1,2,5 12
1,2,5 12
1,2,5 12
Natural fibres (Fig.4) can be divided, according to their origin, into: animal, vegetable and
mineral. The most used are the vegetable ones due to their wide availability and
renewability in short time respect to others, so when we say natural fibres We refer here
to the vegetables ones. In the past, natural fibres were not taken into account as
reinforcements for polymeric materials because of some problems associated with their use:
Low thermal stability, in other terms the possibility of degradation at moderate
temperature (230-250 C).
Hydrophilic nature of fibre surface, due to the presence of pendant hydroxyl and polar
groups in various constituents, which lead to poor adhesion between fibres and
hydrophobic matrix polymers (John et al., 2008, Kalia et al., 2009). The hydrophilic
nature can lead to swelling and maceration of the fibers. Furthermore, moisture content
decreases significantly fibres mechanical properties.
Properties variability depending on the quality of the harvest, age and body of the plant
from which they are extracted, the extraction techniques and the environmental
conditions of the site.
Fig. 4. (a) Some natural fibre, (b) Unprocessed and Processed hemp fibres (source:
University of Exeter)
Lack of good interfacial adhesion, low degradation temperature, and poor resistance
towards moisture make the use of natural fibre reinforced composites less attractive than
synthetic fibre (glass, carbon, aramid, etc.) that have been up to now the only choice for
reinforcing polymeric composites, due to their superior mechanical properties. However,
the production of composites reinforced with synthetic fibres and matrices requires a large
amount of energy which is only partially recovered with incineration of fibre reinforced
composites. This has once again drawn the attention towards natural fibres due to their
environmental advantages. It has been demonstrated that the energy needed for production
of natural fibres is, on average, more than half of the amount needed for synthetic fibres
(Fig.5). Thus, the renewed interest in the natural fibers, due to their lightweight,
nonabrasive, non irritating, combustible, nontoxic, biodegradable properties (Saheb & Jog,
1999), low energy consumption for production, budget zero CO2 emissions if burned, low
cost (Table 1), main availability and renewability compared to synthetic fibres, has resulted
in a large number of applications to bring it at par and even superior to synthetic fibers.
Because of such properties natural fibers are fast emerging as a viable choice as reinforcing
material in composites (kalia et al., 2009).
Even if natural fibre has a very low energy consumption for production compared to other
synthetic fibre, such as glass or carbon, careful environmental impact evaluation must be
take in consideration in order to make the right choice. In fact, the validity of green case
for substitution of synthetic fibre by natural ones is dependent on the type of reinforcement
and related production processes. A parameter which better describe the environmental
impact is the embodied energy calculated with reference to all related agricultural operations
(from ploughing to harvest), fibre extraction operations (retting and decortication), fibre
preparation operations (hackling and carding), fibre processing operations (spinning or
finishing) and materials used for these operations. The use of embodied energy parameter
reveals that not any kind of natural fibre reinforcement is greener then synthetic ones. Fig. 6
shows that, even if adopting the most environmental friendly option (no-till and water retting)
for flax fibre production, only mat fabrics are, in energetic terms, greener while flax yarns
has a higher embodied energy respect to glass fibre continuous filament production.
Fig. 5. Energy for production of some fibre (sources: SachsenLeinen; Daimler 1999; BAFA;
$ / m3
Specific Gravity
Kg/ m3
$ / kg
Table 1. Cost comparison between natural and synthetic fibre (Source: Georgia Institute of
Technology www.me.gatech.edu/jonathan.colton/me4793/natfiber.pdf)
Natural fibres can be classified according to their origin and grouped into leaf: abaca,
cantala, curaua, date palm, henequen, pineapple, sisal, banana; seed: cotton; bast: flax, hemp,
jute, ramie; fruit: coir, kapok, oil palm. Among them flax, bamboo, sisal, hemp, ramie, jute,
and wood fibres are of particular interest (Kalia et al., 2009). The most important physical
and mechanical properties are summarized in Table 2.
Physical and mechanical properties depend on the single fibre chemical composition
(Cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, pectin, waxes, water content and other minors) according
to grooving (soil features, climate, aging conditions) and extraction/ processing methods
conditions. Grooving conditions is recognized as the most influent parameter for the
variability of mechanical properties of the fibres. The chemical composition of several
natural fibres is summarised in Table 3.
