GPG 01a
GPG 01a
GPG 01a
Mysterious Mastermind:
The Fateholder
Foretold Prowess
Weaving Prophecy
Mini Content Pack:
The Fellspire
reetings, salutations, and welcome
to the Gate Pass Gazette, the official
publication for all things Level Up:
Advanced 5th Edition! This issue includes Credits
the debut of a new cosmic entity, a related
Culture, Destiny, and monster, and four Savannah Broadway
new archetypes for those who dabble in—
or defy—fate itself. Finally, a mini-content Cover Art:
pack full of new Exploration Challenges, Gui Sommer
magic items, and monster variants to use Interior Art:
in conjunction or wherever a game calls for Gui Sommer, Rafael Benjamin,
danger in the shadows. shutterstock,
Future issues will feature a variety of Graphic Design:
articles, including heritages, combat Xanditz
maneuvers, and feats, as well as fantastic
Gate Pass Logo:
material we just couldn’t cram into our
content-packed upcoming books, such as
the Voidrunner’s Codex and the Dungeon EN Publishing - PO Box 1945
Delver’s Guide. And it doesn’t stop there! If SOUTHAMPTON, SO18 9QW
it’s part of Level Up, you’ll find it here, so
stay tuned, and don’t forget to…
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- Savannah Broadway
Tab l e o f Co n t e n t s
My st erious M a st e rmi n d : T h e Fat eh o l d e r by Paul Hughes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 5
Foret old Prowess by Thiago Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 9
Weav ing Prop h ecy by Cassandra MacDonald.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 1 3
Mini-Cont e n t Pack : T he Fel l sp i re by Marc Kenobi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 17
by Paul Hughes
A giant arachnid with eight multicolored eyes, quantities of knowledge through their
a fateholder fixes its prey with an unsettling various agents, from something as mundane
gaze that can read, or even alter, the victim’s as a book or scroll or as gruesome as the
past, present, and future. preserved heads of sapient creatures. They
largely consider combat to be messy and
Ethereal Webs. Creatures that stumble into banal, preferring conversation and exchange
a fateholder’s web are whisked away to the of information to any sort of confrontation,
Ethereal Plane. Those few that escape speak and will offer payment in exchange for secrets
of whispering, silk-draped forests or of a and the like. In contrast to their terrifying
misty, silver-spired city built on the back of a appearance, most fateholders are well-read
titanic spider. and articulate, with a dry, cutting wit and a
When fateholders venture to the Waking to fondness for obscure literary references.
hunt, they often bait their webs with food and Legends and Lore With an Arcana or History
treasure. Similarly, they offer enticements of check, characters can learn the following:
knowledge and riches when they negotiate.
Destiny’s Brood. Fateholders pay tribute Some giant spiders are intelligent
to mighty beings called the Great Weavers DC 10
and said to have mysterious goals.
and their progenitor, the Fate Spinner. In
their service, fateholders order the world Fateholders are related in some
according to mysterious plans and do not way to phase spiders. Their webs
hesitate to remove the creatures that they DC 15 can trap victims in the Ethereal
believe impede fate’s proper course. In Plane as well as provide a means of
particular, creatures with psionic power traveling to and from that plane.
incur their wrath, and they ruthlessly hunt
those with even the faintest glimmer of Fateholders believe themselves to
psionic ability. In doing so, the fateholders be caretakers of fate. They hunt
DC 20
claim, they protect the world from psionic creatures, claiming such
unimaginable threats. beings threaten that end.
Fateholder Encounters
Fateholders are native to the Ethereal Plane but
can enter the Waking at will. Ethereal Webs
CR 11–16 fateholder; fateholder with 2 or 3 giant CR 4
spiders or swarms of insects; fateholder with Ethereal webs can be their own
ethereal web encounter or used to make another
Treasure 4,000 gp, purple stone that glows when encounter more challenging. A
held by a creature with psionic abilities, wand of fateholder in its ethereal web is a
web CR 17 encounter. (If a fateholder
uses an action to create an ethereal
CR 17–22 fateholder with 2 phase spiders; web during combat the encounter’s
fateholder with chain devil or drider difficulty is not affected.)
Treasure 1,000 pp, bale of fine spidersilk (4,500 Ethereal webs spun by fateholders
gp), 3 vials oil of etherealness, 2 vials of skull act as gateways, allowing the spiders
liqueur, staff of the web-tender to travel between planes and store
CR 23–30 2 fateholders; fateholder with dead captured creatures where they can
man’s fingers and ethereal web feed at leisure. Such webs exist
Treasure 17 diamonds, each with a tiny spider simultaneously in the Waking and the
inside like a fly in amber (5,000 gp each), lifeline Ethereal Plane—if they’re destroyed
loom (Huge loom that can be used to cast on one plane, they cease to exist on
resurrection once per day), cloak of arachnida the other as well.
