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Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828




Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


Published by the:





A.S. BALASUBRAMANIAM, Australia Z.C. MOH, Taiwan
E.W. BRAND, U.K. C.D. OU, Taiwan
R.P. BRENNER, Switzerland W.H. TING, Malaysia
H.G. POULOS, Australia



IR. DR. TEIK AUN OOI (President) PROF. D. T. BERGADO (Hon. Secretary General)
DR. ZA-CHIEH MOH (Founding President) DR. CHUNG TIEN CHIN (Immediate Past President)
PROF. KWET YEW YONG(Past President) DR. JOHN CHIEN-CHUNG LI (Past President)
DR. TING WEN HUI(Past President) PROF. A. S. BALASUBRAMANIAM(Past President)
DR. OU CHIN DER (Past President) DR. JIAN CHU

The Secretariat, SEAGS

Room 211, AIT Library
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828




Hon. Secretary General: IR. KENNY YEE
Hon. Treasurer: DR. CHUNG-TIEN CHIN
Immediate Past Chairman: IR. DR. TEIK AUN OOI
Hon. Founder Chairman: DR. ZA-CHIEH MOH
Council Members: PROF. DENNES T. BERGADO Hon. Secretary General SEAGS
Nominated Member: PROF. JIAN CHU Singapore
Co-opted Members: PROF. H. J. LIAO Taiwan
Advisors: IR. DR. WEN HUI TING Malaysia

Ir. Kenny Yee

Hon. Secretary General
Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia
c/o Menard Geosystems Sdn Bhd
No. 15-2 Jalan USJ 10/1E
47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Tel: (60) 03 5632 1581
Fax: (60) 03 5632 1582

IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd.

No. 33-1A, Jalan SS 52/18
P.O. Box 224 (Jalan Sultan)
46200 Petaling Jaya, SelangorDarul Ehsan, MALAYSIA
Tel: (60) 03 7958 6851
Fax: (60) 03 79582851
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828



This Volume 41, Issues Nos. 1 to 4, of the Geotechnical Engineering Journal has been published as an E-Journal in
the website of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) at to reach out to a
wider fraternity of geotechnical engineering practitioners and academia.

This bound Volume of March, June, September, and December 2010 issues is intended, specifically, for libraries
and other subscribers who had needed a hard copy.

Issue 1 has four (4) papers as follows:

(i) The Geotechnical Problems of the World Second Largest Copper Tailings Pond at Zelazny Most, Poland
by M. Jamiolkowski, W.D. Carrier, R.J. Chandler, K. Hoeg, W. Swierczynski and W. Wolski
(ii) Testing in Geotechnical Design by Dennis E. Becker
(iii) Shaking Table Tests for Studies of Soil Liquefaction and Soil-Pile Interaction by T.S. Ueng
(iv) Rainfall-Triggered Landslide: from research to mitigation practice in Thailand by Suttisak Soralump

Issue 2 has five (5) papers as follows:

(i) Bridge Foundation Scour by Jean Louis Briaud and Seung Jae Oh
(ii) Settlement of Embankments in Soft Soils by A. S. Balasubramaniam, H. Cai, D. Zhu, C. Surarak, E.
Y. N. Oh
(iii) Seismic Performance of Piles from PBEE and EQWEAP Analyses by D.W. Chang, T.Y. Yang and C.L.
(iv) The Improvement of the Prediction Accuracy of the System of Real –Time Type Hazard Map of Slope
Failures Disasters Caused by Heavy Rainfalls by T. Okimura, N. Torii, Y. Osaki, M. Nanbu and K.
(v) A Case Study of Settlement Behaviour of a Dynamic Compacted High Rock Embankment by Kyung-Tae
Bae, Tae-Hoon Kim and Young-Jin Kim

Issue 3 has four (4) papers as follows:

(i) The recent advances in pile testing and diaphragm wall construction in Japan by Kenji Ishihara.
(ii) Ground Improvement – A Green Technology towards a Sustainable Housing, Infrastructure and Utilities
Developments in Malaysia by Kenny Yee and Teik Aun Ooi
(iii) The Enhancement of Pile Capacity by Shaft Grouting Technique in the Ruspa Bridge Project in Bangladesh
by Ryuji Manai
(iv) Piled Raft - A Cost-Effective Foundation Method for High-Rises by Phung Duc Long

Issue 4 has five (5) papers as follows:

(i) Foundation Design of the Incheon Bridge by Sung-Min Cho

(ii) Living with Landslide Risk by Lacasse, Nadim and Kalsnes

(iii) Erosion, Slope Stability, Prediction of Future Recession in Actively Eroding Slopes by Tuncer B. Edil
(iv) Engineering Protocols for the Assessment of the Net Moisture Flux at the Ground Surface by D.G.
Fredlund, H.Q. Vu and J. Stianson
(v) Response of Porous Seabed to Dynamic Loadings by D-S Jeng, X L Zhou, X D Luo, J H Wang, J
Zhang and F P Gao

Prof. Dennes T. Bergado Dr. Teik Aun Ooi

SEAGS Secretary General SEAGS President
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


Dr. R.P. Brenner Prof. Jin-Chun Chai
Weinfelden Saga University
Switzerland Saga, Japan

Prof. Cheng-Hsing Chen Prof. B. Indraratna

National Taiwan University University of Wollongong
Taipei, Taiwan Wollongong, Australia

Prof. In Mo Lee Prof. Chun-Fai Leung

Korea Unviversity National University of Singapore
Seoul, Korea Singapore

Prof. San-Shyan Lin Prof. Madhira R. Madhav

Taiwan Ocean University Indian Institute of Technology
Keelung, Taiwan Kanpur, India

Dr. Warakorn Mairiang Prof. Hiroyasu Ohtsu

Kasetsart University Kyoto University
Bangkok, Thailand Kyoto, Japan

Prof. Harianto Rahardjo Dr. Mohamad R. Selamat

Nanyang Technology University University Sains Malaysia
Singapore Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

Dr. Satoru Shibuya Prof. Mitsutaka Sugimoto

Kobe University Nagaoka University of Technology
Kobe, Japan Nagaoka, Japan

Dr. Jiro Takemura Prof. Siew Ann Tan

Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) National University of Singapore
Tokyo, Japan Singapore

Dr. Tanaka Hiroyuki Ir. Yee Thien Seng

Port and Airport Research Institute GETD, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia.
Yokosuka, Japan

Prof. Wilson H. Tang Dr. Charles W. W. Ng

The Hong Kong University of Science & The Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology Technology
Kowloon, Hong Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong

Dr. T.H. Seah Dr. S.L. Shen

MAA Geotechnics, Co. Ltd Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Bangkok, Thailand Shanghai, China

Prof. D.W. Chang Dr. S. Yimsiri

Tamkang University Burapha University
Tamsui, Taiwan Chonburi, Thailand
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828




Prof. A. S. Balasubramaniam


Dr. Noppadol Phienwej


Ir. Dr. Teik Aun Ooi

Prof. Der-Wen Chang
Ir. Kenny Yee
Prof. Jie Han
Prof. Jian Chu
Ir. Yew Weng Yee
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