Fig. 6. Embodied energy of flax fibre mat and yarn (source: ACMC Advanced Composites
Manufacturing Centre University of Plymouth)
Table 2. Natural fibre properties. Source: Natural fibre09 Proceedings (University of Bath)
Table 3. Natural fibre composition (Williams et al., 2000; Bogoeva-Gaceva et al., 2007)
Natural fibre mechanical properties depends on the type of cellulose and the geometry of
the elementary cell. The celluloses chains are arranged parallel to each other, forming
bundles each containing forty or more cellulosic macromolecules linked by hydrogen bonds
and through links with amorphous hemicelluloses and lignin which confer stiffness to fibre
called microfibrils. More interwoven microfibrils form a rope-like structure (Rong at al.,
2001) (Fig.7).
production plant, while, for natural fibres, the fibres length is an inherent limit for the
material itself due to their natural origin which limits their length (for example the plant
stem). This is a basic reason why natural fibres are usually found as short reinforcements
which are used to produce mat fabrics. Discontinuous fibres (chopped) are generally used for
a randomly oriented reinforcement (mat) when there is not any preferential stress direction
and/ or there is a low stress/ strain level in the composite (Fig.8). As it will be shown in the
case studies mats, due to the random fibre orientation, are non-optimised fabric for
mechanical performances.
Fig. 9. Hemp twisted yarn and scanning electron microscope image of hemp twisted yarn
Fig. 11. Effect of twist level on mechanical properties (Goutianos at al., 2006)
Fig. 12. Effect of fibre orientation on elastic modulus. Data for 50% fibre volume fraction of
glass-epoxy laminate (source: Hull & Clyne)
The fibre contribution to composite mechanical properties improvement is emphasized
when the stresses have components along the fibre direction (Fig. 12). However, most of the
studies reported in literature are focused on the use of mat which are the cheapest
alternative (Paiva et al., 2004) among technical fabrics. Several studies showed that the
random orientation of the fibres in mat fabrics leads to lowering of the reinforcing efficiency
(Baiardo et al., 2004).
Yarns offer a viable and interesting alternative to the use of short fibres as multiple filament
yarns can be weaved into 2- or 3-Dimension textiles. Weaving is a textile production method
which involves interlacing a set of longer threads, twisted yarn or roving, (called the warp)
with a set of crossing threads (called the weft) (Fig.13). This is done on a frame or machine
known as a loom, of which there are a number of types. Some weaving is still done by hand,
but the vast majority is mechanised. The main advantage of using weaved fabrics is the
possibility to pre-orient the filaments in the designed directions. Natural yarns differ from
multifilament of synthetic fibres (ie.tow) because they are an assembly of short fibre instead
of an assembly of aligned continuous fibres. However, the fibres which constitute the yarn
have a preferential orientation along an helical trajectory which make the use of natural
yarns attractive compared to short fibres because in such yarns fibres are mostly along the
load direction.
Fig. 14. Plain woven yarn and woven roving schemes (0/ 90 reinforcement directions)
Fig. 15. Examples of plain woven flax yarns. H-181 100% Hemp Canvas weave 18oz/ sq yd
Wide 59" 5N/ 2 x 8N/ 2 x23x21. Source: dongpinghemp.com
The satin weave is characterized by four or more weft yarns floating over a warp yarn or
vice versa, four warp yarns floating over a single weft yarn (Fig.16).
Twill is a type of fabric woven with a pattern of diagonal parallel ribs. It is made by passing
the weft thread over one or more warp threads and then under two or more warp threads
and so on, with a "step" or offset between rows to create the characteristic diagonal pattern
(Fig.17,18). Because of this structure, twills generally drape well. In a twill weave, each weft
or filling yarn floats across the warp yarns in a progression of interlacings to the right or left,
forming a distinct diagonal line. This diagonal line is also known as a wale. A float is the
portion of a yarn that crosses over two or more yarns from the opposite direction.
Fig. 16. Satin weave with 16 warp yarns floating over each weft yarn.
Fig. 18. Examples of plain woven flax yarns. (A) Natural Twill Weave 100% Hemp 12oz
Width 57/ 58" (B) Natural Herringbone Weave 52% Hemp 48% Flax 20oz Width 57/ 58".
