h2 O2 Production

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Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167

Production of hydrogen and oxygen by water splitting

using laser induced photo-catalysis over Fe2 O3
M.A. Gondal a,∗ , A. Hameed b , Zain H. Yamani c , A. Suwaiyan b
a Laser Research Section, Research Institute, Center for Applied Physical Sciences, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals,
KFUPM Box 372, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
b Chemistry Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
c Physics Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Received in revised form 10 March 2004; accepted 18 March 2004

Available online 6 May 2004


Laser induced photocatalytic splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen has been studied. The activity of pure Fe2 O3 catalyst and various
electron capture agents, such as Fe3+ , Ag+ , Al+3 , and Li+ , in the water splitting process under the irradiation of a strong laser beam at 355 nm
has been investigated for the first time. The amounts of hydrogen and oxygen produced within a short span of time were quite substantial and
the photonic efficiency achieved using pure Fe2 O3 was much higher than the reported conventional lamp based photocatalysis techniques. The
yields of hydrogen and oxygen produced were affected considerably by the addition of electron capture agents. The highest electron capture
activity was observed for Fe3+ . In addition to monitoring the activity of the Fe2 O3 catalyst for hydrogen and oxygen production, pH changes
in the colloidal suspension during the photocatalytic process were also investigated. The parametric dependence of the yield as a function of
laser beam intensity, irradiation (exposure) time, and concentration of the active material was carefully studied.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Water splitting; Photocatalysis; Iron oxide; Oxygen; Hydrogen; Clean fuels; Fuel cells; Lasers

1. Introduction semiconductor powder with energy equal to or greater than

the band gap of the semiconductor [11–16]. When a pho-
The growing demand for clean fuels and new energy ton (hν) interacts with a semiconductor particle, an electron
sources triggers the research activities that focus on the de- is excited from the valence band to the conduction band
velopment of novel techniques for the generation of hydro- leaving an electronic vacancy called (hvb + ). In an aqueous
gen and oxygen by splitting of water [1–6]. Heterogeneous suspension, a redox environment is produced which can ox-
photocatalysis is one of the techniques applied for the gener- idize water molecules. The primary oxidant that causes the
ation of H2 and O2 in aqueous solution using semiconductor oxidation of water is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical
catalysts. This photocatalytic technique is considered to be (OH• ). The activated electron reduces the adsorbed O2 and
feasible and attractive for practical purposes since one can H+ to produce OH•− or H2 . The hvb + oxidizes the surface
probably use the natural sun light as an irradiation source adsorbed H2 O or OH− and produces OH• . The activity of
in the future. Most of the previous work in this domain the photocatalyst plays a significant role in the heteroge-
has been carried out with broadband UV lamps, using pure neous photocatalysis process [17–32].
TiO2 or TiO2 based semiconductor powders as photocata- Heterogeneous photocatalysis is still in the research stage
lysts [7–10]. and there are important inherent problems that remain chal-
The photocatalytic process in water splitting is based upon lenging. Hence, intensive research is still essential for the
the illumination of the aqueous colloidal suspension of a improvement of photocatalytic performance in terms of
enhancing the photonic efficiency (yield of end products
per number of incident photons), higher overall produc-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +966-3-8602351; fax: +966-3-8604281. tion rates and decrease in the reaction time. Our work on
E-mail address: magondal@kfupm.edu.sa (M.A. Gondal). photocatalysis using lasers has revealed that an important

0926-860X/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
160 M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167

