Report of Practicum

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Irdayani. Hamid, ika nurhayani, musliha yunus, muh. Yusuf, Nurpajri,karmila sari

Laboratory of Fundamental Physics Departement of Physics FMIPA

Makassar State University

experiments "Basic Measurement and Uncertainties" in which the measurement is done
experiment length and mass of the two pieces of different objects using basic measuring tools,
each of which has a level of accuracy that is different. And the temperature measurements are also
carried out and the time at which this experiment heated water then measured changes in
temperature every second. In this experiment, measurements were repeated three times
measurements. This experiment aims to be able to use basic measuring tools, capable of
determining the uncertainty in a single measurement and repetitive and understand or comprehend
the use of significant digits. Based on the results of measurements that have been done long
padapengukuran, a ruler is used to measure the length of a large object with NST 1 mm, calipers
are used to measure the length, outside diameter, and the large object with NST 0.05, while the
micrometer screw is used to measure the thickness and outer diameter an object with a higher
accuracy compared to a ruler and calipers with large NST 0.01 mm.and for measurement mass of
the object is done three times with use balance ohauss the each thinking about a number of
different arms.

Keywords: NST, the relative error, the numbers mean, repeatable measurements


A. The tools are to be used which is used to measure?

B. How can uncertainty on a single measurement and repetitive?
C. What is significant figures ? and how to use them?


1. Students are able to use basic measuring tools

2. Students are able to determine the uncertainty in a single measurement and
3. Students are able to understand and comprehend the use of significant figures
1. Theory
a. The meaning of measurement.
Physics is the study of natural phenomena such as motion, heat,
light, sound, electricity, and magnetism. The process of observation of
natural phenomena stems from observations made by our senses.
However, these observations should be accompanied by quantitative data
that can be obtained from the measurement results. In the measurement
process, the gauge is the most important part of an observation.
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) explains the importance of measurement for the
development of science. Physics is an exact science. The most important
aspect in learning physics is the measurement of physical quantities.
Therefore, in order to formulate and prove the laws of physics, we have to
make observations and measurements.
Physics is basically always associated with measurements, both
direct measurements such as measuring length, distance, area, etc., or
indirectly as measuring length, energy, force, velocity, mass etc. System is
a way to express a physical quantity called numbers into the system unit,
the system unit is also shown how a measure or scale in comparison to
other similar quantities. (ishaq, 2007: 2).
To describe a physical quantity, we first define a unit is a measure
of the amount of the defined-value precision 1.0. Then we define a
standard that is a reference berfugsi as a benchmark comparison for all
instances of massive lai concerned. Then we define all other physical
quantities in affinity with these basic quantities and their
Measurement is part of dar science process skills that are both
kuantitaf information gathering and qualitatively. By performing the
measurement, can be obtained magnitude or value of a quantity or
qualitative evidence. In learning the science of physics, an educator not
only gather facts alone but should work on science as a process (process
approach). Therefore, doing science experiments or experiments in physics
very pentin. Conduct experiments in the laboratory, means deliberately
evoke natural phenomena then take measurements. (guiding basic physics
lab 1, 2014: 1)
b. Assessment and precision measuring
1. Decree (accuracy). If a quantity is measured several times and produce
prices are spread around the actual price of the measurements said to be
"accurate". In these measurements the average price closer to the actual
price. The accuracy (precision).
2. If the measurement results is concentrated in a particular area then called
the measurement precision (the price of each measurement is not much
different). (guiding basic physics lab 1, 2014: 1)
c. Figures important or significant figures
1. All non-zero numbers are significant figures
2. The zero is located between nonzero digits including significant figures
3. The zero figure's right hand is not zero, including significant figures,
unless there are other explanations, such as a line under the last digit is
considered important Zeros are located to the right of zero, both's right
hand or to the left of the decimal point does not include significant figures.
(guiding basic physics lab 1, 2014: 1)
d. uncertainty of measurement
1. uncertainty applying
Applying uncertainty will lead to the results obtained deviate from the
actual results. The sources of uncertainty are:
a. Error calibration tool
b. Ere zero
c. Damage to equipment components
d. friction
e. ere parallax
f. Error while working
2. Uncertainty Rambang (random)
This error comes from the symptoms that may not be controlled or
overcome such changes are so rapid that beyond the means of controlling
and regulating. This causes the uncertainly measurement fallen some what
to the left and to the right of the actual values. Random sources of
uncertainty include:
a. Error estimate the scale section
b. State means a state that fluctuates rapidly changing with time
c. Random motion of air molecules
d. The foundation of a vibrating
e. Noise is interference with the electronic device in the form of rapid
fluctuations in voltage due to component kerjnya tool increasing
f. Background radiation such as cosmic radiation from outer space
3. Analysis of measurement uncertainty
A measurement is always accompanied by uncertainty. Thus it is difficult
to obtain the true value of a quantity through measurement. So as to obtain
the measurement results as accurately as possible and report the
accompanying uncertainty can be done by:
a. The uncertainty of a single measurement
Single measurement is a measurement performed only once. The value
of x until the last stroke can be known with certainty, Namu reading the
rest is mere conjecture or supposition that is dubious. This uncertainty
is given the symbol Δx. Coat Δx is the absolute uncertainty. For a
single measure taking wisdom :

