818 Glacial Landforms /glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion
818 Glacial Landforms /glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion
818 Glacial Landforms /glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion
Price, R. J. (1969). Moraines, sandar, kames and eskers near suddenly or rapidly in the form of outbursts. Erosion
Breiðamerkurjökull, Iceland. Transactions of the Institute of is facilitated by high hydraulic potential caused by the
British Geographers 46, 17–43. cryostatic pressure of the ice or the hydraulic head
Price, R. J. (1970). Moraines at Fjallsjökull, Iceland. Arctic and
developed behind a barrier in a proglacial lake. The
Alpine Research 2, 27–42.
Rea, B. R., and Evans, D. J. A. (2003). Plateau icefield landsystems. type and resistance of bed material underlying a region
In Glacial Landsystems (D. J. A. Evans, Ed.), pp. 407–431. also controls the form and size of erosional landforms
Arnold, London. produced by these meltwater discharges.
Rea, B. R., Whalley, W. B., Evans, D. J. A., Gordon, J. E., and Most glacifluvial landforms of erosion were
McDougall, D. A. (1998). Plateau icefields: Geomorphology
formed when the great Pleistocene ice sheets of
and dynamics. Quaternary Proceedings 6, 35–54.
Russell, A. J., and Knudsen, O. (1999). Controls on the sedimen- North America and Eurasia produced and ponded
tology of the November 1996 jokulhlaup deposits, vast quantities of meltwater. The erosional landforms
Skeiðarársandur, Iceland. In Advances in Fluvial included vast channel systems, both subglacial and
Sedimentology (N. D. Smith, J. Rogers and A. G. Plint, Eds.), proglacial, and a variety of forms attributed to sub-
Special Publication No. 28, pp. 315–329. International
glacial sheet floods. In some cases, subglacial flows
Association of Sedimentologists.
Sharp, M. J. (1984). Annual moraine ridges at Skalafellsjökull, switched from an erosional to a depositional regime
south-east Iceland. Journal of Glaciology 30, 82–93. upon reaching the glacier terminus, typified by
Sissons, J. B. (1980). The Loch Lomond Advance in the Lake aggrading braided streams, sandar, or subaqueous
District, northern England. Transactions of the Royal Society fans of various types.
of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 71, 13–27.
The discharges that formed large-scale glacifluvial
Speight, J. G. (1963). Late Pleistocene historical geomorphology of
the Lake Pukaki area, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of erosional forms had significant, global impacts
Geology and Geophysics 6, 160–188. because they were of such high magnitude. Many
Stokes, C. R., and Clark, C. D. (1999). Geomorphological criteria large-scale drainage systems in areas affected by gla-
for identifying Pleistocene ice streams. Annals of Glaciology ciation were formed or largely modified by discrete-
28, 67–74.
event, high-discharge meltwater flows. In places
Stokes, C. R., and Clark, C. D. (2001). Palaeo-ice streams.
Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 1437–1457. these channels constitute important aquifer systems,
Stokes, C. R., and Clark, C. D. (2002). Ice stream shear margin some of which are buried beneath multiple sheets of
moraines. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27, glacial drift from earlier glaciations. In addition,
547–558. numerous studies have argued that the sudden release
Stokes, C. R., and Clark, C. D. (2003). The Dubawnt Lake palaeo-
of vast quantities of cold meltwater correlates with
ice stream: Evidence for dynamic ice sheet behaviour on the
Canadian Shield and insights regarding controls on ice stream periods of climatic change, possibly by altering ocea-
location and vigour. Boreas 32, 263–279. nic circulation patterns.
Vorren, T., and Laberg, J. S. (1997). Trough mouth fans— Four categories of processes and landforms are con-
Palaeoclimate and ice sheet monitors. Quaternary Science sidered in this article because they account for the
Reviews 16, 865–881.
majority of large-scale glacifluvial erosional forms:
(1) proglacial lake channel systems formed by glacial
lake outbursts, (2) tunnel channels formed by channe-
lized subglacial flows, (3) ice marginal (lateral) melt-
Glacifluvial Landforms of water channels associated primarily with cold-based
glaciers, and (4) a variety of erosional forms hypothe-
Erosion sized to have been formed by massive subglacial sheet
A E Kehew, Western Michigan University, MI, USA floods. This review of erosional landforms and related
M L Lord, Western Carolina University, NC, USA processes includes ideas that are universally accepted,
A L Kozlowski, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, such as a catastrophic flood origin of the Channeled
PA, USA Scabland in the USA, and a discussion of subglacial
ª 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. landforms attributed to fluvial erosion, which is
actively debated and controversial.
