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(C) It's Not Possible To Open The Window

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Section 1 Listening Comprehension 9. (A) Taking a test.

(B) Giving Spanish tests to students.

Part A (C) Paying for private lessons.
(D) Studying.
1. (A) Her notebook is missing.
(B) Her handwriting is difficult to read. 10. (A) The window is broken.
(C) She wasn't in class this morning, either. (B) He's nervous about opening the
(D) She's already lent her notes to someone window.
else. (C) It's not possible to open the
2. (A) Get a schedule of events at the athletic (D) It's too cold to open the window.
(B) Refer to the bus schedule. 11. (A) He wasn't offered the job he had
(C) Wait for the shuttle in the student talked about .
lounge . ¡¡ (B) He didn't really want to work in the
(D) Borrow a schedule from another bookstore .
student . (C) He didn't know where the bookstore
3. (A) She looks good in blue. (D) He didn't refuse the bookstore job.
(B) She never wears sweaters.
(C) She might prefer another color. 12. (A) She needed to change the letter before
(D) She enjoys receiving gifts. mailing it.
(B) She didn't know how much postage
4. (A) Someone painted it for her. was needed.
(B) She finally had time to paint it. (C) She didn't have the right coins to
(C) She decided to paint it later. buy stamps.
(D) Some friends will help her paint it. (D) The stamp machine has been moved .

5. (A) Today's seminar was informative. 13. (A) They should go to lunch soon.
(B) Another seminar will take place the (B) He needs to make more coffee for
following week. lunch .
(C) Next week's seminar is on a different (C) There is enough coffee for several
topic . more cups.
(D) There will be two seminars next week. (D) He won't drink any more coffee
6. (A) He's usually happy.
(B) He listens to music when he's in a good 14. (A) There are too many shopping
mood. centers already.
(C) He had to pay a high price for his (B) They aren't really going to build a
stereo. shopping center.
(D) He's pleased with his purchase. (C) He knew about the planned
construction .
7. (A) He can send the woman additional (D) He hasn't been to the other shopping
information. center .
(B) The woman received the wrong bill.
(C) He agrees that the charges are too high. 15. (A) She has to do some work tomorrow.
(D) He'll credit the woman's account. (B) She'll attend tomorrow's performance .
(C) She doesn't intend to go to the play.
8. (A) Answer her calls. (D) She can't work at the theater
(B) Take her home. tomorrow.
(C) Write out a list of his calls.
(D) Telephone her later in the day.
16. (A) She hasn't seen Kate. 23 .(A) The doctor wasn't feeling well .
(B) Kate has changed her plans. (B) He didn't see the new doctor.
(C) The man had misunderstood her. (C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.
(D) The man should go to New York next (D) He met the doctor at a conference.
24. (A) Pay Marsha for the bookshelf.
17. (A) He doesn't want to attend the (B) Ask Marsha where the bookshelf is.
graduation ceremony. (C) Check for the book on Marsha's shelf.
(B) He's attended only one graduation (D) Ask Marsha if she has an extra
ceremony. bookshelf.
(C) The woman doesn't have to attend
the graduation ceremony. 25. (A) The man can get some paper at the
(D) Attendance is taken at the graduation new store.
ceremony. (B) She just opened a new box of paper.
(C) She'll type the man's paper at her
18. (A) Someone from the housing office place .
fixed the faucet. (D) The man can buy today's paper at the
(B) Allen called the housing office for newsstand.
(C) She replaced the faucet. 26. (A) She saw only part of it.
(D) Allen repaired the faucet. (B) She couldn't go to see it.
(C) She wasn't in charge of it.
19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was (D) She didn't understand it.
class treasurer.
(B) He doesn't want to be treasurer. 27. (A) He doesn't like old movies.
(C) He doesn't think the woman should (B) He didn't see a large number of
run for office. movies .
(D) He didn't know the elections were (C) He saw more movies than the woman
today. did.
(D) His children have seen many movies.
20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis .
(B) He's enthusiastic about his new 28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad
courses. weather.
(C) He plays tennis better than she does . (B) An earlier closure affected the
(D) He's not very interested in his airport's schedule.
school work. (C) The flight is following its regular
21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint (D) The plane will return to its point of
store. departure.
(B) He doesn't really like the painting .
(C) He'll hold the painting for the 29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.
woman (B) She hadn't liked the previous biology
(D) He doesn't know where the painting is . course.
(C) She did very well in elementary
22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast. biology.
(B) The room is too warm for a sweater. (D) She'd already taken all the biology
(C) The man will be late if he doesn't courses .
(D) The man's appearance shows that 30. (A) She recently moved to Miami.
he was rushed. (B) She needed a vacation.
(C) She'll leave for Miami soon.
(D) She was pleased to get his postcard.
Part B 38. (A) Use her professors as references.
(B) Study more to improve her grades .
Questions 31-34 (C) Think more positively about the State
College program .
31. (A) It's too noisy. (D) Write to the head of the art
(B) It's not convenient to the university. department .
(C) The heating system is defective.
(D) The owner is unpleasant. Part C

