Oil Tender Part 3
Oil Tender Part 3
Oil Tender Part 3
1.0 INTRODUCTION: This section establishes the scope and describes the
specifications, instructions, standards and other documents including the
specifications for any tools or equipment, which the bidder shall satisfy or
adhere to in the performance of the work.
3.1 The area of the operation as planned is in Assam & Arunachal Pradesh.
4.0 SCOPE OF SERVICE: The successful bidder shall provide rig package along
with all necessary equipment as listed to carryout Work-over operations in
accordance with the completion programme. Apart from this, the successful
bidder shall also provide spares for the entire rig package with operating crew
at all time for uninterrupted progress of work and make available all items
mentioned herein ready for use.
ii) Nominal depth rating: 6096 m (20000 ft) with 2.7/8" OD EUE Tubing
3048m (10000ft) with 3.1/2"OD drill pipe
v) TWIN STOP DEVICE (CROWN & FLOOR SAVER): One (1) pneumatically or
electronically activated or equivalent Twin-stop Device: Crown Saver to
prevent collision between traveling block assembly and the crown block
assembly, Floor Saver to prevent collision between the traveling block
assembly and the drill floor
ii) Mud pressure gauges 0-10,000/ 0-6,000 psi. The mud pressure gauge
system should have one (1) gauge for standpipe and one (1) for annulus
1. Rig instrumentation should be suitable for Hazardous area as per
(For electric and electronic instrument should be as per OMR 2017
and amend time to time).
2. Pressurized type driller's console shall be used in the rig. Air purging
system should be provided for the above. Otherwise, all electrical
for use in oilfield hazardous area, Zone-I or Zone-II and Gas group II-
A & II-B of oil mines and shall confirm to IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standard.
Details of certification / test reports confirming to the above relevant
standard from an Indian government laboratory or NABL accredited
laboratory or IECEx accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body shall
be submitted. [Ref: Oil Mines Regulation, 2017, Regulation no.96 and
CEA (Measures relating to safety and electric supply) Regulation 2010,
regulation no.110]
ii) Crown block assembly should be complete with sheaves for cat-line, sand-
line, sheave units for rig tongs, power tong/pipe spinner.
iii) Clear height (below crown) from the ground: 108-112 feet [Approx.]. 104-
124 feet may also be agreed. However, the height should be sufficient
enough to handle range-2 tubing.
iv) Static hook load capacity: Min 250,000 lbs with 8 lines strung.
v) Wind load resistance with full set back: Minimum 40 mph (64kmph)
without guy lines.
vi) Minimum 150 Ton (136 Tonnes) capacity Crown Block Assembly with
adequate no. of sheaves for stringing up 8 lines.
viii) Sheaves for catline, sandline, sheave units for rig tongs, power tong / pipe
ix) The mast shall be provided with telescopic lightening arrestor. The
lightening arrestor shall be grounded with continuous cable at two
separate & distinct points.
x) All Light fittings & junction boxes used in the rig mast shall be FLP (Ex-d)
type. The light fittings shall be energy efficient, preferably LED type.
xi) The voltage for electric light fittings inside the mine shall not exceed 250V
(between phases) if neutral is connected to earth. [Ref: CEA (Measures
relating to safety and electric supply) Regulation 2010, regulation no.102
xii) Aviation Lights: Two (02) numbers FLP 4(Ex-d) type night aviation warning
lights are to be fitted at the top of the mast. These lights shall be
operational at all times from the moment the mast is raised and till the
mast is finally lowered irrespective of well operation. As per IAF
requirements, specifications for the above lights are
Colour of light: Red (Fixed), Light intensity: 10cd.
(e) TRAVELLING BLOCK AND HOOK: 138 tons to 187 tons (125 MT to 170 MT)
capacities unitized travelling block & hook assembly with 4 sheaves.
(f) ROTARY DRIVE: Rotary drive, for driving 17.1/2"/ 20.1/2" Rotary Table by
means of suitable pneumatic clutch drive or equivalent from the rotary counter
shaft, sprocket for rotary table and with provision for reverse rotation.
(g) SERVICE WINCH: Hydraulic winch with wire line, tail chain, control valve &
hoses installed having bare drum line pull capacity of 5000lbs.
