Toll Road Project - Specifications Section 9 - Pavements
Toll Road Project - Specifications Section 9 - Pavements
Toll Road Project - Specifications Section 9 - Pavements
Section 9 – Pavements
The work described in this section covers the treatment and repair of existing
bituminous pavements together with the supplying and laying of new
construction to form the completed pavements as shown on the Drawings and as
instructed by the Engineer.
The distributor shall be equipped with a separate power unit for the pump,
and full circulation spray bars which shall be adjustable laterally and
vertically. The spray bars on the distributor shall be controlled by a man
riding at the rear of the distributor in such a position that the operation of
all sprays is in his full view. The distributor shall incorporate one or more
hand operated lances but these shall only be used in areas inaccessible to
the main spray bars.
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Section 9 – Pavements
This shall be of the oil jacket type or else incorporate an automatic agitator
to prevent local overheating of the material. The heater should
incorporate a thermometer.
(i) has a valid operation certificate from Ministry of Public Work and
Housing, and calibration certificate from - Metrology Office for
the asphalt, aggregate and filler scales,which appointed by the
Engineer .; If the opinion of the Engineer, Asphalt Mixing Plant or
scales are in bad condition, the Asphalt Mixing Plant or scales shall
be recalibrated even the certificate is not yet expire
(ii) be a batch or drum mix plant and shall have a capacity sufficient to
supply the finisher on the road continuously when spreading the
asphaltic mix at normal speed and required thickness;
(v) be provided with a dust collector, comprising dry cyclone and wet
cyclone system or bag house to ensure that emissions remain below
required levels. If one of these systems is damaged or not
functioning, the mixing plant shall not be operated;
(vi) have a minimum single pug mill capacity of 800 kg (as origin
manufacture) and equipped with the weighing computerized system
(vii) if used for the manufacture of modified asphalt mixes shall be
equipped with automated thermostatic temperature controls capable
of maintaining a mix temperature of 175ºC.If used the gas fuel
heater (dryer) shall be equipped with a temperature control device
(regulator) to maintain temperature constantly.
(viii) if used for the manufacture of AC-Base, have not fewer than five
cold feed bins and for other bituminous mix use minimum four cold
(x) fuel used to heat the aggregate and asphalt shall be high speed diesel
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Section 9 – Pavements
(xi) Aggregate supplied from hotbin or dryer shall not contain of soot
and or not burned oil residual.
Tanks for storage of bituminous binder shall be equipped for heating the
binder under effective and positive control at all times to a temperature
within the range specified. The heating shall be accomplished by steam
coils, electricity, or other means such that no flame shall come in contact
with the heating tank. Each tank shall be fitted with a thermometer located
so that the tank temperature can be easily read. A valve shall be positioned
in the outlet pipe from each tank for sampling.
The circulating system for the bituminous binder shall be of adequate size
to ensure proper and continuous circulation during the entire operating
period. Suitable means shall be provided, either by steam jackets or other
insulation, for maintaining the specified temperature of the bituminous
binder throughout the circulation system.
The total storage of the tanks shall be not less than the quantity required for
two days production. At least two equal capacity tanks shall be provided.
The tanks shall be so connected to the circulatory system that each tank
can be separately isolated without interference to the circulation of
bituminous binder to the mixer.
Hot bin screen sizes shall be provided in accordance with that are
appropriate for the asphalt mixtures required for the project. (Refer to
Table 9.07(3))
The plant shall be equipped with a positive means to govern the time of
mixing. Once agreed, this shall not be change without the Engineer’s
written approval.
A weighing bridge and weighing house shall be provided for the weighing
of trucks loaded with material ready for delivery to Site. The scales shall
comply with the requirements for Plant Scales described above.
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Section 9 – Pavements
A filler silo or weatherproof filler storage shed and elevator, and weigh
batch filler delivery system shall be provided
(1) Adequate and safe stairways to the mixer platform and guarded
ladders to other plant units shall be placed at all points required for
accessibility to all plant operations. Accessibility to the top of truck
bodies shall be provided by means of a platform or other suitable
device to enable the Engineer to obtain sampling and mixture
temperature data. To facilitate handling scale calibration equipment,
sampling equipment, etc, a hoist or pulley system shall be provided
to raise or lower the equipment from the ground to platform or vice
versa. All gears, pulleys, chains, sprockets, and other dangerous
moving parts shall be thoroughly guarded and protected.