(a) Selected Contributions from 2010 Issues

(1) The March 2010 issue of the journal contains three important contributions. The first one is the paper by
Jamiolkowski, Carrier, Chandler, Hoeg, Swierczynski and Wolski presented as the Za Chieh Moh Lecture recently
in Taipei. This excellent paper is on the geotechnical problems and the investigation associated with the design and
construction of the Europe’s largest copper tailings disposal facility at Zelazny in South-west Poland. In this paper
Jamiolkowski et al emphasized that a thorough study of the local geology is essential for the selection of an
appropriate site in locating a large tailing disposal facility. Insufficient site investigation works can result in
jeopardising the safety of the tailings disposal. Secondly, the paper illustrates the value of the good characterization
engineering properties of the foundation soils and the tailing materials. Thus the selection of the most important
laboratory and field testing methods is most vital in characterizing the stress-strain –strength behaviour of the
geomaterials involved in this important project. Prof. Jamiolkowski concluded that given the extended period of
time over which the tailings disposal work has been developed and will continue to function in the future, the use
of an observational method is the best approach to follow with extensive instrumentation in ensuring the safety of
the tailing dam. Tailing disposal has become the most important and rapidly growing geotechnical activity as every
year, the mining industry processes hundreds of millions of tonnes of earth and rock to extract the industrial
construction and energy minerals which are the foundation requirements of our modern technological civilization
emphasized Prof. Jamiolkowski. Prof. Jamiolkowski is an Emeritus Professor at the Technical University of
Torino and a past-President of ISSMGE. The co-author Carrier is one of the most active consultants in USA. The
other co-author Prof. Chandler is a well known Professor at Imperial College London in Engineering Geology and
Geotechnical Engineering. The paper is also co-authored by Prof. Kaare Hoeg, a former Director of NGI and a
past-President of ICOLD. Prof. Wolski is an old hand in Geotechnics and a well known Professor in Poland. Mr.
Swierczynski is with KGHM in Poland.

(2) Dr. Dennis Becker from Golder Associates is the Author of the second paper on Testing in Geotechnical
Design. In his paper, Dennis emphasised that testing is an integral part of the geotechnical design and should not be
viewed as a separate entity in isolation from analysis and design. He then described the Geotechnical Circle
concept as a useful framework that provides a useful framework which provides the much needed linkage between
the various components of geotechnical design and captures its iterative nature. Readers of the journal would also
be familiar with the famous Geotechnical Triangle of Professor John Burland. Dennis also stressed that adequate
planning and working within a consistent framework such as the CSSM concepts enhance the development of
meaningful testing programs and the assessment and interrogation of the results. The design and implementation of
successful testing programs require a thorough understanding and knowledge of the factors that control or
significantly affect the engineering properties, write Dr. Dennis Becker; also knowledge of the limitations of each
type of test. Dennis then goes on to discuss the values and limitations of the various empirical correlations available
to practitioners. In his excellent paper Dennis writes, “Correlations used or developed should be based on suitable
theoretical considerations and a physical appreciation and understanding of the expected behaviour and why the
properties can be expected to be related”. The use of formal statistical methods and reliability theory to analyse,
interrogate and integrate test results is recommended by Dennis. Geotechnical testing is also valued as a key
integral part of achieving design improvement, design efficiencies and verifying performance of geotechnical
structures and geo-structural components. The role of physical modelling tests under 1g and multiple g conditions
in the centrifuge is also greatly valued by Dennis in providing insightful and beneficial results to projects if their
limitations are understood and the results used to compliment those obtained from analytical and numerical
modelling. The knowledge from physical, analytical and numerical modelling when used in a combine manner, not
only assist in refining the analysis and design but also helps to have an improved understanding of soil-structure
interaction and failure mechanisms.

(3) The third article in our March issue is by Prof. Ueng from National Taiwan University on Shaking Table
Tests for Studies on Soil Liquefaction and Soil-Pile Interaction. Readers of our Journal must be familiar with the
large earthquakes in Taiwan including the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake which caused extensive and very large
scale soil liquefaction which resulted in severe damage of foundations, lifelines, and water front structures;
excessive settlements, lateral soil spreading and landslides. Prof. Ueng describes a large laminar shear box which
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

can take specimens of the size 1880 mm x1880 mm x 1520 mm. With this equipment a series of uni and multi-
directional shaking table tests were performed with clean sand and sand with silt fraction. Special sample
preparation methods were developed by Prof. Ueng and his research team. Shaking table tests were also conducted
on model piles, in the bi-axial laminar shear box with and without sand. The responses of the sand as well as the
model piles were measured; these measurements included the displacements, accelerations, pore pressures and
settlements in the sand and also corresponding measurements at various locations in the piles. Prof. Ueng presented
results to indicate, that two dimensional shaking induced higher pore water pressures and deeper liquefaction
depths than the one dimensional shaking for the same acceleration magnitude. Relationships were presented
between the volumetric stain in the sand after liquefaction during earthquakes. The sand with silt fines exhibited a
stronger liquefaction resistance but higher volumetric strain after liquefaction than the clean sand. The dynamic
responses of the soil-pile system indicated that the behaviour of the model pile under shaking was dependent on the
soil density, the dynamic characteristics of the pile and the surrounding soil and the mass of the superstructure. It is
anticipated that the results of these studies and others as continued will provide bases for evaluation of the
mitigation methods for liquefaction hazards and aseismic design of structures with pile foundations in a liquefiable

(4) The fourth lecture of the March issue is on Rainfall Triggered Landslide: from research to mitigation
practice in Thailand by Suttisak Soralump. Geotechnical Engineering Research and Development Centre
(GERD), Kasetsart University has developed landslide data base of Thailand which contains almost 40 years of
information on landslides events starting from 1970. From the data base, it was found that there are two types of
landslide which can be classified based on the extensive losses namely limited area landslide and large area
landslide. It was found that more than 95 per cent of limited area landslides are always caused by disturbance from
human activities causing detrimental change in landform or surface and underground water flow characteristics. On
the other hand, large area landslide is natural and mainly caused by high precipitation in the area. However, there
are also evidences that deforestation or agricultural processes is the main cause of the large area landslide. It is
noticed that landslides occurred mainly in the northern and central part of the country. It is also found that the
frequency of the landslide is increasing sharply during the last decade starting from 1996. The assumptions for the
increase in frequency of the landslides are: landslides naturally occur more often due to the climate change;
mismanagement of land use due to the increase in population and the need to use the land for agricultural purposes;
a combination of the two reasons as stated above. The paper is concluded with the comments: rainfall triggered
landslide is manageable if warning criteria and hazard prone areas can be identified from field works. To get such
data, comprehensive geotechnical investigation is needed. The landslide prone area must be grouped based on
geology, engineering properties of the sub-soils; also strength reduction models and infiltration models are
important tools to calculate the amount of rainfall that may trigger landslides. The landslide hazard map is just a
guideline to map the extent of hazards and to zone the terrain as based on risks prone to landslide. It seems within a
scale of 1:4,000, it is possible to apply the detail geotechnical analysis to obtain the hazardous area and the level of
rainfall that might trigger landslides.