(h) HYDRAULIC SYSTEM: Suitable for heavy duty power tubing tong, raising &
lowering the mast, and hydraulic winch. May be single or double, hydraulic
pumps of suitable capacity, completed with necessary hydraulic circuit and
accessories. The system should be capable of operating properly the Telescopic
Rams of the Rig for rigging up or down the mast, the hydraulic motor to operate
the winch and hydraulic subs. Preferably, the hydraulic pumps should be
driven by the PTOs fitted with the Transmission.
(i) ROTARY TABLE: Rotary Table with 17.1/2" / 20.1/2" opening complete with
master bushings with a static load rating of min 250 tons.
(j) ROTARY SWIVEL: Swivel having dead load rating of 150-200 T with 5000 PSI
working pressure and complete with bail bumper support, goose neck
connection to rotary hose etc. Swivel pin connection should be 3.1/2" / 4.1/2"
API regular left hand with matching cross-over.
(k) ELEVATOR LINKS: 150 T Welds less elevator links. The links should be
compatible to Travelling block & Hook. One set of extra-long link for 2 Rigs
(preferably 12 ft -15ft) shall have to be provided by the Contractor for some
special operation.
(l) ROTARY HOSE: Rotary hose of 2"/ 3" ID, 5000 psi working pressure, 50 ft
long, conforming to API Spec. 7K with safety clamps at both ends & necessary
fittings for connection to stand pipe& swivel goose neck
(n) RIG ENGINE: May be single or double, diesel engine with enclosure(s) capable
of transmitting minimum Brake horse power of 540 HP on intermittent duty
in total to the draw Works. While calculating HP of the engine (s), the entire
load for accessories drive and transmission & other losses shall be taken into
account. If twin engines are supplied both the engines or either of the two
engines should be capable of transmitting power either to Draw Works
depending on load requirement or for road drive.
(i) All the rotating parts, Belts etc. should be well guarded.
(iii) Engine(s) should have two systems for self-starting: (a) Electrical starting
system and (b) Air starting system.
(o) AUXILIARY AIR COMPRESSOR: Auxiliary Air compressor with air receiver
of required capacity for operating Air starter for the Rig engines, Remote BOP
control panel, Pneumatic operated Celler pump and other pneumatic controls.
The prime mover engine of the Air compressor shall have to be either hand
starting or electric starting. The Air compressor with Air receiver shall be
mounted on a separate skid and shall be placed at a safe distance from the
well. The air receiver supplied should be hydraulically tested at 1.5 times more
than the working pressure. Details of testing report should be provided along
with the Rig. Also date of testing should such as testing date pressure etc to
be painted in the air receiver.
7.2(a) WELL SERVICING PUMP: One Diesel Engine driven well servicing pump set
of following specification shall be attached with each Rig. The pumps should
be equipped all the accessories such as re-adjustable safety valve (spring type),
SPM counter, Pressure gauge, Bleed valve with manifold etc. mounted on the
(Pump set should be equipped with various speed reduction Gear box to
meet these parameters)
(i) Salt solutions: weighted & un-weighted salt solution of KCl, NaCl,
Sodium Formate, Potassium Formate, CaCl2 of range 63 pcf to 95
pcf (Sp Gravity, 1.01 to 1.52).
(ii) Other fluids like HSD, LWC, Drilling Mud, Xan-vis, Hi-vis fluid etc.
(b) CEMENTING PUMP: One Diesel Engine driven cementing Pump of following
specification shall be available with between the 02(Two) Rigs i.e., bidder who
bid for 2(two) rig shall provide 1(one) Cementing Pump and bidder who bid for
1(one) rig also provide 1(one) Cementing Pump. In case the successful Bidder
is awarded the Contract for only one no. of Rig then the Bidder has to supply
1 (one) no of cementing pump with the Rig. However, if the successful Bidder
is awarded 2 (Two) nos. of Rigs then he will be allowed to supply 1 (one) no. of
Cementing Pump to be used between both the Rigs. The pumps should be
equipped all the accessories such as re-adjustable safety valve (spring type),
Pressure gauge, Bleed valve with manifold etc. mounted on the pump. The
pump should be skid mounted.
