Chang 2018
Chang 2018
Chang 2018
0, MONTH 2018
ABSTRACT nursing workload, care quality, nursing payment, patient
classification system.
Background: Nursing workload is highly associated with pa-
tient safety. It has been argued that the imbalance between
nursing payment and nursing workload in Taiwan National Introduction
Health Insurance (NHI)-covered intensive care units (ICUs) has The intensive care unit (ICU) workload affects care quality
resulted in the inadequate allocation of nursing manpower. and mortality (Aiken et al., 2011; Cho et al., 2015; Cho,
However, limited empirical data are currently available to
Hwang, & Kim, 2008; Cho & Yun, 2009; Miranda, de
support this argument.
Rijk, & Schaufeli, 1996; Padilha et al., 2007). Care quality
Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the corre- is negatively influenced by factors including patient falls,
lation between nursing workload, quality of care, and NHI- pressure sores, infections, and other adverse events. A sys-
covered nursing payments in ICU settings. tematic literature review investigating resources and adverse
outcomes in nursing ICUs indicated that, of 15 studies
Methods: This macrodata analysis study retrieved data from
the existing ICU patient classification system, nursing quality
(1989Y2002), only two found a statistical correlation among
monitoring system, and infection control monitoring system nursing resources and adverse events, only one found a
of a medical center in central Taiwan. Data on the Therapeu- correlation between nursing resources and mortality, seven
tic Intervention Scoring System-28 (TISS-28) and non-TISS-28 found no statistical correlation between nursing resources
scores, nursing hours, and nursing labor utilization rate were and mortality, and 10 found a correlation between nursing
retrieved for the 23-month period beginning in January 2013 resources and adverse events, although no statistical tests
and ending in November 2014. The indices of care quality were performed (West, Mays, Rafferty, Rowan, & Sanderson,
used in this study included incidence of falls, pressure sore 2009). Miranda et al. (1996) developed the Therapeutic In-
density, incidence of restraint use, incidence of tube self- tervention Scoring System-28 (TISS-28) to reclassify and
extraction, and infection density. simplify the 76 items of the TISS into 28 items. They also
Results: A total of 92,442 data sets were collected from performed an investigation on nursing activities and divided
eight ICUs, with 61% of the direct ICU nursing hours these into six major categories, with TISS-28 as one of the
categorized as TISS-28 and 39% categorized as non-TISS-28. categories. TISS-28 may also be used to predict the thera-
Mean nursing hours totaled 12.5 hours. The direct nursing peutic costs and work assignments of nursing personnel (Goj,
hours, the total nursing hours, the bed occupancy rate, the Knapik, Kucewicz-Czech, & Lubon, 2009) as the basis for
nursing hours calculated by patient classification system, and the workloads of different ICU nursing personnel (Padilha
the nursing hours calculated by nurseYpatient ratio were et al., 2007). Furthermore, recent studies in Taiwan investi-
statistically, significantly correlated respectively with all of the gating the correlation between nursing workload and patient
care quality indices except for incidence of falls. The number of
safety have shown a correlation between hours of overtime
items of patient care in the patient classification records was
and patient safety indices. In addition, when the patientY
greater than that of NHI-covered nursing payments. The NHI-
covered nursing payment for every patient accounted for only nurse ratio exceeds 7, the risks associated with indices such
4.77% of the total medical expenses in the ICU. as falls, decubitus, the incidence of tube self-extraction, no-
socomial pneumonia, and urinary tract infection increase
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Data from the pa- (Liu, Lee, Chia, Chi, & Yin, 2012). Moreover, the findings
tient classification database, quality monitoring database, and of some studies indicate that increasing daily nursing hours
medical cost database indicate excessive nursing workload and
underpayment from the Taiwan NHI program. Current nursing PhD, RN, Director, Department of Nursing, China Medical
workload was significantly associated with care quality. This University Hospital, and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department
of Nursing, China Medical University & 2MSN, RN, Department
study provides empirical data for administrators to consider of Nursing, Taichung Veterans General Hospital & 3PhD, RN,
when revising nursing staffing and NHI payment policies. Chair Professor, College of Nursing, Hungkuang University.