Signs Ethereal webs appear translucent, and
at times almost fade from view. In
1–3 Big sheets of translucent spiderweb dim light, it requires a DC 13 passive
Perception check to spot the webs,
4 Dead humanoid in silk cocoon though any active search will find
5 Infinity sign scratched into a surface
A creature that starts its turn in the
6 1d4 phase spider sentinels webs or enters them on its turn is
magically transported to the Ethereal
Behavior Plane as if it were the involuntary
target of the etherealness spell, unless
Pursuing a psionic creature such as a gem it is on that plane already. It must
1 dragon wyrmling or a humanoid with also make a DC 14 Dexterity to avoid
psionic talent being restrained by the webs. A
Motionless in a web, waiting for Small or restrained creature can use an action
2 to make a DC 14 Athletics check,
larger prey to venture in
escaping on a success. Creatures with
Searching for heroes who will dispose of the Web Walker trait are immune to
3 a hated enemy, such as a demon or cult being restrained.
leader, in exchange for gifts A 10-foot cube of webs has AC 14,
Spinning a web into which are woven 15 hit points, and immunity to all
4 hundreds of names. It will pay to learn damage types except fire and force.
the names of passers-by to add If it takes fire damage, everything
in that 10-foot cube also takes the
Going through its personal library fire damage. When a creature leaves
looking for a specific tome an area of ethereal webs, it decides
whether it wants to magically travel
Conversing with the withered head of a
6 to the Waking or remain in the
green hag
Ethereal Plane.
Names Antella, Auracha, Cob, Lanthis, Uttu,
Widow Orbissa
Fateholder Challenge 13 ACTIONS
Legendary Large Monstrosity 10,000 XP
Multiattack. The fateholder makes four claw
AC 17 (natural armor) attacks. It can replace any claw attack with an Eye
HP 210 (20d10 + 100; bloodied 105) Beam.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the target is grappled (escape DC 18).
18 (+4) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target grappled by the fateholder. Hit: 12
Proficiency +5; Maneuver DC 18
(2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 21 (6d6) poison
Skills Deception +9, Insight +10, Intimidation damage, and the target must make a DC 15
+9, Perception +10, Stealth +10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is
Damage Immunities poison infected with pastrasites (T&T 163) which first
manifest during its next rest.
Condition Immunities paralyzed, poisoned
Eye Beam. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range
Senses truesight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft.,
120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) psychic damage
passive Perception 20
and the target must succeed on a DC 17
Languages Common, Undercommon, Constitution saving throw or be subjected to one
telepathy 30 ft. of the following randomly chosen secondary
Ethereal Sight. The fateholder can see into both effects:
the Waking and Ethereal Plane. 1. Alter Fate. The target gains the doomed
Innate Spellcasting. The fateholder’s condition. It is aware it will die as a result of
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC a bizarre series of coincidences in 13 (2d12)
18). It can innately cast the following spells, hours. In addition to the normal means of
requiring no material components: removing the condition, it can be avoided if
the fateholder dies or chooses to end it as an
3/day each: alarm, detect thoughts, legend lore, action. Alternatively, the fateholder can instead
mirage arcane, misty step, scrying permanently replace the target’s Destiny with
Lawful. The fateholder radiates a Lawful aura. one of the fateholder’s choice. A character who
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When the has unlocked the fulfillment feature of their
fateholder fails a saving throw, it can choose previous destiny is considered to have already
to succeed instead. When it does so, one of unlocked that of their new destiny.
its eight eyes becomes dull. Roll d8 on the 2. Cut Strand. The target takes an additional 13
list of Eye Beam secondary effects. Targets (3d8) necrotic damage. If this damage reduces
automatically succeed on saving throws the target to 0 hit points it dies, its body
against that effect. disappears, and creatures that are more than
Psionic Awareness. When a creature within 1 100 feet away when it dies forget about its
mile of the fateholder uses a psionic ability, the existence until reminded. This effect can only
fateholder knows the creature’s direction but be undone with wish or true resurrection.
not its distance. 3. Foreshadow. The next hit on the target before
Spider Climb. The fateholder can use its climb the end of the fateholder’s next turn is a critical
speed even on difficult surfaces and upside hit.
down on ceilings. 4. Seal Spells. The target can’t cast spells or use
Web Walker. The fateholder ignores movement psionic abilities until the end of its next turn.
restrictions imposed by webs.
5. Shift Reality. The fateholder teleports the
The fateholder can take 4 legendary actions,
target to an unoccupied space within 120
choosing from the options below. Only one
feet of the fateholder. The space must be on
legendary action can be used at a time and only
a solid surface but the fateholder doesn’t
at the end of another creature’s turn. It regains
need to see it.
spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
6. Tangle Psyches. The target is confused until
Eye Beam. The fateholder uses Eye Beam.
the end of its next turn as several alternate
versions of itself vie for mental control. Focused Eye Beam (Costs 2 Actions). The
fateholder uses Eye Beam. On a hit, it chooses the
7. Terrify. The target is frightened until the end
secondary effect instead of rolling it randomly.
of its next turn. While frightened in this
way, its Speed is 0. Combat The fateholder makes claw attacks
until it has grappled an opponent, and then
8. Twist History. The fateholder alters a Large
uses eye beams with the rest of its attacks.
or smaller nonmagical object, or a 10-foot
On its next turn, it makes claw attacks until
cube of a nonmagical Huge or larger object,
it has grappled an opponent, and then uses
within 5 feet of the target, replacing it with
eye beams with the rest of its attacks. If it
a similar object from another version of
starts its turn grappling a conscious creature,
reality. The fateholder can create or destroy
it bites that target. With its legendary actions,
the object or change its nature (for instance,
the fateholder uses its eye beam on whatever
adding or removing a door to a wall). This
creature attacked it most recently.
change can’t immediately cause a creature
or object to take damage or fall. When the fateholder is bloodied, it tries to
escape by traveling through an ethereal web.