(Pump set should be equipped with various speed reduction Gear box to
meet these parameters)
Pump Duty: As and when required and should be available at the Rig for
cementation and other related jobs
(i) Cementation and Acidization jobs are not of regular type. These jobs
may be required to carry out as per individual well's completion policy
(c) SOURCE WATER PUMP SETS: 2 nos. source water pumps one running &
other standby (preferably Electric motor driven) required to lift underground
water for industrial uses of capacity of each 17 KL /Hr against a head of 80 M
& suction lift of 8 M. Normally, water is available at 15 - 30 feet below the
ground level.
(Note: Where source water is not available in a particular well site, successful
bidder will have to arrange water on their own)
(d) PUMP SET for FILTER UNIT & BLENDER UNIT: The electrical motors and
starters/PBSs for centrifugal pumps of filter unit & blender unit shall be
suitable for use in hazardous area of Zone-I or Zone-II and gas group IIA &II
B in oil mine and shall conform to IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standards. Details of
certification / test reports confirming to the above relevant standard from an
Indian government laboratory or NABL accredited laboratory or IECEx
accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body shall be submitted. [Ref: Oil Mines
Regulation, 2017, Regulation no.96 and CEA (Measures relating to safety and
electric supply) Regulation 2010, regulation no.110].
(e) Pump set for evacuation of production Tank: A dedicated pump set of
suitable capacity to be provided which will be exclusively used for evacuation
of Production Tank and loading of 12 KLs / 20 KLs capacity bowsers. The
pumps shall be suitable for use in Zone-1 hazardous area in oil mine.
Requisite connections from production tank to loading point at bowsers to be
provided with pump set.
The bidders shall submit test reports conforming to the above relevant
standards from an Indian Government Laboratory or NABL accredited
laboratory or IECEx accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body, which is not
a part of manufacturer's facility.
7.3 GENERATING SET: A diesel Generating set (Twin set one running & one
standby) of required KVA power considering all electrical loads which should
be noise proof. Power packs shall be placed at safe distance, i.e. at a distance
of 30 meters (minimum) from the well centre. [Ref: Oil Mines Regulation, 2017,
Regulation no.96 and CEA (Measures relating to safety and electric supply)
Regulation 2010, regulation no.110]
B. For well fluid storing: 2 nos. tanks of 40 KL capacity each, 2 nos. tanks of
22Kl capacity each
E. Trip Tank: One no Trip tank with accessories like centrifugal pump, line
to feed in hole during tripping out with arrangement to fill up tank with
workover fluid from mud tank system. Trip Tank level indicator shall also
F. Production Tank: Minimum 01 (one) no. skid mounted tank(s) which shall
be capable for measuring and storing 37.37 KLs of crude oil/well fluid.
Tank dipping tape/stick with calibration certificate shall be required. The
tank(s) shall be equipped with necessary valve for evacuation &man-hole
for cleaning. Climbing leader and fall protection guards with toe boards as
per latest OISD norms to be provided at tank roof.
(a) Ramp fitted with mixing hoppers at ramp floor height, ramp area min.
300 sq. ft
(b) Agitators: The electrical motors and starters/PBSs for agitators shall be
suitable for use in hazardous area of Zone-I or Zone-II and gas group IIA
&II B in oil mine and shall conform to IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standards.
Details of certification / test reports confirming to the above relevant
standard from an Indian government laboratory or NABL accredited
laboratory or IECEx accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body shall be
submitted. [Ref: Oil Mines Regulation, 2017, Regulation no.96 and CEA
(Measures relating to safety and electric supply) Regulation 2010,
regulation no.110].
(c) All light fittings used in the mud tank area shall be FLP (Ex-d) type.
Adequate lighting shall be provided in the mud tank area. [Ref: Oil Mines
Regulation, 2017, Regulation no.96 and CEA (Measures relating to safety
and electric supply) Regulations, 2010, regulation no.110].
(d) Remote PBS placed in hazardous area should have intrinsically safe
circuits with a maximum of 30 Volts. [Ref: CEA (Measures relating to
safety and electric supply) Regulations, 2010, regulation no. 102(iv)&
(e) Double Earthing: All the electrical equipment (Motors, Starter panels etc.)
in Tanks including Mud Tanks, Chemical Storage Tanks shall be earthed
in double (CEA reg. 41(xii) & OISD 216.
(f) HSD Tank, Production Tanks (if used) shall be double earthed in
diagonally opposite ends.
(i) Facility for inter tank fluid transfer shall be such that suction can be
taken from each tank as well as delivery can also be given to any tank.
