RoutledgeHandbooks 9780203713303 Chapter3 PDF
RoutledgeHandbooks 9780203713303 Chapter3 PDF
RoutledgeHandbooks 9780203713303 Chapter3 PDF
On: 17 Sep 2019
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Publisher: Routledge
Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG, UK
Ronald Scheinberg
Publication details
Ronald Scheinberg
Published online on: 08 Dec 2017
How to cite :- Ronald Scheinberg. 08 Dec 2017, Deal Types, Structures and Enhancements from: The
Commercial Aircraft Finance Handbook Routledge
Accessed on: 17 Sep 2019
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Lease Financing
The airline/operator of an Aircraft Asset (lessee) does not own the asset but borrows
it from a third party who does own it (lessor) for a period of time (lease term) during
which the lessee will have the right to possession and use of such asset in exchange
for rent, and at the end of the lease term the airline/operator must return that asset
to the lessor. While leases may be Operating Leases or Finance Leases (which are
disguised Mortgage Financings), for the purposes of this book we are treating a
‘Lease Financing’ as a financing with the characteristics of an Operating Lease, where
the lessor is treated as the true owner of the Aircraft Asset; that is, see
‘Finance/Capital Lease’, for an extensive discussion of the Finance Lease versus
Operating Lease criteria determinants and see Exhibit 3.1 for a schematic depiction
of a Lease Financing.1
Mortgage Financing
The owner of an Aircraft Asset (whether a lessor or airline/operator) borrows money
from lenders to finance or refinance the purchase price (or value) of that asset and
the lenders receive a Security Interest in that asset as collateral to secure repayment
of the related loan. A Mortgage Financing includes a Finance Lease where the lessor
is treated, not as an owner, but rather as a mortgagee. See Exhibit 3.2 for a
schematic depiction of a Mortgage Financing.
The variations on these two prototypes keep Aircraft Financiers rather busy.
Financings may involve multiple jurisdictions to take advantage of different tax
regimes; they may involve public or privately placed securities to achieve the best
pricing; they may be placed in the capital markets or the commercial bank/loan
market; they may involve a single Aircraft Asset, or many of them; and they may
be subject to airline or lessor risk or have the support of an Export Credit Agency
Ultimately, the structure choice of Lease Financing or Mortgage Financing is
determined by the operator in its ‘lease versus own’ analysis. The following criteria
will have a hand in the operator’s decision.
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Operang lessor
Benefits of mortgage
Debt service $
• Operational flexibility.
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• Cost:
º lease rates versus debt rates; and
º ability to take advantage of tax benefits.
• Residual risk:
º long-term view of asset value appreciation;
º risk appetite;
º view on emergence of new aircraft models and technology;
º view on current and future aircraft needs (‘lift’) and gaps (taking into
consideration its own order book);2
º future maintenance costs;
º perceived future availability of asset model from other sources; and
º Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) order book for future
deliveries generally.
• Corporate policy:
º keep fleet ‘young’;3
º interest in de-leveraging (in a Lease Financing, the lessor would be
the one to bear the burden of debt financing); and
º accounting policy to minimize on-balance sheet debt.4
• Technological advancements:
º cheaper maintenance for newer models;
º better fuel burn for newer models; and
º ability to retrofit these advancements on older models (for example,
• Access to capital:
º debt markets;
º equity markets; and
º lessor markets.
• Tax:
º ability to take advantage of tax benefits available to an owner (for
example, depreciation).
In this Part of the Handbook, the various structures used to finance Aircraft will
be reviewed as well as different features that may be appended onto these structures.
Prior to delving into the various transaction structures, a word should be said about
the placement of Aircraft Finance transactions in the financial markets. There are
two considerations here: (i) the identity of the purchasers of the financing; and (ii)
the nature of the placement itself.
The Purchaser
While the previous discussion largely revolved around the needs of the airline/
operator, the other side to these matters is making sure the needs of the purchaser
of the Aircraft Finance security are similarly satisfied. These purchasers can be broken
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In lease financings, there will be an equity component. The purchaser of the metal,
the person who would become the lessor/owner of the Aircraft Asset, is driven by
its interest in the operating business of leasing and obtaining: (i) residual returns;
(ii) current cash flow (rent); and/or (iii) tax benefits. Its economic return require-
ments based on these three criteria must be satisfied, taking into account the
following (non-comprehensive) set of risks associated with any Aircraft Finance
transaction (‘Risk Factors’).
Of course, the longer the lease term, the greater the chance that any of these
Risk Factors might surface into a problem, thus the tenor of a transaction will have
a tremendous bearing on risk assessment (and, accordingly, return requirements).
Investors in Aircraft Asset equity include:
The longer term trends show Aircraft leasing to be on the rise. Approximately
40 percent of new Aircraft deliveries are funded by Operating Lease Finance. The
investor pool is constantly expanding as investors from all of the sectors described
above are looking for the ‘next big opportunity’, with Aircraft ownership and leasing
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In Back-leveraged Lease financings and in mortgage financings there is a requirement
for debt. Providers of debt have more simple criteria than equity for assessing their
return which is primarily covered by: (i) up-front fees; and (ii) interest earnings.
The economic return requirements of debt providers will necessarily factor in the
Risk Factors spelt out above and, similarly, the tenor of a transaction will have a
bearing on the risk assessments and return requirements. Investors in Aircraft Asset
debt components include:
• commercial banks;
• non-bank lenders: insurance companies, finance companies, pension plans
and funds (for example, Fidelity);
• public debt/capital markets;
• ECAs (directly or through guaranteed-debt); and
• OEMs.
The interest of these equity and debt participants in Aircraft Finance rise and
fall with market developments and cycles. Boeing Capital, in their annual ‘Current
Aircraft Finance Market Outlook, 2013–2017’ provides a useful snapshot of the
current trend lines for the various Aircraft Finance funding sources; see
• Bank financing – bank loans are not a security covered by the Securities
Act, so may be placed without a registration statement.
• Rule 144A Financing – Rule 144A is a rule of the SEC that allows an
exemption to registration for resales of debt securities to institutional
investors previously acquired in a private placement. Such institutional
investors must be Qualified Institutional Buyers (defined below). Holders
and prospective purchasers of Rule 144A-placed securities must have the
right to obtain from the issuer, upon request, certain bank information about
the issuer and the securities. For this reason, in a Rule 144A transaction,
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• Senior A Tranches:
º A-1 – amortizing over 12 years;
º A-2 – bullet maturity in year 7; and
• Junior B Tranche.
Each Tranche, then, is targeted to the needs of particular investors, thus expanding
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The withdrawal of bank liquidity in the aircraft finance sector in the aftermath
of the bank liquidity crisis led to much discussion as to whether there would be a
‘Funding Gap’; that is, will there be enough available funding sources to finance
new deliveries (as well as to refinance those aircraft the financings of which mature)?9
The bottom line to the ‘funding gap’ debate is usually the question as to what degree
the ECAs and the manufacturers10 will step up to fill the gap so as to avoid, for new
deliveries, the prospect of whitetails in the desert. In fact, in the aftermath of the
2009 funding crisis, the ECAs and the remaining market participants stepped up
and no Funding Gap materialized. ECAs fill funding gaps in one of two ways. First,
they can support with bank guarantees an increasing number of aircraft exports so
as to tap the pool of ECA banks (which seem to have faced a less severe liquidity
cutback than banks that are asset-based lenders). Second, some of the ECAs can
issue loans on a direct basis if ECA banks are not willing to step up to the plate at
competitive pricing (or at all). Importantly, the ECA financings can only support
exports. So, due to that fact and agreements that exist among the ECAs, ECA
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In the light of the foregoing, then, what are the industry prospects for these various
debt funding sources?
ECA Financings
As discussed in ‘Export Credit Agency (ECA) Financing’, the ECA-guaranteed loan
product remains an important source of Aircraft Financing, covering some 23
percent of new Aircraft Financings. The increasing usage of the capital markets to
fund these (primarily U.S. Ex-Im) financings for both airlines and lessors. However,
with the Aircraft Sector Understanding (ASU) rules requiring ECA financings to
more closely approximate private market pricing, there will likely be a tail-off of
usage for this financing source.
Bank Financings
With a number of years now having passed since the bank liquidity crisis of
2008–2009, the commercial bank market has become increasingly robust in appetite.