Somehow even more
mysterious than their
fateholder cousins are the
shadowspinners. Spawn
of the traitorous Weaver
Nemira, these translucent
white spiders prefer the
Underlands for their hunting
grounds. Unlike fateholders,
who are intrinsically lawful,
shadowspinners revel in
chaos and destruction. They
particularly enjoy corrupting
humanoids who are in search
of power and revenge and
turning such individuals
towards their own purposes.
The shadowspinners will be
explored more fully in the
upcoming Dungeon Delver’s
by Thiago Rosa
Foretold Prowess
This article provides four new archetypes for
adventurers aware of the silken threads meant
to bind sapient beings into the Great Web of Also at 3rd level, you can wield your knowledge
Fate. Some seek to use and twist them towards of narrative as an action to create a quasi-
their own ends, others to re-weave their own prophecy of imminent success. Choose one
destinies, and a tenacious few choose to rend creature who can benefit from your Bardic
them asunder. Inspiration and spend two uses. Then, narrate
a single action that creature could take the
Lore Weaver (Bard) following turn. For example, “Lauss will jump
across the gorge” or “Vitani will strike her foe.”
From bawdy tavern stories to epic poetry, art is If the creature attempts that action before the
frequently used to preserve the past and present end of your next turn, it can add an additional
of different peoples and cultures. The lore weaver, Bardic Inspiration die to the roll. If it cannot
however, is less concerned about what stories attempt this action or chooses not to, it is
can tell them about the past and more focused on affected by your Bardic Inspiration as normal.
what they say about the future. Drawing on the
structure of countless stories, a lore weaver can
twist fate towards their preferred narrative.
Plot Twist
Starting at 6th level, when a creature you have
granted Bardic Inspiration to fails an attack roll,
Bonus Proficiencies and Specialties ability check, or saving throw, you can spend
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, your reaction to declare that isn’t how the story
you gain proficiency with Culture and History. goes and allow it to roll again, including your
If you are already proficient with either skill, Bardic Inspiration die, taking the higher result.
you instead gain an expertise die. In addition, This reroll spends the Bardic Inspiration die, even
you gain additional specialties equal to your if the creature did not spend it on the first roll.
proficiency bonus, and you gain another
Once you have used this feature a number
specialty whenever your proficiency bonus
of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you
increases. These bonus specialties must be in
cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Culture or History.
Additionally, whenever you roll with
Feed the Muse advantage or disadvantage and roll the same
Starting 14th level, when you spend your last result on both die, you become emboldened.
Bardic Inspiration you can spend a spell slot of a Until the end of your next turn, your next
level no higher than your Charisma bonus as a free weapon attack deals an additional damage die.
action to help drive the story. You regain a number
of uses of Bardic Inspiration equal to half the spell
slot spent (rounded up). Spending higher-level
Impossible Blow
spells in this way only yields a number of uses Starting at 6th level, your efficacy cannot be denied.
equal to half your Charisma bonus (rounded up). While you are raging, you can spend 1 exertion
when you deal damage. If the target is immune
Defiant (Berserker) to this damage, it takes damage as though it were
resistant instead. If the target is already resistant to
While many adhere to tradition and believe their this damage, it suffers normal damage.
destiny is set, a defiant knows better. Destiny is
power, fate is a tool, and there is no reason to
allow it to run unchecked—or to let someone
Break The Unbreakable
else decide it for you. This newfound resilience Starting at 10th level, after you deal damage with
in the face of fate allows these berserkers to defy a melee weapon to mundane objects or structures
odds and do the impossible. of Large size or smaller, roll a d20. On a roll of 15
or more, that object or structure is destroyed.
Impervious to Fate Additionally, when you attack an object or
structure that can only be damaged by specific
Starting at 3rd level, you become especially
means (such as a forcecage), you can spend 2
resistant against fate-alteration magic. You have
exertion to have your melee weapon attack count
advantage on saving throws against divination
as that specific mean.
spells and effects, as well as immunity to any
effect that would force you to reroll a
die, though you may choose to accept Unfettered Stride
beneficial rerolls. Starting at 14th level, you are so adept at
This feature does not apply to imposing your will upon fate that you can turn
rolling with disadvantage, as that a deathblow into a relentless assault. After you
calls for 2 separate rolls. reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can spend 1
exertion as a reaction to move up to your speed
and make a melee weapon attack against another
Against All Odds target. This attack deals an additional damage die.
