B1 - Review Recycling of Nylon From Carpet Waste
B1 - Review Recycling of Nylon From Carpet Waste
B1 - Review Recycling of Nylon From Carpet Waste
Large amounts of post-consumer carpet are discarded every year. Most of this.
waste is currently landfilled, while a small percentage is incinerated. The face car-
pet fibers, consisting primarily of nylon 6 and nylon 6.6, represent the majority
component in the carpet waste. Recent financial incentives and environmental con-
straints have motivated the industrial sector to develop recycling strategies for
these fibers. Depolymerization into their constituent monomers is the most com-
plex recycling route, but at the same time it produces the most valuable product. A
second alternative involves the use of solvents for the extraction of carpet fiber
components in their polymeric form. Finally, a third recycling option yields thermo-.
plastic mixtures by melt blendmg the carpet waste. The recent literature on the re-
cycling of nylon from carpet waste is reviewed in this paper. The paper also in-
cludes a section focusing on the current state of carpet recycling at the industrial
Corina Mihut, Dinyar K. Captain, Rancis Gadala-Maria, and Michael D. Amiridis
Secondary recycling, which involves recovering of polyamide formed by the reaction between hexameth-
the individual components of a polymeric mixture ylene diamine and adipic acid. Each of the monomers
without necessarily breaking them down to the has 6 carbon atoms, thus the designation 6,6. Com-
monomeric form. This category includes various mercial production of nylon 6.6 by DuPont began in
extraction and separation methods. 1939. I t s initial applications were sewing thread,
parachute fabric, and women's hosiery. When the
Tertiary recycling, which consists of preparing a U.S. entered World War 11, its nylon production was
thermoplastic mixture by melt-blending the entire allocated for military use. In the post-war industry,
carpet waste. This recycling route requires no nylon became one of the most widely used artificial
fiber separation or latex removal, as the carpet materials, with a variety of applications. By the end of
components are mixed by means of reactive ex- the 1940s, it was already being used for upholstery
trusion and compatibilization. Products of lower and in carpets. During the same period, Paul Schlack
quality can be manufactured from this blend, by of the infamous I. G. Farben Company in Germany
methods such as injection molding. obtained a different form of polyamide by using capro-
Quaternary recycling, which involves only energy lactam as the monomer, and called it "nylon 6." Most
recovery during the incineration of the polymer carpet fiber yarns in production today are either nylon
waste. 6 or 6.6, although a small percentage is made of poly-
ester, acrylics, polypropylene and other olefm fibers,
The intention of this review is to provide an insight wool or cotton ( 1, 6).
into the problem of carpet recycling, along with an A typical carpet has four main layers (51 as shown
analysis of the different methods being proposed or in Rg. 1. The top layer, or face yarn, is composed of
commercially utilized. The reviewed literature includes nylon fibers tufted through a primary backing, which
a limited amount of journal publications, which focus is usually made of polypropylene. Other fibers such as
primarily on fundamental aspects, and a large num- jute, polyethylene, polyesters and rayon may also be
ber of patents, which describe the available technolo- used. Latex adhesive is applied under the primary
gies. backing in order to secure the face fiber. The adhesive
is usually made of a styrene butadiene co-polymer
2. CARPETS-A BRIEF BACKGROUND (SBR),which is faed with inorganic materials such as
CaCO, or BaSO, (3).The fillers are added for sound-
Artifkial fibers have been created in an effort to im-
proofing purposes. Finally, a secondary backing (same
prove the quality and availability of textiles, and to re-
material as the primary backingl may optionally be
duce the cost of several products for the consumer.
Initial attempts were targeted towards the synthesis added to the primary backing and bonded to it by the
same SBR adhesive. The nylon face fibers, containing
of fibers with properties similar to those of the natural
dyes, soil-repellents (to improve the resistance to
materials. During the industrial revolution of the 19th
stains), and possibly other additives to improve the
century, the first patent for "artificial s i l k was
quality of the carpet, usually account for about half of
granted to a Swiss chemist in 1855 in England. It was
the total carpet weight.
not until the end of the 19th century t h a t the
"artificial silk" (rayon) started being produced on a 3. CARPET RECYCLING
commercial scale by French chemist Count Hilalre de
3.1 Generai Considerations
Discovered in 1931 by chemists at E. I. DuPont de As mentioned in the Introduction, there are several
Nemours and Company, nylon 6,6 quickly became recycling approaches, which differ by the type and
one of the most used fiber materials. Nylon 6.6 is the quality of the product generated, and consequently by
Carpet fibers
Primary backing -
Secondary backing-
Fig. 1. Carpet construction.
the type of process utilized. Depolymerbtion is the 13).Otherwise, as is the case with polymeric materi-
preferred route of carpet recycling, since it breaks als, more advanced recycling techniques are pre-
down the carpet fibers (nylon 6 and/or nylon 6,6) into ferred, which make use of the waste in a “smarter”
the corresponding monomers. This allows the recov- way by transforming it into useful raw material for
ery of the monomers that can be re-polymerized into other applications. Hence, incineration of carpet
new nylon products of high quality. waste is not regarded as a promising long-term alter-
Alternatively, the nylon component can be sepa- native for carpet disposal.
rated from the carpet waste by extraction. In this In the following sections the technical advantages of
process, the entire waste carpet material is dissolved each one of the most promising recycling techniques
in a solvent at elevated temperatures. During extrac- (depolymerization,extraction, melt blending, and me-
tion, the nylon from the fibers is recovered in its poly- chanical separation) are reviewed in detail. A n addi-
meric form and can be reused in injection molding ap- tional section is devoted to the current state of carpet
plications. The main problem associated with this recycllng at the industrial level.
approach is the selection of a suitable solvent that se-
lectively dissohres the nylon fibers and does not react
3.2 Depolymerization
with or dissolve any of the other carpet components. During depolymerization, polymer chains are bro-
Use of a partially selective solvent results in the recov- ken down into their monomeric constituents. A de-
ery of nylon containing several impurities, and hence, tailed description of the chemistry of the depolyrner-
having limited hrther use. ization of nylon 6 to its caprolactam monomer was
Melt blending of the entire carpet scrap generates a presented by Agrawal in 1975 (8).More recently,
thermoplastic mixture that can be used for the manu- Datye (4) reviewed the depolymerization of waste
facturing of a lower quality plastic material. Such a nylon generated during the manufacturing of nylon
material can be utilized in less “demanding”products. 6 and filament yam. Another review on the topic of
The method consists of melting the entire carpet e-caprolactam regeneration from wastes in the manu-
waste, without a previous separation into its compo- facture of nylon fibers and yams has also been pub-
nents, to obtain a blend of different polymeric and lished by Dmitrieva et aL (9). In the following para-
inorganic materials. The low quality and lack of ho- graphs we provide a summary of the most important
mogeneity of the resulting mixture are the main draw- issues related to the depolymerization process as ap-
backs of this method, restricting the number of appli- plied to the recovery of nylon from carpet waste and
cations in which its product can be used. Since review the more recent developments in this area.
