentration was below all screening benchmarks. Therefore, the evaluation did
not retain this exposure pathway for further consideration.
- The evaluation probabilistically calculated a 90th percentile indoor air mercury concentration based
on a conservative scenario. This concentration was compared to the relevant screening benchmark

and found to be lower. Therefore, this evaluation did not retain this exposure pathway for further
Conclusion: The current evaluation eliminated all of the COPCs associated with each exposure scenario
by the end of Step 4. Based on these results, no further evaluation of releases of COPCs from fly ash
concrete was warranted and the evaluation did not proceed to Step 5.

5.1.2 Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum Wallboard

Step 1 (Literature Review and Data Collection): Drawing from the available literature, this evaluation
identified generation of dust, emanation to air, leaching to ground and surface water and decay of
naturally occurring radionuclides as potential releases that may occur from FGD gypsum wallboard.
During the review of collected literature, several existing evaluations were of sufficient applicability and
quality to rely upon in the current evaluation. This evaluation identified:
- One existing evaluation was found to be relevant to releases from FGD gypsum wallboard. Based
on this evaluation, the evaluation did not retain releases to dust, ground water, and surface water
for further consideration.
- None of the existing evaluations identified provided a sufficient rationale to eliminate COPCs from
the evaluation of releases to air. The constituent associated with the FGD gypsum wallboard that
may volatilize under standard environmental conditions is mercury. Therefore, mercury was
retained as a COPC for this release.
- Several existing evaluations were found to be relevant to radionuclides in FGD gypsum wallboard.
The cumulative body of evidence provided by these evaluations was considered sufficient to
eliminate radionuclides from further consideration.
Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data): To the extent practicable, the evaluation aggregated all of the
data identified in Step 1 to allow a comparison of the releases of the one COPC, mercury, from FGD
gypsum wallboard and mined gypsum wallboard. The type of comparison depended on the amount of
data available. If a given COPC demonstrated the potential to be released at a higher rate from FGD
gypsum wallboard than from mined gypsum wallboard, the evaluation retained that COPC for further
- A direct comparison of the range of measured mercury emanation rates was conducted for releases
to air. The available data indicated the potential for mercury to be released at higher rates from
FGD gypsum wallboard than from mined gypsum wallboard. Therefore, this COPC was carried
forward to the next step of the evaluation.
Step 3 (Exposure Review): The evaluation reviewed releases of COPCs carried forward from Step 2 to
identify any exposures that may occur. Where multiple exposure scenarios were identified, the
evaluation retained the ones likely to result in the highest chronic exposures for further consideration.
- Inhalation of mercury vapor in indoor air was identified as a potentially complete exposure
pathway. The evaluation identified residential receptors as HEIs in this scenario. Ecological

receptors were assumed to have negligible contact with indoor air and were not retained as
potential receptors.
Step 4 (Screening Assessment): The current evaluation conducted a conservative screening assessment
for the exposure scenario identified in Step 3 of the evaluation. It used conservative environmental, fate
and transport, and exposure data to estimate COPC concentrations at the point of exposure. The
evaluation then compared these concentrations to relevant regulatory and health-based screening
benchmarks to determine if more in-depth modeling was warranted.
- The evaluation probabilistically calculated a 90th percentile indoor air mercury concentration based
on a conservative scenario. This concentration was compared to the relevant screening benchmark
and found to be lower. Therefore, this evaluation did not retain this exposure pathway for further
Conclusion: The evaluation eliminated mercury, the one COPC associated with the exposure scenario,
by the end of Step 4. Based on these results, no further evaluation of the releases of this COPC from
FGD gypsum wallboard was warranted and the evaluation did not proceed to Step 5.

5.2 Sources of Uncertainty

Uncertainty results from gaps in the knowledge of the system under evaluation. Uncertainty exists to
some degree in any quantitative evaluation, and may bias the calculated results higher or lower than the
true value. It is important to understand both the direction and magnitude of uncertainties present in an
evaluation. The direction of uncertainty is the tendency for that uncertainty to push a predicted value
higher or lower than the true value, while the magnitude of uncertainty is the extent to which that
uncertainty may push a predicted value away from the true value. Characterizing these uncertainties
helps to ensure that the overall conclusions of the evaluation would not change with the consideration of
additional information. There are three primary types of uncertainty:
- Data variability and heterogeneity introduce uncertainty when the exact range and distribution of
relevant characteristics for constituents, environmental media, or receptors are not known.
Variability and heterogeneity are a natural part of environmental systems that cannot be eliminated
by further study. However, collection of additional data that better define these ranges and
distributions can minimize the associated uncertainties.
- Models introduce uncertainty through the simplifying assumptions used to approximate real-world
conditions, processes, and relationships. These assumptions are sometimes necessary to solve
complex mathematical equations or to fill gaps in available knowledge. However, the
simplification of complex systems may misrepresent real world conditions to an unknown degree.
Uncertainty can be minimized through use of the most appropriate model and by replacing any
default assumptions with representative data.
- Limitations on the current state of the science may introduce uncertainty through the lack of
scientific consensus or fundamental lack of knowledge of the system under evaluation. This can be
the most difficult type of uncertainty to address. Neither the collection nor analysis of additional
data is likely to reduce this uncertainty within the timeframe that a decision is needed.

Uncertainties in this evaluation were managed to the extent practicable by focusing the evaluation on
high-end releases and exposures. In instances where the exact range of a particular variable was
unknown, the evaluation relied on a conservative bounding estimate known to fall above or below the
true range, as appropriate. This approach does not necessarily reduce the magnitude of uncertainties
present, but does shift them in a direction that allows defensible conclusions to be drawn from the
evaluation. The following subsections identify, where known, uncertainties specific to the current
evaluation and the direction and magnitude of these uncertainties, as well as the potential impacts these
uncertainties may have on the conclusions of the current evaluation.

5.2.1 Uncertainties for Dust Exposures

The uncertainties discussed in this section pertain to releases of dust from fly ash concrete during use
by the consumer, and the resulting receptor exposures.

Available Data
Of the fly ashes generated through coal combustion, only a subset is suitable for beneficial use in
concrete. There are requirements for silica content, loss of ignition, and other characteristics that must be
met before a fly ash is considered appropriate for use (ASTM Standard C618). This type of detailed
information is not available for the majority of fly ash samples. Therefore, the current evaluation
considered all available fly ash data. It is unknown what portion of this dataset reflects these beneficial
use specifications. However, through the use of high-end concentrations from a data set that is
representative of the full range of fly ashes generated across the United States, this evaluation ensures
that it also captures the subset of suitable fly ashes for beneficial use. Therefore, the fly ash dataset used
in this evaluation may overestimate COPC releases. However, the magnitude of this overestimation is

Treatment of Non-detect Data

Non-detect data are concentrations that are present at levels below the capacity of an analytical
instrument to differentiate from background noise. The presence of non-detects in any dataset introduces
some amount of uncertainty because the concentration of a COPC is not known with certainty. The
quantity of non-detects present in the available fly ash data varies by COPC. To calculate 90th percentile
concentrations for comparison with screening benchmarks, the current evaluation replaced non-detect
values with half of the reported detection limit according to the recommendations in Risk Assessment
Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) Part A (US EPA, 1989) and EPA Region 3 Guidance on Handling
Chemical Concentration Data near the Detection Limit in Risk Assessments (US EPA, 1991). Because
the evaluation relied on a value halfway between zero and the detection limit, the true value is equally
likely to be higher or lower than the value assigned. To ascertain the impact this approach had on non-
detect values, the evaluation compared the calculated 90th percentile concentrations when non-detect
values are set to zero, half the detection limit, and the detection limit. Table 5-1 presents the results of
this analysis.