June, 2010 Issue

(1) The June issue of the journal has a paper by Prof. Jean Louis Briaud and Seung Jae Oh on Bridge
Foundation Scour. According to Jean Louis and his co-author, the bridge scour is the aggradation or degradation of
the riverbed around the bridge structure in contact with the soil and is generally divided into general scour,
contraction scour and local scour. General scour happens without the existence of a bridge. One example of a
general scour is the case of the artificial straightening of a channel in a river which increases the flow velocity in
the river and leads to erosion. Contraction scour results from the acceleration of the flow due to the constriction of
a channel by the approach embankments. Local scour happens due to the velocity increase and turbulence around
bridge obstacles such as piers and abutments. Jean Louis and his co-author described the erosion process in soils
under the flow of water as a result of three things. First a drag force and associated shear stresses develop at the
interface between the soil particle and the flowing water above it. Second, the normal stress on top of the soil
particle decreases because of the water flow; indeed as the velocity increases around the soil particle or the
obstacle, the pressure drops to maintain conservation of energy according to Bernoulli’s principle. This
phenomenon is similar to the air flow on top of an airplane wing where the pressure is lower than than below the
wing thereby developing the uplift force necessary for the plane to fly. Third, the normal and shear stresses applied
at the boundaries are fluctuating with time because of the turbulence in the water. These fluctuations find their
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

roots in the appearance and disappearance of eddies, vortices, ejections and sweeps in the flowing water; and they
can contribute significantly to the erosion process especially at higher velocities. In some cases they are the main
reason of erosion, says Jean Louis and his co-author. Under testing for erodibility an Erosion Function Apparatus
developed by Briaud et al 1999 was described. Jean Louis stress that while EPA, provides an accurate method for
determining the erosion resistance of soils in laboratory setting, there is still a need for a simple method and device
that can be used in field. Jean Louis, then, described the Pocket Erodometer Test (PET) as a simple test which can
be performed in a few seconds with an inexpensive, compact, and very light instrument. Jean Louis, further,
described the erosion categories as based on 15 years of studies. In these studies, the erosion rate is plotted with
respect to the flow velocity; six zones are plotted where Very High Erodibility is observed in (Zone 1), and then
High Erodibility, Medium Erodibility, Low Erodibility Very Low Erodibility and Non-Erosive as Zones increasing
from, II, III, IV V and VI. Jean Louis then described bridge scour prediction, scour types, maximum pier scour,
contraction scour, abutment scour, time dependent prediction, probability approach and SRICOS-EFA method. In
these studies, extensive use of dimensional analyses is made. The SRICOS-EFA computer program is used to
calculate three types of scour depth: pier, contraction and abutment.

(2) The June 2010 issue also contains a paper by Balaubramaniam et al on settlement of embankments in soft
soils. The major part of this paper is devoted to the evaluation of settlements in embankments constructed in
marine, deltaic and estuarine soft soils. The estuarine deposits are more heterogeneous with the soft soil layer
thicknesses are relatively small and at times the thicknesses change rapidly within short distances. Over the years,
there is a substantial reduction in boreholes and laboratory tests as carried out in site investigation works in soft
soils. In situ tests and, in particular, CPT and CPTu tests now play a dominant role in all site investigation works. A
simple voids ratio-logarithmic effective stress relationship is shown to be very helpful in understanding the degree
of consolidation (DOC) and the OCR during removal of surcharge and in estimating residual settlement arising
from secondary settlement. The classical expressions used in the evaluation of settlements with and without PVD
are tabulated. The role of DOC in curtailing excessive residual settlement for preloading with and without PVD is
shown with diagrammatic sketches using the pore pressure isochrones. The observational approach in designing
embankments and reclamation works as based on fully instrumented test embankments is recommended. The
Asaoka method of estimating ultimate settlement from measured surface settlement and then estimating DOC is
recommended. The Hansbo method is found to be adequate in works related to preloading with PVD. The current
geotechnical practice seem to need the classical work done on shear strength and compressibility of soft soils as
there is a drastic reduction in traditional laboratory tests in estimating these parameters and also the doubt on the
quality of samples. The use of CPT and CPTu tests is also emphasised. In analysing the slopes of embankments,
wedge type of analysis is recommended when the thickness of the soft soil is relatively small and the soft soils are
underlain by hard layers. Preliminary works on the geogrid reinforced pile supported (GRPS) embankments is
presented. BS8006, Terzaghi and Hewllett and Randolph methods are found to make similar predictions in line
with the numerical analyses using Plaxis software for the behaviour of GRPS embankments as used in approaches
closed to structures.

(3) The third paper in the June issue is by Der Wen Chang, et al on Seismic Performance of Piles from PBEE
and EQWEAP Analyses. The authors emphasised that Performance based Design (PBD) has received attentions
from researchers in recent years. GeoCode -21, Eurocode 7 both are based on PBD. To estimate the seismic
performance of the structures, the so called Framing Equation was suggested by US experts for Performance based
Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) analysis. In such analysis, the probability in terms of the annual rate of
exceedence for the intensity measure (IM) of the earthquake, the engineering demand parameter (EDP) and the
damage measure (DM) of the structure , and the decision variable (DV) used for decision making can be analysed
using step- by- step discreet procedures. One can estimate the probabilities of structural parameters and compare
them to the limited values for design purpose. For piled foundations located at a site with known ground conditions,
the seismic displacements and internal moments of the piles can be measured for many possible earthquake
conditions. One can estimate the probabilities of these quantities following the PBEE procedures, and the rate can
be estimated with all the possible influence factors. By proper control of the factors, the analysis is an applicable
tool to evaluate the seismic performance of the earth structures. For analysis of structural behaviour, static and
pseudo-static analyses as well as the dynamic analysis are all available to the engineers. In this paper, the wave
equations of the pile segments subjected to the seismic ground motions are suggested for simplicity and time
dependent capability.
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

(4) The fourth paper by Okimura et al is on the improvement of the prediction accuracy of the system of
real –time type hazard map of slope failures caused by heavy rainfalls. Japan has been vulnerable to landslide
disasters caused by heavy rainfalls. The most common trigger of landslide disasters in Japan is rainfall. In order to
mitigate landslide disasters, it is important to evaluate the potential of slope failure events in space and time
quantitatively and to develop a system that send the hazard information based on results of the evaluation. The
Japanese experts have developed the system of real-time type hazard map of slope failure disasters caused by heavy

In recent years, the assessment of landslide disaster risk has become a topic of major interest in many parts of the
world says Okimura et al. In Japan, the mountainous and hilly areas make up 70% of the total land area and weak
geological materials are widely distributed. In mountainous areas, the local depopulation leads to inadequate forest
management, thereby resulting in mountain devastation. With these natural and social conditions, Japan has been
vulnerable to landslide disasters caused by heavy rainfalls and earthquakes frequently every year, and landslide
disasters account for about a half of the dead and missing people by natural disasters. In order to prevent landslide
disasters, structural measures such as the construction of sabo facilities are necessary. However, new land
development has increased the threat of landslide disaster and an enormous amount of money and time will be
required to make all these hazard areas safe by only structural measures. Therefore, it is necessary not only
structural measures but also non-structural measures to protect human lives and properties from landslide disasters.
The most common type of landslide disasters in Japan is slope failure (shallow landslide). These slope failures are
often triggered during heavy rainfalls when pore-water pressures build up at the contact between the surface soil
layer and the underlying bedrock. Rainfall-triggered slope failures are controlled by rainfall characteristics, namely
intensity, duration and distribution, slope topographic attributes and soil properties such as thickness, density, shear
strength and permeability. Therefore, in order to mitigate slope failure disasters, it is important to evaluate the
potential of slope failure events in space and time by considering these parameters and to develop the system that
send the disaster information based on result of the evaluation.

The Japanese experts have developed a system of real-time type hazard map of slope failure disasters caused by
heavy rainfalls. This hazard map is a digital map that expressed slope stability evaluation results by Okimura and
Ichikawa model and slope failure dangerous area that changes hour by hour can be displayed by inputting the short-
term rainfall prediction information. The validity of the prediction accuracy of the system was verified by using a
past disaster case. As a result, the system can be considered moderately accurate as the system of real-time type
hazard map. However, a lot of potential failure cell appeared, where slope failure did not occur actually. Therefore,
it was necessary to improve the accuracy of the input parameter in order to attempt further accuracy improvement
of the evaluation result. The authors focus on the depth of surface soil layer which is one of the input parameters
and aim at a further improvement of prediction accuracy of this system.