Also at 3rd level, you can
perform at your best even
when you are at your
Bladeseer (Fighter)
worst. When you have Fighters always strive to be two steps ahead of their
disadvantage on opponents, studying their techniques, predicting
ability checks or their moves, and outmaneuvering them by precision
saving throws, and skill. The bladeseer takes this approach one step
you gain an further, using their weapon as a focus to manipulate
expertise die. When fate and see beyond normal means. As the name
you have disadvantage on implies, such fighters often use blades, but their
an attack roll, you add your techniques can be used with any melee weapon.
proficiency bonus to damage.
Whenever you have disadvantage
on any die roll, you can spend 2
Divination Training
exertion to break the shackles of When you select this archetype at 3rd level,
fate and roll normally instead. gain proficiency with Arcana. If you are already
Starting at 11th level you can proficient, you instead gain an expertise die.
instead spend 4 exertion to turn the Additionally, you learn the guidance and true
disadvantage into advantage. strike cantrips.
Bloody Prophecy Prophetic Defense
Starting at 3rd level, you can Beginning at 15th level, as a reaction when you
spend 1 exertion to hold a melee are hit by an attack, you can spend 1 exertion
weapon and concentrate on to add your prophecy die to your Armor Class
the future as a bonus action. (including against the triggering attack) until the
You gain a prophecy die, beginning of your next turn.
which starts as a d6 and only Additionally, your prophecy die now starts as
applies to the weapon you a d10.
used as a focus. You can
add your prophecy die
to your attack rolls or Omen of Victory
damage rolls, which you At 18th level, when you use Bloody Prophecy,
choose at the beginning you can choose a creature you can see and
of your turn. foretell its downfall. It has disadvantage on
If you choose to add attack rolls against you, you have advantage
it to an attack roll and on saving throws against spells and effects
miss, the prophecy is still from that creature, and your prophecy die
unfolding and the die’s size is always a d12 against it. The prophecy die
increases by one step (to a increases and decreases as normal against
maximum of d8). On a hit, other creatures.
or if you choose to add it Once you use this feature, you must
to a damage roll, the die’s complete a long rest before you can use it
size decreases by one step again.
(to a minimum of d4) as
you leverage the forces
of fate.
Revoker (Herald)
Heralds tend to say they were chosen, but the
Your prophecy die lasts
revoker is different. Some were destined for
for a number of rounds
dark or evil fates, while others were forced to
equal to your proficiency
make difficult decisions in order to survive,
but all have willfully chosen their current path
of redemption. The power of this realization
Weave Sight strengthens the revoker’s devotion to pursue a
Beginning at 7th level, noble course and inspires those around them.
while you have a prophecy
die, you can spend 2 exertion as a Tenets of the Revoker
reaction to trace the strands of fate and
All revokers hold similar tenets, regardless of
see invisible creatures and objects as per the see
the deity they serve.
invisibility spell. This effect lasts for the duration
of your prophecy die. • Rise Above Your Past. Don’t let your
past define you. Judge others based on
Additionally, your prophecy die now starts as
their actions now, not then.
a d8 and the maximum size of your prophecy
die increases to a d10. • Learn From Mistakes. Never commit the
same mistakes. Draw knowledge from
every failure. Remind others that defeat
Sight Beyond Sight should be a turning point, not a dead
Starting at 10th level, while you have a prophecy end.
die, you can spend 3 exertion as an action to see and
• Choose Your Own Path. Allow no one,
hear at a distance as per the clairvoyance spell. This
not even deities, to decide your destiny
effect lasts for the duration of your prophecy die. for you. Grab fate by the neck.
Additionally, the maximum size of your • Embrace Duty. Choose the life of a hero.
prophecy die increases to a d12. Defend the weak, punish the guilty.
Archetype School Unbound Heroism
Add the time school of magic to your list of Also at 3rd level, you become an unstoppable
herald spells. force of good, able to bounce back from certain
defeat to keep fighting. When you suffer
Channel Divinity damage, you can spend a spell slot as a reaction.
You gain resistance to that damage type until
At 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you the beginning of your next turn and you gain
gain the following two Channel Divinity options. temporary hit points equal to your proficiency
Second Chance. When a friendly creature bonus times the spell slot spent. As long as you
(including yourself) is suffering effects as have these temporary hit points, your weapon
result of a failed saving throw, you can spend attacks deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage.
your reaction to allow it to attempt that saving These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.
throw again. Additionally, any time you succeed at a death
Choose to Succeed. When a friendly creature saving throw, you recover your lowest-level
(including yourself) fails an ability check, you spent spell slot.
can spend your reaction to allow it to roll the
check again with an expertise die. Divergent Wisdom
At 7th level, you stand so firmly upon your chosen
destiny that you can catch glimpses of yourself
Choose Your Fate from other possible presents, when you would
When you first select this archetype at 3rd level, you have chosen different paths, and learn from them.
may select a different Destiny. If you have unlocked Choose a cleric sign of faith or a fighter
the Fulfillment Feature of your previous Destiny, soldiering knack available to those classes at 7th
the Narrator may rule that you count as having level or lower. You learn the chosen feature.
unlocked that of your new Destiny. You can only
choose a new Destiny once using this method.