parameter which plays a pivotal role in the enhancement 2. Experimental details

of the activity of the catalyst is the irradiation source. Most
of the research work reported on photocatalysis is based on A schematic diagram of the laser photocatalytic reactor
use of conventional lamps [17–23]. Very little work on pho- is presented in Fig. 1. A special Pyrex cell (35 mm diameter
tocatalysis has been carried out with lasers [24]. Since laser and 120 mm length), equipped with optical grade quartz
light has special properties like monochromaticity, high in- windows for transmission of UV and visible laser beam,
tensity, and low beam divergence, it is of great interest to use was fabricated. The cell was equipped with three ports and a
laser beams as an excitation source to study the activity of rubber septum for sampling. For the study of photocatalytic
photocatalysts. splitting of water, 0.3 g of ␣-Fe2 O3 was suspended in 60 ml
In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, we of distilled water, whereas for water splitting studies in the
investigated the photocatalytic oxidation of water over pure presence of electron capture agents, a 10 ppm solution of
␣-Fe2 O3 as a semiconductor catalyst and in the presence of each metal was prepared by dissolving the stoichiometric
metal ions like Fe3+ , Ag+ and Li+ . We selected water photo- amounts of metal nitrates in 1000 cm3 of doubly distilled
catalytic oxidation process due to the following reasons: (a) water. For the experiments in the presence of dissolved
to prove that a laser, as an excitation source, is efficient for metal ions, the solution of respective metal ions was used as
heterogeneous photocatalysis as compared to conventional solvent. To measure the amounts of H2 and O2 produced, the
heterogeneous catalysis using strong UV lamps and (b) wa- experiments were performed in an argon environment; a gas
ter is more difficult to split due to the fairly high voltages chromatograph (Shimadzu, Model GC-17) equipped with
involved. 30 m molecular sieve 5A plot column and a TCD detector
The ␣-Fe2 O3 catalyst has been selected due to the fact was used. The carrier gas used for GC was also argon. The
that it is very stable in aqueous solutions. We investigated evolved gases i.e. H2 and O2 were analyzed by removing
the activity of this catalyst by monitoring the rate of evolved 100 ␮l of gas sample from the dead volume of the photo-
gases i.e. hydrogen and oxygen and the pH changes in catalytic reactor by using a gas tight syringe at regular time
the suspended aqueous solution as a result of irradiation intervals. In order to optimize the water splitting process, the
of the catalyst by a laser at 355 nm wavelength. This UV parametric dependence of dissolved oxygen yield on amount
laser wavelength was selected after performing the exper- of catalyst and on laser power was measured using an oxygen
iments initially in the visible region at 514 nm using an meter (Hanna Model, HI 9143), while the rate of H2 and O2
argon ion laser. Although the band gap of ␣-Fe2 O3 lies production was based on the data collected with a gas chro-
in the visible region i.e. 2.2 eV, the photocatalytic activ- matograph. The dependences of O2 and H2 yields on laser
ity recorded at our laboratory for water splitting, with the exposure time and other relevant data were also collected
visible laser as an excitation source, was very poor. This with a chromatograph. The oxygen meter was calibrated by
has been also reported earlier using conventional spectral measuring the dissolved oxygen and comparing to a standard
sources like lamps [18]. We also investigated the depen- gas chromatograph. Calibration was also done by a routine
dences of hydrogen and oxygen yields on catalyst concen- procedure as prescribed by the manufacturer. Changes in
tration, laser exposure time and laser beam intensity in the the pH of the solution during the laser irradiation were mea-
case of pure ␣-Fe2 O3 and also in the presence of the metal sured using a pH and conductivity meter (Hanna Model,
ions. 8519).

Fig. 1. Experimental setup for studying laser-induced photocatalytic water splitting over ␣-Fe2 O3 .
M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167 161

To induce the photocatalytic process for water splitting, solution i.e. dissolved oxygen. In addition, the changes of
355 nm laser radiations were employed. The 355 nm high pH and the yields of the H+ as a function of laser exposure
power laser beam is generated from the third harmonic of time were also studied.
a Spectra Physics Nd: YAG laser (Model GCR 250). The
pulse width of the laser was ∼8 ns with a 10 Hz repetition 3.1. Effect of incident laser energy on product yield
rate. Here it is important to mention that in order to min-
imize the effects of the focused laser beam itself the laser An important parameter that affects product yield is the
beam diameter was adjusted at 10 mm. The laser beam was incident laser energy. Fig. 2 depicts a typical plot the amount
directed into the center of the reaction chamber using a set of of oxygen yield versus the laser energy for pure Fe2 O3 cat-
mirrors and collimators. For all the measurements, the laser alysts at 355 nm laser irradiation. It can be noticed that the
beam diameter was kept constant at 10 mm. This precaution oxygen yield shows strong dependence on the incident pho-
was taken to ensure the exposure of the same volume of the ton flux (laser energy). An exponential increase in the oxy-
catalyst and to study the parametric dependence under the gen yield has been observed in the 50–100 mJ laser energy
same photon flux. All the experiments were performed for and the yield reached as high as 500% for ␣-Fe2 O3 catalyst
a laser irradiation period of 90 min, except for the laser en- at 100 mJ incident laser energy as compared to the yield at
ergy dependence experiments, which were performed for a 50 mJ. However the O2 yield remains almost constant for
period of 15 min. 100–200 mJ range. The initial increase of oxygen yield with
the laser energy could be attributed to the fact that the gener-
ation of electron–hole pairs increases with the incident laser
3. Results and discussion photon flux, which in turn enhances the water splitting pro-
cess to generate O2 . Although, the process of electron–hole
In order to investigate the photocatalytic activity of the generation increases with the increased incident laser photon
␣-Fe2 O3 semiconductor catalyst for water splitting under the flux, in the 100–200 mJ laser energy range the oxygen yield
influence of strong UV laser beam, various experiments were remains constant. This is due to increased electron–hole re-
performed. It was observed that, while using laser as light combination process which competes with the electron–hole
source, the important parameters that influence the yield of generation, impeding further increase of oxygen yield.
products during photocatalytic process are: (a) energy of the
incident laser radiation and (b) concentration of the photo- 3.2. Effect of catalyst concentration on product yield
catalyst. To optimize the above-mentioned parameters, we
obtained the parametric dependences of the product yield Another important parameter that affects the product yield
as a function of laser energy, catalyst concentration and ex- is the catalyst concentration. The dependence of production
posure time for pure ␣-Fe2 O3. As a test case these studies yield on catalyst concentration was studied by keeping all
were carried out by measuring the yield of oxygen in the the other parameters, such as laser energy and laser exposure