Source: EnviroTextile.com
A twill weave can easily be identified by its diagonal lines. and is often designated as a
fractionsuch as 2/ 1in which the numerator indicates the number of harnesses that are
raised, in this example, two, and the denominator indicates the number of harnesses that are
lowered when a filling yarn is inserted, in this example one. The fraction 2/ 2 would be read
as "two up, two down." with two warp threads crossing every two weft threads. The offset
at each row forms the diagonal pattern. The minimum number of harnesses needed to
produce a twill can be determined by totalling the numbers in the fraction.
The fewer interlacings in twills allow the yarns to move more freely, and thus they are softer
and more pliable, and drape better. Twills also recover better from wrinkles than plainweave fabrics. When there are fewer interlacings, yarns can be packed closer together to
produce high-count fabrics.
There is an increasing number of producers of natural fibre fabrics around the world which
are tailoring their products for composites technology. Table 4 shows some costs for a
selection of fabrics commercialized in U.S.A. by the company EnviroTextile LLC.
There are some physical fibre treatments (e.g Plasma), but nowadays when we speak about
surface treatments we almost mean chemical ones. These treatments can clean the fibre
surface, modify the chemistry on the surface, lower the moisture up take and increase the
surface roughness. As the natural fibres bear hydroxyl groups from cellulose and lignin they
are amenable to chemical modification. The hydroxyl groups may be involved in the
hydrogen bonding within the cellulose molecules thereby reducing the activity towards the
matrix. Chemical modifications may activate these groups or can introduce new moieties
that can effectively lead to chemical interlock with the matrix. Mercerization, isocyanate
treatment, acrylation, permanganate treatment, acetylation, silane treatment and peroxide
treatment with various coupling agents and other pretreatments of natural fibres have
achieved various levels of success for improving fiber strength, fiber fitness and fiber-matrix
adhesion. In the following section we report a review of the main preteatments techniques.
3.1 Alkali treatment
Alkali treatment of natural fibers, also called mercerization, is the common method to
produce high-quality fibers. The scheme of the reaction is:
Mercerization leads to fibrillation which causes the breaking down of the composite fibre
bundle into smaller fibres. Mercerization reduces fibre diameter, thereby increases the
aspect ratio which leads to the development of a rough surface topography that results in
better fibre/ matrix interface adhesion and an increase in mechanical properties (Kalia at al.,
2009). Moreover, mercerization increases the number of possible reactive sites, allows better
fibre wetting and gets an effect on the chemical composition of the hemp fibres, degree of
polymerization and molecular orientation of the cellulose crystallites due to cementing
substances like lignin and hemicelluloses which were removed during the mercerization
process. As a result, mercerization had a long-lasting effect on the mechanical properties of
hemp fibres, mainly on fibre strength and stiffness. If the treatment is done at high
percentage of NaOH there could be an excessive extraction of lignin and hemicelluloses
which can results in damage of the ultimate cells walls. Similar reduction of mechanical
properties after alkali treatment have been reported in the literature (Rodriguez at al.,
2007).Alkali treatment is recognized to hydrolyses the amorphous parts of cellulose present
in fibres so that after treatment the material contains more crystalline cellulose (Le Troedec,
2008). Furthermore, it removes waxes and oils from the surfaces (Sgriccia, 2008).
3.2 Acetylation
Acetylation was originally applied to wood cellulose to stabilize the cell walls against
moisture, improving dimensional stability and environmental degradation and to introduce
plasticization to cellulosic fibers by esterification. Acetylation is based on the reaction of cell
wall hydroxyl groups of lignocellulosic materials with acetic or propionic anhydride at
elevated temperature (Fig.21). Pretreatment of fibers with acetic anhydride substitutes the
polymer hydroxyl groups of the cell wall with acetyl groups, modifying the properties of
these polymers so that they become hydrophobic (Andersson & Tillman, 1989; Murray,
1998; Rowell, 1991) Hydroxyl groups that react with the reagent are those of lignin and
hemicelluloses (amorphous material), whereas the hydroxyl groups of cellulose (crystalline
material) are being closely packed with hydrogen bonds, prevent the diffusion of reagent
and thus result in very low extents of reaction (Rowell, 1998).