Manifest Destiny
Starting at 15th level, you are able to call upon
power from your future self. You can use an action
and expend one use of Channel Divinity to bathe
yourself in holy light for 1 minute.
For the duration, you gain the following benefits:
• You gain an expertise die on Insight,
Intimidation and Perception checks.
• When you miss a weapon attack, you deal
radiant damage equal to your Charisma bonus.
• When you spend spell slots with Unbound
Heroism, you gain twice as many
temporary hit points and your additional
radiant damage becomes 1d12.
• You score critical hits on a roll of 19–20.
True Calling
At 20th level, you have achieved your true destiny
and nothing can budge you from your chosen path.
You gain your choice of either the Lawful or Good
alignment traits. You have advantage on saving
throws against enchantment, evil, and compulsion
effects, and you can spend 1 exertion as a reaction
to gain an expertise die on them. You also treat rolls
of 11 or more on death saving throws as 20.
by Cassandra MacDonald
Weaving Prophecy
pon a plain of vast, silver cities of porous lead toward the First Web, where the Mother of
towers connected by silken strands, a Law resides. The First Web is a massive, geometric
great weaver works tirelessly on patterns structure of silk resembling a multifaceted
of silk that tie one world to the next. Everything gemstone with no obvious entrance, which the
here is to her precise design, maintained Fate Spinner and her spawn nonetheless seem to
eternally in axiomatic perfection. In every be able to pass through effortlessly.
window of these webs, she sees destiny play out
for every being who takes part in her plans, and
as her web grows, so too does her reach. Here,
Connected in the Strands
Weaver of Destiny, the Mother of Law, Lady of The patterns of the webs that criss-cross through
the First Web, the Fate Spinner weaves patterns the Silver Hollows are hypnotically beautiful to
into prophecies and chaos into order. creatures not native to the domain, but they are
more than just art; they are windows between
The Silver Hollows worlds. In every geometric shape within the
web, the Fate Spinner’s servants can see through
Far beyond the reach of all but the most space itself, allowing them to covertly watch
powerful magics lies The Silver Hollows, the other worlds, and even scurry through these
domain of the Fate Spinner. Here, she weaves gaps in reality to quickly carry out their queen’s
massive strands of silk that her spawn carry to command.
the edges of the domain, growing her reach. The For most, moving between worlds by way of
domain’s landmass is made up of dark stone, the webs is an imperfect art—it gets them near
and massive coral-like stone protrusions rise where they need to be, and is one-way—but
up from it in sprouting geometric shapes. The others are deeply specialized in making the
thick layers of silvery silk that collect around most of this universal connection, jaunting freely
these growths create a thick canopy, forming between the Silver Hollows and other planes.
a landscape not unlike a rolling forest of stone These servants, known as rift spiders, nibble
trees and silken foliage, populated by countless tiny gaps in the boundaries between worlds to
spiders traveling overhead in the webs. pass through and often maintain persistent rifts
All unbroken strands of the Silver Hollows, if across the planes to enable other servants to
followed back toward their origins, inevitably return home after their work is done.
fate. They are most often guided by a spiritual
Foreign Influence leader who claims to have been greeted by the
On occasion, rifts caused by the transit of the Lady of the First Web or her servants.
Fate Spinner’s spawn can inadvertently cause
Though many who chase the promises of
“contamination”, as vestiges from other planes
Spinner cults are ultimately collateral damage
accidentally wind up in the Silver Hollows,
in the face of the Fate Spinner’s larger plans, the
or vice-versa. Most of the time this is just the
lucky few who find a place in prophecy may
occasional odds and ends that may have been
become Oracles, chosen servants who commune
nearby when a rift opened, but in some rare
directly with the Weaver of Destiny, share her
cases magic items associated with planar travel
prophecies with the masses, and rarely are even
can end up here accidentally. These objects are
brought to the Silver Hollows personally.
scooped up and brought back to the First Web,
where they’re stored for future use. Despite the lofty hopes of these cults, most
settle for reading much less grandiose portents
Far more rarely, creatures from other planes
by cultivating hidden dens of spiders in
can wind up on the Silver Hollows. Most, struck
emulation of the Silver Hollows. Given the
by the incredible splendor of the domain, fall
solitary nature of spiders, these dens must be
into a senseless trance, starving to death as
effortfully maintained with vast offerings of food
the webs break their mind. Those of stronger
to prevent the spiders from eating one another.
mental fortitude, however, are brought before
In the most extreme cases these offerings may
the Mother of Destiny, who may take interest in
escalate all the way to the sacrifice of sapient
them and send them home as an agent in other
worlds for her purposes.