While a number of European banks (especially German landesbanks) have per-
manently exited the market, the remaining European (primarily French and German)
banks and the U.S. banks are being joined by new (or returning) market entrants
from commercial banks in Japan, Australia, the Middle East and (in the case of
financing Chinese airlines) China. Commercial banks currently fund approximately
28 percent of new Aircraft deliveries.11
Capital Markets
The prognosis for continued availability of Aircraft Financing in the capital markets
is similarly positive. The EETC market continues to be strong, and that market’s
liquidity and improving pricing remains an important feature. In addition to airlines
(who are accessing the capital markets with EETCs), lessors should continue to
evolve their use of the capital markets through Collateralized Lease Obligations
(CLO) type structures. The expansion of lessor penetration into the capital markets
will need to coincide with an evolution of the credit rating agencies’ understanding
of the aircraft leasing business and the development of rational and consistent rating
criteria for aircraft lessors. Rating agencies also have a role in introducing non-U.S.
airlines to the efficiencies of capital markets financing and shaping the market
for international EETCs relying on the Cape Town Convention.12 While the U.S.
capital markets are expected to continue to be the primary market for the origination
and syndication of aircraft public debt, regional capital markets may start to play
a growing role. The capital markets fund approximately 14 percent of new Aircraft
Non-bank Financing
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Non-bank debt investors in Aircraft Finance are most prevalent in the purchasing
of capital markets products. However, they are increasingly looking at this sector
on a private basis for improved yields and palatable risk levels. This investor pool
is constantly expanding, with Aircraft Finance investing an increasingly visible
opportunity. The historically strong performance of commercial aircraft investments
should continue to attract new investors to this sector, especially in the secondary
markets (post-delivery) and with used14 Aircraft (which will provide stronger yields).
• a restructured lease with the debtor (with associated rent cash flow);
• deficiency claims; and
• the residual value of an Aircraft Asset at its lease termination.
Each of these items is subject to monetization in different ways: the Leases can
be backleveraged or sold; the Deficiency Claims can be traded; and the Aircraft
Assets can be sold on a current or forward basis. Mind you, the ability to be in a
Repossession risks
Finally, a word about repossession risks. Aircraft Finance is necessarily a discussion
about asset-based financing where the fact that there is a valuable asset standing
behind the obligation of a debtor is critical. The ability to repossess the financed
Aircraft Asset, then, is of utmost importance in a distress situation. Section 1110
of the U.S. Bankruptcy, and comparable provisions under Cape Town, accordingly,
are highly important features for Aircraft Financiers’ assessment of repossession risk.
The availability of these legal rights (or lack thereof) in any particular jurisdiction
will, therefore, greatly color the view of Aircraft Financiers on doing business in
that jurisdiction and acquiring any associated securities. The robustness of the U.S.
EETC market is largely owing to the availability to the financiers of Section 1110
rights in respect of the financed Aircraft. See Part 8 for a discussion of repossession
and other risks associated with defaults.
Aircraft Finance Insurance Consortium (AFIC) is a credit insurance product
developed by Marsh Aviation Aerospace Practice, an affiliate of Marsh & McLennan
Companies, for financiers providing financing to operating lessors and airlines
acquiring Boeing-manufactured aircraft. AFIC is intended to replicate, in large part,
the credit support provided by U.S. Eximbank in its traditional support arrangements
for Boeing-manufactured aircraft. This product was launched, for among other
reasons, to provide an alternative to U.S. Eximbank financing support due to the
freezing of U.S. Eximbank’s export support programs because of political disputes
over matters of U.S. Eximbank’s role in the economy and corporate welfare concerns.
The AFIC product is a non-payment insurance policy; that is, it will pay the
insured financier if the obligor under the related aircraft financing fails to make
payments when due. The AFIC insurance policy is underwritten by international
insurance companies that are affiliates of Allianz, Axis and Sompo International.
These underwriting arrangements are on a several basis. Thus, an insured taking
this policy is assuming credit risk of each of the underwriting insurance companies
other underwriters. Insofar as the credit of the insurers is inferior to that of the U.S.
government, combined with the risk inherent in the ‘several liability’, the insureds
may have a greater interest in the aircraft collateral than they do in a U.S. Eximbank
At the time of this writing, the AFIC product is fairly new to the market, so it is
difficult to ascertain how successful it will be at this stage. We would anticipate that
Airbus will seek to replicate this product as an alternative to European ECA-
supported financing transactions for Airbus aircraft.
Back-leveraged Lease
This is an Operating Lease which, together with its related Aircraft Asset, is
collaterally assigned/mortgaged by a lessor in favor of an Aircraft Financier as security
for a loan. The Debt Service requirements under such loan are serviced by the rentals
under such Operating Lease, see Exhibit 3.3. Insofar as such rentals may not be
sufficient to repay such loan, the related Aircraft Asset may need to be sold to pay
off any resulting Balloon (and most Back-leveraged Lease facilities are Non-
recourse). A Finance Lease is not well suited for a back-leveraging insofar as the
‘lessor’ (borrower) has no equity interest in the asset; accordingly, among other
things, there can be no Balloon exposure (unless there is a matching balloon-type
payment under the Finance Lease), and there is no ‘equity cushion’.
From an airline’s perspective, back-leveraging of an Aircraft should not be
cause for too much concern as, other than a redirection of rental payments and
amendments to the insurance certificates, the relationship between the operating
lessor and the airline remains unaltered. However, that could change if the lessor
defaults, if the airline defaults, or if the lessor does not refinance the debt balloon.
In each case, the lender may be taking management of the lease and Aircraft away
from the operating lessor. As a result, the airline may lose the operating lessor as a
business partner with whom it has a larger relationship and for which waivers,
workouts or management of Aircraft returns might yield a different result than with
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Pledged account
Debt service $
Benefits of mortgage
Security Loan
Lessor/owner distribuon B Lenders
trustee/agent $
Mortgage and
lease assignment
Lease rentals $
Airline (lessee)
a new lessor (the lender) which has a different agenda. Of course, the ultimate identity
of a lessor is never fixed as lessors always retain the right to trade their Aircraft
positions. In addition, tapping bank financiers or the capital markets for the back-
leveraging of Aircraft may absorb credit capacity that the same airlines wish to use
for other bilateral or capital markets transactions. Finally, airlines should be mindful
that certain ‘bankruptcy remote’ protections might conflict with the airline’s interest
to have the operating lessor guarantee the obligations of the lessor.
Financiers taking Balloon risk in Back-leveraged Lease deals must be prepared
to take over the asset and the lessor should be advising the financier in a timely
manner if it is walking away from the asset so that the financier can prepare
for potential repossession and remarketing at Lease maturity.
Bankruptcy Remote
This is a transaction using a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that is structured in a
manner to protect the financing from the bankruptcy of the originator, sponsor or
servicer of the financed assets (see ‘Securitization’) or the entity that owns the entity
that owns the financed assets. Transactions are characterized as Bankruptcy Remote
rather than bankruptcy proof since there is no way to ensure 100 percent bankruptcy-
proof protections (especially in the light of the fact that bankruptcy courts are courts
of equity).
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In order to minimize bankruptcy risk, a number of features are typically
employed: SPVs, Orphan Trust Structures and inclusion of provisions in
organizational documents that require independent managers/members/
directors to agree to any bankruptcy filing and other significant corporate event
or restructuring/reorganization. Many transactions structured as Bankruptcy
Remote require from the lawyers of the originator a legal opinion that the
Bankruptcy Remote entity will not be subject to Consolidation with the
originator in the event of the originator’s bankruptcy (see Part 8, ‘Non-
consolidation’). These opinions are reasoned (meaning that they are not
absolute in conclusion), dozens of pages long and very expensive to procure.
Pledged account
Debt service $ Loan $
Benefits of mortgage
Pledge, mortgage
and equipment
Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment
note note note note
note assignment
of funding the assets. Once the assets are transferred to the issuer, there is normally
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To be able to buy the debt securities from the originator, the issuer issues tradable
securities to fund the purchase. Investors purchase the securities, either through
a private offering (targeting institutional investors) or on the open market.
Alternatively, this structure can be funded by bank lenders in the loan market. The
performance of the securities is then directly linked to the performance of the assets.
Credit rating agencies are often required to rate the securities which are issued as
a matter of corporate policy (or regulatory necessity) for an investor, as well as to
provide an external perspective on the liabilities being created and help the investor
make a more informed decision.
The securities can be issued with either a Fixed Rate or a Floating Rate coupon,
which will largely be driven by: (i) investor appetite for one or the other; and (ii)
the nature of the cash flows (interest debt service) thrown off by the related loans.
by the originator as a potential profit flow. In some cases, the equity class receives
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no coupon (either fixed or floating), but only the residual cash flow (if any) after
all the other Tranches have been paid. In addition to Subordination, credit may be
enhanced through a reserve account, in which funds remaining after expenses such
as principal and interest payments, charge-offs and other fees have been paid-off
are accumulated, and can be used when debt service on the CDO exceeds the SPV’s
A CDO may employ a Servicer to collect payments, to monitor the assets that
are the subject of such Securitization and to provide remarketing and re-deployment
services if the Aircraft are subject to return (due to scheduled or early (default)
termination situations). A Servicer may be less likely in a CDO as compared with
a CLO since the underlying debt securities typically used are full pay-out instruments,
thereby minimizing redeployment risks.
Securitizations may employ Turbo, Debt Services Coverage Ratio (DSCR)
and LTV tests.
