Die Vecna Die!

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D&%ig&hns&Dragons .......

p i e Vecna p i e !
Bruce R cordell & 5 t e v e Miller
Introduction ..................................... .2 Continuing the Campaign. ...................... .4!
Preparation .................................... .2 Getting to the Palace ........................... .5:
Adventure Background. ......................... .2 The Palace of Vecna ............................ .5:
Adventure Summary. ........................... .3 Book Three: City of Doors ........................ .12:
Involving the Player Characters. .................. . 3 Getting to Sigil via Ravenloft ....................12:
Book One: Tovag Baragu ........................... .5 First Steps in Sigil. ............................ .12:
Researching Tovag Baragu ....................... .5 The Lay of the City. ........................... .121
Ins and Outs of Tovag Baragu .................... .5 TheArmory ................................... 12:
InvestigatingTovag Baragu ...................... .6 Conclusions. ................................. .14!
Book Two: Citadel Cavitius ........................ .45 Appendix: Descriptions .......................... .15:

Editing: Miranda Horner and Roger Moore
Creative Direction: Stan!
Art Director: Paul Hanchette
Cover Ark Paul Bonner
Interior Ark Kevin McCann
Cartography: Todd Gamble, Dennis Kauth, Sam Wood
Typesetting:Angelika Lokotz
Production Manager: Chas DeLong
Project Management: Josh Fischer and Larry Weiner
Playtesters: Sham Horner, Dawn Lorenzen, Duane Maxwell, Daniel Nicklaus, Kate Novak, Ren6e Pittelkau,
Tony Pittelkau, Wayne Rice, Steve Shaefer, Kevin L. Tessandore, Joe Weber
Resources: Vecna Lives! by David "Zeb"Cook, Vecna Reborn by Monte Cook, DUNGEON@ #70: "The White Kingdom
by Wolfgang Baur, and Diablo 11: The Awakening by Bruce Cordell and Mike Selinker
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONSrules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Ameson.
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ISBN 0-7869-1662-1 620-T1166
A~ASTER@ Guide (DMG).A copy of the MONSTROUS
Introduction ~ I ~ A N u A L T Mtome is also useful, but not mandatory.

”[. ..] the Serpent speaks directly to Vecna. Others- Text that appears in unshaded boxes is player infor-
daring to call themselves wizards, magicians, and sor- mation, which the DM can read aloud or paraphrase
cerers-manipulate the tiniest aspects of the Serpent when appropriate. Shaded boxes contain important
and call it magic. But Vecna speaks to the Serpent, and information for the DM, including new monster
the Serpent speaks back.” descriptions,new magic items, and special rules. Gener
-Vecna Reborn ally, monster descriptions are provided with each
encounter as appropriate. However, there are two types
Once upon a time lost to history, there lived a mortal of stat blocks: full descriptions for those complicated
man called Vecna. Vecna plumbed the arts of magecraft, beings that appear only once, and short descriptions foi
eventually becoming the most accomplished and pow- those beings who appear more than once. Dungeon
erful wizard of all times and spaces. When a betrayer’s Masters can turn to the Appendix for full descriptions
blade maimed and cut him down, Vecna rose again, of these latter creatures.
infused with secrets of magic no mortal was ever meant Finally, the Adventure Background and the Adven-
to know. He was now a true demigod, while the relics of ture Summary sections provide the DM with frame-
his former body gained fame in their own right. His work information necessary to run the adventure. In
power magnified many times over, Vecna schemed, addition, DMs can use these sections to extrapolate sce-
laying audacious plans designed to transform himself narios should the heroes move off the adventure track.
into a true god, possibly even a supreme god. Just when
all portents aligned with Vecna’s will, the demigod was
snatched from his former abode and forcibly caged in a
Adventure Background
misty realm. Vecna’s imprisoning dimension, known as Despite Vecna’s entrapment in the Demiplane of Dread,
the Demiplane of Dread, offered diversions that suc- long-laid plans have come to fruition. In Vecna’s quest
cessfully sidetracked the Maimed Lord, for a time. to achieve full and permanent godhood, he instigated
Vecna is nothing if tenacious. His goal of true godhod several alternative strategies in the millennia of his
is too grand to suffer from misty distractions, and he existence. Many of these designs have played out with
has just recently (in demigod terms) put those distrac- little to recommend them, but elements of more sinister
tions behind him. Now, the demigod’s full concentra- schemes continue to move unnoticed.
tion is focused on ascension. If Vecna perseveres, the One such plan has promise at this point. Sometime
very gyres of the multiverse may come undone and be during the span of years before his imprisonment,
cast down in ashes by Vecna, transfigured! Vecna went to a lot of trouble secretly fabricating two
tablets inscribed with a true dweomer in the Language
Primeval. Then he buried them in a plausible archeolog
Preparation ical site. True dweomers represent 10th and higher level
This AD&D@adventure is designed for four to six magic, and they can be understood and cast only by
player characters (PCs or heroes) of 10th to 13th level. spellcasters of 20th level or higher. The Language
Even with the impressive abilities and powers that a Primeval, a surpassingly powerful magical grammar,
party of this level can command, the adventure is chal- was spoken by the Ancient Brethren, the Elders, and
lenging, and in some cases, deadly. other semimythical races when all the worlds were
Die, Vecna, Die! is a stand-alone adventure, but young or yet unborn. As a confidant of the Serpent,
Dungeon Masters (DMs) can easily insert it into their Vecna has some knowledge of this purely magical
ongoing campaign. Dungeon Masters can alter names of tongue, and so he recorded a spell of uncommon power
temples, castles, lands, and even nonplayer characters The tablets were a set-up, secretly aimed at a handful
(NPCs) described in this product if doing so would ease of demipowers who met Vecna‘s criteria. The very
incorporation of this adventure into their campaigns. power of the magical language recorded upon them
Those DMs familiar with the GREYHAWK@, RAVENLOFT@, made the tablets and all consequences of their discoveq
and/or PLANESCAPE@ settings can find familiar refer- proof against almost every form of scrying and divina-
ences to use as easy attachment points for personal cam- tory magic. Even when gods wielded such magic, the
paigns, but such familiarity isn’t required, tablets remained steeped in mystery, save for a tantaliz-
This adventure references sites and places touched ing clue hinting at transcendental significance.
upon in a few past AD&D products; however, none of Though any of a handful of demipowers would have
those products are necessary to play Die, Vecna, Die! As a served Vecna’s purpose, the corpse king Iuz took the
self-containedadventure, it also possesses special rules bait. Having stolen the tablets from their original dis-
and unique references.As always, the DM should have a coverers several years ago, Iuz has slowly brought his
copy of the Player’s Handbook (PHB) and the DUNGEON considerable resources to bear on the tablets. The more
Iuz learned, the more the ancient formula seemed, to Vecna’s might by the protection of their relics, heroes
him and all his divinatory means, an ancient dweomer are nonetheless stunned through the very same relics,
of stupendous strength, whereby a demipower might and thev can only watch as Vecna flexes his divine

bootstrap itself to full ascension! muscle.’The new-god forces the De!mipliane of Dread to
The particulars of the dweomer, according to Iuz’s funnel him directly into Sigil, City of Dc)on, in the
study anyway, require a portion of flesh from the origi-
. -1 _ I .. ..
uuter i-lianes. sigii IS tne supreme plana,r rrnccrnaclE

nal body of any other demipower (called the ”sacrifi-

cial” demipower). While in possession of the relic, the
candidate demipower must cast the spell recorded on
the tablets within a span of a few feet from the sacrifi- first part 01 vecna‘sagenda. m tact, vecna appears to be
cial demipower. Energized by the dweomer and using making a play for the role of supreme deity of the multi-
the relic as a conduit, the full power of the sacrificial verse, even if it means brineing.
v u
down the current Planar
demipower flows to the candidate demipower, and in Order in wrack and ruin.
so doing, elevates the candidate to full godhood. Or so Again, true heroes folloI Wthe new4y ascended powerI
the tablets promise. The tablets lie. too new to godhood to properly manifest more than a
The actual magic resembles the formula in Iuz’s pos-
session as recorded on the tablets; however, the real for-
mula requires the sacrificial demipower to willingly should never stand within the City of Doors, yet
instigate the magic of transfer as a catalyst. Then, when Vecna’s anomalous presence can’t be denied. While the
the tablet dweomer concludes, the real candidate Lady of Pain stands idly by for mysterious reasons,
demipower speaks the capstone phrase in the Language Vecna sets himself up in the Armory. The heroes are all
Primeval, which initiates the transfer through the relic that stand in the way of total planar dissolution,but
conduit. As it stands, only Vecna knows the phrase. even if Vecna is finally ousted, the cosmology of the
planes will never be the same.
Hdventure 3ummary
The heroes of the adventure accidentally discover that
Involving the Player C;haracters
Iuz is up to no good, and if obscure clues contain any Among all the heroes, demipowers, and even gods of
truth, has come dangerously close to winning actual the multiverse who might step in to attempt to prevent
godhead. True heroes who wish to prevent such an the events presented above, why does it fall to the
event can do what they feel is necessary to stop Iuz. heroes of your game to take up the gauntlet? Moreover,
On Iuz’s trail, the heroes journey to Tovag Baragu, a with such titanic events playing out, why wouldn’t
mysterious site sacred to vanished Vecna. Arriving at aforementioned deities take notice and “do something?”
the circle of stones, the heroes discover that Iuz and his There are two reasons. First, the quest has to fall to
forces have preceded them, leaving the temple in tur- someone, and the powerful 10th- to 13th-level PCs of
moil. An investigation of the stone circle reveals that your game are pretty good candidates. Secondly,
Vecna cultists have created a crossplanar structure of Vecna’s no dummy. The two tablets in which he has
sorts, using the dimensional portals of Tovag Baragu. invested so much effort are artifact-level items, and
Heroes who negotiate the strange temple find addition- events bound up with the tablets are proof vs. divina-
al relics of Vecna, Vecna cultists, and remnants of Iuz’s tion and precognition. Even scrying is scrambled in
forces. When they finally penetrate to Tovag Baragu’s tablets’ vicinity. Thus, concerned gods have little chance
heart, they find apowerful gate, magnified by the series to learn of the event beforehand. Once events are under-
of lesser portals that connect the transdimensional way, heroes could possibly alert their own gods of the
structure. It lies open to Vecna’s realm of imprisonment, true danger when they realize what’s actually happen-
still open after Iuz’s use of it a few weeks past. ing. However, initial information is too sparse for alert-
Heroes who make the leap find themselves in ed gods to do anything other then send their PC
Vecna’s transplanted realm, which is known in whis- followers to learn more. Moreover, as the adventure
pers as Citadel Cavitius. Again Iuz has preceded the unfolds, there is little opportunity for anyone other than
heroes; however, with such a large structure to contend the heroes to effect change because of the adventure
with, many challenges face the heroes before they final- structure. Once Vecna crashes Si$, the multiverse’s fate
ly catch up to Iuz and attempt to stop him from execut- becomes particularly precarious. If any other deity
ing his terrible plan. The heroes are in for a surprise entered the City of Doors’ many gates, it would all
when they discover that it is Vecna who is actually the come tumbling down that much sooner (and so Sigil’s
demipower most likely to achieve godhood. guardian, the Lady of Pain, keeps out all other godly
If Vecna ascends, PCs with relics of Vecna’s former interlopers, as she always has).
body are immune to his direct power. Able to withstand
”The congregation has returned, gathering Vecna’s
bodily relics, of which the Hand and Eye are only
the most famous. Brother, if you have your
bequeathed relic, bring it to your fellows at the
Stone Circles, Tovag Baragu, where wonderful
things are set to unfold.”

This message was obviously sent from one Vecna cultist

to another, and it somehow found its way to the loca-
tion where the heroes discovered it. If analyzed for age
in some manner, the writing is about ten years old. True
treasure seekers are sure to follow this clue up. See Book
One: Tovag Baragu for the information that the PCs can
learn through research.

The PCs may own the Hand or Eye of Vecna, or they may
have had dealings with it (or similar relics) in the past.
In this case, they receive a message. The message may
have been sent many years ago, but it has only recently
reached its intended recipient. The message reads some-
thing like the following:
So, it’s chance or fate that propels the heroes into
this scenario, while many other worthies never learn of
”Your contact with a relic of the Whispered One is
it. Dungeon Masters can utilize one or more than one known to us. If you bring it, or information regard-
of the following hooks, or make up their own reasons to ing it, to us in our fastness of Tovag Baragu, a great
explain the heroes’ presence at (or en route) to Tovag reward shall be yours. This we swear before the
Baragu. Maimed Lord, Vecna.”

The message is signed “The Disciples.” Attempts at div-
The heroes discover that Iuz has vacated his traditional ination fail. Any sort of research brings the bulk of the
seat of power, along with a large force. No one knows heroes into contact with an NPC of the DM’s choosing
where the demipower and his small army are bound. (or another PC), who is acting on information provided
Though divinations are shrouded, a bungling servitor of in any of the hooks. Additional information on Tovag
Iuz (named Ignassi), requisitioned twenty casks of Baragu follows in the next chapter. Dungeon Masters
Greyhawk ale for Iuz’s forces a month past. In the may need to adjust the text in the relevant sections if the
margin, Ignassi absentmindedly scribbled “re: celebra- PCs own one or more of the Vecnan artifacts!
tion following Iuz’s sack of Tovag Baragu and subse-
quent ascension.’’ This clue can come to the heroes in a Pivine Warning
fashion engineered by the DM, or by an acquaintance in
the brewing business who fulfilled the order a month Maybe these events are so significant that despite how
ago, but just now forwarded the clue to one of the well the tablets and Vecna’s plan are shielded, rumor of
heroes. Should the heroes wish to research Tovag the plot has come to a deity whom one or more of the
Baragu, see Book One: Tovag Baragu. heroes worship or revere. As deities are wont to do, one
or more of the heroes are chosen to act in the deity’s
Treasure f5eekers stead, so that they can discover what‘s really happening
in Tovag Baragu. The method of warning is best left to
If the DM has the opportunity ahead of time, he can the DM, who knows his or her PCs and their godly
plant a treasure map in an unrelated adventure still affiliations.
being played by the PCs. This map shows an isolated
site called Tovag Baragu within a desert land known as
the Dry Steppes. Scribed on the map are these words:

Book One: location that each portal opened to remained random.
In truth, the "secret" of manipulation of the portals ties
Tovag Baragu more directly to a cosmological shift instead of the dis-
covery of an arcane ritual. In fact, Tovag Baragu's origi-
Tovag Baragu is an outwardly simple structure. Though nal ability of allowing access to the future is partly to
it resembles a circle of stone obelisks and rude arch- blame for the proliferation of parallels.
ways, many of the arches contain portals to other times In the future, an event so catastrophic occurs that all
and places. Almost a decade ago, the Stone Circles the planes of existence are shaken (see Book Three: City
began to manifest even stranger properties, as present- of Doors). The repercussions of this event propagated
ed under "Ins and Outs of Tovag Baragu." into the past andlaltered Tovag - Barqagu in the present.
Now, Tovag;Baragu accesses dortens of dimensionally
1 1 ._ r
separated, parallel versions of itself. These parallels are

Researching Tovag Baragu fractures in reality, ithough each location is set in its own
Though the information below is presented in digestible half-world. These h alf-worlds are nNot -small ~ deminlanpn
..___ ~.- ~ -
. . with the Ethereal r -------
~ ~~

bits perfect for rewarding hero research, the information that share metaphysical real estate
. I 1

is also a good introduction for DMs new to Tovag Plane. They are distinct planes, but they remain unfin-
Baragu. Recent events in the vicinity are noted. ished, or at least not completely realized. Though the
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Tovag Baragu ("Navel of the Oerth," translated from slowed the Vecna cultists. Most of the half-worlds
the Bakluni tongue), also known as the Stone Circles, extend only a few dozen miles from the parallel version
is found on the salty shore of Lake Udrukankar, deep of Tovag Baragu they encompass. At their edges, these
in the heart of the Dry Steppes. It is a mysterious planes give way to an echoing void, which proves lethal
structure of massive stone blocks. for any hero that makes this final plunge.
Tovag Baragu is ancient, although its precise origins The cultists have moved into the fractured Tovag
are unknown. Most scholars believe it is the only sur- Baragu, and over the past decade, they have created a
viving structure of an old human empire. An event transdimensional fortress. There, many "rooms" are
known as the Invoked Devastation destroyed that accessed through archway portals, and each such pas-
empire. sage burrows ever deeper into a nested series of half-
Steppe nomads who inhabit the locale hold the Stone worlds within half-worlds. Still, the portals do not
Circles to be holy ground. They could take a dim waver, and it is easy to map an analog of the transdi-
view of strangers poking around the pillars. mensional structure claimed by the cultists (see Tovag
People attribute strange magical powers to Tovag
Baragu. Explorers' journals describe how distant
scenes were magnified when viewed through the I
stone arches, while some scenes may have been i

scryed magically. Tovag Baragu may also affect the

local weather.
Some believe that Tovag Baragu can scry distant
times and planes, and that it might even provide a
gate to these locations.
Tovag Baragu is somehow important to a cult of
Vecna worshipers. According to the lore of some
recordkeepers, the cult enjoyed a resurgence almost
twenty years ago, although it was stifled. About
seven to ten years ago the faithful congregated once
more, and those who answered the call supposedly
1 ,- -
convened at Tovag Baragu, where they remain.

Ins and Outs of Tovag Baragu

Claims that the Stone Circles can open portals to distant
planes and, more importantly, distant times, are true.
Up until recently, the portals opened in a random and
uncontrollable manner. However, Vecna cultists who
returned to Tovag Baragu ten years ago seemed to dis-
cover the secret of opening new portals, though the
Baragu Transdimensional Map). Additional information points described under Researching Tovag Baragu to
concerning archway portals and how they work is pre- the PCs.
sented below under the Area Descriptions section.
Despite fractured realities and uncertain connec- Random eincounters
tions between inner and outer planes within specific
Tovag Baragu parallels, undead function normally, The encounters in Tovag Baragu occur in two distinct
priests receive their spells without incident, and zones (see the map). The zones are designated Baragu
enchanted weapons do not waver in their power. Pre- Network (B) and Adytum (A), and they represent the
sumably, the portals’ connections provide sufficient subjective level of reality possessed by the half-worlds
attachment with the Prime to cancel effects that might of each zone. The Baragu Network includes the area
otherwise occur. around Tovag Baragu in a radius of about 1mile. The
Baragu Network also incorporates the areas in keyed
entries 1-13. The Adytum includes the deepest areas,
Investigating Tovag Baragu which are described in the keyed entries 14-63.
Iuz moved himself and his strike force to Tovag Baragu
through a series of teleport hops. High-level heroes may Wandering Monster Table, By Zone
find this or similarly direct methods the easiest way to B A Encounters (ld20)
access the site. To a large extent, the DMs choice for 1 - Rogue ferox, (2d4), area 4
Tovag Baragu’s exact location will influencehigh-level 2 - True ghouls, (ld4+2),Appendix
players’ travel arrangements, and as such, those details 3 - Centaur rangers, (ld2+1),area 4
are left to the DM. (If the DM has access to past Vecna 4 1 Ogre warriors, (3d6+2),Appendix
adventures, he or she can use the information within 5 2 Fingers of Vecna, (1d4+1),Appendix
them to help. Otherwise, the DM can do as he or she 6 3 Teeth of Vecna, (ld6+1),Appendix
chooses.) 4 Stone guardians, (2d4),Appendix
If playing the adventure as a one-shot game, the DM 5 Trolls, (ld4), area 20
can skip the preliminaries and begin the adventure on 6 Carrion Shamblers, (ld2), area 32
Tovag Baragu’s doorstep. In this instance, parcel out the

Using the Table: Every six hours the PCs remain Baragu, even the grass has a difficult time of it. Steppe
within or near Tovag Baragu, roll ld20. On a 1-6, an nomads wander the grassland, husbanding small
encounter occurs. Any result above 6 indicates that no herds of buffalo and other meat animals. Nomads
encounter occurs during that four-hour period. If an include human and centaur tribes. Given to gathering
encounter is indicated, use the number just rolled and at Tovag Baragu for a yearly festival, the nomads stay
reference the table above, according to the current zone clear of the site at other times, except as noted in the
of the heroes. For instance, if the players are in area 5, keyed entries below.
they are in the Baragu Network (B). Cross-referencing Lake Udrukankar:Tovag Baragu lies astride a vast
the B column, their roll of 2 indicates an encounter with salt lake called Udrukankar. Long ago, the lake was
true ghouls. However, heroes in area 26 are in the alive, but now it’s nothing more than a dead sea,
Adytum (A), and a roll of 2 indicates an encounter with sunken and surrounded by parched salt flats.
Fingers of Vecna. Tovag Baragu Complex: Refer to the Tovag Baragu
Stats for each encounter are not reprinted above, but Extended Complex Map. The inmost hub is keyed to
notes indicate where a similar creature’s stats can be area 1.
found. The number in parentheses indicates the number
of monsters encountered.
An artificial circle, which is tiled in pale stone blocks
nearly a mile in diameter, is situated at the edge of a
Area Descriptions salt flat. Sand, windblown soil, and encroaching salt
cover much of the circle. Closer to the center of the
The “outermost” version of Tovag Baragu and the par- vast circle, huge, smooth obelisks of the same white
allel versions that make up the areas of the transdimen- stone form a series of smaller concentric circles. The
sional structure are presented in numbered entries pillars are entirely featureless, though some are
hereafter. Each numbered entry correlates with the fluted. Each pillar towers 40 feet into the sky, and
map. many of them form impressively high archways.
Roadways of the ubiquitous white stone rise a foot
0. Surroundings ,above the detritus, connecting the various circle seg-
Dry Steppes: The Stone Circles are located in the Dry ments, from edge to center.
Steppes, a vast semiarid, grass-covered plain. In
places, the Steppes are lightly wooded, but near Tovag
Casual observation reveals that despite encroachment of 1. Tovag Baragu Prime
the elements, the circle remains immune to erosion. The
Eighteen archways bound the central 90-foot-diame-
expanse is completely flat, and not even a single pillar is
ter circle, and each stands 40 feet high. Some arch-
canted. From a distance during daylight, people can ways allow a clear view between their supporting
easily see that the inmost circle of archways is thickly pillars, while haze, strange lights, and other visual
clustered, forming a diameter of about 90 feet. More- distortions fill other throughways. Unmoving forms
over, bits of smoke visibly waft upward from the center, litter the hub, lying as if flung from a detonation
and unmoving forms are also discernible. marked by a scarred and blackened stone tile. The
An examination of the outer circles reveals that a damaged block still continually emits a dark haze of
large force must have camped near the edge of Tovag acrid smoke.
Baragu some time ago (about a month). Though the I

wind has raged, the heroes can find evidence of camp-

fires, footprints of temporary structures, and actual The central hub was the site of a quick battle. Five
prints. Besides booted feet, footprints of clawed feet are humanoids of mixed race and class lie where they fell,
also visible, including one set that might have been laid low by a sneakily delivered blast of powerful
made by a viciously clawed elephant. These are the magic. By the smell and rot evident on the bodies, at
remnants of a very temporary camp set up by Iuz before least two or three weeks have passed since the event.
he entered the center of the circle. Warriors and others Despite the passage of time, smoke continues to rise
used to studying the movement of military forces can from the charred floor, and it will continue to do so for a
make a rough estimate of one hundred humanoids, plus year, marking Iuz’s first strike on Tovag Baragu.
some contingent of bound monsters difficult to pin The dead all bear a tattoo on each of their wrists
down. showing a skeletal hand with a single eye implanted in
The inmost circle is fully keyed in area 1. the palm-Vecna’s sign. The fallen were Vecna cultists
set to monitor access into Tovag Baragu. Though their
equipment indicates varying class, it appears as though
someone looted the bodies of all valuables.
Refer to ”Tovag Baragu Portals” for information on
traveling through the portals between the archways.

The cultists who inhabit the current incarnation of
Tovag Baragu always access the portal leading to
area 4 from here, because the portals leading to
Baragu parallels 2 and 3 are traps for the unwary and
connected. The portals are usually generated uninitiated.
between two obelisks. The connecting lines o
map indicate that a passage through one por 2. Sea of Blood
egresses travelers through the same spatial por
Cold seawater extends to the limit of sight in all
directions, completely drowning the otherwise
through the portals, other conditions often va I familiar circle of Tovag Baragu. Faint glimmers of
widely. light reach down from the uncertain surface above.
Travelers access a portal by stepping ~

obelisks, only to find themselves stepping out of

similarlv placed nortal
r -- in a rnarallel
------- ~- - 0 Baram
TovaP - ----o-- This parallel contains a structure identical to Tovag
Travelers can stand half in one parallel and half Baragu Prime, drowned beneath a Lake Udrukankar
another if they stop between two portals. Simila so swollen that it merged with the closest ocean about
they can stretch a rope between two parallels via a thousand years past. Seawater and air doesn’t pour
connecting portal. through the portal on its own, but it accompanies
A traveler cannot teleport or pas travelers in either direction in small quantities (as an
through a portal to a parallel. In fact, unless s explosion of trailing bubbles, or a great splash of
cally noted otherwise, most of the half-world seawater).
In this half-world, reality extends only for about 30
and thus, no ethereal phasing is even possi miles in all directions. At the periphery of the half-
Most Tovag Baragu parallels contain eig world, water streams into the void in an impressive
archways (thirty-six obelisks). Of those, on1 waterfall, though the sea level never drops. Where
archways are ever likely to possess a portal. physics holds sway, little differentiatesthe “land” sur-
shown on the map, these arches are equidistant rounding the parallel Baragu from a standard shallow
spaced. Among those likely archways, only a sea floor, complete with sea life. Extraordinarily large
sea creatures, both natural and magical, share the wine-
tals, but only prior knowledge or experim dark sea with ferocious sahuagin.
indicates which of the eight archways are
which are merely putting on a display. Active
quiescent portals alike produce the following vi
effects, rolled randomly by the DM if necessary
(observation alone is insufficient to identify a PO
from an inactive archway):

Portal Facades
ld6 Effect
No observable effect

Curtain of impenetrable darkness h

between obelisks
Shows a DM-fabricated s
ally active, in which case


tive portals could be energized, leadi

L A ,

current size and layout of their temple.


The sea surface is only about 100 feet above, but that attempt to pull through whoev
is impossible to assess without swimming up to check. onto the other side. (Use an op
(DMs should remember that the archways stand about the combined sahuagin force el
40 feet tall.) Also, light or dark conditions prevail If a person looks into the porta
depending on the time of day in Baragu Prime. on the poor fool with pirhanali
Unprepared heroes who enter this portal must make sahuagin priestess simultaneoi
a saving throw vs. paralyzation to avoid becoming bilize heroes with her spells (ai
completely disoriented for 1round, which could magic on water-breathing effeci
become a problem as far as breath conservation goes if any). Should a remote probe
(see ”Quick Water Rules”).Of more immediate concern this portal, roused sahuagin ve
are all the sahuagin who hunt the area. Sahuagin are air for a brief foray, and they ai
humanoids who appear to have been crossed with one PC, bringing that poor sod
sharks some time long ago. The Vecna cultists tend to realm as a tasty treat.
throw prisoners through the portal at random times,
assuring that a few sahuagin are always on patrol in Sahuagin hunters (18): AC 5
hopes of a meal. HD 2+2; hp 18 each; THACO 19,
Remains of past sahuagin rnpals on this side of the poisoned trident); Dmg ld4/ld
portal include a small patrol ILL sent to scout out this poison; SA poison inflicts 5 poi1
portal two weeks past. Remains include gnawed cessful save or 15 points with fa
humanoid and ogre bones, rotting clothing, a few pen- in water even in complete dark
dants showing Iuz’s symbol (a grinning human skull), invisible; SW -2 saving throw p
an unbroken potion of extra healing, and a staff of striking attacks, -2 saving throw penalc
hidden amid the debris left by feasting sahuagin. suffer 1extra point per die of m
Development: The sahuagin latch onto anything, SZ M (6’ tall); ML steady (12); 11
probe or person, who enters the portal. If a probe (such XP 175 each.
as a rope or a pole) comes into sight, the sahuagin
Sahuagin priestess: AC 5; M
hp 45; THACO 15; #AT 4 (bite/r
dent); Dmg ld4/ld4/ld4/ld6i
inflicts 5 points of damage with
points with failed save, can sen:
darkness or even if foes are invi
throw penalty vs. light-based at
penalty vs. magical fire and Sufi
heavier: Cannot swim; sinks. of magical fire damage; SZ M (6
Movement, not proficient an Int high (14); AL LE; XP 2,000.
ment rate x 5 in yards. Special Equipment: a few tropl
Movement, not proficient an a wand of frost (12 charges) takc
heavier: Cannot swim; sinks. Spells (5/3/l): 1st-bless, cause
Movement, wearing metal arm0 tuary; 2nd-hold person (x3);3rd
Hold breath, prepared: K 3. Grasp of the Earth
Hold breath, encumbered and/or ex
Only a few dozen red, swollen
stitution in rounds.
void above. Despite the darkn
Hold breath, exerting a
_ , . humid, and an odor redolent c
m rounds (minimum 1 round). When breath IS let no, wafts through the air. Except 5
miniature pillars here and the1
archways of Tovag Baragu bo1
all weapon specialization effects are nullified. At
DM’s discretion, some weapons wielded by land This fractured reality is best left
dwellers inflict reduced damage. serves Vecna cultists as a trap fc
Underwater missiles: Thrown wea gain entry into the heart of the i
tive, and crossbows operate at %O normal range. ture without an invitation (and
is always dark in the parallel, bi
humid. Beyond the circle, reality holds sway only for the struggling target to draw its brain out in the next
about 300 yards before giving way to the void. Within round. Against a victim stunned by the psionic
that area, stony stalagmites poke up from ground in a attack, the urophion inserts its tentaclelike tendrils
seemingly random dispersion. Two such stalagmites into the victim’s skull and draws out its brain, killing
are situated within 20 feet of the portal connecting to the victim in 1round (the urophion can’t use its blast
area 1. through the portal). A drawn-out brain is immediately
The stalagmites are not what they appear to be. drawn back by one of the tendrils to the urophion’s
Instead, they’re living creatures-the result of a ”union” mouth, where it is eaten, while the remaining tendrils
of a mind flayer and a roper. The resultant monster is continue to melee with the victim’s companions, if
called a urophion. The creature has six tendrils, and, any.
like a roper, appears as a rocky protuberance to simple
observation. However, unlike a roper, a urophion 4.Checkpoint
~ ~

hungers for gray matter, and its tendrils act much like
The familiar wide stone circle of Tovag Baragu
illithid tentacles. Vecna cultists keep the two nearby stands in the midst of a lush rainforest. Mighty
urophions well fed. boles reaching up hundreds of feet sport thick blue
Remains of past meals on this side of the portal vegetation. The jungle trees curtail sight outside
include a small patrol sent by Iuz to scout out this the diameter of the extended circular complex.
portal two weeks past. Remains include two drow elf Within the inmost circle of archways stands a 20-
corpses, sans brains. The bodies all bear Iuz’s grinning foot-square, 30-foot-high crenellated stone tower.
skull sign. The corpses have obviously been looted, Around the tower, extensive bloodstains and
though the looters are nowhere in evidence. debris of conflict are readily apparent. Beyond the
Development: Urophion tendrils can reach up to inmost circle of archways, several large hide tents
50 feet and through the portal. In the event a remote are visible.
PC probe convinces PCs to give this parallel a miss,
the urophions attack through the portal with their
tendrils. The urophion can melee at a distance with This parallel served the cultists as a guard post. Beyond
its tendrils, while its body resides safely up to 50 the circle, reality holds sway for about 100 miles in all
feet away. directions before giving way to the void. Within that
space, a weirdly colored tropical rainforest is stalked by
Urophions (2):AC 0; Mv 3; HD 12; hp 96 each; gargantuan dinosaurs, which usually never enter the
THACO 9; #AT 6 (tendrils);Dmg ld4+2x6; SA organic pale stone of Tovag Baragu.
infravision, opponents suffer a -2 penalty to surprise if
attacked by an urophion, psionic powers; SD ignore
lightning, half damage from cold; SW -4 penalty to
saves vs. fire; MR 45%; SZ L (9’ tall); ML fearless (20);
Int genius (17-18); AL LE; XP 9,000 each.
Special Abilities: Psionic abilities-an use these
”spell-like” abilities 1/round at will suggestion, charm
person, charm monster, ESP, levitate. Can mind blast
l/turn.The mind blast power affects a cone shaped
area 60’ long, 5’ wide in front of the mind flayer, and 20’
wide at the far end of the effect. All within the cone
must make a saving throw vs. wand or be stunned and
unable to act for 3d4 rounds.
Notes: A tendril is AC 0, requiring 6 points of
damage from a single hit of an edged weapon to be
severed. Each successful tendril attack inflicts damage
and holds the target (removable with a successful
Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll by the victim). When at least
one tendril holds the victim, the victim must make an
opposed Strength check (urophions have a Strength of
21) or be pulled through the portal. In addition, each
succeeding tendril attack by the urophion accrues a
cumulative +1 bonus to hit (to a maximum of +5 to hit
for the last attack). Once four tendrils have attached to
the victim, the urophion has sufficiently immobilized
Iuz and his forces killed the guards originally posted the Adytum, where the Disciples of Vecna are locat-
here by the cultists, and they moved further into the ed. Ugwaerel, a potent priestess, leads the Disciples.
transdimensional temple. Since then, a few surviving These guards are not high enough in the cult to be
cultists have gathered from other parts of the temple considered Disciples (instead, they are of the rank
and holed themselves up in the tower. In addition, a just below Teeth and Fingers), and thus they have
band of centaur nomads from the Prime have penetrat- never been allowed access to the Adytum.
ed to this point, and they have set camp beyond the Yes, it’s true that relics of the demigod Vecna are
inmost archways. The nomads view the disruption enshrined in the Adytum.
caused by Iuz’s forces as the perfect opportunity for a Savages from the Dry Steppe have begun to invade
holy cleansing: the sweeping of Tovag Baragu clear of the temple, but it is ”only a matter of time” before
the profane Vecna cultists. they are driven forth or slain for defiling Vecna’s
Development: The wily nomads note the heroes’ Temple, Tovag Baragu.
interaction with the Vecna cultists in the guard tower
while hidden in their tents. If the heroes become “ami- The cultist guards will not accompany heroes or give
able” with the hated cultists, the nomads launch an them particularly detailed directions, even should their
attack (they can’t get to the guards up in their tower, but tenuous alliance hold.
they can reach the heroes!). Unfortunately, the cultists Nomad Tents: A group of twelve nomad centaurs,
do not help the PCs if the nomads attack. On the other their leader Balophan, and their pet Ferox (related to a
hand, should the heroes fight the cultists, the nomads mongoose, but grown to huge proportions) have pene-
view the heroes more leniently, and they emerge if the trated to this parallel. They have set up camp in five
heroes are victorious. The worst-case scenario pits the tents in the extended circle of Tovag Baragu. Balophan,
PCs against both the cultists and the nomads, but only a ranger of some renown, leads the nomads. The
particularly haughty and nonpolitic characters are likely nomads know the following facts:
to draw such a response.
Guard Tower: The entry to the tower has a wizard Cultists of Vecna have taken over sacred Tovag
lock spell (cast at 20th level) placed on it. The entry pro- Baragu, and they must be removed. The leaders of
vides access to the hollow undertower and the stairway the cult are called the Disciples of Vecna, and they are
to the top. The tower is enchanted such that those who ensconced further within the parallels. A powerful
stand on top can see invisible creatures. Furthermore, woman named Ugwaerel leads them.
the center 10-foot-diameter of the open tower top is Iuz is not beloved of the nomads, but the nomads
sunken 5 feet, and it holds a minor globe of invulnerabil- would be stupid to ignore the opportunity left in
ity, which is not normally visible from the ground due Iuz’s wake.
to the tower’s height. The globe is the perfect defense Iuz is set to destroy Vecna, and that can’t be bad.
againstfireball spells thrown from below targeted upon
the center of the tower (fireballs targeted outside the Heroes who befriend the nomads can add doughty
10-foot-diameter center of the tower are not directly Balophan to their number, while the rest of the nomads
affected). The crenellations offer 50% cover to the remain encamped in this parallel to monitor cult move-
guardians (4to all attack rolls). ments in and out of Tovag Baragu. If the heroes return
The tower holds eight cultists. The leader of the sur- to this area after an absence of more than one day, they
viving cultists, Ugwaerel (see area 61), recently posted find the nomad encampment wiped out and footprints
these replaced guards here. The guards (which includes of gargantuan sauropods trampled into the ground.
Noal at the time the heroes approach) verbally chal-
lenge interloping heroes. Should the heroes indicate Muquetho, male human M14 (Vecna cultist): AC 0
enmity toward Vecna or Vecna’s cultists, the guards (cloak ofprotection +2, Dex bonus, armor spell, staffof
attack. Should the heroes claim to be ”hunting Iuz” or power); M V 12; hp 31; THACO 16 (14 with staffof power);
something similar, the guards remain suspicious and #AT 1(staffof power); Dmg ld6+2; SZ M (5’ 8”tall);
may refrain from violence, but they first quiz the heroes. ML elite (14); Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 11,
They wonder if the characters are undercover agents of Cha 12; AL NG; XP 11,000.
the cult. Quick thinking and believable roleplaying on Special Equipment: wand offire (12 charges), 2 potions of
the players’ parts could stave off immediate conflict. healing, ring of mind shielding, 342 gp.
The guards know the following facts: Spells (S/5/5/4/2/1): lst-urmor, magic missile (x2),
identify (x2); 2nd-mirror image, rope trick, scare (x2),
Iuz and a large force of humanoids and monsters wizard lock; 3rd-dispel magic (x2),fireball (x2), water
attacked the temple. Though many of his forces were breathing; 4th-charm monster, dimension door, ice storm,
slain, Iuz triumphed, and his forces penetrated into Leomund’s secure shelter; 5th-cone of cold, magic jar, pass-

wall, teleport; 6th-contingency, invisible stalker; 7th- 5. Twisted
delayed blast fireball. The familiar circle is not; it is strangely rwisrea, as ir
Notes: Muquetho is no fool. If he is summoned to the pillars were pulled like taffy, then reset. The
come to the tower's top by Noal, he'll prepare his con- stone paving bulges unevenly in places, and some of
tingencylteleport combination. If he reaches 5 hit points the archways have fallen. Racing red clouds paint
or less, the spell takes him well outside the bounds of the sky, strewr 2f energy discharge.
Tovag Baragu and places him in the care of a cultist Utter darkness le extended circle.
priest far away. Several unmo~ humanoid and
monstrous, lie rn variuus pusisions within and out-
Noal Dicken of Argo, male human C7 (Vecna side the inmost circle. Other figures move out in the
cultist): AC -1 (platernail +2, shield, and Dex bonus); shadows of the extended circle and group more or
MV 12; hp 40; THACO 16 (14 with mace +2); #AT 1 less around the dead.
(mace +2); Dmg ld6+3; SA cast spells (see equipment),
turn undead; SZ M (6' 1" tall); ML champion (16);
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 10; AL LG; This parallel, never too steady, starts disscM n g in the
XP 2,000. wake of Iuz's attack. Before then, daily ribuals by the
Special Equipment: knucklebone of channeling (nonrelic cultists kept the shrinking void at bay. Now, reality con-
bone allows worshiper to channel spells from trapped tracts, held "open" only by the aperture of the Stone
Vecna at full level), 123 gp. Circles. Without maintenance (which any cultist could
Spells (5/5/3/11):1st-command, cure light wounds (x3), perform, given several hours a day), this link in the
detect evil; 2nd-aid, augu y, barkskin, hold person, know transdimensional temple collapses in 3d4 months. After
alignment; 3rd-cure deafness, prayer, remove curse; 4th- that, the portal connections may find a new configura-
cure serious wounds. tion, or, all the deeper parallels could be lost forever.
Signs of conflict within the inmost circle include the
Vecna cultists, male and female humans, F7 (6): stripped bodies of eight cultists (all with Vecna eye-in-
AC 4 (studded leather, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 55 each; hand tattoos), three particularly nasty looking ogres
THACO 14 (12 with Dex (bow only), 10 within 30-feet wearing ogre-size banded mail (some with Iuz grinning
range); #AT 2; Dmg ld6/ld6 or ld6+2/ld6+2 (longbow skull paraphernalia), a few dead centaurs, and several
or longbow within 30'); SA bow specialists; SZ M spots of drying protoplasm impossible to identify.
(6' tall); ML average (9); Int very (12); AL N; Feeding on the dead are true ghouls, escaped from
XP 650 each. their pen (see area 7). Live prey draws the ghouls like
moths to a flame. Ghouls follow heroes through portals
Balophan, male centaur, R E AC -1 (Dex bonus and if not dealt with.
studded leather barding +Z); MV 18; hp 60; THACO 14 (12
with Str bonus and longsword +I, 12 with Str bonus and True ghouls (3):AC 3; hp 36 each; THACO 15; #AT 3
shortsword +Z, 12 with hooves, 7 vs. ogres); #AT 4 (long- or 1;Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon.
sword +l/shortsword +1/ hoof / hoof); Dmg
ld8+2/ld6+2/ld6+2/ld6+2 (Str bonus); SA fight two- 6. Crossroads
handed with no penalty, Tracking (18), Move Silently
The familiar wide stone circle of Tovag Baragu
(53%) and Hide in Shadows (65%)in natural surround-
stands in the midst of a hilly meadow. Grassy downs
ings (chances halved in city or dungeon settings),
extend to the horizon in all directions, but the over-
animal friendship, +4 to hit vs. racial enemy (ogres);
cast sky limits vision. Two stone buildings stand on
SZ L (9' tall); ML elite (14); Str 17, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, the stone paving within the inmost circle of arch-
Wis 16, Cha 15;AL N; XI' 3,000. ways. One is a stable and the other some sort of bar-
racks or inn.
Centaur nomads (12):AC 4; MV 18; HD 4; hp 32
each; THACO 17 (16 with Str bonus); #AT 3
(spear/hoof /hoof); h g ld6+1/ld6+l/ld6+1 (Str This parallel connects four others, allowing the cultists
bonus); SZ L (8'tall); ML elite (13);Int average (10); to use it as a crossroads. It is perfect for stabling beasts
AL N; XP 175. of burden and serving as a waystop.
A. Stable: Unfortunately, something has ripped the
Ferox (huge mongoose):AC 6; MV 18,swim 9; doors of the stable from their hinges, and all the horses,
HD 10; hp 80;THACO 10; #AT 3 (claw/claw/bite); Dmg donkeys, and stranger beasts within are either slain or
ld10+2/ld10+2/2d12+2; SA can jump up to 30' on level fled. Worse, the carrion has drawn several true ghouls
ground, tree to tree, or obelisk to obelisk; SZ H (who've escaped their pen in area 7), and any investiga-
(14' long) ML elite (13); Int low (5);AL N; XP 1,400. tion of the barracks draws an attack.
B. Inn: The two-story structure is in disarray. The True ghouls (6): AC 3; hp 36 each; THACO 15; #AT 3
doors and lower windows are smashed, and the tables, or 1;Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon.
bar, and kitchen are completely ransacked (though a
few small bottles of spirits and a half keg of bitter are Ilya Noma, Vampire: AC 1; MV 12, fly 18 (C);
found, if searched for). The bodies of cultists, a single HD 8+3;hp 67; THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4 and
ogre warrior, and several mercenaries (part of Iuz’s energy drain (blow or touch); SA charm gaze (-2 penalty
force) lie where they fell in battle. All the bodies on victim’s save vs. spell), energy drain (2 levels with
show signs of ghoul feeding. each successful attack), summon
The doorway to the upper floor is lOdlO rats or bats, Strength
barred from within, and all the windows 18/76; SD regeneration (3 hit
are covered on the inside with black points/round), immune to non-
cloth attached by many nails. A horrible magical weapons, sleq, charm,
smell of intense rot pervades the floor, hold, poison, paralysis, and death
but the heroes find no obvious source. magic, half damage from cold or
Five rooms appear empty to a cursory electricity, assume gaseous form
search, but someone is here. A special as per spell, shape change (to bat)
mercenary separated from I d s main as per spell, spider climb as per
force has set herself up in the upper spell, automatically assumes
story for the present. The vampire Ilya gaseousform if reduced to 0 hit
Noma has created a crude coffin (a points; SW can be turned,
cavity in the floor filled with earth) repelled by garlic, mirrors, and
beneath one of the beds. Happy to be free forcefully presented holy sym-
of Iuz, neither does she desire to join the bols, suffers ld6+1 points of
heroes or their cause-in fact, she’s become damage when splashed with holy
a bit thirsty, and she regards exploring PCs water or struck by holy symbol;
and NPCs as nothing more than prey. Ilya prefers SZ M (5’ tall); ML champion (16); Int
guerilla tactics as opposed to a straight-up fight, if the exceptional (15);AL CE; XP 8,000.
PCs are strong.
7. Ghoulbreak ghoulkeeper, whose attention wairered when it should-
n’t have. He was forcibly pulled tlirough an aperture
A single moon, bloated with yellow-green radiance, -. - . - ~.* ..
that really shouldn’t have allowed the passage, if
lights the chill night. Rusted chicken wire gleams in
physics is any guide. In any event1 1lis horribly gory
the moon’s gibbous light, stretched tight around the
familiar inmost circle of obelisks. Broken grave- .i ~ “+rounas
. ,. . * . .
remains now muck up the works. A.thief who spends
stuaylng tne jam can repair the mecha-
stones fill the plain in all directions beyond the
extended circle. Dimly visible humanoid figures, nism with a successful Find /Rem01re Traps roll at a
hundreds of them, lurch and stumble among the -20% penalty (multiple retries are aIlowed). Unfortu-
tombstones. A faded wooden shack stands between nately, the thief must stand outside wrl- e- S-L--1.
-1 : L L -
m. u 11 r i e

two obelisk archways, backed up to the chicken wire or she remains overlong (10 rounds), the ghcmls con-
fence. The bodies of several humanoids are strewn verge on the site at a rate of 2d4/round.
True ghouls hail from an unknown place, r.rh:nh hcm 0
between the entry portal and the shack. vv Llcl aa
caused them to become more potent and d angerous
than common ghouls.
If the cultists could have removed this parallel from
their network, they would have. Failing removal, True ghouls (ld4 per 5 rounds): AC 3; hp :36 each;
they’ve wrapped the 40-foot-high archways with an THACO 15: #AT 3 or 1:
, Dme” ld6/ld6/ld8
~. U L uv

- - I

encircling cage of narrow mesh wire and chicken wire vteapon.

to keep the natives out. The natives are predominately
represented by unending hordes of true ghouls. They
8 Farm Isles
roam the stygian graveyard beyond the chicken wire, The inmost circle of archways rests like an island on I
starving, fighting among each other, and grieving their
a vast pink ocean; the extended circle is missing or
aeon-long torment below the unmoving moon. Thank- drowned. Several other islands, more natural than
fully, they don’t bother to test the chicken wire, the stone circle, are visible across the water. The far-
undoubtedly seeing it as a more substantial barrier than thest appear as a green haze, while those nearer,
it truly is. Should the heroes press out beyond chicken only about a mile off, show obvious signs of cultiva-
wire, they find undecipherable inscriptions on the tion. A pall of smoke hangs over the nearest, and it’s
tombstones (scribed in the Language Primeval, should easy to see that wh
any hero even recognize it), and ever more ghouls. It’s era1 canoelike boat
possible that greater ghoul powers are similarly abroad while several over:
in the unending night, but reality only holds sway for a within the circle. A
66-mile radius before edging into the void. warty skin tends a
The bodies show signs of ghoul feeding and are largest tent.
stripped of all valuables. Most of the bodies are those of - -
cultists,but a few human mercenary fighters with Iuz’s
stamp are also represented. The heroes’ mere entry into Eight tents hold a toLai VI BlALCCll U S ~ Cw a i i i u i a allu Lwu
this parallel is enough to get the attention of ghouls half-ogre commanders (called Kadars). The kettle-
responsible for the deaths of all assembled; see below. tender is a regular ogre, who gives warning the moment
Ghoulshack This large shack backs up to the he notes intrusion to this parallel. Heroes who make a
stretched chicken wire fence. The shack‘s rear is a show of strength can get out of this parallel without a
ghoul-lock system, designed to allow cultists to shuttle battle, but overzealous PCs have a fight on their hands.
single ghouls from the surrounding parallel and into the The ogres become particularly angry if heroc?slead
safe enclosure for use as easy labor once commanded. ghouls here-roleplaying skills determine if the result-
However, Iuz’s attack disrupted operations, and now ant fight is a free-for-all or a chance for the PCs to band
the ghoul-lock is jammed open. together with the ogres against the ghoul threat.
The PCs’ entry into this realm draws ld4 true ghouls Split off from Iuz main force, this still-dangerous ogre
through the open ghoul-lock after 2 turns. After that, company has set itself up in the parall
ld4 true ghouls emerge through the ghoul-lock every 5 were using to grow staples and husba
rounds. This continues, even if the heroes leave this DesDite their desertion from Iuz’s mai ~~

realm, until fully 100 ghouls come through. These 100 ogres don’t look kindly on the inter]mpnon or tne new
divide into packs of 10, and they begin to hunt the ”world” they‘ve claimed for themselves.
heroes, and any other living thing, through the portal Tho i a l n n A c ;n +ho ruiD
IDIcLI Lus ai= ca<habout a mile in
Lllc L a l LLc
3-n nor

system. Should the heroes reenter this parallel, more diameter, and they hold small populations of native
ghouls are attracted as just described. halflings enthralled by the cultists for the production of
The heroes can attempt to prevent this invasion by food. It’s possible that a few cultists might live on some
unjamming the ghoul-lock. It is jammed open by the of the farther-flung isles; however, they stay clear of the
circle since the ogres have claimed it and the nearby isles
(sixteen ogres live on each of the nearest three isles).
Ogres make poor landlords, and now all the nearest
farm isles are put to.the torch and their halfling popula-
tions decimated (ogres boil their meals, if time allows).
Though it may not be obvious at first (or at all), this par-
allel is a true world, and it extends indefinitely, encom-
passing many geographies, life forms, and cultures.
Development: If heroes talk to the ogres for any
length, they learn that the ogres are basically ignorant of
Iuz’s plans, aside from penetrating to the heart of Tovag
Baragu. They do know that Iuz is shepherding particu-
larly valuable tablets, but nothing more substantial.
Heroes who explain they are after Iuz without revealing
their reason (stopping him) may persuade one of the
two Kadar to join the PCs as an NPC under the DMs
control. Half-ogres are temperamental and easily set off.
In fact, a half-ogre in the party’s midst makes it almost
certain that future encounters with cultists end in

Half-ogre Kadars (2):AC 2; M v 12; hp 48 each;

THACO 12; #AT 3 / 2 ; Dmg ld6+6.

Ogre warriors (16): AC 5; MV 12; hp 48 each;

THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6.

9. Lightless, and. ..
Except for the faint flicker that portal archways
sometimes display, this place is utterly lightless. By
their placement, it appears that the archways main-
tain their familiar pattern and spacing, but it is
impossible to see the floor, sky, or what might lie
beyond the obelisks.

Besides being lightless, the parallel is weightless!

Thankfully, an envelope of breathable air is maintained
by cult spells previously cast. A steady rope bridge once
connected two archways through this parallel (the por-
tals to areas 6 and 9), but ghouls recently gnawed it
away. What shreds of reality exist here extend about
three miles beyond the inmost circle of archways. The
lightless and weightless nature of the parallel proceeds
indistinguishably into the void.
The weightless nature is quite dangerous to heroes
who enter the parallel. Without forewarning of the
weightless conditions, heroes must make a Dexterity
check at a -4 penalty to avoid launching themselves
into space at a movement rate of 9 (PCs who enter the
parallel at a run or under other adverse conditions may
be assessed even larger penalties by the DM). With fore-
warning, a Dexterity check at a +4 bonus to the roll
allows heroes to maintain position near their entry
portal without spinning out of control (and on up
toward an eventual meeting with the void).
Even for heroes with initial control, a straightforward few hours begin to freeze to death, and they succumb in
Dexterity check is necessary each time a physical move- ld20 hours plus their Constitution ability score.
ment is called for. On a failed Dexterity check, the hero Breaking the Ice: The ice block blocking the portal
begins to spiral up into the dark. Flying spells, ropes, between here and area 9 is 40 feet high, and 20 feet wide
and other precautions are a necessity here. In addition, and deep. Damage in excess of 250 hit points shatters it,
heroes might not think to note where they came from. If but because of the cold temperature, damage to the
they fly out uncontrollably, have them make Direction block regenerates at a rate of 1point per round. Heroes
Sense checks or other suitable checks to determine in area 9 cannot enter the blocked entrance, but they can
where they came from. (If they paid close attention to attack the barrier from their side (though physical
the portal they came from, then recognition of that attacks require Dexterity checks to avoid the rebound
portal isn’t as much of a problem.) throwing the hero into a weightless spin).
Development: A few other castaways float around in
the darkness: an ogre, a ghoul, a centaur, and a few Rhule, White Dragon, Elder Wym: AC -10; Mv 9,
simple cultists. For every 10 rounds the heroes remain fly 40, jump 30; HD 23; hp 200; THACO 3; #AT 3 (claw/
in this parallel, there is a 50% chance that a drifter claw/bite) + dragon maneuvers; Dmg ld10+12/
comes within arm’s reach. Stats for such encounters can ld10+12/3d10+12; SA cold breath (24d10+12),affect
be pulled from previously noted area descriptions. normal fires, pyrotechnics, heat metal, suggestion,
hypnotism, detect gems; MR 40%; SZ G (100‘ long);
10. Icy Fresh ML fearless (20);Int exceptional (15); AL CE; XP 24,000.
Notes: The dragon possesses no overt hoard, since it
The familiar stone obelisks and their supported
considers ownership of the ice moon enough. If the DM
archways appear in crystal duplicate here. The
determines that Rhule does possess a hoard, that hoard
ground appears to be pure ice extending out into the
should be very difficult to find and require several
extended circle and plain beyond. The cold is
intense, but it is overshadowed by the monstrous sil- weeks of travel over the moon’s surface to reach.
houette above.
11. Fading
The inmost archways rest in their familiar positions,
The silhouette is that of an extremely large and angry
but they are somehow bleary and smeared. In fact,
white dragon. Have PCs roll initiative. The moment the
the circle appears bloated and drained of color, as if
heroes (or subset thereof) enter this parallel, the dragon everything were stretched a fourth again as large as
uses its initiative to drop the massive iceblock it held they once used to be. Runes are roughly inscribed on
squarely in front of the portal leading back to area 9. the pale stone flooring, meandering and almost
Until the ice melts or is shattered (see below), access illegible. Beyond the inmost archways and extended
between areas 9 and 10 is not possible. circle, the landscape is gray, and it merges moodily
Assuming the dragon, named Rhule, traps any with a gray horizon.
heroes, it growls out in Common, ”I knew more would
come! For forsaking the covenant, your lives are for-
feit!” A few random corpses (ghouls and Iuz regulars) This parallel is losing touch with the Tovag Baragu net-
attest to Rhule’s treatment of prior visitors. work, and as it does so, it is slowly expanding like a car-
The so-called covenant was between the dragon of nival balloon that is dangerously overinflated. Within
this icy realm (its sole hermit inhabitant) and the 13d6 months, this parallel may cease to exist.
cultists, who agreed to leave it alone. With Iuz’s attack, Past travelers who’ve unwisely explored the arch-
many transgressions have occurred, and Rhule, not a ways in this parallel have inscribed various warnings in
fair or pleasant creature in the best of times, is out for front of the functioning archways, in Common.
blood. The heroes must fight or flee (through the A. Slide: The portal is losing coherence, and it cur-
unblocked portal if they can choose it quickly enough). rently drops travelers back into this parallel via a
Rhule possesses some stats greater than those standard nearby archway.
for a white dragon great wyrm, and he is thus referred
to as an elder wyrm.
The icy parallel of Tovag Baragu is perched on an ice “A slide outside and back again
New friends test the sane.”
moon of a gas giant planet which in turn circles slowly
around a dark star. Beyond that, who knows where real-
ity ends and the void begins. Tidal forces keep the Unfortunately, the strained interstices expose the travel-
atmosphere of the ice moon warm enough to melt out er to conditions outside standard cosmology, though
breathable gases, but only just. The dragon loves it here. only briefly. Mindbending philosophies take on physi-
Heroes without heating magic who stay more than a cal weight, if only briefly, and have a 20% chance to
actually alter the person of the traveler. If altered, the
”All pilgrims want to leave alive
traveler takes on a new attribute chosen by the DM or Run the icy gauntlet; survive.”
rolled randomly from the following table:

ld4 Effect 12. Point of No Return

1 1hand replaced with a tarantulalike body and
Something is different. . . there are no archways!
legs (legs serve as fingers);
The pavement still extends out almost a mile in
2 1foot replaced with a hoof (-1 move penalty) radius, but the area is empty of archway and obelisk.
3 Four tentacles now surround player’s mouth The paving rests on a high promontory where the air
(-6 Charisma and severe social repercussions); is thin, and it overlooks a wide mountain valley. The
4 Head and one hand rearranged (sadly, traveler campfire and tent of at least one other traveler is
cannot handle this and expires in ld4 rounds) pitched close to the center of the pale stone circle.
Three slain ghouls lie farther away, thrown onto a
Multiple trips may add multiple deformities. larger pile of offal.
B. Annihilation:The archway appears to function,
but any object thrown into it does not come safely to
rest in some more distant reality. In fact, an object frays This parallel contains no natural method of returning to
into annihilation, and its disparate points are scattered the transdimensional structure of Tovag Baragu, or for
across the void. Heroes who probe this portal with a that matter, any known plane of existence. Unless
pole or other anchored projection have the opportunity heroes have access to magic permitting direct planar
to learn of their peril when the object is cleanly truncat- travel (plane shif, teleport without error, or similar
ed, trailing fine bits of fiery residue. effects), they could be trapped here, though an inhabi-
tant here possesses a means of escape. Reality holds
sway for about 50 miles, holding a half-world of moun-
”Ten years and more since they’ve gone
tainous terrain, complete with an ecology suited to such
We planned reunion but I’m still alone.”
heights, as well as a tribe or two of competing giants.
Iuz’s attack caught Vecna cultists off guard. The
C. Solitude: This archway accesses area 12. Unfortu- attack killed many on the periphery, while others fled.
nately, this archway provides one-way access, and it One such refugee, Orlanko of Dyvers, trapped himself
drops travelers rudely into area 12 without the benefit here. Orlanko subsists on rations, supplemented by a
of a return portal. stewed marmot now and again. He isn’t entirely upset
by his situation, and in fact he views it as a sabbatical. If
he becomes lonely, he can use an item he possesses to
“A land of peace and eternal solitude
return to more traveled planes, though doing so will
Sequestered an uncertain interlude.”
cost him much (see the sidebear for Ninev’s stepping
D. Ice: This archway leads back to area 10. Development: Orlanko speaks to diplomatic heroes
if no representatives of Iuz obviously accompany the
party (spying Iuz’s regulars, he assumes the heroes
Ninev’s Stepping Stone share similar loyalties and attacks or flees at the D M s
The enigmatic stepping stone appea discretion).He tolerates centaur nomads, though the
gular block of silvery talc. Arcane sigils are inscribed latter counsel heroes to destroy Vecna cultists on sight!
Orlanko knows much of the same information noted
face and trod upon by a free-willed entity, the step- for the cultist guards under area 4,plus he knows the
ping stone executes an effect similar to teleport following facts: The inner portion of the transdimen-
without error, transporting its single passenger and sional temple is called the Adytum, and it is mostly con-
itself to any location selected by the traveler. How- tained on a single half-world. The cult keeps its most
ever, to energize the transfer, Ninev’s stepping sto sacred relics (all from Vecna) ensconced therein. Iuz
permanently drains the traveler of one life energ may be after one or more of the relics, but he especially
level that travelers can regain only through resto seeks the Hand or the Eye.
lion or normal adventuring. Travelers of less than If the heroes promise to aid Orlanko to free the
temple of Iuz’s influence, the cultist cuts his sabbatical
Because of its level-draining property, Ninev’s step- short and joins the heroes. Orlanko insists that with his
ping stone should be used only as a final contingency. help, the heroes should have little difficulty in penetrat-
XP Value: 0 GP Value: 4,000 ing to the Disciple’s Sanctum at the center of the
Adytum. (He’s wrong.) If centaur nomads travel with
the heroes, the heroes must choose between cultists and been missing since the beginning of the attack. The
nomads as allies-of-the-momentvery shortly after the Teeth suspect an impostor, and at the DMs discretion,
meeting. attack the heroes anyway. Attacking Teeth first cast
Orlanko possesses an item capable of extricating invisibility on themselves.
himself from this half-world (Ninev’s stepping stone), but
he is reluctant to use it. He’d much rather use a method Teeth of Vecna (5): AC 8; M V 12; hp 20 each;
provided by the heroes. Should the party need to rely THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
on the stone, they can use it, one at a time, to travel to
area 11.Orlanko then pitches the stone through the 14. Welcome to the Adytum
portal leading back to this parallel before the heroes
A single high archway accesses a space that other-
know what he’s doing.
wise doesn’t seem too similar to the inmost circle of
archways of other parallels. The tall archway stands
Orlanko, male halfling F7/M5: AC 4 (elven chain mail at the end of a 20-foot-wide underground hall,
+I); MV 6; HP 61; THACO 14 (11with spear +3);#AT 2 which leads toward the southwest and opens up
or 1;Dmg ld6/ld6 (shortbow)or ld6+3 (spear +3); into a larger lighted area. The heavy walls are
SA halfling abilities, cast spells; SZ S (3 ’6’’ tall); mortared slabs, but the ceiling, which drops down to
ML steady (12); Int very (12); AL NE; XP 2,000. a height of 10 feet, appears to be carved from sedi-
Special Equipment: wand offire (6 charges), Ninev’s mentary stone. Small alcoves are inset on both sides
stepping stone, pouch with 215 gp. of the wall, each containing small statuettes.
Spells (4/2/1): lst-charm person, magic missile,feather
fall, spider climb; 2nd-invisibility, web; 3rd--reball.
This chamber is the first in a series of chambers carved
13. Partly Cloudy and built within solid stone, collectively known as the
Adytum. The parallel Tovag Baragu that existed here
Little distinguishes this particular circle of Tovag
was entombed in solid stone that goes on for hundreds
Baragu from its many similar manifestations. In fact,
of miles, though the space immediately around the
beyond the extended circle, the dry steppe to the
east and the salt flats and open water to the west circle was originally open. The cult burrowed and cut,
bear a striking resemblance to Tovag Prime. How- mortared and built, and created the inner sanctum for
ever, if this is the Prime, someone has managed to their temple. Many cultists, called closeted priests,
quickly build several small structures on the periph- never leave the temple for any reason. Fresh air flows in
ery of the extended circle. through the archway, but in the outer rooms of the com-
plex, things are a bit stale and cold.
The hall is clear of danger, but it shows obvious signs
In fact, this is not the Prime but another parallel. The of recurrent battles (such as scorch marks over older
structures, about forty-five in all, comprise a small vil- scorch marks, blood stains over older blood stains).The
lage where many of the cultists lived when not partak- small statuettes are stone effigies of Vecna in his various
ing in cult business or attending cult rituals. Should any guises, but they otherwise possess no special virtue.
cultist accompany the heroes, the cultist refers to the Heroes who make too much of a disturbance draw a
small conglomeration of buildings as “Cirithburg.” response from area 15.
A few moments of study reveal the scars of recent
conflicts, though no bodies or other overt clues now 15. Tovag Foyer
remain. Likewise, the buildings show signs of limited
Pallid green-yellow light shines from guttering
siege, and some are completely burned. All are com-
lanterns hung above the chamber. Several onyx
pletely stripped of useful items (courtesy of Iuz’s pass-
altars are evenly spaced around the hall, around
ing forces) and are mostly ruin within. which several hunched humanoid figures crouch,
One ransacked structure holds a detachment of five feeding on carrion. Six onyx statues lie scattered
cultist lay wizards, part of a military order known as the around the chamber randomly, and twice that
Teeth of Vecna. This detachment has lost its leader, and number rest brokenly in piles of rubble. Several
the regulars are paranoid. Unless a cultist already stone doors lead off the chamber. The portal consists
accompanies the heroes (say, Orlanko from parallel 12), of a shiny alloy, and it is graven heavily with relief
the Teeth coordinate to attack the heroes with a magical sculpture.
ambush 4 rounds after they enter the parallel. The Teeth
follow heroes through portals to conduct their ambush,
and they reinforce any other aggressive force the heroes The onyx statues are stone guardians who defend the
may have stirred up. Even if Orlanko accompanies the temple from outsiders. They attack the heroes on sight,
heroes, the Teeth are quite suspicious, since Orlanko has unless a Vecna cultist of at least 6th level countermands
it. The hunched humanoids, true ghouls out on a lark, facts of Vecna-the Hand and the Eye-lie beyond the
wear spiked collars and harnesses, though all the leash- Chapel, having recently been brought to the Temple for
es are bitten through. They ignore the stone statues, but safekeeping. Cultists have brought other relics to the
attack any living creature indiscriminately. If the combat temple, though none are quite so famous as the first.
in this chamber goes over 10 rounds, the ogre warriors Should the heroes realize that the rest of the temple
from area 19 come to investigate, and they deal with the contains many relics of Vecna, and if they begin to make
heroes as noted under that entry. plans to obtain some, allied cultists vehemently oppose
Before Iuz’s attack, this chamber served the cultists the heroes. Should the heroes proceed (really, their only
as a meeting ground, as well as a working ritual area. option), allied cultists betray heroes at their first good
Priest of the foul faith called down dark necromantic opportunity.
powers under Vecna’s beneficence, though they con-
ducted more in-depth ritual experiments in special holy Stone guardians, in Vecna’s image (6):AC 2; MV 9;
chambers (areas keyed to 16). The stony figures are ani- hp 35 each; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld8+1.
mate stone guardians, and they served both as ritual
aids and as guardians should any ritual get out of hand.
The satellite hallways and chambers that lead off the
central subterranean hall house food for the living,
quarters for the closeted priests, and special vaults Ghoul-light is a greenish-yellow light shed by special
where the relics of the faith are sealed away for safety’s lanterns. These lanterns burn an oil that is procured
sake. The ornate western door leads to the main chapel only at great expense from a distant subterranean
-._J. , . _ _ 1. _ - l - . -
and associated primary reliquaries-unless the heroes T.--->-..
Kixiguurn, ana ir i b a closely guaraea
-1 1
secrer Known IO
. I

possess relics of Vecna, they cannot pass (see area 54). only a few of Vecna’s priests. The weak glow provid-
Development: Vecna cultists may reveal to the the lanterns discomfits drow, inflicting the
heroes (under questioning if not briefly allied) that Iuz’s penalties as a continual light spell, but it does
attack triggered a magical defense that utterly blocks not neutralize infravision. In addition, it reveals
entry to the Atrium (area 54) and the holy chambers to I . -.._.%
mvisiuie 1 ., niamg m
crearures or rnose 1.1. 1 . snaaows witrun
1 1 .

the west, unless one bears a holy relic of Vecna. Unfor-

tunately, Iuz and much of his force got through before
the defense was activated. Worse, the two maior arti-
True ghouls (6): AC 3; hp 36 each; THACO 15; #AT 3 17.Knowledge Vaults
or 1;Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon. Iuz’s forces have forced open and ransacked some of the
rooms keyed to this entry (35%chance). The DM can
16. Sutmlication Chambers roll ahead of time, or he or she can do so when heroes
first find another knowledge vault. Note that the vault
Ebony tapestries bearing the ubiquitous hand and keyed to this entry that connects to area 43 is never ran-
eye symbol adorn half of the wall space, leaving the sacked prior to the heroes’ discovery of it.
rest for wooden shelves. Glass, clay, treated leather
If not already ransacked, the heroes find these doors
containers, among other things, stuff the shelves.
(stone reinforced with iron) securely locked and magi-
The floor space is given over to two large benches,
upon which rests all manner of alchemical equip- cally trapped (pressing a knucklebone to the pull handle
ment. The chamber is in an obvious state of disarray, bypasses both the trap and the lock).
Unless a PC disengages the trap, any attempt to open
or bypass the door triggers a contingent slow spell cast
Unless the heroes clear the entire temple, each supplica- at the 20th level of ability that affects a 10-foot radius in
tion chamber keyed to this entry likely contains wan- front of the door. At the bottom of the same round, a
dering elements of the temple and its invasion. second contingent teleport delivers six stone guardians
Immediately roll ld20 on the Wandering Monster Table from a place of storage, who attack heroes (who may be
for the possibility of an encounter when the heroes first surprised) at the start of the very next round.
enter each chamber. Encountered monsters are usually
looking for a hidey-hole, a safe place to stage an attack Stone guardians (6): AC 2; M V 9; hp 35 each;
on enemy forces, or loot. THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld8+1.
Each of the supplication chambers served the cultists
in the manner that brought them closest to their god- Unransacked vaults are filled with valuable items.
the discovery of secrets. Cultists once spent endless
hours in these rooms, seeking knowledge. With bone
Metal cabinets line the room, allowing only a small
scalpels, undead familiars, and the clarity of mind that
access to the chamber between. Some cabinets
only a complete lack of conscience and ethics can bring, appear only large enough to store knickknacks,
the cultists attended to elaborate distillations,eviscera- while others are big enough to hold man-sized
tion-dissections, inquisitions of summoned oracles, and objects, or larger. All the cabinets contain a small
grotesque experiments on necrotic flesh. The cultists, metallic keyhole.
refusing to allow exhaustion to stand in the way of their
”holy” search for knowledge, often sustained them-
selves with foul elixirs and necrotic infusions for days Knowledge vaults store the accumulated secrets, in
and even weeks at a time. These unholy drugs and tem- applied or prototype form, which the cultists have
porary skin grafts of energized necrotic tissue are one of teased from the world. Though cabinets line each of
the foul secrets uncovered by the cult (see area 17). these chambers, only a subset (ld6 small cabinets and
In the wake of Iuz’s attack, heroes find that the forces ld2 large cabinets per room) contain an applied secret.
ransacked most of the chambers and smashed much of The rest wait to be filled. Whether empty or full, each
the equipment and many of the canisters upon the cabinet is locked and trapped with a poison needle
shelves. A determined search has a 75%chance per turn (Type D; Injection; Onset ld2 min; Strength 30/2d6).
of revealing one item from the following list. Once dis- Heroes interested in searching through the cabinets
covered in a specific room, cross the item off the list. must first disable the locks and traps. Cabinets random-
ly chosen are 20% likely to contain an item of interest,
ldlO Result until the heroes discover ld4 small cabinets and ld2
1 Bone scalpel (enchanted,never dulls) large cabinets with secrets in a particular room, after
2 Material component, 300 gp gem which the heroes find only empty cabinets in that room.
3 Material component, 400 g p gem Secrets are drawn from the following list; once discov-
4 Material component, 500 g p gem ered in a specific room, cross the secret off the list.
5 Vial, weak acid (ld6 hp in 5-foot range if
thrown) 18.Lounge
6 Vial, strong acid (2d6 hp in 5-foot range if
Burned tapestries and carpet, overturned and splin-
tered furniture, and the fetor of death, including real
7 Vial, quicksilver (100 g p value)
dead bodies, fill this chamber.
8 Vial, poison (Type A)
9 Vial, poison (Type E)
10 Vial, poison (Type N)
Small Cabinets 5 Insi 3 clay pills wrapped in green parch-
ld6 Result ment (enchanted).Concentrated from grave soil
1 Anenchanted and infused with stolen magic, the clay pills grant
allows cleric of imbiber invisibility to all undead for 24 hours, or
despite his entrapment in the Demiplane of Dread. until imbiber attacks specific undead.
2 A necrotic elixir of concentrated lifeforce in a red 6 Inside are ld3 clay pills with orange stripes
lacquered vial (enchanted) contains ld3 doses. It wrapped in silver parchment (enchanted).Concen-
grants the imbiber a +2 bonus to Constitution score trated from grave soil and magically processed
and gives the ability to go without food or sleep for brainmeal, the clay temporarily transfers knowl-
24 hours. An 8-hour refractory period follows, edge to the imbiber. The imbiber gains special
during which the imbiber suffers a -2 penalty to knowledge or one of the following proficiencies for
Constitution score and a -1 penalty to all rolls. It one day (DM should pick one that the imbiber does
radiates evil (if a PC detects for it), and it sends not already possess): 1-Tracking, 2--Blindfighting,
nightmares during refractory period. 3-imbiber realizes how to bypass outer trap on
3 A necrotic elixir in pale blue lacquered vial one of the Reliquaries randomly selected, 4-
(enchanted) contains ld3 doses. The stolen 1 imbiber learns a secret password that allays the
within grants the imbiber the ability to regenerate fears of cultists when it is spoken (at least until the
1hp/round. It regenerates a total of 30 hps before imbiber takes an action that contradicts cultist
the effect ends.
4 A necrotic skin patch (enchanted, 3” in diameter)
sits in the cabinet. A total of ld2+1 patches
rated by cork wafers. If applied to skin, it creates a ld4 Result
temporary graft, which slowly imparts its stolen life 1 Hellball: This item is a 1-foot-diameter, 5-pound
energies to the wearer. It grants a +4 bonus to Con- sphere of utter blackness. It was extracted from a
stitution score and gives the ability to go without petitioner (suffering soul) in the Nine Hells. In the
food or sleep for 3d6 days. A 4-day refract0 particular region where extracted, this sphere
period follows, during which wearer suffers served as a spiritual ball and chain. The sphere
penalty to Constitution score and a -3 penalty to all afflicts the first creature to touch the sphere with
rolls. Repeated use gives the wearer a permanent naked skin (or ectoplasm), merging with its victim
gaunt and sallow appearance. It radiates evil if a PC who fails save vs. death magic. The sphere’s move-
detects for it, and it sends virulent nightmares ment beneath skin is visible now and then as it dis-
during the refractory period. torts torso, limbs, and face. A successful merger

This chamber once served the closeted priests as a com- Teeth of Vecna (5): AC 8; MV 12; hp 20 each;
fortable place to gather for relaxation and informal dis- THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6; replace invisibility with
cussions. Now, smashed sculptures of Vecna and the mirror image.
demigod’s besmirched sign are also in evidence.
Currently, the cultists hold this chamber and many of Fingers of Vecna (5): AC 4; MV 12; hp 30 each;
the rooms to the south and west of this chamber. A THACO 18 (14 with backstab attempt, 16 with cross-
detachment of Teeth (cult wizards) and Fingers (cult bow); #AT 1;Drng ld4.
thieves) watch the ruined lounge from the hallway
immediately outside (18a). Any investigation by non- 19.Art
cultists brings a surprise magical attack, followed The doors to this chamber are barred from the inside.
immediately by backstabs made possible by the secret Heroes must use a Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll, or resort to
door through area 16, which allows thieves to get into magic, to gain entry. Unless particularly quiet, they
position behind heroes. A prolonged battle (20 rounds rouse the inhabitants, who prepare an ambush.
or longer) could bring cult reinforcements, and possibly
even Iuz’s forces after enough time.
Shattered frames, scorched easels, and ashen parch-
Development: Attempts at diplomacy (should the
ments are all that remain of an austere gallery of
heroes have an alliance with other cultists) brings the
art. It seems that most of the frames have been
response, ”If you are with us, your first task is to clear
gathered together for use as kindling. Several ghoul
out the befouling forces of Iuz, who hold most of the bodies are hewn and stacked in the far northern
northeast Adytum. You’ve no reason to come here!” corner.
Heroes who acquiesce can avoid this battle, for now.

made each round to take any action other tha
automatic, although transferring one’s mind into
inanimate objects does not grant mobility into said
ability or higher-if the victim makes a successful object (thus transfer into a statue or the wall
save vs. death magic (only one save is allowed). imprisons the mind). Into mindful objects, such as
2 Animate Greatcoat, Minor: This item is sewn from animate statues or living creatures, the mindful
integument harvested from powerful undead. It object gets a save vs. death magic. If the object suc-
grants the wearer a +2 bonus to AC, and it acts as ceeds, no transfer occurs (but the mind in the
both cloak of the bat and cloak ofavachnida, but not sheath is feebleminded for 2d6 hours). If the object
both in the same 24-hour period. In addition, the fails, the mind in the sheath transfers to the object
and gains full use of the mobility and physical abil-
ities, if any, possessed by object. Following transfer,
successful or not, the sheath and tube rots into dust

may act to betray or save its wearer, or slink a rds “Break in Case of Emergency.” If broken, the
em animates and serves the first person it sees.

metal spike. The spike can be thrust into any object,

living or nonliving (but not undead). Should any golem for 2d6 rounds, electrical spells heal a flesh
conscious humanoid creature put on the sheath golem 1hit point per damage die; SZ L (8’ tall);
while or when the spike is thrust into an object, ML fearless (19); Int semi (4);AL N; XP 2,000.