The authors concluded that the modified prediction model of the depth of surface soil layer improved the prediction
accuracy of the system of real-time type hazard map of slope failure disasters caused by heavy rainfalls. As a result,
the number of potential failure cell decreased greatly, where slope failure did not occur actually, by using new
model and a lot of potential failure cells, which appear like the row, almost disappeared, that was the problem of
former models. Thus the prediction accuracy improved as compared with using former prediction model. As future
tasks, it is necessary to verify the applicability of this model to another region and geology. In addition, it is
necessary to examine the prediction technique of the degree of slope failure potential and to make use of the
knowledge in practice to transmit the warning of disaster and emergency information to the public prior to such

(5) The fifth paper by Bae et al is on a Case Study of Settlement Behaviour of a Dynamic Compacted High
Rock Embankment. The foundation for the transformer substation in Korea was to be constructed on a high
embankment of 63 m width with rock and reinforced with bored piles. Such a foundation system may have serious
limitations in terms of cost as the embankment is going to be built by means of roller compaction. On consideration
of long term displacement due to creep, the first design was modified to dynamic compaction with nine sub-
embankments (7 m thickness each) and on a piled raft. In this paper, the results of a study involving a series of in-
situ experiments and measurements conducted to verify the stiffness of the embankment and to evaluate the quality
of the dynamic compaction and long term displacement. Plate load tests were carried out for the verification of the
stiffness that affects the bearing capacity and creep movements of the embankment. Settlement measurements were
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

also made during the entire period of construction to estimate long term movements. Numerical analyses were also
carried out to characterise the ground movement during construction.

So far the 7th step of the 9 steps in embankment construction is completed. Comparisons are made of the observed
and predicted settlements. These studies indicate that the construction control measures are adequate.

September 2010 Issue

(1) The recent advances in pile testing and diaphragm wall construction in Japan are described by Prof.
Kenji Ishihara. The first part of this paper consists of brief introduction of the in-situ pile loading tests that have
been conducted in Japan over the last two decades in connection with the design and construction of high-rise
buildings in areas of soft soil deposits. In addition to the conventional types of tests in which the load is applied at
the top and at the toe of the pile (O-cell test), what may be called as “pile toe bearing test” and “skin friction test” is
introduced. The results of these tests are described and compared with those from the conventional type of the pile
loading tests. In-situ prototype tests are also introduced in which bearing power of Barrette type pile is compared
with that of the circular type pile. A special case of in-situ pile loading tests conducted in Singapore is also
introduced in which the friction between the circular ring-shaped concrete segment and the surrounding soil deposit
was measured directly during excavation of the shaft by applying loads up and down by jacks installed between
two adjacent segments in vertical direction. The second part of this paper is a brief description on constructions of
large-diameter circular diaphragm walls that was carried out about 10 years ago for the LNG storage tank in the
coastal site in Tokyo Bay. The construction of the large-scale Kawasaki Island in the middle of Tokyo Bay in
Japan is also introduced. The whole scheme and process of construction is for these two undertakings is introduced
with some comments on observed behaviour of the walls and on special precaution taken during construction.

In the design and practice of foundations supporting heavy-weight structures such as high-rise buildings or large-
scale facilities, of utmost importance is to know the load-carrying characteristics of soil or rock deposits at depths
as deep as 30 m-50 m. Estimates of the load-bearing capacity for piles embedded into such deep-seated deposits
have been made generally by carrying out what is known as the O-cell test or pile toe loading test. In some cases,
direct loading tests are performed by large concrete blocks or segments on the intact surface of the deep deposits
which are exposed during excavation of pits or shafts for foundation construction. The outcome of these in-situ
tests has not, unfortunately, been publicized and compiled to the extent that these data can be effectively utilized
for the design practice in the future. In view of this, some data from the in-situ pile loading tests performed in
Japan were collected and presented in this paper.

(2) Ground Improvement – A Green Technology towards a Sustainable Housing, Infrastructure and
Utilities Developments in Malaysia is described in the paper by Kenny Yee and Dr. Ooi Teik Aun. This paper
consists of two main parts. The first part is on the development, advancement and achievement of ground
improvement technology in Malaysia. The second part is on sustainable construction towards a low carbon
economy of recycling and the use of low-carbon construction processes. This paper will be of invaluable use to
practicing engineers and stakeholders.

Yee & Ooi describe the development and advancement of applied ground improvement in Malaysia covering a
period of more than 30 years. Beginning with the Port Klang Power Station in 1978 where more than 3 million
meters of vertical drains were installed, it is still considered as one of the most economical solutions to treat soft
ground. However, with the rapid development called by the Malaysian government to achieve a fully developed
nation by 2020 (Vision 2020) very often the solution of vertical drains proved to be inadequate where time is a
constraint and that the ground is extremely soft. Under such circumstances, vacuum consolidation was used as an
alternative. Its first application was in the North-South Expressway in 1992 and subsequent applications include the
New Kuching Deepwater Port. Due to its isotropic consolidation state, it provided the necessary consolidation in a
shorter time and the necessary stability required during the works. Otherwise, construction works would have been
difficult, if not impossible to carry out within the time constraint with problems of instability to the river bank.

Apart from treating soft ground, loose sand deposit in disturbed ground caused by tin-mining operations as well as
land reclamation from the sea needs to be improved. Mechanical methods of improvement using dynamic
compaction and vibro compaction are described. As early as 1978, dynamic compaction has been used for housing
developments. Dynamic compaction was used to compact clayey sand overlying loose sand over very hard
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

sandstone rock for the raft foundation of a 22-storey tower block. In 1995, heavy compaction using a 750 ton.m
compaction rig was used to compact loose sand down to 10 – 15 m depth in the Shah Alam Expressway. While
dynamic compaction proves to be cost effective, surface vibration is a concern to neighbouring structures. With
safe distance less than 20 – 30 m, alternative vibro compaction is carried out. A unique combination of dynamic
compaction and vibro compaction was carried out at the Double Tracking project from Ipoh to Rawang where
dynamic compaction was carried out to a safe distance of 10 m from the live railway track and vibro compaction
was used inside the safe zone. This match-and-mix solution provided the best return for production and economy.

Another category of ground improvement covered in this paper is ground reinforcement. Dynamic replacement,
vibro replacement and the more recent development of controlled modulus columns are described. Dynamic
replacement and vibro replacement found their applications in the late 1980s for infrastructure developments
especially with the North South Expressway along the west coast and the East Coast Expressway on the east. These
expressways forming part of the national road network connecting towns and cities have given fresh impetus to
rapid developments into urban areas. With environmental constraints in urban areas, dynamic replacement has to
deal with surface vibrations while vibro replacement has to deal with finding water source and sludge disposal for
the wet method. This calls for an environmental friendly solution as an alternative. The unique installation process
of controlled modulus columns offers minimum vibration and virtually no spoil disposal was first used in the
raising of an embankment for an existing dam in 2002. This technology which was developed in Europe in the late
1990s was used in this project to avoid progressive fissuring due to overstressing of the in-situ clay core material
while reinforcement works was carried out during the full operation of the dam.

Yee & Ooi highlighted, in this paper, that even though ground improvement has over 30 years of local experience,
it has also increased awareness of its limitations as each technique has its own merits, limitations and economies.
Descriptions on suitable types of soil for each treatment type, design issues, performance evaluation and choice of
methods and selection criteria are included for each category of ground improvement methods namely,
consolidation, compaction and reinforcement.

The global concern for climatic changes was not to be left out. Sustainable development was covered in the second
part of this paper. Defined as “… development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs
of the future…” this paper has included case studies on the CO2 emission audit for a warehouse construction with
an option of deep piled foundation or shallow foundation on improved ground by dynamic compaction; a storage
terminal with an option of ground improvement using vertical drains with fill surcharge or vacuum consolidation
and a highway embankment on dynamic replacement in combination with vertical drains instead of removal and
replacement of unsuitable material. This paper concludes with a call for using low-carbon technology and to
introduce carbon footprint accounting practice.