32. (A) Tell the owner two months in Questions 39-41

advance that she's moving.
(B) Alert the housing authorities to her 39. (A) Summer vacation.
problem. (B) The housing office.
(C) Move to another apartment in the (C) Resident advisers.
same building. (D) Check-out procedures.
(D) Leave by the end of the month.
40. (A) Register for summer school.
33. (A) It must be on a higher floor. (B) Repair holes in room walls.
(B) It must have quiet surroundings. (C) Return their keys to the housing
(C) It must be within driving distance of office.
the university. (D) Call the housing office.
(D) It must be in a new building.
41. (A) Their summer addresses.
34. (A) Rent would be very expensive. (B) Any damage to their rooms.
(B) Public transportation wouldn't be (C) When they plan to leave.
available. (D) Questions for the housing office.
(C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are
old. Questions 42-45
(D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be
noisy. 42. (A) The liquefaction of gas.
(B) Techniques used for refrigeration.
Questions 35-38 (C) Materials used to make industrial
containers .
35. (A) Start a new program at State College. (D) The cost of transporting natural gas
(B) Study at a different school.
(C) Find a summer job. 43. (A) It becomes brittle.
(D) Improve her grades. (B) It expands.
(C) It oxidizes.
36. (A) Journalism. (D) It bends.
(B) Science.
(C) Management. 44. (A) It has a low melting point.
(D) Art. (B) It's expensive.
(C) It often contains impurities.
37. (A) Its reputation isn't as good as State (D) Its properties are unpredictable.
College's .
(B) She can't get a good recommendation 45. (A) Oxygen.
there . (B) Aluminum.
(C) The registration office hasn't (C) Nickel.
answered her letters yet . (D) Boron.
(D) She may not get accepted there .
Questions 46-50
46. (A) Behavior of owls in the wild.
(B) Experiments at the London Zoo.
(C) An investigation of accidental
animal deaths.
(D) An increase in insects at the zoo.

47. (A) Owl cages.

(B) Insecticide spray.
(C) Sawdust.
(D) Mousetraps.

48. (A) Rats.

(B) Owls.
(C) Mice.
(D) Insects.

49. (A) They choked on sawdust.

(B) They were fed contaminated mice.
(C) They were bitten by deadly insects.
(D) They escaped from the zoo.

50. (A) To illustrate a principle about

environmental poisons.
(B) To demonstrate the usefulness of
(C) To show how bookkeepers raise mice
in captivity.
(D) To prove a point about the building
Section 3