In contrast to a CLO where the investors have an opportunity to obtain
value from the Aircraft Assets serving as collateral up to the entire value of
those assets, the CDO investor is capped at the value of the underlying debt
serving as collateral vis-à-vis the issuer thereof; with the airline or operator of
whose debt is included in the CDO entitled to keep all of the equity in the
Aircraft collateral.
Another difference with the CLO is that while the CLO would most likely
have a diversity of underlying credits/lessees, CDOs may either have such
diversity or may involve just a single credit (and, therefore, look more similar
to EETC). In fact, CDOs are often masqueraded as EETCs to tap investor
acceptability of that product, especially if Section 1110 or Cape Town remedies
are available in connection with the underlying debt obligations.
formed for the specific purpose of funding the assets. Once the assets are transferred
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to the issuer, there is normally no recourse to the originator. The issuer is designed
to be Bankruptcy Remote. Accounting standards govern when such a transfer is a
sale, a financing, a partial sale, or a part-sale and part-financing. In a sale, the
originator is allowed to remove the transferred assets from its balance sheet; in a
financing, the assets are considered to remain the property of the originator. Because
of these structural issues, the originator typically needs the help of an investment
bank (the arranger) in setting up the structure of the transaction and placing the
related securities.
To be able to buy the Aircraft Assets from the originator, the issuer issues tradable
securities to fund the purchase. Investors purchase the securities, either through a
private offering (targeting institutional investors) or on the open market.
Alternatively, this structure can be funded by bank lenders in the loan market as
part of a loan (not securitization) facility.
The performance of the securities is then directly linked to the performance of
the assets. Credit rating agencies are often required to rate the securities which are
issued as a matter of corporate policy (or regulatory necessity) for an investor, as
well as to provide an external perspective on the liabilities being created and help
the investor make a more informed decision.
The securities can be issued with either a Fixed Rate or a Floating Rate
coupon, which will largely be driven by: (i) investor appetite for one or the other;
and (ii) the nature of the cash flows (interest debt service) thrown off by the related
Pledged account
Debt service $ Loan $
Benefits of mortgage
SPE issuer Security
distribuon B Lenders
(lessor/owner) trustee/agent
Lease rentals $
Mortgage and
lease assignment
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In a CLO, investors have an opportunity to obtain value from the Aircraft
Assets serving as collateral up to the entire value of those assets, in contrast
to a CDO where the CDO investor is capped at the value of the underlying
debt serving as collateral vis à vis the issuer thereof. The residual value of the
Aircraft Assets subject to the CLO may be a substantial value component for
the CLO ‘equity’ investor.
While CLOs would most likely have a diversity of underlying credits/lessees,
they could be structured with a single lessee obligor. Either way, if a CLO’s
lease obligors are subject to Section 1110 or Cape Town remedies, then they
may be packaged and marketed as EETC-type products, thereby taking
advantage of the deep market for EETC securities.
CLOs may employ Turbo, DSCR and LTV tests.
Club Deal
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This is a financing where the debt participants are not led by a single arranger or
agent but are on relatively equal footing when negotiating a financing with a
borrower. Club Deals are, by their nature, somewhat more difficult to close since
there are many ‘captains’ to co-ordinate.
This is a financial institution (typically a bank with a high credit rating) that holds
the proceeds of loans in a financing transaction when such loans are pre-funded,
such as in a pre-funded EETC. Loans are pre-funded so that an issuer can lock in
current interest rates and take advantage of market liquidity in anticipation of
scheduled future deliveries for specified Aircraft. The prefunded amounts are
deposited with the Depository, are evidenced by escrow receipts and are made
available to the EETC issuer only upon the delivery and financing of the earmarked
Aircraft from the OEM. Such funds on deposit are not intended to be assets of the
Dry Lease
A Dry Lease is an Operating Lease that provides lease financing only for the
equipment itself, and does not extend to personnel, maintenance, fuel and
provisioning necessary to operate the asset. In contrast, there are the Wet Lease and
ACMI arrangements.
• France – Bpifrance Assurance Export (formerly known as COFACE)
(supporting Airbus and ATR aircraft, among others);
• Germany – Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft (Euler Hermes) (supporting
Airbus aircraft, among others);
• UK – Her Britannic Majesty’s Secretary of State acting through the Export
Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD), operating as UK Export Finance
(supporting Airbus aircraft and Rolls Royce engines, among others); and
• U.S. – U.S. Ex-Im (supporting Boeing aircraft and CFM, IAE, GE and
Pratt & Whitney engines, among others).21
ECA Financings by the ECAs described above are currently regulated by the ASU
arrangements. However, it is worth noting other substantial ECAs, as follows, are
not subject to the ASU rules. The roles being played by these ECAs are expanding
and are increasingly factoring into export financings in the Aircraft Asset space.
• Nexi (Japan).
• China Ex-Im.
• Servizi Assicurativi del Commercio Estero (SACE S.p.a.) (Italy).
Most ECA Financings using the guarantee structure are constructed on the basis
of the arrangements noted in Exhibit 3.6.
ECA guaranteed financing structures can support both privately placed loans
funded (primarily) by banks or securities placed with investors in a public-type
offering. In a typical public-style issuance the guaranteed loans would either be: (i)
prefunded; or (ii) funded on a preliminary private basis. In the case of a prefunding,
all of the funds necessary to fund the Aircraft would be drawn down at an initial
closing, placed with a Depository and would be represented by escrow receipts until
applied to the Aircraft’s purchase price on delivery. In the case of a private funding,
a bank funds each Aircraft as and when the Aircraft Assets are delivered, and once
there is a sufficient sized pool of loans to support a placement in the public markets,
the loans are converted to these public instruments and so placed. Capital market
access for ECA guaranteed financings has been primarily available to financings
supported by U.S. Ex-Im; U.S. Ex-Im was instrumental in the facilitation of
transaction structures allowing for the issuance of securities in the capital markets
that were comprised of U.S. Ex-Im guaranteed loans. This U.S. Ex-Im guaranteed
bond structure is expected to evolve further, expanding the market breadth and
improving its efficiency.23
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Security trustee
(holds security on Directs ECA
Pledges behalf of ECA)
(manages trust)
of security
Directs Guarantee
purchase Lease rentals $
price Aircra
Manufacturer Lessee
ECA guaranteed financing (absent some global shock akin to 9/11 or the Lehman
collapse) is likely to reduce over time in the light of the ASU’s requirements to
impose market-level fees and rates on these financings, thereby making these types
of financings less advantageous to Aircraft Asset purchasers.
between the purchase price of an Aircraft and the related guaranteed loan, the
commercial lenders will receive proceeds from the exercise of remedies on an
Aircraft-by-Aircraft basis, only after the related guaranteed loan and all other
amounts due and owing to the ECA and the guaranteed lenders with respect to
such Aircraft have been paid in full. However, the commercial lenders receive
proceeds prior to the application of amounts toward other ECA-supported financings
for that airline or lessor.
As long as either: (i) the related ECA guarantee in favor of the guaranteed lenders
is in effect; or (ii) there are any amounts owing to the ECA under the related
transaction; the ECA will have the sole right to direct the taking of any action under
the transaction documents, including, without limitation, exercising any remedies
after the occurrence of an event of default. If neither (i) nor (ii) applies, the com-
mercial lenders would be the instructing party.
Even though these commercial lenders have limited rights with respect to the
collateral, the commercial lenders often have the right to pursue claims directly
against the airline or lessor for any amounts owed to them that are not covered by
an ECA guarantee, provided, so long as the relevant ECA guarantee is in effect or
the ECA has any exposure or is owed any amounts arising out of the transaction
documents, that:
• no recovery may be had directly from, and no such suit shall assert any
rights or claims against, the collateral or borrower;
• such action does not interfere with, or otherwise adversely affect, any
restructuring, enforcement or other collection efforts by, or on behalf of,
the ECA (other than by requiring payment of moneys then due to such
person but only to the extent enforcement is on assets not constituting part
of the collateral or part of the collateral securing any other obligation
running to or for the benefit of or otherwise relating to any transaction
involving the ECA);
• such commercial lender may not initiate any bankruptcy, suspension of
payment or other insolvency proceedings against the borrower or the lessor/
airline in connection with such recovery; and
• the ECA has not sent a notice that such action materially interferes with
the enforcement or remedial actions which are being taken or could be taken
by or the direction of the ECA, or otherwise materially adversely affects the
ECA Co-financing
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EETC Rating
An EETC Rating is a rating that assesses the likelihood that a borrower makes ‘full
and timely payment of interest and ultimate payment of principal’. This analysis
treats interest and principal differently. As for interest, the requirement is for inter-
est to be paid currently. This means that there cannot be any interruption of the
interest payment even if the borrower is in default or bankruptcy. The primary means
to ensure current payment of interest is to employ a Liquidity Facility (see ‘Liquidity
Facility’) that will ensure payment of interest (only) if the borrower fails to pay
interest. As for principal, ultimate payment of principal means that the principal needs
to be paid in full by the relevant Final Legal Maturity Date (see ‘Final Legal Maturity
Date’) which is a date, typically 18 months (in U.S. airline transactions), after the
underlying debt is scheduled to mature. This extra period is the period that the
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rating agencies perceive is the maximum length of time it should take to repossess
and liquidate a financed aircraft asset and apply the proceeds to outstanding balances
of principal. This rating methodology is utilized by the rating agencies rating EETCs
and certain other aircraft-secured debt securities.