A Kadar and a few ogre regulars hold this chamber, Ogre warriors (6): AC 5; M V 12; hp 48 each;
venturing out only now and then as their food runs low. THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6.
They attack heroes, calling on troll aid from area 20 if
any remain (the trolls respond 3 rounds later). A battle 20. Statuary
that lasts longer than 10 rounds brings any surviving
cultists from area 18 to investigate.
replaced by shattered stone with only hints of form,
Development: Should the heroes deal diplomatically
smashed pedestals, and a layer of sand. Over all, the
(or question) the Kadar, named Druelnarg, he knows stink of refuse and of creatures confined for too long
the following information: hovers like a physical entity.
Druelnarg desperately misses his half-brother, Fest-
narg, who accompanied Iuz through the interstice in Trolls, more of Iuz’s original force, hole up here. Should
area 54. Thus, Druelnarg schemes to raid a reliquary, any conflict occur within a room or two of them that
where he can pick up a relic to access area 54. includes other forces of Iuz, the trolls move to fortify
Only those with relics may pass into the Atrium since besieged Iuz regulars. The trolls all possess brands on
Iuz’s penetration caused a magical lockdown. their foreheads-Iuz’s grinning skull symbol-and their
hair is adorned with small animal and shrunken human
Druelnarg, Half-Ogre Kadar: AC -1 (banded maiZ +2, skulls. They do not parley, unless the heroes offer them
Dex bonus); MV 12; HD 10; hp 80; THACO 11 (6 with a supply of three or more days food. Also, they pass up
two-handed sword +2, Str bonus); #AT 2; Dmg ld10+8 an opportunity to beat on heroes if true ghouls are
(two-handed sword +2, Str bonus); SZ L (8’ tall); around for them to attack.
ML steady (12);Int average (9); AL CE; XP 4,000.
Special Equipment: Pouch with 325 g p and bone chits.
Trolls (4): AC 4; MV 12; HD 6+6;hp 54 each; investigate. Heroes who get past the door find a cham-
THACO 13; #AT 3 (claw/claw/bite); Dmg ld4+1/ ber converted to a temporary barracks.
ld4+1/ld8+4; SA severed limb can continue to attack;
SD regeneration (3 hp /round); SW cannot regenerate
Overturned shelves now serve to bar the doors. The
damage from acid or fire; SZ L (9’ tall); ML elite (14);
books that once graced their shelves now fuel the
Int low (7);AL CE; XP 1,400 each. central fire. Smoke from the fire has colored all the
surfaces here an ashen shade of gray. The air here is
21. Where Trolls Fear to Tread hot, close, and heavy with the odor of burnt paper.
The chamber remains securely locked, despite the fact Bedrolls lie along the walls, and extra weapons,
that the trolls camped so long just outside the room. water, and rations are stacked on the floor.

The door in front of you is carved with relief sculp-

The mercenaries, their leader Saranay, and her
ture showing the tortures awaiting any who open it.
enchanted pet Nogrog are quite suspicious of any
interlopers, and they most likely assume heroes are
The door has such graphic images that the trolls decid- cultists (especiallyif any cultists accompany the
ed to give it a miss. party). Even if accompanied by other forces that once
The door appears locked, but in fact, it is the magical- loyally served 11-12,the paranoid group here is only
ly enchanted treasured sculpture on display here. Any 50% (+/- reaction adjustment x 5) likely to accept a
attempt to force the door wakens it from its dozing diplomatic end to the encounter. If the heroes avert
state, causing it to morph into a humanoid stone figure, combat, Saranay sends one mercenary with the heroes
from which darkness streams from its missing eye and to aid them and to make certain they do not harbor
drips from its severed hand-it is carved in a guise of any cultist sympathies.
Vecna! The statue attacks as an enhanced stone golem, This chamber and the forces holed up here represent
attempting to slay those who disturbed it. Nothing lies the most organized cluster of Iuz’s forces remaining
beyond the golem save dust. behind within the temple. Though all the forces
expected to follow Iuz, not all made it through to the
Guise-of-Vecna stone golem: AC -3; MV 12; hp 120; inner temple area before it was magically locked
THACO 3; #AT 2; Dmg 4d8/4d8. down. In Iuz’s absence, the loyal forces continue their
attempt to quell all remaining cultist activity. Saranay
22. Trapped Hallway sent a few small search parties to explore the northeast
A new trap lies just south of the elbow of the corridor, portion of the Adytum from this chamber, but for the
and it was created by order of the self-proclaimed com- most part Iuz’s forces have not penetrated past this
mander of the remaining forces of Iuz, Saranay (see area point. If conflict occurs with the heroes, Saranay fights
23). Most of Iuz’s forces know of it, and they avoid it, smart, allowing the mercenaries and Nogrog to soften
but none of the Vecna cultists who’ve found it have sur- up the heroes while she invisibly maneuvers for a
vived to tell about it. Once sprung, the mercenaries in backstab.
area 23 emerge from their locked redoubt (if the heroes Development:Through diplomatic means, question-
haven’t previously dealt with them) and attack, ing, or looting of the vanquished foe (a journal note),
attempting to push others into the trap. the heroes can discover that Saranay hopes to discover a
Trap: When more than 20 pounds of weight rests on tome called the Compendium Malefcarum. According to
the trapped area, as shown on the map with a T, two the note, considerable potent lore is recorded therein, as
sections of the floor swing down, dropping victims into befits a tome holy to the demigod of secrets. More
an excavated pit, unless they can make a saving throw importantly, the note theorizes that the tome, possibly
vs. paralyzation to catch themselves on the edge. Those in or near the cult library, contains magical code keys
who fail their saving throw fall 20 feet into the rapidly that might allow a single person into the inner temple
narrowing cone-shaped pit, and they are funneled without incorporating a relic into his or her body.
directly onto a 6-foot-long spike, which inflicts 3d6
points of damage (in addition to the 2d6 points for the Saranay, female human T 9 AC 0 (cloak of protection
fall).On a failed saving throw vs. death magic, the spike +4, leather, Dex bonus); M Y 12; hp 63; THACO 16 (13
remains embedded within the victim, trapping him or with short sword+3 and 16 with dagger of stabbing +2
her like a fly on a needle. offhand attack, 10 with skortbow +2, Dex bonus); #AT 2;
Dmg ld6+3/ld4+2 (short sword +3 and offhand dagger
23. Command Post +2) or ld8/ld8 (skorbow +2); SA backstab x5, thief abili-
The door to the command post is barred from within, ties; SZ M (6’1”tall); ML elite (14); Str 13, Dex 18,
unless activity outside has brought those inside to Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11,Cha 13; AL NE; XP 5,000.
Special Equipment: dagger of stabbing +2 (increases 25. Archive of Secrets
backstab multiplier by l),ring of invisibility, ring offyee
Crystal lamps light this 20-foot-high chamber,
action, scroll of monster summoning VI, magic leash though most have gone out. The remaining light
(owner controls Nogrog as if a familiar), 1,246 gp. shows a large library that has suffered at the hands
ThiefAbilities: PP 63%, OL 6O%, F/RT 63%, MS 66%, of vandals. Several bookshelves lie toppled over on
HS 6O%, DN 6l%,CW 62%,RL35%; RS 75%. the floor, spilling many books. Most of the visible
books appear as if someone tore them, burned them,
Mercenaries, male and female humans F8 (10):AC 1 or used them to create a crude mattress near the
(Dex bonus, banded mail, shield +I);MV 12; hp 80 each; southeastern corner of the room.
THACO 13 (10 with Str bonus, specialization, longsword
+I);#AT 2; Dmg ld8+5 (Str bonus, specialization, long-
sword +I);SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite (14); Int high (13); A human cleric of Iuz, Dopa Nu’ Larseen, spends his
AL NE; XP 1,400 each. waking hours in the library, and he is responsible for
Special Equipment: 2d4 x 50 gp. much of the damage. He’s was driven mad by the loss
of all but his 1st and 2nd level spells (which occurred
Nogrog, ”pet” gorgon: AC 2 (metallichide); MV 12; when Iuz passed into the Demiplane of Dread). Never
HD 8; hp 64; THACO 13; #AT 1 (horns); Dmg 2d6; SA having been cut off from his deity before, Dopa hasn’t
breath petrifymg effect in cone (5’ wide at origin, 60’ reacted too well. He waylays the heroes, whom he calls
long, 20’ wide at end) 4/day; SZ L (8’ tall); ML average ”cursed demons from the invisible moon!”
(10); Int animal (1);AL N; XP 1,400. A search of the library turns up many usable vol-
umes, although the most obviously arcane and secret-
24. Head Librarian filled are but empty burned husks (courtesy of Dopa).
The library seems devoted to arcane and necromantic
This unoccupied chamber is a well-appointed pri-
lore. Any wizard who takes the time to gather the dis-
vate room. Tapestries grace the wall, crystal lamps
parate, and who has means of toting the resulting 1,000
hang from the ceiling, and wooden furniture fills the
room, including a bed, an armoire, a mirror, and a pounds of books, can supplement his or her personal
small desk. magical research library. The entire lot is a 6,000-gp
value when calculating the effect on the wizard’s per-
sonal library; if sold, the books fetch only 3,000 gp.
The head librarian for the cultists, Thalifon Burset, was
killed during the initial invasion. A search of his room Dopa Nu’ Larseen, male human C10:AC 1
turns up some letterheads with Thalifon’s name, writ- (platemail, shield +I);MV 12; hp 47; THACO 14 (11with
ing materials, reshelving orders for arcane-sounding flail +3);#AT 1vail+3); Dmg ld6+4; SA cast spells, turn
tomes, and a variety of Vecna cultist paraphernalia in undead; SZ M (6‘ tall); ML champion (16);Str 13,
the armoire, including ceremonial robes, tattooing Dex 10, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 17 (4 due to insanity), Cha 14;
equipment, and a stencil of Vecna’s eye-in-hand sign. A AL N; XP 2,000.
secret drawer in the desk (trapped with poison gas that SpeciaZ Equipment:flail+3 ”Fragesite” castsflame strike
inflicts 2d10 points of damage in 15-foot radius) con- 2/day from skull-ball.
tains a list of the reliquaries and their contents: Spells (6/6/-/-/-1: lst-cure light wounds (x3), detect
evil, detect magic, sanctuay;2nd-detect charm, hold
Reliquary of the Scalp: Scalp of Vecna person (x3), know alignment (x2).
Reliquary of the First Digit: First Digit of Vecna
Reliquary of the Second Digit: Second Digit of Vecna 26. Compendium Maleficarum
Reliquary of the Medial Digit: Third Digit of Vecna This secret door to the room with the Compendium
Reliquary of the Other Eye: Right Eye of Vecna Maleficarum is trapped with a magical curse. Unless dis-
Reliquary of Appetite: Molar of Vecna abled or bypassed using the password (all cultists above
Reliquary of the Night: Incisors of Vecna 10th level know it: HUERLOMUN), those passing the
Reliquary of the Traveler: Foot of Vecna lintel must make a saving throw vs. spell at a -4 penalty.
Reliquary of the Heart: Heart of Vecna Those who make their saving throws experience a
Reliquary of the Body: Skin of Vecna shooting stomach cramp and suffer ld4 points of
Reliquary of the Head Head of Vecna damage. Those failing their saving throw take 2d10
points/round for 5 rounds, as their stomach briefly ani-
mates and attempts to wriggle free. Survivors are
immune to this curse in the future.

ethics, and the contracts of polite society only hinder the
Shadows fill this room, and stray light is quickly
advance of true knowledge. Furthermore, true knowl-
extinguished. A shallow depression in the center of
edge can be gained only outside the normal sphere of
the chamber surrounds a pedestal. Upon the
life and death. The real secrets of the cosmos transcend
pedestal is a book. Bound within the book is palpa-
ble evil, which emanates from it in dark, cloudy life, and entities that deal in death and undead things
vapors. are in the best position to ferret out the knowledge that
is denied the living. Almost by definition, cultists of
Vecna must therefore deal with undead entities and
The tome upon the pedestal is the holy book of the seek mastery over the same.
cultists of Vecna. It is the vile Compendium Maleficarum, The second prong in Vecna’s two-step scripture for
or at least a parallel reflection of that notorious book discovering the true fabric of reality is through expan-
spoken of in evil myth. The book is dangerous, but sion of the senses to levels far beyond what they can
filled with secret lore. Cultists accompanying the normally bear. It’s really all about excesses, especially
heroes or finding them here attack noncultists who the excess of pain that torture provides. To the cultist‘s
touch or read the holy book. If heroes destroy the tome, of Vecna, torture is like a sacrament. To the uninitiated,
they are forevermore marked, and they may never deal cultists of Vecna are all certifiably insane.
amicably with cultists of Vecna again. A theft of the Reading the Maleficarum:Any character that idly
tome ensures that bounty hunters eventually follow flips through the pages of the Maleficarum must succeed
after them. at a saving throw vs. death magic or permanently lose 1
The Compendium Maleficarum: The tome is 2 feet to point of Wisdom. Those who read from beginning to
a side and around 6 inches thick. Its pages are stiff and end remain safe from this particular effect; however,
appear to be sheets of bone. Rumors suggest that the any character of good alignment who ploughs through
ink of the foul tome consists entirely of the blood of the perverse logic and foul magic recorded herein loses
still-living (at the time of the writing) donors. Cleverly one life energy level when finishing. Those of more evil
enough, a spine of a deceased creature serves the same persuasion may attempt to glean secret spells from the
function for the book, with nubby ribs clasping the top tome: For each months worth of casual reading (or
and bottom endcovers. week‘s worth of intense reading), the reader may make
The Maleficarum professes the central dogma of the a saving throw vs. death magic. On a successful saving
Adytum: plumb every secret. That’s it. Well, that’s not throw, the reader learns nothing, but on a failed saving
entirely it. Actually, the dogma indicates that morals, throw, the reader discovers a new spell or secret. With
the spell or secret comes an affliction: usually, the loss of
a digit, hand, eye, or other extremity or organ, deter-
Torture mined randomly by the DM.
(Necromancy) The nature of the spell or secret elucidated by
Sphere: Necromantic Level: Pri research is left up to the DM to determine, save for the
Range: 120 ft. first secret divulged. This first secret is a phrase that
Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 5 allows one person passage into the Inner Temple of the
Area of Effect: 1target Saving Throw: Nega Adytum during a lockdown, regardless of possession of
a relic (”May Vecna reign over all; life, death, and every-
The caster asks the target a question as he or s thing in between will call him master!”). A sample new
fashions a terrifying phantasm of demonic tor spell, torture, is also provided, should the heroes spend
and casts it into the mind of the target. If the tar overlong in study of this nightmare libram.

the caster’s question, the target is racked with ulti- 27. Deep Reach
mate agony and loses half of his or her current hit
The stone walls of this chamber bear the inscriptions
points (round down). If the target fails the first
of countless sigils, signs, circles, and other arcane
saving throw, the caster may ask a second questi
marks, often one over the other with little regard for
which requires another saving throw in the subse- previous writing. Several small tunnels lead away
quent round. If this saving throw also fails, the from the southeastern portion of the room, rough
victim perishes from the effects of the torturous
. ... . r .
phantasm should he or She retuse to answer truthful-
and unworked, with an obvious downward grade.
1ly. Truthful answers do not allow the spell to cause
pain or hit point loss in any circumstance, and the The chamber is currently uninhabited. The several small
:aster can ask a maximum of two questions before tunnels lead deeper into the earth that connect indirect-
the spell ends. ly to the core of this parallel, which cultist legend sug-
gests is a vast hollow called the Sunless Stead. From
time to time, cultists high on new knowledge gleaned the tunnels of 27, joining other monstrosities in the Sun-
from the Maleficarum have utilized foul rites to call less Stead.
forth emissaries from evil powers, who travel up these
lean tunnels to confer with the principles of the 29. Bindery
Adytum. Thankfully for the heroes, no such emissaries
Tattered and patched hides are stretched on racks on
lingered in the aftermath of Iuz’s attack.
the east wall-it appears someone was tanning these
The winding tunnels are only 3 feet wide, and man- hides as leather. A large worktable and associated
sized creatures will not find them easily navigable. They cabinets fill the northern wall. Rectangular leather
wind for several miles, ever deeper, before opening pieces lie scattered over the workbench, as well as
upon the Sunless Stead. iron staples and heavy thread. A few half-bound
A description of that terrifymg place is beyond the books are also visible.
scope of this adventure, and heroes who attempt to
spend the time traversing the nigh unnavigable pas-
sages may soon reach the same conclusion. Dungeon Cult apprentices staffed the bindery before the attack.
Masters with extra time may develop the Sunless Stead They usually gather the raw material of the bindery
at their leisure. from the leavings generated on Newcomer’s Eve in
area 32.
28. Empty
30. Observation Chamber
Only dust, cobwebs, and a few shrouded human-
sized cocoons currently inhabit this room. Comfortable, if moth-eaten, chairs are arranged in a
semicircular pattern, allowing observers a good
angle on a large crystal pane set in the southern
The cocoons are chrysalides of cultists who’ve read far wall. The crystal looks out over a dimly lit cav-
too much of the Malefi’curum.Cultists who’ve lost so ernous expanse, littered here and there with diffi-
many extremities and organs begin to resemble human- cult-to-identify piles of litter. A large iron wheel is
sized slugs of blank flesh. Though death is the most set in the wall just to the right of the crystal pane.
likely result, sometimes these cultists grow a chrysalis.
That which is born from those cocoons retreats down
Slouching low in the chairs next to the crystal pane sit a
couple of loose true ghouls. The ghouls ambush any Newcomer’s Eve
heroes who move up close to the window. Should the One of the most important holy days to the Adytum
heroes investigate area 31 before they find this one, the occurs on the longest night of the year (winter sol-
first heroes into the room may be surprised when the stice), which the cultists call Newcomer’s Eve. New
ghouls turn the wheel, which opens onto area 32. recruits are selected by secret cultists in distant cities
The window looks out over area 32, which is known and shipped via caravan to Tovag Baragu. Recruit-
as Newcomer’s Field. The seasonal festival Newcomer’s ment sometimes occurs overtly, in that cultists
Eve is a cult favorite, and they used to draw lots to approach a likely prospect and ask if that prospect
reserve a place here in the observation chamber. See has any interest in joining a ”secret but prestigious”
area 32 for more information. The pane is immune to organization. Other prospects are simply taken
nonmagical damage, and it suffers only the enchanted against their knowledge.
bonus damage from magical weapons (a hit by a long- All prospects, both willing and unwilling, are
sword +2 does 2 points of damage), and 1point per die cycled onto Newcomer’s Field for the “Initiation
of damage from magical attack. The pane shatters if it Rite.” The current cult members safely watch the
takes more than 300 points of damage. spectacle from the observation chamber (area 30).
The wheel operates the festlock (area 31). By turning They are stripped of all belongings, and Ugwaerel
it to the left, the eastern door of area 31 swings open wipes all spells above 2nd level arewiped from the
and the western door closes. A turn to the right closes minds of spellcasters and cultists of competing gods.
the eastern door and opens the western door. Normally, Wearing only simple robes, the prospects are told the
the wheel is turned to the right. real story: ”Survive, and be welcomed as a Disciple
of Vecna. Die, and Vecna rejects you. Let the rite com-
True ghouls (2): AC 3; hp 36 each; THACO 15; #AT 3 mence!” The rite becomes all too clear as dozens of
or 1;Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon. undead begin lurch toward the assembled group.
The few who survive eight hours of horror are
31. Festlock given a short reprieve. The option of becoming a
This small 10-foot-by-10-foot room contains doors tied cultist of Vecna is laid out. Those who that take the
to the wheel in area 29. Unless the heroes have previ- binding oath immediately swear allegiance to Vecn
ously meddled with it, the western door is open, while Survivors who do not take the oath are hobbled and
the eastern door is closed. Note that if heroes haven’t <

already cleared area 30, the first few heroes into this
chamber are cycled through as the western door closes
and the eastern door opens (as operated by the leering ability, the true ghouls rouse from torpor 2 rounds later
ghouls in area 30). (otherwise they remain within several carrion piles).
The doors do not operate save by the wheel in area Worse, a carrion shambler wakes, and it is fully roused
30-only demolishing the iron-reinforced stone doors 3 rounds after the first use of powerful magic, enchant-
will open both passages simultaneously. ed weapons, or supernatural abilities. Unfortunately, a
few carrion shamblers have gotten out of the field via
32. Newcomer‘s Field the shenanigans of the two true ghouls in area 30.
Carrion Shambler: Taking their form from the piles
Piles of litter are scattered throughout this dimly lit
of fleshy remains, carrion shamblers are undead
cavernous expanse. Carrion is the major component
agglomerates of undead tissue, first animated by cultist
of each pile, and the odor of decay and rotting eggs
is overpowering. Moving through the litter are wizards, but now capable of reproducing on their own.
many humanoid shapes, none of which live. A large At rest, they resemble a heap of rotting flesh, but when
crystal pane on the north wall allows a dim view roused, they take on a roughly humanoid shape, wider
into another chamber. A few daggers, clubs, and at its base than its head.
other weapons lie scattered on the floor, mixed in
with the carrion piles. Skeletons (6): AC 7; MV 12; hp 8 each; THACO 19;
#AT 1;Dmg ld6.

The collected undead that roam here attack any living Zombies (6): AC 8;MV 6; hp 16 each; THACO 19;
creature thrust into the chamber. Those normally #AT 1; Dmg ld8.
thrown into the room are defenseless, and thus the first
wave of undead to attack any heroes are relatively True ghouls (4):AC 3; hp 36 each; THACO 15; #AT 3
minor (skeletons, zombies). Should any PC use spells or 1;Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon.
above 2nd level or demonstrate any other exceptional
Carrion Shambler: AC -6; MV 6; HD 17; hp 136;
The notoriety of the Eland and Eye of Vec THACO 4;#AT 2; Dmg 2d8+8/2d8+8 (pummel/
across many lands and worlds. Other relics of Vecna pummel); SA suffocation; SD immune to all blunt
survive, but because Vecna's rise as a demipowe weapons, takes only half damage from slashing and
occurred long after his Hand and Eye gained arti piercing weapons, gains 1 HD and 1foot in height for
status, other castoffs of his first physical body initial- each dice of lightning damage thrown at it, immune to
ly garnered no great distinction. Although mummi- sleep, charm, hold,fear, fire, poison, paralysis, death
magic, and cold-based attacks; SW can be turned as
brought Vecna low. Vecna returned as a-demipower, "Special," but requires 4 consecutive successful turns
manifesting an avatar from semidivine energy. At to affect it (due to conglomerate undead status); SZ H
this time, surviving fragments of his original body (12' tall); ML fearless (20); Int low (5);AL NE;
(not required or part of Vecna's newest incarnation XP 18,000.
gained relic status. Note that Vecna's physical avatar Special Abilities: Suffocation-Medium-sized and
has no left hand or eye, but does possess all other smaller victims hit by both the shambler's attacks in the
portions of his body (the lesser relics are not true same round are caught up and pulled inside the carrion
artifacts, and thus do not resonate with the mass. Engulfed victims suffocate and die when their
demipower to the degree of the Hand and Eye). breath gives out (K victim's Con in rounds) unless they
The relics of Vecna are activated like the Ha make a successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll, or the
" shambler is killed. Note that engulfed victims take 10%
on an animate body, the relic grafts itself into posi-
of all damage suffered by the shambler.
tion, and takes on the "normal" functions of the
missing body part, despite appearing mummified
33. Reliquary of the Scalp
and dead.
Those who slice off or remove a portion oft The relief-carved door of iron and the walls, floor, and
n bodies to apply a Vecnan relic take damage ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre-
mally; a finger, eye, or tooth is worth 2d6 hit poi venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
while a whole limb or organ is worth 10d10.A vlta affected). If someone opens the door without disabling
organ, such as the heart or head, kills the hopeful or bypassing the trap, hundreds of magically sum-
recipient before the relic can be applied (and so co moned beetles pour forth from an open mouth of one
patriots must complete the grisly task). If the relic i of the relief sculptures on the door. The beetles cover
authentic, the graft occurs, and the power of the r the floor of the corridor outside for a distance of 15 feet
returns life to the dead. Successful recipients who in both directions. All creatures standing on the floor
remove __..
-1. I
a relic raKe
1 1 r
aamage rrom ., removal
rne must succeed at a saving throw vs. paralyzation or take
as if severing their own flesh; however, their original 10d6 points of damage from beetle-bites (a successful
flesh does not return, and the hit point loss is perma saving throw halves the damage). The beetles disap-
nent until a suitable replacement can be found or a pear the following round. The sound from the thou-
regeneration spell is used. sands of beetles also requires an immediate wandering
Aside from any innate abilities and/or curses monster check.
ansferred from the relic to the recipient, each re1
also grants the recipient special abilities and protec
tion should they ever come upon an avatar of Vecna.
Tt.----.- : ~ l - - - l : --.-IL_ ____.._.___.
___: the ceiling. At the center of the chamber stands a
W I U L LWIL gIdIlb me immune ro vecna s airecr
TT. I 1.

power (such as spells and spell-like abilities) and ar slim pedestal. The ornate pedestal holds a lamp-
invisible to any attempts by Vecna's avatar to scry shaped container. Visible within its glassy panes is
them in any manner. However, Vecna can still indi- patch of dried scalp.
rectly affect recipients with physical weapons, fol- I I
lowers, and indirect consequences of spells.
Recipients (including recipients of the Hand or Eye) The lamplike reliquary pulses with visible radiance, but
are more capable of affecting Vecna, possessing as the mosaic tiles pulse with a dangerous arcane charge.
they do remnants of his original body. The avatar Victims who step upon the mosaic take 8d6 points of
cannot heal any damage inflicted by relic recipients, electrical damage each round they remain on the
(U~U I U I L J K L I M J I ~ ,bltuulu driy recipienr grar, ana no1 trapped area, while those hovering or flying over take
Vecna, while the grip lasts the avatar cannot magic ld6 points a round from arcs of electricity that leap
IV, depart. ~.Shniild recinipntc. arhinllxr kill tho a v a t a r from the floor and ceiling. The reliquary itself is not
Vecna, the power's essence is ejected from the Outer trapped, but cleverly locked (-40% penalty to Open
Planes, finally returning to the world that spawned Locks attempts). Within lies a relic of ancient Vecna: a
it: Oerth. mummified patch of scalp, complete with several
strands of hair.
I ne scap of vecnlt is a mummiriea riap or scai

appears as a wnite streaK in recipient s normal hair,


if any.
Constant Powers: +2% bo
Invoked Powers: Recipient can
will, causing it to grow up to 30 fe
per day, for a period of 20 rounds per use. The ten
dril can manipulate weapons, grapple siz
11-..I--- -.-. .:--
l :.- 1 - I . - -
smdiier rues, dnu urnerwise rndnipuiare oojecrs as
_ _ _ _ I

distance with the recipients’ level of skill or THAC

in addition to taking normal actions in the
round. Grappled foes can make one attempt to

n t n p r w.i w tnpv
‘1 .* * .
Bars/Lift Gates to break the encircling hair tendril
... .* ..1
--._ remain raiivnt t i n f i i tnP nilratinn
expires. Once the hair tendril
victim can take no further actions.
Curse: Every month of attac

el tal ii tcu uy v eci ta ai t u acm aceuiuiI tfi LU LI ta L yu w ci The mosaic tiles hold1 an eldritch charge as described
desires.’ if audicable.
I 1
Duneeon Master’s discretion i ?der area 33. The retliquary is securely locked (-40%
required. penalty to Open LOCIk attempts). Within lies a relic of
Destruction: Any force, na
can inflict 33 points of dama
spell, or effect is suffici
addition, someone using the molars of Vecna I
destroy the relic. The first digit of Vecna
nu is a mummified thumb from
XI‘ Value: 0 cna’s original right
;ht hand, complete with a black-
ed, clawlike nail.. The thumb radiates powerful
agic that cannot be >eanalyzed directly. Once in
34. Reliquary of the First Digit ace, it functions asIS a normal thumb on the recipi-
The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and t’s right hand, if a bit overlarge and ugly.
ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre- Constant Powers: s: +2% bonus to magic resistance.
venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not Invoked Powers:#: With a thumbs-up or thumbs-
affected).If someone opens the door without disabling wn, the recipient can bless or curse an object or
or bypassing the trap, a relief-carved mouth on the door nes each day. On a thumbs-up, a
ing being four times
screams a curse. All who stand within 20 feet of the bonus is granted1 to all saving throws and attack
door must succeed at a saving throw vs. spell or be 1s for 1hour. In addition,
iddition, animate creatures heal
magically aged by 10d4 years. (Dungeon Masters 3d6 points of damage. ge. On a thumbs-down, the
should remind players to apply any age modifiers at ject or victim mustst succeeed at a saving throw vs.
this point.) The scream of the curse requires an immedi- 11 or take 3d6 points
lints of damage (make a saving
ate wandering monster check. throw for half), as well
vel1 as suffer a 4 penalty on all
saving throws and attack
attack rolls for 1hour. Whatever
combination of thumbs-up
mbs-up or thumbs-down, the
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every‘surface. A slim
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s ed more than four times in any
er cannot be used
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con-
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes rests a thick, nlt, under area 33.
blackened digit. m l p of Vecna,under area 33.
GI’ Value: 0

ancient Vecna: a mummified thumb from Vecna’s right
The third digit of Vecna is a mummified medial finger
35. Reliquary of the Second Digit from Vecna’s original right hand. The nail is especial-
A trap in the floor (marked on the map) is concealed ly long, and it almost resembles the blade of a small
below the 10-foot-squaresection immediately outside dagger. The finger radiates powerful magic that
the door of this chamber. Those who tread upon it must cannot be analyzed directly. Once in place, it func-
succeed at a saving throw vs. paralyzation or fall 40 feet tions as a normal middle finger on the recipient’s
into a spiked pit, taking 8d6 points of damage. right hand, if a bit clumsy due to the long nail.
The relief-carved door of stone, as well as the walls, Constant Powers: +1%bonus to magic resistance.
floor, and ceiling of the reliquary, contain a fine lead Recipient can use the elongated sharpened nail as a
mesh, preventing ethereal traverse (though teleporta- dagger +4 that inflicts ld6+4 points of damage on a
tion is not affected).If someone opens the door with- successful strike. A necrotic poison on the finger
out disabling or bypassing the trap, the entire door blade forces victims to succeed at saving throws vs.
animates as a guise-of-Vecna stone golem. The trap- poison or take an additional ld4+4 points of damage.
door automatically holds up the golem, but it’s trig- Invoked Powers: The recipient can project the nail
gered if the golem steps off it and any heroes still as a crossbow bolt +ZO once per day with his or her
stand upon it. Should combat last longer than 3 ranged THACO score with a +10 bonus to his or her
rounds, DMs should make an immediate wandering roll. The bolt does 3d6+4points of damage, and
monster check. living foes must succeed at saving throws vs. poison
as described above. After being shot, the constant
Guise-of-Vecna stone golem: AC -3; MV 12; hp 120; powers do not function for twelve hours (nor can
THACO 3; #AT 2; Dmg 4d8/4d8. I another nail be shot), during which time the nail
regenerates. The nail shot from the finger rots into
uselessness seconds after impact.
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim I
Curse: As scalp of Vecna,under area 33.
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s
Destruction: As scalp of Vecna,under area 33.
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con-
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes rests a thin, GP Value: 0
blackened digit.
36. Reliquary of the Medial Digit
The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and
under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked (-40% ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre-
penalty to Open Locks attempts).Within lies a relic of venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
ancient Vecna: a mummified index finger, from the right affected). Unlike previous doors, etched runes make
hand. up part of the relief sculpture. The runes act as a
riddle-an audible answer temporarily deactivates the
trap on the door and within the room, and the door
swings wide.

Neither fowl nor fish;

Not bone or flesh;
And yef possesses,
r Thumb and fourfingers.
ient’s right hand, if a bit overlarge and ugly.
Constant Powers: +2% bonus to magic resist Answer: Glove or gauntlet
Invoked Powers: The recipient triggers the effect
by pointing at a target palm up, then crooking the If the heroes don’t solve the riddle, or if they give an
finger in a beckoning gesture. The target must suc- incorrect answer, the door remains locked (-40% penal-
ceed at a saving throw vs. spell at a -4 penalty o r b ty to Open Locks attempts or two knock spells to open).
charmed by the recipient for 1hour. This invoked Unless the heroes disable the trap or give a correct
power can be used successfully once per day. answer, the nostrils on all the images in the door’s relief
Curse: As scalp of Vecna,under area 33. sculptures vent poison gas. All within a 20-foot radius
Destruction: As scalp of Vecna,under area must succeed at saving throws vs. poison or be knocked
XP Value: 0 GP Value: 0 unconscious for 3d6 rounds, during which time nothing
short of a wish can awaken victims. The teapot whistle
I tooth from Vecna’s
1 ., . .1

Vecna’s orignal right eye soc origmal boay. nara ana macltenea, tne tootn appears
nothing so much as an albino p J tooth radiates powerful
-_ --J The eve
- J - radiates Dowerfu
I ed directly. Once
be analyzed directly. Once in place, it functi 1 s as a normal tooth.
normal eye in the recipient’s right onstant Powers: +3%bonus to m
it appears hazed and milky as if blind 1 +4 bonus to saving throws vs.
Constant Powers: 1
icecipienr. can see in normal ana magical aarKnebb ar
n . .

a distance of 160 feet. er, he or she can eat and digest an

Invoked Powers: If erial in bite-size but otherwise
attention on a target a unlimited quantities. The power lasts for 20 ro
-5 penalty. A failed saving throw br If desired, the recipient can make a
darkness over the victim’s eyes, blin
for one day. This power can conceivably eat through any so
three times per day. terial (including earth, stone, or
Curse: As scalp of Vecna, un f 1square foot per 5 rounds.
Destruction: As scalp of Vec

of the venting poison gas calls for an immediate wan-

dering monster check.

on the second round. No wandering monster check is

Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
necessary, unless victims scream loudly from the burn-
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s
ing acid.
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con-
tainer. Visible within glassy panes rests a blackened
digit sporting a knifelike nail. Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con-
The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described tainer. Visible within its glassy panes is a pale,
under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked (40% shrunken orb.
penalty to Open Locks attempts). Within lies a relic of I
ancient Vecna: a mummified middle finger.
The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described
37.Reliquary of the Other Eye under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked (-40%
The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and penalty to Open Locks attempts).Within lies a relic of
ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre- ancient Vecna: a shrunken, mummified eye.
venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
affected).If someone opens the door without disabling 38. Reliquary of Appetite
or bypassing the trap, a concealed vent in the ceiling The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and
pours acid into the 10-footby 10-foot area immediately ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre-
in front of the door. All within the area must succeed at venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
saving throws vs. paralyzation to avoid being com- affected). If someone opens the door without disabling
pletely doused, suffering for 8d6 points of acid or bypassing the trap, a yellow shaft of light shines from
damage in the first round, 4d6 points of damage in the the floor, bathing all within the hallway containing this
second round, 2d6 points of damage in third round, door in its sickening light; on a failed saving throw vs.
and ld6 points of damage on the fourth and last round spell, victims feel 3d6 hit points drain out of them (the
of burning. Those who succeed at their saving throw feeling is akin to being weak with hunger).
are still splashed, suffering for 2d6 points of acid
damage on the first round and ld6 points of damage
eyes, nostrils, and mouths of all the figures on the
door’s relief sculpture. All within the hallway contain-
- . . ing this door must succeed at a saving throw vs. spell or
I 1 he znczsors oj vecna are trom vec
Hard and blackened, the teeth h take 8d8 points of damage from the cold (a successful
long roots, and they come to natural razor-s saving throw halves the damage).
=” -_-------
-.--.I np tpetn raniate r l . .rnar
1 ’ . 11.
nmntsI . - . .


