1851 Unratified Treaty Pembina
1851 Unratified Treaty Pembina
1851 Unratified Treaty Pembina
] 0
1st SeEsion.N1
It is herchy agreed that the lanIs claimed by either of the bands, par-
ties to this treaty, shall be held in common, and that said lands as well as
the benefits derived from all treaty stipulations shall be enjoyed in common
with other bands of Chippeways, -henever the United States shall secure
from such bands a reciprocal arrangement.
The laws f the United States prohibiting the introduction and sale of
spirituous liquors in the Indian country shall be in full force and effect
throughout the territory hereby ceded, until otherwise directed by Con-
gress or the President of the United States.
Rules and regulations to protect the rights of persons and property among
the Indians parties to this treaty, and adapted to their conditionand wants,
may be prescribed and enforced in such manner as the President or the
Congress of the United States from time to time shall direed
In witness whereof, the said Alexander Ramsey, commissioner on the
part of the United States, and the chiefs, headmen and braves of the Chip-
peways of Pembina and Red lake, have hereunto set their hands, at Pemi-
bina, in the Territory of Minnesota, this twentieth day of September, anno'
Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one.
Gwee-wee-zhalinish-eesh, (Little Bad Boy,) his x mark.
Zhah-bo-kah-mee-geesik-kun, (Passing through the
Earth,) his x mark.
Sah-wah-bee-kwah-ung, (Yellow Sounding Thunler,) his x mark.
Nah-gah-nee-gwah-nay-bee, (The forward setting feather,) his x mark.
In presence of-