Table 5-1: 90th Percentile Fly Ash Concentration with Different Non-Detect Treatments (mg/kg)
Non-Detect Treatment
Sample Type Zeroed Half Detection Detection
Non-Detects Limit Limit
Aluminum 22 / 22 126,139 126,139 126,139
Antimony 38 / 42 17.4 17.4 17.5
Arsenic 97 / 100 171 171 171
Barium 61 / 61 6,800 6,800 6,800
Beryllium 24 / 32 21.8 21.8 21.8
Boron 34 / 34 1,065 1,065 1,065
Cadmium 70 / 91 11.9 11.9 11.9
Chromium 91 / 91 170 170 170
Cobalt 49 / 49 89.2 89.2 89.2
Copper 47 / 48 302 302 302
Iron 23 / 23 61,425 61,425 61,425
Lead 98 / 99 165 165 165
Mercury 73 / 87 0.65 0.65 0.65
Molybdenum 44 / 46 187 187 187
Nickel 75 / 76 227 227 227
Selenium 71 / 79 20.3 20.3 20.3
Strontium 22 / 22 2,250 2,250 2,250
Thallium 19 / 27 5.3 6.5 11.6
Uranium 10 / 19 14.7 14.7 14.7
Vanadium 43 / 43 461 461 461
Zinc 51 / 51 583 583 583
mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram

In most cases, there is no difference between the various 90th percentile values, regardless of the
method used to address non-detect values. None of the differences identified were great enough to alter
the results of the evaluation. This is because the upper percentile exposures are predominately associated
with higher, detectable concentrations in the distribution rather than the lower concentrations associated
with non-detect values. This comparison shows that, this uncertainty is unlikely to impact the results of
the evaluation.

Constituents Not Evaluated

The evaluation selected toxicity values for each constituent identified as a COPC according to the
selection hierarchy detailed in the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response 2003 Directive
9285.7-53 (US EPA, 2003b). However, several constituents lack both human health and ecological
toxicity values (i.e., calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, sodium, silicon, sulfate, and
sulfur). The absence of toxicity values is not necessarily equivalent to the absence of toxicity. However,
in the absence of other compelling information to indicate potential adverse effects from these
constituents, the evaluation did not retain these constituents as COPCs for further consideration. The
lack of toxicity values for these constituents may result in an underestimation of chronic risk to some

receptors. However, the magnitude of this underestimation is likely to be small because many of the
constituents that do not have toxicity values are also known to be nutrients essential for life.
This evaluation did not address dust exposure for a few of the constituents that US EPA (2010a)
identified as potentially present in CCRs (i.e., cyanide, fluoride, nitrate/nitrite) because the available
data for these constituents were either from CCRs other than fly ash or fly ash mixed with other CCRs.
US EPA (2010a) eliminated these constituents based on the results of a screening. A review of the data
used in that screening found concentrations of these constituents in CCRs to be at least an order of
magnitude below relevant screening benchmarks. While there is the potential for somewhat higher
concentrations of constituents in pure fly ash, the current evaluation demonstrates that the dilution of fly
ash into concrete combined with the dilution of concrete dust into surface soil reduces constituent
concentrations present in the original fly ash by at least two orders of magnitude. This reduction,
together with the low concentrations reported in US EPA (2010a), make the uncertainty introduced
through the exclusion of these constituents small.

Portland Cement Use and Replacement Rates in Concrete

This evaluation modeled fly ash concretes as having a fly ash replacement rate between 5 percent
and 40 percent of the portland cement used, based on the upper limit specified in current ASTM
standards for blended cements (ASTM Standard C595). In addition, this evaluation modeled concretes
as containing between 7 percent and 15 percent portland cement by mass, based on typical rates reported
by the Portland Cement Association (PCA, No Date a,b). These ranges may not represent the complete
range of theoretical concrete mixes. However, the current evaluation focused on the range typically used
in practice.
When calculating the potential fly ash contribution to concrete, the evaluation assumed that each fly
ash replacement rate and cement use rate is equally likely. Furthermore, the evaluation assumed that the
fly ash replacement rate selected was independent of the cement use rate. Weighting all values equally is
anticipated to bias calculated results high, because studies report fly ash replacement rates around 15
percent to be more common in practice (US EPA, 2012d). This assumption is considered appropriate in
the absence of detailed information on the frequency at which different replacement rates occur in
practice. These conservative assumptions are likely to overestimate potential releases. However, the
magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.

Comparison to Analogous Products

The statistical comparison to analogous products conducted in Step 2 (Comparison of Available
Data) indicated that concentrations of manganese and silver in fly ash are either less than or equal to
those in portland cement. The evaluation considered the possibility that the statistical tests may be
unduly influenced by a small number of extreme values present in the datasets. However, removal of the
high-end values from either the fly ash or portland cement datasets did not change the results of the
statistical tests. The evaluation also considered whether the data available from Eckert and Guo (1998)
may overestimate COPC concentrations in portland cement because the data are from kilns co-fired with
hazardous waste-derived fuels. While these data represent actual cements generated in the United States,
it is unknown if the manganese concentrations measured in this relatively small number of samples are

any higher than the national distribution of portland cement. However, while there is some uncertainty
associated with these data, the impact on the conclusions of the evaluation is negligible. Even if
manganese had been retained through Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data), this COPC would have
been screened out by a wide margin in Step 4 (Screening Assessment), when the 90th percentile
exposure concentration of 1.5 mg/kg was compared to an HBN of 2,794 mg/kg and an Eco-SSL of 220
mg/kg (US EPA, 2007b). Silver concentrations were not reported in Eckert and Guo (1998).
The evaluation retained all other COPCs for further consideration. Although only a small amount of
data on concentrations of some COPCs in portland cement was available for comparison (e.g.,
aluminum, boron, molybdenum), the evaluation found these COPCs to be higher in fly ash and retained
them for further consideration. The current evaluation considers the consequences of incorrectly
accepting the null hypothesis (H0) and removing a COPC from consideration (i.e., Type II Error) more
severe than incorrectly rejecting H0 and retaining the COPC for further consideration in subsequent
stages of the evaluation (i.e., Type I Error). Therefore, the uncertainty associated with the potential error
due to incorrectly retaining these constituents at this stage of the evaluation is considered acceptable.

Dust Generation Rate

Studies show that generation of particulate matter from concrete is possible in high abrasion
environments, such as roadways exposed to studded tires. However, the evaluation did not identify any
studies that evaluated the rate at which concrete dust is generated under these conditions. To address this
uncertainty, the current evaluation assumed that 10 percent of the soil was composed of fly ash concrete
dust. This value originates from the US EPA (2010a) screening assessment, which evaluated the
potential for overland transport of fly ash from uncovered CCR landfills through wind dispersion and
runoff. Levels this high are unlikely for encapsulated concrete because the tire studs on passing cars
must grind the concrete for dust to be released, compared to granular fly ash, which is available for
release at any time. The Washington State Department of Transportation estimated that about 0.25 mm
of concrete pavement wear away per one million studded tire vehicle passes, with measured erosion
rates between 0.04 and 0.5 mm/yr (WSDOT, 2010). Furthermore, the contributing area of even a
moderate-sized CCR landfill is much greater than that of even the most heavily traveled roadways.
Therefore, the assumptions used in the current evaluation are likely to overestimate releases. While the
magnitude of this overestimation is unknown, it is anticipated to be considerable.

