Performance Task in Music 10 Application of Avant Garde Music
Performance Task in Music 10 Application of Avant Garde Music
Performance Task in Music 10 Application of Avant Garde Music
I have known about the position of our time. 1:27 The second stanza begins with
The merrymaking that each one of us had rejoiced the singing voices that seem to
doing so. be telling a story; accompanied
by percussions.
We rejoice under the light; the moon had given us. 1:38 Music continues; with the
Dancing in the very glory of our land. steady beat of the percussions
and the growing volume of
voices, symbolizing the
merrymaking done.
But here they come unnoticed; speeding through 1:46 Music continues; the story of
the crashing waves of the sea. the merrymaking continues,
At last; they departed and raved the very shore of although the voices seem to be
our mother land. a bit gloomier indicating the
From here, you’ll hear their screams. departure of the invaders.
The screams of my people.
But I’ll stand up for them, and fight with my
For they dare set foot on our shores. 2:14 The music changes to
I shall make an ocean out of their blood. something a setting of almost
I shall strike everyone with my blades; none shall solitude; to symbolize the
be spared. adrenaline rushing to the
I let adrenaline control me; dashing through the heroine. The voices becoming
corpses of my enemies. almost inaudible, but with the
And then; I blacked out; Remembering nothing. accompaniment of the steady
That was until… beat of the percussions.
I have done everything in my power for my mother 02:30 Music continues, but fading out
land. along with the decreasing
I have fought with my blades with gore. volume each hit of the
But I have been stricken; Impaled in my chest. percussions signalling to
At last, brought to my own peace. gloomy, incomplete, and gory
The rightful place of my soul. death of our heroine.