(2) Ample and unobstructed passage shall be maintained at all times in
and around the truck loading space. This space shall be kept free
from drippings from the mixing platform.
(1) Trucks for hauling bituminous mixture shall have tight, clean and
smooth metal beds that have been sprayed with a minimum amount
of soapy water, or lime solution to prevent the mixture from
adhering to the beds. Use of diesel fuel or other petroleum products
for this purpose shall not be allowed. Each load shall be covered
with canvas or other suitable material of adequate size as to protect
the mixture from the weather and the oxidation process. The truck
rear body overhangs and tail gate shall be so arranged that the whole
of the asphalt mixture can be discharged to the asphalt paver hopper
without interfering with the smooth operation of the asphalt paver
and while the truck remains engaged with the asphalt finisher.
Trucks fitted with oversize bodies shall not be permitted.
Overloading of asphalt trucks shall not be permitted.
(3) When necessary, to ensure that the mixture shall be delivered on the
road at the specified temperature, truck beds shall be insulated and
all covers shall be securely fastened.
(4) There shall be sufficient trucks hauling asphalt and they shall be so
organized as to ensure that the pavers can operate continuously, at
the approved speed.
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(5) Paving on any section of the works shall not begin until there are at
least three trucks waiting to unload into the pavers. The paver
operating speed is low enough that the number of trucks in use for
haulage of asphalt, on each day, can keep the pavers moving
continuously. If this is impossible to achieve, the Engineer shall only
allow the pavers to restart, after a stoppage, when there are at least
three asphalt trucks waiting to unload. This is normal good practice
and no delays to paving caused by the Contractor’s failure to
maintain an adequate supply of mix material to the pavers shall be
accepted as a cause for any claim for extra payment or time.
(2) The pavers shall be equipped with hoppers and distributing screws
of the reversing type to place the mixture evenly in front of
adjustable screeds. They shall be equipped with quick and efficient
steering devices and shall have reverse as well as forward gears. The
hoppers shall have wings that can be folded in at the end of each
truck load of asphalt to prevent retention of cooled material.
(6) If, during construction, it is found that the spreading and finishing
equipment in operation leaves tracks, indented areas, segregation or
other objectionable irregularities that cannot satisfactorily corrected
by modification to the operating procedures, the use of such
equipment shall be discontinued and other satisfactory spreading
and finishing equipment shall be provided by the Contractor.
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Section 9 – Pavements
(1) With each paver, at least two tandem steel wheeled rollers and one
pneumatic tired roller shall be required. At least one additional
pneumatic tired roller shall be provided for each 40 ton per hourof
production capacity or part thereof exceeding 40 ton per hour. All
rollers must be self-propelled.
(2) Pneumatic tired rollers shall be of an approved type having not less
than ninewheels with smooth tread compaction tires of equal size
and construction capable of operating at an inflation pressure of 6 -
6.5 kg per square centimeter (85 - 90 pounds per square inch).
Wheels shall be equally spaced along both axle lines and arranged so
that tires on one axle line track midway between those on the other
axle with an overlap. Each tire shall be kept inflated to the specified
operating pressure such that the pressure difference between any two
tires shall not exceed 0.35 kg per square centimeter (5 pounds per
square inch). Means shall be provided for checking and adjusting the
tire pressures on the job at all times. For each size and type of tire
used the Contractor shall supply to the Engineer charts or tabulations
showing the relationship between wheel load, inflation pressure, tire
contact pressure, width and area. Each roller shall be equipped with
means of adjusting its total weight by ballasting so that the load per
wheel width can be varied from 300 - 600 kilograms per 0.1 meter.
In operation the tire inflation pressure and the wheel load shall be
adjusted, as required by the Engineer, to meet the requirements of
each particular application. In general the compaction of any course
with a pneumatic tired roller shall be accomplished with contact
pressures as high as the material will support.
