Li Exovede & Métis Names List

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The document provides details about the 1885 resistance in Canada led by Louis Riel and the Métis people. It includes lists of names of individuals involved and brief biographical information about some of them.

Some of the key figures involved in the 1885 resistance mentioned in the document include Louis Riel, Gabriel Dumont, Big Bear, Poundmaker, and Whitecap.

The document mentions that tensions rose as the land was cut up and flooded with immigrants, classifying the Métis and First Nations as second-class citizens and stealing their future. This led to the resistance.


Riel in Glory (note the severed noose)

li Exovede & Mtis Names List

580 Franco-Mtis, Anglo-Mtis, First Nations,1 Whites, Patriots, Conscripts, Dominion Sympathizers, Traitors, Men and Women, Elders, Child-Soldiers, and others involved in the 1885 Canadian Invasion of the North-West Territories, the Resistance, and the Occupation of the Stolen South Branch Lands
Based on Veterans and Families of the 1885 Resistance, 2009, and The People of the Mtis Nation and/or Dictionary of Mtis Biography by Lawrence Barkwell Compiled By

Darcy John Bouchard. Li Exule


For a complete list of First Nations participants refer to Barkwell, "Gabriel Dumont's Allies"...

In 1870 it had taken the Canadian army three months to get to Manitoba... but, by 1885, the CPR had reached into the plains - within ten days, the first troops had arrived, and within the month more than 5000 soldiers were in place. The army of invasion, NWMP, and the militia were under General Frederick Middleton. Within months all resistance to foreign rule had been obliterated. The Natives had been pacified and their leaders were captured and imprisoned. The Occupation of the Stolen South Branch lands had commenced immediately following the Fall of Batoch. Continued conflict resulted in an Indian War initiated by the NWMP against the Plains and Woodland Cree and Assiniboine of the North-West Territories. The Patriots were labeled Rebels; the defense of their homes, a Rebellion; the imprisonment of their heroes, and hanging of Riel, called justice. The Dominion of Canada hade come into existence! The land was cut up into squares and flooded with immigrants. The Mtis and First Nations were classified and treated as second-class citizens, and their offspring's future was stolen by the generations and given to the foreign-born who had brought with them their language and culture - whilest Native Traditions were outlawed.

li Exovede & Mtis Names List

Names (age in 1885) - biographical notes, if any Alphabetically arranged

Acanmachini (The Rock Used To File Bones) - One Arrow Band - one of the bravest warriors at li Coule des Tourond's Adams, Charles (47) Alexander, Josie - Lt-Col. Otter's NWMP scouts, dispatch riders and interpreters Allard, Antoine (36) Amyotte, Arthur (27) - signed the 6 August 1880 petition for a Mtis Reserve in Montana - sent by Louis Riel to General Nelson A. Miles Anderson, Caleb (25) - he, his son Jean-Baptiste, and his brother Jean-Baptiste, were active in the Resistance Anderson, Charles (23) Arcand, Alexandr "La Bich" (47) Arcand, Franois Regis (42) Arcand, Jean-Baptiste Sr. (45) - at Duck Lake with Dumont Arcand, (Jean)-Baptiste (15) - Mtis Child-Soldier - on Philippe Garnot's List he is mistakenly shown as the son of Jean-Baptiste pre, who was in fact his uncle Arcand, Jean Napoleon (~18) Arcand, Joseph (52) - he was plunged in misfortune at the time of the Invasion with the loss of two children and took no part in any fight, but was sent to guard prisoner's in Poundmaker's

camp, where his conduct was kind and considerate - tried for treason-felony and sentenced to a jail term of one year on 14 August 1885 Armstrong, Robert - on May 15th, Riel surrendered him unto three scouts: Robert Armstrong, William Diehl, and Tom Hourie... Atkinson, Philip - dispatch rider at Battleford Atim-wah-you (Pierced Sky or Dog Tail) - headman of One Arrow Band - sentenced to two years in jail Ayimisis (Little Bad Man) - son of Mistahi-maskwa (Big Bear) - Ayimisis and the warchief Kapapamahchakwew (Wandering Spirit) killed nine white men, including two Oblate priests, at Frog Lake in an incident that became known as the Frog Lake Massacre

Badger, William (65) Pte. Ballenden (Ballendine), Adam (21) - treaty Indian - Battleford Home Guards No. 1 Co. - both he and his mother were members of Peter Bell's Band at La Pas... both withdrew from treaty in Battleford, 1886 Ballendine, Frederick Samuel (57) Pte. Ballenden (Ballendine), Peter (49) - father-in-law HBC Factor William Rowland - he entered HBC service in 1859 and worked at Cumberland House, Fort Carlton, and Fort Pitt - he ran Battleford post in the 1870s - a free trader - interpreted Treaty Six at Fort Carlton in 1876 and Battleford in 1878 (when Chief Mosquito signed) - he was a scout for Col. Otter - Battleford Home Guards No. 2 Co. Pte. Ballenden (Ballendine), Samuel (51) - worked for the HBC at Fort Carlton and Fort Edmonton and for the Palliser Expedition between 1857-59 - farming instructor at Sweet Grass Reserve before 1885 - Crozier's messenger to Big Bear and Lucky Man Battleford Home Guards No. 2 Co. Barbeau, Jean-Baptiste Batoch - see Letendr Capt. Blanger , Abraham1 pre (36) Blanger , Bernard (20) Blanger , John (32) Blanger, Joseph (14)2 - Mtis Child-Soldier Blanger , Norbert (25) Beaugrand dit Champagne - see Champagne Belgarde, Pierre (26) Big Bear - see Mistahi-maskwa (Gros Ours)
1 2

(Called Antoine in some documents...) Barkwell has Joseph Blanger (14) listed as a Resistance Activist in Families of the 1885 Resistance, 2009 - and his spouse is listed as Elise Villebrun (age 6 in 1885). This is obviously wrong - they may have married later but there is no way that they were married so young. As the eldest son, he may or may not have accompanied his father to meetings and other armed gatherings, and could plausibly have participated in the Resistance alongside his father, Capt. Abraham Blanger pre, but it is doubtful. Cf. child-soldier Alexander Flammand (age 7) , who accompanied his father Maxime Flammand (23) from Boggy Creek, near Regina (SK), northwest to support the Mtis Freedom Fighters at Batoch... or the child-soldiers Isidore Lafond (12) and Isidore Ledoux (12).

Bird, Charles George Sr. (45) - a Prince Albert Mtis leader who corresponded with Riel in Mach 1885 that he - along with Alexander McKay - agreed with grievances but would not resort to arms Bird, James (37) - a dispatch rider between Battleford and Fort Pitt on the Canadian side Birston (Burston), Magnus Bernard (57) - appointed tot he Council of Assiniboia on 6 August 1868 and St-Paul delegate to the Convention of Forty - he worked for Hillyard Mitchell and was left in charge of his store at Duck Lake before the battle he may have looted the store and burnt down Mitchell's house - he was the only other Mtis besides Riel to be tried for treason-felony and appeared before Judge Richardson on Monday, 26 October 1885 Blondin, Edward Pierre (~26) - Frog Lake Massacre Boucher, ("Old Boss") Charles Eugene, MLA (21) - assistant secretary to the Council of the Provisional Government in 1885 - left in charge of Franois-Xavier's Batoch store in 1884 when he fled to his trading post in the Carrot River region to avoid the rumoured war - he became an elected MLA for the Batoch district in 1892 - and was re-elected in 1984 Boucher, Franois pre (61) - Carlton/Muskeg Lake vicinity Boucher, Franois fils (16) - Mtis Child-Soldier Capt. Boucher, Jean-Baptiste pre (47) - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council at Batoch - moved to Fort Assiniboine, Montana after the Occupation Boucher, Jean-Baptiste fils (24) Boucher, Solomon (23) - signed a 19 November 1883 petition protesting the 1883 Order in Council transferring Mtis lands at St-Louis to the Prince Albert Colonization company - fought the Canadians at li Coule des Tourond's and Batoch - one of a group of seven men fighting as a dizaine on the last day of battle at Batoch Boucher (Busha, Bushie) William Pierre Bourassa, Alexandr (22) Bourassa, Louis (39) Bourassa, Modeste (~23) Pte. Bourke, William (22) - 90th Rifles Battalion and fought against his cousins - served six years with the 13th Field Battery Militia - patented land in St-Franois-Xavier in October 1885 and served on the Municipal Council - Reeve of the Municipality of Assiniboia, as well as secretary-treasurer of the School Board - Alderman and Mayor of Brandon, Manitoba Bousquet, Baptiste (19) Bousquet, Cyrille (31) Bousquet, Louis (36) Boyer, Alexandr (19) Boyer, Franois Ct (33) - wounded at Coule des Tourond's on April 24th - died 3 days later Boyer, Gregoire (19) - died after the fighting at Batoch, on May 25th Boyer, Isidore (56) - died during the last day of fighting at Batoch - buried in a mass grave at Batoch

Boyer, Jean-Baptiste (40) - fled to Qu'Appelle after the Battle of Duck Lake - his store at St-Laurent was used as a prison for Riel's hostages - he returned to his business after 1885 Boyer, Magloire (23) Boyer, Napoleon (27) - he and Charles Nolin came under suspicion and the Exovedate had them arrested Boyer, Raphael1 - listed be Garnot as a Resistance Activist Capt. Boyer, William (45) - he and Charles Nolin came under suspicion of their loyalty and the Exovedate had them arrested Ernestine (ne Breland) Tourond (22) - wife of Elzar Tourond (27) Breland, Gilbert (47) - scout who warned the Mtis at Coule des Tourond's that Middleton's troops were approaching - he was also active at Batoch Breland, Josu (30) Bremner, Alexandr (48) Bremner, Alexandr (28) Bremner, Charles (45) - Anglo store-owner/trader falsely accused of rebellion activities and robbed by Gen. Middleton - the scandal ruined Middleton - he returned to England Bremner, Joseph (24) Bremner, Mose (23) Bremner, William pre (61) Bremner, William fils (26) Bruce, William (24) Brunelle, Eugene - Battleford Rifles Cst. Burke, Patrick "Paddy" - NWMP trumpeter - killed at Cut Knife Hill

Captola or Blue Beaver aka Chapitolata - a Dakota Sioux warrior - possibly, adopted son of White Cap - killed in battle at li Coule des Tourond's - buried at Batoch Caplette, Louis (28) Cardinal, Alexandr "Petit Loup" (45) - he was mainly assigned to guard duties - he was shot in the hand during a buffalo hunt in 1871 - he had a broken shoulder-blade resulting from a fall form a horse, otherwise he would have been obliged to fight... Cardinal, Joseph - murdered in Alberta for speaking in defense of the South Branch Mtis Caron, Jean pre (52)2 Caron, Jean fils (22) Marie-Anne (ne Caron) Parenteau (55) - third wife of Pierre "Pierriche" Parenteau pre (68) Caron, Patrice (17) - Mtis Child-Soldier

Raphael Boyer m. Marie-lise Tourond daughter of Joseph Tourond and Josphte (ne Paul) "La Veuve Tourond" - refer to same.