r ----- mamr

---c--- rannor
~~~~ ~

be analyzed directly. Once in place, they functio

Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
normal teeth, although a recipient who does
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s
to reveal their presence must always mak center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con-
q r i n i i s effnrt nnt to reveal the vamnirelik
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes are two black-
ened teeth.

The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described

under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked ( 4 0 %
penalty to Open Locks attempts). Within lies a relic of
formation is triggered, the entire 8 hours mus ancient Vecna: a matched set of incisors.
before the recinient
state. While a vampire, the recipient 40. Reliquary of the Traveler
most of the special abilities of The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and
and all a vampire’s special we ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre-
ent fights with a vampire’s Strengt venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
wn I HNLU (moairieaI t~y vampiric suengm). I ne
rnTT.,--r\ I 1.t.
affected).If someone opens the door without disabling
recipient retains all normal saving throws or bypassing the trap, the faces visible in the relief
and knowledge of proficiencies sculpture on the door briefly animate to chant a stored
vampire drains a victim to deat spell: afirebull cast at 10th level, inflicting 10d6 points of
not rise as a vampire. fire damage to all in the hallway (successful saving
Curse: As scalp of Vecnu, throw cuts total damage in half). Because thisfirebull
- . .
ban, good recipients who kill another neutral o conforms to the shape of the space allowed, the effect
od creature by blood or level drain spreads up to thirty-three 10-foot-by-10-foot-by-10-foot
th guilt for the following week (-5 cubes, or as many spaces as open doors allow. Such an
ttack rolls, and saving throws). If this occurs thr explosion calls for an immediate wandering monster
times, the recipient switches alignment and check.
become an NPC at the DMs option.
Destruction: As sculp of Vecna, un

left foot is also attached to an

d lower calf-jagged, blackened
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s the end. The foot radiates pow-
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con- ot be analyzed directly. Once in
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes is a blackened s a normal foot, although
tooth. ge hitch to his stride.
1% hnnrrc tn m a o i r veri

The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described

under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked ( 4 0 %
penalty to Open Locks attempts). Within lies a relic of
ancient Vecna: a petrified molar.

39.Reliquary of the Night

The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and
ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre- cna, under area 33.
venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
affected).If someone opens the door without disabling
or bypassing the trap, icy mist seeps from the open
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. An
unadorned door provides an exit in the southern
The skin of Vecna is from Vecna''s original body, and it
wall of the reliquary. A slim pedestal fused with the
once covered the left half of hi5;face, neck, and upper
floor stands at the chamber's center. The top of the
chest. Tough and leathery, it is still flexible enough to
pedestal holds a lamplike container. Visible within
its glassy panes is an amputated, shriveled foot. be unrolled. The skin radiates I2owerful magic that
cannot be analyzed directly. 01 Ice in place, it func-
tions as a normal skin; however, the left side of the
The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described recipient's face, neck, and uppt?r torso obviously
under area 33. The door in the southern wall is not doesn't match the skin on the r ight side, what with
trapped in either direction and allows access to the reli- its darkly scabrous color and tc!xture.
quaries keyed to 42,43, and 44. The reliquary is locked Constant Powers: +4% bomIS to magic resistance.
(-40% penalty to Open Locks attempts). Within lies a Recipient always enjoys the eff ects of resistfire and
relic of ancient Vecna: a roughly amputated foot. resist cold.
Invoked Powers: The recipilent has access to sev-
41.Reliquary of the Heart era1 spell-like abilities that can be triggered by act of
The secret door of iron that leads to this chamber, and will. The spell-like abilities can be triggered four
the walls, floor, and ceiling of the reliquary, contain a times per day in any combinatiion, at the 20th level of
fine lead mesh, preventing ethereal traverse (though ability. The spell-like abilities are mirror image, poly-
teleportation is not affected).If the heroes open the morph se& stoneskin, and proteciionfrom lighfning.All
secret door without disabling or bypassing the trap, all manifestations using polymorpt;I self retain the telltale
living creatures in a 10-footradius of the secret door in mismatch, as appropriate.
must succeed at a saving throw vs. death magic or Curse: As scalp of Vecncl, undler area 33. Also per-
suffer heart failure and death. 's Charisma score by 5

a, under area 33.

0 - - r -
hunk of jerky. The heart radiates powerful magic that
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
cannot be analyzed directly. Moreso than the other
pedestal fused with the floor st.andsat the chamber's
relics noted herein, removal of a potential recipient's
center. The top of the pedestal 1holds a lamplike con-
heart is a deadly serious operation, and it most likely
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes is a fist-sized
kills the recipient. If compatriots complete th lump of desiccated tissue
tion by placing the heart of Vecna in the recipie
chest cavity, it resurrects the recipient (althou
begin with, the recipient begins with only 1h The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described
point), and from that time forward functions under area 33. The reliquary is IC)eked (-40% penalty to
normal heart, although a recipient's chest bears Open Locks attempts).Within lic3s a relic of ancient
rible scar tissue that never heals. Vecna: his preserved heart!
Constant Powers: +1%bonus to magic resista
The heart confers regeneration like that of a Il'ng of 42. Reliquary of the Body
regeneration (restores 1point of damage per turn an A trap in the floor (marked on thle map) is concealed
slowly regenerates lost limbs and organs, unless below the 10-foot section immediately outside the door
replaced with a relic). of this chamber. Those who treaci upon it must succeed
Invoked Powers: The recipient can make a called at a saving throws vs. paralyzatilon or fall 40 feet into a
shot (4penalty to attack roll) touch attack, targeti spiked pit, taking 8d6 points of cLamage.
a foe's chest. If hit, the recipient must succeed at a The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor,
saving throw vs. death magic or die of a heart atta and ceiling of the reliquary contziin a fine lead mesh,
The recipient can trigger this effect only once per preventing ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
month. affected).If someone opens the d!oorwithout disabling
Curse: As scalp of Vecna, under area 33. or bypassing the trap, all creaturces standing within a 10-
Destruction: Must be eaten by someone foot radius of the door must succ:eed at saving throws
molars of Vecna. vs. spell or be teleported into the nearby pit trap at a
XP Value: 0 position 10 feet below the openirig (a fall resulting in
7d6 points of damage).
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con-
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes is a thick roll of
leathery parchment.

The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described

under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked (-40%
penalty to Open Locks attempts). Within lies a relic of
ancient Vecna: a mummified roll of skin.

43. Empty
The relief-carved door of iron, and the walls, floor, and
ceiling of the reliquary contain a fine lead mesh, pre-
venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation is not
affected). When heroes first encounter this chamber, the
iron door stands ajar, its trap (if any) inactive.

Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface.Another

relief-carved door provides an exit in the eastern wall
of the reliquary. A slim pedestal fused with the floor
stands at the chamber’s center. The top of the pedestal
holds a lamplike container. The container stands open,
and nothing is visible within its glassy panes. The mosaic tiles hold an eldritch charge as described
under area 33. The reliquary is securely locked
(-40% penalty to Open Locks attempts). Within lies a
The mosaic tiles do not contain an eldritch charge, mummified head. The head radiates powerful magic
unlike the other reliquaries. The relief-carved door leads that cannot be analyzed directly. It is hairless and
to another reliquary (area 44). The reliquary is empty. In toothless, and most of its skin is peeled away. Should
fact, the relic once stored here (right hand pinkie) was anyone think to check closely, it possesses two
taken by Ugwaerel. As the Highest Disciple, Ugwaerel shrunken orbs hidden deep in the eye sockets. This is
has dispensation to claim one relic as her own. Note the only obvious clue that this head is a fake, but let
that this relic allows Ugwaerel to pass to and from the the heroes come to their own conclusions. Despite the
Inner Temple at will. fakery, those who make a successful Ancient History
check have heard stories of this very item (though no
44. Reliquary of the Head story indicates that it is a fake). Legends speak of the
A trap in the floor (marked on the map) is concealed Head of Vecna appearing in out-of-the-way
below the 10-foot-squaresection immediately outside dungeons. Some accounts speak of whole groups of
the door of this chamber. Those who tread upon it must would-be tomb raiders succumbing to the power of
succeed at saving throws vs. paralyzation or fall 40 feet the head, by their own hands (which is true, as far as
into a spiked pit, taking 8d6 points of damage. it goes).
The secret door of iron that leads to this chamber, Someone went to a lot of trouble creating the fake,
and the walls, floor, and ceiling of the reliquary contain including enchanting it in such a way that its powerful
a fine lead mesh, preventing ethereal traverse (though and unanalyzable power would invite scrutiny. Its
teleportation is not affected).If someone opens the placement here could indicate that the cult was taken
secret door without disabling or bypassing the trap, a in by the fakery, though it might also be a sign of
mundane poison needle (with save or die poison, Ugwaerel’s strange sense of humor.
Type E) jabs whoever first touches the door. Being a fake, an attempt to place the ”head of
Vecna” on a freshly beheaded corpse fails; the mummi-

fied head just rolls off and drops to the ground. If pos-
Vibrant mosaic tiles cover every surface. A slim
pedestal fused with the floor stands at the chamber’s sible, the DM should avoid outright laughter as long
center. The top of the pedestal holds a lamplike con- as possible, just in case the would-be tomb raiders
tainer. Visible within its glassy panes is a mummi- want to try their head on a potential recipient or two.
fied head
45. Teeth and Fingers The bodies still possess their belongir
include 440 gp, a short sword +2, incense L
The stone hallway opens onto several small cells to
and two potions of healing. The altar possl
the right and left. Broken sculpture, burnt tapestries,
cavity for storage of unholy implements
and refuse litters the hallway.
troops cracked and looted the cavity.

The cells that lead off the hallway served as a tempo- True ghoul: AC 3; hp 36; THACO 15; 4
rary residence for rotating bands of Teeth and Fingers of Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon.
Vecna (cult wizards and thieves). Each cell is crammed
with three bunk beds, each capaple of sleeping four 47. Disciples
cultists. The 15-foot-high ceiling is adorned with space-
The stone hallway opens onto several s
saving hooks, from which personal satchels, bags, and
the right and left. Evidence of broken s
equipment hung. Currently it appears as if Iuz’s forces
burnt tapestries, and refuse litters the 1
looted and burned the cells. Though this bank of cells though some attempt has been made tc
had the capacity to hold over eighty cultists simultane-
ously, many cultists lived in remote areas found within
the Baragu network of portals. A search of the refuse is The cells that lead off the hallway servec
60% likely to turn up small items of value per room for the core cultists in the temple: the Dir
searched, including a pouch with 156 gp, a potion of heal- Most of these Disciples were clerics with
ing, a gem worth 300 gp, a potion of invisibility, and a to spells (1st and 2nd level, due to Vecna
potion of extra-healing. in the Demiplane of Dread), though in tl
Heroes who are particularly loud in a search through most hoped to fashion special fetishes th
the cells alert the residents of the hallway to the west them to channel a full complement of sp
(area 47) to their presence. level. The disciples hoped to bring aboui
and full ascendance. Those who aren’t d
46. Chapel few in number) are closeted, and they h:
A few holed-up cultists bar the door from within. The in the world for many years.
terrible scratch marks on the outside of the wooden Each cell contains two bunk beds and
door attest to a pack of true ghouls who tried to get in. armoires, though Iuz’s forces fully smasl
Thankfully, those ghouls have left now, but nothing all but one of the cells. The chamber labe
short of forcing the door (Bend Bars/Lift Gates) grants ly holds four Disciples. Note that a glyph
access. engraved in the lintel, which inflicts 7d4
damage to any who pass and are not sw(
The Disciples Buliard and Leila are limit1
Tipped and scattered pews cover a floor tiled with
and 2nd-level spells; however, Morda Sa
green and yellow stone. A cracked font to the left of
the door has leaked most of its water. The obsidian knucklebone of channeling, which grants hc
altar against the far wall is cracked in two pieces, full spell complement.
and the holy symbol of the hand and eye have been Development: The Disciples in this hi
mostly chipped away. The stench of death is strong keen on diplomacy with heroes who apF
here. erating with any faction of Iuz or who 01
looted relics of the temple. If conflict ens
ples grimly engage the heroes. One full I
Unfortunately the three cultists who holed up in this beginning of any conflict, Ignassi in area
chamber didn’t realize that they’d barred a devious true bolster his disciple allies. Attempts at diI
ghoul into the chamber with them. When exhaustion set aided by heroes who openly revile Iuz 01
in, the ghoul arose from its position beneath a fallen of past encounters against Iuz’s forces. E
pew and killed the refugees. heroes and Disciples reach a brief accord
The cultists’ well-gnawed bodies lie mangled below ples never accompany heroes. Under dip
the pews, and a ghoul feeds upon one of them. The other forms of questioning, the Disciples
ghoul, knowing the heroes outnumber it, waits with its following bits of information:
most current meal beneath a pew. Unless the heroes
look under its pew, the ghoul doesn’t attack. The Disciples are mostly scattered or s
forces. The survivors continue to atter
idate the temple, but communication 1
viving Fingers, Teeth, mercenaries, an
remains tenuous.
Orlanko was thought killed immediately in the This chamber belongs to Ugwaerel, the Highest Disci-
onslaught, and he is looked upon with suspicion, ple, but she's not home; she's in the Narthex (area 61).
should he accompany the party. Acting in her stead is Ignassi, a cultist whose position of
Vecna may be in danger from Iuz's magical assault. authority outstrips his competence. In fact, his indiscre-
Father Ignassi commands the remaining Disciples, tions may be responsible for the heroes' presence here
Teeth, and Fingers from Ugwaerel's old chamber to begin with.
(area 48); however, Highest Disciple Ugwaerel still Development: Ignassi knows and reacts just as the
lives, and contends with Iuz's forces left behind in Disciples presented under area 48. However, despite his
the Inner Temple. higher position, his manner is obviously more uncertain
A magical lockout prevents easy access to the Inner and given to ineptitude.
Temple (also called the Atrium). In fact, while the Should the situation allow the heroes to search
lockout remains in effect (for another year), the through the assembled furnishings (only if the heroes
entrance simply doesn't exist for any who do not dispatch Ignassi), they find few items of value: an
themselves possess a relic of Vecna. aspergillus (holy water sprinkler) filled with unholy
As the Highest Disciple, Ugwaerel alone is given water, three sticks of incense of mediation, a wineskin
persmission to possess a relic, and thus may pass filled with Tovag Reserve (acts as potion of heroism), and
back and forth between the Atrium and outer a total of 3,434 g p in loose gems. A search of the desk
Adytum. also unearths some very old correspondence with a
group known as the Doomguard.
Morda Sash, female human C7 (Disciple):AC 2 The correspondence is written in purple ink on a pale
(platemail, shield); MV 12; hp 38; THACO 16 (15 with skin. Though inscribed in Common, many unfamiliar
mace +l);#AT 1;Dmg ld6+2 (mace +l);SZ M (6' 1" tall); terms and slang usages are evident. By the condition of
ML champion (16); Int high (14); AL LE; XP 2,000. the skin, the message is a few years old. The gist of the
Special Equipment: knucklebone of channeling (nonrelic message is that some faction of a larger group known as
bone that channels full complement of spells from the Doomguard have prepared an entry into their
trapped Vecna), 56 gp, potion of gaseousform. "place of strength called the Armory for their brothers-
Spells (5/5/3/2): lst-command (x2), cure light wounds in-faith. The text suggests that on finding a small blue
(x3); 2nd-hold person (x4), know alignment; 3rd-create door inscribed with a hand and eye over a symbol of a
food G. water, hold animal, glyph of warding; 4th-cure seri- stylized animal skull, one need only press one's "chan-
ous wounds, sticks to snakes. neling knucklebone" upon the door to gain entry. The
correspondence is signed "Pentar."
Buliard and Leila, male and female humans C7
(Disciples):AC 2 (platemail,shield); MV 12; hp 38 each; Ignassi, human male C10 (Disciple):AC 0
THACO 16; #AT 1(mace);Dmg ld6+1; SZ M (6' 1"tall); (platemail, shield +2); MV 12; hp 43; THACO 14 (12 with
ML champion (16); Int high (13);AL LE; XP 975 each. warhammer +2); #AT 1; Dmg ld4+3 (warhammer +2);
Special Equipment: 2d6 x10 g p each. SZ M (6' tall); ML champion (16); Int low (7); AL N;
Spells (5/5): lst-command (x2),cure light wounds, XP 5,000.
entangle, sanctuary; 2nd-cham person, hold person (x2), Special Equipment: decanter of endless water.
silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer. Spells (6/6/4/4/2): 1st-bless, command, cure light
wounds (x3), entangle; 2nd-hold person (x3), know align-
48. Ugwaerel's Chamber ment (x2),withdraw; 3rd-dispel magic, glyph of warding,
The door to this chamber is obviously trapped with a summon insects (x2); 4th-cure serious wounds, protection
glyph of warding. Any who open this door and are not from good 10' radius, repel insects, spell immunity; 5th-
sworn to Vecna trigger the glyph, which delivers 10d4 flame strike, raise dead.
points of electrical damage. Furthermore, the door to
the chamber is barred from within, unless its resident, 49. Commissary
Ignassi, has previously come into the hallway.
Smashed wooden tables, splintered chairs, and shat-
tered crockery covers the floor. Several animate
The air here is fresh, not stale and laden with death skeletons stand idly by.
and smoke. White light shines from two hanging
crystal lanterns, illuminating a well-made desk, bed,
bookcase, armoire, and miscellaneousholy trappings This commissary shows the rampages of Iuz. The skele-
designated by the eye-in-hand symbol of Vecna. tons (five total) were animated as commissary servitors,
and thus are not commanded to attack or guard. They
will defend themselves if attacked.

Skeletons (5): AC 7; MV 12; hp 8 each; THACO 19; Cultists from area 47 still come here to forage when th
#AT 1;Dmg ld6. become tired of using createfood & water. Heroes who
require provisioning can find all manner of dried and
50. Kitchen preserved foods here.
doors ripped off their hinges litter this
54. Atrium
kitchen. Cooking implements, pots, pans, and all
The door to this chamber consists of shiny alloy, and i
manner of kitchen paraphernalia lie scattered amid
many well-gnawed bodies in cultist robes. heavily graven with relief sculpture. It appears norma
to casual inspection, but any attempt to open it by
someone without a Vecnan relic reveals it as an appar-
Other than implements one might expect to find in a ent false door. Nothing lies beyond but rock, and all
kitchen large enough to feed up to two hundred people, divinatory, ethereal, and anecdotal analysis proves ou
nothing particularly useful is located among the detri- the observation. On the other hand, to someone with i
tus (the gnawed corpses, three total, are looted). Vecnan relic, it appears to open normally into a cham-
ber. Paradoxically, a living or otherwise animate entit,
51. Wine Storage who views a relic recipient open the door still sees onl
The oaken door to this chamber is smashed open. naked rock. An attempt by this entity to follow a recip
ent through the stone results in a crack on the head. A
the areas beyond this door (areas 54 to 63) share the
Most of the wooden wine racks that fill this room are
same there-not-there quality.
tipped and smashed, their contents sodden. Glassy
If Orlanko or another higher-level cultist accompa-
shards litter the floor.
nies the party, he or she indicates that in the aftermatl
of Iuz’s attack, temple defenses kicked in too late and
Wine was important to the cult, both for ceremony and have sealed away the Atrium and Inner Temple. Only
for relaxation. Grown and bottled on one of the paral- those in possession of a Vecnan relic may pass, and
lels, the finest selections were brought here. A search only the Highest Disciple Ugwaerel has such dispens,
through the debris reveals three unsmashed bottles of a tion. Orlanko knows that the Compendium Malefcarun
special label red, Tovag Reserve. may offer a single individual the ability to pass into tl
The unsullied wine is incredible. The first time a hero Atrium, and may point heroes toward this goal first.
imbibes one full goblet of this wine, he or she is affected Of all possible cultist allies, only Orlanko would ev
as per a potion ofheroism. Additional wine adds no addi- consider accompanying heroes who have defiled the
tional benefit for a full 24 hours. Each bottle contains Compendium Maleficarum by reading through it or whc
four glasses (doses). possess Vecnan relics, if the heroes are particularly
diplomatic. Moreover, cultists who note Orlanko and
52. Cold Storage heroes with Vecnan relics working together brand
Orlanko as a traitor to the faith.
Frost coats every surface, while icicles hang from the
ceiling and from the many portions of preserved
meat. Plates of mirror-bright metal tile the walls, floor, and
ceiling in this semicircular chamber, and all are
heavily graven with relief sculpture. A crystal eye-
A permanent cold spell keeps this icebox frosty. (Heroes shaped lantern hangs down from the center of the
who spend too much time here would eventually freeze ceiling, its blazing yellow light highlighting the pile
to death, at a rate of 20 hit points per turn.)Many differ- of carrion filling this chamber in ghastly detail.
ent cuts of beef, chicken, pork, and other less identifiable
herd animals hang here. An enterprising ghoul has also
hung two cultists from a hook way in the back. Heroes Ogres, mercenaries, true ghouls wearing collars,
who undertake to remove said cultists from their high cultists (Disciples, Fingers, Teeth, and other varieties:
place discover the half-eaten bodies are also looted. and even a few centaurs fell in titanic battle here. Son
died in melee, other from a combination of powerful
53. Dry Storage spells, while some cultists stand glassy and half-
melted into the floor-these died at the personal hanc
Wooden shelves stuffed with jars and dried goods
of Iuz.
fill the chamber. Recent vandalism brought more
than a few shelves low, spilling their broken con- It is obvious that someone has looted these bodies, i
tents upon the floor. all valuables have been picked clean, and many of the
bodies are in different positions from where they fell (j
bloodstains are any indication).
A heavily graven font on the eastern wall holds a of the chamber yields up a rotted eye that Iuz plucked
small amount of unholy water (3 vials’ worth). If from his own head. Iuz’s eye possesses no special prop-
splashed on a good cleric or a paladin, a vial inflicts 2d4 erties, though it could serve as a potent spell compo-
points of damage (and heals the same amount if applied nent, at the DMs option. (Dungeon Masters may need
to any form of undead). to adjust this text if one of the heroes already owns the
Eye of Vecna.)
55. Gauntlet of the Eye
58. Gauntlet of the Hand
This antechamber contains burned and blasted tap-
estries, smashed sculpture, and scorched stone. Of This antechamber contains artfully arranged tapes-
the decoration that remains, it seems clear that the , tries and sculptures. Though several scenes showing
eye symbol predominated. The silvery door to the a powerful and fell lord are shown, the blazing
west is half melted, and it slumps off its hinges. symbol of a withered hand predominates. A huge
Lying near the door is a slumped 5-foot-diameter iron statue, sculpted and cut to form a disembodied
metal orb, melted and magically corroded, but still hand, is poised on its fingertips, next to a smooth sil-
recognizable as a large eye. very door on the west wall.

Iuz came this way, intent on retrieving one of Vecna’s The iron hand possess the enhanced stats of an iron
primary artifacts: the Eye of Vecna. The orb was an Eye- golem. The 8-foot-tall hand-shaped golem attacks any
inspired iron golem dispatched by Iuz and his elite fol- who come within 5 feet of the silvery door, or who
lowers on his way into the gauntlet. attempt to attack the golem. Due to its unique structure,
the golem can attack with three pummeling, loglike fin-
56. The Machine gers simultaneously, as it rears back on its palm, thumb,
and pinkie. The golem follows victims once provoked,
Gears, springs, and shiny metallic discs with razor-
though not over any obvious traps; if the heroes want to
edges fill this chamber. Many of the discs are
get past it, leading it away may be their safest choice. A
jammed halfway in some of the hundreds of slits in
the walls. Many others lie crumpled and melted battle that lasts more than 10 rounds with the golem in
upon the stony floor. A 5-foot-wide path is cleared this chamber attracts the attention of Ugwaerel from
through the sharp jumble, leading to an obsidian area 61!
door on the western wall, though that door now
manifests only as rocky chunks. Hand-shaped Iron Golem: AC 0; M V 6; HD 18;
hp 164; THACO 3; #AT 3; Dmg 4d10 (finger-pummel);
SA emits poison gas on any opponent within 10-feet
When properly working, the Machine, a magically ani- every 7th round (save or take 6d10 points of damage);
mate creation of the Disciples, turned this entire cham- SD affected only by +3 or better weapons, immune to all
ber into a flashing, slashing nightmare of death. spells save electricity which slows it for 3 rounds and
Someone inscribed a symbol of death above the western magical fire that repairs 1 hp/die of damage normally
door, but the power of the demigod Iuz burned it out inflicted; SW may be affected by rust monsters; SZ L
and sundered the door beneath it. (8’ tall and wide); ML fearless (20); Int non- (0); AL N;
XP 15,000.
57. Reliquary of the Eye
59. Horrors of Midnights
Burnt and shattered tiles cover the floor and ceiling,
If the heroes open the smooth silvery door between this
while metallic relief sculpture adorns the walls,
chamber and area 58 without disabling or bypassing the
though the scupture’s figurines and heads all slump
as if exposed to exceptional heat. The stump of a trap (or if a Remove Traps roll fails), all creatures stand-
pedestal stands in the chamber’s center. Near it lies a ing facing the door must succeed at saving throws vs.
shattered lamplike reliquary. A velvet depression death magic or see something terrible. Their compan-
within the reliquary is empty, but it looks large ions’ reflections in the door morph into horrible mon-
enough to hold a small 1-inch-diametersphere. strosities, merging human and green slime
Bloody graffiti spatters one wall, above the cmm- characteristics. Witnesses become convinced that slimy
pled form of a fallen cultist. monstrosities have replaced their companions, and
these witnesses savagely attack their friends to their
best ability. Those suffering from the delusion can
The blood-inked graffiti reads: ”IUZwas here.” And so attempt saving throws vs. death magic every second
he was, and when he left, he had the Eye of Vecm firmly round to see if they throw off the glamour.
ensconced in place of his own. In fact, a thorough search
holding. Unless the heroes quickly usher S ~ U M ~
The plain stone chamber is empty. Various shades tures out of the chamber, the victims find them:
stain the hard floor, though all past residue has
trouble from the green slime aerosol described.
drained through the hundreds of half-inch holes in
59. The symboI remains active until it has affect€
the floor. The door on the far side of the chamber is
160 hit points’ worth of creatures. Once used UI
closed, and it is apparently composed of obsidian.
symbol fades; however, it reappears 1hour later
strength (a successful dispel magic vs. a 20th-lev1
Heroes who think to look up at the 15-foot-highceiling delays reappearance for 8 hours).
notice that is perforated with thousands of needle-wide The obsidian door, and the walls, floor, and
holes. Any animate being composed of anything other of the Hand’s reliquary contain a fine lead mesh
than stone triggers an aerosol cascade of green slime venting ethereal traverse (though teleportation
from the ceiling 3 rounds after entry. The spray of slime affected).
coats everything in the chamber evenly, though excess
slime drains down the drains in the floor. A single
A mosaic of green and gold tiles cover the flo(
saving throw vs. death magic allows heroes to shed all
ceiling, while stone relief sculpture adorns the
their outer clothing and armor, and scrape slime from An elaborately carved iron pedestal rises fron
exposed skin. Those who fail to do so are consigned to
be liquefied with the equipment in ld4 rounds, and
floor, holding a shining lamplike reliquary. A -
ered, disembodied hand rests within the clear
drain away through the floor vents into oblivion, leav- panes.
ing nothing but a stain. Heroes may also be saved, even
if they fail their saving throw, if they receive a cure dis-
ease before complete dissolution. Here lies the true Hand of Vecna! The reliquary r
After a refractory period of 10 rounds, the trap is three successful knocks or Open Locks attempts
once again capable of being triggered, and it does so -20% penalty) to open. The mosaic tiles are not
should any creature remain in or enter the chamber. however, the stone relief sculpture contains a P I
Cultists bypass this trap by kneeling in the doorway magical trap. Every 4 rounds an animate creatu
and chanting the words “Vecna grants us safe passage remains within the reliquary, all the heads shov
through the rain of death. All hail Vecna!” relief sculpture voice the words, ”Join us!” All 1
the reliquary must succeed at a saving throw v:
60. Reliquary of the Hand magic or be pulled into the sculpture, becominj
The obsidian stone door to this chamber is cleverly decoration for the already overly embellished rl
locked (-40% penalty to Open Locks attempts, although this adventure started with a PC already ownin
it does open to two knock spells).A tiny symbol is Hand of Vecna, then adjust this section as necess
inscribed above the door. From a distance it cannot be If someone casts a remove curse or stone tofles
read, but anyone with normal vision can make it out upon a victim of the room’s curse, the victim slc
well enough to trigger its stunning effect: One or more returns to flesh over the course of 2 rounds. Thi
creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 160 are not render the victim immune from the continu
stunned for 364 rounds, dropping anything they are chorus intent on drawing the heroes into the frc
dispel magic successfully cast against a 20th-leve
provides a window of 1hour before the reliefs(
ast Digit of Vecna begins its deadly siren call again.
The last di@t of Vecna is from Ve Refer to the Hand of Vecna described in the A:
hand. The-thG and bony pinkie retains a jagged, for full stats on the Hand.
L. .-I..” --LA- --:1 TL,. 2:-:a ..-2:..l.,.,.
& A ...---L-1
” ” I

that cannot be analyzed directly. Once in place, i 61.Narthex

functions as a normal finger.
Crumbled and shattered sapphire tiles cover t
Constant Powers: 13%bonus to ma
floor, and remnants of silk tapestries drape tht
Recipient doesn’t require somatic componen
Thousands of tiny points of light on the ceilinl
iniscent of a star-strewn night sky, provide dir
Invoked Powers: The recipient can
11 r I.
mination. Thirty feet of space separates two fa
spell mom any . spell
- currently memorizeu once every altars that are tucked into the northern and so
urs. curve of the room respectively. The bone-pale
urse: As scalp of Vecna, un are embellished with variegated relief sculptu
estruction: As scalp of Vec The southern altar is set with a variety of imp1
ments, both holy and alchemical.
The Highest Disciple Ugwaerel rests in this chamber, (x2), heat metal, hold person (x2), messenger (x2), spiritual
unless the heroes have previously drawn her out. hammer (x3); 3rd-call lightning, cause blindness, create
Ugwaerel is the high cultist of the Adytum, and shc! also food & water, dispel magic (x2), glyph of warding, locate
possesses a Vecnan relic (her right pinkie finger). object, meld into stone, negative plane protection; 4th-
Ugwaerel has served as the high cultist for over 1OL1 abjure, cause serious wounds, cure serious wounds,fvee
years, and her life has been extended through a series action, neutralize poison, protection from good 10’ radius,
of painful operations involving necrotic tissue and protectionfvom lightning, reflecting pool, repel insects; 5th-
Vecna-channeled spells (she isn’t particularly pleasant cause critical wounds, cure critical wounds, flame strike (x2),
to look upon). Ugwaerel often deals directly with an raise dead, true seeing, wall offire; 6th-blade barrier,forbid-
entity called the King of the Ghouls that abides in the dance, harm, heal, word of recall (to area 15 of the
Tovag Baragu parallel described in area 7, and from this Adytum); 7th-creeping doom, unholy word.
contact enjoys an escort of five true ghouls (who wear
collars). True ghouls (5): AC 3; hp 36 each; THACO 15; #AT 3
Among the alchemical supplies and holy appurte- or 1; Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 or by weapon.
nances assembled on the southern altar, a spherical hell-
ball also rests (see area 17). 62. Nave
Development: Ugwaerel attacks PCs who have coop-
A 20-foot-widechasm $its this coal-black chamber,
erated with any faction of Iuz, or who openly possess
running north to south. A shattered span of stone
looted relics of the temple. (She has also used her cystal may once have connected the 5-foot-wide catwalks
ball to watch the heroes at various points and contact on either side of the chasm, but an apparently bot-
her minions with messenger as necessary.) At the DMs tomless chasm has claimed most of it. Several large
option, diplomatic heroes may delay Ugwaerc!1 for a humanoids with massive bows patrol the western
parley. Attempts at diplomacy are aided by he!roeswho catwalk.
openly revile 11-12,or have evidence of past enciounters
against Iuz’s forces. Even if a brief accord is re,ached,
Ugwaerel eventually insists that heroes divest them- A permanent glyph inscribed in the ceiling, hidden
selves of all pillaged Vecnan relics if they wish to obtain unless subjected to close scrutiny, automatically casts a
her support. Ugwaerel knows everything ascribed to dispel magic at the 20th level of effect whenever any spell
both Orlanko and the Disciples in area 47, plus the or entity passes the midpoint of the chamber, moving
following: east to west. This may dispel spells (such asfly on indi-
Iuz transited from Tovag Baragu to the realm of viduals, or creeping doom cast on a foe across the chasm,
Vecna, in the holy Apse. However, he left behind pow- for example) and could destroy potions. Though
erful forces to foil pursuit. Those forces inhabit the inscribed by cultists, the glyph now serves to protect
intermediary chamber, called the Nave, as well as the Iuz’s forces on the opposite side of the chasm.
Apse. Ugwaerel has been whittling away those forces, The chasm acts much like a Tovag Baragu portal. At a
and she eventually hopes to break through and provide depth of 120 feet, it leads directly into the space
what aid she can to her lord Vecna. between spaces (an echoing void of utter nothingness
that proves instantly lethal for any entity that makes
Highest Disciple Ugwaerel, female human P20 of this final plunge).
Vecna: AC -4 (F.11 plate +1, shield +1, Dex); MV 12; hp 80; The western catwalk currently holds six ogre war-
THACO 8 (5 with mace +3,4 with staffsling +4); #AT 1; riors, each clipped to a personal 10-foot-longchain
Dmg ld6+4 (mace +3)or ld4+5 (staff sling +4); MR 3% anchored to the wall.
(relic); SZ M (5’ 7” tall); ML champion (16); Str 15, Development: The ogres fire volley after volley of
Dex 16, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 7; AL LG; XP 15,000. arrows at any who enter the chamber, and if necessary,
Special Equipment: mace +3 (hollow head acts as they can call on reinforcements from the Apse (area 63).
aspergillus, sprinkles unholy water on targets hit in These ogres are each equipped with an ogre-sized
melee), 2 scrolls of heal, 1wineskin of Tovag Reserve Strength bow (and are specialized in its use) and 100
(acts as potion of heroism), 2 potions of extra-healing, ring of ogre-sized sheaf arrows. The bows can’t be used by any
fire resistance, ring of wishes (1wish remaining), gauntlets except ogres or others of ogre size.
of hellball handling (allows wearer to hold, carry, or Should any hero enter melee range, nearby ogres
throw a hellball as introduced in area 17), knucklebone of relinquish their bows and attempt to grab heroes,
channeling (grants Vecnan priest full spell complement), intending to fling them bodily into the chasm. Ogres
last digit of Vecna. who score a hit ignoring a target’s armor (but taking
Spells (11/11/10/9/7/5/2): lst-cause light wounds into account target’s Dex and any magical adjustments
(x2),command (x2), cure light wounds (x2), curse, detect to armor) nab a Medium or smaller size target. Breaking
good, detect magic, light, sanctuay ; 2nd-barkskin, enthrall the ogre’s grip requires a successful Bend Bars/Lift
Gates roll (at a +30%bonus); otherwise the target takes The last of Iw’s forces left behind to hold the gateway
the plunge on the ogre’s next action on the next round. stand in the desecrated Apse of Vecna’s Temple. The
forces include several ogre warriors, a few half-ogre
Ogre warriors (6): AC 2; M V 12; hp 48 each; Kadars, a few human warriors sworn into Iuz’s service,
THACO 12 (9 with bow); #AT 2; D m g ld8+6. and their surviving ogre mage leader called Korbadur
the Cruel. The cache of supplies left by Iuz has begun to
63. Apse dwindle, and with it, morale. However, a good fight
If a conflict occurred in area 62, the occupants of this against Iuz’s enemies is certain to reinvigorate these
chamber know of the heroes‘ advance. Unless reinforce- hardy forces. Regardless of the heroes’ attempts at
ments are sent, a magical blade burrier normally seals the diplomacy, those assembled here are operating on Iuz’s
entrance to this chamber (though instead of flashing final command, which was to slay all who enter here.
blades, the barrier seems to be composed of hundreds of Unless heroes have penetrated to this point with uncan-
flying skulls with grinding, gnashing teeth). ny secrecy,the forces assembled here commit them-
selves to fulfilling that command.
Veins of Mist: The mists are unconscious feelers of
A portal archway dominates this 40-foot-high cham-
mist born in the Demiplane of Dread. As Vecna grows
ber. The portal stands in a shallow niche along the
his strength, the entire plane begins to reverberate with
western wall. Heavy mist fills the entire archway.
his desires. Thus, the misty veins are particularly dan-
Veins of oily fog have spread out from beneath the
arch, and they run along the walls and ceiling as if gerous to any creature that brushes them who are not
exploring. A layer of fallen plaster covers the floor in cultists (or who do not possess a relic or artifact of
drifts and dunes, though the denuded walls and Vecna). Nonprotected offenders must succeed at saving
ceiling still contain a few patches of white here and throws vs. spell or be grabbed and drawn through the
there. The drifts are much trampled and blood- mist-filled archway.
stained and are especially trodden down near a Archway: Similar to the portal archways of outer
cache of barrels and parcels. Tovag Baragu, this archway houses a portal. Unlike
other portals, this portal opens onto a fully formed
demiplane, the Demiplane of Dread. In addition, it is
not a two-way portal. Once on the other side, travelers
r - is carved from a single bone,
roded fob of brass about 3 inches in diameter. M and inlaid with gold filigree.A small hinged cap
small seams and etchings give the index an arcane holds a small amount of liquid inside the chalice that
appearance. Runes once decorate magically deliquesces after one week if drunk or
are worn or corroded away, making it difficult to poured
different surfaces apart. The fob rotates along thr The i 11s up a contagion birthed from the
axes, creating up to 72 unique configurations. Whe cesspits of hell that affects all targets in a massive
the index is manipulated within 5 feet of an active contiguous area centered on the imbiber. True cultists
archway portal in Tovag Baragu, of Vecna possess immunity to the effect, but all other
the portal shifts to a new half-world selected ran ding noncultist imbibers, within a
domly by the DM. Any creatures on the opposite mmediately afflicted with raging
side of portal whose focus has been shifted are c res from the hellborn disease,
off without special magical mea Y "
port, or unless the fob is used again throw for half damage). The supernatural contagion
off half-world back into the current Bar runs its course in just seconds in the mortal plane,
In fact, the 72 settings correspond to and those that survive its infection for more than one
half-worlds, of which only 13 a round are freed from its diabolical grasp. However,
in this product (entries 1-13). The these latter victims act at -6 penalty on all actions
link a previously described half w and saving throws for the next 10 rounds (-3 on all
locations at his or her discretion. Ca actions and saves for the next 5 rounds, if the origi-
who experiment with the portal inde nal saving throw was successful). However, those
llldl 4 I
- -
-I: -1
I -- -I --- L: x- _ Y ^
U d l l l L U l d I L U I l l lU
Lf --
Y U l d L l U l l d l W d -VI b I e d U S L U d IU d I - who initially fail their saving throw against this
ticular half-world. However, manipulating the fob to effect are tainted, and they must forevermore make
a desired half-world requires a successful saving all saving throws against Vecnan cultists at a -1
throw vs. spell (a failed saving throw indicates the
Dortal now links to a random half-world. thoueh the

Half-ogre Kadars (3): AC 2; M V 12; hp 48 each;

THACO 12; #AT 3 / 2 ; Dmg ld6+6.

portals otner tnan tne arcnways into tne aaragu iuet-

work has a 3% cumula
portal index.
XP Value: 1,000

may be hard pressed to leave that dreadful place. See of four. Each wffferis consecrated to Vecna, and is
the next chapter, Citadel Cavitius, should any hero enter thus unholy. Those who eat a wafer gain the blessings
the portal. If someone uses the portal index on the arch- strength depending on the
way (see below), the veins of mist refocus the archway time. Eating one wafer grants
once more on the Demiplane of Dread 10 rounds later. at the 10th level of effect, two
Beneath the Plaster:A determined search beneath re serious wounds, three grants
the drifts of crumbled plaster bring to light several g all four grants the imbiber
items of possible interest. Heroes can find many looted
bodies (the loot has since been thrown into the portal as r causes a curse to fall upon
tribute to Iuz), a crumbled altar still coni the imbiber feel wrenching
ice of the Cult, the portal index, several Vec ' ternal pain (effect is equivalent to a cause light
an unlooted strongbox containing a chim unds), three has the effect of a disintegrate speIl
7,600 gp, and an eye-shaped diamond worth 5,OUO gp. upon the imbiber (saving throw allowed), and four
affectsthe imbiber as if a harm spell had been cast
Ogre warriors (10):AC 5; MV 12; hp 48 each;
THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6. GP Value: 300 each
Warriors of Iuz, male humans F12 (3): AC -2 Special Abilities: Ogre mage abilities, modified. At
(platemail, buckles of protection +4),MV 12, HD 10+2; will, Korbadur canfly (for 12 turns before resting 12
hp 55 each; THACO 9 (8 with longsword); #AT 2; turns), become invisible, cause darkness 10’ radius and
Dmg ld8+2 (longsword, specialization); SZ M (6‘ tall); polymorph self(restrictedto humanoid between 4 and 12
ML elite (14); Int very (12); AL NE; feet tall). Once per day Korbadur can
XP 3,000 each. cast charm person, sleep, gaseous form,
Special Equipment: buckles of protec- blade barrier, and cone of cold.
tion +4 (grinning skull, Iuz’s sign, no Spells (6/6/4/4/2): 1st-
benefit for those who do not wor- cause light wounds (x2), com-
ship Iuz). mand (x2),cure light wounds
(x2); 2nd-hold person (x3),
Korbadur the Cruel, Ogre obscurement, silence 15’ radius,
”mage,” C10 AC 0 (in any forrn); withdraw; 3rd-animate dead,
MV 9, fly 15 (B); HD 5+2; hp 42;
cause disease,flame walk, glyph
THACO 15 (11with ogre-sized
of warding; 4th-cause serious
two-handed sword +1 and Str
wounds (x2),cure serious
bonus); #AT 1; Dmg ld10+7
wounds (x2); 5th-flame strike,
(ogre-sized two-handed sword +1 wall offire.
and Str bonus); SA ogre mage
abilities, casts priest spells;
SD regenerate 1hp/day. SZ L Where t o Next?
(10‘6’’tall); ML elite (14); AL CE; Once the heroes go through the
XP 5,000. portal after Iuz, go to the begin-
Special Equipment: 3 potions of extra-
ning of Book Two: Citadel Cavi-
healing, knucklebone of channeling.

Book Two: are not welcome here. You must go hence." Again, sepa-
rate groups meet the same figure.
citadel Cavitius If the heroes follow the new direction, they travel for
ld6+1minutes before confronting a third robed figure.
At the end of Book One, the party pursued Iuz through It points in a third direction, instructing them, "You
a portal on the world of Oerth. The heroes now find must leave this place at once, or perish."
themselves in a place that even the gods choose to If the party once again obeys, the heroes encounter a
avoid: Vecna's seat of power within the mysterious fourth identical figure ld6 minutes later. This figure
Demiplane of Dread. says, "You were warned. Pay the price."
The circumstances that unfold in this section of the A robed, scythe-armed figure appears for each party
campaign are in part preordained, having been carefully member, surrounding the group if possible. Each
manipulated by Vecna over the past few years. These hooded figure instantly attacks one hero and fights that
events are also in part the result of the chaos instigated character to the death, automatically gaining initiative
by the citizens of the fear-filled city of Citadel of Cavi- each round. These robed figures are supernatural beings
tius, Iuz and his minions, and, of course, the heroes. called minor deaths that have been pressed into service
by the dark powers of the Demiplane of Dread, in an
attempt to keep the party from getting involved in the
continuing the Gmpaign events that are about to unfold. (For more information
As the heroes enter the portal, they find themselves sur- on the dark powers, see "The Demiplane of Dread in
rounded by swirling mists of brilliant colors. There is Brief" sidebar.)
nothing else to see, no matter which direction they look.
The heroes must each make a saving throw vs. para- Minor deaths: AC -4; MV 16, fly 24 (B); hp 33;
lyzation. Those who fail behave as though affected by a THACO automatic hit; #AT 1;Dmg 2d8.
confusion spell for 2d6 rounds.
Standing in the swirling colors merely forces more If anyone attacks a minor death at an earlier time, the
saving throws vs. paralyzation, one per round of inac- above combat takes place at once, one minor death
tivity. As soon as the party starts to move, the colors attacking per hero. In short, the heroes cannot avoid this
start to fade, and the party finds itself walking through battle.
absolute darkness, though the air is wet and cool to the If a minor death is defeated, its black form bursts into
skin. Any light sources brought by the heroes dimly a flock of ld6+7 ravens. These large, jet-black birds
illuminate a fog around them so thick that a person can squawk loudly as they fly up and vanish into the mists.
see only inches ahead. The heroes need to take meas- They do not attack the party and cannot be struck by
ures to avoid becoming separated, particularly if some weapons or magic. A minor death that slays a hero will
party members failed saving throws earlier. also disperse into ravens, removing itself from the
All magical attempts to escape this area fail. Planar combat.
travel devices and magic are strangely useless. When the last raven spawned by a destroyed minor
In whatever direction the party moves, only the thick death vanishes overhead, the mists around the heroes
fog exists. All the heroes can do is move across mist- begin to lift. The party finds itself in a strange new loca-
covered ground that feels uneven and spongy. Any tion. The DM can read or paraphrase the following
attempt to examine the "soil" fails, as it dissolves into boxed description as desired.
mist whenever a hero tries to scoop up a handful.
After the heroes walk through the mists for ld6+4 ,
The thick fog lifts, and you discover that you are at
minutes, a figure materializes. Dressed in tattered black
the end of a blind alley in an unfamiliar city. The
robes and carrying a huge scythe, its face hidden in the
deep shadows of its hood, the figure points a bony
1 only light around you emanates from a crystalline,
skull-shaped lamp mounted on a wall bracket about
finger at a point behind the heroes and says in a hollow ' 10 feet high, at the entrance to the alley. A light, very
voice, "You are not welcome here. Return whence you cool breeze stirs your clothing, and you hear the
came.'' If the heroes become separated, each group wind moaning loudly overhead.
meets an identical figure, with the same results. Any The walls around you are strangely smooth and
hero who stands still must again make a saving throw off-white in color, surrounding you on three sides. A
vs. paralyzation or be affected by confusion for 2d6 row of second-floorwindows, black and lightless,
rounds. If anyone attacks this figure, see later for the can be seen 15 feet overhead. As you look up, you
consequences. have the sensation of being in a canyon. The build-
If the party reverses course and heads back, an iden- ings around you rise an astonishing nine full stories
tical robed figure appears before the heroes ld6+2 min- toward a dark sky, where angry black clouds rush
utes later, points in a different direction, and says, "You
good. Whether this is because those powers seek the
along, driven and tom by distant, gale-force winds. defeat of those heroes or are forcing the heroic impuls-
The rough cobblestones at your feet are littered
es of such brave-hearted individuals to greater heights
with splintered bones, scraps of paper, broken glass
by inflicting great adversity upon them, no one can say.
and pottery several huge dead rats, and splattered
All that is known for certain is that luck is rarely on a
garbage and waste. The stench of rotting meat and
ripe sewage wafts up from a nearby sewer grate. The hero’s side within the confines of this malign demi-
air is quite cool, as if it were almost winter. plane.
All saving throws are made at a base penalty of -1
for the duration of the party’s sojourn in the Demiplane
In addition, those heroes who can pray for, receive, and of Dread. Additional saving-throw penalties take effect
cast priest spells feel a dreadful cold shiver pass when the party is in the vicinity of Vecna or Iuz. Within
through each of them. For unexplained reasons, these 30 feet of either evil demigod, a hero takes an additional
individuals feel a sudden and deep sense of isolation, as penalty of -4, for a total base penalty of -5.
if they were forever lost. The dark powers also meddle in the special relation-
Thus, the party arrives in the darkest comer of the ship that exists between the gods and the clerics, spe-
Demiplane of Dread: Citadel Cavitius, the home of cialty priests, and paladins who serve them. The first
Vecna. sign of this is a strange chill that passes over these holy
persons as they enter the Demiplane of Dread, followed
by a hollow feeling as if their gods have grown distant.
Some speculate that such characters have been isolated
The Demiplane of Dread (the RAVENLOFT setting) is a completely from their patron powers, and that their
mysterious corner of the multiverse, ignored or avoided spells and other powers are now being granted by the
by gods and feared by planar travelers. Enigmatic, god- dark powers themselves. Less extreme individuals sug-
like forces rule over strange realms they built among the gest the dark powers are trying to isolate the clerics and
misty tendrils of the Border Ethereal plane. Somehow, paladins from their gods, but that all they can do is to
these dark powers transported vast chunks of the Prime twist the divine gifts.
Material plane into their sphere of existence, creating Specific difficulties encountered by those casting
disturbing mirror images of Prime Material locations, cleric or druid spells include the following. (Complete
mixing and matching geographic elements and cultures details are provided in Domains of Dread, Chapters Eight
as they did. These places are now separate domains in and Nine.) The DM is strongly urged to become familiar
the demiplane. Some of these lands are clustered togeth- with these spell alterations, as they will significantly
er in continents, while others exist as isolated islands affect the heroes’ ability to cope with their abysmal new
surrounded by thick fog. environment.
The goals and purposes of the dark powers of the
Demiplane of Dread are as unknown as they are, but Divination spells of 3rd level or higher fail automati-
one thing remains consistent in their actions: At the cally.
heart of every domain brought into existence is a man, Spells and magic items that usually reveal a being’s
woman, or creature who committed deeds of great evil. alignment now reveal only the law/chaos axis. The
Each such ruler is at once powerful and powerless, as dark powers perniit evil and good beings to avoid
the land around usually contains elements that bring discovery.
that ruler great pleasure while at the same time forever Summoned extraplanar creatures, such as elementals,
deny that which the ruler desires most. do not depart at the end of a spell’s duration. Instead,
This section of Die, Vecna, Die! takes place within the they are trapped within the confines of the Demi-
Demiplane of Dread. The heroes fall under the influence plane of Dread. The creatures realize this, if intelli-
of the dark powers, like everyone else who enters their gent, and immediately turn on the summoner, with
domains. all control over them lost and gone.
Conversely, spells and magic items that allow heroes
Special Rules for the Demiplane of Dread to leave their current domain or the demiplane itself
The following paragraphs summarize the most impor- (such as teleport and plane shift) automatically fail.
tant mechanical aspects of running adventures in the The same is true of spells and magic items that allow
RAVENLOITsetting. Dungeon Masters who do not have the spellcaster to contact beings on another plane. In
access to the Domains of Dread hardbound (TSR #2174), this case, neither the Hand of Vecna (which the heroes
the definitive source for running AD&Dhorror cam- possess) nor the Eye of Vecna (which they do not) is
paigns, can use this material instead. able to transport its owner out of the demiplane,
The demiplane’s dark powers seem to draw twisted regardless of the artifact’s powers. This is because
delight in making life more difficult for champions of those two artifacts are obeying the will of their cre-
ator, Vecna, who means for these devices to be tures realize this, if they are intelligent, and turn on
brought into his presence (see area 72). their summoners, voiding all magical control over
Paladins lose the ability to detect mil, but they can them.
instead determine if a being is chaotic when using Monster summoning spells in Vecna’s domain of
this ability. Cavitius produce the following results when cast by
Paladins also lose their resistance to magical diseases, someone who is not native to the domain or is not a
as well as the ability to cure them. follower of Vecna (the monsters being taken from the
The paladin’s protectionporn evil power is weakened, sewers beneath the city): monster summoning I, 3d4
granting only a -1 penalty to attack rolls made by giant rats; monster summoning II,ld6 large spiders;
evil creatures within its area of effect. monster summoning III, ld4 huge spiders; monster
All attempts by clerics and paladins to turn undead summoning IV, ld3 huge scorpions; monster summon-
in this dreadful realm are made at a -3 penalty to the ing V , ld3 giant spiders; monster summoning VI, ld3
roll. All results indicating the automatic destruction carrion crawlers; monster summoning VU, ld3
of undead become automatic turning instead. This boalisks. All of thse summoned creatures vanish at
results from the ”sinkhole of evil” effects described in the end of the spell’s duration. Statistics, if required,
Domains of Dread, Appendix Three (Priests). should be drawn from the MONSTROUS MANUALtome.
Necromantic spells work at doubled efficiency in
Wizards are not immune to the impact of the dark terms of effect and duration. (Animate dead creates
powers, as their spells, too, are altered. twice the number of undead, vampiric touch drains
twice the number of hit points, and so on.)
No Greater Divination spells (5th level or higher)
function within the demiplane. Certain other spells have greatly altered effects on this
All attempts to travel to a different plane, or commu- demiplane, as outlined in Domains of Dread, Chapters
nicate with beings on a different plane, fail automati- Eight and Nine. If the DM has this volume, the changed
cally. effects of those spells can be applied.
Summoned extraplanar creatures, such as invisible Domains of Dread provides for additional game
stalkers or elementals, do not depart at the end of a mechanics and penalties in effect on this demiplane, in
spell’s duration. Instead, they are trapped within Chapters Six (fear, horror, and madness checks) and
the confines of the Demiplane of Dread. The crea- Seven (powers checks). These mechanics add much to
the roleplaying environment of this realm and are The city is completely surrounded by a wall so thick
highly recommended. that many buildings have actually been built upon or
within it. In addition to those buildings built within the
outer skull shape, the interior shell walls have many
Vecna’s pomain in the Perniplane
structures built or carved into them. Many pale, skull-
Vecna is the most powerful of those beings who were shaped lamps positioned above the streets and within
gifted with their own domains in the Demiplane of all buildings illuminate the city. These bum eternally
Dread. His realm is half of an island in the demiplane: a without fuel, but they do not offer nearly enough light
vast desert covered by a perpetual state of twilight. A to suit the tastes of the living. The lamps leave many
single road cuts through this terrain to cross a great vol- areas of shadows and darkness in which undead spirits
canic mountain range (the Burning Peaks), allowing the hide, watch, and occasionally lash out at the unwary.
Lord of Secrets to move troops against the sole neigh-
boring realm, Tovag, which is ruled by Kas the Bloody- Magic in Citadel Cavitius
handed on the mountains’ far side. The very sands of Fairly severe restrictions on magic use operate across
Vecna‘s desert drain the life force of those who venture most of the citadel, enforced by Vecna‘s tremendous
into it, so leaving the road is even more deadly than control over magic forces. Under usual circumstances,
facing Kas’s troops. The only permanent settlement in all spells fail except those cast by Vecna-worshiping
Vecna’s domain is Citadel Cavitius, a massive, skull- spellcastersand undead minions. For the duration of
shaped fortress within which Vecna has orchestrated his this adventure, however, new rules apply.
schemes to finally ascend to full godhood. Iuz’s presence in the city has lessened Vecna’s control
over magic. Spells may now be cast by anyone normally
Cavitius: The Domain capable of doing so. However, there is a 10% chance,
It is assumed that the heroes will not venture beyond increased by 5% per spell level, that a spell cast by a
the walls of Citadel Cavitius during the course of this hero fails to operate. (For example, there is a 15%
part of the adventure. If the DM wishes to allow the chance that a magic missik or cure Iight wounds spell will
party to stray beyond Vecna’s seat of power, the fail to take effect when cast by a hero. The spell is still
RAVENLOITproducts Domuins ofDread and Vecna Reborn lost from the caster’s memory.)
(TSR #9582) offer full details on the environment. Other- Vecna’s clerics, wizards, and undead minions cast
wise, the gates of Citadel Cavitius remain closed for the spells normally, however. Vecna’s clerics in Cavitius
duration for the heroes’ stay in Vecna’s city. Overhead also gain a +1 bonus to die rolls when attempting to
rage gale-force winds of such power that they make command undead.
winged or magical flight impossible. Attempts to tele-
port beyond the walls automatically fail, although the Treasure in Citadel Cavitius
DM should make die rolls in secret-and ignore the Unless otherwise noted, most coins found in this bizarre
results-so the players think their heroes might have a realm are all extremely ancient, greatly worn over cen-
chance to escape. (Again, no power of the Hand or Eye of turies of use. They were manufactured during the time
Vecna functions to permit escape from this demiplane, of Vecna’s empire on Oerth and have various symbols
as noted earlier.) of skulls, spiders, snakes, and magical devices on them.
No mint exists to produce new coins in this domain,
Citadel Cavitius: City of Dread though a sufficient amount of coinage is hoarded in the
Citadel Cavitius consists of several layers of structures, Palace of Vecna and in private collections to keep cur-
all of which are made of a smooth, off-white substance rency flowing, if thinly. Each coin is worth 2d100 times
that appears to be bone. (This bone construction materi- its standard value if taken to a wealthy and knowledge-
al has an item saving throw equal to bone with a +2 able sage or collector once the heroes return to their
bonus, using Table 29 in the DMG.) The party has no homeworld, as the legend of Vecna has spread so very
reason to venture into the lower depths of the city in the far and wide. A few coins (5%) were brought in from
course of this adventure, so this area is not described. elsewhere, by adventurers from Oerth or other ’/normal
Citadel Cavitius is home to ten thousand humans worlds,” or by refugees from other domains in this
and approximately five thousand undead of every sort. demiplane.
The corporeal undead in Citadel Cavitius stride confi-
dently down the city‘s streets, dressed in elegant cloth- Encounters in Citadel Cavitius
ing, armor, and jewelry. The ragged living folk fear AD&D game statistics for commonly encountered mon-
them, knowing that to get in their way is certain doom. sters and NPC types in Citadel Cavitius are given in the
Incorporeal undead stick to the plentiful shadows and Appendix. Where commonly encountered monsters and
hidden places of the city, silently making their way NPC types appear in the text, they are given hit points
through the streets on unknowable errands. and any other special information needed to play them
properly. Rare or unique NPCs and monsters, however, and bullying one another. Outsiders find Cavitians a
are fully detailed where they are encountered in the cold and distasteful people.
text. All slaves and prisoners in this city are human, but
Origins: The human citizens of Cavitius were appar- they have varied origins. Many were soldiers in the
ently brought to this demiplane from Vecna’s capital in army of Tovag, captured after battles in the Burning
his ancient empire on Oerth, just prior to the empire’s Peaks. Others are common criminals from Cavitius who
collapse. Most have dark hair and eyes, with light escaped receiving death sentences but must work at
bronze skin, though with a sickly yellow hue from poor hard labor (effectively as slaves) for life. A tiny minority
nourishment and frequent illness. Their universal consists of unlucky adventurers who ran afoul of local
poverty leaves them gaunt. They speak a form of nobles, or refugees who fled from other domains to
ancient Flan (detailed below). They dress in a style of arrive here (to their great regret).
clothing common to that long-ago period, though their As this land knows neither true day nor night, about
clothing is usually filthy, faded, and ragged. Demi- one-quarter of the city’s population is asleep at any one
humans and humanoids are unknown here, except as time. No citywide work schedules are known; each
very rare adventurers or as creatures of rumors and business or local lord dictates the work (and thus the
folklore. sleep) schedule. Street traffic varies little over time,
While the undead definitely are “Vecna‘s Favored in being usually sparse.
this domain, the undead nearly always ignore the city’s The various origins of the undead here are given
living population. If the living can keep out of the way with their descriptions.
of the undead, they can eke out a bleak but tolerable Language: The universal language spoken in Citadel
existence in Cavitius. Still, daily life in constant horror Cavitius is an ancient form of Flan, a tongue of the
and fear drives many of the people of Citadel Cavitius Flanaess of Oerth. Without magical aid, a hero who
to depression or madness. speaks modern Flan has a 10% chance to understand
Many citizens deliberately take on the characteristics anything being said in this old tongue. If the Flan-
of the undead, starving themselves to appear almost speaking hero also has a nonweapon proficiency in
skeletal in hopes of incurring Vecna‘s favor. Most citi- Ancient Languages (ancient Flan), he or she can com-
zens value strength of force over other virtues, stealing municate with Cavitius’s locals with 75%effectiveness.

or the first ranged attack or spell is directed at him by striking him with the sword. One of Iuz’s goals is to
the party, he flees. (The DM should make sure this char- obtain this ”magic sword,” which he learned is being
acter escapes. He reappears later in this section.) kept in the palace. Iuz already has the ”magic eye”
This small ogre force should be enough for the party and is using it. His ”new eye” shines red. (The ogre
to handle, if the heroes were able to heal themselves. If pantomimes that Iuz has actually put the Eye of Vecna
half their number is slain, the remaining ogres pull back into his own eye socket.)
from combat and flee down the street, shouting their Iuz has taken most of his minions on his raid of the
surrender. If their Kadar is going to abandon them, they palace: “many, many, many” orcs, ogres, and
have no intention of throwing their lives away. They are humans. Three smaller forces were left behind in the
unlikely to live long in this environment without the city to kill the heroes if they gave pursuit. The ogre’s
guidance of their Kadar. group is described by the ogre as the most skilled of
The Kadar has a ring ofall tongues (continuallytrans- all of them. (The ogre believes this and is quite proud
lates all languages spoken within 60 feet, so the wearer of it, but it is not true, as the heroes learn if they head
both understands and is understood; does not enable for Vecna’s palace. Although the ogre says three
translation of written or magical languages; ring forces exist, the party will never encounter one of the
changes size to fit any wearer; XP value 1,000). The groups, which was destroyed by the undead else-
ogres wear necklaces with amulets of comprehending lan- where in the city.)
guages, which grant the use of the comprehend languages The natives of this city speak an old dialect that none
spell (12th level of effect; 1hour duration; can be used of Iuz’s s servants understand. No one takes particu-
three times per day on command; touch required; XP lar notice of strangers walking about. So, as long as
value 500 each). One ogre has a ring of all tongues, as the heroes don’t start anything rough, they should
described for the half-ogre Kadar, above. be fine.
A mixture of undead and living guards patrols the
Half-ogre Kadar: AC 2; MV 12; hp 48;THACO 12; streets. Clerics wearing Vecna’s symbol also roam
#AT 1;h g ld8+6. around. They, too, do not appear to bother strangers
unless accosted first. One of the mages with Iuz
Ogre warriors (8): AC 5; MV 9; hp 33 each; noted some problems with casting spells after he
THACO 14; #AT 1;Dmg ld8+6. picked a fight with a cleric, although the cleric did
not seem to have the same problems. (The ogre
Any ogre prisoner taken by the party provides some or cannot explain the exact nature of the ”magic prob-
all of the following information if given the assurance of lems” the mage encountered, except that they were
being allowed to live. The ogre even offers to form an ”bad and awful.”)
alliance with the party, delivering the following materi-
al over the course of subsequent roleplaying encounters. These traitors against their divine master, Iuz, explain
their actions to doubting heroes by saying they do not
Iuz has been in Citadel Cavitius for about two or wish to trapped in Cavitius. Right now, the party looks
three days; the ogre is not sure of the exact time. like the safest bet to getting out of here. (Naturally,
(Apparently, time flows differently here than it does these NPCs will betray the party at the first sign of the
on Oerth.) Iuz and his forces hid briefly in an empty balance shifting in the direction of Iuz’s minions. But,
building, preparing their strike against Vecna. until then, they behave like snivelingbootlickers, obey-
Even before the heroes stormed the temple on Oerth, ing every command given by party members as long as
Iuz had sent forces to Vecna’s stronghold through it won’t obviously result in their deaths.)
other portals. During the past day, Iuz has organized
his troops for a raid on Vecna‘s palace. (The ogre
indicates four sleek towers and a shockingly high Getting t o the Palace
black one that rise together above the jumble of bone- Since the inhabitants of the city will mostly ignore the
colored structures and soot-streaked smokestacks.) party, they are assumed to simply move through the
The ogre knows that Iuz’s raid is currently under- streets to get to Vecna’s palace. If the heroes ask a cap-
way. When Iuz reaches Vecna, the Old One is pre- tive for advice, he or she suggests using the streets. The
pared to “eat“ the other demigod. (The ogre cannot NPC further explains that Iuz plotted three different
further explain this, as this was what he was told ways of approaching the palace. Two routes-through
would happen.) the streets and across the rooftops-were used by the
Iuz is certain of victory. Even if he fails to ”eat” teams that went to infiltrate the palace. If the party
Vecna, Iuz has learned that anyone who has a certain decides to cross the rooftops, most of the encounters
”magic eye“ or ”magic hand,” and uses a special described below take place in building stairwells and
”magic sword,” can destroy the Whispered One by on roofs.
points are recovered at the rate of 1point per day, but
By the Underground Charisma points are lost forever.
The party might wish to enter the sewers and approach A ghoul lord radiates an aura of evil so powerful that
surreptitiously. If so, the heroes must fight off packs of a good-aligned hero suffers a -4 to all attack rolls while
ravenous ghouls (3d10+5at a time, led by a ghoul lord). within 30 feet of the creature. A remove fear spell negates
The stench in the sewers is so great as to force each hero the effect of the aura.
to make a Constitution check upon entering, with fail-
ure indicating the hero is so nauseated as to operate at Ghoul (3d10+5per pack): AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 16
only half normal Strength (round fractions down) in all each; THACO 19; #AT 3 (claw/claw/bite); Dmg ld3/
regards, until leaving the sewers. Any attempt to run in ld3/ld6; SA paralysis by touch for ld6+2 rounds;
the sewer or move during combat forces a Dexterity SD immune to sleep, charm,fear, and telepathic psionics;
check. Failure means the hero slips in the filth and falls SW can be turned; SZ M ( 5 ’ 4 ’ tall); ML steady (11-12);
prone, losing all attacks and all shield- or Dexterity- Int low (5-7); AL CE; XI’ 175 each.
based defenses for the rest of that round (while Notes: If possible, ghouls attempt to trip or overbear
stunned) and all the next (while rising). an armored hero, possibly drowning the hero in a
No maps of the sewers are provided with this adven- nearby pool of filthy water. Some immediately stop
ture. The DM should just describe them as a fighting to eat any person who is paralyzed or dead.
labyrinthine, filth-caked system of tunnels, and roll ld6
to determine the direction in which junctures go: (1-2) Through the 3treets
left and right, (3) right only, (4) left only, (5-6) left, right,
or straight ahead. A ghoul pack is encountered on a The undead and the living mingle freely in Citadel
second ld6 roll of 1-3at each juncture, with a roll of 1 Cavitius. However, the DM should be careful not to
indicating a second ghoul pack attacks the heroes from portray the presence of undead as blask or common-
the opposite direction. place. Rather, the street scenes within the Citadel might
The party encounters eight junctures before reaching be described thusly.
a set of indestructiblebars that prevent further passage.
A rusted ladder leads up to a manhole cover at the edge
Two men, raggedly dressed, make their way down
of area 1, the Plaza of the Whispered One, described
the street, their eyes sunken and their spirits obvi-
later. ously broken. Yet they apparently have the presence
of mind to dart to the side of the street as a troop of
Ghoul lord (one per pack): AC 4; MV 15; HD 6; animated skeletons, terrible in their finery and
hp 42; THACO 15; #AT 3 (claw/claw/bite); Dmg ld6/ armor, marches past them, weapons held high. As
ld6/ld10; SA paralysis, disease; SD evil aura causing horrible as this sight is, however, the two men seen
good heroes within 30’ to suffer a -4 penalty to attack more leery of the dark shadows into which they
rolls, affected only by magical weapons or those made have been forced. And rightfully so-it would seem
of pure iron, immune to holy water, telepathic psionics, that these shadows move and waver as if they had
contact with holy symbols, and to sleep, charm, hold,fear, an existence of their own.
and circle ofprotection spells that do not use cold iron;
SW can be turned as a 7 HD undead; SZ M (5‘4’ tall);
ML elite (13-14); Int high (13-14); AL CE; XI?3,000. As the party makes its way through the streets, it passes
Notes: A ghoul lord is easily mistaken for a common the following scenes. These should be intermingled
ghoul until one draws close. At that time, the fact that with other descriptions of this shadow-filled city.
its tongue is elongated and covered in vicious barbs
becomes clear. The tongue of the ghoul lord is where The Doomed
most of the damage in the bite attack comes from. A legless beggar whose face is rotting away from a
A hero (including elves) struck by a ghoul lord’s fists dreadful infection holds out a hand and pitifully asks
must successfully save vs. paralysis or become unable for food. The citizen is a veteran of the war against
to move for ld6+6 rounds. Anyone bitten by a ghoul Tovag and explains that he became afflicted when part
lord contracts a horrible rotting disease unless a suc- of a war machine fell upon him. He views his disease as
cessful save vs. poison is rolled. An infected victim loses a punishment for having failed Lord Vecna on the field
ld10 hit points and 1point each from Constitution and of battle.
Charisma scores each day until cured with a heal spell. Any hero who touches him or even speaks with him
Death occurs if any affected score is reduced to zero. runs the risk of also becoming infected. The hero should
About 60+4d6hours after death, the victim rises again make a successful saving throw vs. disease, modified by
as a ghast controlled by the ghoul lord. Constitution Constitution bonuses, or be afflicted with mummy rot.

Citizen (0-level):AC 10; MV 3; hp 1;THACO 20;
Dmg ld2, armed with sharp stick.

The Devoted
A Memory of Vecna stands on a street corner, singing
the praises of his dread lord and stating that everyone
should confess their sins. Vecna knows their secrets
anyway, he claims, and by admitting their crimes their
punishments will be less severe.
The cleric catches sight of the heroes as they venture
through the streets, and, contrary to the behavior of the
rest of the citizenry, he calls out to them. Having recog-
nized them as foreigners in Citadel Cavitius, he decides
to give them the opportunity to join Vecna’s faithful. He
first asks them to confess their sins to him.He then
states that they must convert to the worship of Vecna, or
things will go very badly for them in Cavitius, as all
who do not profess obedience to Vecna are denied
mercy and suffer a prolonged, hideous death.
If the party politely rebuffs this cleric, or offers him
empty platitudes, he happily lets the group continue on
its journey, urging all to visit the Temple of Vecna and
giving directions to it. (The Temple of Vecna is
described in Vecna Reborn, should the DM want to give
the party the opportunity to visit it.) If any of the heroes
attempts to argue religion with the cleric or is rude to
him, he curtly tells them all to move on or else suffer
Vecna’s undying wrath.
Should the party attack the cleric, his two ax-wield-
ing female bodyguards emerge from the crowd of
onlookers to defend him. Panic quickly spreads among
the citizens, who flee madly, and ld6+2 members of
Vecna’s elite undead guard, the Reavers, arrive upon
the scene within ld4+1 rounds to see what is causing
such a stir. The Reavers ride in on their skeletal steeds.

Memory of Vecna: AC 10; MV 12; hp 19; THACO 17;

#AT 1;Dmg ld4+1.

Female bodyguards (2): AC 5; MV 12; hp 39,33;

THACO 16; Dmg ld8.

Reavers (ld6+2):AC 5; MV 9; hp 56 each; THACO 18;

Dmg ld8.

Skeletal steeds (1 for each Reaver):AC 7; M V 18;

hp 26 each; THACO 17; Dmg ld6/ld6/ld4.

The Demented
The party hears a pitiful wail, spoken in recognizable
Common behind them: ”Oh gods! You’ve come! You’ve
finally come!”
A young woman, as ragged as every other living citi-
zen of Citadel of Cavitius, comes rushing up to them.
Tears are streaming down her filthy cheeks and she is
both laughing and sobbing at the same time. “I’ve been
waiting and waiting and waiting,“ she sobs. ”I saw you
“You! Madwoman! I thought I told you to stop both-
in my dreams, but you never came. But now you’re
ering the citizens!”
hear. Now you can take me away from this awful place. A group of ten humans with black tabards over
You will take me away, right? I know each of you has their chainmail armor approach you. A skeletal hand
part of the Lord of Secrets within you, but that’s just so with a lidless eye in its palm is embroidered on their
you can defeat him and the Old One, right? You’re not tabards, over their chests. They resemble city watch-
evil or corrupt, and you won’t die while fulfilling your men, but they are better equipped than most city
destiny, will you? Please don’t die. You have to succeed watches, as they are armed with battle-axes and
and rescue me from this horrible place!” longswords. Ragged citizens hurry out of their way.
The words spill forth in a wild babble, and she does- “They may be foreigners like yourself, Valuriss,
n’t stop speaking until a character with a high Charisma but that doesn’t give you leave to disobey my
grabs hold of her and firmly orders her to stop. She then orders,” continues the speaker, a bald man carrying
calms down and attempts to behave in a calmer fashion. a battle-ax. ”For your disobedience, you will be
However, it is clear to all that she has only the most ten- taken to the plaza and impaled! After your trial, of
tative of grasps on sanity and that she may lose it again course.”
at any moment. With a wild shriek, Valuriss drops the weapon she
The young woman is Valuriss, from Darkon (another holds. ”No! No! You can’t kill me! They’re here to
domain in the Demiplane of Dread). She fled from there save me!” She suddenly bolts into an alley.
with her father shortly after that nation’s ruler (Lord ”After her!” cries the bald man, gesturing with his
Azalin) was slain, and petty warlords seized control of ax. ”Kill her if you must!” The other humans obey
portions of the land. The Mists, however, deposited the without hesitation, drawing their weapons.
pair here, a place far worse than Darkon. Her father
quickly succumbed to the undead here, and Valuriss The party has encountered a patrol of the Fingers of
has been on the run ever since. Vecna, the police force of Citadel Cavitius. If the party
attempts to defend Valuriss, the Fingers attack the char-
Valuriss, female human T3: AC 7 (Dex bonus); acters with deadly force. The twelve members of this
MV 12; hp 18;THACO 20; #AT 1(knife);Dmg ld3; squad include a Finger commander, three Finger ser-
SA backstab x2 damage; SD thief skills, psionic wild geants, and eight soldiers.
talent; SZ M (5’5“tall); ML unsteady (5);Int 11, Wis 12, Unless a hero immediately chases after Valuriss, she
Cha 14, Str 9, Dex 17, Con 13; AL CN. vanishes into the shadowed alleyways, never to be seen
Special Abilities: Valuriss has a psionic wild talent (a again. If a hero does pursue, the DM should check Val-
long-range variation of precognition) that can be used uriss’s Hide in Shadows ability with a die roll. If the
l/day. check is successful, the hero can’t find her. If it fails, the
ThiefAbilities: PP 50%, OL 20%, F/RT 5%,MS 65%, hero spots her hiding behind rubble, scared out of her
HS 6O%, DN 35%, CW 7070, RL40Yo. wits. (If invited to join the party, and if she enters the
palace, Valuriss dies horribly in the first combat
Valuriss has precognitive abilities that drove her to flee encounter.)
the looming chaos in her homeland. These talents also
told her that the heroes were coming. “You aren’t the Finger commander:AC 5; MV 12; hp 50; THACO 16;
first,” she babbles on. ”There were others, but they were #AT 1;Dmg ld8 or ld4.
unable to take me with them. I know you’ll win. I’ve
seen you standing over Vecna’s destroyed corpse. I’ve Finger sergeants (3):AC 5; MV 12; hp 30 each;
seen you win. You’ll win. You need to go to the palace, THACO 18;#AT 1;Dmg ld8 or ld4.
and you need to face Iuz and Vecna in the throne room
and you’ll win. But one of you needs to wear the hand. Finger soldiers (8): AC 5; MV 12; hp 10 each;
Are you wearing the hand? If not, you need to! Quick! THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 or ld3.
Do it now! Then you need the sword-the sword of the
traitor, Kas. It is kept in the palace, in Vecna’s own The Desperate
library! You must wear the hand that was Vecna’s and A man (0-level)comes up to the party with a desperate
go to the palace. But take me with you, please! Please!” look in his eyes. He says, in the local language, ”Please,
Valuriss attempts to grab a sword or ax from one of you can help me! You are outlanders, and you are pow-
the heroes, then cut off the left hand of the person carry- erful. You can plead my case with Lord Haroln!”
ing the Hand of Vecna. If no party member attempts to If none of the heroes are able to understand the man,
intervene, she is nonetheless frozen in her tracks by a or if they give him the brush-off, he stumbles down the
barked order in the local language. street and approaches a group of Fingers. They proceed

to beat him senseless. They then move on, leaving him sure they are not spies intending to reveal valuable
bleeding and unconscious in the gutter. secrets to the enemies of Cavitius. (Tovag is ruled by
If the party makes an effort to understand the man, Vecna’s archnemesis, Kas the Bloody-handed, and the
he tells them that his pride and joy, his beautiful young two domains are eternally at war.)
daughter Innova, was seized by Fingers last week and Haroln is lying to the party. He was watching Jakkob
taken to the palace. The magistrates have refused to mostly to kill the man if he was going to instigate
hear his pleas on her behalf, and he has also been another round of pleas for the return of his daughter.
denied in audience with the Arm of Vecna, the leader of Haroln really doesn’t want to be bothered by such a
the Fingers. The man and his wife don’t know why petty matter. In addition, Innova has fallen prey to a lich
Innova was seized, but they both desperately want her (see area 60a).
returned. The father describes his daughter and asks the
party if it will go to Vecna’s palace, or to the fortress of Lord Haroln: AC -2; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 66,
Lord Haroln, the Arm of Vecna, to plead her case. He THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
can offer the heroes only 13 cp for their effort, but it’s
his entire fortune. (He’s telling the truth. The money The Destroyers
was supposed to pay for the flight of his family to the As the party moves through a particularly crowded and
neighboring land of Tovag. He says it is filled with war- narrow set of streets, it is ambushed by a group of evil
hungry barbarians, but he now believes it might be a adventurers in the service of Iuz.
safer place than Cavitius.)
If the party agrees to plead the man’s case, he rushes
The press of living and dead citizens is particularly
into his home to tell his wife the good news. (He gives tight as you make your way through a section of
the heroes directions to Lord Haroln’s fortress first, streets that seem to wind to and fro like a snake.
although he strongly suggests they go the palace and let Curiously, some of the buildings even seem to have
the magistrates there refer them to Haroln. He has spots that appear like scales.
heard that the Arm does not like to be disturbed.) How- A pair of rag-clad children dart out from an alley,
ever, the party barely gets three streets away from chasing a tight bundle of rags that they are kicking
where they met the man before a wisp of smoke snakes as one would a ball, proving that the spirit of chil-
its way down from overhead and materializes before dren even survives in a hellish place such as this.
them as a darkly handsome man in black and red robes. Suddenly, the street explodes in fire.
He has a holy symbol of Vecna around his neck.

Every party member must make a saving throw. A 7d6

”Greetings, outlanders,” he says in a cool, mildly
fireball has just been fired into the narrow street. The
accented voice. ”I could not help but overhear poor
explosion rebounds off the confining walls, knocking all
Jakkob’s pleas on behalf of his daughter. I am Lord
Haroln, the Arm of Vecna. It is a pleasure to make characters who fail their saves off their feet as well as
your acquaintance.” inflicting full damage upon them and stunning them for
ld3 rounds. Other characters sufferonly half damage
and are capable of reacting immediately to the scene
The man freely admits to being a vampire and a loyal before them.
servant of Vecna. He asks the party members to intro-
duce themselves. When they are finished, he says:
The smell of burning flesh and the screams of dying
fill the alley. Dozens of victims, both living and
”Our meeting was not as much of a coincidence as it undead, lay twitching on the ground as their last
might seem. I have heard Jakkob’s pleas, and I have moments flee amid a haze of heat and pain. Through
been investigating the fate of his daughter personally. the acrid smoke, you see figures approaching,
I’ve been wrapping up the investigationby observ- among them a towering, bearded giant and a small-
ing Jakkob and his wife. You do not need to involve er thin man. Both wear platemail with Iuz’s grinning
yourselves in this matter. Jakkob is concerned for his skull symbol on the chest.
child, as any mortal would be, but I assure you that ”Well, well,” says the bearded giant, drawing a
she is quite all right. I will give him a similar assur- large two-handed sword from a sheath on his back.
ance once my investigation is complete.” ”Looks like Kher’s puny spell didn’t get the dogs.
Looks like he got everyone but them. Well, I like
stand-up fights, so let’s get down to it!”
If asked why he is observing the parents of Innova, With that, he issues a fierce battle cry and charges
Haroln explains that the young girl revealed the parents at you, swinging the sword wildly.
are planning to flee to Tovag. Haroln wants to make
The two figures are Bear and Kelleth of Greyhawk, two Orcs (10):AC 6 (studded leather, shield); MV 9;
particularly bloodthirsty servants of Iuz. They will not HD 1; hp 8 (x2), 7 (x3), 6,5 (x4); THACO 20; #AT 1;
stop fighting until either they or the party are dead. Drng ld8 or ld6 (spears);SA +1to attack rolls while
Bear wades into combat directly while Kelleth hangs their leader lives; SD +1to morale while the leader
back and casts spells until he fails a Wisdom check, or lives; SZ M (5’4’’tall); ML average (8-10); Int average
until he is engaged by a party member. The rest of their (8-10); AL LE; XP 15 each.
force is lurking farther away, but the party can see them
at the edge of the devastation: a warrior in glittering However the battle ends, as soon as the evil NPCs have
chainmail, a half-elf in black robes, and about a dozen fled, a smoking door opens and a slightly singed man
orcs. (The half-elf is Geral Kher and the warrior is looks out. He gestures at the party to enter, saying in the
Lanner Hvist.) local language that he is going to help them because he
After two rounds of combat, five orcs rush forward saw them fight those killers who have been terrorizing
to join the fray, and the half-elf fires a magic missile spell the neighborhood for the past two days.
at any obvious spellcasters in the party and issues a The party’s helper is named Rull (0-level),a local
taunt-most likely a racial slur of some sort. The war- healer who has created concoctions using local materi-
rior laughs loudly. Five more orcs rush into combat two als that duplicate the effects of magic potions. Vecna’s
rounds later. As soon as either Kelleth or Bear fall, the minions tolerate him because he cures a range of ill-
half-elf orders a retreat. The half-elf, the warrior, and nesses in the living population, making them more
Khark, the orc leader, vanish into a side alley. (Unless effective workers. Rull provides the party with eight
slain by the party before Kelleth or Bear are defeated, potions that each offers the same effects as cure light
this trio should escape. They appear again later in the wounds, and he treats them with his Herbalism and
adventure.) Healing proficiencies. As he does this, he says, ”Those
If this battle is going badly for the party, a pair of evil men have been waiting for you to show up. I
Reavers arrive to investigate the devastation, causing didn’t understand all of their speech, but from eaves-
the NPC party to flee. Dungeon Masters should also dropping on them I have learned they are here in serv-
feel free to add more foes if the battle seems too easy for ice of a god who wishes to replace Lord Vecna as ruler
the PCs. of our city. Apparently, this god fears only one thing-
you. If you have made it to our city, you apparently are
Kelleth of Greyhawk, male human P4 of Iuz: AC 2 in possession of something that will make you resistant
(platemail);M V 9 (slowed by armor); hp 32; THACO 18; to their god’s power, a legacy of Lord Vecna from the
#AT 1; Dmg ld6 (quarterstaff);SA spells; SZ M (6‘1“ world you call home.”