(j) Facility for taking fluid return during cement cleaning, milling etc.
(k) Suitable screen for placing over tank in well return line.
(l) Acid tank should have bottom suction facility without dead volume.
7.5 SUCTION AND DELIVERY SYSTEM: Suction hose for pump suction lines.
From pump delivery manifold suitable bleed line and valve shall be provided.
Pump delivery manifold shall have arrangements for hole fill-up line and kill-
line connection.
(i) All the necessary pipes, fittings, valves etc. required to rig up the static
and hook up the pumps shall be provided by the Contractor.
(ii) Any other pipes, fittings, valves etc. which may be required during
operation period shall be provided by the Contractor.
(iii) Adequate length of high pressure pump delivery lines from Well Killing
pump, for placement of pump at recommended distance from wellhead
tobe provided by the Contractor.
(v) Supply, storage, consumption / regulation of water & fuel at the well
sites as well as at the camp site shall be the contractor's responsibility.
Any shut down of operation due to non-availability of water and fuel shall
be on the contractor's account.
(vi) Supply of LDO / LWC for mud preparation and for meeting other
downhole eventualities will be the company's responsibility.
(vii) The Contractor shall be provided fuel for all their vehicles and other
stationary engines.
(ix) Well Logging Service: All logging requirements as depicted in the Work
over programme will be met by OIL through its in-house or logging
contractors' service.
7.6 LIGHTING SYSTEM: Explosion proof, suitable for hazardous location with
adequate lighting at all the important points. Mast lighting system and area
lighting system should be provided with proper fixing arrangements, poles etc.
All electrical equipment such as AC motor, starter, pressure switch, cables &
conductor fittings, light fittings, Driller Remote Control Panel with all electrical
accessories etc. should be suitable for use in hazardous area of zone-I and gas
group IIA &IIB in oil mine and shall conform to IS/IEC/EN: 60079-0:2011 &
IS/IEC/EN: 60079-1:2007 and bidders are to confirm the same while quoting.
The bidders shall submit test reports conforming to the above relevant
standards from an Indian Government Laboratory or NABL accredited
laboratory or IECEx accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body, which is not
a part of manufacturer's facility. Copies of above certificates should be
enclosed with the quotation as well as with the supply of materials.
The bidder should ensure that RED AVIATION WARNING LIGHTS (flasher
type) on the crown of the mast have been provided as per Aviation Standards.
ii) 3.1/2" Mud Motor for 5.1/2" Casing & 4.3/4" Mud motor for 7" Casing:
For cement cleaning/ milling purposes. [At least one each should be
ready for operation whenever required with working spares].
iii) Electric motor driven Blender unit: For blending/mixing viscous fluids
at Work over well-sites. The blender unit tank should be cylindrical in
shape (capacity4kl) with electrical motor driven mixer/agitator.[With a
Provision for Hopper connectivity]. The electrical motor and
starter/PBS for blender unit shall be suitable for use in hazardous area
of Zone-I or Zone-II and gas group IIA &II B in oil mine and shall
conform to IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standards. Details of certification / test
reports confirming to the above relevant standard from an Indian
government laboratory or NABL accredited laboratory or IECEx
accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body shall be submitted. [Ref:
Oil Mines Regulation, 2017, Regulation no.96 and CEA (Measures
relating to safety and electric supply) Regulation 2010, regulation
iv) Filtration unit with accessories: For removing up to 2 micron fine solid
contaminants from work over fluid so as to minimize damage to the
formation. The filtration unit should be compact, skid mounted with
motor driven centrifugal pump mounted on the same skid. The
electrical motor and starter/PBS for filtration unit shall be suitable for
use in hazardous area of Zone-I or Zone-II and gas group IIA & II B in
oil mine and shall conform to IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standards. Details of
certification / test reports confirming to the above relevant standard
v) Suitable size bell nipple and flow nipple for making up at the wellhead.
vi) FOSV for tubing: FOSV for both 2.7/8" EUE & VAM tubing.
xi) AC Bunk house including potable water supply for OIL representative
at the rig site. The Bunk house must be properly maintained to the
satisfaction of OIL representative.
7.8 HANDLING TOOLS: shall be provided under each rig [All handling tools (not
mentioned elsewhere) required to handle/operate tubular / equipment should
be sufficiently available in working condition at site.