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Nursing Research Li-Yin Chang et al.
by 1 hour decreases the number of patients with infection in quality monitoring system, and infection control monitor-
wards by 0.02%, decreases the number of patients re- ing system of a medical center in central Taiwan. Data from
ceiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation in wards by 0.18%, January 2013 to November 2014, a total of 23 months, were
and increases the number of emergency patient success rate analyzed. Data of interest included TISS-28 scores, total
of resuscitation by 0.17% (Liang et al., 2010). nursing hours, utility index of nursing manpower (UINM),
Despite the high average number of hours spent by nurses mortality, relevant care quality data, and NHI-covered nurs-
on caring for ICU patients, the Taiwan National Health ing payments.
Insurance (NHI) Administration (formerly the Bureau of
NHI) approved payments averaging only NT$16,883 per Subjects
nurse per month. This amount accounts for less than 40% of Nursing personnel and patients of the eight ICUs (136 beds
the average personnel costs of nursing personnel (NT$47,000). in total) at the targeted medical center contributed the data.
Moreover, the 42 specific NHI-covered diagnosis/treatment The main data collected from the patient classification in-
items fully implemented by nursing personnel accounted for formation system included indices of nursing workload
only 1% of the overall items of NHI. In addition to ‘‘ward such as TISS-28 and non-TISS-28 scores, average daily total
nursing payments,’’ many items covering direct or indirect nursing hours of units, nursing hours by PCS, and UINM.
participation of nursing personnel are included in the cov- Moreover, this study analyzed nursing hours, which were
erage points of various diagnosis and treatment items and calculated according to the nurseYpatient ratio (NPR) of
are paid in a package (nonitemized) format (Ministry of Health number of nursing personnel taking care of patients per day
and Welfare, Taiwan, ROC, 2012). and the bed occupancy rate. Care quality data were collected
In summary, whereas nursing workloads are known to from the hospital nursing quality monitoring system. Data
be negatively associated with patient safety, the NHI-covered on incidence of falls, incidence density of pressure sores, inci-
ICU nursing payments are low and not proportional to work- dence of patient restraint, incidence of tube self-extraction,
load. Therefore, it is important to acquire empirical data on and incidence density of infection for analysis were also col-
the correlations among ICU workload, patient safety, and lected. NHI-covered nursing payment items from the PCS and
NHI-covered nursing payments. The purpose of this study NHI-nursing payment items under application, as extracted
was to examine the correlation between ICU nursing work- from hospital patient expense files, were also retrieved.
load and care quality and between ICU nursing workload
and NHI-covered nursing payments. Definitions of Terms
1. Nursing activities: activities of ICU nurses, including
Methods direct nursing, indirect nursing, relevant nursing, and
personal activities.
Research Design 2. Direct nursing: direct nursing care and services re-
This was a macrodata analysis of data retrieved from the ceived by patients, including the preparation stage,
existing ICU patient classification system (PCS), nursing operational stage, and utensil arrangement stage. This
Direct Nursing Hours, TISS-28
Ventilation Cardiovascular
Basic Care Support Care Support Care
Unit Day Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Note. TISS-28 = Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System 28; CCU = coronary care unit; MICU = medical intensive care unit; NSCU = neurosurgical
care unit; NICU = neonatal intensive care unit; PICU = pediatric intensive care unit; RICU = respiratory intensive care unit; SICU = surgical intensive
care unit; TNCU = trauma-neuro care unit.
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nursing Workload, Payment, and Care Quality in ICU VOL. 00, NO. 0, MONTH 2018
study included direct nursing activities belonging to sis and treatments items that are mainly offered by
TISS-28 and direct nursing activities not belonging to nursing personnel.
3. Care quality: Mortality and relevant care quality data, Data Collection
including incidence of falls, incidence density of pres-
After receiving institutional review board approval (No.
sure sores, incidence of patient restraint, incidence of
CE13311), the ICU patient classification information
tube self-extraction, and incidence density of infection,
system, nursing quality monitoring system, and infection
were collected from a hospital information system.
control system were accessed to extract data, which were
4. Nursing workload: Direct nursing of TISS-28 and non-
then categorized by NHI-covered nursing payment items.