carpets consist of several immiscible phases, compati- The depolymerization of nylon 6 is a first-order, en-
bilizers (i.e. interfacial agents that decrease the sur- dothermic reaction, which takes place in initiation
face tension and increase the interfacial adhesion be- and de-propagation steps. Water is an initiator for the
tween the different phases in a mixture) often must be depolymerization process. This process is endother-
added to the system in order to increase the miscibil- mic and requires high temperatures, achieved by the
ity of the various materials. The composition of the use of superheated steam. Steam not only acts as a
final product depends on the type and composition of heat source and water supply, but also provides a bet-
the carpet recycled, varying significantly from one ter agitation for the reaction system. Temperatures
batch to another. Despite these problems, this recy- above the boiling point of caprolactam (around 267°C)
cling approach is still attractive because of its low cost are typically used. Under such conditions a heteroge-
and the utilization of the entire carpet waste, without neous system is formed (a liquid polymer melt and a
a requirement for any prior separation. gas-phase caprolactam product). The caprolactam
Disassembling the face fibers off the used carpet monomer is removed from the reactor along with the
material using different mechanical separation meth- steam, resulting in a shift of the equilibrium towards
ods provides nylon 6 fibers that can be used in several further monomer formation.
applications. One example that has attracted some in- The depolymerizationreaction is thermodynamically
terest is their use in the reinforcement of concrete (7). favored at low pressures, since the number of moles
Laboratory studies have shown that adding 1-2 wt% in the system increases as the polymeric chain breaks
of short fibers separated from waste carpet to the con- into monomeric units. Furthermore, at low pressures
crete mix improves its properties, such as its tensile it becomes easier to separate the monomers (which
strength and shrinkage. usually have relatively high boiling points) from the
Used together with landfilling, b u t to a much melt. On the other hand, water solubility in the melt
smaller extent, incineration is slowly being aban- is favored at high pressures. Consequently, in most
doned, mahly because of the air pollution problems it cases, there is an optimum process pressure (usually
creates. The main idea behind incinerating this type above atmospheric value), which maximizes the reac-
of waste is to at least recover some of the energy value tion rate for a given temperature.
that was input during the manufacturing of the car- Catalysts may also be added to the reaction mixture
pet. Generally, this approach proves efficient when to accelerate the process. Both Lewis and Binsted
the energy needed to make the original material is acidic and basic catalysts have been used for this
less than twice the energy obtained by incinerating it application. Each class has certain advantages and
disadvantages that will be discussed later in this sec- ammonolysis process more efficient (12). The term
tion. The presence of a catalyst also allows for easier "catalyst precursors" was used in these studies in-
processing of the polymeric melt by decreasing its vis- stead of "catalyst" since the catalyst may or may not
cosity. maintain its original structure during the ammonoly-
Several types of depolymerization processes have sis process. These precursors were selected from a
been proposed and patented. All of them result in the group consisting of SCX,, TR4, M a , , ReX5, FeX3.
full recycling of the nylon component of a carpet into C G , CuX, Z e , M q , q, and AX3 (where X can
recycled nylon that has a quality comparable to the be C1, Br, or I).
quality of the original nylon used. Nylon-producing A process patented by Hendrix et aL for DSM (13)
companies have undertaken most of these efforts in also invokes a method of depolymerizing a polyamide
the past, although carpet manufacturers have re- to its monomer in the presence of "at least one nitro-
cently entered this area as well. The majority of the gen-containing compound."According to its inventors'
available depolymerization processes focus on the re- claims, this process can produce monomers with a
covery of caprolactam, the basic monomer of nylon 6. higher selectivity as compared to DuPont's ammonoly-
Companies such as BASF, AUiedSignal (which in 1999 sis process. The nitrogen-containing compounds that
merged with Honeywell under the Honeywell name), can be used include ammonia, or a primary, sec-
and DSM, which produce nylon 6, have led the efforts ondary or tertiary mine. Additionally, the nitrogen-
in this area. DuPont, on the other hand, which manu- containing compound chosen has to have a boiling
factures nylon 6,6, has focused its depolymerization point lower than the boiling point of caprolactam
efforts on the recovery of hexamethylenediamine (267°C).A concentration of two moles of the nitrogen-
(HDM) and adipic acid (the corresponding monomers containing compound per mole of amide group in the
of nylon 6,6). polymer is recommended, while at least one mole of
nitrogen-containing compound per w i d e group is re-
3.2.1 Deplyrnerization With A m n i a (Ammonolysis~ quired. Additionally, the authors claim that "accelera-
Nylon 6 and/or nylon 6.6 can be converted into a tors" (i.e. catalysts), which increase the reaction rate
mixture of the respective monomers through an am- and/or improve selectivity towards monomers, can be
monolysis process (10). This process involves heating also used. Examples of such "accelerators" include
of a polyamide mixture (such as a mixture of nylon 6 Lewis (such as Al,03)or Br6nsted acids (such as
and nylon 6,6) in the presence of ammonia at high H,P04 and H3BOJ. Reaction conditions include tem-
temperatures and pressures. At least one mole of am- peratures between 250°C and 350°C and pressures
monia (more is preferable) is needed per mole of between 0.9 and 3 atmospheres.
amide group in the polymer. The reaction takes place The DSM process can be carried out in a batch.
at temperatures between 300°C and 350°C. In addi- semi-batch, or continuous reactor; the continuous
tion to temperature, the reaction rate also depends on steady state process is preferred, since it improves the
the reactor pressure, with pressures in the range of monomer selectivity. The nitrogen-containing com-
500-2500 psig being preferred. The products gener- pound reacts with the polyamide mixture in a molten
ated during this process include hexamethylene di- form, and the products are removed from the reactor
m i n e (HMD), 5-cyanovaleramide (CVAM), adiponitrile through the gas phase. The products are then sepa-
(ADN), caprolactam (CL), 6-aminocaproamide (6- rated by steam and vacuum distillation. The products
ACAM) and 6-aminocapronitrile (6-ACN).Water is also include caprolactam and aminocaproic acid (a capro-
formed during the reaction, and is known to suppress lactam precursor), together with small amounts of
the complete conversion of the intermediately formed aminocaproamide and aminocapronitrile. The desired
amides to nitriles by shifting the equilibrium of this monomer in the DSM process is caprolactam. Conse-
process. This can be avoided by continuous removal quently, the DSM process can be operated in the
of the water, achieved by flowing excess ammonia presence of water, to minimize nitrile formation, This
through the reaction zone. The monomers produced is not the case in the DuPont ammonolysis process,
are then fractionally distilled into separate streams which targets the formation of nitriles, and subse-
containing HMD/6-ACN, CL and ADN (11). HMD, 6- quently, HMD. The preferred feed in the DSM process
ACN and ADN are then hydrogenated to form pure is nylon that has been separated from the other non-
HMD, the monomer required for the production polyamide components of the post consumer carpet.
of nylon 6,6. Caprolactam can be either purified, or However, the DSM patent states that the process can
recycled into the ammonolysis process. Although the also be operated without prior separation, but does
ammonolysis reaction does not require a catalyst, the not present any performance data in this case. Finally,
addition of a phosphate catalyst (such as phosphoric mixtures of nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 can be used, al-
acid, ammonium phosphate or boron phosphate) has though all examples shown in the patent used pure
been shown to increase its rate. nylon 6 as the reactor feed.