Spinner Cults
Due to the stagnant nature of the endless war
at the boundaries of the Silver Hollows, the
Fate Spinner must turn to other fronts to grow
her interest, and the most common such front
is the Waking. An entire world full of creatures
who believe themselves to be free-willed and
autonomous is the perfect battleground for
manipulation and deceit, and legions of chaos
have a far more difficult time confronting her
Spinner cults go by many names—Children
of the Web, Hands of Destiny, and the like—
and grow wild in the Waking, seducing weak
mortals with promises of power, prosperity, and
a place of vital importance in prophecies and
Because spiders generally refuse to organize These cults are almost always started by a
into colonies, successfully bringing order to central figure who claims to have received
the chaotic mass is seen as a sign of the Fate a vision from the Fate Spinner herself. In
Spinner’s blessing. Once this is achieved, the rare cases,they may have even crossed over
shapes of their webs can be interpreted to glean accidentally into the Silver Hollows and been sent
further guidance, and the leadership of these back on a mission from the Fate Spinner or have
cults can even harvest the silk, which they communicated with one of her servants, such as
believe has divine properties. Clothing and tools a fateholder. Just as often, however, these central
made using these silks are sacred relics within figures have no genuine tie to the Mother of Law
Spinner cults. and build the cult with the presumption that their
devotion in starting a cult will be rewarded with
visions. A member’s relationship to this central
Ring of Inspiration Storing figure, who may have even changed or been
Ring, rare (cost 3,000 gp) replaced over their time in the cult, will heavily
Crafting Components: Vitrified heart of a reflect their feelings on this past.
khalkoi, webbing from a fateholder These cults are often cutthroat and
Sages and scholars argue about the nature confrontational. Those who follow the Fate Spinner
of these rings, their very existence as much know that only a slim fraction of them truly have
a mystery as the creatures that supposedly a kind fate to look forward to, and as such, they
forged them. Though all of them look slightly sabotage one another and compete ruthlessly
different, at their core is a strand of destiny in search of signs that will prove they are one of
spun by a fateholder to subtly empower and the lucky few who will reach enlightenment. In
guide its pawns. truth, this prophecy is often self-fulfilling, as their
willingness to sell one another out is most often
This ring stores inspiration and holds it for
their downfall. Much as large groups of spiders
later use. While wearing this ring, you can
will devour one another, Spinner cults are held
choose to gain and use the inspiration stored
back by their own infighting.
within it. Once the inspiration is used, it is no
longer stored within the ring. Characters raised in spinner cults share a
variety of traits in common with one another.
When found, the ring contains 1d4 – 1
inspiration, as determined by the Narrator. Necessary Skills. Survival in these cults is
The ring can store up to 4 inspiration at a often dependent on the individual’s ability to
time. To store inspiration, a creature with spot even the flimsiest supposed omen and
inspiration spends a short rest wearing the to anticipate (or obfuscate) betrayal. You gain
ring and chooses to bestow it. The inspiration proficiency in either Deception or Insight and
has no immediate effect. either Investigation or Perception.
In addition, whenever inspiration from Cold Read. Getting ahead in Spinner cults
within the ring is used the Narrator may often involves a carefully-applied mix of
choose to grant a vision of possible future trickery and showmanship to appear prescient.
events of great import. When you first meet someone new and interact
with them personally for at least 1 minute, you
can ask the Narrator one question about them.
Culture This question must be a surface-level question
about their personality or life, such as “do they
have children?”, “what do they think of the
Spinner Cult Duke?”, or “what do they want right now?”.
While some Spinner cults are isolationist, You have advantage on the next Deception,
just as many have woven themselves and Persuasion or Insight check you make that uses
their families into the thread of large cities. this knowledge to benefit you.
Regardless, such acolytes were pressured to Discreetly Armed. Even while armed, you
be constantly alert to any small omen or sign know how to be discreet and nonthreatening.
of prophecy and to take them very seriously, You gain an expertise die on checks made to
and this pressure most likely still sticks with persuade others to let you remain armed or to
them long afterwards. conceal weapons or items about your person.
Oracular Talent. You know one Divination When you do, move your position in initiative
cantrip or 1st-level Divination spell of your to immediately after that creature’s turn, and
choice. If you choose a 1st-level spell, you take your turn normally.
can cast it once without spending a spell
slot or providing material components, and
must finish a long rest before you can do so
Fulfilling Your Destiny
again. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is You fulfill your destiny when your part in the
Intelligence or Wisdom (whichever is highest). prophecy finally comes to an end, even if that
end is a grim one. The specifics of this prophecy
Languages. You speak, read, write and sign
should be discussed with your Narrator, but
in Common and Undercommon
should remain at least partially shrouded in
mystery until the time comes for them to be fully
Destiny revealed.