Glacial Lake Outbursts
The vast amount of meltwater released from glaciers
has enormous erosional capacity. Temporary
impoundments of meltwater occur on top of, within, Glacial lake outbursts, or jökulhlaups, are very high
at the base of, and in front of the ice. The magnitude magnitude floods caused by the sudden drainage of
and intensity of erosion is greatest when these water from a glacial lake. Glacial lakes form on, in,
impoundments release sediment-deficient meltwater under, or in front of glaciers and are inherently
GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion 819
Figure 4 Proglacial lakes and spillways along the southwestern margins of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. From Kehew AE and Teller JT
(1994) History of late glacial runoff along the southwestern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews 13: 859–877.
in the evolution of scientific ideas is well described of outbursts, the magnitude of each flood event, the
(e.g., Baker et al. (1987)). erosional capability of the outbursts, the timing of
Today, dozens of investigations have shown that the floods, and the source of flood waters (Benn and
glacial lake outbursts were not unique to the Evans, 1998). Spillway systems that formed by out-
Channeled Scabland; they were a common, if not bursts along the southern margins of the Laurentide
inevitable, process during Pleistocene glaciations as Ice Sheet, though not as dramatic as the Scabland
the land, ice sheets, water sources, and drainage path- landscapes, share many of the erosional landforms
ways were in a continuous state of flux. Channel and have been well documented (Kehew and Lord,
systems, mostly glacial lake spillways, have been 1987). The most ubiquitous erosional landform cre-
attributed to glacial lake outbursts throughout the ated by outburst floods is a trench-shaped channel
glaciated interior of North America (Fig. 4), Siberia, with steep sides, and a relatively uniform width and
Scandinavia, and elsewhere. depth (Fig. 5). The size of the channel varies with
flow magnitude, geologic setting, and flow history
Glacial Lake Outburst Erosional Landforms among other things. Spillways that formed by out-
The Channeled Scabland is clearly the most-studied bursts in the Great Plains of North America are typi-
area formed by outburst floods. Many landforms cally 1–3 km wide and 25–100 m deep (Kehew and
now used as indicators of catastrophic floods were Lord, 1987). Common erosional landform types pro-
first described in this region (Baker, 1973). Although duced by outbursts are summarized in Table 1.
the landforms of the Scablands are accepted to be General models for the sequence of development of
formed by very high magnitude flows, several aspects flood-eroded landscapes have been developed based
relating to the origin of the Channeled Scabland are on studies of the Channeled Scabland, outburst spill-
actively studied and questioned, such as the number ways in the Great Plains, and experimental flume
GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion 821
Landforms Characteristics
Despite a general orientation subparallel to longitu-
dinal flow lines of the glacier, tunnel channel drai-
nage patterns are highly variable, including
predominantly single isolated straight channels,
braided networks, dendritic networks, radial, sub-
parallel channels (Fig. 7) and anastomosing and ana-
branching systems (Fig. 8; Sjogren et al., 2002;
Clayton et al., 1999; Brennand and Shaw, 1994;
Mooers, 1989; Wright, 1973).
Channel morphologies are equally diverse and
include straight-walled channels of uniform width
(Figs. 9 and 10), crenulated channels that expand
Figure 6 Oblique aerial photograph of streamlined hill in the
and contract, and subtle channels only recognizable
Souris-Hind spillway, southern Manitoba; flow was to north (upper
right to lower left). Photograph by Mark Lord. as linear chains of lakes or depressions (Fig. 10).
Many tunnel channels display steep walls similar to
outburst spillways, but other channels display irregu-
and Wohl, 2003). For example, unit stream power has lar widths and depths associated with pressurized
been used successfully to relate hydraulic conditions to subglacial meltwater flow and variable degrees of
different types of erosional processes and landforms. posterosional infill. Longitudinal profiles of flow
paths may be undulating and have convex-up or
reverse gradients that flow uphill, cross drainage
Tunnel Channels divides, and trend oblique to the regional slope
(Fig. 11) (Kozlowski et al., 2005; Clayton et al.,
1999; Wright, 1973). In other areas, tunnel channels
Tunnel channels, or tunnel valleys (also known as occur as isolated, hanging, channel sections adorning
tunneldale or rinnentaler), are large meltwater chan- uplands without integration to other channels or
nels eroded into sediment or rock at the base of an ice modern drainage.
sheet. Channel dimensions reach >30 m deep, 4 km Channel dimensions range from 0.15 to 6 km in
wide, and more than 100 km long. Tunnel channels width and 2 to 150 km in length, but the majority of
have a wide variety of morphologies and associated channels are 0.5–2.5 km wide and 5–40 km long.