McKinney, who invented the ammonolysis process,
further explored the effect of Lewis-acid catalyst 3.2.2 Acid-CatalyzedDeplymerization
precursors on the rate of this process. He reported Acid catalysts were utilized in early efforts to de-
that the presence of such precursors makes the polymerize nylon 6 to caprolactam, and several
Review: Recycling of Nybn From Carpet Waste
processes utilizing such catalysts have emerged from 280°C. The amount of steam added t m vary depend-
these efforts. When such processes are applied to the ing upon the auxiliary heating requirements of the re-
depolymerization of carpet fibers, however, a separa- actor (such as electrical heat to the reactor wall). The
tion of the fibers from the other carpet components gas phase products are carried out of the reactor by
(i.e., "beneficiation")is required, since the CaCO, usu- the steam, and are distilled in order to recover the
ally present in the fillers can consume an equivalent caprolactam monomer. The non-volatile wastes and
amount of the acid catalyst used. by-products are directed to a powerhouse for inciner-
Among the several general acid depolymerization ation and heat recovery. I t is also possible to recover
processes, one patented by Crescenthi et aL (14) for the used phosphoric acid catalyst during heat recov-
Allied Corporation has several similarities to depoly- ery. Examples are presented in the Corbin et al.
merization processes used for carpet materials. The patent, where both nylon 6 fibers and carpet waste
Crescentini process was developed for the depolymer- containing nylon 6 fibers were used as the feed. In
ization of cyclic oligomers of nylon 6 that are present both cases, nearly pure caprolactam suitable for
in nylon 6 chip wash water, and it involves an initial nylon 6 production was recovered. A caprolactam
separation of unreacted caprolactam from the cyclic yield of 56% was reported for the case when only
oligomers present in the wash water. This can be nylon 6 fibers were fed to the reactor.
achieved by feeding the aqueous mixture to a wiped- BASF Corporation has also developed a semi-con-
film evaporator at a temperature of 200°C to 300°C tinuous process for the depolymerization of nylon 6 to
and a pressure of 10 to 250 Torr (0.013-0.329 atm). caprolactam (16). According to the patent's claims,
Caprolactam is carried off by steam in the overhead this process successfully addresses some of the prob-
stream, and the cyclic oligomers are recovered from lems encountered with the continuous process, such
the bottoms. The oligomers are then fed to the depoly- as low efficiency in the presence of contaminants and
merization kettle. The operating temperature is be- large amounts of catalyst waste. The semi-continuous
tween 230°C and 290°C. and the caprolactam formed process uses acid catalysts such as ortho-phosphoric
is stripped off with superheated steam. A phosphoric or para-toluenesolfonic acid at a loading between 5
or orthophosphoric catalyst is used at a level of 0.5 to and 35 wt% of the polyamide reactant. Polyamides
5 wto/o of the cyclic oligomers fed. More than 75% of that have been produced from a single monomer
the oligomers can be recovered in the form of capro- (nylon 6)are preferred, although mixtures of polymers
lactam. I t should be pointed out, however, that when can also be depolymerized As claimed by the patent,
acid catalyzed processes are used, carpet separation this invention is suitable for polymers in various
is required, since the CaCO, usually present in the forms such as molded articles, chips, fibers, films, as
fillers can consume an equivalent amount of the acid well as polymer wastes containing solid contaminants
catalyst used. (pigments,TiO,, polyethylene, etc.). The primary reac-
Corbin et aL (15) invented a process for BASF Cor- tion product is once again caprolactam. The semi-
poration for the continuous recovery of caprolactam continuous reactor could be any conventional acid-re-
from nylon 6 fibers, as well as carpets made from sistant electrically heated reactor equipped with an
such fibers. Corbin et aL claim that beneficiation is inlet for the addition of the polyamide feed and a con-
not required in their process and offer an example to denser. Steam, supplied through nozzles, is used as a
support this claim in the patent. Consequently, the carrier to remove the caprolactam product from the
non-nylon carpet components can either be separated reactive mixture. Usually the reactor is also purged
(via shreddingl before the reaction, or separated from with an inert gas, such as nitrogen, m order to avoid
the caprolactam product after depolymerization. In the presence of oxygen in the system, which can ad-
the latter case the separation costs are minimized, but versely affect the reaction rate.
the other carpet components, such as the polypropy- A typical run involves adding the polymer and the
lene backing, cannot be recovered and recycled. In the acid catalyst in ground or molten form to the semi-
BASF process, pure nylon 6 or a carpet containing continuous reactor. The reactor is maintained at a
nylon 6 fibers is fed to a continuous depolymerization temperature between 260°C and 280°C and super-
reactor unit. Nylon 6 production wastes such as heated steam between 100°C and 450°C is added
yarns, chips or extruder slag, along with nylon 6 wash below the level of the polyamide/catalyst melt. The
water, can also be included in the reactor feed. A thin steam carries off the caprolactam product to a con-
film evaporator design may be used for the reactor denser, where the caprolactam-containingdistillate is
and in this case the feed is introduced in a molten collected for further processing. When a sufficient
form. The process can also be carried out in a batch conversion of the polyamide to the monomer (40% to
reactor, although a continuous process is preferred. goo/) is reached, a new batch of polymer is added and
Phosphoric acid at a concentration of 5 to 7 wtYo is the process is repeated. No additional catalyst is added
also added as a catalyst. Other active catalysts for with the new polymer batch. When orthophosphoric
this application include boric acid and phosphate acid is used as the catalyst, a loading of 5 to 25 wt?h
salts. Superheated steam is also introduced to the re- is required. For para-toluenesulfonic acid, the re-
actor, preferably at temperatures between 250°C and quired loading is 10 to 35 wto/o. According to Kotek,
Corina Mihut, Dinyar K. Captain, Francis Gadala-Maria, and Michael D.Amiridis
who invented this process, it is these high catalyst carbonate was invented by Nielinger et aL for Bayer
loadings that lead to the effective breakdown of the AG (19). In the context of this patent, polyamide 6 is
polymer into its constituent monomers, and to the understood to be pure polyamide 6 as well as mix-
minimization of undesirable by-products. We should tures of polyamides with over 50% (and preferably
point out, however, that the patent in this case does over 80%) polyamide 6 content. The polyamides and
not provide quantitative examples to allow us to as- the potassium carbonate catalyst (0.5 to 2.5 wt%) are
sess its effectiveness when compared with other avail- heated in an inert nitrogen atmosphere to tempera-
able depolymerization processes. tures up to 270"C-3OO0C. The caprolactam formed is
A process targeting the depolymerization of nylon 6 distilled off under reduced pressures (below 100
and/or nylon 6,6 In the form of sheared nylon carpet mbar). The distilled caprolactam can then be fraction-
face fibers, using aliphatic carboxylic acids, has been ated to obtain a pure monomeric product. Unlike
invented by Moran for DuPont (17). Unlike the previ- other processes, the Bayer process does not utilize liq-
ous depolymerization processes, the acid used in this uid water or steam. As a result, there is no need to re-
case is also one of the reactants. Suitable carboxylic move the water from the caprolactam before or during
acids include acetic and propionic acid. In the depoly- fractionation. Additionally, the caprolactam can be re-
merization of nylon 6, one mole of acid is required for covered from this process in very high yields (greater
every two moles of repeat polymer units, and the re- than 90%)and with high purity.