(a) Elevators:
(i) For 2.7/8" EUE Tubing - 2 Nos.
(ii) For Vam Tubing (2.93" opening) - 2 Nos.
(iii) For 3.1/2' Drill Collar - 1 No.
(b) Slips:
(i) Rotary Hand Slip for 2.7/8" Tubing - 2 Nos.
(ii) Rotary Hand Slip for 3.1/2" Drill Collar - 1 No.
(iii) Spider Slip for 2.7/8" Tubing & 2.7/8" Drill pipe - 1 No.
(c) Rig Tongs: Complete sets of Rotary tongs in pairs with 2 sets of extra jaws
and replaceable spares of required capacities & sizes to handle the
following tubular:
(f) Cross-over subs: For various sizes of tubular mentioned above [The bidder
should provide necessary substitutes required to use 2.7/8" EUE and
2.7/8" VAM tubing connection.]
(h) Tubing Circulating Head suitable for 2.7/8" EUE and 2.7/8" VAM tubing
: Two each
(i) Choke and Kill Manifold: One no. Choke and Kill manifold as per OISD-
RP-174. of not less than 10M working pressure fitted with NRV in kill
lines One manually operated adjustable choke and at least one remotely
operated choke should be installed. Two valves should be installed in
upstream of each choke in the manifold.
(j) Chicksan Hoses: Flexible steel piping [2" 1502 chicksans 10 lops and 2"
1502 swivels 10 loops], 2" size 1502 of 10M working pr straight pipes of
minimum length 170 feet.
(l) Short Joints: The following short joints of assorted length shall be provided
as follows for each rig:
7.9 FISHING TOOLS: All items, mentioned below shall have to be provided by the
Contractor for each rig operations individually:
various cross over subs to operate inside 5.1/2" OD (17-23 ppf) & 7" OD
(23-29 ppf) Casings.
b) Wire line grabs, both internal & external - to catch piano wire fish and
sinker bars inside 5.1/2" OD (17-23 ppf) & 7" OD (23-29 ppf) Casings.
c) Impression blocks to operate inside 5.1/2" OD (17-23 ppf) & 7" OD (23-29
ppf) Casings.
d) Junk subs [OD: 4.1/2" & 6"] to operate inside 5.1/2" OD (17-23 ppf) & 7"
OD (23-29 ppf) Casings.
g) 4.1/2" & 4.5/8" Flat Bottom Mill to work inside both 5.1/2" OD x 17-23
PPF Casing & 5.7/8" Flat Bottom Mill for 7" OD x 23-29 PPF Casing - for
milling Bridge Plug / Retainer Packer etc.
h) Peripheral Milling Tool to operate inside 5.1/2" OD (17-23 ppf) & 7" OD
(23-29 ppf) casing.
i) 4.1/2" OD Tapered Mill ( 15 degree - 7.5 degree on each side & 30 degree
- 15 degree on each side) to work inside 5.1/2" OD x 17-23 PPF Casing.
k) String Magnet to work inside 5.1/2" OD x 17-23 PPF Casing & for 7" OD
x 23-29 PPF Casing.
operation of different sizes of tubular and tools &equipment
n) Rotating and Releasing spear for catching 2.7/8" tubing (EUE, VAM) and
Note: Sufficient stock of all the above items should be kept available at well
site for necessary fishing and milling operation without any down time. All the
Mills should be preferably new and shall be avoided any dressing etc.
One set of stem & wheel for manually closing BOP as per OISD
standard RP: 174.
The BOP bonnet should be designed such that rams can be replaced
Contractor should have spare rams other than that fitted in BOP for
2- - - pipe with a provision for
changing rams at Well-head itself in proper safe conditions as per
operational requirement.
7.11 BOP CONTROL UNIT: [As per API Spec. 16D]: One 20 gallon capacity BOP
control unit with 02 nos. of remote panel as per OMR-2017 and accessories
for each rig
Electrical part: BOP motor and other electrical equipment viz. starter,
junction box, PBS etc. used with BOP system shall be suitable for use in oilfield
hazardous area, Zone-I or Zone-II and Gas group II-A & II-B of oil mines and
shall confirm to IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standards. Details of certification / test
reports confirming to the above relevant standard from an Indian government
laboratory or NABL accredited laboratory or IECEx accredited laboratory or
ATEX notified body shall be submitted. [Ref: Oil Mines Regulation, 2017,
Regulation no.96 and CEA (Measures relating to safety and electric supply)
Regulation 2010, regulation no.110].