(3) The paper by Ryuji Manai is on the enhancement of pile capacity by shaft grouting technique in the
Ruspa Bridge Project in Bangladesh. It primarily covers the Base Grouting and Shaft Grouting techniques which
were introduced for the first time in Bangladesh in order to enhance the cast-in-situ pile capacity for the Main
Bridge. Among 10 km long by-pass construction (Satkhira-Mongla), the pivot of the project was to construct the
Main Bridge over the river Rupsa of 640 m in length (5 nos. 100 m middle span and 70 m end spans) and approach
bridge of 720 m, total length of 1.36 km.

The main pier foundation consists of 6 nos. 2500 mm dia. cast-in-situ piles (length 75 m) at each pier location.
Each pile has a permanent steel casing from EL0 to -35 m. Pile construction was carried out by reverse circulation
drilling method using slurry replacement technique to stabilize the pile bore and tremie method for concreting. The
piles were designed to a working load of 2250 ton of which a major component of pile capacity is shared by skin
friction and the remaining by end bearing.

The Adoption of such an extensive shaft grouting technique in this project is the first of its kind in Bangladesh and
the authors consider that the experience in this project will be a predecessor for many challenging future projects in
Bangladesh and elsewhere in not only resolving problematic piles but also for achieving more economical pile
design by using this technique. The mix proportions for both base and shaft grouting are carefully designed to have
good flowability, long term durability and adequate strength to make the shaft grouted pile act homogeneously.
Following to the other reported case, the author concluded to use the grout mix of following proportions aiming to
gain 28 days strength of 20 MPa: the water cement ratio 0.74; Bentonite, % of Cement: admixture, 1.20 cc/1kg of
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Cement; Portland . The result of pile load tests demonstrated that the effect of enhancement of pile capacity with
shaft and base grouting techniques could be achieved as high as 5 to 7 times that of plain piles which is far more
than the previously reported 1.5 to 3 times in the other projects.

(4) Dr. Phung Duc Long paper is on Piled Raft - A Cost-Effective Foundation Method for High-Rises. The
use of piles in piled raft foundations can reduce settlements and differential settlements and lead to considerable
saving in foundation costs. Only a limited number of piles, called settlement-reducers, may improve the ultimate
load capacity, the settlement performance, as well as the required thickness of the raft. In this article the results
from the experimental studies, which strongly supports the concept of piles as settlement-reducers in piled raft
foundations in non-cohesive soils, are reviewed. The applications of FEM in the design of piled-raft foundations for
high-rise buildings are also discussed. A foundation system must be designed to ensure sufficient external stability
of the entire system and maintain the internal load-bearing capacity of the building components through appropriate
design of the components.

Ten case histories were presented to illustrate the load sharing by the piles and the raft respectively. These case
histories are on : Messe-Torhaus, Frankfurt 130 m high, 30-storey ; Messeturn, Frankfurt 256 m, 60-storey ;
Westend 1, Frankfurt 208 m; PETRONAS, Kuala Lumpur 450 m, 88-storey; QV1, Perth, West Australia, 42-
storey; Treptower, Berlin 121 m ; Sony Centre, Berlin; ICC, Hong Kong 490 m, 118-storey ; Commerzbank,
Frankfurt PF, 300 m ; Skyper, Frankfurt 153 m.

For piled footings in non-cohesive soil, a systematic experimental study of the behaviour of the piled footings with
the cap being in contact with the soil surface, has been carried out by the Author, in 1993. The study shows that the
influences of the footing (cap) in contact with the soil on the bearing capacity of piles and on the load-settlement
behaviour of a piled footing are considerable. The mechanism of load transfer in a piled footing involves a highly
complex overall interaction between piles, pile cap and surrounding soil, which is considerably changed due to pile
installation and to the contact pressure at the cap-soil interface. In order to clarify the overall cap-soil-pile
interaction and the load-settlement behaviour of a piled footing in non-cohesive soil, three extensive series of large
scale field model tests were performed by the Author in 1993. Through the study, the Author has tried to create a
better understanding of the load-transfer mechanism and of the load-settlement behaviour of a piled footing in non-
cohesive soil, as well as the overall interaction between the piles, the cap and soil, especially the settlement-
reducing effect of the piles. All the pile groups were square, and consisted of five piles: one central and four corner
piles. In these tests, the following measurements were made: individual pile loads, total applied load, lateral earth
pressure against the pile shaft and displacement of the footing. Axial pile loads were measured by means of load
cells at the base and the top of each pile. A load cell was placed in the middle of a corner pile, to study the load
distribution along the pile length. The lateral earth pressure against pile shaft was measured for the central pile, by
twelve Glötzl total stress cells, installed symmetrically on all the four sides of the pile. Displacements were
measured by electric resistance transducers. All the instruments were monitored by a data logger.

From the test results, very important remarks are drawn: when the load is applied on the piled footing, the piles at
first take a major portion of the load; not until pile failure a considerable portion of load is transferred to the cap;
the load-settlement curve of the cap in a piled footing is very similar to that of a cap alone; the load carried by the
piles in a piled footings is much larger than that load carried by a corresponding free-standing pile group.

December 2010 Issue

(1) The December 2010 issue contains a paper on the Geotechnical aspects of Incheon Bridge project by Dr.
Sung-Min Cho. The geotechnical aspects of the foundation works and related items were presented in this paper.
The mission of Incheon Bridge project was to make a 21.4 km long national expressway between Incheon
International Airport (IIA) and New Songdo City crossing the Yellow Sea. The expressway has 6 lanes for two way
traffics and 86 % of the total length, as same as 18,348 m (approximately 18.4 km) is a continuously connected

The Incheon Bridge is the integrated set of several special featured bridges including a magnificent cable-stayed
bridge which has a main span of 800 m width to cross the navigation channel in and out of the Port of Incheon on
the Yellow Sea. Incheon Bridge is making an epoch of long-span bridge designs thanks to the fully application of
the AASHTO LRFD (load & resistance factor design) to both the superstructures and the substructures. A state-of-
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

the-art geotechnologies which were applied to the Incheon Bridge construction project is introduced. The bearing
capacity and deformational characteristics of the rock penetrated drilled-shaft foundations were verified static pile
load test; 8 full-scale pilot piles were tested in both offshore site and onshore area prior to the commencement of
constructions. Compressible load beyond 30,000 tonf pressed a single 3 m diameter foundation pile by means of bi-
directional loading method including the Osterberg cell techniques. Detailed site investigation to characterize the
subsurface properties had been carried out. Geotextile tubes, tied sheet pile walls, and trestles were utilized to
overcome the very large tidal difference between ebb and flow at the foreshore site. 44 circular-cell type dolphins
surround the piers near the navigation channel to protect the bridge against the collision with aberrant vessels. Each
dolphin structure consists of the flat sheet piled wall and in-filled aggregates to absorb the collision impact. Geo-
centrifugal tests were performed to evaluate the behaviour of the dolphin in the seabed and to verify the numerical
model for the design. Rip-rap embankments on the seabed are expected to prevent the scouring of the foundation.
Prefabricated vertical drains, sand compaction piles, deep cement mixings, horizontal natural-fibre drains, and
other subsidiary methods were used to improve the soft ground for the site of abutments, toll plazas, and access
roads. Light-weight backfill using EPS blocks helps to reduce the earth pressure behind the abutment on the soft
ground. Some kinds of reinforced earth like as MSE using geosynthetics were utilized for the ring wall of the
abutment. Soil steel bridges made of corrugated steel plates and engineered backfills were constructed for the open-
cut tunnel and the culvert. Diverse experiences of advanced designs and constructions from the Incheon Bridge
project have been propagated by relevant engineers and it is strongly expected that significant achievements in
geotechnical engineering through this project will contribute to the national development of the long-span bridge
technologies remarkably.