Bioavailability is the fraction of the total contaminant mass that is available to interact with and
potentially cause harm to a receptor’s body. The remaining fraction of the compound that is not
bioavailable will pass through or over the body with no effect to the receptor. A host of different factors,
such as the pH, particle size, moisture, and redox potential of the environment influence bioavailability.
In addition, the receptor’s age, sex, nutritional state, and physiological state affect bioavailability (US
EPA, 2007). Given the numerous variables involved in determining bioavailability, this remains a source
of uncertainty. The current evaluation assumed that the total mass of each COPC ingested was entirely
bioavailable. This assumption can only overestimate exposure. The magnitude of this overestimation
will vary on a case-by-case basis, depending both on the characteristics of the contaminated media and
the individual receptor.
Roadway Composition
The current evaluation assumes that the uppermost layer of the roadways that is exposed to high
abrasion is composed of only concrete. In reality, many roads are either entirely composed of or overlain
by other materials, such as asphalt. Therefore, as Zubek et al. (2004) points out, generated dust may
contain no concrete at all. While the assumption of an exposed concrete surface used in the current
evaluation may represent high-end exposure scenario, it likely overestimates typical exposures. The
magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.

Receptor Habitats near Roadways

It is unknown to what extent receptors may be exposed to any dust that accumulates near roadways
and other concrete surfaces subjected to high levels of abrasion. Both child and adult residents are
unlikely to spend extended periods of time alongside major roadways. Even under the theoretical
scenario that an abandoned highway is converted to residential property, the construction would disturb
the surface soil and either dilute the concrete dust present with subsurface soils or remove it entirely. As
a result, the high concentrations evaluated likely overestimate exposures. However, the magnitude of
this overestimation is unknown.
Wildlife is more likely to spend appreciable time near roadways. The level of exposure depends on a
number of factors, including the foraging range of the species, the quality of available food sources, and
the season, as well as intra-species and inter-species competition. Furthermore, fragmented land near a
roadway is often poor habitat for permanent ecological populations. Consequently, this uncertainty is
likely to overestimate exposures. However, the magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.

5.2.2 Uncertainties for Ground and Surface Water Exposures

The uncertainties addressed in this subsection pertain to the evaluation of leachate released from fly
ash concrete during use, the transport to ground and surface waters, and the resulting receptor exposures.
This document does not discuss uncertainties introduced through the use of the Industrial Waste
Evaluation Model (IWEM). IWEM is a peer-reviewed model, and IWEM Technical Documentation and
User’s Guide (US EPA, 2010d) discusses the various uncertainties associated with this model.

Selection of COPCs
The current evaluation selected COPCs based on the findings of the 2010 CCR Risk Assessment (US
EPA, 2010a). This risk assessment aggregated modeling results for all types of CCRs when drawing
conclusions. It is possible that reliance on these findings to select COPCs may result in retaining COPCs
related to CCRs other than fly ash. Conversely, it is possible that consideration of data on CCRs other
than fly ash may dilute modeling results enough to eliminate COPCs that would have otherwise been
retained. However, Kosson et al. (2013) demonstrated that fly ash concrete leach at rates lower than pure
fly ash. As a result, any constituents that may have been screened out in US EPA (2010a) as a result of
the dilution of fly ash data are likely to have also been screened out in the current evaluation due to the
lower leaching rates. Therefore, the magnitude of this uncertainty is considered small.

Available Data
Based on the available studies of the leaching from fly ash alone and fly ash in cement materials, the
leaching of COPCs from fly ash was not increased by incorporation of the fly ash in cement materials
(US EPA, 2012b; Kosson et al., 2013). Therefore, the current evaluation assumed that, if the leaching
behavior of fly ash was adequately captured in the available samples, so was the contribution of fly ash
to leaching from fly ash concrete. Kosson et al. (2013) analyzed the leaching behavior of the pure fly ash
prior to mixing in concrete. One or more of the fly ashes used in this study exhibited arsenic, antimony,
boron, chromium, lead, and molybdenum leaching close to the upper bounds identified as part of a
broader sampling effort for US EPA (2009a). However, these fly ashes exhibited cadmium, selenium,
and thallium leaching closer to the median identified in US EPA (2009a). Therefore, the current
evaluation may underestimate high-end leaching of these three COPCs from fly ash concrete.
The fly ashes used in Kosson et al. (2013) and Garrabrants et al. (2013) are from the subset of ashes
known to meet the specifications for use in concrete. It is unknown whether this subset has the same
upper bounds of cadmium, selenium, and thallium leaching as the fly ashes in US EPA (2009a). Yet,
even if these higher leaching fly ashes are appropriate for use in concrete, the potential increase in fly
ash concrete leachate concentrations is unlikely to alter the conclusions of the evaluation. The current
evaluation identified cadmium, selenium, and thallium as COPCs based on the findings of the 2010 CCR
Risk Assessment (US EPA, 2010a), which identified the 90th percentile hazard quotients of 5.0 for
cadmium (ecological sediment exposure), 2.0 for selenium (ecological surface water exposure), and 3.0
for thallium (human ground water exposure). Kosson et al. (2013) showed that leaching from fly ash
concrete was consistently lower than leaching from pure fly ash by at least a factor of two for selenium
and an order of magnitude for both cadmium and thallium. The magnitude of these decreases alone
would be sufficient to eliminate these constituents as COPCs in US EPA (2010a). Furthermore, the
LEAF Method 1313 data used in Kosson et al. (2013) represent saturated leachate from ground up
concrete. Consideration of time-dependent leaching of intact concrete would further reduce leachate
concentrations. Based on these different lines of evidence, the magnitude of this uncertainty is likely to
be small.

Non-Detect Values
The current evaluation eliminated arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and thallium as COPCs at
Step 2 (Comparison of Available Data) because Garrabrants et al. (2013) did not detect these COPCs in
leachate collected from fly ash concrete or portland cement concrete with EPA Method 1315. Based on
the available data, the evaluation concluded that the rate at which these COPCs leach from fly ash
concrete is comparable to that of portland cement concrete. These constituents may still be present in the
samples at concentrations below the MDL. However, they are unlikely to be present near the MDL. The
concrete matrix is known to become denser as it cures (Garboczi, 1995). As the internal pore spaces
decrease in size, the rate at which COPCs can leach out decreases. Selenium provides the best example
for this: it was not detected in any of the leachate from three month cure samples, but this evaluation
retained selenium for further consideration because this COPC was detected in leachate from a few
samples of fly ash concrete cured for only 28 days. Therefore, the other COPCs that were not detected
even at 28 days are likely to be even lower after a three month cure time. In addition, Garrabrants et al.
(2013) did not detect arsenic, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, and thallium during the leaching time step
of 14 days. Therefore, the cumulative mass leached for a duration of fewer than 2 days will be even
further below the MDL. The potential for these constituents to be released at higher levels from fly ash
concrete than from portland cement concrete remains. However, the incremental increase in exposures at
these already low levels is unlikely to result in appreciable risk to downgradient receptors. Therefore,
the impact of this uncertainty on the findings of the current evaluation is likely to be minimal.

Incremental Releases
The current evaluation does not consider the incremental fly ash contribution to releases from
concrete. Leaching is not necessarily an additive process, and the available dataset makes it difficult to
empirically parse out the exact contribution of fly ash to releases from concrete. Therefore, to remain
conservative, the evaluation used total releases from fly ash concrete to estimate potential exposures. As
a result, the COPC releases that result from incorporation of fly ash into concrete may be lower than
those presented in Step 4 (Screening Assessment). This assumption will likely overestimate the COPC
exposures associated with the beneficial use of fly ash in concrete. In particular, chromium was shown
in Step 2 to be present in and released from portland cement concrete at levels approaching those of fly
ash concrete. The magnitude of this overestimation is not known.