sulting monomer is caprolactam. In the depolymeriza- Mixtures of nylon 6 and/or nylon 6,6 can also be
tion of nylon 6.6, two moles of acid are required for depolymerized by alkali or alkaline earth hydroxide
every mole of repeat polymer units, and the monomer catalysts. In a process developed by M o m for DuPont
produced is adipic acid. A particular advantage of this (201, such catalysts are used for the depolymerization
process, as claimed by the patent, is that mixtures of of polyamide mixtures, and efficiently produce capro-
nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 can be simultaneously depoly- lactam from nylon 6 and hexamethylene diamine from
merized to caprolactam and adipic acid, respectively, nylon 6,6. This process claims to accommodate vari-
without requiring any prior separation. Generally, the ous feeds, which is expected when mixed post-con-
carboxyk acid is added in excess, and the by-prod- sumer and industrial waste are being processed. Also,
ucts of the reaction are 6-alkylamidohexanoic acid this invention can be used to process either pure
(from nylon 6) and N,N-hexamethylenebisalkylamide nylon 6, and nylon 6,6 as well as any combination of
(from nylon 6.6). The reaction is carried out in an au- the two,The same group has also been involved in the
toclave at temperatures preferably above 250"C, and development of acid depolymerization routes (see pre-
autogenous pressure. Once substantial conversion vious section) and notes that acid catalysts are very
has been achieved, the reactor is cooled down, and effective in converting nylon 6 to caprolactam, but
the monomers are separated by steam distillation or also form a variety of undesirable by-products in the
other methods. In the examples given in the patent, case of nylon 6,6, such as pentyl amine, pentyl nitrile,
sigruficant amounts of the by-products were formed, aminmapronitrile and butyl amine. On the contrary,
with approximately 3% caprolactam produced, and basic catalysts produce negligible amounts of the
10%-20% adipic acid. undesirable by-products. In the DuPont process, a
An improvement of the aliphatic carboxylic de- mixture of nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 is added to the reac-
polymerization method was proposed by Moran and tor along with a sufficient amount of a basic catalyst,
McKinney also for DuPont (18). In this case, the such as sodium hydroxide. The reactor is maintained
6-alkylamidohexanoic acid and N,N'-hexamethylene at a temperature of at least 275"C, and high-temp-
bisalkylamide byproducts are further oxidized to erature steam is continuously added to carry the
adipic acid. The oxidation (by air, oxygen or hydrogen monomer products out of the non-volatile polymer
peroxide) can take place either simultaneously with melt. In the examples shown in the patent, analysis of
the depolymerization or in a separate step. Altema- the steam distillate from the reactor revealed only the
tively, electrochemical oxidation techniques can also presence of caprolactam and hexamethylene diamine.
be applied. According to the patent, this method also A similar process for the depolymerization of
applies to carpet materials. In this case, waste carpets polyamides in the presence of water and a basic cata-
can be entirely dissolved in the aliphatic acids used, lyst was developed by Thomissen for DSM (21). This
at temperatures of about 110°C and atmospheric process operates at pressures between 0.5 and 1.8
pressures. Carpet components, such as the primary MPa and suitable basic catalysts include alkaline-
and secondary backings and adhesive binder, which earth oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates, sodium and
are insoluble in the acid solution, can be separated by potassium amino caproates. the sodium and potas-
hot filtration. The acidic filtrate, containing the nylon sium salts of the linear dimer or trimer of amino
fibers, can then be subjected to the depolymerization caproic acid or mixtures thereof. Preferably, sodium
process. hydroxide and/or sodium amino caproate are used.
The reaction is carried out in the absence of oxygen
3.2.3Base-Catalyzed Deplgmerization at a temperature between 250°C and 300°C with
A process based on the thermal depolymerization of the feed being in its molten form. The amount of the
nylon 6 to caprolactam in the presence of potassium basic catalyst required is 0.2% of the weight of the
Review: Recycling of Nylon From Carpet Waste
polyamide. Superheated steam is passed through the while maintaining the temperature and amount of
polymer melt, and the products are withdrawn steam constant also results in a n increase in the
through the gas phase, which is then condensed in amount of water dissolved into the nylon 6 melt, and
order to recover the monomer. The patent states that hence accelerates the depolymerization reaction. The
this process can be used for a mixture of different examples used in the patent show conversions of
polyamides: however, only examples using nylon 6 nylon 6 to caprolactam of approximately 90 mol%,
and its cyclic oligomers were presented. A very high with side products such as the dimer and ammonia
conversion (over 98%) to caprolactam was obtained in being less than 1% and 3'70,respectively. The patent,
these examples. According to its inventor, the advan- however, does not incorporate any recovery, recycling
tages of this process over commonly used acid-cat- or further processing of the nylon Mepleted polymer
alyzed depolymerization processes are the shorter melt that exits from the reactor bottoms.
reaction times required, and the elimination of phos- In a second AlliedSignal patent, Jenczewski et aL
phate wastes (from the phosphoric acid catalyst used (25) describe a process in which the carpet is first
in acid catalyzed processes). shredded and then introduced into the reactor via a
pump so that a high pressure can be maintained.
3.2.4Depolymerizdion With Water Water is then introduced into the reactor, and the
In addition to acid-catalyzed or base-catalyzed de- mixture is heated to a temperature between 250°C
polymerization processes described in the previous and 350°C at pressures between 465 and 2700 psi.
sections, the patent literature also reveals the devel- Significantly higher pressures are required in this
opment of processes for the depolymerization of nylon process, since it is desirable to maintain water in its
6 to caprolactam that require only the presence of su- liquid state. Consequently, the operating pressure has
perheated steam. One such process was invented by to be higher than the vapor pressure of water at the
Sifniades et aL (22)and Braun et aL (23)for AlliedSig- elevated temperatures used. Under these conditions,
nal. The use of carpet made from nylon 6 is empha- the nylon 6 fiber is dissolved in the water, and the de-
sized in this case, since the desired monomer to be re- polymerization is initiated. At the completion of the
covered is caprolactam. Nevertheless, the feed to the depolymerization process, a two-phase mixture re-
reactor may contain up to a total of 10'70of non-nylon mains in the reactor, consisting of the nylon 6 depoly-
6 carpet fibers, such as nylon 6,6or PET, since these merization products dissolved in the aqueous phase,
low levels of "contamination"do not interfere with this and an insoluble component consisting of the non-
depolymerization process. Unlike most other depoly- nylon 6 components of the initial unseparated carpet
merization processes that require separation of the material. At that point, the reactor is cooled down in
nylon fibers from the other carpet components, this order to facilitate the separation of the soluble
process works efficiently even when the feed consists monomers from the insoluble components. The cool-
of the entire carpet waste material, not subjected to ing tends to solidify the insolubles, thus making their
any prior separation. It is preferred, however, that the separation much easier. These materials, which con-
feed be in the form of a melt. This is achieved by the sist of polypropylene, fiuers and rubber adhesives, can
use of an extruder, gear pump, or other similar de- be sent off for heat recovery. The aqueous portion of
vices. It is also recommended that the melt be briefly the reaction is distilled and condensed in order to re-
contacted with water in the extruder, in order to initi- cover the dissolved caprolactam monomer, which can
ate the depolymerization reaction at this early stage then be purified as necessary. High purity caprolac-
and facilitate the overall process (24). The unsepa- tam yields in the order of 80% are reported in the
rated polymer melt is then sent to a continuous reac- patent. Although the inventor claims that this process
tor where it is heated to a temperature between 290°C is also suitable for the depolymerization of nylon 6,6
and 340°C and pressurized to a pressure between 3 carpet, yielding adipic acid and hexamethylene di-
and 15 atm. The melt is then contacted with a stream amine as the monomers, only examples using nylon
of superheated steam, which acts as the primary heat kontaining carpet were presented.