tall); ML elite (14); Str 13, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 16, If the party shows Rull the Hand of Vecna, he nearly
Cha 17; AL CE; XP 420. faints with shock. He urges one of the party members to
Special Equipment: staff of withering. use the artifact, stating that the hero will be able to draw
Cleric Spells Memorized (5/4): lst-cure light wounds upon the might of Vecna and defeat the evil god that
(x2), command, protection from evil (x2); 2nd-jlame Made, has invaded the citadel.
heat metal, hold person (x2). If asked if he wants Vecna defeated as well, Rull hesi-
tates, then says, “Yes. Lord Vecna and his servants are
Bear, male human F9: AC 0 (platemail +3); MV 12; irredeemably evil. They visit much pain and suffering
hp 90; THACO 12; #AT 3/2 ;Dmg 2d4+3 (two-handed upon us here in Citadel Cavitius. However, they have
bastard sword); SZ M (6’7‘’tall); ML fanatic (18); never committed atrocities such as those you have just
Str 18/01, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 8, Cha 9; AL CE; witnessed in the street. This other god is far more brutal
XI’ 1,400. than Vecna and must be stopped.’’
Special Equipment: ring of vampiric regeneration. If the DM wants the party to meet up with Valuriss
again, she might find them while they are resting at
Geral Kher: AC 9; M Y 12; hp 56; THACO 9; #AT 2; Rull’s meager, cramped home. She tells the party of a
Dmg ld10+4. new, dire vision she has had: Iuz has already infiltrated
Vecna’s palace. He is presently making his way to
Lanner Hvist: AC 3, MV 9, hp 120;THACO 9; Vecna’s throne room, where he will absorb the Maimed
#AT 3/2; Dmg ld8. God’s essence and destroy all of Cavitius, if the party
doesn’t stop him.
Karhk :AC 5; MV 9; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 1;
D m g ld4 or ld8. The Goal
After the trek through the city, the party reaches one of
the few open areas within Citadel Cavitius; the cramped
street opens up to a broad plaza. Five gallows stand
upon the ground, each guarded by skeletal troops. In Vecna allowed Iuz to discover the ”true way” to slay
the distance, Vecna’s palace reaches toward the dark- Vecna and absorb his essence. Vecna himself informed
ened sky in all its glory. It is a massive stone structure those who carried the news to Iuz of his ”vulnerable
that bears a distant resemblance to a hand, as five state.” Thus, the Old One, unwittingly, took on the role
towers jut from its top. Four of the towers are identical, of the white queen.
slender and bone white, seemingly carved from the Vecna had to hide to his moves from his opponent
same substance as the rest of the citadel. The fifth, how- with clever feints. The first of these feints was an elabo-
ever, is a deep black spire soaring higher than any tower rate plan that would supposedly lead to his resurrection
the heroes have ever seen, its top so distant that it is dif- as a mortal with the powers of a god, leaving behind the
ficult to see. The heroes gaze upon the Palace of Vecna, rotting shell that is his current physical form. As part of
their destination. that scheme, Vecna saw to it that pawns were provided
to the dark powers to be used to thwart his scheme.
(These events are described in Vecna Reborn.)
The Palace of Vecna Once that plan was seemingly defeated, Vecna start-
On the outside, this fearsome structure is an exact ed an almost identical one, banking on the fact that the
duplicate of Vecna’s ancient seat of power, as his empire dark powers would assume that he was blinded by
reached its height across a now-forgotten region of the rage. Carefully, operating in the background, he set
Flanaess. The palace housed the legendary Spider events into motion on his homeworld of Oerth, instruct-
Throne and was the site of Vecna’s greatest political and ing his followers to corrupt a gate to the Demiplane of
magical triumphs (and, perhaps, his greatest mistakes). Dread and to leak information to agents of Iuz. Vecna
Within this dread structure, the party must square off was certain that the dark powers would permit Iuz to
against the Old One for the life of Vecna himself. Little enter Cavitius, as he was certain they knew that Vecna
do they know that they are playing directly into Vecna’s was manipulating Iuz.
plans. Vecna needed everyone to believe that they were
acting of their own accord, so only his clerics and a few
undead have been let in on some of his plans. Both Iuz
Vecna’s Master Plan
and the party of adventurers-the current heroes-will
When Iuz launched what he hoped would be the final meet resistance, even if Vecna ultimately wants Iuz to
strike against Vecna, an ancient ally of the Whispered meet him in this throne room high atop the Black Tower.
One-a supernatural beyond even human under- Vecna has arranged for nearly all of his most powerful
standing-stirred. Known to Vecna as the Serpent, this followers to be away in the Burning Peaks, battling the
being revealed Iuz’s secret plan to Vecna, as it had forces of Kas. His palace is now staffed by a compara-
revealed so many other secrets to him. The Serpent tively weak force, mixed with foes such as death
had previously told Vecna the truth about some of the knights and vampires, to keep Iuz challenged, but not
multiverse’s most shadowed beings: the dark powers too challenged. Even Iuz’s humanoids should get part
that had restricted him to a physical form trapped of the way into the palace, if they are very lucky. The
within the Demiplane of Dread-and an even more trap is laid. Now Vecna must wait for someone to take
mysterious entity, the Lady of Pain from the City of the bait.
Vecna suddenly saw a way clear to do what he had General Notes on the Palace of Vecna
previously failed at, a way to escape the clutches of the
dark powers and elevate himself to the status of a The palace is impervious to all physical or magical
greater god. All he needed was a way to bypass the force; nothing but a being on the level of another
dark powers and gain access to the City of Doors. He demigod or greater can harm it. Further, any form of
might well shatter the entire universe in the process, but magical transportation, such as telqort or dimension
he would be free, his enemies would be vanquished, door, cannot carry a spellcaster to any point in the palace
and he would probably have enough power to remake that the spellcaster cannot directly see at the time of
the universe. Yes, Vecna would remake the universe in casting. Planar, ethereal, or astral travel of any sort is
his image, as it had always meant to be. impossible into or through the palace; Vecna’s presence
However, Vecna had to move carefully and slowly. has warped space so that such spells and powers are
He was playing a cosmic chess game against powers useless. The palace has no windows, and there is no
who had the same access to secrets that he did, so he other entrance to the palace except through the huge
had to think as if he was playing this game against him- front doors. Heroes might be fooled by a door on a
self. Therefore, Vecna placed himself on the board as the small guarded watch room (area 4)on the west side of
black king. the palace, but this does not lead into the palace’s

ground floor. In short, the heroes (as Iuz did before 2d6 Result
them) must walk in. 2 Vampire with ld4 slave vampires, on a PI
Unless otherwise noted, all ceilings are 12 feet high. sonal errand or going to meet with other
All areas inside the palace are lit by the same type of pires.
skull-shaped lanterns that light the rest of the city. 34 3d10 elite skeletons led by a wight, on pa
The Player’s Handbook rules for opening doors (Chap- 5-6 A page (0-level) dressed in a simple black
ter One) should be studied, particularly with regard to outfit, delivering a message to an undead
opening locked, barred, or magically held doors. Some noble.
doors here are extremely difficult to close, requiring a 7 Skeleton warrior with 2d10 elite skeleton,
Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll to do so. rying chests and sacks of booty from the 1
All the restrictions of spellcasting apply within the tlefront (treasure types A and Z, Table 84,
palace, with one additional restriction: No divination DMG); they are heading for Vecna’s palac
magic of any kind functions within the palace walls, the Black Tower.
except that cast by spellcasters of Vecna, living or 8 2d4 live servants going to a meeting of clc
undead, or gained from magic items found in the struc- (roll ld6: 14,O-level assistants in black c1
ture. It is impossible for heroes to use spells or magical ing; 5-6, acolytes of Vecna).
devices to scry into the palace itself. 9-11 Ju-ju zombie singing hymns to Vecna foll
by 2d6 zombies, carrying papers to a met
&counters within the Palace of Vecna of undead lords.
12 See the Special Encounters section below.
The Palace of Vecna bustles with activity. The palace is
extraordinarily dangerous, however, as Vecna is aware Vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64;
of every action taken by every being within its walls. THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
Further, nearly all of those encountered are among
Vecna’s most loyal followers; they may not be particu- Slave vampire: AC 1; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E);
larly powerful, but they serve the Whispered One body hp 50; THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
and soul. Their devotion is such that living servants of
Vecna receive a +4 bonus to resist all charm spells, while Elite skeletons: AC 5; M V 12; hp 16; WAC0 19;
undead receive a +2 bonus to resist being turned, in #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
addition to gaining the ”sinkhole of evil” effects
described at the beginning of this chapter. (As a result, a Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
cleric hero has a -5 penalty to die rolls for turning.) Dmg ld4.
Remember, too, that heroes cannot successfully read the
thoughts of intelligent undead on this demiplane. Skeleton wamor: AC 2; MV 12; hp 72; THACO I
As the heroes move through the hallways of the #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
palace, they meet a variety of Vecna’s followers, min-
ions, and servants. Day and night are meaningless Acolytes of Vecna: AC 10; MV 12; hp 5; THACO
terms to the denizens of Cavitius, so activity in the #AT 1;Dmg ld4.
palace remains at a constant level.
Unless specifically noted, each group of NPCs should Ju-ju zombie: AC 6; MV 9; hp 36; THACO 15; #I
be engaged in a different kind of activity (such as deliv- Dmg 3d4.
ering something, running to torture a prisoner, going to
a meeting, or waiting for a comrade) and should also Zombies: AC 8; MV 6; hp 16; THACO 19; #AT 1;
have a different appearance from the last group encoun- Dmg ld8.
tered. Players should not get the sense that their heroes
are running into the same encounter over and over. In addition to these encounters, the heroes may COI
Whenever the party enters a new hallway or stair- upon signs of Iuz’s passage throughout the citadel.
case, remains there for longer than a full turn, or reen- Some are mere remnants of death and destruction,
ters the area after spending at least a turn in any given others are actual troops. DMs can roll on the follom
chamber, there is a 50% chance of an encounter (1-3 on chart each time the heroes enter a new area:
ld6). If an encounter occurs, the DM should roll 2d6
and compare the result below to see who or what they ld6 Result
meet. 1 The walls are covered with graffiti writtei
Greyhawk Common.
2 A dead servant lies on the floor.

3 A group of smashed skeletons are scattered all
over the floor. A total of ld4 dead ogres are
also here.
4 A group of ld4 ogres spots the heroes.
5 A group of ld4 ogres with a half-ogre Kadar
hails the heroes, for good or ill.
6 A group of ld4 ogres and a half-ogre Kadar
lies dead upon the floor. No other foes can be

Half-ogre Kadar: AC 2; M V 12; hp 48; THACO 12;

#AT 1;Dmg ld8+6.

Ogre warriors (ld4): AC 5; M V 9; hp 33 each;

THACO 14; #AT 1;Dmg ld8+6.

Special Encounters
The following special encounters allow the party to
meet major personalities and gain specific information
that advances the adventure. Whenever a special
encounter is called for, the DM should roll ld4, then
locate the result on this table. Results are explained fully
in the following section.

ld4 Resulting Encounter

1 Hunting the Hunters
2 Dancing Queen
3 More Dead than Alive
4 The Hand Moving

Many of the beings in this section can also be encoun-

tered in specific locations in the palace. The DM should
adjust later encounters to reflect the outcome of any
meetings that arise out of this section. The reverse is also
true: If the party meets these characters in their fixed
locations, the latter might not be encountered later in the
hallways of the palace, or else the DM should adjust their
appearances and actions to reflect previous meetings.

1. Hunting the Hunters: The heroes are not the only

adventurers who have taken up the cause. One pair of
long-time enemies of Iuz the Old is a married couple:
Kendrel Hammend, a priest of Trithereon (god of inde-
pendence, revenge, and retribution), and Carlenna Pen-
trast, an illusionist. They pursued Iuz here from Oerth
after getting wind of his desire to elevate himself to the
status of full godhood.
Unlike the heroes, who entered the palace with
Vecna’s tacit permission, Kendrel and Carlenna were
beset by obstacles and enemies at almost every turn.
When the party encounters them, the pair is on the run
from a death knight and a spellcasting mummy.
(Kendrel successfully turned the other undead that
were part of this particular force.) The pair is low on
spells and hit points, and they will assuredly die within
minutes if the party does not step in to assist.
Kendrel and Carlenna can be used as replacement Iuz the Old. Eventually, the demigod’s minions
player characters should a hero die early in this adven- descended upon Carlenna’s academy and slaughtered
ture. most of her students in revenge. Weeping over the bod
of her own apprentice, Carlenna vowed that she woulc
Kendrel Hammend, male human P12 of Trithereon: not rest until either she or Iuz was irrevocably dead.
AC -2 (chainmail +2, shield +2, Dex bonus); MV 12; Development: Kendrel relishes battle and the use oj
hp 72 (currently 11);THACO 14; #AT 1;Dmg 2d4+1 powerful spells, but he is not rash. He always attempts
(broadsword +l);SA spells; SD spells; SZ M (5’9’‘ tall); to gain an edge through careful planning, ranged
ML fanatic (18); Str 14, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 18, attacks, and advance castings of protection spells. Onci
Cha 15; AL CG. engaged in melee, Kendrel is hard to distract or shake
Special Equipment: broadsword +1 (+2 us. magic using off, but he is sharp enough to know when a fighting
and enchanted creatures), staff of curing (10 charges), scroll retreat is in order. He dislikes overbearing people,
of plane shift, holy symbol of Trithereon. although he understands the need for clear and good
Cleric Spells Memorized (8/ 7/6 /4/2 /2): lst-com- leadership in tight situations. He usually defers to his
mand, cure light wounds, invisibility to undead; 2nd-spiri- wife’s judgment when it comes to planning overall
tual hammer; 3rd-negative plane protection; 4th-cloak of strategies.
bravey; 5th-cure critical wounds, dispel evil; 6th-blade Carlenna is a strong-willed woman who expects
barrier. (All other spells were used.) others to respect her adventuring experience and intell
Special Abilities: Backstab x2 damage as thief, conjure gence. She places a premium on sound strategic and
animals once per day, uses wizard’s monster summoning tactical planning, and a favorite dictum of hers is that i
spells as cleric spells of equivalent level. single protective or defensive spell, cast before battle, i
Notes: Kendrel gave up his position as the head of worth two spells cast in the heat of combat. This cau-
Trithereon’s church in the lake port of Willip, Furyondy, tious mindset and her ability to create and execute elal
after becoming disgusted with political maneuverings orate plans allowed Carlenna and her husband to mak
in the chaotic hierarchy. He and Carlenna fell in love on it into the Palace of Vecna alive.
a joint adventure against Iuz, and they married. Kendrel When the party encounters him, Kendrel fails a
served for a time as cleric-in-residence at Carlenna’s saving throw against hold person cast by the pursuing
wizards’ academy outside the walled town of Herechel, mummy, falling to the ground. The death knight slays
in eastern Furyondy. When minions of Iuz attacked and Kendrel on the following round if the party does not
killed many of the students, he and his wife returned to intervene. Also during this encounter, Carlenna’s skill
their adventuring roots and dedicated themselves to and luck have reached their limits. When first encoun-
eliminating Iuz once and for all. tered, Carlenna has just drawn her wand offire and is
about to use the final charges to blast the mummy pur
Carlenna Hammend, female human I1112 AC -1 suing Kendrel and her.
(gray robe of the archmagi, ring of protection +2, Dex The death knight pursuing them is Sir Loran of
bonus); MV 12; hp 43 (currently 8); THACO 17 (14 with Trollpyre Keep. Sir Loran’s history is given at area 64,
staffof striking); #AT 1;Dmg ld6+3 (staffof striking); where he normally resides. He relishes this opportunit
SA spells; SD spells; SZ M (5‘6’’tall); ML fanatic (17); to vent his rage and frustrations on hapless adventure]
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 15; AL N. using his two-handed sword +4,<6 us. amphibious creatur
Special Equipment: gray robe of the archmagi (base AC 5, called “Trollpyre’s Defender.” Should the heroes get in
5% MR), pearly white ioun stone (regenerates 1hit his way-by assisting Kendrel and Carlenna-he
point/turn), staffof striking (12 charges remaining), wand ignores the edict that Vecna handed down and turns h
offire (5 charges), 2 scrolls of dispel magic. wrath on the party. He lets loose with hisfireball once 1.
Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5/5/5/5/2), at least one is reduced to less than 20 hit points.
spell per level from the Illusion/Phantasm school: 1st-
burning hands; 2nd-knock, Melfs acid arrow; 3rd-spec- Sir Loran: AC 0; MV 12; hp 63 (currently 28);
tralforce; 4th-improved invisibility; 5th-teleport; THACO 4; #AT 1;Dmg ld10+10.
6thdisintegrate, project image. (All other spells were
used. Carlenna has a traveling spellbook with her, and Kaleb Hoddypeak, mummy P6 of Vecna: AC 3; MI
the DM should determine which additional spells it 6; HD 6+3; hp 48 (currently 14);THACO 13;#AT 1;Dm
contains.) ld12 (fist); SAfear, mummy rot; SD cannot be mind-rea(
Notes: Carlenna was an adventuring wizard who did on this demiplane, hit only by magical weapons (caust
a service for King Belvor IV of Furyondy and was half damage, rounded down), victims rot and cannot t:
rewarded with a charter to form a wizards’ academy in raised without cure disease and raise dead cast within 6
the eastern walled town of Herechel. Unfortunately, rounds, immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold, poison,
said service resulted in an intolerable inconvenience for paralysis, and telepathic psionics; SW wish or resurrec-
tion turns him into a 7th-level half-elf cleric, takes +1 gesture she makes (”attack”),the ”minor deaths“ silent-
point of damage per die of magical fire damage, can be ly move forward to attack the party, focusing on any
turned, holy water does 2d4 points of damage per vial; obvious spellcasters. If no such persons are in evidence,
SZ M (5’8“tall); ML champion (15); Int average (10); they focus on the toughest-looking fighters.
AL NE; XP 5,000. These two ”minor deaths” are actually skeletal war-
Special Equipment: holy symbol of Vecna granting pro- riors. One skeleton warrior uses a smoky black scythe
tection +2. +2, nine lives stealer (as per the sword), and the other
Cleric Spells Memorized (5/5/2): lst-command, cause uses a gleaming silver scythe ofsharpness (as per the
light wounds; 2nd-hold person (x2),spiritual hammer; sword, +1 on attack rolls). Each scythe has a reach of 5
3rdAispel magic. (All other spells were used.) feet around the front of the user. Because of the difficul-
Notes: In life, Kaleb Hoddypeak was a half-elf from ty in using these weapons, the skeleton warriors attack
the Duchy of Geoff. He devoted a great deal of time last in each round of combat, after all heroes have made
secretly sabotaging the heroic undertakings of his their attacks. The skeleton warriors obey the lich
famed half-brother Fonkin Hoddypeak, a full-blooded Meekali (“Innova”)completely.
elf adventurer. Eventually, Kaleb discovered the Cult of
Vecna and joined up, hoping the dark god would grant Skeleton warriors ”Minor deaths” (2):AC 2; M V 12;
him secret knowledge to use in slandering Fonkin’s hp 72,73; THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg 2d8.
name. Before Kaleb could deal a crippling blow to
Fonkin, villagers lynched him for his evil ways and Development: During the fight, the girl shrieks and
threw his body into a bog. Vecna was impressed with rushes toward the hero with the highest Charisma or
Kaleb’s efforts and caused him to rise as a mummy. As who appears the best groomed; the skeleton warriors
Vecna began his latest gambit, he commanded the do not attack her as she does. She begs for protection in
mummy to find his way to the shadowy recesses of the the ancient language spoken by the citizens of Citadel
Demiplane of Dread. Cavitius.
Once the ”minor deaths” have been defeated,
2. Dancing Queen: The heroes hear a strange tune ”Innova” explains that an evil crone forced her into the
being played on a flute. If they look into the hallway, role of slave. She further claims that she had been
they see a beautiful girl in her teens skipping and ordered by the crone to visit every floor in the palace
twirling down the hallway with a pair of skeletal fig- while playing the flute as part of some sort of weird
ures following silently behind her. Dressed in a spell she was weaving. The two undead were there to
diaphanous gown, she also wears an elaborate red caul make sure she followed orders. Breaking into sobs, she
(netted cap) made from silk, and a necklace with a large begs the party to bring her back to her parents and
teardrop-shaped ruby (value 3,000 gp).She plays an safety. She speculates that her parents might be able to
eerie tune on a flute carved from a human thighbone. sell the jeweled necklace she wears to someone in the
The skeletons wear long, black, hooded cloaks and neighboring domain and use the money to start a new
carry large scythes. They look very much like the minor life there.
deaths that the heroes encountered earlier. Before the party chooses to leave the palace, how-
The girl is possessed by a lich who cast magic jar on ever, the girl says that she overheard her captors dis-
her after having her abducted from the city beyond the cussing a powerful magical sword that could be used to
palace walls. (If the heroes experienced the encounter slay their master. They said it was the Sword of the Trai-
”The Desperate’’ on their way through Citadel Cavitius tor, and that it is kept in Vecna’s private study. Innova is
to the palace, they recognize Innova from the descrip- certain she knows which chamber that is and offers to
tion provided by her father.) Innova now serves as the take the heroes there.
new body for the lich, a loyal servant of Vecna who Although the lich currently inhabits the body of a
grew tired of masking her decaying body with magic. living being, she retains her ability to command
The necklace around her neck is not the lich‘s phylac- undead, as well as her immunity to all mind-affecting
tery, and neither is a silvered canine tooth visible when- magic. She also has the saving throws of a being appro-
ever Innova smiles. Innova’s spirit is trapped within a priate to her class and level, but she does not have any
gem located in the lich’s lair (area 60a). The skeletal fig- of a lich‘s physical attacks. Further, a cleric of sufficient
ures following the lich are skeleton warriors (with spe- level can still turn her, as her evil spirit is present in
cial weapons) that the lich has acquired as bodyguards. the girl’s body. Being turned does not drive the lich
All are detailed below. from the girl’s body. (See the wizard spell magic jar for
Development: If the heroes approach her, “Innova” details.)
looks shocked and stops playing the flute. (The lich is
indeed startled, having just realized the heroes are “out- ”Innova”:AC 7; MV 12; hp 43; THACO 9; #AT 1 (fists
siders” and probably dangerous.) Following a minor or kick); Dmg 1hp.
Meekali is currently in a playful mood. If the party vampire’s urgings. The character also begs the her
keeps ”Innova” around, she attaches herself to the male kill the tattooed vampiric couple. (The DM gets to
party member with the highest Charisma. At first, she choose which of the pair is the character’s actual
seems impressed by the handsome adventurer, but later master and sire.) The character gives the heroes dj
she is more forceful in her advances. She uses charm tions to the chambers where the vampires live (an
person to get her way if she has to. She plays the infatu- on the map of Vecna’s palace). If attacked, the cha
ated girl for a time, but she eventually turns on the will not fight back, longing for true death, unless 1
object of her affection, using her magic to kill him. If the another Wisdom check when first taking damage
party merely returns ”Innova“ to her parents, the lich the check fails, the character loses a fierce internal
goes on a magical rampage in that part of town soon struggle against evil and attacks the party, hoping
after the heroes depart. Innova’s parents are the first to slay them all.
die. The lich then returns to the palace, where the
heroes might encounter her in her lair and possibly Vampire: AC 1; M V 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 3C
even ”rescue” her again. THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
If the heroes grow suspicious of her or discern her
true nature, Innova attempts to escape. She has very 4. The Hand Moving: The heroes hear heavy foot;
little attachment to her old body or the materials in moving toward them from around a comer or the
her lair (area 60a), as she knows she can repeat the a flight of stairs. The sound gradually grows loudc
process of becoming a lich once this body grows old, or Eventually, a hideous creature comes into view. It
simply magic jar another female. If there’s a female elf almost 7 feet tall, dressed in black robes, and madl
in the party, the lich might even attempt to magic jar entirely of severed hands; its head and face alone I
her, ensuring that the lich has life and beauty for many sist of almost a dozen hands that have been stitch(
centuries. melded together through other means. Even its “fc
are a pair of gauntlet-wearing storm giant hands.
3. More Dead than Alive: A person well known to the This creature is a unique golem known as the I-:
party from past adventures in the campaign is seen It is one of Vecna‘s chief lieutenants in Cavitius, 01
walking down the hallway toward the heroes. The acting as his emissary to those within the citadel v
person should be at least a friend of one of the heroes; have attracted his attention for good or ill. Althou,
the closer the relationship, the better. The person wears highly intelligent, the Hand is not a subtle being. 1
attractive, clean, but somewhat revealing clothing. This states its goals, desires, and thoughts as bluntly ar
character is shocked if confronted by the party, perhaps straightforward as possible.
as shocked as the party is, and initially does not believe Development: If the party confronts this creatu
the heroes are who they say they are (“You’ve played raises its hands (which appear to have once belonl
these sick mind games before. I’m your slave, complete- a hill giant) in a peaceful gesture and communicat
ly and utterly. Why do you continue to torture me?”). with everyone in a 90-foot radius by telepathy. Its
However, once the heroes make it clear they are not ”voice” sounds like a raspy whisper in the listenei
fakes-perhaps by revealing a secret that only they and minds, and its telepathy is always accompanied b:
the NPC know-the character desperately begs them sound of the golem snapping its many fingers at
for help. random. “I mean you no harm, strangers in the Housi
The character was recently kidnapped (however long Vecna,” it tells the heroes. “Youhave come here in seh
it was since the heroes had their first run-in with either other trespassers, and I am here to take you to their lea6
the supporters of Iuz or Vecna).After being delivered to poses a threat to my master, the Whispered One, and I i
this terrible place, the character was subjected to mental you to eliminate him.”
and physical tortures, then turned into a vampire by The Hand tells them that he requires them to dt
two other vampires, male and female, covered in elabo- Iuz and states that it is in their own best interest tc
rate tattoos, so: If luz succeeds in his quest, he will become mo
Development: While the vampire finishes his or her powerful than ever, as his goal is to steal Vecna’s F
explanation, he or she makes a Wisdom check based on and add it to his own. The Hand claims that if Iuz
the character’s old score. If the check fails, the character ceeds, the Old One’s first act will be to destroy Cai
is overcome by the need to drain a living being of life and all its inhabitants, including the heroes. He stz
energy as well as the commandment (constantly “Using my master’s power, the Old One wi2l add your
emphasized by the vampire couple) to slay all who pose his own, becoming so mighty that he will ascend to f u l l
a threat to Vecna. hood.“ (These last statements are false, but the Han
If the check is successful, the character shakes off the believes them to be true.)
influence of the master vampire and begs to be The Hand continues to appeal to the party’s sel:
destroyed, before the character fails to resist the master interest, even pointing out that though Vecna may
be considered one of the most evil beings in all of reali- the heroes along the most direct route to area 72,
ty, are the heroes willing to sacrifice their lives to see Vecna’s throne room, at which point the events
him destroyed so another evil can take its place? The described in The Final Confrontation begin to unfold.
Hand offers to take them straight to Iuz, with a stop If the Hand is attacked, it does its best to defend itself
along the way (area 70) to permit the heroes to equip and kill all who threaten it, including any of the heroes.
themselves with powerful weapons should they feel
they require additional aid to defeat a demigod. The Hand: AC 1;M V 9; hp 66; THACO 11;#AT 2;
If the party has already allied itself with servants of Dmg 2d12.
Iuz, these servants urge them to attack and destroy the
Hand. They claim the creature is lying and assure the Ground Level: Public Areas
heroes that Iuz will not harm them should he defeat
Vecna. If pressed, they admit they believe their god is The ground level contains ceremonial chambers and
indeed here to steal Vecna’s power for his own. If they meeting halls for the use of Vecna’s chief law enforcers
have no other choice, the servants of Iuz attack the and those charged with keeping order in Citadel Cavi-
Hand on their own. tius. A few servants’ quarters and garrisons for living
Other NPCs who have joined the party urge them to and undead troops are also here. Kitchens and dining
consider the Hand’s proposal. Their opinion is that they halls for the living inhabitants of the palace are located
can destroy Iuz and worry about Vecna later, Vecna on this level. Few citizens of Cavitius, including many
being the lesser of two evils. (The exception to this is of the troops stationed beyond the palace walls, ever see
“Innova”; she acts terrified of both gods and urges the more of the palace than this level. The only heavily
heroes to run away.) guarded area is that where Vecna’s hideous war
If the party accepts the Hand’s offer, it first takes machines are assembled (area 12).
them to area 70, the Forbidden Library, and allows each
hero to select a magical weapon. It reveals all the 1. The Plaza of the Whispered One
powers of each weapon, but warns that they may also This is one of the few open areas in cramped Citadel
carry curses. The Hand does not know what the curses Cavitius, and its presence makes the already large, aus-
are, but it states that the Eye (area 69) might know. It tere palace seem even more so. Five gallows stand on
promises to take the heroes to see its counterpart as the plaza, each with five nooses. Five pikes stand in a
soon as Iuz has been destroyed. The Hand then takes star pattern around each gallows. Each pike is adorned
with a human head in an advanced state of decay. As 2. Entry Hall
the heroes draw near, they realize that these gallows are This grand hall is a circular room, with a ceiling that
different in construction from those they have seen else- soars five stories overhead. Four chandeliers hang sus-
where. Instead of dropping down to have their necks pended from the ceiling, each of them glowing green-
snapped by the noose, those executed here instead ish-yellow, casting a jaundiced light over everything in
plunge onto a spike, to be impaled and suffer a slow, the chamber. The floor is made up of polished black
agonizing death. The noose is there merely to hold them flagstones, each roughly the same width and length as a
in place. coffin.
When the heroes reach the plaza, 5d4 decaying Standing inside on either side of the gate, at the
corpses and ld4+1 dying victims (O-level)are present. bottom of staircases that curve up along the walls to the
The dead and dying are spread as evenly as possible fourth floor, is a gigantic skeleton. These two monstrous
over the five gallows. If any locals are asked about this skeletons seem to also guard hallways that lead into the
grisly scene, those present say (without expression) that palace’s interior on the ground floor. Each guard is four
the victims violated Vecna’s laws. They further add that times the height of a human and holds a bastard sword
the corpses will eventually be used as part of a war appropriate for its immense size, its bony hands locked
machine that will be sent against the foul armies of the around the hilt with the point of the blade on the floor.
neighboring domain, Tovag. Each gigantic skeleton is dressed in black robes, the
Four skeletons, one Memory of Vecna, and a body- hood of which hides its bony features from view. Large
guard for the cleric guard each gallows. The skeletons gold chains hang from its neck and waist.
automatically obey any command given them by a
cleric of Vecna or death knight; die rolls for command- Gigantic skeletons (2):AC 4; MV 12; HD 8+4; hp 64,
ing them are not needed. Each of the Memories of Vecna 53; THACO 11;#AT 1; Dmg 2d12; SAfireball(8d6points
possess bone whistles and a holy symbol of Vecna. In of damage, 1/hour); SD cannot be mind-read on this
addition, they have a spell list that differs from the one demiplane, cannot be turned, immune to sleep, charm,
listed in the Appendix: cause light wounds replaces of hold, and fiery magic; cold and edged or piercing
cure light wounds, and hold person replaces aid. weapons inflict only half damage; missiles inflict only 1
point of damage per hit; SZ H (24’ tall); ML fearless (20);
Skeletons (20):AC 7; MV 12; hp 6 each; THACO 19; Int low (7); AL NE; XP 8,000.
#AT 1; Dmg ld6.
On the far side of the hall, four circular steps rise to a
Memories of Vecna (5): AC 5; M Y 12; hp 24,23,21, great black throne that appears to jut forward from a
20,19; THACO 11;#AT 1; Dmg ld4+1. gigantic spider web that stretches across the entire back
wall. Along the other walls are carvings of undead
Bodyguards (5): AC 5; MV 12; hp 42,41,39,38,36; armies sweeping aside mounted cavalry whose tabards
THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg ld8 or ld4. display sunlike symbols. A GREYHAWK campaign hero
with the Ancient History proficiency who makes a suc-
Development: If a bodyguard’s cleric is slain, that cessful check with a +3 penalty recognizes the throne
bodyguard immediately runs for the palace to summon and these carvings as matching some legendary
further assistance if a morale check is passed. If the descriptions of Vecna’s throne room. If the hero rolls a 4
morale check is failed, the guard flees into the city to (1plus the modifier), the hero further remembers a
hide. legend stating that when Vecna sat on the Spider
Any attempt to remove bodies, or help those who are Throne, he knew all that transpired within his ancient
not yet dead, causes the skeletons to attack the offend- empire.
ers, while the cleric first sounds the alarm (using a shrill This chamber is an exact replica of Vecna’s throne
whistle carved from a bone), then joins in the fray, room as it appeared in the capital of his lost empire on
accompanied by the bodyguard. The other clerics, Oerth. The throne is an exact replica of the Spider
bodyguards, and skeletons in the plaza descend upon Throne, recreated here by the strange powers that
the battle. Screaming civilians instantly flee for their govern the Demiplane of Dread. Vecna rarely uses it
lives. Just 2d4 rounds later, a death knight emerges from personally, but instead permits the Fingers of Vecna to
the palace with an additional 2d20+10 elite skeletons. use it to test the suitability of candidates. He also allows
his chief law enforcers to pass judgment upon wrong-
Death knight: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; #AT 1; doers while sitting on it. (Vecna’s actual throne room is
Dmg ld8+6. located in area 72.)
The legends of the Spider Throne are true. Whoever
Elite skeletons (2d20+10):AC 5; MV 12; hp 16 each; sits on it sees, hears, smells, tastes, and feels every
THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg- ld6. living sensation in Cavitius, from a flv beine
v ” swatted to
a young couple’s first kiss to a victim’s agony as he is
life-drained by a vampire. Those who sit upon the
throne and retain a shred of their sanity are considered
worthy to join the Fingers.
Any hero who sits on the Spider Throne must make a
saving throw vs. death. If the saving throw fails, the
hero is rendered catatonic by the sudden rush of images
and emotions that flood the mind. (Only a wish can
restore the hero’s mind; otherwise, the limp hero does
not move or attack, and does not react to any stimulus.)
If the saving throw succeeds, the hero can handle the
onrush of sensations, yet still behaves as though under
the effect of a confusion spell for ld4+2 hours. During
recovery, the hero’s alignment shifts to lawful evil,
making the hero obsessed with imposing law and order
through the use of force and terror tactics. From this
point forward, the hero is immune to the effects of the
throne unless specifically wishing to invoke its power.
In the latter case, the hero chooses a certain person or
place to be observed, then does so mentally. (Treat this
as though the hero views the location through a crystal
ball with clairaudience.)
Development: The skeletons by the doors do not
move or acknowledge the heroes unless the heroes try
to damage the Spider Throne or unless the heroes attack
them first. The skeletons do not attempt to prevent the
heroes from climbing the stairs, nor do they prevent the
party from penetrating deeper into the palace. How-
ever, they do defend themselves and the Spider Throne
until they or those who dare threaten any of them are

3. Waiting Rooms
These austere chambers are lined with bare wooden
benches. At each room’s center stands a small table with
a large clay jug. On the wall directly across from the
door is a large mural symbolizing Vecna: a severed open
hand with a staring eye resting on its palm. The hand’s
stump is at the floor, and the tip of the middle finger
reaches the ceiling.
Citizens of Cavitius who wish to plead cases before a
senior member of the Fingers of Vecna wait in one of
these rooms until called upon. The wait can range from
minutes or hours, so drinking water is provided. The
clay jugs are enchanted; they refill with sulfur-tainted
water every three hours. If a jug is removed from the
palace, the magic is ruined. Further, a vampire is dis-
patched by Lord Haroln to locate the stolen item and
bring the thief to justice (or just slay him on the spot).
Pleading cases before the Fingers has its risks. If the
judge decides the plaintiff is wasting time, the judge has
the right to order the poor soul to work for a period of
time as a servant in the palace, be killed on the spot, or
suffer any other penalty the judge fancies. The time
spent waiting to plead the case might be wasted, as the
Fingers might decide the case is so complicated that it
must be referred to Lord Haroln, the vampire noble Shopkeeper, male human F 2 AC 9 (leather apron
who runs the Fingers of Vecna (see ’’The Desperate” in and gloves); MV 12; hp 12; THACO 19; #AT 1(dagger
the Getting to the Palace section). The case usually dies Dmg ld4; SZ M (6’1’’ tall); ML steady (12); Int averagt
at this point, for no living citizen of (10); AL LE; XP 35.
again after entering Lord Haroln’s E Notes: This blacksmith is a five-year veteran of the
Finally, the waiting rooms have 1: war against Tovag, with many friends and contacts
stalking grounds for a group of vampires. w r a narom among the clergy of Vecna. He is fanatically devoted i
is annoyed by even the few citizens who are desperate Vecna and calls for the guards if the party behaves in
or foolish enough to turn to him for justice, so he has suspicious fashion (and not knowing the local langua
ordered these vampires to feed on the plaintiffs waiting is plenty suspicious to him). His name is Men.
in the palace, thus cutting down the number of mortals
who might disturb him and force him to work. Thief, male human T1: AC 8 (Dex bonus); MV 12;
When the party enters one of these rooms, the DM hp 5; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld2 (fists);SA backstab
should roll 2d6 to determine who is present. SD thief skills; SZ M (5’3”tall); ML average (10);Int
average (8);AL CN; XP 35.
2d6 Result ThiefAbilities: PP 45%, OL 25%, F/RT lo%, MS 25%
24 The chamber is empty. HS 25%, DN 15%,CW yo%, RLOo/o.
5-6 A vampire is about to slay a charmed victim Notes: This petty thief pleads that he needs to supp
(0-level);three other citizens are already dead. his family. He has no family, however. If helped by thi
(This encounter occurs only once. If rolled heroes, he attempts to steal their valuables and escapt
again, the chamber is empty.) at the earliest possible moment. His name is Vryh.
7 A one-armed shopkeeper has caught a thief
robbing a shop (see below). The fighter wants 4. Watch Rooms
the thief made into a zombie and enslaved to These small chambers serve as duty stations for the
the store as punishment. (This encounter living and undead soldiers charged with keeping pea
occurs only once. If rolled again, the chamber among the citizens who come to the palace to meet w
contains 2d8 citizens (0-level) pleading for officersof the law. They also ensure that no one enter:
permission to move to another home within areas they are not allowed to access.
the city.) Citizens of Cavitius are limited to areas 1-3, while
8 2d8+2 citizens (0-level). only clerics and wizards are permitted to enter area 1:
9 2d8 citizens (0-level) talking nervously about The guards challenge any persons they notice passing
local (undead) politics, unaware of a vampire their post, with the exception of those dressed in the
lurking here as a mist, seeking victims. The robes of clerics or tabards of the Fingers of Vecna. The
vampire targets the hero with the highest guards were not informed that Vecna wishes the par9
Charisma. to reach his inner sanctum, so they order the party to
10 ld6+1palace pages (0-level), who caught one exit the palace if none of the heroes are disguised as
of their number stealing food from the clerics or law enforcers (Fingers).
kitchen. (If rolled again, 2d8+1 citizens (0- Present at each watch room are ld4+1palace guard
level) are present, preparing to plead a case and their commander, who is either a palace guard ofi
against an absent citizen they believe has been cer (roll ld6: result of 1-5) or a wight (result of 6). If tk
stealing food from them.) commander is a wight, four elite skeletons stand at
11 ld4 nervous citizens (0-level), members of the attention against the room’s far wall as reinforcement!
same family seeking information on the fate of obeying only the wight’s commands.
a relative who was taken away by the Fingers
of Vecna. Palace guards (ld4+1):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
12 The walls, ceiling, and floor of the room are THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
spattered with blood. There is no sign of those
who were slain here, except for a few worth- Palace guard officer:AC 5; MV 12; hp 30; THACO 3
less items (such as a shoe, walking stick, hat, #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
and glove) and ld6 gp, 2d6 sp, and 2d6 cp
scattered around the room. Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
Dmg ld4.
Vampire: AC 1; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 40;
THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. Elite skeletons (4): AC 5; h4V 12; hp 16 each;
THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.

Development: Each watch room contains a horn. If The death knight proclaims the defendants
combat erupts between the guards and the party, one of guilty and sentences them to the gallows.
the humans attempts to reach the horn and sound the The crowd cheers, the defendants struggle
alarm. If an alarm goes out (audible over the entire first and shriek, and the elite skeletons take the
floor), an additional force of 2d6 palace guards and guilty parties to area 1,where they are execut-
2d6+1 elite skeletons, led by another wight, arrive on ed. If the heroes intervene, they face the com-
the scene in ld4+1 rounds. They fight until destroyed or bined wrath of the undead and the assembled
their morale breaks, at which point the survivors flee to citizens.
summon more help. If a horn sounds, no other encoun- 7 A Finger magistrate presides over a bitter
ters on this level can be surprised by the heroes for the family dispute conducted with much shouting
rest of the day. The only exception here is the watch and threats. His solution is to sentence every-
room on the outside of the palace, on the west side; a one to the gallows, wiping out the entire dys-
horn sounded here attracts the attention of clerics at functional family. The eight shocked citizens
area 1. are escorted by 20 elite skeletons to area 1and
executed. If the heroes intervene, they are set
Palace guards (2d6):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each; upon by members of the Fingers and the
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6. undead who guard the plaza, while family
members flee madly in every direction.
Elite skeletons (ld6+1):AC 5; MV 12; hp 16 each; 8-10 Here, 2d6 Memories of Vecna, with their body-
THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld6. guards, meet with ld6+20 Fingers command-
ers on how to deal with public unrest in
Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1; Citadel Cavitius. If the heroes look or act sus-
Dmg ld4. piciously, everyone here prepares for combat,
meaning to capture the heroes for questioning.
5. Meeting Halls 11 The Eye (see area 69) is lecturing on Vecna’s
These multipurpose conference rooms are used for non- philosophies to 2d20 acolytes of Vecna (hp 4
religious official functions involving the common citi- each). If the party enters the chamber, the Eye
zens of Cavitius and humans stationed in the palace. recognizes them instantly, having been
(The citizens take part in religious rites at the public warned by Vecna of their possible arrival. The
Temple of Vecna, located just within the gates to the Eye interrupts the meeting to command that
citadel. This structure is detailed in Vecna Reborn.) Each the heroes be taken captive and delivered to
chamber features a large mural of an outstretched skele- one of the torture chambers on the third floor.
tal hand with an eye on its palm, a dais with five chairs The novice clergy leap up eagerly to obey,
and a long wooden table upon it, a smaller table with though one is quickly detailed by the Eye to
three chairs, and rows of benches. summon further assistance (equal to the addi-
When the heroes enter one of these chambers, there tional guard force described at area 4). The
is a 50% chance it is in use. The following table can be Eye then attempts to flee.
used to determine what activity is currently going on 12 Roll on the ”Special Encounters” table for a
here. wandering encounter in the palace’s hallways.

2d6 Result Vampires (2d6+2):AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E);

2-3 Vampiric rebirth ceremony: A group of 2d6+2 hp 64 each; THACO 11;#AT 1;h g ld6+4.
vampires are present to witness a newly creat-
ed vampire rise from a bone coffin full of New vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 35;
earth. (If the party previously befriended THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
anyone in the citadel, that friend might be a
good choice to be “reborn.”) The assembled Death knight: AC 0; M V 12; hp 72; THACO 8; #AT 1;
undead attempt to subdue the party so the Dmg ld8+6.
new vampire can feed on one of the heroes
and the rest can be used as “party favors.” Novice mages (3): AC 10; MV 12; hp 4 each; THACO
4-6 A death knight presides over the trial of three 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4; no spells.
murderers (novice mages). The killers pro-
claim their innocence while being held tightly Elite skeletons: AC 5; MV 12; hp 16; THACO 19;
in the grasp of six elite skeletons. Some 4d10 #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
citizens (0-level) in the chamber shout out
evidence and cry for the murderers’ death.
Finger magistrate:AC 5; MV 12; hp 50; THACO 16; 11 3d6 ghouls (statisticsat Getting to the Palace:
#AT 1; Dmg ld8. By the Underground) are present, each feeding
upon a newly slain victim (formerly a 0-level
Memories of Vecna (2d6):AC 10; MV 12; hp 35 each; servant) laying on a table. The bodies of ld6
THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld4+1. other victims are on the floor. The ghouls
entered the room through a removable sewer
Finger commanders (ld6+20):AC 5; MV 12; hp 49 grating in one corner of the room, through
each; THACO 16; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. which they will flee if attacked. The mangled
victims cannot be raised from the dead.
Acolytes of Vecna (2d20):AC 10; MV 12; hp 4 each; 12 ld6+2 vampires each feed upon a dying
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4. victim (0-level) held down on the table.

6. Dining Halls Palace guards: AC 8; M V 12; hp 10; THACO 20;

The officers and troops charged with keeping order and #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
security on the palace’s ground level take their meals
here, waited upon by downtrodden servants. They are Palace guard officers:AC 5; MV 12; hp 30;
occasionally joined by a cleric or higher ranking official THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg ld8.
who has matters to discuss with an officer, or, on rarer
occasions, civilians with whom one or more of the Fin- Lann: AC 6; MV 12; hp 52; THACO 13 (11vs. good
gers are romantically involved. beings); #AT 1; Dmg ld4+3 (1d4+5vs. good beings).
The troops eat in shifts, so the dining halls almost
always have someone in them. When the party investi- Skeleton warriors (ld6):AC 2; MV 12; hp 72 each;
gates one of these rooms, the DM should roll 2d6 to THACO 8; #AT 1; Dmg ld10.
determine the number and nature of the chamber’s
inhabitants. Servants present are apprehensive at the Vampires: AC 1;M V 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64;
sight of the party, while all others are hostile unless one THACO 11;#AT 1; Dmg ld6+4.
or more heroes are disguised as clerics or members of
the Fingers. If heroes who are not properly attired do Ghouls (3d6):AC 6; M V 9; hp 16 each; THACO 19;
not retreat immediately upon being challenged, they are #AT 3; Dmg ld3/ld3/ld6.
attacked by angry guards who initially attempt to
subdue them so they can be used as target practice on 7. Barracks
the third floor. These rooms are identical in appearance and serve as
living quarters for the palace guards for the ground
2d6 Result level and first floor. Each room contains six beds, a long
2-3 The chamber is empty. table, and six chairs. At the end of each bed is a chest
4-5 2d6 servants (0-level), cleaning up after the with spare uniforms, civilian clothing, and a pouch con-
latest batch of diners and preparing for the taining 3d6 gp, 2d10 sp, and ld6 cp. Always present are
next group. ld6+1 off-duty palace guards. There is a 10% chance
6 3d6 palace guards and ld6 palace guard offi- that they have a visitor, typically a human citizen (0-
cers, dining and resting. level) who is a friend of a guard. Guards and any visi-
7 2d6+1 palace guards, 3d6+4 palace guard offi- tors attempt to sound an alarm if the party does not
cers, and Lann, a powerful cleric of Vecna immediately retreat from the room.
(“Great Thought”). He orders the party taken For each turn spent in one of these rooms, there is a
alive and delivered to one of the torture cham- 20% chance that another guard arrives, having just
bers. The cleric himself attempts to escape come off his or her shift. This guard, too, attempts to
once the melee has started, planning to head sound an alarm at the sight of the heroes.
for the lawful evil shrine and organize a
defense there (area 49). Palace guards (ld6+1):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
8 4d6+6 palace guard officers, eating while their THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
leaders (ld6 skeleton warriors) talk among
themselves about the Burning Peaks war. 8. Officers Quarters
9-10 3d6 palace guard officers, dining with 2d6 These rooms all contain the same furnishings, although
civilian companions (0-level) and ld4 vam- they also feature additional decorations or clutter that
pires, the latter appearing to be civilians and reflects the personalities of the individuals that reside
merely talking. here. Each room contains two beds, a table, two chairs,
and a writing desk. There is a footlocker under each bed
that contains spare uniforms, civilian clothing, and a for disturbing the servants or grabbing food as the ser-
pouch with ld4 gems valued at ld6 x 10 gp each, 2d10 vants are themselves for being slow. Both the cook and
pp, 2d20 gp, and 4d6 sp. In addition, the DM should roll the fighter attempt to sound an alarm if intruders do
2d6 on the following table for each chamber’s addition- not retreat from the kitchen upon being ordered to do
al contents. Each item can be found only once, after so. The servants are too fearful to be of any help.
which that die roll has no result.
Cook, male human P2 of Vecna: AC 10; MV 12;
2d6 Result hp 10; THACO 20; #AT 1(whip, 10-foot range);
2 A mace +2 and a ring of contrariness are stored Dmg ld3; SZ M (6’ tall); ML average (8-10); Int high
in two separate chests. (13-14); AL LE; XP 120.
3-4 A palace guard officer sleeps in a bed. Cleric Spells Memorized (2): 1st-pur@ food and water
5 A dagger -2, cursed (as per the sword in the (x2).
DMG) is driven into the table.
6-8 Two palace guard officers do paperwork by Palace guards: AC 8; M V 12; hp 10; THACO 20;
candlelight. Each has a dugger +3. #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
9-10 A palace guard officer and male relative (0-
level) converse at the table. 9a. Cooks’ Room and Pantry
11 The chamber is strewn with human finger The doors to this chamber are locked. It contains four
bones, and a dozen jawbones are piled on the narrow beds, a table and four chairs, and a small shrine
table. It appears several people were using devoted to Vecna-a golden sculpture of an out-
them in a game. stretched skeletal hand with a lidless eye resting in its
12 The doorframe is hung with garlic, and a bus- palm. The room is also crowded with chests and boxes,
tard sword +2 hangs at the head of one bed. and it smells heavily of spices and cured meats.
The sword transmits ld6 points of damage by The chests and boxes all contain spices, except for the
electric shock to anyone who touches it who is small footlockers heroes can find under each bed if they
not lawful evil. look. They contain simple clothing, some notes on
recipes each individual cook has devised, and ld4 pp,
Development: Officers question any person who ld6 gp, ld8 sp, and ld10 cp.
invades their quarters. If the response is unsatisfactory, There is a 25% chance that a cook (0-level)or palace
they call for guards to have the intruders arrested. If the guard is present, either sleeping, praying, or writing
heroes surrender, they are disarmed and taken to cells food orders.
in one of the torture chambers. Their weapons are kept
in the room where they were captured. Palace guards: AC 8; M V 12; hp 10; THACO 20;
There is a 10% chance for each turn spent in these #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
rooms that a new palace guard officer arrives, having
come off his shift. 10. Servants Quarters
Eight dirty beds are in this room, with no weapons or
Palace guard officer: AC 5; M V 12; hp 30; THACO 18; valuables present. Clothes hang on pegs, and additional
#AT 1;Dmg ld8. clothing can be found in boxes under each bed.
These chambers serve as the sleeping quarters for the
9. Kitchens servants. There is a 20% chance that servants of varying
These rooms are clean and bustle with activity. In each ages are present. Whenever the party enters one of these
kitchen are ten servants (0-level), cooking food, doing rooms for the first time, roll on the table below to deter-
dishes, or preparing meals for delivery to the dining mine who is quartered here. The servants are too terri-
halls or elsewhere in the palace. On a large, roaring fire- fied to offer help to the party, but they do their best to
place, meat cooks on spits and pots boil as they dangle alert the guards.
from hooks. The meat is from an unidentifiable animal
(perhaps a human). ld6 Result
There is a 40% chance that a cook is present with a 1-2 ld6+1 males (0-level).
wooden spoon in one hand and a whip in the other, 3-4 ld8+1 females (0-level).
always ready to punish a servant who is lazy, sloppy, or 5 ld4+1 females (0-level), with ld3 sickly
appears to be stealing food. The cook is a lawful evil infants.
2nd-level acolyte of Vecna (see below) with spells for 6 A single human male (0-level), comatose with
use on spoiled meat. The cook also has a key to area 9a. festering sores all over his body. Anyone who
In addition to the cook, a palace guard (hp 6) lounges enters this room must make a saving throw vs.
in each kitchen. The warrior is as likely to get whipped poison. Those who fail the saving - throw con-
tract the same plague the servant suffers from. potent force is not currently at Citadel Cavitius, having
Diseased heroes develop sores all over their been sent by Vecna into the Burning Peaks to mount a
bodies two days later, losing 1hit point per special offensive against Tovag-at least, that was what
hour afterward until only 1hit point remains. Vecna told them. In truth, Vecna wanted all of his most
At this point, the victim slips into a coma. powerful spellcasters to be out of Cavitius for two rea-
Death comes ld10+2 hours later. Cure disease sons: to allow Iuz to more easily invade his palace, and
cast by a cleric of 9th level or higher cures the to prevent any of his most powerful henchmen from
ailment, although the victim remains in a turning traitor on impulse (as Kas once did) or other-
coma for ld6 hours after being cured, and he wise ruining Vecna's carefully laid plans. Vecna means
or she loses 1point of Charisma permanently to sacrifice his entire priesthood and all his followers to
due to scarring. gain supremacy over this demiplane and, eventually,
over the multiverse.
11. Waste Disposal Only a small maintenance and protective force is
What appears to be a well shaft (with no surrounding present in area 12, consisting of four high-level clerics of
wall) is at the center of this room. The shaft is engulfed Vecna ("Thoughts") and a high-level artificer (a wizard
in darkness 10 feet down, and not even continual light who specializes in creating magical objects) named
can dispel it. Light sources lowered into it likewise Vaykan. The clerics are sickly and haggard from the
wink out. taxing nature of their labors, but curative magic keeps
The truth is that the well leads into an abnormally them as healthy as can be. When his colleagues are
large and immobile sphere of annihilation. It is used to away, the artificer spends most of his time with his wife
dispose of dead bodies deemed unfit for reanimation and children elsewhere in the citadel. He usually comes
and all other waste generated within the palace. Any- to the palace a few hours every dayn to assist with the
thing or anyone a party member chooses to throw or process of constructing the next war machine.
lower into the well is destroyed forever. When the highest-level war-machine builders are in
Whenever the party enters this room, there is a 20% the city, they spend their time in the War Machine Con-
chance that ld4 servants (O-level) are present, disposing struction Area, working until they collapse upon cots
of waste from huge buckets. None of the servants shoved up against the southern wall. All meals are
understand the nature of the well. All they know is that brought to them by a single trio of servants, the only
even the most foul-smelling waste that they throw into living beings permitted to disturb their work. Naturally,
the well ceases to stink. Even human bodies disappear. the golems called the Eye and the Hand, not to mention
Vecna himself, can enter the hall at any time. Twelve
12. War Machine Construction Area zombies assist the spellcasters with any heavy lifting
Cavitius is at war with its neighboring domain, Tovag. that is required.
Their armies clash along the Burning Peaks range that There is a 20% chance that the artificer and clerics are
separates the two nations. sleeping when the heroes attempt to enter this room. If
Vecna directs the war in accordance with the meth- this is the case, the door is locked and wizard locked (10th
ods he used to build his empire in Oerth's murky past. level).
Even now, Vecna's living and undead forces go into Development: If the party enters the room while the
battle accompanied by terrible engines of war powered group of five is working, Vaykan flies into a rage and
by undead bodies and spirits mangled together in orders them to leave at once. He is intolerant of any dis-
unholy ways. These engines have row upon row of turbance, as he wants to complete work on each war
skulls that scream chants of evil rituals. The magic machine so he can return to his family for a time. No
released in these rituals mutilates the bodies of their matter what excuse the heroes offer, if they do not
foes, as well as the terrain around them. These engines retreat immediately after Vaykan orders them to do so,
are generators of uncontrolled, destructive magic. he interrupts them by ordering the zombies to attack
Thankfully for the heroes and the citizens of Citadel them. The clerics hesitate for 2 rounds, then join the
Cavitius, the war machines do not become fully opera- fray. The artificer himself uses the few memorized spells
tional in the confines of Vecna's city, though their frame- he has that are useful in combat, then activates his ring
works are constructed here. Each is a juggernaut shaped of invisibility to sneak out and call every guard possible
from a slab of stone, covered with hooks and depres- to the scene.
sions where bodies and skulls are mounted and
enchanted once they arrive at the front. The tortured Vaykan the Artificer, male human M10 AC 8;
bodies and souls of captured soldiers from Tovag turn M Y 12; HD 9+1; hp 29; THACO 17; #AT 1;D m g ld4
the war machines into true nightmares. (dagger);SZ M (5'9" tall); ML fanatic (18);Str 11,Dex 17,
Each war machine frame is created by a small group Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 7; AL CN; XP 3,000.
of powerful spellcasters whose lowest level is 18th. This Special Equipment: ring of invisibility.
SpecialAbilities: Vaykan is a highly skilled artist, arti- tries to close them to prevent pursuit, the hero must
san, and artificer. Given an original work of art (or make a successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates Strength roll in
detailed diagrams and descriptions of the same), as well order to do so. Metal bars rest in brackets just beyond
as the proper materials, he can create an excellent for- each doorway.
gery of any art object in 2d6+4 days. He has no moral
scruples about the identity of his patron, focusing only First Floor: halls o f barning
on the quality of his work.
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/4/3/2/2): 1st-magic mis- This level contains chambers for Vecna’s troops and
sile, mending, unseen servant; 2nd-levitate, strength, spec- minions who live within his palace to practice with
tral hand (x2);3rd-wraithfomz; 5th-stone shape. (All their weapons and for mages to practice their spells.
other spells were used.) The muffled sounds of explosions and metallic weapons
clashing echo through the hallways, accompanied by
Thoughts of Vecna, male humans M-8 of Vecna ever-present screams of agony. Few of these rooms fea-
(4):AC 10; M V 12; hp 35 each; THACO 18; #AT 1 ture doors; anyone passing by can stop and view the
(dagger +1/+2 vs. good-aligned creatures);Dmg ld4+1; activities within. The only closed-off parts of this level
SA command undead; SZ M (5’4’‘tall); ML fanatic are an impressive library, several well-equipped mages’
(17-18); Int genius (17-18); AL LE; XP 1,400 each. laboratories, and a few sitting rooms where spellcasters
Cleric Spells Memorized (4/4/3/2): 1st-bless, com- and weapons’ masters rest and socialize.
mand, curse (x2);2nd-heat metal (x2), hold person (x2);
3rd-animate dead. (All other spells were used.) 14. Combat Practice Rooms
Wizard Spells Memorized (3/2): lst-charm person, hold This chamber contains three wooden dummies covered
portal, magic missile; 2nd-magic mouth, Melf’s acid arrow. with cuts and nicks, and racks containing clubs, staffs,
and wooden swords. One wall sports two well-used
13. Stairs to First Floor cloth targets. The floor is darkened in several places by
The large metal doors at the bottom and top of this dried blood.
staircase can be (but are not now) closed and barred in This room is devoted to weapons training. Young
order to slow any attackers who might invade the humans preparing to become officers in Vecna’s army,
palace. The doors have not been used in a long time, and all children of the Fingers of Vecna, are trained here
and the hinges have been oiled only rarely. If a hero by highly skilled weapons masters. Whenever the party

enters one of these chambers, the DM should roll on the Skeletons: AC 7; MV 12; hp 8;THACO 19; #AT 1;
table below to see who is present. The most powerful Dmg ld6.
creature described is the instructor, the master of a par-
ticular weapon, and receives a +4 bonus on all attack Zombies: AC 8; MV 6; hp 16; THACO 19; #AT 1;
and damage rolls with that weapon. All lower-level per- Dmg ld8.
sons present are students armed with that weapon. (The
DM can pick the weapon being taught or can roll on the 15a. Elemental Air: The room is spotless, but the live
table under area 24a.) prisoners here are battered, some severely, from buffet-
ing by various wind spells (hp 1each). The zombies
2d6 Result present are also battered (hp 2 each), and the skeletons
2-3 The room is empty. have been completely smashed to bits.
4-6 2d6 recruits (0-level). 15b. Illusion: No undead are in this chamber, but
Finger commander*:AC 5; MV 12; hp 50; 3d6+2 additional humans (0-level) are here, all driven
THACO 16; #AT 1;Dmg ld8 or ld4. insane by the terrible visions they were forced to see.
7-9 Wight*: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; (The DM can use Table 9 in Domains ofDreud to deter-
#AT 1;Dmg ld4. mine their insanity, or just assume that they are all
Palace guards (2d6):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each; homicidal and attempt to attack anything that comes
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6. within melee range of them.) Everyone in here is
10 Vampire“:AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); chained to the walls and can roam over about half a foot
hp 64;THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. of space. The walls and floor here are covered with
Palace guards (2d6):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each; blood and debris.
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6. 15c. EnchantmentKharm: Present are only 2d6+1
11 Skeleton warrior*: AC 2; M V 12; hp 72; human prisoners (0-level),but no undead. Some prison-
THACO 8; #AT 1;Dmg ld10. ers are insanely hateful toward Vecna’s wizards, while
Palace guards (2d6):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each; others are slavishly devoted to a specific one. (Some
THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld6. suffer from the effects of multiple charm spells that have
12 Death knight*: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; worn off, while others are currently under the influence
#AT 1;Dmg ld8+6. of one or more spells.) The room is spotless.
Palace guard officers (ld6+1):AC 5; MV 12; 15d. Elemental Fire: All the creatures in this room
hp 30 each; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg ld8. have been burned, some quite severely. The live victims
* Weapons master. here are barely conscious and moaning with pain (hp 1
each); the undead are just as damaged (hp 1each). The
Development: When the party enters, the weapons walls, floor, and ceiling are scorched.
master is clearly annoyed at being disturbed. However, 15e. ConjuratiodSummoning: No test subjects are in
the master does not instantly attack; he or she chal- this room, but the walls, floor, and ceiling are covered
lenges the most obvious warrior among them to a duel, with dried, stinking gore. Several peculiar sigils, runes,
to show his or her students what real warriors fight like. and magic circles have been carved into the floor and
He or she claims the duel is to “first blood,” but then walls. A successful Spellcraft proficiency check reveals
proceeds to fight to the death if the hero accepts the that these are used in magical rituals devoted to the
challenge, using whatever special abilities he or she has summoning and binding of powerful extraplanar crea-
to win once the battle starts. If the master feels he or she tures. This room is little used, as summoning any extra-
might be defeated, the instructor calls to the students planar being into the Demiplane of Dread is dangerous
for aid. in the extreme. A few brave (or foolhardy) spellcasters
occasionally perform minor tests here, even daring to
15a-1. Spell Practice Rooms summon very minor demons and the like just for the
These circular chambers are each devoted to teaching experience and the challenge in slaying them. The dried
spells from a specific school of magic. Each has been gore here came from careless summoners and assistants,
treated so its walls and ironbound door are resistant to not from sacrificial victims or test subjects.
whatever destructive sorcery is practiced there. In each 15f. Abjuration: This room is fairly clean. No live
room are 2d6 skeletons, ld6+1 zombies, and 2d6+2 humans are here, but 3d10+3 additional zombies are
human prisoners (0-level), unless otherwise noted present. If the heroes do not utter the phrase ”Vecna is
below, serving as targets for the spells being practiced. our master” upon entering, the zombies attack them.
Live victims are in cages or chained to the wall, so that 15g. Elemental Earth The floor of this room is cov-
they cannot escape. The specific details for each room ered with earth and a variety of boulders of different
follow. sizes. No one seems to be present, but if the party
enters, 3d6 battered zombies (hp 4 each) rise from the
earth to attack. No other beings, live or undead, are the heroes enter, but they should have two or three
present. combat-worthy spells between them still. The inhabi-
15h. Necromancy: The smell of decaying bodies is tants of the chambers treat the party as an addition to
strong even outside the doorway to this room. Within, their test subjects, unless the heroes are disguised as
3d4 zombies (hp 8 each) shuffle about unchained, and clerics.)
decaying body parts lay strewn about the room as if
they were the toys of some demented monster. No one 2d6 Result
is present. If the heroes enter this room, each hero is 2 The room is empty, aside from the test sub-
attacked by 2d6 crawling claws that were hiding among jects.
the more harmless body parts. 3-6 Kella Shiw (M5), with 2d6 novice mages.
7-9 Lord Haroln, with ld6+2 minor mages.
Crawling claws (2d6):AC 7; MV 9; HD %; hp 3 each; 10 Ylaan Tomas (vampire Ned), with ld6+2
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (vs. armored foes) or ld6 minor mages.
(vs. unarmored foes); SD immune to charm, sleep, hold, 11 Krakkat the Observant with ld6 novice necro-
fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, telepathic mancers.
psionics, turning, holy water, and spells that control or 12 Crassius and Vellan (liches),with ld6 war
raise dead; SW resurrection causes immobility for wizards.
number of turns equal to caster's level; SZ T (human
hand); ML fearless (20);Int non- (0); AL N; XP 35 each. Kella Shiw, female human M 5 AC 7 (Dex bonus);
MV 9 (limps);hp 13; THACO 19; #AT 1(dagger +2
15i. InvocatiodEvocation:The awful smell of burnt "Guardian"); Dmg ld4+2 (dagger);SZ M (5'5" tall);
flesh is strong outside this room. Within are the charred ML unsteady (7); Str 7, Dex 13, Con 11,Int 17, Wis 14,
bodies of a dozen dead test subjects; it is impossible to Cha 12; AL NE; XP 650.
tell if they were living or undead at the time they were Special Equipment: dagger +2 (called Guardian), with
completely burned up. The walls, ceiling, and floor are the power to protect the wielder from six energy
heavily charred. drains/ day.
15j. Elemental Water: No undead are in this room. Wizard Spells Memorized (4/2/1): lst-chill touch,
The 2d6+2 human test subjects are held in various large shield, magic missile, shocking grasp; 2nd--blindness, spec-
glass containers of water. Only ld6 have kept from tral hand; 3rd-hold undead.
drowning when the party arrives. Notes: Kella's right leg was broken and badly set
15k. Divination: Due to the dark powers that hold years ago. She walks with a pronounced limp. She often
sway over the Demiplane of Dread, few divination trains novice mages in spellcasting.
spells function properly. Many mages nonetheless study
the peculiar effects of attempting to cast divination Novice mages (2d6):AC 10; MV 12; hp 4 each;
spells in this room, hoping to overcome this problem. THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld4.
No test subjects are present.
151. Alteration: There are no undead or normal pris- Lord Haroln: AC -2; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 66,
oners in this blood-spattered room. Instead, there are THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
2d10+2 broken ones chained to the walls. They weep
and beg the heroes to slay them. (These broken ones are Unless he was destroyed earlier in this adventure, Lord
actually human beings who have been permanently Haroln pays a rare visit to the palace. He tells the party
warped by the large amount of alteration magic that has that he is here to ask questions about a missing girl,
been cast upon them.) If a hero frees a chained individ- "Innova." If %nova" is in the company of the party, he
ual, the NPC flies into a berserk rage and attempts to takes her with him when he departs, promising to
kill the liberator (roll ld6: 1-2), flees (3-4), or does noth- return her to her family. (He means to slay the girl, but
ing (5-6). the lich possessing the girl's body will warn him off
before that happens, so that Lord Haroln will merely
Broken ones (2d10+2):AC 7 (Dex bonus); M V 9; release her.) The minor mages are his assistants and
HD 3; hp 20 each; THACO 17; #AT 1(claws);Dmg ld6; obey his commands without question. If Lord Haroln
SD regenerates 1hp/round; SZ M (4'-7' tall); cannot reappear here for some reason, the DM should
ML unsteady (5-7); Int low (5-7); AL NE; XP 175 each. replace him with a vampire of similar ability (same XP
value), but with 50 hp, a ring ofspell turning, and a rod of
When the heroes enter one of these rooms, the DM smiting that transmits the vampire's life-draining touch
should roll 2d6 on the following table to see what kind through it, so it can drain two levels with each strike of
of wizards are currently using the test chamber in ques- the rod.
tion. (The wizards have cast most of their spells when
Minor mages (ld6+2):AC 10; MV 12; hp 8 each; spell turning; 8th-power word blind, prismatic z
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4. wish.
Notes: Crassius and Vellan were twin broth
Maan Tomas, vampire Nec5 AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) archmages who worked for Vecna at the heigl
or 9 (E); HD 8+3; hp 33; THACO 11(Str bonus); #AT 1; empire, but were cast into Citadel Cavitius foi
Dmg ld6+4 (Str bonus); SA energy drain (twolevels), perceived deficiencies. They changed into l i d
gaze can charm (-2 penalty to saving throw), shapechange and still serve Vecna as mage teachers. They l-
to bat or wolf, spider climb at will, slain victims turn into tical possessions and spells. If one is destroyec
vampires; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, regenerate 3 other uses wish to bring the destroyed brother
hp/round, immune to charm, sleep, hold, fear, poison, again, at full strength.
paralyzation, death magic, and telepathic psionics, cold
and electricity inflict half damage, can assume gaseous War wizards (ld6):AC 9; MV 12; hp 40 eac
forrn at will; SW can be turned, vulnerable to sunlight, THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
wooden stakes, and running water, holy water inflicts
ld6+1hp per vial; SZ M (5’6”tall ); ML champion (16); 16. Spell Research Areas
Int exceptional (16);AL CE; XP 11,000. These chambers contain shelves with texts on
Special Equipment: dust of sneezing and choking, pale spell interactions and obscure magical theorie
lavender ioun stone (can absorb up to 30 levels of 4th bench with three stools, and one of the finest (
level or lower spells). of spell research aids the heroes have ever see
Wizard Spells Memorized (5/3/2): lst-chill touch (x2), ing two measured samples of every spell com
magic missile (x2), shocking grasp; 2nd-blindness, mirror required to cast every spell in the Player’s Han
image, spectral hand; 3rddispel magic (x2). neatly sorted in what appears to be a knickkn
Notes: Ylaan is one of Vecna’s more reliable vampires, When the party enters one of these chambe
a teacher who prefers to work only with low-level DM should roll 2d6 and compare the result to
mages or necromancers. lowing table to see who (if anyone) is present.
chamber is empty, the DM should check the ti
Krakkat the Observant: AC -4; MV 6; hp 72; for every turn the party spends here to see if a
THACO 9; #AT 1;Dmg ld10. arrives unexpectedly.

Novice necromancers (ld6):AC 10; MV 12; hp 4 2d6 Result

each; THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld4. 2-3 Empty
4-6 Researcher
Crassius and Vellan, liches M18 (2): AC -2 (cloak of 7-9 Advanced wight mage
protection +2); MV 6; HD 18; hp 69,67; THACO 9; #AT 1 10 LordHaroln
(freezingtouch or dagger of venom); Dmg ld10 or ld4; 11 Gundarc the Bald
SA touch causes saving throw vs. paralysis (permanent 12 Gundarc the Bald, assisted by ld6+2
duration); SD hit only by +1or better weapons or mon- mages
sters with 6+ HD, cannot be mind-read on this demi-
plane,fear aura causes anyone with 5 HD or less to flee Researcher, male or female human M 9 A(
for 5d4 rounds, high Intelligence grants imm~ty to (Dexbonus); MV 12; hp 30; THACO 17; #AT 1
low-level Illusion/Phantasm spells, immune to sleep, +l);Dmg ld4+1; SZ M (5’43’ tall); ML steady I
charm, hold, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, elec- Int genius (17-18); AL NE; XP 3,000.
tricity, enfeeblement, polymorph, insanity, and telepathic Special Equipment: Boccob’s blessed book, wanl;
psionics; SW can be turned, vulnerable if phylactery is missiles.
located; SZ M (6‘ tall); ML fanatic (17-18); Int supra- Wizard Spells Memorized (4/3/3/2/1): 1st-
genius (20);AL CE; XP 9,000 each. person, detect magic, magic missile (x2);2nd-bii
Special Equipment: wand offire. tion, stinking cloud; 3rd-hold person, slow, vamr
Wizard SpellsMemorized (5/5 /5/5/5 /3/3 /2/ 1):1st- 4th-contagion, ice storm; 5th-summon shadow
burning hands, charm person, magic missile (x3); 2nd-blur,
darkness 15’ radius, detect invisibility, stinking cloud, mirror Wight mage (advanced), M 5 AC 5; MV 12;
image; 3rd-dispeZmagic (x2),fireball,hold person (x2); THACO 15; #AT 1;Dmg ld4; SA energy drain 1

4th-ice storm (x2), improved invisibility,polymorph other level per touch), slain victims turn into wights
(x2); 5th-doudkil1, demi-shadow monsters,feeblemind, cannot be mind-read, hit only by silver or +1 c
summon shadow, wall of force; 6th-deathfog,flesh to stone, magical weapons, immune to sleep, charm, hola
globe of invulnerability;7th-finger of death, reverse gravity, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and telep
psionics; SW can be turned, holy water does 21
of damage per vial, raise dead destroys wight instantly, Wight mages (ld6+2):AC 5; MV 12; hp 25 each;
avoids bright light; SZ M (5’11‘’tall);ML fearless (19); THACO 15; #AT 1;Dmg ld4.
Int genius (18); AL LE; XP 4,000.
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/2/1): 1st-shield, magic Two wight mages have the following spells: 1st-magic
missile (x2), shocking grasp; 2nd-mirror image, spectral missile (x2); 2nd-blindness. Each of the rest of the group
hand; 3rddispel magic. has these spells: lst-charm person, shield; 2nd-invisibil-
Notes: This twisted soul has devoted himself to carry- ity. One random wight mage has a wand of polymorphing
ing out Vecna’s will for all eternity. He serves as an (12 charges) and will use it at first opportunity (XP is
assistant to powerful undead and living spellcasters, 3,000 for this wight).
and as an instructor to other wight mages who are mas-
tering the magical arts in their undead state. Development: Whether interrupted by the heroes while
working, or arriving to find the heroes present, the
Lord Haroln: AC -2; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 66, arriving spellcaster is annoyed at their presence. The
THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. spellcaster states that the room is reserved for work on a
very complicated spell. If the party retreats or expresses
If not slain in previous encounters, Lord Haroln, leader interest in the spellcaster’s work, the spellcaster’s atti-
of Vecna‘s enforcers, is investigating some problems tude improves slightly. (The spell is a combination of
he’s having with his wand of lightning (which now uses Melf’s acid arrow and programmed illusion, or some other
up two charges instead of one when activated). If curious spell of 4th or 5th level.)
”Innova” is mentioned or in the company of the party, The spellcasters working in this chamber do not initi-
he promises to make sure she is returned to her parents ate hostile action unless the party attacks first. Further,
(see area 15).His reaction to the heroes’ appearance until reduced to one-half total hit points, the NPCs do
here depends on their previous dealings. If Haroln not use lethal spells against the party, relying instead on
cannot reappear here for some reason, the DM should hold person or charm effects to subdue them. (Level
replace him with a normal vampire (hp 33) with no draining is considered “nonlethal” by any wights pres-
spells, on an errand to pick up some papers on spell- ent.) Servants then bring the heroes to area 17.
craft for an undead lord. Any battle in or near this room attracts the attention
of ld4+2 palace guards, 2d6 zombies, and ld4+1
Gundarc the Bald, lich M18 AC -2 (cloak of the bat); wights, who arrive in ld4 rounds. Stigel, a vampire who
MV 6; HD 18; hp 72; THACO 9; #AT 1(freezing touch); is also a 10th-levelmage, arrives on the following
Dmg ld10; SA touch causes saving throw vs. paralysis round. (Stigel was looking for Lord Haroln.)
(permanent duration); SD hit only by +1or better
weapons or monsters with 6+ HD, cannot be mind-read Palace guards (ld4+2):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
on this demiplane, fear aura causes anyone with 5 HD THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
or less to flee for 5d4 rounds, high Intelligence grants
immunity to low-level Illusion/Phantasm spells, Zombies (2d6):AC 8; MV 6; hp 16 each; THACO 19;
immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold, poison, paralysis, #AT 1; Dmg ld8.
death magic, electricity, enfeeblement, polymorph, insanity,
and telepathic psionics; SW can be turned, vulnerable if Wight: AC 5; M V 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
phylactery is located; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (18);Int Dmg ld4.
genius (18);AL NE; XP 9,000.
Special Equipment: stafof power (20 charges), wand of Stigel, vampire M10 AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E);
frost (44charges). HD 8+3; hp 50; THACO 11(Str bonus); #AT 1; Dmg
Wizard Spells Memorized (5/ 5/5/ 5/5/3 /3/2/ 1):1st- ld6+4 (Str bonus); SA energy drain (twolevels), gaze
charm person (x2), magic missile (x3); 2nd-darkness 15’ can charm (-2 penalty to saving throw), shapechange to
radius, ESP, knock, Melf’s acid arrow, mirror image; 3rd- bat or wolf, spider climb at will, slain victims turn into
clairaudience, dispel magic,fireball, hold person (x2); 4th- vampires; SD +1or better weapon to hit, regenerate 3
confusion, enervation (x2), improved invisibility, stoneskin; hp/round, immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear, poison,
5th-cloudkil1,feeblemind (x2), summon shadow, wall of paralyzation, death magic, and telepathic psionics, cold
force; Gth-deathfog, death spell (x2); 7th-finger of death, and electricity inflict half damage, can assume gaseous
reverse gravity, teleport without m o r ; 8th-Bigby’s clenched form at will; SW can be turned, vulnerable to sunlight,
fist, Otto‘s irresistible dance; 9th-temporal stasis. wooden stakes, and running water, holy water inflicts
Notes: Gundarc is another of Vema‘s relatively loyal ld6+1hp per vial; SZ M (6’4”tall); ML champion (16);
liches. He associates only with undead mages, hating all Int exceptional (16);AL CE; XP 11,000.
living ones with a passion. He has the permanent ability
to comprehend languages.
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/4/3/3/2): 1st-burning insane for ld4 weeks. During this period, the victim
hands, magic missile (x2), phantasmal force; 2nd-irritation, suffers from a homicidal mania that makes him or her
Melf’s acid arrow (x2), mirror image; 3rd-blink, dispel unable to tell friends from enemies, or recognize famil-
magic, spectralforce; 4th-enervation, ice storm, phantasmal iar places or situations. The scarred character also per-
killer; 5th-cloudkil1, Bigby’s interposing hand. manently loses one point of Charisma, which can be
Notes: This vampire received a stoneskin spell earlier restored only by magical means, such a heal spell cast
from a helpful lich. The first eleven melee attacks for this purpose.
against him have no effect.
Inquisitors (4):AC 4; MV 9; HD 6; hp 46,39,29 (x2);
17.Torture Chambers THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld6/ld4 (claws/whip); SAfear,
Screams of pain and terror echoing from within these paralysis gaze, disease; SD cannot be mind-read on this
rooms can be heard everywhere on this level. These demiplane, immune to all Illusion/Phantasm spells and
rooms are filled with terrible implements of torture that to all mind-affecting magic (as if possessing Int 25 and
range from hot irons to bizarre contraptions resulting Wis 25, as per Tables 4 and 5 in the Player’s Handbook);
from centuries of studying human suffering and learn- SW loses 1hit point/year it cannot harm anyone; SZ M
ing the most efficient ways to inflict pain without killing (6’ tall); ML fanatic (17-18); Int high (13-14); AL LE;
the victim. Those who are brought here are considered XP 3,000 each.
to be particularly noxious ”criminals”who must be Notes: The appearance of inquisitors is so terrible
made to suffer before their final punishment is adminis- that when a hero first views one, he or she must make a
tered. In Vecna’s domain, torture is never used to successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or flee for ld6
extract information from prisoners, as the Whispered rounds (substitute a fear check if using the rules in
One knows all secrets. Domains of Dread). If a hero meets the gaze of an
The back of the room is lined with four cages, each of inquisitor, that hero must make a successful saving
which contain 2d4 individuals who have been subjected throw vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for ld4 turns.
to varying degrees of torture. Most of these are citizens Success means that the hero is immune to the gaze of
(0-level) of the city, although the DM can place captured an inquisitor thereafter. Anyone struck by an inquisi-
minions of Iuz here, or perhaps even old friends of the tor’s talons must make a successful saving throw vs.
party who were recently taken prisoner. Half of these poison or contract a wasting disease. The disease
persons are now insane and attack anyone who reduces the hero’s Strength and Constitution by 1point
approaches or addresses them. each for every day that passes until the disease is
Four undead torturers are present in these rooms at cured. If either score reaches zero, the victim dies. Only
all times. Known as inquisitors, these horrid servants a cure disease can rid the victim of this illness. The
of Vecna are horrid, rotting terrors whose clawed Strength and Constitution points return at the rate of 1
hands are charred from decades of handling red-hot point each per day.
torture implements. These monstrous creatures consid-
er the infliction of pain upon the living as the highest Palace guards (ld6+1):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
form of art. THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
Development: Whenever the party enters a torture
chamber, ld4 inquisitors are present, practicing their art 18.The Library
while the rest prepare the equipment for another victim This vast room is full of shelves that are packed tightly
or build new, innovative devices to assist their work. with books on every subject imaginable. Most of the
The inquisitors attack anyone who disturbs their work books here are written in ancient tongues long forgotten
who is not a fellow undead or a cleric of Vecna. (The on Oerth‘s Flanaess, in obscure languages that are now
undead are not fooled by disguises, as they can sense only the purview of scholars, or in a cant used only in
who is a devoted follower of their undead lord and who religious incantations. Tables and chairs stand between
is not.) the bookshelves, and here and there are even a few
In addition to the inquisitors, there is a 40% chance well-lit areas, so the living as well as the dead can com-
that ld6+1palace guards are present to study the tor- fortably study the texts. Many of these texts are magical
ture techniques of these undead horrors. in nature, and any type of magical text the DM cares to
Members of the party who are captured might be introduce into the campaign can be located here, if the
brought here and locked in the cages. Their gear is heroes spend enough time searching.
placed on a nearby bench. The heroes then have ld4+1 When the party enters this room, a single lich is
hours to concoct an escape plan; otherwise one of them present, studying a pile of yellowed notes at a table.
is chosen for torture. Anyone who is tortured here Although the lich immediately notes the presence of
loses half of his or her hit points and must make a suc- the heroes, it takes no action unless threatened. The
cessful saving throw vs. paralyzation or be driven lich is even helpful if a hero asks about a book of a cer-
tain type, pointing to the proper shelf. (The lich anyone with 5 HD or less to flee for 5d4 rounds, high
believes that unwelcome invaders of Vecna’s palace Intelligence grants immunity to low-level Illusion/
would never bother to investigate a library.) It never Phantasm spells, immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold,
gives its name. poison, paralysis, death magic, electricity, enfeeblement,
At the center of the room is a series of writing desks. polymorph, insanity, and telepathic psionics; SW can be
A dozen scribes dressed in black, hooded robes are turned, vulnerable if phylactery is located; SZ M (6‘
seated at them, diligently and tirelessly copying manu- tall); ML fanatic (17-18); Int supra-genius (19); AL CE;
scripts. They do not acknowledge anyone who might XP 9,000.
address them, because the scribes are undead, a special- Special Equipment:staff of striking that also causes vic-
ized kind of zombie that does nothing but copy texts tims struck to make a saving throw vs. paralyzation at
that are placed in front of it. -4 penalty or be paralyzed for 4d4 rounds.
In life, these scribes served Vecna’s church on Oerth, Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5 / 5/5 / 5/4/3/ 3 /2): 1st-