(2) Living with Landslide Risk is the title of the paper by Lacasse, Nadim and Kalsnes from the
International Centre for Geohazards (ICG) / Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Norway.
Landslides represent a major threat to human life, property and constructed facilities, infrastructure and the
environment in most mountainous and hilly regions of the world. Statistics from the Centre for Research on the
Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) show that landslides are responsible for at least 17% of all fatalities from
natural hazards worldwide. The socio-economic impact of landslides is underestimated because landslides are
usually not separated from other natural hazard triggers, such as extreme precipitation, earthquakes or floods. Many
lives could have been saved if more had been known about the risks and risk mitigation measures had been
implemented. The paper summarizes key aspects in the assessment of geological hazard and risk and exemplifies
these with the risk associated with landslides.

The role of such assessments in a risk management context is discussed by Lacasse et al and recommendations for
the identification and implementation of appropriate risk mitigation strategies are provided. The frequency of
landslide disasters is increasing due to more extreme weather than before, increased population and increased
vulnerability. The situation calls for intensified focus on and action to provide mitigation measures, both with
respect to hazard and risk. The management of the risk associated with landslides and other geohazards involves
decisions at local, regional, national and even trans-national levels. Lack of information about the risk appears to be
a major constraint to providing improved mitigation in many areas. The selection of appropriate mitigation
strategies should be based on a future-oriented quantitative risk assessment, coupled with useful knowledge on the
technical feasibility, as well as costs and benefits, of risk reduction measures.

Technical experts acting alone cannot choose the "appropriate" set of mitigation and prevention measures in many
risk contexts emphasised Lacasse et al. The complexities and technical details of managing geohazards risk can
easily conceal that any strategy is embedded in a social/political system and entails value judgments about who
bears the risks and benefits, and who makes the decisions on these matters. Policy-makers and affected parties
engaged in solving environmental risk problems are thus increasingly recognizing that traditional expert based
decision-making processes are insufficient, especially in controversial risk contexts.

Risk communication and stakeholder involvement have been widely acknowledged for supporting decisions on
uncertain and controversial environmental risks, with the added bonus that participation enables the addition of
local and anecdotal knowledge of the people most familiar with the problem. Precisely which citizens, authorities,
NGOs, industry groups, etc., should be involved in which way, however, has been the subject of a tremendous
amount of experimentation. The decision is ultimately made by political representatives, but stakeholder
involvement, combined with good risk communication strategies, can often bring new options to light and delineate
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

the terrain for agreement. The human impact of geohazards is far greater in developing countries than in developed
countries. Capacity building initiatives focusing on organizations and institutions that deal with disaster risks and
disaster situations could greatly reduce the vulnerability of the population exposed to natural disasters. Many of
these initiatives can be implemented within a few years and are affordable even in countries with very limited

(3) The paper by Edil is on Erosion, Slope Stability, Prediction of Future Recession in Actively Eroding
Slopes. Evolving slopes are those slopes subject to active erosion processes such that their morphology, thus their
stability, is changing rapidly i.e., in human-time scale rather than geological-time scale. There may be several
erosion processes but the most influential ones are related to the interactions with an external body of water such as
wave action on coastal cliffs and bluffs (defined as steep slopes due to active erosion) such as along the shorelines
of oceans, lakes, and reservoirs. The cost-effective solutions often are a combination of both stabilization and
management approaches to minimize the impact. These concepts are presented based on the author’s 35 years of
experience observing and dealing with the bluffs along the shorelines of the Great Lakes (specifically Lakes
Michigan and Superior). These lakes are subject to large lake level fluctuations and high waves, thus significant
wave erosion takes place reshaping the bluffs and often leading to landslides. The state of knowledge with respect
to shore erosion and associated bluff stability issues is presented including the available methods of predicting rate
of erosion and determining bluff stability along with the controlling factors. The approaches to mitigating coastal
recession are described. Finally, the environmental and ecological impact of coastal structures, which is gaining
significant attention recently, is highlighted.

The geology of the Great Lakes shoreline is shaped largely by the movement of glaciers. The Great Lakes formed
behind retreating ice sheet when large quantities of ice melted. Re-advances of various ice lobes formed the glacial
tills and lake sediments that form the shoreline of the Great Lakes today. The records of water levels in the Great
Lakes over the last century indicate that water levels fluctuate up to about 2 m with a period of 15-20 years in
addition to daily and seasonal fluctuations. These fluctuations, coupled with other factors such as storm activity and
shoreline configuration, give rise to varying rates of shore erosion and instability of coastal bluffs, which culminate
in coastal recession and economic loss. The shore erosion problem requires different strategies in different parts of
the lakes depending on local circumstances (both physical and socio-political). In some areas prediction of future
shoreline recession and providing setbacks for development to minimize economic loss may be appropriate and in
some other areas coastal protection and bluff stabilization approaches may be required.

Wave erosion and associated bluff instability present a continuous problem in the coastal slopes. There are semi-
empirical approaches that delineate the effect of the fundamental operating factors on shore erosion and bluff
instability. These approaches, which are site or region-specific by their very nature, are summarized and can be
adopted in other locations by careful considerations based on local conditions. It is anticipated that historical
recession rates may change with global climate change as the water levels are likely to deviate from the modern
patterns. Therefore, such impacts need to be considered in planning and management of coastal development.
Coastal structures are still a viable approach; however, their design and justification require greater care since there
is a higher level of perception of their deleterious effects on neighbouring properties and their environmental and
ecological impacts in the near shore.

(4) The paper by Delwyn George Fredlund and Vũ Quang Hưng is on the Assessment of Moisture Flux
Boundary Conditions for Near-Ground-Surface Geotechnical Engineering Problems. It sets out general
engineering protocols for the assessment of the net moisture flux at the ground surface. Examples are presented to
illustrate the applications of moisture flux at the ground surface for geotechnical engineering problem; the
examples include: (i) the movement of slabs built on grade or at shallow depths below ground surface; (ii) the
triggering of slope instability as a result of moisture infiltration; and (iii) the design and performance of soil cover
systems. .Several components that must be quantified in order to determine the net moisture flux entering the soil at
the ground surface; including precipitation, runoff, actual evaporation and evapotranspiration. Preferred
methodologies are becoming apparent for calculating each of the components that lead to the calculation of the net
moisture flux at the ground surface. There are two types of boundary conditions that are commonly associated with
water seepage problems in soil mechanics; namely, the Dirichlet type boundary condition (i.e., the primary variable
specified is hydraulic head), and the Neumann type boundary condition (i.e., the derivative of the primary variable
or the moisture flux is specified). Prior to the advent of the digital computer, the Neumann boundary condition was
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

generally restricted to the condition of zero moisture flux (i.e., an impervious boundary). However, geotechnical
engineers are well aware that the earth’s surface is constantly subjected to continuously changing randomly
distributed flux boundary conditions. The advent of the digital computer has brought about a renewed awareness
that many geotechnical engineering problems can be addressed in a more refined and accurate manner when the net
moisture flux at the ground surface is quantified and used for analysis purposes. A number of typical geotechnical
engineering examples are briefly described in this paper. In each case, it becomes clear that the ability to quantify
the net moisture flux at the ground surface opens the way for a more rigorous and accurate assessment of questions
commonly poised to the geotechnical engineer.