Exhibit 3.7 is a schematic that boils down the primary characteristics of an EETC.
Exhibit 3.7 highlights the following primary features of an EETC:
Over $90 billion of EETC securities have been issued since the product was
developed in 1994. While predominantly a financing vehicle used by U.S. airlines,
non-U.S. airlines as diverse as Air Canada, DORIC/Emirates, LATAM, British
Airways, Virgin Australia, Turkish Airlines (THY) and Norwegian Air Shuttle have
utilized this product as well. The attraction of EETCs from the airline issuer’s
perspective are manyfold:
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Credit risk/
Corporate (single issuer) bond
cash flow
• Size: Given the capacity of the capital markets into which EETCs are issued,
airlines may finance in a single financing upwards of $1.5 billion of aircraft
debt in one fell swoop, which can cover dozens of aircraft. This saves airline
treasury staff the trouble of needing to hit-up large numbers of financial
institutions to finance a year’s-worth of deliveries.
• Fixed rate: EETCs are typically issued at a fixed interest rate which is often
desired by airlines.
• Ease of execution: While by no means simple to document (and rather
expensive to do so given disclosure requirements typically subsumed in a
detailed offering memorandum issued to investors), EETCs are subject to
largely standardized documentation across the board (that is, from airline
to airline) and, as to any single airline issuer, its transaction documentation
will be entirely uniform across its EETC-financed fleet. This standardiza-
tion applies as well to intercreditor terms, which can involve laborious
negotiations in private transactions.
• Financing diversification: The access to the capital markets may be a very
attractive option for airlines concerned with relying exclusively, say, on the
bank market (with that market’s difficulties such as risk of Market Dis-
ruption, Increased Costs and other costs).
• Pricing: The structural enhancements provided by an EETC allow the
senior-most Tranches to be rated investment grade, with the attendant
pricing advantages associated with such ratings.
investor takes default risk of a single airline (and not a diversified borrower/lessee
base). There are two primary financing structures for EETCs that create the
underlying obligation of the airline to make its scheduled payments. The first is a
Mortgage Financing. In this type of financing, the airline will issue promissory notes
(commonly known as equipment notes) in Tranches, with the ‘A’ note Tranche
being ranked ahead of the ‘B’ note Tranche, the ‘B’ note Tranche being ranked
ahead of the ‘C’ note Tranche and so on. The equipment notes are issued on a per-
aircraft basis, and are secured by that aircraft in the airline’s fleet.
The second type of underlying financing is a U.S. Leveraged Lease Financing.25
In this type of financing, an equity investor, acting through an owner trustee, will
Advances and
Subordinaon agent reimbursements Liquidity provider
Lessors for
(if any)
leased aircra
(FMV), with the balance provided by the equity investor. The borrowed funds will
be obtained by the issuance by the owner trustee of equipment notes in Tranches
as described above. The owner trustee will then lease the aircraft to the airline issuer.
As collateral for the equipment notes, the owner trustee will grant the equipment
note holders a mortgage on the aircraft and assign the lease to the holders. The
equipment notes are issued by the owner trustee on a non-recourse basis and will
be entirely serviced by the lease cash flows.
An EETC financing may involve 30 or more Aircraft. The equipment notes issued
with respect to each aircraft will be aggregated and held by a separate pass through
trust for each class of notes pursuant to a Pass Through Certificate (PTC) structure.26
Thus, all of the A equipment notes for all of the Aircraft in a particular EETC are
held by a class A pass through trust, all of the B equipment notes for all of the
aircraft are held by a class B pass through trust, and so on. Each pass through trust,
then, issues PTCs to investors. Each investor can then purchase PTCs that are issued
at either the class A, B or C level. EETCs have historically been almost exclusively
the domain of U.S. airline issuers, but with the advent of Cape Town (which satisfies
the need for assured repossession), non-U.S. airlines have been making significant
inroads with this product; see Practice Note below.27
Since 2005, EETC transactions have benefited from the Cross-default and Cross-
collateralization across all of the Aircraft in the financed pool.28 These two features
allow issuers to combine diverse pools of Aircraft Asset collateral such as superior
younger collateral pooled with older, less liquid aircraft types, since the weaker assets
will be supported by the stronger ones. Putting it differently, the airline issuer will
not be able to compel the return of Aircraft Assets under Section 1110(c) of the
Bankruptcy Code if it wants to keep the stronger Aircraft Assets under Section
1110(a) of the Bankruptcy Code (see Part 8, ‘Section 1110’).
While the Mortgage Financing or Lease Financing facing an EETC issuance may
be fairly standard, the transaction gets somewhat complicated among the investors,
since they are often Tranched. The Tranched investors of different classes will have
varying inter-creditor rights. An EETC will typically feature:
in an EETC for, say, 60 percent of the outstanding principal balance of the equip-
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ment notes, the proceeds of such sale would, as per the Waterfall, be applied to the
more senior Tranches leaving the holders of class C certificates with no further claim
since the equipment notes, which represent the ‘direct’ claim against the airline (and
would have the benefit of the Deficiency Claim), have been sold. Another interesting
feature of EETC intercreditor terms which is rather unique to EETCs is that the
Waterfall provides that the holders of the junior classes of the PTCs receive ‘adjusted’
interest29 on their PTCs ahead of distributions to the holders of the senior classes
of PTCs. This feature is intended to incentivize the holders of the senior PTCs to
maximize recoveries post-default. Exhibit 9.3 summarizes the primary intercreditor
terms in a traditional (2017) EETC.
All EETCs have the benefit of a Liquidity Facility, which assures EETC investors
with continued payments of interest (only) for up to 18 months (or more in the case
of certain non-U.S. jurisdictions) if the issuer ceased making debt service payments.
This continued payment of interest for such period – being the period the rating
agencies perceive as the maximum period required to repossess, market and liquidate
the Aircraft Assets subject to an EETC – enables the rating agencies (together with
the other structural features of the EETC) to provide enhanced ratings for the EETC,
see ‘EETC Rating’ and ‘Liquidity Facility’.
The enhanced ratings provided by the rating agencies tasked with rating a
particular EETC issuance, of course, provide the EETC with improved marketability
and liquidity, allow the issuer to obtain advantageous pricing and allow institutional
investors to participate in such a type of transaction.
While EETCs have traditionally been a financing vehicle enjoyed by U.S.
airlines by reason of the availability of Section 1110 of the U.S. Bankruptcy
Code in the U.S., with the advent of Cape Town’s Alternative A, which is the
Section 1110 equivalent for Contracting States, one would expect the EETC
product to (theoretically) work for airlines in Contracting States that have
adopted Alternative A. In fact, both Air Canada and Emirates have entered
the EETC market on the basis of their jurisdiction’s adoption of Cape Town
(and Alternative A).1 As well, Doric Nimrod Air Finance Alpha Limited, an
aircraft leasing company, has issued EETCs on at least two occasions (with
Emirates and British Airways as lessees). One should expect increasing
attention paid to this market by non-U.S. carriers as ECA financings become
more expensive as ASU requirements are reflected in loan pricing. See
‘International EETCs’.
British Airways has also utilized the EETC markets, notwithstanding that the UK is not a
Contracting State, on the basis that rating agencies became comfortable with the UK’s general
creditor-friendly insolvency regime and structural enhancements offered by the EETC
addressed. The first category is the aircraft financing documents. These would
The second category covers the documents associated with the PTCs or trust-
level documents. These would include:
• Underwriting Agreement
• Pass Through Trust Agreements
• Trust Supplements
• Pass Through Certificates (PTCs)
• Revolving Credit Agreements (Liquidity Facilities)
• Intercreditor Agreement
• Deposit Agreement(s) (for pre-funded facilities)
• Escrow Agreement(s) (for pre-funded facilities)
Finance/Capital Lease
This is a lease transaction that is treated as a Mortgage Financing for any particular
purpose. The criteria for ascertaining whether a particular lease transaction is a
Finance Lease will, in the first instance, depend on whether the determination is
for tax, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) or, in the case of U.S.-registered
Aircraft, FAA filing purposes. As for accounting purposes, in light of newly adopted
accounting rules under both GAAP and IFRS standards (ASC 842 and IFRS 16,
respectively), the distinction between operating leases and finance leases has lost
much significance for disclosure purposes insofar as the lessee, under any lease –
howsoever characterized – is required to recognize (under GAAP): (a) assets and
liabilities for all leases with a term of more than 12 months (unless the underlying
asset is of low value); and (b) depreciation of leased assets separately from interest
on lease liabilities in the income statement; provided that lessors will need to
continue to classify their leases as either an operating lease or a finance lease, and
to account for those two types of leases differently (see IAS 17).