George Kerr from Batoch depicts that he was arrested by Solomon Boucher and Modeste Rocheleau and taken to the home of Ludger Gareau, a French Canadian, after his store was raided by Riel for guns, ammunition and supplies. The houses of Jean Caron pre and Ludger Garneau were (sacked and) burnt by the Canadian troops... and their artillery began shelling the houses and tents - the refuge of women and children - at Batoch - a war crime.

Caron, Theophile (19) Carrire, Charles Toussaint (52) Carrire, Damase (34)1 - signed Gabriel Dumont's 4 September 1882 petition on Mtis land claims at St-Antoine de Padoue - he was a part of a secret meeting on 22 March 1884 with 30 other Franco-Mtis to discuss coordinated land claims with the White settlers and Anglo-Mtis - he was on Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council - after the last day of battle, the Canadians mistook him for Riel, broke his leg, and tied a cord about his neck and dragged him behind a horse until he was dead - some women found him the next day - a war crime Carrire, Mose "Trois-Ponce" (34) - he and his cousin Noel Champagne warned Gabriel Dumont that the Mounted Police were coming from Fort Qu'Appelle Carrire, Napoleon pre (27) - signed Gabriel Dumont's 4 September 1882 petition on Mtis land claims at St-Antoine de Padoue - sent with Franois Vermette on snowshoes to Prairie Ronde to get Trottier and Chief Wapahska (White Cap) Dakota/Sioux Carrire, Patrice (18) [d. 1886] Chief Cayen dit Boudreau, Alexandr "Kee-too-way-how (Sounding with Flying Wings)" (51) - a signatory of Treaty Six he resigned him to the Petequakey Reserve near Muskeg Lake - he subsequently left the reserve and took Mtis script - his brother "Petequakey", who succeeded him as Chief, and his son Alexandr, were also involved in the Resistance - he was sent by the Exovedate with two good horses to the Muskeg Lake Reserve for reinforcements on 20 April 1885 - and was Gabriel Dumont's envoy to the Assiniboine - he was sentenced to a seven-year prison term he was not present at any battle and saved the lives of teamsters after the Natives made them prisoner Cayen dit Boudreau, Alexandr fils (18) - Petequakey Band - died of tuberculosis age 26 Cayen (Cadieu) dit Boudreau, Antoine (~62) - Petequakey Band Chief Cayen dit Boudreau, Isidore "Petequakey" (40) - he did not view him as rebelling against the government since he was fighting the police - after 1885, Indian Affairs removed hi as chief and stopped payments to his band because of his activities as Duck Lake Cayen, Vitaline (19) Chamberland, Charles Adrien (58) - Exovedate headquarters quartermaster Chamberland, Philippe Charles (24) Capt. Beaugrand dit Champagne, Ambroise (41) - led a cavalry of 80 men to extricate the surrounded Resistance fighters at Coule des Tourond's Beaugrand dit Champagne, Bazile Cleophas (32) - forced to participate in the Resistance Beaugrand dit Champagne, Emmanuel (62) - a founding family of the village of Batoch - on the 1854 Treaty List for Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi - a free trader at Pembina - he saved a number of settlers during the Minnesota Massacre of 1862 - the family was at Wood Mountain in 1870 and moved to StLaurent by 1877 - he settled at Batoch, above li Belle Prairie and the Humboldt Trail, and ran a prosperous fur trade business - the followers of Chiefs One Arrow

In 1883, Damase Carrier and Napoleon Nault traveled from Batoch to St-Boniface to attend the wedding of Riel's sister Henriette to Jean Marie Poitras. At that time they discussed Mtis and claims problems in the Saskatchewan Valley with Riel.

and Beardy had camped behind his house and store, which were pillaged by the Canadian troops, General Middleton stealing valuable horses and riding equipment their losses were between $18,000 and $20,000 - he was arrested on 19 May 1885 and on 14 August 1885 pled guilty and received a conditional discharge... Beauregard dit Champagne, Jean-Baptiste (54) - a councilor for Chiefs Little Shell II and III Champagne, Legaire Champagne, Nazaire "Noel"(18) - a non-participant - he and his cousin Mose "TroisPonce" Carrire warned Gabriel Dumont that the Mounted Police were coming from Fort Qu'Appelle Beaugrand dit Champagne, Pierre (46) - originally buffalo hunters from the Pembina/StJoseph area - listed as a mixed-blood of the Red Lake and Pembina Band on the 1864 Treaty List for Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi - in 1869/70 he was one of the guards assigned to the Orangeman Thomas Scott and was one of the six man firing squad Charette, Daniel Sr. (45) Charette, Daniel Jr. (20) Charette, Joseph pre (44) - died March 1890 at Duck Lake Charette, Joseph fils (18) - died November 1890 at Duck Lake HBC Chief Factor Clarke, Lawrence (53) - regarded by some as worsening the living conditions for the Mtis and blamed for inciting the Franco-Mtis to violence in 1885 by spreading rumours of an impending government attack - Thomas McKay, (first mayor of Prince Albert - in 1885), was Clarke's brother-in-law Collins, Maxime (41) Cromarty, William (45) - a Canadian sympathizer Cunningham, Charles (20) - Cut Knife Hill - Battleford Rifles Capt. Cunningham, Samuel - St-Albert Volunteer Co.

Daniel, "Jackfish" Johnnie (38) - worked for the HBC at Fort Ellice and Fort Pelly - he was a free trader, scout, and interpreter, for the NWMP in 1885 - he was a "treaty Indian" but withdrew after 1885 - his wife was a member of the Moosomin Band two of his sons were killed at battle in WWI Davis, Louis (29) Decoteau (Desctaux), Pierre aka Peter Dakota - a Mtis member of the Red Pheasant Band - he married Marie Wuttunee in 1878 - her father Wa-ta-nee was skeptical of Treaty Six and went to Carlton - Red Pheasant signed on behalf of his band - he participated with other band members at Cut Knife Hill on 2 May 1885 - he was arrested on 12 June 1885 and sentenced to two months hard labour for theft from the warehouse on Red Pheasant Reserve - he was shot to death on 3 February 1891... Delorme, Cassimer (38) Catherine (ne Delorme) Ross (60) - wife of Daniel Donald Ross (63) (martyr) - she attended to her dying husband on the battlefield Delorme dit Bidou, Jean-Baptiste (53) Delorme, Joseph (36) - lieutenant - bodyguard of Riel (along with Patrice Tourond)

Delorme, Joseph (36) - wounded on last day of Battle at Batoch -he was shot in the thigh and lost both testicles - when they operated on him, he laughed to show the womenfolk no fear - he was tried of treason-felony in Regina in 1885, and found guilty, but released on his own recognizance - he had been conscripted and forced to fight - he later moved his family to Calgary Delorme, Lazard Delorme, Norbert Alexis (24) Delorme, Norbert "Mankachee" Hnault (48) - he moved into the North-West Territories in 1874 - he signed a petition at Lake Qu'Appelle - he signed a petition for Mtis land at Cypress Hills in 1878 - he settled at St-Laurent in 1880 and worked a s a freighter for the HBC - he was a member of the 16 man Exovedate Council and his home served as military headquarters for the Mtis campaign - Riel sent him to Battleford to enlist the support of the Natives there-at - he and Chief Rattler (Fine Day) took some prisoners at Bresaylor... Norbert was the war-chief of the Mtis fighters at Cut Knife Hill1 - he fled to Montana and then moved into Alberta after 1885 Delorme, William John (27) - the family lived at North Battleford, Fort Ellice, and Batoch Deschamps, (Jean)-Baptiste (36) - fought at Coulee des Tourond's on 24 April 1885 Desjarlais, Andr (63) Desjarlais, Franois "Chief Pe-yah-sis" (61) - from Lac la Bich Desjarlais, Michel (32) - mortally wounded at Coule des Tourond's on 24 April 1885 he died three days later - his nurses later found a piece of his skull in the straw where he was bed down Desjarlais, Paul (32) Desmarais, Jean Michel "John" (44) - a hunter and a freighter Diehl, William - dispatch rider Prince Albert - on May 15th, Riel surrendered him unto three scouts: Robert Armstrong, William Diehl, and Tom Hourie... Donaire, Gregory Dubois, Ambroise (29) Dubois, Maxime (32) - a plains hunting family - children born at St-Albert, Fort Qu'Appelle, Swift Current, and Batoch - sentenced to seven years imprisonment but was released before 1887 - his wife had died during his incarceration... and he married the widow of Damase Carrire Ducharme, Charles (42) - fought and died during the Resistance Ducharme, Joseph McKay Comtois (~42) Christine (ne Dumas) Pilon (23) - wife of (Raymond) Barthlmy Pilon (24) - she was with Mde. Riel after the Fall of Batoch on May 12th Dumas, Daniel "David" (42) - a fighter at Batoch - he reported seeing a bullet pass within three fingers above his wife's head Dumas, Isidore (34)2 - after the defeat at Batoch, Isidore fled into Montana Dumas, Joseph Patrice (22) Dumas, Michel pre (65)

Refer to Nault, Andr "Nin-Nin" fils (25) - Captain of the Mtis at Cut Knife Hill... Isidore Dumas recounts: "The Battle of Tourond's Coulee was the most difficult one. At Batoch, we knew that we could escape, but at Tourond's Coulee we were surrounded and in a hole. I can honestly say that I was scared." War in the West: Voices of the 1885 Rebellion, Rudy Wiebe and Bob Beal, Editors, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto, 1985: 90.