Chromium Speciation
Chromium was the one COPC in this evaluation that warranted fate and transport modeling. The
speciation of chromium is an important consideration because its toxicity is dependent on speciation.
The evaluation did not identify any studies evaluating the speciation of constituents leaching from
concrete. Even if these data were available, receptors are unlikely to ingest leachate directly from the
concrete. Instead, the leachate will migrate through the soil and ground water table prior to contact with
any receptors. During transport, the leachate will change in pH and be exposed to a different set of redox
conditions, which can dramatically change speciation. Therefore, even when one species leaches from
concrete, the amount released and the amount that reaches the receptor may not be the same. Because of
the high uncertainty surrounding the exact speciation of chromium at the point of exposure, the
evaluation conducted fate and transport modeling under the assumption that chromium was released in
the form most mobile in the environment. Therefore, this assumption may overestimate potential
exposures. However, the magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.

Roadway Dimensions
The width and thickness of concrete roadways used to model concrete leaching in the current
evaluation are based on the upper bound of specifications from the American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO, 1993; 2004). The use of the upper bound values for
these variables likely overestimates potential exposures. The length of the concrete roadways is
uncertain. The needs of the individual project, rather than best design practices define this variable.
However, the exact length of the concrete is unlikely to have an impact on the current evaluation of
HEIs. The evaluation assumes that human and ecological receptors are located midway along the length
of the concrete source where they are exposed to the highest ground water concentrations. Extending the
ends of the concrete out even farther will not change the concentration at the centerline of the plume.

Therefore, the assumed roadway dimensions may overestimate releases and subsequent exposures.
However, the magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.

Infiltration Rate
Water movement through cracked concrete is a complicated phenomenon that is difficult to model
accurately. The actual amount of water that can pass through concrete is determined by a number of
variables, including, but not limited to, the size, number, and orientation of cracks present on the road
surface (Apul et al., 2002). To avoid compounding uncertainty by specifying ranges for each of these
variables, the evaluation only considered a high-end scenario where infiltration through concrete was not
a limiting factor. In this scenario, the amount of water that can pass into the ground water table is
bounded by the infiltration rate of the soil underlying the concrete road, base, and sub-base. In practice,
the use of drainage pipes beneath the roadway may reduce the amount of infiltrating water that can reach
the ground water table. However, not all roadways include this design feature. Furthermore, without
proper maintenance, these pipes can become clogged and ineffective at rerouting water. Therefore, the
evaluation does not account for the potential effects of drainage pipes on infiltration rates in this
evaluation. These assumptions likely overestimate releases and subsequent exposures, but the magnitude
of this overestimation is unknown.
Smaller cracks may exist in the concrete matrix that can retain infiltrating water for longer durations
than those modeled, and soils may retain water in contact with the concrete for some time after a
precipitation event has ended. Both scenarios may allow greater mobilization and accumulation of
COPCs than considered in this evaluation. However, in both cases, capillary forces will act against
gravity and impede the flow of water, resulting in much of the water evaporating before it can migrate to
the subsurface. Instead, the current evaluation focuses on high infiltration rates through the concrete.
The much larger volume of water assumed to pass through these larger and more numerous cracks,
together with the high-end COPC concentrations used in the evaluation, will result in a higher mass flux
of COPCs into the subsurface environment. Even if a smaller crack size exists that could result in higher
mass fluxes than those considered in this evaluation, these cracks will propagate and expand, becoming
larger with time. Thus, small cracks are less representative of a long-term, high-end leaching scenario.
These assumptions likely overestimate releases and subsequent exposures, but the magnitude of this
overestimation is unknown.

Leaching Evaluation Assessment Framework Data

The current evaluation used the LEAF Method 1313 data from Kosson et al. (2013) to bound the
COPC concentrations that can be present in leachate. This sampling method requires the sample to be
ground up prior to leaching. Grinding a material increases the surface area available for contact with the
leachant. The higher surface area exposed to the leachant results in higher leachate concentrations for
those COPCs than are likely to occur during use. The evaluation used LEAF Method 1315 data from
Garrabrants et al. (2013) to calculate COPC concentrations in leachate passing over the concrete surface.
This sampling method retains the sample in monolith form. The concrete monolith is submerged in a
tank containing deionized water for a set time, and then is transferred to another tank with fresh water.
Then, the resulting leachate in each tank is measured. Although the leachate from this method is more
representative of water exposed to an encapsulated material, the contact time between the water and
concrete is much higher than would generally occur during a precipitation event. Therefore, the current
application of both Method 1313 and 1315 data is likely to overestimate COPC releases, but the
magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.
The Cementitious Materials Report (US EPA, 2012b) compared the pH-dependent leachate data
with single pH data collected in other studies (Cheng et al., 2008 and Zhang et al., 2001) to determine
whether the pH-dependent data had accurately captured the range of potential leaching behaviors. The
single pH leaching tests were conducted with either the Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure
(SPLP, EPA Method 1312) or the Standard Test Method for Shake Extraction of Solid Waste with
Water (ASTM D3987-85). The report did not consider data from the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
Procedure (TCLP, EPA Method 1311) because the pH of the leaching solution was below the lowest
theoretical pore water pH of 7.0 for concrete. The comparison showed that the single extraction leaching
tests produced results that were generally consistent with the pH-dependent leaching tests at the same
pH. However, single extraction leaching tests do not provide an indication of the changes in material
leaching with changes in pH that occur as a consequence of material aging. The few single extraction
point measurements that deviated from this trend exhibited lower leachate concentrations. These results
may be a consequence of partial carbonation that occurred during preparation and testing of the ground
up samples (Garrabrants et al., 2004). Based on these results, US EPA (2012b) concluded that the LEAF
leachate data agree well with other single-pH leachate tests. Therefore, reliance on LEAF data, rather
than single-pH data, is likely to reduce the amount of uncertainty in the evaluation.

Additional Leach Test Parameters

The current evaluation of leaching relies on data from Kosson et al. (2013) and Garrabrants et al.
(2013) to evaluate leaching from fly ash concrete. The primary focus of these studies was to evaluate the
effects of pH, liquid to solid ratio, and physical form (e.g., ground, monolithic) on leaching from
concrete. All of these parameters are known to have a major impact on the leaching of inorganic
COPCs. There may be other factors, such as light and heavy fractionation; mineral phases; trace metal
speciation; solution composition; and background electrolyte and ionic strength, which influence
measured concentrations to some degree. However, these factors are not anticipated to be major sources
of uncertainty in the current evaluation because:
- The current leaching evaluation is based on use of the entire material that was subjected to leach
testing, rather than some fraction of the material. Therefore, no distinction between light and heavy
fractionation needed to be made for this evaluation.
- Because the COPCs identified in this evaluation are trace inorganics for which mineral phases are
below typical instrument detection limits, COPC concentrations were measured directly through
leaching tests rather than inferred from major mineral determinations.
- The speciation of certain COPCs, such as chromium, in leachate was considered as part of previous
evaluations of CCR leaching (US EPA, 2009c). The potential effects of reducing conditions on
COPC speciation in concrete leachate were not considered. However, this is not anticipated to be a
source of uncertainty, as oxidizing conditions are anticipated to be prevalent around the uses of
concrete discussed in this document. It is important to note that this is distinct from reducing