Each of the tax, UCC and FAA disciplines has its own set of determination
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Under U.S. tax rules, Revenue Procedure 2001–28 (Rev. Proc. 2001–28) sets out
a guideline of criteria (the ‘Guidelines’) for classifying a lease as a true lease for U.S.
federal income tax purposes.
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) developed the Guidelines specifically
for ‘leveraged lease’ transactions, which involve three parties: a lessor/owner, a
lessee/user and a lender to the lessor. However, the Guidelines are also used to aid
in structuring single investor leases, which involve two parties – a lessor and lessee.
The Guidelines are not controlling as a matter of law, but provide a set of criteria
by which the IRS decides the character of a transaction for purposes of providing
advance income tax rulings. The application of the Guidelines to single investor
leases, while useful, has largely served as a voluntary construct on which to con-
servatively structure a lease involving a lessor and lessee. The theory is that if the
structure works for the more complex leveraged leases, the structure should work
for single investor transactions.
A lessor under a U.S. Leveraged Lease should qualify as the tax owner of property
if the following Guidelines criteria are satisfied.
Importantly, the Guidelines are just that, guidelines. Leveraged (and single
investor) leases may deviate from the Guidelines and still qualify as true tax leases
for federal income tax purposes.
UCC/Commercial law
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Under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) in the U.S., § 1–201(37) of the UCC
provides guidance: whether a transaction creates a lease or security interest is
determined by the facts of each case; however, a transaction creates a security interest
if the consideration the lessee is to pay the lessor for the right to possession and use
of the goods is an obligation for the term of the lease not subject to termination
by the lessee, and: (i) the original term of the lease is equal to or greater than the
remaining economic life of the goods; (ii) the lessee is bound to renew the lease for
the remaining economic life of the goods or is bound to become the owner of the
goods; (iii) the lessee has an option to renew the lease for the remaining economic
life of the goods for no additional consideration or nominal additional consideration
upon compliance with the lease agreement; or (iv) the lessee has an option to become
the owner of the goods for no additional consideration or nominal additional con-
sideration upon compliance with the lease agreement.
See ‘Appendix C-2A’ for the complete text of UCC § 1–201(37) which includes
further elaboration on the above.
Importantly, the common ‘commercial’ understanding of the term ‘Finance
Lease’ – that is, a lease intended for security, which is substantively equivalent to a
mortgage financing – does not comport with the definition of that term under Article
2A of the UCC. Under Section 2.A-103(1)(g), a ‘Finance Lease’ is a lease with
respect to which:
the lessee is entitled under this Article to the promises and warranties,
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including those of any third party, provided to the lessor by the person
supplying the goods in connection with or as part of the contract by
which the lessor acquired the goods or the right to possession and use
of the goods, and (c) that the lessee may communicate with the person
supplying the goods to the lessor and receive an accurate and complete
statement of those promises and warranties, including any disclaimers
and limitations of them or of remedies.
Insofar as this particular definition does not comport to our usage of Finance
Lease for the purposes of this Handbook, it should be ignored for our purposes.
Under U.S. bankruptcy situations, the matter of true versus finance leases would
most likely be determined by reference to the UCC tests.
The U.S. FAA pays attention to identify properly the entity in whose name an
Aircraft should be registered. In 1990, pursuant to the so-called ‘Leiter Letter’,30
the FAA’s Chief Counsel issued a legal opinion setting out the relevant criteria for
FAA purposes. According to that opinion, the FAA will recognize the lessee as the
owner for Aircraft registration purposes under a lease with an option to purchase
in three specific scenarios.
1 The purchase option price is 10 percent or less of the value of the Aircraft
determined at the time the lease is executed.
2 The purchase option price is above the 10 percent bright line, but contains
a requirement that if the option is not exercised, the lessee nevertheless is
obligated to pay a residual value or termination sum equal to or exceeding
the purchase option price.
3 The purchase option price is higher than 10 percent and there is no
mandatory full payout if the option is not exercised, but the option price is
less than the lessee’s reasonably predictable cost of performing under the
lease if the option is not exercised.31
In addition to one of the above, both of the following factors must also be present:
As the Leiter Letter does not have the binding nature of a statute or regulation,
it is prudent to consult with the FAA and obtain an opinion from the Aeronautical
While the lessor in a Finance Lease holds ‘title’ to the asset, holding such title
is akin to having a mortgage interest in the asset with the lessee being treated
as the true owner of the asset insofar as the benefits and burdens of ownership
ultimately rest with the lessee. Transactions are structured as Finance Leases,
rather than mortgages, for many reasons, including to obtain benefits of a
Cross-border Tax Lease or for the financier to achieve ‘lessor’ status under
local law in overseas jurisdictions (which almost universally entitles the
financier to a more beneficial status in the exercise of remedies than it would
have had it been classified as a mortgage).
The mischaracterization of a lease as a true lease can have major rami-
In the context of tax matters, a mischaracterization for a lessor would result
in recoupment by the IRS of tax benefits previously taken plus fines and
In the context of commercial matters, failure to obtain true lease characteriza-
tion would eliminate any residual recovery and potentially leave the lessor with
a substantial economic downside loss. In addition, if a lease is construed to
be a loan, for usury purposes, the lessee may argue that the lessor violated
applicable usury law and should suffer the penalties of overcharging the lessee
for the imputed ‘interest’ paid by the lessee on the financing.
In the context of a lessee bankruptcy proceeding, a lessee may challenge a
lessor’s true-lease characterization and rights under a purported lease.
Consequences of losing a true lease challenge include the following.
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Mayer, DG, ‘True leases under attack: lessors face persistent challenges to true lease
transactions’, Journal of Equipment Lease Financing 23(3), Fall 2005/Part B.
• The laws, and the courts, of the local jurisdiction of the airline may provide
greater rights in an airline default situation to lessors over mortgagees
(notwithstanding the substantive equivalent of the two structures).
• Procurement of a mortgage in the local jurisdiction may be prohibitively
expensive (by reason of, for example, stamp taxes on recorded mortgages).
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Security Trustee/Agent
Del. LLC
Loan $
Mortgage &
Lease Assignment
Finance Lease
In fact, nearly all ECA financings utilize the Finance Lease structure. Exhibit 3.9
is a schematic illustration of a standard Finance Lease structure utilized to finance
French Lease
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This is a Cross-border Tax Lease where the lessor is domiciled in France. These
types of leases are increasingly difficult to arrange in the light of EU investigations
into whether these amount to an illegal subsidy. French commercial banks have
historically been the investors in these transactions, with their subsidiaries acting as
This is an arrangement whereby an Aircraft changes operators and Registration when
its jurisdiction of operation changes.33 Interchange arrangements are a matter of
increasing interest with the conglomeration of airline operators across jurisdictions,
especially in Central and South America. There is the tension between Cabotage
rules, on the one hand and the desire by operators to maximize Aircraft utilization,
on the other.
The change of Registration of an Aircraft as it bounces from jurisdiction to
jurisdiction has critical effects on Aircraft Financiers for all the reasons noted
in Part 7, ‘Re-registration’. Documentation to deal with this can be rather
arduous and complex.
International EETCs
This is the issuance of an EETC by a non-U.S. airline/issuer. As discussed in the
Practice Note in ‘EETCs’, EETCs are no longer the sole domain of U.S. airline
issuers. EETCs issued by non-U.S. airlines are, absent any particular local or issuer
requirements, structured in the identical fashion as those issued by U.S. airlines.
The Rating Agencies’ willingness to rate non-U.S. airline issuers will turn almost
exclusively on the built-in requirement of the EETC to have legal and practical
certainty to the return of the Aircraft Asset collateral in a default situation. Section
1110 is the lynchpin to this in the U.S. The adoption of Cape Town in non-U.S.
jurisdictions may provide the necessary support for non-U.S. carriers. You will note
that the preceding sentence uses the word ‘may’. Whether a jurisdiction which has
adopted Cape Town will satisfy the Rating Agencies will depend on the following
A guide to what the ‘right’ declarations are is in Appendix II to the ASU. That
appendix identifies the Cape Town declarations necessary for a country to receive
a discount from the minimum premium rate in respect of export financing support
from the applicable ECAs. Key declarations like Alternative A, choice of law,
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IDERA, self-help and timely remedies are must-haves under the ASU rules and are
usually must-haves for Rating Agencies as part of their analysis. The Organization
of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) assesses whether countries
that have adopted Cape Town have adopted the proper ‘qualifying declarations’
under Appendix II to the ASU. The OECD website,
credits/ctc.htm, provides a status list of countries qualified for the ASU discount.
That list details those countries eligible for the ASU discount, those countries
currently under review or subject to future review, those countries which did not
adopt the qualifying declarations and those countries that have adopted the qualifying
declarations but on which there are implementation issues.