Questions 1-11

With its radiant color and plantlike shape, the sea anemone looks more like a flower than
an animal. More specifically, the sea anemone is formed quite like the flower for which it is
named, with a body like a stem and tentacles like petals in brilliant shades of blue, green,
pink, and red. Its diameter varies from about six millimeters in some species to more than
ninety centimeters in the giant varieties of Australia. Like corals, hydras, and jellyfish, sea
anemones are coelenterates. They can move slowly, but more often they attach the lower
part of their cylindrical bodies to rocks, shells, or wharf pilings. 'The upper end of the sea
anemone has a mouth surrounded by tentacles that the animal uses to capture its food.
Stinging cells in the tentacles throw out tiny poison threads that paralyze other small sea
animals. The tentacles then drag this prey into the sea anemone's mouth. The food is
digested in the large inner body cavity. When disturbed, a sea anemone retracts its tentacles
and shortens its body so that it resembles a lump on a rock. Anemones may reproduce by
forming eggs, dividing in half, or developing buds that grow and break off as independent

1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

(A) The varieties of ocean life
(B) The characteristics of the sea anemone
(C) A comparison of land and sea anemones
(D) The defenses of coelenterates

2. The work "shape" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) length
(B) grace
(C) form
(D) nature

3. The author compares a sea anemone's tentacles to a flower's.

(A) stem
(B) petals
(C) leaves
(D) roots

4.It can be inferred from the passage that hydras

(A) were named after a flower
(B) are usually found in Australia
(C) prey on sea anemones
(D) are related to sea anemones

5. It can be inferred from the passage that sea anemones are usually found
(A) attached to stationary surfaces
(B) hidden inside cylindrical objects
(C) floating among underwater flowers
(D) searching for food

6. The word "capture" in line 8 is closest in meaning to

(A) catch
(B) control
(C) cover
(D) clean

7. The word "retracts" in line 11 is closest in meaning to

(A) pulls back
(B) relaxes
(C) reproduces
(D) lifts up

8. According to the passage, when a sea anemone is bothered it

(A) hides under a rock
(B) alters its shape
(C) changes colors
(D) ejects a poisonous substance

9. The sea anemone reproduces by

(A) budding only
(B) forming eggs only
(C) budding or dividing only
(D) budding, forming eggs, or dividing

10. Based on the information in the passage, all of the following statements about sea
anemones are true EXCEPT that they
(A) are usually tiny
(B) have flexible bodies
(C) are related to jellyfish
(D) arc usually brightly colored

11. Where does the author mention the, sea anemone's food-gathering technique?
(A) Lines 1-2
(B) Lines 4-6
(C) Lines 7-10
(D) Lines 11-14

Questions 12-23

Barbara Kasten is an artist who makes photographs of constructions that she creates for
the purpose of photographing them. In her studio she arranges objects such as mirrors, solid
forms, and flat surfaces into what could be called large still life arrangements, big enough to
walk into .She lights the construction, then rearranges and rephotographs it until she arrives
at a final image. She also photographs away from her studio at various architectural sites,
bringing camera, lights mirrors, and a crew of assistants to transform the site into her own
abstract image.
Kasten starts a studio construction with a simple problem, such as using several circular
and rectangular mirrors . She puts the first objects in place, sets up a camera, then goes back
and forth arranging objects and seeing how they appear in the camera. Eventually she makes
instant color prints to see what the image looks like. At first she works only with objects,
concentrating on their composition; then she lights them and adds color from lights covered
with colored filters .

Away from the studio, at architectural sites, the cost of the crew and the equipment rental
means she has to know in advance what she wants to do. She visits each location several
times to make sketches and test shots. Until she brings in the lights, however, she cannot
predict exactly what they will do to the image, so there is some improvising on the spot.

12. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The techniques of a photographer
(B) The advantages of studio photography
(C) Industrial construction sites
(D) An architect who appreciates fine art

13. Which of the following would be an example of one of the "constructions" referred to
in line 1?
(A) A still life arrangement
(B) Natural landscapes
(C) An instant color print
(D) A colored filter

14. In line 2, why does the author mention mirrors?

(A) They are part of the camera.
(B) Kasten uses them as subjects.
(C) The crew needs them.
(D) Photography mirrors life.