source. owing to contact between the polymer and
3.2.5 Pyrolysis
steam at elevated temperatures and pressures, the
caprolactam formed is collected via the overheads as a The depolymerization of nylon 6 in the absence of
vapor stream, and the nylon Mepleted melt is col- oxygen at high temperatures (pyrolysis) has been in-
lected at the bottoms. The overhead can then be con- vestigated as another possible route of nylon recy-
densed in order to recover caprolactam, which can be cling. A study involving the heterogeneous catalytic
further purifled as desired. The role of the steam, in pyrolysis of nylon 6 has been recently published by
addition to heating the reactor, is to promote the cleav- Czernik et aL (26). Using a fluidized bed reactor, with
age of the amide bonds of the polymer, which initiates nitrogen as the fluidizing gas, this group investigated
the depolymerization process. Pressure is also found the depolymerization of nylon 6 to caprolactam in the
to have an effect on the reaction. At low pressures presence of an alumina-supported KOH catalyst at
(e.g. 1 atm), relatively large amounts of caprolactam temperatures between 300 and 700°C. The product
cyclic dimer are formed, (approximately 4% of the contained caprolactam, a dimer of caprolactam, and
caprolactam in the overheads).Increasing the pressure a series of low-molecular-weight fragments. In the
Corina Mihut, Dinyar K. Captain,Francis Gadala-Maria, and Michael D. A M i s
absence of a catalyst, high caprolactam yields were ob- data. These models are based on the mechanism of
tained at temperatures above 450°C. However, such the hydrolytic polymerization of caprolactam and on
high process temperatures can be detrimental when the assumption of reversibility. The three main reac-
applied to polymeric mixtures, when the decomposition tion steps are as follows (28):
of other plastic materials present in the carpet mixture
can contaminate the caprolactam. The use of a catalyst Ring Opening: C +W kdKi
allows for higher reaction rates at lower o p e r a w tem-
peratures, and thus improved selectivity and caprolac-
tam yield. Czernik et aL reported that a 5 wt!??KOH/
&03 catalyst best satisfies the optimization criteria at
temperatures between 330°C and 360°C yielding 85Yo kS
Polyaddittorx C + Sn sn+, (3)
of the possible caprolactam with a purity of 86%89%. WK3
Although this study focused on the pyrolysis of pure where C stands for caprolactam, W for water, and S,
nylon 6, it can be potentially applied for the recovery of for a polymer molecule containing n monomer units.
caprolactam from carpet waste material. Rate expressions were written for the reverse reac-
Using TG/MS and closed-loop reactor analysis, tions (depolymerization),and can be used in the de-
Bockhorn et aL (27) have investigated the kinetics of velopment of reactor models (e.g. batch or semi-
the catalyzed and non-catalyzed pyrolysis of nylon 6 batch). Good agreement between model predictions
under isothermal as well as transient conditions. Ki- and experimental data was obtained. Simulation re-
netic parameters (apparent activation energies and re- sults were compared to experimental data reported in
action orders) were calculated in all cases. At 450°C the literature. The acid-catalyzed depolymerization
the non-catalyzed thermal degradation was found to can also be simulated by this method, since acid end-
generate primarily caprolactam (92% yield). Among groups are present in the reaction scheme. In this
the by-products the cyclic dimer was the main one case, however, a good fit between the model predic-
(approximately 4% yield), and its yield increased at tions and the experimental data was obtained only at
temperatures above 420°C. The use of a 10 wt% high acid catalyst concentrations.
ortho-phosphoric acid catalyst increases the caprolac- A kinetic model of the depolymerization of nylon 6
tam yield to 97%. while the degradation temperature and nylon 6.6 mixtures via DuPont's ammonolysis
is decreased by approximately 100°C.Once again, the route was more recently proposed by Kalfas (29).In
main by-product was the cyclic dimer (2%) and its this case, the polyamide mixture reacts with excess
yield increased above 320°C.A lower apparent activa- ammonia at elevated temperatures and pressures,
tion energy and a higher apparent kinetic order (163.9 and yields hexamethylene diamine (nylon 6,6mono-
kJ/mol vs. 211 W/mol, and 1.9vs. 1.3,respectively) mer) and caprolactam (nylon 6 monomer). The reac-
were observed as compared to the non-catalyzed case. tions involved in this process are shown below (29):
When a base catalyst was used (60:40 molar ratio
eutectic mixture of NaOH and KOH) the apparent acti-
vation energy was further reduced and the caprolac-
tam yield was increased to 98% at 260°C,with all the
by-products being below 1%.
NH-(cH,), -NH-CO
Nylon 6,b
-(cH,), -CO +
3.2.6 Mathematical M o d e m of the
&polymerization Process n H,N-(CH,)6 -NH, +
r 2n NH3
n HZN--CO-(CHz), -CO-NH,
Hexamethylene Diamine Adipamide
Although a significant number of patents focus on
depolymerization of carpet fibers, a very limited
amount of fundamental work has been published in nNC
--(cH,),-cT + nH,(
this area. Most of these fundamental studies have fo- Adiponitrile
cused on the kinetics of the depolymerization process.
Kinetic models that capture the basic chemistry tak-
ing place during depolymerization are critical for the
design of process equipment and the selection of opti-
mal operating conditions. In this section, we review
ICO-(CH,), -NH H C O -(CH,), -NH
Nylon 6
some of the modeling efforts for the depolymerization
of nylon 6 to caprolactam (28) as well as the a m -
n Fl2NCO-(CH?),--NH, CO-(pH,),-NH
monolysis of nylon 6.6 and nylon 6 mixtures (29). + 111
This mechanism involves amide link breakage and The main problem associated with this method is
amide end dehydration (nitrilation) reactions, as well the reactivity of the solvent with the polymeric mater-
as ring addition and ring opening reactions for the ial, which causes degradation of the polyamide chain.
conversion of the cyclic lactams present in nylon 6. Examples used in the DuPont patent show that pro-
The model proposed by Kalfas is based upon this longed exposure of nylon to a glycol solution at the
mechanism, and was developed for an isothermal boiling point of the glycol signikmtly reduces its mol-
batch reactor. Simulation studies conducted with this ecular weight. In fact, the decrease in molecular
model examined the effect of different parameters weight, and thus the degradation of the polyamide
such as the ammonia concentration and the values of chain, is proportional to the exposure time. To prevent
the equilibrium constant for the amide end dehydra- this reaction, the process includes a quenching step
tion reaction. Simulations were conducted for homo- following the dissolution of the polyamide compo-
geneous polyamide systems (nylon 6 or nylon 6,6),as nents. During quenching, a low enough temperature
well as mixtures of the two components. However, no is reached so that any potential reaction between
comparison was shown between the model predic- the polyamide and the solvent is inhibited. The two
tions and any experimental results, presumably be- main advantages of the quenching technique, as de-
cause of the proprietary nature of such data. Never- scribed in the DuPont patent, are the recovery of the
theless, this study is valuable, since it demonstrates polyamides with minimal degradation (since the expo-
the effect of the different parameters on critical sure time at high temperatures is minimized),and po-
process characteristics such as polymer conversion tential reuse of the solvent. Since the solubilities of
and monomer selectivity. different polyamides vary with temperature, control-
ling the quenching temperature enables one to precip-
3.3 Extraction of Polyamidem itate the polyamides sequentially, thus separating
Extraction methods attempt to separate and recover them from mixtures. However, in the examples shown
the polyamides from the other carpet components in the patent, the only results presented are from the
without converting them back to the original mono- recovery of nylon 6,6from carpet and automotive ra-
mers. Usually, the separated nylon obtained from diators.