TISS-28, nursing hours by PCS (PCS nursing hour),
Next, the data were arranged and inspected, with items of
and nursing hours by NPR (NPR nursing hour) [(number
data that did not meet the exclusion criterion deleted.
of nursing personnel in three shifts 8) / (number of
Finally, definition coding and statistical analysis were per-
beds bed occupancy rate)] were used to calculate
formed. Data covering the period from January 2013 to
nursing workload.
November 2014 were used in the analysis.
5. The statistical formula used for patient classification
is described below (Chang, Lin, Lu, Wang, &
Chang, 2002): Results
Calculation of PCS nursing hours
Total nursing hours/patient/day (minutes) = direct nursing Analysis on Intensive Care Unit Direct
time (minutes) + indirect nursing time (174.9 minutes) + Nursing Hours
relevant nursing time (28.8 minutes) This study collected 5,581 days of patient classification data
Total nursing hours/unit = [direct nursing time (minutes) from eight ICUs covering a period of 23 months (698 days).
of all the patients + number of patients 203.7 minutes] / As shown in Table 1, most of the nursing hours were spent
60 minutes on basic care (38.1 T 6.4), ventilation support care (31.1 T
Calculation of the utility index of nursing manpower 5.9), and metabolic support care (5.9 T 1.5). The propor-
Day Shift Utility Index (D-UINM), Evening Shift Utility tions of various items also varied with the characteristics of
Index (E-UINM), and Night Shift Utility Index (N-UINM) the various ICUs.
were calculated as follows: shift ideal nursing care unit / Table 2 lists the average daily direct nursing hours pro-
shift actual nursing care unit 100 vided by the ICUs that were not related to TISS-28 (i.e.,
6. NHI-covered nursing payment items: in compliance were non-TISS-28). Most of the nursing hours in this cat-
with the version of ‘‘The National Health Insurance egory were spent on hygiene (18.4 T 3.2), activities (17.8 T
Pharmaceutical Benefits and Reimbursement Schedule,’’ 2.6), and communication (9.3 T 3.9). The average daily
as implemented on July 1, 2014, covering 44 diagno- direct nursing hours provided by each ICU was 137.6 T 20.8,
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Nursing Research Li-Yin Chang et al.
Direct Nursing Hours, Non-TISS-28
Support Communication Safety Comfortable Hygiene
Unit Day Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
CCU 698 7.1 2.6 14.8 4.9 0.5 0.3 1.4 0.7 18.8 3.4
MICU 698 0.9 0.8 9.4 4.0 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.4 22.5 2.6
NSCU 698 0.4 0.6 3.1 1.7 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.4 15.1 2.2
NICU 697 1.2 1.5 6.0 7.2 4.2 3.8 3.2 0.9 15.6 3.5
PICU 698 2.4 1.4 10.4 4.1 0.4 0.3 1.4 0.6 16.6 4.2
RICU 696 2.3 1.5 12.6 4.0 1.2 0.7 1.0 0.4 26.2 4.0
SICU 698 7.5 2.7 14.9 3.7 1.8 0.7 1.8 0.7 21.9 2.9
TNCU 698 0.3 0.4 3.4 1.5 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2 10.4 2.7
Total 5,581 2.8 1.4 9.3 3.9 1.3 0.9 1.4 0.5 18.4 3.2
Note. TISS = Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System; CCU = coronary care unit; MICU = medical intensive care unit; NSCU = neurosurgical care unit;
NICU = neonatal intensive care unit; PICU = pediatric intensive care unit; RICU = respiratory intensive care unit; SICU = surgical intensive care unit;
TNCU = trauma-neuro care unit.