So the writing of the measurement results can be reported in a way that

has been standardized just as the following:
( )
X = symbol magnitudes measured
(x ± Δx) =magnitude of the uncertainty of measurement results

Δx or absolute uncertainty gives an idea of the quality of measuring

instruments used. The higher the quality of the gauge, the smaller Δx
obtained and the smaller the absolute uncertainty of the precise
measurement results.
Comparison between the absolute uncertainty of the measurement

results ( ) is called the relative uncertainty. Expressed

relative uncertainty level of precision of the measurement. The smaller

the relative uncertainty, the higher the accuracy achieved in the
b. Repeated measurement uncertainty
By doubling the repetition, to our knowledge about the true value of
getting better. Repetition should be done as often as possible. However,
it should be distinguished between repetitions a few times (2 or 3 times
only) and fairly frequent repetition (10 times or more). paper reporting
the results of the measurement can write to:
| ̅ |
̅ = average of measurements
Δx = (θ) maximum deviation or average deviation

And deviation is | ̅ |, | ̅|, | ̅|

Δx is the largest among or may be taken
Tools and materials
A. tool g. Balance Ohaus
a. a ruler h. measuringcup
b. a micrometer screw i. Tripod and gauze
c. stopwatch B. Material
d. thermometer a. Water
e. cubemar b. Bunsen burner
f. bles
Identivikasi variablel
a. Measurement length = p (length), l (width), t (high)
b. Measurement of mass = m (mass of the object)
c. Measurement of time and temperature
The manipulated variable: t (second)
Controlled variables: V (volume)
Response variables: T (temperature)
Operational definition of variables
a. length measurement
There is only the length (p), height (t) and width (l) which is the manipulated
variable. The manipulated variable is the variable that changed.
b. mass measurements
Varriabel involved only, manipulation variable is the variable that changed, the
variable mass (m).
c. Measurement of time and temperature
1. The manipulated variable is the variable that changed-ubah.Variabel that
altered the activity measurements are time and temperature t (time)
2. The control variable is a variable that is always in contro during pratikum
activities. At the time of measurement activities and these include variable
temperature control that is V (volume)
3. The response variables are variables that follow the variable manipulation.
This means that when a variable manipulations altered, the response
variable is also changing. In the act of measuring time and temperature
which are the control variables, namely T (temperature)
work procedures
A. length measurement
a. Take a ruler, vernier caliper and micrometer screw specify NST
b. measure each of the three times for the length, width and height of the cube-
shaped beams by using three instruments. Record the results of your
measurements in the table of observations with the results of measurements
with uncertainty.
each measure as much as three times the diameter marbles (measuring in
different places) is provided by using the three measures.
c. Record the results of your measurements in the table of observations with the
results of measurements with uncertainty
B. mass measurements
a. Determine NST each balance sheet
b. Measure the mass of a cube and a sphere by using a balance ohauss 2610 g,
311 g and 310 g (which you use in measuring the length) repeated 3 times
c. Record the results of your measurements are equipped with measurement
C. Measurement of temperature and time
a. Prepare a measuring cup, a Bunsen burner complete with three legs and a
layer of asbestos and a thermometer
b. Fill the measuring cup with water to 1/2 part and place it on three legs
without burning
c. Measure the temperature as the initial temperature ( )
d. Turn on the Bunsen burning and wait a while until the flame looks normal
e. Put Bunsen was burning just below the beaker along with the running tool
time measuring device
f. Record the temperature changes the reading on the thermometer every
interval of 1 minute until a 10
Measurment result
A. length measurement

NST ruler : =

NST calipers : 20 scale nonius = 39 maen scale .