such processes is injection molded into other prod- A process based on extraction with pure and mix-
ucts. Several extraction processes have been proposed tures of aliphatic alcohols, as well as mixtures of
in the patent literature. Most of them utilize organic water and aliphatic alcohols, has been developed by
solvents, which, at elevated temperatures, can sepa- Booij et al. for DSM (31). As in the DuPont process,
rate different carpet components in sequential steps. the face fibers are separated from the rest of the car-
The main challenge in choosing a solvent for such ex- pet components by selectively dissolving the fibers
traction processes is the required selectivity in dis- in an appropriate solvent at high temperatures. The
solving only the nylon fibers. The more selective such solvent containing the polyamides is then physically
a solvent is, the better the purity of the separated separated from the insolubles, and the nylon is pre-
nylon obtained from the process. Furthermore, the cipitated out of the solution by lowering the tempera-
potential chemical interaction of the solvent with ture. Once again, separation of different types of nylon
other carpet components, and especially the inorganic fibers can be achieved by controlled decrease of the
fillers and adhesives, is an issue that needs to be con- temperature. Different solvents, such as Cl-C12
sidered. If the solvent indeed interacts with these aliphatic alcohols, and monohydric and dihydric alco-
components, the separated nylon obtained contains hols can be used, with methanol and ethanol being
impurities that alter its properties and reduce its designated as the preferred extraction agents. The ad-
value. vantage of this process over the previous DuPont
A DuPont process developed by Subramanian (30) process is that there is minimum interaction between
recovers polyamides from mixtures containing "for- the polyamides and the solvent and it also allows sep-
eign" materials (such as carpet backing, glass fiber, aration of the dyes from the fibers. The DSM process
other polymers, etc.) with minimal loss of molecular applies to carpets containing a variety of components
weight (i.e. reclamation without depolymerization). (such as polypropylene, jute, fillers, rubbers, and ad-
The procedure consists of dissolving the material con- hesives) and it generates a directly reusable nylon,
taining the polyamides at elevated temperatures in a since the polyamide chains are not decomposed dur-
polar solvent such as a polyol or an aliphatic car- ing the process.
boxylic acid. Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol are Along the same lines, extraction of polyamides with
typical examples of the polyols used. Aliphatic car- a glycolic compound was also proposed by Stefandl
boxylic acids having 2 to 6 carbon atoms (such as (32).The Stefandl process applies well to mixed nylon
acetic acid or propionic acid) are also effective sol- carpet scrap, which can be separated based on the
vents. The solvents used must be anhydrous, since relative solubility of the nylon fractions as a function
water reduces the solubility of the polyamide. Cooling of temperature. Nylon 6,for example, is soluble in
the solution causes the dissolved polyamide compo- glycerol at 155"C,whereas nylon 6,6is soluble at
nents to precipitate out, and these can be further iso- 195°C.Carpet scrap containing both nylon 6 and nylon
lated by filtration. 6.6 is first dissolved in glycerol at 165°C to solubilize
Corina Mihut, Dinyar K. Captain, Francis Gadala-Maria, and Michael D. Amiridis
the nylon 6 component. The solution obtained is with- operating conditions, such a s solvent and nylon con-
drawn in a separate vessel, where, by rapid cooling to centration, and upstream and downstream pressures
40°C. nylon 6 precipitates. The residue containing have been found to have little to no effect on the mean
nylon 6,6 along with the rest of the carpet compo- nylon particle size and particle size distribution.
nents is dissolved in a second vessel at 200°C. The
3.4 Melt Blending
precipitation of nylon 6,6 from the hot solution is also
achieved by rapid cooling to 40°C. Both polymeric pre- Tertiary recycling of carpet materials consists of
cipitates are washed with water to remove traces of reusing the carpet as a whole, by melting or extruding
glycerol, and then dried under vacuum. Since, at high it to form a blended mixture that is subsequently
temperatures, nylon can undergo oxidation with oxy- used in the production of injection molded polymers
gen and/or hydrolysis with water present in the sol- and thermoplastics. An advantage of this process is
vent, an inert atmosphere is required. Relative viscos- low cost, since no expensive separation and depoly-
ity and differential scanning calorimetry were used to merization procedures are required. However, depend-
determine the purity of the obtained polyamides in ing on the chemical compatibility of the waste carpet
the patent examples. According to the results, both components melt blending usually results to low qual-
recovered nylon samples exhibited single melting ity melt-blended plastics with limited uses. Kotlair
points corresponding to those of the pure polymers. and Fountain (6)developed a relatively simple process
An extraction method that uses supercritical CO, as that converts carpet waste (industrial and post con-
the extraction agent to separate individual polymeric sumer) to fibrous composites that can be used as
materials from carpet scraps has been developed by *syntheticwood." The carpet waste is first converted
Sikorski for the Georgia Tech Research Corp. (33).Al- to individual "shreds" approximately one-half inch in
though other extraction agents such as ethane and n- length. These shreds (still containing the polypropy-
butane are also capable of performing the supercriti- lene backing and latex adhesive) are then coated with
cal stage-wise separation, CO, is preferred because of low viscosity prepolymers used as structural adhe-
its low cost, low chemical reactivity, and low toxicity. sives. Examples of such prepolymers include phenol-
The carpet components in this case are gradually dis- formaldehyde and epoxy resins. The resin-coated
solved in supercritical COz in the increasing order of shreds are then cured at approximately 15O"C-19O0C
their melthg points. Carpet scrap is introduced in an and pressed into the fibrous composites. Methods of
extraction vessel along with supercritical CO,. Tem- curing include high temperature pressing, or the use
perature and pressure are adjusted so that the carpet of a vented extruder. A large variety of composite ma-
component with the lowest melting point is dissolved terials can be produced following this approach. Their
first in the extraction fluid. The solution obtained properties and quality depend on the composition of
is withdrawn in a separation vessel, where, by de- the original carpet (carpet fiber to backing ratio) and
creasing the temperature and pressure, the carpet the type and amount of resin used. These parameters
component is separated from the extraction fluid. In also affect the process conditions and the potential
subsequent steps, the temperature and pressure are uses of the final recycled product.
systematically increased so that each individual com- Another method of carpet scrap recycling, which
ponent of the carpet scrap mixture can be eventually converts the heterogeneous carpet into a homoge-
recovered. The recovered extraction fluid can then be neous thermoplastic blend has been developed by
recirculated. The carpet components are separated in Young et al for Lear Corporation (3).This process fo-
the following order: grease and lubricants, latex cuses primarily on automotive carpet scrap. The typi-
(styrene-butadiene rubber), backing (polypropylene), cal automotive carpet consists of nylon 6 or nylon 6,6
and, finally, face yams (nylon 6 or 6.6). face fibers, a polypropylene or polyester primary back-
Finally, a method that combines the use of a solvent ing, a polflethylene-co-vinyl acetate) (or EVA) precoat,
and a supercritical fluid antisolvent (non-solvent) to and a CaCO, or BaSO, filled poly(EVA) back coat.