with 83.7 T 13.8 hours categorized as TISS-28 (61%) and In other words, there was a relative lack of manpower and
53.9 T 9.4 hours categorized as non-TISS-28 (39%). significant work overloading.
Intensive Care Unit Nursing Hours and Correlation Between Intensive Care Unit
Utility Index of Nursing Manpower Nursing Workload and Care Quality
As shown in Table 3, subjects received an average of 12.49 As shown in Table 4, the average Acute Physiology and
nursing hours per day per ICU; the average number of nurs- Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score of the five
ing hours was 12.39 at adult ICUs and 12.81 at pediatric adult ICUs was 20.57 T 3.21. The APACHE II scores of
ICUs. In terms of UINM, the night-shift UINM was the medical and respiratory ICUs were higher. In terms of
114.78% T 16.41%, the day-shift UINM was 113.66% T care quality, only four patients at the cardiac ICU experi-
18.89%, and the evening-shift UINM was 108.8% T 16.83%, enced falls, whereas other patients did not experience any
indicating that the UINM of night and day shifts was higher. falls. The incidence density of pressure sores was 0.18%
Nursing Hours and Utility Index of Nursing Manpower
Mean Total Nursing
Patient Hour N-UINM D-UINM E-UINM Nursing
Number/ Hour by
Unit Day Bed Day Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD PCS
CCU 698 16 13.60 178.19 30.02 117.35 15.59 129.08 26.47 121.29 20.42 13.18
MICU 698 17 15.97 221.34 18.70 122.91 15.46 118.19 14.87 113.05 13.95 13.88
NSCU 698 16 15.26 175.87 15.79 115.83 12.06 101.19 11.97 108.93 13.05 11.55
NICU 697 14 11.42 142.86 24.14 116.37 19.76 120.85 22.38 112.49 17.61 12.61
PICU 698 15 10.15 131.54 32.14 110.72 17.91 117.66 24.52 113.91 21.62 13.01
RICU 696 24 21.74 252.64 32.05 115.17 15.80 100.60 12.07 100.92 13.89 11.63
SICU 698 22 21.09 288.37 28.81 119.12 (15.98 116.92 16.77 108.85 16.54 13.75
TNCU 698 12 10.63 114.22 23.75 100.78 18.76 104.79 22.05 90.99 17.58 10.33
Total 5,581 136 188.13 25.68 114.78 16.41 113.66 18.89 108.80 16.83 12.49
Note. CCU = coronary care unit; MICU = medical intensive care unit; NSCU = neurosurgical care unit; NICU = neonatal intensive care unit; PICU = pediatric
intensive care unit; RICU = respiratory intensive care unit; SICU = surgical intensive care unit; TNCU = trauma-neuro care unit; N-UINM = night-shift utility
index of nursing manpower; D-UINM = day-shift utility index of nursing manpower; E-UINM = evening-shift utility index of nursing manpower; PCS = patient
classification system.
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nursing Workload, Payment, and Care Quality in ICU VOL. 00, NO. 0, MONTH 2018
16.3 3.1 4.5 2.3 1.1 1.4 68.5 13.9 64.5 12.9 133.0 24.3
21.5 1.6 1.4 0.9 1.5 1.0 108.6 11.2 59.0 7.2 167.6 15.9
19.6 1.7 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.7 82.8 11.0 41.6 4.4 124.4 13.3
7.7 2.6 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.4 65.3 12.5 39.0 11.0 104.3 18.3
12.0 3.1 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.5 51.9 14.3 44.9 11.7 96.8 24.6
24.6 3.0 1.2 0.7 2.6 2.5 107.7 17.6 71.8 10.5 179.5 25.8
28.9 3.2 2.2 1.0 4.0 1.7 134.9 18.2 82.9 10.7 217.8 26.5
12.2 2.8 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 50.0 11.9 27.8 6.6 77.8 17.8
17.8 2.6 1.6 1.0 1.4 1.0 83.7 13.8 53.9 9.4 137.6 20.8
(range = 0.14%Y0.24%), the average incidence of patient 27.3%). The average NHI-covered ICU payment was
restraint was 5.24% (range = 0%Y8.35%), the average NT$186,141. However, an average of only NT$7,246 was
incidence of tube self-extraction was 0.29% (range = paid under NHI-covered nursing payments. Approximately
0.11%Y0.87%), the average incidence density of infection 2% of the patients (210 patients) did not apply for NHI-
was 8.29% (range = 3.97%Y12.36%), and the average mortal- covered nursing payment items. The NHI-covered nursing
ity rate was 10.35% T 8.21% (range = 3.21%Y22.15%). payment of every patient accounted for an average of 4.77%
Examined using Pearson correlation, the variable PCS of the total ICU medical expenses.