copying fragments of texts relating to his life and affect normalfires, charm person (x2), magic missile (x2);
deeds. Once they passed from life, their bodies were 2nd-blur, mirror image (x2), web (x2); 3rd--blink, dispel
drawn to Vecna‘s palace where they could continue the magic (x2), hold person (x2); 4th-dimmsion door, enerva-
work they had started in life. Now they copy ancient tion, improved invisibility, minor globe of invulnerability,
histories from long-forgotten kingdoms that were polymorph other; 5th-chaos, feeblemind (x2), summon
crushed by Vecna’s troops. Some histories include shadow, wall of force; bth-anti-magic shell, death spell (x2),
details on the life story of Vecna himself. Vecna intends mass suggestion; 7th-finger of death, prismatic spray, spell
to have copies of these books present in every temple turning; 8th-mass charm, maze, power word blind; 9th-
devoted to him, believing that they contain the blue- energy drain, power word kill.
print for his minions to follow when it comes to domi- Notes: “The Unnamed” never leaves area 18.
nating Oerth and other worlds in the future as they did
in the distant past. If the other domains of this demi- Undead scribes (12):AC 8; M V 6; HD 2; hp 9 each;
plane survive Vecna’s liberation from his prison, he THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld8; SD cannot be turned or
intends to establish his church as the dominant one in controlled, immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold,
all of them. poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psionics;
Development: The scribes are even more devoted to SW holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage; SZ M
their task in death than they were in life. If anyone but a (5’6’’-6‘ tall); ML fearless (20); Int non- (0); AL N;
true cleric of Vecna disturbs threatens their efforts in XP 120 each.
any way (such as touching the inks, their quills, or any
of the pages in front of any one of them), they all let out
screams of mindless rage and move to attack the offend-
er and any living being within 10 feet of the target. So
devoted are the undead scribes to their task that they
cannot be turned or controlled.
The cries of the scribes attract the attention of the
solitary lich currently using the library. It walks over to
investigate and joins the zombies in their attack, using
its staff.The lich offers the heroes a chance to surrender
once all the zombies have been destroyed, unless the
party uses fiery attacks at any point during the battle. In
the latter case, the lich attacks to slay all heroes, as it is
appalled at the disregard shown for the treasure trove
of knowledge the library holds. If the heroes surrender,
they are given over to the Hand, who arrives 2d4
rounds after their surrender. He then makes the offer
described under the special encounter titled “The Hand

”The Unnamed,” lich M20 AC 0; MV 6; HD 20;

hp 67; THACO 11;#AT 1; Dmg ldlO or ld6+3 (staffof
striking); SA spells, touch causes saving throw vs.
paralysis (permanent duration); SD spells, hit only by
+1or better weapons or monsters with 6+ HD, cannot
be mind-read on this demiplane, fear aura causes
19. Alchemical Laboratories piric touch; 4th--contagion,emotion; 5th-transmute t
These chambers smell so strongly of chemicals that the to mud.
heroes can detect the scent in the hallway outside, Notes: Though short, Gwier is one of the most pl.
despite the closed heavy wooden doors that keep cally fit mages in Cavitius. She displays no emotior
passersby from disturbing those working within. The operating in a very logical fashion.
doors to these chambers are locked, whether they are
inhabited or not. Memory of Vecna: AC 5; MV 12; hp 24; THACO
Within is one of the finest alchemical stills the party #AT 1;Dmg ld4+1.
has ever seen, an elaborate tangle of golden tubes, vials,
and spigots. The room also contains a virtual treasure Lord Haroln: AC -2; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); h
trove of components needed to brew potions, allowing THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
anyone skilled in the art of alchemy to brew ld4+1
doses of any potion desired. Lord Haroln, leader of Vecna's enforcers, is waiting
Further, each room has a rack of potion vials contain- to meet with another of Vecna's servants. His reacti
ing 2d4 potions of healing, 2d4 potions of heroism, ld4 the party is based in part on previous interactions. 1
potions of undead control, 2d4 elixirs of madness, and ld4 claims that he is working on tracking down a missi.
potions of poison, along with an additional ld6 potions as girl, "Innova," stating that he hopes the mage he is
determined by checking Table 89 in the DMG. While waiting for has some answers. (Haroln is actually M
none of the potion vials are labeled, each has a distinc- ing to collect a large gambling debt owed to him by
tive shape to allow mages working here to tell them of the 9th-level mages who work here.)
apart. If "Innova" is still with the party, he takes her in1
Development: When the heroes first enter one of custody and insists that the party leave matters to 1.
these rooms, the DM should roll 2d6 and compare the (see area 15).He summons guards if the party makc
result to the following table. The indicated beings work- any threats or tries to hinder him in any way. If Hal
ing within are ready for potential combat once the cannot reappear here for some reason, the DM shoL
heroes enter, having heard them at the door. replace him with a vampire of similar ability.
All beings working in these rooms are very annoyed
if interrupted. If the heroes do not offer a good explana- Krakkat the Observant: AC -4; M V 6; hp 72;
tion for why they have entered, the short-tempered THACO 9; #AT 1; Dmg ld10.
NPCs either attack (roll ld6: 1-2), insist they leave
immediately or else be killed (3-4), or storm out of the If not previously destroyed, Krakkat is here teachin
room to lodge a complaint with a superior (5-6).(The alchemy to his students. His reaction to the party
exception is Gundarc, who always attacks if disturbed depends in part on how the previous encounter pla
by humans.) If the party is haughty, confrontational, or out. If he is already destroyed, the DM should simp
disrespectful, the NPCs attack. An alchemist who leaves change the name and sex of the lich and give her AI
to find a superior returns ld10+5 rounds later with an and a stafof withering.
NPC from area 24 (the DM can choose which one),
accompanied by 2d6 palace guards (hp 6 each). 20. Sitting Rooms
These are comfortably appointed chambers, featurk
2d6 Result several richly upholstered chairs and sofas strewn I
2 4 Empty. soft pillows. At the center of each room stands a tab
5-6 Gwier the Alchemist. with a wine bottle and six crystal glasses on a tray.
7-9 Memory of Vecna. rooms are decorated mostly in blacks and reds and,
10-11 Lord Haroln. many other rooms on this level, are lit slightly bette
12 Gundarc the Bald and ld6+1wight mages than most places in the palace.
(M3), exactly as described at area 16. There are always two servants (O-level) present,
ready to provide massages, musical entertainment,
Gwier the Alchemist, female human M9: AC 8 (Dex anything else to help the officers and mages unwinc
bonus); MV 12; hp 35; THACO 14; #AT 1; Dmg ld4+4 (Unfortunatelyfor the servants, this sometimes me:
(dagger +3, Str bonus); SZ M (4'11" tall); ML steady (11); severe abuse or death.)
Str 17, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 13; AL NE; When the party enters one of these rooms, the DI
XP 4,000. should roll 2d6 and compare the result to the follow
Special Equipment: alchemy jug, oil ofpey burning (x3). table to see who is present.
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/3/3/2/1): lst-afect
normal fires, color spray, detect magic, magic missile; 2nd-
bind, irritation, stinking cloud; 3rd-hold person, slow, vam-
2d6 Result Nine: AC -2; MV 6; hp 65; THACO 11;#AT 1;
2-6 Enna and Craaven. Dmg ld10 or ld6+3.
7-9 Army general.
10 Vampire. Development: The indicated NPCs are usually friendly
11 “Nine.” and outgoing, and, unless the party enters with
12 Roll on the table under Combat Practice weapons drawn, invite them to join them for a drink
Rooms (area 14). and some pleasant conversation. If the party is not dis-
guised as clerics or others in Vecna’s service, however,
Enna, Finger commander, female human F 5 AC 6 part of the conversation involves attempts to determine
(Dex bonus, holy symbol); MV 12; hp 36; THACO 15 what they are doing here. The encounter can turn vio-
(dagger +I)or 13 (second dagger +I);#AT 1(dagger +I; lent unless the heroes mention that they wish to stop
melee) or 2 (dagger +Z; missile); Dmg ld4+1; SZ M (5‘7” Iuz.
tall); ML champion (16);Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15, Str 15,
Dex 18, Con 14; AL LE; XP 420. 21. Watch Rooms
These chambers serve as duty stations for the living and
Craaven, male human M2P3 of Vecna: AC 8 (holy undead soldiers charged with reestablishing order if
symbol of Vecna); MV 12; hp 19; THACO 19; #AT 1; any of the off duty troops or students get too rambunc-
Dmg ld2 (fists); SZ M (6’1” tall); ML elite (14); Int 12, tious or start fighting with one another. The guards
Wis 17, Cha 15, Str 15, Dex 11, Con 16; AL LE; XI’ 175. challenge any persons they notice passing their post,
Special Equipment: holy symbol of Vecna that functions with the exception of those dressed in the robes of cler-
as ring of protection +2. ics or tabards of the Fingers. The guards order the party
Cleric SpellsMemorized: (4/3): lst-cause light wounds to exit the palace if none of them are disguised as a
( ~ 2 )cure
’ light wounds (x2);2nd-charm person or cleric or law enforcer.
mammal, hold person (x2). There are ld4+1palace guards and their commander,
Wizard Spells Memorized (2): 1st-magic missile (x2). who is either a palace guard officer (roll ld6: 1-2) or a
Notes: Enna and Craaven have been lovers for almost wight (3-6) present in the room. If the commander is a
two years, far longer than most other relationships in wight, four ju-ju zombies stand at attention against the
Cavitius. They are devoted to one another, perhaps even room’s far wall, responding to the wight’s orders.
more than they are to Vecna. One always surrenders if Each watch room contains a horn. If combat erupts
the other is in danger, hoping to trade his or her life for between the guards and the party, one of them attempts
the other. They will not betray their lord, however, to reach the horn and sound the alarm. If this is success-
beyond giving the party directions to other places in the ful, 2d6 palace guards and a palace guard officer arrive
palace or city (which would not be much of a betrayal). within ld3 rounds, and ld6+1 zombies and a powerful
If one is slain but the other lives, the survivor will do wight arrive the round following. Further, warriors and
anything to kill everyone responsible. spellcasters from nearby rooms hear the sounds of
battle and emerge to join the fray in ld4+4 rounds; the
Vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64; DM should take a quick accounting of the possibilities
THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. and prepare for a potentially large melee.

Army general, male or female human F13: AC 7 Palace guards: AC 8; MV 12; hp 10; THACO 20;
(ringof protection +3); MV 12; hp 78; THACO 5 (bastard #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
sword +2, Str bonus); #AT 2; Dmg 2d4+1 (bastard sword
+2 nine-lives stealer, Str bonus); SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite Palace guard officer:AC 5; MV 12; hp 30; THACO 18;
(14); Str 17, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 15; #AT 1; Dmg ld8.
AL LE; XP 6,000.
Special Equipment: necklace of missiles. Wight: AC 5; M V 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
Notes: The general is grateful to be away from the Dmg ld4.
horrors of fighting in the Burning Peaks, and he or she
is looking forward to a long massage. The general will Zombies: AC 8; MV 6; hp 16; THACO 19; #AT 1;
be found in the company of four servants (0-level) of the Dmg ld8.
opposite sex, making small talk and preparing to wash
off the grime from the long journey to Cavitius. The Ju-ju zombie: AC 6; MV 9; hp 36; THACO 15; #AT 1;
sword is hidden under a robe on a table; the other Dmg 3d4.
magic items are always worn.

22. Stairs to Second Floor 7-10 Zombies: AC 8; MV 6; hp 16; THACO 19;
Large metal doors at the bottom and top of this staircase #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
can be closed and barred in order to slow any attackers 11 Palace guard officer: AC 5; MV 12; hp 30;
who might invade the palace. The doors have not been THACO 18; #AT 1;Dmg Ids.
used in a long time and the hinges have rarely been 12 Skeletons (20):AC 7; MV 12; hp 6 each;
oiled. If heroes try to close them to prevent pursuit, they THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6.
must make successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates rolls to do
so. Metal bars rest in brackets just beyond each door- 24. Officer’s Quarters
way so they can be barred. These rooms all contain the same furnishings, although
they also feature additional decorations or clutter that
second Floor: Barracks reflects the personalities of the individuals that reside
here. Each room contains a bed, a table, two chairs, and
Many of Vecna’s elite officers, troops, and spellcasters a writing desk. (The undead use the beds as extra
are quartered here, be they living or undead. Since day tables.) A footlocker under the bed contains spare uni-
and night have no meaning in Cavitius, there is a 50% forms, civilian clothing, and pouches with ld4 gems
chance that the inhabitants of a room are present, unless valued at 100 x ld6 g p each, 2d10 pp, 2d100 gp, and
it is specifically labeled as uninhabited. Many of Vecna’s 4d20 sp.
elite troops are at the front, executing his war against To determine the nature of the officer residing in a
the hated Kas. Few clerics are quartered on this level. particular room, roll 2d6 and compare the result to the
following table. The officer is present (resting, reading,
23. Troop Barracks writing, or fixing weapons or a uniform) only on a 25%
These rooms are identical in appearance, serving as chance when the heroes first enter a room.
quarters for the human and undead warriors charged
with the defense of the palace, should it come under 2d6 Result
attack. The live soldiers here are all veterans of horrible 2-6 Palace guard officer: AC 5; Mv 12; hp 30;
battles waged in the mountains between Cavitius and THACO 18; #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
Tovag. 7-9 Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
Each chamber contains twenty-six beds and pegs Dmg ld4.
upon which inhabitants can hang clothing and weapons 10 Vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E);
belts. Several small tables with two chairs each are also hp 64; THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
here. 11 Skeleton warrior: AC 2; MV 12; hp 72;
If the barracks are occupied, a chest at the end of THACO 8; #AT 1; Dmg ld10.
each bed contains spare uniforms, civilian clothing, and 12 Death knight: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8;
a pouch containing 3d6 gp, 2d10 sp, and ld6 cp. Always #AT 1; Dmg ld8+6.
present are ld10+1 inhabitants (see later), repairing
equipment or resting. If the party is not disguised in In addition, each chamber has a 50% chance to contain
guard uniforms or clerical vestments, the soldiers one item from the following table. (Results can be
harass the party. Eventually, they draw weapons and varied and expanded to prevent repetition.) Dungeon
attack. Masters should not roll on the following chart if an offi-
Uninhabited or undead-inhabited barracks feature cer was present on the previous one.
empty chests, with a fine coat of dust and ash on every-
thing. Undead do not use the stripped bunks, only 2d6 Result
standing next to them at attention. 2 A longsword +2 is on the bed.
For each turn spent in one of these rooms, there is a 3-4 An army captain sleeps or reads papers here.
20% that an additional ld4 warriors arrive, having just 5 A bowl containing a Murlynd’s spoon is on the
completed training or patrols. They attack the heroes on table.
sight, unless the heroes are disguised in uniforms or 6-8 An army general does military paperwork by
priestly vestments. candlelight.
To determine the nature of the warriors inhabiting a 9-10 A visiting Finger commander and a male rela-
particular barracks, roll 2d6 and check the following tive (O-level)play a card game, waiting for
table for ld10+1 occupants. their friend to return from duty.
11 The chamber is strewn with finger bones, and
2d6 Result a dozen jawbones are piled on the table.
2-7 Palace guards: AC 8; MV 12; hp 10; 12 The door frame is hung with garlic, and a short
THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld6. sword +2, cursed berserking hangs at the head
the bed.
Army captain, male or female human F3/M5 AC 10; There are both living and undead officers in Vecna’s
MV 12; hp 29; THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld8 (longsword); service. Among their duties when they are in the palace
SA spells; SZ M (5’6’‘-6’6”tall); ML fanatic (17-18); is to adjudicate disputes between others of Vecna’s elite
Int genius (17-18); AL LE; XP 2,000. who want to use the various laboratories and training
Special Equipment: wand of paralyzation (roll ld6: 1-2), facilities on the first floor. They have the most trouble
164 potions of heroism (W),rod of terror (5), or ring of with the alchemists, who complain to them on an
human influence (6). almost daily basis. (If the party upsets an alchemist in
Special Abilities: Vecna’s live officers are expert com- area 19, the individual comes to one of these officers to
manders, highly skilled in small unit and battlefield tac- lodge the complaint and get help.)
tics, and in the application of magic in combat. They
possess the Spellcraft proficiency and receive a +1 24a. Weapons Masters’ Quarters
bonus to all checks involving strategy and planning for These chambers are identical to area 24, except that each
battle. room is clearly inhabited by a devotee of a class of
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/2/1): lst-detect magic, weapons. The DM can roll on the table for area 24 to
magic missile (d), phantasmal force; 2nd-improved phan- determine the nature of the weapons master, but use the
tasmalforce, scare; 3rd-dispel magic. following table to determine the master’s weapon of
specialization. (All weapons masters gain a +4 to attack
Army general, female human F10: AC 3 (bracers of and damage rolls with their special weapons, and they
defenseAC 3); MV 12; hp 52; THACO 8 (short sword of always have their weapons in hand when confronted.)
quickness +2, Str bonus); #AT 2; Dmg ld6+3 (short sword
of quickness +2, Str bonus); SZ M (6’3”tall); ML elite (14); 2d6 Result
Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 13, Str 17, Dex 11,Con 14; AL LE; 2-4 Mace
XP 2,000. 5-7 Longsword
Notes: The general is helping out the room’s true 8-9 Spear or staff
occupant with whatever paperwork must be filled out 10 Bastard sword
for the palace officials. 11 Throwing daggers and slings
12 Khopesh (two-handed fighting style)
Finger commander:AC 5; MV 12; hp 50; THACO 16;
#AT 1;Dmg ld8 or ld4.
25a-c. Wizard Quarters Invoker: AC 7; MV 12; hp 48; THACO 16; #AT 1;
Specialist wizards who are primarily necromancers or Dmg ld4+1.
invokers dwell in these chambers. Although many of
these men and women also join the armies at the front, Necromancer:AC 8; MV 12; hp 48; THACO 16; #AT 1;
they are primarily instructors who assist the war wiz- Dmg ld4+1.
ards in honing their skills. All these rooms are wizard
locked, whether the wizards who dwell there are in the Vampire, M12 (spells as per specialty slats):AC 1;
palace or at the front. The wizards who dwell here are MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64;THACO 11;#AT 1;
all 12th level. The rooms within feature a bed, a table Dmg ld6+4.
with two comfortable chairs, and a workbench with
some of the basic tools all wizards use in spell research. Death knight: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; #AT 1;
If a wizard is currently dwelling here, there is a chest Dmg ld8+6.
with clothing, pouches of spare spell components, and
their primary spellbooks. (The contents of these tomes Nine: AC -2; MV 6; hp 65; THACO 11;#AT 1;
are left to the DM to develop. Each is protected by a Dmg ld10.
sepia snake sigil and explosive runes.)
The chambers marked 25a are the quarters of the 26. War Wizard Quarters
necromancers and are chilling testaments to their dedi- Vecna’s war wizards are all dual-classed humans, war-
cation to their art, with skulls, black candles, and odious riors-turned-mages who specialize in destructive spells.
parts of bodies and the remains of undead creatures. Their quarters are models of military efficiency, featur-
There is a 10% chance that these rooms contain spell ing a carefully made bed, a desk with a comfortable
notes and vials with various lethal mixtures that are chair, and a locker for their weapons and spell compo-
part of the ritual required to ”ascend” to lichdom. nents. Any papers and books are carefully organized.
The chambers marked 25b are the residences of Development: If the room is inhabited, it contains a
invokers. These rooms are swirling seas of chaos, with chest with spare clothing, weapons, and the resident’s
clothes, spell notes, weapons, broken or mismatched spellbook, along with a selection of treasure type Z
parts of alchemy stills, and half-eaten meals scattered (from Table 84 in the DMG). There is a 30% chance the
about. The walls and floor are covered with scorch resident is present, either sleeping (1-4 on ld6) or poring
marks, as if destructive spells may have been triggered over battle plans (5-6on ld6). Although visibly irritated
in the room. at being disturbed, the war wizards do not attack the
The chambers marked 25c are the residences of gen- party unless forced to defend themselves, or if the party
eralist mages. These rooms contain neat stacks of parch- has been rampaging through the palace and several
ment containing half-finished spell research, various alarms have been sounded; the war wizards leave the
selections of spell components, and a number of fine fighting on the battle field, unless given no choice.
vessels and amulets suitable for enchanting. Vecna’s war wizards are brilliant tacticians who are
Each chamber also contains a random selection of typically the commanders of front line troops, second
treasure, as determined by rolling on Table 84, treasure only in their brilliance to the death knight generals who
type Z, in the DMG. serve the Whispered One. They are not particularly
Development: When the party enters one of these interested in magic as an art, having turned to it strictly
rooms, there is a 25%chance that its resident is here, if it for its battlefield application. This focus is in accordance
has been determined that the resident is currently in with Vecna’s wishes, and no one pushes them to widen
Citadel Cavitius. Roll 2d6 and compare the result to the their horizons. For this reason, their spellbooks are iden-
following table to determine who or what is present. tical in content to the spells they memorize, with the
The inhabitants of the room attack only if the heroes addition of read magic.
appear hostile when they enter, or if they are not dis-
guised as clerics or officers of Vecna. Any specialty wiz- War wizards: AC 9; MV 12; hp 29; THACO 17; #AT 1;
ards already have stoneskin cast upon them. Dmg ld10.

ld6 Result 27. Servant Quarters

1-2 12th-levelspecialty wizard of appropriate type Eight dirty beds are in this room, with no weapons or
(the room’s resident). valuables present. Clothes hang on pegs, and additional
3 Vampire who is a 12th-level specialty wizard clothing is packed in boxes under each bed.
of the appropriate type (the room’s resident). These chambers serve as the sleeping quarters for the
4 The room’s resident and a guest: an invoker. servants who tend to the needs of the officers and wiz-
5 The room’s resident and a guest: a death knight. ards stationed here. The servants who live and work on
6 “Nine” waiting for the room’s resident to return. this floor are generally healthier and more pleasing in
appearance than those on the ground floor, but many Invoker: AC 7; MV 12; hp 48; WAC0 16; #AT 1;
are doomed to eventually serve as victims of magical Dmg ld4+l.
experiments and spell research. There is a 20% chance
that servants of varying ages are present. Whenever the Army general, male human F10:AC 2 (platemail of
party enters one of these rooms for the first time, roll on command +I); M v 12; hp 61; THACO 8 (longsword +3frost
the table below to determine who is quartered here. brand); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+4 (longsword +3frost brand,
Most servants are too terrified to offer any help to the Str bonus); SZ M (5'5" tall); ML champion (16);Str 16,
party, and they do their best to alert the guards (unless Dex 10, Con 15, Int 11,Wis 14, Cha 16; AL LE; 2,000.
otherwise noted). Notes: The general and his wife were warned earlier
by Vecna's agents that intruders were expected, so they
ld6 Result prepared themselves as best they could. They will not
1-2 ld8 males (0-level). attack the heroes unless attacked, but will not allow the
3-4 ld6+2 females (0-level). heroes to enter their dwelling. '

5 ld4 females (0-level),with ld3 sickly infants.

6 ld8 females torturers, who are trained to assist Necromancer: AC 8; MV 12; hp 48; THACO 16; #AT 1;
in the private torture chambers (area 34). They Dmg ld4+1.
pretend to be willing to help, but they all carry
concealed daggers to attack the heroes using Alchemist, male human M7: AC 10; MV 12; hp 20;
their backstab ability, then alert the guards at THACO 16 (dagger +2); #AT 1;Dmg ld4+2 (dagger +2);
the earliest possible opportunity. SZ M (6'1" tall); ML steady (12);Int genius (17);AL NE;
XI' 1,400.
Torturers (ld8):AC 8; M V 12; hp 4 each; THACO 17; Wizard Spells Memorized (4/3/2/1): lst-afect normal
#AT 1;Dmg ld4. fires, detect magic, magic missile (x2); 2nd--bind, irritation,
stinking cloud; 3rd-hold person, slow; 4th-contagion.
28. Private Dining Rooms
When Vecna's officers or war wizards want to entertain MV 6; hp 72;
Krakkat the Observant: AC 4;
(or feed off) someone special, they can use one of these THACO 9; #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
finely appointed dining rooms to do so. Each features
deep red carpets, wood paneling, a crystal chandelier 29. Stairs to Third Floor
that glows softly with the influence of a continual light The large metal doors at the bottom and top of this
spell, and a wood table of dark wood surrounded by staircase can be closed and barred in order to stop or
four comfortable chairs. (The carpet and table are dark slow any invaders. The doors have not been used in a
in color so the bloodstains are less visible.) long time, and the hinges have rarely been oiled. If
Development: When the party enters one of these heroes try to close them to prevent pursuit, they must
rooms, the DM should roll ld6 and consult the follow- make successful Bend Bars/Lift Gates rolls in order to
ing table to see who (or what) is present. If the heroes do so. Metal bars rest in brackets just beyond each door-
are not disguised as servants of Vecna, the individuals way, so the doors can be barred in one round.
here attempt to subdue them with nonlethal spells. If
the party proves too difficult to subdue, those present 30.
switch to lethal tactics, fearing for their own lives. If the These small cnamDers serve as auty stations for the
party is disguised, the individuals within merely living and undead soldiers charged with keepmg peace
become verbally abusive until the heroes leave or pro- among the residents of this floor, and to prevent passge
vide them with a good reason for the interruption. to the upper levels by those who do not appear to
belong here. The guards challenge any people they
ld6 Result notice passing their post, with the exception of those
1-3 Empty room. dressed in the robes of Vecna's clerics or the tabards of
4 Two vampires and ld4 dead victims. the Fingers. The guards order the party to exit the
5 A 12th-level invoker, her husband (an army palace if -nn --- - --
_--hemps - c l i q~--"----
arp -
m i i c d R C Verna'c r l p r i r c nr

general), and a servant (0-level). law enfcircers.

6 Krakkat the Observant, with a 12th-level Devellopment: Present are ld4+1 palace guards. Roll
necromancer, an alchemist, and two servants ld6: On a 1-5, they are led by a palace guard officer; on
(each 0-level). ~ _ ,a
a 6, they are ~led_ bv ..wiqht.
- ~ -Tf __
.. the commander i__n R-

wight, four skeletons stand at attention against the

Vampires (2): AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64 room's far wall; they obey only the wight's orders.
each; THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. Each watch room contains a horn. If combat erupts
between the guards and heroes, one guard attempts to
reach the hom and sound the alarm. In this event, 2d6 The correct answer is ”Vecna.” If anyone in the stair-
more palace guards and a palace guard officer arrive well gives a different answer, everyone present must
ld3 rounds later, but no other help arrives. make a saving throw vs. spell. Those who fail are
instantly teleported to one of the cells in area 34. The
Palace guards (ld4+1):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each; holy symbol the crypt thing wears functions as a scarab
THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld6. ofprotection. However, the short silver chain from which
it hangs is actually a necklace ofstrangulation.
Palace guard officer: AC 5; M V 12; hp 30; THACO 18; Inside the crypt thing’s chamber is a bier it rests
#AT 1;Dmg ld8. upon when not active, and a small iron box containing
three gems (worth 50 gp,1,000 gp, and 1,400 gp). The
Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1; box rests upon a book whose white covers are smudged
Dmg ld4. with dirt and bloody fingerprints. This tome is a book of
vile darkness.
31. Stairs to Fifth Floor
This circular staircase bypasses the third and fourth Crypt thing: AC 3; MV 12; HD 6; hp 43; THACO 1;
floors, allowing for quick access between the barracks #AT 1;Dmg ld8 (claws); SA teleport; SD cannot be mind-
level and the corridors linking the Minor and Black read on this demiplane, immune to charm, sleep, hold,
Towers on the fifth floor. At the top of the stairs is a fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic
trapdoor that can be closed and barred. The hinges are psionics, cannot be turned or controlled; SZ M (6’ tall);
well oiled, and the trapdoor can be locked with a slide ML fanatic (18);Int very (11);AL N; XP 975.
bolt from the top, fifth-floor side.
Third Floor: entertainment Level
31a. Undead Guardian
Located halfway up the staircase, a unique crypt thing Vecna’s chosen can relax and indulge themselves in
stands watch in a tiny chamber. Whenever someone whatever pleasure they desire on this level, be it a hot
climbs the steps, it emerges to block the path, fixing its bath or the brutal slaughter of an innocent. The
fiercely glowing red eyes upon the individual while depravity of Vecna and his minions can be more clear-
clutching a holy symbol of Vecna in one of its bony ly perceived here than in any other place within the
hands. In a hollow voice it says, “Who is our lord and palace walls.
32. Bath Chambers
These chambers each contain a pair of black-tiled pools
with warm water. Racks containing towels, soaps, bath
salts, and perfumes line the walls.
The pools in the rooms are working displays of mag-
ical technology in action. Water flows from spigots that
look like homed demon heads, but there is no visible
place for the water to drain out. Further, no matter how
filthy a bather, the water nonetheless gradually
becomes clean.
There are always ld2+2 servants (0-level) of either
gender waiting to serve bathers. The first such chamber
the heroes enter is occupied by a visiting mercenary
who plans to join Vecna’s forces here; he is being attend-
ed to by four servants. The mercenary, Vergis Vos, is
without weapons and armor, apparently defenseless.
Any minion of Iuz with the party always wants to kill
any servant of Vecna encountered here. If the party
takes the mercenary alive, he reluctantly helps the
group reach area 72.

Vergis Vos, male human F10: AC 6 (ring ofprotection

+2, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 78; THACO 8 (Str bonus);
#AT 3/2; Dmg ld2+6 (fists); SZ M (6‘6”tall); ML steady
(12); Str 18/00, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 12;
AL LE; XP 2,000.
Notes: This mighty villain, interrupted while trying to Xovon One-Eye, male human F10 AC 2 (bracers of
relax in a city full of dead people, attempts to seize a defense AC 2); MV 24 (boots of speed); hp 59; THACO 9
weapon from a party member and either slay them (if (trident ofsubmission, Str bonus); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+5
this seems possible) or escape to summon help. (trident ofsubmission);SZ M (5’9’ tall); ML steady (11);
Str 18/50,Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 8; AL CE;
33. Bed Chambers XP 2,000.
Each door to one of these rooms is typically unlocked, Notes: Xovon One-Eye hails from exactly the same
but it can be locked from the inside with a slide bolt. hometown as one of the heroes (select at random) and
(No keyhole is on the outside.) Within is a luxurious was known to the hero as a bully and cheat. The DM
chamber featuring a large, soft bed, and a vanity table can invent some past conflict between the two that was
with a range of expensive perfumes and oils. Also pres- never resolved. Xovon is presently dressed in filthy,
ent are several small jars of poisons (ld3 Type H, ld3 ragged clothing and appears completely defenseless,
Type M, and ld2 Type 0),indistinguishable from oils except for his dirty trident.
except for the black stoppers in their containers. There
are always 162+2servants of mixed gender wait here to Dumaar of the Burning Peaks, male human M15
serve those who enter. AC 5 (Dex bonus, ring ofprotection +3); MV 12; hp 26;
There is a 30% chance that one of the following THACO 1(dagger +2/+4 vs. good-aligned creatures); #AT 1;
beings is also present, taking a break. Dmg ld4+2 or ld4+4 (dagger +2/+4 vs. good-aligned crea-
tures);SZ M (6’2”tall); ML steady (12); Str 13, Dex 16,
ld6 Result Con 10, Int 18,Wis 9, Cha 6; AL CE; XP 7,000.
1-2 Finger commander Special Equipment: dagger +2/+4 vs. good aligned crea-
4 Xovon One-Eye tures-any nonevil person who touches the dagger suf-
5 Dumaar of the Peaks fers 2d4 points of electrical damage per round.
6 Vampire Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5 /5/4/4/2 / 1):lst-burn-
ing hands, charm person,friends, magic missile (x2);2nd-
Finger commander: AC 5; MV 12; hp 50; THACO 16; bind, blur, ESP, irritation, levitate; 3rd-hold person,
#AT 1; Dmg ld8 or ld4. spectral force, suggestion (x2), vampiric touch; 4th-confu-
sion, contagion, emotion,fear; 5th-Bigby‘s interposing hand
(x2), telekinesis (x2); 6th-Bigby‘s forceful hand, conjure Beware any black areas where light cannot penetrate.
animals; 7th-power word stun. These contain spheres of annihilation.
Notes: Dumaar is one of a few of Vecna’s high-rank- There is a disagreement between the Heart of Vecna
ing military officers present in the palace at this time. (the high priestess of the Church of Vecna) and
He is an ugly, battle-scarred mercenary who has served another high-ranking priestess by the name of Miza-
the Whispered One for the past year, but he is presently yana. Mizayana wants the Heart dead and will help
on leave. A deeply disturbed sadist, he selected his the party achieve its goal if the Heart‘s death can be
spells for use on one or more servants, to help him arranged in the process. Mizayana’s quarters are
“relax.” located on the fourth floor.
The temples on the fourth floor are protected by pow-
Vampire: AC 1; M V 12, fly 18 (C)or 9 (E); hp 64; erful magical wards. Be careful not to spill blood
THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. within them, or the strongest of these protections are
Development: In the third such room the party search- The staircase on this floor that leads to the temple
es, they discover an attractive human servant (male or level is protected by a ward that kills spellcasters
female). This servant is actually a incubus or succubus who do not swear allegiance to Vecna.
that has been summoned and bound here by one of Vecna’s physical form can be found in the highest
Vecna’s minions. This demon is not happy with its tower of the palace. If it is slain, there is a good
imprisonment here, and it offers to help the party. If no chance that Vecna will die a final and permanent
paladins or good clerics are present, the demon even death, because of the bizarre powers that hold sway
reveals its true appearance and explains its predica- over the demiplane in which he is imprisoned.
ment in order to convince the party that it is not a mere
mortal slave. The demon used its telepathic abilities to Three magical elements keep the demon bound to the
learn many secrets about the palace. If the heroes break room in which it is discovered. They are negated by
the wards on the chamber and free the demon, it is dispel magic, bless, and physically scratching off a row
willing to share those secrets. The demon further prom- of tiny sigils that have been engraved over the door-
ises to return to its home plane as soon as it gives a way. The demon might be convinced to reveal one
“farewell kiss” to its captor, life-draining that person hint per element of the spell that is negated, then pro-
to death. vide all the information it knows once free. (It may be
Unfortunately, of course, the demon will discover chaotic evil, but the demon also believes the heroes
within ld4 turns of being freed that it cannot leave this must be fearless and powerful to have gotten into
demiplane at all, by any means. It then goes on a ram- Vecna’s palace, so it wants to be on the heroes’ good
page for ld4 turns longer, attacking everyone it meets at side.)
random through the palace, even the heroes (though the The demon does not know anything specific about
demon tries to avoid them at first by flying off in a the dark powers that rule the Demiplane of Dread,
rage). A demon loose in the palace adds much confu- other than that they (it?)seem to delight in trapping
sion, making it easier for the party to reach Vecna’s everyone possible in this backward little part of the
throne room (area 72). All guard response times are multiverse. The demon is certain that none of the heroes
tripled in this event, and the DM may improvise later will ever leave this plane ever again, though it believes
encounters involving the demon’s rampage. it can leave anytime it wishes. (It is wrong, as it will
Some important bits of information the extraplanar shortly learn.) This might be the first time the heroes are
prisoner knows follows below. informed they are no longer on Oerth. If so, the demon
patiently but quickly explains the information given
The Sword o f k s , a weapon that can destroy Vecna under The Demiplane of Dread in Brief.
and most other gods, is stored in Vecna’s private Although the demon is disposed to assist the party, it
library in the main tower (area 70). The password to might not resist the temptation to charm a particularly
get through the wizard lock on the door is “Paet vi good-looking character or one with a forceful personali-
har slykning.” (The language is that of the Ancient ty. The demon simply wants to bask in the glory of once
Brethren. The demon reveals that it means, “We have again having a slavishly devoted follower, and it will
faith in the Serpent.”) not take any destructive action toward the hero yet. If
A powerful spirit is held captive in one of the minor caught in the act, the creature apologizes, claiming that
towers (tower C). If the heroes bring down the wards it gave into temptations and really is h y n g to help the
around it, it might cause enough havoc in the palace party. It leaves soon thereafter, when its frustrated ram-
and citadel to serve as a distraction while they com- page begins.
plete their goals.

Succubushncubus:AC 0; MV 12, fly 18 (C); HD 6; 35. Target Practice Ranges
hp 22; THACO 15; #AT 2 (fists); Dmg ld3/ld3; SA Just inside the door to this room are two shortbows, two
energy drain; SD +2 or better weapons to hit, immune composite long bows, and two crossbows. Also there is
to fire, electricity, and poison, takes half damage from a quarrel with three dozens arrows, and a bundle of a
cold and gas-based attacks, never surprised; SW cannot dozen crossbow bolts. (There are ld4 missiles of each
escape this demiplane; MR 30%; SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite type of +1enchantment randomly inserted among the
(13); Int exceptional (15);AL CE; XP 11,000. rest.) At the far end of the chamber are four sets of man-
Notes: These demonic creatures have a form of telepa- acles mounted on a blood-spattered wall.
thy that allows them to communicate with any intelli- Some of Vecna‘s minions like to unwind with a little
gent life regardless of language barriers. They can also bit of target practice, but the sadistic warriors cannot
use the following spell-like abilities at will: become fully enjoy themselves unless they are using live targets.
ethereal (as if using oil of etherealness), charm person, When someone is here practicing marksmanship, a
clairaudience,ESP, shapechange (to an attractive slave or servant (0-level) found to be lax in performing
humanoid form-the natural appearance of a succubus duties is manacled to the wall.
or incubus is that of a unnaturally beautiful human When the heroes enter one of these chambers, the
with large batwings), and suggestion. On the Demiplane DM should roll on the following table to see who is
of Dread, they cannot use plane ship or gate. here.

34. Torture Chambers 2d6 Result

These torture chambers are smaller and more intimate 2-4 The chamber is not currently in use.
than the ones on the training levels. Nonetheless, they 5-6 ld3+1enthusiasts and Finger of Vecna com-
feature racks, thumbscrews, iron maidens, and every- mander.
thing else one would expect to find in a well-appointed 7-9 ld6+1 enthusiasts and Finger of Vecna com-
facility devoted to the infliction of pain. mander.
These rooms are here for those of Vecna’s minions 10-11 ld3+1 Finger of Vecna commanders.
who enjoy making others suffer just for the fun of it. 12 ld3+1 death knights, one of whom launches
Specially trained servants and slaves, as well as a his fireball at the targets after missing a shot,
victim, stand ready here to assist any minion of Vecna
who wants to use the equipment. When the party enters Ranged combat enthusiast, male or female human
one of these rooms, ld4 female torturers are present, F6: AC 5 (chainmail);MV 12; hp 55; THACO 15; #AT 1;
along with an additional prisoner (0-level) chained to a Dmg ld4+1(crossbow) or ld4 (thrown dagger); SZ M
table, awaiting torture. The torturers attempt to subdue ( 5 ’ 4 ’ tall); ML champion (15-16); Int very (11-12);
anyone who is not disguised as a cleric, guard, or law AL any evil; XP 175.
officer,hoping to provide their masters with fresh meat.
If given a chance to surrender, torturers do so, offer- Finger of Vecna high commander, male or female
ing to guide the heroes safely to wherever they want to human F9 AC 5 (chainmail);MV 12; hp 90; THACO 12;
go within the palace. However, as soon as the party has #AT 1;Dmg ld4+1 (crossbow) or ld4 (thrown dagger);
a random encounter with a powerful being, they cry out SZ M (5‘4’ tall); ML champion (15-16); Int exceptional
for help. (15-16); AL any evil; XP 970.
In the comer of each torture chamber is what appears
to be a shaft, engulfed in impenetrable darkness beyond Death knight: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; #AT 1;
2 feet down. Light sources lowered into the darkness Dmg ld8+6.
wink out, and not even continual light can dispel it.
The truth is that the ”shaft” terminates after 2 feet in Development: Combat in this room does not attract
an abnormally large sphere ofannihilation. It is used to adverse attention, as it is not uncommon that fighting
dispose of dead bodies that are deemed unfit for reani- breaks out among those engaging in target practice
mation. The torture chamber here is for entertainment here. If the combat lasts more than 6 rounds, however, a
and relaxation, so an easy method of ”cleaning up” has vampire happens to walk in, realizes the heroes do not
been provided. Anything or anyone a hero throws or belong here, and joins the fray.
lowers into the shaft is irrevocably destroyed. A pole or
rope, if pulled back, is immediately seen to be missing Vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64;
any part put into the darkness, perhaps saving wise THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
heroes by its example.
36. Slave Quarters
Torturers (ld4):AC 8; MV 12; hp 3 each; THACO 17; Many of these poor souls have been charmed either by
#AT 1; Dmg ld4. vampires or spellcasters, so they do not view them-
selves as slaves anymore. The slaves are often attractive in the room, lounging on throw pillows. They are a
men and women who caught the eye of one of Vecna’s pale-skinned, fine-boned man and woman with the
minions and were then abducted. Others are former sallow features. They wear loose-fitting robes; their
adventurers, but their minds have been scrambled so heads are shaven and covered with elaborate tattoos
thoroughly that only a wish can cause them to remem- that go down their necks and disappear under their
ber their former life. There is no treasure per se in these robes. They both seem startled at the appearance of the
chambers, but the slaves wear skimpy costumes that are heroes.
adorned with jewels, making each outfit worth These are Xaven and Kyrie, a mated couple of vam-
10d10+25gp. pires. They hail from the distant domain of Hazlan, a
Six slaves dwell in each room. The slaves are general- land located elsewhere in the misty confines of the
ly more healthy than the servants elsewhere in the Demiplane of Dread. Their physical features are typical
palace: they were brought here for their good looks and of the Mulan, the ruling human ethnic group from that
their captors want to maintain those. Their simply land. Kyrie was turned into an undead by a vampire
appointed rooms are also cleaner. (Some of the slaves that was ultimately slain by a vengeful Xaven. How-
have scars from being tortured, but there are those ever, his love for Kyrie was such that he could not bring
among Vecna’s followers who believe this enhances himself to kill her, so he joined her undeath. The pair
their attractiveness.) proceeded to launch a reign of terror that ended when
To determine what kind of slaves dwell in a room, the powerful lord of their land himself caused them to
roll ld6 and compare the result to the following table. flee into the demiplane’s Mists. They emerged in Cavi-
There are l d P l slaves (0-level) present. tius and fell immediately into the service of Vecna.
Xaven and Kyrie are supremely arrogant, but smart
ld6 Result enough not to annoy more powerful beings in the
1-2 ld4-1 males (0-level). palace. They hail from a land where their ethnic group
3-4 ld6-1 females (0-level). rules over the majority and, as they have not met
5 ld2 females (0-level), with ld3 infants. At least anyone of their race in Cavitius, they consider them-
one female is present here at all times. selves inherently superior to those around them.
6 ld4 males, all novice necromancers (hp 4 each) Nonetheless, they are quite happy with their new lives,
who assist wizards and liches with spell as they have been permitted to study magic since arriv-
research. ing her-something they were forbidden to do in
Hazlan. Meekali (“Innova”),the lich who lives in area
Novice necromancer (ld4): AC 10; MV 12; hp 4 each; 60a, is their tutor in the magical arts.
THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld4. Vecna decreed that Xaven and Kyrie are to see that
both the undead and a living have a pleasurable time
37. Spectre Lair when relaxing in his palace, and the pair take their duty
These rooms appear to be disused slave quarters. They very seriously. They not only consider themselves supe-
seem to have been ransacked, as beds and chairs have rior to those around them, but they are willing to prove
been overturned and in some cases even smashed to it through the way in which they execute their duties.
kindling. A faint layer of dust covers everything here, All vampires in Cavitius must deal with Haroln to
and long-dried blood stains the walls and floor in curi- some extent, and this couple is no exception. Haroln has
ous stippled patterns. The only light in these rooms is demanded that they do their part to reduce the number
that brought by the heroes, or faint ambient light from of people who get referred to him to have their disputes
the hallway. resolved, so they sometimes ”recruit” new slaves (vam-
These rooms are not as deserted as they appear. In piric or otherwise) from the meeting halls on the ground
the deepest shadows lurk 2d4+2 spectres, hiding behind level of the palace. Xaven suspects Haroln’s behavior is
overturned furniture and under the ceiling. They contrary to the wishes of Vecna, and he plans to reveal-
swarm out to attack the party, speaking with voices that ing this activity to Vecna when the Maimed God sees fit
sound like a dozen snakes hissing: ”Join usss . . .join to grant him a personal audience. Xaven is keeping a
usss!” They will not leave this area. detailed ledger of the activities that he and other vam-
pires have undertaken on Haroln’s orders to make his
Spectres (2d4+2): AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56 each; case watertight. (In truth, Vecna could not possibly care
THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. less. He has bigger matters to which he is attending that
render these problems moot.)
38. Vampire Lair Development: Xaven and Kyrie are initially polite,
These luxurious quarters feature soft couches, throw assuming the heroes might be guests who have lost
pillows, and elegant statuettes and paintings. The domi- their way. If anyone in the party hints that they are here
nant colors are earth tones. Two humans appear to rest to cause trouble in the palace or to kill Vecna, each vam-
pire tries to charm as many members of the party as pos- There is a 10% chance each time this chamber is
sible, then offers to join their effort. (They intend to lead entered, following a delay of several hours, that a necro-
the party into area 39 to feed their slave vampires.) mancer named Klea Torn and a novice necromancer are
If the heroes explain that they intend to stop or slay here, preparing or animating fresh bodies.
Iuz, however, the vampires eagerly offer to join the If any of the defenses in areas 49-51 are triggered, all
effort, commanding their enslaved vampires from area the zombies here immediately leave, to help defend the
39 to join the effort as well. (This greatly simplifies mat- shrines. They assemble in groups of ten, each group leav-
ters later during the events of the final confrontation at ing ld6+2 rounds apart after the defense has been trig-
area 72, since Iuz’s supporters will be occupied with gered. The zombies use area 43 to reach the fourth floor.
saving themselves from enraged vampires.)
If the party attacks Xaven and Kyrie, the two fight to Zombies (3d10+10):AC 8; MV 6; hp 16 each;
defend each other. Their coffins are not kept here, but THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld8.
are in area 58a. Similarly, the couple’s major treasures
are kept with their coffins, but the statuettes (four total, Novice necromancer: AC 10; M Y 12; hp 4;
each representing mages in the middle of casting spells) THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld4.
are worth 200 gp each to a collector of fine art. The
paintings (three paintings of powerful-appearing desert Klea Tom, female haman Nec9: AC 8 (Dex bonus);
nomads in windswept dunes, and one portraying black MV 12; hp 30; THACO 18 (17 with dagger +I);#AT 1;
unicorns roaming a barren landscape as brave hunters Dmg ld4+1 (dagger +I);SZ M (5‘6”tall); ML steady (11);
carefully approach) are worth 2d4x100 gp to someone Str 6, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 9, Cha 6; AL CE;
who appreciates well-executed canvases. XP 2,000.
Special Equipment: ring of spell storing with 3 animate
Xaven and Kyrie: AC 1; MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); dead spells.
hp 50; THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. Wizard Spells Memorized (5/4/4/3/2): 1st-chill touch,
magic missile (x2), unseen servant (x2);2nd-levitate,
39. Vampire Slave Quarters magic mouth, spectral hand, strength; 3rd-hold person (x2),
Nine hungry vampires, five females and four males, vampiric touch (x2); 4th-enervation (x2), extension;5th-
dwell in this simply appointed chamber. They are animate dead (x2).
linked to the vampires in area 38 through the unholy Notes: Klea lost her mind years ago when a rival dis-
bond that exists between vampires and their progeny. integrated her children. She now considers the zombies
The vampires here dress like the mundane slaves she creates to be her family. If, through some bizarre
who dwell elsewhere on this level. They serve Vecna’s chain of events, she should take a liking to one of the
undead minions, as well as living beings with exotic heroes, she will try to kill the hero and animate the
tastes in platonic companionship. They do not normally body as part of the family.
feed unless given permission by their masters, but any
mortals who enter their chambers are fair game. 41. Storage Room
The vampires initially play the parts of pampered This room contains clean sheets, extra pillows, bath
palace slaves, but eventually their hunger overcomes salts, perfumes, scourges+xtra supplies of everything
comes them and unwary heroes may quickly meet their that the living among Vecna’s chosen need to relax in
doom. luxury.

Vampires: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64,62, 42. Stairs to the Fourth Floor
59,55,54 53,52,49,48,47; THACO 11;#AT 1; This staircase leads to the palace’s temple level. Three
Dmg ld6+4. major shrines to Vecna are located there, along with
most of the quarters for the clerics who were granted
40. Zombie Quarters the honor of living in the presence of the Maimed God
Forty zombies are quartered here, and 3d10+10 are here himself. Above the door, carved in the long-lost lan-
at any given time. These creatures serve as guards, guage of the Brethren, is the phrase, “Thou Who Knows
laborers, spell-testing subjects, missile targets, and even the Power of the Serpent But Does Not Worship Our
masseurs and partners for those among Vecna’s minions Lord Must Admit He Is Eternal Or Be Smote.” The
with exotic tastes. Also here are 2d6 partially prepared phrase can be read through the use of comprehend lan-
corpses, soon to be animated as zombies. All zombies guages spell or a successfulRead Languages skill check
were convicted criminals or failed servants in life, slain (with a -5% penalty). There are no obvious security
within the last few days. Each zombie wears a simple measures on the stairs, but any spellcaster who is not
tie-on kilt of white cloth, and nothing else. No treasure wearing a holy symbol of Vecna and does not utter the
is present here. phrase “Vecna is eternal” before climbing them must
make a successful saving throw vs. spell at the halfway Since the occupants and traffic found here differ from
point or be disintegrated. those in the rest of the palace, the general encounter
table does not apply here. Instead, the DM should roll
43a-d. Stairs to the Minor Towers ldlO whenever the party enters any corridor or room
Each of these staircases leads directly to one of the four lacking a set encounter, then reference the following
white “minor” towers that rise from the main structure table. If a result is generated more than once, treat as no
of the building. See below for the appropriate tower encounter. (As always, the DM is encouraged to pick
description. These narrow circular staircases allow those specific encounters from this list rather than roll them
climbing them to bypass the fourth floor. At the top of randomly, or to dispense with them entirely if he wants
the stairs is a trapdoor that can be closed and barred. to keep the party completely focused on their goals.)
The hinges are well oiled, and the trapdoor can be
locked with a slide bolt from the fifth floor side. Vampire pilgrim, W2/P5 of Vecna: AC 1; MV 12, fly
18 (C) as bat, fly 9 (E) as gas; HD 8+3; hp 50; THACO 11
Fourth Floor: Temple Level (Str bonus); #AT 1;Dmg ld6+4 (Str bonus); SA energy
drain (twolevels), gaze can charm (-2 penalty to saving
The main temple devoted tc, ~2 Whispered One is throw), shapechange to bat or wolf, spider climb at will,
located elsewhere in Citadel C 4 t i u s , as described in slain victims turn into vampires; SD +1or better
Vecna Reborn. Several chambera on this level also serve weapon to hit, regenerate 3 hp/round, immune to charm,
as worship areas for those minions of Vecna who are too sZeep, hold,fear, poison, paralyzation, death magic, and
important or too busy to bother visiting the main telepathic psionics, cold and electricity inflict half
temple. In addition to containing three shrines-one damage, can assume gaseous form at will; SW can be
devoted to each evil alignment-and a central worship turned, vulnerable to sunlight, wooden stakes, and run-
hall, this level also contains living space for several cler- ning water, holy water inflicts ld6+1hp per vial; SZ M
ics and the private quarters of Vecna’s most senior cler- (6‘2”tall); ML champion (16); Int exceptional (16);
ics. Servants quarters and kitchens devoted to the needs AL CE; XP 11,000.
of the clerics are also found here, making this level all Special Equipment: rod of terror (16 charges), brooch of
but self-sufficient. shielding (can absorb 59 hp of magic missiles), holy
symbol of Vecna.
ship at the chaotic evil shrine No encounter.
vampire uses its charm gaze o A skeleton warr
the highest Charisma score.
2-3 One of Iuz’s parties has infiltr
mander is delivering the personal treasures
The Iuzites are themselves disguised as f captured officers in Kas’s force to Vecna’s
Memories of Vecna, though the ogres w ighest-level clerics. He brooks no interfer-
them are a dead giveaway. If they belie

with palace guards, and to some exten

gone to the Black Tower, the grou

Any NPCs here that were slain or captu

earlier in town can be removed from the lis

2d4 humans (roll Id

at the heroes are allies.

guise themselves. They answer ld4

questions before insisting that they
to the temple to pray. (They somehow

they wish to atone by meditating before

ishment is levied.) must make a Dexterity check in order to not
5 Twenty skeletons wearing chainmail are bump into any of the undead. If the check
making a standard security patrol of the fails, the ju-ju zombie screams, ”Blasphe-
level. If the party has taken a servant captive mers! How are you interrupt our prayers to
for use as a guide, the NPC cries out for help the Master of Secrets and Hidden Things!”
Unless a party member is disguised as a The undead then attack the heroes, fighting
cleric or carrying a holy symbol of Vecna, with no morale checks.

Cleric Spells Memorized (5/3/1): lst-causefear, com- SA spells; SD spells; SZ M (6’1”tall); ML elite (14);
mand, curse (x3); 2nd-hold person (x2), withdraw; 3rd- Str 18, Dex 11,Con 12, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 16; AL CE;
dispel magic. XP 10,000.
Wizard Spells Memorized (2): 1st-magic missile, shield. Special Equipment: stafofstriking (12 charges).
Notes: This nameless vampire has wandered across Cleric Spells Memorized (8/7/5/3/2/2): lst-cure light
many of the domains in the Demiplane of Dread, wounds; 2nd-enthral1, hold person, withdraw; 3rd-ani-
exploring them as a spy of Vecna. He was once a dual- mate dead, prayer; 4th-detect lie, imbue with spell ability;
classed adventurer from the City of Greyhawk. 5th-atonement, true seeing; 6th-blade barrier, heal. (All
other spells were used.)
Gharan the Slayer, male human P12 of Iuz: AC 3
(platemail);M V 12; hp 52 (now 19); THACO 14 (11with Khusk, male human F10 AC 0 (platemail -3); M V 12;
staff ofstriking); #AT 1;Dmg ld6+3 (staffof striking); hp 100; THACO 11(6 with vorpal bastard sword +3,
Str bonus, specialization); #AT 2; Dmg 2d4+6 (vorpal bas- 44. Watch Room
tard sword +3, Str bonus, specialization);SZ M (6‘1”tall); These small chambers serve as duty stations for living
ML fanatic (18); Str 17, Dex 14, Con 18; Int 11,Wis 12, and undead soldiers. They are charged with protecting
Cha 6; AL CE; XP 2,000. the shrines devoted to Vecna and preventing intruders
Special Equipment: ring of vampiric regeneration. from reaching the next floor. The guards challenge
Notes: Khusk is the brother of Bear, described earlier anyone they notice passing their post, with the excep-
in this adventure. The two bear a striking resemblance, tion of those dressed in the robes of clerics or tabards oi
although Khusk is not prone to Bear’s berserker rages. the Fingers.
His personality is even more unpleasant, though. There are ld4+1 palace guards and their commandel:
who is either a wight (roll ld6: 1-5) or a vampire (6),
Geral Kher, male human M15: AC 4 (black robe of the present in the room. In addition, four large zombies
archmagi, Dex bonus), MV 12; hp 60; THACO 16 (15 with stand at attention against the room’s far wall. All the
stafof withering); #AT 1;Dmg ld6+1 (staffof withering); undead in these watch rooms wear holy symbols of
SZ M (5’4”tall); ML champion (16); Str 14, Dex 15, Vecna that have enchantments to make them immune ti
Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 13; AL NE; XP 8,000. turning attempts by enemy clerics. These holy symbols
Special Equipment: ring of spell turning. are useless to living beings.
Wizard Spells Memorized: (5/5/5/5/5/2): 1st-burning Each watch room contains a horn. If combat erupts
hands, magic missile (a); 2nd--knock, web (x3); 3rd- between the guards and the party, one guard attempts
fireball, invisibility 10’ radius, lightning bolt; 4th-Evard’s to reach the horn and sound the alarm. However, the
black tentacles, fear, polymorph other; 5th-Bigby’s interpos- horn is cracked and cannot make a proper sound; no
ing hand, feeblemind, teleport; Gth-ckain lightning, death assistance ever arrives.
spell. (All other spells were used.)
Palace guards (ld4+1):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
Kahner Hvel, male human F 1 2 AC 3 (chainmail +I, THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
shield, ring ofprotection +I); MV 12; hp 112; THACO 9 (5
with longsword, Str bonus, specialization); #AT 2; Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
Dmg ld8+8 (longsword, Str bonus, specialization); Dmg ld4.
SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite (14); Str 14 (18/00 withgauntlets
of ogre power), Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10; Vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64;
AL CE; XP 4,000. THACO 11;#AT 1; Dmg ld6+4.
Special Equipment: ring offire resistance.
Zombies (4):AC 8; MV 6; hp 16 each; THACO 19;
Half-ogre Kadars (10): AC 2; M v 12; hp 48 each; #AT 1;Dmg ld8+2.
THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6.
45. Senior Priestess Quarters
Ogre warriors (30): AC 5; MV 12; hp 48 each; This room is home to the priestess who is in charge of
THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6. the routine activities of the clerics who serve Vecna in
the palace. The room is rather austere in appearance,
Acolytes of Vecna: AC 10; MV 12; hp 5; THACO 20; containing a cot with a soft mattress, a small chest, a
#AT 1;Dmg ld4. chair, and a small table. The chest contains simple
clothes, a heavy black robe, and a leather-bound book
Skeletons (20):AC 2; MV 12; hp 6 each; THACO 19; containing all church-sanctioned devotional prayers
#AT 1;Dmg ld6. and hymns to Vecna’s glory. The chest also contains
2d20 pp, 2d100 gp, ldlO sp, and 2d6 cp. In one corner
Skeleton warrior: AC 2; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; stands a unique shrine to Vecna-a gilded mummified
#AT 1;Dmg ld10. hand with an agate that appears like an eye fastened in
its palm. It is a priceless artifact to any worshiper of
Elite skeletons (10):AC 5; MV 12; hp 16 each; Vecna, but it would be worth about 150 g p to a collectoi
THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6. of bizarre and macabre art objects.
The current Senior Priestess is Mizayana, a life-long
Ju-juzombie: AC 6; MV 9; hp 36; THACO 15; #AT 1; resident of Citadel Cavitius. She came to the attention o
Dmg 3d4. the Church of Vecna when her mother died in giving
birth to her, then arose moments later as a phantom.
Zombies (12):AC 8; MV 6; hp 16 each; THACO 19; This was taken as a sign from the Whispered One that
#AT 1;Dmg ld8. Mizayana would soon do great things, so she was
raised in the faith and surrounded by undead from her
earliest moments. At the tender age of twenty-three, she private shrine, but turns to face them as they enter. Her
is the second most politically powerful priestess in Cav- blue eyes are ringed with dark circles and are shimmer-
itius, second only to the Heart of Vecna herself. ing with tears. Her blonde hair is a tangle around her
Growing up as she did, dealing more with undead face. She wears rumpled ceremonial robes and clutches
beings than living ones, left Mizayana cold and distant, her holy symbol in one hand. (If Mizayana is not pres-
unaware of affection and love except as vague philo- ent when the party enters, she arrives just as they are
sophical terms. That changed when she met a young about to leave, in lieu of a random encounter.)
cleric named Durraln. Lust quickly evolved into love, as Mizayana suddenly has a crystal-clear realization for
Durraln showed Mizayana how exciting and pleasura- how to get revenge: Perhaps Vecna will even allow
ble life with the living could be. Unfortunately for Miza- Mizayana herself to replace the Heart in the church
yana and Durraln, the Heart of Vecna wanted to possess hierarchy by allowing her to cause the heroes to slay the
him, also. When Durraln told the Heart that he loved Heart!
Mizayana but not her, the high-ranking priestess had Unless attacked immediately, Mizayana swiftly intro-
him killed. duces herself to the party and explains the plans of
Mizayana has been a shadow of herself since Durraln Vecna and Iuz, as per the beginning of this section. She
died. She wants more than anything to bring him adds that if Iuz succeeds against all odds, all of the
back-even as an undead-but she cannot even locate Flanaess and likely Oerth as well will fall under his con-
his body or spirit. As her sorrow has deepened, so has trol. Mizayana offers to bring the party to a secret stair-
her hatred for the Heart, but she knows that she is not case to Vecna’s throne room-thus letting the heroes
wise enough in the Secret Ways to challenge her and avoid all the guardians between there and the Maimed
live. (Mizayana is intelligent enough to know her limits, God-but only if they help her kill the ”foul witch who
and, in game terms, recognizes that she is not high murdered my true love.”
enough level to take on the Heart.) This realization only If the heroes accept Mizayana’s offer, she takes them
makes her depression deeper and her work is beginning along the shortest route to area 66, through several
to suffer, much to the delight of the Heart, who is areas that are holy to the followers of Vecna-the neu-
hoping to remove this annoying child once and for all. tral evil shrine and the Inner Sanctum’s on this level.
There is an 80% that Mizayana is present when the (See the descriptions of areas 50 and 52, below.) If any
party enters her room. She is kneeling in front of her
hero fails i1 saving throw vs. spell at area 50, she uses 48. Storage Room
the more 1mblic and longer route. The storage room is filled with robes and vestments of
Mizayana brushes aside any guards who try to ques- Vecna’s priesthood. Several holy symbols of the Whis-
tion them, using her position of authority on h u m i s pered One hang from pegs, as do some standards,both
and her riirg of undead influence on particularly insistent handheld and designed to be mounted on armor and
undead, wrho might be enraged by the behavior of war machines, featuring both the familiar symbol of
heroes elsc:where in the palace. She does not stand for Vecna and an image of a snake wrapped around a star-
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turn, as her desire to be a faithful priestess of Vecna out- holy days. It represents the Serpent.)
strips her need for revenge.
49. The Lawful Evil Shrine
Mizayana, Senior Priestess of Vecna, female human The doors to the lawful evil shrine are made of solid
M9/P10 of Vecna: AC 10 or 5 (chainmail is worn when gold, reinforced by magic so they are harder than steel.
battle is certain);MV 12; hp 40; THACO 14 (12 with mace Their surfaces are highly polished, and heroes
+2); #AT 1; Dmg ld6+3 (mace +2); SA command undead; approaching them can see themselves reflected in their
SZ M (5’2“tall); ML average (9); Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, glittering surfaces.
Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 12; AL NE; XP 6,000. The doors and the room beyond them are under the
Special Equipment: ring of undead influence (functions influence of aforbiddance spell. The spell was cast by a
as a ring of human influence, except it works on undead). 15th-levelundead cleric of Vecna (not currently present
Cleric Spells Memorized (5/5/4/3/2): lst-cause fear, in the palace) and is not password locked. (For details,
cause light wounds (x2), command (x2); 2nd-aid,fame see the description of the 6th-level cleric spellforbid-
blade, hold person (x2), silence 25’ radius; 3rd-animate dance in the Player’s Handbook.)
dead, curse, dispel magic, prayer; 4th-cause serious wounds Just approaching the doors is a challenge for many
(x2),protectionfvomgood 10’ radius; Sth-cause critical heroes. Lawful evil beings can approach the doors with-
wounds, cure critical wounds. out noticing anything strange. However, chaotic good
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/3/3/2/1): lst-compre- people feel a strange sense of dread when they come
hend languages, magic missile (x2), shield; 2nd-improved within sight of these doors; they get the sudden impres-
phantasmalforce, knock, summon swarm; 3rd-feign deafh, sion that someone or something knows they are
fireball, lightning bolt; 4th-emotion, ice storm; 5th- approaching, and if they pass through the doors they
teleport. risk imprisonment for all eternity. Beings of other align-
ments simply feel as though something threatening is
46. Inhabited Quarters waiting beyond the doors.
These quarters contain a cot with a soft mattress, a small When the heroes enter, there is a 60% chance the
chest, a stool, and a small table. The chest contains some room is empty, and a 40% chance that 2d6+4 acolytes of
simple clothes, a heavy black robe, and a few scrolls Vecna are worshiping here. The heroes always surprise
with devotional prayers to Vecna. Each chest also holds the acolytes, who are outraged at the interruption and
the resident’s personal wealth, 2d6 gp, ld20 sp, 2d10 cp, attack the heroes at the first possible moment, unless
and 10% of ld4 gems of lOdlOO gp in value. they face a clearly superior party.
There is a 20% chance that the resident is here. If so, However, if the heroes previously encountered the
he is a Memory of Vecna. If present, the cleric is praying cleric Lann, and he was able to escape, he will be found
(1-3 on ld6), doing paperwork or reading (4), or prepar- here with an organized force of guards, clerics, and
ing to go to bed (5-6).All fight to the death against undead. None of this group will be surprised. The DM
intruders, but if they fail morale checks, they attempt to should structure the defenders’ attacks to be as efficient
surrender and reveal what they know. as possible.

Memory of Vecna: AC 5; M V 12; hp 20; THACO 17; Acolytes of Vecna (2d6+4):AC 10; MV 12; hp 5 each;
#AT 1;Dmg ld4+1. THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4.

47. Empty Quarters Lann: AC 6; M V 12; hp 52; THACO 13or 11(vs. good
The heroes find chambers that are currently uninhabit- beings); #AT 1;Dmg ld4+3 or ld4+5 (vs. good beings).
ed. Any one of them would serve as a place for the
party to rest for a while. Each contains a bare cot, a Memories of Vecna (6):AC 5; MV 12; hp 26 each;
small empty chest, a stool, and a small table. There is a THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld4+1.
20% chance that the former resident failed to gather ld6
tarnished coins (gold, silver, or copper) at the bottom of Palace guards (4):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
the chest. THACO 20; #AT 1;D m g ld6.
Palace guard officers (4): AC 5; MV 12; hp 30 each; The Iuzite then enters an excited state of religious ecsta-
THACO 18; #AT 1; Drng ld8. sy and reveals all the details given at the beginning of
this chapter in the section titled Iuz’s Master Plan. The
Elite skeletons (21):AC 5; MV 12; hp 16 each; party should now realize that they seem to be in the
THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld6. awkward position of needing to save Vecna from Iuz, if
they are to save themselves and possibly the multiverse.
Skeleton wamors (7):AC 2; MV 12; hp 72 each; Although the room appears to be unguarded, the
THACO 8; #AT 1;Dmg ld10. seated statue of Vecna (Scene Five) is actually a stone
guardian, a type of variant stone golem. If anyone initi-
The room within features brilliantly white, smooth ates any sort of violence in the chamber, it animates and
marble pillars and floor. There are no pews or any other attacks. In addition, the carved images of Vecna in Scene
places to sit in this chamber. In fact, it might even be dif- Two and Scene Six have been treated with a special kind
ficult for the uninitiated to recognize it as a temple, as of magic that causes them to discharge afinger ofdeuth
the altar is actually a life-size statue of Vecna as he spell at a random character in the room when the golem
appeared shortly after he became a lich. initiates its attack. The carvings only discharge a single
The walls of the room feature marble bas-reliefs that spell each, but the golem pursues the offenders until it
display Vecna and his minions dispensing justice in his or they are destroyed.
ancient, time-lost land. These bas-reliefs also serve as a
history of Vecna’s rise to power. A character from the Stone guardian: AC 2; MV 9; HD 4+4;hp 35;
GREYHAWK campaign who makes a successfulAncient THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld8+1; SD immune to non-
History proficiency check recognizes the scenes as por- magical missiles, suffers half damage from edged
traying important elements of the legends surrounding weapons, quarter damage from cold, fire, or electricity;
Vecna. The character then knows the information pre- SW instantly destroyed by a stone tojesh, transmute rock
sented in the parentheses at the end of each scene. Most to mud, stone shape, or dig spell, with no saving throw
importantly, the character recognizes the sword in allowed; SZ M (6‘1”tall); ML fearless (20); Int non- (0);
Scenes Seven and Eight as the Sword ofKus, an artifact AL N; XP 8,000.
which, according to legend, is the only weapon that can
slay Vecna. The scenes on the walls are as follows:
Should the party be in the company of a lawful wor- Scene One: A handsome young wizard wearing
shiper of Vecna, the worshiper says this is the main robes adorned with snakes casts a spell that causes an
shrine devoted to Vecna within the palace. He can relate elderly man in ornate platemail to writhe in pain before
the information provided in parentheses, explaining the him,as a mixture of soldiers and spellcasters look on in
scenes to the party. Naturally, the worshiper presents awe. The warrior’s skull is starting to split open, reveal-
Vecna as the protagonist in all the scenes, bringing order ing his brain. (This scene is Vecna seizing power in his
to chaos and bringing power and glory to those who home kingdom on behalf of his long-suffering,
supported his effort. The other gods of Oerth are cursed oppressed ethnic group.)
for conspiring against Vecna. Now that Vecna is the god Scene Two: The same wizard, now wearing a crown
of secrets and hidden things, his followers believe that and seating on a throne of snakes, looks on with a wist-
Vecna will soon triumph over his countless foes. The ful smile as a hooded executioner prepares to strike a
follower of Vecna also explains that the empty panel noble woman wearing an elegant dress and jewelry of a
will someday display the final great deed that Vecna fashion that is unknown to the heroes. Corpses litter the
must perform in the name of order, an action that Vecna ground around the figures. (This scene is Vecna watch-
has known about since the time he ascended to ing the execution of the noble woman he had chosen to
demigodhood. The NPC tells the party that there are be his wife. She refused to wed him, so he killed her
”lesser shrines” on the level that focus on other, less family one by one, saving her for last. Vecna never
important aspects of Vecna’s life. (The NPC refers to sought another wife after that.)
shrines for those of other alignments, whom the NPC Scene Three: Now in his middle years, the wizard in
considers less worthy in the opinion of Vecna. The snake-adorned robes stands on ragged cliff. On a plain
NPC’s inability to enter those shrines is merely ”evi- below, armies clash while a city is destroyed by the very
dence” that Vecna does not want worthy followers to be earth, which rises up and smashes its walls as meteors
spiritually weak.) streak from the sky into the city’s heart. It is clear that
Any supporter of Iuz with the heroes arrogantly the devastation is taking place as a result of a spell
comments that this shrine is an empty tribute to a weak being cast by the wizard. The storm clouds overhead
god. The Iuzite says that the demigod Iuz has by now resemble misty snakes. (Here, Vecna is leveling a city
gained possession of the Sword ofKus and should be whose people refused to join his growing empire, then
about to destroy ”that rotting corpse of a lich, Vecna.” tried to assassinate him.)
Scene Four: The wizard in the snake-robes is now head are storm clouds, and in them are subtle represen-
well past his physical prime. He is slaying a half-elf in tations of the undead wizard-king and serpents. (The
similar robes; both figures are aglow with magical ener- warrior is Kas the Bloody-handed, Vecna’s most infa-
gies. Around them, other wizards are engaged in magi- mous lieutenant.)
cal battles as well, half of them wearing snake robes like Scene Eight: In this scene, the warrior from the pre-
those the old wizard possesses. Ghostly snakes writhe vious image battles the undead wizard-king, driving his
through the scene. (As Vecna prepared to become a lich, short sword into the wizard’s chest. The wizard in turn
his chief lieutenant and head apprentice, a half-elf, rose has unleashed a spell that blasts both of them into obliv-
up to oppose him. Vecna decreed that he and all who ion. The warrior is being flung backward into a black
supported him-even those who merely had friendly pool of darkness hovering in the air, and the wizard’s
dealings with him-were to be slain on sight. Vecna left arm (with the exception of his hand) is already
himself and those apprentices who remained loyal to ablaze with all-consuming magic. (This scene portrays
him eventually confronted the traitors personally. Vecna the betrayal of Vecna by Kas. This event is what ulti-
emerged victorious.) mately led to Vecna’s ascension to godhood.)
Scene Five: This scene is more of a sculpture than a There is one more panel, but it is blank.
relief. It is a life-size statue of the wizard from the other
scenes, except now his features are gaunt and skeletal. 50. The Neutral Evil Shrine
His hands are likewise bony talons. His snake-robes are The doors to this chamber are made of solid steel and
still of the same styling, but a new crown rests upon his polished so their surfaces are as reflective as mirrors.
brow, a crown that appears to be formed by snakes The doors and the room beyond them are under the
wrapping themselves around his skull. He is also seated influence of aforbiddance spell. The spell was cast by a
on a different throne, one that is made from the fused 14th-levelcleric of Vecna (currently away at the battle-
bones of humans. Its back appears to be a large spider front in the Burning Peaks) and it is not password
web that spreads across the wall behind him. Caught in locked. (For details, see the description of the 6th-level
the web are dozens of tiny human and demihuman fig- cleric spellforbiddance in the Player’s Handbook.)
ures, their faces and bodies contorted in terrible agony. The simple act of approaching the doors is an
Alongside Vecna’s throne are dying, disemboweled vic- unpleasant experience for most people. Anyone of neu-
tims, each wearing what appears to be a holy symbol on tral evil alignment can approach the doors with no ill
a burning necklace. (This statue represents Vecna in the effect. A lawful good or chaotic good person feels a
many decades after he became a lich and rapidly built a sudden chill, while barely audible-but clearly menac-
vast empire of evil. It serves as the altar in this room, ing-whispers seem to come from beyond the door. The
and those who worship here leave offerings at the whispers grow louder as the heroes draw nearer, but
statue’s feet. The disemboweled victims were clerics of the only actual words they can make out are their
various deities, their symbols easily recognized by a names, uttered in hateful tones. Persons of other align-
hero from the GREYHAWK campaign with the Religion ments hear nothing, though they feel something is
proficiency.The gods represented by those symbols wrong and it might not be safe to approach.
were known in the ancient world to govern nature and When the heroes enter, there is a 30% chance that
various aspects of truth, justice, and goodness; most 2d6+2 acolytes of Vecna are worshiping here. The
were Flan.) heroes have a +1bonus to surprise the acolytes. Unless
Scene Six: Here, the now-undead wizard-king com- clearly outnumbered, the acolytes attack the heroes at
mands a bestial executioner, who seems to have been the first possible moment, though one of their number
pieced together from the bodies of many other beings, attempts to flee to summon the palace guards.
to behead a muscular human warrior in ornate bronze
armor. The warrior has a defiant, hate-filled look on his Acolytes of Vecna (2d6+2):AC 10; M Y 12; hp 5 each;
face. (Vecna here eliminates the last mortal opponent THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4.
who dared stand against his expanding empire, Burgred
of Mara. Soon afterward, Vecna had all of Mara’s citi- Within the room is a chamber with a vaulted ceiling.
zens slaughtered.) Two rows of pews are present. The walls are covered in
Scene Seven: This scene features a giant of a man in polished steel that is as reflective as the door. The illu-
ornate platemail-still of ancient and unidentifiable sion created is that the room and its inhabitants recede
make-who is single-handedlydefeating a ragtag into infinity in all directions-xcept up.
army of men and women, led by an armored cleric Overhead, an elaborate, chilling painting adorns the
with a sunburst on her breastplate. The giant man ceiling. At its center is a large skeletal hand with fingers
wields a short sword with a serrated blade; his breast- splayed, a staring eye resting in its palm. All around the
plate is adorned with the serpent symbols that appeared hand, snakes and humans writhe through scenes of
on the robes of the wizard in the previous scenes. Over- depravity and violence. The entire ceiling is covered
with scenes of clever murders, subtle betrayals, and only be harmed by spells or magic weapons of at least
underhanded deeds. +1enchantment.
The first pew on the right when the heroes enter is Although a fetch attacks with whatever weapon it is
actually a magical teleportation device. Any person who carrying when it was created, it drains one experience
sits in it and utters the phrase, ”Vecna is eternal” is tele- level from its double with each successful hit. If a fetch
ported to area 52, the Inner Sanctum. (High-ranking succeeds at completely draining its double, it steals its
clerics of Vecna-including the Senior Priestess-are victim’s place in the real world. The victim is essentially
aware of this effect.) unchanged but takes on a chaotic evil alignment. A hero
Aside from the pews and the symbol representing usurped by a fetch does possess a reflection, but close
Vecna on the ceiling, there is no other indication that examination shows that this reflection’s eyes are always
this is a shrine. However, if the party is in the company haunted and fearful.
of a neutral evil worshiper of Vecna, the worshiper Even so, a fetch‘s existence can be fleeting. If a fetch
informs them that this is the shrine where Vecna’s most is killed, it returns to its rightful place within the reflect-
favored followers worship when within the temple ed world and the real character is restored. (Subcon-
walls. The follower explains that there are other shrines sciously, the fetch knows that death will merely doom it
within the palace, but that they are where those who are to a boring existence as a reflection again. As such, the
viewed as lesser worshipers in the eyes of the god go. replaced character should suddenly become more
The follower further explains that the reflections repre- watchful, cautious, or even cowardly. Dungeon Masters
sent the secrets worshipers hold, and that all secrets are should let the players whose heroes were so replaced in
revealed before Vecna’s all-seeing eye. Those who wor- on the secret of what has happened, so they can play
ship here do not leave trinkets for the god, but instead their characters accordingly.) Once freed, the real char-
offer up their secrets, as well as those they have been acter is fully healed of all injuries and is in possession of
able to uncover about others, in silent prayer. whatever items the fetch carried at its moment of
Any follower of Iuz with the party mocks this belief, destruction. However, the victim does not gain experi-
asking, ”If Vecna is so all-seeing, why is Iuz about to ence points while trapped in the reflected world.
destroy his bony body once and for all?” The minion of
Iuz now reveals that the demonic demigod plans to Fetch, Ravenloft:AC 4; M V 6; HD *; hp *; THACO *;
siphon Vecna‘s power into himself; Iuz failed at this #AT 1;Dmg special; SA level drain; SD cannot be mind-
once, but he learned from his errors. The minion does read on this demiplane, never checks for morale while
not intend to reveal Iuz’s full plan but does so if attacking its double; SW special; SZ ’t; ML 11(after
pressed. (The NPC must fail a morale check if threat- switching places with its real-world Idouble); Int *;
ened or attacked, or else becomes defiant.) AL CE; XP varies.
Although this room appears to be unguarded, there Notes: An asterisk indicates that tl-Le characteristic is
are in fact several powerful creatures and magical the same as that of the fetch’s real-wcxld double.
wards that react to any violence perpetrated against
inhabitants in the room, or even the chamber itself. 51. The Chaotic Evil Shrine
First, a 20d6firebalZis unleashed from the eye in the The doors to this chamber are made of red and black

ceiling. Then, even before the smoke has cleared from marble, and they feature bas-reliefs or.Ll ------
1dTg;t: serpenss

the explosive attack, each surviving hero must make a twisting through obscuring fog. The carvings represent
saving throw vs. paralyzation. Each hero who fails this exceptional workmanship, and it is almost as if the ser-
saving throw is immediately attacked by 2d6 Ravenloft pents might cc)me to life i t any moment.
fetches. The doors and the room beyond them are under the
A Ravenloft fetch is a reflection that has broken away influence of a fbrbiddancespell. The spell was cast by a
from its real world counterpart, and now seeks to steal . P - - . .. . .. . -
12th-levelcleric of Vecna, and it is not password locked.
its double’s place. They are visible as ghastly, aberrant All people who are not chaotic evil must make saving
reflections of their doubles. They only emerge from the throws in order to pass through the doors. (For details,
mirror world to attack their double, and they are harm- see the description of the 6th-level cleric spellforbid-
less to anyone other than their duplicate. No one but dance in the Player’s Handbook.)
their double can see, attack, or defend against them; in Even approaching the doors is difficult for most
this encounter, all others simply see the set-upon heroes people. Chaotic evil beings can approach the doors
slashing at wisps of smoke in the room. without difficulty,but lawful good people feel a strange
A Ravenloft fetch loses 1hp each round it remains sense of dread when they see these doors. The latter
outside a mirror so long as its real-world counterpart have the thought that someone or something of great
exists. For this reason, they are particularly focused and power (and limitless evil) knows they are approaching.
need never make morale checks. While the fetch is out- Beings of other alignments simply feel as though some-
side the mirror world, it is vulnerable to attacks, but can thing threatening might be waiting beyond the doors.
When the heroes enter, there is a 60% chance of find- information provided in parentheses below, explaining
ing 2d6+2 acolytes of Vecna worshiping here. The the scenes to the party. Naturally, the worshiper pres-
heroes have normal chances to surprise them. If given a ents Vecna as the protagonist in all the scenes, bringing
chance, the clerics surrender. If allowed to leave, the freedom to the faithful to do as they will with their
acolytes summon the guards. lives. The worshiper rails angrily against heroes and
gods who conspired against Vecna, because they feared
Acolytes of Vecna (2d6+2):AC 10; MV 12; hp 5 each; his power. Vecna’s chaotic followers believe that ulti-
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4. mate liberty is soon at hand, and the multiverse will be
awash with the blood of the weak who stand in Vecna‘s
Beyond the doors, the heroes find a chilling room with a way. The follower believes the two empty panels will
black ceiling supported by pillars of red and black someday bear the images depicting that great, cata-
marble. The pillars are carved to resemble life-size clysmic liberation. The NPC does not want to enter the
naked humans writhing in states of passion (or agony- others shrines for fear of being spiritually weakened.
it is difficult to tell) as huge snakes slither over them. If there is a minion of Iuz in the party’s company as
The walls and floor are of white marble. The floor is well, the minion mocks the NPC’s beliefs, openly
sculpted with more life-size images of humans-some revealing Iuz’s master plan as it is described at the
clearly undead-and large snakes, making for uneven beginning of this section. Unless the party intervenes,
footing. The walls are covered with bas-reliefs featuring the follower of Vecna flies into a homicidal rage and
some of the most important moments of Vecna’s history, tries to kill the offending follower of Iuz and anyone
all dealing with his interaction with his benefactor, the who attempts to intervene.
mysterious Serpent. Once blood has been spilled in the temple or if a life
Like the other shrines, it may be hard to tell that this is lost through some other violent act, the sculpted floor
is actually a holy site as there is no obvious altar. How- instantly becomes a living wall. (Note: Although the
ever, if the party is in the company of a chaotic evil fol- basics of the living wall are summarized below, the DM
lower of Vecna, the follower claims this is the most holy should read about this monstrosity and become familiar
of Vecna’s temples in the palace; the other two are for with its odd abilities in the MONSTROUS MANUALtome
Vecna’s less worthy followers. The follower relates the before running this encounter.)
A stench of rotting flesh fills the room as the floor Giant constrictor snakes (12):THACO 15; #AT 2
changes. The sculpted orgy of passion becomes an orgy (each);Dmg ld4 bite and 2d4 constriction. If constric-
of death as the idealized figures become living men and tion is successful, no further attack roll need be made
women trapped within a slimy green substance. They for it, and 2d4 points of damage will automatically be
shriek in pain and horror and reach for the heroes, made each round thereafter; however, biting attacks
attempting to pull them down into the gelatinous sub- must be rolled every round to do damage. Every round
stance. The snakes also come to life, rising from their that a victim is constricted, the victim must make a
prison, as they try to wrap themselves around the saving throw vs. spell; failure indicates the victim is
heroes. A hero grappled either by the humans or the pulled into the living wall and absorbed in the next
snakes must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or round.
become absorbed into the floor. If the saving throw is
successful, the hero is able to break free. If anyone witnesses another person absorbed by a living