separate nylon 6,6 from other carpet materials has This composition differs from the composition of typi-
been recently reported by Griffith et aZ. (34).This cal residential carpet in the type of backing and the
process takes place in three steps. First, the carpet ma- amount of inorganic particulate fillers (i.e. CaCO, and
terial is treated with a solvent (e.g. formic acid solution) BaSOJ used. Increased amounts of fillers &e added
to separate the nylon 6.6 from the other carpet compo- in this case as sound insulators. In the Lear Corpora-
nents. In the second step, nylon is precipitated out of tion process the carpet scraps are first shredded and
this solution by the use of supercritical CO,. The oper- granulated before being fed to a twin-screw extruder.
ating conditions are chosen such that nylon 6,6 is solu- The extruder is operated a t a temperature between
ble only in formic acid and CO, and formic acid are 210°C and 230°C.The melt produced is then pel-
miscible. Contact of the two solvents causes precipita- letized and used in injection molding applications.
tion of nylon 6.6, due to the lowering of the solution's Such applications include the production of other au-
solvent strength. In the third and final step, the pres- tomotive parts, such as flexible floor mats to replace
sure is lowered, formic acid and CO, separate and are the currently used vinyl or rubber mats, or automo-
recycled back into the process, and nylon is recovered tive carpet backing with superior sound-insulating
in powder form (particles smaller that 20 pm). The properties. Additionally, rigid materials such as door
panels and truckliners can be manufactured from the the depolymerizationof the tufted nylon fibers to their
recycled material. Although the melt-blended material constituent monomers. Depolymerization processes
already behaves as a thermoplastic, the addition of a usually require the nylon fibers to be free of any other
compatibilizing agent greatly improves its quality. carpet material, and hence, a sepcvation step is nec-
Generally, thermoplastics resulting from a mixture of essary prior to the depolymerization. Such a separa-
polymers produce melts with poor mechanical proper- tion step can increase the cost of depolymerization-
ties because of incomplete mixing of the different based recycling processes slgniflcantly, making most
components. Compatibilizing agents promote such of them prohibitively expensive. The different available
mixing, and hence, improve the overall characteristics separation methods are reviewed in this section. It
of the blend and of the resulting injection molded should also be noted that current development efforts
products. EVA, which is already present in automo- in the carpet recycllng field focus on recycling routes
bile carpets. is an example of such a compatibilizer. that utilize the carpet scrap as a whole, or require
The compatibilization between nylon 6 and poly- minimum separation.
propylene was investigated by Datta et al. (35). This In 1993 Hagguist and Hume (39)invented the "Car-
group studied the effect of the addition of a compatibi- pet Reclaimer," an apparatus that disintegrates and
lizer (maleic anhydride gr&ed polypropylene, MA-g-PP) separates post-consumer carpet into its principal
on the final properties of a blend of nylon 6 and components. The carpet is first moved along a con-
polypropylene. They used two samples of shredded car- veyor belt to a rotating cutter, which shears the loops
pet waste containing nylon 6 and polypropylene face of the continuous carpet yam (tuft fiber]. The carpet is
fibers, with and without calcium CarbonateiYled SBR then sent to another station where it is treated with
The properties of the final blend were optimized by air, water, steam and several chemical solutions
varying the extrusion and compression molding para- under conditions of high temperature and pressure
meters, and the percentage of the compatibilkr added. (the choice of which depends on the type of the carpet
The results show that this approach can be used to processed). The purpose of this step is to "debond the
produce resins with good mechanical properties. latex binder from the secondary backing of the carpet.
The compatibilization of nylon 6 and polypropylene The debonded secondary backing is then removed
was also investigated by Dagli et aL (36).A n acrylic using a series of mechanical impingement devices
acid grafted modified polypropylene (PP-g-M) was that strip the backing off the rest of the carpet matrix.
used as the compatibilizer in this study. The results Subsequently, the carpet is treated with cup brushes
indicate the formation of a grafted copolymer, which and rotating high-pressure nozzle heaters that loosen
suggests that PP-g-AA is another effective compatibi- and remove the SBR adhesive from the rest of the car-
lizer that can be used for this type of application. pet, leaving the cut tufted fibers and primary backing
An alternative method for the melt blending of waste intact. The final step of this process is the removal of
carpet has been developed by David et aL (37,381 for the pile fibers from the primary backing. This is
Monsanto. This process also uses unseparated, post- achieved with the help of a number of rotating me-
consumer and post-manufacture waste carpet and chanical combs suspended below the primary back-
melts it at high temperatures and pressures to pro- ing, which separate the nylon fibers and deposit them
duce a thermoplastic material. The carpet waste is first into a collection chamber for further processing.
cleaned to remove excess dirt, which can have a nega- A significantly different and much simpler carpet
tive effect on the quality of the final product, and is separation process has been developed by Sharer for
then introduced into a conventional twin-screw ex- JPS Automotive Products (40). During the first step
truder at a shear rate of 200 to 400 sec-', a tempera- the carpet is cut into even-sized square pieces be-
ture between 250°C and 350°C and a pressure of 350 tween two and four inches in length. These pieces are
to 450 psi. The intense mixing taking place at these then fed to a granulating apparatus that further
temperatures and pressures converts the carpet into a grinds them with the help of high-speed cutting rolls.
flowing homogeneous mixture containing all of its This granulating process also initiates the separation
components (face fiber, backing and SBR adhesive). of the fibers from the backing materials. The fine
The process conditions result in effective blending of pieces exiting the granulating apparatus are then
all the carpet materials, and thus, a compatibilizer is transferred to an elutriator that separates the backing
not required (although it may be optionally used). The from the fibers by employing an air stream, which
blend is then cooled, and cut into easily transportable carries off the fibrous material vertically through a
pellets or chips. According to the inventors of this separate conduit. At the same time the heavier back-
process, the resulting material exhibits thermoplastic ing material gravitates onto a conveyor located below.
characteristics. Consequently, it can be used to pro- The fibers and the backing material are then trans-
duce high quality injection-molded products, either di- ported to storage containers. We should point out that
rectly or mixed with other thermoplastics. this process does not separate the latm binder from the
backing material. However, this is not significant if the
3.5 Separation of Carpet Waste Components recycled backmg is remelted with a virgin feed stream
As was pointed out in = d o n 3.2,one of the most of backing material and remolded onto new carpets as
attractive methods for the recycling of carpet waste is secondary backing. Unfortunately, no experimental
Corina Mihut, Dinyar K. Captain, Francis Gadala-Maria, and Michael D. Arniridis
results regarding the effectiveness of the separation of the three carpet components (usually the fillers) are
were presented in the patent, which makes evaluation separated from the suspension. The suspension con-
and comparison with other available methods very dif- taining the other two solid components (i.e. tufted
ficult. fibers and polypropylene primary backing) is then,
A similar method of carpet separation has been also once again, passed through a receiving tank,where
developed by Sferrazza et al. for BASF Corporation its density is adjusted for a second time, and re-sent
and Shred-Tech Limited (41).Once again, the different to the centrifuge for separation. Carpet components
carpet components are separated by initially shred- recovered in this process u s u d y have a purity of over
ding and hammering the waste carpet in order to 90%.