Because the value of 1 mm in the major
scale 1 SN = = 0,95 mm. So NST

calipers = 2 mm – 0,95 = 0,05 mm

NST mikrometer sekrup : horizontal scale velue =

so NST =

tabel 1. Results of measurements of length

objects magnitude observations (mm)

No were of the micrometer
Rule Cubemar
measured measured screw
1.|20,0 ± 0,5| 1.|20,00 ± 0,05| | 20,290 ± 0,005 |
Lenght 2. |20,0 ± 0,5| 2. |20,00± 0,05| | 20,260 ± 0,005 |
3.|20,0 ± 0,5| 3.|20,00 ± 0,05| | 20,260 ± 0,005 |
1.|20,0 ± 0,5| 1.|20,00 ± 0,05| | 20,250 ± 0,005 |
1 Cube width 2. |20,0 ± 0,5| 2. |20,00 ±0,05| | 20,260 ± 0,005 |
3.|20,0 ± 0,5| 3.|20,00 ± 0,05| | 20,260 ± 0,005 |
1.|20,0 ± 0,5| 1.|20,45 ± 0,05 | 20, 255± 0,005 |
high 2. |20,0 ± 0,5| 2.|20,00 ± 0,05| | 20, 260 ± 0,005|
3.|20,0 ± 0,5| 3.|20,45 ± 0,05| | 20,260 ± 0,005 |
1.|16,0 ± 0,5| 1.|16,35 ± 0,05| | 16,020 ± 0,005 |
2 diameter 2.|15,0 ± 0,5| 2.|16,35 ± 0,05| | 16,020 ± 0,005 |
3. .|16,0 ± 0,5| 3.|16,25 ± 0,05| | 16,050 ± 0,005|
B. mass measurements
a. Balance ohauss 2610 gram
Value scale arm I = 100 mm
Value scale arm II = 10 mm
Value scale arm III = 0,1 mm
Tabel 2. Results of mass measurements with the balance of 2610
grams ohauss

appointment appointment appointment Hanging

Objects objects mass (g)
of arm 1 of arm 2 of arm 3 load
1.0 1.20 1. 4,6 1.|24,60 ± 0,05 |
The cube 2.0 2.20 2. 4,5 2. |24,50 ± 0,05 |
3.0 3.20 3.4.4 3.|24,40 ± 0,05 |
1.0 1.0 1. 5,8 1.|5,80 ± 0,05 |
2.0 2.0 2. 5,8 2.|5,80 ± 0,05 |
3.0 3.0 3. 5,9 3.|5,90 ± 0,05 |
b. Neraca ohauss 311 gram
Value scale arm 1 = 100 mm
Value scale arm 2 = 10 mm
Value scale arm 3 = 1 mm
Value scale arm 4 = 0,1 mm

Tabel 3. Results of mass measurements with the balance of 311 grams ohauss

appointment appointme appointme appointment

Objects objects mass (g)
of arm 1 nt of arm 2 nt of arm 3 of arm 4
1.0 1.20 1.4 1.0,55 1. | 24, 550 ± 0,005 |
2.0 2.20 2.4 2.0,55 2. | 24, 550 ± 0,005 |
3.0 3.20 3.4 3.0,55 3. | 24, 550 ± 0,005 |
Ball 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.0,1 1. | 6,100 ± 0,005 |
(marbl 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.0,08 2. | 6,080 ± 0,005 |
es) 3.0 3.0 3.6 3.0,05 3. | 6, 050 ± 0,005 |
c. Neraca ohauss 310 gram
Value scale arm 1 = 100 mm
Value scale arm 2 = 10
Turn the scale value = 0.019 mm
Number Nonius scale = 10 mm
NST 310 grams ahous balance is 0, 019