Fig. 22. Possible reaction between cellulosic-OH and benzoyl chloride (Joseph et al., 2000)
A number of methods can be used for the generation of active sites on the polymeric
backbone and can be described as: physical, chemical, physicomechanical, radiation method
and enzymatic grafting. The conventional techniques of grafting of natural fibers require
significant time and energy. It has been found that grafting under microwave radiations is
the best method in terms of time consumption and cost effectiveness. Microwave radiation
technique reduces the extent of physicochemical stresses to which the fibers are exposed
during the conventional techniques (Kaith & Kalia 2008).
3.5 Coupling agents
Coupling agents usually improve the degree of crosslinking in the interface region and offer
a perfect bonding. Among the various coupling agents, silane coupling agents were found
to be effective in modifying the natural fiber-matrix interface. Silane grafting is based on the
use of reactancts that bear reactive end groups which, on one end, can react with the matrix
and, on the other end, can react with the hydroxyl groups of the fiber (Fig.23). The alkoxy or
ethoxy are the end groups which can form stable covalent bonds reacting with the hydroxyl
groups of the fiber. The end groups which can react with the matrix vary according to the
polymer matrix type. If unsaturated polyester is used silanes bearing methacryl-, amineand vinyl- can be used (Soo-Jin et al., 2001; Li Hu at al., 2009). Efficiency of silane treatment
was high for the alkaline treated fiber than for the untreated fiber because more reactive site
can be generated for silane reaction. Therefore, fibers are pretreated with NaOH for about
half an hour before its coupling with silane. Fibers are then washed many times in distilled
water and finally dried. Silane coupling agents may reduce the number of cellulose
hydroxyl groups in the fiber-matrix interface minimizing fibre sensitivity to humidity. In the
presence of moisture, hydrolizable alkoxy group leads to the formation of silanols. The
silanol then reacts with the hydroxyl group of the fiber, forming stable covalent bonds to the
cell wall that are chemisorbed onto the fiber surface (Agrawal et al., 2000). Therefore, the
hydrocarbon chains provided by the application of silane restrain the swelling of the fiber
by creating a cross-linked network because of covalent bonding between the matrix and the
Silanes after hydrolysis undergo condensation and bond formation stage and can form
polysiloxane structures by reaction with hydroxyl group of the fibers. Silane grafting can
modify the mechanical performances of fiber as a consequence of the use of acid solution for
the treatment.
Isocyanate has N=C=O functional group, which is very susceptible to reaction with the
hydroxyl group of cellulose and lignin in the fibers and forms strong covalent bonds,
thereby creating better compatibility with the binder resin in the composites (Kokta et al.
3.6 Permanganate treatment
Pretreatments with permanganate are conducted by using different concentration of
potassium permanganate (KMnO4) solution in acetone with soaking duration from 1 to 3
min after alkaline pretreatment. As a result of permanganate treatment, the hydrophilic
tendency of the fibers is reduced, and thus, the water absorption of fiber-reinforced
composite decreases with increase in KMnO4 concentration (Sreekala et al., 2000; Paul et al.,
1997). Permanganate treatment is indicated as one of the best method to improve the
bonding at the fiber-polymer interface.
3.7 Physical plasma treatment
Plasma treatment is an effective method to modify the surface of natural polymers without
changing their bulk properties. The plasma discharge can be generated by either corona
treatment or cold plasma treatment. Both methods are considered as a plasma treatment
when ionized gas has an equivalent number of positive and negative charged molecules that
react with the surface of the present material. The distinguishing feature between the two
categories of plasmas is the frequency of the electric discharge. High-frequency cold plasma
can be produced by microwave energy, whereas a lower frequency alternating current
discharge at atmospheric pressure produces corona plasma. The type of ionized gas and the
length of exposure influenced the modification of the wood and synthetic polymer surfaces
(Young et al., 1992; Goring & Bolam, 1976).
3.8 Chemical treatments on natural fibre: effect on mechanical properties
Chemically treated fibers can show a considerable decrease in tensile properties and this
decrease is attributed to the substantial delignification and degradation of cellulosic chains
during chemical treatment. The extension at break of these fibers does not change much.