Oxygen yield (µmol dm-3)





0 50 100 150 200 250
Laser energy (mJ)

Fig. 2. The yield of O2 and H2 over pure ␣-Fe2 O3 plotted vs. the laser exposure time.
162 M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167



Oxygen yield (µmol dm-3)






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Amount of catalyst (g)

Fig. 3. Dependence of O2 production on 355 nm laser energy.

time, constant. In this case, the oxygen yield for various hvb + + H2 O(ads) → H2 O+ → HO• + H+ (2)
concentrations of ␣-Fe2 O3 was measured by using the pro-
cedure mentioned above. Results are presented in Fig. 3, HO• + HO• → H2 O2 → H2 O + 21 O2 (3)
where a sharp increase in O2 yield can be noticed from 0.05
to 0.3 g and the yield shows slower dependence up to 0.4 g. ecb − + H+ → H• (4)

H• + H• → H2 (5)
3.3. Mechanism of H2 and O2 production over α-Fe2 O3
HO• + H• → H2 O(recombination) (6)
To study the change in H2 and O2 production with time,
we exposed pure ␣-Fe2 O3 to laser irradiation. H2 and O2 H2 + 21 O2 → H2 O(recombination) (7)
yields were recorded at regular time intervals keeping the
O2(ads) + ecb − → O2 •− (8)
rest of the parameters constant. Some important processes
associated with photocatalytic water splitting over ␣-Fe2 O3 H+ + O2 •− → H2 O• (9)
can be represented by the following set of equations.
A typical plot of H2 and O2 yields as a function of time is
α − Fe2 O3 + hυ(laser) → α − Fe2 O3 (ecb − , hvb − ) (1) presented in Fig. 4, where a high O2 yield as compared to that

7 Oxygen

Gases evolved (mmol)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (min)

Fig. 4. Dependence of O2 production on amount of ␣-Fe2 O3 catalyst.