conditions that may occur in subsurface soils and ground water, which are addressed through fate
and transport modeling.
- Other parameters were considered through previous evaluations of fly ash leaching because of the
potential to affect COPC leaching on a case-by-case basis. However, none of these parameters had a
consistently strong impact on leaching. Some of these less significant parameters were discussed in
US EPA (2009c). Leachate concentrations for a number of minor analytes in the samples tested [e.g.,
dissolved organic and inorganic carbon, conductivity (which can be converted to ionic strength),
copper, iron, manganese, nickel, silicon, sodium, zinc, and others] were evaluated, but not presented
in US EPA (2009c). These data are available from the authors, and are included in Leach XS Lite. 11
A more extensive analysis of specific fly ash concrete samples may reveal individual cases where
one of these additional parameters is important. However, for an evaluation that is intended to estimate a
national bounding of releases from fly ash concrete, it is believed that the current focus on the
parameters known to consistently have the greatest effect on leaching remains appropriate. Therefore,
while the data used in this evaluation may over- or underestimate concrete leaching on a case-by-case
basis, the overall magnitude of these uncertainties is expected to be small.

Concrete Aging
As concrete ages, physical and chemical changes that occur in the concrete matrix may alter the rate
at which the concrete releases COPCs. Carbonation is the primary mechanism that drives concrete
aging. Carbonation is the reaction of carbon dioxide [CO2] with the various alkaline constituents in the
concrete matrix. The most important of these reactions is with calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], which
ultimately generates calcium carbonate [CaCO3]. This shift from calcium hydroxide to calcium
carbonate can alter leaching in several ways:
- The first way that aging may alter leaching is through changes to the concrete pore water pH. An
initial pH of roughly 12.4 is common for newly-poured concrete based on the dissolution chemistry
of calcium hydroxide. Complete carbonation of the concrete matrix may result in a pH as low as 7.0,
based on the dissolution chemistry of calcium carbonate (Garrabrants et al., 2004). Changes in this
pH will alter the leaching behavior of constituents with pH-dependent solubility.
- The second way that aging may alter leaching is through changes to the composition of the concrete.
Carbonation of certain minerals in the concrete matrix may result in desorption of COPCs that
otherwise would have remained bound within the concrete matrix (Garrabrants et al., 2004). Studies
have shown that this desorption acts in concert with changing pH to alter leaching rates. Müllauer et
al. (2012) demonstrated higher cumulative leaching of chromium from highly-carbonated ground
concrete. Sanchez et al. (2002) demonstrated higher cumulative leaching of arsenic, but lower
cumulative leaching of lead, from highly-carbonated ground concrete.

Leach XS Lite is a tool that allows users to evaluate and characterize the release of constituents based on comparisons
derived from leaching test results for a wide range of materials and waste types This tool is available on-line at:

- The final way that aging may alter leaching is through physical changes to the porosity of the
concrete matrix. Van Gerven et al. (2006) compared the total porosity of concrete samples
carbonated for 60 days with total porosity of similar samples with relatively little carbonation. The
results showed a 12 percent reduction in the porosity of the carbonated samples, compared to the
relatively uncarbonated samples. Van Gerven (2006) noted that this decrease in porosity resulted in
decreased leaching for sodium and potassium. Sanchez et al. (2002) also noted that the permeability
of an intact concrete matrix decreased with carbonation and, as a result, the retention of arsenic,
chromium, and lead all increased (Lange, 1996 as cited in Sanchez et al., 2002).
The findings of Van Gerven (2006) and Lange (1996) (as cited in Sanchez et al., 2002) contrast with
those of Sanchez et al. (2002), Garrabrants et al. (2004), and Müllauer et al. (2012), but do not contradict
them. The latter three studies evaluated samples of ground concrete, which eliminated the physical
concrete matrix and found higher leaching with increased carbonation, while Van Gerven et al. (2006)
evaluated samples of intact concrete and found lower leaching with increased carbonation. Grounding
concrete allows samples to become highly and uniformly carbonated by breaking down the dense
concrete matrix. However, it is unlikely that such a high degree of carbonation will occur during the
useful life of most intact concretes. This results in uncertainty regarding the ultimate effects of
carbonation on leaching behavior of carbonated concrete, and how such effects impact releases of
inorganic constituents. As a result, the current evaluation may underestimate or overestimate long-term
leaching on a case-by-case basis, but the magnitude of this misestimate is unknown.

Fish Bioconcentration Factors

US EPA (2003a) recommends the use of bioconcentration factors (BCFs) to assess exposure to
inorganic metals. Therefore, this evaluation calculated the potential exposure from fish ingestion using
BCFs for trophic level 3 (TL3) and trophic level 4 (TL4) fish (i.e., fish at the higher levels of the food
chain where bioconcentration is greater) to estimate the transfer of pollutants from environmental media
into fish. In the current evaluation, the evaluation used only BCFs from laboratory or field studies of
TL3 and TL4 fish, rather than values estimated from physical or chemical properties [e.g., octanol-water
partition coefficient (Kow)]. Aquatic BCFs are developed by dividing measured concentrations in aquatic
biota by total surface water concentrations. There are several sources of uncertainty associated with the
models used to estimate BCFs for aquatic biota.
One source of uncertainty is experimental error that may affect the true value of the BCF. Error may
originate from the relatively short exposure timeframe used in a study compared to the lifetime of
exposure in the field; some laboratory BCF studies may not have attained steady-state concentrations in
the fish due to short exposure durations (Arnot and Gobas, 2006; and CalEPA, 2012). Other sources of
error may be laboratory-prepared water with concentrations that are not representative of field
conditions (e.g., constant and unrealistically high concentrations), the use of radio-labeled compounds
without adequate correction for the parent signal, or the use of a less precise analytical method when
analyzing samples (Arnot and Gobas, 2006; and CalEPA, 2012). These laboratory errors may bias the
resulting measurements to be either high or low; the overall magnitude of this uncertainty is unknown.
Another source of uncertainty stems from the method used to calculate BCFs. BCFs are based on
whole body concentrations for fish. However, the amount of bioconcentration often varies among

different organs and muscle tissues in the fish (du Preez et al., 1993). For example, fish muscle tissues
often have the lowest accumulation of metals. Because muscle is the bulk of the edible part of the fish, a
whole body concentration that includes other organs (with higher concentrations of contaminants) may
overstate potential human exposures from fish ingestion (CalEPA, 2012). In addition, BCFs may be
measured from juvenile fish. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between metal accumulation
and weight or size of the fish, with the metal concentrations in tissues decreasing as fish size or weight
increases (Liao et al., 2003, as cited by CalEPA, 2012). Scientists have attributed this effect to a number
of factors, including growth dilution, increased metabolic rate in juvenile fish, and increased ability to
depurate the metals as the fish matures. As a result, metal uptake studies in fingerlings or juvenile fish
may overestimate BCFs in mature fish (CalEPA, 2012). Finally, BCFs are based only on the
bioconcentration of metals from environmental media. Ingestion of sediment and sediment-dwelling
invertebrates by bottom-dwelling fish species may also contribute to metal uptake by these fish
(CalEPA, 2012). Therefore, reliance on only BCFs to estimate fish exposure may overestimate or
underestimate the actual accumulation of a metal in fish. However, the overall magnitude of this
uncertainty is unknown.
The final source of uncertainty is the application of the BCFs. In most cases, the evaluation used
BCF data for a single fish species to represent all fish at that trophic level. This may or may not
accurately represent the fish species commonly caught and consumed, introducing some uncertainty into
the analysis. Overall, it is unknown whether use of BCFs overestimates or underestimates concentrations
present in fish tissue.