Dumas, Michel (36) - one of the four men who traveled to Montana to get Riel - he was the One Arrow farm instructor and secretary of Riel's Exovedate council - after the Fall of Batoch, he fled to Montana with Gabriel Dumont and joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show - a heavy drinker, he died an early death in St-Boniface Dumont, Alexis (21) Dumont, Ambroise Sr. (29) Capt. Dumont, Edouard (40) - listed among the Mtis wintering at St-Laurent de Grandin Mission in 1871 - he fought at Duck Lake, brought an 80 man cavalry to reinforce the Mtis at Coule des Tourond's, and fought at Batoch - part of the last stand in the graveyard trenches at Batoch - he escaped into Montana, but eventually returned to the vicinity of Batoch Kapeepikwanew dit Dumont, Edouard (30) - the son of an Assiniboine Mtis raised by Jean-Baptiste Trottier Capt. Dumont, lie (38) - he traveled from Fort la Corne to fight alongside his brothers Gabriel DUMONT (48) - chef Mtis - bison hunter, fur trapper, entrepreneur, political exile, widower... - see Madeleine (ne Wilkie) Dumont (45) Dumont, Isidore "Ekapow" pre (75) - the Cree called him Ai-caw-pow (the Stander) died shortly after the defeat at Batoch Capt. Dumont, Isidore fils (52) - murdered with Assiyiwin on the Carlton Road by Gentleman Joe McKay in the first shots of the Invasion Dumont, Jean "Petit" (52) Pelagie "Belesie" (ne Dumont) Parenteau (50) - Gabriel Dumont's sister - wife of Parenteau, Jean-Baptiste pre (53) Dumont dit Cayole, Franois (30) - transferred from One Arrow's Band (Duck Lake Agency) to become a member of the Okanese Band in 1896 Dumont, Jean dit Chakaska (80) - brother of Isidore "Ai-caw-pow (the Stander)" Dumont Dumont, Jean-Baptiste (24) - Isidore "Ekapow" Dumont pre was his uncle and chef Mtis Gabriel Dumont was his cousin Dumont, Patrice (20) Dumont dit Cayole, Louis (32) - a buffalo hunter- he took treaty and was a member of One Arrow's Band - his father and brother were active in the Resistance Dumont dit Cayole, Vital (55) - took treaty status - was living on One Arrow Reserve Dumont, Vronique Marie (21) - adopted daughter of Gabriel and Madeleine (nee Wilkie) Dumont

Fagnant, Charles (24) - fought with his brother Cuthbert alongside Edouard and Gabriel Dumont in the last stand near Ambroise Champagne's house Fagnant, Cuthbert (Corbette) (~62) - his sons Charles and Cuthbert fought alongside Edouard and Gabriel Dumont in the last stand near Ambroise Champagne's house Fagnant, Cuthbert fils (17) - fought with his brother Charles alongside Edouard and Gabriel Dumont in the last stand near Ambroise Champagne's house - Mtis ChildSoldier Fagnant, Guillaume (22)

Fagnant, John (20) Fagnant dit Faillant, Patrice (25) Capt. Falcon, Athanase (36) Falcon, Gregorie (28) Favel, Basil (48) - a Mtis of Poundmaker's Band - he was arrested 27 May 1885, charged with horse theft, and sentenced to three months imprisonment on June 9th Favel, Louison (43) - an HBC employee before taking treaty - a Mtis of Poundmaker's Band -he was active at Cut Knife Hill Ferguson, Antoine (43) Ferguson, "Big Joe" Nupa Kikte Elise (ne Ferguson) Dumas (46) - wife of Daniel "David" Dumas (42) - he saw a bullet passed 3 inches above her head Ferguson, Leon (24) Fiddler, Alexander "Sandy" (50) Fiddler, Cuthbert (27) Fiddler, Francois "Lagaua" Sr. (47) - his older brother was Capitaine William Fiddler Fiddler, Francois-Xavier (23) Fiddler, Frederick (29) - deserted along with Elzar Swain and surrendered at Prince Albert Fiddler, George Andrew (34) Fiddler, James (20) Fiddler, Jean-Baptiste (24) Fiddler, John William (25) Fiddler, Maxime (21) Capt. Fiddler, William Sr. (58) Fiddler, William Jr. (29) Fiddler, William Fisher, Alexandr Jr. (44) - Gabriel Dumont's secretary - wrote the February 1878 Mtis land rights petition to the Conservative government in Ottawa... - he was heading the men guarding the Northcote on the May 9th George Fisher Edward Fitcol or Fitcall Flammand, Alexander (7) - traveled from Boggy Creek with his brother Maxime to participate in rebellion activities - Mtis Child-Soldier...? Capt. Flammand, Corbert Flammand, Louis (45) - hunted and traded in the Touchwood Hills and Cypress Hills before moving to Battleford- Battleford Home Guards No. 2 Co. Flammand, Joseph M. (28) - Petequakey Band - member of Muscowpetung Band until 1886 Flammand, Maxime (23) - from Boggy Creek, near Regina Capt. Fleury, Patrice Joseph (37) - during the Battle of Batoch, sixty men under Patrice Fleury and Albert Monkman guarded the west bank of the Saskatchewan River Francis, William Franks, William (43)

Gareau, Napoleon Garipy, Ambroise (~23) Garipy, Auriel Capt. Garipy, Daniel (31) Garipy, Daniel Jr. Garipy, Charles Saluste "Sheesheep" (35) Garipy, Jean-Baptiste (47) Capt. Philipe Elzar Garipy (46) - plains bison hunter and trader - he took part in the fighting at li Coule des Tourond's - fought in the last stand in the graveyard trenches at Batoch - he was tried for treason-felony and sentenced to seven years, but only served a portion of that sentence Garipy, Pierre (59) - a leader amongst the plains hunters - older brother of Philippe saved the lives of wounded prisoners about to be brutally massacred by Indians at Duck Lake - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council at Batoch - charged with treason-felony and sentenced to three years Lawrence Garneau (45) - the Dakota Sioux Resistance Movement (1861-63) - a soldier in the Revolutionary Mtis Army of 1869/70 - almost hung in Fort Edmonton during the second Riel Resistance Movement (1885) and was also involved in the defense of St-Paul de Mtis from the Roman Catholic Church's infamous claim jumping of 1908 Garnot, Philippe (26) - operated a hostel at Batoch - claimed Riel was insane and that armed Mtis forced him to participate as Riel's secretary Garson, Peter Flett (41) Gaudry, Gabriel Meskeke-a-wahsis - active at Cut Knife Hill with Norbert "Mankachee" Delorme and Chief Rattler (Fine Day) - withdrew from treaty in 1886 and took script Gervais, Alexis (67) Gervais, Alexis (31) - fought at li Coulee des Tourond's - five of his brothers and a son were Resistance fighters Gervais, Bazile (64) - he and sons Napoleon and St-Pierre were Resistance fighters Gervais, Elzar (23) one of six brothers active in the Resistance Gervais, Jean-Baptiste (38) - eldest of six brothers who fought in the Resistance Josphte (ne Gervais) Tourond (34) - widow of Calixte Tourond (32): (he was killed on May 12th on the last day of fighting at Batoch and is buried in the mass grave) Gervais, Napoleon (26) Gervais, Noel (29) Gervais, Patrice (31) Gervais, St-Pierre (21) Veronique (ne Gervais) Fiddler (19) - wife of Jean-Baptiste Fiddler (24) Gosselin, Alexander (45) Gosselin, Alexander (21) Goulet, Louis (26) - he was sent to the Regina jail along with Fleury Sayer, Andre Nault, and Abraham Montour... all charged with treason-felony - originally charged for participating in events at Frog Lake - there being no evidence of this, the Crown released him on $400 bail on 8 September 1885 - the matter was never returned to court! - discharged along with Fleury Sayer, James Bremner, and William Frank

Goulet, Roger Sr. (28) - he fled his farm before the Battle of Li Coule des Tourond's two of his cows were slaughtered for food by the Mtis Gratton, unknown - the father of Marcile Gratton, Marcile (10) - martyr - who was killed by the Gatling gunduring the Fall of Batoch... Gros Ours - see Mistahi-maskwa (Big Bear)

Joseph Halcrow (65) Halcrow, William "Willie" (31) - homesteaded in Red Deer Hills district, founding the village of Halcro Marie-Julie (ne Hallett) Letendr (80) - wife of Louison Letendr dit Batoch (88) - she was widowed in 1883 Hamelin, Daniel William (23) Hamelin, Jean-Baptiste (45) - sentenced to death by Exovede Council for renunciation of Roman Catholic Faith, but the order was not carried out due to his stature Hardisty, Richard George (14) - educated in the west as a boy by tutor, later finishing his schooling in Scotland where he attended Merchiston Castle - Mtis Child-Soldier - a scout and dispatch rider during events in 1885 - he was present on the prairies south of Calgary when his father Senator Richard Charles Hardisty and his uncle Lord Strathcona with four NWMP met Chief Crowfoot and signed the historic Blackfoot treaty that ended the Riel rebellion - at age 19, he acted as guide for the first detachment of NWMP to Dawson from Edmonton, taking the trip over land and returning alone - in 1901 Trooper Hardisty served in the Boer War, and afterwards became district commissioner in Northwest Rhodesia with the British South Africa Co - in 1914 Major Hardisty went overseas with the 49th Battalion C.E.F. from Edmonton - he returned to Canada in 1917 Pte. Hardisty, Richard Robert (23) - he served with the Canadian voyageurs on a Nile Expedition - during the Invasion he served in the 90th Winnipeg Rifles - he was killed on 10 May 1885 at Batoch Henault or Nault, Joseph (~34) Henry-Honor, Maurice (38) Henry, Jerome Hector (29) - one of three brothers active as Resistance fighters - he was a fair-complexioned Mtis spy and supplied Dumont with a map of Middleton's position at Clarke's Crossing on April 17th (and his marching plans) - he was wounded at li Coule des Tourond's Henry, Patrice (14) - Mtis Child-Soldier - cared for the horses at Coule des Tourond's Honor dit Henry, Pierre (47) - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council - charged with treason-felony, plead guilty, and was sentenced to seven years Hourie, John - a Canadian sympathizer Hourie, Peter (55) - employed with the HBC for many years at Touchwood Hills, Fort Pelly, and Prince Albert- Chief Scout and Interpreter for Middleton - his son, Thomas Hourie, was one of the men Riel surrendered to - instructor for the Indian Department at Crooked Lake Agency Hourie, Robert- a Canadian sympathizer