M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167 163

of H2 can be observed. Although the valance band edge at the total oxygen produced during the photocatalytic oxida-
+2.4 V of ␣-Fe2 O3 is highly suitable for oxidizing water to tion process. In addition, Fe3+ serves as a precursor for the
oxygen, the conduction band edge at +0.2 V shows its inabil- formation of Fe2+ which is capable of increasing the rate
ity to produce hydrogen from water. However, the production of water oxidation by homogeneous photo-Fenton type re-
of hydrogen and high yields of oxygen suggests some struc- actions [34]. Based on the above discussion, there are three
tural changes in ␣-Fe2 O3 with the absorption of monochro- major sources responsible for the high yield of oxygen (1)
matic UV light that leads to the formation of hydrogen and anodic and cathodic decomposition of ␣-Fe2 O3 (2) photo-
additional oxygen. Absorption of 355 nm UV laser photon catalytic oxidation of water by ␣-Fe2 O3 , and (3) photocat-
excites an electron from the valence band of oxygen (2p) alytic oxidation of water by FeO.
to the conduction band of Fe3+ (3d), causing the reduction
of Fe3+ to Fe2+ . This electron transfer process weakens the 3.4. Measurements of pH and H+ ion changes
Fe3+ –O bond allowing lattice oxygen to be driven out cre-
ating two FeO at the surface. The absorption of UV photons It is well known that the pH of the solution influences
induces the generation of electrons and holes in ␣-Fe2 O3. the surface charge, band edge position and to some extent
The photo-generated holes oxidize water and produce oxy- the particle size of the semiconductor particles. The rate
gen, while the photogenerated electrons cause the photode- of photocatalytic reaction shows weak dependence on the
composition of ␣-Fe2 O3 creating FeO sites, with the release pH of the solution [28]. The experiments carried out in our
of lattice oxygen as explained in the reaction given below. laboratory revealed that the measurement of pH changes
α − Fe2 O3 + 2e− → 2FeO + 21 O2 (10) during a photocatalytic process can give a deep insight of
the events occurring on the surface of the catalyst and in the
The divalent FeO is a p-type semiconductor having a band bulk. In this study, along with the determination of evolved
gap of 2.3 eV and the valance and conduction band edges at H2 and O2 , we also measured the pH changes at regular
+2.13 V and −1.7 V, respectively [33]. These photon gen- intervals. The changes in pH and H+ ion concentration with
erated FeO surface states behave independently as p-type time are presented in Figs. 5 and 6 for pure Fe2 O3 and in
semiconductor and serve as electron trap and transfer sites the presence of metal ions, respectively.
for hydrogen production. Fig. 6 shows a moderate change in pH during the course
Another reason for such a high yield of oxygen as com- of reaction, indicating only a slight change in the concen-
pared to H2 is the complete dissociation of the catalyst due tration of H+ ions. It can be predicted that all the H+ ions
to the photo-corrosion. In this process, the catalyst under- produced by the donation of electrons from water to the
goes self-degradation under irradiation of high photon flux photo-generated holes (Eq. (2)) immediately change to H.
of laser beam, contributing a large amount of O2 as illus- and then to H2 through conduction band electron capture
trated by the reaction below process. The simultaneous formation of O2 and H2 in the
α − Fe2 O3 + 3hvb + → 2Fe3+ + 23 O2 (11) solution at room temperature can affect the rate of O2 pro-
duction by enhancing the rate of recombination (Eq. (7)) to
It is clear from the above-mentioned mechanism that the form H2 O. Another reason for the decrease in the rate of
anodic decomposition of Fe2 O3 contributes significantly to O2 production is explained by the pH measurements. The

6.3 0

6.2 -0.1


[H (µM)




5.7 -0.7

5.6 -0.8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 90
Time (min)

Fig. 5. pH and [H+ ] changes plotted vs. laser exposure time for pure ␣-Fe2 O3 during the course of reaction.
164 M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167

Fe2O3 Fe+3 Ag+ Li+





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (min)

Fig. 6. pH plotted vs. laser exposure time in the presence of metal ions.

formation of O2 •− radical through the capture of conduc- Fe3+ + ecb − → Fe2+ (12)
tion band electrons by the adsorbed O2 and its reaction with
H+ ions (Eq. (9)), already present in the solution, causes a Fe2+ + h+ → Fe3+ (13)
decrease in the rate of O2 generation and an increase in the Another pathway for the regeneration of Fe3+ sug-
pH of the system. gested in the literature [30,31] is the homogeneous
Fenton-type reactions to produce additional OH radicals:
3.5. Effect of metal ions on hydrogen and i.e.
oxygen production Fe2+ + H2 O2 + H+ → Fe3+ + HO• + O2 (14)

In order to further support the significance of pH mea- The above-mentioned reaction suggests an increase in
surements and to explain the events that occur in the solu- oxygen production by enhancing the production of hydroxyl
tion, we studied the H2 and O2 production in the presence radicals and the depletion of H+ ions, contributing the low
of metal ions such a Fe3+ , Ag+ and Li+ . In a photocatalytic yield of hydrogen.
process, metal ions are used as electron–hole recombination Ag+ has also shown high efficiency as an electron scav-
inhibitors, and they are selected on the basis of reduc- enger, but the effect on the rate of O2 formation is much
tion potentials. The ions, which have reduction potentials lower than Fe3+ (Fig. 8). The effect of Ag+ may be the same
more positive than the conduction band potential of the as Fe3+ , but Ag0 formed by the reaction below does not
semiconductor, act as electron scavengers and are termed show the same regenerative behavior as Fe2+ and remains
“electron capture agents” [28]. The ions which have the on the surface of the catalyst [28].
negative reduction potential, as compared to the conduction Ag+ + ecb − → Ag0 (15)
band potential of the semiconductor, cannot capture the
conduction band electrons directly and are unable to work The decrease in the O2 production with time can be at-
as electron capture agents [28]. The effect of these metal tributed to the depletion of Ag+ in the solution. Although
ions on H2 and O2 yields is presented in Figs. 7 and 8 the photo-deposited Ag0 on the catalyst surface improves
respectively. the charge separation, it is not as efficient as Ag+ [28]. An
The expected increase and decrease in the O2 and H2 initial decrease in pH causes the protonation of surface O−
production respectively, in the presence of Fe3+ and Ag+ and HO− groups that inhibits further Ag+ adsorption on the
reveals the suitability of the reduction potentials of these surface. Also, the reaction of Ag+ ions with super-oxide rad-
ions for conduction band electron capture processes. The icals present in the solution to form Ag2 O, is another cause
decrease in pH in the presence of these ions, as presented in of the depletion of oxygen.
Fig. 6, also confirms the same point. The sustained increase Li+ have higher negative reduction potentials compared
in O2 concentration in the presence of Fe3+ (Fig. 8) suggests to the conduction band potentials of ␣-Fe2 O3 . The high neg-
the regenerative behavior of Fe3+ /Fe2+ couple through the ative values of reduction potentials show the inability of the
reactions given below. two ions to capture conduction band electrons that require
M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167 165