The Living Wall consists of twenty-three trapped wall, that person must make a horror check (Domains of
prisoners of war (from Tovag) and twelve giant con- Dread, Chapter Six). If this book is not available, have
strictor snakes. Each creature receives one attack against the witness make a saving throw vs. spell (Wisdom
a randomly determined hero each round. Flying heroes bonuses apply), with failure indicating the victim is
must be at least 5 feet above the floor to avoid being struck by afear spell (regardlessof the witness’s level).
struck by the snakes, and 2 feet above the floor to avoid The latter mechanic can be used as a substitute for any
the human attackers. horror check involving this creature.
Persons drawn into the wall turn on their comrades, This living wall can be destroyed only if it catches
adding their attacks to that of the wall. Absorbed heroes and slays its creator (Krakkat the Observant, a lich
cannot be recovered through any means short of a wish. appearing in areas 15,19, and 27) or if its creator is
Any magical defensive bonuses enjoyed by the destroyed in the Palace of Vecna by the heroes.
absorbed heroes improve the wall’s Armor Class.
The scenes on the walls are as follows.
Living wall: AC 2 (bracers of defense AC 3, ring ofpro- Scene One: An old, slightly bent wizard stands on a
tection +3); MV nil; HD 85; hp 680; THACO by creature windblown cliff. He wears a large gem-encrusted crown
attacking; #AT 47; Dmg by creature attacking; SA and black robes with smoky images of serpents embroi-
absorption (successfulsave vs. spell to avoid if touched; dered upon them. A palace that looks like Vecna‘s
absorption automatic if victim is slain by the living wall, palace in Cavitius stands in the distance, beyond a
only a wish can recover absorbed victims); SD +3 to plane littered with the remains of what must have been
saving throws (ring ofprotection +3), immune to all an epic clash of armies. Overhead, the sky boils with
planar and temporal spells, any attempt to use magic to lightning-tom storm clouds. A massive serpent-made
communicate with or mind-read this monster results in partially from the clouds and partially from lightning
horror check, attempts to cut through this monster snakes down toward the wizard, wraps around him,
cause all within 30‘ to make saving throws vs. poison and seems to whisper in his ear. The old man’s face
(failure indicates victims pass out from nausea for ld6 seems aglow with understanding. Those who study the
rounds); SW gives off moaning sounds in a 15’ radius; image closely note the faces of somber men and woman
MR 20%; SZ G (about 1,960 square feet, filling area 51); hidden in the clouds. (This scene portrays the Serpent-
ML fearless (20); Int special (by creature absorbed); the ancient source of Vecna‘s magical might-telling its
AL CE; XP 7,000. loyal servant how he might triumph over Death itself
Notes: The living wall’s hit dice rating applies only to and guide his empire to greater glory. The cloud faces
its saving throws (as a warrior), not to its attacks. This are various deities from the world of Oerth, Vecna’s
creature absorbed bracers ofdefense, AC 3 and a ring of place of origin; any person from the GREYHAWK cam-
protection +3 in addition to its live victims. This living paign with the Religion proficiency can name several of
wall contains the following creatures, which fight for it. the gods, who appear to be Flan in nature.)
Scene Two: A skeletal figure with glowing eyes
Trapped warriors, F4 (23): THACO 17; #AT 1(each); stands before the Spider Throne in flowing robes cov-
Dmg nil; SA grapple. Each grapple attempt, if success- ered with arcane symbols. He offers a short sword with
ful, holds a victim near the living wall. Two or more a serrated blade to a kneeling man in ornate platemail
grapple successful attempts in a round cause the victim and a horned great helm of a design that is unfamiliar.
to make a saving throw vs. spell; failure indicates the The kneeling figure’s gloved hands are covered in
victim is pulled into the living wall and absorbed in the blood, presumably that of another armored warrior
next round. who lays near by with his head split open and his
brains spilling out. (This is Vecna awarding Kas the
Bloodv-handed with the enchanted sword that is now
known as the Sword of Kus. It is widely believed that what distorted reference to the events in Chapter 11of
Vecna came to regret this, though followers of Vecna say the classic AD&D adventure Vecna Lives! (TSR #9309).
that the Whispered One knew full well that Kas would A follower of Vecna explains, with complete convic-
eventually betray him, and that Vecna himself gave Kas tion, that Vecna attempted to make his vast store of
the tool needed to do SO.) secrets available to all the people of Oerth, and that his
Scene Three: The armored warrior from the previous faithful followers would be elevated to positions of
scene slashes through the skeletal form from the previ- ultimate power. The other gods of Oerth, in cowardly
ous scene with the very sword he was given. The skele- fashion, manipulated mortals into thwarting the Lord
tal figure seems to explode with magical energy, and of Secrets’ goals, with only Iuz-”demonic bastard
only his left eye and left hand untouched by the surging though he is“-having the courage to face him per-
power. The armored warrior is not faring much better, sonally. The follower thinks it is tragic that Vecna was
as his armor seems to be melting under the onslaught as not able to gift all of Oerth with his wisdom and
he is hurled back into what looks like a black hole or guidance.)
gate in the air. The Spider Throne shatters in the back- Scene Six: This image echoes that in Scene One.
ground. (This scene portrays Kas’s attempt to over- Vecna stands upon a cliff, with Citadel Cavitius in the
throw Vecna, the venture that resulted in the end of distance. From the outside, Citadel Cavitius looks
their existences on the world of Oerth, though they vaguely like a giant skull from which the crown has
would both be back, eventually. Kas was hurled into been removed to allow buildings, towers, and spires to
Citadel Cavitius, Vecna’s prison colony on the quasi-ele- rise toward the sky. Vecna appears to be raging toward
mental plane of Ash, which later was converted into the heavy clouds in the sky, seemingly oblivious to the fact
city of Cavitius, here on the Demiplane of Dread.) that the immense ghostly Serpent is still wrapped
Scene Four: The skeletal figure stands on a pedestal, around him, still whispering in his ear. (Followingthe
holding out his left arm, which ends in a burned stump. defeat of his plans for domination of Oerth in Vecna
Within his skull burns his right eye while the left socket Lives!, Vecna was drawn into the Demiplane of Dread
is a gaping hole. He wears the elaborate robes of an and trapped there in physical form. All his most loyal
archmage. (Thisis a representation of Vecna after he followers and supporters were deposited here as well.
ascended to godhood, which is obvious to any hero Any follower of Vecna who is with the heroes says that
from the GREYHAWK campaign with the Religion profi- the gods of Oerth prostrated themselves to a cabal of
ciency.) otherworldly powers to accomplish this, but that Vecna
Worshipers kneel at Vecna’s feet, one of whom raises had foreseen these events long ago. He hopes to escape
his left arm; his hand is blackened and clawlike. A mas- his confinement and finish what he started. He has
sive ghostly Serpent rises behind and wraps around already laid the groundwork for that escape, the follow-
Vecna’s form, the same Serpent that whispered in the er claims, but now his efforts are in danger because of
ear of the ancient wizard in the first relief. (This scene Iuz’s interference. If the DM wishes, he can have the fol-
portrays Vecna founding his church upon ascending to lower relate the events of Vecna Reborn, unless the
the status of demigod of secrets and hidden things. The heroes partaking in this quest are the same ones who
Serpent’s aid was instrumental in his rise, but any fol- took part in that previous one.)
lower of Vecna also claims that his desire to be free of This panel is also the location of a secret door. It leads
manipulating, lying gods and self-aggrandizingmortal to area 52.
lords also fueled his rise to godhood. If a hero gets into Scene Seven: As the heroes watch, this image is in
a debate with a follower of Vecna about how people in the process of being created by invisible artisans. The
Citadel Cavitius are mistreated, the follower says that emerging (and highly disturbing) scene appears to
everyone here can rise as high as his or her abilities show a grinning I w stabbing Vecna with the serrated
allow, and everyone knows who holds power and how blade, in a battle reminiscent of the one in Scene Three.
it might be obtained.) Here, Vecna seems to be disintegrating, his bones falling
Scene Five: In the background are gigantic stone apart and fading away.
monuments, huge primitive archways resting on Any worshiper of Vecna with the party becomes visi-
curving paths of stone. Light and darkness, fire and bly distressed at this scene. The panel was blank the last
lightning, and energies untold seethe from the arches time that person visited the temple. The worshiper
and dance in the sky. Two immense images do magical believes that if the scene is allowed to come to pass, all
battle in the foreground: Vecna and a huge, red, bat- of Cavitius will be absorbed into Iuz’s being. A follower
winged humanoid with clawed fingers. The ghostly, of Iuz, if present, is elated, as this image seems to por-
massive Serpent wraps around the combatants, both in tray the certain victory of the Old One. The appearance
the heavens and on the ground, while boiling storm of this scene causes a fight to break out between wor-
clouds contain concealed images of many of the good shipers of Vecna and Iuz, if both are present.
and neutral gods of Oerth. (This image is a some-
Any follower of Vecna who is present urges the with a hellish red light, reminding all present that Vecna
heroes to rush to Vecna’s side, offering to escort them if can perceive all they do and think. All clerics wear their
need be. (”YOUmay hate my lord, but if Iuz triumphs, full ceremonial garb, which consists of red and black
we will all be destroyed!”)The follower also sees to it robes and white skull masks. These extra robes and
that the heroes first enter Vecna’s fabled personal masks are stored here in compartments under the pews.
library, where they might find the “Sword of the Betray- As mentioned above, the Inner Sanctum appears to
er” before Iuz gains possession of it. The follower be empty most of the time. In fact, the movement of the
explains that the Sword of the Betrayer is the weapon banners is actually caused by fifteen shadows, ten slow
portrayed in Scenes Three and Seven. shadows, and a shadow fiend (named Krandala,
The last two panels are blank. trapped and enslaved by Vecna) moving along the walls
in the dark. If anyone who is not a worshiper of Vecna
52. Inner Sanctum steps onto the circular platform containing the altar, 2d6
This holiest of temples in Vecna’s palace can be accessed shadows and 2d4 slow shadows attack at once. For the
via secret staircases from areas 49 or 51, or by teleport- purposes of this encounter, two slow shadows can
ing here from area 50. The evil energies concentrated in attach themselves to a hero at any given time. The
this place are so strong that each paladin and cleric of remaining creatures attack anyone who comes to the
good alignment must make a successful saving throw defense of the victim, joining the fray 3 rounds later.
vs. paralyzation or suffer -2 penalties on attack rolls (The shadow fiend uses its ranged attacks, including its
and saving throws for ld6 hours after leaving the magic jar ability, to turn one of the heroes against the
temple, because of nausea and headaches. The penalties rest before it engages in melee itself.)
apply while the hero is in the temple, regardless of The creatures also attack if any form of vandalism or
whether the save is successful. attempt to desecrate the Inner Sanctum is undertaken.
The chamber is decorated entirely in red-veined They do not interfere with heroes who climb the stairs,
black marble, and black pews stand in neat rows. The however.
room is even more dimly lit that the rest of the palace,
and it takes one minute for a human character’s eyes Shadows (15):AC 7; M v 12; hp 27 each; THACO 17;
to adjust and distinguish shapes from shadows. Red #AT 1;Dmg ld4 and special.
and black banners bearing the eye-and-hand symbol
stir gently against the wall, moved as if by an imper- Slow shadows (10):AC 8; MV 12; hp 32 each;
ceptible breeze, filling the room with whispering THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld4.
sounds. Unlike the outer shrines, there is a clearly
defined altar at the front of the room. It is a circular Shadow fiend: AC 9 (bright light), 5 (dim light or
platform 20 feet across with a large reddish block of light spell), or 1(darkness);M v 12; HD 7+3; hp 48;
stone at its center. THACO 13; #AT 3 (claw/claw/bite); Dmg ld6/ld6/
A circular staircase rises directly through what would ld8; SA spells, if it gains surprise it leaps up to 30 feet
be the pupil of a massive representation of the Eye of and makes 4 claw attacks (no bite); SD cannot be mind-
Vecna painted on the ceiling. It is the only access to the read on this demiplane, 90% undetectable in shadows,
next level from this chamber, and it leads to area 55, the immune to fire, cold, electricity, and telepathic psionics;
chamber that grants access to the Black Tower. Any SW avoids bright light, light spell does ld6 points of
person not of evil alignment who climbs it must make a damage, can be turned as ”Special”; SZ M (6’ tall);
saving throw vs. spell while passing through the eye. ML fearless (20); Int very (12); AL CE; XP 2,000.
Anyone failing the saving throw is affected by the 4th- Notes: In bright light, a shadow fiend suffers double
level wizard spell enervation at the 12th level of effect damage from all attacks. In darkness, it suffers only half
and must make a second saving throw, this one vs. damage from all attacks. It gains +1bonus to all of its
death magic. If the second save fails, the victim falls attack rolls in dim light and a +2 bonus in darkness.
under a hold person spell (12th-level effect). The victim Once per day, a shadow fiend may cast darkness 15’
must make a saving throw vs. spell each round or suffer radius or generate a 30‘-radiusfear spell. Once per week,
another temporary level drain from the heightened ener- the creature (with a proper receptacle) can cast magic jar
vation effect. A successful dispel magic frees the victim at a single victim; if the victim saves, the shadow fiend
from the hold person effect, but lost levels return only is stunned for ld3 rounds.
after ld4+12 hours.
There is an 80% chance that the party chooses to
enter the Inner Sanctum when the chamber is empty.
The Heart and Voice of Vecna conduct joint daily servic-
es here, leading clerics of all three sects in prayers.
During the service, the eye painted on the ceiling glows
golem in their mist forms, or turn into bats and fly off
Fifth Floor: ‘Tower Access
the balcony in area 59a.)
This is a simple level, constructed primarily for defen- Development: The bone golem’s first action is to
sive purposes. Hallways lead to the bases of the four throw back its head and issue an explosive burst of
minor towers that rise above the palace. A warded stair- chilling laughter that seems to reverberate through the
case leads to the private residence of Vecna himself. very bones of the heroes. It then shuffles toward them,
This level bears clear evidence of Iuz and his forces its bones clicking as its odd body sways back and forth
having penetrated it. All guard posts between minor on its misshapen legs. (See the monster’s description for
tower 53c and the access to the Black Tower have been the results of the golem’s magical laughter.)
neutralized. Even if the heroes do not stumble upon this The golem’s laughter alerts nearby guards, and
cleared access way, they find resistance fairly light. 2d6+2 zombies and ld6 wights arrive within ld4
Vecna has diverted his most skilled guards elsewhere in rounds. All attack the heroes, except one wight who
the city, leaving just enough resistance to avoid making immediately moves to the doorway and starts closing a
Iuz or the heroes suspicious. heavy black door. The wight intends to block access to
the rest of the tower, and the door closes easily. The
53a. Minor Tower Access wooden bar needed to secure it hangs in brackets just
The unadorned stone floor and walls of this room are inside. If a hero beats the wight’s initiative by 2 or more,
splattered with dried gore. A large sculpture made out the hero can attack the wight and prevent it from clos-
of bones from a great number of creatures-cow ing the door.
hooves, horse legs, a hill giant’s hips and rib cage, six
arms from various apes, and the skull of a small Zombies (2d6+2):AC 8; MV 6; hp 16 each;
dragon-stands at its center. A doorway leads to stairs THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
going up.
The sculpture is actually a bone golem, a particularly Wight (ld6): AC 5; MV 12; hp 32 each; THACO 15;
hideous creation placed here by the lich who lives at the #AT 1;D m g ld4.
top of the tower, to insure his privacy. If any corporeal
being enters this chamber without showing a holy Bone golem: AC 0; MV 12; HD 14; hp 70; THACO 7;
symbol of Vecna, the golem animates and attacks. (The #AT 1;Dmg 3d8; SA laugh (repeat every three rounds)
vampires who share the tower with the lich pass the causes automatic fear and horror checks in all listeners,
such that failing one causes paralysis for 2d6 rounds but wooden bar needed to secure the door hangs on brack-
failing both causes instant death; SD +2 or better ets just inside.
weapon to hit, half damage from piercing or edged
weapons, immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear, cold, poison, Skeleton warriors (5):AC 2; M V 12; hp 72 each;
paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psionics; SW if THACO 8; #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
shatter is cast upon the golem and it fails a saving throw
vs. spell then all weapons capable of harming it cause 54. Watch Rooms
double damage, dispel magic of 18th level causes the These chambers serve as duty stations for the living and
creature to collapse for a number of turns equal to the undead soldiers charged with preventing intruders
caster’s level, dispel magic of 19th level or above from entering any of the towers. They are simply fur-
destroys golem; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fearless (20); nished, containing four wooden chairs and a table. The
Int non- (0); AL N; XP 18,000. guards challenge persons they notice passing their post,
Notes: If fear and horror checks are not used (as per with the exception of those dressed as Vecna’s clerics or
Domains of Dread, Chapter Six),have each listener in the company of a resident of the towers. The guards
within 120’make two saving throws vs. spell (Wisdom have not been informed that Vecna wishes the party to
bonuses applicable), with one failure producing paraly- reach his inner sanctum, and they attack the heroes in
sis and failure in both producing immediate death from an attempt to kill them if the heroes do not surrender
terror. after being challenged.
Development: There are ld4+1 palace guards and
53b. Minor Tower Access their commander, who is either a palace guard officer
Access to the rest of the tower can be blocked with a (roll ld6: 1-5) or a wight (6),in the room. If the com-
heavy door. Its hinges are well oiled, and the wooden mander is a wight, four elite skeletons stand at attention
bar needed to secure the door hangs in brackets just against the room’s far wall, ready to obey the wight’s
inside. every command.
Each watch room contains a horn. If combat erupts
53c. Minor Tower Access between the guards and the party, one guard attempts
This is a plain, unadorned chamber. Shattered bones to reach the horn and sound the alarm. If help is sum-
litter one side of the room. A count of split skulls or dis- moned, 2d6+2 zombies and ld6 wights arrive in ld4
carded swords indicates these are the remains of a rounds, then ld3 spectres and ld6 additional zombies
dozen skeletons. If examined by a spellcaster who arrive 1round later.
knows animate dead, it can be determined that the bones
show signs of having been treated in the fashion Palace guards (ld4+1):AC 8; MV 12; hp 10 each;
required to properly animate them as skeletal servants. THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
A successful Intelligence check further allows a hero
examining the bones to know that they seem to have Palace guard officer:AC 5; M V 12; hp 30; THACO 18;
been flung against the wall and shattered, perhaps all at #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
the same time, with incredible force. No threats are
present in this room. (The skeletons were destroyed by Wight: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
Iuz as he made his way to Vecna’s throne room.) Dmg ld4.
Access to the rest of the tower can be blocked with a
heavy door. Its silent hinges are oiled, and the wooden Elite skeletons (4):AC 5; M V 12; hp 16 each;
bar needed to secure the door hangs on brackets just THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld6.
Zombies: AC 8; M V 6; hp 16; THACO 19; #AT 1;
53d. Minor Tower Access Dmg ld8.
Five skeleton warriors stand at attention in this cham-
ber, their massive two-handed swords planted point Spectres (ld3):AC 2; M V 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56 each;
first on the floor as their bony hands clench the hilts. THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
The skeleton warriors guard an important death knight
who resides in the tower (”Kas,” in area 60d); they have 55. Black Tower Access
been given strict orders not to allow anyone who is not The door to this room is wizard locked at 20th level. The
a cleric of Vecna to disturb their master. They move to password is ”Vecna is my eternal master,” spoken in
attack any person who does not wear a holy symbol of any language. All of Vecna‘s lieutenants, their immedi-
Vecna. ate subordinates (such as the Senior Priestess), and the
Access to the rest of the tower can be blocked with a undead lords who serve Vecna in the city beyond the
heavy door. Its hinges are well oiled and silent; the palace (such as Haroln) know it.
Beyond is a circular chamber, the walls of which are The decor is deep reds and blacks, and a red banner fi
black marble shot through with red veins. The excep- turing an image of an outstretched skeletal hand with
tion is a gigantic, white-stone representation of the Hand staring eye in its palm hangs on the wall across from i
of Vecna, on the wall across from where the party enters entrance.
the room. A doorway is on the hand’s severed wrist, The furnishings in each room consist of comfortabl
beyond which a rising flight of stairs can be seen. A sim- chairs, footstools and small tables. A black chest with
ilar gigantic image of the Eye of Vecna is on the floor, elaborate ironwork bearing the symbols of several evi
inlaid in white stone. gods, as well as carvings of serpents, stands in one
The room is enchanted with a permanent sympathy comer. Each room also features a chesslike game boar
spell (20th-level effectiveness) that causes lawful good and pieces, all of marble. The white pawns resemble
humans to want to stay here at all costs if they fail beautiful aasimon, while the black pawns resemble th
saving throws vs. spell. If the saving throw is successful, most hideous of demons. A successful Religion profi-
the hero is seemingly unaffected, but must make anoth- ciency check for a GREYHAWK campaign hero reveals
er successful saving throw vs. spell ld6 turns later or be that the major pieces are carved to resemble common
overcome by an irresistible compulsion to retum to the avatars of many gods of Vecna’s world of origin, Oert
room. Once there, another successful saving throw must divided between the notably good deities (white side:
be made, or the hero is forced to stay. and evil ones (black side). Each game set is so finely
The stairs beyond are not enchanted or trapped. made that it is worth 1,100 gp.
In 56a, the chest is actually a killer mimic. It attacks
The Four Minor Towers anyone who touches it.

The four minor towers are nearly identical in their gen- Killer mimic: AC 7; MV 3; HD 10; hp 49; THACO 1
eral content, with the upper reaches of each tower con- #AT 1; Dmg 3d4 (pseudopod);SA glue; SD camouflag
taining the private chambers of one of Vecna’s favored immune to acid, molds, green slimes, and various puc
minions or the prison of a hated enemy. dings; SZ L (200 cubic feet); ML elite (13);Int semi (3);
AL NE; XP 3,000.
56a-d. Receiving Room Notes: Mimics impose a 4 penalty on their oppo-
These chambers are richly appointed sitting rooms nent’s surprise roll. They are covered in a gluelike SUI
where the residents of the towers can meet with visitors. stance that causes any creature who touches them to 1:

held fast. The mimic can cancel the effect any time it 58a-d. Servant Quarters
desires, but otherwise alcohol weakens the glue in three These rooms once housed the men and women who
rounds, or the trapped creature can break free with a tended to the needs of the tower’s residents. Six souls
successful Open Doors check. Only one attempt may be dwelled here, sleeping on simple mats and eating their
made to do this, and it is the only action the creature meager meals at short tables. These furnishings have
can take during that round. The glue dissolves 5 rounds long since decayed, however, now remaining merely as
after the mimic dies. piles of debris.
Area 58a is the resting place of Xaven and Kyrie, the
In areas 56b and 56d (see below), the chests are locked Mulan vampires from area 38. The chamber is free of
and trapped withfire traps cast at 15th level. Within are dust and cobwebs and is decorated with beautiful land-
kept ld6+1 random magic items, ld3+1 magic items scape paintings executed in a variety of sizes and styles
from Table 97 in the DMG, ld10+5 random gems, (15 total, each worth 2d6 x 100 gp). At the center of the
ld20+10 pp, ld10+40,ld20+10ep, ld100+50 sp, and chamber is a wizard locked sarcophagus. Its lid is carved
ld10+10 cp. Hidden amid the treasure in each chest is a with the image of two nude lovers in an embrace;
jewel of flawlessness. anyone who has previously met Xaven and Kyrie and
The chest in 56c is not trapped. It contains ld20+10 makes a successful Wisdom check recognizes them as
pp, ld100+100cp, and a spectre that appears to be a the figures portrayed. The wizard lock was cast by Xaven
young boy. and has 2nd-level effectiveness. The password, ”For the
love of magic,” opens the coffin.
Spectre: AC 2; M V 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56; THACO 13; If Xaven and Kyrie were defeated earlier, they can be
#AT 1;Dmg ld8. found here, in the process of recovering. With the excep-
tion of their spellbooks, their treasures are hidden
Also in area 56d, a suit of shining black field plate, com- beneath the layer of soil that serves as their bed. They
plete with gauntlets that appear liked clawed hands and possess 13,000 sp and 2,300 ep (all of the coins minted
a helmet that is forged to resemble a terrible monster and used in their homeland of Hazlan), five gems worth
face, stands in one corner. The gauntlets are wrapped 2d4 x 100 g p each, and a wand of magic missiles with 14
around a large two-handed sword. It appears as though charges left.
it is part of the decor, but, in truth, the armor contains a The vampires’ spellbooks are identical, each contain-
guardian skeleton warrior. The skeleton warrior attacks ing the 1st-level spells burning hands, chill touch, identih,
anyone who continues to the next level of this tower magic missile, read magic, light, shield, shocking grasp, sleep,
without being in the company of a cleric of Vecna. The unseen semant, and wall offog; and these 2nd-level spells:
sound of combat brings ld6+1 additional skeleton war- blindness, blur, continual light, darkness 15’ radius, detect
riors within ld4 rounds. The master of this tower, a invisibility, fog cloud,forget, Melfs acid arrow, mirror image,
death knight (”Kas”),waits at the top of the stairs lead- shatter, spectral hand, and wizard lock.
ing to area 60d; if he hears the clanking armor of his Area 58b is the lair of four spectres. They were once
minions, he lets loose with hisfireball attack, blasting it an elderly woman and her three teenaged children, two
down the stairs. girls and a boy.
Areas 58c and 58d are abandoned and choked with
Skeleton warriors: AC 2; MV 12; hp 75 each; dust and cobwebs. They should be treated as the
THACO 8; #AT 1; Dmg ld10. kitchens above (area 57a-d), but there is a 20% chance
that ld4 large spiders are present in each.
57a-d. Kitchen
These chambers have fallen into disuse in all four Xaven: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or (E); hp 50;
towers. The coating of dust and abundance of cobwebs THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
make it clear that no one has been in these rooms for
decades. Kyrie: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 50;
A 50% chance exists that the large spiders that spun THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
the webs are still here. If so, 2d10 large spiders are pres-
ent, as well as the dried husks of victims (2d4 of whom Spectres (4): AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56 each;
were human). There is nothing of value in any of the THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
Large spiders (ld4):AC 8; MV 6, web 15; hp 9 each;
Large spiders (2d10):AC 8; MV 6, web 15; hp 9 each; THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld8.
THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld8.

59a-d. Dining Room time. A large, deep blue gem is clutched in the body’s
Windows in these chambers overlook Citadel Cavi- bony hands.
tius, giving a view of the bewildering tapestry of This is the true body of Meekali, the lich who is
smoking chimneys and black rooftops. Beyond the posing as %nova,” the girl who was abducted from the
confines of the fortress, the gray wastes of Cavitius city beyond the palace. Innova’s soul is now trapped
stretch toward distant mountains. Each chamber fea- within the withered corpse while the lich inhabits her
tures dark wood paneling, red banners displaying the living body. The gem in her hands is part of the magic
hand-and-eye symbol of Vecna, and a large table set jar spell that caused their minds to be switched, and it
for thirteen people, six on either side and a single radiates strong alteration and necromantic magic.
person at the end of the table facing the door. The sil- The girl’s current is being held in place by a variation
verware (plates, knives, and serving dishes) features of sepia snake sigil, cast at 19th level. If the bonds are suc-
beautiful craftsmanship in abstract patterns and is cessfully dispelled, the corpse sits up and starts scream-
worth 600 gp per set. ing, the girl having been driven insane by her
In area 59a, the silverware has been swept from the experience. Removefear will calm her enough to allow
table and lies in a tarnished, dented heap in one corner. her to explain what happened to her: a withered crone
The chamber is scattered with bones of all sorts and a stole her body and placed her in this one.
partially assembled bone golem lies on the table. Development: Once the heroes search the laboratory
In area 59b, three spectres appear to polish the silver- or busy themselves with the body on the bier, ”Innova”
ware while a fourth one dusts the table. They drop what (if with them) decides she has had enough fun. If they
they’re doing and attack when the heroes enter, saying, have not yet met her, she enters, behaving as described
”Good-you have brought our meals!” in “The Living and the Dead” in the Special Encounters
Area 59c is abandoned, with cobwebs and dust over section at the beginning of the palace description. If she
all. fails to convince the party to leave the laboratory be, she
Area 59d contains what appear to be long-dead war- takes drastic measures.
riors in ornate armor, assembled here for a great feast
(though no food is present). Twelve skeletons sit in armor ”Innova”:AC 7; MV 12; hp 43; THACO 9; #AT 1(fists
at a table, weapons by their sides and gauntlet-covered or kick); Dmg 1hp.
fists on the table. The chair at the table’s head is empty.
The skeletons are, in fact, skeleton warriors who assem- %nova” surreptitiously takes a ring from behind one
bled here to discuss the war in the Burning Peaks, and of the specimen jars and slips it on her finger. It is a ring
how they might carry the battle into Tovag itself. When of spell storing containing three telqort without error
the heroes entered, the skeleton warriors fall silent, pre- spells. She then seizes one of the pouches and rips it
tending to be inanimate. The DM should subtract any open with a sweeping gesture, blanketing the room
skeleton wamors destroyed in area 56d from the total with dust of sneezing and choking. She then teleports away.
here. The skeleton warriors arise swiftly and attack if “Innova” returns one more time at some moment
they are attacked, if the party expresses an interest in selected by the DM, later during the adventure. She will
attacking Vecna, or if anything in the room is disturbed. be under the effects of stoneskin (cast at 19th level),
wearing a black robe ofthe archmagi and armed with a
Spectres (4): AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56 each; staff of the magi. ”Hi, friends,” she says cheerfully, start-
THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. ing her attack. ”Let’s play!”
”Innova” fights without fear or morale checks until
Skeleton wamors (12):AC 2; MV 12; hp 72 each; her stolen body dies. Her awareness is then transported
THACO 8; #AT 1;Dmg ld10. back to her phylactery, which is contained at her true
home (an unassuming third-floor storage room in the
60a. Lich’s Lair jumble of residences within Citadel Cavitius).It is care-
This chamber is a well-equipped wizard and alchemical fully protected with a range of anti-divination spells of
laboratory. Books and carefully sealed pouches and the DMs choosing.
specimen jars (which contain a variety of more or less Since the lich’s lair within Vecna’s palace amounts to
disgusting samples and spell components)crowd little more than a workshop, there is not much here by
shelves, while the surface of several workbenches con- normal lich standards. The books are nonmagical, deal-
tain elaborate distilleriesmade from platinum and gold. ing with various theories on necromantic and summon-
On a bier at the center of the room is a withered ing magic; none of these books covers the alterations to
corpse in black robes. The body is contained in a brown- spells made on the Demiplane of Dread. The remaining
ish energy field that pulses slightly as the party pouches contain, respectively, five measured samples of
approaches. The body appears to be the body of a diamond dust (needed in the casting of stoneskin), five
female, but she seems to have been dead a very long doses of dust of appearance, and a single dose of dust of
- 106
disappearance. An additional three dozen pouches con- es, there is a 65% chance that the spell fails and that the
tain a variety of spell components (DMs choice). caster is subjected to a curse that imposes a -4 penalty to
The scrolls are apparently nonsensical notes in a his or her attack rolls and saving throws, as well as a
shorthand notation that only the lich can understand. A 20% chance that any curative spells fail when cast upon
comprehend languages spell or the successful use of a him or her. The curse lasts until the hero is blessed by a
thief’s Read Languages skill, along with an Intelligence cleric of 12th level or higher.)
check made by a hero with the Spellcraft proficiency,
reveals these to be high-level spell research in progress. 60b. Spectres’ Lair
(The DM can detail these notes further, as desired.) This room is furnished like the living space of a
The alchemical equipment is worth 10,000 gp, but it common farmhouse. There is a rocking chair, a table
is very difficult for the party to carry off something this suitable either for having meals or for doing handicrafts
large and delicate without destroying it. at, a spinning wheel, and a loom. Simple wooden toys
The most valuable item in the chamber is also the are scattered across the floor. A large chest stands
single magical book here: the Manual of Bone Golem Con- against the far wall.
struction. This obscure magical guide describes how to This is the lair of a particularly twisted spectre. He
build a golem like the one encountered in Area 53a. considers himself a family man, and all those he kills
Additional notes on the end pages describe how to become his family. Victims are regularly delivered to
properly enchant the golem so it animates only if the him for evaluation for admittance into the family.
area it stands is visited by individuals who aren’t When the party enters this chamber, the master spec-
accompanied by the golem’s creator. A large supply of tre is spending time with his family. A small spectre
bones, two months of labor, and 35,000 g p for additional (who was once a child) sits in his lap as he reads a fairy
components and materials are needed to construct a tale to it. Two other small spectres play with toys on the
basic bone golem. floor, while a pair of spectres who were once young
The followingspells (which must be cast as part of women work the spinner and loom. If not for the shad-
the process of creating a bone golem) are included as owy, insubstantial quality of the people in this room, the
part of the book’s text: animate dead, symbol offear, bind- scene might almost be idyllic. The spectre treats the two
ing, and wish. (The wish contained in the text is geared females as wife and oldest daughter respectively, while
toward creating bone golems; if used for other purpos- the child spectres are viewed as the young children they
formerly were. Since the master spectre has complete 60c. Radiant Spirit's Prison
control over the spectres he has created, the other crea- The door to this room is closed, but not locked. The
tures behaves as he wants them to, serving as the per- door frame is engraved with magical runes that charac-
fect family regardless of their true nature. ters who possess-either the Spellcraft or Religion profi-
ciencies recognize (upon making a successful
Spectre (master):AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 59; proficiency check) as being part of a ritual designed to
THACO 13; #AT 1; Dmg ld8. confine undead in their crypts. The runes can be negat-
ed by someone scratching them with a dagger or other-
Spectres (5):AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56 each; wise altering them.
THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. Beyond it is a once-elegant b8 edchamber that has lonl
since fallen into disrepair. The c:anopybed has collapsec
Development: The master spectre is not immediately under its own weight, and the vanity . . tne
.. leans against 1 .1

hostile toward the heroes unless they attack first.-and wall like a drunken sailor, its mirror cracked.-Theroom
turning attempts by clerics are most definitely ccmid- is draped in dusty cobwebs. At the center of the room,
ered attacks! The master spectre claims to not know sitting in a chair so rickety that its weight could suppori
anything about whatever topic the party attempits to no living being, is an armored man whose form glows
bring up, except those related to his family (a sul9ject so bright it is painful to see.
about which he will rattle on for hours). He also dis- This is the restless spirit of a paladin, now trans-
cusses the tower in glowing terms, saying that thL e state- formed by his guilt over having failed in his quest into Ei
ly residence was graciously granted to him and klis type of incorporeal undead known as a radiant spirit.
family by Lord Vecna. Vecna, in what his minions at the time felt was a
If this becomes a roleplaying encounter that dcrLOlL mr\mnn+
-6 yryuc, .*-,-,A
.1 V V C I I U I rrr.,..rln
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erupt in combat due to player character actions, it can adin's soul here. The truth is that the Lord of Secrets
do so because of actions on the part of the master spec- knew the paladin had come in search of the true Sword
tre. As soon as the DM starts to grow bored with the of Kas in t:he Black Tower. Vecrla wanted the paladin and
encounter, or gets the feeling the players are growing this knowrledge kept from all iMIho might seek it.
tired of it, the master spectre can decide that the most It has LIXILUA,.",rl,,,:,",
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talkative party member, or the party member with the paladin, and when the party opens the door the spirit
highest Charisma, should become part of the family. He does not initially notice their presence, as he is lost in
says that the rest of the party should leave, as he would self-pityingthoughts. Characters who look into the
like to return his focus to his family, but orders the room as they open the door must make a successful
chosen player character to remain behind. He and the saving throw vs. spell or be blinded for ld4 rounds by
other spectres then attack, either the solitary character the brilliant glow. The undead spirit then realizes he has
(in the unlikely event the party obeyed the spectre's visitors, and immediately discovers they are not ser-
commands) or the party at large. Any surviving spectres vants of Vecna. Although he has long since lost most of
elsewhere in the tower arrive in ld3+1rounds, respond- his paladin abilities, he is still able to tell good beings
ing to the psychic call of their master. from evil ones.
If the party decides to investigate the chest in the "Don't look at me directly," he cries to the heroes.
corner, they find that it contains simple dresses, peasant "The pureness of my soul blazes like a sun against the
clothing, child garments, and toys. Underneath these evil taint of this place!"
items are some exquisitely crafted toys that the spectre The undead will do his best to assist the party. How-
only allowed his children to play with when they had ever, the evil influences all around him, the circum-
been "extra good." There are several beautifully painted stances of this death (see area 61 for details), and his
tops, a jack in the box, and a small, highly realistic imprisonment here, have all left him a bit unhinged. He
wooden horse. Dungeon Masters who have access to no longer remembers his name or even the name of the
the RAVENLOFT Forged of Darkness accessory (TSR W510) god he once served. He recalls that he was sent here by
can use these items as a means to introduce Guiseppe's Prelate Verlamis. (A successful Ancient History profi-
cursed toys into their campaigns, if they wish. If not, the ciency check permits a hero from the GREYHAWK cam-
toys can simply be mundane items with a value of ld4 paign to recognize that Verlamis was the leader of an
gp each, the exception being the wooden horse, which is ancient lawful good coalition that centuries ago
actually an obsidian steed covered by a minor illusion launched crusades against many evil religions.)
that dispels when touched by living hands. (Note that The radiant spirit further recalls that he led a force of
this magical steed cannot transport itself or its rider holy warriors to penetrate Vecna's Black Tower in order
from the Demiplane of Dread.) to claim the one weapon that is believed to be able to
destroy him-the Sword of Kas. Prelate Verlamis stated
that the person who wielded that unholy weapon using -
Vecna’s own hand would be able to destroy Vecna, once reach or until its members are all dead. (If the party
and for all. The paladin had fully intended to sever his retreats, the radiant spirit bellows angry curses, taunts,
own left hand and attach the Hand of Vecna to his wrist and challenges at them.)
once the Sword o f f i s had been secured, but that
moment never came. Vecna’s forces were too powerful, Radiant spirit:AC 8; M V 9; HD 10; hp 53; THACO 11;
and the paladin’s entire force, except for himself and his #AT 1;Dmg ld10; SA blinding rays; SD +1or better
squire, was destroyed even before it crossed the grisly weapon to hit; SW holy water does 2d4 points of
plaza. The only thing that allowed him to prevent total damage, turned as ghost; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fearless
defeat was to send his squire away with the Hand of (20); Int genius (18);AL LE; XP 1,000.
Vecna so it would not fall into the hands of the minions Notes: If threatened or enraged, the radiant spirit can
of evil. He himself pressed on, hoping to secretly infil- use its brilliance as a weapon by focusing its will and
trate the Black Tower and steal the Sword o f f i s , so that blinding all those who look at it. It may use this ability
he might return with another army in time. He fell once per round, affecting all living beings within 25 feet
victim to the powerful magical defenses of the tower. who are looking directly at it. A successful save vs. par-
(It is possible that some players may wonder how alyzation means victims are only blinded for ld4
their group has managed to get so far, while others, like rounds, but failure means permanent blindness,
the paladin’s force, were annihilated before reaching the reversible only by a heal or limited wish.
palace. The DM should say nothing about this in
response, except perhaps to shrug.) 60d. Death Knight’s Lair
If the party is in possession of the ”Sword of Kas” An archway covered by a black tapestry displays an
wielded by the death knight in area 60d, the undead image of a large snake spiraling around a skeletal hand
paladin tells them that it is not the true artifact. He with blazing eye in its palm. Within is an austere cham-
reveals that the real Sword ofKas has been in Vecna’s ber with soot-streaked walls. A large table stands at its
possession for many centuries. All other weapons that center, and upon it is a map of Cavitius, Tovag, and the
have been reported to be this one have either been volcano-ridden mountain range that separates the two
misidentified or are fakes-no matter how powerful (the Burning Peaks). Markers represent the forces of
they might be-created by Vecna‘s servants to lead his both sides, and characters skilled in commanding
would-be slayers to their doom. (This reveals, of course, troops recognize that Vecna’s forces are preparing for a
that the ”Sword of Kas” found in the Kron Hills, in the major offensive.
adventure Vecna Lives!, was not the real item, either.) Standing on either side of the table is a skeleton
If the party chooses to believe and trust the radiant warrior, both of which are studying the map with
spirit, he offers to lead them to Vecna’s hidden library, if empty eye sockets. A death knight sits at the head of
they destroy the runes on the door. Even if they don’t
want to free him from his prison, this former paladin
tells the party what he remembers of how to get to
Vecna’s private trophy room where the Sword ofKas is The false “Sword of Kas” is a longsword +3, +6 vs.
being kept. (He describes the most direct route to area spellcasters. It casts an 8d8 blade barrier twice per day,
70 in the Black Tower.) He (incorrectly)claims that the can dispel magic at 15th level twice per day, and casts
door is protected by the ”two most powerful of all darkness 15’ radius at will. It acts as a cursed sword -3
demonic creatures.” He says that he will pray for the in the hands of an warrior who is not single classed.
party, because if they complete the mission he started so A person carrying must make a successful saving
many decades ago, he will finally be released from his throw vs. spell every day or gain the delusion that he
tortuous undead state. He offers to give his treasure to or she is now Kas the Bloody-handed reborn, as well
the heroes. His treasure is stored in a locked chest com- as being slavishly devoted to the idea of locating and
pletely obscured by cobwebs. It consists of all the valu- serving Vecna. Each following day, the character
ables gathered from his defeated troops by Vecna’s must make a successful saving throw vs. death, or
minions: 1,395 gp, 1,302 ep, five gems, three potions of instantly be transformed into a death knight. The
healing, two potions of undead control, and a two-handed character can be saved by a remove curse, if cast
sword +2 with the special ability to cast knock at 18th before the final transformation. Otherwise, only a
level, twice per day. The radiant spirit does not have the wish can restore the character to his or her former
key to the chest, nor does the key even exist anymore. life. Both the character and the sword must be sub-
If at any time the party threatens or expresses doubt jected to the remove curse or the wish. After being sub-
over the radiant spirit’s good intentions in anything but jected to remove curse, the sword becomes a longsword
an utmost polite manner, the undead being attacks, I with no additional abilities.
leading with its blinding light attack. He fights until he GP: 16,500
is destroyed, or until the party has retreated out of his
the table in a thronelike chair, gesturing at the board. ing on the magic resistance he and his officers enjoy
He wears ornate plate armor identical to that seen on protect them. In the confines of the room, the heroes
the warrior in bas-reliefs in the chaotic evil shrine (area must make their saving throws at a -2 penalty. Once
51). If the death knight has already attacked with his combat breaks out, there is no parlaying with the de
firebuzz, he and the two skeleton warriors stand near knight and his minions, although failed morale chec
the table with their swords already drawn, ready for might save the undead or the heroes from total desb
combat. tion.
The death knight turns his fiery gaze on the hero If the party surrenders, “Kas” takes them to an au
who looked into the room first and says, ”All of you, ence with Vecna. He takes the most direct route to
please enter. It has been many years since Kas the Vecna’s throne room in the Black Tower (area 72). 01
Bloody-handed has enjoyed the sound of a mortal beg- the party arrives there, the events of “The Final Con-
ging for his life.” frontation” unfold.
This death knight is not Kas, Vecna’s infamous lieu-
tenant, though he firmly believes he is. He is actually a Skeleton warriors (2):AC 2; MV 12; hp 75 each;
warrior who came into possession a false “Sword of THACO 8; #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
Kas,” which corrupted his mind and body. He eventual-
ly made his way to Citadel Cavitius, and, believing that ”Kas the Bloody-handed” (death knight): AC 0;
he was atoning for sins against his immortal master, MV 12; hp 72; THACO 5 (2 vs. spellcasters);#AT 1;
became one of Vecna’s premiere generals. While this Dmg ld8+9 (ld8+12vs. spellcasters).
false ”Sword of Kas” can do the job the heroes need it
to, it is not as powerful as the real thing. The Black Tower
“Kas” orders the party into the chamber, then com-
mands the heroes get on their knees and give him a This is the home of Vecna, a perfect replica (from the
reason why he should not kill all of them. He is so arro- exterior) of the fabled Black Tower from which he on
gant that he will even slay clerics of Vecna who have controlled an empire that spanned much of the Flan;
been audacious enough to climb the tower that is home. of Oerth and a number of extraplanar locations. The
“Kas” is also impatient. If the entire party doesn’t get on tower is not set up internally as it was in ancient timl
its knees within two rounds, he lets hisfireball fly rely- and many of the rooms are not currently in use.

61. Staircase ers serving as guides will not warn the heroes unless
This staircase winds its way through the center of the they have been churrned or fail a morale check. Other-
tower, from the chamber that grants access to the Black wise, the NPC hopes to escape in the confusion follow-
Tower (area 55) to the level just below Vecna’s throne ing a hero’s death.)
room. The staircase is completely devoid of light
sources, so the party will have to provide one. 62a-b. Waiting Rooms
Although there are no traps on the staircase, climbing Once, Vecna would entertain dozens of supplicants,
them is not a pleasant experience for good-aligned, or heads of subject states, and commandersbearing status
even sane, characters. The steps and walls of the shaft reports from the battlefront. Now, only a fraction of
appears to be made from black marble, but it is harder these rooms are in use.
than any marble the heroes have encountered and can The chambers labeled 62a are clean and well main-
be damaged only through magical means. This gives a tained. They are lit by a continual right globe at the
sensation that one is climbing through a tube of room’s center, even though this light fails to dispel the
shadow-stuff. deepest of shadows in the room’s comers. Hard
Further, the steps provide uneven footing as each fea- wooden benches run along two walls, and a table con-
tures a life-size carving of a naked human or demi- taining a decanter of stale water stands against a third
human who has been run through with arrows, spears, wall, with a large red and black banner bearing an
or who still has torture implements attached to his or image of the outstretched skeletal hand with a lidless
her bloody body. The walls are similarly adorned with eye in its palm.
the images of hundreds of men and women being Here, there are 2d8+2 citizens (0-level),2d4 Memo-
crushed to death by giant snakes. Each image in this ries of Vecna, and two major undead: a vampire, and a
stairwell is a representation of a unique individual, and death knight. These characters are waiting to see one of
the workmanship is so fine that one might think the vic- Vecna’s top aides or perhaps even the Lord of Secrets
tims were turned to stone, then incorporated into the himself. They do not initiate conversation, but instead
construction of the building. As the party climbs the sit quietly, obviously nervous (except for the undead,
stairs, the light sources cause shadows to dance across who just sit quietly). These characters attack anyone
the sculpted images of pain and suffering and creates who makes blasphemous statements about Vecna, or
the illusion of movement out of the corner of the eye. who otherwise seems to have hostile intent toward their
The truth is that there is nothing to threaten them on dark lord.
the stairs, unless a random encounter happens to be Development: In addition to the obvious inhabitants,
rolled when the party returns to the stairwell after each of these rooms are watched over by 2d4+1 shad-
exploring one of the levels off it. (The DM should do his ows. The creatures hide in the corners of the room until
or her best to describe this stairwell as if the sculptures a fight breaks out in the room. Then, they attack the
might reach out and grab party members at any party while a single shadow flies quickly to the nearest
moment, like the living wall in area 51 might have done, guard chamber to summon help. A total of ld6 skeleton
perhaps going so far as to call for pointless saving warriors and 2d6 wights arrive 2d6 rounds later, in the
throws or attribute checks-but without telling the company of the returning shadow. All undead fight
players the rolls are pointless.) until they or the party are destroyed; morale is not
At irregular intervals, the party comes upon doors checked for them here.
leading to the tower proper. These doors are made from
the same substance as the citadel walls-fused bones- Memories of Vecna (2d4):AC 10; MV 12; hp 19 each;
and their off-white colors stand in sharp contrast to the THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld4+1.
blackness of the walls. The doors are all wizard locked at
15th-level effectiveness, except for the one leading to Vampire: AC 1;MV 12, fly 18 (C) or 9 (E); hp 64;
area 72 at the very top of the stairs, which has been THACO 11;#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4. .
blasted from its hinges by some incredible force.
The other doors can be opened with the password Death knight: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; #AT 1;
”Vecna is eternal,” or through magical means. However, Dmg ld8+6.
anyone who fails to say the password before crossing
the threshold must make a successful saving throw vs. Shadows (2d4+1):AC 7; MV 12; hp 27 each;
spell or be subject to an effect identical to the 9th level- THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 and special.
wizard spell power word, kill. (All Vecna’s lieutenants,
their immediate subordinates, and most of his high- Skeleton warriors (ld6): AC 2; MV 12; hp 72 each;
level clerics know about the password and the penalty THACO 8; #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
for not uttering it. If the party has come to an allegiance
with any such characters, they will be warned. Prison-
Wights (2d6):AC 5; MV 12; hp 32 each; THACO 15; ending hours. As the party enters, one of the death
#AT 1; Dmg ld4. knights fixes his fiery gaze upon them and says, ”If you
leave these halls now, you may keep your lives. Other-
Combat in any of these chambers later results in two wise, prepare to meet your patron deity.” All the
wights being posted as guards by the door leading to undead await the answer.
the central staircase, with two more wights being added In the southeastern chamber dwell ld6-1 death
for each disturbance. knights, 2d6 skeleton warriors, and 2d6-1 wights. They
The chambers labeled 62b have fallen into disuse. attack as soon as the party enters. They do not react to
The heroes can find no sign that anyone has entered the the sounds of combat outside their room, however.
rooms for decades in the dust and cobwebs that covers
the room. Sharp-eyed characters (with successful Death knights: AC 0; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; #AT 1;
Wisdom checks) notice the glint of discarded coins and Dmg ld8+6.
the cobweb-draped outline of corpses. If the party
decides to explore these abandoned rooms, the DM Skeleton warriors: AC 2; MV 12; hp 72; WAC0 8;
should roll on the following table to see what can be #AT 1;Dmg ld10.
found within. Any undead that are present are merely
waiting here, quite patiently, for a chance to communi- Wights: AC 5; MV 12; hp 32; THACO 15; #AT 1;
cate with Vecna or a high-level cleric about various mat- D m g ld4.
ters in town.
64. The Lady‘s Sitting Room
ld6 Result The door to this room is closed, but not locked. Within
1-2 ld6 pp, 2d8 gp, ld20+2 ep. is a room that is surprisingly cozy, contrasting sharply
3 2d20 pp, wand offire (4 charges), ld3 spectres. to the grisly, undead terrors found in the rest of the
4 2d10 gp, 2d10 large spiders. palace. The floor is covered by rugs woven in intricate
5 2d10 pp, 2d20 ep, 2d10 sp, 2d8+2 cp, ld4 patterns, and two well-padded chairs stand before a
shadows (stats above). fireplace that crackles cheerfullywith a blazing fire.
6 2d10 sp, 3d10 cp,jewelry on corpse worth Shelves on the walls hold books, scrolls, and a variety of
2d100 gp, 2d4 shadows (stats above). knickknacks.Also on the walls hang paintings ranging
in size from time cameos to sprawling landscape paint-
Spectres (ld3):AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56 each; ings. They feature either scenes of knights performing
THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. heroic deeds, or singers and dancers.
Leaded-glass windows look out upon the smoking
Large spiders (2d10):AC 8; MV 6, web 15; hp 9 each; sprawl of Citadel Cavitius, each of them in a cozy little
THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. nook containing a padded bench. In the center nook sits
a beautiful gypsy woman, at the height of youthful
63. Guard Chamber beauty, with supple curves and delicate facial features.
Sky-blue banners featuring a red snake wrapped She wears colorful, multitiered skirts, and her dark hair
around a golden starburst hang over each door. (These is tied back from her face with a blood-red scarf. She is
banners display one of the most ancient symbols used breast-feeding an infant, and her face is aglow with a
by Vecna.) Once, the elite of Vecna’s officers and fighters mother’s love as she gazes upon her child and hums
would dwell within these two chambers, ready to leap softly.
to his defense should the Black Tower come under Development: The party members who enter the
assault. Although the furnishings in the rooms have chamber can make Wisdom checks. Those who succeed
been maintained, those who inhabit them now have no notice that the woman and baby are translucent, with
need for rest or comfort,as now the chambers serve as the window behind them being barely visible. If the
quarters for some of the more powerful undead party withdraws quietly from the room, the nursing
guardians of Vecna’s palace: death knights, skeleton ghost does not notice. If the heroes threaten her, attack
warriors, and wights. No human guards are now in the her, or enter to stare or examine the room’s contents, she
Black Tower. looks up, her eyes wide with fear and horror.
In each room are 6d6 chests, each containing the ”NO!” she shrieks. ”You will not kill me and my baby
decayed belongings of a long-dead (or undead) soldier, again, Loran!”
plus 2d100 g p and ld100 sp in ancient coinage. This cry is treated like a banshee’s death wail, and all
In the northwestern chamber, 2d6 death knights, who hear it must make a successful saving throw vs.
ld20+3 skeleton warriors, and ld6 wights are seated or death magic or immediately die. After making this
standing around a table, discussing combat strategy in attack, the ghostly woman falls to her knees in an
the Burning Peaks war to while away their never- attempt to protect the infant in her arms. She sobs, apol-
ogizing to Loran for not bearing him the son he wanted reforms in 2d4 days; SW can be turned; MR 75% (if 11%
and begging his forgiveness, also promising that the or less is rolled, the spell is reflected back on its caster);
next child will be a boy. SZ M (5’6”tall); ML unsteady (7);Int average (10);
If the party talks to the spirit instead of attacking her, AL CN; XP 5,000.
she explains that she is Lyra, the unworthy wife of Sir Notes: This ghost was customized using rules from
Loran of Trollpyre Keep. She says that she believed the Van Richten’s Monster Hunter’s Compendium, Volume Two
heroes to be servants of her husband. She knows that Sir (TSR #11507). It therefore has abilities different from
Loran is furious because she has not borne him a son as those of the creature described in the MONSTROUS
she promised. Somehow, the charms her mother gave MANUALtome.
her failed to work! She describes her husband (the party Lyra cannot be put to permanent rest until Sir Loran
might recognize him as the death knight featured in the has been destroyed, and visa versa. Both of them re-
Special Encounter titled Other Pursuers of Iuz) and begs form in 2d4 days if one or the other still exists. Once she
the heroes to help calm him. is made aware of Sir Loran’s passing, she and her baby
The party has 2d6+4 rounds to interact with Lyra. dissolve into mist.
After this time, her husband-a death knight-arrives.
”Stop your caterwauling!” he bellows as he enters the Sir Loran: AC 0; Mv 12; hp 63 (currently 28);
chamber. ”And silence that disgraceful creature that THACO 4; #AT 1;Dmg ld10+10.
you brought forth from your accursed belly!” His sword
is already drawn, and he moves instantly to attack Lyra 65. Meeting Room
and her phantom baby. Vecna’s high priests and undead lords have policy meet-
If the heroes destroy Sir Loran, or if they have ings in this chamber. Like most other areas of the palace,
already destroyed him and reveal this to Lyra, a look of it is dimly lit so that undead who are sensitive to light
relief and sadness crosses her face. ”Thank you,” she can work here comfortably.A large round table, the sur-
says. ”You must have been sent by the powers that face of which is carved with the image of the splayed
watch over all my people. I loved my husband very skeletal hand with the lidless eye in its palm, dominates
much, so I will join him again, for the last time.’’ She the room. Thirteen high-backed, well-padded chairs
and the baby then fade from view. with elaborate carvings of various kinds of tortures
If there is no roleplaying with Lyra, Sir Loran being visited upon both the living and undead stand
appears immediately after the party has destroyed the around it. Six exits are present in addition to the one the
ghost. As her incorporeal form dissolves for the final heroes came through. Above each exit hangs a blue
time, he bellows her name and launches himself at banner featuring the snake-and-starburstemblem.
them, blind with rage. Loran may have hated his former The room is empty when the heroes enter it, but if
wife, but he was going to be the one to send her to a they search it, they notice ash in three of the chairs and
final death, not these interlopers! scattered on the table. A successful Spellcraftproficien-
If the party loots the chamber, they can collect a cy check by a wizard capable of casting disintegrate
dozen delicate figurines, each worth 2d100+50 gp to art allows him or her to recognize these as the remains of
collectors; a small crystal ball etched with mystical sym- someone who has been struck by that deadly spell. (Iuz
bols of great significanceto Lyra’s people, an oddly and his minions came through this room and killed the
shaped wand ofnegation that features a claw at one end beings they found here, then exited into area 67.)
that makes it easily mistaken for a backscratcher, and a
scroll containing two knock spells and a dispel magic (all 66. The Chamber of the Heart
at the 18th level of effectiveness).The books and other This was once an opulent combination of a bedchamber
scrolls consist mostly of romantic fiction and philoso- and study, but it has been completely ransacked and
phy texts dating from the age of Vecna’s kingdom. (Lyra trashed by the six ogres who are still present. Its inhabi-
and Sir Loran lived in a much more recent time, but the tant, Vecna’s high priestess, the Heart of Vecna, lies on
room became a mixture of Lyra’s and Vecna’s belong- the ruined bed, in no better a state than her living quar-
ings when she and her infant appeared here.) ters. She is barely conscious and is near death. As the
party enters, an ogre is about to deliver the final blow.
Lyra, third-magnitude ghost: AC -2 (ethereal The Heart is in no condition to fight or offer the party
form)/4 (corporeal form);MV 9; HD 8; hp 40; any information. However, if the Senior Priestess is with
THACO 13; #AT 1; Dmg ld6; SA death wail once per day, the party, she insists that they kill the wounded woman.
cause despair over 100’ radius at will; SD immune to If they refuse, she flies into a killing rage, attacking the
sleep, charm, hoZd, fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death party. (Although the Heart is evil, the party is hopefully
magic, and telepathic psionics, use detect magic and moral enough not to kill a severely wounded person
detect invisible at will, use dispel magic twice per day, against whom they have no particular grudge. If they
cannot be turned, her body dissolves if destroyed but aren’t moral enough, the DM might consider grabbing a
copy of Domains of Dread to read up on what the dark Warriors of Iuz, male humans F12 (2):AC 0
powers might offer such bloodthirsty villains.) (platemail,shield, ring of protection +2); MV 12;
The Senior Priestess, if it comes to a fight, battles HD 10+2;hp 55 each; THACO 9; #AT 2; D m g ld8 (long-
until she or the party are dead. She doesn't care that sword); SZ M (6' tall); ML elite (13-14); Int very (11-12);
they are here to help her god. She wants revenge for the AL CE; XP 2,000 each.
death of her beloved. If they stand in her way, she will
take her wrath out upon them. Ogre warrior: AC 5; MV 12; hp 48; THACO 12;
The ogre loot consists of a shattered gold and #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6.
platinum personal shrine devoted to Vecna (worth
1,000 g p in its present state), 230 pp, 500 gp, assorted Treasure is this room is meager, as the Voice (unusual
jewelry worth 11,000 gp, a pearl of wisdom, and a book for one of Vecna's clerics) did not crave worldly goods.
of vile darkness that the Heart had been in the process of The loot here amounts to 200 pp, scrolls containing
reading, three cure serious wounds, two cause light wounds, one
The Heart also possesses an extensive set of spell- raise dead, and one restoration. In addition, there is a
books, containing every 1st-5th level necromantic Boccob's blessed book and a bag of beans. The blessed book
wizard spell in the Player's Handbook, along with all is cursed, which is why the Voice doesn't use it. There is
1st-2nd invocation/evocation spells from the same a 5%chance that a spell inscribed in it will vanish from
source and a smattering of other spells as the DM sees its pages a day later, with the spell simultaneouslyvan-
fit. The set consists of six volumes, and books are guard- ishing from the mind of the spell-writer as well. The
ed byfire traps. At the DMs option, there might be a Voice's actual spellbook lies in a corner, a heap of smol-
traveling spellbook here also, with a lesser selection of dering ashes.
spells that is more easily portable by the party.
68. The Chamber of the Hand
Heart of Vecna, female human W5/C12: AC 10; This room is a bare, unlit stone chamber. It is devoid of
MV 12; hp 40 (currently 3); THACO 19 (16 with dagger all furnishings and other content, as its resident has no
+3); #AT 1;Dmg ld4+3 (dagger +3); SA command need for such things. The bizarre flesh golem known as
undead; SZ M (5"'' tall); ML steady (11);Str 12, Dex 12, the Hand rests here. If the party has already encoun-
Con 14, Int 18,Wis 17, Cha 16, ;AL NE; XP 10,000. tered the Hand, the room is dark and empty.
Cleric Spells Memorized (8/7/5/3/2/2): lst-cure light If the party has not dealt with the Hand previously,
wounds; 2nd-enthral1,withdraw; 3rd-animate dead, the creature is here, battling three ogres. Five other
prayer; 4th-detect lie, imbue with spell ability, repecting ogres and two humans already lay dead, in various
pool; 5th-atonement, true seeing; 6th-blade barrier, heal. states of dismemberment while their blood is sprayed
(All other spells were used.) on the walls and ceiling. As the party enters, the Hand
Wizard Spells Memorized (4/2/ 1):lst-comprehend lan- says calmly, "Welcome. If you will assist me in finishing
guages. (All other spells were used.) off these animals, we can converse. I'm sure you will
discover we share a common interest."
Ogre warriors (3): AC 5; MV 12; hp 48 each;
THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6. The Hand AC 1;MV 9; hp 66; THACO 11;#AT 2;
Dmg 2d12.
67. The Chamber of the Voice
Like the other chambers belonging to the heads of Ogre warriors (3): AC 5; MV 12; hp 48 each;
Vecna's church, this was once an elegant room that THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6.
reflected the dark sensibilities of the inhabitant. How-
ever, it has now been thoroughly trashed. The Voice 69. The Chamber of the Eye
of Vecna lies dead on his bed while a hulking ogre This room is devoid of all furnishings, as its resident,
plunders his body for valuables. Other ogres lay dead the terrifying golem known as the Eye, never tires nor
on the floor, while two human warriors root through feels any need for creature comforts. The ceiling and
a chest. walls are covered with mirrors of all shapes and sizes,
The ogre and the two humans are minions of Iuz 104 in all. When the Eye is present rather than showing
who were placed here as a rearguard, following the reflections of the chamber, they instead show scenes in
defeat of the Voice. They killed him a short time ago Citadel Cavitius and elsewhere in the many planes of
after he attempted to charm the ogre into fighting for reality. The Eye's duty is to watch those beings whom
him. Vecna wishes to help or hinder. The many mirrors
As soon as the party enters, the three NPCs turn to function in a fashion similar to crystal balls (described
attack. They all fight to the death. in the DMG) with the exception that the Eye has a
100%chance of locating targets, unless they are
masked by magic; and those who are being magically
spied have only a 1%chance per hour to realize they
are being watched, regardless of Intelligence. The Eye
can use its baleful stares to inflict curses or use sugges-
tion upon those it watches, as a wizard would cast
spells through a crystal ball, with a 75% chance of suc-
cess per attempt.
The Eye rarely leaves its chamber, as it is in constant
telepathic contact with the Hand. Whenever it sees
something that needs direct attention, it sends a mes-
sage to its counterpart, who then takes care of it. For the
most part, the Eye uses the mirrors to address the
desires of Vecna in more subtle means.
There is a 5% chance the Eye is not present when the
party enters this room. If the Eye is not here, the mirrors
have a 25% chance to act as mirrors of life trapping. For
simplicity’s sake, the DM should make four checks for
each member of the party who enters the room. If all
rolls are 26% or higher, none of the mirrors threaten to
draw them in. Use ld6 to determine the location of a
mirror that activates:

ld6 Result
1-2 The mirror is on the ceiling.
3 The mirror is on the east wall.
4 The mirror is on the south wall.
5 The mirror is on the west wall.
6 The mirror is on the north wall.

If the Eye is present when the party enters, it moves

toward the intruders with a disgusting, slurping sound
as the moist eyeballs that make up its feet rise and fall
from the floor. In their heads, all the heroes hear a dis-
torted voice saying, ”Leave my quarters, or be
destroyed. You are not wanted here.” (When the Eye
speaks and moves, it makes sticky, slurping sounds sim-
ilar to stepping in deep mud, then pulling one’s feet
loose.) If the party does not instantly retreat, the Eye
attacks and fights until it or the party has been
There is no treasure in the room, and the mirrors lose
all magical qualities with the death of the Eye.

The Eye, unique flesh goledservant of Vecna:

AC 9; MV 6; HD 12; hp 60; THACO 9; #AT 5; Dmg nil;
SA gaze attacks; SD regeneration, immune to sleep, charm,
and hold, +1or better weapons to hit; SW dispel magic;
MR 25%; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (18);Int genius (17);
AL LE; XI’ 11,000.
Notes: The Eye can use five of the following spell-like
effects as gaze attacks every round: cause serious wounds,
confusion, death spell, dispel magic, disintegrate, enervation,
finger of death,flesh to stone, hold person, lightning bolt, and
sleep. The Eye is immune to any of these effects if they
should some how rebound upon it. (It is not, however,
immune to a wizard’s lightning bolt.)
If the Eye is subjected to dispel magic and fails its instructed this trio to break into this room and recover
Magic Resistance and a saving throw, it collapses into a whatever items they can. (Iuz fears the palace might be
heap, seeming destroyed. However, ld6+4 rounds later, damaged when he absorbs Vecna’s essence, but he
it suddenly reanimates and begins to stalk its attackers. wants to make sure as many of the treasures within that
The Eye also possesses self-healing powers, regener- room are saved. The mage was told to use plane shift
ating 3 hit points per round following the first round of from a scroll to return home with what seemed to be the
injury. It cannot regenerate fire or acid damage, and most valuable loot at the first sign of tremors in the
once it has been reduced to -10 hit points, it is perma- palace.)
nently destroyed. Any minions of Vecna with the party explain that the
room beyond the door is Vecna’s personal library. All
70. The Forbidden Library others are forbidden to access it, because the dread lord
As the party reaches the hallway leading to area 72, stores artifacts and dire tomes within that were never
they notice a couple of shattered skeletons in partially meant to be in the hands of mortals.
melted platemail. They also discover that nearby walls The heroes now have a choice. They can attempt to
have been scorched by some powerful spell. From break into Vecna’s personal library, or they can proceed
around the corner, they can hear two men arguing in to the throne room to prevent Iuz from adding Vecna’s
Common about who should try to open the door next. power to his own.
If the party goes to investigate, they encounter three If the party chooses to break into the library, ser-
minions of Iuz, standing in front of a door carved with vants of Vecna that have been charmed by the party
the image of the splayed skeletal hand with a lidless eye members refuse to help, while those who aren’t under
in its palm. Unlike other representations,however, the magical coercion might even oppose the party with vio-
hand-and-eye symbol here is surrounded by a serpent lence at the cost of their own lives. Needless to say, any
biting its own tail. All three of Iuz’s servants are human, minion of Vecna encourages the party to proceed to the
with two of them engaged in the argument while the throne room to fulfill its destiny. Minions of Iuz, on the
third lies twitching on the floor as the last breath of life other hand, encourage the party to do the bidding of
leaves his body. the Old One and loot this hidden cache of magic and
If Geral Kher, Lanner Hvist, and Karhk survived the knowledge.
previous encounter with the party, they are the charac- Beyond the door (which opens easily) is a room
ters encountered here. If not, then they are simply a crammed with shelves and display cases. The party
10th-levelmage (who has two magic missile and one hold cannot identify any particular shelving system for the
person spell left memorized), a 12th-levelfighter (with books, slates, engraved crystals, and scrolls that pack
20 hit points remaining) who wears a girdle offire giant the shelves, nor can they identify more than a fraction
strength, and a thief who is dying from poison on the of the languages represented.
floor. The mage and the fighter are arguing about the Many of the texts deal with the history, philosophy,
best course of action. The mage failed to unlock the and military tactics of long-dead kingdoms and
door with knock, although his dispel magic cancelled the empires. However, mixed among these texts are spell-
wizard lock that was on the door. The fighter refuses to books and scrolls that between them contain every spell
use his strength to bash down the door, fearing that he included in the Wizard’s Spell Compendium Volumes 1 4
might suffer the same fate as the thief. (TSR #2165, #2168, #2175, and #2177). In addition, there
is one copy of each magical book on Table 95 in the
Geral Kher: AC 9; MV 12; hp 56; THACO 9; #AT 2; DMG. It takes ld2 turns of searching to find each tome,
Dmg ld10+4. unless a detect magic spell is used to locate them. In
addition to these mundane texts are many unique magi-
Karhk :AC 5; MV 9; hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 1; cal tomes. The DM should feel free to let the most twist-
Dmg ld4 or ld8. ed aspects of his or her imagination run wild when
creating tomes that the party can find in this chamber.
Lanner Hvist: AC 3, MV 9, hp 120; THACO 9; The display cases hold a wide range of items, some
#AT 3/2; D m g ld8. magical and not. Some are trophies from some of
Vecna’s greatest triumphs, while others are kept here to
If given the chance, the two bickering NPCs surrender remind him that even he can occasionally be defeated.
to the party. They say that Iuz and the rest of their party The DM should improvise when describing these items,
went onto the throne room to kill Vecna; the original with grandiosity being the rule. Nothing was immune
plan called for Iuz to use a magic sword he believed to Vecna’s wrath.
was kept beyond the door they were trying to open, but No obvious traps are on the items. However, Vecna
that sword was found in the possession of a cleric treated each object with contact poison (Type M; Dmg
downstairs, so Iuz proceeded to the throne room and
20/5). A successful Find Traps roll with a -25% penalty tants and valuables. Should the party decide to explore
allows a thief to notice this foreign substance. this area, the DM should roll 2d6 for each chamber
There are ld3 examples of every item on Tables 92 entered and compare the result to the following table to
and 96 in the DMG, but each item carries a curse. (DMs determine what items the party finds and what crea-
with access to the RAVENLOFT accessory Forged of Dark- tures it has to fight. In some cases, an additional ld6
ness should roll on Table C therein to determine what must be rolled to see which magic items or creatures are
the curse is.) Each is also associated with some famous present in a room. (The DM should get creative when
event or legend, and a bard who makes successful
Legend Lore checks will recognize the items as such.
(Again, the DM can improve here to create magnificent,
legendary items from everywhere imaginable.)
In addition, the racks and display cases hold as many pletely forgotten kingdom that was
powerful and intelligent magical weapons as the DM
1.. 1 T T . . armies.
na s ancient I . it 1. T.

cares to include here. (We suggest one of every type of that speak of its power
weapon in the DMG’s treasure tables.) However, all are
coated with the same poison as covers the items above.
Each weapon collected by Vecna is intelligent and has a
purpose. New types of weapons can be placed here,
such as Oathmaker, a sword detailed below as an exam-
ple. Other weapons that the DM places here should
exemplify the thought behind the saying, ”Power comes twareness
. r ^ ^
)oay. uutnmmer nas an Lnreiugence or IL ana an kgo
A . 1 1 . 1.. 1 n
at a price-and the more power, the higher the price.”

Placed on the floor below the mounted swords in a reveal its powers only to lawful
random spot is a dusty, mahogany wood box sealed to those who are under its dom
with a complex lock (-20% to all Open Locks attempts).
The wood has been magically hardened to equal metal
+3 (see Table 29 in the DMG), so it cannot be chipped or awful good characters, but is +2 in the hands of all
split open. Inside it is a Cfoot-long bundle wrapped in a .~t.--- l A n - - 1 -__.__ :L
_--- L- LL- I cnI I A_---
gIdIlLb Ute W e d r U 1370 l V l d g

beautiful blue-and-gold cloth that has a permanent bless tile magic, and the same protec
spell upon it (granting the spell’s benefits to anyone t as enjoyed by paladins. The sw
who touches it). Inside the cloth is the actual Sword of caster to-usethe-following spell-like
Kas, exactly as detailed in the Appendix.
This chamber is not entirely unguarded. Fifteen slow hold undead, true seeing, and telepo
shadows that assist Vecna when he is present lurk
under the ceiling. They creep down and assail would-be er the DMG), even
looters as stealthily as possible.
--. _-ail
anoinon rn --- rne nenPnTS
--^_ ----- rnp qwnrn a i m nac
Slow shadows (15): AC 8; M V 12; hp 32 each; enever its possessor makes a
THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld4. trivial, he or she is considered

7l.Vecna’s Private Rooms

These once opulent chambers of gray and white marble
have long since fallen victim to the ravages of time. of lawful good alignment. They
They are all choked with dust and cobwebs, and the fur- )ehavelike paladins in all things, even giving away
nishings are so severely rotted that it’s impossible to tell ‘xcessgold and magic items. The heroes go out of
sitting rooms from bedchambers or libraries. Area 71a is heir way to challenge liars and cheats to duels, and I
connected by spiral stairs to area 66, and area 71c is con- eject the company of evil beings.
nected to area 67. Ancient shields and banners hang 3 Value: 5,000
‘ GP Value: 15,000
everywhere, their rotting and rusting forms bearing the
heraldic symbols of warriors and kingdoms conquered . ..
m e : Any sensime UNI reaaing the above is probably
and destroyed by Vecna’s empire. Vecna and his empire laving a fit right now, thinking of the staggering
live on in legend, but nearly all those crushed by him mount of magical treasure that the heroes are about

are gone forever, and not even the spirits of the dead 3 gather. Don’t worry about it. Read area 72, and all
remember their names. rill become clear. Let the heroes have some fun
Although abandoned by Vecna and his current min- lefore this part of the adventure ends. It won’t hurt.
ions, these halls are not completely devoid of inhabi-
describing the encounters, so that each encounter has a Shadows: AC 7; MY 12; hp 27; THACO 17; #AT 1;
different feel to it, even if it has been generated more Dmg ld4 and special.
than once.)
72. Vecna’s Throne Room
2d6 Result A set of double doors set back within an archway that
1 Here, 2d10 cp and a (1-2) short sword -2 resembles giant snakes lead to this chamber. The doors
(cursed)or (3-6) wand of paralyzation (2d20 are, oddly enough, unadorned. As the party approach-
charges) lay scattered about the room. Dust es, a strange whirring sound that grows ever louder can
swirls coalesce into a fearsome spectre. be heard from within.
2-4 Here, 2d4 gems worth 50 gp each are guarded Under normal circumstances, this chamber is almost
by 2d6 skeleton warriors, which rise from identical to the entry hall into the palace, except that it
beneath the debris of furnishings and attack. is somewhat smaller. These are not normal circum-
5-7 A locked, battered chest contains 2d100 pp, stances, however. As soon as the party pushes through
5d100 sp, and (1-3) nothing else, (4-5) a periapt the doors, the last battle of this portion of Die, Vecnn,
offoul rotting, (6) a rod of lordly might, but it is Die! begins.
guarded by a swarm of 2d6+3 spectres.
8-9 Here, 2d10 g p and 2d100+15cp lay scattered The Final confrontation
about the room. A poltergeist lurks here, hurl-
ing coins and debris at anyone who enters, Beyond the doors to area 72 is a swirling vortex of mag-
each hit causing ld4 points of damage. ical energy, a brilliant and nightmarish sea of color and
10 Sealed potion vials lay strewn about the room: lightning. Every hero who enters must make a saving
ld4 potions of healing, ld4 potions of youth, and throw vs. spell with a -4 penalty. Those who fail can do
2d4 potions ofpoison, all brewed as part of nothing but remain immobile for 2d6 rounds. After that
Vecna’s quest for lichdom, then forgotten. time, these characters receive another saving throw, still
Here lurk 2d4 shadows, once apprentices of with a -4 penalty, but it can be offset by Wisdom bonus-
Vecna, who each retain the ability to cast two es. This continues until the encounter is over, or until all
hold person, magic missile, and sleep spells every characters have successfully saved.
day. If a hero is outfitted himself with both the Hand of
11 Here, 2d6 gems worth 10 g p each are hidden. Vecna and the Sword o f k s , that hero need not make a
Roll ld6: (1-3) a skeleton warrior rises from saving throw. If the hero carries only one or the other
the debris, (4-6) no creature is present. artifact, no penalties are applied to the saving throw.
12 No treasure is present, but 3d10 skeleton war- Heroes who successfully make the saving throw can
riors rise from the debris, while 2d8 shadows react immediately in whatever way they wish to the fol-
swoop down from above. lowing scene.

Spectres: AC 2; MY 15, fly 30 (B); hp 56; THACO 13;

A large room lies before you. Scintillating colors
#AT 1;Dmg ld8.
seem to engulf the chamber, spinning in wild kalei-
doscope patterns, appearing at once like beams of
Skeleton warriors: AC 2; MV 12; hp 72; THACO 8; light and sheets of material carrying on an invisible
#AT 1; Dmg ld10. maelstrom.
Nonetheless, you see that the room shares many
Poltergeist:AC 10; MV 6; HD K; THACO 15; #AT 1; of the features of the chamber you entered when you
Dmg nil; SA victim struck must successfully save vs. first stepped into Vecna’s palace. The walls are cov-
spell or flee in fear for 2d12 rounds, with 50% chance of ered in murals displaying Vecna’s armies waging
dropping carried items; SD invisibility, silver or magical bloody battles against forces of knights and priests.
weapons to hit; SW can be turned as ghoul, repelled by You see before you a small, high-ceiling chamber
holy water; SZ M (6’ tall); ML average (10); Int low (6); with the bodies of ogres and humans scattered
AL LE; XP 120. across the floor amid piles of shattered skeletons.
Notes: This undead being was an unwise thief slain Ogres and a small group of humans stand trans-
here less than a year ago, on a failed mission to steal fixed, though some notice your party and seem alert.
from Vecna’s hoard. She is bitter and enraged at the One of the humans turns to face you, a dark expres-
sight of anyone else who might enter here, but she will sion on his gore-spattered face, his hand gripping a
not attack undead beings or anyone who seems to be a holy symbol of Iuz around his neck. “Stay out of
cleric of Vecna. this,” he hisses, ”or you will die.”

Beyond that man, against the far wall, is the
Spider Throne of Vecna. On the steps before the
Spider Throne stands a bent, ugly old man dressed
in black. Sweat beads on his forehead as he slashes
with a short sword at the colors spinning around
him. His left eye glows with an intense red light that
seems to cut through the waves of color as easily as
his sword. The sword he wields appears to be the
Sword of Kas.
Your eyes now fall upon the spot from which the
room-filling colors emanate. Seated upon the Spider
Throne is a hideous figure: a robe-clad, decaying
skeleton with a single eye that glows with unearthly
malevolence. The undead creature traces glowing
symbols and patterns in the air, making arcane ges-
tures with his right hand. His left arm, on one arm of
the throne, ends in a withered stump.

The party has come upon the supreme battle between

Vecna and Iuz, as the Old One struggles to overcome
the Lord of Dark Secrets. There are 2d6+10 surviving
ogres in the chamber, all loyal to Iuz. They seem trans-
fixed and paralyzed by the scene of the two
demigods, but they move to attack the party if the
heroes try to approach the Spider Throne, fighting to
the death. (The struggle between Iuz and Vecna is lit-
erally causing the demiplane to come undone in a
localized area.)

Ogre warriors (2d6+10):AC 5; MV 12; hp 48 each;

THACO 12; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6.

There are two distinctly different ways this scene can

play itself out. The party can either stand by and watch
things unfold, or they can intervene on behalf of one
god or the other. Many groups might also execute some
mixture of these two options. This is a fluid encounter,
so these are to a large extent guidelines for how the
scene might play out, and sample descriptions to help
with the staging. The DM should always be prepared to
modify descriptions and NPC actions based on what
the player characters do.
If the party doesn’t intervene, the two demigods
struggle for 10 rounds, and Iuz forces his way through
the magical barrier, slowly and with painful effort. He
slashes again, dispelling all the waves of color in the
room. At the end, the following happens:

A look of disbelief appears on Vecna’s withered fea-

tures, as Iuz raises the sword, brings it down in a
dreadful arc-
- o n l y to see its blade shatter against Vecna’s

If they don’t have a relic or artifact of Vecna, they mu$
The Old One stands as though transfixed. He kneel before Vecna’s throne.
can’t even muster a surprised gasp as he stares at the The exception to this is any character wielding the
bladeless hilt in his hand. Vecna, however, rises to
Sword o f a s . That character is free to attack or take
his feet.
whatever action he or she had intended. Nonetheless,
”You were always feebleminded and weak, Iuz,”
will be too late. As the character attacks Iuz, Vecna, or
Vecna says, his voice sounding not like a single man
but rather like a thousand whispering voices speak- any other target, the following happens:
ing in unison. ”You inherited your father’s brains
and scope of vision, and it shows. But now you will Iuz’s body dissolves into smoking ash and a final
pay the price for your arrogance and stupidity.” few wisps of flame that spin upward through the air
Vecna places his right hand on Iuz’s balding pate, The ash and flame merge to form a ghostly hand on
and the other god bursts into flames. He screams. Vecna’s left wrist stump. Nothing remains of the Olc
The flames seem to be drawn to Vecna’s body, disap- One but a small, black gem where he stood.
pearing into his empty eye socket. Within a split second, the decaying, rotting form
that had been struggling with Iuz is transformed
into a tall, dark-haired man with handsome features
Any followers of Iuz with the party, as well as any sur- His eyes glow with an unholy red fire, and a cold,
viving adventurers and ogres, immediately rush for- humorless grin appears on his face. ”You have lost!
ward to assist their god. As they do, the dead ogres You have all lost!,” he bellows.
spring back to life and attack their former comrades.
They also attack any nontransfixed party members; the
one exception being anyone bearing the true Sword of The black gem that lies where Iuz once stood is the tn
Kus or having a part of Vecna’s body attached to them or Eye of Vecna, which Iuz carried with him to this demi-
within them. These characters will be ignored by the plane.
resurrected ogres, and they are free to do whatever they Vecna is on the verge of becoming a full god. The