5.2.3 Uncertainties for Air Exposures

The uncertainties addressed in this section pertain to the evaluation of mercury releases from fly ash
concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard during consumer use, and the resulting receptor exposure.

Linear Increase of Mercury Emanation

The current evaluation assumes that the rate at which fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard
emit mercury is a linear function of the amount of mercury present in the CCR products. Vaporized
mercury moves through porous solids (e.g., concrete and wallboard) by diffusion, which is controlled by
the physical characteristics of the material (e.g., porosity) and ambient environmental conditions (e.g.,
temperature and pressure). These physical characteristics and environmental conditions may change
with time, independent of the mercury concentration present, and may have non-linear impacts on the
rate of mercury diffusion. However, the available literature identifies emanation rates measured under
high temperatures, negative pressure conditions, and short cure times (i.e., higher concrete porosity).
Therefore, the assumption that these extreme physical characteristics and environmental conditions
remain constant likely overestimates mercury releases under typical room conditions.
Elemental mercury is the form of mercury that is available to vaporize from concrete and wallboard.
The remainder of the mercury is generally present in various oxidized compounds (e.g., mercuric
chloride) that do not vaporize under standard environmental conditions. A linear increase in mercury
emanation assumes that the ratio of elemental mercury to total mercury remains constant with increasing
mercury concentrations. Elemental mercury is difficult to capture during coal combustion and is more

likely to escape into the atmosphere, while oxidized mercury is more water soluble and is more
effectively captured by pollution control devices (Wilcox et al., 2012). As a result, the ratio of elemental
and oxidized mercury present in fly ash is likely to decrease as total mercury concentrations increase.
The presence of higher carbon content does not alter this fact. Most of the retention and oxidation of
mercury associated with fly ash involves carbon content. Studies have shown that organic carbon with
the highest oxidation capacity results in some of the highest mercury concentrations in fly ash (Abad-
Valle et al., 2011). Therefore, the assumption of a constant ratio of elemental and oxidized mercury in
fly ashes and FGD gypsum when extrapolating emanation rates will likely overestimate releases. This
agrees with the finding of Golightly et al. (2009) that fly ashes with higher organic carbon content result
in fly ash concrete with lower mercury emanation rates relative to total mercury content.

Air Exchange Rates

Air exchange rates can vary considerably based on geography due to the different climates across the
United States, and based on the season due to different building heating and cooling requirements. When
conducting the survey in 1995 that forms the basis for these air exchange rates, the authors examined air
exchange rates in homes across the country during all four seasons. However, in recent years, attention
has been focused on reducing heat loss and, consequently, air loss from buildings. Several building
construction codes currently require a minimal air exchange rate of 0.35 ACH for newly constructed
habitable structures. 12 However, the actual air exchange rate of a completed building is rarely measured
and is still subject to seasonal changes (US EPA, 2010b). Therefore, the measured air exchange rates
presented in Koontz and Rector (1995) still represent the best available estimates of average and high-
end exposures for the country. Use of this data may overestimate exposures, but the magnitude of this
overestimation is unknown.

Organic Carbon Content

Golightly et al. (2009) found that fly ash with higher organic carbon content results in fly ash
concrete with lower mercury emanation rates relative to total mercury content. As a result, the linear
increase of mercury emanation assumed in this evaluation causes the fly ash concrete with the lowest
organic content to have the highest adjusted emanation rates. Yet, a low organic content fly ash is
unlikely to contain the highest mercury concentrations, because a strong positive correlation exists
between the mercury concentration and organic content of fly ash (Wilcox et al., 2012 and Abad-Valle
et al., 2011). Data on the organic carbon content was not available for the majority of fly ash samples.
Therefore, to remain conservative, all available samples were incorporated into the evaluation. As a
result, the fly ashes with the highest mercury concentrations likely represent organic content higher than
the limit of 6 percent for concrete production (Golightly et al., 2009). Extrapolating mercury emanation
from fly ash concrete using an upper bound mercury concentration that does not consider the limit on fly
ash organic carbon content is likely to overestimate exposures, but the magnitude of this overestimation
is unknown.
Examples of these building codes include American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
Standard 90.1 (ASHRAE, 2007), International Residential Code (ICC, 2006a), and International Mechanical Code (ICC,

FGD gypsum is composed predominantly of calcium sulfate. Fly ash is considered a contaminant in
FGD gypsum because it decreases the quality of the wallboard produced. As a result, industry standards
are in place limiting the amount of fly ash allowed in raw FGD gypsum intended for wallboard
production (Henkels and Gaynor, 1996). However, the trace amounts of fly ash that are present may
contribute to mercury emanation from the FGD gypsum wallboard. The FGD gypsum samples available
did not report fly ash content. However, the examination of numerous FGD gypsum and FGD gypsum
wallboard samples produced across the United States provides a high degree of confidence that the
evaluation captured the range of fly ash and mercury concentrations.

Chemical Admixtures in Fly Ash Concrete

The majority of fly ash concrete evaluated in the literature consists of cement, fly ash, water, and
some form of aggregate. However, Golightly et al. (2007; 2009) also included an air entrainment
admixture (AEA). AEAs are chemicals added to concrete to control the size and spacing of air pockets
(i.e., voids) within the concrete matrix. These voids connect smaller capillary pores, which are the
spaces within the concrete matrix filled with unreacted water. The primary purpose of introducing air
voids in the concrete matrix is to provide the unreacted water present in capillary pores a place to
expand when exposed to freezing temperatures. This reduces the amount of strain placed on the concrete
matrix and reduces internal cracking. Once the ice thaws, the water in the voids is drawn back into the
narrower pore network through capillary forces. Although AEAs alter the number and spacing of air
voids, they do not directly impact the size and spacing of capillary pores and smaller gel pores. This
network of capillary and gel pores throughout the concrete matrix serves as the primary pathway
through which gases can diffuse through the concrete and into indoor air. This evaluation found no
indication that inclusion of AEAs in concrete will reduce the rate of mercury emanation from concretes
during use. Instead, AEAs may actually promote transport of gases through the concrete by providing a
direct connection for the capillary pores within the concrete and increasing the volume of internal air
spaces. This greater air space and interconnectivity could allow easier migration of mercury through the
concrete, resulting in an overestimation of releases from concrete without chemical additives.

Surface Covering
Both concrete and wallboard are typically coated by some combination of paint, glue, carpet,
laminate, or other substance prior to use. Concrete surfaces that remain uncovered are often polished to a
smooth finish. All of these coatings will impede the migration of mercury into the indoor air by either
directly covering interstitial pore spaces or minimizing the surface area that can emit mercury. However,
it is unknown to what extent different combinations of surface coatings inhibit mercury emanation rates.
All available literature on mercury emanation from fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard
measured releases from uncoated products. Consistent with the available data, the current evaluation
assumed that the building materials were placed bare in a building. The assumption of no surface
covering prior to use overestimates the calculated exposures, but the magnitude of the overestimation is

Combined Use of Fly Ash Concrete and FGD Gypsum Wallboard
The current evaluation did not consider a scenario where fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum
wallboard were used in the same residence. While it is possible that both CCR products could be used in
the same building, wallboard and concrete are unlikely to be used in the same wall. Because FGD
gypsum wallboard emits mercury at a lower rate than concrete, even after adjustment, use of wallboard
would only reduce the mercury concentrations estimated for a building with all floors, ceilings, and
walls made with concrete. Therefore, this uncertainty is small and unlikely to affect the results of the

Sorption of Mercury to Building Surfaces

Mercury vapor has the potential to sorb to various surfaces within a building. This sorption will
reduce the concentration of mercury present in the indoor air, but it will introduce an additional potential
exposure pathway. The sorption of mercury onto indoor surfaces may result in higher exposures than
those predicted through consideration of indoor air concentrations alone as a result of hand to mouth
contact with dust and with various household surfaces. However, the calculated 90th percentile raw fly
ash mercury concentration of 0.65 mg/kg is over an order of magnitude below the incidental ingestion
screening benchmark of 14.4 mg/kg recalculated for an infant. Therefore, the impact of this uncertainty
on the findings of the current evaluation is likely to be minimal.