loosen the nylon fibers from the backing materials of A method similar to the one described above has
polypropylene and SBR adhesive. The shredded car- been developed by Costello and Keller for AlliedSignal
pet is then sent to a primary reduction unit. In this and DSM (43). This process also utilizes pre-shred-
unit, the carpet fibers are removed from the backing ding and/or impact size reduction of the waste carpet
materials. This is achieved by subjecting the carpet to materials. The shredding process reduces the size of
a hammer mill-like process, where the more brittle the carpet and initiates the separation of the latex ad-
backing materials get dismantled from the fibers. The hesive from the rest of the carpet materials. The
heterogeneous mixture is then sent to an air elutriator shredded particles are then subjected to screen sepa-
where the lighter nylon fibers (overhead stream) are ration to remove the adhesive and post-consumer dirt
separated from the heavier backing components (bot- from the nylon fibers and primary backing. Next, the
tom stream). The nylon fibers are then screened to separated material is washed to remove additional
separate any impurities of backing materials present amounts of the adhesive. Finally, the residual carpet
in the overhead stream, and transferred to a metal components are mixed with an aqueous solution and
particulate removal unit, which magnetically removes introduced into a hydrocyclone, where they are sepa-
any ferrous metal particles present in the fibers. The rated. The components that are heavier than water
primary bottom stream (backing materials) is re-sent (nylon 6 and nylon 6,61flow out through the bottom of
to a grinding/reduction unit, where a second attempt the hydrocyclone, whereas the lighter components
i s made to separate any remaining fibers. The (such as the polypropylene backingl flow through the
BASF/Shred-Tech process represents an extensive yet overflow of the hydrocyclone along with the water.
effective way of separating the nylon fibers from the An outline of a proprietary carpet separation
backing materials. However, no separation of the poly- process used by DuPont was presented by Smith and
ethylene backing material from the SBR adhesive is Gracon at Recycle '95 (11). In this case, the post-con-
achieved in this process. sumer carpet is first put through a dry separation
A process that has been developed by Dilly-Louis et process where it is cut, shredded, hammer milled,
al. for Zimmer AG also starts with the pre-shredding separated by size and further ground to 1.5 mm
of the waste carpet material (42). In this case, how- pieces. The carpet component mixture formed is then
ever, an aqueous suspension is prepared by grinding mixed with water, washed and wet screened prior to
the shredded carpet in a commercial cutting mill. introduction into a density separation process. This
During grinding, the carpet components separate, and process produces a stream of 98% pure polypropy-
the particles in suspension are uniform (i.e. each par- lene. The separated nylon stream is further dried, ex-
ticle consists mainly of either the nylon fibers, the pri- truded and melt filtered to produce a 98.5% pure
mary backing, or the secondary backing, but not com- nylon resin that can be sent to depolymerkation units
binations of them). The presence of water controls or other recycling processes.
heat generation during the grinding process and The Zimmer, AlliedSignal and DuPont separation
cleans the carpet materials of any impurities. The processes are similar in that they all use an initial dry
density of the suspension is adjusted to a level be- separation process (which involves shredding and
tween the densities of the two main carpet compo- grinding the carpet) followed by a specific gravity
nents by adding an aqueous salt solution. Separation based wet separation. High purity nylon fibers and
of the main components of the carpet material is polypropylene backing are the separated components.
achieved during this step. The concentration of solids It should be pointed out that in addition to the nylon
(i.e. carpet materials) is approximately 10-30 wt%. fibers, the high purity polypropylene co-produced dur-
The suspension is passed through a 5 to 8 mm filter ing the separation could also be easily recycled or
and fed to a receiving tank where the concentration of reused.
the solids is lowered to between 3 and 10 wtYo. A salt
solution of calcium chloride or potassium carbonate is 4.CARPET RECYCLING TODAY
added to the receiving tank in order to adjust the den- In this final section we examine some of the recy-
sity of the suspension to a level between the highest cling processes that have been put into practice at ei-
and second highest density of the main carpet compo- ther the pilot or commercial scale, and attempt to
nents. The suspension is then sent to a double-cone offer a synopsis of the current state of the carpet recy-
full-jacketed screw centrifuge, which can separate cling industry and the challenges that lie ahead. Infor-
phases with different densities. As a result, the heaviest mation in this section has been obtained from special
Review: Recycling of Nylon From Carpet Waste
reports in recent issues of High P m f o m e Plastics (48). The Evergreen project also recycles the non-
(44) and the International Fiber Journal (5, 451, and nylon carpet materials that are separated during the
Carpet and Rug Industry (46). process. Evergreen claims that the quality of its recy-
Reconditioning of carpets is a procedure in which cled caprolactam is equivalent to that of the virgin
an old discarded carpet is cleaned, trimmed and re- material, with the possibility of repeated recycling of
colored. The "reconditioned" carpet is then sold for the same material without any detrimental effects on
reuse, making the reconditioning process one of the its properties (48).The AUiedSignal share of the recov-
most cost-effective approaches for recycling. Indepen- ered caprolactam is included in polymeric materials
dent operators and carpet manufacturers (such as and fibers trademarked under the name Infiity Re-
Milliken) are involved in these efforts. The extent of newable Nylon, whereas DSM sells its share of capro-
such operations is currently limited. lactam into caprolactam markets.
Several companies such as Monsanto, United Recy- Major carpet recycling efforts are also under way in
cling Inc., and Collins & Aikman are involved in the Europe. A three-year joint European project called
melt blending of carpet waste. United Recycling Inc. RECAM (recycling of carpet materials) was funded by
produces two grades of thermoplastic material from the European Commission to explore the economical
nylon 6 carpets with added polypropylene. A similar feasibility of developing a closed-loop system for recy-
process is carried out by Monsanto, which produces cling of post-consumer and industrial carpet waste.
molding compounds from nylon 6,6. Collins & Aik- The whole process consists of collection, identifica-
man is limited to recycling only its own carpet tiles. In tion, size reduction, mechanical recycling, chemical
its carpet construction process, Collins & Aikman has recycling, and energy recovery steps. The collection
replaced the primary and secondary backing, and the step was studied in Germany at a pilot plant facility.
fdler with vinyl, while the face yam is made of nylon. The identification and sorting step was done using a
During the extrusion process, post-consumer low- portable apparatus developed by DSM and AlliedSig-
density polyethylene (LDPE)is added for improved fin- nal that uses near-infrared technology to identify,
ish of the recycled product. The resulting material has within seconds, the fiber type.The size reduction and
properties similar to wood, and can be used as indus- pelletizing step was performed by Recotex at a pilot
trial block flooring, parking blocks and plastic wood. plant also located in Germany. The mechanical recy-
The depolymerization of waste carpet nylon fibers is cling step utilized equipment developed by LaRoche
currently the most active route of carpet recycling. and included the recovery of wool for reuse in non-wo-
The processes described in section 5.2 involve the vens. Finally, the chemical recycling step used the
separation of the nylon face fibers from the other car- processes developed by DSM and Enichem to produce
pet components and the depolymerization of these caprolactam from nylon 6 face fibers. It is expected
fibers to the corresponding monomer. AlliedSignal, that on a long-term basis, the RECAM project will
DSM, BASF and DuPont (allfiber producing compa- prove the cost effectiveness of such an approach.
nies) are actively involved in carpet recycling via de-
polymerization routes. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
BASF recycles nylon 6 fibers that are depolymerized The authors acknowledge useful discussions on the
to caprolactam in the presence of steam and an acid carpet recycling topic with Dr. George W a s , and ex-
catalyst. The other carpet materials (i.e. backing and press their gratitude to the South Carolina Hazardous
latex adhesive) are incinerated. The ash produced is Waste Management Research Fund for financial sup-
used as filler for other plastic products. EMSF accepts port of the preparation of this review.
for recyclmg all carpets made under its "Six Again" pro-
gram, and has established for this purpose four used 8. REFERENCES
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