(4) Static rollers shall have a minimum static weight of not less than 8
tons. Twin drum vibratory rollers shall have a static weight of not
less than 6 tons. The rollers shall be free of flat areas, dents,
openings or projections which will mar the surface of the pavement.
(5) In the laying trial, for approval of the Job Mix Formula (JMF), the
Contractor will have demonstrated to the Engineer’s satisfaction the
combination of roller types he shall use to compact each mixture
satisfactory. He shall continue to keep available and use the
approved combination of rollers for each mixture. No alteration shall
be allowed unless the Contractor proves to the Engineer that the new
combination of rollers he proposes to use is at least as effective as
that already approved.
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Section 9 – Pavements
All necessary field equipment shall be provided including but not limited
- Petrol driven vibrating plate.
- Vibratory Roller, 600 Kg.
- Straight edge 4meters
- Thermometer (dial type) 300 °C (minimum three units).
- Compressor and jack hammers
- Spirit level (water pass) mounted on 4meters straight edge and
adjustable to read 3% or other cross falls and super-elevations between
0% and 6%,
- Diamond or fiber power saw
- Rotary broom
- Calibrated asphalt depth gauge
- Tire pressure gauge
Unless specified elsewhere or approved by the Engineer, all work utilizing new
bituminous material shall comply with the following for the purposes of
construction and measurement.
(a) Weather
At his own risk, the Contractor may allow traffic to use the binder course
but this will be subject to the Engineer's approval and he may require the
Contractor at his own expense, to seal or otherwise protect the binder
course. Should any bituminous material become contaminated, the
Contractor shall make good by cleaning it to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and if this proves impractical, he shall remove and replace the
layer at his own expense.
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Section 9 – Pavements
(d) Measurement
When payment is made by weight for any pay item this will be calculated
by using load delivery tickets for material incorporated in the permanent
works in accordance with the drawings and these Specifications. The
weight of bituminous material shall be evidenced by machine stamped
load delivery tickets which must identify the hauling unit (truck) for which
it was issued, together with the time of issue. The accuracy of the scales
shall be checked before the start of the works and in every subsequent
month the actual date of checking is to be chosen randomly.
(e) Overlay
When the contract calls for the overlay of existing pavement, any
regulating required shall be carried out using the lowest layer(s) of
material possible. All remedial works to the pavement shall be executed
before commencement of overlay operations.
Plant-Mix: The Contractor shall cut full depth samples as directed, from
the finished course, for testing by the Engineer. Samples shall be neatly
cut by a saw, core drill, or other approved equipment.
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Section 9 – Pavements
At least one, but not more than three samples shall be taken for each full
day's operations. The Contractor shall supply and finish new material to
backfill voids left by sampling. Extra samples will be taken whenever a
substantial change has been approved and made in the job-mix formula, or
when the Engineer directs that more samples be taken.
This work shall consist of the removal of the upper layer or layers of an existing
asphalt pavement where this is necessary to allow resurfacing or to allow
formation of a joint between existing and new work. Scarifying necessary
solely because of the Contractor's method of working will not be measured for
The work shall be done by machine or by hand in such a manner that the area
scarified does not exceed that instructed by the Engineer. Any damage to
asphalt or curb designated by the Engineer to remain will be made good to the
Engineer's satisfaction at the Contractor's own expense. All material removed
shall be stockpiled on the site for use of the Employer, or otherwise disposed of
as directed by the Engineer.
The quantity measured for payment will be the number of square meters of
existing asphalt scarified in accordance with the Engineer's instructions. Where
the Engineer orders the removal of more than one layer in separate operations,
each layer removed will be measured and paid for separately. Where the
Engineer instructs that the full depth of existing asphalt shall be removed, the
work shall conform to the requirements of Article S3.01 of these Specifications
for removal, measurement and payment.
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Section 9 – Pavements
The work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract price per
unit of measurement for the pay item below. The Contract unit price will be full
compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and incidentals
necessary to do the work as directed by the Engineer, including removal and
disposal of all the resulting material.