Most of the chemical treatments have been found to decrease the fiber strength due to
breakage of the bond structure, and disintegration of the noncellulosic materials but silane
and acrylation treatment leave to strong covalent bond formation and the stiffness is
enhanced marginally due to the crystalline region (cellulosic) of the fiber.
The alkali treatment can produce a drop in both tensile strength and Youngs modulus of
the fibers if a very high percentage treatment is adopted. This result is attributed to the
damage induced in the cell walls and the excessive extraction of lignin and hemicellulose,
which play a cementing role in the structure of the fibers.
Morphological studies showed that the silane, benzoylation and peroxide pretreatment of
flax fiber improved the surface properties. Silane and peroxide treatment of flax led to a
higher tensile strength than that of untreated flax (Wang et al., 2007).
Fig. 24. (A) Steel mandrel used and (B) example of the fabric wrapping step
Tensile tests of single fibres (free fibre length was 15 mm), manually extracted from each
mat, were carried out with a speed of 1 mm/ min.
The cured laminas were tested accordingly to EN ISO 527 either on laminas obtained from a
single fabric or on laminates obtained with a lay-up similar to those used for the fitting.
Some laminate specimens were also conditioned in different HCl solutions with pH varying
from 1 to 7. The specimens were immersed for 40 days and then tested to analyze the effect
on mechanical properties. This test was designed to predict the mechanical behaviour of the
specimens in real working conditions. All the specimens were wrapped with C-glass liner to
simulate the real surface of the interior of the fittings which is usually exposed to acid
4.3 Results and discussion
The results of tensile testing on single ply lamina are summarized in Fig. 25 for the tensile
strength and modulus respectively normalized with respect to the density of each lamina.
Bending showed similar results. The lamina reinforced with glass woven fabric showed the
best performances in terms of tensile strength and modulus. This result is the consequence of
the presence of long and aligned continuous glass fibres. The glass mat showed better
mechanical properties compared to the natural fibre mats. The decrease of tensile strength
compared to neat resin was observed for the lamina obtained from natural fibre mats.
However, slight improvements of tensile modulus were observed compared to neat resin for
the same samples. This behaviour can be explained as a consequence of the low fibre volume
fraction (Vf) achieved for the lamina reinforced with the natural fibres and of the scarce
adhesion between fibre and matrix. The latter and matrix were due to the absence of surface
treatment on the fibres used in the present study. The natural fibre surface was not treated
because this choice avoids to increase the price of the natural fibre. Measurements of Vf were
performed on the natural fibre mat samples and an average of 811% was obtained. The
reason for such low Vf are twofold: the hand lay-up method does not allow to achieve high
compaction pressure and poor control on resin quantity is obtained; the natural fibres have a
porous structure that increase the amount of resin adsorbed when lamina are impregnated.
Moreover, the architecture of the natural fibre mats is quite open and thus higher percentages
of resin are allowed to impregnated the mat. If liquid molding techniques like RTM (Resin
Transfer Moulding) were employed for the manufacturing a Vf of 30% could be achievable.
Table 6 reports the mechanical data of Fig. 25 after normalization to a Vf of 30%. The data
clearly show that natural fibres can compare to glass fibres also in terms of mechanical
performances if higher volume fraction of natural fibres are achieved.
The laminate sequence leads to a thickness of 11.92 mm and a cost for the fittings of 15.74
in terms of raw materials cost) with a weight of 2.97 kg.
The laminates for fittings which are currently manufactured present the following ply
sequence: [C/ C/ M/ W/ M/ W/ M/ M/ W/ M/ W/ M] where C stands for C-glass liner, M for
E-glass mat and W for E-glass woven.
The resistance of the laminate sequence was verified accordingly to the TsaiHill criterion
and to the maximum tension criterion using the data from single lamina testing for the
calculations. The calculations were carried out for each single ply considering the relative
position in the lay-up sequence (table 7).
Accordingly to this finding and taking into account the cured ply thickness of the hemp mat
the following alternative design was proposed for the fittings in order to achieve a pipe
thickness similar to the original pipe construction: [C/ C/ Mn/ W/ W/ Mn] where Mn stands
for the natural fibre mat.