Fulfillment Feature: Total Clarity. It all makes
Prophecy sense. The prophecy that’s followed you all your
life has come together and now you are freed
You are tangled in the threads of a prophecy
from the bonds of fate.
foretold by the Fate Spinner, her cults, or another
powerful prescient entity. This prophecy may If the fulfillment of this prophecy results in
promise you great riches and immense power, your death, you get one final chance to alter the
or it may threaten you with visions of a grim prophecy before you pass; treat this as equivalent
death. Nonetheless, you live each day with the to a wish spell, which you utter with your dying
knowledge that your destiny is both greater breath before passing on, impossible to resurrect.
than yourself, and out of your hands. Consult If you survive the fulfillment of the prophecy,
with the Narrator to come up with a prophecy you gain a new lease on life. Having broken free
suitable to the setting and campaign. from the tightest shackles of all, your will has
Source of Inspiration: Foresight. You know been forged to be unbendable. While you have
in your very being that all things follow inspiration, you automatically succeed on saving
naturally from one another in a deterministic throws against effects that would cause you to
pattern, and that by planning in the present become charmed, confused, frightened, stunned,
you secure the future. You gain inspiration or paralyzed.
when enacting plans for the future or when a Table: Prophecy Destiny
course of action you set in motion pays off in
the long run. d6 Motivation
Make a plan that snatches victory from the jaws Foretold: Your birth was prophesied
of defeat, make a fool of a foe by remaining one centuries ago.
step ahead of them, supply your allies with vital Duty: The world is depending on your
information, sow false or deceptive information 2
among your foes, lay the groundwork for Subversion: You’ll deny fate if it’s the last
something that won’t pay off until potentially 3
thing you do.
well after the end of your life.
Inspiration Feature: Preordained Fate. Your 4 Cursed: Fate has been thrust upon you.
death is already prophesied; anything that
Chosen: A deity has made their plans for
arrives sooner is merely an invigorating taste 5
you known.
of what’s to come. When you have 0 hit points
at the end of another creature’s turn, you can Savior: Fulfilling your prophecy will make
spend your inspiration to gain 1 hit point. the world better.
by Marc Kenobi
The Fellspire
et in a dark corner of the land beyond the Built up beneath the streets, the sewers form a
Bleak Gate, Fellspire is a perpetually-twilit city network of partially blocked, collapsed, and flooded
long fallen to decay, though its titular tower tunnels. The air of this underground maze is thick
still rises like a spear to pierce the bleak skies above. with rot and the ever-present risk of disease.
Its reflection in the Waking is a rambling swamp Clinical Eye. Any adventurer that makes a
where creeping vines choke all other growth as they Medicine check or casts detect poison and disease
reach to break the stones of a long-forgotten ruin. recognizes the risk of disease and contamination,
With most of its residents gone, those that allowing them to take precautions that grant
remain are filled with an endless hunger and an advantage on any sullied miasma saves. This also
overwhelming sense of distrust. Some hold just enables an Engineering check (or a check made
enough sanity to deal in unclean magic, souls, with tools the Narrator deems appropriate) that
or flesh with those intrepid few who visit, while allows each adventurer to adequately protect
far more prey on such visitors—and each other. any Supply they are carrying. This check must be
Lurking in the shadows of darkened alleys or made before the Supply is contaminated.
ancient sewers, they’re always ready to pounce Sullied Miasma. The corruption of the
on their next meal, no matter how much of a Fellspire manifests as persistent, barely-
fight it puts up. visible mist in these tunnels. Creatures who
The following challenges, items, and monsters are bloodied upon entering (or who become
can be used altogether or wherever your game bloodied while traversing) the sewers must make
needs some horror in the shadows. a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become
infected with demon fever and nightmares of
Exploration Challenges consuming their comrades. On a success, a
creature is immune to the miasma for 24 hours.
(2d6) poison damage. A creature that does not The insatiable cravings and unnatural twilight
need to breathe does not take this damage. An of the city seep into travelers’ minds, causing
adventurer who makes an Engineering check them to become ravenous and suspicious.
or makes continuous use of the prestidigitation Supply consumed as part of this challenge does
cantrip to keep themselves clean makes the check not reduce an adventurer’s normal need for
with advantage. nourishment.
Critical Failure. The adventurers disturb a Growing Hunger. Every 4 hours spent in the
nest of malformed rats. Each adventurer takes shadow of the Fellspire an adventurer must
7 (2d6) piercing damage and must make a DC make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they
11 Constitution saving throw or contract sewer must consume a Supply or suffer one level of
plague. strife.
Failure. Each adventurer that fails becomes Watchful Companion. An adventurer
poisoned an hour after they next consume any succeeding on an Insight check is able to ignore
of their Supply and realize the rations were their own hunger long enough to notice the
contaminated. This effect lasts for 24 hours and rapacious looks on their companions’ faces.
each such adventurer loses an additional 2 (1d4) On a success, this adventurer, as well as any
Supply. other they mention this phenomenon to, gains
Success. The adventurers exit the sewers with an expertise die on their next roll against this
no additional effects. challenge.
Alternatively, a group check to bolster the creature is an ally). On a failure, you must
party’s resolve can be made. For example, attempt to move to a space within reach and
a Religion check to recall a sustaining take the attack action against that creature.
meditation, a Performance check to provide
pleasant distraction, or a Survival or Medicine
check to confirm that, despite what they’re
Gloam Bread
feeling, they’re actually sufficiently fed. Wondrous item, common (cost 45 gold)
Critical Failure. Overcome by an all- Crafting Components: The ashes of a creature
consuming hunger the adventurers fall that died of starvation
to devouring and squabbling over every Available from the few merchants who reside
scrap of food and drink. In their frenzy, the around the city’s market square, these dark,
adventurers consume or destroy all of their dense bread rolls are incredibly filling, but
Supply and suffer a level of strife. leave an unpleasant, greasy taste in your
Failure. Each adventurer that failed mouth
discretely consumes 2 Supply while watching Each piece of Gloam Bread is considered
those around them for signs of treachery. If one Supply. When consumed, you have
they cannot consume 2 Supply they suffer a advantage on Wisdom saving throws against
level of strife. the Fellspire Gloaming challenge for 24 hours.