Table 4.hasil ohauss mass measurements with the balance of 310

appoint appoint swivel

Object ment of ment of Appointm mass objects (g)
Nonius Scale
arm 1 arm 2 ent scale
1.0 1.20 1. 4,4 1. 0,07 1. | 24,47 ± 0,01 |
Cube 2.0 2.20 2. 4,4 2. 0,07 2. | 24,47 ± 0,01 |
3.0 3.20 3. 4,4 3. 0,07 3. | 24,47 ± 0,01 |
1.0 1. 0 1. 5,7 1. 0,03 1. | 5,72 ± 0,01 |
Marbles 2.0 2. 0 2. 5,7 2. 0,03 2. | 5,72 ± 0,01 |
3.0 3. 0 3. 5,7 3. 0,03 3. | 5,72 ± 0,01 |

C. Measurement of time and temperature

NST thermometer = 1 ºc NST stopwatch = 0,1
Initial temperature ( ) = 33 ºc
Table 5. Results of measurements of time and temperature

No time (s) Temperature ( ºc ) Temberatur change ( ºc )

1 60 | 36,0 ± 0,5 | |3±1|
2 120 | 38,0 ± 0,5 | |5±1|
3 180 | 41,0 ± 0,5 | |8±1|
4 240 | 44,0 ± 0,5 | | 11 ± 1 |
5 300 | 47,0 ± 0,5 | | 13 ± 1 |
6 360 | 47,0 ± 0,5 | | 16 ± 1 |
Data analysis

1. rule
NST rule = 0,1 cm/ skala
the lenght of the cube = 1.|20,0 ± 0,5| mm
2.|20,0 ± 0,5| mm
3.|20,0 ± 0,5| mm

the get : ̅

̅ mm

| ̅ | = |20 - 20| = 0 mm
| ̅|=|20 - 20| = 0 mm
| ̅ |=|20 - 20| = 0 mm
max. =
So reporting the measurment result is
P = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm . as well as the width and height as the height and
width data is the same data.
so :
l = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
t= | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
for the volemu of a cube is
P = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
l = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
t = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm

V = pxlxt

= 20 x 20 x 20

= 8000

The eror spreading is :

So V = | v ± | , V = | 8000 ± 600 | mm .
Relative uncertainty :

= 2 angka berarti
so V= | 8 00 ± 6 0 | mm
ball Diameter
1.|16,0 ± 0,5|
2.|15,0 ± 0,5|
3.|16,0 ± 0,5|

The get :

̅ = 15,33 mm

| ̅ | = |16 – 15,33| = 0,67 mm

| ̅|=|15 – 15,33| = 0,33 mm
| ̅ |=|16 – 15,33| = 0,67 mm
max. =
D = | 15,33 ± 0,67 | mm
Uncertainty relative is :

The reporting of physics : D = |15,3 ± 0,67| mm

Volume marbles :

propagation errata

| | | |

| |

then reporting their physical is | |

for calipers
the lenght and width of the cube
The length of the cube = 1.|20,0 ± 0,5| mm
2.|20,0 ± 0,5| mm
3.|20,0 ± 0,5| mm

The get : ̅

̅ mm

| ̅ | = |20 - 20| = 0 mm
| ̅|=|20 - 20| = 0 mm
| ̅ |=|20 - 20| = 0 mm
max. =
So reporting the measurement result is
P = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
l= | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
For high - kubus : 1.|20,45 ± 0,05| mm
2.|20,00 ± 0,05| mm
3.|20,45 ± 0,05| mm

| – ̅ | = |20,45 – 20,30 | = 0,15 mm

| ̅|=|20,00 – 20,3| = -0,03 mm
| ̅ |=|20,45 – 20,3 | = 0,15 mm
max. =
t = |20,3 ± 0,15| mm
Relative uncertainty =

4 significant figures

So the reporting of physisc is : t = | 20,30 ± 0,150 | mm

for diameter ball 1.|16,35 ± 0,05|, 2.|16,35 ± 0,05|, 3. |16,25 ± 0,05|

̅ = 16,17 mm

| ̅ | = |16,35 – 16,17| = 0,18 mm

| ̅|= |16,35 – 16,17| = 0,18 mm
| ̅ |=|16,25 – 16,17 | = 0,08 mm
max. = . dan relative uncertainty :