Table. 7. Calculations according to the maximum tension and the Tsai-Hill criterion
The novel hybrid lay-up has been used to predict the cost (raw material) and the weight of
the fittings produced using natural mat as replacement of glass mat. The results are
summarized in Figs. 26 and 27 where the data for the original lay-up (named Glass) is
reported for comparison purposes.
previously that hemp mats do not represent a fabric with optimised properties for
composites reinforcement due to their random fibre orientation. To overcome the limitation
offered by mats the use of fabric made with aligned yarn has been investigated. Two fabric
architectures were considered: unidirectional and twill 2x2.
5.2 Experimental
The general purpose unsaturated polyester resin ECMALON 4411, purchased by Ecmass
Resins Pvt. Ltd, India, was used as thermoset matrix. Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKT)
and cobalt naphthenate were purchased by Aldrich, Italy, and used as catalyst and
accelerator respectively. 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (A1100) was purchased from
Aldrich, Italy, and used without further purification.
Several hemp fabrics were used in this study, varying from random mat fabric, purchased
by Hempcore Ltd., United Kingdom, to unidirectional [0] and bidirectional [0/ 90] woven
fabrics purchased by Canipificio Italiano, Italy. The woven fabrics were obtained weaving
yarns of natural fibres made of stable filaments twisted together.
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKT) and cobalt naphtenate were added at room
temperature at percentages of 1.5 wt% and 0.07 wt% respectively. Hand layup was used to
prepare the laminates for mechanical testing. Each composite was cured at room
temperature for 48 h.
The cured laminas were tested accordingly to EN ISO 527 for tensile test. Five replicas for
each specimen were tested. Tensile test was carried out with a Zwick universal testing
machine (model Z050) equipped with a 50 kN load cell. The experiment was performed in
displacement-control mode at a stroke rate (i.e. cross-head displacement rate) of 2 mm/ . All
output data (strain, displacement of cross-head, and load) were collected by an acquisition
system and transferred to the PC.
5.3 Results and discussion
The mechanical properties of the laminates reinforced by mat are reduced by a factor of
about 3/ 8 because of the random distribution of the fibres. To overcome this limitation the
use of weaved fabrics made of twisted yarns has been considered here. Two architectures,
namely, unidirectional (UD) and 0/ 90 were considered (Fig.28). The laminates were
obtained by hand layup. The results of tensile testing obtained for laminates prepared with
these fabrics are summarized in Fig. 29.
Fig.29 clearly shows that both modulus and strength are greatly enhanced when twisted
yarns are used despite their low mechanical properties in dry form compared to single
fibres extracted from hemp mats. This finding is the outcome of the impregnation of the
yarns with the resin which, upon curing, stabilizes the yarn reducing the sliding effect of the
filaments. The good properties measured for the composites reinforced with hemp is the
results of the favourable orientation, along the loading direction, of the staple fibres of the
yarns. As it can be expected the 0/ 90 fabrics present lower mechanical performances
compared to unidirectional fabrics. This result is due to the presence in the 0/ 90 fabric of
yarns directed transversely compared to loading tensile direction. The modulus and
strength reported in Fig. are slightly lower than the values found in literature because of the
manufacturing method (ie. hand layup) selected and of the low fibre volume fraction
Neat Resin
HLU 0/90
Fig. 29. Tensile testing of weaved fabrics: Modulus (a), Strength (b)
6. Conclusions
The present chapter was focused on the use of natural fibre fabric as reinforcement for
composite materials. The environmental and cost benefits connected with the use of natural
fibre based fabrics are at the basis of their wide success. However, several limitations must
be overcome in order to exploit the full potential of natural fibres. At first proper fibre
surface treatment should be developed and implemented at industrial scale. Secondly, the
use of mats should be investigated and the hybridization of mats with different textile
further improved by analysing the effects of different layup and manufacturing techniques.
Finally, the use of advanced textile based on twisted yarn should be developed further by
optimising the yarn manufacturing and realising 3D architectures which are still missing
from the market.
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ISBN 978-953-307-194-7
Hard cover, 414 pages
Publisher Sciyo
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In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Gianluca Cicala, Giuseppe Cristaldi, Giuseppe Recca and Alberta Latteri (2010). Composites Based on Natural
Fibre Fabrics, Woven Fabric Engineering, Polona Dobnik Dubrovski (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-194-7, InTech,
Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/woven-fabric-engineering/composites-based-on-naturalfibre-fabrics
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