15. The word "transform" in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) move
(B) extend
(C) change
(D) interpret

16. It can be inferred from the passage that Kasten makes instant prints to
(A) give away
(B) sell as souvenirs
(C) include as part of the construction
(D) see what the construction looks like at that stage

17. The word "composition" in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) arrangement
(B) brightness
(C) quality
(D) size

18. The word "them" in line 12 refers to

(A) prints
(B) lights
(C) objects
(D) filters

19. The word "shots" in line 16 is closest in meaning to

(A) injections
(B) photographs
(C) loud noises
(D) effective remarks

20. The word "they" in line 17 refers to

(A) architectural styles
(B) sketches
(C) colored filters
(D) lights

21. Why does Kasten visit the location of outdoor work before the day of the
actual shooting?
(A) To plan the photograph
(B) To purchase film and equipment
(C) To hire a crew
(D) To test the lights

22. How is Kasten's studio work different from her work at architectural sites ?
(A) She does not use lights outdoors.
(B) Her work outdoors is more unpredictable.
(C) She works alone outdoors.
(D) She makes more money from her work outdoors .

23. Where in the passage does the author suggest that the constructions that Kasten
photographs are life-sized?
(A) Lines2-4
(B) Lines 5-7
(C) Lines 12- 14
(D) Lines 16-I7

Questions 24-33

The temperature of the Sun is over 5.000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises to
perhaps more than 16 million degrees at the center. The Sun is so much hotter than the Earth
that matter can exist only as a gas , except at the core. In the core of the Sun, the pressures are
so great against the gases that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small solid core.
However, no one really knows, since the center of the Sun can never be directly observed.

Solar astronomers do know that the Sun is divided into five layers or zones. Starting at
the outside and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromosphere , photo-
sphere, convection zone, and finally the core. The first three zones are regarded as the Sun's
atmosphere. But since the Sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where the atmosphere
ends and the main body of the Sun begins.

The Sun's outermost layer begins about 10,000 miles above the visible surface and goes
outward for millions of miles. This is the only part of the Sun that can be seen during an
eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other time, the corona can he seen only
when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to shut out the glare of the
Sun's rays.
The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full Moon. Its
beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The corona's rays flash out in a
brilliant fan that has wispy spikelike rays near the Sun's north and south poles. The corona
is thickest at the Sun's equator .

The corona rays are made up of gases streaming outward at tremendous speeds and
reaching a temperature of more than 2 million degrees Fahrenheit. The rays of gas thin out
as they reach the space around the planets- By the time the Sun's corona rays reach the
Earth, they are weak and invisible.

24. The word "great" in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) dangerous
(B) unknown
(C) variable
(D) strong

25. With what topic is the second paragraph mainly concerned?

(A) How the Sun evolved
(B) The structure of the Sun
(C) Why scientists study the Sun
(D) The distance of the Sun from the planets

26. A1l of the following are Parts of the Sun 's atmosphere EXCEPT the
(A) corona
(B) chromosphere
(C) photosphere
(D) core

27.The word "one" in line 13 refers to

(A) the Sun
(B) the corona
(C) an eclipse
(D) the surface

28. The purpose of the special instruments mentioned in line 14 is to

(A) magnify the image of the Sun
(B) block out the Sun's intense light
(C) measure the amount of energy emitted by the Sun
(D) photograph the Sun

29. It can be inferred from the passage that a clear view of the Sun's outer layer is
usually prevented by
(A) the Sun's rays
(B) an eclipse
(C) lack of light
(D) the great distance

30. The word "sensational'' in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) spectacular
(B) predictable
(C) bizarre
(D) constant

31 . According to the passage, as the corona rays reach the planets, they become
(A) hotter
(B) clearer
(C) thinner
(D) stronger

32. The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which of the following?
(A) The remaining layers of the Sun
(B) The evolution of the sun to its present form
(C) The eclipse of February 1 979
(D) The scientists who study astronomy

33.Where in the passage does the author compare the light of the Sun's outermost layer
to that of another astronomical body?
(A) Lines 2-3
(B) Lines 9-10
(C) Line 16
(D) Lines 22-23

Questions 34-42 .

Many of the computing patterns used today in elementary arithmetic, such as those for
performing long multiplications and divisions, were developed as late as the fifteenth
century. Two reasons are usually advanced to account for this tardy development, namely,
the mental difficulties and the physical difficulties encountered in such work.