landforms, and occur in drainage systems covering Channel depths of 10–50 m are common, with most
extensive areas. ranging between 20 and 30 m, although subsurface
The widespread distribution of tunnel channels in studies of deeply buried tunnel channels document
the area of the Laurentide and Scandinavian Ice depths in excess of 100 m (Piotrowski (1993) and
Sheets has important implications for ice-sheet references therein). Other subsurface investigations
dynamics and glacial meltwater regimes (Clayton have indicated that the subtle surface expression of
et al., 1999; Brennand and Shaw, 1994; Mooers, some channels is attributed to burial or partial burial
1989; Wright, 1973). Although literature on tunnel by thick sequences of younger sediment that obscures
channels is abundant, controversy exists around the the true depth of the channel bottoms (Clayton et al.,
mechanism of tunnel channel genesis and the impli- 1999), as illustrated in Figure 12. Despite a general
cations of meltwater volumes associated with chan- lack of adequate subsurface information and a scar-
nel size. As yet no unified theory on their formation city of exposures, available studies suggest that a
can adequately explain the observed diverse wide range of sedimentary sequences fills or partially
morphologies, landform associations, and substrate fills tunnel channels (Benn and Evans, 1998;
lithologies (O’Cofaigh, 1996). Brennand and Shaw, 1994; Piotrowski, 1993).
The terms ‘tunnel valley’ and ‘tunnel channel’ have
often been used interchangeably to denote subgla- Landform Associations
cially eroded drainage courses. However, these Tunnel channels are often closely associated with
terms may also have genetic implications (Clayton drumlins, eskers, moraines, glacifluvial meltwater
et al., 1999; Mooers, 1989). In this discussion the fans, and hummocky topography. For example,
term ‘tunnel channel’ is used to describe landforms Clayton et al. (1999) and Cutler et al. (2002) proposed
interpreted as large subglacial channels without a that tunnel channels develop beneath a frozen submar-
specific genetic origin. ginal zone by the sudden release of meltwater
GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion 823
St . C
Lake Finlayson
r oi
M Mille Lacs
Snake Pine City
St. Croix
Tunnel valley
ve Esker
terrace 0 5 10 Miles
Elk River
0 5 10 Kilometers
Figure 7 Subparallel tunnel channels and associated landforms of the Superior Lobe, Minnesota, USA. From Wright HE Jr. (1973)
Tunnel Valleys, glacial surges, and subglacial hydrology of the Superior Lobe , Minnesota. In: Black R, Goldthwait R, and Willman H
(eds.) The Wisconsinan Stage, Geological Society of America Memoir 136, pp. 251–276.
42° 15′
0 100 Km
10 km
Break in slope
Hills with >25′ relief
85° 15′
Figure 8 Anabranching system of tunnel channels and associated landforms of the Saginaw Lobe, south-central Michigan, USA.
Modified from Sjogren DB, Fisher TG, Taylor LD, Jol HM, and Munro-Stasiuk MJ (2002) Incipient tunnel channels. Quaternary
International 90: 41–56.
824 GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion
Location 120
0 E
0 100 km S 119
T 11
55 BM
A R 1100
35 T I 10
73 10
1050 76
E 1100
E 30 Bois
B Sto R
10 Sp lue ne Brule
River 16 rin
gs La s Br
nd idg
25 ing e
1050 36 O 110
R 1180
E 29
77 To
wn T NO
2 4
ha RT 12
ll H 13
0 .5 1 mi
G 31
0 .5 1 km 12
N 07 CO
120 NA
12 TIO
07 NA
Figure 9 Straight-walled tunnel channel of uniform width in northwestern Wisconsin with post-formational gullies (G). Channel is
located in the Lake Minnesuing 7.5 min. quadrangle, contour interval 10 ft (approx. 3 m). Modified from Clayton L, Attig JW, and
Mickelson DM (1999) Tunnel channels formed in Wisconsin during the last glaciation. In: Mickelson DM and Attig JW (eds.) Glacial
Processes Past and Present. Geological Society of America Special Paper 337, 69–82. Geological Society of America.
? esker
? ? ?
Figure 10 Topographic examples from digital elevation models of three common channel forms and idealized channel cross sections
associated with tunnel channels; (A) Linear chains of lakes or depressions; (B) crenulated channels that expand or contract; and
(C) straight-walled channels. From Sjogren DB, Fisher TG, Taylor LD, Jol HM, and Munro-Stasiuk MJ (2002) Incipient tunnel channels.
Quaternary International 90: 41–56.
GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion 825
Figure 11 Digital elevation model of south-central Michigan displaying a series of anastomosing Saginaw Lobe tunnel channels (red
lines) with segments that flowed uphill and crossed drainage divides (dashed white lines on DEM and inset profiles) to feed a subaerial
outburst flood in the Central Kalamazoo River Valley. Modified from Kozlowski AL, Kehew AE, and Bird BC (2005) Outburst flood origin of
the Central Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 24: 2354–2374.
impounded upglacier in the thawed-bed zone where are most distinct within several kilometers of the
drumlins occur (Fig. 13). These channels cut through ice margin;
the terminal moraine, where they end at the apex of have undulatory longitudinal profiles with uphill
large, coarse-grained glacifluvial fans (Figs. 13 and reaches; and
14). Where active ice margins were in close proximity often breach moraines and terminate at large,
but not necessarily in synchronicity, some tunnel chan- coarse-grained glacifluvial fans.
nels display crosscutting relationships with younger
landforms and have been interpreted as palimpsest
tunnel channels (Kehew et al., 1999). These crosscut- Origin
ting relationships may be used to establish or constrain
Most of the controversy surrounding tunnel channels
relative timing of glacial events in complex glaciated
centers on the models proposed to explain their
regions where the chronology of events is poorly con-
formation (O’Cofaigh, 1996) and relationships to
strained (Kozlowski et al., 2005; Kehew et al., 1999).
various landform associations (Benn and Evans,
Although widely varying in morphology, drainage
1998). There is a fundamental difference in interpre-
pattern, and associated landforms, there is a general
tation between those who use the term ‘tunnel chan-
consensus that tunnel channels:
nel’ to represent bankfull meltwater flow during one
are usually straight and lack tributaries except for or more discharge events (Clayton et al., 1999) and
postglacial gullies; those who use the term ‘tunnel valley,’ which implies
826 GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion
Figure 12 Schematic cross-sectional diagram of: (A) tunnel
channel formation; (B) preservation; and (C) modification during
and after burial by younger deposits. From Clayton L, Attig JW,
and Mickelson DM (1999) Tunnel channels formed in Wisconsin
during the last glaciation. In: Mickelson DM and Attig JW (eds.)
Glacial Processes Past and Present Geological Society of
America Special Paper 337, 69–82. Geological Society of
Figure 17 Classification of S-forms, interpreted to be eroded on rock surfaces by subglacial meltwater. From Kor PSG, Shaw J, and
Sharpe DR (1991) Erosion of bedrock by subglacial meltwater, Georgian Bay, Ontario: A regional view. Canadian Journal of Earth
Sciences 28: 623–642.
Vortex instability
Free flow
Free flow
layer Rim
Vortex vortex
Vortex amalgamation
Groove Maximum
Figure 18 Erosion of bedrock by a horseshoe vortex in subglacial meltwater. From Shaw J (1994) Hairpin erosional marks, horseshoe
vortices and subglacial erosion. Sedimentary Geology 91: 269–283.
S-forms observed on bedrock surfaces were eroded in mostly unconsolidated materials and traditionally
by turbulent subglacial meltwater. The meltwater attributed to direct glacial action as the result of
hypothesis encounters an even greater degree of con- subglacial megafloods. This extension of the hypoth-
troversy, however, in the explanation of drumlins, esis was initially applied to the Livingstone Lake
rogens, and hummocky terrain, landforms occurring drumlin field in northern Saskatchewan. Form
830 GLACIAL LANDFORMS/Glacifluvial Landforms of Erosion
study of glacial sediments and landforms in south-central Sjogren D, B., Fisher, T. G., Taylor, L. D., Jol, H. M., and Munro-
Alberta, Canada. Quaternary Science Review. Stasiuk, M. J. (2002). Incipient tunnel channels. Quaternary
Fisher, T. G., and Shaw, J. (1992). A depositional model for rogen International 90, 41–56.
moraine, with examples from the Avalon Peninsula, Wright, H. E., Jr. (1973). Tunnel valleys, glacial surges, and sub-
Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 29, glacial hydrology of the Superior Lobe, Minnesota. In The
669–686. Wisconsinan Stage, (R. Black, R. Goldthwait and H.
Hooke R. L., and Jennings C. E. (in press). On the formation of Willman, Eds.), Geological Society of America Memoir136,
tunnel valleys. Quaternary Science Reviews 26. pp. 251–276.
Kehew, A. E., Nicks, L. P., and Straw, T. W. (1999). Palimpsest
tunnel valleys: Evidence for relative timing of advances in an
interlobate area of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Annals of
Glaciology 28, 47–52.
Kehew, A. E., and Teller, J. T. (1994). History of late glacial runoff Glacitectonic Structures and
along the southwestern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.