All material and work furnished under this pay item shall comply with the
requirements of the following Articles and all compaction equipment may be
varied to suit the size of the area being treated :
The area to be treated shall be marked on the surface, and the existing pavement
and sub-grade removed to a depth of 50 cm. Pavement to remain shall be cut to
form a vertical face and the edges of the excavation shall be straight and in neat
lines. After preparation of the subgrade in accordance with Article S7.01(2)(d),
30 cm of the aggregate base as used for new construction shall be laid in
accordance with Article S8.01. The aggregate base shall then be primed in
accordance with Article S9.04 and 20 cm of asphalt concrete base course laid in
2 equal layers, in accordance with Article S9.07. Bituminous material in the
existing pavement which will about with the new base course shall be tack
coated in accordance with Article S9.05 or else lightly brushed with hot asphalt
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cement. The finished level of the patched area shall be carefully formed to
leave a smooth surface level with the adjacent existing pavement.
The quantities to be paid for under this Article will be the number of square
meters of existing pavement removed and replaced in accordance with this
specification and the Engineer's instructions. The maximum area of a single
patch treated under this Article will be 40 square meters. When any single area
exceeds this quantity it will be dealt with on the basis of the other individual pay
items in this specification for the purpose of measurement and payment.
Any pavement damaged by the Contractor's work under other Articles of the
Specification shall be replaced in accordance with the requirements of this
Article, but will not be measured for payment and replacement will be at the
Contractor's own expense.
Bituminous material shall be of type and grade called for in the Drawings
and shall conform to the requirements of the specifications listed below.
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Section 9 – Pavements
Blotter material shall be approved clean, dry sand or stone screenings free
from any cohesive material. It shall contain no organic matter.
Prime coat shall be applied only with the approval of the Engineer who
will specify the grade to be used. The surface to be treated shall be dry or
slightly damp. Spraying prime coat shall not be applied when strong winds
or rain.
(b) Equipment
Immediately before applying the bituminous material all loose dirt and
other objectionable material shall be removed from the surface with a
power broom and/or blower as required. If the Engineer so orders, the
surface shall be lightly bladed and rolled immediately prior to the
application of bituminous material, in which case brooming or blowing
will not be required. When so ordered by the Engineer a light application
of water shall be made just before the application of bituminous material.
The area to be treated shall be approved by the Engineer prior to
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(f) General
The quantity of prime coat to be paid for shall be the number of kilograms of
bituminous material, laid in accordance with this Specification and the
Engineer's instructions.
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Section 9 – Pavements
(a) Equipment
The existing surface shall be patched and cleaned and shall be free of
irregularities to provide a reasonably smooth and uniform surface to
receive the treatment. Unstable, corrugated or damaged areas shall be
removed and replaced or repaired as instructed by the Engineer. The
edges of existing pavements, which are to be adjacent to new pavement,
shall be cleaned to permit the adhesion of bituminous materials. The area
to be treated shall be cleaned by a power broom and/or blower and
approved by the Engineer.
(d) General
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Section 9 – Pavements
The quantity of tack coat to be paid for shall be the number of kilograms of
bituminous material, laid in accordance with this Specification and the
Engineer's instructions.
The accepted quantities of tack coat, determined as provided above, will be paid
for at the Contract unit price per kilogram for bituminous material complete in
place, which price and payment will be full compensation for the work of this
Cover coat material shall be crushed stone, or crushed gravel and shall
meet the requirements for surface course material in Article 9.07(2)(b).
When crushed gravel is used, not less than 50 percent by weight of the
particles retained on the No. 4 sieve shall have at least one fractured face.
Aggregates shall meet the gradation requirements of the following table.
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Section 9 – Pavements
(c) The approximate amounts of materials per square meter for seal coats shall
be as follows:
Seal coat shall be applied only when the surface to be treated is dry or
slightly damp, when the temperature of the road surface is 21 degrees
Celsius or more.
(b) Equipment
Seal coating operations shall not be started until the surface is thoroughly
compacted by Pneumatic Tired Roller. Bituminous material shall not be
spread until the surface has been cleaned as required, and the section to be
sealed has been approved by Engineer.
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Section 9 – Pavements
The spread of bituminous material shall not be more than 15 cm wider than
the width covered by the cover coat material from the spreading device.
Under no circumstances shall operations proceed in such manner that
bituminous material will be allowed to chill, set up, or otherwise impair
retention of the cover coat.