The adoption of Cape Town with all of the right declarations may not be enough,
however. An analysis will be made by the Rating Agencies as to the degree that the
attendant repossession laws will be enforced under local law and by law enforcement
authorities. This analysis follows the Country Risk analysis discussed in Part 7,
‘Country Risk’.
Finally, it should be noted that Cape Town, and the adoption of all of the right,
qualifying, declarations is not dispositive for the Rating Agencies. As they have done
in a British Airways (England) and a Virgin Australia (Australia) EETC issuance,
the applicable Rating Agencies have concluded that the legal system in the relevant
jurisdiction, even absent Cape Town or Section 1110 like laws, is creditor-friendly
enough to allow a positive rating assessment because creditors in that jurisdiction
are assured of repossessing their Aircraft Assets in a timely manner.
If Rating Agencies conclude that a particular jurisdiction, even with the proper
legal framework, would not allow a timely (for example, 60 to 90 days)
recovery of an asset, rather than excluding that jurisdiction altogether, they
may add on more time to the requisite Liquidity Facility to cover the longer
recovery period. Thus, 24 month Liquidity Facilities have been required in
the DORIC 2013 1 EETC which was a United Arab Emirates based
transaction (with Emirates Airlines as the underlying credit).
Islamic Finance
Islamic Finance in the context of Aircraft Finance is the financing of Aircraft
Assets in compliance with Sharia’a requirements. Sharia’a is the religious law
forming part of the Islamic tradition. This law is derived from the holy book of the
Muslims – the Koran – and the Hadith (the body of statements or actions ascribed
to Mohammed, the Prophet) and Sunnah (the verbally transmitted record of the
teachings of Mohammed, the Prophet). The particular item in the Sharia’a impacting
matters of aircraft finance is the prohibition against the charging or receipt of interest.
Accordingly, for a transaction to be Sharia’a compliant, it cannot employ the
that purchase option price is supported by third party appraisals. The call option
purchase price in a JOLCO would be an amount sufficient to repay the JOLCO
debt and provide a return to the equity investor.
The debt component of the JOLCO is typically bank debt. The JOLCO debt is
repaid from the rents under a JOLCO lease. The JOLCO debt may amortize to zero
prior to the maturity of the related JOLCO lease. If it has a balloon payment due
at the final maturity of the JOLCO lease, the balloon would be repaid from the sale
of the financed Aircraft.
From an investors’ perspective, there is the risk that the lessee under a JOLCO
will not exercise its call option for the leased Aircraft (leaving the Japanese equity
and, if applicable, financiers with a balloon on their financing, with the concomitant
asset risk). This risk can be minimized by maximizing the lessor’s investment
recovery to the extent that the transaction is not classified as a finance lease for the
Japanese tax purposes combined with more stringent redelivery conditions (e.g.
payment of maintenance accruals by the lessee when the aircraft is returned at the
lease expiry). In practice, the risk of a non-exercise of the call option has not
Debt of a JOLCO lease is in principle booked by the lessor domiciled in Japan
to avoid Japanese withholding taxes.34 The Japanese equity investor can earn fixed
income during the lease term and make capital gains by disposal of the Aircraft at
the lease expiry. These investors can only take depreciation of the Aircraft to the
extent of their invested equity amount if the transaction is partly funded by non-
recourse debt. The typical equity investor in a JOLCO is a small and medium-size
Japanese company that is privately held.
There are some disadvantages associated with the JOLCO. It is a long-term
commitment – typically the transactions are of about 10 years’ duration. JOLCO
structures can be relatively inflexible – once they are up and running it can be difficult
to revisit the terms of a JOLCO if anything changes. An airline is not dealing with
an operating lessor in the traditional sense; it is really dealing with Japanese investors.
Over the life of a transaction, an airline may need to go to those investors and seek
their consent from time to time to do various things. That process needs to be
handled quite carefully in order to make sure the investors fully understand the issues
and the airline gets an answer within the time frame it needs.
Kommanditgesellschaft (KG)
Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) is an Aircraft Asset financing by individuals35
participating as limited partners (directly or by employing a trustee) in single
purpose companies which are organized in the legal form of a German limited
partnership (that is, a Kommanditgesellschaft). The KG has one general partner and
one or several limited partners. In the majority of cases, the general partner of a
German KG is a limited company (that is, Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
(GmbH)). The limited partners may be participating in the KG directly or via a
trustee. The KG may have an advisory board representing the investors’ interests
by monitoring the management of the general partner. The purchase of the Aircraft
Asset acquired by the KG is partly financed by the equity provided by the investors
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and partly leveraged by bank loans. The KG receives income from leasing the Aircraft
Asset to a lessee. The KG is liquidated after the financed Aircraft Assets have been
Lease Financing
See introductory provisions to Part 3.
These structures are used typically to allow the operator/lessee to make
payments to the intermediate lessee/lessor without having to pay withholding
taxes on the net payments, taking advantage of favorable tax treaties between
the jurisdiction of the operator/lessee and the intermediate lessee.
Liquidity Facility
A Liquidity Facility is a facility appended to a larger financing that provides for
payment of debt service (typically interest only) by a bank or other creditworthy
entity if the underlying obligor defaults in the making of such payment. A Liquidity
Facility is usually a revolving credit facility, but could be structured as a Standby
Letter of Credit (SBLOC). Liquidity Facilities are utilized in EETCs to provide
(typically) 18 months of interest coverage. The provider of the Liquidity Facility
would typically have a super-priority position in the Aircraft Assets securing the
larger financing. As such, principal and other amounts owing to the beneficiaries of
the Liquidity Facility are subordinated to recovery by the Liquidity Facility provider
of amounts it has paid. Effectively, then, the beneficiaries are trading timely pay-
ment of interest for future offsets to recoveries in the amount of such interest plus
a financing cost payable to the Liquidity Facility Provider. A Liquidity Facility,
therefore, is of value only if the investor (or the Rating Agency) places a value on
current, timely receipt of principal, since the investor will ultimately have to repay
the Liquidity Facility provider from collateral liquidation proceeds ahead of
repayment of principal.
The coverage period of 18 months is used in EETCs as this is the perceived (by
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rating agencies) maximum period it should take to liquidate the Aircraft Assets
subject to an EETC. However, this period may be lengthened if the EETC issuer
is located in a jurisdiction in which the repossession time frame for financed Aircraft
Assets may exceed that in the U.S. Liquidity Facilities may be drawn if the liquidity
provider has its Credit Ratings downgraded to a specified threshold level or it does
not renew the facility by its renewal date.
Mortgage Financing
See introductory provisions to Part 3.
This is an arrangement in a Back-leveraged Lease where the financier agrees that
recourse for its debt is expressly limited to the related Lease, the mortgage on the
leased Aircraft and other pledged collateral. In other words, the lessor is not
otherwise personally liable for the debt (except, perhaps, the Rats and Mice), and
none of its other assets are at risk.
Some Back-leveraged Lease financings do provide for recourse to the operating
lessor, but those are atypical. Allowing for some level of recourse may provide
an operating lessor with better pricing and other terms, as well as access to a
broader lender pool. Also, in the case of an especially strong operating lessor
as to which there is full recourse, that lessor may be able to retain more
(exclusive) control over any Back-leveraged Lease that serves as security for
the transaction.
Operating Lease
Relating to any particular discipline (for example, tax, accounting, commercial law
or bankruptcy), this is a Lease Financing which does not meet the criteria of a
Finance Lease under the rules of such discipline. See a detailed discussion of these
criteria in ‘Finance/Capital Lease’. This would capture the structure where the owner
of the equipment (the operating lessor), rather than the lessee, retains most of the
benefits and risks of asset ownership. Operating Leases do not usually provide the
lessee with an option to terminate the lease prior to its scheduled termination date.
method for certain banks to avoid aggregating lessor/borrower exposure for internal
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While the idea behind Orphan Trusts is to place ultimate ownership of Aircraft
Assets with a charity for the reasons outlined above, truth-be-told, the charity
never (intentionally) benefits from such ownership (other than by earning an
accommodation fee). By means of residual interest certificates in a CLO (which
entitle the holders of such certificates to residual value interest in the Aircraft
Assets) or a bargain purchase option granted to an operating lessor of the
financed Aircraft Assets at transaction conclusion, all upside and residual value
is engineered away from the charity.
assignment of
purchase opon
Del. Stat. trust opon1
Operang lessor Lenders
Pledge of
100% member
trustee/agent Del. LLC Sub loan $2
borrower/lessor Loan $
Purchase price
Mortgage and
lease Aircra Aircra seller
Bargain Purchase Opon to purchase membership
interest in Borrower/Lessor exercisable when loan
Equivalent to equity investment.