Hourie, Thomas Taylor (26) - on May 15th, Riel surrendered him unto three scouts: Robert Armstrong, William Diehl, and Thomas Hourie... Hunter dit Barbeau, Baptiste

Isbister, (John) John (52) - elder of the Anglo-Mtis - founder Isbister Settlement, (later, Prince Albert)1 - took a leading role in the Settler's Union, established 16 October 1883, representing the White majority as well as the Anglo- and Franco-Mtis

Jackson, William Henry aka Jaxon, Honor Joseph (24) - prairie visionary - though he was not a Mtis, he became personal secretary to Louis Riel when Riel returned to Canada in 1884 - thinking his secretary had gone insane, Riel imprisoned him, later releasing him - he was tried for treason-felony, but found not guilty by reason of insanity, and sent to an insane asylum in Lower Fort Garry - he escaped the asylum and fled to the United States, joined the labour union movement in Chicago, converted to the Bah' Faith - on 13 December 1951, he was evicted from his apartment, and his collection of Mtis history (considered unimportant by the city) was sent to the garbage dump - he died a month later Jobin, Ambroise Jr. (34) - one of five brothers active in the Resistance - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council at Batoch - brought a small force south from Turtleford to Battleford on the heels of Poundmaker - he died on May 23rd, in Saskatoon, from wounds received in the Battle of Batoch Capt. Jobin, Joseph Falcon (36) - one of five brothers active in the Resistance - a schoolteacher at Bresaylor - Riel's agent in the Battleford area - in constant communication between Riel and the Natives - President of the Cut Knife Hill Mtis camp - a courier between Riel and Poundmaker Jobin, Louis Napoleon (25) - one of five brothers active in the Resistance - after the Occupation, he fled north-west to St-Albert, then to Lesser Slave Lake Jobin, Patrice (17) - one of five brothers active in the Resistance - Mtis Child-Soldier Jobin, Pierre (29) - one of five brothers active in the Resistance

Kahweechetawaymot - Big Bear's brother - captured at Battleford by Louis Laronde Jr. Kamabough - committed suicide on 28 July 1885 Kapapamahchakwew (Wandering Spirit) - war chief of Mistahi-maskwa's (Big Bear) band and a feared Plains Cree warrior - killed Quinn, the Indian Agent at Frog Lake - captured Fort Pitt - engaged the Canadian militia at Frenchmen's Butte on 28 May 1885 - fled to Loon Lake - surrendered to the Canadian government in July of 1885 at Fort Pitt - convicted of killing Quinn, the Indian Agent at Frog Lake - executed

After the 1869/70 Resistance, displaced Anglo-Mtis flocked to Isbister Settlement (Prince Albert), making it the largest Anglo-settlement in the North-West, and those of St-Laurent de Grandin and Batoch, of the Roman Catholic Franco-Mtis.

along with 7 other Cree, on 27 November 1885, but not before he sang a love song to his wife in the last moments before he was hung Koh-ah-mah-chee (Left Hand or Lame Man) - headmand One Arrow Band - sentenced to three years in jail

Labombarde, Alexis (82) - lived along the Upper Missouri River as a hunter, guide, and interpreter - employed by the American Fur Co. at Fort Union (MT) and Fort Pierre (SD) - employed by Jacob Audubon's expedition - an interpreter for the Blackfoot Agency in Montana - mediated between the US government and the Sioux in 1862/63 - witnessed the Cypress Hills Massacre and later served as a NWMP interpreter in that area - almost blind, he was interpreter for the Sioux at Batoch Ladouceur, Franois (21) - carried a flag of the Virgin Mary at the Battle of Coule des Tourond's Lafond, Basil (39) - his wife was a member of Beardy's Band - an HBC employee at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt, and Battleford - arrested at Battleford along with Joseph Nolin on March 29th under suspicion of being a rebel - ordered to remain in the Battleford Lafond, Jean-Baptiste (53) Capt. Lafond, (Jean)-Baptiste "Tchehasaso" (32) - he succeeded his uncles Kee-too-wayhow and Petequakey as Chief of the Muskeg Lake Band (from 1900 to 1914) - he fought at li Coule des Tourond's and at Batoch on the west side of the river - after the Fall of Batoch [they] escaped to Laboucane Settlement Lafond, Isidore (12) - Mtis Child-Soldier...? Capt. Lafontaine dit Faillant, Antoine (36) - a plains buffalo hunter Capt. Lafontaine, Calixte (38) - a plains buffalo hunter - he moved to Batoch 1882-84 - he was a Riel supporter - after the Fall of Batoch, he removed his family to Mtis settlement at Sioux Valley and then to Turtle Mountain, North Dakota Lafontaine, Jean-Baptiste - Otter's NWMP scouts, dispatch riders and interpreters - he was captured and believed killed, but turned up later in Battleford Lafontaine, Louison (35) - a plains buffalo hunter - signed the Cypress Hills petition was living at Batoch in 1885 Lafournaise dit Laboucane, Alexandr (16) - Mtis Child-Soldier Lafournaise dit Laboucane, Gabriel (51) - a plains buffalo hunter - settled at Duck Lake and moved on to the Laboucane Settlement1 Lafournaise dit Laboucane, Guillaume (45) Lafournaise dit Laboucane, Joseph Baptiste (59) Lafournaise dit Laboucane, Joseph Napoleon (48) Capt. Laframboise, Augustin (41) - his sister Ursule was married to Charles Trottier, leader of the Prairie Ronde Mtis - signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition - his wife was a member of the Petequakey Band at Muskeg Lake in 1884 - he was killed at Duck Lake by Crozier's NWMP troops on 26 March 1885

In 1878 six Laboucane brothers left White Horse Plains (MB) and moved to Battle River, NWT (AB), along with members of the Poitras and St-Germain families. Jean-Baptiste, Gabriel, and Elzar Laboucane settled lands north of the river crossing, Jerome, Pierre, and Guillaume, settled on the south side; during the fighting in 1885, many women and children from the Muskeg Lake Mtis Band took refuge at Laboucane.

Laframboise, Edouard (21) - signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition - discharged from the Petequakey Band on 13 October 1886 Lamirande, Alexandr (21) Lamirande, Alexis (46) Angelique (ne Landry) Dumont (58) - second wife of Isidore Dumont (52) (first martyr) Landry, lie Pierre (50) Lapierre, Jean (40) Lapierre, Franois-Xavier (42) Laplante, Cuthbert (27) Laplante, Guillaume (20) Laplante, Jean-Baptiste (50) Laplante, Mose (24) Laplante, Toussaint (29) Larivire, Francois (31 Larocque, Jean-Batiste (45) Laronde, Louis Jr. (31) - attended college at Red River -mail carrier between Winnipeg and Edmonton - NWMP interpreter and guide - captured Kahweechetawaymot (Big Bear's brother) at Battleford Lavalle, Charles Martin (53) Lavalle, Charles fils Lavalle, John (33) Josphte (ne Lavalle) Lpine (46) - wife of Maxime Lpine pre MLA (39) Lavalle, Louis Philippe (22) - part of the last stand in the graveyard trenches at Batoch - he married his sister-in-law Judith Plante in January 1888 at Duck Lake Lavalle, Pierre "Mac" (25) - part of the last stand in the graveyard trenches at Batoch Laverdure, Pierre "Beau-bl" (47) - killed a Canadian cannonier at the Battle of Coule des Tourond's Laviolette, Charles (26) Justine (ne Laviolette) Schmidt (32) - married to Riel's schoolmate and colleague Louis Schmidt dit Lafert (41) Laviolette, Modeste (30) Ledoux, Alexis (49) - Petequakey Band Ledoux, Isidore (12) - Petequakey Band - Mtis Child-Soldier...? Ledoux, Jerome (41) Ledoux, Joseph (40) - his brothers-in-law were Abraham and Bernard Belanger Marianne (ne Ledoux) Morrisette (25) - daughter of Joseph "Toomahtoon" Ledoux and Isabelle "Mistaw" Blanger - a cook for the Mtis troops Ledoux, Pierre (24) - his claim for damages was rejected because he was classified a rebel Ledoux, Semoque- Petequakey Band Lefort, Boniface (28) - his father in law, Donald Daniel Ross (martyr) was on the Exovedate Council Legar, Alcide (28) Sakaban dit Lejour, Gregoire (42) Sakaban dit Lejour, Jean-Baptiste (45) Sakaban dit Lejour, Baptiste "Cha-ka-pan" (60)

Roger Sakaban Lejour (19) Lpine, Athanase (35) Lpine, Maxime pre MLA (39) - brother-in-law and close friend of Louis Riel - ran a red River cart freighting company - both Maxime and his brother Ambroise-Didyme were members of the 1869/70 provisional government - a founding member of the Mtis Union St-Alexandr in 1871 - elected to the Manitoba Legislature 1874-78 but, disillusioned by the influx of settlers and the disintegration of Mtis land rights, he left the province in 1882 and moved to St-Louis de Langevin (where he farmed and operated a ferry) - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council, he was opposed to the use of violence - along with his sons, he fought at li Coule des Tourond's and in the Battle of Batoch - surrendering to Middleton on August 14th, he was tried for treason-felony at Regina, and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment but was released 16 March 1886 Lpine, Maxime fils (19) - both his father and his father-in-law Jean-Baptiste Boucher were members of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council - he fought at li Coule des Tourond's and in the Battle of Batoch Lpine, Patrice Tobie (16/17) - Mtis Child-Soldier Letendr, Alexandr (20) - compelled to join the Resistance after the fight at li Coule des Tourond's - subsequently moved to Montana Letendr, Andr "Petchis" (48) - he was killed near his brother Xavier's store during the Fall of Batoch - buried in a mass grave at Batoch - his widow's claim for substantial losses was ignored because she was a rebel - she mothered his last child into life four months after his death Letendr, Andr fils (23) Letendr, Jean-Baptiste (23) Letendr, Louis Eugene (53) - sent to Battle River district with Isidore Parenteau to enlist Native reinforcements Marie (ne Letendr dit Batoch) Champagne (62) - wife of Emmanuel Beaugrand dit Champagne (62) - a founding family of the village of Batoch Sophie (ne Letendr) Dumont (39) - wife of Captain Edouard Dumont (40) Letendr, William dit Batoch (26) Longmore, John Sr. (~35) - trader, and freighter - guide for the Marquis of Lorne, 1881 served in the Battleford Home Guards No. 1 Company and a scout for the NWMP Lussier dit Lucier, Toussaint (57) - reputed to have been the strongest man in the NorthWest... - captured and held at the Regina jail