2.5 Ag+


2 Li+
H2 evolved (mmol)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (min)

Fig. 7. Effect of dissolved metal ions on H2 yield.

positive reduction potentials. Li+ ions are highly reactive cess. The formation of oxygen is a four-photon processes,
and have reactivity values comparable to that of H+ . The as shown below.
initial sharp increase in the rate is due to the separation 2H2 O + 4hυ → 2H2 + O2 (16)
of charges induced by the surface adsorbed ions. With the
progress of reaction and the formation of the species like The plots PE as a function of laser exposure time for H2
super-oxide radicals (O2 − ), the removal of Li+ ions as Li2 O and O2 are given in Figs. 9 and 10. It was observed that for
is most likely. pure Fe2 O3 the photonic efficiency for H2 and O2 production
The efficiency of a photo-catalytic process is measured initially increases rapidly, reaches to a maximum value and
on the basis of its ability to convert the photons in desired then starts decreasing gradually. The decrease in photonic
products. In this study we estimated the photonic efficien- efficiency is mainly due to the presence of H+ ions and O2
cies (PE) for the photo-oxidation of water to H2 and O2 , simultaneously in the solution. The photonic efficiency for
over ␣-Fe2 O3 in the presence and absence of metal ions, H2 production over pure Fe2 O3 was 30%. A decrease in pho-
by considering the number of photons involved in each pro- tonic efficiency for hydrogen production for Fe3+ and Ag+


3 Fe+3

O2 evolved (mmol)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (min)

Fig. 8. Effect of dissolved metal ions on O2 yield.

166 M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167




PEH2 (%)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (min)

Fig. 9. Photonic efficiency for H2 production in the presence of metal ions.

ions verifies the behavior of these ions as electron capture dergoes self-oxidation and releases additional oxygen, and
agents. For Ag+ and Li+ , initially the photonic efficiency this leads to higher photonic efficiencies. The photocatalytic
for H2 increases, but it decreases afterwards, suggesting the processes with such high photonic efficiencies are not prob-
depletion of these ions with time. able with conventional lamps [1–13]. The excitation spec-
For O2 production, the maximum photonic efficiencies trum of lamps usually cover a broad spectral range in the
40 and 50% were observed for pure ␣-Fe2 O3 and in the visible and ultra-violet, a good part of which has less photon
presence of Fe3+ ions, respectively. The minimum photonic energy than the catalyst band gap and is, therefore, not ab-
efficiency of less than 30% was observed for Ag+ . It is sorbed by the catalyst. A monochromatic laser emitting the
worth mentioning that the photonic efficiencies achieved in ultra-violet rays has photon energy that allows absorption
this work are higher than those reported in the literature for by the catalyst. Moreover, in practice, lamps have only part
different catalysts [10–13]. The high photonic efficiencies of their 4π radiance focused on the sample. Laser beams,
for oxygen production predict that under the exposure of on the other hand, are highly directional, and can be aimed
strong laser radiation, a fraction of the ␣-Fe2 O3 will undergo to fall totally on the sample. These two factors make the in-
photo-corrosion processes. In this process, the catalyst un- tensity of absorbed light in the catalyst much greater in a


Fe2O3 Fe+3 Ag+ Li+


PEO2 (%)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (min)

Fig. 10. Photonic efficiency for O2 production in the presence of metal ions.
M.A. Gondal et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 268 (2004) 159–167 167

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pFad v4 Proxy