The first of these, the mental difficulties, must be somewhat discounted. The impression
that the ancient numeral systems are not amenable to even the simplest calculations is
largely based on lack of familiarity with these systems. It is clear that addition and
subtraction in a simple grouping system require only ability to count the number symbols of
each kind and then to convert to higher units. No memorization of number combinations is
needed .In a ciphered numeral system , if sufficient addition and multiplication tables have
been memorized , the work can proceed much as we do it today .

The physical difficulties encountered, however, were quite real . Without a plentiful and
convenient supply of some suitable writing medium, any very extended development of the
arithmetic process was bound to be hampered .It must be remembered that our common
machine-made pulp paper is little more than a hundred years old. The older rag paper was
made by hand and was consequently expensive and scarce.

34.What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To emphasize the importance of the mental process in performing calculations
(B) To explain why some elementary computing systems were not developed until the
fifteenth century.
(C) describe how ancient counting systems differ from those of the twentieth century
(D) To compare the mental and physical processes used in arithmetic

35. The word "tardy" in line3 is closest in meaning to

(A) historical
(B) basic
(C) unusual
(D) late

36. The word "these"in line 5 refers to

(A )patens
(B) reasons
(C) systems

37. The word "discounted" in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) reduced
(B) contradicted
(C) disregarded
(D) interpreted

38. The author states that doing calculations in a simple grouping system requires
(A) memorizing numerical combinations
(B) using an adding machine
(C) producing large quantities of a writing medium
(D) converting number symbols to higher units

39. The word "encountered" in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) faced
(B) caused
(C) increased
(D) discussed

40. The word "hampered" in line l4 is closest in meaning to

(A) impeded
(B) concluded
(C) unnoticed
(D) rejected

41 . The author describes old rag paper as all of the following EXCEPT
(A) handmade
(B) costly
(C) scarce
(D) delicate

42. The passage supports which of the following conclusion ?

(A) Physical difficulties hindered the development of computing patterns .
(B) Memorizing addition and multiplication tables is necessary for most elementary
arithmetic processes .
(C) Most people experience mental difficulties in learning long divisions and in multiplications.
(D) Numeral systems invented before the fifteenth century could not have been used to
perform elementary calculations .

Questions 43-50 .

The ecosystems of the Earth provide an array of free public services that are essential for
the support of civilizations . They maintain the quality of` the atmosphere , provide food from
the sea. Manufacture and replenish soils, recycle wastes and nutrients, control the
overwhelming majority of crop pests and disease vectors, and so on.. People have no idea
how to take over these activities satisfactorily. They do know, however, that the theory once
advanced in the nineteenth century - that the productivity of the land can he infinitely
increased by the application of capital, labor, and science- is wrong. History has shown
that once the natural life-support systems of a civilization have been sufficiently damaged,
they cannot usually be repaired. The ancient deforestation and overgrazing of the
Mediterranean region is a famous example. And today ,a global civilization is ruining the
global environment.

41, What is the main topic of this passage?

(A) Free public services
(B) Support needed for civilizations
(C) The vaule of ecosystems
(D) The vastness of the Earth

44. The word "array" in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) large number
(B) excess
(C) requirement
(D) model

45.The word "They" in line 2 refers to

(A) ecosystems
(B) civilizations
(C) sea
(D) people.

46. Which of the following could NOT be included under the "free public services"
listed in lines 2-4?
(A) Preventing overgrazing by domestic animals
(B) Providing natural animals for harmful insects
(C) Creating and enriching material for plant growth
(D) Supplying air for breathing

47. The word "advanced" in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) debated (B) ignored (C) proved (D) proposed

48. The author mentions the Mediterranean region as an example of

(A) the ability of nature to remedy human destruction
(B) the ability of people to make use of natural resources
(C) the manner in which people replenish the environment
(D) the effects or human abuse of natural resources

49. The author suggests that civilizations can survive only if they
(A) greatly expand scientific research
(B) do not destroy the balance of natural processes
(C) replant the forests in the Mediterranean region
(D) invent new procedures to replace obsolete ecosystems

50. The author suggests that the difference between the ancient and the modern
situation is that today the problem is
(A) worldwide
(B) better understood
(C) more manageable
(D) economic

1. Neither Professor Johnson nor any other faculty member __________ to apply for the dean’s position.

A. intend

B. intends

C. are intending

D. has intend

2. E. Coli has proven to be __________ most dangerous bacteria that can be acquired from food and water,
even in developed countries.