Malaterre, Louis (39) - a member of the Cypress Hills Mtis hunting band that petitioned for a reserve in 1878 - a scout and Resistance fighter in 1885 - reported Middleton's northward progress at Clarke's Crossing (south of li Coule des Tourond's) Marchand, Goodwin (47) Marion, Louis (45) - a plains buffalo hunter ranging as far as Blackfoot Crossing and Buffalo Lake (Boss Hill) - farm instructor at Beardy's Reserve - he deserted from his dizaine Martin, Charles (24)

Martin, John Martin, Pierre (26) McDougall, Alexandr Sr. (44) McDougall, Alexandr Jr. (16) - Mtis Child-Soldier McGillis, Modeste (39) - the family's claims for losses was turned down on the basis that they were rebels... McKay, Alexander (59) - a Prince Albert Mtis leader who corresponded with Riel in Mach 1885 that he - along with Charles George Bird Sr. - agreed with grievances but would not resort to arms McKay, Angus (27) - Canadian Scout active in the pursuit of Cree Chief Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear) McKay, Guillaume (30) - he is reputed to have killed Lt. John Morton of the NWMP No. 1 Company Volunteers at Duck Lake Pte. McKay, James (23) - completed his education in Winnipeg at St-John's College graduated from the Manitoba University with high honours in 1883 - C Co. Winnipeg Rifles - attached to French's Scouts as dispatch-bearer - involved in engagements at li Coule des Tourond's and Batoch - studied law and was called to the bar in Manitoba in 1886 his brother, Thomas McKay, became the first mayor of Prince Albert in 1886 McKay, Joseph (41) - a Canadian sympathizer from Prince Albert - farming instructor at Strike-Him-On-The-Back Reserve (near Battleford) - after 1885, returned to Prince Albert - scout and interpreter for the NWMP at Maple Creek McKay, Joseph "Gentleman Joe" (29) - a murderer and warmonger - joined the NWMP in January 1885 - killed Assiyiwin and Isidore Dumont with the opening shots of the Invasion McKay, Thomas, MLA (36) - a Canadian sympathizer - a plainsman and scout - sent with sixteen men and eight sleighs under Sergeant Stewart to secure and transport ammunition from Duck Lake to Carlton: this event led to the Battle of Duck Lake (from which he retreated from danger) - he was appointed to a arbitrary commission to inquire into losses because of the war - he owned a farm and a mill - became the first mayor of Prince Albert in 1886 - brother-in-law of HBC Chief Factor Lawrence Clarke - member of the North-West Territories Legislative Assembly from 1898-1904 - President of the Prince Albert Agricultural Association (the Lorne Agricultural Society) and the Local Grain Growers Association McKay, William II (67) - a Canadian sympathizer - HBC cooper's apprentice, post master, clerk, and Chief Trader in 1865 - a renown horse trader - Fort Pelly in 1870, Fort Ellice in 1872, Fort Pitt in 1873 - died in Edmonton on 24 December 1882 father-in-law opf Chief Factor Lawrence Clarke McKay, William III (32) - a Canadian sympathizer - freighter between Fort Pitt and Green Lake - HBC employee for thirty years - involved in Treaty Four negotiations at Fort Qu'Appelle, and Treaty Six negotiations at Fort Carlton in 1876 - appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the Battleford Light Infantry Company in 1879 - in 1885, he joined the Battleford Home Guard No. 2 Company (as a scout) Meckmoire, William Meskeke-a-wahsis - see Gaudry, Gabriel

Chief Mistahi-maskwa (Big Bear, known in French as Gros Ours) (~60) - Plains Cree at 12 years of age, he came down with the deadly disease of smallpox; although he survived, the disease left his face pitted with smallpox scars - he was a good hunter and horse thief - a plain looking man, short and stocky: only five feet five inches; but admired as an experienced warrior, and renown for his visions and charisma, being kind, generous, and good natured, with a good sense of humor - leading chief of the Prairie River People - refused to sign Treaty Six... until forced to by starvation - by April 1884, Mistahi-maskwa and his band, swollen to about 500, began moving toward Battleford and by June 16th, well over 2000 Natives from the Saskatchewan reserves were gathered at the reserve of Ptikwahanapiwyin (Poundmaker) for a Thirst Dance given by Mistahi-maskwa... the largest united effort ever made by the Plains Cree - he argued that the treaty he had signed had been changed by Ottawa he began to lose influence over the band's warrior society during the winter of 1884/85 - warriors from among Mistahi-maskwa's people under the command of his son Ayimisis (Little Bad Man) and the war-chief Kapapamahchakwew (Wandering Spirit) killed nine white men, including two Oblate priests, at Frog Lake in an incident that became known as the Frog Lake Massacre - although Mistahi-maskwa personally attempted to prevent the killings and subsequently expressed regret for the actions of the younger Cree warriors - on April 14th, Kapapamahchakwew moved to attack Fort Pitt - Mistahi-maskwa successfully negotiated the surrender of the fort's 44 civilian inhabitants and the police evacuation - the band fought General Strange at Frenchman's Butte on March 28th, and again at Loon Lake on June 3rd - Mistahi-maskwa did not participate in the fighting on either occasion - he surrendered at Fort Carlton on July 2nd - he was brought to trial in Regina on September 11th, and sentenced to three years at Stony Mountain Penitentiary - released in February 1887 because of poor health, Mistahimaskwa settled on the Poundmaker Reserve where he died on 17 January 1888 Marguerite (ne Monet dit Belhumeur) Riel (24) - wife of Louis "David" Riel - she was coughing blood and died of tuberculosis in 1886 Monkman, Albert Paul Joseph (31) - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council he prevented the burning of the Catholic churches at Duck Lake and St-Laurent during the Battle of Batoch, sixty men under Patrice Fleury and Albert Monkman guarded the west bank of the Saskatchewan River - he opposed Riel in every way he could until Riel suspected him of disloyalty and had him imprisoned - on 14 August 1885, he was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for his participation in the Resistance - after his release he abandoned his land at Duck Lake and moved to the United States Monkman, Henry (51) Montour, Abraham pre (53) - a buffalo hunter - he and Andr "Nin-Nin" Nault fils were charged with treason-felony for their parts in events at Frog Lake and Frenchman's Butte, however, their hearing was postponed for lack of witnesses and later dropped for lack of evidence - his sons Abraham and Jean-Baptiste were active in the fighting at Batoch, and two nephews were killed at Duck Lake - after 1885, he moved to Montana Montour, Abraham fils (30) - elected as a St-Laurent de Grandin Council member in 1873/74

Montour, Alexandr Montour, Bernard Bien (30) Montour, Jean-Baptiste (28) - killed at Duck Lake on 26 March 1885 by Crozier's troops and P.A. Volunteers Montour, Jean-Baptiste (25) Montour, Joseph Montour, Joseph (20) - killed at Duck Lake on 26 March 1885 by Crozier's troops and P.A. Volunteers Montour, Pascal fils (33) - Pascal Montour disabled the steamboat Northcote with Alex Fisher Montour, Pascal pre (52) - killed at Duck Lake on 26 March 1885 by Crozier's troops and P.A. Volunteers Moonias, John Sutherland aka Larocque (59) Capt. Jonas Moreau (44) Morrisette, George "Geordie" "Pi-ka-ties" (27)

Nahpaces (Little Man) - sent to Regina for trial and sentenced to three years in jail Nault, Andr (55) Nault, Andr "Nin-Nin" fils (25) - Captain of the Mtis at Cut Knife Hill1 - suspected of being a spy for Riel and arrested by Frog Lake police on 26 March 1885, but was released for lack of evidence - he and Abraham Montour pre were charged with treason-felony for their parts in events at Frog Lake and Frenchman's Butte, however, their hearing was postponed for lack of witnesses and later dropped for lack of evidence Nault, lie (24) Nault, Joseph - see, Henault or Nault, Joseph (~34) Nault, Napolon (27)2 - the brother of Andr "Nin-Nin" Nault - a strong supporter of Riel - he fought alongside Joseph Delorme at Duck Lake, at li Coule des Tourond's, and led the fighting on the west side of the river at Batoch, taking the Northcote out of action... - he fled to Montana to avoid persecution Nolin, Adolphus (24) - he was involved in incidents at Fort Pitt and Battleford (Frog Lake and Cut Knife Hill) - he and John Pritchard are credited with protecting the white women in Big Bear's camp during the Frog Lake Massacre - captured on May 19th, he was charged with treason-felony, but was discharged on Middleton's order on 22 July 1885 Nolin, Andr (31) Nolin, Charles, MLA (62) - fur trader and merchant - member of the Convention of Forty under Riel - elected to Provincial Legislature as a member from Ste-Anne des Chnes in 1874 and 1878 - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council at Batoch - Charles Nolin and Captain William Boyer came under suspicion of their loyalty and
1 2

Refer to Delorme, Norbert "Mankachee" Hnault (48) war-chief of the Mtis fighters at Cut Knife Hill... In 1883, Damase Carrier and Napoleon Nault traveled from Batoch to St-Boniface to attend the wedding of Riel's sister Henriette to Jean Marie Poitras. At that time they discussed Mtis and claims problems in the Saskatchewan Valley with Riel.

the Exovedate had them arrested - Nolin deserted at Duck Lake and fled to Prince Albert, where he was locked up after surrendering - traitor - although Nolin was Riel's cousin, he testified against him - he was elected to the North-West Territorial Legislative Council in 1891, but was disqualified because of vote fraud... Nolin, Duncan (45) Nolin, Joseph (43) - one of four Mtis youth (along with Louis Schmidt, Louis Riel, and Daniel McDougall), chosen by Bishop Tach in 1858 to be educated in Lower Canada, however, the priests did not allow him to attend - Riel's secretary in 1870 Nolin, Joseph Octave Jr., MLA (17) - Mtis Child-Soldier - Joseph and his father - see above - were arrested for Resistance activities on April 3rd, near "the Point" where Battle River joined the Saskatchewan River - Justice of the Peace and Liberal MLA for Athabasca from 1908 to 1925