So the reporting of physics is : D = |16,2 ±0,18 | mm

for the volemu of a cube is
P = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
l = | 20,00 ± 0,5 | mm
t = |20,3 ± 0,15| mm

V = pxlxt

= 20 x 20 x 20,3
= 8120
The eror spreading is :
So V = | v ± | , V = | 8120 ± 467,712 | mm .
Relative uncertainty :

= 2 angka berarti
so V= | 8 20± 4 7,7 | mm
for volume ball

D = |16,2 ±0,18 | mm

So 2224,97

Propagation errata : | | | |

| |
Relative uncertainty

| |
Length measurements with a micrometer screw

for cube
lenght : 1.| 20,290 ± 0,005|, 2.| 20,260 ± 0,005 | dan 3.| 20,260 ± 0,005 |
so ̅

̅ = 20,27 mm

| ̅ | = |20,29 – 20,27 | = 0,02 mm

| ̅|= |20,26 – 20,27 | = -0,01 mm
| ̅ |= |20,26 – 20,27 | = -0,01 mm
max. = . dan relative uncertainty :
So report of physisc : p = |20,27 ± 0,020| mm
for widht : 1.| 20,250 ± 0,005 | mm
2.| 20,260 ± 0,005| mm
3.| 20,260 ± 0,005 | mm

̅ = 20,26 mm

| ̅ | = |20,25 – 20,26 | = 0,01 mm

| ̅|= |20,26 – 20,26 | = 0 mm
| ̅ |= |20,26 – 20,26 | = 0 mm
max. = 0 so . dan relative uncertainty :

So report of physisc : l = |20,26 ± 0,01| mm

for high 1.| 20, 255± 0,005 | mm
2.| 20, 260 ± 0,005 | mm
3.| 20,260 ± 0,005 | mm

̅ = 20,26 mm

| ̅ | = |20,255 – 20,26 | = 0,005 mm

| ̅|= |20,26 – 20,26 | = 0 mm
| ̅ |= |20,26 – 20,26 | = 0 mm
max. =0 so . and relative uncertainty

So report of physisc : t = |20,26 ± 0,005| mm

for volume
P = |20,27 ± 0,020| mm
l = |20,26 ± 0,01| mm
t = |20,2600 ± 0,005| mm
V = pxlxt
= 20,27 x 20,26 x 20,26
= 8320, 1783
The eror spreading is

So V = | v ± | , V = | 8320, 18 ± 14,3663 | mm .
Relative uncertainty :

= 4 significant figure

o V= | 8320 ±14,36 |
Vor volume ball

Propagation errata

| | | |

| |

So reporting their physisc | |

2. mass measurements
1. belance Ohauss 2610 g
for kubus
1. | 24, 47 ± 0,05 |
2. | 24,47 ± 0,05 |
3. | 24,47 ± 0,05 | = 24, 47 g
1 = |24,47-24,47| = 0 , 2 = |24,47-24,47| = 0 , 3= |24,47-24,47| = 0
m1 = max. = 0, 05 gram