Quaternary Science Reviews 13, 859–877.
Kehew, A. K., and Lord, M. L. (1987). Glacial-lake outburst along D J A Evans, Durham University, Durham, UK
the mid-continent margins of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. In
Catastrophic flooding (L. Mayer and D. Nash, Eds.), ª 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Proceedings of 18th Annual Binghamton Symposia in
Geomorphology, pp. 95–120.
Kor, P. S. G., Shaw, J., and Sharpe, D. R. (1991). Erosion of
bedrock by subglacial meltwater, Georgian Bay, Ontario: A Introduction
regional view. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 28,
623–642. The deformation of bedrock and Quaternary sedi-
Kozlowski, A. L., Kehew, A. E., and Bird, B. C. (2005). Outburst ment into large moraines has been widely reported
flood origin of the Central Kalamazoo River Valley, Michigan, from glaciated terrains and is often responsible for
USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 2354–2374. some of the most conclusive evidence for former
Lord, M. L., and Kehew, A. K. (1987). Sedimentology and paleo-
glacier extent in the Quaternary geological record
hydrology of glacial-lake outbursts in southeastern
Saskatchewan and northwestern North Dakota. Geological (see Aber et al., 1989; van der Wateren 1995; Benn
Society of America Bulletin 99, 663–673. and Evans, 1998 for reviews). Four types of glacitec-
Mooers, H. D. (1989). On formation of the tunnel valleys of the tonic sediment–landform association are recognized:
Superior lobe, central Minnesota. Quaternary Research 32, (1) hill-hole pairs; (2) composite ridges and thrust-
block moraines; (3) cupola hills; and (4) megablocks
Munro, M., and Shaw, J. (1997). Erosional origin of hummocky
terrain in south-central Alberta. Geology 25, 1027–1030. and rafts. Benn and Evans (1998) proposed that
O’Cofaigh, C. (1996). Tunnel valley genesis. Progress in Physical glacitectonic moraine ridges are those in which gla-
Geography 20, 1–19. ciotectonized pre-tectonic and syn-tectonic sediments
O’Connor, J. E., and Baker, V. R. (1992). Magnitudes and impli- constitute >25% of the unit area of the moraine.
cations of peak discharges from Glacial Lake Missoula.
Other types of moraine, such as push moraines,
Geological Society of America Bulletin 104, 267–279.
O’Connor, J. E., and Costa, J. E. (2004). The world’s largest may contain small amounts of glacitectonized sedi-
floods, past and present: Their causes and magnitude. US ment (see Moraine forms and Genesis). Glacitectonic
Geological Survey Circular 1254, 13p. landforms may be composed of pre-Quaternary bed-
Pair, D. L. (1997). Thin film, channelized drainage, or sheetfloods rock, pre-existing Quaternary sediments, or contem-
beneath a portion of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: An examination
poraneous sediment and where they have been
of glacial erosion forms, northern New York State.
Sedimentary Geology 111, 199–216. overridden by glacier ice after construction they
Piotrowski, J. A. (1993). Tunnel-valley formation in northwest may be covered by a carapace of glacitectonite or
Germany – geology, mechanisms of formation and subglacial till (see Tills). More prolonged and active glacier
bed conditions for the Bornhoved tunnel valley. Sedimentary overriding will result in the streamlining and molding
Geology 89, 107–141.
of glacitectonic features to produce subglacial bed-
Shaw, J. (1994). Hairpin erosional marks, horseshoe vortices and
subglacial erosion. Sedimentary Geology 91, 269–283. forms.
Shaw, J. (2002). The meltwater hypothesis for subglacial bed-
forms. Quaternary International 90, 5–22.
Shaw, J., and Kvill, D. (1984). A glaciofluvial origin for drumlins Glacitectonic Processes
of the Livingstone Lake Area, Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal
of Earth Sciences 21, 1442–1459. Proglacial glacitectonics involves the large-scale dis-
Shaw, J., and Sharpe, D. R. (1987). Drumlin formation by sub- placement of proglacial materials due to stresses
glacial meltwater erosion. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences imposed by glacier ice, and involves ductile or brittle
24, 2316–2322.
deformation or a combination of the two. Ductile
Shaw, J., Kvill, D., and Rains, R. B. (1989). Drumlins and cata-
strophic subglacial floods. Sedimentary Geology 62, 177–202. deformation involves the production of large, open
Shepard, R. G., and Schumm, S. A. (1974). Experimental study of river folds in the sediments or rocks in front of an advan-
incision. Geological Society of America Bulletin 85, 257–268. cing glacier, which may develop into overfolds or