1.0 Portable pressure testing unit (pneumatic type, 10,000 psi rating) &
Recorder (10,000 psi rating) for pressure testing & recording of high
pressure lines, BOP , Choke-manifold, Kill manifold valves etc. should be
available at site.
2.0 All wellhead equipment/ BOP/ BOP control unit should be pressure tested
to its rated capacity and should be certified as per API recommended
7.12 Welding Machine - One set for each rig Powered by Diesel Engine/Electric
transformer with all associated welding and cutting accessories is to be made
available at all times at well site against each rig. Flash-back arrester should
be provided in cylinders & cutting torch
7.13 40 Ton Crane - 01(one) No. against each rig operation: Diesel Hydraulic,
Truck mounted, and Telescoping Boom mobile crane of 40 Tonne minimum
capacity is to be made available at all times at well site for each Rig operations.
a) Fall Protection Device: An anti-fall coupled with safety harness/ belt shall
be provided for personnel working on mast while exposed to a fall of 3
b) DGMS approved Top man's Escape Line & Device: For evacuation of Top
Man from racking platform level in case of emergency.
a. All the moving / rotating parts like belts, couplings, drive lines etc., of the
equipment should be well guarded and painted with red colour.
b. SRV of the pumps and air reservoir tanks should be tested regularly and
records of such testing should be kept available all the time.
c. Proper colour codes as per safety norms should be applied on the high-
pressure lines, gas lines and water lines.
Note: Any other item/ assembly not incorporated above and needed for
meeting the scope of work in the tender should be provided by the
7.17 The following items are to be provided for two rig operations by single bidder
or one rig operation by single bidder: Bidder who bids for 2(two) rigs shall
provide 1(one) set of Tubulars as per 7.17 a) and 1 (one) number Light Truck
as per 7.17 b) and bidder who bid for 1(one) rig also provide 1(one) set of
Tubulars as per 7.17 a) and 1 (one) number Light Truck as per 7.17 b). In case
the successful Bidder is awarded the Contract for only one no. of Rig then the
Bidder has to supply 1(one) set of Tubulars as per 7.17 a) and 1 (one) No. Light
Truck as per 7.17 b) with the Rig. However, if the successful Bidder is awarded
2 (Two) nos. of Rigs then he will be allowed to supply 1(one) set of Tubulars as
per 7.17 a) and 1 (one) No. Light Truck as per 7.17 b) to be used between both
the Rigs.
(i) One lot of necessary substitutes between drill pipe and drill collars,
between drill collar and bit, required for drill string as well as for
combination string
ii) The offered Rig package including all Handling, Fishing and Milling
tools & equipment, tubulars etc. shall have to be manufactured as per
relevant API standards (wherever applicable) and also shall have to be
completed with NDT inspection, report of which shall have to be
submitted prior to mobilisation of the Rig package. In case of new
items, the NDT inspection is not required.
i) OIL shall provide a mud/ workover fluid programme based on the depth
data/casing policy as indicated in this document including their
ii) Scope of work: Preparation of salt solution using KCl, NaCl, Sodium
Format, Potassium Format, CaCl2 etc. of required density, bentonite mud
& special workover fluid like Aphron ICS as per well programme and
preparation Hi-Vis, Xan-Vis pill as per requirement.
iii) Shift wise fluid report covering the following details as per OIL's format/
standard IADC Proforma - (a): Fluid density, MF viscosity, PH, Tank
volume, Chemical Stock, Chemical Consumption etc. shall be prepared
and submitted to the company representative.
v) In case of any difference of opinion at any stage, with regard to mud policy,
OIL's mud programme shall prevail and the Contractor must use OIL's
mud policy at that point of time.
ii) Schedule -2
i) OIL's Responsibility:
b) All lighting fixtures, plug & sockets, junction boxes etc. used
in hazardous area shall be explosion proof type (Ex-d) and
shall be suitable for use in hazardous area of Zone-I or Zone-
II and gas group IIA & IIB in oil mine and shall conform to
IS/IEC/EN: 60079 standard. Details of certification / test
reports confirming to the above relevant standard from an
Indian government laboratory or NABL accredited laboratory
or IECEx accredited laboratory or ATEX notified body shall be
submitted. [Ref: Oil Mines Regulation, 2017, Regulation
no.96 and CEA (Measures relating to safety and electric
supply) Regulation 2010, regulation no.110].
iii) Cables:
The voltage for lighting system inside the mine shall not exceed
250V (between phases) if neutral is connected to earth as per CEA
(Measures relating to safety and electric supply) Regulations,
2010, regulation no. 102.