| |

for ball m2 1.| 5,80 ± 0,05 | g

2. | 5,80 ± 0,05 | g

3. | 5,90 ± 0,05 | g

= 5,83 g

1 =| -0,03 |gram 2 =|-0,03|gram 3 = |0,07|gram

m2 = max. = |0,07|gram


= | 5,83 ± 0,07 | gram

2. belance ohaus 311 g

a. for cube 1. | 24,550 ± 0,005 | g

2. | 24, 550 ± 0,005 | g

3. | 24,550 ± 0,005 | g
m1 = 24,550 gram

1 = |0|gram 2 = |0|gram 3 = |0|gram

Right, so that | |

b. for ball 1. | 5,80 ± 0,05 |

2. | 5,80 ± 0,05 |

3. | 5,90 ± 0,05 | m2 = 5,83 gram

1 = | 5,80 – 5,83 | = 0,03 g ,

2 = | 5,80 – 5,83 | = 0,03 g

3 = | 5,90 – 5,83 | = 0,07

m2 = max. = | 0,07 |gram


| |

3. Belance ohaus 310 g

a. for cube 1. | 6, 10 ± 0,005 |

2. | 6,08 ± 0,005 |

3. | 6,05 ± 0,005 | m1 =6,08 gram

1 = |6,10 – 6,08| = 0,02 , 2 = |6,08- 6,08|= 0, 3 = |6,05-6,08|= -0,03

m1 = max. = | 0,02 |gram

| |

b. for ball 1. | 5,72 ± 0,05 |

2. | 5,73 ± 0,05 |

3. | 5,73 ± 0,05 |

m2 = 5,72 gram

1 =| 0 |gram 2 = | 0,01 |gram3 = | 0,01 |gram

m2 = max. = | 0,01 |gram


| |

To the density of the cube and marbles

a. the density of the cube

1. using a ruler


| |

V = | 8 00,00 ± 6 0,00|

Propagation errata

| |

| |
So | |

2. using a vernier caliper

unknow :
V = | 8 20± 4 5,99 |
| |

Propagation errata

| |

| |

So | |
3. using a micrometer screw V= | 8320 ±14,36 |
| |

Propagation errata

| |

| |

b. the density of ball
1. using a ruler


| |

| |

Propagation errata

| |

| |

So | |

2. using vanier caliper

unknow :
| |
| |

Propagation errata

| |

| |
So | |
3. using a micrometer screw
unknow :
| |

| |

Propagation errata

| |

| |


Measuring is comparing something that is measured by something other

similar set as a unit. In activity 1 In 2 pieces of objects that have different sizes,
with dimensions measured in this object is the length and diameter. Based on data
analysis in measuring the length of the comparison of the results of the
measurement object with the third measuring instrument different from the three
instruments. This is because each measuring instrument has a level of accuracy
that is different. Where, micrometer screw has a very thorough results than the
measurement ruler and caliper. This is consistent with the theory that the precision
micrometer screw is 0.01 mm and is also seen in the maximum deviation. each
measuring instrument has a level of accuracy that is different. Errors in
measurement can be seen from the standard obtained from the analysis of the data.
While in the second activity, mass measurement using ohauss balance 3610 g, 311
g and 310 g. Of the three this balance that has the highest level of accuracy that is
the balance of 311 g it can be seen from the relative error. The smaller the relative
error, the level of precision is even greater.

Measurement time is generally performed by using a stopwatch. Type

stopwatch quite a lot and usually have three buttons are buttons start, stop and
reset. Start button is used to run the stopwatch and the stop button to stop her.
While the reset button is used to set the stopwatch to zero. A thermometer is a
device used to measure the temperature. thermometer has a different scale, but are
used in this measurement has 1ºc scale.

time is directly proportional to temperature changes. As the activities

carried out 6 times 3 temperature measurements with different time. for example
at the time of 60 seconds the temperature changes only reach 3 ° C, and at the
time of 120 seconds at 5 ° C change in temperature of up to 360 seconds at 16 ° C
change in temperature is reached. It can be caused at the time of 60 seconds of
heat received by the heat given very less so low suhunyapun change. And at the
time of 360 seconds the temperature change is very high, it is because the amount
of heat received at the time of 360 seconds is much greater. So from these events
can be seen that the amount of heat everything that can be an object or particle
depending on the length of the object or particle is heated. That's because time is
directly proportional to temperature changes.

based on experiments that have been performed can be concluded that:

a. Measurement is the activity of comparing an object that can show differences
of objects measured directly with some of the original scale
b. The slide is a device used to measure the size of the outer, inner, and
measure into in mm and inches. With 0:01 cm accuracy
c. Micrometer screw is a device used to measure the thickness of an object with
an accuracy of 0.001 cm
d. The level of precision micrometer screw is higher in comparison with calipers

Halliday. 2005. Fundamentals of physics vol 1. Tangerang: binarupa Aksara

Herman, et al. 2014. Guidance basic physics lab 1. Makassar: UNM
Ishaq, M. 2007. Physical basis of issue 2. Yogyakarta : graha ilmu
Kanginan, Marthen. 2013. Physics 1. Cimahi: Erlangga

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