The distributor, when not spreading, shall be parked so that the spray bar
or mechanism will not drip bituminous materials on the surface of the
travelled way.
Immediately after the cover coat material is spread, any deficient areas
shall be covered by additional material. Initial rolling shall begin
immediately behind the spreader and shall consist of one complete
coverage with a power roller. Pneumatic tired roller shall begin
immediately after completion of the initial rolling and shall be completed
the same day the bituminous material and cover coat materials are applied.
After the application of the cover coat material, the surface shall be lightly
broomed or otherwise maintained as directed for a period of 4 days or as
directed. Maintenance of the surface shall include the distribution of
cover coat material over the surface to absorb any free bituminous material
and to cover any area deficient in cover coat material. The maintenance
shall be conducted so as not to displace embedded material. Excess
material shall be swept from the entire surface by means of rotary brooms.
The surface shall be swept at the time determined by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall furnish a pilot car and driver to conduct traffic over
completed seal coat at a maximum speed of 10 kilometers per hour for the
first 24 hours after cover aggregate is applied, if so directed by the
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Section 9 – Pavements
The accepted quantities of seal coat determined as provided above, will be paid
for at the Contract price per square meter which price and payment will be full
compensation for the work of this Article and for any specified spread rates
within the ranges given in S9.06 (1).
(a). This work shall consist of aggregate and bituminous material mixed in a
central plant and spread and compacted on a prepared surface in
accordance with these Specifications and in close conformity with the
lines, grades, thicknesses and typical cross sections shown on the
Drawings or established by the Engineer
(b). Type of Hot Bituminous mixture shall be as determined on this Article or as
directed by Engineer. Asphalt mixtures to be used for pavement works are
Asphalt Concrete Base (AC-Base), Asphalt Concrete Binder Course
(AC-BC) and Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC)
(c) The relevant sections of Article S9.01 (2) and S9.01 (3) shall be read into
and considered as part of this Article.
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Section 9 – Pavements
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Section 9 – Pavements
Values shall be proposed within the limits specified for the particular type
of bituminous concrete called for. The Engineer will determine a job-mix
formula with single values for the above-mentioned and so notify the
Contractor in writing.
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Section 9 – Pavements
The plant mixed material will be tested after blending or mixing at the
plant or prior to final incorporation in the work.
The coarse aggregate (retained on the 4.75 mm sieve) shall consist of clean
tough, durable fragments free from an excess of flat, elongated, soft or
disintegrated pieces and free from stone coated with dirt or other
objectionable material.
The sodium sulphate soundness loss shall not exceed 12 percent and the
magnesium sulphate soundness loss shall not exceed 18 percent. All to
be tested according to AASHTO T104.
The coating and stripping tested according to AASHTO T182 is not less
than 95%.
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Section 9 – Pavements
Fine aggregate, from each source, shall consist of natural sand or crushed
stone screening and consists of materials passing 4.75 mm size (No.4).
Natural sand used in asphaltic concrete mixtures shall not exceed 15% of
total mix by weight.
The fine aggregate shall be composed of clean, tough particles, free from
clay, or other objectionable material. Stone screenings shall be produced
from stone meeting the quality requirements of Article S9.07.(2).
If the fine aggregate portion of the discharge from the primary crusher
does not satisfy the Standard Sand Value (sand equivalent) of not less than
50%, it shall be discarded prior to secondary crushing and shall not be used
in any asphaltic mixture.
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Section 9 – Pavements
(d) Filler
Added filler shall be in the form of cement, limestone dust, hydrated lime,
dolomite dust, cement kiln dust or fly ash from sources approved by the
Engineer. It shall be free from all objectionable material. When the Job
Mix requires more than 3% added filler, the add filler shall be limestone
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Section 9 – Pavements
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Section 9 – Pavements
(a) Equipment
The mixing plant and all equipment used for hauling and laying the
bituminous mixture shall comply with the requirements of Article S9.01
(2). The Contractor shall provide suitable means for keeping all small
tools clean and free from accumulation of bituminous material. He shall
provide and have ready for use at all times enough tarpaulins or covers, as
may be directed by the Engineer, for use in any emergency such as rain,
chilling wind, or unavoidable delay, for the purpose of covering or
protecting any material that may have been dumped, or spread but not
The aggregates for the mixture shall be dried and heated to the required
temperature. Flames used for drying and heating shall be properly
adjusted to avoid damage to the aggregate and to avoid soot on the
aggregate. Immediately after heating and drying, the aggregates shall be
screened into three or more fractions as specified and conveyed into
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Section 9 – Pavements
(d) Mixing
The dried aggregate shall be combined in the mixer in the amount of each
fraction of aggregates required to meet the job-mix formula. The
bituminous material shall be measured or gauged and introduced into the
mixer in the amount specified by the job-mix formula.