Steady-State Mercury Concentration

“Steady state” is the condition of equilibrium when the rates of mercury entering and leaving a
building are equal and the resulting mercury concentration inside the building is constant. The current
evaluation makes the conservative assumption that mercury concentrations in the air are at a steady state
for the duration of receptor exposure. In reality, mercury concentrations will fluctuate with time. The
opening and closing of doors and windows will alter the air exchange rate of the building, disrupt
steady-state conditions by allowing mercury to leave the building faster than it enters, and reduce
mercury concentrations in the air. On the whole, the assumption of steady state will overestimate
exposures, but the magnitude of the overestimation is unknown.

Complete Mixing of Indoor Air

The current evaluation conducted the evaluation of mercury emanation under the simplifying
assumption that indoor air is completely mixed. The 1997 Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA,
1997b) supports this assumption with the following statement:
“…for an instantaneous release from a point source in a room, fairly complete mixing is
achieved within 10 minutes when convective flow is induced by solar radiation. However,
up to 100 minutes may be required for complete mixing under quiescent (nearly
isothermal) conditions.”
The studies relied upon in the 1997 Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 1997b) used a low air
exchange rates of less than 0.1 hr-1. This is lower than the conservative 10th percentile estimate of 0.18
hr-1, and much lower than the central tendency estimate of 0.45 hr-1 recommended by US EPA (1997b).
Thus, these studies seem to support the assumption of complete mixing. Other studies summarized by

US EPA (1997b) were conducted at more typical room ventilation rates, which found that “the ratio of
source-proximate to slightly-removed concentration was on the order of 2:1.” This indicates that
mercury concentrations may increase directly adjacent to the ceiling, wall, or floor that emits mercury
vapor. However, most building occupants are not stationary and move around a building throughout the
day. Therefore, while the assumption of complete mixing may underestimate some short-term
exposures, it is a reasonable representation of typical long-term, chronic exposures.

Room Temperature
Temperature may alter the rate of mercury emanation from building materials. Mercury undergoes
some volatilization at room temperature; higher temperatures can increase the kinetic energy of gases
and may result in faster migration through the concrete matrix. The American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers defines comfortable room temperature as being between
20 and 26ºC (68ºF and 79ºF), depending on the season (ASHRAE Standard 55). This range represents
the temperatures that provide thermal comfort for approximately 80 percent of the population.
Therefore, the majority of habitable buildings will have temperatures somewhere within this range. At
present, the evaluation did not identify any research directly evaluating the effects of temperature on
mercury emanation from concrete. Therefore, this remains an uncertainty in the current evaluation.
The available studies on fly ash concrete (Golightly et al., 2006; 2009) evaluated mercury emanation
at a constant ambient temperature of 40 ºC (104 ºF). A temperature of 40 ºC represents an upper bound
of realistic outdoor temperatures in most of the United States. However, the building materials placed
indoors will be cooled by shading, air conditioning, air flow, and other factors that likely prevent indoor
temperatures from reaching levels this high. Based on these findings, the temperatures present in these
studies likely overestimate mercury releases from fly ash concrete, but the magnitude of the
overestimation is unknown.
The one available study on FGD gypsum wallboard (Shock et al., 2009) evaluated mercury
emanation at a temperature between 22 and 24 ºC (71.6 and 75.2 ºF). These data represent a range of
comfortable room temperatures. Although higher temperatures than these are possible, it is considered
unlikely that they would occur simultaneously with low-end air turnover rates. Use of open windows,
fans, or other means to cool the area would increase the air turnover rate. Based on these findings, the
temperatures present in this study provide an estimate of typical mercury releases from FGD gypsum
wallboard. The potential for higher indoor air temperatures may result in an underestimation of the
upper bound of mercury releases. However, the impact of this underestimation on resulting exposure
estimates is likely to be small.

Pressure Gradient
The presence of a negative pressure gradient in a building may alter the rate of mercury emanation
from building materials. Several factors can generate negative pressure gradients, including: temperature
differences between the indoors and outdoors, changes in the outdoor wind or barometric pressure, and
operation of mechanical fans or vents. Studies have shown that the measured negative pressures in
homes range between 1 and 50 pascals [0.00015 and 0.007 pounds per square inch (psi) (MassDEP,
1995)]. It is well known that the presence of a pressure gradient can greatly influence the movement of

gases into a building through cracks in building walls and foundations (US EPA, 2008a). However, the
evaluation did not identify any research that evaluates the degree to which change in pressure affects
mercury emanation from intact concrete. Therefore, this remains an uncertainty in the current
Of the available literature, only Golightly et al. (2009) reported the negative pressure applied during
sample collection. However, based on the similar experimental setups used among the three available
studies, the evaluation assumes that the negative pressures generated are on the same order of
magnitude. Golightly et al. (2009) maintained a constant pressure drop of 3 psi across the concrete
throughout the experiment with a mechanical fan that pulled air across the concrete and through the air
sampler. This negative pressure is over two orders of magnitude higher than the pressure commonly
found in buildings. Based on these findings, the pressure gradients present in these studies will
overestimate mercury releases. However, the magnitude of this overestimation is unknown.

Relative Humidity
The relative humidity may alter the rate of mercury emanation from concrete. As the relative
humidity in a home decreases, the rate of movement of water from the concrete matrix may begin to
increase. Lower water retention within the concrete matrix may act to remove barriers to the transport of
mercury vapor. The evaluation did not identify any research directly evaluating the effects of indoor
ambient humidity on mercury emanation from concrete.
Shock et al. (2009) reported the relative humidity during collection of air samples near wallboard.
The relative humidity ranged between 25 percent and 40 percent during sample collection. The two
studies on concrete did not report the relative humidity (Golightly et al., 2005; 2009). However, because
no reported attempts were made to alter the humidity level in the buildings, the evaluation assumes that
the relative humidities fall somewhere in the standard indoor range of 30 percent to 60 percent (US
EPA, 2010e). Furthermore, because of the higher air temperature maintained around the concrete during
these evaluations, the relative humidity in the sampling containers in which the concrete was enclosed
would be lower than that of the surrounding room. Based on these findings, the relative humidities
present in these studies may over- or underestimate the amount of mercury released from concrete and
wallboard on a case-by-case basis, but the magnitude of the effect on the results of the evaluation is
likely to be small.

5.2.4 General Uncertainties

This section discusses the uncertainties that are present throughout the evaluation and affect multiple
exposure pathways.