Owner Trust
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On 18 June 2013, the FAA published in the Federal Register ‘Notice of Policy
Clarification for the Registration of Aircraft to Citizen Trustees in Situations
Involving Non-U.S. Citizen Trustors and Beneficiaries’ as an official rule of
the FAA. This Notice made clear that all owners of U.S.-registered Aircraft,
whether or not Owner Trusts and regardless of onshore or offshore bene-
ficiaries, have obligations ‘to communicate [to the FAA] critical safety
information’. To meet these obligations, an owner must maintain current
information about the identity and whereabouts of the actual operators of an
Aircraft and location and nature of the operation on an ongoing basis, thereby
allowing that owner to provide the operator with safety critical information in
a timely manner, and to obtain information responsive to FAA inquiries,
including investigations of alleged violations of FAA regulations.
The FAA expects that an owner trustee of Aircraft on the U.S. registry, in
carrying out the above-described obligations, normally should be able to
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respond to a request by the FAA for the following information about the
Aircraft and its operation within two business days.
The FAA further expects that an owner trustee of Aircraft on the U.S.
registry normally should be able to respond within five business days to a
request by the FAA for more detailed information about the Aircraft and its
operations, including:
This is a mechanism for a bank (or other debt financier) to off-load the obligations
and benefits of holding a loan (or credit commitment) by having a third-party lender
agree to take on the risks and rewards of such loan (or a portion thereof).39 As
compared with an assignment, where the lender holding the loan assigns its interest
to a new lender and is out of the picture once the assignment becomes effective,
the bank selling the Participation remains in the transaction as the lender of record
with the borrower. The purchaser of the Participation, the participant, in these
transactions, therefore, has no privity with the borrower, and is entirely reliant on
the selling bank to perform on the contract evidencing such Participation. Accord-
ingly, the participant is not only taking borrower risk, but also the risk of performance
by the bank from which it acquires the Participation. Also, it is the subject of
negotiation as to what instructions the facing bank must comply with coming from
the participant, and other intercreditor issues as between the two parties may come
into play. There are two types of Participations: funded and unfunded. In a funded
Participation, the participant pays the facing bank the full amount of the loan (or
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portion thereof) in which it has purchased the participation, and such participant
receives distributions of principal and interest, at the contracted or agreed rate,40
made by the borrower. In an unfunded Participation, the participant pays the facing
bank the amount of the loan (or portion thereof) in which it has purchased the
Participation if and when a default occurs,41 and in the ordinary course such
participant receives a participation fee out of interest payments received by the
facing bank. Many Participations are sold such that the borrower is not aware of it
(as the selling bank may not want the borrower to know); these are called ‘blind
While most loan agreements permit the granting of a Participation interest in the
related loans, restrictions are often placed on the ability of the participant to have
consent rights on other than the basic economics of the transaction.
The term ‘participation’ is what I consider a loaded term. It may be used in
this context as a simple, straightforward term, but actually it needs a lot of
fleshing out to get to intended allocation of rights and obligations.
payments, so there is so-called equity of the borrower in the Aircraft which improves
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A further consideration for these types of financings is the Claw Back Risk inherent
in this structure. See Part 8, ‘Claw Back’.43
PDPs are more credit-oriented than an Aircraft Financing in the light of the
lack of a hard asset serving as collateral.
As noted above, the OEM plays a major role in PDP financings. Here is a
summary of items the PDP financier and the OEM would normally agree to.
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• OEM will not release the borrower from its obligations under the
Purchase Agreement or accept cancellation of the Purchase Agreement
unless OEM repays PDPs to PDP financiers.
• Subject to customary exceptions, OEM will not amend the Purchase
Agreement without PDP financier consent.
• Upon request, the OEM will notify the PDP financiers of any
outstanding breaches by the borrower which would entitle the OEM
to terminate the Purchase Agreement and, if the OEM intends to
exercise any right of termination it may have, the OEM will agree not
to exercise any such right without giving the PDP financiers the
opportunity to elect to cure the breach that gave rise to the right of
termination or complete the purchase of the relevant PDP-financed
Aircraft within an agreed period. In addition, the OEM will promptly
notify the PDP financiers of any cancellation by the borrower of the
Purchase Agreement or any part thereof.
Certain PDP financiers may require that there be in place at the time the
PDP facility is entered into definitive and binding arrangements for the PDP-
financed Aircraft to be financed on delivery to the borrower. In such a case,
the financier can rest assured that the borrower will have access to funds for
repayment of the related PDP loan on that Aircraft’s delivery.
Finally, PDP financiers wishing to create a relationship with an airline
located in a jurisdiction with relatively high repossession risk may turn to PDP
financing because the collateral (that is, the Purchase Agreement) is per se
located in the OEM’s jurisdiction.
This is an internationally recognized type of covered bond as used in Germany by
German banks to leverage their aircraft loan portfolios. Pfandbrief-covered bonds
are highly secure securities that have wide appeal and a high level of liquidity. They
are regulated by statutory law (Pfandbrief Act and supporting directives). The
Pfandbrief product was only recently approved in Germany to be available for aircraft
loans (having long been available for shipping, government-backed and real estate
portfolios); the aircraft-secured loans in a Pfandbrief program are known as the
covered pool. This Pfandbrief program can be used by qualifying financial institutions
to finance aircraft loans on their books. Pfandbrief bonds offer high levels of security
as a result of a combination of safety mechanisms. Under a Pfandbrief program, a
fiduciary agent (Treuhänder) and at least one deputy are appointed by the Financial
Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, commonly
referred to as ‘the BaFin’). The most important duty of the fiduciary agent is to
monitor the prescribed cover of the Pfandbrief on a day-by-day basis. The Pfandbrief
program contains detailed provisions on requirements for a ‘day one’ LTV of 60
percent with an accelerated amortization profile required,44 a going forward ‘normal’
LTV reduction requirement through the amortization of the loan and additional
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Pooling is the contribution by two or more aircraft operators of Spare Parts and/or
Engines into a common pool for utilization by the parties to such pooling
arrangement. Pooling is a way to reduce, through economies of scale, the carrying
costs of Spare Parts and Spare Engines. Participants in a pooling arrangement are
entitled to withdraw items from the agreed stock (pool) held by any participant.
Financiers are rather reticent to allow Pooling of their Aircraft Asset collateral
since tracking and traceability are greatly impaired once the asset leaves the
possession of the operator that is the beneficiary of the financing. Pooling
arrangements might have impacts on ownership and security-interest rights in
multiple Aircraft can be pooled into a single security. EETCs use the PTC structure.
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Holders of a PTC have only such rights and benefits as flow through to it from the
equipment notes held in the related trust.
This is the financial practice of pooling various types of contractual payment
obligations to investors which, in the context of Aircraft Finance, would typically
be Lease rental receivables or debt obligations in a CLO or CDO, respectively, as
discussed above.
There are a variety of reasons SPVs are so frequently employed to own Aircraft
Assets on behalf of an operating lessor.
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Statutory Trust
A Statutory Trust is a trust formed by statute (for example, Delaware Statutory
Trusts (DSTs) formed pursuant to the Delaware Statutory Trust Act, 12 Del. C.
§ 3801 et. seq. (the ‘DST Act’)). Due to the inherent vagaries of common law and
fact-specific case law, certain states felt that they could clarify the benefits offered
by trusts and provide more certainty as to the availability of such benefits (and in
certain circumstances actually enhance the benefits) by codifying the benefits under
state law, creating Statutory Trusts. The laws governing Statutory Trusts vary slightly
by state jurisdiction. Any such variations will typically concern the wording on the
topics of: (i) the description of the subject-matter of trusts; (ii) the nature of the
writing required; (iii) the party who must sign or subscribe; (iv) the use of an agent
or attorney; and (v) whether there must be a signature or subscription. For example,
Delaware defines a Statutory Trust as an unincorporated association which:
the trustee is a natural person, such individual must reside in such state; or if the
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trustee is a business entity, such entity must have its principal place of business in
such state. Once formed, a Statutory Trust will have perpetual existence, except to
the extent otherwise provided in the governing instrument (commonly referred to
as a Trust Agreement). With respect to common law Grantor Trusts, on the other
hand, the rule against perpetuities continues to apply, and common law Grantor
Trusts must have a limited life.
Structurally, the beneficiary holds the beneficial interest in the trust and thereby
indirectly owns all the assets therein. In Aircraft transactions, the trustee owns the
aircraft on behalf of and for the benefit of the owner of the trust and must follow
the direction of the owner. A key feature of Statutory Trusts is that they protect the
assets held in trust so that no creditor of a beneficial owner of the trust has any right
to obtain possession of, or exercise legal or equitable remedies with respect to, the
assets of the trust. Unless otherwise provided in the governing instrument, the
beneficial owners of a Statutory Trust have the same limitation of liability as would
a stockholder of a corporation.
A validly formed Statutory Trust offers many other attractive features. It has broad
power to provide indemnification to a trustee, a beneficiary and any other person,
except as restricted by the governing instrument. Furthermore, the risk of bankruptcy
may be minimized by vesting the decision of whether to voluntarily commence
bankruptcy proceedings in an appropriate decision maker, such as an independent
trustee or other manager.