Thousands of weather stations around the world are collecting data relevant to energy and moisture transfer at the
ground surface. The weather information provides the basic information necessary for the calculation of the net
moisture flux at the ground surface. The weather data has become of great value for purposes of weather
forecasting; however, it has largely been a resource that has not been fully utilized for geotechnical engineering
purposes. The solution of these “real world” engineering problems generally involves the numerical modelling of
saturated-unsaturated soil conditions. There are several components that must be quantified in order to determine
the net moisture flux entering the soil at the ground surface (e.g., precipitation, runoff, actual evaporation and
evapotranspiration). While great strides have been made in analysing moisture flux problems there needs to be
increased verification and monitoring studies to increase the engineer’s confidence in the analyses being

Preferred methodologies are becoming apparent for calculating each of the components that lead to the calculation
of the net moisture flux at the ground surface. There are many assumptions that need to be made as part of the
analysis and design procedure for engineered structures that are close to the ground surface. The soil conditions can
change with time due to the effects of weathering and freeze-thaw conditions with the result that the soil properties
become far from the initially measured or assumed values. The changes can prove to differ by orders of magnitude
from initial compacted or placement conditions. This does not make a realistic design impossible but simply shows
that much greater care and detail must be given to the assessment of the unsaturated soil properties.

The climatic quantification that provides the "net moisture flux" at ground surface has utilized many broad
assumptions. The tendency may be to focus the analysis on average conditions; however, the engineer needs to
understand that it may be extreme weather conditions that may have the greatest effect over time. Extreme events
may also lead to other processes such as erosion during significant water runoff. The effect of cracks forming in
soils near to the ground surface can significantly change the response of the surface soils to infiltration and
exfiltration. Unsaturated soil properties are highly nonlinear and may even change to be bilinear in character. These
extreme conditions need to be given more attention and may even turn out to constitute a controlling factor.
Modelling ground surface moisture flux conditions has proven to be one of the most challenging analytical
procedures in soil mechanics. However, the benefits associated with analysing ground surface moisture flux
problems have proven to be of great value in geotechnical engineering practice.

(5) The paper by D-S Jeng, X L Zhou, X D Luo, JH Wang, J Zhang and F. P. Gao is on the Response of
Porous Seabed to Dynamic Loadings. This paper consists of two components: (i) analytical approximation for the
seabed response due to dynamic loading (including waves and currents); and (ii) integrated numerical model for
waves propagating over a porous seabed around marine structures. The phenomenon of pore pressure within a
seabed is an important feature in coastal engineering problems such as the stability of breakwaters and the sinking
or uplifting of pipelines. It is well known that ocean waves/currents can generate significant dynamic pressures on
the sea floor. This dynamic pressure further induces pore-water pressure and effective stresses within the seabed.
With excess pore pressure and diminishing vertical effective stress, part of the seabed may become unstable or even
liquefied. Once liquefaction occurs, the soil particles are likely to be carried away as a fluid by any prevailing
bottom current or mass transport owing to the natural loadings such as waves and currents. Two mechanisms of the
seabed response have been observed in the field measurements and laboratory experiments, depending upon how
the excess pore pressure is generated. One is caused by the residual or progressive nature of the excess pore
pressure, which appears in the initial stage of cyclic loading. This type of soil response is similar to that induced by
earthquakes, caused by the build up of excess pore pressure. The other, generated by transient or oscillatory excess
pore pressures, is accompanied by the damping of amplitude and phase lag in the pore pressure, and appears as a
periodic response to each wave.
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Numerous investigations of the wave-induced transient soil response have been reported, based on different
assumptions of relative rigidity for pore fluid and soil skeleton. Among these, Yamamoto et al. developed an
analytical solution for the water waves/soil interaction problem within a hydraulically isotropic seabed of infinite
thickness. For a fully saturated seabed, the soil response was also found to be independent of the soil permeability
and no phase lag was observed. On the other hand, pore pressure attenuates rapidly with a phase lag in an
unsaturated seabed. Details of previous investigations of wave–seabed–structure interactions were summarized by
the first author in an earlier paper. Residual mechanisms of wave-induced pore pressure have been investigated
since Seed and Rahman. Dynamic wave pressures that vary harmonically in space and time will generate cyclic
shear stresses in the soil that can cause the contraction of relatively loose soils and in turn lead to an increase in the
mean excess pore-water pressure if drainage is impeded. These mean pore pressures are not uniquely related to
instantaneous values of the wave-induced stresses, but depend on the accumulated action of the cyclic loading and
the rate of pore pressure dissipation. Under this action, liquefaction may develop in un-drained or poorly drained
conditions. Some recent investigations of this mechanism were carried out by numerous other researchers. It is
noted that all aforementioned investigations have only considered wave loading, totally ignored another important
natural loading-ocean currents. In this paper, the seabed response within a porous seabed will be re-examined by
considering the combined loadings of waves and currents. Both transient and residual mechanisms will be
considered in this study. Based on the newly analytical solutions, a simplified approach for the predictions of
liquefaction will be proposed for engineering practice.

Marine structures on a porous seabed have been widely constructed for the coastal protections, oil production
transport and offshore wind farm foundation. The existence of these structures (such as breakwaters, vertical walls,
pipelines and mono-piles, etc.) will largely interact with the water surface waves, and consequently affect the
wave-induced seabed responses around the marine structures. In the past few decades, considerable effort has been
devoted to the wave-soil-structure interaction (WSSI) phenomenon. The major reason for this growing interest is
that many marine structures have been damaged by the wave-induced seabed response, rather than from the
construction deficiencies. To have a better understanding of the functionality and stability of marine structures, the
wave motion and seabed responses around these structures must be determined. Numerous investigations for the
wave-seabed-structure interactions have been carried out since the 1980s. A detailed review of previous research in
the area can be found elsewhere. Most of them have been focused on the individual approaches, rather than an
integration of wave, seabed and structure models. However, the phenomenon of the wave-seabed-structure
interactions will not been fully captured without a consideration of all components together. Also software based
on COMSOL Multi-physics, is developed for an integrated model for ocean waves propagating over a marine
structure on a porous seabed.

(b) March 2011: Special Issue on Geosynthetics-- Prof. Jie Han at the University of Kansas in USA is the
guest editor of this special issue, which is intended to be released in March 2011

This special issue will focus0 on the design of geosynthetics for different applications ranging from walls, slopes,
embankments, roads, landfills, and earth structures for coastal protection and land reclamation. Seven technical
papers will be contributed by a combination of internationally well-known experts and young, energetic researchers
and/or engineers in this area from China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United States.

(1) Prof. Dov Leshchinsky at the University of Delaware in USA, an internationally well-known expert in
geosynthetics, will offer his broad and in-depth views on the issues in design of mechanically-stabilized earth
(MSE) walls and slopes. He will discuss about the issues including but not limited to: division between slopes and
walls, peak vs. residual strength, misinterpretation of field data, implication on long-term strength, and conflicts
existing with implementing Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) codes.

(2) Dr. Teik Aun Ooi and Mr. C.H. Tee have many years’ practical experience in design and construction of MSE
walls and geosynthetic-reinforced steep slopes in Malaysia. They will share their rich experience and knowledge
accumulated through years in terms of design and construction of geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures in
Malaysia. Several interesting case histories will be presented and discussed.
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

(3) Prof. Jian Chu at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore is well-known for his research in ground
improvement and land reclamation. He will contribute a technical paper on recent advances in the research and
practice using geosynthetics for coastal applications including coastal protection and land reclamation. Several
interesting case studies will be presented and discussed.