The neutral system should be such that, the earth faults current
shall not be more than 750mA in installations of voltage
exceeding 250V and up to 1100V system for oil fields. The
magnitude of the earth fault current shall be limited to the above
value by employing suitable designed restricted neutral system
(NGR) of power supply as per CEA (Measures relating to safety
and electric supply) Regulations, 2010, regulation no. 100(1).
All the outgoing feeder for auxiliary motors, lighting, bunk houses
and outgoing feeders from standby generator shall be provided
with earth leakage protective device so as to disconnect the
supply instantly at the occurrence of earth fault or leakage of
current. The maximum earth leakage threshold for tripping shall
not exceed 100mA under any circumstances as per CEA
(Measures relating to safety and electric supply) Regulations,
2010, regulation no. 42.
xiv) The bidder should furnish the following along with the offer:
a) FLP torch
b) Intrinsically safe Insulation Tester
c) Multimeter
d) Clamp meter
e) Earth Tester
f) Safety belt
g) Rubber insulated gloves (of appropriate voltage grade) for
electrical purpose. It shall be ensured that hand gloves are
used every time an authorized personal works on
electrical panel/ equipment.
h) Discharge sticks & lamp tester.
j) Lux meter
k) Ladders
l) Filler gauge
xvii) For all hand-held portable apparatus voltage shall not exceed
125 V as per CEA (Measures relating to safety and electric supply)
Regulations, 2010, regulation no. 102 (i).
xxiv) Smoke detection and fire alarm system: All the PCRs shall have
smoke detection and Fire Alarm System as per requirement of
OISD Std. No: 216.
xxvi) All electrical panels shall be painted with the description of its
identification at front and at the rear. [Ref: CEA (Measures
relating to safety and electric supply) Regulations, 2010,
regulation no.19(6)]
k) By-pass register
ii) The Contractor shall be required to assist OIL in performing all secondary
cementation jobs at all the wells.
iii) OIL may at any time decide to utilise own/hired Cementing unit for
carrying out the cementation job. Further the Contractor will carry out
cleaning / flushing of cementing unit and associated surface lines after
completion of the cementing jobs.
iv) During cementation readiness: The Contractor shall, during the cementing
job, attend to all problems, render help and rectify all defects to the
satisfaction of OIL's cementing Engineer. These shall include equipment
and accessories supplied by OIL also.
ii) Contractor shall provide all necessary fire fighting and safety equipment
as per laid down practice as specified under OISD - STD - 189 and OMR-
iii) Fire protection at well sites shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
Necessary action shall be taken and prior arrangements to be made for
providing competent person s trained in the field.
i) OIL's Responsibility:
4. Supply of only cement & other civil materials (for grouting jobs).
9. The digging of deep tube wells at the well sites and installation
11. The External guy posts should be anchored with RCC, as per OIL
12. Erecting of Panel fencing in well site. Contractor will provide materials
like Post, Binding wire etc. for erecting of panel fencing.
i) Bidders to provide Rig Lay out Drawing for the Rig Package along with
the bid.
ii) Any additional civil work involvement besides the standard indicated
plinth area / civil work should be highlighted by the contractor in their
technical bid.
Suitable first aid medical services shall be provided by the Contractor round
the clock on call 24 hrs a day. The contractor shall make available at all times
during the entire Contractual period sufficient quantity of first aid equipment
and medicines to meet any emergency. Considering Covid pandemic
adequate nos. of Face Masks & Hand Sanitizers should be provided by
contractor to all crew personnel.
Suitable Mobile Bio-Toilet of Minimum size of 4 feet X 4 feet 2(Two) nos. shall
be provided by the Contractor with each rig.
i) One No. Bio-Toilet should be exclusively reserved for OIL
ii) Proper hygiene should be maintained by the Contractor always.
iii) Running water facilities shall be provided by the Contractor.