nursing hours was positively correlated with NPR nursing
hours (r = .51, p G .01), the incidence of patient restraint
was significantly correlated with higher APACHE II scores
(r = .63, p G .01), and the incidence of self-extubation was
Intensive Care Unit Workload
significantly negatively correlated with incidence of patient
The average daily total direct nursing hours provided by
restraint (r = j.25, p G .01). In terms of bed occupancy
each ICU were 61% TISS-28 and 39% non-TISS-28. This
rate, direct nursing hours, total nursing hours, NPR nursing
result is consistent with the results of prior research (Chang,
hours, the incidence of patient restraint, and APACHE II
Lin, Yu, Lu, & Chang, 2009; Chang, Yu, Shih, & Pong,
scores were positively correlated with mortality rate. How-
2013) and reflects the stability of this PCS. For ICU nursing
ever, the incidence density of infection was negatively cor-
hours, Yeh and Chao (2010) conducted a focus group. In
related with higher nursing hours (Table 5).
their study, the nursing supervisors suggested that the ideal
nursing hours of ICU should be 912 hours. A questionnaire
Correlation Between Intensive Care survey of the Taiwan Union of Nurses Association in
December 2010 showed that the average patientYbed ratio
Unit Nursing Workload and
for ICUs in 17 medical centers was 2.51 and that the
National-Health-Insurance-Covered average nursing hours were 12.66 (Foundation of Medical
Nursing Payment Professionals Alliance in Taiwan, 2010). This study showed
A total of 92,442 items of data from daily ICU patient clas- that the average number of nursing hours in the eight ICUs
sification records were collected. The results showed that the based on patient classification was 12.49. This finding in-
number of PCS-covered items was significantly higher than dicates that increasing nursing manpower remains an issue
the number of NHI-covered nursing payment items. The five awaiting effective resolution. In terms of UINM, night-shift
items with the greatest disparities included respiratory tract UINM, day-shift UINM, and evening-shift UINM were
suction (times), perineal rinsing, nasogastric tube feeding, 114.78% T 16.41%, 113.66% T 18.89%, and 108.8% T
nursing care surveillance fee of physical restraint days, and 16.83%, respectively, which improved significantly com-
use of a heat lamp. The top five NHI-covered nursing pay- pared with the night-shift UINM, day-shift UINM, and
ment items were feeding pump (days), a small amount or re- evening-shift UINM (128.04%, 128.34%, and 121.78%,
tention of enemas, 24-hour ECG monitor, ice blanket (within respectively), as analyzed based on the research team’s pa-
12 hours), and drug sensitivity tests. Twelve NHI-covered tient classification in 2012 (Chang et al., 2013). However,
nursing payment items were not recorded (27.3%; 12/44 = the use of patient classification to calculate nursing hours
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Nursing Research Li-Yin Chang et al.
Nursing Workload and Care Quality Indices of the Eight ICUs
CCU (n = 16) MICU (n = 17) NSCU (n = 16) NICU (n = 14)
Item Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Note. PCS = patient classification system; NPR = nurseYpatient ratio; APACHE II = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II.
