Peoplesoft and Active Directory: Peopletools 7.X
Peoplesoft and Active Directory: Peopletools 7.X
Peoplesoft and Active Directory: Peopletools 7.X
PeopleTools 7.x
PeopleTools 7.x does not have any integration with Microsoft Active Directory.
PeopleSoft applications are authenticated against an internal database table for Operator
ID and password, and each Operator ID is assigned to various Security Classes. Every
user of PeopleSoft are given a PeopleSoft Operator ID and password per PeopleSoft
application (i.e. FS and SA are two separate PeopleSoft application modules; hence, they
each maintain its own security table inside their database). During development stage of
FAST project, Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has established PeopleSoft Operator ID
naming standard across both FS and SA application.