The mixture shall be transported from the mixing plant to the point of use
in vehicles conforming to the requirements of Article S9.01 (2). No loads
shall be sent out so late in the day as to prevent completion of the
spreading and compaction of the mixture during daylight hours unless
with the Engineers approval and satisfactory illumination is provided.
Each vehicle shall be weighed after each loading at the mixer and a record
shall be kept of the gross weight, tare, net weight, and time of day of each
load operation. The mixture temperature shall be unloaded to asphalt
paver with the minimum 130oC and while the break down rolling
minimum 125oC.
The mixture shall be laid upon an approved surface, spread and struck off
to the grade and elevation established. Bituminous pavers shall be used
to distribute the mixture either over the entire width or over such partial
width as may be practical.
The longitudinal joint in one layer shall offset that in the layer immediately
below by approximately 15 cm; however, the joint in the top layer shall be
at the centre line of the pavement if the roadway comprises two lanes in
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Section 9 – Pavements
width, or at lane lines if the roadway is more than 2 lanes in width, unless
otherwise directed.
The Contractor shall carry out such tests as are necessary to determine the
uncompacted thickness of mixture to be laid for compaction to conform to
the required finished depths. The uncompacted material immediately
behind the paver shall then be measured at frequent intervals and
adjustments made to ensure conformity with the nominal depths.
(f) Compaction
After the bituminous mixture has been spread, struck off and surface
irregularities adjusted, it shall be thoroughly and uniformly compacted by
rolling. The specific gravity of the consolidated mixture, as determined
by AASHTO T230 shall be not less than 98 percent of the specific gravity
of laboratory compacted specimens composed of the same materials in
like proportion.
The surface shall be rolled when the mixture is in the proper condition and
when the rolling does not cause undue displacement, cracking or shoving.
Unless otherwise directed, rolling shall begin at the sides and proceed
longitudinally parallel to the road center line, each trip overlapping
one-half the roller width, gradually progressing to the crown of the road.
When paving in echelon or abutting a previously placed lane, the
longitudinal joint should be rolled first followed by the regular rolling
procedure. On super elevated curves the rolling shall begin at the low side
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Section 9 – Pavements
Rollers shall move at a slow but uniform speed with the drive roll or
wheels nearest the paver. Rolling shall be continued until all roller marks
are eliminated and at least the minimum density indicated above has been
attained. Care shall be exercised in rolling not to displace the line and
grade of the edges of the bituminous mixture.
To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the rollers, the wheels shall be kept
properly moistened with water or water mixed with very small quantities
of detergent or other approved material. Excess liquid will not be
permitted. Along forms, headers, walls and other places not accessible to
the rollers, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with hot hand
tampers, smoothing irons or with mechanical tampers. On depressed
areas, a trench roller may be used or cleated compression strips may be
used under the roller to transmit compression to the depressed area.
Any mixture that becomes loose and broke, mixed with dirt, or is in any
way defective shall be removed and replaced with fresh hot mixture,
which shall be compacted to conform to the surrounding area. Any area
showing an excess or deficiency of bituminous material shall be removed
and replaced. No traffic shall be permitted on the final course in less than
12 hours after completion unless authorized by the Engineer.
The exposed edges of the completed mat shall be cut off true to the
required lines. Material trimmed from the edges and any other discarded
or rejected bituminous mixture shall be removed from the roadway and
disposed of by the Contractor as instructed by the Engineer. When
directed by the Engineer, a brush coat of bituminous material shall be used
on contact surfaces of joints just before additional mixture is placed
against the previously rolled material.