Okemasis, Xavier (44) Ouellette, Abraham (18) - the youngest of Baptiste Ouellette's three sons involved in the Resistance Ouellette, Bernard (21) Ouellette, Charles Edmund (19) Ouellette, Cyprian (18) conscript - forced to participate at Batoch... Ouellette, (Jean)-Baptiste Sr. (48) - a member of the 1878 Cypress Hills Mtis buffalo hunting group which petitioned for a reserve Ouellette, Jean-Baptiste fils (26) - settled at the Batoch/Duck Lake wintering sites in the early 1870s Ouellette, John Edward (22) Ouellette, Jos (Joseph) (93) - in 1868 he was living with the Turtle Mountain Band - in 1878 he was with the Cypress Hills Band and petitioned for a reserve - he fought in the Battle of Batoch and was killed there on May 12th, the last day of fighting - he was very courageous and saved the lives of many of the younger men - he was buried separate from mass grave at Batoch and the only person in a coffin1 Ouellette, Joseph III (51) - he moved between Red River, Wood Mountain, Cut Arm Creek, and Cypress Hills, before settling at Duck Lake - signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition - conscripted and forced to fight at Batoch Ouellette, Joseph (54) Ouellette, Joseph fils (29) Ouellette, Julien (36) - a member of the 1878 Cypress Hills Mtis buffalo hunting group which petitioned for a reserve Ouellette, Mose Napoleon (45) - enumerated in the 1870 St-Norbert census and subsequently moved to St-Laurent - he was one of the four men who traveled to Montana to fetch Riel back to Batoch in 1884 - elected a St-Laurent councilman2 in 1873 and 1874 - involved in Mtis education, moving the church-run mission school from the west side of the river to east, where most of the people lived - a member of
1 2

The rest were buried wrapped in cloth... The other councilors were Isidore Dumont, Pierre Garipy, and Jean-Baptiste Hamelin.

Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council - resisted Riel's decision for armed Rebellion carried Middleton's letter to Riel - he was sentenced to three years imprisonment Ouellette, Thomas (35)

Pambrum, Isidore (32) - worked for the HBC at Fort Pitt - his wife Isabelle and their three daughters were taken prisoner by the Natives during events in 1885 - after the Occupation, he worked as a guide and interpreter for the NWMP at Battleford Pambrum, John - Otter's NWMP scouts, dispatch rider and interpreter Pte. Pambrum, Pierre C. Jr. - wounded by friendly fire in the guardroom - his arm had to be amputated Battleford Home Guards No. 2 Co. Parenteau, Alexandr (40) - in the 1870s he lived at Batoch, but moved to Battleford in the 1880s - he provided Riel with scouting reports form the Battle River area before fighting broke out at Batoch Parenteau, Daniel (46) - was charged with treason-felony, but discharged by magistrate Richardson - his brother Pierre and Pierre's two sons were also active in the Resistance Parenteau, Gabriel (48) Parenteau, Isidore "Wabash" (33) - his first wife and daughter were smothered by smoke in a prairie fire 3 miles east of Walhalla, Dakota Territory in 1852 - during the 1885 Resistance, he was sent to Battle River district with Louis Letendr to enlist Native reinforcements Parenteau, Jean-Baptiste pre (53) - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council at Batoch - he was wounded during battle - he escaped to Montana Parenteau, Jean-Baptiste fils (27) - wounded at li Coule des Tourond's - his brother StPierre was killed during the same battle Parenteau, Joachim (31) Parenteau, Joseph Dodet (~78) - he was part of the original 1871 governing committee Judith (ne Parenteau) Dumont (38) - wife of Isidore Dumont "Ekapow" pre (75) - she was widowed shortly after the defeat at Batoch Parenteau, Leon Esdras (39) Parenteau, Louis (23) Parenteau, "Petit" Louis (50) - a buffalo hunter living at Duck Lake Parenteau, Louis fils (~24) Parenteau, Matthias (18) - his brother Patrice fought in the Resistance and his father Pierre fils was killed at li Coule des Tourond's - later, a Red River cart guide between Fort Garry and the Battlefords and Cumberland House Parenteau, Mose (16) - Mtis Child-Soldier Parenteau, Mose (39) - a follower of Riel - he received a one year prison sentence with hard labour for his participation in the Resistance Parenteau, Napoleon (27) - his father Pierre was chairman of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council Parenteau, Patrice (18) - active with his father and brother in the Resistance Parenteau, Patrice (20) - his brother Matthias fought in the Resistance and his father Pierre fils was killed during the battle at li Coule des Tourond's'

Parenteau, Pierre "Pierriche" (72) - renown buffalo hunter - married three times - one of his daughters was married to Monsieur Franois-Xavier Letendr dit Batoch, founder of the Batoch Settlement - a trusted friend and political ally of Louis Riel Justice of the Peace at St-Norbert - delegate to the Conventions of 1869-70 - Captain of the Mtis troops in 1871 to repel the Fenian invasion - chosen along with Ambroise Lpine and Louis Riel as Mtis representatives to Lt-Gov. Archibald in October 1871 - emigrated to St-Laurent-Batoch area - Pierriche was chairman of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council in 1885 - sentenced to seven months imprisonment Parenteau, Pierre fils (44) - he was killed at li Coule des Tourond's - two of his sons, Patrice and Mathais, also fought in the Resistance Parenteau, Raphael (37) Rosalie (ne Parenteau) Garipy (48) - wife of Captain Philippe Elzar Garipy (46)melted lead into bullets Parenteau, St-Pierre (24) - Gabriel Dumont's nephew - was killed at li Coulee des Tourond's - his brother Jean-Baptiste was wounded in the same battle Parenteau, Samuel Parisien, Elzar (36) - a scout and fighter - he received a vote of thanks from the Council for reconnaissance of Clarke's Crossing, south of li Coule des Tourond's - part of the last stand in the graveyard trenches at Batoch Parisien, Joseph (50) - a member of the 1878 Cypress Hills buffalo hunting band that petitioned for reserve lands Parisien, Pascal (24) Pattenaude, Hilaire (39) Capt. Paul, Bernard (37) "Li Veuve" Josphte (ne Paul) Tourond (54) - widow of Joseph Tourond - mother of "Li Sept toiles" Pelletier, Edouard (49) - a buffalo hunter... - signed the 1878 Cypress Hills petition - he was wounded in the leg in 1885 Petit dit Thomas, Thomas (34) Pich, Franois (48) - he and his son William were both active in the Resistance - later he returned to treaty status Pich, Franois "Coyote" (38) - son of Chief Bobtail - raided the Battleford HBC stores in 1885 - but he was acquitted at trial in Edmonton for lack of evidence - in 1886, his mother and father left treaty and took Mtis script, but later returned to treaty status Pich, William (21) Pieton, Jerome Pilon, Alexandr (21) - youngest of Joseph Pilon's sons participating in the Resistance Pilon, (Raymond) Barthlmy (24) - Fr-Can Pilon, Joseph (48) -an industrious and hard-working farmer, living 1/2 mile from Batoch - he never contributed to the Rebel cause - he was forced under protest into the Rebel camp, but refused to attend meetings - threatened by Riel, he turned to the priests, but was nonetheless compelled to defend Batoch in the trenches Pilon, Joseph Cton (30) Chief Ptikwahanapiwyin (Poundmaker) (~43) - born in the Battleford region, the child of Sikakwayan, an Assiniboine medicine man, and a mixed-blood Cree woman, the sister of Chief Mistawasis (Big Child) - his adoptive father was Isapo-Muxika

(Crowfoot, Crow's Big Foot) - fearing the Indians, during the 1885 Rebellion, Battleford was abandoned by the Whites - Ptikwahanapiwyin was blamed for the looting of the abandoned buildings of Battleford by the Nakoda people - on May 2nd, a military force of 332 Canadian troops, led by Lt-Col. William Dillon Otter, attacked Ptikwahanapiwyin's camp near Cut Knife Hill - when the army was forced to retreat, Ptikwahanapiwyin, who had not taken part in the fight, prevented his warriors from pursuing the soldiers - he was convicted of treason-felony and sentenced to three years in Stony Mountain Penitentiary - he served only seven months... his health so debilitated, he died age 44, in 1886 Plante, Basile (31) Plouf dit Villebrune, Daniel (40) Plouf dit Villebrune, Franois Amelie (ne Poitras) Fisher - wife of George Fisher Poitras, David Tobie (~51) - his cousin Jean-Marie was married to Riel's sister Henriette - he was a member of the 1878 Cypress Hills Mtis petitioners - he was arrested for alleged Resistance activities, but Judge Rouleau dismissed the charges at Battleford Poitras, Ignace Zenon "Betillet" pre (56) - an honest and peaceable man, hospitable, and industrious - served as a guard over Riel's prisoners - his four sons fought in the Resistance Poitras, Ignace Zenon fils (35) - one of four brothers involved in the Resistance - at the battle of li Coule des Tourond's - he served a one year with hard labour prison term Poitras, Jean-Baptiste (20) - one of four brothers involved in the Resistance - he died 14 August 1885 Poitras, Jean-Marie (28) Poitras, Joseph B. (52) - living at the Bresaylor Settlement in 1885 - he was employed as a Canadian scout Poitras, Maxime (22) - one of four brothers involved in the Resistance Poitras, Michel (18) - one of four brothers involved in the Resistance Poundmaker - see Chief Ptikwahanapiwyin Primeau, Franois (21) - lived in the North-West Territories for nineteen, since 1866 - he had a homestead in Carlton - he was forced to participate in the resistance at Duck Lake and Batoch - he deserted and returned home, but was compelled by to take up arms for the Resistance - his parents fled to Calgary Primeau, Franois (45) - fled to avoid being conscripted by the Mtis Resistance Capt. Primeau, (Jean)-Baptiste pre (44) - a member of the Carlton community with Gabriel Dumont in 1875 to enforce the Laws of the Hunt against a Mtis party led by HBC employee Peter Ballantyne - in July 1885 his claim for Half-Breed Script was reserved because of his suspected involvement in the Resistance, but later allowed in 1886 Primeau, Jean-Baptiste fils (~19) Pritchard, John (45) - educated for the Anglican ministry - worked in the office of Mtis trader Urbaine Delorme and Later married his daughter in 1863 - he left the HBC to become a buffalo hunter and trader - became an interpreter for the Indian Dept. in the early 1880s - moved to Frog Lake in 1884 - caught up in events near the Fort Pitt area in 1885 - from February 1885 maintained close relations with his brother-inlaw Norbert Delorme - Wandering Spirit captured him and Adolphus Nolin -