A. one of the

B. one of

C. one

D. of one

3. The death toll would __________ much higher if immediate action had not been


A. probably being

B. probably be

C. probably been

D. be probable

4. A fire in the __________ building could be a problem for firefighters.

A. ninety-story-tall

B. ninety-tall-story

C. ninety-stories-tall
D. ninety stories

5. Their office consisted of three rooms, __________ was used as a conference room.

A. larger of which

B. the largest of which

C. the largest of them

D. largest

6. In the past six months, the company has already received twice __________ in

gross revenues as it earned in the entire preceding year.

A.as much

B. more

C. as many

D. as more

7. __________ better, the team would have been able to defeat the opponent.

A. If it prepares

B. If prepares

C. Preparing

D. Had it prepared

8. Nobody knows why __________ postponed until next week.

A. the meeting

B. was the meeting

C. did the meeting

D. the meeting was

9. The curriculum at the public school is as good __________ of any private


A. or better than

B. as or better that

C. as or better than that

D. as or better than those

10. Being a private university, __________ a well-organized charitable giving

program in order to offer a sufficient number of quality courses and activities.

A. development of

B. it developed

C. develop

D. developing

11. The greater the number of bacteria attacking the system, __________.

A. the sooner treatment must be begun

B. sooner must begin treatment

C. begin treatment as soon as possible

D. must begin treatment sooner

12. A congressional committee has been appointed to study a new procedure

__________ to eliminate some costly expenditures.

A. that is expected

B. what is expected

C. which expects

D. that expected

13. Some people send job applications even when they are reasonably happy in their

jobs, __________ improving their position.

A. with hoping to

B. hoping that

C. with hopes of

D. hoping to

14. Swimming is a beneficial exercise, __________ aerobic activity and uses a

number of muscle groups.

A. not only because it provides

B. because it both provides

C. for provision

D. as result of providing

15. The professor instructed the students __________ the essay without preparing an outline first.

A. to not write

B. not to write

C. do not write
D. to no write

16. It is not clear when __________, although there are many different theories.

A. dinosaurs becoming extinct

B. dinosaurs extinction

C. dinosaurs became extinct

D. did dinosaurs become extinct

17. If the driver’s own car __________ damaged, the favorite probably would have won the race.

A. had not been

B. not

C. no had been

D. has no be

18. The soldiers were unable to determine where __________.

A. the jeep had been left

B. had been leave the jeep

C. had the jeep been left

D. had the jeep left

19. The manager was angry because somebody _________.

A. had allowed the photographers to enter the building

B. had let the photographers to enter the building

C. permitting the photographers enter the building

D. the photographers let into the building

20. The committee members resented __________ of the meeting.

A. the president that he did not tell them

B. the president not to inform them

C. the president’s not informing them

D. that the president had failed informing themselves

21. __________ did Arthur realize that there was danger.

A. Upon entering the store

B. When he entered the store

C. After he had entered the store

D. Only after entering the store

22. Hardly __________ the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.

A. he had entered

B. had entered

C. entered

D. had he entered

23. Once the employees had begun receiving financial information on the company, __________ income.
A. they diligently assisted in reducing costs and increasing

B. it made the employees more eager to assist in reduce costs and increase

C. diligently they assist to reduce costs and increase

D. with extreme diligence helped lower costs and increase

24. The plumber attempted to loosen the nut with regular pliers but then decided he needed to retrieve his
toolbox in order to use __________.