(4) Prof. Jinchun Chai at Saga University in Japan has developed a number of design methods for ground
improvement, which are commonly adopted in practice. In this paper, Prof. Chai will propose a method for
predicting undrained shear strength (Su) of saturated clayey backfill in embankments reinforced by dual function
(reinforcement and drainage) geocomposites. The proposed method considers the effects of discharge capacity of
the geocomposite, spacing between geocomposite layers, construction speed, and the coefficient of consolidation of
the backfill. With the predicted Su values of the backfill material and the tensile strength of the geocomposite, the
factor of safety of an embankment can be calculated by Bishop's slip circle method.

(5) Prof. Yumin Chen at Zhejiang University is a leading geotechnical researcher in China. He has been involved
in research and consulting of several major landfills in China. His technical paper will describe the development of
landfills, the current practice, and the use of geosynthetics for separation, filtration, drainage, containment, and
reinforcement in the landfill system in China.

(6) Dr. Jie Huang, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at San Antonia, Dr. Anil Bhandari, a project
manager at Terracon (a major geotechnical firm in the USA), and Dr. Xiaoming Yang, a research associate at
Louisiana Transportation Research Centre, are three active young researchers and/or engineers in geotechnical
engineering. They will jointly contribute a technical paper to review and discuss different numerical methods
(FEM, FDM, and DEM) used to model and analyse geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures including MSE walls,
reinforced slopes and embankments, and reinforced unpaved and paved roads.

(7) Prof. Jie Han at the University of Kansas in USA is the guest editor of this special issue. He will also contribute
a technical paper on the recent advances in geosynthetic-reinforced column-supported embankments. His paper
will discuss different column technologies, address design issues, and shed light on recent research and
developments related to the geosynthetic-reinforced column-supported embankments over soft soils including load
transfer mechanisms, settlement, consolidation, and stability. A couple of case studies will also be presented in this

Tentative titles of the technical papers to be included in this special issue are:

1. Issues in design of MSE Walls and slopes, Dov Leshchinsky

2. Case studies of geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures in Malaysia, T.A. Ooi and C.H. Tee
3. Geosynthetics for coastal applications, Jian Chu
4. Embankment construction with saturated clayey fill material using geocomposite, Jinchun Chai
5. Geosynthetics for landfill applications in China, Yunmin Chen
6. Numerical modelling of geosynthetic-reinforced earth structures, Jie Huang, Anil Bhandari, and Xiaoming Yang
7. Recent advances in geosynthetic-reinforced column-support embankments, Jie Han

(c) Other Special Issues ( June & September 2011)

A special issue on Deep Foundations is also planned and to be edited by Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto and Dr. Der
Wen Chang and this is expected in June 2011. Professor Harry G. Poulos, Prof. Bengt Fellenius and several others
are expected to contribute in this issue together with Prof. Tatsunori Matsuoka.

Also, Prof Chang Yu Ou is working on a special volume on deep excavations and tunnelling expected in September
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828

Paper Contributions

SEAGS encourages the submission of scholarly and practice-oriented articles to its journal. Starting from 2008, the
journal has been published quarterly. Before you submit an article, please review the guidelines stated herein for
the manuscript preparation and submission procedures.

Geotechnical Engineering Journal accepts submissions via electronic or postal mail (by sending a CD). The
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For additional information, please write to:

Dr. Noppadol Phienwej

Editor, Geotechnical Engineering Journal
School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 THAILAND
Fax no: (66-2) 524 5509 or (66-2) 524 5507

Geotechnical Engineering is the official journal of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society and the Association
of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia. It is published four times a year in March, June, September and
December and is free to members of the Society. The annual subscription rate for non-members is US$30 to
individuals and US$50 to libraries and companies. Back issues are available. Cheques or money orders should be
made payable to the Asian Institute of Technology. Membership application forms and other details can be
obtained from:

The Secretariat, SEAGS

Room 211, AIT Library
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120, Thailand

IEM Training Centre Sdn. Bhd.

No. 33-1A, Jalan SS 52/18
P.O. Box 224 (Jalan Sultan)
46200 Petaling Jaya, SelangorDarul Ehsan, MALAYSIA
Tel: (60) 03 7958 6851
Fax: (60) 03 79582851
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


MARCH 2010 Issue Journal of the




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Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828



Main Papers:

The Geotechnical Problems of the World Second Largest Copper Tailings Pond at Zelazny Most, Poland
by M. Jamiolkowski, W.D. Carrier, R.J. Chandler, K. Hoeg, W. Swierczynski and W. Wolski ................................... 1

Testing in Geotechnical Design

by Dennis E. Becker.................................................................................................................................................... 17

Shaking Table Tests for Studies of Soil Liquefaction and Soil-Pile Interaction
by T.S. Ueng............................................................................................................................................................... 29

Rainfall-Triggered Landslide: from research to mitigation practice in Thailand

by Suttisak Soralump.................................................................................................................................................. 39

Cover Photograph: Aerial View of Zelazny Most copper tailings disposal location in Poland
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


JUNE 2010 Issue Journal of the




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Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828



Main Papers:

Bridge Foundation Scour

by Jean Louis Briaud and Seung Jae Oh.................................................................................................................... 45

Settlement of Embankments in Soft Soils

by A. S. Balasubramaniam, H. Cai, D. Zhu, C. Surarak, E. Y. N. Oh........................................................................ 61

Seismic Performance of Piles from PBEE and EQWEAP Analyses

by D.W. Chang, T.Y. Yang and C.L. Yang................................................................................................................. 79

The Improvement of the Prediction Accuracy of the System of Real –Time Type Hazard Map of Slope
Failures Disasters Caused by Heavy Rainfalls
by T. Okimura, N. Torii, Y. Osaki, M. Nanbu and K. Haraguchi.............................................................................. 87

A Case Study of Settlement Behaviour of a Dynamic Compacted High Rock Embankment

by Kyung-Tae Bae, Tae-Hoon Kim and Young-Jin Kim............................................................................................. 93

Cover Photograph: Landslide at Expressway, Keelung-Shihchi in Northern Taiwan on April 25, 2010. Four
people were reported killed by the massive landslide. Photo courtesy of Air Patrol, NPA, Taiwan
Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


SEPTEMBER 2010 Issue Journal of the




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Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828



Main Papers:

The Recent Advances in Pile Testing and Diaphragm Wall Construction in Japan
by Kenji Ishihara......................................................................................................................................................... 97

Ground Improvement – A Green Technology towards a Sustainable Housing, Infrastructure and Utilities
Developments in Malaysia
by Kenny Yee and Dr. Ooi Teik Aun........................................................................................................................ 123

The Enhancement of Pile Capacity by Shaft Grouting Technique in the Ruspa Bridge Project in
by Ryuji Manai......................................................................................................................................................... 143

Piled Raft - A Cost-Effective Foundation Method for High-Rises

by Phung Duc Long................................................................................................................................................... 149

Cover Photograph: Vacuum Consolidation Ca Mau Power Plant Vietnam

Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828


DECEMBER 200 Issue Journal of the




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Volume 41 Number 1 - 4 MARCH - DECEMBER 2010 ISSN 0046-5828



Main Papers:

Foundation Design of the Incheon Bridge

by Sung-Min Cho...................................................................................................................................................... 159

Living with Landslide Risk

by Lacasse, Nadim and Kalsnes............................................................................................................................... 173

Erosion, Slope Stability, Prediction of Future Recession in Actively Eroding Slopes

by Tuncer B. Edil...................................................................................................................................................... 185

Engineering Protocols for the Assessment of the Net Moisture Flux at the Ground Surface
by D.G. Fredlund, H.Q. Vu and J. Stianson............................................................................................................. 193

Response of Porous Seabed to Dynamic Loadings

by D-S Jeng, X L Zhou, X D Luo, J H Wang, J Zhang and F P Gao....................................................................... 205

Cover Photograph: Incheon Bridge, Korea by Courtesy of Korea Expressway Corporation

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