Pritchard, Nolin, and Pierre Blondin, are credited with saving the lives of the white women who were prisoners in Big Bear's camp

Quesnel, Jules (30) - Sioux Special Constable to patrol the Native camps near Moose Jaw area - freighted between Fort Benton and Fort Walsh - an interpreter for the NWMP - ranched near the Cypress Hills

Racette, Charles II (52) - he and his son Jerome were both active in the Resistance Racette, Charles Damase (21) Racette, Jerome (27) Racette, William (28) Racette dit Pelletier, Louis (40) - a member of Moosomin's Band, formerly Yellow Sky's Band that refused to sign the treaty in 1876 at Fort Carlton - fought at Cut Knife Hill - he left treaty at the Battleford Agency in 1886 Regnier, Octave Antoine Nicolas - Fr-Can - received a conditional discharge for his part in the Resistance Richard, Antoine (34) Louis "David" RIEL, MLA, MP (41) - educated in Montral - came to prominence during the 1869/70 Red River Rebellion - against Canada's annexation of Rupert's Land - founder of Manitoba in 1870 - defended Manitoba against a Fenian invasion in 1871 - a bounty was put on his head for the execution of the Orangeman Thomas Scott - elected several times despite being prevented taking his seat in Parliament (1873-74) - incarcerated in Quebec insane asylums (1876-78) - married in Montana Territory where he was a teacher (and a US citizen) - on 5 June 1884, he came into Saskatchewan, once again to fight for his people's rights... - in the summer of 1884, Louis Riel tried to create a consensus between the Roman Catholic Franco-Mtis et li autre Mtis, the Anglos, and the Euro-Canadian settlers, and the First Nations - Ottawa failed to recognize Mtis land tenure, honour First Nations Treaties, or do anything to prevent starvation on the reserves... and in not providing political representation - First Nations, Euro-Canadians, and Anglo-Mtis were reluctant to take up arms - thus, Riel and Dumont could rely on less than 300 men in their struggle with the invading Dominion government - Mtis Resistance ended with the Fall of Batoch on 12 May 1885 - Dominion Occupation began - Riel surrendered and was tried in Regina - the venue was unfair - the judge and jurors were all Protestant Anglophiles with ties to the Conservatives - Louis "David" Riel was hanged in Regina on 16 November 1885 - see Marguerite (ne Monet dit Belhumeur) Riel (24) - wife of Louis Riel Henriette (ne Riel) Poitras (24) - Riel's sister - married to Jean-Marie Poitras... Riguidel, Louis Sr. (33) Rocheleau, Jean-Baptiste (61) - a hard-working and peaceable man - he spoke a little English - he refused to fight but was compelled to guard prisoners - his sons JeanBaptiste and Modeste also participated in the Resistance

Rocheleau dit Rivard, Jean-Baptiste fils (34) Rocheleau dit Vivier, Modeste (31) Bethsy (ne Ross) Sansregret (27) - married John Sansregret dit Pontbriand (36) - niece of Donald Daniel Ross (martyr) Blandine "Blanche" (ne Ross) Henry (28) - Dominion troops stole the wedding band from her finger Ross, Cuthbert (22) - his father John Ross and brother Louis were also involved in the Resistance Ross, Donald Daniel (63) - he shot and killed Captain French - subsequently, he was shot and bayoneted by French's Scouts - Scouts lassoed his body and dragged it behind a horse, mutilating his corpse - a war crime- he was buried in the mass grave Ross, Enoch Ross, John (53) - brother of martyr Donald Daniel Ross - married daughter of Cuthbert Grant - supported Riel - was a member of the Exovedate in charge of cattle supplies Ross, John Jr. (28) Julie (ne Ross) Thorn (23) - daughter of Daniel Donald Ross (martyr) - wife of William Thorn (26) Ross, Louis (21) - his father John Ross and brother Cuthbert were also involved in the Resistance Marie (ne Ross) Lefort (26) - daughter of Daniel Donald Ross (martyr) - wife of Boniface Lefort (28) Rowland, Alexander (30) - Maj.-Gen. Strange's Scouts Rowland, Frederick (32) - Maj.-Gen. Strange's Scouts Rowland, James (49) - Maj.-Gen. Strange's Scouts Roy, Jean-Baptiste (19)

St-Denis, "Louis" Joseph Sr. (~30) St-Germain, Frederic (33) - active along with his father-in-law Pierre Parenteau and brothers-in-law Patrice, Mose, and Louis Parenteau Chief Salois, Toussaint (44) Salter, Thomas (29) Sansregret dit Beaubrilliant, Hillaire (22) - he fled to Montana after the Fall of Batoch and married the daughter of Charles Trottier at St-Peter's Mission Sansregret dit Pontbriand, Andr (~39) - he and his brother Jean were both active in the Resistance Sansregret dit Pontbriand, John (36) - he and his brother Andr were both active in the Resistance - prisoners photo ? Sansregret, Jean-Baptiste "Johnny" Pontbriand (61) - prisoners photo ? Sansregret dit Pontbriand, Louis (60) - captain of the Mtis troops raised in St-Vital to repel the Fenian invasion in 1871 Sansregret dit Pontbriand, Pierre (18) - helped Edouard Dumont drag the dying Donald Ross out of the line of fire - fled to Montana and applied for Mtis script Sauv, Franois (21) - one of five brothers involved in the Resistance

Sauv, Guillaume "Leon" (15) - Mtis Child-Soldier - one of five brothers involved in the Resistance Sauv, James "Jeremie" (23) - one of five brothers involved in the Resistance Sauv, Joseph (18) - one of five brothers involved in the Resistance Sauv, Joseph (36) Sauv, Norbert fils (36) - one of five brothers involved in the Resistance - he did not take part in any fighting - he was on the west side of the river at Batoch - he delivered up his arms to the Canadian troops Sayer, Alexandr Henri (23) Sayer, Cleophas (Cleophile) (35) - moved to the Bresaylor Settlement in 1882 - arrested on 4 June 1885 at Battleford for Resistance activities - the charges were dismissed by Judge Rouleau Sayer, Henry "Fleury" (44) - moved to the Bresaylor Settlement in 1882 - arrested on 26 May 1885 and charged with treason-felony having come in with Poundmaker - he was sent to the Regina jail along with Louis Goulet, Andre Nault, and Abraham Montour... all charged with treason-felony - discharged along with Louis Goulet, James Bremner, and William Frank Pte. Sayer, Guillaume (~35) - Battleford Rifles Sayer, Jean-Baptiste (32) - moved to Bresaylor Settlement in 1882 - he was leader of a group of Metis and Natives which captured a wagon train from Swift Current taking army supplies to Battleford on 14 May 1885 - he was arrested in June 1885 and charged with treaon-felony - his younger brother Guillaume was on the Canadian side with the Battleford Rifles during the Resistance Sayer, Guillaume - on the Canadian side with the Battleford Rifles during the Resistance Sayers, Louison fils (34) - prior to the Resistance, he was a scout and interpreter for the NWMP at Battleford - arrested on 10 June 1885 for possession of stolen property, he was convicted and served a two month sentence - upon being released he moved to Fort Assiniboine, Montana, and worked for the US Army - he returned to Bresaylor Sayer, Mose Joseph (22) - part of the Battleford Home Guard No. 2 Company - he was charged with petty larceny for Resistance activities, but the charge was dismissed on 29 June 1885 by Judge Rouleau - after living in Battleford for many years he moved to St-Lazare, where he died in 1912 Schley (Chelet), Paul Gustave - Fr-Can Sakaban - see Sakaban dit Lejour Schmidt dit Lafert, Louis (41) - hero of the Fransaskois community - he was one of four Mtis youth chosen by Bishop Tach in 1858 to be educated in Lower Canada, (along with Louis Riel, Daniel McDougall, and Joseph Nolin, whom the priests did not allow to attend) - he worked with the Oblates preparing Cree grammars and dictionaries he worked for Joseph Lamay, a customs collector in Pembina, in 1863 - accompanied Father Andr on the American government's peace envoy to the Sioux Nation - in 1864, Bishop Tach placed him in charge of the church's Red River cart trains to StPaul, Minnesota - he was a teacher at the College of St-Boniface - in Spring 1886, he accompanied Father Ritchot to the mission at Qu'Appelle - went on the Fall buffalo hunt to Grand Cocteau - worked for a mail contractor... Schmidt, a boyhood friend of Louis Riel, was involved with the Mtis Resistance of 1869/70 - he was delegate from St-Boniface to the Convention of Forty - in Spring