Pollution Control Technologies

The current evaluation contains information on fly ash from coal-fired power plants that use air
pollution control technologies necessary to span the range of coal types and established air pollution
control technology configurations addressed in US EPA (2010a). In recent years, new pollution control
technologies, such as those with activated carbon or halogen additions, have been proposed and
implemented in response to new regulations on coal combustion facilities. The intent of these pollution

control technologies is to capture mercury and other pollutants from flue gases before they can escape
into the atmosphere. Limited data are available in the CCR Constituent Database to evaluate the effects
of these pollution control technologies on COPC releases. Because of the limited available data, this
evaluation draws no conclusions about the beneficial use of CCRs generated with these or any other
future pollution control technologies.

Hexavalent Chromium Mode of Action

At present, the US EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program is in the process of
developing an oral slope factor for ingested hexavalent chromium [chromium (VI)]. In the absence of a
finalized Tier I or Tier II toxicity value, as described in Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
2003 Directive 9285.7-33 (US EPA, 2003b), the evaluation relied upon the Tier III value finalized by
the State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) (NJDEP, 2009; Stern 2010).
The NJDEP drew no conclusions about the mode of action for chromium (VI). Based on existing
laboratory research, there is evidence that chromium (VI) may have a mutagenic mode of action (NTP,
2012; McCarroll et al., 2010). On the other hand, there is laboratory research indicating that the
mutagenic mode of action occurs only at high exposures associated with cell death and is, therefore, not
relevant to human environmental exposures (Stern, 2010). At present, neither NJDEP nor IRIS has
finalized a decision on the relevance of a mutagenic mode of action for human ingestion of chromium
(VI). Therefore, the lack of consensus on the interpretation of the current state of the science adds
uncertainty to the quantitative estimation of the oral cancer risk from ingestion of chromium (VI). If the
evaluation were to quantify a mutagenic mode of action, it would result in lower (i.e., more stringent)
screening benchmarks than those currently used for chromium (VI).

Human Exposure Factors

Exposure modeling relies heavily on data pertaining to population activity patterns, mobility, dietary
habits, body weight, and other factors. The physical characteristics, activities, and behavior of individual
receptors can vary considerably. Therefore, the single set of often high-end exposure factors used in the
current evaluation is likely to overestimate potential exposures. The magnitude of this overestimation
will vary on a case-by-case basis, depending on the characteristics of the individual receptor.
In instances where information on exposure factors was not available for a given receptor, this
evaluation used data on similar receptors. For example, this evaluation drew child fish-consumption
rates from data on adult recreational anglers. This extrapolation likely overestimates actual exposures, as
the amount of food consumed by a small child is anticipated to be less than that consumed by a full-
grown adult. In instances where age-specific child exposure factors were not available, this evaluation
used available child exposure data for all age cohorts. The current evaluation used soil ingestion rates
reported for children between the ages of three and six for all child age cohorts. This extrapolation may
under or overestimate exposures on a case-by-case basis.
This evaluation drew exposure factors from the 1997 Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 1997b)
and the 2008 Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 2008b). This evaluation carefully
reviewed and evaluated both documents for quality. The evaluation criteria included peer review,
reproducibility, pertinence to the United States, adequacy of the data collection period, validity of the

approach, representativeness of the population, characterization of the variability, lack of bias in study
design, and measurement error. EPA has also recently released the 2011 Exposure Factors Handbook
(US EPA, 2011). This document has undergone the same level of peer review as the previous
handbooks. However, OSWER is still assessing how best to incorporate the updated recommendations
into Agency evaluations. Therefore, this evaluation only drew data from this document where they were
not available in other iterations of the Exposure Factors Handbook. A review of the relevant exposure
factors contained in the 2011 Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 2011) found that adult water
consumption rates are lower and that adult body weights are higher than those found in the 1997
Exposure Factors Handbook (US EPA, 1997b). All other exposure factors relevant to this evaluation
remained the same between the 1997 and 2011 editions.

Cumulative Exposures
In the current evaluation, exposures to different COPCs were considered independently. In reality,
receptors are exposed to multiple constituents simultaneously. An individual COPC may interact with
other constituents present, resulting in synergistic or antagonistic effects that exacerbate or diminish the
health impacts predicted by evaluating each COPC independently. For this screening assessment, it is
considered inappropriate to consider additive exposures. The calculations in this document represent
exposures at or above a reasonable high-end. Due to the natural variability of CCRs and human
behavior, it is considered unlikely that a single receptor would be simultaneously exposed to high end
concentrations of every COPC. Furthermore, individual receptors are unlikely to be exposed to COPCs
from multiple exposure pathways within the same timeframe. COPCs are released and transported to
different media at different rates. For example, a receptor may receive ground water from an impacted
well and fish from an impacted surface water body; however, the well and water body will not be the
same distance away from the contaminant source. As a result, the concentrations in the well and the
water body will be different. Based on these considerations, the Agency chose not to consider
cumulative exposures in this evaluation. This approach may underestimate or overestimate potential
exposures on a case-by-case basis.

Exposure Pathways
In Step 4 (Screening Assessment), this evaluation considered the single pathway for each release that
is most likely to result in the highest chronic exposures during use of fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum
wallboard. Because these CCR products can be used in a variety of places and in a variety of ways,
receptors can be exposed through pathways other than those evaluated in this document. However,
consideration of these additional pathways is unlikely to result in a chronic time-averaged exposure any
higher than those presented in this document. Some exposures, such as those arising from home
renovation, may be higher in the short term, but will quickly decrease with time. The current evaluation
assumes that all of the media a receptor encounters are contaminated with high-end COPC
concentrations. If a receptor were to at any point leave this theoretical high-exposure environment for
another, the receptor’s exposures will only decrease. Therefore, while the existence of other exposure
scenarios introduces some uncertainty into the evaluation, it is unlikely to affect the results of the

5.3 Final Conclusions
The Methodology for Evaluating Encapsulated Beneficial Uses of Coal Combustion Residuals (US
EPA, 2013a) is a resource to aid states, tribes, local governments, the general public, and the regulated
community in evaluating the beneficial use of any encapsulated CCR. The current evaluation applied
this methodology to two of the largest encapsulated beneficial uses of CCRs, fly ash used as a direct
substitute for portland cement in concrete and FGD gypsum used as a replacement for mined gypsum in
wallboard. The conclusions of this evaluation are applicable to the specific conditions considered in this
evaluation, such as products conforming to relevant physical and performance standards established by
voluntary consensus standard-setting bodies.
All COPCs were eliminated prior to Step 4 (Screening Assessment), or were found to be at or below
all relevant regulatory and health-based screening benchmarks identified for this evaluation. Based on
these findings, the evaluation did not proceed to Step 5 (Risk Assessment). This evaluation characterized
the uncertainties present, and minimized the impact of these uncertainties to the extent practicable by
biasing the evaluation in a conservative direction. The review of uncertainties conducted showed that,
while the magnitude of the uncertainties is difficult to quantify, it is likely that the conservative direction
of the uncertainties causes the evaluation to overestimate potential exposures. As a result, while the
exposure concentrations calculated and reported in this document are considered sufficient to draw
conclusions regarding the beneficial uses under evaluation, these concentrations should not be cited for
purposes outside of the context of this evaluation.
Based on the analysis set forth in this document, the evaluation concludes that environmental
releases of COPCs from CCR fly ash concrete and FGD gypsum wallboard during use by the consumer
are comparable to or lower than those from analogous non-CCR products, or are at or below relevant
regulatory and health-based benchmarks for human and ecological receptors. Thus, EPA supports the
continued beneficial use of coal fly ash in concrete and FGD gypsum in wallboard. Furthermore, the
Agency believes that these beneficial uses provide significant environmental and economic benefits, and
opportunities to advance Sustainable Materials Management (SMM).

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