A. another pliers

B. others pliers

C. the others ones

D. another pair

25. The committee has met and __________.

A. have approve the budget

B. budget was approved

C. its approval of the budget

D. approved the budget

26. After Michelle had taken control of the Accounts Receivable department, the financial situation
improved dramatically; her fiscal and management capabilities __________ to the success.

A. should contribute

B. should have contributed

C. must have contributed

D. must contribute

27. Having been presented the financial aspects of the proposed agreement, __________.

A. legal terms were addressed by the board members

B. the board members turned their attention to the legal terms

C. they were begun to discuss legal terms

D. a discussion of the legal terms by the board members

28. Rafael will not be able to attend class tomorrow because __________ an interview with the immigration

A. he must to attend

B. he will be attending

C. of he must attend

D. he will have attending

29. The faculty of the university is not expected to approve the collective bargaining proposal, and

A. the administration either

B. neither is the administration

C. neither the administration

D. the administration is not neither

30. The chairman requested that __________.

A. a committee appointed to study the problem thoroughly

B. a committee be appointed to make thoroughly review of the problem

C. thoroughly review the problem by a committee

D. a committee be appointed to review the problem thoroughly

31. Internet companies rely heavily on income from on-line purchases, but __________.

A. traditional companies as well

B. traditional companies too

C. also traditional companies

D. so do traditional companies

32. The company had difficulty distributing __________ so that they could meet

production quotas.

A. sufficiently number of parts in a timely manner to its manufacturers

B. a sufficient number of parts to its manufacturers in a timely manner

C. to its manufacturers in a timely manner a sufficient number of parts

D. in a timely manner to its manufacturers a sufficient number of parts

33. The company sustained an angry reaction from its employees after announcing how __________ to
reduce operating costs.

A. it planned

B. planned

C. did it plan

D. was planned
34. Professor Anderson wrote __________, which is expected to be published in the

next few months.

A. a new textbook last year

B. last year a new textbook

C. in last year a new textbook

D. during last year a new textbook

35. The tube worm, __________ stationary plant-like creature that lives at the bottom of the deep sea, can
live for hundreds of years.

A. is a

B. it is a


D. that is a

36. The gymnasium facilities of this public school are __________ those of the finest private school in the

A. second after

B. second only to

C. first except for

D. second place from

37. The more the horse tried to free itself from the restraint, __________.

A.the tighter it became

B. it became tighter
C. the horse could not escape

D. it was unable to move

38. __________, that runner is likely to be the first one chosen.

A. Due to her agility and speed

B. Because of she is agile and fast

C. Because agile and rapid

D. Because her agility and speed

39. It was not until the students were seated __________ the proctor realized he had

the wrong test booklets.

A. that

B. when

C. as soon as

D. and

40. As a result of the additional rain with so much flooding already having occurred,

residents were seeking shelter __________ than in previous years.

A. in more numbers

B. more numerously

C. greater in numbers

D. in greater numbers
41. The company president wrote an e-mail and planned to send __________ as soon as the vote was

A. to all directors the message

B. the message by all directors

C. message to all directors

D. the message to all directors

42. As the result of Diane’s illness and the effects of the medication, __________ to curtail her work and
public speaking activities.

A. has

B. had

C. she has had

D. she will had

43. The man displayed his anger when he discovered that the laundry machine was __________ order.

A. out

B. out of

C. no on

D. outside

44. In spite of the fact that the Olympic athletes are not permitted to compete for compensation, some of
them __________ the past and will again in the future.

A. so did in

B. compete in

C. in
D.did so in

45. To master the art of fiction writing __________ discipline and practice, as well as studying the works of
other great authors.

A. require

B. requires

C. requiring

D. that requires

46. Because it is impossible for rescuers to dig through much of the rubble, the number of people affected by
the devastating earthquake __________ yet been determined with certainty.

A. have not

B. has not

C. not

D. only

47. Heather Friedman, __________ at many school functions and other community events, is destined for
fame and fortune if she receives the right backing and is discovered by the right


A. who has sung

B. has sung

C. sung

D. sang

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