1880, Schmidt went to Duck Lake and became involved with Mtis politics... holding public meetings and drafting petitions regarding Mtis grievances with the federal government - he was a Prince Albert barrister - on 6 May 1884, he suggested to the Anglo-Mtis and White settlers that they send for Louis Riel in Montana - on May 12th, he received a long sought position to the Land Office in Prince Albert - during the months following Riel's arrival, Schmidt became concerned over Riel's heretical preaching - the Franco-Mtis were convinced that Schmidt had betrayed them and abandoned their cause - nonetheless, when conflict broke out... he was arrested by government... Scott, Thomas - HBC fur trader Shen, John Capt. Short, James "Timeous" (51) - an ignorant, yet noble man, incapable of mean or unmanly action - a hero -- he fought at Duck Lake, li Coule des Tourond's, and in the Battle of Batoch - charged with treason-felony, he was sentenced to seven years - he is in the prisoners photo... Short, Lynn Simpson, James Keith (60) - educated and employed by HBC Chief Factor James Rowland - a buffalo hunter and free trader - raised excellent horses - met the Earl of Southesk at Fort Ellice, in 1849 - he and his wife Marie-Catherine (ne Mondion) were captured by the Cree at Frog Lake - Simpson had known Big Bear for most of his life - he retired from the HBC after 1885 and homesteaded near Onion Lake... Simpson, Marie Catherine (ne Mondion) - captured at Frog Lake and held prisoner by the Cree Sinclair, Peter (Pierre) (27) Sinnookeesick ("John" Sounding Sky) aka John Batoch - Plains Saulteaux - son of George "Akayasiuw" Sutherland "the Scotchman - HBC freighter between Norway House and York Factory - worked out of Fort Qu'Appelle- is noted for caring for the horses during the 1885 Resistance - was removed from the treaty list - he married Natchookoneck (Spotted Calf, Calf of Many Colours), daughter of Koh-ah-mah-che, headman at One Arrow - he was father of Kitchi-Manito-Waya (Jean-Baptiste Almighty Voice) Smith, Gabriel (27) Smith, Henry Sr. (61) Smith, Henry Jr. (29) Smith, Honor - Gabriel Dumont's nephew - he distinguished him at Batoch, leaving his gun and boots with his uncle and retrieving a barrel of gunpowder stored within seven arpents of the enemy position Spence, Andrew Frederick (48) Spence, Edwin (19) - Otter's NWMP scouts, dispatch riders and interpreters Josphte (ne St-Arnaud) Venne (51) - wife of Solomon Venne (48) Sutherland, John Jr. "Mooniyas" ("Mooneyas") aka Larocque (59) - a pagan - headman One Arrow Band - fought in the Resistance and fled to Montana after events in 1885 Swain, Elzar (30) - deserted along with Frederick Fiddler and surrendered at Prince Albert - charged with treason-felony but was discharged on 4 August5 1885 by Magistrate Richardson

Swain, James Jr. (~63) - shared his house in St-Peters Mission, Montana, with the Riel family in the 1880s - signed the 6 August 1880 petition to Gen. Nelson A. Miles for a Mtis reserve Swain, John "Natumeo" (56) - signed the 6 August 1880 petition to Gen. Nelson A. Miles for a Mtis reserve - he accompanied Riel to Batoch in 1884 - he was killed on the last day of fighting at Batoch - and is buried in the mass grave Swain, Thomas (50) Swain, William Sr. (47) - signed the 6 August 1880 petition to Gen. Nelson A. Miles for a Mtis reserve Swain, William Jr. (24) - signed the 6 August 1880 petition to Gen. Nelson A. Miles for a Mtis reserve - he married Marie Moonias on 14 January 1885 at Duck Lake

Tate, Andrew (46)1 Thomas, Charles "Challius" (23) - French Roman Catholic - he was pinned down in the water of the creek and wounded in the arm at li Coule des Tourond's, but rescued by the arrival of Edouard Dumont... - last stand at Champagne's house with Mose Ouellette Thorn, William (26) - his father-in-law was Exovede martyr Donald Daniel Ross Todd, John (30) - for many years he was a mail carrier between Winnipeg and Edmonton - Otter's NWMP scouts, dispatch riders and interpreters Tourond, Calixte (32) - li sept toiles2 - he fought and died on May 12th, the last day of battle, and is buried in the mass grave at Batoch Tourond, Charles Menard (21) - li sept toiles - he died at Batoch on 19 July 1885 of consumption (tuberculosis) Tourond, David (34) - li sept toiles - he was a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council - he was not tried for Resistance activities having escaped to Montana - he took up Residence at Turtle Mountain, North Dakota - he later returned to Batoch and died there on 11 September 1890 Tourond, Elzar (27) - li sept toiles - mass grave Tourond, Franois (24) - li sept toiles - he served a prison sentence Tourond, Madame Josphte - widowed with nine children - she had both personal and property losses: her house was ransacked, her cattle was stolen or slaughtered, and her fields were destroyed; worse still, she lost two sons on the last day of the battle, and then a third son died soon afterwards of consumption (tuberculosis); then she lost another two daughters to the sickness. Tourond, Marie-lise (17) Tourond, Marie-Thrse (19) - she fled with others to the Bellevue area - she died of consumption (tuberculosis) - age 25 - on 25 August 1891
1 2

Unknown Affiliation - may have Canadian sympathies - it is unspecified

Seven sons of a widowed mother referred to by Riel as "Seven Stars" seen in a Holy Vision covering him with glory. According to Father Alexis Andr, "The poor widow - Josphte (ne Paul) Tourond, in her simple faith of his Divine Mission, surrendered her fine sons...: three of them were shot on the battlefield and buried in hurried graves on the banks of the Saskatchewan, another died of a broken heart, another was wounded and crippled for life, and two served prison sentences."

Tourond, Patrice (28) - li sept toiles - lieutenant - principal bodyguard of Louis Riel during the last days after the Fall of Batoch (along with Joseph Delorme) - served a prison sentence - Secretary for the Tach School District (at Alvena) in 1887/88 Tourond, Pierre Tourond, Pierre (30) - li sept toiles Tremblay, Esdras Trottier, Albert (25) - signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition... - on the treaty paylist for the Muskeg Lake Reserve, in 1884 - Petequakey Band - nephew of Charles Trottier and brother of Charles Jr. and Joseph Trottier Chief Trottier, Charles "Wahpass" (46) - leader of the Prairie Ronde Mtis, south of Saskatoon - a trader in the North-West Territories- signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition... - close friend and relative of Gabriel Dumont - brought his men along with 20 Dakota of Whitecap's Band to fight at Batoch - a member of the Exovedate (Provisional Government) - he, Gabriel and Edouard Dumont, Jean Caron, Michel Dumas, Isidore Dumas, and Chief Rattler (Fine Day), escaped into Montana after the Fall of Batoch - he returned to Saskatoon in 1903 Trottier, Charles Jr. (20) - active in the fighting at Duck Lake, li Coule des Tourond's, and at Batoch - he married Madeleine Okemasis, daughter of Willow Cree Chief Xavier Okemasis - and collected treaty on the Beardy Reserve, near Duck Lake Trottier, Cuthbert (Corbett) (23) Trottier, Isabelle - Petequakey Band Trottier, Isidore (22) - fought at li Coule des Tourond's and at Batoch - after the defeat he fled south into Montana Trottier, Jean "Johny" "War-bish-tee-gwan" (32) - fought at li Coule des Tourond's and at Batoch with his uncles Charles and cousins Isidore and Remi Trottier- after the defeat he fled south into Montana Trottier, Jean-Baptiste (21) - active with his father and brothers - after the defeat he fled south into Montana Trottier, Joseph Jr. "Assiyiwin" - old, half-blind Headman of Beardy's Band - killed by the war-monger "Gentleman" Joe McKay, an Anglo-Mtis scout for Crozier's NWMP troops - McKay killed Isidore Dumont at the same time with the shots that began the Battle of Duck Lake Trottier, Joseph Jr. (28) Trottier, Joseph Sr. (~57) - signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition... - he fought and died at Batoch Capt. Trottier, Michel (53) - signatory of the 1878 Cypress Hills petition... - member of Beardy's Band - on the treaty pay-list at the Duck Lake Agency - fought and died on May 12th at Batoch - buried in the mass grave Trottier, Remi (24) - fought at li Coule des Tourond's and at Batoch... - after the defeat he fled south into Montana Turcotte, Noel (Napoleon) (34) Turcotte, Norbert (30) - a follower of Riel

Vandal dit Matchas, Antoine Franois Jr. (60)

Vandal, Antoine fils (36) Vandal, Franois (35) Capt. Vandal, (Jean)-Baptiste pre (55) - he joined the Rebels under compulsion - a member of Riel's 16 man Exovedate Council - he was appointed guard over prisoners - he served one year of a seven year prison term for Resistance activities - uncle of Pierre Vandal (see below) Vandal, (Jean)-Baptiste fils (39) Vandal, Joseph (28) Vandal, Joseph (37) Vandal, Joseph "La Pioche" (75) - he was shot, had both arms broken, and was bayoneted - buried in the mass grave Vandal, Pierre (37) - moved near li Coule des Tourond's in about 1872/73 - sick and unable to fight, Riel sent him along with others to Battleford to guard Poundmaker's prisoners - he bore no arms but was found guilty of treason-felony and was sentenced to seven years Vandal, Pierre Modeste (19) Vandal, Roger (36) Vandal, William (24) Venne, Alexandr (36) - escaped to Montana after the Fall of Batoch - he and David Tourond took up residence at Turtle Mountain, North Dakota Venne, David (42) Venne, Solomon (48) - operated a store at Batoche Vermette, Alexandr (30) Vermette, Franois (35) - sent with Napoleon Carrire on snowshoes to Prairie Ronde to get Trottier and Chief Wapahska (White Cap) Dakota/Sioux Vermette, Joseph "Jos" III (53) - killed at li Coule des Tourond's Villebrun, Guillaume (50) Villeneuve, Isidore (40) - alleged to have been involved with the 1871 Fenian invasion... but was acquitted - his 18 month old daughter Virginie died at Batoch on 11 May 1885

Wah pitiwakipe aka Joli Corbeau or Fine Crow - a Dakota Sioux warrior - killed in battle at li Coule des Tourond's Chief Wapahska (White Cap) - Chief Whitecap led his people to the Saskatchewan area in the early 1860s to escape political turmoil in Minnesota, where he was living at the time. Chief Whitecap guided Saskatoon founder John Lake to the place on the South Saskatchewan River that became the City of Saskatoon. During the Riel Resistance of 1885, Whitecap acted to protect the young community from harm. Whitecap was accused of treason-felony for being a member of Riels Council during the Uprising of 1885, however he was acquitted when it was demonstrated that he had been forced to participate against his will. unknown son of Wapahska - another child killed by the Gatling gun Ward, James Jr. (34) - one of a group of Mtis which petitioned the government for farmland and a relaxation of the game laws

Watsas - a Sioux warrior- killed in battle at li Coule des Tourond's Wells, Joseph (34) Whitford, lie Joseph Whitford, William Francis (29) Madeleine (ne Wilkie) Dumont (45) - wife of Gabriel Dumont (48) - chef Mtis Wolf, Isidore

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