For depth beyond 2000 meters, additional time for pulling out of tubing
/drill pipe per 1000 meters is as under
i) The Contractor will have to deploy adequate manpower to carry out the
required operations. The deployment pattern will be as per the contractor's
i) Bidder who bids for 2(two) rigs shall provide 1(one) Rig Manager/Rig
Superintendent and bidder who bids for 1(one) rig also provide 1(one) Rig
Manager/Rig Superintendent. In case the successful Bidder is awarded the
Contract for only one no. of Rig then the Bidder shall provide 1(one) Rig
Manager/Rig Superintendent with the Rig. However, if the successful Bidder
is awarded 2 (Two) nos. of Rigs then he shall be allowed to provide 1(one) Rig
Manager/Rig Superintendent between both the Rigs. Rig Manager will avail
due off after completion of 14/21 days. So, 2 (two) Rig Managers shall be
appointed by the Contractor for On/Off Duty.
ii) The Rig Manager / Rig Superintendent has to be present at station all the
times and should report to OGPS-W/O Dept.'s office as and when asked for to
receive instruction/resolving any issue on contractual obligation.
vi) KEY PERSONNEL: The qualification and experience of the key personnel are
to be as under:
workover/Drilling operation in oil/gas wells of depth more than 1000
m as Tool Pusher as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD)
ii) Must possess valid well-control certificate IWCF / IADC Well cap
(Supervisory Level) and should be conversant with well control
methods to take independent decisions in case of well emergencies
as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD).
workover/Drilling operation in oil/gas wells of depth more than 1000
m as Driller as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD)
(c) The candidate having HS/PU (10+2) in science or ITI pass with
Minimum experience in workover/Drilling operation
in oil/gas wells of depth more than 1000 m as Driller as on original
Bid Closing Date (BCD).
ii) Must possess valid well-control certificate IWCF / IADC Well cap
(Supervisory Level) and should be conversant with well control
methods to take independent decisions in case of well emergencies
as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD).
ii) Must possess valid well-control certificate IWCF / IADC Well cap
(Driller Level), and should be conversant with well control methods to
take independent decisions in case of well emergencies as on original
Bid Closing Date (BCD).
4) HSE Officer:
Job Description:
ii) Emphasis for selection shall be on the job performance & output.
experience in Drilling/Work-over wells, out of which at least one
year as Assistant Driller as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD).
Drilling/Work-over wells, out of which at least two years as Top
man as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD).
(b) -
over wells, out of which at least two years as Top man as on
original Bid Closing Date (BCD).
Drilling/Work-over wells, out of which at least two years as Top
man as on original Bid Closing Date (BCD).
a) Class X -over
wells, out of which at least 1(One) year as Rig Man as on original
Bid Closing Date (BCD).
wells, out of which at least 1(One) years as Rig Man as on original
Bid Closing Date (BCD)
Should be provided along with the welding machine. The welder should
have minimum 2 years related experience in working in drilling/ work-
over wells and must be conversant of welding of casing and well head
accessories. He must possess the certificate of welding trade from any
recognized institute of State Govt. (One year course).
Should be provided along with the Crane. The crane operator should have
a minimum of 2 years work experience in operating a heavy crane/pipe
layer and possess license for driving heavy motor vehicle.
On top of the experience of the personnel as listed above, they all should
be conversant with BOP drill/Fire drill as per standard oilfield practice.
2) The personnel deployed by the contractor should comply with all the
safety norms applicable during operation.
3) Medical Fitness:
- The Contractor shall unsure that all of the Contractor Personnel shall
have had a full medical examination prior to commencement of the
Drilling operation.
- A qualified and registered doctor shall conduct all such medical
examinations in accordance with accepted medical standards.
4) Training Courses:
10) The Contractor shall forward the list of personnel deployed in each
Rig along with bio-data / qualification/ experience / track record of
the personnel prior to mobilization of the Rigs with all supporting
documents. Any additional manpower deployed by the contractor
shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
11) The age of the key personnel except Rig Manager/Rig superintend
should not be more than 50(fifty) years (supporting document to this
effect should be submitted). However, OIL deserves the right to accept
the personnel of above 50 years with good health conditions.
14. All charges for personnel are included in Day rates. No. separate
charges shall be payable for the personnel deployed.