Sukuk is an Islamic law-compliant financing. A Sukuk (which works in a broadly
similar way to a conventional securitization) is evidenced by a certificate that pro-
vides an investor with ownership or part-ownership in the underlying asset, usufruct,
or service. The Sukuk represents beneficial ownership of the underlying assets and
therefore entitles its holders to receive a pro rata share of profits generated by the
asset (not a fixed return tied to their face value). A Sukuk can also be issued in
tradable form and listed on investment exchanges. A Sukuk transaction is intended
to comply with Sharia’a prohibitions on the charging of interest and, therefore, repre-
sents an equity, not a debt, interest. Other forms of Islamic finance structures include
ijara, mudaraba or murabaha financings.
Synthetic Lease
This is an off-balance sheet (or ‘synthetic’) lease financing structure treated as a
lease for accounting purposes but as a loan for tax and commercial finance purposes.
This structure is used by corporations who may be seeking off-balance sheet
reporting of their asset-based financing, and who can nevertheless efficiently use the
tax benefits of owning the financed asset.
To achieve off-balance sheet treatment, a ‘lease’ financing must satisfy the
standards set out in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 13 (SFAS
13). SFAS 13, as modified by various amendments, interpretations and technical
bulletins issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), applies fairly
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objective tests between operating leases (the desired result) and capital leases. The
goal of the lessee in a synthetic lease is operating lease treatment for financial
accounting purposes, such that neither the asset nor the liability from the transaction
is reflected on its balance sheet. To reach this goal, the lease must:
These SFAS standards are subject to ongoing review and will likely change in
the near term. In order to effect an off-balance sheet lease financing, the borrower/
lessee sells the assets to be subject to the financing to a lender/lessor for the amount
of the intended financing (typically for an amount of 80 to 100 percent of its then
current fair market value; the applicable percentage to be based on credit and asset
considerations). The lender/lessor immediately leases the financed assets back to
the borrower/lessee. The amortization (that is, the amount of ‘rent’ earmarked for
the principal component of debt service), back-end balloon (that is, the unamortized
amount of the loan) and tenor of the lease must satisfy the guidelines set out above.
On maturity of the synthetic lease, the lessee will have the option either to purchase
the leased assets for the amount of the unamortized portion of the loan (the Balloon)
or to pay an amount (the ‘deficiency guarantee amount’) to the lessor (and receive
nothing in return). The at-risk portion for the lessor/lender, the difference between
the Balloon and the deficiency guarantee amount (the At-Risk Amount), is a risk
the lender/lessor is willing to take because it would make economic sense for the
lessee/borrower to walk-away from its asset by paying the deficiency guarantee
amount only if the value of the financed assets are less than the At-Risk Amount.
In fact, at the outset of an off balance sheet synthetic lease financing, the projected
value of the financed assets is typically many multiples in excess of the At-Risk
An off balance sheet lease financing is, in substance, a mortgage financing. For
tax and commercial (UCC) law purposes, the lessee is viewed as the true owner of
the asset. This is because, except for title, indicias of ownership reside with the lessee:
The conveyance of title to the financed asset and leaseback structure is, under
commercial law terms, a ‘lease intended for security’ with the holding of title to the
asset simply a security device akin to a mortgage.
By way of illustration, consider the following example. Company X desires to
finance on an off-balance sheet basis a sizeable asset on its books, such as a corporate
jet. An appraisal shows that the asset is worth U.S.$110 million has a remaining
economic life of 9 and one third years and has a projected value of U.S.$75 million
in 7 years (75 percent of 9 and one third years). A lessor/lender may be willing to
advance U.S.$100 million on the asset (based on its assessment of both the asset
and Company X). Based on the 90 percent test, Company X can agree to a
Deficiency Guarantee Amount of U.S.$66 million and a Purchase Option Payment
of U.S.$82 million (assuming a U.S.$700,000 a month rent payment, interest at
7 percent per annum and interest and principal allocated on a mortgage-style basis).
The At-Risk Amount is U.S.$16 million (U.S.$82 million minus U.S.$66 million),
which is well below the projected value at the end of the lease term.
In 2002, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) promulgated
a number of ‘interpretations’ that largely rendered the Synthetic Lease
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Pledged account
Debt service $
Benefits of mortgage
Security trustee/agent distribuon B Lenders
U.S. grantor trust
Lease rentals $
Trust agreement Mortgage and
lease assignment
Owner parcipant
Airline (lessee)
tax recapture) when their deals soured. Today, only the strongest credits can obtain
lease equity and, accordingly, the U.S. Leveraged Lease is rarely employed.
Exhibit 3.11 shows the parties’ relationships in a U.S. Leveraged Lease.
Since U.S. Leveraged Leases are tripartite transactions (and not beholden to
market standards for documentation terms, much in the way ECA transactions
are), these are among the few types of transactions where the parties actually
sit down in a conference room to negotiate documentation.
A Warehouse is a financing facility typically supplied by banks for an operating lessor:
(i) to enable the lessor to accumulate a sufficient number of owned (and leased)
Aircraft Assets to effect an eventual Securitization of the accumulated pool; or (ii)
as a financing vehicle for Aircraft to ‘warehouse’ them until they are traded, parted-
out and/or an alternative long-term financing solution is found. Warehouses may
also be employed as a short-term facility to accommodate fast acquisitions by a lessor
who would then turn to long-term financing at a later date.
Warehouse facilities may be structured with an identified pool of Aircraft Assets
to be financed, or may be more open-ended with no identified pool. In the latter
case, the bank will identify the eligible equipment, eligible jurisdiction and eligible
lessees that may be part of the facility, and impose Concentration Limits, Mandatory
Document Terms and Mandatory Economic Terms as well. In either case, significant
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Wet Lease
A Wet Lease is an Operating Lease where the lessor provides the crew and,
depending on the deal, fuel and maintenance services, to the lessee, in addition to
the Aircraft itself. An ACMI is a form of Wet Lease.
1 The vast majority of leasing transactions employ an SPV structure, but that is not required. The
lessor operating company can certainly be the direct owner of the leased Aircraft Asset.
2 Known as ‘interim lift’.
3 Some airlines, for example, have arbitrary policies of, for example, 50 percent leased and 50 percent
owned, and use the shorted term operating leases to rejuvenate their fleets.
4 But see discussion on ‘Operating Lease’, where accounting rule changes may result in Operating
Lease financing to be ‘on’ balance sheet.
5 Boeing Capital Corporation, ‘Current Aircraft Finance Market Outlook, 2013–2017’, available at (The BCC Outlook).
6 See Nicholas Katzenbach’s opinion as Attorney General, 30 September 1966.
7 The ‘four letter word’ in Aircraft Finance.
8 Scheinberg, R, ‘The bank liquidity crisis and aircraft finance: a sector review’, Commercial Lending
Review 24(5), 2009, pp. 17–23.
9 The answer to this question has major ramifications in the aircraft finance sector. If there is a gap,
then the major aircraft manufacturers, if they are unwilling to supply the requisite financing, may be
left placing ‘whitetails’ in the desert insofar as their customers will not be able to purchase the aircraft
as they roll off the assembly line. In addition, if refinancings cannot be done because of the lack of
financing, airlines or operating lessors who own balloon payments on loan maturities may face
bankruptcy or, at a minimum, may be forced to turn over aircraft collateral in satisfaction of debt (if
a non-recourse financing). A plethora of whitetails and repossessed aircraft would serve to place
pressure on aircraft values over and above the pressures placed on those values as a result of the
economic downturn.
10 In a bid to obtain financing from the aircraft (and engine) manufacturers, airlines may condition new
aircraft orders on new (and immediate) financing. As the treasurer of one U.S. major told an OEM
(repeatedly) as it was negotiating a financing package for a new order: ‘We don’t buy airplanes; we
buy financing and it comes with airplanes.’
11 The BCC Outlook.
12 Non-U.S. airlines accessing the EETC market will likely rely on private (versus public registered)
offering securities exemptions such as Rule 144A so as to avoid the necessity to become a reporting
entity subject to the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
13 Non-U.S. airlines accessing the EETC market will likely rely on private (versus public registered)
offering securities exemptions such as Rule 144A so as to avoid the necessity to become a reporting
entity subject to the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.
14 Thankfully, no one is calling them (yet) ‘pre-owned’.
15 See endnote 9, for some further color on this topic.
16 At the beginning of the American Airlines bankruptcy (filed November 2011), the related Deficiency
Claims were selling at 22 cents on the dollar. In June 2013, they were selling at 93 cents on the dollar.
17 Of course, if the debtor agrees to perform under Section 1110(a), the investor simply has a performing
security. And, if the debtor returns the Aircraft Asset under Section 1110(c), there would be no lease
attached to the security.
18 Similarly, they need to take into account currency issues that relate to their oil needs since oil is
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