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Section 9 – Pavements
tolerances. For base course and binder course, the test for conformity
shall be made immediately after initial rolling and variation shall be
corrected by removing or adding materials as may be necessary. Rolling
shall then be continued as specified. Removal or addition of material to
the surface course will not be permitted after rolling has commenced.
Work on surface course shall be carefully controlled to ensure that
material as laid will conform to the allowable tolerance.
The surface level of the pavement at any point shall not deviate vertically
from the design finished road surface by more than ± 10 mm. However the
permitted combination tolerances at any elevation of pavement courses
shall not exceed more than 5 mm from the designed elevation for flexible
Where the contract requires the overlay of an existing pavement this shall
be carried out strictly in accordance with the Engineer's instructions. The
Engineer may instruct that a layer of the pavement be laid over a partial
width or to a restricted length if this is necessary to facilitate the regulation
of levels.
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Section 9 – Pavements
Mixtures :
Temperature at the mixing plant and on delivery Hour
to site
Grading and bituminous binder content 200 tons (min. 1 samples per day)
Marshall density, stability, flow, quotient at 75 200 tons (min. 1 samples per day)
blows and voids at refusal density
Voids in Mix at refusal density 3,000 tons
Marshall mix design Every change in aggregate or design
Constructed layers :
100 mm diameter for up to 25 mm max. size or for 2 specimens for each 100 m length
greater than 25 mm max. size use 150 mm per lane.
diameter cores for compaction and layer
thickness :
Construction tolerances :
Surface levels, for the cross section of each At least 3 transverse points
carriageway measured at least every 12.5 meter
along the length of the road
In the completion of the work, the Contractor shall comply with the
minimum service of Toll Road, where the condition of the end surface of
the Toll Road shall be as follows:
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Section 9 – Pavements
The quantity of base course, binder and surfacing to be paid for will be the
weight of the completed plant-mix bituminous material less the quantity of
asphalt cement and anti-stripping agent, which will be paid for separately. No
adjustment in contract unit price will be made for variation in quantity due to
differences in the specific gravity of material actually used. The quantity of
asphalt cement to be paid for will be based on the delivery weight of bituminous
treated aggregate using the actual percentage of blended bituminous (as verified
by tests) in the mixture. The quantity of anti-stripping agent to be paid will be
based on the record of any material used, and approved by the Engineer.
No additional payment for repair the road surface when the test results of the road surface as skid
resistance and roughness testing do not qualify as mentioned in the S9.08 (12)
The applicable provisions of Articles S10.01 and S10.02 shall be read into and
become part of this Article S9.08 "Concrete Pavement".
S9 - 31
Toll Road Project – Specifications
Section 9 – Pavements
Modification Marshall procedure (ASTM D5581) is basically the same as the original method
(ASTM D1559 or AASHTO T245) except for these differences that are due to the larger
specimen size that used:
(1) The hammer weights 10.206 kg and has a 14.94 cm flat tamping face. Only a
mechanically operated device is used for the same 45.7 cm drop height.
(2) The specimen has a 15.24 cm diameter by 9.52 cm height.
(3) The batch weights are typically 4 kg.
(4) The equipment for compacting and testing (mold and breaking heads) are
proportionately larger than normal Marshall to accommodate the larger specimens.
(5) The mix is placed in the mold in two approximately equal increments, with spading
performed after each increment to avoid the honey combing.
(6) The number of blows needed for the larger specimen is 1.5 times (75 or 112 blows) for
AC-Base than required of the smaller specimen (50 or 75 blows) for AC-WC or AC-BC
to obtain equivalent compaction.
(7) The design criteria should be modified as well. The minimum stability should be 2.25
time and the range of the flow values should 1.5 times from the normal size specimen.
(8) Similar to the normal procedure, these values should be used to convert the measured
stability values to an equivalent values for a specimen with a 9.52 cm thickness, if the
actual thickness varies :
Note :
Important to note that to determine the void in mix at refusal density, it is recommended to use vibratory hammer
than Marshall hammer. Crushing aggregate to be smaller fragments may be avoided in the mix.
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