precisely to reflect nursing workload showed that the appro- lated by both NRP and APACHE II were statistically signif-
priate UINM is 90%Y110%. Therefore, it is still necessary to icantly correlated with mortality rate, showing positive
increase manpower. correlations between both higher occupancy rates and pa-
tient severity and the rate of mortality. This result is similar
to that of West et al. (2009), which correlated higher occu-
Intensive Care Unit Nursing Workload and pancy rates and lower nursing hours with higher infection
Care Quality densities. The outcomes of this study are also similar to
The research results showed that the bed occupancy rate, those of Liu et al. (2012). The further finding of this study
the direct nursing hours, and the nursing hours as calcu- that the incidence density of pressure sores in patients rose
Correlations Between Nursing Workload and Care Quality (N = 5,581)
Variable ffi ffl Ð ð
ffiBed occupancy rate 1
fflTotal direct nursing hours .490** 1
Total nursing hours/unit .523** .995** 1
ÐNursing hours by PCS j.180* .530** .455** 1
ðNursing hours by NPR j.290** .322** .298** .514** 1
ÞAPACHE II j.113 .275** .267** .389** .240**
þIncidence density of pressure sores .010 j.085 j.091 j.001 j.149*
¼Incidence of patient restraint .242** .413** .430** .079 .252**
½Incidence of falls j.086 j.027 j.039 .091 j.040
Incidence of tube self-extraction j.214** j.142 j.158* .109 j.042
11 Incidence
° density of infection .349** .119 .128 j.198** j.133
12 Mortality
° rate .293** .517** .536** .107 .214**
Note. PCS = patient classification system; NPR = nurseYpatient ratio; APACHE II = Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II.
a = Cannot be computed because at least one of the variables is constant.
*p G .05. **p G .01.
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nursing Workload, Payment, and Care Quality in ICU VOL. 00, NO. 0, MONTH 2018
PICU (n = 15) RICU (n = 24) SICU (n = 22) TNCU (n = 12) Total (N = 136)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
0.67 0.11 0.91 0.06 0.96 0.02 0.93 0.07 0.88 0.11
96.76 14.53 179.62 16.44 217.87 15.20 77.85 13.71 137.69 46.07
131.44 19.56 252.71 20.88 288.45 16.23 114.27 19.16 188.18 59.60
13.01 0.49 11.63 0.36 13.75 0.63 10.33 0.99 12.49 1.31
11.53 0.75 11.06 0.31 11.96 0.25 10.41 1.56 11.13 0.90
22.43 1.08 18.43 1.04 17.96 1.55 20.57 3.21
0.14 0.20 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.21 0.24 0.18 0.20
4.96 1.50 8.01 1.55 5.22 1.20 4.93 1.27 5.24 2.71
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10
0.55 0.89 0.11 0.18 0.15 0.19 0.11 0.26 0.29 0.70
6.83 2.53 7.44 2.93 11.71 3.69 12.36 6.22 8.29 4.85
4.45 3.31 22.15 6.02 11.52 5.16 6.95 5.53 10.35 8.21
with lower nursing hours suggests that better staffing is urinary tract infections increase (Liu et al., 2012). However,
beneficial to pressure sore prevention. This is consistent Liu et al.’s subjects were primarily patients in general wards,
with the result of the systematic literature review of West and data were collected over a short period by nursing per-
et al. A recent study in Taiwan investigated the correlation sonnel. Conversely, the disease severity and risk of rapid
between nursing workload and patient safety, where nurses changes in the disease conditions of ICU patients are typi-
used a diary to record personal working conditions for cally greater than those of general ward patients. In addition,
2 weeks. The results showed that, when the NPR exceeds 7, our study highlighted a statistically significant correlation be-
the risks of indices such as falls, decubitus, intubation tube tween nursing hours and all of the care quality indices except
slippage, posthospitalization infection of pneumonia, and for the incidence of falls (Tables 4 and 5). This provides
Þ þ ¼ ½ 11
° 12
.631** j.036 1
a .070 j.029 1
.031 .055 j.249** .027 1
j.302** .046 .178* j.126 j.092 1
.651** j.090 .480** j.119 j.105 .042 1
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
The Journal of Nursing Research Li-Yin Chang et al.
further support to address the importance of maintaining fee items and should be used as a reference to elicit further
an appropriate NPR and equitable nursing hours to main- evidence-based data. This study provides empirical data for
tain the quality of patient care. administrators to consider when revising nursing staffing
and NHI payment policies.
Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Nursing Workload, Payment, and Care Quality in ICU VOL. 00, NO. 0, MONTH 2018 E8%AD%B7%E5%93%81%E8%B3%AA%E7%8D%8E%E5%
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Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Nurses Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.