please. transformed archlich raises his hands in a triumphant
If the characters seem to be slow on realizing what is gesture, ignoring any attacks leveled against him. Thc
happening, they may roll Intelligence checks. Basically, swirling colors cease as the walls of the throne room
Iuz is being absorbed by Vecna instead of the other way dissolve into thousands of black birds. Their shrieks a
around. Vecna is about to emerge as a far more power- deafening as they are suddenly blown away by hurri-
ful being than he has ever been before. One of Iuz’s sup- cane-force winds, tumbling uncontrollably toward
porters, or some other NPC may also call this out, storm clouds that fade rapidly into a white mist.
hoping to spur one of the unengaged heroes to action: “You, you hidden powers of this hell, you can con-
”For the sake of the universe, you cannot let Vecna tain me no longer!’’ Vecna roars, his voice thundering
become more powerful than he already is! Stop him! against the gale. ”Your secrets and powers are now
Kill him!Use the Sword ofKas! Do something!” mine to command! It will be I who reshapes all of cre-
If the hero carrying the Sword o f b s does not take ation-in my own image!”
action, then the artifact compels the hero to attack At this point, nothing can harm Vecna but a hero
Vecna. The events described below start to unfold. wielding the Sword of Kus in the Hand of Vecna. (The
If the party intervenes at any time before 10 rounds Whispered One ignores all other attackers.) If any suc
have passed, or once they move into attack one or both person lands a blow against Vecna, he gets the
of the gods once Vecna starts to absorb Iuz, Vecna ges- demigod’s full attention.
tures at Iuz (or releases him from his grasp, causing the
other demigod to collapse on the floor). Iuz’s body con-
Vecna stumbles backward from your mighty blow,
tinues (or starts) to burn as his mouth opens and closes
his right hand going to the bleeding gash your bladc
in a now-silent scream. His essence continues to flow
opened. His face grows dark, and he curses you in a
into Vecna’s empty eye socket, which is now starting to language you do not understand, though his very
glow with a hellish light, like his other eye. Vecna then words make your bones tremble. Suddenly, the flooi
gestures at his attackers, hissing, ”Spare me your pitiful beneath your feet vanishes and you fall into a black
attempts at resistance.’’ pit that goes on forever and ever.
With these words, the characters who have bits of
Vecna within their bodies must roll saving throws vs.
spell at -15 (includes all penalties), with Magical No magic item, spell, or power can stop the hero’s
Defense Adjustment bonuses (or penalties) offsetting plunge. To the eyes of all comrades, the hero vanishes
some of the penalty. If they fail, they turn on one anoth- without warning or trace, dropping through the floor
er. If they succeed, they can act as they had intended to. itself.
After a moment, Vecna turns to the rest of your
party. He is confident and calm, in full command.
”I am done here,” he says. ”The godlings who
played at rulership here will trouble me no more,
and this little reality is but one of many that will be
destroyed in but moments. It has always been my
destiny to be the master of all that is, was, or will be.
With the aid of the Serpent, I will undo what has
been and is now, and I shall master all that will be.
You no longer concern me. Farewell, heroes. We will
not meet again.”
Suddenly, everything around you dissolves into
mist. You, along with the survivors of Iuz’s strike
force, plunge uncontrollably downward into a bot-
tomless abyss.
Vecna has triumphed.

What of Those Pesky Items from Area 70?

When Vecna ascends to his new form and the heroes
find themselves falling, the items that the heroes may
have taken from area 70 disappear! When the heroes
find themselves in Sigil (Book Three), the DM should
roleplay the situation out. If the heroes would notice the
absence of an item right away, then point it out to them.
Otherwise, let them realize what has happened the first
time they think to ask about an item from area 70.

Now What9
The campaign continues in Book Three, with the party’s
actions deciding the fate of all reality.

What of the perniplane and the

park Powers9
The reality Vecna referred to was the cluster called the
Burning Peaks (the domains of Cavitius and Tovag).
Essentially, despite being part of the same demiplane,
each domain in Ravenloft is treated as though it is its
own separate plane. The rest of the islands and the core
domains of the setting have survived the demigod’s
escape-unless the DM wishes otherwise. Maybe
Vecna’s escape shatters domain boundaries everywhere
in the demiplane, and the great evil beings that were
imprisoned by the dark powers in the Mists return to
the worlds from whence they came. Even if the party
survives to the very end of Die, Vecna, Die!, great evils
would once more roam the lands of their home world.
(The rest of the RAVENLOFT setting is described in
Domains of Dread.)

Book Three:
c i t y of Doors I ise l t l lrv
Ul V U U S . DUL V t X l l d . IllCdllldLllLY
' v " dS d LIUe l-UWt!I.
Sigil, called the City of Doors, lies well outside the I in Sigil-what gives? It comes down to a conflu-
worlds of the Prime Material Plane and its connective ence of unique circumstances engineered and nur-
tissue of ethereal mist. Sigil is found far beyond the na. His plan (see Adventure
pure planes from which all elements are born, and took an age to formulate, and another
shares little with the countless demiplanes that float like L L _ ~ . - c_ . . _
J I - __
..I . . _r_ _ _
to execute. inrvrrneu oy me very rorce or magic irseir,
r .. .. 1.-

islands in the ethereal immensity. The City of Doors Vecna wove a tapestry of detail, arcane props, and
rises from the interior of a celestial ring that spins in raw power that deposited him in the City of Doors,
place over the infinite Outer Planes. Home to the " " e l l l u 1 C e u v v Ute e s l l V l l l d u C

Powers of the multiverse, the Outer Planes and their Pain. In a sense, Vecna cheated.
divine populations are difficult if not impossible to ough he stole the power of another god, Iuz, to
comprehend or even summarize. However, despite alyze his own full ascension, Vecna's power
some philosophies to the contrary, the Outer Planes waxed over a period of time-at the moment he
have a crux, and Sigil is it. stepped into Sigil, he wasn't strictly a demigod or a
god. Moreover, Vecna didn't use a portal created by
Sigil's protector, the Lady of Pain, to enter the city.
Getting to 5igil via Ravenloft Instead, he used his unique position as a waxing
& ~ ____ - :n
-I_-- - r n .._. 2 w-1.
p w e r 2111 t11e uerniysdne vr vreaa. laKing aavanrage
Vecna has absorbed the essence of Iuz, and he is on his 1 ,

way to full godly ascension. Drawing on knowledge of its unique properties, Vecna warped, twisted, and
imparted by the Serpent and energized by his growing forced the entire plane into a wholly new configura-
divinity, Vecna contorts the misty fabric of Ravenloft tion. That temporary contortion was the funnel that
itself, using it to bridge the gap between the prison _ _ _ - _ L - J - J - - - ...r -
puricneu a uovrway ror vecna inroTI . . tne., sigii.
n . ., ,-. ail,
1 11

plane and the City of Doors. Bypassing wards set by a as a student of the Serpent knows, Sigil is the found-
power equal to the Serpent, Vecna the Divine arrives in ing stone of the multiierse, upon which the current
Sigil despite the ban against gods, which has stood for planar structure is built and buttressed.
time immemorial.
Player characters and NPCs who possess the Hand of
Vecna or any minor Vecnan relic are invariably drawn stretches space and time like taffy, and no matter how
over the collapsing rift in Vecna's wake. The connection soon the heroes follow after Vecna's departure, they
arrive 3d4 days after Vecna himself first puts foot to
Sigil. Any heroes who don't possess a bit of Vecna might
find themselves separated from those who do. Dungeon
Masters should call for Dexterity checks with a -4
penalty before beginning this section. Those who suc-
ceed at the check can make a grab for another character.
Those who don't land 5d10 yards away from those who
possess a Vecnan relic or artifact. The Dungeon Master
should be prepared to roleplay one-on-one with each
separated person until the group can meet up with any
lost members.

First fiteps in 5igil

The player characters' arrival in the City of Doors could
be disorienting to any who have previously avoided
touring the self-proclaimed nexus of the planes. Heroes
appear on the Sigil Overview Map at the position
marked PCs' first steps. The Overview Map shows
only a small portion of the overall city.
The heroes' arrival is violent, and involves an explo-
sive exhalation from a space-time rip that was almost
healed from Vecna's arrival. Heroes take 2d4 points of


damage from this rocky transition, and must succeed at

Larger and more enigmatic structures are visible
saving throws vs. paralyzation to avoid a fall.
here and there in the receding distance, partially
When heroes have the chance, they discover they are cloaked by smoke and fog. In fact, it appears as if the
standing (or lying) in the street of a large and oddly city is built beneath a massive arch, the arms of
constructed city. Though the city is passing strange, a which reach up on either side from broad and smog-
nearby path of destruction is also immediately obvious. cloaked bases. It almost appears as if buildings are
built on the arch’s underside, as well as up the side
Buildings barnacled with ostentatious metallic of the narrowing columns. . . .
blades and stone spikes line a wide cobblestone
boulevard. Sculpted faces and gargoylelike figures
Heroes unfamiliar with the toruslike structure of Sigil
perch over every door, pillar, and rainspout. Fanciful
iron grillwork covers many windows, and evil-look- may choose to accept the illusion of the arch; however,
ing vines sporting serrated leaves grow wild in the scrutiny is sufficient for the DM to confirm any PC’s
shadowed side streets. Despite the unique designs, suspicion, if tendered, that they now stand on the inte-
the surrounding buildings are in good condition, rior of a city-size ring. Beyond the ring, from what can
save for a swath of utter destruction that has mowed be descried through ubiquitous smog, is an open noth-
down a 200-foot-wide path through the heart of a ingness.
block of buildings. The swath still glows with the Besides architecture, the heroes also begin to notice a
residue of a massive power release. The path created few citizens of the City of Doors. Despite the wide
by the swath leads off into the city, in the direction of streets suited to heavy traffic, the nearby area is almost
a distant braided pillar of smoke and fire. deserted. But a few small groups of darkly garbed but
heavily ornamented citizens are visible, huddled
together, speaking earnestly. Of these groups, no one
Though the path of destruction is obviously important, apparently noticed the heroes’ entrance. The most
even a few more moments of casual observation reveals common locals include humans, emaciated humans
other oddities of the city. (really githzerai), elves, centaurlike creatures (called
bariaur), and humans who look as if they have a taint of
the infernal about them (called tieflinns). Thounh dis-

1 (called the cant) that the UM may mcorporate durmg
conversations,if desired. Denizens of other planes
merely visiting Sigil do not use slang, unless they’
set up kip (settled).Certainly Vecna, should the heroes
get in a few words with the waxing Power, does not.
Citizens who have to explain too much to the PCs
begin to refer to them as clueless (new to the planes).

Addle-cove = Idiot Garnish = Bribe

Barmy = Insane
Basher = Person
Berk = Fool
Blood = Respected Person
Bub = Alcohol
Cage, the = Sigil Screed = Annoying tirade
Chant, the = News Sod = Unfortunate

Cutter = Resourceful Person

Dark = Secret
Dead-book = Death

parate in race, all mingle normally, and heroes who do

not wish to call attention to themselves are better off
treating these races as normal citizens.

The Lay of the c i t y

Sigil is a bewildering city for the uninitiated. Luckily,
the heroes have a fairly clear lead, in the form of the
swath of destruction and the pillar of smoke and fire,
allowing them the luxury of bypassing timely and prob-
ably confusing research. The swath of destruction leads
directly to the Armory, the location from which Vecna
has chosen to implement his terrible scheme. Still, the
heroes are likely to run into, question, or accost Sigil
natives who they come across. In fact, attempting to
cross to the Armory via the swath isn’t without risk,
and heroes may wish to use the surrounding streets to
reach their goal (see ”The Armory” below).
Information presented here should both aid the DM
who desires more background information on the city of
Sigil, and answer specific questionsheroes might pose to
various locals. It may be that one talkative local could
provide all the following information; failing that, the
heroes might piece the informationtogether by talking to
a few different citizens, including Ronnasic or Autochon
(NPCs whom the PCs could meet outside the Armory).

Vecna under Fire

While Vecna cannot view the heroes until they reach
area 28, their implied threat immediately appears to the
waxing god as he physically senses them for the first
ruptions first hand. Roll a ld20 to check for a distur- hours, or when the DM decrees), time has run out on
bance; on 1-10, a disturbance affects the heroes (cross- the heroes. Refer to the Conclusions section for informa-
reference the number rolled on the following table). tion on dealing with this terrible outcome.
Even when heroes are inside, the effects noted below
continue outside. Heroes can observe or feel these Sigil Disruption Table
effects indirectly; however, disregard incidences of static D20 Disruption
encounters (casualties of any type) and reroll the dice. 1 Green Hail
2 Frozen Casualties
Time Is Running Out 3 Cagequake
Initially, check for disruptions every 3 hours. After 24 4 Sodkiller Gang
hours, check every 2 hours; after 48 hours, check every 1 5 Searing Wind
hour; after 72 hours, check every half hour; and so on. 6 Melted Casualties
Should the checks occur every minute or less (after 192 7 Plague of Ravens
8 MephitMob
9 Darkblight
Testimonials on Vecna's Arrival 10 Rampaging Fiend
11-20 No Disruption, for now. . .
'It looked like a ghostly mete
it streaked across the black sky. It touche Green Hail: Frigid hail beats down, originating from
.. ...e . ..
rioht n s r e r there \Nhnre i t tniirhnn d n ~ ~amI)nx.&rnr beyond the torus, freezing solid upon contact with the
d forth! A POWER! I'm not barm brick and stone of the city streets, and doing ld2 points
real, live GOD walked into Sigil, of damage per turn to exposed creatures. The hail falls
wards and the Lady herself!" for ld4 hours before slackening.
eards say it's some mol Frozen Casualties: The growing incidence of icy
green hail has its victims, which heroes note in passing.
Two unmoving bariaur (centaurlike NPCs) huddle
unmoving in the lee of a building. The rime of greenish
ice that coats both victims enforces their rigid posture.
e intruder, 30 feet tall, ju Cagequake:A localized tremor rips the street and
nearby buildings in a radius of 50 feet (which includes
the Lady's Ward. His power was unstoppable the heroes). Cobblestones buckle, walls crack, and some
the buildings crumbled at his touch like sand. roofs fall in, sending up plumes of dust and starting
He's a god, by god!" fires. Creatures within the area of effect must succeed at
"That god set himself saving throws vs. paralyzation or take ld4 points of
damage from falling debris or a nasty fall.
a sod would be fool enough to f Sodkiller Gang: In the aftermath of an unrelated
That Armory was a ruin since a shake-up, a faction known as the sodkillers formed. Vio-
uu 11ne l I 1 J I Y"I I', vu1 1 YUCbb I 1 b l l U L L U U l l d l U 1Ul d lent and unstable in the best of times, this group is par-
to rebuild. " ticularly sensitive to change, being so new themselves.
e god wasn't even - - During the time of crises, heroes may run into a roving
bloods, cutters, and bashers-from all over band of sodkillers, who target the heroes as obviously
have set up kip right outside the Armory. different, and so obviously in need of a good thrashing.
Lady's there, with a contingent of dabus. But even
with all that, there that sodding god still sits Sodkiller gang, F4 (10):AC 2 (platemail, shield);
MV 9; hp 35 each; THACO 17 (15 with specialization
The whole ring shakes, more all the time, we've and Str bonus); #AT 3/2 ;Dmg ld8+3 (longsword spe-
been getting hails of green ice, and I don't doubt cialization, Str bonus); SA charm person l/day each;
there's worse to come. One other thing's clea SZ M (6' tall); ML champion (15); Int average (10);
Most of the portals have stopped working. AL CE; XP 270 each.
the City of Doors no longer!"
"Planar structure is shifting. There have Searing Wind: A fiery wind springs up, visible as thin
strange sightings in Sigil. Undead of all steamers of pale flame, raising the ambient temperature
springing up, which should be impossible so far by at least 50 degrees and burning those unlucky
removed from the Negative Energy Plane. Vecna enough to hit directly by a streamer of flame. Those not
going to shatter all the laws of the rnultiverse!' resistant to high heat take ld4 points of damage per
turn of exposure, while those who are hit by a flame
Plague of Ravens: The natural ecology of Sigil, what
there is of it, is thrown wildly out of whack. Normally
sedate insect and vermin populations are agitated,
while the truly dangerous predators, such as the so-
but allows us mortals to come and called executioner’s ravens, become a real threat. A
please. She’s the one who wards S plague of ravens descend upon the heroes and those
entry of gods. But somehow nearby them, out for blood.
things will be the worse for it
,’Portals are the lifeblood of S Executioner’s Ravens (20): AC 5; MV 3, fly 33 (C);
every plane, dimension, or world you can im HD 2; hp 16 each; THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld4 (beak);
ine, and most you can’t. That makes Sigil the SA 1in 10 attacks targeted at victim’s eyes-victim who
fect nexus, probably of the whole multiv fails save vs. paralyzation against a successful attack are
Thing is, most of the portals are closed, p blinded; SZ M (5’ wingspan); ML steady (12); Int semi
by the Lady herself, and all commerce ha (3);AL N; XP 120 each.
a stop! Millions of passersthrough are str
here, as are millions more who were Mephit Mob Mephits are humanoid entities who draw
when the disaster hit stuck out there somew their substance from any one of the elemental planes.
Luckily, looks like the portals that allow outfl Utilized as messengers, mephits of various types are a
of sewage and inflow of air are still working, common sight in the streets of Sigil. Flighty at the best
a few others here and there.” of times, the disturbancehas roused some types into
aggressive mobs. In this case, a mob of salt mephits is
on the move, and the heroes might be their target. Salt
mephits look like grainy white humanoids with wings
made of cubical white crystals. They have large red eyes
and gaping, grinning mouths. Like all mephits, they
more and more folks are going to end u have a breath attack, though their gate abilities are cur-
dead-book!” rently inoperative.
”Sigil’s run by the Factio
of Pain. You can bet that Salt Mephit Mob (8):AC 5; MV 12, fly 24 (B); HD 3;
hp 24 each; THACO 17; #AT 2; Dmg ld3/ld3 (claws) +
mally don’t see eye to eye!” stun; SA successful attacks require save vs. petrification
”The Armory used to be where or victim is stunned for ld2 rounds, salt shower breath
the Doomguard set up kip. They against 1foe within 15’ causes ld4 damage and victim
there, but during the war, the Do make similar save or be stunned 162 rounds, contami-
nate water by touch, can taunt 1/day within 10 yards;
SD immune to all fire and heat, regenerate 1hp/turn
if dry; SW takes maximum damage from liquid
“Dabus are the servan attacks, normal water does 1hp/round of contact;
will is their will. They SZ M (5’ tall); ML average (10); Int average (9); AL N;
XP 420 each.
feet above the ground, just like the Lady he
They communicate with the likes of us vi Darkblight: Disturbed waves of reality destructively
converge to blot out all light in a 1,000-foot radius. The
darkness extinguishes the ”natural” light of Sigil (an all-
pervading glow that waxes and wanes on a 12-hour
cycle called ”peak” and ”antipeak”),as well as all flame,
magical, or even mechanical light sources within its area
streamer (make one saving throw vs. paralyzation per of effect. Furthermore, while the darkblight lasts (3d6
hour the wind blows to avoid) take 2d8 points of minutes), no one can bring light, from any source, into
damage. The wind blows for ld4 hours before dying. being within the area of effect. Except for those who
Melted Casualties: The growing incidence of searing have true darkvision, all living creatures are blinded
winds begins to claim the citizens of Sigil, which heroes (includingthose who rely on infravision).
note in passing. Three cinder piles at a crossroads lie Rampaging Fiend: The portals of Sigil open onto
suggestively close to four other dead and badly burned many planes, including infernal ones. Though rarer,
humanoids (twohumans and an elf). It appears that both demons and devils have passed through the City
they were caught while running toward shelter. of Doors, and some few even reside there permanentlv.
With the current failure of the portals, which are the detect evil, detect magic, detect invisibility, polymorph seIf
only way anything can leave or enter Sigil (Vecna’s (7/day), project image, pyrotechnics, and tezekinesis.
millennia-longplan notwithstanding), many fiends who
were just passing through have been slain. However, a
few of the more powerful still wander the area in a furi- “he Armory
ous temper, including Musesta of the Abyss. The heroes Heroes may approach the Armory directly with flying or
make a tempting target for her fury. similar magic. Otherwise, they can use side streets to
wend their way toward Vecna’s new stronghold,or
Musesta, marilith: AC -9; M V 15; HD 12; hp 78; follow the trail of destruction directly. Those who set foot
THACO 9; #AT 7; Dmg 4d6/ld4+2/ld8+2/ld8+3/ to the destruction find it precarious and dangerous. Each
ld4+4/2d4+1/ld6+4 (tail/hammer +2/longsword +2/long- 200 feet traveled in this manner requires a successful
sword +3/sickle +3/broadsword +1/ trident +3);SA tail con- saving throw vs. paralyzation to avoid taking a nasty fall,
striction, spell-like abilities, 35%chance to gate in 2d10 jump out of the way of a falling beam, or step back from
least tanar’ri, ld6 lesser tanar’ri, ld4 greater tanar’ri or a yawning pit. A failed saving throw inflicts 2d4 points of
1true tanar’ri l/hour (gate power nonfunctional);SD damage from any of the aforementionedhazards.
never surprised, takes half damage from cold, magical The area immediately around the Armory is different
fire, gas, immune to weapons of less than +2 enchant- than areas previously visited by the heroes in Sigil:
ment, immune to illusions, electricity, nonmagical fire,
poison, and mind-affecting spells; MR 70%; SZ L (7’
A massive structure squats in the center of a wide,
tall); ML fanatic (17); Int genius (17); AL CE; XP 23,000.
but nonetheless crowded, field of cobblestone. The
Notes: Snakelike body constricts a victim for 4d6 hit
fortresslikebuilding stretches some 600 feet long
points of crushing damage/round, check vs. Constitu- and 400 feet wide. In the ruins of what may have
tion each round or lose consciousness(Bend Bars/Lift been towers at each corner, massive pillars of smoke
Gates roll to break free). Marilith have the following and fire burn, reaching miles into the sky. A metallic
spell-like abilities as 12th-levelcasters available at will: framework rises all around the building, reaching a
darkness 15‘ radius, infravision, teleport without error height close to 1,000 feet above the center of the
(though it can’t be used at this point), animate dead, cause fortress. Older, rusted portions of the framework
serious wounds, cloudkill, comprehend languages, curse, have obviously been recently replaced with mirror-
which dart around as if alive. Other groups are lucky
bright metal near the top, and form the symbol of a
enough to avoid the few spherical sentries long enough
hand and eye.
to attempt some magical spell, ritual, or other powerful
The field of cobblestone barely contains a surging,
though motley, army. The army is composed of effect. Of these, some shake their heads and move back,
humans, elves, dwarves, plane-touched humanoids, uncertain of their effect on the invisible, undetectable
creatures both divine and infernal, and stranger perimeter. Others, confident that their particular
beasts. Obviously mighty, they still give the central method of putting the death field in abeyance has suc-
structure wide berth, though the thousands of ceeded, despite any visible confirmation, discover they
bodies lying in random heaps closer to the fortress are wrong, like all the others before them.
indicate the army continues to test the perimeter,
and continues to fail. A Messenger from Vecna
The army respects one other perimeter. A wide
clearing surrounds a group of six figures, all of The DM may present the messenger’s message as if the
which are levitating a few feet above the cobble- proclamation had already been made, allowing the
stones. Five of the figures are gaunt, robed heroes to learn of it from contact with any individual of
humanoids sporting small horns. A stream of glow- the army, or the DM could stage the proclamation while
ing glyphs hangs like a haze near them. The five sur- heroes stand outside the Armory, for dramatic effect.
round a larger figure in voluminous multicolored The messenger, pressed into Vecna’s worship since
robes, who wears an elaborately bladed and spiked his arrival, is a supernatural creature shaped like a mas-
headpiece. This is the Lady of Pain. sive toad (a green slaad, a creature of Limbo). It hops
suddenly forth from the obscuring smoke of the pillars,
but stands within the clear perimeter. It croaks out in
The Lady of Pain and a coterie of her dabus servants Common:
stand before the Armory, staring mutely as many of the
most powerful individuals and entities remaining in
”Hear the holy prophecy of Vecna, Supreme Deity of
Sigil attempt the invisible magical ward set up around
All the Infinite Spaces and Every Space Between. Says
the fortress by Vecna, and for the most part, fail. Though
the Lord: You cannot and will not reach me with
legend suggests that the Lady of Pain once belonged to malice in your heart; I will not allow it. I know your
the Ancient Brethren, among whom the Serpent also thoughts as you think them, for I am become a true
numbers, she still faces a quandary with Vecna’s pres- god. Yet my power now is nothing to that which I am
ence. The longer Vecna remains, the more unsteady the soon to reach, when I reach forth from the very center
celestial ring under Si@ becomes. Should that fulcrum of multiversal disintegration and reorder the cosmos,
finally collapse, so also will the current shape and order according to my whims, from first to last dimension.
of the multiverse. In fact, permanent damage has Those who stand against me will be wiped from exis-
already occurred. But, should the Lady loose the wards tence, as if they had never been. But those who now
that prevent other gods entry, so that they might put a forswear past allegiance and pledge themselves to the
stop to Vecna’s machinations, their very presence would one supreme lord of creation may be brought into the
bring down the multiverse that much sooner. In like new world. Decide soon, for reality rapidly speeds
manner, should the Lady reveal herself in her true form toward dissolution and my ultimate ascension.”
in all its aching majesty to do battle with the waxing
god, the multiverse would come undone like a mobile
whose strings are simultaneously severed. So, she waits. Vecna’s toady waits as its words sink into the crowd
Heroes have many options, including turning around with visible effect. Murmuring grows to arguments, and
and leaving, approaching the Lady of Pain, intermin- from there to a single-throated scream of rage. Still, it is
gling with the army, approaching the Armory directly clear that some among the gathering are considering the
(which probably includes intermingling with the army offer. In fact, the longer Vecna remains ensconced, the
first), or just standing and watching for a while. more converts he gains. Converts who truly swear
themselves to Vecna pass unharmed into the maw of the
Watch and Wait Armory, while those who make the gesture out of
duplicity or with doubt in their heart are stricken dead
Heroes who pursue this option observe the continual as they approach the warded perimeter of death.
surge and withdrawal of the army, while the Lady con- If they like, the heroes may attack the offending toad-
tinues to stand unmoving. At irregular intervals, indi- like messenger. Whether they do so or not, another
viduals or small companies approach close to the offended soul moves to attack the slaad in jangling gray
Armory’s front portal. Sometimes, they are chased off plate armor. This being is a warrior named Autochon
by featureless ebony balls about the size of a head, the Bellrinaer, who is intent on destrovine
“ I , ” the Limbo-
born horror before it can return to the safety of its new The dabus, speaking for the Lady of Pain, make the
god. No others currently nearby step forward to offer following speech by using their unusual form of com-
Autochon their aid. The messenger stands its ground, munication:
confident in the protection of its new lord. If the heroes
become involved, see Autochon’s description below in
”I know the shape of things to come, yet this I did not
the Approaching the Armory section. A darting ebony see. Beyond even the devices of the Whispered One,
sphere or two may reinforce the green slaad, as is also salvation is offered. The Serpent’s protege may yet be
noted under that section. stopped and removed from this place that is profane
Finally, it should be mentioned that even before the for any god to tread. You are the first, last, and only
proclamation of the slaad, many ”canny bashers” hope. Only you may stand against this god, you who
decided they could see the direction the wind blows have incorporated tangible portions of this god’s
and decided to join with Vecna. Several such individu- once-mortal flesh. Vecna’s death ward around the
als and small groups have already slipped past the Armory will not stop you, nor can his divine energies
death field under the cover of Vecna’s grace, and are bum you. If the warp and weft of the cosmos you
already located within the structure. Others found wish to preserve, make all haste; remove Vecna from
themselves drawn to Vecna even before the death field this place. It may be that you will succeed.’’
was raised.

Green slaad: AC 0; hp 76; THACO 11;#AT 3; When the Lady of Pain’s words are given and understood
Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/2d8. by at least one of the heroes, the Lady turns back to regard
the Armory. No words or actions on the heroes’ part cause
her to move again until the issue of Vecna is decided.
Approaching the L,ady Should any hero be so foolish as to attack the dabus (8HD
No one stands too close to the Lady of Pain and her creatures each armed with hoo-handed swords +3) or the
escort of five dabus. Since she stands near the edge of Lady of Pain herself (invulnerableto any attack the heroes
the unruly army, the heroes may approach without are capable of mounting), a single glance by the Lady of
intermingling, if they so choose. Pain causes the aggressor to vanish, never to be seen
Aside from their levitating, robed forms, horns, and again (at least in the time remaining to the universe). In
the spray of glyphs and symbols that swarm about fact, the aggressor is banished to an extradimensional
them, dabus are distinguished by a shock of white hair maze that seems to extend to infinity.
that ascends from their heads like a flame caught in
mid-bum. Of the Lady, her awe-inspiring headdress of In the Army
knives and spikes is impressive up close, all the more so
since it becomes apparent that the knives are not a From a distance, the disparate army appears as a uni-
headdress at all, but a natural part of the Lady! form mass; however, closer up it is apparent that the
When any hero bearing a relic or artifact of Vecna congregation is made up unaffiliated individuals and
comes to within 40 feet of the Lady, she moves for the small groups of disparate dress, race, and planar origin.
first time since the day Vecna commandeered the Some few are obviously representatives of higher
Armory. Though she rotates in place to face the heroes, planes and gods (called aasimar and proxies), while
she does not speak, but regards the newcomer for a equally concerned infernal agents are also in evidence.
while. Most give these horn-encrusted creatures a wide berth.
After a round of inactivity, glowing glyphs and sym- All are pondering how to break into the Armory and
bols begin to dance and flitter around the dabus-this is somehow confront Vecna, though no two groups seem
how they communicate, using symbols chosen for the to be able to agree on one unifying plan. Likewise, all
sounds made in a language, stringing those sounds are obviously powerful, renowned, or both, though the
together to form words. Heroes who don’t know this party is unlikely to have heard of their exploits. If
already can make an Intelligence check to make this desired, the DM can throw in a group or individual of
connection. But even when the heroes realize the nature great power whom the heroes are familiar with from
of the glyphs, they must make an Intelligence check to their own campaign. In the end, only the heroes with
decipher each ”sentence” spoken by the dabus, who their relics have a chance.
relay the Lady’s words. Past sentences hover in the air In the midst of the amy, the heroes appear as just
for several minutes before dispersing in a spray of color. one more clot of potential soldiers, should ever the
Regardless of the success or failure of the heroes’ Lady of Pain give the word. Heroes interested in joining
attempt at deciphering the dabus, the attention given other bands can find a group or two willing to swell
them by the Lady in turn draws the attention of a local their numbers, while heroes wishing to bolster their
sage, one Ronnasic, who offers to translate. own party can find many single NPCs (of any race and
class the DM might choose to use) willing to join ranks
Ronnasic of Sigil with the heroes.
1 , , 1 n
H mucn-traveiea sage or great renown, iconnasic nas
.. Should the heroes reveal to a group that they possess
penned tomes on many diverse subjects. As the sage relics of Vecna, most are unbelieving and attribute the
may elaborate when given the opportunity, he wrote heroes’ claim as just one more ”barmy” idea, as likely to
the first, but less-famous, essay on illithids (Mind fail as all the other foolproof attempts to pass the
Kampf), and in like manner he investigated the perimeter that have failed.
. . of.-. r .. . . . .
the feared beholders (ut7sewatzons[etc.]),
,-1 r . 1.

Should the heroes present the Hand of Vecna in a force-

and iust recentlv completed a treatise on the ethereal ful manner, its obvious power can not be denied, and a
sea (the aptly named Guide to the Ethereal Plane). cheer goes up-if the player characters are still not clear
Thus, could anyone really wonder that these great on the relic’s significance, an NPC yells out, ”You can get
events would draw his ever-eager pen? If Ronnasic past the death field with the relic! You can penetrate to
notices the hero in discourse with the Lady of Pain, Vecna’s very seat of power!” Player characters who dally
he moves forward at the first opportunity to offer (DMs discretion) after revealing the Hand draw the
* . 1 1
1 .
ms services as a translator, 1 .
as an ala, ana as a cnron- 1
attention of several demons (vulture-headed vrocks and
icler of the great events unfolding all around. dog-headed glabrezu) who push through the press to
Should the DM ever need to get across a fine PO confront the heroes, demanding the Hand, and the relics,
or make a difficult idea clear to the heroes, Ronnasic so that they may bring the battle to Vecna directly.
is the perfect vehicle, while he survives. Heroes may attempt diplomacy or other bribes to dis-
Perhaps one of the most important point suade the vrocks, but should conflict threaten (or should
Ronnasic can make is an observation: Only the heroes decide to lop off their relics after all), a simple
with the relics may hope to pass the perimeter and glance from the Lady of Pain across the field destroys
live. It’s just possible that if two PCs with relics every vrock and glabrezu in an instant. The DM has no
. . tneir nanas to rorm a small circle,
q . 1 . 1 I . * . tney.* 11.,.
need to refer to stat blocks. The Lady has chosen her
usher one person within their arms through the champions, and brooks no tampering with them.
perimeter, and so protect the individual fr
death field. Ronnasic is willing to test this Approaching the Armory
sis with himself.
See the Conclusions section for additi Heroes who’ve already gained the attention of the
mation on the Lady of Pain, specifically concerning assembled forces through display of authenticated
actions she may take to bolster heroes who return Vecnan artifacts are cheered as they approach the
to ask for her aid after first trying their strength perimeter. Time for the Vecna-busters to shine. Other-
against Vecna, and failing. wise the heroes can make good progress through the
press and reach the perimeter without too much notice.
I Ronnasic of Sigil, male human M13 Nearby forces leave off their own plans to watch the
(Transcendent Order): AC 0 (robe of the arch latest ”berks” test themselves against the invisible death
ring of protection +2, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp field. As the heroes break into the clear area abutting the
THACO 16 (15 with stafofwithering); #AT 1; perimeter, they can get a clear view of the Armory and
ld6+1 (stafof withering); SA spells, +1 bonus to ini- what’s left of those previously fallen to its peril (see the
.. .. Area Descriptions section).
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 19, Wis 13, Cha 14; AL N. Heroes who have not already met Autochon do so
Special Equipment: staf of withering (30 charges), now. He approaches the heroes as they begin to head
wand of lightning (18 charges), ring of human into the clearing. Autochon appears to be a capable war-
influence, 3 potions of healing, gem pouch filled with rior, and he is encased head-to-toe in jangling gray
10,000 gp worth of fine jewels. platemail (every movement produces delicate bell-like
I Spells (5/5/5/4/4/2): lst-armor,feather fall, magic tones). Autochon begs to join the heroes in their attempt
to pierce the perimeter. He says he’s ”Got a canny feel-
ror image, rope trick, wizard lock; 3rd-dispel magic, ing ‘bout you bloods.” If the heroes demur, he leaves;
fireball (x2),protection from normal missiles, tongues; otherwise, he joins the group and fights against Vecna’s
4th-charm monster, dimension door, ice storm, poly- outer defenses to the best of his abilities (note his
morph self; 5th-cone of cold, passwall, teleport, w description and weakness), despite his evil alignment.
stone; Gth-contingency, globe of invulnerability. However, should he win through with the heroes to
Notes: The DM should feel free to use the co Vecna’s very presence, Autochon offers to join Vecna if
gency spell in a manner he or she sees fit before he can ”stop the Bells!” Though probably meaningless
introducing Ronnasic. to the heroes, Vecna grants Autochon’s desire with a
nod, which gains him an instant ally.
Autochon the Bellringer, male human F12, Free Motes of Darkness
League: AC 1(full plate armor); MV 12; hp 88; THACO 9 The original owners of the Armory (the Doomguard)
(6 with scimitar ofspeed); #AT 5/2; Dmg ld8+4 (scimitar of kept several spheres of annihilation. With Vecna’s acquisi-
speed, Str bonus); SD +2 bonus vs. attempts at mind con- tion of the building, the remaining four spheres serve
trol; SW confined to armor, but weight of armor imposes Vecna as a handy perimeter guard, as well as a particu-
at -1 cumulative penalty to THACO each round of a larly efficient means of cleaning up after the foolhardy.
melee after the 5th; SZ M (6’ tall); ML steady (12); Str 16, With Vecna’s godly status, it is only a trifling matter of
Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8; AL NE; XP 4,000. concentration for him to control all the spheres simulta-
Special equipment: Gray Waste plate (insulates Auto- neously, and at a remote distance to boot. Thus, heroes
chon’s ears from cursed bells only he can hear). who attempt to loot the fallen find little of value. Lucki-
ly, the 2-foot-diameter spheres of annihilation, under
Vecna’s direct control, are blind to the heroes, and are
Area Descriptions
not drawn to them. Heroes who successfully shepherd
The following numbered entries refer to the Armory one or two others through the field without a relic are
Main Map (areas 1-17) and the Armory Lower Map also protected from the spheres’ attention. Detente ends
(areas 18-29). if any wizard PC or NPC attempts to mentally control a
sphere (see the sphere’s entry in the DMG). Any such
1. Perimeter of Death attempt that fails draws the sphere toward the offend-
ing wizard at a movement rate of 12 for ld4 rounds.
The press of the surrounding army stands clear of the
Furthermore, the other three spheres concentrate their
half-ruined Armory, giving it at least 100 feet of clear-
attention near where the attempt at control took place.
ance. The stricken bodies of those who moved too
close lie in poses of agony, creating an actual perime-
ter of death marking the invisible energy obviously
surrounding the structure. Small motes of blackness
patrol this inner perimeter, and wherever they come
into contact with a fallen body, they leave behind a
As has long been established, V e i a cannot know,
1. * . .-* , ..
scry, or aivine the presence of his own relics. 1 hough
gaping hole in flesh, clothing, and equipment. etrieved his original Eye through duplicity-
and deceit reaching back over 1,000 years (and with
it, siphoned the power of Iuz), the rest of his original
Though invisible, the perimeter marked by the fallen is motes of mortal residue elude his power. Thus,
real. Any animate creature, be it living, dead, or con- despite Vecna’s convoluted plan and its success
struct, who moves closer than 80 feet to the Armory (on far, by definition he is unable to factor in the pos
any side, above, or below) is stricken dead as if subject effects of his relics in the hands of do-gooders. This is
to a power word,kill, regardless of the victim’s hit points.
No saving throw is allowed, and creatures with magic
resistance must check it five times to finally make it past
the field (no matter how quickly the victim dashes gou b servanrs can mreracr ana a t r a w me neroes, ana
across the field). The death field also affects those who usually capable of alerting Vecna directly on
attempt to teleport through (the original construction of stial Throne in area 29. But even when in I

the Armory prevents easy teleportation, passwall, and f such reports, Vecna does nothing. The
similar magic, anyway). waxing god cannot confirm the reports with his
Any creature that is the recipient of a relic of Vecna ondlv u
o.,--J - ~ ’ Y ” Y it
concoca A
. *Y .
, ic ~7nid
.,& .v
A.111.. -
tn him A n d he foarc thic 17
I Y.Y *I_ALL‘*” U Y Y .“A_.

passes through the invisible death field without harm, In a most ungodlike manner, he attempts to ignore it, v

though warm flashes and hearts noticeably skipping a and thereforeis slow to muster his deienses agains
beat indicate the field is all too real. Likewise, beings rted invasion. Only in the final extremity, wh
who have truly accepted Vecna as a deity to be loved, can physically apprehend the heroes and their
cherished, and served may also pass through the death ics with purely mortal senses, can Vecna respond
field without harm. Any cultists of Vecna that still fight for his continued place in Sigil.
accompany the heroes are so immune. Of course, these s mentioned in the Lesser Known Vecnan Relics
NPCs are unlikely to continue an alliance with heroes on the relics affect only those who wear them
intent on removing Vecna from Sigil. Heroes who merely stand nearby. However, eve
”ferry” more than two creatures without relics through knowledge of one such relic-wearer
the field (by surrounding them with linked hands) hesitate. This was not something h
excite the magic to greater efficacy. Thereafter, all future or in his godly avatar, so he isn’t
attempts to funnel nonbelievers and nonrelic owners uite sure how to deal with it yet.
through the field end with someone’s death.

Though Vecna cannot directly perceive the heroes with 4. Main Entrance
relics through his magical senses, he can attempt to
Half-crumbled and scorched marble stairs mount
regain control of his lost sphere, and set all four on a from a courtyard of shattered stone. The stairs
outward spiral in an attempt to swat out that which mount toward a metal-lined circular opening some
interferes with the perimeter guardians. Player charac- 30 feet in diameter. The crenellated walls of the
ters who are quick on their feet might ignore this blind Armory climb much higher, and high above, some
reaction by blending back into the shrinking army, or older sign has been blotted out by the inscription of
gaining entry forthwith into the Armory. a new sign, which still glows red with the heat of its
Development: Heroes who fly up and over the etching. It is the sign of the hand and eye.
Armory note that the central circular area of the struc-
ture, contrary to possible reports by citizens of Sigil, is
closed off. Vecna sealed the ceiling, as if it had never The metallic portals gape wide, allowing easy access
been open. Thus, easy access is no longer possible, into the darkness beyond.
though heroes could still attempt to excavate a new
opening in the ceiling. Note that except for the central 5. Entry Hall
well, now sealed, the upper sections of the Armory
actually contain many levels of subsidiary armories and Thick steel doors bind each end of this hall, though
barracks, though all are now vacant. both currently stand open. A fine layer of ash and soot
lies over debris swept into the corners and along
2. Pillars of Smoke and Fire walls. Several forms lie huddled against the long walls
of the hall, seemingly sleeping, or perhaps dead.
The four corners of the half-ruined Armory are each
the source of a mighty pillar of smoke and flames.
The base of each pillar resides within shells of absent
The dotted lines on the map delineate narrow spaces
structures, possibly towers. As the pillars rise
that are still protected as if by an antimagic shell. In fact,
toward the arch high above, they writhe and
entwine, forming strange glyphs of uncertain mean- the antimagic effect persists on anyone or anything
ing over the entire city. passing through it in either direction for 3d6 rounds
(cumulative).Thus, no spells or magical effects function
within the area, and spellcasters or magic items cannot
The four comers of the Armory once held towers that use spells or magical abilities after passing through the
may have actually existed on each of the prime elemen- area until the effect wears off.
tal planes. Those towers disappeared when the Armory Development: The forms that lie within are a few old
was sacked in a previous, unrelated altercation. With Doomguard warriors who were killed during the Fac-
Vecna’s occupation, the shells of the towers ignited with tion War that originally turned the Armory into a ruin.
the waxing god’s power, creating visual displays of Despite the antimagic effect, the soldiers have been
smoke and fire over all the city of Sigil. The pillars bum reanimated by Vecna, and they rise like puppets on a
magically and resist any effort to manipulate them. string should anyone enter the corridor. A halting voice
Attempts to gain entry to the Armory through the pillars asks for the allegiance of the intruders. Any response
inflict 10d6points of damage per round, as if wading that doesn’t somehow indicate Vecna invites a swift
through a continually detonatingfireballwith no saving attack by ranged weapons in the hands of the dead. The
throws. undead archers do not leave their posts.

3. Secret Entrance Skeleton warriors (6): AC 2; h6; hp 84 each;

The outside of the Armory is decorated with all manner THACO 11(8 with bows); #AT 2; Dmg ld6+3/ld6+3.
of designs, signs, and logos, indicating past important
clients of the arms’ manufacturer. Most such logos are 6. Exhibition Hall

inscribed within colorful borders of red, green, and blue

Grand decorations and trophies of war appear
squares and rectangles. One such sign, at ground level,
burned and looted. Mannequins, racks, and glass
serves as a faqade for a secret door. The small blue secret
cases are shattered and strewn upon the floor. Great
door is inscribed with a hand and eye over a symbol of hooks hang from the ceiling, though most are empty
a stylized animal skull (the sign of the Doomguard or hold only burned lumps of grease and charred
themselves). The door opens only when pressed with a wood. The layer of ash and soot reveals the destruc-
channeling knucklebone, which many high-ranking tion occurred some time ago. A small fire burns near
cultists of Vecna carry. Apparently, the cult of Vecna had a great iron door across from the Entry Hall. Several
secretly spread even to Sigil. The secret door provides figures stand or sit around the fire.
access directly to area 6.
The figures around a makeshift campfire include sever- trying to set up an easy ambush with the slaadi who
al pilgrims, new converts to Vecna’s religion, that have wait there. If unsuccessful, a sortie of four slaadi launch
found their way into the Armory. They’re taking their an attack from area 8,and after 3 rounds of combat, a
time in approaching their new lord, praying and sortie of three additional slaadi from area 9 join in. Be
singing off-the-cuff psalms with each new room they sure to refer to the Development section under area 9
enter. Of course, of the pilgrims who’ve gone on into the regarding the actions of one of the slaad (X’moorger).
next room, none have returned, despite promises to the Note that the doors leading to area 10 are magically
contrary. trapped with a delayed blastfireball.
Development: The pilgrims are initially inclined to
treat the heroes as fellow converts, unless the heroes go Slaad, green: AC 0; MV 9; hp 76; THACO 11;#AT 3;
out of their way to indicate otherwise. In fact, they may Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/2d8 (claw/claw/bite).
accompany the heroes through a few rooms of the new
temple of Vecna, at least until they realize what the 8. Old Buying Offices
heroes are really up to. At the moment that it’s clear that
~ ~~

The debris of many desks, faux walls of painted lac-

the heroes oppose Vecna, these pilgrims, and any others
quer, countless reams of paper, and miscellaneous
encountered later, turn on the party like a rabid pack of
dirt, rubble, and carrion blend together as a perfect
dogs. example of shambles. Amid the destruction and
decay, small concavities in the refuse almost look
Bariaur pilgrims (5): AC 4; MV 15; hp 20 each; like nests, albeit of very large animals.
THACO 18; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+2.

Lapsed Harmonium Officer, F13: AC 0 (chainmail, If being led by the polymorphed slaad, four slaadi-in-
ring ofprotection +2, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 87; hiding attempt to ambush heroes by quickly emerging
THACO 8 (6 with battle-ax +2); #AT 2; Dmg ld8+4 from a shower of debris, in flanking positions. The
(battle-ax +2, Str bonus); SZ M (5’4”tall); ML elite (13); slaadi in this area include two blue slaadi and two green
Int average (8); AL LE; XP 4,000. slaadi. The false bariaur initially reacts as if just as sur-
prised as the heroes, and attempts to retreat; however,
New Vecnan Specialty Priest: AC 2; MV 12; hp 38; once in a position to act in a particularly treacherous
WAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg ld6+4. manner, it shifts to slaad form and attacks.
In the event the heroes do not follow the faux barri-
7. Slaadi Nest aur, the four slaadi hidden here launch a standard
attack, following the heroes as necessary.
A scorched path leads directly away from the
Development: If any pilgrims continue to accompa-
entrance toward another set of large doors. Wide-
open spaces to the right and left are filled with an ny the party, the specialty priestess and one real bariaur
exceptional amount of debris, shrouded in shadows. stay to help out their supposed fellow PC pilgrims, but
Fresh bloodstains paint the stone tile immediately in the others flee back out to area 6.
front of the door, but of the victim, there is no sign. A search through the room reveals, by the paperwork
that survives, that this chamber once served as a clear-
inghouse for the purchase of weapons of every type,
Most of the mess is from a conflict that occurred close to some of which, if their descriptions can be believed,
a year ago, but the blood is clearly very real. If any pil- were clearly quite magical.
grims accompany the heroes from the previous cham-
ber, they mention that a couple other hopeful apostles Slaad, green: AC 0; MV 9; hp 76; THACO 11;#AT 3;
ventured into this chamber a few hours ago. The Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/2d8 (claw/claw/bite).
screams were interpreted as ecstatic, but perhaps they
were otherwise. Slaad, blue (2):AC 2; MV 6; HD 8+4;hp 68 each;
Development: Two rounds after the heroes open the THACO 13; #AT 5; Dmg 2d6/2d6/2d6/2d6/2d8
door from area 6 into this chamber (or otherwise make (claw/claw /claw /claw/ bite); SA spell-like abilities,
an obvious entrance), a polymorphed slaad moves out each bite is 10% likely to infect foe with mummy rot;
of the shadows (from area 8)and greets them. The slaad SD immune to weapons of less than +1enchantment;
wears the polymorphed guise of another centaurlike MR 40%; SZ L (10‘ tall); ML steady (12); Int low (7);
bariaur. If allowed, he approaches to within melee dis- AL CN; XP 9,000 each.
tance, and says excitedly in Common, and without any Special Abilities: Spell-like abilitiesxan use the fol-
usage of the local slang, ”If you’re coming through here lowing once per round, at will: hold person (1person
to offer your allegiance to Vecna, you’ve got to see this!” only), passwall, and telekinesis.
The slaad motions toward the shadows (area 8).He’s
9. Old Selling Offices
Casual observation reveals this chamber almost indis-
tinguishable from the destroyed medieval office space This hallway is part of an extended territory claimed
on the opposite side of the hall (area 8). by several refugee slaadi. In the aftermath of the
Like on the other side, slaadi also nest here, but of a Armory’s destruction and the displacement of the
higher caliber of power than those previously noted. Faction that owned it (known as the Doomguard), the
The three green slaadi and the gray slaad here are will- empty yet still-defensibleshell was a tempting loca-
ing to let the ambush go off in area 8 for good or bad; tion for those in need of shelter. In fact, when an
however, should a battle occur in area 7, the slaadi here enterprising band of slaadi secretly infiltrated the
reinforce the other slaadi 3 rounds after the initiation of ruin, they found many previously ensconced tenants.
hostilities. Player characters or NPCs that enter this area To the slaadi, they were only food. Slaadi appear as
draw an immediate attack from the lounging slaadi. monstrous upright frogs crossed with some strain of
Development: The original leader of the slaadi pene- hell-born devil or demon. Most also possess tattoos
tration of Sigil and procurement of the Armory as a on their foreheads signifymg past achievements, kills,
hidden base was a death slaad named X’moorger. Like conquests, duels, and other significant endeavors.
the rest of his brood, X’moorger has sworn allegiance to The nature of the slaadi’s diabolical plan involv-
Vecna. However, the chaotic nature of slaadi finds its ing the ruined Armory is uncertain, but now it is
greatest expression in the most powerful representatives only academic. With the coming of Vecna, all bets
of the race. Thus, X’moorger’s allegiance, though heart- are off. The Whispered One dispatched with little
felt, is as changeable as the tide. Should X’moorger at effort the few slaadi who resisted his coming. Those
any time note that the heroes are not really pilgrims, but slaadi who remained quickly swore new allegiance
instead intent on bringing Vecna low, X’moorger recants to the Power who had done what no other Power
his allegiance, and attempts to break off combat with the had ever done: penetrate Sigil.
heroes. Should any other slaad survive, he’ll even fight Now, the slaadi nest mostly in the areas 8 and 9.
his former followers. If the heroes will have this monster, When pilgrims move through, the slaad try to eat
he’ll join them in their quest to destroy Vecna. Of course, them. Some pilgrims are fast enough to get by, while
without a relic to aid him, X’moorger’s great powers will others are powerful enough to stand off the monsters.
avail him but little against Vecna’s avatar. The slaadi feel they are performing a holy winnow-
ing, allowing only the most worthy of new converts
Slaad, green: AC 0; MV 9; hp 76; THACO 11;#AT 3; to seek Vecna at the center, in his newly excavated
Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/2d8 (claw/claw/bite). Church. Apparently, Vecna feels the same way, and
the casual dining on prospective pilgrims continues.
Slaad, gray AC -2; MV 12; HD 10+6;hp 86; THACO 11;
#AT 3; Dmg 2d4+2/2d4+2/2d8 (claw/claw/bite);
SA spell-like abilities; SD immune to weapons of less 10.Tower Hallways
than +1enchantment; MR 60%; SZ M (6‘ tall); The double doors connecting this hallway with area 7
ML champion (16); Int high (13);AL CN; XP 15,000. are locked, barred from within. Just recently, one of the
Special Abilities: Spell-like abilities-can use the fol- slaadi trapped them with a special version delayed blast
lowing once per round, at will: shapechange, flame strike, fireball (unlike the standard spell, this spell can delay up
infravision, invisibility, know alignment, lightning bolt, to 24 hours, as well as be triggered by a contingent
advanced illusion, fear, darkness 15’ radius, and wind walk. action).Any hero who opens the door, after removing
Can use symbol of pain and power word blind l/day. traps and bursting the bar, sets off the delayed blastfire-
ball that inflicts 10d6+10points of damage on all crea-
X’moorger (death slaad): AC -4; M V 12; HD 15+7; tures in the 20-foot radius area of effect.
hp 127; THACO 5; #AT 3; Dmg 3d6/3d6/2d10 (claw/
claw/bite); SA spell-like abilities, on successful strike,
Two hallways lead off in diagonally separate direc-
victim must make a Con check or stand stunned for ld6
tions, but rubble chokes off both accessways at their
rounds; SD immune to weapons of less than +2
far ends. Directly across from the entry double doors,
enchantment; MR 70%; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (17); two additional double doors of golden bronze stand
Int genius (17); AL CN; XP 22,000. closed. Except for nicks, scorch marks, and torched
Special Abilities: Spell like abilities-can use the fol- paintings, this bifurcated hallway appears empty.
lowing once per round at will: shapechange, advanced illu-
sion, astral spell, cloudkill, darkness 15‘ radius, detect
invisibility, detect magic, ESP,fear,fireball (l/day),flame Each of these hallways once led to a special forge. These
strike, invisibility, locate object, phantasmal killer, symbol forges were housed in special towers; however, each
(any l/day), unholy word (l/day), and wind walk. tower resided mostly on an Inner Plane. When the
Armory was ransacked, the connections were cut, and a weapon off the following list. Each additional hero
the towers went away. The rubble-strewn hallways are who searches adds 10% to the check each turn. The
impossible to pass, but should enterprising heroes still number in parentheses on the lists indicates the total
manage the feat, they come face to face with the burn- number of the weapons of the given type that the
ing pillars of smoke and fire described under area 2. heroes can find-once the number reaches 0, cross that
weapon type off the list. Superior quality weapons are
11. Ringed Hall all capable of easily taking a magical enchantment.
The convex bulge of the hall swings out of view to
ldlO Result
the right and left. Burnt tapestries, singed doors, and
1 Superior quality bastard sword (3)
hundreds of nicks and cuts in the tile and wooden
doors are evidence of a battle long past. A thick haze 2 Superior quality khopesh (1)
of stale smoke still hangs in the hall, making vision 3 Superior quality flail (2)
vague and uncertain. 4 Superior quality glaive (3)
5 Unbreakable bowstring (1)
6 Clockwork crossbow (2)*
This accessway is haunted by two spectres of those slain 7 Superior quality longsword, miniature (3)
here in the battle. The undead, as are most creatures 8 Superior quality two-handed sword,
within the Armory, fall under Vecna’s command. Unlike giant-size (1)
the slaadi, are commanded to ignore any creature that 9 Superior quality nephelium short sword (1)**
loudly proclaims its allegiance to Vecna. 10 Baatorian green steel longsword (2)***
The spectres are not immediately visible in the corri- * Clockwork crossbow automatically reloads itself from
dor, but instead they are gathered near the door leading magazine of 6 bolts. The magazine must be reloaded
to area 16. Four rounds following the round in which when emptied.
any hero first enters this ringed hall, the spectres quietly ** Nephelium is transparent iron.
arrive from around the bend, one on either side. *** Baatorian green steel is lighter than normal steel, but
Because of the haze, the spectres are not visible until can be honed to sharper and longer-lasting edges. A
they are within 10 feet of a target. If surprise is rolled baatorian green steel longsword does ld10 damage vs.
for, heroes are at a -3 penalty. size Medium and ld12+1 vs. size Large.

Spectre (2): AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); hp 59 each; Githzerai pilgrims (2):AC 3; MV 12; hp 20 each;
THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld8. THACO 18; #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+2.

12.Unenchanted Weapon Stores 13. Engines of War

The doors leading to this chamber from area 11are The doors leading to this chamber from area 11are
broken and hanging off their hinges. broken and hanging off their hinges.

Though fallen masonry and vandalism has ruined

Though many racks are toppled and almost com- many of the mechanisms, this wide and tall chamber
pletely empty, it is obvious that these racks once currently holds several light, medium, and heavy
held weapons both mundane and exotic. siege engines, including ballistae, catapults, a siege
tower, and other less readily identifiable structures.
Amid the larger structures, smaller cauldrons and
Two githzerai pilgrims currently reside in this chamber, rams are also visible.
scavenging. The sound of a fight in the outer corridor
doesn’t bring them running; instead, they hunker down
to hide, though they eventually reveal themselves to -
Every one of the engines in this chamber is at least par-
heroes who also begin to scavenge. Though of differing tially damaged, from simple neglec:t or outright vandal-
race, these pilgrims react much as the pilgrims encoun- ism. However, kieroes who want to take the time (ld4
tered in area 6. Even if diplomacy wins out, neither of r. .
turns) can attempt a proriciency cneck (Blacksmithing -
these pilgrims joins the heroes on false pretenses. If or Carpentry) to repair a particular nqachine. Howeveir,
X’moorger accompanies the party, his vote is simple: only the light ballista will actually fit. out of the door
“Let’s eat!” (the Doomguard used portals to get h.-....-
e i r gooas
1 . and
A concerted search of the chamber could turn up var- out of here; those portals are current1ly nonfunctioning).
ious strange weapons, if the heroes are willing to put in
time lifting racks and clearing debris. Each turn of Light Ballista: THACO 12,2d6 dainage, ROF 1/9,
searching by at least two heroes is 20% likely to turn up Crew 1
14. Blocked Corridors A search through the remaining broken weapons
reveals nothing of value. If any salvageable weapons
The hallway's far end is completely choked off with
remained here, the loose spheres have consumed them.
broken masonry and stony rubble.
16. Enchanted Weapon Stores
The hallways keyed to this entry once led to special The door to this chamber, though impressive like a steel
forges and associated towers, which are gone now (see bank vault, stands open. The locking mechanism, while
area 10).The rubble-strewn hallways are impossible to devious, is melted open.
pass, but should enterprising heroes still manage the
feat, they come face to face with the burning pillars of
smoke and fire described under area 2.

15. Defective Weapon Stores

The door to this chamber contains three 2-foot-diameter with an inlay of pale blue decorative tracings. It is
holes, perfectly smooth. also noticeably cold to the touch. The crossbow can
fire normal or magical bolts as a crossbow ofuccurucy
(+3 attack bonus).
Weapon-filled racks cover this chamber, though all
are in a terrible state of disrepair. In fact, 2-foot-
diameter holes wend through racks and weapons
. If commanded,
_. . 1 ._. 1 .. -
the crossbow can also fire bolts of
ice that resemble short icicles. I he bolts can be mea I
1 1. . r. 1 -

alike, and have gouged out both shallow and deep per round with a +3 attack bonus. Bolts that hit
concave tracks on every surface. inflict ld4+3 points of damage to normal creatures,
double damage to creatures susceptible to cold, and
only 1point to creatures immune to cold (from the
Hundreds of broken and defective weapons were and
are still stored here. However, the real purpose of the a target with an ice bolt, treat the target as if it were
chamber has to do with the store of spheres ofannihilu- just subject to a cme ofcold cast at the 10th level of
tion the old Doomguard owners of the Armory had ability (10d4+10points of cold damage).
secreted here. By the look of the chamber, those spheres XP Value: 3,000 GP Value: 6,000
got out. In fact, Vecna used all the remaining spheres as
part of his perimeter defense (see area 1).

ny of the spearhead reveals it is forged of red-

tinted iron, cunningly tempered. Though scrutiny
veal this, the head contains a small
I ^t "--L^:-" LL- ---- LA-:- -,.I--"
C U l l L U d l LIILCIIL L l l d L CUILLdllL3 L l l c IILUIldLUIILIL dbILI=> U I

an efreet burned to death by immersion in the

Positive Material Plane. The ashes empower the
spear, and if ever emptied, the spear loses its

ants a +3 attack and

TI o r n c n d in hnth ha
the wielder is immune to normal and magical fire. If
the wielder rolls a natural 20 to hit the target, that
target becomes the ground center for an instanta-
neousfireball. The fireball affects all creatures within a
20-foot radius of the center of effect, inflicting 10d6
Though the wielder is immune, his or her compan-

er can use each one of

r day: produceflame,

their hinges. In fact, the space around the door is cut out
Runes and glyphs paint the interior of this wide
and missing as if by a cookie-cutter press-a cookie-
chamber. The arcane signs are clustered around sin-
cutter press of a humanoid 30 feet tall! Vecna's passage
gular weapon mounts, over glass weapon cases, and
on fixed sheaths. Unfortunately, it appears that every caused this particular fesature.
weapon that once was stored here is long gone.
Gargantuan forges and associated equipment lies in
a shattered ring around the room's periphery. Fur-
During the conflict that brought the Doomguard low,
naces, metal workbenches, hammers, tongs, and
most of the magical weapons stored here were handed smaller equipment are equally bent, mangled, and
out to stem the invasion. When the Armory was ruined, melded together by some recent blast. The blast
it didn't take too long for canny bloods to find and loot apparently originated in the circular pit at the cham-
the remaining weapons still in this chamber. ber's center. A spectral fire still continually burns
No one has yet found the two secret vaults associated there, lighting the entire chamber.
with this chamber. The vaults themselves are hidden in I
secret compartments in the floor of the two secret guard
alcoves shown on the map. This cha:
The two secret alcoves still contain a remnant of the
force that once staffed them, in the form of haunted contained a cauldron of seething en(5rgy used by the
spectres, one to each alcove. Opening an outer secret Doomguard to temper their most pciwerful weapons,
door draws its associated spectre into combat, though though it had been destroyed before Vecna's arrival. I

the spectres make their initial attacks right through the When the new god arrived, he was G i a v v i i cu IcJIu-

opening door, in hopes of gaining surprise level drains. ual energy of the forge. Vcxna rekknciled the forge with a
Both secret vaults are trapped with poison needles of streamer of his own powe'r, and use(1 the resultant
particularly virulent Abyssal variety (successful saving onormi
a, flnw
r. tn hn11nT.wniit u
a " U L
. 1 .
IOTTOIh o h u r tho
I _. .
IL I L A " L A " . .
L I ._I II" C
" ll"ll" I.
throw or die in a fiery explosion of bony shrapnel, This level is the first temple dedicated to Vecna as a full
which also inflicts 3d6 points of damage on all creatures god. To aid new converts, Vecna carved narrow spiral-
within 10 feet of the victim). ing steps into the outer wall of the well, leading down
to his temple in a steep spiral.
Spectres (2):AC 2; M V 15, fly 30 (B); hp 59 each; Vision doesn't extend through the spectral fire fur-
THACO 13; #AT 1; Dmg ld8. ther than 10 feet due to the phantom glare. Magical per-
ceptions might allow heroes to make out that the
17. Forge Locus cylindrical well that holds the surging power descends
The doors to this chamber are crafted of adamantine- 100 feet. The spiral stairs end at an alcove at the bottom
strong enchanted alabaster. Now, they're blasted off of the well (area 18).

choose a PC's memorized spell for each level

and tell the player that he or she has lost it

Subject's Strength reduced 3 points for 24

enhanced tenfold, if applicable.
11 Random potion in subject's inventory i Subject's Dexterity increased by 6 points (to a
dered powerless, if applicable. maximum of 24) for 24 hours.

14 Spellcaster gains one extra spell per level for

choose a PC's memorized spell for each 1 o rolls on this table adds a cumulative +1

ld20+1, on 5th roll, ld20+2, etc.)

Focus Exposure: Those who subject themselves and The marble relief sculptures are exact dupli
their items to the effects of the magical fire find it possi- Vecna's shrine back in Citadel Cavitius. Apl
bly beneficial, and possibly quite dangerous. Each Vecna felt that the story was worth a seconc
round an individual is exposed to the spectral fire, roll carnation here in his new temple. Refer to E
on the above table. Someone who carefully treads the The Lawful Evil Shrine (area 49) for specific
stairs to ensure no mishap requires 4 rounds of expo- scene, if necessary.
sure to make the descent. However, someone running The figures gathered in this chamber are
down the stairs requires 2 rounds to make the descent, disciples. Having recently braved the effect
but must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation to Forge locus, they stand here, admiring the f
avoid falling off the stairs at a height of 50 feet. Flyers new deity and his rise to power. Unless givc
also take 2 rounds of exposure, while someone who think otherwise, these pilgrims assume the
simply jumps down can get away with 1round of a like mind (though X'moorger, should he a
exposure. Returning requires the same sort of exposure. the party, ends this charade at the first poss
Of course, a wizard could simply teleport without risk opportunity).
of exposure, assuming he or she could find the end-
point safely. Tiefling pilgrims (5): AC 4; MV 12; hp 5(
THACO 12; #AT 2; Dmg ld10+3/ld10+3.
18. Gallery of Triumph
The spiral staircase connects area 17 and this room. 19. Satellite Shrines
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Exquisitely carved marble tiles cover the e
The long hall is immaculately clean and peaceful, chamber, save for one dark alcove. Within
though it is backlit by residual light from the Forge alcove, a silver pedestal holds a fused, larr
shaft. Smooth marble pillars run the length of the tainer, from which bright light streams.
hall, two by two. Marble relief sculptures on the
walls reveal various scenes. Several living figures
stand within the chamber, studying the images on The two rooms keyed to this entry possess s
the wall. that look remarkably similar to the reliquari
Tovag Baragu. The reliquary adjoining area
an all-gold duplicate of the Eye of Vecna,while the reli- 20. Art Chamber
quary adjoining area 25 contains an all-gold duplicate of
Lush carpet woven of selkie-fur complements beau-
the Hand of Vecna.In all other ways, the satellite shrines
tiful scenes painted on the most delicate of pale
and the duplicate relics are exactly alike. leather tapestries. Figures carved of unicorn horns
Physical Blessings: The duplicate relics are holy are arranged on small pedestals. The gentle susurrus
items devised by Vecna as physical blessings to his of a red-flowing miniature waterfall fills the chamber.
would-be disciples. Any creature that touches one of the
reliquaries, or the duplicate within, must make a saving This chamber reveals many cunning works of art, whicl
throw vs. spell (pilgrims usually willingly forgo this Vecna’s pilgrims have brought to him. Unfortunately,
saving throw). On a failed saving throw, the victim loses each art piece consists of the skin, hide, blood, or bones
either his hand or eye (depending on the actual reli- of innocent creatures. Thus, the art evokes only horror
quary touched), only to have it replaced by a hand or in most good-aligned viewers. The pieces have value
eye of pure gold. The transition takes place over the only among the most depraved of art connoisseurs.
course of 1round, during which the victim’s hand or
eye is eaten away for ld6 points of damage, as a golden 21. Chamber of Visions
replacement simultaneously weaves itself into exis-
Green and orange pillows cover the floor of this
tence. The new hand or eye functions just as did the old,
chamber, on which slumber three humanoid figures
save that the gold eye allows the recipient to see
in robes. Porphyry squares tile the wall, and the ceil-
through three illusions per day, and the hand grants the ing is covered in a net of softly glowing points. A
user the ability a +1attack bonus to all melee attacks. niche holds a glowing ornate silver chalice, on which
The duplicate reliquary is particularly dangerous for a delicate rime of moisture is visible.
heroes with real relics of Vecna. On any failed saving
throw after contact, the hero gains the respective golden
eye or hand, but loses his or her relic, if any, via a The chalice contains specially distilled, condensed, and
painful spontaneous rejection. The rejected relic inflicts blessed water collected from the unholy font (area 25).
the appropriate amount of damage of its type on the The liquid glows pearly white, and it has the aroma of
hero as it is rejected (see the Lesser Known Vecnan caramel. Twelve doses remain within the chalice,
Relics sidebar in Book One-this could potentially kill though if the chalice is removed from this chamber,
the victim). In addition, the gold hand or eye is not con- both water and chalice lose all special qualities.
sidered a ”suitable replacement” for a newly removed The figures sprawled on the floor are disciples who
relic. Furthermore, that hero loses his or her protection have partaken of the holy chalice. The enchantment of
from Vecna’s power. the liquid has vaulted each into visionscape, possibly
Race against Perception: The rejected relic lies
bloody and unmoving on the floor before the recipient
who just lost it. Because of the release of magic used to
reject the relic and add the new gold eye or hand, there
is a chance that Vecna snaps out of his current lethargic
behavior toward the heroes and does something about
them. Beginning the next round, the hero must make
one saving throw vs. spell per round to avoid coming to
the near-omniscient attention of Vecna. If the hero fails a
saving throw before he or she can reattach the lost relic,
that hero disappears in a flash. The poor hero has just
been magically summoned into Vecna’s direct and
inquisitive presence, sans all protection. The victim is
probably not long for this world, as Vecna puts the
victim to the question. Unable to corroborate the heroes’
story (if the truth is told), Vecna transmutes the victim
to just one more gargoyle ornament in his elaborate
temple in area 29.
Reattaching a lost relic is a process that first requires
removing the golden hand or eye (even if a Vecnan
tooth or digit was rejected), a painful process that
inflicts 2d6 for the eye and 10d10 for the hand). Only
then can the rejected relic be reapplied to its rightful
bringing the dreamer closer to Vecna’s all-powerful through is sufficient to completely avoid coming under
glory. They possess nothing of significant value, except the influence of the incense. Four humanoid disciples,
that each has a golden hand and eye. each with a golden hand and eye, sit on the benches cir-
Effects of Chalice Distillate: For anyone without a cling the fire pit. Their eyes are closed as they sway in
relic, a dose of the liquid sends the imbiber into an time to only music that they can hear (obviously not in
instant coma that lasts for 164 hours, during which time time with each other). Sweat streams off them from the
nothing is capable of waking the sleeper. Dreams of heat of the flames. If physically shaken or attacked, the
ethereal expanses, colliding worlds, and anthropophag- disciples require 2 full rounds to come out of their
ic gods bludgeon the imbiber’s mind. Upon wakening, torpor. Even after coming out of a trance, these particu-
the dreamer has some dim understanding of the new lar disciples have been so ”purified” that they can only
multiverse that Vecna intends to craft following the dis- stare vacantly and mutter ”Vecna!” over and over again.
solution of the current reality. Depending on the moral A little drooling is also in evidence.
code of the imbiber, reaction ranges from exultation to Effects of Purification: On the third contiguous
horror (good-aligned imbibers generally feel horror). round a hero spends in the room without holding his
Those with a Vecnan relic who drink from the chalice or her breath, and every contiguous round thereafter,
react differently. The holy power of the divine liquid the hero must make a saving throw vs. spell. On a
temporarily invigorates one quality of the relic in ques- failed saving throw, the hero enters a light trance and
tion, though repeated drinks do not enhance the initial sits on one of the benches. If allowed, the hero will not
effect. The effects vary by the particular relic that the rise for another hour, at which time she or he can
imbiber has grafted. If an imbiber has multiple relic attempt another saving throw vs. spell to see if she or
grafts, the relic enchantment is determined randomly. he can shake free of the trance and leave the chamber.
The enhancement lasts 24+3d6 hours. Concerned friends can carry an affected hero out, if
they themselves are not affected. In open air (any-
Relic Enhancement where outside this room), those in a trance awake in
Scalp Immune to mind-affecting spells ld4 rounds.
Thumb Unbreakable grip For each 20 minutes someone spends in trance in the
Index finger Poke melee attack inflicts 2d6 points of chamber, the “purifymg” incense cleanses the victim’s
damage mind of one memory, spell, skill, or other important
Medial finger Enrage any enemy with gesture mental facility that does not directly glorify Vecna.
Right eye X-ray vision (as ring) 2/hour Unless the potential disciple is already a brainwashed
Molar Temporarily gain 3 points of damage priest of Vecna, virtually any memory, spell, or skill is
per magical item eaten on the chopping block. Heroes lose spells first, from
Incisors Bite melee attack inflicts 2d6 points of highest to lowest, then proficiencies, then memories of
damage their past. The DM chooses what is actually removed,
L@ foot Kick melee attack inflicts 2d6 points of and in what order, if the situation warrants.
damage Spells can be regained through memorization, but
Heart Immune to death and similar effects proficiencies and actual memories are harder to come
Skin +7% Magic Resistance by. For each memory or proficiency cleansed, the poten-
Hand Claw melee attack inflicts 4d6 points of tial disciple loses one level. When level reaches 0, the
damage disciple is ready to embark on a new life as an empty
Eye Energy bolt ranged attack inflicts 4d6 vessel, ready to be filled only with ideologies and pur-
points of damage poses sacred to Vecna.

22. Chamber of Purification 23. Vecna’s Templars

Fragrant haze, akin to the odor of cedar, billows and Wall-covering tapestries sewn from massive black
blows through this chamber, swirling in artificial scale-hide drapes this odd-shaped chamber. It’s
currents of warm air. The smoke is thick, but not easy to see that the creature from which the tapes-
thick enough to hide a central pit. The pit is 5 feet in tries were sewn was gargantuan. Three figures
diameter, and it is the source of the billowing stand in the chamber, near the open corridor access.
vapors. Low benches surround the central pit, upon One figure appears as a burly humanoid form, pro-
which a few disciples in robes are seated, swaying in tected from head to toe in rusted platemail. The
time to some unheard rhythm. other two figures stand back from the first, and
appear as skeletal humanoids in rotted finery.
Instead of eyes, the skeletal forms have only points
The fragrant heat and smoke affects those who spend 3 of glaring light.
or more rounds in this chamber-simply passing
The two rooms keyed to this entry are checkpoints, 24. Chamber of Test
designed to keep out riffraff who might otherwise pene-
Green and orange pillows cover the floor of this
trate too far. Vecna may not foresee the heroes directly,
chamber. Porphyry squares tile the wall and a net of
but he can set up defenses, or at the very least, honor softly glowing points covers the ceiling. A niche
guards. holds a glowing ornate silver chalice, on which a
Should any being enter either chamber, the templars delicate rime of moisture is visible.
(as Vecna calls them) call for the vocal affirmation of
Vecna’s supremacy. Those who chime in with snappy
responses such as ”Vecna rules!” or similar sentiments At first glance, this room appears identical to area 21.
are allowed to pass if Vecna’s symbol is prominently There is a very important difference, in that the chalice
displayed. Those who prominently display the symbol here contains a distillate of unholy water with an
of a rival deity are questioned and eventually attacked altogether different effect than that of the chalice in
if a reasonable explanation is not forthcoming. Those area 21.
who defame Vecna in any way are automatically The liquid in this chalice glows pearly white, and it
attacked. has the aroma of offal. Eight doses remain within the
Development: The figure in platemail is a skeletal chalice, though if the chalice is removed from this
warrior, who seeks to engage the heroes in melee. The chamber, both water and chalice lose all special
other two figures are liches, who seek to hold back and qualities.
engage the heroes with spells, should a conflict occur. Effects of Chalice Distillate: The distillate affects
Both liches immediately cast mirror image on themselves those with and without Vecnan relics alike. The imbiber
at their first opportunity.All three undead bear special must make a saving throw vs. poison to throw off the
runestones of baked clay, on which Vecna’s sign is effect (though the imbiber may willingly forgo the
inscribed. These runes allow undead a saving throw vs. saving throw). On a failed saving throw, the imbiber is
spell against any turning attempts. Even when an faced with a choice: swear to become an immediate
undead creature fails its saving throw, those wearing worshiper of Vecna, or die. If the imbiber chooses to
this seal are never destroyed, and they can be command- become a disciple of Vecna, death is avoided, but
ed or turned only for ld4 rounds. Each of these liches former loyalties may be strained (the DM must keep
keeps a phylactery in the form of a small statuette in close tabs on a hero who chooses this route, in order to
area 29. Thus, even if killed, these particular liches may be certain that the hero really begins to act like a devo-
potentially reform (in three days), unless the heroes find tee of Vecna).
and destroy their particular phylacteries. If allowed time
to regroup, the undead bathe in the unholy font in area
25 to heal themselves of physical damage.

Skeleton warrior: AC 2; hp 84; THACO 8; #AT 2;

Dmg ld8+6.

Lich templars (2):AC 0; MV 6; HD 11;hp 88 each;

THACO 9; #AT 1 (touch);Dmg ld10 + special; SA foes
must save vs. paralyzation or stand motionless until
paralysis dispelled, causefear in those of 5 HD or less,
cast spells as 16th-levelmage; SD hit only by +1or
better weapons, immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, poly-
morph, poison, paralysis, death magic, and cold-based
attacks; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (18); Int supra-genius
(19);AL NE; XP 10,000 each.
Special Equipment: clay seal of Vecna.
Spells (5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1): lst-charm person, magic
missile (x4); 2nd-invisibility, Melf’s acid arrow, mirror
image, ray of enfeeblement, wizard lock; 3rd-dispel magic,
j?reball,fly,lightning bolt (x2);4th-dimension door,fire
trap, ice storm, minor globe of invulnerability,stoneskin;
tith-cone of cold, Mordenkainen’sfaithful hound, shadow
door, teleport, transmute rock to mud; Gth-chain lightning,
death spell, disintegrate; 7th--finger of death, prismatic
spray; 8th-monster summoning VI.
Those who choose to remain apart from Vecna's glory No matter the native tongue of the listener, the psalms
die immediately, falling prey to the virulent poison. remain comprehensible. Those who listen do not fall
Likewise, those who choose to worship Vecna at the prey to any negative effects.
outset yet recant die the moment they turn from Vecna. Those who attempt to shield themselves from the
songs (such as holding ears, through the application of
25. Unholy Font earplugs, or via a silence 25' radius) put themselves in
danger. The two competing voices create a perfect har-
This circular chamber smells of the sea. The floor of mony with each other, the shape of the room, and spe-
the chamber is uneven, creating a shallow declivity
cial enchantments that suffuse the room. In the absence
filled with still water. The slope of the floor meets
of the auditory component of the total harmony, living
the edge of the water evenly. The faint sound of
trickling water betrays the presence of a small crack creatures are subject to destabilizing vibrations.
in the wall leaking dark liquid into the pool; how- Each round a living creature blocks himself or herself
ever, the ripples from the spring disappear in just a from the music, he or she must succeed at a saving
few feet. throw vs. spell. On a failed saving throw, a destructive
vibration begins to propagate through her body, inflict-
ing ld4 points of damage per round. Even if the victim
Vecna grazed the wall with one finger, and where he leaves this chamber, the destructive vibration remains,
touched, a magical font of unholy water was born. The inflicting ld4 points of damage each round. The only
water serves as a special place for disciples to bathe and way to drown out the vibration is to listen to the psalms
be baptized into their new faith, should any desire to for 1full round.
partake in such a ceremony. Good-aligned creatures that Heroes who enter the room and spend multiple
bathe in the pool take 1point of damage per round. Evil rounds not listening to the music set up even stronger
creatures feel refreshed, and undead heal 2d4 points of destructive vibrations in their bodies, inflicting 2d4,
damage each round while immersed. 3d4, and 4d4 points of damage each round, respectively.
Heroes who trail a Vecnan relic in the water feel an The only way to drown out these vibrations is to listen
electrical jolt, and they are flung back as if struck. After- to the psalms unhindered for a number of rounds equal
ward, their relic glows with an evil red light until a dispel to the time spent not listening.
evil is cast upon them. Beyond the physical jolt and visi- Development: If the heroes destroy the statues,
ble glow, the relics do not react with the unholy water. destructive vibrations die out after 6 rounds. Destroying
Though the water is still and dark, scrutiny reveals a statue requires the application of 200 points of
that the basin of the pool is filled with coins, gems, and damage delivered against each AC 10 shape (despite
other treasure. These items are cast into the pool by dis- their immobility, heroes must hit AC 10 or better to
ciples as they pass by, to honor Vecna. The pool holds a inflict damage with a blow).
total of 2,000 gp, 20 gems each worth 100 gp,a ring of
water walking, and a belt of inconstant strength.

26. Psalmatory
The sound of voices raised in song is faintly audible
beyond the doors leading to this chamber. The lyrics
remain incomprehensible until the heroes open the door
(or a PC otherwise gains access). ,the wearer's Strengt

The long hall is immaculately clean, and it echoes

ery 2 hours for a total of 6 hours
with psalms sung by a duet of two tonally pure
3 points, to a maximum
voices. Red light glares up through cracks in the
marble tile on the floor. The walls are blank, and the ves the maximum resul
ceiling appears as dark basalt. An alcove at either by 1point every 2 hours
end of the long hall contains a carved marble figure. the wearer's original
One looks like a humanoid with only a hand for its ints, to a minimum of 3
head; the other is a humanoid with an eye where its established, the wearer's Stren
head should be. The music emanates from these and wane +/-3 points. If the
.. tno
wparor rwrnnvec t1n e 1noit .- _.
rwrlo r n n h n i i n c +n attnrt

Vecna enchanted the statues to sing psalms of his glory,

predominance, wisdom, and other supreme attributes.
27. Gospel of Vecna The two strange figures on either side of the altar are
The doors between area 26 and this room are locked. actually old servitors, who were once powerful in their
Anyone with a golden eye or hand, courtesy of area 19, own right. Vecna reincarnated them out of a desire for
can open the door with a touch. Otherwise, the lock continuity with the past. The eye-headed figure in robes
must be picked ( 4 0 % penalty to Open Locks checks). is here referred to as the Eye Servitor, and the hand-
headed figure in robes, the other is the Hand Servitor.
The man giving the sermon is not a man at all. He is
This chamber is a beautifully appointed chapel. Its a cambion (half human, half demon). His name is Ely
domed heights create a peaceful gulf of space above
Cromlich, and he once served as a leader of the Doom-
the empty floor, and a dark altar dominates the far
guard Faction in Sigil. Though slain in the Faction War,
side of the room. Hanging censers constantly burn in
every corner, filling the chamber with a sweet, Cromlich was raised back to life by Vecna because of his
soothing odor. Several sealed scrolls lie upon the secret devotion to the Whispered One. He, too, possess-
altar. Behind the altar, a 10-foot-wide and 30-foot-tall es a golden left hand and eye, but he also has an entire
gilt door stands closed. The symbol of the hand and golden right arm and right leg.
eye is inscribed in the center of the door. If left interrupted, Ely sermonizes hour after hour in
a Stalinesque manner, expounding on Vecna’s plans for
the rearrangement of the multiverse, where even Ao
This chapel precedes the real temple area of area 28. It will hold a subordinate position to the one true god.
serves to compose the mind of the disciple before entry Should heroes with relics physically enter this cham-
into that most sacred of places. In addition, the altar has ber or make themselves visible, Vecna immediately sees
become the repository of spell scrolls. The scrolls are the heroes with his purely physical senses. When Vecna
devout gifts that Vecna’s followers make to show their finally does sense the heroes, either by sight, or in the
faith in their god. The followers steal these spells from aftermath of attack on Ely and his flock, Vecna also
distant worlds and spellbooks that high-level disciples reveals himself.
of Vecna have pilfered in recent days. Most of the scrolls
contain lore too alien for the heroes to understand. I