Success. The adventurers manage to In addition, you can make a DC 16 Wisdom
maintain their control and resist the saving throw, reducing your strife by one
Fellspire’s savage hunger. level on a success. Once a creature reduces its
strife in this way it cannot do so again until it
Critical Success. Fighting off the
has had a long rest.
encroaching mistrust renews the adventurer’s
bonds and their confidence in each other.
Each adventurer gains an expertise dice Mindblade
on the next action they take to help their Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement,
comrades. cost 6,000 gold)
in their explanation of what it took, but
Monster Variants eventually the torments and starvation drove
the satyr to claw off its ears, break its horns
Pixie: Askwise Keeper and eat its own tongue.
Believed to have passed beyond the Bleak A clan of these savage creatures resides
Gate many centuries ago, these creatures in the Fellspire, consumed with eating food
bear only a faint resemblance to their kin that they cannot taste and loathing anything that
reside in the Dreaming. The most noticeable is able to experience joy. While mute, they
difference is their misshapen and stunted communicate with signs in Sylvan.
wings, but those who look closely will also An earless hungerer does not have
spot the blackened eyes and pointed teeth. proficiency with performance but gains
Askwise keepers love secrets and riddles proficiency with Sleight of Hand. In addition,
and will often trade great wealth or services it has the following traits:
for additions to their extensive collections Deafened. An earless hungerer is deaf, has
of both. They are renowned for their ability disadvantage on perception checks based on
to bind an oath and are sought out by those sound, and resistance to thunder damage.
seeking extra surety from uncertain allies. Joyless Rage. The earless hungerer gains
Their oath keeping is a fickle thing however advantage on attacks against creatures it has
as it binds creatures only to the exact wording seen smiling, playing a musical instrument, or
given, allowing a lot of wiggle room for the dancing, and criticals against such creatures
unscrupulous. deal an additional 1d6 damage.
Askwise keepers have darkvision out to 60 Instead of Ram and Dance Tune, the earless
feet, a speed of 20 feet, and cannot fly. Instead hungerer has the following actions:
of Faerie Light, they have the following trait:
Skull Smash. Melee Weapon Attack: +3
Shadow Shroud. As a bonus action, the to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +
askwise keeper can dim the lighting for 30 1) bludgeoning damage. If the satyr moves
feet. In that area, bright light becomes dim at least 20 feet straight towards the target
light, and dim light becomes darkness. This before the attack, the target makes a DC 13
ability has no effect on magical light sources. Constitution saving throw or is stunned until
Instead of Faerie Blessing, the askwise the end of its next turn.
keeper has the following action: Crippling Stomp. Up to two humanoids
Oath Keeper (3/day). The askwise keeper within 5 feet with feet of the earless hungerer
targets up to 4 willing creatures within 30 feet make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On
who have just spoken an oath. For a year, the a failure, they take 3 (1d4) bludgeoning
first time each day that one of those creatures damage, their movement speed is halved, and
takes an action that breaks the oath it takes they have disadvantage on attack rolls until
7d10 psychic damage. A remove curse, greater the beginning of the satyr’s next turn.
restoration, or wish spell cast on the target
using at least a 7th level slot ends this effect.
The askwise keeper is always aware of the
Shambling Mound: Sewer Walker
exact wording of the oath, who is currently Rather than rotting vegetation, a sewer walker
under its effect, and can end the effect on a is formed by decades of a city’s refuse and
creature as an action. filth. Usually appearing as a floating pile of
garbage, the vines that bind it together often
Satyr: Earless Hungerer hang beneath the surface but it can raise itself
clear of the water when it attacks or to reach
Legend holds that the first earless hungerer
the moss and slime it typically consumes.
was part of a warlock’s experiment to see
what it would take to drive the joy of song Instead of Lightning Absorption, the sewer
and feasting from a satyr. The stories vary walker has the following trait:
Acid Absorption. When the Sewer
Walker is subjected to acid damage,
it instead regains hit points equal to
the acid damage dealt.
All of a shambling mound’s actions
are all replaced with the following:
Multiattack. The shambling
mound makes two lash attacks.
If both attacks hit one Medium
or smaller creature, the target is
grappled (escape DC 15), and the
sewer walker uses Drown against it.
Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13
(2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Drown. The sewer walker drags
a Medium or smaller grappled
creature under its body. The creature
is restrained, rattled, can’t breathe,
and moves with the sewer walker.
At the start of each of the sewer
walker’s turns, the target takes 11
(2d6 + 4) acid damage. When the
grapple ends, the creature is no
longer being drowned. The sewer
walker can only be drowning one
creature at a time.
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