The convex bulges of the wall behind the altar fades
However, at least one of the ten scrolls contains a spell
from opacity to transparency, revealing a massive
that can be used by wizards (or priests, if the DM cavity lined with hundreds of small statuettes.
desires) of the appropriate level. However, because of Within the cavity is a titanic humanoid, limned in
the hellish world from which it was stolen, the spell, brilliance. Its left eye is far, far too small for its godly
called homuncuZus,requires a neutral or evil alignment frame, and its left hand is entirely missing, but
to cast. If the DM desires and has appropriate material, despite its deformities, it is clear that this being has
he or she may place a few additional scrolls of decipher- achieved godhood!
able lore for the heroes to discover here.

28. Behold Vecna’s Temple The moment the heroes make their presence known is
The double doors, forged of solid light, slide open for the moment things get interesting. Vecna screams in hate
any who desire entry or exit. as he spies the thieves of his mortal relics. The scream
transcends sound, and it is easily loud enough to shatter
the crystalline barrier separating area 29 from area 28.
Tiles of pure light pave the floor and walls of this
Vecna’s Tactics: Vecna understands that with the
heavenly chapel. Pews of silver march toward the
relics, the heroes might actually get the drop on him,
front of the chapel, where stands an altar of rose-
god or no god. His first utterance to his assembled min-
hued crystal. Several figures sit in pews, and behind
the altar, a large man in robes ministers to the assem- ions is, ”Get their relics! Tear my holy relics from their
bled. Statuelike figures stand to the far left and right profane bodies!” Because he fears the heroes, he will not
of the altar, resembling giant humanoids in robes. listen to any hero who is so brazen as to claim to want to
One has only an eye for its head, and the other has a join Vecna, at least until after he has harvested his relics.
hand for its head. When initiative allows, Ely first casts mirror image on
himself, then physically engages the heroes. The Hand
Servitor wades right into melee, as do all the disciples
The figures seated in the pews are those pilgrims who are fighters, including the slaad. The bariaur priest
judged worthy by Vecna to stand as his first new disci- hangs back to cast spells. The Eye Servitor also hangs
ples. All possess a golden hand and eye, which is a back to use its terrible gaze abilities on heroes (though
physical sign of their devotion gained from area 19. The the heroes with relics gain a +4 saving throw bonus
figures include two tiefling fighters, four githzerai fight- against its dire allure). The spells of the disciples affect
ers, one slaad, and a bariaur specialty priest of Vecna. the heroes normally.
hole. Read the following aloud when tl
Homunculus the killing blow:
(Necromancy, Conjuration)
Level: Wizard 4
A look of astonishment mixed with pi
Range: 0 on the avatar’s face. “You will pay, yo
Duration: Special Vecna never gets a chance to finish
Area of Effect: Special tive words, for a swirling void consist
black and darkest gray opens up behi
This spell requires 1 abruptly sucks him in. You hear a roai
of ld4 hit points (the caster’s own blood and life see a flare of light deep within the VOI
force).At the end of casting, the fusion of blood and the strange portal disappears with an
magic births a sinister miniature of the caster. The wrench and a burst of blinding multic
homunculus stands only 18 inches tall, sports An acrid odor settles around you as y
wings allowing it to fly ( M V fly 18, B), has 6 slowly returns.
20 hp, and does not heal naturally. The hom
follows the caster about, and it is never willin
arated from her or him. If something ever sep If any of his disciples remain, the servit
the caster and homunculus by more than o the heroes slay them. Ely, however, will
the homunculus dissipates. A caster may never pos- damnedest to escape. Vecna remains a 1
sess more than one homunculus. ever, he is banished from Sigil as all go(
The caster cannot magically or naturally heal the vives, they’ve gained a great enemy. Fo
ld4 points imparted to the homunculus while it heroes, they’re immune to Vecna’s direc
exists (even if using the transfer method explained if they journey to Oerth (see ”Conclusic
below). However, the caster can choose to draw on With Vecna’s ejection from Sigil, mar
the hit points of the homunculus for healing. A caster in the City of Doors begin to melt away
taking no other action in a round can take up to 5 the Lady of Pain‘s will. Heroes quickly
points per round, in effect healing himself at the begin to slump and ceilings sag in the 1
expense of the homunculus’s health, physical well- carved out by Vecna. After just 10 minu
being, and appearance. If the caster transfers 20 lower level has sealed itself into nonexi
points of damage from herself or himself to the many of the additions Vecna made ab0
homunculus, the creature dissipates immediately. Armory itself) also fade, including the (
Indulgent casters may choose to provide magical forge locus, the pillars of smoke and fla
healing to the homunculus to extend its borrowed patrolling spheres of annihilation. Howet
life, but other casters simply replace a drained itself continues to burn with a new spec
homunculus with a fresh creation. shall burn as long as Vecna remains a tr
only 10%of all the golden tokens Vecne
his followers survive dissolution, leavir
Meanwhile, Vecna attempts a devastating spell or their left eye and hand. Fortunately, Elj
two,in spite of his knowledge of the heroes’ invulnera- arm and leg are better made, and they c
bility to magic, in his attempt to stamp out the heroes. Vecna’s leave-taking.
He can sense heroes who do not possess one of his If the heroes don’t vanquish Vecna, g
relics, so he goes after those PCs first. After 3 rounds Triumphant?”
attempting to kill off the heroes by godly decree and a
combination of spells, Vecna wades into physical melee Ely Cromlich, male marquis cambic
with the heroes. With his large size, he has considerable AC -3 (platemail +2, Dex bonus); MV 15
reach (20 feet). However, every time one of his servitors, THACO 3 (1with Ashblade, Str bonus); #
or Ely, is slain by the heroes, Vecna resurrects the body, if ld8+12/ld8+12 (Ashblade, specializatio
in a position to do so. In this way, the Maimed Lord SA entropic blow, cambion abilities; SM
hopes to wear the heroes down. Unfortunately, damage saving throw vs. spell to be magically h
received by Vecna from heroes with relics is impossible SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite (14); Str 20, Dex
for Vecna to heal in the short term. Thus, the avatar can Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 12; AL CE; XP 20,00(
be worn down. If finally killed, he is ejected from Sigil. Special Equipment: Ashblade (bastard sz
See “Conclusions” for more information on Vecna‘s lawful good opponents, acts as ring offire I
final fate, or if he succeeds in his mad plan. chilling touch 3/day), golden arm (right a
Development: If the heroes slay Vecna, the god dis- normal arm that allows recipient to rea(
appears as if pulled out of sight by a miniature black objects 2/day, grab what is found on ot
pull it forth), golden leg (right leg acts as normal leg that Slaad, green: AC 0; MV 9; hp 76; THACO 11;#AT 3
allows recipient to move x10 normal movement rate (claw/claw/bite); Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/2d8.
l/day for a duration of 10 minutes).
Special Abilities: Entropic blow-while engaged in New Vecnan Specialty Priestess (Bariaur):AC 2;
melee with a lawful good foe, a roll of 5 or more points MV 12; hp 38; THACO 13; #AT 1;Dmg ld6+4.
higher than the number needed to hit automatically
drains foe to half its current hit points, usable l/week; Vecna’s avatar, male human C30, F30, M36, T20:
cambion abilities-asts darkness 15’radius and infravi- AC -6; MV 36, fly 36 (A); hp 223; THACO -10; #AT 2
sion at will; suffers half damage from cold, magical fire, (touch); Dmg 2d10+14/2d10+14 (Str bonus); SA
and gas; immune to electricity, normal fire, and poison; greater powers, paralysis, aura of evil; SD +3 or better
can detect magic by touch and can polymorph self3/day; weapon to hit, may make saving throw against any
Climb Walls 95%, Hide in Shadows 8O%, Move adverse affect, immune to symbols and glyphs, immune
Silently 80%. to psionics of any lesser god or mortal; MR 100%; SZ G
Spells (4/2/2): lst-charm person (x2),featherfall, hold (30’ tall); ML fearless (20);Str 25, Dex 20, Con 23,
portal; 2nd-invisibility, mirror image; 3rd-dispel magic, Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 23; AL NE; XP See “The Heroes
wraithform. Prevail.’’
Special Equipment: Eye of Vecna (while Vecna has it,
Hand Servitor:AC 0; MV 12; HD 13; hp 104; THACO 7 cannot directly affect foes with other incorporated
(6 with longsword +1,5 with longsword +2); #AT 3; relics).
Dmg ld8+8/ld8+9/ld10+7 (longsword +l/lmgsword +2/ Special Abilities: Greater powers-many powers are
grasp); SA grasp, Strength drain; SZ M (4‘6”tall); simply unavailable to Vecna’s avatar because of his
ML champion (16);Int low (7); AL CE; X P 8,000. need to channel a large portion of said power against
Special Abilities: Grasp-a successfulattack by third the pressure levied by the Lady of Pain while the
hand allows the Hand Servitor to retain its hold, auto- avatar remains in Sigil. Those powers still available for
matically doing ld10+7hit points/round in crushing his use are also tempered by this situation. Vecna‘s
damage, unless victim can break free with successful available powers allow him to shapeshiftinto any ani-
Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll. Each round the grasp does mate or inanimate object up to 100 feet in diameter or
damage, it also automatically drains ld6 Strength points as small as 1inch in diameter, automatically make all
from victim, killing victim if Strength reaches 0; other- saving throws (except those initiated by foes with
wise lost Strength returns at 1point/day. incorporated relics), teleport without error (except to and
from Sigil, and nowhere in the Prime Material other
Eye Servitor: AC 2; MV 12; HD 12; hp 96; THACO 9 than Oerth), omniscient except when blocked by other
(7 with two-handed sword +2); #AT 1;Dmg ld10+2 (two- deities of equal standing and in the vicinity of foes with
handed sword +2); SA death gaze, cast clairvoyance, detect incorporated relics, perform two tasks simultaneously
magic, andfind traps at will; SD immune to surprise, -1 (such as cast two spells, or make full attacks and cast
bonus to initiative rolls, immune to all illusions; SZ M one spell), and channel spells to his followers;paraly-
(5’7’’ tall); ML champion (15); Int exceptional (15); sis-foes without incorporated relics must save vs.
AL CE; XP 9,000. paralysis each time he or she is successfully struck in
Special Abilities: Death gaze-once per round, the Eye melee or be held in place indefinitely, or until a dispel
Servitor can use its gaze attack on 1target. Unless explic- evil is cast upon them; aura of evil-foes without incor-
itly attempting to avoid the gaze, the target must suc- porated relics in Vecna’s presence must save vs. spell
ceed at a saving throw vs. death magic. The Eye claims every other round or check morale.
those who fail by visibly drawing their life force into it, Spells: All wizard and cleric spells (cannot directly
leaving the body inert. If the body is destroyed, the Eye affect foes with incorporated relics).
consumes its stolen life force, but until then, the life force
remains viable, though displaced. If the Eye is slain, the 29. God Cache
life force rejoins its inert body (the Eye may voluntarily
Thousands of tiny niches hold 1-foot-tall statuettes.
release the life force, but it is unlikely to do so). The Eye
The statuettes completely cover every curved wall of
gains all the memories of each life force it holds.
the space. Many of the statutes glow in alternating
colors, while others are dark. Over time, patterns of
Tiefling pilgrims (2):AC 4; MV 12; hp 56 each; color shift among the statuettes, creating complex
THACO 12; #AT 2; Dmg ld10+3/ld10+3. patterns of shifting light and darkness that run like
Githzerai pilgrims (4):AC 3; MV 12; hp 20 each;
THACO 18;#AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+2.

magically retrieving their bodies and then command
one of the nearby clerics to resurrect those successfully
,..... -.. 1 1 1 . .. ..I.. . summoned.
the Spider Throne, the Chained God, Dungeon Masters who feel their heroes are not up to
Secrets, and the Failed God) the task of ejecting Vecna alone should allow the heroes
Greater Power of Oerth, NE to recruit powerful allies from among those gathered
PORTFOLIO: Evil, Knowledg outside the Armory. However, to recruit a truly signifi-
ALIASES: None cant ally, the heroes must transfer a relic to the potential
DOMAIN NAME: None reinforcement, lest Vecna merely blast that foe from
SUPERIOR:None existence. The Lady of Pain, by her very nature, cannot
ALLIES: None directly take part in the conflict or incorporate a Vecnan
FOES: Iuz, Lady of Pain relic.
SYMBOL: Eye in palm of skeletal h If every single PC falls in battle somewhere within
WORSHIPER ALIGNMENT:Any evil the Armory or with Vecna himself, fewer options exist.
The Lady of Pain is reluctant to allow any beings as
powerful as demigods into Sigil, lest their very presence
The statuettes resemble crude versions of races both hasten Vecna’s plan. However, minutes before Vecna’s
known and unknown the heroes. Each exudes a residue total victory, she gambles it all and sends in a sortie of
of magic, but to anyone else save a greater power, the four to five demigods (who wait eagerly outside Sigil in
assemblage of the statuettes and their use is incompre- the Outlands for just such an opportunity). Can the
hensible. To Vecna, this chamber served as a spring- demigods take down Vecna before their own presence,
board for his plans to remodel the new multiverse in his combined with Vecna’s, dissolves Sigil?They have
image. Each subtle color and shift was part of an ongo- 2d6+30 rounds before the current multiversal order irre-
ing calculation that only a greater god could manipu- trievably fails. The demigods likely do not have the pro-
late, but with Vecna’s departure, the statuettes are little tections of relics and must face Vecna’s raw powers;
more than souvenirs of Vecna’s time in Sigil. All stat- however, they have close-to-deity powers of their own.
uettes that are not removed before Vecna’s ejection from Dungeon Masters who are interested in playing this out
Sigil are buried when the entire under-level seals over. could select demigods of his or her own choosing and
If the heroes lost one of their number in area 19 (due allow the players to play them for the duration of the
to Vecna’s summons),the group can find the lost PC battle with Vecna. If successful, the demigods, or the
here. Only a wish spell can restore the statuette of the Lady herself, can easily resurrect the players’ original
lost PC to life. Luckily for them, the heroes can probably characters. Dungeon Masters who don’t wish to play
request the aid of the Lady of Pain, who then orders one out this scenario, or who do not possess the resources to
of the nearby wizards to aid them. Until then, the stat- conduct this final gambit, should decide how it plays
uette glows in a series of colors that seem entirely out. He or she can base the outcome on his or her own
random. If the heroes experiment (or run into problems desire to preserve or demolish the current multiversal
later), they discover that the statuette is impervious to order. Those who opt for demolition can allow Vecna to
all types of damage, including breakage, fire, acid, and take the position of supreme architect of the new order,
so on. The glow from the statue shines brightly enough or DMs can decide that even with his position, this next
to illuminate a 10-foot area. level of ascension remains beyond Vecna. In this case,
Vecna has to deal with the new multiversal order on the
same footing as every other god and mortal, even
c;onclus i ons though he precipitated the change.
The heroes of this adventure may have succeeded in
ejecting Vecna from Sigil, or they may have found them- The heroes Prevail
selves lacking the power to do so.
If the heroes bring Vecna’s avatar to 0 hit points or less,
: Vecna Triumphant9 he is ejected from Sigil. The ejection evokes a mighty
pyrotechnics display, turns day into night then back
If the heroes cannot overcome Vecna in the final conflict again, and destroys Vecna’s single foothold in the City
below the Armory, several options remain. Surviving of Doors by sucking his avatar down a whirlpoollike
heroes may retreat, heal their wounds, and modify their conduit. Vecna will never regain his foothold in Sigil. As
tactics. If they retreat to the Armory’s exterior, the Lady noted earlier, with Vecna’s removal from Sigil, most of
commands citizens of Sigil to heal or even resurrect his works begin to fade away, due to the Lady of Pain’s
heroes, allowing them to try again. If only a subset of power over her own realm.
heroes retreats to the Lady of Pain, she may consent to
Repercussions for an overview of
activities after Vecna’s fall.)
Should the heroes spend any ti1
contingent of dabus acting at the I
Language Primeval, served as the catalyst for Vecna‘s track them down. Using their unic
ascension to a Greater Power. Still, can a demigod be cation via a rebus, they relay a me
so easily extinguished?If under the thumb of a The DM should review the rew
Greater Power, then yes; however, IUZ’S absorption by the Lady and modify them accord
Vecna is a special case and has special repercussions. would like the campaign to unfolc
Iuz was absorbed totally and completely into rather see the heroes lose easy accl
Vecna; he was not extinguished, nor was his ment second reward of which the dabu:
ty eradicated. Through all of Book Three, Iuz’s spirit offer to send the heroes to the loca
lives on, a personality fragment abiding in the mind Dungeon Masters can also omit th
3f Vecna. In this fashion, Iuz clings to existence, reward offered by the dabus. Instc
unable to effect any change in the mind of the go grant the party as a whole a powe
who holds him captive. Yet Iuz remains, and he see subdued green slaad (see slaad sti
my opportunity to free his mind and a portion of this adventure).
Vecna’s power. That opportunity comes with Vecna’s The dabus say the following in
zjection from Sigil!
As a bodiless Power, stunned and unfeeling, Vecna
Life is in your debt, as is Sigil. NI
falls to Oerth, the plane of his birth. Before the Whis-
be sufficient. But Sigil does not fc
pered One can draw new raiment about him and
Thus, accept these gifts. The first
manifest even a single avatar, Iuz makes his move. the Lady of Pain that Vecna, the :
Drawing on the force of will that only a demigod can denied his vengeance on you, ev
realize, Iuz burst his bonds, escaping Vecna. An pose of his protective relics. The
zxploding solar flare to Vecna’s star, Iuz flees with his the City ofDoors, which will turn
mentality and a portion of Vecna’s power. In time, Iuz into a portal to Sigil, though it w
materializes, a demigod once more, but with a times. The last is the deed for pel
renewed and burning hate for Vecna. dations in Sigil, which you may i
On the other hand, Vecna does little. His crushing find yourself in the city. In your i
defeat is a blow to his godly ego. It is almost as if the accommodations will be maintai
remnants of his mortal body, his relics, conspired to
jefeat him. In a temper, Vecna plucks his recovered
Eye from his essence and sends back out into the Though the heroes may not realizt
Norld, free to instigate evil. by the Lady of Pain is an incredibl
Though mentally wounded, it is on1 would say it’s the ultimate horror)
ime before Vecna recovers his equilibrium and actually would provide rewards tc
3ttends to the threads of other plots left untended. more concern for mere individual:
He’s free of the prison plane that held him, and have previously thought possible.
jespite the liberation of Iuz, still a god. is truly grateful. Though she may
should they see her on the street, i
that she showed concern for their.
Triumphant heroes have accomplished a mighty feat. the past.
Award each contributing player 100,000 XP. The promise of protection agair
the heroes should be most gratefu.
The Aftermath cia1 circumstances surrounding thc
Though the changes are potentially far-reaching, they the Whispered One, they would hi
are also for the most part beyond the ken of normal relics or no relics, by wave after w,
mortals. Except where modifications are catastrophic, summoned defenders. The protect
life in the multiverse goes on much as it ever has. If any- the heroes do not go out of their w
thing, more possibilities and variety are introduced by selves to Vecna’s attention (such a:
the shakeup. major temple dedicated to him, or
In Sigil, a short-lived festival kicks off, after which it whatever celestial realm over Oert
is pretty much business as usual, now that the portals While the protection holds, Vecna
are functioning again. (Dungeon Masters should read The permanent accommodatior
in an upscale portion of the city kr
Ward. They take the form of a four-story building on the staffers whose combined levels total 10 or less, selected
corner of Palace Street and Lord’s Row, near the by the heroes). If the players request them, reasonable
bustling edge of the Market Ward. The building is the modifications to the security and design of the building
vacated home of a long-missingmerchant, and it comes can be made, but the players will have to pay for any
complete with accommodations for ten. It also includes special modifications. Of the original merchant, there is
servants quarters, a kitchen, a kennel, a few studies, a no sign, and he can assume to be lost, with all hands, on
solarium, living areas, a library, storage cellars, a wine some distant nether plane.
cellar, a vault, a gallery, and a central plaza at the build-
ing’s center, which is open to Sigil’s sky. If desired, the Repercussions
DM and players may take the time to design its actual
layout and assign permanent staff (no more than five With Vecna’s defeat, the reverberations of a dissolving
multiverse cease. The Lady of Pain reopens Sigil’s por-
tals. The City of Doors launches into a week-long festi-
val, sure to be reenacted on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, Vecna has successfully tested Sigil’s
wards, showing a way for other power-mad deities to
face, complete with spiked headdress. When held. by find entry. Thus, the Lady of Pain, a confidant or per-
a user in a specific type of location, the user can haps even peer to the Serpent, speaks in the Language
create a permanent two-way portal to or from Sigil. Primeval (the language of the Serpent and its Ancient
The location must fit the following description: a Brethren, in which the three words of Creation Once
two-dimensionally bounded space no more than 20 Spoken were uttered). Uttering her words, while stand-
feet to a side or 25 feet in diameter, such as within a ing in the crux of the multiverse known as Sigil, she
cave mouth or inside a normal door 1 reorders reality. Uttering her words, the only words
continues to operate as long spoken by her in the last several millennia, she shores
remain in existence. up Sigil’s wards against entry by deities who attempt to
If the user attempts to cre ”cheat” as Vecna did. Uttering her words, she attempts
Sigil, the near endpoint corresponds to to shore up the sum of all creation, also called super-
space chosen, and the far endpoint corresponds to a space.
point in any other dimension previously visited by Even with Vecna’s removal, his time in the crux
the user. If the user has never visited the plane or effected change in superspace. Though the Lady of Pain
place chosen, the endpoint forms in a randomly attempts to heal the damage, the turmoil spawned by
selected bounded space in the chosen plane (sele Vecna’s time in Sigil cannot be entirely erased.
by the DM). If in a plane other than Sigil, the near Some Outer Planes drift off and are forever lost,
endpoint corresponds to the endpoint chosen, others collide and merge, while at least one Inner Plane
the far endpoint corresponds to a point in Sigi runs ”aground” on a distant world of the Prime. More-
ously visited. If no far endpoint is chosen, the over, the very nature of the Prime Material Plane itself is
endpoint forms in a randomly selected bound altered. Half-worlds like those attached to Tovag
space in Sigil. Baragu multiply a millionfold, taking on parallel real-
The portal formed with the Key operates accord- ism in what was before a unified Prime Material Plane.
ing to the intent of the user. It can either be always The concept of alternate dimensions rears its metaphori-
operating, or only transport those who utilize the cal head, but doesn’t yet solidify, and perhaps it never
proper sign, password, item, or other requir will. New realms, both near and far, are revealed, and
(called a key) chosen by the user at the time realms never previously imagined make themselves
portal’s creation. Once the conditions a known. Entities long thought lost emerge once more,
not vary. while other creatures, both great and small, are inexpli-
If the bearer of the K q forms a portal cably eradicated. Some common spells begin to work
ously existing portal, that portal is wip differently. The changes do not occur immediately, but
new portal is an ”always-on”portal. If the new instead are revealed during the subsequent months.
portal requires a key of some sort to activate it, t However, one thing remains clear: Nothing will ever be
the same again.

the secondary location.

XP Value: 5,000

magic, and telepathic psionics, can cast dispel magic twice per
Appendix: pescriptions day, cannot be turned; MR 75%(if 11% or less is rolled, the spell
is reflected back on its caster); SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (17-18);
The following descriptions have been broken into four different Int genius (17-18); AL CE; XP 6,000.
categories: generic beings (Lesser Villains), named beings (Inter- Notes: Nearly all death knights in Vecna’s domain were once
mediate Villians), godly beings (Greater Villains), and important lawful good warriors, generals, and knights who fought against
artifacts (Artifacts). Vecna in life. However, they were corrupted by a constant and
devastating campaign in which Vecna offered them a variety of
dreadful secrets, with a promise of more knowledge and power
Lesser Villains if they would cease to resist his empire or even join his forces.
Their reward was to be cast into Citadel Cavitius when it was a
Acolyte of Vecna, male or female human Ml/Pl: AC 10; prison on the quasi-elemental plane of Ash, where they eventu-
MV 12; THACO 20; #AT 1(dagger); Dmg ld4; SZ M (5’4); ally became death knights. As their former realms no longer
ML fanatic (18);Int exceptional (15-16); AL LE (6O%), NE (30%), exist, they are now forced to serve Vecna on this demiplane,
CE (10%); XP 120. though they hate him as much as they hate all living things-
Special Equipment: holy symbol of Vecna, dagger (loo/, are +1) and themselves as well. Most death knights now command
Wizard Spells Memorized (1):magic missile. armies in battle against Tovag, though some are personal body-
Cleric Spells Memorized (2): command, light. guards of the Maimed God. Many use magic swords (added at
Notes: Acolytes are minor clerics, the lowest rung of Vecna’s the DMs option).
priesthood; the above statistics are typical of the group. Usually
too poor to afford bodyguards, acolytes are intensely competi- Finger commanderlmagistrate, male or female human F5:
tive and rightfully watch out for their peers, who are likely to AC 5 (chainmail);MV 12; THACO 16; #AT 1;Dmg ld8 (battle-
plant daggers in the backs of their most hated rivals. Acolytes ax) or ld4 (throwing dagger); SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML champion
wear white tunics, knee-length black kilts, vaned footwear, and (15-16); Int high (13-14); AL LE; XP 270.
Vecna‘s holy symbols on iron necklaces. They usually ignore Notes: The Fingers of Vecna form the police force of Citadel
strangers in Cavitius unless they themselves are accosted. Cavitius. The rank-and-file members are all humans who were
Acolytes are generally more fanatical and daring than their supe- inducted into the ranks after sitting upon the Spider Throne in
riors, who learn caution with experience. (See Memory of Vecna.) Vecna’s palace. The top commanders of the force are either
skeleton warriors or aging mages on the verge of lichdom. The
Bariaur pilgrim, F2: AC 4 (chainmail barding and shield); supreme commander is a vampire (Lord Haroln), more reliable
MV 15; hp 20; THACO 18 (specialization);#AT 3/2 ;Dmg ld8+2 than his undead kin, who is numbered among the most power-
(longsword, specialization); SA 60’ infravision, butt for Id8 ful of the city’s undead lords.
damage (x3 after charge of 30+ feet); SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite (13); Aside from being a visible manifestation of Vecna‘s control in
Int high (14); AL NE; XP 65. Cavitius, the Fingers also serve as the judges (called ”magis-
trates’’) in what passes for a legal system. Sometimes another
Bodyguard, male or female human F 5 AC 5 (chainmail); authority acts as judge, usually a powerful undead.
MV 12; THACO 16; #AT 1 (battle-ax or throwing dagger) ;Dmg It should be noted the Fingers of Vecna deal primarily with
ld8 or ld4; SZ M (5’4’tall); ML elite (13-14); Int average the living population of Citadel Cavitius, excluding members of
(8-10); AL N or NE; XP 270. Vecna’s clergy. Clerics of Vecna and the undead have their own
Notes: The bodyguard for a Memory of Vecna is immune to codes of conduct and are beyond the reach of the Fingers. (They
bribery or pleas to abandon his charge, for the simple reason must answer to the Reavers or even the Whispered One himself
that an untrustworthy bodyguard will never be used again by should they break any of his laws.)
any being in Cavitius. A disloyal bodyguard will certainly
become the target of revenge attacks by allies of the (presum- Finger sergeant, male or female humans F3: AC 5 (chain-
ably deceased) cleric who was being guarded, and the persons mail); MV 12; THACO 18;#AT 1 (longsword or throwing
offering the bribe might even dispose of the traitorous body- dagger); Dmg Id8 or ld4; SZ M (5‘45’ tall); ML elite (13-14); Int
guard themselves. As a result, bodyguards are highly loyal to very (11-12); AL LE; X P 120.
their charges, as their own fortunes rise or fall with their clerics’
careers. Finger soldier, male or female human F1: AC 5 (chainmail);
If a bodyguard’s charge is slain despite the guard’s best MV 12; THACO 20; #AT 1(shortsword or whip); Dmg ld6 or
efforts, the guard has a low chance of being rehired unless he or ld3; SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML steady (11-12); Int average (8-10); AL
she swiftly brings about the destruction or undoing of whoever N, LN, LE, or NE; X P 15.
was responsible (a terribly risky business in itself). Other clerics
respect and admire this sort of thing, as having such guards will Fingers of Vecna, male and female humans T5: AC 4
further discourage assassination. (leather, Dex bonus); MV 12; hp 30; THACO 18 (14 with backstab
attempt, 16 with crossbow); #AT 1; Dmg ld4 or ld4 (dagger or
Citizen of Cavitius, male or female human 0-level: AC 10; light crossbow); SA poisoned daggers and quarrels, thief abili-
MV 12; hp ld6, THACO 20; #AT 0 (unarmed) or 1(dagger or ties; SZ M (6 ‘ tall); ML steady (11);Int high (13); AL LE; XP
random object); Dmg none (unarmed) or ld4; SZ S-M (4’6m4’ 1,400 each.
tall); ML unsteady (5-7); Int average (8-10); AL any (60% evil, Special Equipment: Thieves tools, ld6x10 gp each.
30% neutral, 10% good; 30% lawful, 40% neutral, 30% chaotic). Special Abilities: poison-injection; onset immediate; strength
Notes: Experience points are not awarded for slaying any 0- 2d10/ld4.
level human, even if the person was evil. Detailed statistics are ThiefAbilities: PP 26%, OL 34%, F/RT 12%,h4S 76%, HS %yo,
not given for most 0-level citizens in this adventure; they can be DN 38%, CW 76%, RL 29%.
found everywhere as citizens, pages, prisoners, servants, and
the like. The DM is free to adjust the above information to fit the
circumstances of an encounter. Githzerai pilgrim, F2: AC 3 (banded mail, shield); MV 12; hp
20; THACO 19 (18 specialization);#AT 3/2; Dmg ld8+2 (long-
Death knight: AC 0; MV 12; HD 9; THACO 8 (Str bonus, mag- sword, specialization); SA 60‘ infravision, plane shij? 1/round
ical bonus possible); #AT 1; Dmg ld8+6 (longsword, magical but not in Sigil; MR 10%; SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite (13); Int very
bonus possible); SA 18/00 Strength, power word blind, power word (12);AL NE; XP 65.
kill, or power word stun once per day, symbol of fear or symbol of
pain once per day, 20 HDfireball once per day, SD cannot be Guise-of-Vecna stone golem: AC -3; MV 12; HD 18;hp 120;
mind-read on this demiplane, constantly radiates fear in 5-foot THACO 3; #AT 2; D m g 4d8/4d8 (fists);SA casts slow spell on
radius, can cast detect magic, detect invisible, and wall of ice at will, any opponent within 10 feet every other round (appears as a
immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death burst of darkness from its gouged eye); SD affected only by +2
or better weapons, immune to all spells save those spells affect- Wizard Spells Memorized (2): lst-comprehend languages, magic
ing earth; SW rock to mud slows a golem for 2d6 rounds (reverse missile.
heals golem completely),flesh to stone makes golem vulnerable Notes: This sort of cleric is fairly typical in Cavitius. The
to normal attacks for 1round including spells that cause direct spells are usually combat oriented, since the clerics often punish
damage; SZ L (9’ tall); ML fearless (20); Int non- (0);AL N; citizens who have stepped out of line. They must also fend off
XP 17,000. attacks by other clerics seeking advancement. Vecna, however,
recently directed his clerics to prepare themselves for the arrival
Half-ogre Kadars: AC 2 (banded mail +2); MV 12; HD 6; hp 48 of “outsiders,” so spells such as hold person and comprehend lan-
each; THACO 15 (12 with Str bonus); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6 guages are in wide use.
(spear, Str bonus); SZ L (8‘ tall); Int average (9); ML steady (12); Each Memory of Vecna (the general title for a mid-level
AL CE; XP 1,400. cleric/mage) has a holy symbol (a skeletal, outstretched hand
Special Equipment: pouch with 125 gp and several bone chits. with an eye in the palm) to signify authority over Vecna’s
undead. Powerful undead can disregard a cleric’s commands,
Invoker, male or female human I n v l 2 AC 7 (Dexbonus, but they will usually cooperate with clerics against a common
ring of protection +2); MV 12; hp 48; THACO 17 (16 with dagger foe.
+Z); #AT 1; Dmg ld4+1 (dagger +Z); SA spells; SZ M (5’4’ tall); The priesthood is a dangerous occupation, for the main
ML steady (11-12); Int genius (17-18); AL NE; XP 6,000. method of advancement lies in slaying one’s superiors. (One
Special Equipment: Each carries either a wand offire (roll ld6: might wonder if Vecna was surprised at all at Kas’s historic
14)or a wand of paralyzation (5-6),each with 2d8 charges. betrayal, considering the environment Vecna fosters among his
Wizard SpelIs Memorized (5/5/ 5/5/5/2): 1st-burning hands, servants.) Clerics who reside outside the Palace of Vecna each
color spray, detect magic, magic missile (x2); 2nd-flaming sphere, have at least one armed bodyguard. These guards do not belong
invisibility (x2), irritation, web; Srd-dispel magic, hold person (x3), to or take orders from the hierarch of Vecna’s church; rather,
slow; 4th-ice storm (x2), phantasmal killer (x2), wall offire; 5th- they are paid mercenaries who degnd their charges from all
Bigby‘s interposing hand, cone of cold ( ~ 4 )6th-disintegrate,
; attackers, particularly other clerics of Vecna.
Otiluke’sfreezing sphere.
Notes: These characters are protected by stoneskin spells. The Minor death: AC 4; MV 16, fly 24 (B); HD 4+1; THACO
first seven melee and missile attacks against them do no automatically hits; #AT 1 (scythe);Dmg 2d8; SA gain initiative
damage. in every round, automatically strike chosen victim once each
round, cannot be mind-read, slain victims are forever dead and
Lich: AC 0; MV 6; HD 11+;THACO 9; #AT 1; Dmg ldlO cannot be revived even with a wish; SD cannot be turned or con-
(freezing touch); SA spells, touch causes saving throw vs. paral- trolled, immune to charm, sleep, hold, fear, cold, poison, paralysis,
ysis (permanent duration); SD spells, hit only by +1or better death magic, fire, electricity, and telepathic psionics; SZ M (6’
weapons or monsters with 6+ HD, cannot be mind-read on this tall); ML fearless (20); Int high (14); AL LE; XP 2,000.
demiplane,fear aura causes anyone with 5 HD or less to flee for
5d4 rounds, high Intelligence grants immunity to low-level Illu- Necromancer (novice), male or female human Mk AC 10;
sion/Phantasm spells, immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold, MV 12; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (dagger); SZ M (5’4’ tall);
poison, paralysis, death magic, electricity, enfeeblement, poly- ML average (8-10); Int exceptional (15-16); AL any evil; XP 65.
morph, insanity, and telepathic psionics; SW can be turned, vul- Wizard Spells Memorized (2):chill touch, magic missile.
nerable if phylactery is located; SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML fanatic
(17-18); Int supra-genius (19-20); AL LE (!io%),NE (30%), Necromancer, male or female human Necl2 AC 8 (Dex
CE (20%); XP 8,000 (9,000 with magic items). bonus, ring of protection +Z); MV 12; hp 48; THACO 17 (16 dagger
Notes: Some liches in this domain were once live mages in +I);#AT 1;Dmg ld4+1 (dagger +I); SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML steady
Vecna‘s ancient empire on Oerth, but were cast into the prison (11-12); Int genius (17-18); AL NE; XP 6,000.
of Citadel Cavitius when they failed their master. They were Special Equipment: Each carries either a ring of vampiric regen-
changed into liches over time by the prison’s magical nature. eration (1-4) or an amulet of life protection (5-6).
Most, however, deliberately turned themselves into liches to Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5/5/5/5/2): lst4urning hands,
become immortal and gain additional magical knowledge. chill touch (x2),magic missile (x2);2nd-blindness, blur, spectral
The liches in this adventure are given individual assortments hand, Taskds uncontrollable hideous laughter, web; 3rd-blink, dispel
of special equipment and spells. If the DM plans to introduce magic, hold person, vampiric touch (e); 4th4estow curse, enervation,
additional liches as encounters, possessions and a spell list ice storm, minor globe of invulnerability, polymorph other; 5th-ani-
should be generated for each; assume each lich is of level mate dead (x3), cone of cold (x2); Gth-death spell (x2).
17+ld4.All liches have prepared themselves with spells and
magic items in case they confront Iuz, his followers, or the New Vecnan Specialty Priests, male and female human and
heroes (all of whom the liches try to avoid slaying, as per the bariaur P7: AC 2 (chainmail,shield, Dex bonus); M V 12; hp 38;
wishes of Vecna, unless directly attacked). THACO 16 (13with mace +3);#AT 1;Dmg ld6+4 (mace +3); SZ M
(6’1”tall); ML champion (16); Int very (12); AL LG; X P 2,000.
Mage (minor), male or female human MZ AC 10; MV 12; Special Equipment: ring of infravision.
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (dagger);SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML Spells (5/5/3/2): lst-command, cure light wounds (x2), detect
unsteady (5-7); Int exceptional (15-16); AL any evil; XP 65. good, sanctuay; 2nd-aid, augu y, barkskin, hold person, know
Wizard Spells Memorized (2): 1st-magic missile, shield. alignment; 3rd-cure deafness, prayer, remove curse; 4th-cure seri-
ous wounds, neutralize poison.
Mage (novice), male or female human M1: AC 10; MV 12;
THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (dagger); SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML Ogre warriors: AC 5; MV 12; HD 6; hp 48 each; THACO 15
unsteady (5-7); Int exceptional (15-16); AL an evil; XP 35. (12 with Str bonus); #AT 3/2; Dmg ld6+6 (spear, Str bonus); SZ
Wizard Spells Memorized (1):lst-either chiif touch, shield, L (8 ’ tall); Int average (9);ML steady (12); AL CE; XP 975.
magic missile, or shocking grasp, at the DM‘s discretion. Special Equipment: Pouch with 15 gp and several bone chits.
Notes: These ogres are elite troops, so their statistics differ
Memory of Vecna, male or female human M m 5 : AC 10 or from the traditional ogre a bit.
5 (chainmail);MV 12; THACO 18 (17 with dagger +I);#AT 1;
Dmg ld4+1 (dagger +U; SA command undead; SZ M (5’6’ tall); Palace guard, male or female human F1:AC 8 (leather
ML elite (13-14); Int exceptional (15-16); AL LE; XP 975. armor); M V 12; THACO 20; #AT 1;Dmg ld6 (short sword); SZ M
Special Equipment: as determined by the DM. (5’4’); ML elite (13-14); Int average (8-10); AL N, LN, NE, or
Cleric Spells Memorized ( 5/3/1): lst-causefear (x2), command LE; X P 15.
(x2), cure light wounds; 2nd-aid, hold person,jame blade; 3rd- Notes: The black leather armor worn by these guards features
prayer. a gold-embroidered symbol of Vecna over the chest.
Palace guard officer, male or female human F3: AC 5 (chain- Skeleton: AC 7; MV 12; HD 1;THACO 19; #AT
mail); MV 12; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg ld8 (longsword);SZ M (short sword); SD immune to sleep, charm, hold,feu
(5’4’); ML champion (15-16); Int high (13-14); AL LN or LE; paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psionics, ed
XP 15. piercing weapons do half damage; SW can be turr
Notes: Officers wear black tabards over their chainmail, with water inflicts 2d4 points of damage per vial; SZ M
Vecna’s symbol embroidered in gold upon them. ML fearless (20); Int non- (0); AL N; XP 65.
Notes: Animated skeletons are created from the
Reaver: AC 2 (field plate armor); MV 9; HD 7+3; THACO 13; dead human citizens of Cavitius, as well as execui
#AT 1;Dmg ld6+1 (scythe);SD +1 or better weapons to hit, or unwanted prisoners. They serve as laborers, gu
immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death targets, experimental subjects, and warriors in the
magic, and telepathic psionics, cannot be turned or controlled; Tovag. Some clerics of Vecna use them as statuary.
SZ M (6’ tall); ML fearless (20);Int high (13-14); AL LE; skeletons are thrown away. They wear nothing, nc
XP 1,400. insignia, since they are of so little value.
Notes: A reaver is a skeletal undead in armor and robes that
serves as Vecna’s law-enforcement arm over less powerful Skeleton, elite: AC 5 (chainmail);MV 12; HD 9
undead. If a reaver comes upon the site of a battle that occurred #AT 1; Dmg ld6 (short sword or throwing ax); SD
within the last 6 hours, it stops and examines the area. After ld4 sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, deat
minutes, it can track the combatants to attack those it deems to telepathic psionics, edged and piercing weapons c
have violated Vecna‘s will. Battles between living creatures do damage; SW can be turned as zombie, holy water
not interest the reaver, although it seeks to stop battles between points of damage per vial; SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML fe
undead beings in order to maintain a semblance of order. Thus, Int low (5-7); AL N; X P 120.
intelligent undead of Citadel Cavitius keep their battles secret Notes: An elite skeleton is a slightly uprated ski
whenever possible. The reaver also protects Vecna‘s living of limited self-direction and very basic tactics. It ci
clerics. throwing axes (hurling one per round) and a shori
Do not confuse this creature with the aquatic reaver from the uses armor. Given a chance, an elite skeleton hurls
first RAVENLOFT MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM@ Appendix. axes before entering combat. Elite skeletons in Cai
ated by a lich from the bodies of common soldiers
Skeletal steed AC 7; MV 18; HD 3+1;THACO 17; #AT 3; animate dead spell in a special ceremony.
Dmg ld6/ld6/ld4 (hoof/hoof/bite); SA breathes a noxious gas
that immobilizes all living beings within 5 feet if a saving throw Skeleton warrior: AC 2; M V 12 (special);HD 9
vs. breath weapon is failed; SD immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear, THACO 11 (8 with two-handed sword); #AT 1;Dm
cold, fire, poison, paralysis, death magic, telepathic psionics, handed sword); SA causesfear in characters with 1
and piercing weapons, but edged weapons inflict half damage; Dice; SD cannot be mind-read on this demiplane,
SW can betumed as wraiths; SZ L (8’tall); ML fearless (20); turned or controlled, immune to sleep, charm, hold,
Int non- (0); AL N; XP 270. poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psic
SZ M (6’ tall); ML champion (15-16); Int exception,
Shadow: AC 7; MV 12; HD 3+3; THACO 1;#AT 1;Dmg AL NE; XP 4,000.
ld4+1+ special; SA Strength drain, slain victims turn into shad- Notes: Skeleton warriors within Vecna’s domait
ows; SD cannot be mind-read on this demiplane, +1 or better clets or other devices to control them. All such iter
weapon to hit, 90% undetectable in shadows, immune to charm, absorbed into Vecna’s being, making him the abso
sleep, hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and tele- these powerful warrior undead. Skeleton warriors
pathic psionics; SW can be turned, avoids bright light; SZ M own intelligence and will, but by necessity they ar
(6’ tall); ML fanatic (17-18); Int low (5-7); AL CE; XP 420. loyal to Vecna and never act against his interests.
Notes: For every successful attack by a shadow, the target In life, the skeleton warriors of Citadel Cavitiu:
loses 1point of Strength. Lost Strength points return 2d4 turns fighters in Vecna’s ancient armies who were punis
later. If a human or demihuman is reduced to 0 points of their leader in any number of critical ways, from 11
Strength, the victim’s body dissolves into shadow-stuff and the battles to committing high treason. Most skeleton
victim is immediately ”reborn” as a shadow, attacking all serve under death knights as unit commanders in
former comrades. Only a wish followed by a heal spell can return war against Tovag, or as important guards and un
the person to life. (The new shadow must fail a saving throw vs. in Citadel Cavitius.
spell twice in order for this to work.) All skeleton warriors under Vecna wear ornate
armor with full helmets, gloss black in color but dl
Slow shadow: AC 8; MV 12; HD 4; THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg scratched from combat. On each chest plate is pair
ld4; SA 4 penalty to opponent’s surprise roll, slow (no saving and-hand symbol of Vecna in white, set within a g
throw) by touch, continual damage after touch, slain victims circle. The circle, on close inspection, is actually a I
turn into slow shadows; SD cannot be mind-read on this demi- its own tail. All use two-handed swords (+3attack
plane, +2 or better magical weapon to hit, 90% undetectable in which they wield so well that they can fight even i
shadows, immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold, poison, paraly- narrow spaces. They may use any other weapons,
sis, lightning, death magic, and telepathic psionics; SW can be normal attack odds.
turned, avoids bright light, haste drives away 2d10 slow shad- Note that skeleton warriors have a movement I
ows; SZ M (4’4’ tall); ML champion (15-16); Int low (5-7); 6 as is usual for this type of undead monster.
AL CE; XP 650.
Notes: Slow shadows typically attack by surprise, maneuver- Slaad, green: AC 0; MV 9; HD 9+5; hp 76; THA
ing behind their intended prey. They attach themselves to the (claw/claw/bite); Dmg ld6+2/ld6+2/2d8; SA spt
unsuspecting victims upon making a successful attack roll, ties; SD immune to weapons of less than +1enchai
inflicting ld4 points of cold damage and immediately causes the 50%; SZ L (7’5”tall); ML elite (14); Int average (9);’
victim to be slowed, as the 3rd-level wizard spell, with no saving 11,000.
throw. Further, for every round a slow shadow is attached, the Special Abilities: Spell-like abilities-an use the
victim takes an additional ld4 points of cold damage, with no once per round at will: polymorph (into a single hui
attack roll required on the part of the creature. A haste spell centaur race), darkness 15’ radius, detect invisibility, 1
directed at slow shadows drives 2d10 away, but the spell has no ESP, fear, locate object, producepame, telekinesis;can I
effect once they have attached themselves to a victim. Only a blastfireball once per day (slaad version allows con
remove curse cast upon a victim at the time of death prevents the within 24 hours of casting).
victim from arising as a slow shadow later on; otherwise, there
is no recovery. Spectre: AC 2; MV 15, fly 30 (B); HD 7+3; THA(
Dmg ld8; SA energy drain (two levels), slain victir
spectres; SD cannot be mind-read on this demiplane, +1 or Vampire: AC 1; MV 12, fly 18 (C) as bat, fly 9 (E) as gas;
better weapon to hit, immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold, HD 8+3; THACO 11 (Str bonus); #AT 1; Dmg ld6+4 (Str bonus);
poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psionics; SW can SA energy drain (two levels), gaze can charm (-2 penalty to
be turned, holy water does 2d4 points of damage per vial, raise saving throw), shapechange to bat or wolf, spider climb at will,
dead destroys the spectre if a saving throw vs. spell fails, avoids slain victims turn into vampires; SD +1or better weapon to hit,
bright light; SZ M (5'-6' tall); ML champion (15-16); Int high regenerate 3 hp/round, immune to charm, sleep, hold, fear,
(13-14); AL LE; XP 3,000. poison, paralyzation, death magic, and telepathic psionics, cold
Notes: Anyone slain by a spectre becomes a full-strength and electricity inflict half damage, can assume gaseous form at
spectre under the control of its slayer. The transition to unlife will; SW can be turned, vulnerable to sunlight, wooden stakes,
takes place in only 2d4 rounds. and running water, holy water inflicts ld6+1 hp per vial; SZ M
5'6"4'6" tall); ML champion (15-16);h t exceptional (15-16);
Spider, large: AC 8;MV 6, web 15; HD 1+1; THACO 19; AL CE; XP 9,000.
#AT 1;Dmg 1; SA type A poison, with a 15 minute onset time, Notes: The oldest vampires in this ghastly domain were once
successful saving throw vs. poison negates; SZ S (2' diameter); powerful adventurers who ran afoul of Vecna at some point in
ML unsteady (5-7); Int non- (0); AL N; XP 175. his career, then were cast into Citadel Cavitius when it was an
Notes: For each point of Strength less than 19, it takes 1round extraplanar prison. There they were attacked and slain by the
to break free from webs spun by large spiders (it takes 4 rounds sole vampire in that prison, Kas the Destroyer himself. These
for a hero with 15 Strength to break free, for example). Entan- vampires became free-willed when Kas escaped with the help of
gled persons can be attacked with a +4 bonus, and lose all adventurers some years ago (as per Vecna Lives!). Most current
Armor Class adjustments due to Dexterity. As many spiders as vampires are recent additions, adventurers killed here after
possible attack entangled heroes. Citadel Cavitius was drawn into the Demiplane of Dread. They
take secret pride in being the "offspring" of the traitorous Kas,
Stone guardians, in Vecna's image: AC 2; MV 9; HD 4+4; particularly since all vampires here are now under the nominal
hp 35; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg ld8+1; SD immune to nonmagi- control of Vecna, whom they hate and fear without end. Vam-
cal missiles, suffers half damage from edged weapons, quarter pires are unreliable as soldiers or commanders, being too selfish
damage from all cold-, fire-, or electrical-based attacks; SW and unconcerned about authority (unless their orders come from
instantly destroyed by a stone tojlesh, transmute rock to mud, stone Vecna directly).
shape, or dig spell, with no saving throw allowed; SZ M (6' 1" Because Vecna is less fond of vampires than more lawful
tall); ML fearless (20); Int non- (0); AL N; XP 1,400. sorts of undead, he has standing orders to have the victims of
vampires destroyed completely whenever possible, to prevent
Teeth of Vecna, male and female humans W5 (transmuters): having his domain be overrun with them. Vampires go along
AC 8 (Dex bonus); Mv 12; hp 20; THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld6 with these orders, though once in a while they will bring a new
(staff); SZ M (6 ' tall); ML elite (14); Int exceptional (16); AL NG; member into their family by accident or design (in the latter
XP 975 each. case, the usually unwilling recruit is someone much favored by
Spells (5/3/2): lst-armor, magic missile (x3), charm person; a particular vampire). The victim is given a quick burial, and
2nd-inuisibility, web, Melj's acid arrow; 3rd-dispel magic,fireball. one day later arises as a full-strength vampire enslaved to its
creator. As Vecna sometimes destroys particularly obnoxious
Tiefling pilgrims, F7: AC 4 (banded mail); MV 12; hp 56; vampires (thus freeing their slaves), there are quite a few free-
THACO 14 (12 with specializization, Str bonus); #AT 2; Dmg willed vampires about, each with its own collection of vampiric
ld10+3/ld10+3 (two-handed sword, specialization, Str bonus); followers.
SA tiefling abilities; SD +2 saving throw bonus vs. fire, electrici-
ty, and poison; SZ M (4'4' tall); ML average (10); Int average War wizard, male or female human F4/M9 AC 9 (Dex
(9); AL CE; XP 1,400. bonus); MV 12; hp 29; THACO 17; #AT 1;Dmg ld10 (long-
Notes: Tieflings appear as humans or demihumans with a sword); SA spells; SD spells; SZ M (5'4' tall); ML fanatic
strange physical attribute, such as horns, a tail, a mane, glowing (17-18); Int genius (17-18); AL LE; XP 7,000.
eyes, or some other taint of outer-planar parentage. Tieflings Special Equipment: wand of paralyzation, rod of terror, or ring of
possess infravision to 60 feet, suffer half damage from cold, and the ram (determine randomly).
can create darkness 15' radius and either chill touch, mirror image, Special Abilities: War wizards are expert commanders, highly
or charm person 1/day. skilled in small unit and battlefield tactics, and the application
of magic in combat. They each possess the Spellcraft proficiency
Torturers, female human T1: AC 8 (Dex bonus); MV 12;hp 4 and receive a +1 bonus to all checks involving strategy and
each; THACO 17; #AT 1(dagger);Dmg ld4; SA backstab (x2 planning for battle. Further, all war wizards are able to cast their
damage); SD thief skills; SZ M (5'-5'6" tall); ML steady (11-12); spells using only one hand if their sword is drawn; doing so
Int average (8-10);AL NE; XP 65. adds 1to the casting time.
ThiefAbilities: PP 15%,OL 25%, F/RT 1570,MS 20%, HS 25%, Wizard Spells Memorized (4/3/3/2/1): lst-detect magic, magic
DN 25%, CW 6O%, RL 0%. missile (a), phantasmalforce; 2nd-fog cloud, improved phantasmal
force, scare; 3rddispel magic,fireball, lightning bolt; 4th-Euard's
True ghouls: AC 3; MV 12; HD 4+4; hp 36 each; THACO 15; black tentacles,fear; 5th-doudkill.
#AT 3 or 1; Dmg ld6/ld6/ld8 (claw/claw/bite) or by weapon;
SA touch paralyzes foe 2d6+6 rounds, grave-rot; SD immune to Wight: AC 5; MV 12; HD 4+3; THACO 15; #AT 1;Dmg ld4;
sleep, charm, hold, fear, poison, paralysis, death magic, and cold- SA energy drain (one life level per touch), slain victims turn into
based attacks; SW can be turned as wights; SZ M (6' tall); wights; SD cannot be mind-read, hit only by silver or +1or
ML fearless (19); Int low to average (7-10); AL NE; XP 2,000. better magical weapons, immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold,
Special Abilities: SA-Grave-rot: The claws and fangs of true poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psionics; SW can
ghouls are covered with filth and carrion. Creatures wounded be turned, holy water does 2d4 points of damage per vial, raise
by the ghouls must make a saving throw vs. poison or succumb dead destroys wight instantly, avoids bright light; SZ M (5'4'
to grave-rot at the end of combat (multiple wounds require only tall); ML elite (13-14); Int average (8-10); AL LE; XP 1,400.
a single saving throw). Victims who fail lose ld6 hit points each Notes: The wights of Citadel Cavitius were formerly warriors
day until the disease is cured. Every three days, afflicted victims or minor adventurers who were imprisoned within the Citadel
can attempt a Constitution check with a -4 penalty to sponta- when it was an extraplanar jail. These experienced prisoners,
neously throw off the rot. Paladins are immune to grave-rot, having run afoul of Vecna at some point, gradually turned into
and the can use their cure disease ability to remove the affliction wights from the effects of the Negative Material Plane in their
fromot ers. environment. When the prison turned into a Demiplane of
Dread domain (and prison for Vecna), Vecna gained command
over his former enemies, who saw that becoming the Maimed
Lords soldiers was the only option left to them. Whatever their
alignment and attitudes in life, wights now support Vecna wraith until its master is destroyed, at which time the minor
wholeheartedly. Many retain the spellcasting abilities they had wraith gains full strength and free will. Anyone slain by a ha1
in life. Wights now serve as low-level commanders in the war strength wraith and turned into another half-strength wraith
against Tovag, or as guard commanders in Citadel Cavitius and becomes a servant of the original, full-strength creator wraith.
Vecna’s palace.
Wights in Cavitius do not wear armor or use weapons, but Zombie: AC 8; MV 6; HD 2; THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld8; S
they do wear military-style black tunics and kilts. Over this is immune to sleep, charm, hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, elec-
worn a black tabard with the eye-and-hand symbol of Vecna tricity, death magic, and telepathic psionics; SW can be turned
marked over the chest. Palace guard officers have the symbol holy water does 2d4 points of damage per vial; SZ M (5’4’ ta
embroidered in gold thread; commanders in the Burning Peaks ML fearless (20); Int non- (0); AL N; X P 65.
have it in silver thread; and city commanders and guards have Notes: Like skeletons, zombies of Citadel Cavitius were creati
it in white thread. from dead human citizens, criminals, and prisoners of little wor
to the rulers of the city. They serve as heavy laborers, guards, t a
Wight, half-strength AC 5; M V 12; HD 2+1; THACO 19; gets, and scapegoats until they rot (becomingskeletons) or until
#AT 1;Dmg ld4; SA energy drain (one life level per touch), slain they are battered to pieces and thrown away. Zombies are given
victims turn into wights; SD cannot be mind-read, hit only by nothing more than a cloth kilt to wear, if that.
silver or +1or better magical weapons, immune to sleep, charm,
hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic Zombie, ju-ju: AC 6; MV 9; HD 3+12; THACO 15 (attacks a
psionics; SW can be turned, holy water does 2d4 points of 6 HD monster); #AT 1;Dmg 3d4 (fists); SD +1or better magic;
damage per vial, raise dead destroys wight instantly, avoids weapon to hit, half damage from fire and blunt or piercing
bright light; SZ M (5’4’ tall); ML elite (13-14); Int average
- weapons, Climb Walls 92%, immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear,
(8-70);XL LE; XP 650. death magic, magic missile, illusions, poison, paralysis, cold,
Notes: All heroes and NPCs slain bv a wi&t fall into this cate- electricity, and telepathic psionics; SW can be turned as spectr
gory, The transion to unlife takes plice quizkly, in only 2d8 holy water inflicts 2d4 points of damage per vial; SZ M (5’4’
rounds. A half-strength wight becomes the servant of its creator tall); ML average (8-10); Int low (5-7); AL NE; XP 975.
wight until its master is destroyed, at which time the minor wight Notes: Ju-ju zombies are among the rarest of undead in Cai
gains full strength and free will. Anyone slain by a half-stren@h tius. In life, they were prisoners or criminals of exceptional nc
wight and turned into another half-strength wight becomes a ser- hideously executed by energy drain spells cast by an archmage
vant of the original, full-strength creator wight. lich, or byfinger of death spells after prolonged torture. Tu-ju
zombies now serve as special couriers in Citadel Cavitius, wo
Wight mage, M 3 as per wight, except: ML fanatic (17-18); ing for Vecna’s clerics, death knights, and skeleton warriors.
Int genius (17-18); XP 2,000. They are encouraged to sing hymns to Vecna on their routes,
Notes: These corporeal undead share the same background as highlighting the lesson that it would be unfortunate if anyone
other wights here, but they were wizards, not warriors. They were to anger Vecna or his underlings.
now willingly assist their lord, Vecna, and also assist other pow-
erful undead spellcasters. Wight mages can use most magic
items meant for wizards; their spells and special equipment are Intermediate Villains
given in the text, where encountered. Victims slain by wight Geral Kher, male half-elf FWMS AC 9 (Dex bonus); M V 1
mages turn into half-strength (non-spellcasting) wights, serving hp 56; THACO 13 (9 with longsword +4, defender);#AT 3 / 2 or 2
their slayer as noted earlier. Dmg ld10+4 (longsword +4, defender) or ld6/ld6 (shortbow);
SA spells; SD spells, standard half-elf immunities; SZ M (5’4’’
Wraith AC 4; M V 12, fly 24; HD 5+3; THACO 15; #AT 1; tall); ML champion (16); Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10,
Dmg ld6; SA energy drain (one life level per touch), slain vic- Cha 13; AL NE; XP 2,000.
tims turn into wraiths; SD cannot be mind-read, hit only by Special Equipment: ring of shooting stars; ring of spell turning.
silver (half damage) or +1or better magical weapons, recovers 1 Wizard Spells Memorized (4/3/3/2): 1st-burning hands, kno
lost hit point every 8 hours, immune to charm, sleep, hold,fear, 2nd-magic missile (x2);2nd-web (x3);3rd-invisibility, light-
cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic psionics; ning bolt. (All other spells were used.)
SW can be turned, holy water does 2d4 points of damage per
vial, raise dead destro s wraith instantly if it fails a saving throw The Hand, unique flesh golem and loyal servant of Vecn,
vs. spell, avoids brigit light; SZ M (5‘4‘ tall); ML champion AC 1; MV 9; HD 10; hp 66; THACO 11;#AT 2; Dmg 2d12 (hug
(15-16); Int very (11-12); AL LE; XP 2,000. fists); SAgreater mummy rot (saving throw vs. spell if struck; f;
Notes: The wraiths of Cavitius have origins much like the ure infects victim with disease like that inflicted by greater
wights, but their corporeal forms were destroyed, leaving only mummy, as per the MONSTER MANUAL), energy drain (1level pe
their corrupted spirits. For ages they did not communicate with hit); SD +1or better weapons to hit; SW dispel magic; SZ M
any being but each other. When Cavitius was brought into the (6’ tall); ML fanatic (18); Int high (14);AL LE; XP 6,000.
Demiplane of Dread, Vecna took command over all wraiths and Notes: The Hand is made entirely of severed hands stitchec
now uses them as special enforcers and spies. Wraiths have a together by magic. When it uses telepathy or moves, it makes
society separate from all others in this domain, and they com- continual clicking and snapping sounds.
municate with no one but Vecna himself or a cleric of Vecna
using speak with dead. They make no use of clothing, as they are ”Innova,” female lich possessing human body W19 AC
incorporeal. (Dex bonus, caul ofprotection +Z); MV 12; HD 11+8;hp 43;
THACO 9; #AT 1;Dmg 1hp (fists or kick); SA spells; SD spells
Wraith, half-strength:AC 4; MV 12, fly 24; HD 2+1; cannot be mind-read on this demiplane, immune to sleep, char
THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg ld6; SA energy drain (one life level per hold, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, electricity, enfeeble-
touch), slain victims turn into wraiths; SD cannot be mind-read, ment, polymorph, insanity, and telepathic psionics; SW can be
hit only by silver (half damage) or +1or better magical weapons, turned, vulnerable if phylactery is located, successful dispel
recovers 1lost hit point every 8 hours, immune to charm, sleep, magic forces lich‘s spirit into the phylactery; SZ M (5’4”tall);
hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and telepathic ML champion (15); Str 7, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18 (lich), Wis 11
psionics; SW can be turned, holy water does 2d4 points of (lich), Cha 14 (combined);AL CE; XP 7,000.
damage per vial, raise dead destroys wraith instantly if it fails a Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5/5/5/5/3/3/3/1); 1st-burnii
saving throw vs. spell, avoids bright light; SZ M (5‘4‘ tall); hands (x2), charm person, magic missile (x2); 2nd-blur, detect in?
ML champion (15-16); Int very (11-12); AL LE; XP 975. ibility, ESP, ray of enfeeblement, mirror image; 3rd-dispel magic,
Notes: All heroes and NPCs slain by a wraith fall into this fireball, hold person, infiavision, protectionfrom normal missiles;
category. The transition to unlife takes place quickly, in only 2d6 4th-dimension door, improved invisibility, polymorph other, slow,
rounds. A half-strength wraith becomes the servant of its creator stoneskin; 5th-cone of cold, demi-shadow monsters (x2), telekinesi
wall of force; 6thdeath spell, disintegrate, project image; 7th- mand undead; SD spells; SZ M (5‘6’’ tall); ML champion (16);
delayed blast fireball, limited wish, spell turning; 8th-Bigby‘s Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 16; AL LE; XP 3,000.
clenchedfist, monster summoning VI (ld3 wraiths), symbol; 9th- Special Equipment: brooch of shielding.
monster summoning VII (ld2 flesh golems). Cleric Spells Memorized (5/5/4/3): Ist-command, cure light
Notes: The lich who has stolen Innova‘s body was in life an wounds (x2), light (x2); 2nd-charm person or mammal (x2),hold
evil human mage named Meekali, from the realm of Sunndi. person (x2),jlame blade; 3rddispel magic (d), prayer, protection
When the natural end of her life was only a few years away, she fromfire; 4th-cause serious wounds, poison ( ~ 2 )
made plans to prevent it from arriving. Her first attempt Wizard Spells Memorized (3/2): Ist-comprehend languages,
involved casting magic jar on an elf maiden, but elven adventur- magic missile (x2); 2nd-Me2fs acid arrow, invisibility.
ers foiled her scheme. She then went through the steps to Notes: This extraordinary cleric is fiercely devoted to Vecna.
become a lich. During this process, she came to the attention of Lann is by nature a cautious commander and seeks to avoid
Vecna, who recruited her as one of his servants. Now, she occa- confrontation until he can muster sufficient forces to make a
sionally uses magic jar to steal the body of a young human decent battle against his foes. At that point, he fights to the
female from the unfortunate citizens of Citadel Cavitius. She death.
revels for a few years in her stolen life and youth, often leaving
trails of broken hearts and mutilated bodies in her wake. Even- Lanner Hvist, male human F 1 2 AC 3 (chainmail, shield, ring
tually, vengeful citizens kill the stolen body, and she returns to of protection +l);MV 9 (slowed by armor); hp 120; THACO 9;
her undead form for a few years. The cycle then starts over #AT 3/2; Dmg ld8 (longsword);SZ M (6’ tall); ML elite (14); Str
again with another stolen body. 14,Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10; AL NE; XP 2,000.
Special Equipment: ring offire resistance, ring of the ram.
Karhk of the Elf-Splitters, orc leader. AC 5 (studded leather,
shield +l);MV 9; HD 1;hp 8; THACO 19; #AT 1;Dmg ld4 (cross- Lord Haroln, the Arm of Vecna, male vampire W3mO of
bow) or ld8 (battle-ax); SD thief skills; SZ M (6’3” tall); ML aver- Vecna: as per vampire, except: AC -2 (ring of protection +3);
age (9);Int average (9); AL LE; XP 35. hp 66; SA spells; SD spells, XP 13,000.
Special Equipment: shield +1(has tribal symbol on it: an elf Special Equipment: wand of lightning (16 charges).
skull with a spike driven between its eyes). Cleric Spells Memorized (6/6/4/4/2): lst-causefear, command,
ThiefAbilities: Karhk learned a few thieving tricks from a curse, detect magic, invisibility to undead, protection from good;
human captive: OL 6O%, F/RT 45%. 2nd-hold person (x2),jame blade, heat metal, silence 15’ radius,
withdraw; 3rd-animate dead, cause blindness or deafness, dispel
Krakkat the Observant, lich M18:AC 4 (ring of protection magic, jlame walk; 4th-doak of fear’free action, protection from good
+4);MV 6; HD 18; hp 72; THACO 9; #AT 1 (freezing touch); Dmg 10’ radius, tongues; 5th-insect plague, slay living.
ld10; SA spells, touch causes saving throw vs. paralysis (perma- Wizard Spells Memorized (2/1): 1st-magic missile, shield;
nent duration); SD spells, hit only by +1 or better weapons or 2nd-web.
monsters with 6+ HD, cannot be mind-read on this demiplane, Notes: One of the most powerful among Cavitius’s undead
fear aura causes anyone with 5 HD or less to flee for 5d4 rounds, lords is Lord Haroln, a vampire-cleric of Vecna. In recent months,
high Intelligence grants immunity to low-level Illusion/Phan- he has become deeply entrenched within the power structure of
tasm spells, immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold, poison, paralysis, the Citadl ;he was awarded the title of the Arm of Vecna, the
death magic, electricity, enfeeblement, polymorph, insanity, and commander of the Fingers. Although he enjoys his position of
telepathic psionics; SW can be turned, vulnerable if phylactery power, Haroln worries that other lords will undermine his
is located; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (17-18); Int supra-genius authority among the undead through hidden maneuverings.
(20); AL CE; XP 9,000. Having to bother with legal proceedings involving live people
Special Equipment: staff of power (20 charges), wand of lightning distracts him from uncovering the damaging plots of his peers. If
(39 charges). there’s anyone among the lords who is completely frustrated
Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1): 1st-hold with both the living and the undead, it‘s Haroln.
portal, identi& (x4); 2nd-blur, darkness 15’radius, ESP, mirror
image, stinking cloud; 3rd-blink, dispel magic, hold person (x2), hold Nine, lich M20 AC -2 (cloak of displacement); MV 6; HD 20;
undead; 4th4imension door, enervation, ice storm, improved invisi- hp 65; THACO 11;#AT 1 peezing touch or staffof striking);Dmg
bility, polymorph other; 5th-animate dead, summon shadow (x2), ld10 or ld6+3; SA spells, touch causes saving throw vs. paraly-
telekinesis, wall of force; 6thdeath spell, disintegrate, geas; 7th- sis (permanent duration); SD spells, hit only by +1or better
forcecage, reverse gravity, spell turning; 8th-mass charm, power word weapons or monsters with 6+ HD, cannot be mind-read on this
blind; 9th-succor (to hidden lair in city of Cavitius). demiplane,fear aura causes anyone with 5 HD or less to flee for
Notes: Krakkat is patient, for a lich, and seems to enjoy work- 5d4 rounds, high Intelligence grants immunity to low-level illu-
ing with low-level necromancers. He created the elite skeletons sion/phantasm spells, immune to sleep, charm, hold, cold,
that populate Cavitius. He ignores live humans otherwise, poison, paralysis, death magic, electricity, enfeeblement, poly-
unless attacked. He has the permanent abilities to read magic and morph, insanity, and telepathic psionics; SW can be turned, vul-
detect magic. nerable if phylactery is located; SZ M (6’ tall); ML fanatic (18);
Int supra-genius (20); AL LE; XP 11,000.
Kyrie, female vampire M 2 AC 1;M V 12, fly 18 (C) as bat, Special Equipment: eyes of the basilisk.
fly 9 (E) as gas; HD 8+3; hp 50; THACO 11(Str bonus); #AT 1; Wizard Spells Memorized (5/5/5/5/5/4/3/3/2): lst-charm
Dmg ld6+4 (Str bonus); SA energy drain (twolevels), gaze can person, hold portal, magic missile (x3); 2nddetect invisibility,
charm (-2 penalty to saving throw), shapechange to bat or wolf, Melfs acid arrow (x3), web; 3rd-haste, hold person, lightning bolt,
spider climb at will, slain victims turn into vampires; SD +1 or slow, wraithform; 4th-charm monster, ice storm (x2),phantasmal
better weapon to hit, regenerate 3 hp/round, immune to charm, killer, stoneskin; 5th-animate dead (a), chaos (x2),telekinesis;
sleep, hold,fear, poison, paralyzation, death magic, and telepathic bth-anti-magic shell, chain lightning (e) disintegrate; 7thdelayed
psionics, cold and electricity inflict half damage, can assume blastfireball, limited wish (x2); 8th-maze, prismatic wall, symbol;
gaseous form at will; SW can be turned, vulnerable to sunlight, 9th-imprisonment, time stop.
wooden stakes, and running water, holy water inflicts ld6+1 hp Notes: This strange lich, named Nine (like the number) seems
per vial; SZ M (5’8”tall); ML elite (13); Int high (14); AL CE; to enjoy watching humans dance, though it kills poor or
XP 11,000. mediocre performers. Nine is entirely white in color (robes,
Wizard Spells Memorized (2): 1st-magic missile, shockinggrasp. wrappings, and bones). Nine wears a white gauze veil over its
skull face, hiding the eyes of the basilisk it wears (see eyes of petrifi-
Lann, Great Thought of Vecna, male human WdP8 of cation in the DMG). If Nine removes the veil, the magic eyes
Vecna: AC 6 (Dex bonus, ring of protection +3); MV 12; hp 52; become effectiveout to 50 feet (victims must make a successful
THACO 16 (13 Str bonus, Deva’s Bane: dagger +2, +4 vs. good- save vs. petrification to avoid being turned to stone). Nine’s
aligned creatures) or 11(as before, but vs. good beings); #AT 1; original sex is unknown. It is currently a general of the undead
Dmg ld4+3 or ld4+5 (Deva’s Bane, Str bonus); SA spells, com- in the Burning Peaks conflict.
Sir Loran of Trollpyre Keep, death knight: AC 0; M V 12; Vecna the Maimed
HD 9; hp 63; THACO 11 (6 with two-handed sword +4, +6 vs. Lord of Cavitius
amphibious creatures, Str bonus); #AT 1; Dmg ld8+10 or ld8+12 Demigod (Lich), Law:
(two-handed sword +4, +6 vs. amphibious creatures, Str bonus); SA
18/00 Strength, power word blind, power word kill, or power word Armor Class
stun once per day, symbol offear or symbol of pain once per day, Movement
20-HDFreball once per day; SD cannot be mind-read on this Level/Hit Dice
demiplane, constantly radiatesfear 5 in a 5-foot radius; can cast Hit Points 3
detect magic, detect invisible, and wall of ice at will, immune to THACO
charm, sleep, hold,fear, cold, poison, paralysis, death magic, and No. of Attacks
telepathic psionics, can cast dispel magic twice per day, cannot be Damage/Attack :
turned; MR 75% (if 11%or less is rolled, the spell is reflected Special Attacks 1
back on its caster); SZ M (6‘6”tall); ML fanatic (18);Int genius :
(17);AL CE; XP 7,000. Special Defenses .
Notes: Sir Loran was the final master of Trollpyre Keep, a i
minor estate bordering the Vast Swamp on Oerth. Unlike his Magic Resistance !
noble ancestors in Sunndi, he was an evil and twisted man who Vecna’s Portfolio: !
hid his true nature behind a veneer of stoicism and honor. He
took a beautiful dancer as his wife, but when she bore him a
daughter instead of a son, he slew them and their midwife The statistics providec
moments after the birth with Trollpyre’s Defender, his magic being restrained by thi
sword. The dancer’s mother, a priestess, cursed Sir Loran to die Demiplane of Dread. I
painfully in battle, then rise as an undead, with the spirits of his tation and cannot take
slain family haunting him for eternity. Undeath denied him his Vecna’s close relatic
deepest wish, to be known as the founder of a great house of to affect him with spel
warriors; now he has no descendants at all. spells cast by mortal CI
Sir Loran was drawn into the misty Demiplane of Dread other demigods, and a
after luring a wandering troupe of performers to Trollpyre greater stature. In addl
Keep, then slowly torturing them to death. He eventually found schools of Enchantmer
his way to Cavitius, where he entered the service of Vecna. mancy, as well as cleric
Unfortunately for Loran, the spirits of his wife and child are Chaos spheres. No fon
also present here in Vecna’s palace, torturing him at every spells) can affect him. ’
opportunity with the knowledge that his family line died out no act of a mortal can 1
forever with him. Vecna cannot plane
because of the influent
Xaven, male vampire M3: AC 1; M V 12, fly 18 (C) as bat, fly absorbs Iuz’s essence,
9 (E) as gas; HD 8+3; hp 50; THACO 11(Str bonus); #AT 1;Dmg spells cast by mortals,
ld6+4 (Str bonus); SA energy drain (two levels), gaze can charm value. He can also onc
(-2 penalty to saving throw), shapechange to bat or wolf, spider other avatar forms--.
climb at will, slain victims turn into vampires; SD +1or better
weapon to hit, regenerate 3 hp/round, immune to charm, sleep,
hold,fear, poison, paralyzation, death magic, and telepathic Hrtifacts of
psionics, cold and electricity inflict half damage, can assume This section describes
gaseous form at will; SW can be turned, vulnerable to sunlight, in the course of this ad
wooden stakes, and running water, holy water inflicts ld6+1 hp AD&D game players I
per vial; SZ M (6’2“tall); ML champion (16); Int exceptional (16); stocked selections of o
AL CE; XP 11,000. differences between th
Wizard Spells Memorized (2/1): 1st-magic missile, shield; major differences in th
2nd-Melfs acid arrow. this section when com
facts (TSR #2138) and c
ated so that players co
Greater Villains these famous items, ar
Iuz the Old One for them.
Patron of Wickedness
Demigod (Cambion), Chaotic Evil The Artifacts c
Armor Class -8 Str 21 The Eye and Hand of X
Movement 12 Dex 18 lord Vecna. Although 1
Level/Hit Dice 36 Con 18 ancient lich-lord contii
Hit Points 165 Int 18 lives of mortals throug
THACO 2 Wis 20 Vecna to circumvent tl
No. of Attacks 2 Cha 18 their direct interventic
Damage/Attack ld10+12 One great secret of
Special Attacks Multitasking, others which are not rele- the same person, they
vant to this adventure occurred once or twicc
Special Defenses +1weapons or better to hit, paralysis, humankind, so very fe
immortality, regeneration resonating powers are
Magic Resistance 45% As with virtually ai
Thief Abilities: PP 95, OL 100, F/RT 95, MS 110, HS 115, within them brings ne
DN 95, CW 95, RL 105 harness their might. TI
Iuz’s Portfolio: Oppression, deceit, pain it is described under tl

Iuz cannot plane shi$ because of the influence of the dark

powers on the Demiplane of Dread. He can perform any two
actions per round without suffering penalties.
Touch with two fingers: cause serious wounds, S/day.
The eye o f Vecrla Touch with three fingers: remove fear, at will.
Touch with four fingers: animate dead (touch only), 3/day.
The Eye of Vecna appears to be a black, uncut gem. It radiates Touch with whole hand: instant death, no possible saving
powerful, unidentifiable magic. No indication of what type of throw (to anyone but the user), at will.
magic this is can be discerned by any means. Fist: extinguishes all fire, normal and magical, at will, in a
To be used, the Eye must be pushed into the empty eye 15’ radius.
socket of a humanoid being, living or undead, of any type. It Palm out: time stop, l/day.
immediately grafts itself in place and starts glowing with a red, Thumb down: darkness, 15’radius, at will.
sinister light. Once so inserted, the Eye cannot be removed Snap fingers: monster summoning lV, 3/day (summons l d 3
through magical means or by anyone but its user, who must ghasts in Cavitius, but they will obey Vecna over the sum-
gouge it out with his bare hands. (Alternatively,the power of a moner!).
god can free the wearer.) Wiggle fingers: audible glamer, 5/day.
As soon as the Eye is placed in the user, it b e p s to assert its Wave hand: animate object, 3/day.
influence, possibly causing the user to believe that he or she is
actually Vecna, reborn in living form. This curse is described
later. Resonating Powers of the Eye and Hand of Vecnn
Iuz the Old One acquires the Eye of Vecna during this adven- When the same person has both the Eye and the Hand in place,
ture; see Book One for details. the following powers are gained. They all function at 20th-level
Constant: Detect magic, comprehend languages, nondetection,
Powers protection from good, and 70% magic resistance.
The Eye possesses several powers. The constant powers reveal Invoked: These are spell-like effects activated with but a
themselves when any situation arises in which they would have thought by the user; no verbal, somatic, or material components
an effect. The Eye’s user does not have to command these are needed. Thus, no initiative modifiers exist when activating
powers to operate. All powers function at 20th-level effective- these powers.
ness. ESP, at will.
Constant: true seeing and foresight (as per the spells). Control temperature, 10’ radius (cold only), 3/day.
Invoked Abilities: The following spell-like effects can be
cast with but a thought by the wearer of the Eye. No verbal or
material components are necessary, only the gaze and the will of Curse of the Eye and Hand of Vecna
the user. Thus, all uses of the Eye represent only a +1modifier to Users of the Eye and Hand of Vecna open themselves to domina-
initiative, as if they had a casting time of 1. tion both by the artifacts and by the evil demigod himself. The
Clairvoyance, at will. domination shines through in personality changes in the user,
Eyebite, 3/day. so the DM and the player of the character must cooperate to
Domination, l/week. bring the negative effects of the artifacts into play in the cam-
Vision, l/week. paign. Initially, however, the dangers associated with using the
items are represented by secret saving throws made by the DM
on the user’s behalf. As soon as the described effects take place,
The hand o f Vecna the player of the character should be notified so that he or she
can play the character accordingly.
The Hand of Vecna appears to be a dried, shriveled and black- As soon as the Eye is placed in the empty socket of its would-
ened left hand, such as could have been caused by having been be user, the DM should roll a saving throw vs. spell for the user
burned. Its fingernails are clawlike and sharp, and it radiates with a -1 penalty. If the saving throw fails, the Eye begins to
powerful, unidentifiable magic. No indication of what type of assert its influence over the character, whose alignment shifts to
magic this is can be discerned by any means. chaotic.
To be used, the hand must be placed against the stump of a As soon as the Hand is placed on the stump of the would-be
left arm from which the hand has been severed. It instantly user, the DM should roll a saving throw vs. spell for the user
grafts into place and thereafter cannot be removed by any with a -1 penalty. If the saving throw fails, the Hand begins to
means short of severing the entire arm, or the aid of a god. Once assert its influence over the character, whose alignment shifts to
attached, the hand functions normally, although it always evil.
remains black and withered. It can be concealed by a glove or Each time one of the invoked powers of either artifact is
gauntlet, of course, but within the talons always tear through used, the DM must roll a successful saving throw on the charac-
the covering, no matter how sturdy it is. ter’s behalf (with a -2 penalty, or a 4 penalty if both artifacts
The heroes acquire the Hand of Vecna during this adventure. are used by the same being) to resist domination. Even elves
and half-elves are subject to this attack, and no saving throw
Powers bonuses of any sort apply.
As with the Eye, the powers of the Hand must be discovered If the domination is successful, the artifact or artifacts
through trial and error. Each use runs the risk of domination. If assume control of the user. The artifacts are intensely evil, and
this happens, the Hand reveals its full powers, but the user is they do all they can to further the cause of destruction, wicked-
now under the control of the artifact (as per its curse). All ness, and self-aggrandizement,especially at the expense of
powers function at 20th-level effectiveness. others. The character is unlikely to be aware he or she is being
Constant: The wearer is immune to magic missiles and inflicts dominated by the artifacts. Most likely, the user will feel that he
2d6 points of damage to plants and plant-based creatures when or she has finally come to understand how to properly get
touching them with the Hand. The user’s left arm (only) gains a ahead in the world, or finally discovered natural or true goals to
Strength of 19 (+3 bonus to attack rolls, +7 bonus to damage). follow in life.
Invoked: These are spell effects that are activated by gestur- While dominated by the artifacts, the character increasingly
ing with the Hand; no verbal or material components are neces- takes on the habits, attitudes, and even mannerisms of the
sary, only the gesture and the will of the user. Thus, all uses of ancient lich Vecna. The user begins to engage in intense scholar-
the Hand present only a +1 modifier to initiative, as if they each ly research-and shows a violent temper if anyone disagrees
had a casting time of 1. with a theory he or she posits. The user avoids sunlight
Point index finger: light, at will. (although it has no adverse effect), devises and sets into motion
Point two fingers: hypnotic pattern, 3/day. the most arcane cruelties in the name of magical investigation,
Point three fingers: color spray, 5/day. and actively seeks out and destroys any potential threat or com-
Point four fingers: cone of cold, 3/day. petition to the user’s own power. The character also becomes
Point five fingers: disintegrate, l/day. obsessed with locating the real Vecna; the Eye and Hand can
Touch with one finger: cause light wounds, at will. sense their master still exists and wish to rejoin him. The Eye
and Hand will force a dominated character to side with Vecna if only that the wielder hold the Sword and wish the effects into
and when a confrontation against the demigod occurs. being. There is no initiative modifier placed on their activation.
Once every two game days, the player should roll a Wisdom
check for the hero. If the check is successful, the hero breaks free Resonating Powers of the Sword of Kus
of the artifacts‘ domination and knows that he or she was con- Unknown to all but Vecna himself (as he is the Lord of Secrets
trolled by them. However, the mental exertion causes the hero’s and Hidden Things), the Sword of ffis has a suite of resonant
effective Wisdom score to be reduced by 2 each time the hero powers. These powers activate only when the Sword is wielded
breaks free. Once the hero’s effectiveWisdom score reaches 0, by a being who has grafted the Eye or Hand of Vecna (or both)
the hero irrevocably believes that he or she is the true Vecna. onto his body and is in melee combat with Vecna himself. These
Should this occur, the hero eagerly assists in the destruction of powers are in addition to all those gained from the Eye or Hand.
the true Vecna, believing that the latter is a disrespectful However, just as the Sword is unaware that its other powers
impostor. cease to function in the proximity of Vecna (see later), it does
Suggested Means of Destruction of the Eye and Hand of not know that it has these additional powers if used by a person
Vema: possessing either the Eye or Hand of Vecna.
Vecna must be permanently and irrevocably destroyed. Constant: The Sword acts as a sword +6, defender and grants
Both artifacts must be shattered on the Golden Forge at the complete immunity to allfear and paralyzation attacks.
Heart of the Sun. Invoked: The wielder gains fire giant Strength (+4 bonus to
The Eye and Hand must be willingly accepted and worn by attack rolls, +10 bonus to damage) for 3 combat rounds, three
the purest person in the distant land of Blackmoor, in the times per day. This power is invoked by the Sword itself, if the
northern Flanaess of Oerth. wielder ever faces Vecna or an opponent the Sword judges to be
equally deadly.
The 3word oflilas Curse of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a short sword with an unusually long hilt. When a suitable wielder (a character whose class is in the war-
The blade is just over 2 feet long, while the hilt adds another 2 rior group) first picks up the Sword, he suffers 2d10 points of
feet to the overall length. It can be wielded one or two-handed. damage. If the would-be wielder is not slain, the Sword telepath-
The sword’s blade is in the flame or water style, its edge ically informs the wearer that it believes he is a fit wielder for it,
blade rippled with iridescent undulations. A vein of magically then reveals all of its constant powers to the user. It promises to
hardened gold forms the center spine. The hilt is wrapped in aid the wielder in whatever quests he or she chooses to under-
red leather flecked with gold. The guards are of unicorn horn, take. Until the character dies or voluntarily gives the Sword to
and the basket is a leering, bearded face from pommel to guard. another potential wielder, the Sword states that it considers itself
(When first obtained by the party, the Sword is wrapped in and the character a team, both of them devoted to the same
blessed cloth and contained in a mahogany case, so they will goals.
not be able to see its appearance immediately.) The Sword radi- In truth, while the Sword keeps its promises, it also subtly
ates magic, although the school of magic involved changes each influences the thoughts of the wielder to make the wielder con-
time it is checked. It does not radiate good or evil, although the sider Vecna’s existence a personal threat. The DM can accom-
Sword is intelligent and quite evil. Nonetheless, the Sword is plish this by dropping hints to the player about Vecna, perhaps
completely focused on the final destruction of Vecna. even providing the player with notes about dreams the charac-
The Sword of Kus was created by Vecna at the height of his ter has featuring visions of a lich slaying everyone the hero has
power in unlife. Seeing that his empire was growing too vast to ever cared about. Should the hero ever become enraged against
manage alone, he chose one of his faithful, Kas, to serve as his Vecna, the Sword works to turn that rage into hatred and
right hand. The Sword was created to be Kas’s symbol of office, encourages the character to seek out Vecna and slay him before
but Vecna made it too well. Part of the lich-lord’s own conscious- it is too late.
ness had entered the weapon-the lich’s ambition to dominate Unfortunately for its possessor, the Sword cannot use any of
the world. The Sword whispered in Kas’s dreams, and eventually its normal powers, constant or invoked, within 30 feet of Vecna
caused the faithful lieutenant to turn on his master. The ensuing or the Eye and Hand. Even though it has led many brave war-
battle claimed the mortal existence of both men. riors against the Whispered One (only to see each of them
Over the many centuries since the Sword of Kas was first cre- destroyed),the Sword does not realize that its powers cease to
ated, several powerful magical swords have been mistaken for work. If its wielder tries to back out of the final confrontation
it, and some swords were created as near-exact replicas of the with Vecna, the Sword attempts to dominate the wielder and
original. (The sword in Vecna Lives! was one of the latter, though force the final confrontation.The Sword has an Intelligence of 19
Kas found it perfectly suitable for use in escaping Citadel Cavi- and an Ego of 18, but it does not reveal this to the wielder or
tius.) attempt domination until a confrontation with Vecna is at hand;
The true Sword of ffis was acquired by the Cult of Vecna any other developments are too petty for it to consider.
before the start of this adventure. It now rests in a library and As noted earlier, the Sword does possess resonant powers of
magic arsenal (area 70) in Vecna‘s palace, where Vecna‘s servi- which it is unaware, should the wielder also have an artifact of
tors placed it to keep it out of the hands of those who would Vecna. No one has managed this prior to this adventure, so
harm their master. Vecna has never been seriously threatened by the Sword-until
Powers Suggested Means of Destruction of the Sword of Kas:
The Sword of ffis has both constant and invoked abilities. When The Sword of Kas must be cast over the Waterfall of the Moon
it is unwrapped from the cloth that hides it and is held by a suit- to shatter on the rocks below.
able wielder (any character who is of a warrior class, or who The Sword must be hammered into a plowshare by the Mace
otherwise can be proficient with swords), it reveals two of its of St. Cuthbert, another artifact of terrific power.
powers telepathically to the person holding it. This knowledge All memory of Kas must be wiped from Oerth, the world on
does not come without a price, however (the curse). The Sword which he and Vecna were born, so that there is no evidence
does not care about the alignment of the wielder. or knowledge he ever existed.
Constant: This blade acts as a +6 defender (as per the sword
+4 defender, described in the DMG), grants foresight, and defiles
all holy water within a 30-foot radius. In addition, the Sword
grants complete immunity to fear, charm, hold, and magic missile
Invoked The Sword grants shield, three times per day, and
causes paralyzation by touch (4 penalty to the victim’s saving
throw) three times day. Both of these spell-like effects require

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